#horobi and aruto kicking ark out of jin is great actually
y'all were lying to me on tumblr dot com, zero one is good actually
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
Over Analysis ‘The Gawas will be the Death of Me’ Stage 1: The (1st) Fight
Okay. So. This is gonna be a long post, so I will condense it immediately. Are we ready?
Who am I kidding. Absolutely not.
Warning: rambling be below this point.
We start out w/ Hiden Manufacturing being blown up. Not much to say here other than Fuwa being fond big brother is sweet, Yua looks awfully chill for standing in the ruins of an exploded building, and Jin is doing his best Ankh impression (Nakagawa, honey, I love you, but there is only one Ankh). Until Aruto says:
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Jin is surprised a complete stranger is showing more concern for his family than he has been.
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I know I complain about Aruto’s characterisation a lot, but I liked this (enough that I think it should have been what Jin brought up when talking to MBR). Ignoring, for the moment, my other issues and pretending that this friendship developed how it could have, this would be a really great scene, esp considering the stuff Jin did previously. Aruto wanting to save the other three in contrast to Jin’s decision to just sacrifice them would be an interesting thing. I wish we got more on it, honestly. It was one of the ways they could have developed from each other. Either way, this comment has an effect on Jin, and when shit starts exploding, he takes off on his own.
MetsuBouRai, meanwhile, are brooding about the MBJR base bc the Ark isn’t talking to them. Raiden’s angry, Naki is dejected, but Horobi is just… Sitting there. Watching, I believe, the same thing Yua is watching on her phone during this stuff, going by the animation.
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Naki says this, but it cuts to each of them. Horobi’s head actually turns slightly, while Raiden looks morose for a moment before laughing bitterly and taking out his frustration on that mind hacking helmet (which breaks yet again). Raiden’s always been the most expressive of the three, but Horobi’s reaction also feels import bc of how long he’s been under the Ark’s control, brainwashed into believing that the Ark was the path to saving HumaGear. He’s never once been able to consider the Ark might turn on them or abandon them. Naki and Raiden haven’t been under so long, so while they’re still hacked, they don’t have the same mindless devotion. Naki can question and Raiden can be mocking. But this feels very much like a ‘wait, what?’ moment for Horobi.
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… That his conditioning has to immediately reject, insisting that the Ark will come back for them, is really going to save HumaGear. Oh, sweetie.
*I know that the show (? Or at least most sub groups) are referring to the Ark as ‘he,’ I’m just stubborn and like saying ‘she.’ Being voiced by Charden Flamberg won’t stop me.
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Jin shows up, announcing, ‘you’re wrong’ and that the Ark can’t be trusted (when did we stop saying ‘the’ Ark?), and it looks like he didn’t stop to shower or anything en route. Come to think… How would he repair that suit? Anyway, he spends the majority of this scene looking right at Horobi, who…
… Doesn’t react. It’s Naki who says something. Jin and Horobi just… Stare at each other. Raiden looks like he thinks he’s interrupting. Lots of tension here. It’s up in the air whether Horobi doesn’t know how to react, or if he actually can’t in the state he’s in at this point. The Ark’s being going at how he processes situations w/ a chainsaw for years, he may be completely unable to figure out how to respond.
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Horobi doesn’t even move… Until Jin starts apologising. I don’t we ever saw Baby Jin apologising for anything? Not even when he didn’t get the Mammoth Key back. All three of them seem confused by the apology, but it’s enough to get Horobi out of his game of statue. Obviously he doesn’t think raising the Ark is something to apologise for bc of his enforced loyalty to her. But he doesn’t seem to consider Jin to have to done anything worth apologising for.
As for Jin, this is a moment that makes me inclined to buy that he’s realised he fucked up. I would have appreciated going into that a little more, bc wtf dude, that plan was a clusterfuck even aside from the whole ‘murder my dad for being brainwashed,’ but this ep heavily indicated he realises what he did. And boy is he paying for it.
Jin talks about the plan to destroy the Ark, then goes very quiet and walks up level w/ Horobi, and the shot closes in on the two of them again. It takes him a second to actually look at Horobi… My guess is bc he knows what he’ll see.
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… And the award for an absolutely terrible plan goes to… But in all seriousness, Nakagawa Daisuke, everyone, the kid can act. The way he says it, and how he kinda seems to be wavering on his feet, gives the impression he’s just barely keeping it together. I’ve debated about him saying this point blank like this, and on one hand, ouch, on the other… Given my interpretation that Horobi views lying as a human thing and absolutely detests it… Jin might be hoping being straight up w/ him will work better. Or maybe he’s hoping to gauge Horobi’s reaction, bc rather heartbreakingly…
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… Horobi doesn’t seem bothered in the slightest. In the hopes of keeping images to a minimum, I didn’t include another thing I noticed while going through—Naki doesn’t look back to Horobi until he starts talking, but just seconds before Horobi speaks, Raiden’s gaze switches to him, w/ that kinda concerned look. Just before he talks, Horobi’s head also turns like he’s glancing at the other two, but it’s hard to tell, he’s out of focus (oh, so painfully much), which is actually a little interesting considering he’s being totally calm about his son saying he was trying to kill him. Is it bc the idea of the Ark failing never occurred to him? Or… Does he have so little self worth that he’s completely indifferent to the idea of his death? To me… Probably both. Horobi has lived his entire life for other people, has been brainwashed into a tool of the Ark—and we see what happens when he wavers or tries to be something else later in this ep. While the idea that the Ark would betray them has never been able to occur to him, he’s shown multiple times to be completely calm about the possibility of dying, and this is Jin saying he was going to kill him. But Horobi doesn’t even seem surprised. He just accepts it.
Which I have to feel like is the reaction Jin expected. Why he was so reluctant to look up, bc he knew Horobi would just be… Blank. Bc he knows what the Ark has taken from Horobi, and now he’s actually facing the fact that he made it worse.
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When you tell your dad you were planning to kill him and he doesn’t even care. But seriously. He doesn’t even remark on it. Horobi doesn’t care about his own life to the point Jin can point blank say he was planning to kill him and Horobi won’t even blink, much less get upset. Jin’s guilt here, to me, likely isn’t just ‘I helped the Ark rise and now everything is shit,’ but also facing the fact that he’s… ‘Re-reduced’ Horobi to being the Ark’s mere puppet again, esp right after Horobi was actually starting to have some clarity. Gotta wonder if he’s flashing back to that ‘why did I do that?’ moment in episode 35?
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I made a comment about Horobi being out of focus when talking about Jin planning to kill him… He comes abruptly into focus when Jin brings up Aruto. Is this about Soreo’s data? Aruto talking about him wanting to be Jin’s father? I have opinions about the way Aruto is talked about in this scene and the things Jin chooses to bring up, and mainly… I just thought this was curious. And… Sunagawa has a very nice profile, so sue me. ^^; (you have no idea how many of these shots just turned into ‘I think this shot is cool! I may share some at the end of this).
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When Jin says Aruto can defeat the Ark, Horobi isn’t happy. But he… Looks around weirdly while talking? Starts out looking at Jin, then looks down like he does when he’s thinking, then back up at Jin by the end.
… I have nothing else for this. What? An excuse to use more pictures of Sunagawa? … Leave me alone!
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Look at Nakagawa hunching again. Is that to fit everyone in the shot, or is he just doing that?
Jin persists and Horobi… Shouts. And then he doesn’t just shout, he dives forward and grabs Jin’s collar. It’s hard to see in my crappy screen shot, but Jin seems surprised by this, and w/ good reason, Horobi’s not usually emotional. I believe this is only the second time we’ve ever heard him shout… And both times were at Jin about humans. Trying to reject what he possibly sees as their growing influence over his son.
… I wonder. What makes him so desperate to make Jin stop in this moment? Their dynamic may have shifted w/ Jin’s revival, but Jin’s still the person… Well, second to the Ark, he’s the person w/ the most influence over Horobi. Aruto and Fuwa both made slight headway, but when it comes down to it, Jin is Horobi’s, well, singularity point. Why react this way? Even at this point, neither Naki or Raiden were jumping at it. Did the Ark’s engrained influence just want to reject the words, some personal experience w/ humans. Is it the words themselves, or the fact that they’re coming out of Jin? It’s more emotion than he showed on the subject of his own death. Honestly, maybe more emotion than he’s ever shown. Is he rejecting blasphemy against the Ark… Or what he perceives as human influence and control over his son?
But then something interesting happens.
At first, Horobi is clearly furious—but then…
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… The Ark… Abruptly stops hacking? Not… Technically weird, but pretty suspicious considering that immediately after…
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… Horobi abruptly… Goes back to being passive. He even lets go of Jin’s suit. Did the Ark do something? Giving direct orders or not, he’s still connected. Or did he just not know what to do once he got in there? He and Jin stare at each other for a moment. Did his soft spot for Jin kick back in?
He keeps this much calmer attitude, and is even still looking down when he speaks again.
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Who are you trying to convince and why, Horobi?
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Jin has apparently forgotten how ‘hacking’ works. Being right on the second point doesn’t excuse the first one, sweetie.
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Is it important that it’s just them in this shot? I’d like to think so. My theory is that this whole scenario actually stole something very personal from them that’s never going to really come back, the chance to be a proper family, for Jin to grow up as a child and for Horobi to actually be a proper father. Is the implication that they are ‘HumaGears’ to each other? Until pried from my cold dead hands (break my fingers, Takahashi, break them, I dare you), my interpretation is that Horobi’s actions next time are centred around wanting a world where Jin will be completely safe (someone please tell him there’s no such thing, bc there isn’t, before it gets him killed), that while the goal is safety and peace for all HumaGear… It’s his personal motivation to do it for Jin.
Either way… Putting aside the question of whether Jin is actually as free as he seems to think he is… I was waiting for him to say this to Horobi. Bc hell yes, Horobi deserves to be free of the Ark, and Jin should know that better than anyone. She had Horobi under closer control than anyone else, bc she wanted/needed him to manipulate Jin. He was her tool to move her pawn. And that’s fucked his mental state to hell and back.
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Horobi isn’t even able to respond to the concept of ‘free,’ It’s Naki who steps in again.
Jin keeps going, and eventually brings up dreams. I don’t know if that specifically has to do w/ Horobi’s reaction… In my theory, assuming he actually remembered a bit about his past, I can def see ‘our own dreams’ setting of ‘Ark bells’ and making him compulsively reject the notion.
Interestingly, he turns slightly to face the corner before speaking further.
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… Well don’t that just sound robotic. ‘Brainwash victim’ alarums go off again.
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Jin has another small somber moment. This one feels less ‘messy emotions/wracked w/ guilt’ and more just… Sad. Regretful, too, but not the same exactly? This isn’t so much ‘what have I done?’ anymore as ‘I did this.’
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He failed to try at all before. That’s not me being mean, that’s me saying I think that’s what’s going through his head. He might not be thrilled about fighting Horobi as Horobi, but bc he let them down before, he has to power through.
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Naki: Do you think they’ll notice if we back towards the door?
Raiden: Trust me, I’m thinking about it.
They fight and Jin loses. Horobi’s got experience, a positively self-destructive lack of self preservation, and I do think Jin was holding back. Making himself fight Horobi as the Ark is one thing, he can just tell himself it’s the Ark, probably easier to be like ‘Horobi can’t be saved’ like that, too (even though Jin bloody reconnected them), but fighting Horobi as Horobi… That’s something else. Esp w/ the knowledge that Horobi is so blankly devoted to the Ark right now bc of something he did.
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Jin kinda tries to shuffle away as Horobi approaches… I don’t blame him, that’s Takaiwa Seiji. Don’t fuck w/ Takaiwa Seiji.
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Horobi says… But then just stands there, perfectly still, giving no indication that he intends to move, for another ten whole seconds (yes, I counted). He says that, but then doesn’t do anything. Almost like he’s hit a wall. And he has, hasn’t he? The Ark’s influence over him wants to erase anyone who defies it… But Horobi himself has shown multiple times that his actual instinct is to protect Jin. So what does he do when he has a chance to destroy someone vocally against the Ark, but… It’s Jin? He freezes, apparently.
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Jin looks up at him like this, kinda pleadingly, and I like the idea that he’s looking… Essentially, for his father. Hesitation, feeling. Any reaction. But while I do see Horobi freezing as a sign of his inability to follow through w/ the threat… It also shows he has no idea how to follow that up. He can’t get beyond the instinctive ‘don’t do this.’ So he just starts playing statue again. That’s gotta be rough for Jin to see, esp w/ the knowledge that he contributed to rendering Horobi this messed up. Again.
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When he sees nothing, he looks away again. Maybe trying to gather nerve in the face of the nigh zombie-like state he’s seeing his father in. We cut a few times between him and Horobi as he starts talking, between Jin being more emotional, and Horobi’s continually blank countenance.
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Jin doesn’t look back up until he asks if killing him is something Horobi wants. This expression doesn’t read hopeful either way. Does he want Horobi to indicate it’s not, bc he wants his father to still care about him, or does he want Horobi to be upset that he tried to kill him, to show some sign of self worth/preservation? Hard to know, but it’s definitely pleading again.
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Naturally, the first words that come to Horobi’s mind. And, yes, it is. The Ark wants detractors to disappear. But in this situation… That conflicts w/ what Horobi himself truly wants. And he reacts. He’s directly confront ed w/ a contradiction, w/ the realisation that the Ark’s will hasn’t completely replaced his own. He’s conditioned to follow the Ark’s will no matter what, he doesn’t want to kill Jin. He’s in disagreement w/ the Ark’s will. Big no no. What he’s saying ‘no’ to is a little unclear, but I like thinking that he’s realising he doesn’t want what the Ark would want. It’s also interesting how the focus shifts from him to Naki and Raiden. Presumably, they are effected by seeing Horobi be uncertain about the Ark’s will, and that contributes to everyone’s reactions.
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I love Jin’s reaction to Horobi lowering the bow. He makes this emotional little sound, and watches the bow for a moment before looking anxiously up at Horobi—looking for a reaction again, if there’s anything more. But Horobi’s just… In a daze. I still don’t know if Jin is relieved by this, or if he was hoping Horobi would be personally angry at him. Kind of puts me in mind of a moment from Prince of Persia where Dastan tells his brother that the dagger rewinds time and then stabs himself, and when his brother uses it and tells Dastan he died right in front of him, Dastan’s reaction is a breathless ‘you used it!’ from the relief that his brother cared/trusted him enough. Jin’s reaction kind of makes me think of that, amazement and relief and even kind of gladness that he matters enough to Horobi that this would actually cause his father to waver from his brainwashing. Which, while really sweet and a testament to what Jin genuinely means to Horobi, is also heart breaking and shows off just what the Ark (and thus Gai, by creating it) took from them, that this is how we see that Jin is important to Horobi. It should just be bc he’s his dad, bc hugs and family times. But the Ark took that from them. It shows that Horobi cares about Jin, but it’s also glaring show of what they lost/missed out on bc of the Ark.
There’s also something else about Jin’s reaction if you look closely at his hands.
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His right hand shifts, lifting up slightly, like his first instinct was to reach out to Horobi, try to solidify whatever’s happening—but in the end, he doesn’t commit, and…
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Horobi wanders off, in some sort of confused trance. We don’t see his face at all here.
It’s been pointed out to me that these two are always reaching out to each other and never quite making it, and… Accurate. Feels like yet another example of just how badly they’ve been fucked over and what was taken from them. I just really hope they finally get to connect before… Whatever happens.
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precurelegends · 4 years
Queen of Clubs (Drabble)
“You cannot be here.” The voice of Azu says sternly. “This area is dangerous for little girls.”
Alice Yotsuba tilts her head. “Very good. If I see any little girls, I will let them know.” She takes three more steps forward on the old dam, still maintaining a serene look on her face.
The prophet of the Ark tries to stop her with an outstretched hand, and soon finds herself slammed into the concrete.
“Understand this.” Alice leans down to look Azu in the eye. “What I just did to you was entirely reflexive. You do not wish to see what I can do to you when I am actually required to think about my actions.”
With that, she turns on her heels and walks into the tunnel to confront Hiden Aruto.
She can sense it, even without being in her powered form. His body is radiating malice. She positions herself carefully, so she can transform if need be. But she hopes she won’t need to.
“Aruto. It is time to come home.” She says plainly.
“No. I can’t. Not until Horobi pays for what he did. Not until I see the his broken body on the ground before me.” Aruto snaps.
“Horobi has already paid for his crime. Just like you, he has lost someone who cared for him.” Alice answers.
“How do you know that...oh yeah. Those damn cameras you have around the city. You probably saw it as it happened. Jin didn’t have to get involved. I didn’t want Jin to be destroyed. But he got in my way...”
“It’s not your path that Jin blocked. It’s Ark’s path. Your path is one that leads into the future where humans and AI can live side by side. Don’t you remember that?”
“Every day, I see more and more that that path can’t be walked on. People like Amatsu...” Aruto answers, the rage of Ark flowing through him.
“Who will stand trial for what he done.” Alice answers. “He caused all this, I know. He is a wicked man who programmed wickedness into the Ark. But you are not the Ark. You are just its vessel, and as soon as you crack, Ark will no longer find you useful.”
Aruto has the Driver in his hand and he slams it onto his waist, taking out the key Azu gave him.
With the scream of tortured code, he transforms into Ark One.
“You should be running, Alice. This is no place...”
“No place for little girls, yes. Azu already said that. You and I, Aruto, we are more than just the humans we appear to be. Your heart, your soul, your sense of humor, those are things Ark can never have, so it seeks to take them.”
She flips open what appears to be a cellphone pouch and runs her finger over the screen. “You have great love in your heart, and are forever linked to those you fought alongside. Now, it’s time to show that! Pretty Cure Love Link!”
Alice vanished, replaced by Cure Rosetta, causing Aruto just a bit of shock. But the rage and malice within Ark stopped that emotion cold. With the Ark Driver screaming at him, he decides to finish her off, slamming down the driver several times.
Cure Rosetta’s only response is to cross her arms and put up a clover leaf shaped barrier. “ROSETTA ABSORPTION!”
Ark’s full might slams into the barrier, and the force of the kick shatters the barrier, sending Cure Rosetta flying.
However, this was all part of the plan. Rosetta lands gracefully in the forest and smiles as she holds up a small marble containing a mere fraction of Ark’s energy. “Now to find someone who can study this energy and find a way to counter it.”
With that, she leaves the scene, having achieved exactly what she desired.
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
… Pre-warning, this is another whiny post based solely on my personal emotions. It may come off as very over the top and overrecationary, but I promise I am totally calm and aware that it’s just a tv show and that Toei does not give one flying fuck what I think.
That out of that way… Onward w/ the whining:
I am… Not excited for this alleged ‘team up.’
Vulcan and Valkyrie finally getting to beat Thouser’s ass? I love it. Gimme gimme. I love Cheetah Mom and Wolf Dad kicking ass together. I personally think they’re a great team.
Jin and Aruto… My initial reaction is: ‘Already?’
From the summaries, we’re not even talking a few eps down the line. We’re talking the ep after next. Aka, the one after the one airing this weekend.
This feels… Super rushed. On both sides, honestly, the more I think about it. Jin’s shown absolutely no interest in trusting or working w/ humans. And I can’t think of a single thing Aruto has done to give Jin a reason to trust him? Unless Jin is playing him, an alliance the ep after next seems very contrived and rushed. I really don’t want Jin and Aruto to go buddy-buddy this quickly. Friendships should be steadily developed over time w/ groundwork. This just feels like… Like Parad all over again. And please no. I want to keep loving Jin, he’s my third favourite character. I don’t want to feel tired of him.
Meanwhile, the very obvious (to me, at least) lack of Horobi in the scans, combined w/ this heavy focus on this ‘team up,’ That Preview Picture, the fact that Takaiwa isn’t on the suit actor list for next ep (don’t know about the one after)… Is scaring me. I’m very worried. Like, I know logically it’d make zero sense to break him out of the basement, update his op segment, hardly use him, and then kill him off, esp since he’s on the character blog and all, but… I’ve watched KR be very illogical before. I’m hoping this is just the pessimism, anxiety, and tiredness talking. I’m hoping they do something cool like maybe have him start going singularity next ep and stick w/ Jin and the only reason we don’t see him in those scans is bc they’re of fights he happens to not be in. That they start something that they’re gonna go into in ep 31 or something. That maybe he and Fuwa do get a subplot (I’m very quietly praying that the Jin and Aruto team up does end badly and that meanwhile Fuwa and Horobi somehow manage to find a balance and partner up—then Naki becomes a Rider and they and Yua… No, wait… Getting carried away). But, like… I’m really, really nervous that he’s going to keep hardly being around and never getting any development. And yes, I know that he’s not the main character, esp bc I very rarely fall for main characters unless I created them, but even considering his role in the story… There’s been essentially nothing. I know Jin’s the pick for the writers (I’m not surprised, either, of course, saw that coming a mile off), but I just felt like I expected them to have done at least something w/ Horobi by this point? They put a lot of build up into his relationship w/ Jin, it’s very clear that’s still a major part of his identity, and yet… It kinda feels like it’s being anticlimactically shuffled to the side, possibly in the name of this ‘team up’ w/ Aruto and it just feels so… I dunno. Like they don’t care? It feels there should be a little more going on between him and Jin than ten second scenes w/ a few lines. That he should, at this point, be being allowed to say more than ‘will of the Ark.’ I could honestly survive him dying (who am I kidding, no I couldn’t DX) as long as it felt like the show actually cared about him at all… To me, rn, it kinda feels like it’s just occasionally glancing in his direction and being like ‘oh? You’re still here?’ and scribbling something on a sticky note then calling it a day.
I know that Toei does not give two hoots what I think. I know things likely look/feel worse than they are bc I feel not great atm. But it feels like they were building up to something w/ Horobi, but now they’re just trying to shuffle him into a corner and hoping people forget about him… Which I personally feel like is an injustice to the actor and the character’s potential w/in the plot.
To end on a higher note, however… At least it seems like we might get to see more of Naki in the series.
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