pesura · 6 months
mood: Tristan De Liege & NoKillShelter - Horologue
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haute-horologe · 1 year
Celebrate Holidays with Haute Horologe: Pre-owned Luxury Watches
As the holy month of Ramadan has begun, everyone is engaged in fasting, reflection, prayer and community service. It is also an ideal occasion for exchanging of gifts and spreading love in the community. If you are looking for luxury watches as gifts in Dubai, Haute Horologue has an impressive collection of men’s and women’s luxury watches to choose from. To get more ideas read our blog: http://blog.hautehorologe.ae/2023/03/29/celebrate-holidays-with-haute-horologe-pre-owned-luxury-watches/
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ghstlyghstly · 7 years
Good recording except a villager talking in the background (Horologue)
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Misty morning of early spring
Dark green leaves sway on morose wind
Wooden house of two floors and dark roof
Bright red door on the threshold
Ivy wickering around its decks
Any sound disturbs its obliviousness
Clouds are sailing under sky in fog.
Right to the entrance, next to ancient horologue
Olive and purple maculated room
With violet curtains, shedding spacious windows
Dark wooden bookcases full of ancient lores
At the table covered with murky linen coat
Three witches sitting there
Holding their hands compiled telling spells...
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to be continued.
if u want second part please like it or repost, i'm planning to extend it in a short story
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pollylynn · 4 years
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Title: Horologue  WC: 900
He understands that he does not get to be hurt in this scenario. He comes to understand that as he stares out the hospital window on to Manhattan streets that shimmer in the heat of July. He comes to understand it as his fingers keep absently brushing over the newly acquired scar on his ribs, as he clicks idly through TV channels, every one peppered with ads for back-to-school sales, with ads announcing slashed prices on grills and patio furniture, with box office numbers for the summer blockbusters he hasn’t seen.
He understands—when he’s alert enough to see the toll that two entire fucking months have taken on his mother, on Alexis, on Kate who has bravely searched for him all this time—that he doesn’t get to be hurt. He doesn’t get to feel fragile, unsteady on his feet, uncertain of how to do any of this. Those are the feelings they get to have, and he understands that. He does. 
But he’s going to need a new emotional palette—an entirely new affective vocabulary—because he is not okay. He is staring out windows and flipping through TV channels, for one thing.  While other people talk about him, work up his blood and his brain, go through the clothes he was found in with combs and tweezers, he is trying not to feel like an alien in his own  summer robe, his own t-shirt, and a pair of high-end silk pajama pants that feel wildly tone deaf under the circumstances, but those are the consequences of sending Martha Rodgers on an improvised errand when it turns out that Martha Rodgers is too much for whatever moment this is.
But hurt is the only word that will see to do when she bangs the door open for the second time. It’s the only word when she talks about evidence, when he has to argue that his supposed campsite doesn’t make sense on a character level. Hurt—however unreasonable, unfair, ungenerous, unthinkable it is—is the only word for what he feels. 
He swings like pendulum again when they’re back at the precinct. He sees the board. He sees his own grainy self looking furtive and tossing a satchel full of cash into the dumpster. He sees the photo of Vinny Cardano, his beach house neighbor. He sees how fucking implausible his innocence seems, and he doesn’t know how he will ever win back her trust, when he doesn’t know what was done to him—what he did. 
He doesn’t know how to live with the scraped raw feeling that even with all this she should have kept believing in him. In two long months, she’s had a lapse of faith in the face of overwhelming evidence that lasted less than a day, all told, and he doesn’t know what to do with this completely unkind sense that he is somehow the wounded party. 
So he simply goes on. It seems to be the only thing. He goes on—he goes home and she goes unhesitatingly, non-negotiably with him, and he supposes it . . . needn’t have gone that way. She’s the one who lets them into the loft. She has her key and he doesn’t and he realizes she needn’t have come home with him, and terrified is the word for that. Terrified. 
But she bears him up through the celebration with his mother, with Alexis, because she sees that he needs that. She smiles in a startled, grateful way when he toasts to the love of his life. She toasts to coming home in a small quiet voice, and she’s the one to insist that they go to bed. She insists she’s exhausted, that he must be, and she peels him away from Alexis and Martha with a playful smile that costs her energy she doesn’t have. 
It’s a quiet affair, getting ready for bed. He can’t bear the clothes he’s in. He can’t bear the sight of the light summer robe, the t-shirt, the ridiculously high-end silk pajama pants, so he stuffs it all deep down in the hamper that’s half full of two-month-old clothes. He studies the room while she’s in the bathroom and tries not to wonder if she’s taking longer than usual. He clamps down on the thought that she’s stalling and shakes loose of its hold. 
And he sees the watch on the night table. She appears just as he has the courage to pick it up. It shouldn’t be here. It should be in evidence or maybe not. He’s lost track of whether he is a crime or not—whether his body, his personal effects, his miserably blank mind are a walking crime scene. 
But whether he is or isn’t, whether they are or aren’t, his watch shouldn’t be here. But it is, because she put it there. Because she got it from wherever it was—wherever it possibly should still be—and she set it on his night table for him to find, because she didn’t lose faith. Not really. 
She came home with him and she has her key. She came home with him and she brought his watch. She came home with him despite the unanswered questions and the mountain of evidence. 
 He is not okay, any more than she is. But hurt is not the word for what he is.
A/N: The watch, I guess . . . always strange what gets liberated from evidence and what doesn’t. Hmm
images via homeofthenutty
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circlejourney · 5 years
Time and Tide draft titles
Timekeeper: ice horologue
Zeitgeist: heartbeat
Sidecar Swing: swingy, underground bar
The Palace Fountain: all's fair
Chariot: sun
Pick a City: sweet riff
The World As We Know It: earth
Shipwreck: memory song
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amazingstories · 7 years
Anime roundup 9/14/2017: The Waiting Game
Anime roundup 9/14/2017: The Waiting Game
Chronos Ruler #10 – While Victor wallows in depression, the rest of the family find the people controlling the snake Horologue. Blaze and the most minor henchman go off somewhere to engage in dramatic ritual idioting, leaving Kiri and Mīna to take on the snake and its handler. Who has apparently met them before. And who confirms that Mīna is the same person as Nana, and therefore actually Kiri’s…
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ljaesch · 7 years
English Cast Announced for the Chronos Ruler Anime
English Cast Announced for the Chronos Ruler Anime
The English cast has been announced for the Chronos Ruler anime: Jerry Jewell is Victo Chris Wehkamp is Kiri Natalie Hoover is Koyuki Chris Rager is Horologue Mikaela Krantz is Emily Shawn Gann is Ralph Mark Stoddard is Vice Principal Jerry Jewell is directing. Source: ANN
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Johnny Fiveaces powered down the magnabike with a not quite unhearble hum and checked his chronometer. “Damn.” he hissed threw his clinched teeth which were surrounded by the stubble of five days where in he had not shaven himself at all. It was almost chromodawn at Clashpoint. Alreddy the sun was sitting Walliston’s Hill ah blaze like so much molten meddle or a coin, gyreating in the air, tossed there by the uncaring hand of an imaginary god that doesn’t exist, borne from the interior minds of the hobbled masses. The sky was the color of a television tuned to a dead channel that was orange. Damn, he, Johnny, thought. We thought we were opening a new beginning with our mad dreams of time travail but ironically the only time now is the time of which we’re out of. It’s almost humorous. Yeah, I could almost laugh, if I hadn’t cried that part of me away when my parents were maccasared by Dr. Malaprop and the government sanctioned murderers of “CAPITAL”.
He lit a Nicosheen brand swaggerette and took a dip drag, sinking farther into his inferior horologue. He thought of Nina and her mellifluous buttocks that he used to love to bang. Even now his nano enhanced hearing could almost hear her vagina lips quivering with moisture and also pleasure, like a slice of synth-ham being tongued by one of Malaprop’s slamhounds. When he got back to City5, he was going to do some sex, no doubt about that. “That’s right doll” he said to nobody and the wind. They were going to do it hard. He smiled, blowing smoke from his nostrils. They were going to do it cyber hard.
No, you are in the wrong house. That would have been a great house, if you had paid some money for it. You see, the right house is a great house. It belongs to Satan. It is a rotting old abomination. It is a hollow puke. It is the home of Satan. He cannot be stopped. He cannot be slowed. He cannot be made to stop. He cannot be made to pay, because he doesn't exist. He's been lying there for centuries. He's still there now. Have you ever looked at a great sea of blockiness and power? What do you think? Have you ever looked at it? It's a great big old fart. It's full of demons and it's got real big ass demons in it. The main demons are Lord (real name: Satan) and Moord (real name: Evil). And what do you want from Lord (real name: Satan) if not the ability to shove Evil up your own ass? Well, he's got that, it's a business, but there's a lot of real big ass demons that he can't put up with. So, he gets some other asshole who is more into getting all this power and then they get all these random demons to come live with them, just because, but it's for the craziest shit. So he can't shut them up because he's got enough mental space in his head for them to be screaming all right at the same time.
So, this other asshole thinks he's a big shot, he's rich as fuck, he's got this big fancy house, and he puts a couple of his power-fuck buddies in it with him, and they don't even bat an eye about this crazy shit happening in there. They just say "whatever, this is the place we live in." It's a big old empty house that is the place, man. Well, one day, some random reporter is like "hey, you know a lot of people live in that house" and the guy's like "yeah, that's where the government sends the poor who can't take no more. Anyway, who cares? Do something about it." So, they get all the poor people from all over, and they start living there, and they're like "fuck this place, man, we're just living our lives, man." So, one day, some kind of state wiz named the governor comes by and he's like "hey, you guys are just living your lives, right? Stop playing so much video games, dude, man, man," and then the rest of the story is about how he's like "yo, all the rest of the story is about how these people have to fight the government to save the world, and there's a lot of really big battles in here. It's the first chapter of a big epic."
Yeah, I know that is not exactly how it happened but that is the original story.
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rdlogo · 7 years
Jikan no Shihaisha (Chronos Ruler) Episode 04 - Horologues of time [English Dubbed] [1080p-HD]
Jikan no Shihaisha (Chronos Ruler) Episode 04 - Horologues of time [English Dubbed] [1080p-HD]Jikan no Shihaisha (Chronos Ruler) Episode 04 - Horologues of time [English Dubbed] [1080p-HD]Jikan no Shihaisha (Chronos Ruler) Episode 04 - Horologues of time [English Dubbed] [1080p-HD]Jikan no Shihaisha (Chronos Ruler) Episode 04 - Horologues of time [English Dubbed] [1080p-HD]Jikan no Shihaisha (Chronos Ruler) Episode 04 - Horologues of time [English Dubbed] [1080p-HD]Jikan no Shihaisha (Chronos Ruler) Episode 04 - Horologues of time [English Dubbed] [1080p-HD]Jikan no Shihaisha (Chronos Ruler) Episode 04 - Horologues of time [English Dubbed] [1080p-HD]Jikan no Shihaisha (Chronos Ruler) Episode 04 - Horologues of time [English Dubbed] [1080p-HD]Jikan no Shihaisha (Chronos Ruler) Episode 04 - Horologues of time [English Dubbed] [1080p-HD]Jikan no Shihaisha (Chronos Ruler) Episode 04 - Horologues of time [English Dubbed] [1080p-HD]Jikan no Shihaisha (Chronos Ruler) Episode 04 - Horologues of time [English Dubbed] [1080p-HD]Jikan no Shihaisha (Chronos Ruler) Episode 04 - Horologues of time [English Dubbed] [1080p-HD]Jikan no Shihaisha (Chronos Ruler) Episode 04 - Horologues of time [English Dubbed] [1080p-HD]Jikan no Shihaisha (Chronos Ruler) Episode 04 - Horologues of time [English Dubbed] [1080p-HD] via YouTube https://youtu.be/XPbn8botnlI
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100wordanime · 7 years
Chronos Ruler Episode 10: Let's Experiment
Chronos Ruler Episode 10: Let’s Experiment
Review: Hey, this show might actually get to a plot before it finishes. We’re finally finding out about Mina a bit and Victo’s past and we’ve finally actually met the Horologue they’ve been trying to find since the beginning. While it isn’t doing all that much different this week as we still have the group fighting in the forest while random stranger taunts Victo by explaining in detail how it…
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awsubsid-blog · 7 years
Jikan no Shihaisha Episode 9 Subtitle Indonesia
Jikan no Shihaisha Episode 9 Subtitle Indonesia
Sinopsis: Chrono Ruler, atau disebut juga Penguasa Waktu, adalah mereka yang diberkati kekuatan untuk melawan para Horologue, iblis yang menyerap waktu dalam diri seorang manusia. Seorang pelajar, Koyuki, ingin menghidupkan kakaknya kembali dengan berbagai cara, termasuk hendak membuat kontrak dengan seekor Horologue yang berada di menara jam, dimana Kiri Putin dan Victo Putin menjadikan Koyuki…
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CHRONOS RULER - Episode 9 - Responsibility and Principle
CHRONOS RULER – Episode 9 – Responsibility and Principle
Kiri, Mina, and Blaze head into the forest on the outskirts of town in pursuit of a huge snake-shaped Horologue. Its behavior is not like that of other Horologues, leading Kiri to believe it has something to do with what’s happening in Couljours.
Source: Crunchyrol
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Funimation Announces "Chronos Ruler" English Dub Cast
Funimation's roll out of summer 2017 anime simulcasts continued this week with Chronos Ruler (known as Jikan no Shihaisha in Japan). TV anime based on the digital manga by PONJEA about super-powered guardians protecting the time-line from interference by misguided humans and time-devouring demons debuted its English audio version August 2nd. And, with that, the distributor announced the series' cast. 
  We all wish we could go back in time, to turn back the clock and fix the past. But in this reality, that simple wish brings about something deadly—demons that devour time! It’s up to a group of strong warriors who fight using time manipulation to destroy these blights. Victor, Kiri, Mina, and Blaze have what it takes to maintain the balance of time as the chosen fighters—the Chronos Rulers.
  CHARACTER CAST Victo Jerry Jewell Kiri Chris Wehkamp Koyuki Natalie Hoover Horologue Chris Rager Emily Mikaela Krantz Ralph Shawn Gann Vice Principal Mark Stoddard   CREW   ADR Director Jerry Jewell ADR Engineer William Dewell Writer Samuel Wooley Mixing Engineer Neal Malley
  Convenience Store Boy Friends also kicked off on August 3rd
Six high school boys hang out at a local convenience store where they talk about their daily lives. Haruki Mishima and Towa Honda are first year students looking forward to the high school experience. Alongside them, there’s Nasa Sanagi, the only member of the cooking research club. Natsu Asumi is a loner but has third year students, Mikado Nakajima and Masamune Sakurakoji, looking out for him.
  CHARACTER CAST Haruki Justin Briner Miharu Sarah Wiedenheft Towa Ricco Fajardo Mami Felecia Angelle Masamune David Wald Mikado Dave Trosko Kokono Tia Ballard Akira Alison Viktorin Sakamoto Ian Sinclair Miki Sonny Strait Handicraft Club Girl Lara Woodhull   CREW   ADR Director Jad Saxton ADR Engineer Austin Sisk Script Writer Rachel Robinson Mixing Engineer Gino Palencia
Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.
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amazingstories · 7 years
Anime roundup 8/31/2017: Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot
Anime roundup 8/31/2017: Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot
Chronos Ruler #8 – Victor, as he is now known after the person responsible for the subtitles has straightened out something with the production crew, has been holding out on how much he knows about Couljours. Not only is it half a day’s drive from anywhere (just as well they left mid-flight, as Blaze says), it’s his hometown. And it was the site of his last mission before the Horologue attack on…
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imnotkellinquinn · 7 years
This particular top-tier quality
This particular top-tier quality, in quality as well as materiel, ensures that luxury watches will be able to reliably keep time . usually for decades or maybe more - together with only modest tune-ups becoming necessary each five a long time at www.horologue.com. Conversely, for any cheap, mass-produced watch to outlive five ages is nearly unusual. When you element in the many additional characteristicsextra features} that luxury watches include things like, such as water-resistance for activities watches or perhaps aeronautical features for entertainment watches, their very own legendary consistency becomes much more impressive to be able to behold. For learn more please click here. http://www.horologue.com/watch/rolex-submariner-16610/
Though it is true that will luxury designer watches are purchases of the practical sense that they may last his or her buyers decades, they are also purchases of the good sense that they are consisting of valuable chemicals which sustain value after a while. One only need look at gold’s meteoric within value within the last decade for being reminded on the potential extensive value of bracelets pieces built from such treasured luxury view at horologue.
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