#horror movie idea
vixien11 · 3 months
Horror movie idea where there's a massive monster only women can see, and when they tell a male person/friend/doctor who's sexist abt this weird creature and he says something like "U may be a little hystaric" or "is it that time of the month?" He get's mauled.
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I have a idea for a horror movie. It's a stage magician, and he has an audience of like 5 to 7 people.
He Calls them up on stage one at a time. And performs a trick on them where he actually murders them. So like he saws someone in half, runs someone through with swords, drowns someone in a big tank of water, etc..
But at the end of the movie it's revealed that they're all actually still alive. Some of them or all of them may be injured and definitely traumatized, but he was that good of a magician that he managed to make them all think that the others had died and that they themselves were dying.
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the-moons-ace-card · 10 months
There should be a new Ring movie where Samara uploads her video to YouTube or TikTok and then has a field day
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years
Horror comedy concept.
Murders start happening in a town, the murders have elements that some people think are supernatural and a local myth/demon is blamed and a host of different ghost/cryptid hunters and experts in the supernatural come in to investigate/banish the demon.
However, 1) The killer is human and very happy they’ve covered their tracks and no one suspects them, thinks everyone’s stupid buying into this supernatural bullshit and happily leaning into it as a cover for them
2) The Main character is actually a half demon, one of their parents being the local demon whose just happy chilling with their family.
Cue MC having to solve the murders themselves and keep distracting discrediting supernatural experts so they don’t find out about them or their parent and try kill or banish them.
(Made harder that their parent doesn’t quite get subtly
Townsfolk: The monster did it
Demon parent: Excuse me Nancy! I haven’t killed anyone since 193-
MC*Desperately fake coughing*)
The MC is desperately trying to make sure no one finds out the supernatural is real, and so thankful for the sceptics.
Psychic: I sense a demonic presence
MC*Sweating and inching away from their equipment*
Bonus: The killer in leaning into the supernatural has accidentally summoned more demons, by drawing symbols they think are bullshit in blood and doing other stuff adding even more issues for the MC.
Bonus bonus: They accidently summon like the MC aunt or uncle or other family members making it a fucking awkward family reunion
MC:Auntie  it’s you!....Please stop trying to eat my classmates… we have food at home…and wine
Aunt:Oh wine
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nerdyblog8 · 10 months
You do not understand how much I want a scene in a horror moive where some teen is telling a story and says "They say that ____" and then explain the urban legend or whatever
And someone asks who 'they' is (sarcastically) and they're just like..."My older sibling Kai. You met them at my birthday!"
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mika-you-nerd · 10 months
I came back from the dead to produce a dumb horror film idea let’s gooo
Ok so yk how werewolves get all werewolf-y when they see the full moon right? Ok so imagine the reason that they get all feral and attack ppl is because they’re out on a full moon and the werewolf in question wants the be the only one who witnesses it
So imagine like a survival horror film located in a house or apartment where someone who has survived this kind of attack before knows what to do and so they stay inside for the night close the curtains and they don’t show the werewolf on screen but rather it plays with the idea of not fighting the monster but being able to survive long enough until the night ends
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joanathedummy · 2 years
Guys, what if Poison Ivy was in a horror movie?
Like she was a scientist that found the cure for cancer in plants, and she was murdered while exposed to a plant based chemical that mixed her cells with plant cells, and she grew out of the ground from a giant tree, and she came out of it looking mutated yet oddly close to her human self, and started hunting down the people who killed her, and she got cool fight scenes with vines coming out of her or something.
No romance, just bloodshed.
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thxnks4themrms · 1 year
Not music related but there should be a horror movie/novel about a circus who travel the world and one day a performer mysteriously dies causing everyone to panic; The character who is the murderer would leave hints to who they are until the circus identifies them but everyday until then another member is killed. The killer would also leave the body in interesting ways. For example if a character who makes ballon animals/shapes (I forgot what they’re called) is killed then their body would be in some sort of ballon. Basically what I mean by this is that their murder scene is based off of their job in the circus
Just a silly idea I had bc I’m in a Halloween mood
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subnautica-reviews · 2 years
Pokemon movie idea: A pokemon (my current vision says parasect or bisharp) accidentally gets teleported to a world that never had pokemon, so the humans aren’t evolved to coexist with pokemon. Result: Creature Feature Slasher Movie where the pokemon kills a bunch of people in the area of it’s escape, since the people weren’t designed with Anime Logic in mind.
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aarkose · 21 days
Okay Tumblr. I have a horror movie idea. 20 people wake up in a dimly lit room with no memory of how they got there. Different ages, socio-economic backgrounds, and ethnicities. The room is almost clinical, something like a warehouse, but too lab-like to be an industrial facility. There are no perceivable windows or doors. The edges of the room are shrouded in darkness. The orchestrators did this on purpose to draw attention to the center. There's nothing overtly odd about the room, besides the way everyone got there and the lack of exits.
Except... in the middle of the large space, lit by a slightly brighter spot light than the dim sources around it, is an adult Elephant (Loxodonta africana).
It has tusks, lifelike eyes, textured skin. It looks like it should be alive or at least a model in a natural history museum. It's not breathing, it's just a statue. A really, really good statue. No one understands why it's there, or what it's supposed to be doing. So the participants wake up, start trying to figure out what's going on, someone watching this unfold reaches breaking point and asks "Okay, but what's with the elephant?"
The elephant bursts to life from its stasis, brutally murders the person who mentioned it and returns to its position in the centre of the room. Maybe that character is still hanging lifelessly from its tusk.
Horrified, the others scream or cry, or both, generally a rainbow of very human reactions to witnessing this bizarrely violent thing happen. So they've learned a lesson. Mention the elephant and you die, right? The parameters start evolving and changing and those remaining have to adapt or risk getting viciously put down by this elephant. The elephant becomes this insidious thing, always in the background, even when it's not moving.
Maybe it does creepy stuff like shift its eyes when it's in view of the scene, or does barely noticeable things unless you're really looking. Everyone knows it's there. They can't mention it, for fear of retaliation, for fear of death. You know, a controversial issue, or obvious problem that people don't want to talk about (or can't).
No idea about an ending. But there you go.
Oh and it's called "the (...) in the room" (elephant is scribbled over or censored, for obvious reasons).
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Horror movie idea
Tw: Depression and suicide
Basically the movie starts like every stereotypical horror movie, a group of teens are home alone and having a sleep over.
The masked killer breaks into the house and chases and kills off all the teens except one.
But the plot twist is that the last teen is depressed and so its like-
Killer: I'm gonna kill you!
Teen: Cool! Make it quick!
Killer: What?
Teen: You heard me, do it!
Killer: uhh
And the killer is taken aback and starts to feel bad
Killer: Are you ok kiddo?
Teen: No....
And the movie ends with the killer getting away with the murder and adopting the suicidal teen (Who is also an orphan)
So basically its a horror movie with a wholesome ending, which would be unique
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mistycanyon · 2 months
what if they made like an A24 horror movie based off of Wawa Hoagiefest and they made it about a small town in eastern Pennsylvania that is known for their annual sandwich celebrations, except the small town is actually a cannibalistic cult that puts human meat in the hoagies and it was like Anthony Po’s “I snuck into a cult” video where they visit The Yellow Deli
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rediron89 · 3 months
the cameras 
a horror movie that starts with a man arguing with his wife. he noticed that there has been something strange going on outside. like someone was going around his yard late at night.
he bought an expensive security camera setup and we see the point of view from his computers webcam. 
every shot is from the point of view from a camera set around the house. the audience quickly is made aware we are watching a recording of the events. at first we have normal daily stuff happen. getting ready for work. a dog wanting to go outside. meal prep. 
there's no security cameras inside but we do have the point of view from some computers and smart devices. at night we notice small changes at first. the kind that would require a rewatch to notice. 
a knife left on the edge of the counter that was clearly put away properly. a door quietly unlocking itself in the background. the man doesn't notice it because he is obsessed with thinking something is going on outside. 
Then things start breaking, cameras suddenly glitching and bigger items moving. a glimpse of a shadow. a dog unheard poops on the floor. 
his paranoia rises and he invests more and more money into these cameras. we see him put some inside but we never see the view from these. 
instead we see the view from cameras in strange places. and old cellphone found under the bathroom sink. low quality betraying it's age. sights from the eyes of a toy bought for a child. 
unusual points of view of view at the best of time. We slowly discover secrets that the house is keeping. an abusive relationship between the couple. a beating that lead to a hidden miscarriage. the woman talking to a friend about how much she hates living here now. 
as life in the house unravels the cameras at night start glitching more and more. shadowy faces appear around the corners behind the man. unnaturally sharp teeth gleaming in the dark stalk him. 
all evil follows him. distorting the world around him. weapons appear in areas that they should not be. his paranoia grows as he can't see the changes around him, but he does see the conversation between the wife and the friend from a point of view we didn’t. 
This enrages him, and after she leaves the next day he leaves the house at an odd time. You see him come home way too early with a heavy trash bag, and he shoves it into the shed. He puts a heavy padlock on the door and puts the key into his pocket. That night the dog starts barking. The shadows are much clearer and knock twisted hands on the windows. 
He gets up and rushes to the door with a gun. Clearly recently bought. The dog rushes out with the man quickly following. The shadows caressing his hair as he passes. He turns the corner as he watches the dog barking, biting, and clawing at the shed door. We see blood pooling at the bottom of the door and as he reaches for the key the dog steps in the blood. The dog then turns to attack the man. He then shoots it multiple times. 
The next day she is talking to the police about her missing friend as the man finishes burying the dog in the backyard. The police investigate him, and he gives some excuse how some animal was attacking him and the dog got in the way. As he goes back to filling in a hole with way too much dirt for a dog. 
We don’t see from the normal cameras anymore. Some old vhs camera in an attic that is pointed at the dripping decapitated head of the friend as she mouths something at the camera. He turns on the light only for it to be an old doll head that he crushes with his foot by accident.  A bloody bundle in the basement wiggling just to be shown to be a bundle of old rags. Even at day the glitches happen. The woman now notices them. The weapons in the house glitching in and out between shots always pointing their handles to him.  Sharp edged shadows whispering untold love to him, and fears to her. The next day she attempts to leave. Shook by the events that happened. Upon finding her in the middle of fleeing he in his paranoia points his gun at her. Telling her that he will protect her. She turns to the door and he attempts to shoot her. Only for a bright “dog shaped” light to cause him to miss. He drops the gun to the floor where it misfires. 
She escapes into the night as he is left bleeding from a chest wound. Shadows and glitches come out of every corner. Digging deeply into the wound. Soaking into his blood. Now a toxic oil color. Draining him of what life he has. As the decapitated body of the friend holds the dog and her head look on. 
After being enveloped by the smoke he becomes a glitch. His desiccated ghost stairs at the camera. And he says “Oh i see now” and smiles and unearthly bright smile. As the camera starts to move you see from the point of view of a cops body cam as his ghost starts walking down the street.
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mebeingrandom · 4 months
this is a story that I picture as a horror movie( well more of a drama thriller) but the protagonist is NOT the one being haunted. instead, it is their friend who slowly starts to lose it saying they are being haunted by something. the main character will try to help them. From research to let them live with them but nothing works.
Now the thing is that this movie will have a LOT of tiny details happening in the bad. You know how there are things that are placed wrong or something is missing in movies that are normally mistakes. well in this movie they are all done on purpose.
Now it is not all the time. It will start off slow like a slight move of a glass or something but when the main character is with her friend bigger things happen. An example is in one frame there will be a dish or silverware in a messy sink but then in the very next frame it is missing. Or even clothes or paper moving in the background but the main character never notices. These continue throughout the whole movie. with the activity getting bigger and more obvious but the main character is a skeptic so even when something does happen they don't think too hard about it or completely look over it.
There will also be a few jump scares like a noise being heard in the attic but is actually an animal or you open a door thinking something is there but there isn't and there isn't even when they turn back around.
Another thing is that in the movie lighting will be everything. When the characters are outside or at work it is bright and cheery. When they are at the friend's house it is dark and gloomy. Finally, when they are at the main characters' home the colors are muted. At least until the end.
In the end, the friend passes on and after the funeral, the weather is dark and rainy. When the main character finally walks into her home it is dark and gloomy and they finally see what the friend had been seeing the whole time. so it ends with an actual jumpscare.
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sarthak2405 · 5 months
Happyhills Homicide the movie Idea
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I recently came across a pretty interesting horror game gameplay by a youtuber name 8-BitRyan
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The game was called The HappyHills Homicide created by Copperbolts. The Happyhills Homicide is an indie horror/puzzle game in the style of an 80's slasher movie created by Copperbolts. It was released on December 28, 2020. The game is about a janitor who becomes a serial killer, and a detective investigating the murders. As a Horror Movie enthusiast i adored this games especially the tiny secrets that only true slasher movie fans would recognize.
After watching the gameplay i was wondering if someone was to make this game into a horror movie how would one do it?
i asked a friend of mine this question and he said "Making these as anthologies will be nice" "And at one point all stories tie up together". we decided that the movie would be a whodunnit type slasher taking inspiration from class horror slashers like Halloween and the Friday The 13th movies. we would shoot the movie mostly from the Killers prespective with the occasion switch to the detective.
Before i end this blog i am in no way an expert so please go easy on the criticisms in the comments and im interested in hearing your thoughts and opinions
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myurucrie · 10 months
Horror movie idea, some cult invites a group of normal people for sacrifices to summon a powerful being, only for the being being summoned early by an accident and is now possessing one of the sacrifices without any access to their powers. Said powerful being is so weirded out by the cult tries it’s best stop their attempt from summoning them
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