tsubakura-enraku · 1 year
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growing wings, yet still trapped
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alangdorf · 5 months
Actually more rambling now. Currently thinking thoughts abt Tsuru and also Yabu (and Tsubakura by extension, obviously, who do you think I am,)
Always extremely funny that Tsubakura isn’t in most of Evanescent Existence just because they ignored the psychic intercom message and got really interested in the weird cave instead. What exactly was Tsurubami’s plan for if they hadn’t done that?? They run into each other and Tsubakura’s like “yeah I guess this might as well happen to me today”
Anyway the whole plot of Evanescent Existence is bizarre but it feels in character with how inscrutable Tsurubami is. Impossible to tell whether he has a convoluted plan or if she’s just having fun and it doesn’t matter cause he’s so all-powerful she’ll just get whatever she wants in the end regardless. Awesome!
Gotta mention one of my favorite fan works and definitely my favorite writing of Tsurubami is Misremembered Memories (fangame by Mugenri) (the person); I once summed up Yabusame’s scenario as “hey girl I didn’t call to talk to you put your dog on the phone” and made myself laugh extremely hard. And the bit where Tsurubami is like “it’s a trade secret!” And Tsubakura’s like “We have the same job? I’m filling in for you at your job?” And Tsubrubami’s like “Oh, I guess you’re right!” *blatantly continues to not tell them what they were drugged with* is LEGENDARY. But aside from the incredible banter I also love how Tsurubami asks Yabu & Tsuba for favors only after they’re already in a position where they can’t reasonably refuse. Feels right (kicking the “frankly I think it’s hot when characters are manipulative” tag from my ‘shall we dance’ pic under the fridge)
Oh yeah speaking of the song I happen to have a very strong link between liking music -> liking the associated character (slightly less so for Len’en than with Tohuhou cause I’m more interested in the story on its own merits for Len’en but it still seems to largely be the case) and I’m still very obsessed with the song. Thoughts on how it connects to the character 1) leading (like in dancing) 2) disorienting 3) silly goofy mischievous. Though I’ll admit I’m even more obsessed with broken eternal dance engine these days and that’s a twofer cause it’s actually Arde but would still presumably apply to a case where Tsurubami was outright trying to kill you! Either way 1) DANGER 2) even more disorienting 3) if you have the sound turned up just enough on that last big beat drop. Insane. The key change. The flip from just piano to full strings and heavy bass and crazy percussion. Kills me every time
(Tangent my friends who only know Len’en because of me talking about it are used to me very ardently insisting that Arde is just, like, pretty normal actually and today I was like “oh yeah I forgot this is her theme btw” *MO-NA-D-1 Memory Pursuit (basically a horror movie soundtrack)* lol)
Also I was thinking about the possibility that Tsurubami was the one who activated Rei (bc of how Rei talks abt him) and that’s got me spiraling. What all is she doing out there? If he was outright pretending to be Tsubakura again wouldn’t Hoojiro (& Haru) know about it? How’d he get access otherwise?
Extreme mental gymnastics offshoot from there: is Tsubakura a nepo baby??? Is it EN like 燕??? I dunno man. Trying to reverse engineer their backstory is such an ordeal; I keep muddling through their confusing relationship dynamics with Arde (it’s more straightforward with Hamal. Weird and bad, but straightforward!) and I’ll just be constantly going like girl (gender neutral) what is wrong with you…. Why are you like this……..
Anyway. My one big thing to share about Yabu is that I used to make the joke that Len’en as a whole feels like “Tsubakura’s terrible horrible no good very bad day, and also Yabusame is there” and then one day I had the epiphany to flip “it’s kinda funny Yabu just doesn’t really have a personal reason to be involved in all this” into “but she is anyway! They didn’t have to be there but she’s there for Tsubakura!” and got extremely soft about it.
Also uhhh I guess it depends on how much everyone knows about how Suzumi and their abilities work (always difficult to sus out) but in theory if Tsubakura knows about Yabusame’s immunity then them living with her would lessen paranoia that Suzumi could show up and then make them forget about it afterwards (though maybe undeservedly considering how BPoHC went lol)? Works as a deterrent either way. Okay so I think what we’ve learned here is I’m definitely not done with trying to make sense of a detailed headcanon version of precanon lol
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demonslayedher · 2 years
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Things that ran through my head while watching this episode:
--Sad opening with slow music & slow motion was unnecessarily sad. No, scratch that, an appropriate amount of sad, this is the loss of Rengoku-san we're focused on here.
--I love how Ufotable was probably like, "sure, Fuji TV, we'll air the next season on your channel, but we want as much air time when and how we want in order to tell the story instead of just fit things into time slots, you must have figured out by now that we made enough money on that movie that no one expects us to follow the same guidelines as other anime" and Fuji TV was like, "yes, yes, anything, you got it, one hour premiere, you got it, but we will get some fluffy filler right? Please??" and Ufotable was like, "DONE. But don't expect us to make any big departures from the manga, the fans will be down our throats."
--So with the ability to take their time, I love how they accomplished both a satisfying follow-up to the movie with most of this episode being dedicated to the fall-out (complete with slowing down the Muzan intro and drawing us into the upcoming setting), and then a brief review of what's typical for Tanjiro & Nezuko in the Corp (raincoat Tanjiro, eeeee), and then get us off to an impactful start for the rest of this season.
--Those Yuukaku setting details, though! Particularly at the end of the episode it feels like, "hey, we put all the work into this 3D model of the town, you bet we're going to show it off" but then they turn around with details like a moth that got its wing sliced, presumably by an obi.
--One of the scenes which I loved in the stage play of Mugen Ressha was when Akaza appeared before Selim Bradley child!Muzan, because the actor had such a compelling physical performance which sold the idea that for as hard Rengoku worked to damage him, it's nothing compared to the ease with which Muzan beats him up, over and over. Here, in the anime, it's just one blast, a true statement.
--Akaza. Akaza. Akaza. A KA ZA.
--I love how Zenitsu has learned to be strategic with how he steals manju.
--With Tanjiro asking if Senjuro's even heard the news of Kyojuro's death, it really, really hasn't been that long.
--Show-offy animation moment: the sake bottle crashing against the ground
--Senjuro's horror at Tanjiro's impending doom is palpable. Shinjuro is still powerful and Senjuro knows it. I really love how Senjuro is performed, he's so brave and polite.
--Tanjiro makes a lot of great faces throughout this series. This face as he accept the tea is his worst face ever.
--Kinda drives my inner meta nerd mad how there had already been 20 Flame Pillars by the time the 21st one met Yoriiichi and learned Breath technique. They must die off as fast as Ubuyashikis do.
--Tanjiro's self reflection and determination to become a Pillar warms my heart
--Oh crap, there's the sunset tones and the slow music again as Senjuro gives him the tsuba, nooooo, my heart, it's burning
--I love how Haganezuka levels up every time we see him. I am so, so ready for the next season. And the silliness!! The seiyuu must have been given directions to make it sillier and sillier in every take, which makes me very, very excited for the Tanjiro & Kotetsu antics.
--Speaking of filler!!! Ufotable must had seen that Aoi & Inosuke are endgame and thought, "gee, we need to... leave, like... some kind of hints, somehow" and had Aoi knowingly serve Inosuke a heaping second portion of rice and smile fondly when he gets excited about mitarashi dango. They're taking that "he makes her smile" tidbit and slipping it in as best they can, because we otherwise never see her smile until all is said and done.
--This, as well as Aoi being the smart and brave one to rescue Tanjiro from Haganezuka, certainly endears us to her before her plight.
--Kanao!!! It has been 4 months since Tanjiro declared that she stop using the copper coin, but here she is in a moment of indecision, and with how her actions silence everyone else, this is the very first time she's made such a decision. Good girl, Kanao! That said, she leaves herself speechless too, and when Kiyo and Sumi are emboldened to shout and scream at Uzui, she's as mute as Nezuko. Actions speak louder than words, that's for sure.
--But Kanao's thunder is totally stolen by the entrance of the Kamaboko Rangers
--I love that Tanjiro knows right away that his words have no weight, which is why he very quickly changes tactics and switches to volunteering himself (and his bros) to action
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thedrag0nking · 3 years
" Koishi? Hey Koishi Gu- "
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" Oh...My...God... "
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Koishi entered the kitchen only to see how her younger and more demented self is doing in the kitchen, only to discover the horror standing in front of her.
" YAA HOOO ! ! <03 "
The creature that is THAT Koishi standing before her has reach to the point of mutation and adaptation to Mugenri, her appearance is what will happen with Koishi, Reimu, and a few others that reach into that point. This is her perfected form, being that they're the same entity. Unfortunately this is phase one of her perfected form, knowing this can get worst.
" Let's play onii - chan! <03 "
The being started dancing, movinh her own hips as well as twirling her grotesque body with those dark green appendages bent together into the fraud wings of a butterfly.
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" A-Are you...still there? Koishi? "
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She takes a step back as she doesn't want to hurt her. Thankfully THAT Koishi is not a mindless creature under that form. She then moved closer and nuzzle her.
" Onii - chan, Don't leave me ! ! "
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" I'm not, but is..is this what Tsuba's talking about..? "
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mxbbadperson · 3 years
devil may cry: you won’t be unhappy pt.1
betrayal ship: VERGIL/DANTE au: Role Swap warning: sibling incest, angst
PT.2: oh, there is thunder in our hearts
Vergil looked up the monstrosity. Its name was the Qliphoth Mother had said. He tightened his grip on the Yamato's tsuka. He need to keep himself calm. Dante. Dante was in there somewhere. What was he doing? He had professed himself as king. And the tree… The monstrosity felt achingly familiar. But that didn't matter. He would cut it down.
But as Vergil made his way closer the Qliphoth, the sense of familiarity had only grown bigger. And with it the sense of… wrongness. He was himself but he was not himself. He was close but he was far away. Vergil grimaced. Why was he feeling like this?
Vergil kept walking. He couldn't let this bother him. The hordes of demons upon demons thought they were a problem but really they were less than an annoyance. He didn't even have to think when he cut them down.
He stopped. What was that? He frowned. The demon looked familiar. It was an Angelo. He thumbed the Yamato's tsuba and jumped. He landed in front of the Angelo without a sound. It hissed at him, electricity crackling around it. Vergil narrowed his eyes. The Angelo fought well. As well as something like it can fight. But it was no match for him.
He drove Yamato through its chest-Rebellion sliced easily through his armor. Dante's face cold in its determination. He stared down at him. Dante stared defiantly back. With a heave Dante drew Rebellion back. He feel on his knees. As the sparks flew around him, he kept his eyes on Dante's face. He had failed his master.
Vergil turned away quickly. He gagged. Mundus? As his master?! How disgusting. But those feelings… The loyalty. The anger. The disappointment in himself. They felt real? Vergil scowled. How sickening.
He looked at his hand. But that armor… It looked like-no, it couldn't be. Was it? The armor had looked like what that thing wore, looked like what Dante had worn. Mundus gloated about how he deserved Dante's service. That wretch had used Dante's empty shell. His fingers were shaking. Vergil curled his hands into fists. He kept walking.
But he had killed him at least. He had struck Mundus down in fury. It was regrettable that he killed that pathetic king so quickly. He could have kept him alive enough to make him suffer everything Dante had suffered. He had killed him didn’t he? He did. But he had also set Dante free.
He couldn't keep thinking about it. He had to keep walking. Vergil kept moving. But as he climbed higher and higher the strange feeling came back. He was himself but he was not himself. He was near but was too far. But it had grown bigger. He felt… more. He was where he needed to be but he was not where he needed to be. The Qliphoth was a monstrosity but it was something he needed. The fruit was not allowed to be born but the fruit had to be born.
What was happening to him?
Vergil closed his eyes, trying to calm his breathing. He couldn't keep going like this but he couldn't stop. He had to keep going.
There was strange growth up ahead. It looked like doors? Was he near the "throne room"? He pushed them open and walked in. All breath left him. Amongst the vines sat Dante. His clothes were filthy and tattered, hair long, and face with strange, unnerving cracks on it. Dante smiled. Beautiful beyond compare.
'Vergil,' he greeted.
'Dante,' Vergil said softly, reverently.
He spread out his arms. 'Welcome to my crib,' Dante said casually, 'sorry about the mess, I just moved in.' He gave a Vergil questioning look. 'I don't suppose you could just stand there could ya? I can't really do anything right now.' He waved at himself. 'I'm all wiped out.'
Vergil had shifted his gaze to Dante's hands. Strange dust had fallen from his fingertips. Horror pooled in Vergil's gut. Strange dust was falling from Dante. Dante was falling apart.
'You're dying,' Vergil said quietly.
'Yep,' Dante agreed easily. Vergil's grip on the Yamato's tsuka tightened. Why was he talking so casually? 'But if you want a fight,' Dante started, 'I can give you one.' He made a face. 'It won't be a good one but it'll still be a fight.'
'I won't fight you,' Vergil answered.
Dante looked surprised. 'Oh that's new.'
'Why?' Vergil asked.
'You don't turn down a fight. The one time you did was because you wanted me to fight better.'
'What are you talking about,' Vergil said.
Dane shook his head. 'Don't think about it!' he said cheerfully.
'Stop this, Dante,' Vergil pleaded.
Dante looked at Vergil in amazement. 'Never thought I'd hear that from you but the change really did you better huh Vergil?' he asked. 'But as much as we want to, I can't.' He sighed. He looked tired. 'I have to see this through to the end.'
Vergil stared at him dumbfounded. What? What did he just say? Why did it sound so familiar? As he kept staring at Dante a thought came to him unbidden. What if he knelt at Dante's feet? Swear fealty and swear to follow him wherever he would go, the world be damned.
Vergil stepped forward but before he could take another step, the ground shook.
'It's finished,' Dante announced, 'the fruit is here.' He smiled and gave a jaunty wave. 'Later!' He disappeared into the rising tide of blood. Vergil jumped in but he was nowhere to be found. Damn it!
Vergil walked out of the throne room and made his way up. He clenched his jaw. For how long would Dante do this? For how long would Dante keep up this foolishness? He kept walking.
There was a strange light up ahead. Vergil narrowed his eyes but he had to keep walking. When he walked into the light, his eyes widened. It was his childhood home, unburnt and gleaming in the light. And there was Dante standing by a tree.
'Dante!' Vergil called out. Dante didn't turn around. 'Stop this foolishness.' Dante laughed. A bright and clear sound. Vergil didn't think he would ever hear again in his lifetime. He didn't think he would hear it here.
'Dante,' Vergil said softly. 'Leave it!'
Dante stopped laughing. 'Oh!' he gasped, 'that's new too!'
'Why do you keep saying that?' Vergil asked.
'I don't know,' Dante answered. He stepped forward, he picked the fruit off the branch and took a bite. In front of Vergil's eyes Dante healed. The cracks grew smaller and smaller till they disappeared and his hair gained a luster. Energy swirled around him. It erupted outwards and standing there was a… beautiful demon. Carved from stone, wrought from iron, star-bright and wreathed in flame.
'Vergil,' it said, 'go back.' It spread its enormous and radiant in red wings. And flew away.
Vergil tried to run after him but sticky sweetness filled his mouth. He gagged, turning away to dry heave. He didn't know how long he spent standing there. He stuck his fingers into his mouth, trying to scrape his tongue with his nails. The taste of blood and dirt was preferable to that nauseating sweetness. But he couldn't spend the day away like this. He had to keep going.
The trek was long. He felt tired. What was happening? Why wouldn't Dante stop? Why was Dante doing this? As he walked towards the branches Vergil thoughtlessly glanced down. As Temen-Ni-Gru rose the ground grew farther and farther away. He looked out to city underneath his feet. It was nothing. They were all nothing. The beings in the tower were nothing. All the power of his father mattered. Dante would come. Arkham would make sure.
Vergil breathed in shakily. What was that? Arkham? Arkham? He had never met that man. Mary had killed him. And Dante… Dante hadn't come. He didn't need to come. Dante was already at the top of the tower. He greeted him like he wasn't gone for years.
Dante had acted like he was nobody. Vergil closed his eyes. He had told him that Mother had been looking for him, he had told him that he had been looking for him. But all Dante did was smile. He seemed amused by it, he had said: "Mother is dead." He had said: "I know."
He had told him he had missed him. Dante seemed surprised by that. He had said: "I missed you too." There was no greater relief than what those words had brought him. Vergil touched the part of shirt that held the amulet under it. But Dante had taken advantage. Dante had snatched his amulet. All these years Vergil still did not understand why Dante had done it.
Dante had fallen into hell. No. Dante went to hell. With a laugh. Why had he done that?
He reached the top at last. Dante was sitting on a seat made of vines.
'Dante,' Vergil said.
'Vergil,' Dante said easily.
'Stop this,' Vergil pleaded, 'stop this and come with me. Come home.'
Dante turned his head. 'I can't.'
'Why?' Vergil asked distraught.
'You already know.'
'"See it through to the end,"' Vergil recited. 'But why?'
'Because,' Dante answered. He stood up, the vines retracting. He turned to Vergil. 'Come on, Verge,' he said calmly, 'will you fight me?'
'I can't,' Vergil said intently.
Dante raised an eyebrow. 'Why not? Isn't fighting our only constant?'
'Since when?'
'Since always.' He ran forward but Vergil met him head on. Dante smiled. They fought. Their swords screeched and sparked against each other. They danced. When Dante went to move away, Vergil's hands shot forward to grab him by the front of his coat. Vergil dragged Dante forward.
'Stop,' he managed to say through gritted teeth.
'Alright,' Dante agreed. Easily! Easily. He dropped Rebellion and curled his hands around Vergil's arm.
Vergil looked into Dante's eyes. Dante's eyes were empty. The surface of an undisturbed lake reflecting everything. Something inside him shuddered. Something in Vergil howled. Before Vergil understood what happened, Dante was in his arms. He had an arm around Dante's waist, hand gripping Dante's coat with white knuckles and his other hand cradling Dante's head.
'You're here,' Vergil murmured in amazement.
'I am,' Dante agreed into the crook of Vergil's shoulder, 'but don't celebrate just yet.' He sighed. 'I still have to go.' Everything around Vergil went quiet. No sound of his breath, no sound of the beating of his heart. He snarled. 'Come on, Vergil, don't be like that,' Dante said calmly.
'Why,' Vergil whispered.
'I have to cut down the roots.'
'Not yet,' Vergil murmured, 'please, not yet.' Vergil closed his eyes, taking it all in. His coat was dirty, scent covered by blood but Dante was warm and real in his arms. He opened his eyes. He stared out into the prussian blue of the upper atmosphere. 'Why,' he asked, 'why are you doing this.'
Dante kept his arms beside his sides. 'I have to play my part.'
Dante sighed. 'I can't answer that.'
Vergil swallowed. 'I want the answer.'
'You won't like it.'
'I want it.'
'You can't unlearn it, Vergil,' Dante said gently.
Vergil turned his head to press his face onto Dante's hair. He sighed. 'Please.'
'You can't make me say this, Vergil. This will ruin you.'
'I don't care.'
'It will. I know it will.'
'Dante,' Vergil pleaded.
Dante breathed in shakily. 'That day, if our positions were switched…' It sounded like he was reciting from memory.
'Would our fates be different? Would I have your life, and you mine?' Vergil finished. He frowned. How did he know that? Vergil hissed, hiding his face in Dante's shoulder as pain raced through his head.
Mother wasn't coming. He wasn't far but why did Mother not come? He had to be faster. He had to be stronger. Like father. Fortuna was a beautiful town but uninteresting in the end. He rammed Rebellion through his chest. The devil would awaken. He stared up at his face, his hand around the pendant. Pain, darkness, nothingness. He cannot speak. He stumbled forward, hating the creak of his bones. He rammed Yamato through his chest. His mouth spoke orders, spoke poetry, spoke orders, spoke poetry. He had found him. He had found him. He brought the cane down. Splitting flesh and merging flesh. A flash of bright blue light and a demon stood in his place. Golden eyes glittering, mouthful of sharp teeth bared. Here again but with him at his side.
Vergil stared at his hands uncomprehending. Child's hands, dirty hands, hand wet from the rain and blood, hands in gloves, dust falling from hands, dirty hands wet with blood. 'Hey,' someone said. Vergil gasped. 'Hey,' Dante said. He was kneeling in front of Vergil, arms around him.
'Why,' Vergil rasped.
'Because I love you,' Dante answered simply. It was words he wanted to hear. Words he never thought he's hear again. Words that thought he would ever hear again in his lifetime. Why wasn't he happy.
'Take it back,' Vergil wheezed. He coughed and panted. He inhaled. 'Take it back!!' Vergil screamed.
Dante was looking at him. No. He was watching him, looking for something. 'Do you want that?'
Yes! Yes, that was what he wanted! For Dante as he was. No emptiness in his eyes. No loneliness, no desperate scramble for survival. No suffering under a wretch who called itself god, voiceless. No cracking of bones with dust falling from fingertips.
'No,' Vergil answered. Why did he say that. Dante smiled, small and soft and violently gentle. He curled a hand around Vergil's nape and drew him in. Vergil let himself be dragged closer.
'I'm sorry,' Vergil whispered into Dante's shoulder.
'About what? About not wanting it back? Eh,' Dante said dismissively, 'it’s alright.' His thumb stroked Vergil's nape. 'If you said yes I would have been pissed.'
'Why?' Vergil asked.
'You got a lot of that today,' Dante commented.
'I'm trying to understand you.' And Vergil meant it. With all of his heart.
Dante's thumb stilled. 'That's new,' he said.
Vergil thought about it. Of the life before. 'Yes,' he agreed.
Vergil wrapped his arms around Dante's waist. He hid his face in the crook of Dante's neck. They held each other in silence. But eventually Dante let go of Vergil's neck. He let go of Vergil but Vergil didn't let go. He gripped Dante's coat tighter, knuckles turning white.
'Let go,' Dante said.
'I can't.' And Vergil really couldn't.
'You have to. I have to cut down the roots.' Dante reached back to hold Vergil's wrist. He squeezed them. Vergil let go. Dante stood up and stepped back.
'Can you tell Nero something?' He asked. 'Tell him that I sent him a package. I was gonna send it sooner but y'know,' he waved his arm, 'busy.'
How can Dante speak so casually?
Vergil looked up at him. All the years he had spent without him, before and now were long and unbearable. To be left behind again… 'Will I see you again?' Vergil asked urgently.
''Course,' Dante answered. He looked wistful. 'I miss the human world.'
Vergil stood up. He took it in, he took it all in trying to commit this in his memory. 'I missed you,' Vergil blurted out. Dante looked surprised. Vergil looked at him, trying to find the words. 'I loved you.' Dante looked stunned. 'I love you,' Vergil said desperately. He breathed in. Dante shook his head with a crooked smiled. 'And I'll say it as many times as it takes,' Vergil promised.
Dante's crooked smile widened, eyes light and unseeing. 'Take care, brother.' He turned around and walked away.
'I'll wait for you,' Vergil told his retreating back.
'You shouldn't,' Dante said over his shoulder. He turned to look at Vergil. 'You have a good life, brother, don't waste it.' He smiled. 'Buenos tardes,' he said happily. And let himself fall.
Vergil stared at the space Dante left. He could not listen to Dante and jump after him. But he didn't. He didn't know how long he stared at the empty space but eventually he turned away. It was agony but he couldn't make himself turn back. Why was he like this? He picked up the Yamato and walked away. Why didn't he jump after him?
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littleeyesofpallas · 5 years
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Guilty Gear has always been a series just dripping with style thanks to the wildly varied talents and tastes of Ishiwatari Daisuke.  But in the sizable cast of rock’n’roll and heavy metal inspired fighters, one of my all time favorite designs has been the dramatic redesign of Baiken in Guilty Gear Xrd.  Let me break down why!
So starting with her design in general, the origin story goes that Ishiwatari Daisuku saw an illustration of Himura Kenshin, from the manga Rurouni Kenshin, and liking the design, but mistaking Kenshin for a woman, based Baiken’s early art off of that.  Her earliest art seems pretty in line with that, right down to the red hair, but notably that hair changed colors, shifting towards more of a deep pink.  Her name, Baiken [梅喧] is written with the kanji meaning “Plum” and ”Noisy/Uproarious.”
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Like many flowering plants, the word can refer directly to either the fruit, the tree, or the flower; and many common girls names in Japanese use the names of flower.  The name Baiken thus reads as a kind of self descriptor, communicating the idea of a “Loud & rambunctious woman.”  The plum blossom is also where her hair color and various emblazoned clothing designs come from.
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 Her one-eyed, one-armed swordswoman gimmick is also a direct reference to a number of sources.  Initially the overt reference in her design is to the character Tange Sazen, a character from a series of films from the 30s, 50s, and 60s.  (themselves, spinoffs of a serial novel from the 20s.)  But there have also been three Lady Sazen films, further spinoffs depicting a genderbent version of the iconic character.
In her updated Xrd design, she covers her scarred eye with a curious kind of accessory: a katana crossguard (tsuba) under the lens of a single-eyed aviator goggle.  The eyepatch is a reference to another famous swordsman character, Yagyuu Juubei.  Unlike Sazen, Juubei was in fact a real historical figure, although much of his reputation is built upon folk lore or pure fiction.  Juubei has become a name synonymous with eyepatch wearing swordsmen (sometimes samurai, sometimes ninja), whether they are meant to be the legendary character himself, or simply named after him.  And the distinctive tsuba eyepatch is derived from his portrayal by martial arts actor Sonny Chiba in various chanbara films and TV shows from the 70s and 80s.
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The aviator goggles are a bit more obtuse, in part because they aren’t entirely accurate, but the flight goggles (as well as the combat boots) are evocative of Japan’s kamikaze pilots.  The small issue is that the WWII model goggles were larger and rounder, where as the particular flat angled lens are more distinctive of the British RAF.  The combat boots, also evoking a bit of a soldier aesthetic, are cut into sandals in the style of a samurai’s suneate and waraji.
But of course the most noticeable addition to her wardrobe is the school uniform she wears over her shoulders like a half-cape.  The school uniform itself is an older, and nowdays lesser used, style called a gakuran; once a fairly ubiquitous style, in modern Japan it’s relegated to middle schoolers, rather than high schoolers.  The particular open style of it however is derived from equally outdated Yankii and Banchou aesthetics: a kind of high school delinquent archetype that was popular in manga and even film in the 70s and 80s.  Of note here is that she still leans on the Banchou look with the boys’ uniform, and not something from the image of the Sukeban (the girl gang archetype of the same era) lending her a bit of an androgynous vibe. (one somewhat unfortunately offset by her enormous breasts.)
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She’s also sporting a fun skull design that is a pretty obvious attempt at a legally distinct spin on the Misfits logo.  It’s a nice way to compliment the delinquent theme while also tying her to the Punk genre.  Most of the Guilty Gear cast are themed around various rock bands and musicians, but Baiken has always been one of just a handful that are curiously non-musically themed.  Kind of a shame they don’t throw more of the Horror Punk aesthetic in there, though.
Additionally, while she wears a pretty normal looking kimono and kind of silly sarashi (the body wrap that confusingly ISN’T binding her gigantic breasts into place), her belt and makeshift half-cape are tied with a kind of braided and tasseled cord called a Fusa-himo.  A Fusa-himo is generally not an article of clothing; it can be used in decoration and for binding a sword sheathe, but as clothing it’s generally considered a synonym for a western aiguillette, used in military uniforms.  I can’t really tell if its more evocative of a soldier or of a katana decoration in the way it’s used here.
And speaking of accessories, just a handful of other little samurai goodies that really give her character some flavor and texture:
Samurai strut: a distinctive chin up(looking down on others), chest out swagger originating in the character acting of Kabuki theater, but taken more directly from the body language of actors on film in classic chanbara film.
Tatami-Gaeshi: “Mat block.”  A film cliche of samurai and ninja fiction where an ambushed warrior upturns a tatami mat from the floor of the room he’s in to defend himself.
Nuguigami: Wiping paper used in traditional sword cleaning (which she of course has to used with her mouth, mixed with the Falling Paper/Leaves/Silk cutting cliche from samurai fiction.
Kiseru: The traditional Japanese tobacco pipe with metal bowl and mouthpiece.  The Kabuki-mono (a sub-culture of gaudy, rowdy, and generally socially disruptive samurai in the 1500-1600s) were known to carry large Kiseru as one of their many ways of showing off, but given how prone to bar brawls they were, it was said some were so large (and considering their metal components) they could be used to fend off attacks from a sword. 
Hyoutan: The hollowed Calabash gourd used to store sake.
Manriki & Tekko-kagi: The weighted chain weapon and hand claw she keeps concealed in her empty sleeve.
Kanabou: In her Xrd design, the simple metal claw was changed into an iron club with retractable clawed joints.
O-zutsu & Taihou: Her lacquered handcannon and full size cannon that she pulls out of her loose sleeve.
The fullsized cannon is decorated with a Shisa head: an Okinawan guard dog statue, related to the Chinese lion-dogs, but identifiable by its distinctive tightly curled mane pattern.
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monstersandmaw · 5 years
Monsters & Maw Patreon-Exclusive Masterlist
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I’ve done these before, but here’s the most up to date list of everything that’s up on my Patreon, 99% of which is not on Tumblr.
Updated 01.10.2019 (UK date format)
Patreon Exclusive Monthly Stories
May – male naga x male reader (Chu’a) (nsfw)
June – male alien x reader (Kirthn’hul/ ‘Kith’) (nsfw)
July – male fairy x male reader (Jinx) (nsfw)
August – cherry blossom dryad x female reader (Cera) (nsfw)
September – male tiger rakshasa x female reader (Bhisaj) (nsfw)
October – male satyr x female reader (Kieran) Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
October BONUS – Orctoberfest female orc x female reader (Khasha)
November - demon prince x reader (nsfw)
December - female kitsune x female reader (Yuki) (nsfw)
January - male kelpie x female reader (Dolen) (nsfw)
February - male living armour x female reader (Berion) (nsfw)
March - android x reader (Iru) (sfw)
April - non-binary alien x reader (Mith'in) (nsfw)
May - male shark mer x reader (Requius) (nsfw)
June - male naga x male mummy x reader (Vashett & Akah) (nsfw)
July - male naga x female reader (Nila) (sfw)
August - male minotaur x female reader (Will - *Starfall Springs*)
September - non-binary demon x reader (Ilya, *Starfall Springs*) (nsfw)
Weekly Episodes of Embers, a dragon shifter romance (x reader)
One, Two , Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine,
Orctober specials 2019 - using the Inktober 'official' prompts
1. 'Ring' - male orc (Liam) x plus size female reader (very light nsfw)
Giveaway drabbles *New Category*
#1 - male orc x f/nb reader (domestic, nsfw fluff)
#2 - Male naga x female reader (sfw)
#3 - Storniel x Rashel x reader (nsfw)
#4 - male hellhound x reader (sfw)
#5 - Astriah (arachne) x male reader (nsfw)
#6  - male reader x male centaur (light nsfw)
#7  - female reader x male gnoll  (sfw)
#8 - male shadowborne fae x female reader (nsfw)
#9 - male mershark x female reader (nsfw)  
#10 - female banshee x male orc (nsfw)
#11  - male mothman x male reader (sfw and fluffy)
#12 -  genderfluid demon x reader (hurt/comfort nsfw)
Twelve Days of Monstermas Special Series!
Day One: (male reindeer cervitaur x reader - NSFW)
Day Two (female gargoyle x male reader - NSFW)
Day Three (trans female tiefling x female reader - NSFW)
Day Four (male alien x reader - NSFW)
Day Five (male octomer x reader - NSFW)
Day Six (female demon x male reader - NSFW)
Day Seven (male orc x male reader - NSFW)
Day Eight (male minotaur x female character - SFW)  
Day Nine (female rakshasi x reader - SFW)
Day Ten (non binary avian x reader - NSFW)
Day Eleven (female banshee x reader - SFW)
Day Twelve (male yeti x female reader - NSFW)
Commissions *New Category* (also posted to Tumblr)
Female space pirate captain x buff female reader (nsfw)
Male minotaur (Axel) x female reader (sfw)
Prince of the Court of Night (Naeryn) x female reader (nsfw)
Prince of the Court of Night (Naeryn) x female reader - Part Two (nsfw)
Male shadowborne warrior (Shaer) x female reader (nsfw)
Male reptilian fae (Adan) x female reader (nsfw)
Starfall Springs *New Category*
Introductory post with logo art
Preliminary map of Starfall Springs
Early list of characters so far...
Centaur farmer concept art and info (Jaime)
Orc blacksmith concept art and info (Dhurak)
Skeletal lich mage concept art and info (Rhae)
Woodcutter and carpenter minotaur concept art and info (Will)
Tiefling innkeeper concept art and info (Killygren)
Story #1 Dhurak (male orc x reader, sfw)
Story #2 Killygren (male tiefling x male reader, nsfw)
Story #3 Noah (male orc x reader, nsfw)
Male vampire & male kelpie best friends (sfw fluffy)
Fae Realm *New Category*
Jaerhin - Prince of the Court of Fire aesthetic and info
Inikeira - Princess of the Court of Air aesthetic and info
'Poster boy' for the Fae Realm doodle
Fae Courts - 'wiki' style info post
Ystlynn - younger son of the Court of Spring, aesthetic and info
Cirdan - Prince of the Court of Winter, drawing and Fae Realm info
Fae seer/priest aesthetic, ideas, and fae world concepts  
Concept art and drawings
Volcanic elemental drawing
Half orc cinnamon roll (Tuk)
Hades on his way back from the baths...
'Creepy' kelpie (Dolen) doodle
Claude - Belgian draft centaur boy
Náin (or Nathan) Cadash - dwarven Inquisitor
Deor - Legolas' fictional son
Eldarion drawings and info
Eldarion and Deor
Pensive Hades
Finnok the goblin sketch and story concept
Dullahan sticker
'Really?' Persephone pins a flower in Hades' hair
Persephone playing 'fetch' with Cerberus
Persephone doodle
Hades portrait
Hades studies
Hades doodle + ramblings
Bashir - lich boy
Luai - demon guardian
Mauhir - male uruk hai concept drawing
Laughing triton drawing - different style
Female tiefling
Faun drawing
Storniel - male antlered reaper demon from November's story
Male satyr - Kieran
Male satyr - Kieran (Inktober drawing)
Fen’an – non-binary desire demon/incubus (to be renamed...)
Gawain – faun boy
Effie – female moth monster
Japanese-inspired shadow demon
Lokh – male living wraith
Male cervitaur (deer centaur) + bonus story snippet
Male mutant (nsfw)
Kith – alien from June’s story
Laughing triton
Character Profiles and story concepts
Blind Seelie Prince aesthetic and long, multi-part story plan
Female undead house of horrors actress - aesthetic and story plan
Male police centaur - Josh
Female orc - Amber
Modern day police minotaur - Soli
Fenan, duskan elf - massive character bio, background, and story plan
Female zebra warrior centaur
Genderfluid näcken -  Ealjá
Spooky haunted locket
Black fox kitsune - Garrett
Symbiote aesthetic
Minotaur ‘lord of the manor’ - Edmund
Male mutant aesthetic and story concept
Hydra girlfriend aesthetic
Winter and Violet's aesthetic (characters from gnoll boy Brenn’s story)
Ice fae/demon aesthetic
Centipede alien aesthetic (nsfw + oviposition!)
Male mummy x reader (sfw) extract and aesthetic)
Male kitsune aesthetic and info
Android/human hybrid (Calum Fairburn) aesthetic and background
Necromancer lich
Modern witch aesthetic (Phia from orc boy Lasca’s story)
Selkie boyfriend aesthetic
Male tiefling doctor and story notes (long)
Ghosti’s extensive headcanons on fairies…
Jackal-headed/'Anubis' monster aesthetic and ideas
Whale shark girlfriend aesthetic (Rhinca) and story notes
Female eldritch horror aesthetic
Big modern orc boy aesthetic and ideas
Patreon Exclusives
New series, premiering in June - Hunter's Choice - a mlm vampire x hunter action adventure story!
Non-binary trickster spirit (Locke) x reader Part One (sfw) Part Two (nsfw)
Male goblin x female reader (Valentine's special)
Male wraith x reader Part One (sfw) (Lokh) Part Two (sfw)
Male mutant x male reader Part One (sfw) Part Two (sfw)
Male vampire x trans male reader (sfw) long WIP extract
Prince and his bodyguard (sfw) (mlm; long, non-terato story extract)
Writer's Corner - Blog posts on Creativity
Writer's Corner #1 on Writer's Block
Writer's Corner #2 on 5 types of writer and their quirky habits
Novels: ‘Weaver of Threads’, ‘Riftgard’, and other extracts
Weaver of Threads - extract, in which Tomas and Kai discuss soul-bonding
Riftgard Chapter One (full!)
Weaver of Threads – Chapter One (extract) + aesthetic
Weaver of Threads - General Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads - Schools of Magic 'wiki' style information post *story-spoiler-free*
Weaver of Threads – World Map
Weaver of Threads - Map of Varden City
Weaver of Threads - Schematic of the Black Citadel
Leirym (prologue)
Other (including video content!)
Tour of the Workshop with Ghosti - Video!
Ghosti answers your questions in a video!
Japanese metalwork blog - making and carving a tsuba
Metalwork update – ginkgo tsuba
A glimpse into the workshop and command central!
For access to all this and future works, become a Patreon supporter!
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kanasmusings · 6 years
[Translation] SERVAMP Admission Drama CD - Sloth Pair
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Remember how Alice in the Garden came with special drama CDs during the release~? Here’s the one for Sloth Pair! Thank you to @lia-snow who shared the audio with me!
SERVAMP Special Admission Drama – Sloth Pair Chapter
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission.
※ Also, if anyone knows where I can find the Alicein Brothers’ admission drama CD, please do tell me so I can translate it as well ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~
SERVAMP Special Admission Drama – Sloth Pair Chapter
  (Kuro playing video games)
MAHIRU: Kuro, you have nothing to do today, right? Wanna go out for a bit?
KURO: Huh? If it’s a supermarket timed sale I won’t go.
MAHIRU: Today’s different! I was thinking of watching a movie once in a while.
KURO: Movie?
MAHIRU: Yep! I got special one-time viewing tickets from Uncle.
KURO: I’m busy.
MAHIRU: You’re just playing games! You’ll get fat if you keep eating potato chips and lying around!
KURO: Oh, don’t mind me. I’m the type who doesn’t get fat no matter how much I eat.
MAHIRU: … It’s true so I won’t retaliate…!
KURO: We don’t really have to go to the theatre if it’s just a movie.
MAHIRU: The ticket’s valid for today only! There’s the SERVAMP-Eve distance limit too so let’s go.
KURO: (munching on potato chips) What a troublesome contract.
MAHIRU: Don’t you say that!
KURO: Is that a movie you really wanna see?
MAHIRU: Yeah, the preview on the news this morning looked super interesting.
MAHIRU: An athletic team on the verge of closing down’s aiming for Nationals, it said!
KURO: You really do love that kind of cliched youth story, huh?
MAHIRU: Well, sorry for being cliched! Simple’s good, isn’t it?
KURO: Then, feel free to re-enact that trailer you saw.
MAHIRU: E-eh?! Re-enact?! Me!? U-um…
(Mahiru and Kuro begin re-enacting)
MAHIRU: “I’m Shirota Mahiru, a first year high-school student.”
MAHIRU: “I’m your average track-and-field club member. Is what it’s supposed to be but…”
(sudden dramatic music)
MAHIRU: “What?! Me, participate in a town revival project marathon?!”
KURO: “Mahiru, it all relies on those legs of yours.”
MAHIRU: “B-but, I only run short distances.”
KURO: “A 100 meter track or a 42 kilometer one is no different [from each other] in this planet’s long history.”
MAHIRU: “If I don’t run the marathon then… the world will be swallowed in darkness?!”
KURO: “In order to stop that vampire’s wild ideas, the only thing you can do is overcome your personal best record.”
KURO: “We’ll do some training in C3’s special facilities!”
MAHIRU: “I was supposed to be an average high-school student!!”
KURO: “And so, it will be revealed… A deep connection between vampires and a marathon. Right now, a seal shall be placed on Mahiru’s right leg…”
MAHIRU: (groaning) “M-my leg…”
MAHIRU: (in pain) “S-somehow… My body is… hot…!”
MAHIRU: “Why must I—Something like this…?!”
KURO: (in a cheerful out-of-character tone) This spring, the curtain will rise on the best youthful story!
KURO: “The SERVAMP movie, “Mahiru On the Road!” will be coming to theaters near you this coming spring on April 7, 2018!”
KURO: “We will be… one with the wind!”
(re-enactment finishes)
KURO: Do it, Mahiru. With the winds of Hakone.
MAHIRU: Who was that doing the last narration?! Was it you, Kuro?! Stop using a cheerful tone all of a sudden!
KURO: Guess I have no choice. I got interested so let’s go to the theater.
MAHIRU: What part of that “trailer” interested you?!
  KURO: Uwah… There’s too many people.
MAHIRU: This is normal for a theater on a weekend, you know? Come on, let’s go.
KURO: Impossible… Can’t deal. I’m going home.
MAHIRU: Wait a sec! Don’t go home!
MAHIRU: I’ll be fine even if it’s a movie that you wanna see so, come on.
KURO: What about “Mahiru on the Road?”
MAHIRU: That movie never existed from the beginning!
MAHIRU: Ah, anyway, it looks like they’re not showing the movie I wanna see in this theater.
KURO: Look that stuff up first before coming here.
MAHIRU: Sh-shut up! Sorry…
KURO: It’d be exposed that you’ve never had a movie date before.
MAHIRU: Sh-shut up! Leave it!
MAHIRU: Ah, look. What about this action movie? O-or this animal story, Nya-“Nyanderland…?” or something? It looks like it’s a tear-jerker.
KURO: Getting soothed by me is better than seeing Nyanderland, right? I’m much cuter than those actor cats. And moreover, mine’s natural.
MAHIRU: You just have too much confidence on your cat form—
(Kuro transforms into a cat)
KURO: Meow~ Meow~ It’s the soothing Kuro-chan’s big adventure~ Meow~
MAHIRU: Don’t turn into a cat in a place like this!
KURO: “I, the Healing Cat hero, go on an adventure together with my companions, the Hedgehog and the Fox in order to find a mysterious flower that blooms only on a full moon in order to wake Mahiru who’s fallen into an eternal sleep after pricking his finger on a spindle.”
MAHIRU: Th-that’s long…
KURO: “It’s to save Mahiru! Kitty Cat Punch~”
MAHIRU: What sort of movie is that?
KURO: (grunts) “Wh-who would’ve thought that Tsubaki would betray me?!”
MAHIRU: Tsubaki’s been our enemy to begin with.
KURO: (mimicking battle sounds) Nya, nya, nya, nya!
MAHIRU: Wai--what? You’re only doing sound effects now! Explain! What’s this cat doing?!
(Kuro transforms back into a human)
KURO: Well, all jokes aside…
MAHIRU: I can’t keep up with your “jokes” sometimes…
KURO: Shall I teach Mahiru-kun who’s never been on a movie date a smart way to buy tickets?
MAHIRU: That’s none of your business!
MAHIRU: I’ll go to the teller now so you wait there! Ah, don’t you go home either! (Mahiru walks away)
KURO: (sighs)
 MAHIRU: Hey, Kuro, sorry for the wait—Not here!
MAHIRU: Did that guy really go home…?!
KURO: You’re late, Mahiru.
MAHIRU: Kuro! Where did you—
KURO: (munching something) The shops.
MAHIRU: That’s too much no matter how you look at it! Why are you holding like, what, a bucket of popcorn?! I can’t see half of your face!
KURO: A popcorn and soda is a must when watching a movie. (Kuro slurps from his drink) Oh, and also, ice cream and churros…
MAHIRU: You said it was troublesome and now you look like you’re enjoying…
KURO: I’m a cat with high adaptability after all.
MAHIRU: Don’t say your specialties!
KURO: So, what movie are we gonna see?
MAHIRU: Eh? Some are full so I bought one that had some seats still left…
KURO: Hmm…
KURO: “A cursed melancholic mansion. Unexpected happenings that will dye it red…”
MAHIRU: Um, yeah… It’s a little scary but I had no choice so…
KURO: Eh~ I can’t handle horror though… And also brutal things.
MAHIRU: You’re a vampire, what are you saying…?
KURO: Y’know? Things like where zombies are running around or where there’s blood all over. I can’t handle things like that.
MAHIRU: But you make my blood spill all over, you know?!
KURO: Huh? I haven’t done it that bad. Compared to other vampire works, mine’s still mild.
MAHIRU: D-don’t compare… You’ll get scolded.
KURO: I’m a qualified scholar when it comes to vampire-related stuff.
MAHIRU: Where did you get qualified?!
KURO: We’ll have to go see if that’s something up to my standards—Huh?
MAHIRU: Hm, what?
KURO: This movie… The director, lead actor, screenplay writer…
KURO: It’s Tsubaki…
MAHIRU: Tsuba—EH?!
KURO: Actor: Belkia, Sounds: Watanuki Sakuya… Hey, hey, aren’t they all from Melancholy?
MAHIRU: Why are those guys making a movie? Are they bored?!
KURO: I won’t lose… We have to make the movie about the Healing Cat’s adventures, too…!
KURO: The director is… Simply thinking, it should be…
MAHIRU: Me! Wait, no, don’t make me say that!
KURO: Ah, the movie’s starting.
MAHIRU: Are we watching this?! I can only sense a lot of danger from it!
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission.
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scarbladed-archive · 6 years
❛ I witnessed their deaths firsthand ❜ [ Angsty Muji? Angsty Muji sdfg ]
hamilton sentence starters / accepting . 
❝ GET OUT.  ❞It’s curt and cold; an emotionless low tenor that resonates in the empty alley as chilling as a whisper . He regrets it, he does, these deaths, he will carry them on these cursed blades - but he does not regret what must be done to accomplish an assured continued peace. To that end he will remain a weapon, and if necessary …
❝ The country is already in turmoil with the latest uprisings. These people are none of your business, and you should keep it that way if you enjoy your life. I have no wish nor desire to take it from you - so get out. Tell no one of what you saw and I’ll spare your life. ❞ His black clothing stained red; the only sign he actually bled someone else’s blood being the drip that travels down beneath his jacket sleeve and into his gloved hands where skin was exposed. In the dark of the night his cold yet half-lit eyes gleam a promise of absolute death. 
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 Kenshin, no, the hitokiri,squares him up with a glare that sent men wetting themselves blatantly in the streets. All at fifteen.  The singular scar on his left cheek paints an ugly red image of an already hideous sight of corpses, though the scar seems…fresh. 
Part of him internally thought he’d cut off his emotions; sealed away the price and sacrifice he’d made to take lives to save more for a better era where such war was unnecessary in future years. But . . after that man had gotten up so many times — after saying someone ‘dear to his heart’ was waiting for him, how he wanted to ‘love her forever’ — Hitokiri Battōsai remembers his own name. Kenshin. 
He’ll furiously wash his hands at their base later, but a part of him almost bitterly hopes the man will take his advice, his body already sheathing his katana and thumb pressed against the tsuba in blatant warning in his very stance that if he challenged him - death would answer. 
Run away, fool, run away, before I have to silence you, Kenshin thinks with the misery he tries to swallow for the sake of being his side’s vanguard. 
The man stares with blatant horror at the measure of bodies glistening pale white in beneath the moon, or the short, red-haired boy with his hair in an archaic top-knot swinging his sword clean of blood, the repeated process of a pointless chiburi. His sword will only be painted with more. 
The man nods once, briefly; it seems - to whatever end, noting that the teenager meant business and took one singular step to imply that if he did not move, Kenshin would make him move.Just when he thought he couldn’t feel anymore – but this man’s terror at his actions, his sins, and his half-disgusted eyes warrants his face settling into an even harsher mask, removing any signs of youth from his face. This was what he had chosen, until the day he could lay down both katana and wakizashi . . perhaps archaic weapons in this modern age, the hitokiri moniker remained. 
When he hears footsteps parting, he breathes a sigh of relief, and vanishes once more into the shadows - muffling the light inside his heart again and again, a silent death each and every night the black letter reached his hands. 
He would sacrifice his own future for other’s futures, children’s futures – the innocent, even if it meant falling into the sea of blood . 
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inkblccded-moved · 6 years
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NAME . Who Is Coming? NICKNAME .   Tsubaki, Melancholy, the young master, Tsuba-kyun, etc. AGE .   Unknown. The youngest servamp. The babiest brother. looks 21 SPECIES .   Servamp
MORALITY .   lawful / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true. RELIGION .   a what, now? SINS .   greed / gluttony / sloth / lust / pride / envy / wrath. VIRTUES .   chastity / charity / diligence / humility / kindness (to certain people at least) / patience / justice. KNOWN LANGUAGES .  Japanese, English, Romanian SECRETS .   Not much, tbh? There’s really nothing he doesn’t share with his subclasses
BUILD .   scrawny / bony / slender / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average HEIGHT .   5′5″ SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS .  None ABILITIES /  POWERS .  The ability to change his shape into a fox, the ability to create illusions, The ability to create sunshowers, the summoning and use of his katana, and other servamp abilities.
FOOD .   Sushi & anything with matcha flavor DRINK .    Canned red bean soup & green tea PIZZA TOPPING .   artichoke hearts, lots of cheese COLOR .   Red MUSIC GENRE .   String instruments in a traditional style. I’d probably label it as “Bard music?” BOOK GENRE .    Drama, horror MOVIE GENRE .   Suspense, drama CURSE WORD .  Damn. It’s versatile SCENTS .  rain on pavement, trees, flowers
BOTTOM OR TOP .  Generally bottom SINGS IN THE SHOWER .   He hums, but very seldom is he in the mood to sing. LIKES PUNS .  He loves them for a total of 7 seconds of hysterical laughter and then they’re boring.
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requiescat-aria · 4 years
Chanbara Gokko || Chapter 2 Execution
Crocell sighs quietly, looking to Touya.
“Right, then. I cannot guarantee what it is that waits for you, but... I appreciate the fact that you are not running away. To return to the cycle is only natural. Farewell.”
With a snap of his fingers, the man that stood with you is suddenly gone, no spinning chair left behind to indicate it like there was with Mizuno.
Something reminiscent of a hologram screen suddenly blinks to life in the middle of your circle, sparing you the horror of being a first person witness to what it is that happens next.
(cw: decapitation)
Kashira. Tsuka. Saya. Tsuba.  An anatomy lesson on the katana. Start from the pommel and make your way up to the handguard. Pay attention to the lattermost items: sheathe and handguard. 
… Now isn’t really the time for a lecture, is it?
Dim, dark, the moonlight which pools into the center of the room from the singular, round window tells you about this much: that the swordsman is there, that he’s just sheathed his sword, assuming no particular stance with his feet planted on the tatami mats beneath him. The room he’s in is plainly furnished, unremarkable, and completely empty aside from the swordsman and one other.
— That man with the eyes of a beast.
[ ♪ ♪ ♪ ]
Ah. You may think, at first, that you’re seeing double. That the tatami room he’s standing in is not square after all, but rectangular, split in half by a mirror — but once your eyes adjust you realize that despite the way they carry themselves in the exact same way, despite how their chests rise and fall in unison, despite how uncannily similar their faces are, the man reflected in the “mirror” is not the man you know.
— Not quite. Clad in kimono is a younger “Touya” who regards the older man with a gaze so scathing it’s a wonder he doesn’t collapse into a pool of his own blood. But you all know better, that looks can’t kill: but the swords at their sides certainly can.
CLANG! To kill someone else is no easy feat. They should know, from the lessons drilled into them over and over. Days and nights spent with a sword in hand until they got it right. Until their arms were about ready to fall off. Until the blisters on their palms made it almost impossible to grip the weapon. Until no movement at all was wasted.
The two clash blades in unison, then sheathe their swords in unison. Tsuba hitting saya with one, distinct clink. It’s a boring few moments after that. The two men seem locked in some sort of staring contest, with their hands on the grips of their swords. 
A competition of speed, maybe? Or perhaps a matter of skill?
Clink. Faster than you can track it, something seems to have happened. It takes the soft plip, plip, plip of blood hitting the tatami mats for you to realize it: that this isn’t the sound of the sword being drawn, but the sword being returned to its sheathe — the sound of tsuba hitting saya. You hadn’t even seen it. Not even the flash of their blades being drawn, and yet, they must have been, for each man sports an identical cut on their upper, right arm, irrefutable proof of contact.
Clink. They’re testing each other. A tear in the mirror image’s kimono reflects as a tear in Touya’s shirt.
Clink. A line of red courses down the cheek of both bodyguard and reflection at the same time, weighed down by the same gravity.
Clink. Clink. Clink. Another tear, another cut, each grazing one another. It isn’t until Touya smiles that the mirror image stops following suit.
“Finally getting serious, huh?”
He gets no response, as a duel requires no words. This is a test of skill and speed: the prided technique of their family mandates swiftness and precision, to cleave through one’s opponent in a single strike is no easy feat, and they’ve had more than enough practice swings.
Kubi. Tsuikotsu. Suji. Hone. An anatomy lesson on the ‘katana.’ Start from the neck and make your way inward. Remember: this should be over in an instant.
Clink. Tsuba hits saya as they face one another.
t’s a perfect stalemate: when Touya moves, the man in the mirror moves. When he breathes in, breathes out, the other does the same. To draw his sword, to end it all in one strike — well, it’s predictable, the outcome, boring. A strike as impossible to dodge as lightning.
“You know, this is like old times.”
“Like back then, you remember what happened?”
Is this part of some sort of strategy? Is he goading his reflection, whose mouth ceases to follow along?
“Ignoring me, huh? Same as before. Guess you’re still sore about it, after all this time.”
They move in unison once more, assuming position to strike.
“You’re giving me no choice here, Aniue.”
His smile is the same as it always is: relaxed, pleasant — hollow, and taut.
“... Let’s just get this over with then.”
The atmosphere grows stiff, then, still. As if the entire world has stopped. A standstill eternal, or so you think until you hear the inhale of a breath.
— And then it’s over, in an instant. Moonlight catching on blades that cross, the flash blindingly and mercifully bright as if to shield you from the outcome of the duel between the almost identical swordsmen.
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The outcome? It’s boring, one that anyone would expect.
The final clink of tsuba hitting saya. A gratuitous spray of blood that dirties the tatami mats. The synchronized thudding of two heads pulled down by the weight of gravity. 
Winner: Tomomasa Hasekura. Loser: Tomomasa Hasekura.
18 HAS BEEN █̶͕͎͕͉̳̞͛̈́█̴̠̪̮̤̈́́͗̕͜͝█̴̛̪̮͑̿̉█̶̺̉͂̑̆͝ͅ█̴̰̬̮̖͍͉̐͒͝█̴̡̼̥͓̮̾̈́̊̈́̇̈█̴̱̱͇̂̔̀█̴̧̨͙͝
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tsubakura-enraku · 1 year
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a being of ink
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quell-tea-salon · 7 years
More translation for SQ twitter
☆ Scaredy-cat rating ☆ The higher the number, the more resistance to scary movies, haunted houses etc. Average rating = 100
Shiki = 250 Tsubasa = 80 Rikka = 150 Dai = 120 Shu = 250 Eichi = 150 Issei = 200 Ichiru = 50
*Subject to change depending on the situation (eg. if they're protecting someone, or if they're on a dare).
☆ Let's leave the top 3 scaredy-cats in a haunted house ☆ Tsubasa: This is nothi-- Wow, that scared me Ichiru: Yeah, I'm not fazed eithe... Eep! Tsu, tsuba, be, be, behind you! Tsubasa: Can you not do that, like seriously sto-- ........Dai-chan! Dai-chanDai-chanDai-chan!!!! Ichiru: ~~! Dai: Okay, okay
☆ Real life horror stories ☆ Tsubasa: Dubai, huh~? I'd like to go there one day Ichiru: Tsubasa, why are you watching TV in QUELL's common room? Issei: Do you need something? Tsubasa: Ah, well, I just thought it'd be good to spend time with each other sometimes, you know? Twins: ? (Knock knock) Dai: Tsubasa, it's okay now, Shiki got rid of the moth in the common room Tsubasa: Nope, I'm not going anywhere near that place for a while!!
☆ Real life horror stories 2 ☆ Shu: ... Eichi: Oh, it's unusual to see Shu dozing off like this. Fufu, he must be tired. I'll just cover him with this blanket... Shu: Nn... *You've been on my mind since I woke up today... Eichi: ...Even his sleep-talking is lewd!! # It turns out he was writing song lyrics in his sleep
(TN: *In English)
☆ Real life horror stories 3 ☆ Rikka: Shiki~ have you seen the box that was on this shelf? There's some almond paste in it and I was going to use it to make DIY beauty face masks...
Clatter (box falling to the ground)
Shiki: ..............It was delicious Rikka: .............I see # Good thing it's edible
☆ Sometimes you just feel like crying ☆
At times like this, he's by my side.
"Just blame everything on me,"
he says with a soft smile, making it hard for me to lift my head. Even when his shoulder is soaked afterwards, Shu continues to smile.
#Ichiru #Scrapped ideas
# Just making scrapped script ideas sound poetic
Ichiru: I spilled ice-cream on Shu's shoulder!! Shu: It’s cold... Eichi: How did that happen??? Issei: ... (The ice-cream was yummy)
☆ Shiki-san's recent status ☆ Shiki: Been working for days and my shoulders have gone stiff... Tsubasa: Doesn't that happen all the time? Rikka: Usually you don't even mention it but... wow... they do feel very stiff Tsubasa: Want me to give you a massage? 100 yen per minute ♪ Shiki: I'll take a 10-hour massage... Dai: Is it really that bad? I'll do it for free Shiki: *Content huff~*
☆ Rikka-san's hands are the real deal ☆ Shiki: Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow Rikka: Hang in there. It only hurts because you let your body tense up, you know? You should do some regular stretching..... Ha!! (Crack) Shiki: Hey, I heard a crack, what did you d- ow ow ow ow ow ow ow Tsubasa: This is gold ww # After that was Tsubasa's turn
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alexfrostaegis · 5 years
Swordsmen of Hingashi
The xaela disembarked the Ul’dahn ship, beneath the clear azure sky. She gazed upon the looming shadow of the hostelry directly in front of her, the gil she had been paid to fend off pirates weighing in her purse. She took in the new and exotic sights, sounds and smells, wandering the streets only as an ijin could.
She stopped by a stall manned by a raen man, with no mere passing resemblance to her own father, he was a swordsmith who clearly took pride in his considerable skill. A blade caught her eye, a silvery titanium tachi with simple and elegant details, a white wrapped hilt and a fascinating curve to the blade, similar to the ones she had seen on the guardsmen on the streets. The man looked upon Alex with a tilted head and a wry smirk. He spoke in xaelic, “That one, is it?” catching Alex off guard. Lacking confidence to verbally answer the man, Alex cleared her throat and looked upon her gil. The man continued in xaelic “The blade is simple and strong, none of that folded shite here, a homogeneous tempered edge that will slice through steel like butter, if you’ve the arm for it. And, judging from the giant sword at your back, you do. The price is rather reasonable too, trust me.” Slightly off put by her own ear for the man’s words, she considered the price. She might never use the sword but it was, in a way, aesthetically pleasing and would make for an interesting conversation piece. Alex continued to make the rounds at the various food stalls, taking in the foreign cuisine. Savoring a meatball made of octopus, she was approached by a very ornery looking Hingan man, a sword at his hip. He spouted words, the precise meaning of which escaped her, but it was clear the man was insulting her in some way. The man’s dialect changed to common, he leaned in “Foreigner... your language burns my mouth! But you do not understand me otherwise, just like you do not understand our ways.” Alex, having stared down a dragon for the last roasted cutlet of dodo before, was unfazed by the by the man who could be no older than 30, yet seemed to be balding from the top. The man’s vein engorged in his forehead as his words seemingly fell on deaf ears. Alex flicked the stick at the man as she gulped down the last bite, setting the the plate on the bench before getting up, coming up the the man’s chest. Shooting him an apathetic look from mere ilms away, she started walking away. The man’s face contorted like a dragon’s anus, beat red with rage. Spitting a string of profanities at the Ishgardian, he went for his sword. A click and a feint rasp queued Alex to grasp her own sword, turning on her heel, she saw a man in red, brandishing a similar curved sword. They yelled back and forth to each other in a language Alex did not know, but got the gist of the conversation.
Quite fed up with the man, Alex shouted past the Sekiseigumi “Judicial Dual!” letting her Ishgardian completely hang out. The sekiseigumi looked back with horror as the towering samurai made a crude gesture with his free hand. The poor peace keeper began an explanation why such a thing cannot be done, only to be cut short by an older sekiseigumi wandering over, a lieutenant perhaps? His demeanor was much more relaxed, and he seemed to want to allow the duel to take place, giving Alex a thumbs up and saying in a thick Hingan accent “duel”. Wearing his patience thin, the sekiseigumi mediated the terms of the judicial duel, to be held publically near the sekiseigumi headquarters the 2 days from then, at high noon. This seemed odd to Alex, as judicial duels were a more intimate affair in Ishgard.
Alex regretted tieing herself in to spending 2 nights in Kugane, but decided to make the best of it. She asked other foreigners for recommendations for lodging, a particularly slick blond Ul’dahn representative recommending an inn with an outdoor hot springs bath. Spending the bulk of the afternoon, Alex searched for just such an establishment, eager to see what the fuss was all about. Finding such an inn, Alex inquired about their stabling possibilities, getting a confused look when she brought up large flying reptiles. Changing the subject she asked for directions to this much hyped bath. Having settled in, she made her way to the baths as instructed, eager to be cleansed of the grimes of sea voyage in plate harness. Opening the doors, the view of the setting sun over the sea was breathtaking, clouds of mist billowed over the side as crystal clear water practically called to her aches. Not wanting to be the voyeur, Alex purposefully focused her gaze on the pool about to step in as a deep mountain of a voice called out in common “Stop! no, you have to wash first.” Alex turned her head, confused, to a bald, red helsguard man sitting on top of a comparatively tiny stool. Alex could feel her icy blood rush to her cheeks and face entire, “Thall’s b- I’m so sorry, I must have the wrong- I didn’t mean to- I... !” covering her eyes and spinning around to the exit she rushed forward with her head down. The door had slid open the moment before. Crash. The wet stone floor gave up traction and Alex found herself intertwined with another Xaela woman. The dark skinned, black haired xaela had dark blue eyes with plum red limbal rings, the highlights in her hair matching. “You ok? ... Off.” she barked, about as deadpan as Alex typically would. Scrambling to her feet and pulling the xaela up, Alex looked about, seeing several men and women in the springs and washing up. “Clumsy much?” another xaelic speaker, a man, wryly commented. Her brother perhaps? Similar shades of blues and reds adorned him as well, his hair swept back and spiked up with highlights at the tips.
Alex had on occasion seen other au ra, but these two were likely closer to her ancestral heritage as she had ever come before. She let slip “apologies... new.” in xaelic, the woman replying “s’aright, didn’t hurt much. Wash m’back an’ we’ll call it even.” Obliging, Alex couldn’t help but to ask about the pair (not that pair, you perv), hearing about the Xaela tribes of the steppe, much of which she had already heard of but not as detailed or vivid as their account. The brother then remarked “So formal!” the sister adding “you don’t have to be so stiff.” The brother continued “Yeah, we’re just travelling. Looking to buy passage to Eorzea. I hear the women there are big an’ tall, kinda like you, but taller.” Alex confusedly looked at the sister, realizing that she was actually a few ilms shorter than herself. She offered to be a liason for the two, telling them how she was actually from Ishgard. They accepted. That night, thoughts of a sea of horizon and people who looked like her filled Alex’s head. She was anxious not of the duel, but of being around people whom had some ties to her ancestral home. She had always though of herself as Ishgardian, despite how she looked. She was not elezen, but Gelmorra, and Thordan’s sin were in her blood. She even gave into her pride as a knight and issued a formal duel at the drop of a hat. The only way she could have been more Ishgardian in that moment is if she was riding a chocobo and munching on knight’s bread.
The day of the duel came, Alex stood proudly in her Ishgardian harness, a sword about a fulm longer than herself at her back, and her arms crossed on a raised platform not unlike a stage. The sekisegumi that had intervened in the altercation rushed over as the crowd was gathering. “Frost-san, what do you think you are doing?” Alex yet again was confused. “The duel is to be conducted with similar weapons, I know for a fact that you own a tachi of some sort and that is the way it has been done for as long as I have been a member of the sekiseigumi.” Hurriedly, Alex was taken out of sight, stripped of her armour and lent some hakama, no-none daring to take the dame’s shirt off her back.
As the duel was about to begin in earnest, Alex’s opponent having appeared in similar dress to the sekiseigumi, but a darker red, she looked upon the crowd gathered. She saw the two xaela, slightly perturbed that their guide had gotten herself into a judicial duel. The Raen swordsmith was there also, looking pleased and confident, probably enthusiastic about his sword being used in a duel, the sort of stunt Alex’s own father would pull. A pair of men in strange black armour also caught Alex’s eye, they seemed Garlean of all things, but different. Her face turned red and she had to evert her eyes as the roegadyn’s face from the hot springs stared back at her from the crowd.
The Hingan swordsman who had shown up with his sword on his shoulder, now pointed his weapon at Alex and taunted “Now, ijin, I will send you back to your country with your ugly lizard tail between your legs! No hand but that of a true hingan samurai should touch a blade that elegant.” “Racist. Wait, he started a fight over a sword?!” Alex though to herself, looking to the swordsmith, whom was rather full of himself after that comment. Shaking hear head, Alex drew her sword and shouted in xaelic “Bring it on, dickhead!”, a few of the crowd sputtering a laugh, the sister burying her face as the brother smirked after having taught Alex that ‘traditional xaelic phrase’ the other day.
The sekiseigumi lieutenant gave the signal. The samurai rushed forward and took several arching swings at the xaela half his size, clearly putting his size and strength to use. Alex parried and blocked with relative comfort, herself possessing no small modicum of strength. Typically used to longer blades paired with shields, Alex struggled to get used to fighting with a tachi, it turned oddly in her hand and the tsuba seemed awfully small. Mimicking the samurai’s stance and movements, Alex was caught off-guard by a basic leg sweep, falling on her back as the samurai drove the katana downwards toward her. Twisting out of the way and onto her feet, Alex grasped the tachi with one hand, having let go to push off the floor. The samurai seized the imbalance of her stance again and slashed upwards in a huge arc, narrowly missing the seasoned gladiator-knight.
As the two continued to trade blows, slash, parry, repost, dodge, Alex grew more comfortable with the blade. The samurai was clearly measuring her reach, looking for an opening. Lifting the katana over his right shoulder, the hingan pulled his robe off his left shoulder, revealing his muscular, scar riddled arm. “You foreigners make light of our ways and traditions. Look upon the proof of my devotion and determination.” Alex, recognizing the tactic as intimidation, straightened out her posture. Pulling open her shirt, she began taking it off, not breaking eye contact with the samurai. His expression went from disdain to a realization, tinged with a hint of respect, as the xaela revealed a toned body with a number of sizable scars. Letting the shirt fall to the floor, Alex’s upper body was was bare for all to see, save for her halter supporting her breasts and protecting her modesty. Her skin was white like ice or compacted snow, slightly tinted towards a blue hue. Her arms had discernible shape and tone to them, as did her back and chest.
The spectacle of the duel was over, the two had recognized each other as warriors. The fight had begun. With careful and measured moves, the two circled each other, changing from guard to guard, trying to get the upper hand before the moment to strike was ripe. The samurai tried to provoke Alex, stepping forward and sharply shouting. No reaction, she wasn’t about to fall for that. He would have to commit. The samurai took a swing at Alex’s leg, a feint, he drew his attack upwards towards Alex’s head as she moved to parry. She dropped, to one knee, narrowly dodging the blade, beginning her counter attack. The blades clashed as they met in the middle of their paths, neither able to reach their target. They clashed again, as Alex regained her footing in an upright standing position. The samurai twisted his blade along Alex’s, forcing her to sidestep. With that same motion, the samurai swung back at Alex, whom parried his strike with a static block. A metallic snap. In one swift move, the samurai found himself pinned to the ground, as the xaela’s leg had appeared behind his, her body against his and the floor rushed to meet his back. He felt the titanium blade at his throat, looking down it’s length. Past it he saw a broken sword, a hilt with half a blade extending from it. Beside the blade at his throat was a heavily panting xaela woman, midnight coloured scales, and the faintest glimmer of blue eyes and pale limbal rings past her snow-white bangs. “I yeald” he uttered in hingan.
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thedrag0nking · 3 years
" Damn Tsuba can't see the glorious discovery I'm about to make! "
Without the Senri priest's assistance the satori now takes matters into her own hands and begins her research again, her drown now appearer in the post apocalyptic outside world once more, floating and searching for answers. Blinded her thirst for research and knowkedge, she dwell into the world to find any organism that had caused this horrific catastrophe.
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It didn't take long for the girl to hear screams of survivors. This excites her as she drove the drone ober to the sounds of screaming only to witnessed the horror of what has happening to the remaining survivors.
What the satori saw are the survivors being placed inside large sack made from skin all the while surrounded by horrific creatures of what she thought are lunarians at first, only to realized these abominations are not. No they're far worst. These creatures are them, the residence of gensokyo now nothing but twisted monsters, hellbent on killing every single lunarian and satori alike in the world of the damned. These horrors are amongst one of the most deadliest of the perversed inhabitants.
" OH my god... "
Kiyomi watched helpless as they prepare to crush and feast on their flesh and blood. The sounds of them screaming, and pleading is making her feel ill.
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The drone stares closer into the survivors that're about to be crush by what appears to be a deformed seiran. The poor lunarians. Half of them are dead while the rest are alive, well, for a few minutes that is...
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' S P L A T ! '
And so the creature finally slam down it's large hammer down in the poor victims, crushing them all completely into mush as blood and what remains of them splatters all over the ground for the smaller deformed rabbits to feast on from the ground. Kiyomi covers her mouth, trying to hold back her vomit and continues on examining these creatures further.
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What fascinated her more is the one with a weapon for an arm, doing absolutely nothing but playing with a puzzle box, and sitting beside... wait...
" Wait, is that...? Kaguya?! "
Now she fully understands, this creature is in charge. The leader and their own patriarch amongst the group of these deformed rabbit horrors, the leader appears to be a hulking and more weaponized Reisen and it's now keeping Kaguya as this creature's concubine.
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She isn't sure how much she can continue at this point, the fact that she thinks that her mother's friends and family, now deformed and nightmarish, are the ones responsible of the genocide of both earth and the moon when in reality these creatures, are not the real residence of gensokyo. She steer her drone away from the place from the area, and continue on her research on finding more answers on what happen to them as well as finding the truth if these creatures are indeed the former residence of gensokyo ressurected and finally killed off of earths population and the lunarian population, or something more terrifying like them coming from another dimension. The twisted tears in Kiyomi's eyes shows a sign of regret and her breaking down after uncovering half of the answers she needed. But her pursuit of searchinh continues.
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tsubakura-enraku · 1 year
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horror fumos...? let's hope you don't come across these in your life
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