#that theyre all gaining wings to match
tsubakura-enraku · 1 year
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growing wings, yet still trapped
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dailypearldoodles · 2 years
Pearl designs ramble? 👀
Ok so
my goal for designing pearl was 'a totally normal human', because i like the idea of like, being human to compliment her soup groupmates, but also shes pretty unhinged how can she even be human. so she has a lot of little traits on a very human body, i guess
i also incorporated a bit of her like timeline into it, so some of her traits developed over time as she visited different smps. most of them developed in hermitcraft because hermitcraft is weird like that
she gained extra eyes in Evo, her lava-lamp skin markings are due to the withering effect in legacy, she got her wings and antenna when she first came to hermitcraft, her eyes started matching the phases of the moon around when the mooners came to be, and her white particle flecks emerged when she summoned the onyx deer. in my first proper design of her (not on this blog) i went further to add fungi growing on her skin because of her alien base (but that takes too much time to draw too many small details lol)
and if you're wondering why she has pointed ears, its because i also headcanon her to once have been a zelda like how grian was once a link. and also because i like to draw characters with pointed ears
evo smp pearl, there are so many gradients going on lmao i had to tone it down a bit. her hoodie design is done by clipping a multiply cloud layer to some airbrushing. her eyes are black for some reason! and also she has extra eyes because...watchers? maybe? pearl in evo smp didnt give me like, a consistent theme to work with. like nothing stood out to me. i probs would have given her some flowers and bird friends if those werent destroyed by the watchers midway through the smp and she switched to a different build style. and thats fine! there was just no one or two things that really stood out that couldve been probably incorporated into her design in some way, so her design is kind of plain
a build a day pearl, is just based off of her youtube and twitch banner, plus the extra eyes from evo. in hindsight i probably should've given her flowers as well. Her eyes have changed back to white, but they become black at night like evo. this is probably the closest to her irl appearance that ill draw lmao
legacy smp pearl, i just watched all of her legacy episodes yesterday XD if you look closely, you can see red hearts and a red x on her eyes and mouth. theyre supposed to be correspondent to the 'blood night' and 'cant say name of item' events (the second of which wasnt very well adhered to lmao). Also, post-apocalyptic! I was very happy to make her design as asymmetric as possible. the withering effect plus the post-apocalyptic setting caused the lava-lamp markings to develop. OH YES she also has mechanical wings that resemble moth wings! i couldn't quite fit it into the drawing but they are based off of the optifine elytra, which with the two 0's look a lot like moth wings and pearl noted that herself in the video so yeah that exists. ill draw them sometime! on the base level, her design is pretty similar to hermitcraft pearl because its just an older version of her current skin, so her hair shading is chunkier and more, i guess crystalized like Pearlescentmoo's hair
empires smp pearl! definitely the most different pearl from all the others because i dont see this pearl in like the same timeline or time period as the others. like, evo, a build a day, legacy, hermitcraft and kind of traffic life but thats a bit complicated, those are all designs of the same pearl just at different time periods. empires smp is probably a different pearl entirely, mostly because 'gestures to her empires smp lore' oh yeah she has freckles. because i say so. and i think theyre cute. she has little crescent moon pupils in her eyes
traffic life pearl, or more specifically double life pearl. her skin markings have changed a little to match her deranged self, and also did you know that lightup combat boots exist, because they do, and i love that. Her hair flecks are longer and sharper, and her antenna are supposed to resemble horns. All of her eyes are open at all times. ive played with the idea that the traffic life world like, exists beyond the bounds of time progression in the other series, so maybe the players in the world would be from different eras. also tilly <3
hermitcraft pearl, she gets her wings! her wings are based off of the mimosa pearl moth, very pretty. her hair shading is smoother like the style of her current skin. i also tried to be consistent with this, but her hair is also similar to her eyes in that it kind of changes through day and night. during the day, there are more lighter parts of her hair, and at night there are more darker parts. you can probably see it if you scroll through the more recent doodles. of course, her left shoe is very fancy velcro sketchers courtesy of anon on day 43 both shoes are still untied, you cant stop me
the number one important thing about pearls design /j are her lil hair feathers on the top of her head! because they match with grian's. and i like skysiblings a lot. (on a side note, grians hair is the same shade as pearl's highlights)
yeah i think thats it thanks for reading my rambles :D
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cocoabats · 2 years
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Ive been designing some hermits during my finals! Some headcanons and rambling under the cut
Gem is a satyr, fey of seelie court. She really wants you to thinks shes an elf, she says shes an elf, she does not look like an elf but I would not argue with her. Leaves on her antlers change with the seasons and somewhat mirror her mood, if shes sad for a long time they will start to wilt etc
Pearl is... Pearl. There are a lot of different versions of all the hermits, different universes, theres only one Pearl. She has some strong shapeshifter abilities and likes showing them off when possible. Her and Grian are basically siblings and especially like to use their shapeshifting abilities to fuck with people, especially by swapping places.
Impulse is a demon, imp in particular. Him and Tango have known each other for a loooong time, Tango would sometimes summon him to have someone to play with and Impulse got attached. Does not posses that many special abilities and his friends love to summon him at random times to annoy him. You can make some angst out of this!
Mumbo is... Mumbo but not in a way Pearl is Pearl. Pearl knows full well what she is, she will just not tell you or what she tells you will vary depending on her mood, Mumbo meanwhile HAS NO CLUE WHATS GOING ON He suddenly gained shapeshifter abilities in s8, ha may be a vampire, he should have died a long time ago from all the redstone he consumed. Grian started a poll on what he is and the most popular answer rn is "what happens when you get raised by the hermits"
Scar is a vex, unseelie fey (the same with Cub). He uses both a walking cane/staff and a wheelchar, depends on the day hes having. He generally uses his vex abilities more often than Cub but since he doesn't have a summoner and uses his powers so often its weaker than Cubs. Some people would say his charisma is thanks to his vex magic but hes just like that. His magic mostly manifests as illusions, especially on himself. Does this mean all of boatem except for Impulse can change their appearance? Yes. Have they used it to fuck with the whole server?
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Also yes
Grian is mostly a watcher, he got away from them before they could finish his training tho. Most of my headcanons about him and the void stuff on Pearl and Impulse can be found here
He had some hang ups about his abilities until he discovered he could use them for evil (being the local menace). As thanks for all the help he got from Mumbo he gave him one of his fethers. Given that theyre not really feathers but rather void it changes with Grians use of his abilities, mostly by switching colors to match Grians wings. His s9 wings are based on a red-rumped swallow
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minteyeddevil · 3 years
hey toni… request for u!!! what about an mc with a cat who looks super sweet, and is to mc, but torments the brothers. and when theyre like “your cat is a demon” mc is just like “awwww no hes my baby!!! how could you say that!!!”
(I have a soft spot for these kinds of cats, okay, they just love their owner and don't like anyone else lmao xD)
By the way, these are to be taken in a comical sense! No cats were actually harmed by any demon boys!😽
At first, he tried to be indifferent to that cat being around, especially considering how important said cat was to MC
But the moment this cat started hissing at and scratching him for absolutely no reason, he was ready to throw the ball of fluff right out a window
Glaring fights all the time between these two, and I would not put it past Lucifer to even hiss right back at the cat to assert dominance
Cue puffed up demon form, wings flared out to try and be scary and intimidating, only for the cat to puff up in turn and spit and hiss even louder
(Get a spray bottle and spray them both down, seriously)
He brings up his issues with MC, who has the demonic thing in their lap, purring away as they pet him, acting all innocent and sweet
"No way! They wouldn't hurt a fly! You just don't like them cause you're a dog person, pff," they dismiss him and he just gets more angry and annoyed
He eventually asks MC to keep the cat in their room, unless they want him to turn them into a snack for Cerberus (rude, Luci. Rude)
He genuinely wants to be the cat's friend, cooing at them and wanting to pet and play with them; hell, he even gets toys with his own money!
But when the cat just hisses with full fangs showing and swipes at his face; oh it is f*cking on
They become mortal enemies, and he doesn't care who sees them fight; full on wrestling matches in the hallways, bedrooms, wherever these two are, they fighting
And when it comes to getting attention from MC? Whooo boy. It gets ugly!
He will literally yeet the cat across the room much to MC's horror and get a hard wack to the chest or even the head while they run to check on their precious baby
He complains to MC about how the cat is towards him, but he gets shut down immediately; "They are a good baby! You just like to antagonize them and cause trouble!"
You wound him, MC. Just you watch, one day he is gonna get it on camera to show how evil this cat really is!
He thinks the cat is very cute, and tolerates them being in his room, up until they start climbing his shelves and knocking over his figurines
"No, kitty, you don't belong up there, come here! Let me get you do--WHAT THE FU-!"
Bites right down on his hand, growling in the process, and when he pulls his hand away, the cat starts hissing loudly as well
Goes full demon mode and ready to square up with this cat; he defiled his precious idols AND dared to attack him? Oooooh no sir!
Grabs the cat off his shelf and proceeds to start a wrestling match, cat scratching and hissing while he hisses and snarls in return
MC comes in to check on them only to scream and break up the fight, checking on their cat, leaving Levi to pout and whine at them about their cat being an asshole
"It's not like they did it on purpose, Levi! You could've seriously hurt them when in your demon form!"
Feels utterly betrayed by his Henry, a feral beast picked over him; he continues to pout and mumble while MC tends to their cat, giving Levi a few comforting headpats every now and then
Determined to befriend this damned cat
He puts up with the hissing and the biting and scratching, all in the name of his love for the furry being
Please accept him, kitty, he is a desperate soul who wishes to bond with you and take care of you
Genuinely gets sad at how the cat starts to avoid him the more he tries to get close, and brings up this issue to MC
"Maybe try their favorite treats? I give them some whenever they do something good, so maybe that can help you bond?"
Makes it a point to get as many bags of treats as he can to try and win over this cat
Will give them a few when they start getting close, and even more when they are right next to him, so he can reach out and pet them
Gets rewarded in clawed up fingers and even a few scratches at his face when he tries to pick up the furious fur ball and give them a hug
Oh such a cutie, I would love to give them pets, come here little dar--OH OWWW!
Nope, not putting up with this evil thing, don't let them anywhere near this demon
The trust was broken immediately when he tried to take a chunk out of Asmo's delicate hand and it can not be gained back
The cat fluffs up and hisses whenever Asmo walks by them and he just gives them the biggest stink eye, softly growling at them in turn
If MC is spending time with him, he refuses to let the cat into his room, or whatever room they are hanging out in
He is not risking letting that animal bite him again, and he shows the bite mark to MC, complaining about how cruel their cat is
"Oh, no, he really is such a sweetheart though! He'll warm up to you, I promise, it just takes a little time. But don't give up on him!"
Asmo isn't sure if that cat will ever warm up to him, considering they practically glare holes into him any time he enters a room they are in!
He is very accepting of the furball right away, letting them follow him around and hang out with him
He even enjoys their company from time to time, despite how sometimes they growl when he tries to pet them
But when they start growling at him and attacking his hands to make him drop his food, oh...
MC come get your cat before Beel devours them in rage!!!!
Chases the cat around the house the first time this happens and almost destroys several rooms in the process
Complains very angrily to MC what the cat did, and his frown only deepens when they defend them. "I'm sorry Beel, I am sure they were just hungry! Or more than likely they were playing with you, they are a very playful kitty cat!"
Glares between MC and their cat, trying to keep calm and not get mad at MC because he understands how much the cat means to them
Asks MC, politely, if they can keep the cat away from the kitchen because he doesn't want that to happen again
Cool, another nap buddy! He doesn't mind sharing his bed, or MC's bed for that matter, with this catto
But it definitely does not go as smoothly as he thought it would
He places down his cow pillow to lay on it when the cat immediately jumps on it, claiming it as their own
When he tries to get them to move, they hiss and spit, sinking their nails into the fabric and swiping at Belphie any time he tried to move them off the pillow
Another case of fighting between demon and cat that ends up getting broken up by MC walking in and finding them tugging at the pillow
When they get on Belphie's case and not the cat's, he gets super defensive and complains about how mean the cat actually is
"Oh c'mon Belphie, they just wanted to lay on your pillow, you don't need to get so upset about it. You can share, can't you?"
No. This is his pillow. Screw this cat! Hugs his pillow to his chest while glaring at the cat who settles MC's lap, planning ways to get his revenge on the furball
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breathof-fics · 4 years
Could i request genya + kratos/persephone for any prompt (you choose) please? Theyre all so good i can't decide (⁀ᗢ⁀) Thank you ♥️♥️
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they have met under coincidental circumstances; having to be under the wing of the same mentor, their meeting is inevitable. at first glance, she is as soft as the petals of the first flower to bloom in spring — so gentle-spoken, shy and introverted. genya doesn’t understand why he was so attracted to her in the first place upon first meeting; he has always been a man who overexerts his own power, to reach the unreachable, to gain praises from his older brother who wanted him anywhere else but the corps.
her mask was cracking; it was only a matter of time until they saw the demon that she hid. it was only a matter of time that genya truly sees her true potential on a battlefield; every graceful turns and twists are matched with the brutality of every swing of her sword, finishing the job faster than every other slayers he had seen. still, she maintains such a tender expression, timid. 
genya has underestimated her; a flower with petals so soft can grow into something more dangerous than roses with thorns. 
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thelifetimechannel · 6 years
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ARADIA: hi! ARADIA: i dont think weve spoken JAKE: Oh! Hi there. No i dont think we have. JAKE: Youre a troll arent you? ARADIA: yes well spotted :) ARADIA: our paths never crossed before earlier today but you have met many of my comrades JAKE: So are you friends with karkar and the one who kept sniffing me? JAKE: I dont think ive quite managed to catch everyones names yet. JAKE: I know its silly considering weve been around each other and fought together but you know how things get lost in the shuffle. ARADIA: i am indeed! ARADIA: i havent been the most diligent in maintaining our friendship lately but weve known each other for sweeps ARADIA: i managed to lose track of time for a while there myself ARADIA: so much to see so much to do ARADIA: paradox space is full of adventures waiting to happen JAKE: Oh lordy. Isnt THAT the truth. Places to be! Things to do! Reality destroying horrors to fight! JAKE: This may not be true of you but im more than ready for a siesta. ARADIA: i guess a short rest might be in order ARADIA: but after that im eager to explore our new universe! ARADIA: i have seen a lot so far but there is always more to discover JAKE: !! JAKE: Of course! JAKE: What do you think is on the other side then? Will we just get dumped out into the void? ARADIA: hmmm ARADIA: im not sure ARADIA: i have been many places but i have never been through a victory door ARADIA: not yet ARADIA: i would imagine we would be able to visit some of the worlds i saw on the lab readouts though ARADIA: including your former earth that has been placed there JAKE: Former earth? You mean like home? ARADIA: in a sense ARADIA: jade captured your earth far in its future and brought it back with her ARADIA: now it has been placed in the new universe you have created as a home for some of the carapaces who have shared your journey with you ARADIA: im sure theyll go about making it very homelike for their tastes ARADIA: i dont know if thats where youll want to settle down but it is far from the only planet out there JAKE: Oh. So its the earth thats wrecked and flooded and all that. ARADIA: i believe so ARADIA: your earth, but its future JAKE: Well nuts. JAKE: I know its silly to say so but for a moment i was almost thinking i could go back to my island. JAKE: I mean its not much. But if you dealt with the beasts it wouldnt be a bad vacation home. Im just not sure i have space for everyone! JAKE: At the very least i could gather up some of the things i left. ARADIA: hmm ARADIA: well considering it is only a matter of being there at the right time... ARADIA: i might be able to help with that JAKE: Really?? JAKE: Oh of course you could. I recognize that gear. JAKE: Speaking of which... do all trolls grow pretty fairy wings when they god tier? Ive seen them on the clown and now on roxys moms gal pal. ARADIA: we usually do! ARADIA: for some reason i havent seen any on karkat or his ancestor in the dream bubbles ARADIA: a few have even sprouted them without the aid of sgrub but that is rare ARADIA: why, are you jealous? ;) JAKE: Psssh. No. Theyre not really a match for my rugged aesthetic. JAKE: I mean i know it doesnt look rugged. Especially before i ditched the shorts. But sparkly butterfly wings on a guy is uh. Somewhat questionable in human culture? ARADIA: how strange ARADIA: youd think anyone would like a pair of these! but tastes are not disputable ARADIA: usually JAKE: Maybe if they were pointier or if my uh. JAKE: Ruggedness. JAKE: Hadnt already been called into question today. ARADIA: ruggedness is easily reestablished ARADIA: i often established mine by uncovering ancient mystical ruins or destroying things with my mind ARADIA: sometimes i got a little too carried away with that last one JAKE: I already blew up parts of two planets by accident but as long as the new universe has plenty of new tombs to plunder i guess thats a sound course of action. JAKE: Just save some for me! JAKE: Or hells bells take me with you! There can only be so many ancient mystical ruins in a fresh baked universe. ARADIA: sgrub did seed them throughout our world ARADIA: it stands to reason it might attempt to do so again ARADIA: such ruins would be in need of extra desecration JAKE: Would they also have transportalizers to prospit and derse? JAKE: ...like... new prospits and derses if im on the right gravy train? ARADIA: if a session of sgrub is slated to be played ARADIA: which i suppose it is since our adversary did so and or will do so ARADIA: he and who knows how many others ARADIA: though i believe rose is hoping to make that number a small one ARADIA: she might appreciate some ruin recon ;) JAKE: Oh! Gladly! JAKE: I grew up near one of those temples so i know you have to... carve your own souvenirs. So to speak. JAKE: Sadly skaia leaves precious little in the way of strange statuettes or precious trinkets. ARADIA: i will mark you down for hivehold item retrieval and ruin expeditions ARADIA: and if we desecrate a few instead of treating their contents with respect it will only be following in the footsteps of troll indiana jones all the better JAKE: !!! JAKE: You have an indiana jones?? ARADIA: of course ARADIA: what kind of civilization wouldnt have indiana jones JAKE: I mean OBVIOUSLY. JAKE: Indys one of my heroes! Along with lara croft of course. JAKE: I wanted to be just like them as a tyke. And i guess i kind of am? Except instead of putting precious treasures in a museum i exhumed a bunch of skeletons. ARADIA: that sounds exciting too! ARADIA: the crux of the adventure is the adventure itself not the loot you gain ARADIA: that is the team charge motto JAKE: I think i can get behind that. JAKE: Maybe the real adventure is the friends we make along the way? ARADIA: haha i hope so! ARADIA: and the lessons we learn but those are often painful ARADIA: then again sometimes our friends can be painful too at times ARADIA: but they are still worth it JAKE: Yeah. JAKE: Yeah they are!! JAKE: People are more... complicated than you might initially take them for. But i think youve got to try and understand them. JAKE: Friendship has to be a two-way street. And ive not always been the best at that but... consarnit i can try harder than i have been. JAKE: Sometimes people need that. ARADIA: if there is one thing i have learned through my time with the dreamers it is that people want to be understood ARADIA: sometimes they cant find peace until someone does JAKE: I guess i didnt realize how much things weighed on my friends until it... well... boiled over. ARADIA: haha ARADIA: i could tell you some stories about that ARADIA: but perhaps another time JAKE: Were all in sort of the same boat i guess. Hurting like the dickens on the inside. JAKE: At least were not alone then? ARADIA: yes! ARADIA: that is the most important thing to remember ARADIA: we are not alone JAKE: Not anymore!
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tumblunni · 5 years
Today’s completely random headcanon out of nowhere: what if lumis and umbra from yugioh are married
yknow.. that random duo of one episode villains in Battle City that tried to throw people off a skyscraper
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i just think the whole matching mask halves and sun and moon naming would be cute as a couple thing. its a good aesthetic! don’t waste it on bad guys!
...unless theyre a couple AND bad guys. just sayin!!!!!!!!!
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also HUH via the wikia i found out that technically we see them unmasked and technically we do not? I never saw this episode as a kid but apparantly there’s some other members of the same evil organization that have a shorter appearance in a previous episode and look REALLY alike! but the subject is up for debate in the fandom because the english dub gave them the same voiceactors but some sort of japanese interview says otherwise?
i dunno, I’m kinda in the camp of ‘unintentional coincidence’. The shorter one looks very similar in both duos but lumis seems to have widely spaced eyes and this npc dude has very close ones. And the taller dude seems to be skinnier and have a different shaped chin. Then again yugioh has a lot of animation errors so its equally possible that they could fuck up drawing the same characters OR accidentally give a similar design to an npc.
*le shrug*
ANYWAY now i wanna draw some married dudes who have cool masks...maybe a special move where they fuse together SU-style with the power of love.. except they turn into a dragon... man what sort of story could i even fit dragon love men into? I DONT CARE I WILL FIND A WAY
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something like a combination of these aesthetics perhaps? (first one is bayonetta concept art)
im thinking like a two headed dragon but both heads are just faceless spiky halo arrays similar to if cracking dragon’s whole body was the head. and then they’re joined to a wyverny two legged body with the humanoid face for its heart. Just the one face, in a single colour, but still with the angry/happy tragedy mask halves on each side. and i dunno maybe its a translucent red or blue glowy crystal? and then the headless heads would gain the colourscheme that the masks used to have. Also possibly give it a rotating hula hoop thing of feather-shaped light protrusions instead of actual wings. (think arceus?)
i think thatd be a cool dragon of gay pride, right?
hmm tho i actually did have two ocs ideas once who were a lesbian couple whose souls were fragments of an ancient sealed chaos goddess. cos it was an idea i thought up while i was depressed it was a dumb plot about them having to die to ressurect the goddess and save the world and then the goddess was always sad cos she remembered being in love but was forever alone now and her love was technically ‘fake’? like man wow internalized homophobia much. so yeah would probably work INFINATELY BETTER as just “hey yo here’s your special love power that you can use whenever you want and its not a permenant death to your entire soul”. And have this dual headed dragon aesthetic to make it clear there’s no singular personality consuming the other and no this is fueled by good and healthy romance dynamics like all fusion powers always should be! ...i say as if turning into a giant mask dragon is a common circumstance in relationships,lol
SO YEAH help me out guys! which would somehow be more romantic/cuter as a giant badass dragon superpower? two dudes or two ladies? also should i roll with that plot of them being destined gods/goddesses sealed in human form? i was thinking of making that concept part of the “dark pokemon” game idea i had, like u have to search for the legendary monsters to solve some crisis and in the end it all looks tragic cos the last one was killed centuries ago but hey it turns out two of your party members were that deity all along and didnt know it. That’s weirdly romantic right? its not just me? thats romantic? Being A Cool Dragon Together Hangin Out In Th Sky. spice up ur valentines day by transmogrifying into a god. just do it
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