#horrific but at least his teacher seems to understand and lets him nap for a few hours instead of following the curriculum
akaanonymouth · 7 years
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It just poured out of me. This is how I write most of my fics, and develop most of my deep headcanons; slightly drunk with no filter, and just write 😂 Having said that, I was going to add to my post that maybe my thoughts are influenced by meeting Catherine and Jemma irl. Met Catherine after Bath; I hung back, there were a few fanatics surrounding her doing selfies and voicemails and what-not, and I wasn’t entirely sure I could pluck up the courage to speak to her; I was there on my own. It was the last night and she was evidently wanting to get away with her family, but as she was walking past me, she saw my notebook open and was like “do you want…[eyebrow raise]” I’ll never stop being ashamed of this till the day I die: I didn’t tell her I really admired her; I didn’t tell her I thought her performance was awesome; I was so aware that she was trying to go with her family that I just went “Just….just two minutes of your time…” and launched into a schpiel about my art and how I wanted her to contribute. She did, fair play, but when I decided to drive to London for the Berena con (I’m sure it was a ComicCon really, but I wouldn’t know) I honestly knew I couldn’t look Catherine in the chops, even though she 100% wouldn’t have remembered me. So I went to Jemma, bc I wanted her to contribute to the same art project that Catherine had, and she was so, so sweet (@marshfritillary can attest!) and it was beautiful, and then I had a photo with them both, and I just about held it together, but when I first walked up to the photo opp, I addressed th both with a quip, and Jemma started replying, but the photographer cut her off with a “smile!” and when I walked away, I could only look at Catherine and say thank you, bc by that point, I was a wreck and I knew Jemma owned my soul. But I was amazingly calm around Jemma in B'ham. I referred to the week previous in London where she’d contributed to my art project, and I gave her the 1st draft of the result, and she was so lovely. And basically, I said to her, “this is what I do, because I’m an eternal procrastinator, so by giving this to you, it’s gonna force me to do something with it.” And she was just like “thank you so much, that’s lovely.” And I have a lot of anxiety about not telling her (or Catherine, when I met her) that she was awesome in all of her roles, and I really admire her, but what I have to Jemma, had a bit of a blurb at the start, whereupon I not only said I was an eternal procrastinator and that’s why I was giving it to her, but that she was beautiful, and awesome, amazing etc (that’s how I wrote it, it was like a P.s. I’m a bit mortified) It was all about kindness and then we had a massive conversation about being kind to yourself, and then in the Q&A, someone asked her “if you could give your younger self a piece of advice, what would it be?” and she paused and said (and this may be wishful thinking, but her eyes scanned the room and landed) “Don’t procrastinate. Anything you want to do, just do it.” And something along the lines of “There is no other time.”
Anyway. TL;DR. I’d fall apart around both of them, but I can hold my shit together around Jemma more. Which makes me think that Serena would make me absolutely fall to pieces, whereas I could hold my own with Bernie.
Also, the three year old. God bless! My boy (he’s not mine but he may as well be) turned 4 end of July, and just started full time school. He cries every morning going in, the TA cwtshes him to sleep, he wakes up happy, then cries a bit at lunchtime because he hates the noise in the canteen and they have to walk past the nursery where he thinks he should be. It’s been 3 days in big school and I’m ready to whisk him away to the Amazon jungle forever just to see him smile again - this boy was made to be Tarzan, with Ape Mam cuddles, a ponytail, and sparkly nails.
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Ingenium Fracta
Chapter three: Fear and pain
Tw: funerals, doctors, suffocation, nightmares.
"Dear friends and family, we are gathered here to celebrate the life of Iida Tenya; honoured friend, beloved son and brother. He was a good young man, taken from us too soon. Tenya was a model student and a perfect future hero, who was taken from us by an event none could see happen. It's safe to say that he's in a better place now, he's-"
There had been a funeral, the entire class had shown up. No one really spoke, it was nice catching up with Tensei he supposed, but the fact that it was at a funeral for the poor man's brother really put a damper on things. Aizawa had never felt more guilty for anything in his life, he couldn't believe he'd let a student die like that, how could he be a teacher now?
They never even found the body, Aizawa figured it was because Iida had been fighting Shigaraki at the time. That poor boy, Aizawa couldn't imagine what his family was going through. Class 1-A had completely refused to vote in a new class president, seeming offended at the very idea. Aizawa couldn't blame them at all and he managed to get Nezu to agree that the class would be fine with only a vice president. It was going to be a bit difficult for poor Momo but she was adamant she could manage, replacing Iida would be an insult.
Recently, Aizawa had found himself having regular nightmares about losing more students. It was one of those nights where Hizashi found him, he didn't know where Hizashi had been but he didn't really care. All that mattered to Aizawa was that his loving husband was now holding him gently, "Sho? What's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" He nodded in response and was suddenly lifted up and placed onto Hizashi's lap, a hand combing through his hair, "it's ok babe, it wasn't real, it's just a nightmare."
"I dreamt I lost more students…"
"Oh Shouta…" Hizashi kissed the top of his head, "it isn't your fault, it never was. You couldn't have known the villains would be there, no one could."
"But…" he was crying now, "I'm supposed to be their teacher, Hizashi, I'm supposed to be a hero!"
"You are a hero! You're EraserHead! Those kids adore you Sho! And they don't hold a single thing against you, please don't hold it against yourself." He was brushing Aizawa's hair now, making sure to be careful of all the knots and tangles. Aizawa had no idea where he found such a perfect husband, he certainly didn't deserve someone so loving. "You did everything you could, but you had to watch the whole class, it's understandable that one slipped through the cracks."
It was silent for a bit after that, Aizawa just sat there trying to process Hizashi's words as the husband in question continued to brush his hair- he was braiding it now. It was very bad when Aizawa couldn't sleep, he usually slept through everything, his thoughts had to be incredibly bad if they were keeping him awake. The guilt that followed losing a student was more than enough though, not only that but it had been the class president, it had been Tenya Iida, Aizawa used to be in the same class as Tensei; the guy was the sweetest, most caring hero they had in their class. It really showed when he saw how Tenya behaved with class 1-A, everything he did reminded Aizawa of Tensei, but now seeing Tensei's face at the funeral, Aizawa had only seen Tenya. What a horrific way for the tables to turn.
The Iida's were a proud family, with a long and incredible lineage; they'd been doing good for people before quirks even evolved. Aizawa had always known them to be a little stuck up in their attitudes, Tensei being the clear outlier- the more he'd seen of Tenya, the more he realised both the Iida brothers were outliers. The funeral had been the first time he'd ever seen any of the Iida's cry- well except from Tenya, who had cried when the hero killer had hurt Tensei and was now unable to cry at all, or even feel emotions. Aizawa couldn't blame Iida's parents for crying; their baby had just died after all. They'd had one hell of a year, first Tensei's legs and now their youngest son.
A child had died. That was the hardest part for Aizawa to cope with; the fact that a child, barely 16, had died due to his failings as both a teacher and a hero. The civilians that had been on the same floor had praised Iida, commenting that they had felt safe around the next Ingenium. They told everyone about how cool and composed he had been when instructing them to evacuate and then one even mentioned him running in to disarm the villain. Aizawa honestly couldn't have been prouder of the kid, Iida had been the perfect picture of a model hero. That's what it was all about, saving and protecting the public. That was why Aizawa was a failure; he couldn't even save one child.
Unfortunately, there was nothing they could do now. It was too late to save him. So all Aizawa and everyone else could hope to do was move on and grow from it, he had argued with Nezu for the fourth time about getting his class a specialist councillor and he'd finally agreed to it, saying he'd look for one. His kids really needed it, Aizawa could well imagine how the death of a classmate felt to them, and it wasn't any classmate either; it was their beloved class president. When the news was broken to them, Aizawa had even seen Mineta and Bakugou shedding tears, and neither of them were even friends with Iida.
It was safe to say that everyone would miss the boy greatly, Aizawa didn't even like calling him a boy; Tenya Iida had proven himself more of a man then Aizawa was. The hero course favoured the flashy and the violent, but true heroes like Iida were really overlooked. Aizawa would make sure to praise the model students he had in the future, he shouldn't waste so.much time with the problem children. There should be a balance; heroes are supposed to be the protectors, but who protects the heroes? Aizawa would've liked to say it was him, but clearly he was lacking in that department.
Black smoke, filling his lungs, stealing his air. He was choking, he was on the floor. He'd been asked to revv his engines, to show what they could do, now he was choking on his own exhaust fumes. He was on the floor, when did he fall to the floor? There was yelling all around him and he wasn't sure what was going on in the slightest. He felt his consciousness slipping away from him as he gasped for air, his eyes were shut tight but he could feel the tears running down his face. He finally lost consciousness as he heard one of the men yelling, "get both! Just in case!"
When he came to, he was laying in a bed. Judging by the room it was probably Toga's bed, the mattress was so soft and the aching feeling in his legs didn't feel so bad when he lay there. He was surrounded by Toga, the burnt man and three men Tenya hadn't met yet. One man was wearing a full body suit, in blacks and greys, the second man was clearly just a mechanic, the third being a doctor, both the two regular men were clearly being held at gunpoint. Tenya had the vague idea that this was illegal, but he was too tired to think much of it.
"Are you alright kid?" The burnt man asked, putting a hand on the bed frame, "apparently part of your engine got disconnected and we had to get a doctor and a mechanic to fix it for you."
"Oh," Tenya paused, he hadn't considered the fact that bring trapped under rubble would affect his engines, although to be fair, he didn't really understand how his engines worked- or at least he'd forgotten, "well they do kind of ache…"
The doctor nodded, "that'd be the stitches, they'll ache for a little while but they should degrade on their own… can I go home now?" The mechanic looked just as desperate to leave as the doctor, and both men were led downstairs by the man in the catsuit.
Toga sat on the bed next to him, "normally I like seeing boys all injured like that, but that was really scary- there wasn't even any blood!" She frowned at him, "are you sure you're alright? I don't want my new friend dying on me!"
"I'm fine, don't worry. I'm from very hardy stock."
The burnt man raised an eyebrow at that, "do you remember what stock? Recall any family members?"
"Hmm…" unfortunately Tenya still couldn't remember anything about his family outside of his last name, "still no, my apologies."
"Don't apologize kid, they abandoned you too didn't they? Didn't even care that their kid 'died', only about those poor, defenseless heroes."
"Yeah!" Toga added, frowning, "those meanie heros left you to die! You shouldn't care about them!"
Tenya nodded, that made sense to him. The thought of people calling themselves heroes leaving someone to die in a wreckage made his blood boil- he hoped that didn't translate to his engine, he didn't want to put any strain on it at the moment. Instead he just watched them leave the room, and he settled down for a nap; he may as well use Toga's bed whilst he had it.
Dispite Kurogiri's concern, Tenya had ended up moving into Toga's room anyway; they were the only ones close enough in age and since Tenya was gay and Toga already had a crush, the adults figured it would be fine. Tenya had been happy to help the burnt man, who Tenya later found out was named Dabi, set up his bed. Kurogiri even bought him an Ingenium poster, which Tenya found off because he could have sworn that *he* was Ingenium… but nevertheless, Tenya found it very nice of him, he hadn't been expecting that. The man known as Twice somehow managed to get him a new pair of glasses as his last pair had been broken, he'd also bought Tenya some bedsheets and pillow covers, as well as many books to help Tenya keep up with his studies.
In fact, Tenya was studying when Toga looked over at his book, "whatcha doin'?"
"I'm reading about algebra, see?" He showed her the notebook he was trying the questions in, "it's like maths but there's letters! It's rather fun!"
"Why would there be letters in maths? That doesn't make any sense!"
He chuckled at that, shuffling to the side so she could get on the bed with him, "oh it's easy when you think about it, come on; I'll show you." He put his bookmark in the book and flipped back a few chapters, understanding that Toga would probably need something a little easier.
"Let's try something simple, okay?" He smiled at her, beginning to write the question down when she nodded. "So let's say that A means one, and B means two, what would A plus B make?" He wrote the question down as he said it, making sure it was clear.
She nodded slowly, taking the pen from Tenya as she slowly wrote down the answer, at least she understood basic maths- although her handwriting was terrible. "Is it three? Or do I have to write down another number?"
"Well technically you're right, unfortunately the rules of algebra dictate that the answer would be AB."
Toga proceeded to look at Tenya like he was a moron, "so it's not even numbers? Why is it still maths?"
He sighed, unsure of how to explain it to her, "well you've got to figure out how to shorten the question I suppose, it doesn't entirely make sense- but that's what makes it so fun!" He smiled, knowing there was no point in explain it to her, she hadn't finished middle school so there wasn't much of a chance of her grasping algebra.
"You're so weird Ten-chan! Stick to liking murder like the rest of us!" She giggled, they both knew there was no malice behind that, her genuine smile showed that. Toga got off of the bed and went back to her own, toying with her knife. "Do you want to talk about Izuku?"
"Who?" Tenya didn't think he'd ever heard that name before, but he had a funny feeling of deja vu from it.
"Huh?" Toga was once again looking at Tenya like he was stupid, "you know? Green hair, freckles? Sometimes goes by Deku? Izuku Midoriya?"
A gasp, "Midoriya?" Tenya knew Midoriya, he loved Midoriya! Midoriya was his best friend, was Izuku his first name? Tenya felt a little guilty that he didn't know his best friend's full name, or even how he looked. To be fair though, he did have memory issues, so he couldn't be blamed really.
"Yeah! That's Izuku's last name! You wanna talk about him?"
"Of course I want to talk about Midoriya! He's my best friend!"
Toga giggled, taking out her phone and beginning to show him the photos she'd taken. They were photos of Midoriya, Tenya instantly recognized him, despite not remembering his face. The fear on his face in every photo was particularly familiar, and Tenya found himself having flashes of an image in his head, of nothing but pure worry and stress on Midoriya's face. Toga snapped him back to reality, beaming happily, "isn't he cute??"
Tenya had to nod at that, "his hair is very fluffy, and I like his freckles." He did agree with Toga, Midoriya was a lot more adorable than Tenya had expected. This was his best friend? Oh Tenya must be the best at making friends then, to befriend someone so pretty.
"I know, right? I like him best when he's covered in blood!"
A moment of silence and Toga paused, "I don't know, just think he's attractive," she shrugged, clearly not having a real answer. Tenya didn't really mind, he was just curious, he didn't actually care either way.
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Don’t Praise the Almighty (Part 1)
Also on AO3
hold on to your hats everyone - this is part one. i was going to put them together, then i realised part two is 6000 words and thats just too long 
TW for: implied abuse of all kinds, straight-up physical and emotional child abuse, gaslighting, all might if he was a terrible person.
Things you must sacrifice to make a hero: Humanity, Empathy.
Things you must sacrifice to be a hero: Everything.
izuku wants to be a hero, imagine the first ep happens etc. yagi doesnt so much say "you can be a hero" as "ill make you a hero"
an aside: inko is an absent parent, to make ends meet and a poor way of coping with a missing Hisashi. Izuku grows up without any positive adults figures in his life.
yagi makes izuku train and train and train, the kid’s hands bleed and his legs ache but allmight makes him keep going. allmight says he's useless and pathetic and a crybaby and izuku believes him, because he's allmight
they spar and yagi just holds back enough to not let izuku get hurt too badly to train. even katsuki is disturbed bc quirkless deku is coming to school with black eyes and swollen wrists
when katsuki calls him pathetic izuku just nods
"ill get better though"
and katsuki feels so gross he doesnt try to fuck with izuku for weeks
and so izuku is so convinced this is normal because katsuki does it, and mum does it, and now allmight? thats just how you treat kids he thinks. or quirkless ones at least
hes still a big fan of allmight because he doesnt see whats wrong. hes just pathetic and useless but then he'll get a quirk and he'll be worth something for the first time in his life
he barely sleeps, barely eats, just trains and studies and trains some more. he collapses. all might stands there until izuku gets back up and makes him keep running
reasons all mights like this
he is 1, suffering from internalised quirk discrimination
2, nana's dead bc she wasn't "strong enough"
3, he thinks he can shape izuku into the perfect selfless hero, and better person than he ever was.
hes convinced this is for the greater good. hes a dick but hes so sure hes in the right here
by the time of the entrance exam izuku is,,, kinda fucked up
he passes with flying colours because he used his quirk for the first time, broke his arm, and immediately moved on to snaping finger after finger. the teachers watched on, horrified as this child mutilated himself to get points
all might smiled. because this is what he wanted.
he saves ochacco too
he gets in and allmight is pleased with him, even more pleased than the time izuku admitted he hadn't slept for 72 hours and still got a perfect score on his test
and izuku thinks this was all worth it to see his hero smile at him
izuku is in 1A
izuku actually listed that he feels less pain due to his quirk, which aizawa believes but hes still not sold on the idea of a hero that destroys themselves. he doesnt know if izuku heals better or faster, but he's sure that may broken bones cant be good
aizawa is convinced he's going to expel izuku during the quirk test. the look he sees on izuku’s face when he says he's expelling the lowest scorer makes his stomach churn
because all of the other kids look worried, nervous
izuku looks like hes going to throw up.
the kid is trembling and pale and aizawa watches as he turns to ochako, smiles brightly and says "let's do our best" while he holds back full body tremors the other kids don't see
he breaks toes and fingers and he cries but he doesn't flinch at the pain
the only time he flinches is when someone looks him in the eyes, if someone speaks too loud, and at the firecracker pops of katsuki's quirk
and aizawa feels sick
the ball toss, he just can't watch this kid break anymore, and he stops his quirk
for a second he freezes, because this kids quirk manages pain, he'll be feeling all of those broken bones, he'll obviously notice
but izuku doesnt notice his missing quirk until he throws the ball. he turns around, looking sick. aizawa feels so lost when he looks at him with pure relief
"oh, you're eraserhead"
izuku tears up for the first time in that class.
"please give me back my quirk"
aizawa feels so lost he blinks, and his quirk drops with it. there is something totally wrong about the utter relief the kid feels having this horrifically damaging quirk back, and there is something bothering aizawa about it, but he doesn't know what
"dont use your quirk for the rest of this test, kid. not unless you can use it without breaking something"
izuku nods but aizawa knows the kid will just try to hide it. he takes him by the shoulder when the others have moved on
"i mean it, midoriya. no quirk, or i'll expell you on the spot"
and izuku just looks so lost
"but, i have to? i'm-"
"you didn't flinch when i took your quirk. you can feel every broken bone, can't you?"
izuku just nods, like walking with broken toes is normal, like throwing a ball with broken fingers is easy. aizawa knows it's not
he just sighs.
"no quirk. we'll work on training it after. you're ahead enough not to fail the course, go to recovery girl now. you aren't expelled"
izuku just looks hurt
aizawa shoos him away and almost misses the thin form of all might slink out from behind the wall to follow izuku
he's worried, and confused. But he can't just, abandon a field of kids
he texts hizashi bc that's just who he texts when he's panicking, and he asks him to look out for smallmight and izuku, somewhere on the way to the infirmary. so present mic turns on the first movie he finds on his computer (an english language copy of rocky) yells "ENGLISH PRACTISE TIME" and runs out the door
1C is so lost
anyway, present mic can be quiet when he tries and when he hears the sound of allmight sternly talking to a student that's crying? he tries real fucking hard
he basically catches
"you're supposed to be stronger than this, why did he make you stop?"
"he saw my bones breaking-i couldnt-"
"and so you flinched? didn't we train?"
"i didnt flinch! he made me stop!"
allmight backhands him
"dont waste it. either get better at hiding it or learn to use your quirk without breaking bones quickly or ill find another successor. one that isn't useless."
present mic hears izuku agree and cry and he feels ill. he sneaks back a little further, then loudly walks down the hall. allmight smiles at him, and he wants to punch the man
izuku smiles at him too, tears in his eyes but like he's happy to see another hero. present mic cant understand why izuku is pressed so close to a man that hurt him, like he's more afraid of present mic than allmight
he walks with them to recovery girl, chatting like he was meant to be there. hes so grateful allmight is new, because he totally has a class he's meant to be teaching right now and that would be so suspicious if he knew his schedule 
he walks them all the way to the door, and he lingers. there is a touch of steel in his eyes when he tells allmight to take care because what he really means is "take care of yourself because i will not"
and hes halfway down the corridor before he freezes
why did izuku seem so comfortable with a man he shouldn't know
anyway present mic is having a quiet breakdown for 20 seconds before he sprints back to his class, pretends he never left, and panic texts aizawa
so aizawa, with a little great context, knows that that, particular, conversation wasn't as,,, unsavoury,,, as it could,,, be implied,,,
but like,,,,,, he's really lost on why izuku would know small might and he's very worried
bakugo is fuCKinG PisSed
izuku left?? and he wasn't expelled???
Any,,, unsavoury implications arent something I'm going to talk ab in this au bc it doesn't need to be worse,,, but it's very much intentional
so aizawa is having an actual moral crisis rn bc hizashi isn't a liar and he doesn't want to like, not believe when he saw. but really? the symbol of peace is terrible??? and hizashi doesn't want to believe it either. both of them as so sure they are just missing context or something
bakugo stalks up to recovery girls office after class bc wtf deku?? and he walks in to just see izuku blankly picking at new white scars
he actually perks up when katsuki enters
and there is this man standing over izuku. this man he's seen with izuku before, yelling at him, but someone izuku seems happy to be around. it's not deku’s dad, he knows that. and the guy is too blonde and tall to have literally any relation to him.
a lot of the fire in katsuki goes out when he sees how tired izuku looks, and the question he was going to yell becomes more of a mumble
"so, you have a quirk now? just like that?"
he looks up and he sees that man's hand on izuku's shoulder, curled like a claw, so tight it must hurt. but izuku doesn't flinch or shy away, he smiles softly
"i'm really lucky, huh kacchan?"
and as much as izuku looks like he believes it, katsuki has the strongest feeling that this is the worst possible thing that could have happened to his once-friend
he just leaves
and he almost runs straight into his new teacher. they lock eyes and even though katsuki doesn't know whats going on, aizawa doesn't know whats going on, they both just know something is happening
and its not good
but what can they do
hes the symbol of peace
recovery girl is 100% in denial bc she new baby toshi and he's a dork but he's a good boy
izuku gets knocked tf out by recovery girls heal and toshi carries him out of the school grounds and shes like "how cute"
honestly they get to they gate, he wakes izuku up and reminds him to run home to get in the extra cardio, and izuku does. all the way home.. not only bc yagi wanted him to, but that's a big bit but bc if he was late hed wouldn’t get dinner
so the battle trial
so aizawa is like,,, : | ab everything
so he attends the battle trial rather than take the nap he really fucking wanted
the kids come out in their costumes and something sits poorly about the way izuku positively preens at almighty compliments. so basically it goes like the show, but allmight doesnt try to stop Bakugo. aizawa doesn't have audio, but he sees what the kids see and rips the mic out of allmights hand to tell bakugo to stop
he doesnt have to, though
because izuku has already vanished from sight
bakugo looks lost, aizawa is worried, but allmight just looks smug because a second later, izuku drops from the ceiling where he swung up, and punches bakugo in the back of the head
allmight grins and it looks nasty
izuku gives bakugo a once-over to make sure hes ok, wraps his wrists, then puts him in the recovery position and scampers out of the room to ochako
aizawa is lost, because that is c l e a r l y combat training. from the back of the room, todoroki starts watching in earnest
with ochako, he grabs the bomb. they walk out of the exercise and all might congratulates them on winning and izuku looks so happy! but allmight isn't done
"young midoriya, why didn't you use your quirk?"
the only people that notice the way he pales are todoroki and aizawa
"sorry sir, i didn't want to disappoint mr aizawa"
allmight nods, and he smiles but aizawa doesnt like it
"thats ok my boy, we'll have to see about getting you some out of class quirk training, huh?"
izuku smiles. hes happy, but he looks panicked
he looks guilty about being afraid
aizawa silently tells his agency he needs the week off to investigate something personal, and they readily give him the time off
izuku mumbles happily to himself about the exercise, stilling when all might looks gazes with him. he stops, flushes, and apologises. allmight nods.
he begins again, but hes not mumbling anymore, hes speaking clearly and concisely with the other students, even though he doesnt want to talk to them, he just wants to think. but allmight says to talk clearly to everyone or to remain silent and he just wants so badly to talk about the exercise
todoroki looks between izuku and allmight and he wonders
USJ time baby
allmight uses up his time, like before
the difference is, when the nomu comes for aizawa? izuku doesnt hesitate to jump in. thats what allmight wanted. he wanted someone so selfless that "would i give my life for them" isn't even a question that would cross their mind, they would just move
izuku stalls. he's shivering and shaking, walking on broken toes but he stands between aizawa and the nomu and he smiles
shigiraki looks at izuku and doesn't see a hero in training. he sees someone like him, like his league. someone who has be stepped on and ruined and reborn
and he wants him
when he sees something he likes, he wants it. like his sensei and his quirks. shigiaki collects people like action figures to use how he likes
anyway, he sees this little 'hero' and for all his stubbornness he knows he won't get izuku today
so he does what his sensei did to him all those years ago
he shows kindness. just enough to break him
he looks izuku in the eyes and says
"hero society is so rotten they break children into weapons to fight other broken pieces. whats fair about that?"
and izuku looks stunned. he drops his smile.
"from one broken piece to another, i wont shatter you today."
kurogiri moves izuku and aizawa just outside of the usj
they cant get in, aizawa has no quirk to break through the walls and izuku is shell shocked
he takes a second to look at aizawa like his world is falling down and aizawa understands.
and then
allmight appears
and aizawa hates himself for how relieved he feels
allmight looks at izuku and izuku smiles so wide. and then he frowns
"they want to kill you"
"they aren't the first, my boy."
and izuku pauses
"they seem pretty sure they can, sir."
and allmights smile looks meaner
"what, you really think so little of this old man?"
and izuku shakes his head violently
"not at all! no, im sorry-"
allmight looks at his student and suddenly there isnt a wall anymore, blasted into tiny shards by allmight’s punch. izuku scrambles inside after him
aizawa tells him to stay outside, to stay safe. but allmight levels a glare at him that almost hurts to meet. aizawa cringes and rushes after them, cradling broken arms
the fight ends much the same, but upon seeing izuku in the way on his hand, shigiraki closes his fist
allmight doesn't miss that
and, with that the other teachers arrive. and again, present mic and aizawa wonder why izuku knows allmight small form
oh also just as a weird powerplay thing, allmight calls izuku by his first name in private while izuku calls him sir everywhere
aizawa has the worst of the injuries, but years of sleep deprivation mean he can pretty easily resist the call of sleep after recovery girls quirk. not that anyone knows that. so he hears the edges of a conversation between hero and student
he hears sobs and a slap and apologies from both parties. he hears a louder conversation on training after class to better use izuku’s quirk and aizawa decides he's going to force himself into this 'training' because he doesnt like the optics on any of this
allmights angry that the villains were fond of izuku, bc that means izuku was doing something wrong, right? and he's also angry izuku barely used his quirk, but he does kinda understand needing to be able to walk still
anyway in the training we get the joy of a creepy scene of yagi assessing the physique of a barely dressed izuku
aizawa isn't there yet and boy howdy does he feel ill when yagi walks out of the changing rooms a few minutes before izuku does
anyway so it doesn't take long for yagi and aizawa to get izuku using his quirk w/o achy breaky bones and izuku is proud, and so is aizawa
but yagi just kinda pipes in with "about time" and izukus face crumples
aizawa just says "better late than never" and izuku gives a watery smile
yagi scares enji but he just royally pisses off todoroki
bc todoroki just looks at the guy
"big strong me, what you gonna do, punch me? yeah right bastard and i'll go screaming to the press. I dont give a fuck what you think you dick of an old man!"
please izuku is totally convinced that this is just normal training, that yagi is doing his best and a teacher, is doing right by him. and shouto is just,,, he doesnt know the whole story. just knows that all might scares izuku and that all mights secretary has a connection to him
but he knows that yagi was creepy enough to make his old man have bad vibes and thats an achievement
Enji sat, reigning back a snarl as the green boy threw Shouto -his Shouto- from the ring, to land on his back in a graceless cloud of dust. Beside him, All Might’s secretary grinned. It wasn’t a nice grin, like the hero, but a nasty crawling one that made Enji feel cold even with his flames dancing around his face.
Enji had never liked the man, his instincts telling him there was something horrifically off about him. But the number one hero had resources he couldn’t dream of, so he kept his lips shut.
“Well done, my boy.”
There was no familial resemblance between the skeletal man beside him, and the boy who stood both victorious and broken where his son should have been. No resemblance to the hulking oaf of a hero either. But their quirks were markedly similar, as were their smiles, if the boy’s was a little kinder.
The man turned to him, all polite smiles and condolences for his son’s loss.
The smug aura around him so strong that Enji allowed himself, for just a second, to pity the boy in green.
Its just tenya and todoroki who know
and quickly bakugo too, bc he was there for shoutos tragic backstory reveal, which included izukus too
and like,,, mic and aizawa are in denial bc jesus christ its the number one hero and hes normally so nice
izuku v katsuki babey!
basically izuku starts to panic and bakugo stops the fight and grabs his hand
"pull yourself together deku. forget everyone else, this is just a fight between me and you, go it?"
and izuku gives a shakey smile, and nods. bakugo releases his hand
"lets start this again, huh izuku"
"sure thing kacc-. Katsuki"
and then fiGHT and its great and its a tie bc they are both so fucking exhausted. izuku and bakguo have to get hauled to their feet by midnight, but both of them are grinning
izuku has trouble w his hero name, like, a l o t bc everything he comes up with yagi says no
but yagi wont give him any ideas eventually izuku just ends up with his hero name being "nine" bc yagi liked that one
katsuki can just,,, tell izuku doesn't like it (bc it reduces him as a hero down to his quirk)
(he wants the name jackrabbit)
he has no supports in his costume bc "it makes you look weak" and no support gear either
ok so , his bones are less fucked than canon zuku but hes willing to break them fucking constantly
aizawa actually comes up to him before the sports festival and says "you break your bones, you get disqualified. no excuses"
yagi is p i s s e d but just nods politely to aizawa tells izuku hed better do as aizawa says, as stupid as a request it may be
also izuku really,, wants to paint his nails dumb glittery colours like ochako and mina do so they paint his nails for him! and then at lunch yagi scrubs the polish off with a dish scrubber
to make it worse, mina is sad izuku took it off, but she just
when she sees his fingers are almost bleeding
"midoriya, what happened?"
"oh haha funny thing, one of our teachers said i might get a uniform violation so i got a little enthusastic with scrubbing it off, sorry!"
aizawa just winces
one of the finals nails in the coffin is todoroki asking if "the tall thin blonde guy" is izukus dad
aizawa says no
todoroki says "good"
s t a i n a r c
so izuku finds iida and steps between iida and stain, starts fighting him, todoroki shows up, stain starts rambling about how allmight is the best hero and todoroki gives him a strange look
"i used to agree. but seeing allmight at school, i dont think hes the icon of morality everyone says"
izuku is spluttering, denying it, stain is just watching them. so stain isnt even fighting them, hes interested. bc this selfless kid is the one shigiraki wants
iida is lost too and he gets this,,, look in his eyes like he's starting to connect some dots
anyway, fight proceeds, they win the nomu tries to carry izuku off, stain stops the nomu and saves izuku and vaguely he realizes the way izuku just, sits in his arms, like he doesnt know how to react to being touched, and he pushes it aside
and he holds izuku close because all he knows is that this boy is kind and good and the world has hurt him and he says that this boy he is holding is the only hero hes ever worth met their salt
oh but after the hero killer thing, yagi storms into the office and hauls izuku out by his injured arm
and tenya and shouto just feel sick
"should, should we tell all might? about how his secretary treats midoriya?"
shouto just glares at the half-open door, quiet apologies drifting down the hall until they turn another corner
"i'm quite sure that man already knows."
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