#Firebird Salt
Fairy Tail?
A perfectly well paced, well executed story that fully made use of all its major characters who are fully fleshed out and well rounded with flaws and trauma being heavily used to help them develop and grow. It also has really interesting and multi-dimensional villains with unique motives who are well integrated into the story (alongside other introduced plot points)
It also helps that FT has a really well developed world that grows as the characters explore it and has a lot of thought put into its lore and magic system which contributes to its near perfect power scaling and it never falls back on overdone jokes or puts the characters down to make them the butt of a joke.
All in all its a 10/10
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[Anti-honesty hour. Ask me anything and I will respond with blatant lies.]
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cyberlights · 7 months
Amulet Rant Time
Okie dokie Waverider is out and thus has concluded the series…so it’s time for a little…bonfire, we’ll call it.
Now don’t get me wrong. I still love this series and always will. I’ve been in the fandom since about Prince of the Elves. I literally have grown up with this series in my backpack from the moment I checked it out of my school’s library. I spent my first summer job paycheck buying all the books out at the time. This series holds a very special place for me.
I also understand that after Book 5(? I’m typing this out on mobile so I can’t verify), Kazu got very sick and lost a lot of his memories, which affected how he wrote Amulet and thus the rest of the story, so I’m not going to say he was a trash author.
There are just certain things that just…have not worked out post Escape from Lucien. And honestly, this is going to be more of a venting ramble than anything, so for the new readers coming in, take it with a grain of salt. You can still enjoy the series, fall in love with the characters, etc. That’s why we enjoy it.
Now I’m gonna do everything else under read-more so spoilers ahead.
We good? Okay, good.
I already stated that I give Waverider a 1/10. It actually is not my least favorite book, to be honest. (That “honor” goes to Supernova)
Trellis leaving the throne?
As others have pointed out, after Escape from Lucien it made no sense for him to just up and skedaddle. That boy was adamant he was going to lead his people. That’s what his whole plot was in the book, and him accepting more of that role in Firebird/the beginning of Supernova. Heck, they even pointed out that Gabilan, even though… voted in(?) as the new king was not doing a good job of it. Gabilan himself fully expected Trellis to take back the throne (albeit by force which is not really Trellis’ style). It felt very much like unnecessary step back from three books worth of development.
I can’t say much about Gabilan because while he did establish in The Cloud Searchers he wanted to be king, it didn’t feel right. Like there was nothing driven past that, that would say he wanted to be king. Honestly besides a tiny bit in Firebird he didn’t get as much character development as he should have, if at all. Which is why, if he was planned to take over from a while ago, probably should have had happened sooner.
Ronin and her Students
Speaking of introducing sooner, this is where I feel having a whole ‘nother two books would have helped the story, because this was just…so terribly executed.
I can’t tell you a single thing about her students except one turned into a turtle and another Cthulhu. I can’t even tell you anything about Ronin beyond her “I was right” mentality (and the mask, not sure why she was wearing a mask).
They all felt very shoe-horned in. I have no attachment to these characters, no real interest in seeing them succeed. They were brought in to fill a plot hole, while simultaneously making another plot hole in their wake.
Overall Problems with the Series
Genre Confusion
I think we’ve already established that Amulet would have been better off as a fantasy series than sci-fi. That is honestly my biggest problem with Supernova, was that was a giant Sci fi wedge in what was predominantly a fantasy series (I know we started more in Escape from Lucien and Firebird, but this is where I feel we veered too off course)
We honestly could have completely cut the sci-fi bit, changed a few things around between Escape from Lucien and Firebird, cut out most of Supernova -which yes, would have wrecked Navin’s sideplot, but there was different options that could have happened.
We don’t need the additional aliens/planets. Those characters could have easily just been Alledian on different parts of Alledia and we would have never known. We don’t even know what most of Alledia looks like because we’ve only been to a handful of places that predominantly look the same.
Which brings me to
Ikol and his Masters
I was so confused by the end of their story. They’re aliens but not. They were created by Silas but they have been around for eons. Everything was Made by Silas to Protect his Family. I just…*sigh*
It felt like they were beating the already dead piñata (pun partially intended).
Silas died in the first book. The consequences of his actions were established to be that he got a bunch of students killed and he ended up passing a huge burden onto Emily that should have gone to her mother. I don’t know why he had to be brought out as this.
Ikol could have very much remained a Chaotic Entity that thrived on the turmoil, his “masters” being a lie to convince Emily that he too was not in total control of the situation so he could slip her more into his control. We already know he likes collecting powerful stonekeepers who are vulnerable enough to fall sway to his side.
Heck, he comes back every 500 years to wage war with the elves and probably (should he have remained the entity) thought of it as one big game.
Having him turn into a somewhat malevolent AI that was just following orders to a T just…does not make sense to me. Especially if he was causing havoc with the elves for so long as implied.
Okay honestly this is my biggest gripe with the later books.
We established, Books 4 and 5, time-travel was not possible.
All it does is send them back to interact with their memories. They don’t actually change anything about their lives outside the Void.
So having Future Emily and her son come back and save Present Emily throws all of the continuity out the window. And Future Emily’s little interaction with Ikol where it’s implied that they’ve done this over and over? Felt so weird after they actually dealt with Ikol. It felt like a useless little tag on that we ended up not actually needing. (Again, Supernova is my least favorite book for a lot of reasons)
Stonekeepers Good but Bad
*sighs again* Yes. This part would feed into the Problem of Too Many Characters Amulet has going on. But. We were not shown examples beyond our current group (Meaning Emily Trellis and somewhat Vigo) of good stonekeepers.
The Guardian Council that ruled over most of Alledia for centuries? Corrupt.
Silas? Self serving. (Despite being called hero numerous times, we were not actually shown anything he did besides stopping the rampaging stonekeepers back in The Stonekeepers Curse, and even then we weren’t actually shown, just told he did it.)
The Elfking(s)? Corrupted by their stones.
Most of Alledia in the early books respect Stonekeepers enough to kinda hold them in reverence. But we’re not shown anyone (beyond a couple panels of someone building stuff) notable enough to say Yes. Stonekeepers good. Anyone else who is mentioned is “Yeah, they were good, but they listened to their stone and turned into a rampaging monster” (Honestly Gabilan has more of a point here)
I get that’s why Ronin and hers were introduced, but they were introduced way too late into the series for it to feel that there could be some sort of balance.
Emily is one big outlier too here. She’s good but because she feels she has to be and has been told she has to be. Firebird honestly put a nice spin in this because we do see her fall. But Supernova kinda nixed that development sooooo.
Now those are the biggest ones that have bugged me for a while in addition to the new stuff from the new book. @motherstone has already touched upon multiple times some of the other issues that I tend agree with (go check them out, their art is amazing and I love their ideas. Also looking forward to their rewrite!)
Is there some technical issues with the books as well that bug me? Yes. (The later books are very over saturated in comparison to the older ones and it kinda shows, and I believe that Motherstone already touched upon the “smoothification” that started taking place about book 4/5, and there were quiet a few panels that felt very unfinished in the later two books)
Am I sad to see the series end? Yes. But Kazu at least finished as best he could to the end instead of half assing it or completely dropping the series altogether, and I can respect that.
Do I already have my own post-book 6 AU that I’m willing to ramble about at the drop of a hat? Also Yes. (May also heavily be influenced by some OCs)
Overall, I enjoyed Amulet enough to see it through the end. Books 3-5 will remain my favorites. I still will cherish the characters that we got. Amulet is probably the first thing that actually got me into interacting with Fanart and Fandom, so I’d say it’s a pretty big part of what developed me. And for the newbies. Hi! I see you! I look forward to seeing what you do with the series!
See y’all around!
(And btw, if you drop something in my ask box, I’ll apologize in advance if I don’t get to it. I tend to forget I have one)
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dinosaurwithablog · 29 days
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I made homemade applesauce!!! 😋 My roommate had oral surgery so among other soft, delicious food, I made him some applesauce because he wanted some. I do not understand why people spend so much money on food when it's very easy and very inexpensive to make most things yourself. I would've paid over $6 to buy the applesauce that I just made for $1.20. It's was easy and fun to make. You just put some water in a pot, 1.2 ounces per pound of apples, add some sugar to taste, and bring it to a boil. Then you add peeled, cored, sliced apples to the pot and cover it. I threw a pinch of salt in for flavor. I cooked it, covered, on medium heat, and stirred it every 15 minutes for an hour. Times may vary. Just make sure that the apples are very tender when you're done. I then took my stick blender and made applesauce. You could use a potato masher or a ricer or whatever you want to use to puree it. I added some cinnamon because that's how he likes it. It was easy peasy. You could add any fruits that you'd like to eat with the applesauce. Just cook them with the apples. I like to add strawberries, but I didn't have any. This is, also, a great way to make healthy, non processed baby food. I've raised 3 kids and never once bought processed baby food. I made my own. It was much cheaper, it tasted great, and it was very, very healthy. I, highly, recommend that everyone learn to make your own food. It's satisfying to do and it saves a lot of money. Once you start making homemade food, you'll find that it's a lot of fun. I make almost everything that I eat from scratch. I take the money that I save and invest it. I am restoring my 1967 Firebird with money that i made from those investments. If you don't invest, you could take a trip or buy someone a gift or use it for whatever makes you happy. It's well worth learning how to cook. I love cooking. It brings me joy, and it brings joy to everyone that I feed. Cooking is love. In the words of Julia Child... bon appétit!!! 😍😋😋
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hara-hana · 9 months
I watched The Boy and the Heron yesterday with two friends and they enjoyed it but described it as a "fever dream acid trip," and that wasn't my experience at all. I asked them a few questions and realized they had completely missed that it was set in a real, historical setting and thought it was in... fantasy Japan??? So below is my spoilery notes on context that they missed.
Disclaimer that I've only seen it once, dubbed, and while I grew up in Japan and have done research on Japanese clothing, I am not Japanese.
Setting: Fire bombing sirens going off especially while men are sleeping in kimono but wearing western clothes in public = WWII Japan. The setting was instantly obvious to me despite thinking this was going to be a fantasy setting. This is further reinforced by the parades, rationing, and teachers and children being voluntold/conscripted for tasks. Mahito is very privileged to not be conscripted, probably why he gets yelled at by the other student.
Hunger and eating of sentient beings: There are constant themes of hunger in this movie, both in real life and in the fantasy realm. WWII was a very hungry time for Japanese civilians and soldiers, with many people slowly starving to death. There are even documented cases of cannibalism. This had a massive impact on Japanese culture. The desperate pelicans and fascist-coded budgies eating people are Very On Point.
Lady Himi: I haven't been able to find kanji for her name, but you could understand her name to mean Looks Like Fire (I don't speak Japanese well, so grain of salt there). I also desperately want Sewstine to make her outfit. Super Alice In Wonderland and Firebird vibes.
Natsuko (step-mother): Her name means summer child. I think it's a relatively common name in Japanese, but all I can think of is the Game of Thrones meme. It was awesome to see her shoot a bow in the dream(?) sequence since her signature kimono has yagasuri arrow/fletching patterns on it. A popular motif for recent brides. Mahito making a fletched arrow as she stops wearing her kimono was interesting symbolism. Also, hella wealthy. Her family home being that fancy and That Big, with a whole western style house, much less an Omnious Tower. So wealthy.
Kiriko: Be still my bisexual heart. Older her has access to bows and arrows and younger her is a BAMP with a soft spot for kids. Ox cart wheels like the ones on her kimono have complex symbolism, but a common motif is for them to be submerged in a stream when not in use to prevent warping. Her living on a boat and providing rides to Mahito makes her motif have extra depth. It also implies to me that she's constantly in motion and not resting in a stream.
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
He released a long breath, then drew me closer, studying my face in the moonlight. He touched the collar at my neck. “Alina,” he said, “how do we know what these things will do to you?” “We don’t,” I admitted. “But you want them anyway. The stag. The sea whip. The firebird.” ... “We need them,” I said. “All three. If we ever want to stop running. If we ever want to be free.” Mal traced the line of my throat, the curve of my cheek, and all the while, he held my gaze. I felt like he was looking for an answer there, but when he finally spoke, he just said, “All right.” He kissed me once, gently, and though I tried to ignore it, there was something mournful in the brush of his lips. ... Finally, the two ends of the cuff were nearly touching and only one scale remained. Mal stared down at it, cupped in his palm. “Mal?” I said. He didn’t look at me, but touched one finger to the bare skin of my wrist, the place where my pulse beat, where the fetter would close. Then he handed the last scale to the Fabrikator. ... I felt the ship rocking as the sea began to crackle and hiss. “Alina!” Suddenly Mal’s arms were around me, pulling me back. He held me in a crushing grip, his eyes shut tight against the blaze around us. I smelled sea salt and sweat and, beneath it, his familiar scent—Keramzin, meadow grass, the dark green heart of the woods. I remembered my arms, my legs, the press of my ribs, as he held me tighter, piecing me back together. I recognized my lips, my teeth, my tongue, my heart, and these new things that were a part of me: collar and fetter. They were bone and breath, muscle and flesh. They were mine. ... Mal bracketed my face with his hands. He kissed my brow, my nose, my lips, my hair, then drew me tight against him once again. “You’re all right?” he asked. His voice was rough. ... I lifted my other hand and cast a soft tide of sunlight over his face. He flinched. He can never understand your power, and if he does, he will only come to fear you. I pushed the Darkling’s voice from my mind. Mal had every right to be afraid. “I can do this,” I said gently. He shut his eyes and turned his face toward the sunlight that radiated from my hand. Then he tilted his head, resting his cheek against my palm. The light glowed warm against his skin.
Siege and Storm- Chapter 6 (Leigh Bardugo)
There are moments, when I can almost see Malina could've been acceptable ship for me. In a lukewarm, boring, "I acknowledge they deserve each other, but don't actively ship it." way.
If only there weren't those, when Malyen is massive asshole, those moments, when he's hindering Alina's development- intentionally or not- AND the tiny little detail they're awaking the worst in each other (Alina's constant self-blame and Malyen's sense of ownership), and not in the cool, sexy, fascinating-to-watch way.
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power-chords · 8 months
you know, grain of salt bc im nobody and know nothing. but re: your post about oasis motif in heat 2; i certainly think youre self-evidently on to something with what the idea of an oasis represents as a theme. when it comes to the references to the actual band specifically, tho, bc it cant all just be about the name/word, right- i immediately wonder if it has to do with inviting comparison between the relationship central to heat as a narrative and the relationship between noel and liam gallagher. bc i mean. heat is famously about this intense (arguably intimate, and more intense due to its intimacy, and more intimate due to its intensity, ad nauseum feedback loop) mutually antagonistic rivalry right? from my understanding. and noel and liam gallagher.. fucking hate each other but they are. Literally brothers and truly could never hope to escape the (grotesque? humiliating?) visceral quality of that connection regardless of how much it is left to degrade. does that scan? just something that occurred to me right away ig
WELL funny you should mention that… Neil makes a “throwaway” comment in the film about a brother he was separated from and lost touch with; in the book, Vincent’s full name is revealed to be Vincent Thomas Hanna (“Thomas” meaning “twin”). There’s even a Paolo character introduced in the novel who, based on other textual clues, might be a reference to a certain Paolo Hewitt:
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Mann went to film school in London and resided in the UK for several years afterward to, ahem, escape the Vietnam draft. He has remarked many times in interviews that he lived the full Swinging Sixties experience. So it’s not like he’s unfamiliar with the territory.
Oasis also as a band represents a cyclical return to form, the rebirth/re-emergence/re-invigoration of a style of popular music that until the nineties was broadly considered passé and even retrograde. Cue Britpop, Oasis, and the decade of Cool Britannia. (The novel concludes with a Pontiac Firebird crashing and burning and Vincent discovering a heart-shaped locket with Neil’s photo in it among the wreckage… LMAO.) A few days ago BFI posted their full talk with Mann that was recorded at the beginning of the year, and he makes passing mention to what he was trying to impart with the first couple seasons of Miami Vice on TV, a sort of “neo-rock ‘n’ roll” spirit. So while I had never really pegged him for an Oasis fan, there’s clearly enough associative congruence for him to work with. All You Need is Love, maybe.
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I do wonder what kind of relationship Mann has with his own brother, if indeed he has one at all. His father’s sudden death in his early twenties “shattered the family,” according to that Wall Street Journal piece from the Heat 2 press tour in 2022. Who knows what that means! He’s mentioned David a few times by his birth name, and not many details otherwise, but cursory Googling reveals that he does not go by that name any longer, and may be a practitioner of the Hindu faith. That’s as far as he goes, and as far as I can speculate!
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just-antithings · 10 months
In terms of genuinely problematic art, I'd like people to look up "Authors Behaving Badly - TJ Klune" on YouTube
Slight correction (not same anon, but I've watched the video anon is talking about): Cerulean Sea was inspired by the Sixties Scoop, which "was a period in which a series of policies were enacted in Canada that enabled child welfare authorities to take, or "scoop up," Indigenous children from their families and communities for placement in foster homes, from which they would be adopted by white families" (Wikipedia). It's different from the residential schools but no less horrifying.
Klune found out about the Sixties Scoop by clicking on different wikipedia articles to read them. He felt inspired, but he also didn't want to write a historical fiction book based on it, as he's a white man and didn't feel like it was his place. Instead, he took part of the event (children being taken from their homes and placed into foster homes) and put it into a fantasy setting.
On it's own, the idea isn't uncommon in fantasy settings. Iirc, The Night and it's Moon uses a similar idea for part of the story, where the nun(?) running an orphanage buys children (fairy-related ones I think?) to later sell. Before Klune's interview, even those that saw a connection between what was happening in Cerulean Sea and the Sixties Scoop thought it was a coincidence.
Now, some things Klune has said in his interview is... not malicious but I'd argue tone-deaf and ignorant. Like when he says how in his book, the kids are stolen due to fear, and the way he says this makes it sounds like he's saying this about bigotry in general, which is a common stance but not right and puts the onus on those of us who are marginalized to be "not scary" or my beloathed "one of the good ones."
And in the video, the booktuber mentions how people are critiquing the sequel of Cerulean Sea, how it's coming out in September, which is Indigenous Heritage Month, and the booktuber claims that this seems to be Klune "doubling down" on how he's done nothing wrong. She (the booktuber) also claims that the fact that orange is a prominent color on the sequel's cover is also proof of this, due to Orange Shirt Day in Canada (which is a day to raise awareness about the residential schools). Two problems I immediately see about this claim: When going through a publisher, it's the publisher who chooses the release date, not the author, and on the cover is a phoenix (firebird?). Now, I haven't read Cerulean Sea (other than "it's gay," it didn't sound like something that would interest me), but based on fanart I've seen, a phoenix or firebird is very important to the story or one of the characters, and being on fire, of course it's going to be at least mostly orange. So this part at least is a reach, and based on the booktuber's past videos, I'm disappointed but not surprised she didn't at least entertain these arguments, especially when she does research for these videos.
Again, I did not read Cerulean Sea, I don't plan on reading the sequel, and I'm not indigenous. And while I'm not always the mentioned booktuber's biggest fan (she does make a lot of good points in plenty of her videos, and she's still miles better than others in being willing to admit when she's been wrong or reactionary, such as in her review for Ninth House), so take what I've said with a grain of salt.
The booktuber also brings up how Klune has been willing to learn and change with another book of his, and based on the quotes I've seen from him, I really think he's being ignorant, but not malicious. I do think his books can be criticized as being "white savior"-y after what's been learned from his interview, especially when there have been people who had already made the connection even before Klune verified his inspiration.
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jacksmusesdrv3 · 8 months
If someday I were to escape You should pray that I'm alone With the salt that moves in the midsummer sea Will this face still be my own?
This is another song that stuck around in my head for the mask motifs as well as… ‘cage’. The trees forming a cage, like the certain cage in the End Wall.
The song feels like it would fit my version of Kokichi Ouma- the Monokuma, the ‘firebird’. Someone who was effectively trapped in a cage and never left since, decides to lead around his ‘once beloved’ (Shuichi), a small part of him hoping he'll see through his mask to the other side of him- break the lock and free him from his hell. Alas, part of what Shuichi needs to break the lock is... information.
‘Will the face still be my own’, that would be him in the fog of memories he is steadily losing (like Monotaro forgetting his own sister), and his twin (the Ouma we know) who for far too long, bore his identity as a mask.
As for ‘midsummer’, that would be the day they were born.
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jedusaur · 1 year
good things this week:
my boys took out the defending champs and then took Dallas to game 7 and that... is a good thing I guess :/ no but seriously they did spectacularly well this season and I'm really proud of them and excited to see what happens next year
the Firebirds are still killing it though! my man Joey Daccord! 60 saves in triple OT! Western Conference finals up next! let's go!
hit 6 months with Steph on the same day the Kraken got eliminated so we decided to reschedule date night for a day I was not busy lying on the floor staring at the ceiling in despair, so we did our date last night and it was lovely and I love my girl a lot
my brother wears red/orange/yellow tie-dye shirts pretty much every single day and he also likes Ted Lasso so I decided to get on video chat with the fam in Chicago while they watched this week's ep and it was nice to check in with them (they asked somewhat dubiously if I always watch the episodes more than once lololol)
it was my sister-in-law's birthday this week so a bunch of us filmed tasks for her to judge Taskmaster-style and I maaay have taken it a tad more seriously than some others >.> I have not received the final points breakdown but I did get to see the compilation of videos and I am certainly a contender at least
the temperature hit 90 on Monday so I got rocket bae's air conditioner set up and holy christballs my life is going to be SO much better this summer than it was last summer
made iced tea and stuck in a couple sprigs of mint from the garden and that was very nice on the hot days
one of my closest friends started watching Ted Lasso recently and in S1 she was extremely dubious that she could ever like Jamie and yesterday she got to the Amsterdam ep and messaged me that she now loves "one (1) little asshole" :D :D
had to make an important phone call about my health insurance that could have been massively tedious and difficult but actually went very smoothly and for once nobody fuckin called me ma'am
discovered a local business that looks like a great concept but the website desperately needs a copyedit, so I e-mailed them like "any chance you guys wanna hire me freelance to clean up your site" and they actually seem interested! did not really expect that, maybe I should be cold-contacting more often
made stirfry with peanut sauce and cauliflower curry and creamy fettuccine and a super tasty cheese board and then used the leftover blueberry-lemon-thyme goat cheese on a blueberry bagel with fresh basil from the garden (Mom's suggestion) and Bolivian rose salt, and all of it was delicious good job me
some of my plants are starting to emerge! got tiny lil baby radishes, snap peas, chives, and cantaloupe \o/
painted my nails sparkly gold and they look amazing in the sun
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libraryleopard · 11 months
October reads
= reread
Saint Juniper’s Folly by Alex Crespo
Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude by Ross Gay
Tomboy Survival Guide by Ivan Coyote
Always the Almost by Edward Underhill
Native Guard by Natasha Trethewey
Real Queer America: LGBT Stories From Red States by Samantha Allen
Through the Woods by Emily Carroll*
And Don’t Look Back by Rebecca Barrow
A Trans Man Walks Into a Gay Bar by Harry Nicholas 
The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes by Cat Sebastian
A Guest in the House by Emily Carroll
The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas
The September House by Carissa Orlando
Deephaven by Ethan M. Aldridge
Firebird by Sunmi 
Wylding Hall by Elizabeth Hand*
Moby Dyke by Krista Burton
The Scratch Daughters by H.A. Clarke
An Island Princess Starts a Scandal by Adriana Herrera
The Winter Knight by Jes Battis
The Perfect Guy Doesn’t Exist by Sophie Gonzales
The Devouring Wolf by Natalie C. Parker
Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett
Wrath Goddess Sing by Maya Deane
Against Heaven by Kemi Alabi
Rifqa by Mohammed El-Kurd
Water and Salt by Lena Khalaf Tuffaha
They Never Learn by Layne Fargo
Your New Feeling is the Artifact of a Bygone Era by Chad Bennett
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marypsue · 2 years
pinned post
about • AO3 • fic samples • original writing • playlists
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#like home • #duskfall • #the woods are lovely dark and deep • #haunted and haunting • #bringing the night back • #neon dreaming • #hiraeth • #the firmament •  #i must become the lion hearted girl • #lady monsters • #drunken eldritch constellations • #black and midnight hags • #champagne cocaine gasoline • #salt and burn • #where the upside ends • #just west of weird • #sleeping is giving in • #a single weak moment • #but the golden age is over • #darkling daughter • #root heart • #circles rules and ruins • #prairie gods • #circus luna • #i successfully bedazzled my face • #twoo wuv • #villainess couture • #hallows eve • #firebird • #kitties! • #puppies! • #monsters! • #ghosts! 
An Everyday Fairytale • The Woods Are Lovely, Dark And Deep • A Pretty Little Nightmare
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the-firebird69 · 7 months
There's a lot going on and we want to bring it out and get going on it and discuss it there are people in need all over the world we have several groups here that are actually leaving and they're going to these slots while this invasion is occurring they're trying to get special weapons out and to secure their stashes and caches what's going on right now Donald Trump Dan and bja and his crew all sorts of them are going where special is and up to the necromancer ships and more star Blazer ships they're trying to get them out of the islands and there's a ton of ships there and their fleet is almost gone and 90% of the fleet was empire ships and they don't like them and they'll have a real revolution and they couldn't get the guys to let go of them. There's a huge number of people who are going to start fighting these imbeciles because they are going to start a fight with the pseudo empire over the diamonds and they plan to they had a plan to for a while. That's going on right now
-another news the Spanish mission was a success to Monaco we all went there and had a good time they almost had a war there and the rest were made and they were released for disorderly conduct and the war is going to start up again but it was a success there was an 883 that went through town and they liked it and the 737 showed up as a k&h and it's a huge success everybody thinks that it's the next motor that's going to be awesome and it is true and it's our design and our son and daughter too I'm helped with it and we know how to do that and we helped them how to change it a little do they helped us change a little and other things showed up the dagger the striker but under a different name the brand new firebird design and BG had a different car other than the modified dagger that made it all the way to the edge and they let in the firebird made like three rings out he had his own car but he has a brand name that's famous and it is the McCormick type name right now you can't recall it and it's fast that's fast not as fast as the Aston Martin which showed up about 20 minutes ago and everybody was making noises the whole thing wrapped it up and they were waiting for it a lot of questions about it a lot of pictures a lot of people taking pictures of the VIN number the identification number because they want to call up and order one huge numbers of people asking what had for motor how fast it was and it said in the window track record and it which track and it says it beats all other numbers at that track but it meets all the numbers at all tracks and they said no way so they all want one and Aston Martin is getting flooded with calls and special requests and some people are trying to bribe and it's really amazing this year is a banner year that car is also going to help and it was our too daughter and son and we helped of course that she did a lot of the work she says and she should get something for that striker so that went pretty well it made it all the way to the outskirts of town right at the first ring shall we say raise the border of the city and most things like that don't and people loved it and they want to see it in production and they want to see the company come back and they're hooting and hollering asking how fast it is and they heard really really fast and it will compete with the Aston Martin and they start saying wow and we don't see that and has for off and everyone's hooting and hollering talking to BG for hours he said it had it on the track at about 700 and he's going to take it to the salt flats or the desert flats out there and a few other people we're getting going on the stuff now but this more to announce we're going to publish though
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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fastmusclecar123 · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://fastmusclecar.com/joe-rogans-1969-chevy-nova-restomod/video/
Joe Rogan's 1969 Chevy Nova Restomod
By Dave Ashton
If you have watched enough of Joe Rogan’s very popular podcast, you will have no doubt about his love of classic muscle cars. One standout vehicle in Mr Rogan’s collection is a custom 1969 Chevy Nova Restomod, produced by Pure Vision Design with a supercharged LT4 V8 powertrain.
In reality, Mr Rogan has quite an eclectic mix of vehicles in his collection, going from off-road performance like a 2021 Ford Raptor Hennessey Velociraptor 600, to even German engineering like a 2008 SharkWerks Porsche 997 911 GT3 RS. But for somebody who is American born and raised, a custom muscle car build is an obvious choice. Especially an example such as in 1969 Chevrolet Nova, a vehicle that is as tough and rugged looking now as it has ever been.
The video below walks you through the background behind the custom build, inspiration, and mechanicals. The custom build is also clearly a labor of love for the team, who quite rightly wax lyrical about every aspect of the car.
As with any custom muscle car build worth its salt, the powertrain is a key component. This particular Chevy Nova features a supercharged 6.2L LT4 V8, basically, the same variant found in the Chevrolet Camaro ZL1. Without any tweaks to the power levels, the engine is good for 650 hp and 650 lb-ft. of torque, going through a 6-speed manual Tremec transmission. No power steering here.
The sheet metal used in the build was custom shaped and sourced from other vehicles such as a Camaro and Firebird, resulting in a 3 inches extra width to the vehicle. The interior is also completely bespoke, with added old and new extras such as an infotainment screen, and even Fender Telecaster electric guitar knobs for some of the accompaniments.
In essence, check out the full video below, even if it is just to get an idea of all the subtle details added to this wonderful custom build.
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jiabeewrites · 2 years
Devil Doesn't Bargain OC info
Title: Eternity (has also been called Phoenix by the Ancient Greeks, Firebird by Russians, Simorgh by Persians, Konrul by Turkish, Anqa by Arabics, Fenghuang by Chinese, etc.)
Name: Darasuum
Nicknames: Dara, Ara, Suumi, Ella (eternity, ella, idk)
Pronouns: She/Her, at the moment
Gender: She's a cosmic entity, and her gender changes based off of the culture that currently believes in her.
Sexuality: She's a cosmic entity. I have no idea.
Parents: unknown
Family + Age in relation to others:
- Infinity (twin, deceased/passed on)
- Life (older brother, location unknown)
- Death (older sister, location unknown)
- Dick Grayson/Robin (brother/ward, 15)
- Kaldur'ahm/Aqualad (brother/ward, 19)
- Artemis Crock/Artemis (sister/ward, 18)
- Wally West/Kid Flash (brother/ward, 18)
- Conner Kent/Superboy (brother/ward, 18)
- M'gann M'orzz (sister/ward, 18)
- Zatanna Zatara/Zatanna (sister/ward, 14)
Yes she's basically a goddess fuck you
pyrokinetic. MASSIVE FIREPOWER (hehe geddit)
flight, fire related shit, eyes turn into flames when using powers
jean grey esque powers, kinda???
can breathe underwater, bc she's a fucking cosmic being. deal, bitch.
queen shit idk
- The language of Creation is now MANDO'A. because i can't be bothered to create a language. Creds for it go to Star Wars.
- Her name, Darasuum, means Eternal.
- Considers the JLA her children, YJ team her younger siblings/wards. she's the YJ's part-time den mother
- PROTEC WOTER PEOPLE. (aqualad/man's people. atlanteans)
- will eventually date namor, dw
    - calls namor "amor"
    - bc i think that the poor man is, in fact, slightly insecure
    - at first, she hates him, thinks he's a psuedo-pretend god who's playing pretend I CANT WRITE OKAY
- Can speak most languages. Except French. Can also talk to birbs.
- fire does burn underwater, but will be put out by an extreme force. (aka strong current, waves, water being pushed at it, THOSE BADASS WATER BOMBS)
- is kinda(?) part of the JLA, basically just makes sure that they dont die
- i can't say anything else without revealing too much...so that's it for now!
Masterlist for works
love, ryn
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trustgr · 2 years
Phoenix bird meaning
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If you are interested in other myths, read the post about the New Beginnings and Mythology: Janus, the God of the Romans. The story of this mythical creature explains that we are all capable of rising from the ashes. In different cultures and beliefs, the myth of the Phoenix has a common element: the desire for transformation and overcoming the obstacles. Finally, it forces us to find in difficulties an opportunity to grow, to learn more and to be more flexible. One bird that the legend derives from is the flamingo, who will nest on salt flats that are too hot for a flamingo chick nor its egg to survive. It helps us to be more creative to become what we want to be. It is often said, metaphorically, that you have to die to be born again, or that you have to go through difficult situations to come out renewed and grow.įollowing the Phoenix symbolism, being born again helps us to understand and trust in our potential and capabilities. It is a very powerful symbolism that humanity has used as a standard for overcoming and achieving goals, according to the beliefs of each era. Nowadays we can say that it means growing through adversity and re-emerging. A new phoenix is born from the ashes, and the cycle starts anew. The phoenix is said to live for hundreds or even thousands of years before it dies in a burst of flames. The bird is also associated with the sun, fire, and heat. It is a symbol of rebirth and resurrection. It is also a symbol of great virtue, grace, power and prosperity for Chinese culture. The phoenix is a sacred firebird in Native American mythology. Breaking with the limitations for the Persians. Immortality and resurrection for the Greco-Romans. The rebirth and a new period of wealth and fertility for the Egyptian culture. Knowing the origins of legends and myths helps us understand the evolution of thought, but also the essence of the human being.Īccording to ancient beliefs, the Phoenix symbolized many things through its different names.
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tonkitrip · 2 years
Phoenix creature
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The feathers do not cease glowing if removed, and one feather can light a large room if not concealed. The Firebird is described as a large bird with majestic plumage that glows brightly emitting red, orange, and yellow light, like a bonfire that is just past the turbulent flame. In Slavic folklore, the Firebird is a magical glowing bird from a faraway land, which is both a blessing and a bringer of doom to its captor. The convection currents around these mounds resembles the turbulence of a flame This bird nests on salt flats that are too hot for its eggs or chicks to survive it builds a mound several inches tall and large enough to support its egg, which it lays in that marginally cooler location. One inspiration that has been suggested for the Egyptian phoenix is flamingo of East Africa. At dawn, it bathed in the water of the well, and the Greek sun-god Apollo stopped his chariot (the sun) in order to listen to its song. According to the Greeks the phoenix lived in Arabia next to a well. They and the Romans subsequently pictured the bird more like a peacock or an eagle. The Greeks adapted the word bennu (and also took over its further Egyptian meaning of date palm tree), and identified it with their own word phoenix meaning the color purple-red or crimson (cf. Originally, the phoenix was identified by the Egyptians as a stork or heron-like bird called a bennu, known from the Book of the Dead and other Egyptian texts as one of the sacred symbols of worship at Heliopolis, closely associated with the rising sun and the Egyptian sun-god Ra. The bird was also said to regenerate when hurt or wounded by a foe, thus being almost immortal and invincible - a symbol of fire and divinity. The new phoenix embalms the ashes of the old phoenix in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in Heliopolis ("the city of the sun" in Greek), located in Egypt. Said to live for 500 or 1461 years (depending on the source), at the end of its life-cycle the phoenix builds itself a nest of cinnamon twigs that it then ignites both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix arises. In ancient Egyptian mythology and in myths derived from it, the Phoenix is a female mythical sacred firebird with beautiful gold and red plumage. The phoenix is a mythical sacred firebird that can be found in the mythologies of the Egyptians, Arabian, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Hindu, Phoenicians, Mesoamericans, Native Americans, and more.Īs a proponent of Ancient Astronaut Theory I can see a connection between what is described as the phoenix - a flaming bird who created - to ancient space ships that visited the planet leaving their imprint in the sacred landscape of our reality, that one day day would be understood and interpreted to mean the end of this consciousness and the beginning of another.
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