#horus! atem
teatitty · 5 months
Given that goth culture in Japan didn't emerge until the late 90's as a pivotal facet of Harajuku culture and that YGO itself takes place during the 90's (the manga timeline spanning from 1995/1996 - 1999) it is a very real possibility that Yugi himself was a huge figure in goth subculture and may even have the same iconic status as Elvira and the Addams'
Basically please imagine a bunch of baby goths absolutely idolising him growing up because he always appears in tournaments wearing all those belts and thick eyeliner and studded boots and chockers etc and he's just completely oblivious to the fact that he's The King of Goth™️
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quirkthieves · 8 months
tag dump: pharaoh atem
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kizunagatari · 1 year
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Nightmare of Horus x Gods at Dusk
↓ coord info ↓
Well I bought shoes specific for this dress, but El convinced me to draw ones that Yugi and Atem were more likely to wear...and he was right lol
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Coord pieces
Main pieces: Nightmare of Horus/Gods at Dusk-Chunlu
Tights: Lost Civilization-Yidhra
Shoes: unnamed? (might be called "Thorn Girl"?)-Bondora
IRL worn pics
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gwenkatana · 8 months
It’s so interesting to see the traits Priest Set has and by extension Kaiba, that are probably attributable to Set, the god.
Set is the god of war, chaos, and storms. Associated with the desert and desert winds (and thus the color red), foreign lands and foreign people. Before he became the villainous counterpart to Osiris and Horus he was a hero god who saved Ra during his nightly descent from an evil serpent and ensured the sun rose again.
Now he’s the chaos to the order and good represented by Osiris and Horus. Necessary to the balance of life. And I think you can kind of see that balance play out in the rivalry between Atem and Set and Yugi and Kaiba, or at least see that was probably the intention behind the rivalry.
Interestingly, he’s also known to have had foreign consorts who were foreign goddesses. So there is even a basis for Set and Kisara’s love, if you see her as a powerful foreign entity, which I do.
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bakawitch · 4 months
Casteshipping au where Atem is made god after his ascension to the afterlife (probably some kind of light deity under Horus) and he's given an option to pick an acolyte who will serve under him as a sort of assistant. He thinks for a while and visits his friends in the afterlife to help him come to a decision, and Mahad immediately offers himself. Atem still has some complicated feelings about him due to the whole keeping Kul Elna a secret thing from him and declines him as courteously as he can. He ends up talking to his mum about his regrets, which include tkb's death and his inability to appease him, and she suggests that he pick tkb as an acolyte in an effort to save his soul.
Atem does so, and the gods reluctantly give him tkb. They put a magic charm on him that makes him obey all of Atem's orders and unable to lay a harming hand on the new god. Bakura obviously hates not having full bodily autonomy and is unable to show any gratitude to Atem for saving him. Atem feels bad for not being able to give him full freedom, so he keeps his distance and lets him do whatever the fuck he wants as a sort of consolation prize. Tkb gets up to some mischief, which most of the gods don't appreciate, but when he starts noticing that Atem constantly covers for him and makes excuses, he starts feeling a little more appreciative of him. They start becoming closer, but they avoid the hard conversations for as long as possible. Bakura starts doing his job but immediately relapses into his old ways after some comments from Isis (goddess, not priestess) that suggest that Atem tamed him. They work through it and Atem starts talking about finding a way to remove the charm influencing Bakura.
One night, Atem gets totally hammered from trying to keep up drinking with the older gods and accidentally commands Bakura to kiss him. (It was a request, but Bakura purposefully interpreted it as a command so he wouldn't have to be held accountable for also wanting to kiss Atem.) They enter a shy avoidant state after that night, both wrestling with their feelings and attraction towards the other, until they have a fight which requires them to finally address the difficult subjects they couldn't bare to bring up yet. The argument probably ends with furious kissing.
They start regularly sleeping together, but Atem refuses to let Bakura do anything to him because he's afraid that the charm might be making tkb respond to his subconscious desires and tkb wouldn't actually want to do those things if he were free from it's influence. (Tkb still finds a way around it and just keep it to stuff Atem is less worried about) Seth helps them find a loophole and break the charm because he wants to spite Horus. Now that Bakura is able to enter the Duat, Atem takes him to see his family, which actually goes surprisingly well, and when the time comes for Atem to leave, he's surprised to see that tkb is also coming with him instead of staying with his family. They get back to Atem's residence and do all the things Atem was too worried to do before. The morning after tkb assures Atem that he doesn't regret a thing, and Atem admits he feels the same way. Bakura drops a pun.
The end :)
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To the Next Adventure
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Atem/YamiYugii X F!Reader
Darkness was everywhere you looked. It surrounded you, preventing any other movement besides the pivot of your head. It was neither cold nor warm, dry nor wet, it was simply nothing. What was this place? What happened that made you come here? Pain shot through your temples as if to answer the questions you’d asked, near blinding white hot, threatening to render you motionless altogether. Had you sustained a head injury of sorts?
“Release her at once!”
Another bolt of pain seared across your being. The voice was familiar, ripples of fine dark hued velvet dancing with white silk appearing from nowhere, as it caressed your ears. Who was its owner?, you couldn’t help but wonder as glittering gold sand gathered in a pile around your feet courtesy of a warm breeze. Darkness lingered though small stars slowly began to appear with each echo of the command until a desert spanned for as far as you could see blanketed by Nyx’s cloak of twilight. A full moon stained red threatened to bathe all things in its crimson glow if not for the single figure who stood atop of a mighty twin mouthed dragon.
“I will not repeat myself…Consider this your only and final warning!”
This time pain radiated from around your neck as what was identifiable as large fingers threatened to cutoff your airway. “Ah, but you see, she is rightfully mine by right! Need I remind you of this era’s rules, your highness, for he who lays claim to a female then the property she becomes! Matters not how nor if it was by choice! I have her in my hold currently which makes her the perfect person for the job I have in mind!”
The dragon released an earth shattering roar that would make any who heard deaf, its four eyes aglow with bloodlust as its summoner’s lip curled in a snarl. Seeing either one alone would ensure nightmares to come with its glistening fangs and claws but it was the man wearing the Eye of Horus upon his head that struck you with awe. Wild ebony hair with vermillion tips that faded to violet towards his neck’s nape, a mantle of rich purple billowing behind him that accentuated the amethyst shards within his sharp gaze as it remained locked upon the one you surmised as your captor, skin beautifully kissed by the sun’s rays that shone with subtle hints of sweat as he raised his hand outwards. “All in the land know that she you dare touch is to be by my side as queen so do not play me for a fool! Will or not, I demand you return her at once!”
Queen? You? Confusion filled your chest at his words.
Anger shone brilliantly as his gaze tinted towards pomegranate. As if your uncertainty had wounded him, there was the briefest shadow of sorrow hidden within his gaze as you met it. “You heathen, what have you done her?”
“Well, dear pharaoh, it was clear that you were not going to pull your punches even if I used those little modern century friends of yours. My patience wanes thin already and Zorc the Dark One will be resurrected soon enough once I offer up her life force!” Another hand rose to take hold of your chin, raising it roughly so that the length of your throat was exposed. “Try not to take this personally, my dear, you were simply a means to an end! Fear not though, your memories shall be returned to you once his highness speaks his name!”
Both summoner and beast bellowed towards the night sky as the moon behind them darkened. Those were your only warnings as the world you barely knew was plunged into darkness once again courtesy of a dagger which first swiped across your throat then buried itself deep within your chest until its metallic hilt met your flesh.
Breaths hissed from between your clenched teeth as you sat upright in bed, hands leaping to your throat and chest while staring wide eyed up through the skylight window to the full blood moon eclipse. Horror filled you like a spreading poison when hearing a voice call out a name which unlocked a hidden gate that was buried within your mind. Faces and places swam past you like a movie reel until they came to a screeching halt upon an altar where the shadow sourcing from a single being became two. The cellphone that was on your bedside table began to ring but you were too numb to move let alone speak. Somehow you knew where to go, where you should be, and who was calling out to you.
Sunlight threatened to blind you while stepping off the boat, feet running the second they met the blistering sand despite the shouts of local deterring you from venturing below. You’d used every string and connection you knew to get here so quickly but it would all be worth it. At the end of a seemingly never ending stone staircase, after stepping around the slumped figure of a white headed man, you found the golden upside down pyramid laying behind a tricolored teen who lay unconscious with several others. The stone tablet before you seemed to hum with power as you approached, a single golden beam appearing from the carving’s apex to brush your brow, before it fell silent; all of your memories had been restored already, meaning its task had nothing to do with you. Your hands carefully picked up the ancient artifact, caressing it gingerly and carefully as if it would shatter, raising it to press one of its sides against your cheek. A single teardrop fell from your eye to splatter across the priceless gold.
“By the ancient gods,” the voice from your dream sounded as if he were standing in front of you instead, “how have you come here?”
“Nothing upon the earth nor in the heavens could keep mine love from you, my pharaoh.” You whispered back while returning it to the young teen who stirred. Though you couldn’t physically see him, there was no mistaking the gaze which seemed to watch with suspense as you walked back towards the staircase. The urge to take the Millennium Puzzle came over you in a tidal wave yet you retrained yourself. It was not for you to possess and his task within this time was not yet complete. “Come seek me out once you have gathered your senses about you.”
And without another backwards glance, you vanished back up the staircase.
The gentle rocking of the boat would lull anyone into slumber but you instead found solace upon starboard’s bow with the wind teasing the sensitive skin of your face. Scents of water lily and driftwood filled the night’s cool air which quenched most of the day’s relentless heat. A soft smile made to raise your lips if not for the presence which manifested behind you.
They didn’t speak, nor did you, as the shadow that stretched across the wood underfoot became taller. It was dominating, radiating with power unseen in this century’s time, yet it seemed to not show its fangs as it came closer.
One step…
two steps…
four steps…
And it came to a stop just short of reaching where you stood. Yet they still did not speak nor did they attempt to touch you.
This time a smile did grace your lips as the lids of your eyes slowly closed. Masculine sandalwood now tickled your nose in place of playful yet faint scents of modern deodorant which was a bit too potent for your personal liking. “Upon the Nile’s shore, where water kisses land, so ever flows my love for you.”
“May by Ra’s grace, our bond be forged in gold.” He spoke softly, gently, as if afraid you were a vision that would disappear if he was too loud. “For not riches nor jewels shine brighter than my beloved. For so long as she remains by mine side, I shall not want for naught.”
“For what is fortune to one such as I when mine eyes behold the greatest treasure one could find?” You faced him fully with a tilt of your being, the banister meeting the small of your back as he crossed the remaining space to wrap both arms around you as if to prevent anyone from stealing you away. Guilt wracked your body as you in turn clung to him.
Along your trip you’d familiarized yourself with the path of his vessel, Yugi Mutuo from Japan, and had felt stricken with self loathe when discovering all that had occurred while your memory was lacking; Pegasus’ Shadow Game, the battle against Marik’s evil, Atlantis, and that you had been unable to assist in any of them left you feeling bitter. Even back in ancient times, the pharaoh had immense strength blessed to him by the gods, but the showcase again and again of it was almost too much for you to take when realizing that strangers had been by his side instead of you.
“My pharaoh, my beloved, my King of Games, forgive this fool of a woman for not finding her way to your side sooner.”
“I am relieved that you did not have to suffer twice. The battle’s path may have turned in an unfavorable direction if you had participated, (Y/n), thus I am relieved to find you unharmed and well.” The pads of his thumbs were quick to wipe away the tears as they spilled down your cheeks, his gaze piercing you with its gemstone hues. “Bakura’s curse was vanquished the moment he was defeated, (Y/n), so do not blame yourself upon something that was not within your control.” He appeared just as you had dreamt and more as he encouraged your eyes to open with the softest of brushes that were his fingers against your eyelids. Pale moonlight accentuated each plane of his face, revealing masculine edges yet smoothed over by the lingering plush that was from living within the modern century, though it did little to conceal the physique which was testimony of endless trainings both in combat and magical. A black racer back tee failed to conceal the lean build he sported, shoulders and upper chest showcased thanks to the fabric’s tightness, and recognizable bottoms ended where pointed boots began. Leather studded bands around his biceps and wrist did little to deter his movements, matching the choker around his throat. The expression upon his features though was foreign as he retreated a step. “Forgive my appearance, for it is not entirely my own.”
“My pharaoh, frankly I would not care if your vessel was a giant purple dinosaur.” Your hand waved dismissively when his head tilted slightly, unable to stop a giggle from sounding. Pride filled you while cupping his face between both your palms, exhaustion appearing within his gaze as you brought him closer so that your foreheads were touching. “It matters not, beloved, all that matters is that you have succeeded in saving the world from Zorc the Dark One. Now you may finally know peace as the kings before you have.”
Regret wafted off of him in waves as he removed your hands, gaze becoming hooded. “I am in need of rest, yes, yet my duty upon this matter is not yet finished.”
You listened carefully and intently as he told of one final duel he needed to partake within. This time it would be against his vessel. Understanding filled you when noting how he glanced over his shoulder towards the cabin where the boy’s companions sounded from, your fingers lightly brushing against his own when he hesitated to answer the call of a name which wasn’t his. “Go to them. It will not be long before they must accept your destiny leads somewhere they cannot follow.” Though his fingers and hand was larger than your own, it did not deter you from raising it so as to brush your lips across his knuckles before placing his palm against your chest where he could feel your heartbeat. “You have my word that I will not wander, pharaoh, have faith in my words as a promise to remain seen yet unseen while going forth from here.”
Sharp gemstone eyes closed briefly as he nodded, slowly allowing the call to cause his vessel to take retreating steps, until he disappeared from sight towards the other end of the boat.
Watching him go threatened to fill you with loneliness and neglect but it was not you who needed comforting tonight. No. He deserved to be with the friends he’d made despite you wanting not to waste another second not within his presence. You’d managed this second life’s time so far without him.
What was one more night?
Little were you aware of how many times he came to a stop outside your door as the moon traveled its way across the night sky. It was close to the four o’clock hour that the softest of sounds woke you. No explanation was needed as you crossed the borrowed room’s space to unlock the door, your hand gently collecting his own and drawing him inside before closing it once more. The shadows seemed to gather around him as he silently followed you to the bed, not stopping nor saying anything as you laid him down first. Words weren’t necessary as the heaviness within his gaze met yours. One of your hands rose to begin slowly combing through his tricolored tresses while the rest of you settled in a comfortable position beside him, silently encouraging him to relax by coaxing his head to rest against your upper chest. The invitation was accepted and he soon had nestled his face into your being with arms wrapped around your waist.
And that was all it took for the mighty Nameless Pharaoh of Egypt to finally break. His hold became tight as near scalding droplets of liquid splattered across your skin as he choked on his own words. He told of everything from how his initial emergence from the puzzle frightened the poor boy who’d completed it, how he had selfishly grown attached to the boy’s friends and became envious of the simplistic lifestyle, of how each adversary he met would nearly result in the harm of those he’d come to care for, the frustration he felt when someone was made victim because of his choices or actions, when he’d felt helpless against silver tongued opponents who nearly made him lose sight of his path. Your hold didn’t wane or falter as he spoke, uncaring of how long it took until his words ran out, internally relishing every one that passed through his lips. It had been so long since either of you had spoken freely, let alone held one another in such a way, and though he’d tried his best to keep a clam and neutral exterior, you of all people knew just how self destructive such a face could become.
He’d had no one in this time to comfort or encourage him in the way he needed. No one had been capable to ensuring his confidence within himself was put back together when he felt lacking. There had been new friendships to help him cope with his missing memories but with them came a lacking of understanding from both parties. Several times it seemed as though he was at a loss for what he’d needed in some scenarios, despite his and their best efforts to find solutions, but that’s outside of the here and now.
Silence hung in the air once he’d finished, though it was as weightless as a feather, yet it settled over the two of you in an invisible blanket which stemmed off the chill of night. Your eyes drifted closed as his breaths slowed to an even rhythm against your skin. The tension which had been radiating off his form since your skin touched was replaced by calm acceptance. His mind must have been racing with the coming dawn that it had robbed him, and his vessel, of slumber. Even if this was all you could do for him you’d gladly accept this role.
Dawn filtered through nearby window as he finally stirred, bathing him in its colorful glow as he rose to sit upright. You would wake soon, that much he could tell from how you shifted due to his warmth now missing from your embrace. Ever so gently he brushed his lips against your temple then across each of your knuckles. The beauty he saw as you teetered on the line between dreamland and consciousness threatened to take his breath away but it could not be ignored that he had one more mission to accomplish upon this plane of existence. His turned back, however, made him miss the tear which slid down your cheek as with a crack of your eye allowed your to witness him depart.
Dressing took minimal effort, your belongings next to none since you no longer would need them come tonight, and you carefully followed the small group who were his comrades below the earth to where the Millennium items were to slumber. It seemed that none noticed you slipping within the designated space that was to be his final stage and watched with awe as not one figure but two appeared from the shadow which had been one.
With breathless abandon, you watched the duel’s twists and turns earn mixed reactions from those who watched; the tomb keepers would be freed from their ancient family duty to watch over the Nameless Pharaoh’s tomb until his return and those who were teens within high school couldn’t decide who to cheer for yet they all soon began cheering for the one named Yugi. Magic cards were activated, trap cards triggered, summons of monsters completed or prevented…
Until his life points were nonexistent.
Your breath came out in a soft exhale as defeat permeated the air. It seemed as though the other spectators were struck by the turn of events, judging from how they stared wide eyed up at the pair who crossed the space to stand mere inches apart instead of feet. Even from here you felt the waves of relief coming off the pharaoh as he offered his hand towards the boy who looked ready to weep. Whispers almost too soft for you to hear filled the air, encouraging you to come forward from your hiding place, and steeled yourself as you stepped out from the column’s shadow you’d been within. A collective exclamation rose as you remained locked upon your target, the platform which had been stage for his final duel, uncaring as a few demanded you explain how you’d come to be here. Coming to a stop beside him, you offered him a smile after bowing lowly. “Beloved, you fought valiantly.”
An uproar sounded from those who watched, despite the attempts of the tomb keepers, but silence fell as his hand rose to tuck a few fallen strands of hair behind your ear. The boy beside him was watching with wide eyed surprise as your introduction was followed by explanation of Bakura’s curse upon your memories which had wiped them clean until recently.
Your hand offered its palm to him as another smile raised your lips when he took it. “Thank you for taking care of him as he traversed upon such a path.” Hesitation filled his gaze when you drew him forward, your other hand cupping the side of his face so that his gaze wouldn’t wander from yours. “Your friendship shall not be forgotten, Yugi. Allow me to take my place at his side now as he prepares to cross the final threshold.”
He didn’t object or intervene despite his friends who spoke against your actions while releasing him, the woman tomb keeper explaining the final steps which the pharaoh needed to take in order to transcend. “I can tell you mean a lot to him, (Y/n), though I probably should say that I had my suspicions someone out in the world was looking for him ever since we returned. I’m glad you found him.”
Those who had gathered as the great stone slabs parted to reveal golden light which bathed the pharaoh in its light. His modern clothes were replaced by the ancient wardrobe you’d been more familiar with down to the royal purple mantle which billowed in the soft breeze coming from beyond the gate. Ever so faintly you could see those who had passed on during the battle centuries ago waving and awaiting the two of you with welcoming smiles. Tanned fingers gently laced themselves with yours, which you gave a gentle squeeze, your gaze rose to meet his own to find them practically glittering. Somehow your own clothes had undergone a change as well to resemble those which you’d once donned. A bend of his being brought his lips to your cheek, earning a soft hum from within your chest and a blush as he whispered how beautiful you looked, before turning his attention to those who watched with tearful gazes.
Farewells were said, smiles exchanged, your fingers giving his a squeeze as the minimal window which would allow him to finally crossover began to shorten. “Atem, my beloved, it is time. If we do not go now then we may remain within limbo.” You shared a glance with him back over your shoulders, then together the two of you stepped through the gateway.
“As I embark on this next adventure, I am thankful to the gods that we have reunited.” He brought your joined fingers up to his mouth as the golden light grew, nearly blindingly so, his lips descending upon your own when you sighed blissfully. “Let us go…together.”
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bastetwastaken · 1 year
7 & 11 for the fic writer ask :)
Thank you <3
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
Usually by listing the things each character would experience at a given point and then deciding which set would better suit the overall story.
For example: In Area Of Effect, that's all Yami's POV because of the fact he knows the same guy under different names, so it made sense to keep it all on him and how he interacts with both Horus and Weird Syrup Guy. In A Tale of Two Kingdoms, it's all Yugi because he's hiding something from Atem and it makes much more sense to have the reader in his head to explore that rather than in Atems who is none the wiser.
11. Link your three fave fics right now.
Gladly! ^.^
Board the Red Eye by @puzzl-d Lieutenant of the English Royal Navy, Atem Sennen, is on a secret mission to gather information about or even better capture Yami the Red Eye, one of the most notorious pirates currently sailing the Spanish Main. Though following some rumours he heard around the darkest corners of Tortuga, his mission quickly heads southward.
(It's sweet, it's romantic, it's got PIRATES in it. It's just everything I love and it feels nice and safe to read and it's just wonderful.)
You Are My Lovesong by @vixxxfiction (LLAngel) Atem Sennen is a young game developer going through an incredibly hard time in his life. His girlfriend has left him, his boss is threatening suspension, his landlord is threatening eviction and he is one argument shy of his parents disowning him. His life could not get worse, he surmises from the bottom of a bottle. Then he meets Yugi, a talented and spirited young musician. His music saves his life, but it's his optimistic and bubbly soul that saves him from despair. This story is going to be incredibly sweet and romantic, lots of stupid moments between boys discovering their feelings and stoking flames neither expected to find. Lots of boy love, new relationship stuff and a fair amount of drama. It wouldn't be one of my fics though if there wasn't a good balance between angst and the most stupid, tooth rottingly sweet romance!
(It's so incredibly sweet and lovely and warm. A good time all around honestly.)
Sphinx Yugi AU by @saijspellhart A sudden and mysterious sandstorm separates Pharaoh Atem from his priests and soldiers during a skirmish. After wandering blindly, he takes refuge in an oasis, where he wakes up the next morning quite literally on top of a Sphinx.
This Sphinx wants to be his friend though, and Atem can’t help falling for him.
(What's not to love about an adorable and chaotic Sphinx boy)
---List can be found here if you fancy asking anything ^.^
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fableworld · 1 year
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A little headcanon of my own that when Atem is in Aaru, he is gifted Horus wings. He doesn't use them all the time since they are massive, and he can't sit down with them on his back. They tend to disappear when he is outside the sun for too long.  They are a clear sign of his new Demi-god status. 
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gildinbainas · 8 months
♦ What's an AU that you've always wanted?
Questions for the Mun || @shacchou
Alright. Gonna just go with Atem here. ( Although more than happy to list AUs for other characters o/ )
The first one is the Fate AU. LISTEN. My poor son deserves to rest and be reunited with his family. I mean all he does is live in the past anyway, but can you imagine how PISSED OFF he would be if someone found an old relic and used that to summon him to fight in a Holy Grail War? Not only that, but he'd be subservient to the one who summoned him, forced to fight on their behalf depending on if the person understands the nuances of the Grail War. But he would be PISSED. Granted he'd forgive his friends if it was one of them and would likely blame the universe having it in for him as opposed to blaming a person.
But he flat out wouldn't want to fight, and remain a spirit for another eternity. OOF. His 'don't want' attitude aside, I've always been torn about what servant class he'd be but given his affinity for mages, odds are he'd be a great Caster Class Servant. Still haven't worked out a Noble Phantasm for him but it would probably include some OP as hell shit involving the Gods, Exodia, Horakhty or some other god like Anubis or Horus.
The other one with him was the whole 'born cis gendered female'. And before woke tumblr gets at me about making him trans, it does not work for the AE verse in which I wanted her to be able to reproduce among other things that didn't exist back then. It's always been that verse that I've mused over in the past because I do think Atem would be different personality wise to a degree. Still able to crush opponents in duels, but he'd have different problems. He'd have to deal with gender stereotypes. Shimon would probably be even MORE pushy about him marrying / producing an heir. He'd have to see how women in general are reduced to being nothing more than baby makers in many cultures. As pharaoh, he'd have some leniency, but I think he'd have to fight harder for support in some areas. No matter if its modern or Egypt, it would come with a set of challenges and different sensitivities that I wonder about.
And just some others for shits and giggles: AU where he actually marries / goes along with the arranged union. Fat chance of that happening but you know...
And then you know a few cliches: Amnesia AU. I know, I know but... it'd be like starting over in life LMAO. Pokemon although I lost the old poke list I had so... and obviously Harry Potter. Attack on Titan AU. Maybe a verse where he's not a royal but a servant? ROME. I never get tired of period AUs. Greek Gods?? Heh ill hush now.
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cinisemperium · 1 year
@h3artsablaze cont. from here
They are shaded beneath the limbs of swaying palms, the gentle breeze casting ripples across the pool of water beside them. Seto is a sight to behold, his brown hair tussled from the desert winds. He is dressed in the garb of Atem's ancient society, but the technological crown still sits atop his head, the one thing the pharaoh could not convince him to discard, even for a moment. Atem was not stupid, he knew what the device was for, at least partially, judging by how often Seto was reaching up with a look of annoyance as he flicked it off.
"Perhaps I just wanted to see your handsome face," he teases, leaning back on one hand, a glass of wine swirling gently in the other. He takes a sip, carefully watching Seto's face as he continues to speak. "I know you are still waiting on my answer, but I'm afraid I don't have one yet that would satisfy you. Leaving here is...complicated."
Seto had asked Atem to return with him, to come back to Domino and life the life he had never gotten to have. But the reasons Seto gave for him to leave were all reasons he had to stay. Why should he abandon his kingdom, his people, for a life he never even had? If destiny was bullshit and he was supposed to pick his own path, why would he not choose his job, his purpose? He was Horus, Ra, both of them and none of them. Who else could take over for him?
"There is no one who could take my place if I were to leave."
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teatitty · 5 months
Another reason to make Yugi goth is that a lot of goth fashion uses egyptian imagery - ankh jewellery and eye of horus makeup; sphinx cats on clothing and the wings of Isis. Death and the afterlife are very central to goth culture in the same way that it held importance to Atem's people and I just think it'd be neat for Yugi to incorporate it into his fashion
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kairunatic · 2 years
Considering Heliopolis has currently 0 transients to represent them. I had to do a little browsing. To see what kind of characters we could get from there.
Wiki doesn't list much...
Just a lot of philosophers and geniuses like Orpheus, Homer, Pythagoras, Plato, Solon, Ptolemy, etc.
Gods they got Ra, Atem(Oh joy Yugioh), and Helios.
The only other thing is that it could be a world related to Horus since there's a lot of mention of Ra. So possibly a mirror Aaru?
It could also be a Canaan situation since it was abandoned and destroyed over time.
Of course this is assuming that it's referring to Egypt's Heliopolis and not something else entirely. Wonder who they could come up with from there.
Yeah Heliopolis maybe the Real life counterpart of Aaru like Pharos and maybe cleopatra.
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sigridhawke · 2 years
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I haven’t tried a full digital piece in a hot minute but I really wanted to attempt a drawing of Atem on the top of the Temple of Horus, early morning, speaking a hymn to the gods. ✨
[Leather and Linen - AO3 story link] [Tumblr post]  
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ink-flavored · 2 years
Thank you!
🧥 warm coat: share a happy or fuzzy scene from your wip!
Hm well AOA isn't cut out for this. Let's have a sneak peak at one of my AU-gust prompts!
There was another sticky note waiting for him when he got back. Written in the same block handwriting, it said: I like your jacket!
Atem touched his jean jacket and had to agree it was pretty cool. He’d sewn the patches on himself, including the huge Eye of Horus that covered his entire back. Getting his work recognized was always nice—but usually he could thank the person who recognized it.
Looking around, nobody stood up to take credit. The two students worked dutifully on their assignments. A librarian wheeled a cart down an aisle. Someone coughed. No one had any sticky notes.
Weird, Atem thought, putting the note with its sibling. Maybe they’re shy?
This one is coming to Ko-Fi on 10/8, and to Ao3 on 12/23! If you click that first link, you can see the whole schedule for all 31!
[send me an October themed ask!]
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iilahalzili · 2 years
Stuck at work for 3ish more hours. . . But Ra here thinking about more AUs
1 where it's an alternative world where there are not the known gods like Ra, Horus, Hades, etc--none of those. Instead you've got like Atem who could be the God of Order and Light, Marik the God of Destruction and Chaos, etc. Marik just an awful god to those who do not follow him, banned from the mortal world since he is destructive to those who do not follow his teachings ( could be fun to have this a group AU o: )
2 fully fleshed out horror AU. Never a human, full level Eldritch abomination that levels cities with its strength. Not friendly unless somebody becomes // is a follower. Called an "Eater of Worlds" due to leaving no life left when it's done
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bakawitch · 7 months
I can't fully explain my thought process, but there’s a casteshipping fanfic in here somewhere.
No, I see what you mean anon XD
It could work in a canon setting, but I just randomly imagined an au where Atem and TK are minor gods/demi gods/acolytes who work as assistants to big cheese gods (TK to Zorc or Apep and Atem probably to Horus or Ra). It's obviously enemies to lovers, where their respective gods keep sicking them on each other, but they eventually hook up, and now they're dating in secret behind their gods' backs because they hate each other and the boys don't want to be separated :(
Wow. Thanks for the new brainworm, anon, I definitely won't be able to sleep tonight because of them XD
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