explicit-tae · 7 months
Little Doe
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An alternate world in which Predator Hybrids are the top of the Hybrid hierarchy. It’s Valentine’s Day and you, a Prey Hybrid, decide to help a Predator Hybrid through their heat. @whipwhoops @seokjinkismet @bloodline1632 @darkuni63 @babycandy111
Word Count: 5.161
Warning: smut, hybrid/shifter universe, wolf hoseok, doe/deer reader, heat/rut sex, dirty talk, licking, oral sex, fingering, squirting, unprotected sex, knotting, biting, impregnation/breeding kink,
Valentine’s Day Masterlist | Alternate Universe
“Jung Hoseok.” the man says, arm spread out to offer his hand to you. You take it with a smile, shaking it. His grip is firm, but polite.
“Y/L Y/N.” you introduce yourself before sitting down behind your desk. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jung-ssi.”
“Hoseok is fine.” the man smiles, flashing you a pair of perfect teeth. 
Your body flushes and you nod. “Yes, Hoseok.” you murmur, slightly embarrassed by your sudden change of attitude. “I-I got your paperwork. It appears to me that you are a Predator Shifter…?”
You were what was called a “heat partner”. In a world where Shifters walk freely alongside humans, predator Shifters and prey Shifters such as yourself, it was important for Shifters to have something for themselves. Such as a heat partner when they aren’t “mated” to anyone.
Heat partners are exactly what they are described, perfectly designed to assist a person through their heat - male or female. You had made the business proposal back in college and the business has since grown national - even as the CEO, you participated (only when top dollars were made to be earned).
Such as now, with Jung Hoseok.
The man is charming, you’d admit. Tall with broad shoulders and a sculptured face. Smooth skin with soft eyes and a pair of heart-shaped lips. In order to afford your services, the man was obviously wealthy - having stated in his application that whatever price you listed was what he was willing to pay. 
The kicker was - he was a predator Shifter. Your agency does strictly prey. That didn’t mean that you didn’t open another separate business for Predators - you had! You, however, were not running said business.
“Yes, I am.” Hoseok nods his head after your question. “I take suppressants to…mask my scent.”
No wonder, you think; There wasn’t any scent on him and that meant that he was dousing himself with suppressants on the daily. The thought frightened you a bit - just what type of Predator was he?
“As you know, Jung - Hoseok,” you begin. “We typically serve Prey Shifters here. Is there a certain-”
“Excuse me.” Hoseok suddenly interrupts. “I’m well aware of what agency I applied with. You are the person I’m looking for, after all.” Hoseok is direct when he speaks, never faltering and not a stutter in sight.
A predator indeed.
“Y-Yes.” you nod your head. “I’m aware, but-”
“Money is no issue.” Hoseok speaks. He was pleading, his eyes staring right into your own. He swallows. “I…I prefer not to have predator Shifters for my heats.”
You didn’t realize your hands were gripping his paper work in your hand until it began to crinkle beneath your fingers. 
“As you know we do not ask our customers certain questions due to confidentiality. However, you being a Predator Shifter, I must.”
Hoseok nods. “You’re asking what Shifter I am?”
You nod hesitantly. “I’m a deer.” you tell him, watching and waiting for his reaction.
Hoseok nods. “I can smell you.” he murmurs, voice low that it causes goosebumps to litter your skin - thank god you wore a long-sleeve shirt. Your head was ringing with alarm bells to get as far away from this man as possible.
“I-I can't smell you.” you try to smile but it appears more as a grimace. “If I may ask…”
Hoseok is hesitant, but he answers nonetheless. “A wolf.”
Hoseok can hear your heart increase by the second, pounding so loudly out your chest that he has to suppress a growl - something he does on instant rather than anything personal.
“You’re frightened.”
Terrified. “N-No-” he stuttered, shaking your head. You were lying to comfort him, but your sudden demeanor change told him everything he needed to know.
“Please.” Hoseok sighs out, utterly desperate. “I cannot handle other wolves or predators. They’re…” his nose curls. “...too dominant for me. They fight me.” he speaks, tone low. “You Prey are soft and sweet. Submissive.”
Now he looks like a creep, Hoseok thinks. Your eyes are wide and you want to run as far away as you can, but you’re a deer caught in headlights - literally. 
“I-I-” you’re unsure what to tell Hoseok. You’re frightened, yes, but overall, you wanted to help him. He had come to you specifically - the reason you’re unsure - but he wanted help. It’s an unusual request. Not very many Predators come here and pay for Prey, but it isn’t uncommon for them to hookup outside of their heat cycles. 
“I have a set price an hour…”
Hoseok licks his lips with anticipation. “Yes.” he nods hastily. “I would like to pay you more if you’d like.”
“That won’t be-”
“I want you to stay with me the entire week.”
Hoseok hears it again, your heartbeat racing. 
“I’m not going to eat you, Y.N.” Hoseok says, his eyes flickering with something different, however. “It’s just…I…I need you there with me all the time.” he doesn’t elaborate further and you’re far too afraid that if he does, you’ll back out of the deal. 
“I’ll need to see the place before your heat starts.” you slowly nod your head, placing his paperwork down. “Does tomorrow work for you? It’s for my safety.”
“Of course!” Hoseok nods. “Anything you need.”
You bite the inside of your cheek. “Well, for now we can sign paperwork.” you open a draw to your desk and grasp a black pen to sign your name on said documents. “If you’d like to take it home with you and read through it, you can.”
Hoseok nods his head and takes the documents in his hands. “Thank you.” he grins your way. “I’ll have them signed tomorrow.” he begins to stand, as do you. “Thank you for your time, Y/L-ssi.” he gives you his hand once more and you return the smile shyly.
“Y/N is fine, Hoseok.” you tell him, grabbing his hand to shake once more. You yelp when Hoseok lifts your hand to his lips and kisses it. His lips are soft, his dark eyes flickering up to look at you.
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The drive to Hoseok home was a long one - understandably. He, after all, was a wolf shifter and like yourself, preferred to reside in a forestry area. The trees are high into the sky and the scent is natural. The area is quiet as you park your car, eyes roaming the large cabin in front of you. It’s at least four stories built with the finest wood with high ceilings windows. There’s multiple lights shining onto the porch that wraps around the entire cabin. 
You can smell them - not Hoseok, but more wolves. The smell is intoxicating, filling your senses and having you stiff in your spot. You swallow, your deer screaming to run away - far, far away from here. 
Your eyes widen when the door of the cabin opens suddenly and behind it is a tall man. His eyes are on you in an instant and you’re unable to move or look away. 
“You must be…Y/N?” the man says, strolling towards you. His footsteps creek above the wooden stairs as he makes his way towards you. “You’re a doe…” the man sniffs the air, an obvious attempt to smell you.
“You're scaring her.”
Oh no.
Another wolf emerges from behind the door. He’s a little shorter and behind him, yet another one, as tall as the first one. They all surround you, tall and dominant. 
“Your heart's beating so fast, little doe. We’re not going to eat you.” the second one laughs heartily. “My name is Jimin. Hobi told us a Prey was coming.”
“I’m Jungkook.” the third one says, circling around you for a better view. “You’re very brave. We don’t get a lot of doe’s around here.”
There’s a growl that has you cowering - as do the other three wolves. You’re now visibly trembling, arms wrapped around you. You knew that the three meant no harm - they appeared younger than you and overall playful. As a deer shifter, you were just naturally terrified of any predator and being on their territory didn’t make it easier for you.
“Go somewhere else.”
That was Hoseok’s voice speaking now and your eyes glance upwards from the ground to see him towering behind the three wolves. 
“I am so sorry.” Hoseok’s voice lowers when the three men scurry off, both apologizing and snickering. “They mean no harm. They’re just…playful.” he sighs. If you turned him down now he wouldn’t be upset with you.
“I-It’s okay.” you curse at the stutter in your voice. “D-Do they live here?”
“Somewhat.” Hoseok nods. “This,” he mentions to the large cabin behind him. “is my home. They come and go. They have their own homes on the land we’re on now.”
Hoseok picks up on your unease - it was natural. You were in a wolf's den surrounded by them. As a prey, you were like a shiny new toy to them.
“Please come in.” Hoseok offers you his hand to take. “It’s completely safe. They would not be here when I’m in heat.” 
You allow Hoseok to show you inside the large cabin. The scent is heavy of wolves and it causes you to stick besides Hoseok as he was the only familiar person you knew.
“I want to show you something.” Hoseok squeezes your hand encouragingly. “It’s where we’d be staying next week.”
You nod your head.
Hoseok ventures deeper into the cabin. It’s warm and would be inviting if you weren’t a Prey.
“I’ve been using suppressants to mask my scent but here,” Hoseok stops before a wooden door. “is where I can be myself. The scent will be…powerful.”
Powerful indeed. Upon opening the door, you’re hit with a scent so prudent. You’re stunned for a second, eyes widening. 
“That’s…your scent?” you whisper out.
Hoseok lightly tugs you inside the room. It’s large and appears to be like a bedroom, a large bed in the middle of the room. Behind it, a large ceiling window showcasing beautiful scenery outside. To the right is a door slightly cracked, you assumed a bathroom. On the far left is a bookcase with a desk.
“This is my den.” Hoseok speaks, releasing your hand but remaining close. “Similar to a nest.”
Hoseok watches the way your eyes scan the room. He senses that his scent is overbearing to you, dominant. For the last few weeks he’s been scenting it to assure that it smelt like him; that he’d be comfortable in the room for his rut.
“I hope it isn’t too much.” Hoseok speaks after five minutes of you calming yourself down. 
“No!” you shake your head, turning to him. “I know nesting is important to those in heat or ruts.” you tell him truthfully, having done so yourself. 
Hoseok grins at your statement. “Yes.” he nods. “I was wondering…if I could have something of yours. To remain here.” he swallows, adam's apple bobbing as he swallows. 
You lick your lips as your body heats. 
“If it’s too much-”
“No!” you interrupt. “I-I don’t mind.” you assure. You were here to help Hoseok soon and if this is what he wanted, then so be it. After all, he was a client paying top dollar for your services. “Is my jacket alright?”
Hoseok nods his head with a shrug. “Y-yeah.” his cheeks reddened. 
You remove your jacket and hand it to Hoseok, body heated. 
“I…” you lick your lips. “...can scent some more things in here. If it would make it better?”
Hoseok’s eyes widen a bit but he nods hastily. “Y-Yeah! You can.” he responds all too quickly. “Would you like something of mine? So you can become accustomed to it?” he offers.
You nod your head as well, encouraging grin on your lips. “Yes, that’ll be nice.”
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For the last week you made sure to leave Hoseok’s scent on yours - and it caused stress amongst the other Prey’s at the office. Your assistant was the first to cower, not walking into your office due to fear - she was a rabbit shifter - and instead, called you from her own office opposite of yours. “The scent is that powerful? You recall asking her, surprised. “It’s only his shirt…”
Your own scent was covered in Hoseok’s and by the time it was for you to go to his home - coincidentally starting on Valentine’s Day - your scent was the acute one. However, it calmed you, as crazy as it sounded, because now you were accustomed to Hoseok’s scent. You’re thankful that you were able to ease your way into it instead of being overwhelmed like you were the week prior.
Like promised, you sensed no other wolves shifter in the area and you were thankful for that. Being around Hoseok was enough for you - you’re not sure if you could handle a whole pack of wolves sniffing around you.
Hoseok had sent you a message a few hours earlier telling you that the door was unlocked when you arrived, along with more messages. You’re appreciative that he offered to supply your food, stating that he has already filled his home with various fruits and vegetables to satiate your diet.
You clench your bag in your hand as you enter Hoseok’s home. It’s eerily silent and you wonder just what the man was doing. You don’t dwell, however, and instead make your way down the long, wooden hall to where his den was at.
You open the door to the den and find Hoseok inside. He’s asleep, sweat lining his forehead and he’s shirtless, the comforter only covering the bottom half of his body. You close the door behind you and exhale, placing your bag on the ground and making your way towards Hoseok.
You tilt your head to the side and snort. “You are kinda cute.” you murmur, placing a hand onto his forehead to wipe the sweat away. 
It was the early stages of Hoseok’s head and he was only experiencing light chills and normal arousal - as the days led up, he would be utterly needy. 
You dip down into the bed beside Hoseok, slowly to not wake him. You lay on your side and close your eyes. You’ll be here when Hoseok wakes up.
You’re unsure when you fell asleep and for how long, but the large window that once shined with natural light now only displays a full moon.
You moan sleepily when the sensation runs through you. Your hips are being gripped, sharp fingernails digging into your skin.
“You smell so good, little doe.”
Goosebumps gather onto your skin at the voice - deep, raspy and full of needy lust. Hoseok was awake, grinding into you from behind. His lips are pressing wet kisses to the skin behind your ear, a low growl mewling from his lips.
“Y-You’re awake.”
“I smelled you from my sleep.” Hoseok’s lips are now on your neck, inhaling your scent. His mouth is salivating. “‘wanna taste you,  little doe. You’d let me, right?”
“Yes.” you nod weakly, whimpering. 
“So good, little doe. So submissive like how I’d known you’d be.” Hoseok flips you onto your back and cages you beneath him. Your eyes meet the obvious bulge in his shorts. His hands tug at your clothing harshly, tearing the fabric apart without a care in the world.
You don’t respond, only gasp at the action - and it drives Hoseok’s wolf crazy. This is what he needed during a time like this; someone who wasn’t going to put up a fight against him. Someone who was going to submit to him like his wolf wanted; someone like you.
“Such soft, pretty skin.” Hoseok mewls, his tongue poking out and dragging along your bare skin. His tongue is so warm and slimy, but you’re overly aroused. “Scent so amazing and tempting, little doe.”
A strangled moan releases from your lips when Hoseok’s tongue dips down between your breast and slides past your stomach. He pries your legs open and growls, eyes completely dark with lust. He inhales your arousal and doesn’t hesitate to dive right in. His tongue laps between your folds hungrily, nails digging into your soft thighs.
Your back arches, legs widening. This was your first time with a Predator, with someone so dominant. Prey’s weren’t quite vanilla as one thought, sure, but a wolf was different.
“H-Hoseok, please.” your hand tugs at his hair, unable to take anymore pleasure. Your eyes flutter open to look between your legs - a mistake. Hoseok was already looking at you, dark eyes zoning into your own. It causes you to freeze, unable to look away from him. Your arousal leaks over his tongue and his lips and like a man starved, he licks it all up.
“Little doe,” Hoseok growls, a trail of saliva dropping right onto your clit. “so sweet and all for me.”
You don’t get to talk, Hoseok is faster than you. Two, long fingers enter you swiftly - deeply. He pumps with vigor, determined to coat himself completely in your sweet arousal. Your pussy is tight around his fingers, squeezing and squelching for more.
“Does it feel good, little doe?” Hoseok questions rhetorically. You’re a moaning mess who’s coating his fingers with sweet honey, of course it felt good.
But, Hoseok was a wolf. He was dominant and confident - he wanted to hear you say it.
Hoseom bites your inner thigh, teeth sinking into your skin. 
“Y-Yes!” you screech, jerking. Your hands find your naked breast, eyes continuing to flutter with pure pleasure.
Hoseok’s fingers were scraping against your walls, hitting your sweet spot with each pump. His teeth grazes past your skin, lips pressing a firm kiss to your clit. His stamina is immaculate but what did you truly expect from a wolf?
Hoseok likes to watch your face as he pleasures you - his tongue flickering against the swollen bud as his fingers ram so deep inside of you that you’re screeching out in ecstasy. He loves to watch the way your eyebrows would scrunch together and the way you would gasp so loudly. His lips and chin are coated in your essence but he does nothing but savor the sweet, submissive taste that he has desperately longed for all week.
Hoseok’s calloused hand slams against your thigh harshly just as he feels it begin to close in on him. His eyes are furious at the audacity that you’d attempt to stop him from devouring you. He forces you against his tongue, two fingers never ceasing their movement. The noises he made we just as lewd as yours; slurping as if it’s a five course meal; and to him, it is.
“So ready to be full of me.” Hoseok groans against your clit, his eyes zoning in on the way your pussy squeezes his fingers, juices sliding down the palms of his hand and hitting his wrist. “Need to prep you first, little doe, before I take what’s mine.”
You weren’t sure you could handle Hoseok fucking you - you were overstimulated now. Tears brim your eyes with the amount of pleasure, and now with the way he spoke to you with such a sultry voice - you weren’t going to leave here alone, surely.
Talking was a bit difficult, but it was evident Hoseok wanted you to speak to him - to show him just how submissive you were. You nod your head and murmur a soft “please” and it’s all Hoseok needs to truly make you cum. Your thighs shake in his grasp and your moans grow higher and higher. They bounce off of the walls of his den and your body begins to shake rapidly beneath him. 
Hoseok encourages you to grind against his tongue, to take him just as much as he was taking you, but as of right now you couldn’t - and that was alright with him. You were going through your own high, your senses clouded in Hoseok; his scent looming over you dominantly and all you could do was lay against the soft bed as you cum the hardest you’ve ever had.
Hoseok wish he could have a picture of you like this - maybe even a painting in his den. Just for his eyes only to witness the beauty that was you, naked and covered in your own arousal and sweat and fully submitted to him. It’s a sight he would forever keep in his thoughts.
You’re panting, slightly trembling with overstimulation.
You bring out something in Hoseok - similar to a hunger that could never be satiated. If he could have you on his tongue for hours, he would. The bulge in his underwear is tight and screaming at him to let it be free. 
“Little doe,” you hear Hoseok call you, calloused fingers grasping your jaw to look at him. “even as you lay here trembling, your pussy longs to be filled, doesn’t it? I see you clenching around nothing, wishing it was me.”
You moan faintly, nodding your head. Even if you came as hard as you did, you in fact did want Hoseok to fuck you. The idea frightened your deer - you never had wolf and you’re sure he’s never had deer either. But the thought excites you just as you know it excites him.
You, weakly, sit up, eyes blinking innocently at Hoseok. He watches you, unmoving, as your hands settle at his own hips. “Wanna taste you now.” you murmur at him, lashes blinking upwards at him.
Hoseok growls, a deep rumble coming from his chest that startles you. You watch him with wide eyes and wait for him to speak. 
“I want to see your sweet lips around me, little doe.” Hoseok allows your hands to dip beneath his shorts. For a moment you’re stuck when you in fact tough his clothed cock. It twitches when it comes in contact with you, an obvious need to be touched. 
You gulp when you actually do see it in front of you. It’s large and veiny, the tip leaking with pre-cum and even if it does appear threatening at it’s large size (larger due to the rut and the need to breed), you’re mouth salivates to suck it.
Hoseok stiffens with your tongue licks up his slit, coating your warm tongue with the precum. Your hand wraps around the base and you waste no time in circling your tongue around the tip.
Such warmth and pleasure drives Hoseok crazy and he doesn’t hide his moans or grunts. He’s unmoving, unblinking as he watches you take him into your mouth, deeper and deeper.
You’re positive that you’d come to regret doing this - but you were full of arousal and lust for the man and needed everything he had to offer. You begin to suck onto his cock as if your life depended on it. The tip hits the back of your throat and your eyes water, but it would be a lie to say that you weren’t aroused. 
“Such a slutty doe you are.” Hoseok hisses, the filthy sight of you makes him want more. “So frightened by me but still want to be stuff full.”
Hoseok yanks your hair roughly and instantly, you submit - just how he wanted. He begins to thrust inside of you, taking your mouth as his own. He hits the back of your throat with each thrust, a strangle moan meeting him when he gets there. Your thighs clenched together for friction and your pussy does the same, wishing it was this very cock ramming inside of you. 
Hoseok's throat growls once more - so beautiful, he thinks. Tears streaming down your eyes and coating your puffy cheeks as he buries his cock deep in your throat. “When I look at you, I can see a sweet little doe in those eyes…” Hoseok was going to cum, never truly meaning to last long. But during his rut, he could cum so many times and still be hard within seconds, so did it truly matter? “...but then I look deeper into these eyes, and I see that devilious side to you.”
You moan, vibrating against his shaft. Hoseok thrusts deeper and deeper until you feel the salty substance reach your tongue. It’s warm and overpowering, but you’re forced to take it all - and never once do you complain or protest.
Hoseok yanks you off of his cock with a pop, saliva and cum dripping down the sides of your lips. Hoseok forces his own lips - so soft, you think - against yours in a needy, dominant kiss.
“Your pussy is calling for me, little doe. Begging to be stuffed with my knot.”
“P-Please…” you murmur weakly, full of need.
Hoseok snarls and within seconds, he flips you onto your front. He forces your legs apart and once more, snarls at just the visual in front of him; a wolf’s dream.
You yelp when you feel a harsh slap onto your ass, stinging. One hand slams against your back to remain firmly against the bed while the other digs its nails onto your waist. 
“Gonna fuck you full of my pups, little doe. Breed you just nice.” Hoseok grumbles, speaking more to himself, but you hear every word and damn did it sound nice.
Hoseok centers himself at your entrance, a grunt releasing from his throat. He rubs the tip between your sweet folds and then sighs shakily at how heavenly you feel.
“My sweet little doe…such a slutty body you have.” Hoseok begins to enter you, your walls completely heavenly; so tight, wet and serene.
Hoseok gasps fully when he’s inside of you completely. You do the same, a small sense of discomfort at the size of Hoseok, but you felt amazingly stuff as you had been wanting to.
Hoseok isn’t able to control himself and you’re glad that you prepared for such. He begins to pound into you with such need; deep and fast. His abdomen slams against your ass as he tries to go deeper with each thrust.
You cry out in pleasure and discomfort - it was going to take getting used to getting fucked by someone as dominant as him. But even your moans were that of pure desire, legs widening a bit more just to have in you deeper.
Your pussy is pulsating, Hoseok notes, and it drips all over his bed. He doesn’t stop his assault, unable to. Your moans give him the fuel to continue on, such sweet and submissive moans and wolf needs to hear when claiming what was theirs.
By the time Hoseok was done with you, you were going to be bruised with finger and hand marks. Hoseok grips onto your skin so tightly, but there’s no complaints your way. “Such a sweet pussy taking a wolf so well. A prey could never satisfy you like this, little doe.”
Hoseok wants to hear you say it. A hand claws at your throat and he pushes you back against his bare chest. Your breast bounces in the rhythm of his powerful thrusts. “Say it, little doe. After I’m done here with you, your pussy would only ever want a predator.”
Your hands find his thigh, muscle flexing when you do. It’s a small sign of resistance and that’s something Hoseok didn’t like.
“Stop trying to run, doe. I already got my hands on you, you aren’t going anywhere.”
You came at the words, so hard that you began to shake. Your arousal leaks down your thighs, but Hoseok was nowhere near done with you. He now has the desire to see your face as he fucks you and turns you around fully before him like a ragdoll. Both hands snake beneath your thighs as he enters you, thrusting just as powerful as before.
Your face contorts with pleasure, eyes widening just to snap shut and moans pooling out your sweet lips. 
“Pretty little thing,” Hoseok presses open mouth kisses against your face. His bed rocks and shakes vigorously, hitting against the tall window. “all mine to breed. You’d want that, wouldn’t you? To be bred by a wolf.” Hoseok spits, teeth clasping down at delicate skin.
“Y-Yes!” you cry, arms wrapping around his shoulders to bring him close. Your lips find his, both tongues devouring the other. You’ve dealt with many ruts and heats, but this one was far more intimate. Hoseok was a talkative person and it was difficult to not submit to the man.
Hoseok snarls. “Gonna give you all my pups, little doe. Get you nice and round just for me and me only.”
There was something about being predators and their need to breed that now has you wishing he’d do just that. It was the sex speaking to you - and his rut speaking to him - but all you could think about was being so full of his cum that breeding a few of his pups didn’t scare you. 
Jung Hoseok was a dangerous man.
“Want your knot.” you screech, your fingernails clawing at his back for him to give you what you wanted. “Want your pups.”
Hoseok was going crazy - his wolf was screaming at him to take you fully, bite that spot on your neck and take you as his; then you’d truly would be having his pups like your fucked out self wanted. But his sane part manages to hold himself back from his wolf claiming you.
“Gonna cum in you.” Hoseok grumbles, pushing you back against the bed and fucking right into you. His cock is so enlarged due to his rut and the knot in his system. A small bulge is seen in your stomach with each thrust and Hoseok had one goal in mind. 
You’re unable to speak as Hoseok presses your knees to your shoulders and pounds sloppily in you. His eyes are watching you, unmoving and not blinking. There’s a growl that reaches your ears when Hoseok comes closer. He’s dangerously close to your neck, teeth blaring. Your heart skips a beat, frightened with the sounds his  wolf is making and your deer wants to run for its life from the predator. 
“Gonna make you mine, little doe.” Hoseok’s voice is deeper than before, his breath tickling your skin. “Only mine to fuck pups into.”
You’re far too consumed in cumming for a third time that you don’t notice the meaning of his words until his teeth are biting the soft, delicate skin of your neck. You scream out in pain, pussy clenching around his cock just as he’s cumming. His cock swells inside of you, his knot pooling deep inside to do what it’s intending on doing.
You remain completely still and silent, your high and submissive nature not allowing you to protest, even if the pressure was becoming unbearable. Hoseok holds you close, his throat growling lowly, tongue twirling on the mark he has left freshly on your skin. When his high dies down, he’s positive he’s going to be in a world of trouble for marking you as his own - and the pain his wolf is going to feel if you reject him.
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trivia-yandere · 8 months
trivia-yandere's valentine's day masterlist
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a collection of short stories - please be mindful that this is a yandere based account and some of the fics (maybe not all) posted on here would have smut, yandere/dark themes, dub-con/non-con scenes/moments, etc. each fic will have their own warnings - please do not skip! some fics will be posted on explicit-tae
payment plan (jin) - your husband and you find yourself bankrupt and dead broke thanks to his gambling problem. his younger brother - successful businessman kim seokjin - offers a helping hand free of charge. unbeknownst to his brother, you would be the one paying seokjin for his charity. yandere | completed (02.01)
dilemma (yoongi) - being single and broke on valentine's day is not what you expected- especially when your dealer is waiting for his payment. completed (02.03)
love you [just a little too much] (hoseok) - you're brought down memory lane. yandere | completed (02.05)
with love, k.nj (namjoon) - your valentine's date with namjoon was a success - too bad you don't know who he truly is. yandere | completed (02.07)
bad decisions (jimin) - you're getting married on valentine's day - but somehow, you allow a stripper to fuck you in front of your bride's maids and maid of honor. completed (02.09)
v-day special (taehyung) - you ask your ex - who you're still close with - if he's willing to come on your cam-show for a valentine's day special. completed (02.12)
nefarious (jungkook) -a look back into your and jungkook's fatal attraction - before the marriage, kids and the detachment. yandere | completed (02.14)
little doe (hoseok) - an alternate world in which predator shifters are the top of the shifter hierarchy. it's valentine's day and you, a prey shifter, decide to help a predator through their heat. completed (02.15)
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sour-ggrapess · 1 year
Gang!member!hoseok x fem!reader
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requested by @midnight986 .
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a/n: ima change it a bit but the concept is still there. Sorry for the break but I had a exam and my allergies are beating my ass so bad rn and im in my depressed era because my love is leaving ;( . And this is prob my last fic for a while
summary; hoseok wants you and revenge so whats a better way to get your pussy and revenge than to fuck you and send it to your opp boyfriend?
warnings; oral (m), mentions of drugs and violence , rough sex, daddy kink, cum feeding, slight oral (f) , mean hoseok, slut shaming, over protective , choking, squirting, cheating on Kai, recording, gun play.
rere was listening to; OTR cypher x tell em
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"B-but, what about kai?" You complained in a moan as Hoseok ran his tongue along your neck. "You won't have to worry about him for much longer baby" Hoseok groaned against your red, wet skin and went back to sucking and kissing making little moans leave your lips. "If he finds out he might-" you were cut off by his lips leaving your neck and replaced by the cold metal of his glock. His eyes now serious and fulled with lust. "Shut the fuck up about him, Soon only my name will pass by those cute lips." Hoseok said as he slowly dragged the barrel of the gun down your lips then back up signaling you to open and suck it.
"Show me how much you want this dick" Hoseok demanded as he watched the long cold metal slide into your mouth. The tip of the slide sliding up and down your tongue, stopping you mid way due to the trigger peace and hoseok's fingers holding onto it like he was ready to shoot at any moment. "Good slut, now do that to my cock."
You moan at feeling of the glock sliding out out your mouth making you feel empty. The only thing connecting you and glock is the line of spit hanging from your lips that was soon broken by hoseok moving it to the temple of your head. "knees now, bitch." Hopping off the chair and now in between hoseok's legs. Pulling his black dior loose fitting pants down to his ankles along with his black and orange playboy psd boxers causing his hard member to spring out and hit your nose. His size was jaw droppingly big making you scared to deep throat him. you want nothing more than to suck the hell out of him.
You take grip of his shaft and lick his sticky tip leaking pre-cum. Your tongue sliding in between his slit, moving up and down causing him to grip your hair and moan loudly and that's when you noticed he was recording. You didn't want him too but it turned you on and you really couldn't do anything because he was holding a gun to your head. He grabbed your hair forming a ponytail as he slammed your head down on his whole length causing you to choke and gag.
He pulls your head up and down a couple of times before letting go and letting you do it yourself. Eyeliner running down your cheeks as you bob your head up and down on half his length. Tongue swirling all over his shaft, up and down as his tip hit your pharynx. Spit and precum leaking all over his balls and your chin as you looked into his phones camera lenses. "Suck like a good slut baby" Hoseok groaned through his teeth as his hand went back to your scalp after he put his gun down now having only his phone and your hair in his hands.
Sucking harder and faster while your hand twist on the length you can't fit. "t-take it all in baby". He had enough as he grew  impatient and pushed your head all the way down on his lengthy cock causing you to gag. Spit mixed with precum started to drip out of your mouth. He grasped your hair as he harshly fucked into you throat, long strings of sexy groans of your name. You tried pulling away for air but his euphoria got the best of him "Take this dick bitch". He kept on slamming your head down on his cock as he liked to see you fight for air on his cock. One short gasp as pulled you off his cock. Spitting all the spit and pre-cum back on his cock and balls. He pulled your head off of his length and grabbed his glock.
"All fours for me baby" Hoseok demanded as you stripped from your leggings and over sized tee-shirt along with your thong. On all fours as told when you feel the cold metal pressed against the back of your head as he slid his thick length in your hole. You felt him slide out due to how slippery your hole was. It had felt like he was shoving a giant bottle in your hole making your cunt raw and burning. "Cant f-fit daddy, FUCK!" "So wet and slippery for my dick. Do you get like this for Kai huh?"
The truth was no. Kai was average size and wasn't as vocal as hoseok. He truly did something to you and you wanted him for the longest time. "Mhhhh, fuck. So fucking tight." Hoseok groaned as his length left you moaning his name as soon as he entered you. "Daddy please!" You screamed out not knowing what you were begging for, maybe for him to go faster or to stop you didn't know.
His hips snapping hard against yours making your ass bounce back with every thrust. His thrust growing faster as his tip pushed on your cervix with each thrust. You could feel his dick all in your stomach and to mention he was doing this with no hands. His hand grabbed a fist-full of your hair along with the gun in hand making your back arch so deep your moans turned into screams. "You like this big dick huh?" "do you think about kai while my dick fucks into you huh?". Hoseok growled through his shut jaw as his cock stirred up your insides like he was cooking a potion.
All hoseok got in response was high pitched moans and squeals. "Answer me bitch" Hoseok demanded as he completely ruined his rhythm and slammed into your cervix harshly to get your attention. "Fuck! Daddy Yess! Love your cockkk" You whined out dragging all your words like a tired child. Your vision started to go and your eyes started to burn, the feeling from your pussy was growing and traveling up. "Gonna cum, fuck!" Is all you could get out before hoseok took this to his advantage and started slowing down but going even more harder. It felt like he was splitting you in two, You felt it snap and hot liquid spray all down your legs and over hoseok as his balls slapped on your clit.
"Fuck! Dose Kai get your slutty cunt like this?" Hoseok almost screamed as his hips bucked and he shot his load into you. His dick slipped out with such ease due to how wet your cut was. Hoseok brought his phone camera to your hole as you shook like a dog drying off after coming out the rain.
His tongue dove straight into your hole as he sucked the cum out like his life depended on it. "FUCK HOSEOK!" you screamed and came again, on his tongue due to the overstimulation in your cunt.
He flipped you over and spat all of the fluids straight on your tongue. You wanted his touch and dove in his mouth sucking all the flavor off his tongue. He flipped the camera view making it face him.
"Have fun sucking and fucking my cum dump, bitch" He spoke into the camera following a little chuckle.
"where was you at? Kai asked as he grabbed your waist pulling you in for a hug. "With sooyeon, why?" You responded knowing good and well hoseok just fucking destroyed your cunt. "For real because I saw hopes car outside."
Kais phone goes off with a text message notification sound. Unknown number of at least a number he never saw before.
1 attachment sent dose she suck your dick like this?💀
Kai clicked the video as he watched the first few seconds in horror.
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rupesnigra · 1 year
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HOLD MY HAND / I'LL GIVE YOU MY HALO. there is so much fear in your heart. i know you want me to sit here and unravel it like DNA till the day my hands are too crone to pull any longer ⏤ but the clock won't stop, and the both of us will fade long before i finish. so, i'll make you a deal instead. you be the summer sunset, i'll be the solar system, and when the bad things drag their nails across your eyes and it all goes dark; my dear, WE WILL / BEGIN AGAIN.
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kingofbodyrolls · 4 months
7 Summers at the Sea | bts | series masterlist
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Spending the summer by the sea might bring with it more than just the sweet summer breeze of the salty ocean.
→ AUs: mermaid!au (they are mermen!), fantasy, magical → Genres: slice of life, humor/crack, drama, smut and fluff → Rating: mature/explicit/R18 (this is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact.) → Taglist: do you want to be added to the taglist? Just drop a comment or send an ask (remember to tell me if you want to be tagged in all, one or more members). → Read on AO3 → Author’s note: hi!!!! I love mermaid stories, and I don’t think there’s enough out there, so here’s me creating my own 🧜 This is a collection of mermaid stories for each member of bangtan! They are one-shots and stand-alone, but operate in the same universe ✨
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🌊Namjoon You’ve been searching for gemstones deep on the seabed— having found a broken piece of blue aquamarine. Searching for the missing piece and your new rival, you find it and much more with the blue tailed merman Namjoon while on a quest for crystals. → Deep Dive [19.8k]
🌊Seokjin Life as a mermaid is wonderful, especially when your merman boyfriend, Seokjin, treats you just right. But you’re beginning to recall memories that you don’t think are yours from life on land— from a past life maybe? When you do realize that the memories are in fact your own, the world comes tumbling down around you, questioning your very existence. Are you even a real mermaid? → When it Sinks In [13.1k]
🌊Yoongi You know how the story goes; girl meets charming man, only to find out that he’s a merman and the more you get to know him you realize how cold and unforgiving he is. Thinking you can bring the sun to calm his storm you fall deep for him— only problem? He doesn’t love you back. → Of Salt and Shadow [TBA]
🌊Hoseok Hoseok is royalty in the underwater city of Naraeum, and he’s bored. Bored of duties and responsibility, he recklessly searches for fun on land, testing love potions he stole from the Sea Witch. None of them have worked so far, until one day; there’s you, a human he doesn’t know claiming to be in love with him. It might be fun, he thinks, a way for him to rebel against his family because they would never allow him to mate with a human. → Forelsket [TBA]
🌊Jimin You don’t really enjoy your work on a trawler, but it pays the rent. When you hear some ruckus out of the deck, you go out to investigate, only to be met by an unreal sight: a blonde merman with a sparkly golden tail caught in the net, struggling to get free. → To Catch a Merman [TBA] - hopefully coming on Jimin's birthday!
🌊Taehyung TBA → Moonglade [TBA]
🌊Jungkook When your childhood friend that you had a crush on, moved away out of the blue— you never thought you’d see him again. A night swim in the ocean will have you feeling delusional, but the voice that fills your ears— sweet like cotton candy, you’d recognize that voice anywhere, it’s Jungkook. → Till We Meet Again [11.4k]
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I don’t plan to have them all ready this summer, lol 😂 But they are all in the works, with my other 100+ wips (I really don’t have that many, I’m just exaggerating).
The list will be updated as I post them ✨ 
Also, please, do let me know if you’re excited— I’m struggling with posting and sometimes I feel like there’s no point in posting, because people don’t engage (= I’m losing motivation is what I’m saying).
Are you ready to take a swim? 🌊🧜
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daichiduskdrop · 7 months
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚⋆·˚ ༘ *𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 ⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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• Chapter 40
Pairing: BTS Ot7 X fem! reader
Genre: A/B/O AU, Fluff, Angst, Strangers to lovers,
Warnings: none! Enjoy!
Words: 3356
Taglist: @thelilbutifulthings @ilovemoneymorethenmen @singukieee @cherrysainttt @felicityroth @mageprincess7 @lucis-noctiana @danielle143 @osakis-gf @girl-nahh @vintageoldfashionstyle-blog @neverthefirstchoice @juju-227592 @silentreadersthings @i-have-no-life-charlie @everyonehatesshani @iamkookiesforyou @dragonsflare @fangirl125reader @roseidol @frieschan @popcatx0 @liz67900 @exfolitae @plexcaffeinate @strawblueberrys @massivelyfullenthusiast @iimichie @bts-0t-7 @hannahdinse8 @hannahdinse8
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„Hyung, that's unfair; I wanted to be with Bunbun!” Jungkook whined when the teams got divided. Except for Namjoon, all played rock, paper, scissors to see which team would be theirs. 
It ended with you, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jimin on one, while Jin, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Yoongi would play opposites. After the second eldest would actually get into the pool, that is, as he rumbled annoyed that it's too early for this, while he placed the previously scattered towels into a neat pile. 
Your team got the more shallow side of the water area; not that the opposite was too crazily sloped, though—that just really wouldn't be fair. 
Plus, except for maybe Yoongi, the alphas were very tall, so they would be fine; you believed not to feel too guilty. 
All of you soon gathered just at the net border to talk before the game. 
Jungkook, with his competitive spirit shining through, began, "Alright, let's go over the rules real quick before we get started. That way, we're all on the same page."
Taehyung jumped in, adding, "Scoring works like this—we'll play to 15 points. You score a point when the ball hits the water on the other team's side." The young alpha measured your team with attentive eyes, a supportive yet competitive gaze that met yours. 
„And also, remember, when serving, make sure the ball goes over the net and the other team has a chance to return it. Let's have fun!"
Jungkook nodded in agreement. "Exactly, and when volleying, you can use any part of your body to hit the ball, but no catching or holding onto it. And also, no crossing the net into the other team's territory—that's a big no-no." He smiled brightly, happiness shining through. 
You wished you were this confident too, yet your skills just wouldn't hold up, but you were ready to try your very best and really just have fun.
Taehyung grinned mischievously. "And if the ball goes out of bounds, it's a point for the other team. Let's keep it in play, guys, and show off those volleyball skills!"
As the packmates listened attentively to the rules, Jungkook clapped his hands. "Alright, now that we're clear on the rules, let's get this game started! May the best team win!"
The proclaimed leaders of each team, for yours Namjoon and for the opposing Jungkook, played rock, paper, scissors once again to determine who would get the first serve. 
It ended up being Jungkook's team, and so, as the youngest got ready into the position from which he would start the game, all of you too separated to form a sort of net and hopefully win. 
You were at the right side of the pool, just a metre or so from the net, attentively watching the youngest alpha, waiting for him to throw the light ball. To your left was Jimin, behind you was Hobi, and at the very back corner was Namjoon. 
Jungkook's throw turned any hopes of your skills not being that bad out of the window, his muscles flexing as the ball flew high up in almost a perfect semicircle, aimed towards the back of the pool where the leader stood, his belly button just in the water. 
With a soft gasp leaving you, you watched in almost slow motion how the alpha reached forward, and it truly seemed as if his fingers just barely touched it in time before he let the ball bounce back forward. 
Once again over to their side, you watched as Yoongi, who stood just before you let the sphere easily pop back over the net, clearly aimed your way with the soft blow, much less stressed than when the youngest alpha threw it. 
„Kitty-!” He breathily called, just to really make sure that Jimin wouldn't reach for it instead. And so, you stood on your tippy toes to touch it sooner and let the ball bounce just over to Yoongi again. 
You smiled brightly, happy that you didn't miss the opportunity or mess it up for your team too badly, even when Jungkook's team scored in the end. 
The match continued for a while after, yet you struggled to always respond correctly, especially in the pool position at the very back. You messed up a few times, but your teammates were quick to cheer you up, claiming you would get it next time with no problem. 
You had fun, to be truthful, but after the opposite team won, though only over 3 points (3!) you let the others continue another game while Hoseok abandoned them to spend time with you. 
The alpha smiled at you, his wet and pretty hair brushed back to show his forehead. You giggled when water splashed into his eyes from Jimin, calling, „Don't stare!” while giggling loudly, as you jumped to Hobi's arms, who was rubbing at his eyes, grumbling softly. 
No hurt feelings today; even after you slipped into the water from your games with Taehyung, the alpha was quick to hug you soon after hiding your face in his neck. 
With your palms resting over his collarbones, the alpha held you close. With your eyes closed and your chin resting next to the connection of his shoulders and neck, the calm, soft waves were nice against your body, allowing you to rest. 
„My sunshine...” Your eyes fluttered open at the man's voice, looking up. His eyes were fond as they stayed on your calm form, the tips of your hair wet. Even in what you would believe was an unflattering look you currently had, the alpha before you and all the others around you believed in the exact opposite. You were beautiful. 
The alpha smiled even wider, his nose meeting the very top of your head and his scent sticking to you again. 
You spend more time in the pool with the alphas, Hobi having you hold onto him as he walked around the pool, the pretty waves nice against your shoulders and arms, eyes closed and truly vulnerable—yet not even for a moment did you feel unsafe. 
And when the youngest alphas came around to you to have you be part of their competition to make the biggest splash when jumping, you reluctantly said yet, but only when Hoseok would stay at the corner of the pool, ready to help you the moment you would have any troubles. 
True to be told, the rest of the alphas watched very closely whenever you would jump into the water. While the youngest alphas would choose the deepest end for their performance, you stayed at the spot where your tippytoes would still reach the bottom, too afraid otherwise. 
You had Jin and Namjoon judge the splash, first just the eldest, but once Jin claimed you jumped the most 'splashy' even when it wasn't necessarily the truth, as you just slipped in the water, barely making a proper splash, your competitions started crying out about Jin being biassed, claiming, „Hyung, you can't say that when I was clearly the winner! The water touched the ceiling too!” 
At the whines and your cheeky smiles, Namjoon came over from letting the water spray on his back from the massager head, claiming he would make the judging fair. 
Soon after thought, the playful competition turned into smiles and one of love as you and the other three tried to make different letters and shapes in the air while the elders judged, clapping and laughing. 
You did your best to make BTS letters, but the B was a bit wonky while Jungkook held your ankle to his tummy with your arms around his shoulders and the man's other hand at your waist. 
At your first successful attempt, you and the others bugged Yoongi, who brought his phone to take photos of your jumps, as you held your hands with the others, or when each of the men would have an individual photo with you at the very deep end, jumping with you in their arms. 
You had true fun; the entire pack took a bunch of funny photos with the phone, taking videos and time-set photos. And just before you had to leave, Jungkook sat you on his shoulders, and with Taehyung and Jimin on him as your opponents, you played rooster fights the alpha gentle to not be too harsh and throw you completely over much too dangerously in their eyes. 
Not much later than that, the second eldest man's phone started ringing again, and an alarm was set so that they would leave on time. With that, the men started all slowly getting out of the water, Jimin being the first to bend down near the edge to hook his arms under your arms, picking you up from the water before you could even try to do so yourself. 
Tenderly placing you back onto the tiles around, he said a soft, „Be careful not to slip, princess.” Before you could even step away, the eldest was already there with the fluffy towel he got you, wrapping you up in the comfortable pale purple, the alphas palms gently warming you up as you started to shiver. 
Soon you were already leaving, with Yoongi's fingers closely wrapped around you, holding you after he brought your crocs over before. Namjoon ushered all of you out after he slid the doors open, waiting for everyone to leave before he turned the heating back to low-spend mode before the pack alpha followed after you all. 
„Here, angel, I'll wrap your hair up, baby cheeks!” Taehyung smiled widely, the cute boxy smile like a cure to any sadness lingering from having to leave already, as the alpha stood behind you in the corridor leading further to the house, gently letting his fingers comb through your hair before he wrapped the towel around the locs, squeezing the water out. 
You looked too cold in his eyes, your lips turning too purplish for his liking as your skin felt cold under his sweet touches. And so, the alpha's warmer body wrapped around you in a comfortable hug, his chin going over your temple with cute eyes. 
„How about you shower to warm up a little baby? You're too cold; you'll get sick.” He fretted over you, Namjoon, who just walked past, quick to catch on, the back of his hand carressing your cheek, a soft frown taking over his features. 
„I'll start the shower for you, pup. Come on.” He said gently, taking your other hand in his, with Taehyung holding the left one. The alphas were quick to lead you upstairs, leaving small droplets of water on the floor. The eldest complained about having to clean later, but he had too much fun to be truly angry. 
The second youngest led you to his bedroom, your confused glances shushed with his calming pheromones. He pulled out one of his warm cardigans, a mixture of warm tan, dark green, and red in an argyle pattern. 
„Babycheeks, how about this? Or do you want something warmer? This one is super warm and has a nice fabric too. What about it?” The man said, rummaging through the racks of clothing while you watched wrapped in towels. 
The alpha pulled out a cream-white sweater with a small black heart with big, pretty eyes. The logo was cute. You smiled wide, noting how well-scented it was, and so you nodded right away, having the man return a wide, boxy smile and hand you the heavy sweater. 
„Wait, sweetie, let me check the tags, so it won't be harsh on your skin.” He remembered, softly once again taking it back, looking and reading closely through the tags on the bottom of the torso. 
'Comme des Garçons V-Neck Cream Heavy Knit Sweater
luxurious blend of 80% cashmere, 15% silk, and 5% merino wool
high-quality construction
Hand wash gently in cold water; lay flat to dry.
Designed for A/B/O comfort, avoid prolonged O wear to prevent skin irritations.
Elevate your style with Comme des Garçons.'
„Okay, baby cheeks, it should be okay. Do you want help choosing the rest of the outfit too?”
He asked you, a certain longing in his eyes you recognised easily. You always liked the alpha's style, and even if you only saw a few so far, his outfits were always very comfortable-looking, so why not? You thought, letting a small nod leave you, having Tae smile even wider, taking your palm in his, and leading you back to your room.
The door to the bathroom was already open, a warm mist leaving it as you heard the packalpha humming to himself and the shower running. Just then he came out, leaving a soft peck at your forehead, his dimples on display as he told you to warm up soon after you choose what you would like to wear and that you will all leave after you all quickly wash up. 
You and Taehyung agreed that you would like to wear something warm and comfortable prioritised, opting for good-looking sweatpants rather than any more structured pants. 
In the end, you ended up with bootcut leg solid dark brown wool knitted sweatpants, which were very soft and didn't have any flashy logos, just a small but foreign name of the company at the waistband. 
You soon hurried to the warmed-up shower, washing your hair and using nice-smelling shampoo, conditioner, and body wash to get rid of the light chlorine smell. The shower was quick but very comforting as your skin warmed up, cheeks rosing up. 
The towels were hanged to dry as you rinsed your swimwear from the chlorine water, placing it over the fluffy towels, which you would have to return to the alpha again. 
You pulled on the pants quickly, nice warm socks, and a cute brown turtleneck to match the plushy pants you wore as you shrugged on the very well-scented v-neck, the heavy fabric comforting on your shoulders. 
You wished you would have a necklace or two to layer on with the pretty v-neck cut, which would look especially pretty, but it was okay and you weren't too upset, drying your hair as quickly as possible with the hairdryer who blew cold air. 
As quick as you could, you left the bathroom again, grabbing your phone from being charged at the bedside table and rushing to not have the others wait any longer. 
Jin met you at the bottom of the steps, frowning at how your hair wasn't fully dried yet, opening his mouth to complain, but you hugged him instead, mumbling how you didn't want him to wait any longer. A simple response was received: „We would never mind peaches; alphas will always wait for you.”
As the eldest breathed in your sweet scent, he sneakily brushed his hands against your back, his own scent combining with Taehyung's that you were swimming in. 
„Cub here, I just warmed these up in the oven for you; they aren't freshly baked but should still be really good, hm? You like chocolate, right?” The damp-haired alpha asked, slightly worried for a little moment. 
He placed the warm chocolate pastries with oozing chocolate before you, the flaky batter golden. They looked delicious, with small wallnut choppings at the very top, sprinkled, and pretty. 
You nodded happily, sitting to take a bite just as the eldest placed ice tea before you with a big metal straw, making you smile and thank him softly. 
Only halfway through the two big pastries served to you did you hear the packalpha call out for you all to start getting your jackets, having you all leave very quickly, apparently almost late already. 
Jin looked worried, turning to you after packing a few packaged snacks into a lunch box, sighing annoyedly. The alpha wished you could have eaten calmly and fully, but their timetables just wouldn't suffice. 
The other pack mates rushed back downstairs as you calmed Jin down, saying it was all good and that you didn't mind finishing your food in the car, while the eldest placed the warm breakfast into a paper bag, choosing to grab a smaller carton of packaged ice tea and placing the full glass in the fridge for later. 
„Pup, baby, we need to go now.” Namjoon came over, a heavy, long black coat on, the man ready to leave with a beanie on his head. 
„Joon, she didn't even finish her breakfast!” Jin gasped, upset. What would it matter, the eldest thought? The photoshoot could wait. The other alpha frowned at that, biting his lip, considering just waiting for you to eat, but you answered instead:
„Let's go, oppa; I can eat later.” You smiled softly, taking your breakfast as you walked over to the racks with coats, choosing a simple black puffer jacket. Jimin, standing next to you, handed it to you. 
„Here, princess, let's zip it up for you.” He whispered gently, the closure sounding as the alpha helped you, ending with a cute kiss to the tip of your nose. 
You smiled softly when Jimin placed cute fluffy earmuffs on your ears, his eyes creasing as he couldn't contain his excitement. He hugged you close before snapping a quick picture, having you hide your cheeks right after. 
The alpha helped you make up the snow boots, which were comfortable and warm on your feet, lacing your fingers with his leading you out of the entrance, walking first to make sure you would know if there was any ice on the cleaned-up path. 
It was no longer snowing at the moment, but the temperatures were as icy as ever, having you all hurry to the large van you would all go in. Namjoon, who walked a few steps before you pulled the doors open for you, picked you up by your waist before he placed you on the heightened step, not wanting to have you slip like that one time a while ago. 
„Bunbun, sit here! I saved you the best spot, baby.” You followed Jungkook's voice, having you sit down at a seat in the back row in the middle, with your other side shared with Hobi. At your spot was a cute, comfortable blanket that the youngest was quick to wrap you up in, no matter the cranked-up heaters in the car. 
His tattooed fingers wrapped around yours, his lips ghosting over your knuckles, his own scent left subtly. With Hobi combing through the slightly damp hair of yours with a soft click of his tongue, you watched as Jin entered the van, Yoongi calling out if everyone had all they needed as the ride wouldn't be too quick. 
At first, it was planned for the pack mates to drive to HYBE first to meet up with their staff and have a driver take them to the spot, but in the end, the plans changed as the alphas wished to not have you go with the other staff, who usually travel together in separate vans. 
You let Hoseok put on your seatbelt for you as you rested your head against his shoulder comfortably. The smiley man was cute as he rubbed your knee in comfort. 
The ride was for at least an hour, the pack on their way to a snow resort for the photoshoot, and so you let Jungkook play a movie for the three of you, having you hold the phone, reasoned by you being in the middle, but he really just wanted you to have the best view. 
As the action movie you didn't understand too well played, the noise was subtle enough not to disturb the other alphas, you occasionally watched the passing streets, and the time seemed to slow down with you and the pack. 
You ate the still warmed-up pastries comfortably in their company, offering them both a bite or two they happily indulged in. 
With a soft peck to the top of your head, Hobi ran his fingers through your hair, his voice soft as he said: 
„Sunnybub, thank you, really. For everything.” Jungkook nodded, serious eyes set on your cute form. As you squeezed both their hands closer to yourself, your cheeks warmed up. 
For once in your life, things truly felt right. 
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BTS playing Animal Crossing with you
do not repost my work in any form
Warnings: none! enjoy :)
☆ gender neutral reader
Jin isn’t interested in playing when you first start. He says it’s not really his kind of game. But pretty soon, he has a copy of his own and is parked next to you on the couch, arguing aloud with Tom Nook, that tyrant. Jin is king of his island, chasing villagers he doesn’t like with nets - maybe they’ll take a hint and leave. Mainly enjoys collecting, trying to finish his museum, and flower breeding.
The places you play the most are in bed and on the couch in Yoongi’s studio. Many nights Yoongi comes home after a long day, crawls into bed alongside you and says he’s going to sleep, but ends up watching you play until his mind is quiet and he drifts off. You often hear him humming the game’s background music as he potters around the house, not even aware that he’s doing it.
Once you introduce Hobi to Animal Crossing, you can’t pull him away for days on end. “But my flowers need watering and I need to check my shops and I have to talk to my favourite neighbours so they don’t think I’m abandoning them!” What about abandoning me, you point out. “We can play together! Just don’t run through my flowers.” He’s dead serious.
Your boyfriend Namjoon comes in very handy when Redd comes around. Who needs to search up a guide on which paintings are real or fake when you have an art enthusiast in the house? He doesn’t mind either, he enjoys the challenge and is proud that you think he’s so smart. He thinks the game is cute and sometimes watches you play when he doesn’t feel like doing anything.
Jimin would play only because you do. When he has a lot of downtime the two of you squish together on the bed and play, visiting each other’s islands and taking pictures of your characters doing silly things together, swimming and watching the shooting stars. When he hasn’t played for a while because he is busy, he complains and pouts about the amount of weeds covering his island.
Tae thinks all the ugly villagers are cute. You look up how to get rid of the ones you don’t want on your island, and he is offended. How could you plot the removal of his new best friend Barold? He hates shaking trees because he is constantly being stung by bees. Always asking you for emergency Bells to buy furniture that he wants before it disappears from the store.
Spends more time playing Happy Home than he spends on his own island. He gets so into designing elaborate interiors for his pixel friends - every detail from lighting to ambience, it all has to be just right. Honestly, he’s racked up more hours than you have, and when you’re not playing yourself you’re more than likely watching him and trying not to be jealous of his digital decorating talents.
written by mapofthemazeinthemirror - do not repost my work in any form
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btskitten7 · 2 months
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Silent Grace| Chapter xiii: Family Ties
Ship: Min Yoongi x Fem reader
au/genre: Mafia!au
rating: M
wc: 3.2k
Chapter warnings: Just a lot of uncomfortable conversations.
summary: The biggest bombshell has been dropped on Yoongi. He just learned that his best friend will now the run family that was promised to him, and all the while, shit is hitting the fan. Part two of two (or three) before the finale
tagss: @shadowyjellyfishfest @baechugff @maunosorioh @shelylamc @princess-sunshyn @scuzmunkie @wanceu @coldcoffee2121 @maunosorioh @massivelyfullenthusiast @bangtan-famiglia-net
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Jungkook was still bitter, even after Seokjin called him the next day to talk to him and Yoongi about what happened. He didn't even go to sleep last night. He was just that pissed off. He didn't have years and years of friendship with Namjoon but he did trust him. He cherished his friendship with him.
He loves the talks and the advice. Jungkook loved the little world that they allowed him in.
But that wasn't the worst part for him.
It was the part where Namjoon brought up his past.
Jungkook knew what he did and what he used to do. It was nothing different from what they do.
Or at least what Namjoon wanted them to do.
Jungkook sat in Yoongi's office. His leg bounced with both anxiety and anger wrapped into a bundle of emotions.
He hoped he didn't disrespect Yoongi in any way by fighting someone he considered a brother or even disrespecting his parents by acting that way in front of them. Jungkook couldn't help it. He couldn't believe the shit that was coming from his mouth.
Seokjin and Yoongi walked into the office. Jungkook stood to his feet and turned to Yoongi, lowering himself into a bow before beginning his apology.
"Hyung, I'm sorry about how I acted in front of your parents. I should have never acted that way in front o-"
Yoongi waved him off.
"I don't need an apology at least not for my father. You could have whooped his ass and I probably wouldn't have cared. But my mother is a different story. I know you wouldn't have done it without good reason. Just tell me what happened." Yoongi said sitting on his desk while Seokjin sat in the chair next to Jungkook.
Jungkook sighed as he sat down and explained just how the fight happened.
"I had no intention of talking to him let alone argue with him. But the shit he was saying drove me over the edge. I didn't do shit to him."
Yoongi chuckled and shook his head before rubbing his face.
"Namjoon is all over the place. He doesn't work well under pressure clearly. My father can do that to you. I'm not upset with it in any way. I understand how you're feeling. I think it's laughable because you didn't take from him in the first place but that's neither here nor there. Just keep up your work at the hospital until it's time for you to leave." Yoongi said pushing himself from his desk and walking to his chair.
"I wanted to ask you about that, is there something else I need to be looking for? I mean Yn isn't there anymore. Hoseok hasn't come around either." Jungkook asked standing as well.
"It'll look odd if you left so soon after Yn. You did just pop up out of nowhere and got a high-level position. You need to wait just a few more months and you'll be out of there. Unless you'd rather stay there?" Seokjin started, "What do you think Yoongi?"
Yoongi hummed and nodded.
"I think that's a good idea. It might even be a good idea for you to stay there. Just in case. Yn probably would never go back but something about that Mingi guy you told me about. It's probably nothing but it was a little odd that he was hired on your floor and you didn't even know about it." Yoongi said tapping his chin before sitting.
Jungkook hummed in agreement, "He said that his mother comes to that floor often when she's in the hospital but now that I'm thinking about it. Yn was working ED...so of course that'll be the floor she comes to. Everyone goes through the emergency department before getting admitted.."
The wheels began to turn in the three men's heads.
"I would keep an eye on him. Hoseok has many connections that we don't even know about. We weren't the most popular guys in school for nothing. If we can find new people to take on, it would be the same for him." Seokjin said. Yoongi nodded.
"One thing in this world, you could never trust anyone. Sometimes, even the ones closest to you." Yoongi sighed shaking his head thinking about Nmajoon.
"Hyung..." Jungkook sighed, "You guys must be really hurt because of this...I'm really sorry." he finished.
Yoongi shrugged while Seokjin averted his eyes to the window.
"There's nothing for you to be sorry about. Just don't do it. Keep the trust we have for you while we still have it." Seokjin mumbled before heading to the door.
"I'm going to check on our assets and make sure to remove Namjoon from everything," Seokjin said turning to Yoongi.
Yoongi's eyes softened.
"Jin..you don't have to worry about that right now. We have time to do those things later."
"No..." Seokjin started, "I need to do this. Not for yours, but," he sighed softly, "For my sanity."
With that, Yoongi nodded.
The men watched Seokjin walk away. Yoongi was full of worry for Seokjin. Never did he ever think things would be like this.
"So you wouldn't want to take over your family business, hyung?" Jimin asked lying next to Yoongi. He was lying on his side as Yoongi was lying on his back with his arms resting behind his head. His eyes were closed as slowly bit surly his friends began to crowd the room.
Hoseok was lying on the end of the bed half asleep as he chuckled.
"Can you actually imagine Yoongi as a Mob boss? People would be scared to even breathe around him" Taehyung said sitting up on the window bed, adjusting his pillow. Hoseok snorted. "People are like that at school. I bet most of our peers probably think he is one."
Seokjin strolled into the room, finally returning from the store with Namjoon trailing behind him. The boys sat up and began to eagerly dig into the bags Namjoon and Seokjin had brought in. Excitement filled the air as they searched through the treats.
Once they had their snacks in hand, the room fell silent as the boys began to stuff their faces. Jimin, his eyes still sparkling with delight, lifted his head from his devouring snack and turned to Yoongi.
"You never answered my question, Hyung," Jimin said.
Yoongi shrugged nonchalantly.
"I don't think so," he replied, taking a sip of his coke. "There are other things I want in life." Yoongi paused, contemplating his words. "I see how my father is, and I don't want to be like that. He has no friends that he can trust besides Namjoon's dad, and I don't think he trusts him either. I want to keep my friends and maybe start a career in music or something."
Yoongi's words hung in the air, and the room seemed to hold its breath as the boys absorbed his statement. The desire for something more, something different, was evident in Yoongi's eyes, and it sparked a flame of contemplation within each of them.
"Why music?" Taehyung asked.
"Because it's the one thing I have full control over. I make it exactly how I want to. There are no limits to what I can create." Yoongi's eyes sparkled with passion as he spoke about his music. Taehyung listened intently, nodding in understanding. Hoseok beamed and agreed enthusiastically.
"Maybe even fall in love with that one girl that caught your eye?" Namjoon teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Yoongi groaned, a faint blush dusting his cheeks. The room erupted with laughter and lighthearted banter, filling the air with warmth and camaraderie.
"I just said she was cute. I didn't say I was going to marry her on sight." Yoongi chuckled, trying to hide his embarrassment. The others continued to tease him playfully, but it was clear that they were all fond of him and his shy demeanor.
"I mean, she's kind of hot, Hyung," Hoseok spoke up, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
"If you don't. I will." Taehyung challenged, winking at Yoongi.
After the boys cleaned up the room and settled back into their spots, drifting off to sleep, Jimin and Yoongi remained awake, engaged in hushed conversations. They shared their dreams and aspirations, their hopes and fears, connecting on a deeper level than they had before.
In the midst of their deep conversation, Jimin gazed at Yoongi with admiration and conviction, seeing the potential within him. "Yoongi, you have a natural ability to lead and inspire others," Jimin said, his voice carrying a mix of reverence and encouragement. "I genuinely believe that if you were in charge, you'd bring about positive changes for the better in your family. You are nothing like your dad."
Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle softly at Jimin's words. Turning to face his friend, he wore a gentle smile that spoke volumes. "Jimin, I appreciate your faith in me, but it's just not the path I want," Yoongi began, his tone sincere and thoughtful. "My heart yearns for a life free from the weight of responsibility and the constant fear of losing those I hold dear. I don't want to risk damaging our bond."
Jimin's expression shifted as he pouted playfully, sitting up straight to meet Yoongi's gaze. "Yoongi, you could never lose us," Jimin assured him, his words carrying a conviction that warmed Yoongi's heart. "We are brothers, connected for life. No matter what path you choose, our bond will remain unbreakable."
Hoseok groaned as he lifted his body to face the two other boys who were now also sitting up.
"Shut up already. You love each other, we get it" Hoseok laughed tiredly scooting in between Jimin and Yoongi stealing a spot in between them.
Jimin rolled his eyes and chuckled, "Fuck you, man."
Yoongi chuckled and laid back down on the plush bed, his eyes crinkling at the corners in amusement. However, Hoseok's expression turned more serious as he spoke.
"But Jimin's right," he said, his voice carrying a weight that commanded attention. Yoongi's gaze shifted to Hoseok, and Jimin also turned to face him.
Hoseok's eyes held a determined glint as he continued, "Nothing can break our bond. Not even you being a mob boss."
Yoongi's amusement faded as he looked at Hoseok and then at Jimin. A flicker of doubt crossed his features, but he couldn't deny the sincerity in their eyes.
"You promise?" Yoongi asked, his voice laced with a hint of vulnerability. He glanced back and forth between Jimin and Hoseok, seeking reassurance.
"We promise," they said in unison, their voices resounding with unwavering conviction.
Yoongi's heart swelled with a warmth he hadn't felt in a long time. Their words enveloped him like a comforting embrace, reminding him that despite his past and present actions, their friendship remained unbreakable.
A gentle smile spread across Yoongi's face, and he nodded slowly. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice barely above a murmur as the two boys fell into a deep slumber.
"What do we do now? She doesn't work here anymore." Mingi said walking his rounds on one of the 3 floors he was assigned.
Felix sighed as he walked alongside Mingi, posing as a patient asking for directions.
"I am not sure. I wouldn't even know the next step. Hoseok told us to meet him here so, we should just wait for him." Felix said propping his body on the wall while Mingi stretched.
Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung were walking down the hallways of the hospital, heading to meet up with Felix and Mingi when one of your coworkers stopped Hoseok with a smile.
"Hello sir, are you looking for Yn?" she said sweetly.
Hoseok chuckled and placed his hands into his pockets, shaking his head.
"I heard she left. I'm a little disappointed. She was my favorite nurse. My friends and I feel like we haven't shown her our full... appreciation." Hoseok said with a smile. Jimin and Taehyung followed up with a nod and smile.
"She helped save my life. I would really like to repay her." Jimin said. "I would love nothing more."
Your coworker smiled and nodded.
"She's amazing. So many people love her. Actually, some of us got her a few parting gifts. She's been gone for a while now but we plan on honoring her one last time with a party. If you want to bring her a gift, you most certainly can." She said with a bright smile.
Boy, that piqued Hoseok's interest.
"Thank you so much for that. We will be back up here to contribute. If you guys need anything for the party itself...please give us a call." Hoseok smiled nodding to Taehyung.
Taehyung stepped closer to the young woman and leaned down as he reached into her pocket, taking her pen and paper. Writing his number down, he smirked and handed it back to her with a wink.
"Call me," Taehyung smirked as he followed behind the two chuckling men. Leaving the woman stuck in the same place. 
The five men finally met up and Hoseok wasted no time.
"Mingi, you're going to continue to work here. I know she isn't here but, I know Yoongi has to have someone here working for him. It'll look weird if you leave so soon, especially right after Yn leaves. Felix," He trailed on, "They are throwing a party for our nurse. I need you to do two things. First, find out whatever you can about where it's going to be. I think we should be in attendance for our lifesaver" He said walking to the exit with Jimin and Taehyung.
"Yes sir," they said in unison before Felix turned to Hoseok "W-wait sir?"
Hoseok turned and with a hum.
"What was the other thing you needed me to do?" he asked.
Hoseok smirked,
"Make sure the woman of the hour knows how...loved she is." he chuckled before leaving.
Namjoon was furious after the fight. Namjoon knew that he said a lot of things to piss Jungkook off, so he had a good reason for fighting, but he still couldn't understand why he had to be so disrespectful. He had always tried to teach Jungkook to be respectful of others, and he was disappointed that Jungkook had not listened to him.
If anything, he was the one that vouched for him to stick around.
Yoongi didn't care to keep him around or get rid of him but it was Namjoon who convinced Yoongi of his usefulness.
Namjoon was also worried about the future of their friendship. With all of his brothers. He didn't know if they would ever be able to go back to the way things were before any of this. He hoped that they could work things out, but he didn't know if it was possible.
His mind was all over the place.
He was never meant to be the boss of anything. Namjoon was comfortable with being under Yoongi. It was his best friend after all. They did everything together. He wanted to keep doing this together. 
Namjoon also felt the comment about Yoongi's potential firstborn was overboard. 
"Namjoon get your head out of your ass. You better not fuck this up" His father snapped at him.
Kim would love nothing more than for his son to run the Min family.
He didn't hate Min. He is his best friend after all, but he loves power.
Having his son call the shots would be everything he could ever need.
He'd have it all and everyone would have to answer to him and he loved the thought of that.
"I don't want to fucking do this. Yoongi is my fucking friend, my fucking brother. I already fought Jungkook and lost the two people who know me better than anyone what fucking more could you want!?" Namjoon said defeated. "They are my best friends. I've told them everything. They've told me everything. Now they won't even sit in a room with me longer than five fucking minutes."
Kim looked at his son with the most disappointed look.
Kim and Min may be best friends but he was nowhere near like Min.
Min might be an asshole to his children but he truly, deep down, wants what's best for his sons. If his wife were to get pregnant again, Min would drop everything for her.
Kim, a man driven by ambition and power, did not share the same sentiments as his son, Namjoon. While he loved Namjoon and his wife, there were other priorities that held greater significance to him. Ruthlessly, he would abandon his family without hesitation if it meant securing his position of authority.
This fundamental difference in values led to a lack of understanding between Kim and his son. Namjoon's perspective and priorities often bewildered Kim, who couldn't fathom why his son would not prioritize power and control above all else. Kim's unwavering pursuit of power blinded him to the emotional depth and complexities of relationships, leading to a widening rift between him and his son.
As Namjoon grew older, he witnessed firsthand the sacrifices his father made in the name of power. He saw how Kim's ambition consumed him, leaving little room for empathy or compassion. This realization filled Namjoon with a mix of disappointment and pity. He yearned for a deeper connection with his father, one that went beyond the superficial trappings of wealth and status.
If Min told him today, that he didn't want anything to do with him, he wouldn't give a fuck tomorrow.
He would probably lose everything but he could also build himself back up, just based on his connections from Min.
Kim would never cross Min though.
He knew that he wouldn't make it far unless he were to move out of Korea.
"Namjoon, I truthfully don't give a fuck about what you want to do. This can put our family on the map. This would give us the recognition we deserve Namjoon." Kim started before walking closer to his son. 
"Listen," Kim started, "I've always told you never to make too many friends, especially after Hoseok.  It would be best if you wanted more for yourself Namjoon. You are way too smart to be someone's lap dog. Now me and Kim are always on the same page. What he thinks, I think. What I think, he thinks. You let Yoongi and Seokjin think for you. That's not how I raised you to be." 
Min had a hard time, more than he would like to admit. 
He'd be the first to say that he's truly an asshole but that didn't mean that he wanted nothing to do with his son. 
"You pushed him to act this way, what did you expect Min?" Yoongi's mother cried. 
Another son has gone because of the sick and childish games played by her husband in this sick world. She felt helpless as she watched her sons walk out those doors. She felt pathetic because she didn't do a thing to stop them. 
She had no one to blame but herself. 
Any other mother in her shoes would have chosen their kids over their husband.  No matter how much they loved their husband, there would have been no question regarding their children. 
But that's the one thing that's holding her back. Her loyalty to Min has proven to be unhealthy and incredibly toxic. 
"I KNOW-" Min said before taking a deep breath, "I know...I know."
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trivia-yandere · 1 year
trivia-yandere/explicit-tae halloween masterlist
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welcome to a spooky corny masterlist. some fics posted will also be a part of the alternate universe masterlist, as well, that fits the "spooky" aspect.
warning: will contain smut, non-con/rape, dub-con, violence, etc - warnings will be set in each fic uploaded. please read the warnings before continuing
divine intervention - (taehyung) - you'll do anything to have your own baby one day - even to go against your morals and allow a wiccan to help you. completed 09.06 early release
autumn of terror - (seokjin) the small town of oakville is being taken over by a serial killer who goes by "the ripper" you, an out of town detective, team up with head detective of oakville, kim seokjin, to take down the ripper. completed 10.04
red pill- (hoseok/namjoon) while partying, you decide to take a mysterious pill called "hell on earth" that's said to take you to a whole different dimension; one of pure ecstasy, lust and pleasure. completed 10.07
sentient - (namjoon) you're gifted a high-technology android by an old friend who appears to know everything - even about you. completed 10.09
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two sentence horror story (jin) - it's been nearly five years since you last saw seokjin completed [will be released 10/01}
fertile (taehyung) during an annual camping trip with your parents, you venture off deep into the woods and find a man chained to a tree. completed {will be released 10/06}
moral dilemma (hoseok) - your morality is tested at a monthly family dinner that gets interrupted by two masked men. completed {will be released 10/08}
test your morality (jungkook) - jungkook's morality is tested when he's woken from his unconscious state to find you - his best friend - bound before him. completed {will be released 10/09}
metamorphosis (jungkook) - in which you encounter someone in the middle of the night seemingly hurt. much to your luck, you were wrong. completed {will be released 10/13) PART 2
word is bond (jimin) - in order to save your kingdom from perishing, you agree to give your body to the demon king. completed {will be released 10/17}
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sour-ggrapess · 1 year
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"Hello?" the phone rang in your jean pocket. "Is your refrigerator running?" A dark, husky voice spoke from the other line, "Good one ass hole. What do 'ya want kookie?" That is what you said as you thought it was jungkook trying to scare you because of how afraid you were of the stab movies. You hated them because those people in the woodsborrow killings were real and it was a series of killings over the years one happened 2 years ago and not the stab movies the real stuff. "This isn't jungkook doll". "yeah ok mr Ghostface, my fridge is running just well" You answered following into his game as you knew jungkook was on the other line. "WELL THAN YOU BETTER GO CATCH IT!" Jungkook burst out into a chuckle so loud and familiar you could practically see his face, "Goodnight jungkook," You said as you hung the phone up and slipped it back in your pocket
"On the x-axis?" You answered the question unsurely, "Are you asking me or telling me? Y/n take a lesson from this, never answer with a question even if you're confused" Hoseok had strong emotions for you, he protected you from anyone that talked down on you and felt as if you and he had a connection and he would eliminate for you. He dreamt about you giving him hugs and holding him and cuddling him, and he had enough of this damn teacher picking on you. His slim slender fingers grazed the pencil as it slid across the paper completing the bark of the tree he drew Mr. Lebowitz hanging off of.
"What about you hoseok what is it placed on since you seem so interested in your paper," the professor said with a snarky tone. Hoseok got up from his seat in the far back of the room as he walked down the steps that lead down to the board near the teacher. Hoseok let an evil and malicious fall from his throat as he pulled his knife from his back pocket that looked a lot like the one from the stab movies. He felt rage take over his body as he stuck the knife right into the teachers gut.
what yall think so far
i still don't have a tidal
send ideas and scenarios 😘
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rupesnigra · 1 year
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JOIN WITH A FRIEND / RECEIVE 500 PTS EACH. there is so much fear in your heart. i know you want me to sit here and unravel it like DNA till the day my hands are too crone to pull any longer ⏤ but the clock won't stop, and the both of us will fade long before i finish. so, i'll make you a deal instead. you be the summer sunset, i'll be the solar system, and when the bad things drag their nails across your eyes and it all goes dark; my dear, WE WILL / BEGIN AGAIN.
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yoonieper · 2 years
Santa Baby | JHS
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"Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight~"
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❅ Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
❅ Genre: coworkers to lovers, kinda fluffy, smut
❅ Rated: U for Unexpected
❅ Warnings: fingering, protected sex, a little spice to get your day going 😌
❅ Word Count: 3.1k
❅ Summary: A company dinner turns into a night of unexpected passion with your work friend.
❅ Thank you: Thank you to @jamaisjoons for the banner (ik you made this a year ago 😅)~
❅ Author’s Note: This was very rushed so it’s shorter than I planned, but hope y’all still enjoy (a cup of spice is always nice :’D)~ I have more Hobi fics planned so stay tuned for that~ This was actually meant to be posted last year for an event my net was hosting but y’all know me, can’t meet deadlines for shit :’)
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JHS Entertainment. You had only started working at the company earlier this year and it was the place you had dreamed of being at since you decided you wanted to go into the film industry.
The position wasn’t exactly what you pictured, you were oftentimes stuck on a computer editing rather than helping film big ideas like you had hoped. You had to make your way up the ladder in order for you to get to where you really wanted and within the months you worked at JHS you had already managed to get promoted. You knew it was going to be a long road ahead of you but you still felt proud of yourself as the end of the year rolled around.
During your time at the company you had even made a few friends. None of you had really hung out with each other outside of work, the most being anytime your department heads invited you out to dinner, or the one time a few months ago you all went on this “team-building” retreat.
You never thought you would be a big fan of those types of things, anytime in the past you’ve been dragged into those situations you wanted to be anywhere but with your coworkers after hours.
This time though, anytime you’d walk into work you had fun memories to laugh with your coworkers about because of them.
You would always laugh with Jess about that time on the retreat that Gavin drunkenly professed his love to the director by singing his heart out and spilled wine all over her expensive outfit (they’re dating now).
You would sometimes gossip with Tisha about all the countless rumors you would hear about Peter and Cassie and their supposed affair despite both of them being married after she caught them making out in the bathroom.
You had great memories working here, your boss was nice, your coworkers for the most part were amazing, you really had everything to be thankful for as the year began to close out.
Working at JHS even gave you the opportunity to meet him, Jung Hoseok, one of your best work friends. You both worked in the same department and he was hired just a few months before you. You both bonded over being the new person and that connection eventually blossomed into your friendship today.
As much as you loved your job, most of the people you worked with you could only foresee being a work friend and nothing more. Hoseok and Ruby, another coworker who was hired around the same time, were the only ones you could actually see yourself staying in touch with if you were to ever leave.
You guys had even tried to make plans outside of work occasionally but work or home duties always got in the way you would always need to cancel. You still wanted to try and make an “unofficial meeting” happen eventually.
You had your friends and your fair share of relationships with your team and you couldn’t honestly be at a happier point in your life.
It was this optimism that when your department head announced that they were hosting a “holiday” company dinner party you didn’t groan like some of your coworkers around you in the fact your time off might be interrupted for an evening. If anything you for some reason was a little excited at memorable moments that could be made at an event like this.
On the day of the dinner you spent a good amount of time getting ready. This was the first time your coworkers were going to see you dressed up and you wanted to impress.
You had bought this knee-length, tight baby blue dress. It was just the right amount of not too out there considering the occasion, and sexy with the small slit that came up your thigh and how the dress hugged your figure. The spaghetti straps and low cut of the neckline offered a little extra dash of spice to the outfit with the way it offered a tasteful amount of cleavage.
What were you hoping to accomplish wearing a dress like this to your company dinner? Absolutely nothing, you just wanted to feel good, look good, as you tried your best to enjoy yourself at the dinner party. Who knows, maybe there might be someone at this party you might catch the attention of.
You honestly didn’t think that would happen, all that might come out of a night like this would be having a little fun, taking advantage of the open bar, getting bored out of your mind, and maybe one interesting thing happens that you might still be talking about after the holidays are over. You certainly didn’t expect for the night to go the way it did.
You in fact did turn heads the minute you walked into the room, your face was burning as you saw the lingering eyes of your coworkers and the quiet whispers they probably didn’t expect for you to hear.
You thought that would be it for your moment of fame, another coworker would walk in and everyone’s eyes would be on them for the rest of the night. However, when you made it to where Ruby and Hoseok were sitting you were instantly overflowed with compliments from Ruby that had your face burning brighter than the sun and Hoseok… well, for a while your friend didn’t say a single word, as for quite some time he couldn’t stop staring at you.
You liked to think you knew your friend group well, you’ve been working together for nearly a year now, but the minute you were taken out of the work environment you saw a whole new side of Hoseok. He was your friend, yes a friend who made you gawk the first time you met him. He was handsome, kind, and was the source of joy that would get you through your workday.
He was your friend and your workplace crush— a crush you no doubt shared with a lot of your coworkers. You never considered acting on it, at least not until you felt a little more confident he felt the same way. As of now, you had no indication that he liked you, but apparently you weren’t completely off his radar like you had wondered. You managed to catch his attention and tonight was the night he wanted to let you know.
You, Hoseok, and Ruby were laughing one minute, the next thing you knew she was making up some excuse to talk with Jerry, literally the most boring guy ever (he one time talked both you and Ruby’s heads off about his excitement watching the paint dry on his fence), and that was the last you saw of your friend the entire night.
“So what now…?” You asked as you watched her scurry off.
“Mmmm, I think we can still have fun with just the two of us.” Hoseok smirked at you and you were a little taken aback by the way his voice changed. It instantly had flags going up in your mind. It had been a while since you were in this position, but for some reason you got the sense he was flirting with you.
“Oh really? What makes you think that?” You chuckled, turning your attention fully to the beautiful man in front of you.
For a little while he didn’t respond as his eyes continued to scan over your form. You were getting warmer than when you held the attention of almost everyone here.
“Y/n, I’m sorry I can’t get over this, you look absolutely amazing tonight.” He flashed you one of his signature charming smiles and suddenly you did not know how to act. It seemed your intuition was very correct.
You truly did not know your friend as well as you thought you did, because the entire night you found yourself taken aback, smitten, and blushing like a schoolgirl the minute he would just smile at you. He had turned up his flirt game all the way to a thousand.
While you undoubtedly had some type of feelings for him, you had this picture in your head that he was just the softest, most oblivious guy to the game you've ever met. At work, he can’t even take compliments without saying how amazing the entire team is. You even one time tried to shoot him a subtle flirty text to kinda see where you stood and if you had any chance whatsoever.
You [11:53pm]: Are you a triangle? Cause I think you’d be acute one ;)
Hobi <3 [8:24am] Idk, I see myself more as a oval tbh :p
To be fair that was not one of your greatest hits of all time, but that was definitely not the response you expected after spending all night tossing and turning thinking about what he might say in the morning, only to wake up to him calling himself an oval.
Since that day you never once pictured your friend being a flirt. You were definitely shocked to find out he was seemingly a very experienced flirt because this man had more game than any other guy you’ve ever talked to.
It only made you wonder, was he really as oblivious as you thought he was or…?
If you ever needed a bigger sign that your crush for your friend wasn’t as silly as you thought, Hoseok made sure to give you a bright neon one with a billion arrows pointing to the answer.
It was as if the dinner party wasn’t happening as the two of you chatted like you were on a date. The soft lighting of the candle set the mood as you both chatted away, completely ignoring your coworkers around you. It was like you were in your own little world, lost in each other’s eyes.
You both also made it to the dance floor eventually. Your arms were wrapped around his frame as you both slow danced to the soft band that was playing a jazzy rendition of Santa Baby.
To be honest, the night was a blur, everything happened so fast. One minute you both were drinking cocktails at the open bar, the next you were feeding each other pasta, dancing the night away, and way too soon for both of your likings, the dinner party was ending.
You were some of the last two people leaving.
Hoseok had draped his jacket across your shoulders as you both waited for an uber. You were smiling like an idiot because he offered to take you home and your mind was spiraling at the possibilities.
You hoped this was going the way you thought it was.
You thought briefly about the consequences of whatever was happening between you and Hoseok. Based on what you’ve heard from movies, books, along with your friends, relationships between coworkers never end well and make things extremely complicated in the workplace.
You were a little wary about pressing further, but the way he held you close as the chill November air blew over you both, and you reminisced about the night you shared, you figured you would worry about later. All you hoped was he would kiss you at least once tonight.
Once your uber pulled up, you got your answer. The minute you closed the door behind the both of you his hand was on your thigh and he kindly asked the driver to hurry.
Suddenly you were hot all too quickly and the 15 minute ride to your place seemed like an eternity.
He didn’t make things any easier, his cool hand lightly stroked your warm thigh, inching up higher and higher as he calmly looked out the window at the city night life outside. You wanted to scream, moan, push his hand up further, but you focused on trying to stay as calm as you could until you made it to your apartment.
You felt like you were nearly about to lose your mind by the time you both were racing out the car and hurrying to the elevator.
You both hadn’t really said much to each other for a while, letting your actions speak louder than any words could but as you both made it to your front door suddenly the lingering questions needed to be answered.
You stood in front of your door and Hoseok cooly caged you into his arms, close, but not as close as you wanted him.
“I had a great time tonight~” He smiled down at you, his eyes fleeting down to your lips.
“Me too…” You wanted to say more, say how happy tonight has truly made you but the way he looked at you made anything more complex leave your brain.
“I was thinking… tonight doesn’t have to end just yet…” His voice was low and fuck, why wasn’t his lips on yours yet.
In a moment of clarity you jumped at the opportunity. You leaned forward to meet his ear.
“Only if your plans for the night end with you inside me.” It was bold and usually you were so. Hoseok’s charms were enough for you to forget all of your hot girl training.
When you pulled back you were satisfied to see a stunned look on his features before he chuckled darkly.
“Turn around, I need that door open baby.” It was a command that had you weak in the knees. You followed quickly, reaching into your little clutch for your keys.
Suddenly his hands were on your waist as he pressed himself into your ass. “That’s been my plan since you walked in.” He sighed and you felt it, just how much he wanted you.
You hastily pushed the key in the hole, turning the lock and leading the both of you inside.
Before you had time to realize what was happening, your back was against the door and his lips were on yours, so soft and so perfect as he cupped your cheek and pulled you close.
Your hands desperately came up to tug at his suit jacket, throwing it on the floor as quickly as you could before moving to pull at his tie. You both didn’t make it far, at least far enough to make it to your room. You both ended up leaving a trail of your clothes that led straight to your couch.
You hastily climbed on his lap, the moment of separation unbearable as you quickly went back to meet his lips. You relished in the moan he let out as you ground your hips down, eagerly searching for some type of friction.
You felt Hoseok’s hands run up your thighs before settling on your hips and he started lightly tugging on your panties. You were taken aback when you felt his hand slip past the fabric and started rubbing circles over your clit.
Your body instantly reacted, breaking the kiss, as you stared at him with pleading eyes.
“Fuck— Hoseok, please…” You sighed enjoying the pleasure his fingers were bringing you but you wanted more. It was only the minute his hands made it onto your skin did you realize how long it’s been since someone has touched you like this.
“Shit, you’re so wet already…” He marveled as he ran his fingers through your slick folds.
“Do you think you can take me now?” He asked, just as impatient as you were.
When he got here he thought he was going to be able to absolutely worship your body, but the minute his lips were on yours, suddenly all he could think about was how soon he could get his cock inside you.
You nodded but almost screamed when his fingers slipped inside.
“No teasing please, I need you n—“ You pleaded.
You felt so good around his fingers, he couldn’t wait any longer to finally feel you.
“Can you grab my wallet out of my pants? I have condoms in there…” He looked over where you had nearly torn them off trying to get them off of him.
You hurriedly did as he asked, finding his wallet thankfully quite quickly before you were back on his lap and handing it to him. It only took a second for him to find it and get it on, but that second felt like an entirety to you before you happily sank down onto him.
You both moaned together at the feeling. You kissed him hurriedly as you took a second to adjust. Your hands racked over his back, that pesky dress shirt in the way of feeling him completely, and into his dark brown hair.
“Please baby…” He moaned, begging for you to move.
You didn’t need him to tell you twice and you slowly started moving your hips to a steady rhythm that quickly had you throwing your head back.
“Shit, you feel so good.” Hoseok groaned, slapping your ass lightly.
Who knew this day would turn out to be this way? From a friend you had yet to meet outside of work to suddenly having his cock sending you to a new dimension. It was a great turn of events for you.
You only hoped that this wouldn’t be the end, that he might stay the night even, that he might ask you out on a date later. For now though you were happy with this, so so happy.
Before you knew it he was spilling inside you and he used his fingers to quickly push you over the edge as well.
You both were out of breath, your thighs burned but you couldn’t stop smiling down at him.
He sweetly kissed your nose before pecking your lips once more.
“So, what does this mean for us?” You asked curiously.
“That I have to see you again outside of work, and this time not at a company dinner.” He laughed and you joined in, your heart welling with joy.
“Only if that means we get to do this all over again.” You smirked.
He thought about it for a moment. “I think I can work that into our plans.”
“I’m excited~” You smiled.
“Mhmmm, but first you have to tell me where your room is so we can do this properly.” He chuckled.
You pointed to the door that you were facing and before you even realized you were squealing as he picked up and carried off for even more fun.
You really didn’t know your friend it seems, but you were excited to see him in this new light. Who knows what else he might be hiding?
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pantoneyoongi · 1 year
neon signs | troy bolton has nothing on yoongi
title ; troy bolton has nothing on yoongi  pairing ; campus crush!yoongi x campus crush!you 
notes ; 
this is part of the neon signs drabble series, where drabbles are released in random order (but listed chronologically in the masterlist!) 
series description ;
namjoon doesn’t think it can get any clearer outside of yoongi building a giant neon sign saying i have the absolute biggest crush on you but apparently, book smarts don’t exactly translate when it comes to you and your massive crush on min yoongi. 
(alternatively: namjoon and hoseok try for three years straight to get you and yoongi together.) 
word count ; 1.8k
tags ; basketball player yoongi :), fluff, pls go to masterlist for more / general tags 
it’s a well known fact that yoongi doesn’t leave his dorm for much. most people would be hard pressed to get him to come to much of anything at all, but if there’s any guarantee that you’ll be around, then chances are, he’ll be there too. 
all that said, the only other place you might find yoongi without needing to con him into going is the basketball court. there’s a public one little ways off campus, that hoseok and namjoon will occasionally join him at on warmer days. hoseok and namjoon aren’t really any good at basketball so it’s more like yoongi is playing on his own, but he doesn’t mind the company. 
hoseok and namjoon are running circles around each other when yoongi scores another shot, just as namjoon’s phone rings. he jogs off the court, holding it to his ear. “yeah?” 
yoongi dribbles the ball around a hoseok who gave up long before namjoon stepped out of the game. he vaguely registers namjoon giving out the location of the court while the ball flies from his fingertips, swishing smoothly through the net. he intended on jogging over to grab the ball that’s now rolling off court, but then he hears namjoon go, “let me know if you can’t find us. okay. bye, y/n,” and yoongi instead comes skidding to a halt, hoseok looking up from his own phone in interest from the sudden lack of movement. 
“is y/n coming?” hoseok asks. namjoon picks up the ball yoongi left on the ground, nodding. 
“yeah,” he tosses the ball to yoongi, who catches it with ease, heart rate picking up a little from the knowledge that you’ll be here soon. yoongi presses his lips together, eyes flicking from side to side, deep in thought. 
namjoon’s eyebrows raise. “you alright, yoongi?” 
yoongi snaps his gaze back up to his friend. he smiles. “yep.” 
“hellooooo,” you cheer when you arrive at full speed, sprinting onto the court. you crash into namjoon then immediately reel back in disgust. “aw, gross, you’re all sweaty. i didn’t know you did that.” 
namjoon eyes you disdainfully. “you didn’t know i sweat?” 
“i didn’t know you exerted physical effort.” 
namjoon deadpans, hoseok laughing as he comes over to give you a side hug in greeting. you wave at yoongi, who tucks the ball under his arm and waves back, lips curled up in that cute bracket-like way he always does. you beam. 
“did you know yoongi’s a genius on the court?” hoseok whispers theatrically loud, nudging you in the side. you glance over at yoongi, who is pointedly looking away, pretending not to pay attention. 
“really?” you ask back in interest. 
“troy bolton has nothing on yoongi,” hoseok confirms, just as yoongi easily sinks another ball into the net. 
“we just come to keep him company,” namjoon shrugs, taking a swig from his water bottle. “most of the time it’s just me and hoseok running around ‘cause there’s no point trying to actually play against yoongi.” 
yoongi is acting like he isn’t listening to his friends hype him up to you, but his heart is pounding, because he can feel your eyes on him. he sinks shot after shot after shot, listening carefully for your quiet gasps and tiny claps every time the ball goes through the net. after some time, he finally dares to glance back at you, breath catching in his throat immediately. 
your eyes sparkle, a grin forming wide on your face when you spot him looking at you. “yoongi!” you run up to him, stopping short just in front of him. “i didn’t know you played so well.” 
he scratches the back of his ear, suddenly shy. “yeah,” he tries to sound casual. “i’ve been playing since i was little.” 
“can you do trick shots?” 
you look so curious and excited that he can’t help but puff his chest a little, spinning the ball around in his hand. “i can try.” 
the way your eyes light up make him all the more determined. he gently nudges you off the court so you don’t accidentally get hit, then backs up past the middle of the court, so he’s halfway to the other side. “that’s so far,” you say, amazed, mouth dropping when yoongi lands the shot flawlessly. he grabs the ball again and runs back to the same position, but this time, turns around, facing away from the basket. “no waay,” you shake your head. “there’s no way, yoongi, c’mon.” 
he tilts his head towards you, and smirks, and you suddenly feel like eating your words. 
especially when he makes the shot. 
yoongi gives you that grin you love so much, the one where his gums show and you know he’s proud of himself. you figure he deserves cheering for that, jumping up and down, ignoring namjoon’s, “you’re so easily impressed,” shoving him to the side. yoongi ducks his head to hide his chuckle (and also a quick sigh of relief - he wasn’t sure if he’d make that one) before looking back up at you. 
your eyes glitter with adoration. yoongi’s doing an impressively poor job hiding how pleased he is, namjoon rolling his eyes when yoongi brings the ball up to to spin it on one finger. namjoon knows you love that move. you can never get that move right so it excites you whenever someone else can. true to his prediction, you immediately run back over to yoongi, gasping. “you can do that too?” 
“most people who play basketball can,” yoongi tries to shrug it off, nonchalant, but his heart swells with pride at the way you fawn over him, fascinated. he keeps it spinning just so he can hold your attention, yoongi watching you as you watch the ball. he almost breaks concentration staring at you, pretty eyes shining and cheeks lifted from your wondrous smile. 
the distraction makes the ball slip but you don’t notice because in the exact moment it tips to the side, you snatch it from him, startling him. you flee, giggling all the way down the court, until you’re right in front of the basket, tossing it up. 
(tossing is a generous description. even yoongi has to admit that it’s more like… chucking it at the basket. it’s a miracle the ball even went up rather than straight down.) 
namjoon snorts when you miss entirely - not even coming close - and while yoongi winces slightly at first, it’s hard not to stare fondly at you, head tilting as he watches you make several more attempts, not satisfied until you can make at least one shot. 
hoseok sidles up to him, arms crossed against his chest. “you should help her,” he whispers so only yoongi can hear, while you’re struggling with the ball but refusing to give up. “you know… stand behind her, position her arm, hold her ha- ack-” hoseok chokes when yoongi elbows him hard in the stomach, ears burning. 
“shut up,” he hisses, mind running wild at the thought of being close to you. sure, the longer the two of you spend time together, the more likely you’ll wind up hooking your arm around his, or casually bumping against him playfully, but yoongi never initiates any contact beyond maybe a brief head pat. his heart speeds up the way it always does when it comes to you, by now barely even registering hoseok rubbing his sore spot, whining. 
“i’m just tryna help,” hoseok complains. “and honestly, being real with you right now, she really needs the help. look at her.” 
all three boys suck in a breath when the ball narrowly avoids falling back onto your own head. “alright alright,” namjoon intervenes, snagging the ball before you can get it again. “we had a basketball unit in high school. how can you still be this bad?” 
you click your tongue and swipe at him, but namjoon simply lifts the ball in the air with one hand with an exasperated look on his face. he twists his wrist and flicks the ball in yoongi’s direction, the ball hitting the ground once and bouncing right back into yoongi’s hands. 
“yoongi’ll teach you,” namjoon offers with a saccharine smile. yoongi freezes. he whips his head to hoseok. 
did you conspire on this? 
hoseok grins. “singular roomie brain cell.” 
having you close is distracting. it’s beyond distracting. you smell nice and you look at him with doe eyes and yoongi admits he doesn’t usually have a whole lot of brain cells running on active if he can help it but when he’s hardly an inch away from you, there’s definitely a lot of short-circuiting going on in his head. 
but he has a reputation to hold about basketball and he likes seeing you smile. so he mentally slaps himself in the face and gets himself back in working order for you. 
patiently, he adjusts your positioning. a gentle hand on your elbow, a light touch against your shoulder. you follow instructions easily enough, eyes following his every move, so invested in everything he has to teach you. it takes a couple tries - yoongi has to physically turn around and shut his eyes at one point when you pout at another missed shot because what the fuck, is it legal for someone to be this cute? - but eventually, something works. 
probably dumb luck, all things considered. but you make the shot, a clean swish through the net. 
both of you are honestly a little dumbfounded, heads tilting up, and then back down, following the ball’s trajectory. you both stand there, blinking blankly at the ball now rolling off the court. 
even namjoon and hoseok, who are lounging on the bench courtside, are frozen for a minute. it’s hoseok who wheezes in shock, then hollers, “you did it!” that kick-starts everyone back into action, you squealing in excitement before jumping around and running half a lap around the court before stopping in front of yoongi, grin so utterly bright someone could probably tell yoongi you’re the sun and he’d agree without batting an eye. 
“yoongi, i did it!” you practically leap into the air, whooping. “y’know the last time i made a shot was because namjoon lifted me up to the basket in high school?” 
yoongi’s lips tug upwards into a smile. he reaches out, ruffling your hair affectionately. “superstar,” he praises, and you breathe out a shaky, giddy laugh, biting your lip as you look up at him. 
the moment is interrupted by hoseok swinging an arm over your shoulder into a hug, yelling something about we got a new troy bolton on the court! but your eyes are still on yoongi’s and for the life of him there’s no way he’d take his off yours. 
even with hoseok tugging you around, the smile on your face feels like one you’re sharing only with him, and god knows the stupid smile he’s giving you back is meant only for you, too. 
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series masterlist ; neon signs
taglist ; @thelilbutifulthings​ @bbsantc​ @chickentenderx​ @taegijns​ @princxssly82​ @manuosorioh​ @sugaluvmyg 
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jinkookspencil · 2 years
bts x halloween couples costumes
Description/Tags: Fluff / OT7 Scenarios / No Smut At All / This is an OT7 post that is basically little scenarios of each member and their s.o., but they’re inter-connected - they’re all getting ready to go to a couples costume Halloween party hosted by Hobi and his S.O! I'm sure you can guess what Hobi has planned.... You don’t have to read every member, it’s just that that’s the setting in my head and some members are mentioned in some of the other members’ scenarios.
Author’s Note: I had the idea to write a post on this a while ago, but I completely forgot about it and I just wrote this on a whim. I wanted to try something different! Pretty happy with how it came out, it’s my first time writing like this for a few of the members so I’m at least glad I tried that. I’m sorry it’s taking me longer to post my other WIPs! I’m not that proud of my Namjoon drabble I planned to post but I might just upload it soon. Also I sincerely want to thank you guys for all the love on take off your glasses - i didn't expect it to blow up and i think i reached 2 follower milestones since then, so thank you sm!! (gifs are not mine! can't find original sources, so please lmk if i should just remove them from the post)
“Honey, I have a couples costume idea for Hobi’s Halloween party!”
“Oh, really?”, Namjoon asks, walking over to you from his office chair upon hearing you at the door. “I thought you were matching with Jin’s girl? And me and Jin were gonna do a Pokemon one? Wasn’t that the plan?”
“It was… Wait did you and Jin get your costumes yet?”
“No,” he sighs. “It felt weird if one of us was Ash and the other was Pikachu then we just couldn’t decide who got which Pokemon onesie. Now he wants Charmander and I want Bulbasaur, but they only had Eevee and Squirtle and.. forget it. I, of course, want to match with you instead. What’s up, what’s your idea?”, he rubs your shoulder. 
“Okay so, I have two ideas.”
“Of course you do.”
“Shh,” you smile. “The first one is a bug catcher and a butterfly. You’ll be the bug catcher and I’ll be a butterfly. You can wear a khaki or brown vest and shorts with a bucket hat and a net in your hands, and I’ll wear wings and do my makeup all pretty,” you say proudly, batting your eyelashes jokingly before looking at Namjoon to see his eyes in a crescent moon shape due to the wide smile on his face.
“That’s adorable, baby. I love it. My pretty butterfly,” he says, squishing your face. “I’m good with that, it already beats me and Jin’s onesies. What’s the other idea?”
“I think you’ll like this one more.”
“So…. we’d need some more help with this, maybe Jungkook can come over and help us out since he’s a great painter, but…. What if we were Van Gogh and his sunflowers? We ca-,” you stop for a moment and restrain your smile, taking in the sight of Namjoon’s eyes widening. 
“We can do it in so many different ways, babe. We can both be covered in paint, you’re his self-portrait and I have sunflowers painted all over me. You can just dress as he does in that portrait of his with the hat? Maybe even with the bandaged ear? And I’ll have sunflowers in my hair either way. What do you think?”
Namjoon doesn’t answer, but pulls your head closer to his to meet your lips, sighing against them after a kiss. “I love you.”
“Nice, huh?”
He quickly kisses you again on the lips, staring at you in adoration with a big, heartwarming smile on his. “Amazing. My beautiful genius.”
“So? Which one?”
“The second one,” he laughs. “Is that okay? Let’s leave the butterfly for next year…..” Namjoon’s voice trails off, and suddenly he’s staring at the corner of the ceiling.
“Wh…. You’re thinking of more art costume ideas we could do, huh?”
"There's American Gothic too...." he mumbles before his gaze returns to you. “Have I told you that I love you?”
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“Seokjin, no.”
Your plans for Hoseok's Halloween party were set. You and your bestie would match while your respective boyfriends - Seokjin and Namjoon - would match, a genius twist on Hoseok's "couples costume" theme this year. But when she texted you telling you the plans were off and that she’d be matching with Namjoon, you were back to square one and broke the news to Seokjin.
You didn't think it could get any worse..... But he got an idea when he heard that one of their initial costume ideas was a bug catcher and a butterfly.
“Seokjin. I am NOT dressing up as a FISH.”
“Why not?!” he pouts. “You’ll be a fish and I’ll be a fisherman! It’s cute!”
“Seokjin, I’ve been to Hoseok’s parties before, everyone is going to be in their most amazing, creative costumes and I’m going to be a fish? I still have to make a good impression on some of your friends!”
“Honey, everyone already loves you, don't worry about that. And we’ll be sitting in the corner talking to each other and the guys like we always do.”
“But a fish, Seokjin?”
“Yes, what’s wrong with it?” he defends. “You know I love seafood!”
“To eat! But dressing up AS a fish?!”
“You don’t get it, honey. It’s because you’re a CATCH.”
Seokjin’s expression brightens at his own ‘genius’, and you try to restrain a smile - you always admired his ability to make a pun out of every situation.
“But I’d be a FISH, Seokjin. A DEAD and SMELLY CATCH.”
Now it's his turn to laugh, but he erupts rather than holding it in. “Honey, you’d be my favorite hobby! Well, you already are,” he winks, “but you know what I mean.
Put on a little extra of that floral perfume you always wear and we'll say you're a magical fish from a pond that smells like roses and can survive out of water."
“I can’t believe I’m dressing up as a fish for you, Seokjin.”
“Yes!!!!” he cheers, kissing your forehead. “Thank you, honey. Ah, be prepared, I’ll go around all night making that catch joke.”
“Why couldn’t we have been Mario and Peach? We have those costumes in our closets….. Can’t I at least be a mermaid?”, you slump. “Like you caught a mermaid?”
“Honey, that’s not realistic.”
“I’ll find a way to be a sexy fish,” you pout.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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“Okay?” you make sure.
“Yes,” Yoongi nods. “I like it.”
“Tell me honestly.”
“Honestly?,” Yoongi asks. “It’s a bit uncreative for a couples costume idea, darling, but I like it……… But judging by the expression on your face, you don’t believe me.”
You hadn’t noticed your eyebrows were furrowed until Yoongi pointed it out. “You just said it was uncreative, Yoongi.”
“Gomez and Morticia Addams is not a creative couples costume idea! It’s been done, but I like it.”
“Well, you come up with something, if you’re so good at creative costumes!”
“Darling, let me finish. I like it. You know why? Because it’s accurate,” he says.
“Accurate? What does that mean? Because you’re pale?”
Yoongi chuckled before turning his chair to face you completely. “It’s accurate to me and you. I remember watching that Addams Family movie and Gomez was so in love with his wife…. And I’m madly in love with mine. What’s that thing he tells her? ‘To live without you, only that would be torture’? That.” Yoongi blinks. “I like it because it’s accurate. Okay?”
You grab Yoongi by his cheeks and pull him towards you in a kiss.
“What the fuck, Min Yoongi?!”
“What?! I just said it’s accurate! Just draw the mustache on me. Gomez and Morticia Addams…. I like it.”
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“Wait, what did you tell everyone we were dressing up as?”, you ask your boyfriend from the makeup chair.
“Woody and Bo Peep from Toy Story,” Hoseok replies from the armchair beside you.
“Oh that’s going to be hilarious,” you smile for a moment before instantly suppressing it so the makeup artist couple complete your look. “They won’t see this coming. Are you completely done?”
“Yep,” he replies.
“So are you,” the makeup artist replies with a final stroke of her brush. “Take a look, Mrs. Frankenstein.”
When Hoseok said he’d take care of everything and would go all out, he really meant it. The makeup artist he hired did a great job at somehow making you look both fabulous and creepy, and so did the hairstylist, who gave you permanent white streaks in your hair as per your request, to surprise Hoseok after the party. Even the sort of wedding dress you wore was tailor-made as per Hobi’s insistence, but he let you have a hand in designing it, resulting in an edgy, fitted white dress that was a mini at the bottom to show off your thigh-high boots and a lacy corset on top of a short-sleeved lacy top. You looked like a rockstar version of the Bride of Frankenstein and turning to Hobi as he got up to take a look at you, you realized he looked like one too. Green all over with dark circles under his eyes, but a rockstar nonetheless… Hell, he even made the bolts on his neck look natural and cool. Where did he find this team of artists to put together your looks?! Sure he loved spoiling you, but this was almost too much, even for Hoseok.... and it didn't help that he was fidgeting all day, which he only did when he was incredibly nervous, setting you on edge as well.
“You look so cool, baby,” he smiles, hands in his pockets. “Ready for the party? We should get going now so we can start welcoming the guests in.”
“I think I am... Baby, you look amazing… we look amazing,” you say, taking in your look. “But there's something.... different about tonight. Don't you feel it? You don't seem like yourself too."
As soon as the words leave your mouth, you regret it, because suddenly, it's as if he hadn't had jitters the entire night. "I'm fine, baby. I'm excited! This is going to be the best party I threw, I planned so many things that even you don't know about. How about you? How are you feeling?"
"I can't describe it. I’m kinda nervous or… excited but in a way, I’ve never felt before.”
“Why?,” he laughs. “This isn’t the first time we’ve hosted a party together.”
“I know, but this feels…. big? Different? I don’t know why.”
“It’s nothing, honey. Forget that stuff about it being the best party, it's just another party! Besides that are you feeling okay or is something bothering you?”
“No, I’m fine, it’s just…,” you look Hobi in his eyes, “something feels different.”
Hoseok’s smile grows as he shakes his head. “It’s just a Halloween party with all of our friends, who love us. No reason to be nervous.”
You nod, taking his hand in yours. "I don't think it's nerves."
“Can I tell you something funny to help ease you?”, he says.
“I heard Jin made his girlfriend dress up like a fish.”
You and Hoseok burst into a cackle, despite that he already knew of the fact.
“Knowing her, she’ll find a way to make it cool, though,” you say. “That helped, baby. I’m ready.”
“Good,” he smiles, touching over his jacket pocket before grabbing your hand. “Let’s go, my beautiful bride.”
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“Jimin, are you home?” you yell from the bedroom upon hearing the front door slam.
“Yes!” he calls out. “Who else would enter with a key?”, you hear him gush under his breath. His voice and his excited face are too adorable for you to get annoyed…. and you had a pressing issue at hand.
“Baby, hi. So I’m kind of stressed because I couldn’t come up with anything to wear for Hoseok’s party.”
“Oh, right, when is it?” he asks calmly.
“Jimin, it’s Halloween. It’s tomorrow.”
“Oh!”, he gasps. “Then I’m in trouble too. Isn’t it supposed to be a couples costume thing too?”
“Fuck. What do we do?”
“I actually think I still have my Mickey Mouse ears that I got from that Disney trip with the boys…. How about Mickey and Minnie?”
You had discovered that Jimin was even more of a sweetheart than he seemed as you got to know him, but this was damn near one of the sweetest suggestions he had ever made in all your time together. “Mickey and Minnie?!”
“Yes! Do you have Mickey or Minnie ears?”
“No….” you reply shyly.
“Then let me ask Jungkook, and I’ll make a note to take you to Disneyland,” he smiles, but it almost immediately turns into a frown. “Ay, I forgot he got Donald Duck.”
“I can probably do my hair up in little buns?” you suggest.
“You’d look adorable, baby.”
“But what would we wear?”
“Just black? We might look weird, huh?”
“Why did we both forget?! I want to match, Jiminie, you can’t suggest Mickey and Minnie and just give that up, it's too cute but we'll look like Mickey and his weird rat girlfriend instead of Minnie.... but I can’t think of anything!”, you whine with your forehead against his chest.
You feel his chest vibrate beneath your skin, and the sound of Jimin's giggles nearly makes you forget the issue entirely. “Baby,” he giggles. “You won't look like Mickey's weird girlfriend. It’ll be okay, even if we show up in our normal clothes with no costumes and say we’re dressed as us.”
You lift your head up and stare at Jimin. “Dressed as us?”
“Mm,” he says calmly.
“I have an idea," you reply. "What if we dressed as each other?! I know we borrow each other’s stuff sometimes but we still have different styles right'? What if I went dressed as you and you dressed as me?! I think we can use whatever’s in our closets…”. You stare off in the direction of your wardrobe trying to form a mental image of all the outfits you both had. “What do you think?”
Jimin tilts your head so he can look you in the eyes. “I love it. Unfortunately for Hoseok, for a couples costume party, we’ll be the most coupley couple there and we didn’t even have to think about it too much… this is why we’re PERFECT together, babe...." He brings his soft lips to the top of your head. "I love you."
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“Taehyung, isn’t this a bit of a sad costume?”, you ask your boyfriend while applying lipstick in the mirror.
“What do you mean?”, he replies suddenly appearing behind you in the reflection, in full costume.
“Well, Bonnie and Clyde?”
“Yeah?” he raises his eyebrows.
“Well, you know…” 
“I know…. what?” his eyes widen.
“Well, it’s a real story and I know we’re going off of the movie, but they die at the end.”
Taehyung licks his lips, his eyes darting around the room…. 
“You didn’t finish the movie, did you?”
He cringes, a faint shade of red appearing in his cheeks. “I slept before the ending.”
“And you didn’t even see it coming?”
Taehyung covers his mouth with his hand, biting his index finger. “I’m sorry.”
“Baby,” you sigh, turning around and cupping his face in your hands. “Why are you sorry? It’s a classic couples costume. I just said it’s kind of sad but you know what else it is?” His eyebrows raise quickly in question.
“It’s sexy. Well, not Bonnie and Clyde, that feels kind of weird and wrong to say. But this whole 1940s type of clothing on you, on us,” you say, your hands roaming over Taehyung’s chest before fiddling with his suspenders. “I know you like to wear this type of thing often, I mean, hey, you didn’t even have to buy anything, you just got everything from your closet but…. It feels good to actually wear them, you know? I’m not sad at all. I wanna walk into that party with my partner in crime.”
He brings the tip of his index finger to your chin, slowly kissing you… and as he breaks away you notice a bit of your red lipstick stains his upper lip. 
“Partner in crime, huh?”, he asks, a smug smile on his face.
“Uh-huh,” you giggle, wiping off the lipstick from his lips.
“I like that. Let’s go, pudding,” he jokes in an exaggerated, undetectable accent as he wears his fedora, grabbing your hand too excitedly as he makes for the door in a laugh.
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“Baby, isn’t Hoseok’s party in like 3 weeks? It’s the beginning of October!”
“And we’re already too late!,” Jungkook complains. “Look, I don’t mean to outshine anyone in that party, especially not Hoseok since he’s got a lot planned, but we need to have an amazing costume, baby, just for our sake.”
“Okay, so, any ideas?”, you ask.
“Too many to choose”, he says. “It’s a couples costume party, right? So I thought about the most romantic place to look for inspiration since I’m so in love with you and this is an opportunity for me to show everyone how madly we’re in love with each other.”
“Oooh, I like where this is going… Let me guess. Something from Jane Austen? Pride & Prejudice?! Or Shakespeare? Is it Romeo and Juliet?”
“Shakespeare? Jane? What? No, that feels like something only Namjoon and his fiancee will understand. No, baby….,” he pauses for dramatic effect. “DISNEY!”
“Disney?” you ask.
“Yes!” he says excitedly. “Do you… not like it?”
For the split second before your answer, you cringe at the idea of you having to wear a Cinderella-like ballgown, or an Aurora-esque dress… It was the first thing your mind went to, and it was the farthest thing from a costume you’d like to wear, but seeing the sparkle in Jungkook’s eyes, you couldn’t say no.
“I like it!” you reply, trying to match his excitement. “Which couples were you thinking? Cinderella? Snow White? Jane and Tarzan? Belle and The Beast”
“Cinderella and Snow White? Me, the Beast? What? Baby.....no,” he laughs. “ Where is your head at today? Imagine you in a Cinderella gown, I mean I think you’re always beautiful but that’s just not you.. Right?” he asks.
….Well this surely isn’t what you were expecting.
“Right…. Then… What did you have in mind?” you ask, more intrigued than ever, which Jungkook could sense, judging by the readiness in his eyes, and you immediately regret the disappointment you felt when he brought up the idea. Fuck, you could never hide your emotions from him.
“Okay,” he continues with a smile on his face, pulling up a collage of Disney characters on his phone. “I thought of many and I did my research. The only one we can’t do is Woody and Bo Peep because that’s apparently what Hoseok’s doing but I have other options. There are many Disney couples - baby we have to do a marathon soon. Anyways, there are some where one suits me and not you, or you but not me. I went through people like Aladdin and Jasmine, Peter and Wendy, Hercules and Meg, Flynn and Rapunzel…. I know some of those are princesses but they seem more like you? Or we could do Mickey and Minnie - we could borrow Jimin’s Mickey ears but it seems like a last-minute costume so, actually scratch that. We could do the Dalmatians? I know Bam will like that! What’s more ‘us’? I think some cool ones might be Mr. and Mrs. Incredible from The Incredibles? Or what about Jack and Sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas? Baby, there are so many options and I just don’t know what to do and -“
You stop Jungkook by kissing him on the lips - it takes him a moment before he responds and kisses you back.
“Jeon Jungkook…..I love you.”
“I love you too,” he replies shyly. “Are my ideas that good?”
“They’re that cute. I’ll tell you what, you pick your favorite.”
“Baby, that's the whole point of this, I can’t pick - you probably know Disney characters better than I do. Which characters are more like us? Or, actually, which ones are the most in love?”
“I don’t know I guess every couple’s love is different.”
“Is there one that’s similar to ours?,” he asks, eyes wide.
“No, our love is ours, Jeon Jungkook.” 
He smiles. “That doesn’t help. See? Do you see, baby? We need something as romantic as that. I’m starting to think we’re more romantic than Disney movies….”
“I have an idea, baby. Let’s pick a few of the couples, work on the costumes for the next few weeks, and then we’ll see what suits us best. I think you have the charms of Peter Pan, but you have the emo soul to be a good Jack Skellington…. and you’d make a pretty accurate Hercules….”
“Hercules, huh?” he raises his eyebrows. “I’ll show you the strength of Hercules rescuing his damsel in distress”. He begins to tickle your waist, and you instinctively attempt to push his hands away, knowing they were making their way to your thighs. 
“Okay, Jungkook, you really need to watch these movies because Meg says that she’s not a damsel in distress!”, you get out, with shrieks and giggles in between.
“Just let me make out with my princess,” he giggles, finally firmly grabbing your waist and pulling you up to his chest, kissing your lips more sweetly and lovingly than any prince in any fairytale you ever watched or read about.
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btskitten7 · 6 months
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Silent Grace | xi : "When it's bad, it's worse"
Ship: Min Yoongi x Fem reader
au/genre: Mafia!au
rating: M
wc: 3.5k
Chapter warnings: Yoongi's parents are fighting. Mrs. Min slaps Min (As she should cause tf?)
summary: The biggest bombshell has been dropped on Yoongi. He just learned that his best friend will now the run family that was promised to him, and all the while, he gets a surprise visit.
tagss: @shadowyjellyfishfest @baechugff @maunosorioh @shelylamc @princess-sunshyn @scuzmunkie @wanceu @coldcoffee2121 @maunosorioh @massivelyfullenthusiast @bangtan-famiglia-net
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The room was as quiet as a mouse. Everyone was shocked. All except Namjoon. He kept his head down as he felt both yours and Seokjin’s gaze on him. Yoongi’s face went pale as his father mentioned Namjoon’s name. Min sighed softly but Kim was as happy as can be.
His son, calling the shots. He was proud.
“Come on up Namjoon,” Min said clapping for him bringing the rest of the crowd to clap for him as well. You did not clap, nor did Seokjin or Jungkook. Yoongi’s mother watched her son’s face fall apart right in front of her.
She was completely taken aback by this sudden decision.
Namjoon walked up the other side of the grand staircase and stood right next to Min. Namjoon kept his eyes away from Yoongi. He wanted to look everywhere but at him. He couldn’t look in front of him either. You and Seokjin were giving him the most confused but hurt look.
He wanted to be anywhere but here.
Yoongi’s piercing gaze never left his father. He thought he hated Hoseok.
He hates this man more.
at Yoongi and for a moment felt a sense of regret seeing the look in both his and his wife’s eye.
The same look of hate and disgust they had for him when he had stepped out of the marriage.
The same look Yoongi gave when his father forced him to give up his dreams for this life.
The same look that all his sons gave him.
“Yoongi listen-” Min started but Yoongi swatted his father’s arm off of him.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” He said lowly.
Your heart wrenched at hearing his hurt voice. His mother felt the same and walked over to him, trying to take him into her embrace but Yoongi refused. He shrugged her away as well. “Don’t.”
Yoongi looked up at his father, tears burning his eyes as he was far more hurt than upset.
He was heartbroken.
Agitated and filled with frustration, Yoongi uttered, "After all the lies, secrets, and people I've hurt, all the friendships I've sacrificed for this, does it end like this? Was it all in vain?"
Min repeatedly shook his head, gently placing his hands on Yoongi's shoulders. "No, son, no. Your efforts are honorable and haven't gone unnoticed. I'm aware of your capabilities and know you'll make me proud as our leader. However, I need you to continue as the underboss for another year."
"And you thought it was a great idea to make me inferior to MY underboss?" Yoongi's speech became slurred as his anger intensified. "You knew this whole time, didn't you? As my friend, not just your boss, you couldn't tell me?" he addressed Namjoon, who had remained silent until now.
Namjoon tried to explain, "I didn't know how you would react, Hyung. I thought it would be better until you told Y/n."
Yoongi's laughter turned manic. "So, you've been aware of this for quite some time."
Seokjin stood stunned, unable to find words. Namjoon looked at Yoongi, unsure of what to say.
"No," Yoongi started, his voice firm. "We are no longer on that level, boss." Yoongi shrugged off his father's hands and brushed past Kim and Namjoon, storming down the stairs, ignoring the pleas of Min and his mother to stay.
With emotions barely concealed, Yoongi walked directly toward you, his eyes pleading for understanding.
“Baby, are you okay?” you asked, reaching for his hand.
“Can you walk now? If you need help, I’ll carry you. We need to get out of here,” Yoongi muttered in a defeated tone. His parents stood behind him, trying to catch his attention, but Yoongi ignored them both.
Turning to Seokjin and Jungkook, Yoongi requested, “Can you get the car? We’re coming out.” Jungkook nodded and looked at Seokjin, who couldn’t tear his eyes away from Namjoon. Namjoon avoided Seokjin's gaze as well.
Yoongi tapped Seokjin’s arm lightly, breaking his trance. “Let’s go,” Yoongi said.
Seokjin nodded and followed behind Jungkook.
Jimin, unknown to anyone was among the crowd and he was shocked.
He knew Yoongi’s father was fucked up in the head but he never thought he would choose someone else over his blood.
“Oh Yoongi, if your grandfather was here,” Jimin mumbled to himself, “He would have killed your father by now”
Jimin sympathized with Yoongi's plight. Yoongi had sacrificed everything for his father's approval, giving up his music, basketball, and a normal life. Even though they were at odds, Jimin would never wish such a fate upon anyone, not even Yoongi.
He watched Yoongi take your hand as lead you out of the home, with parents standing there defeated.
As Jimin turned to walk away, a loud smack reverberated through the room. He spun around quickly and noticed Min's head tilted to the side and his wife breathing heavily. She screamed at him, but Jimin could not decipher the words as she rushed after her son.
Jimin stood frozen. He had never witnessed Yoongi's mother standing up for herself or her children in such a manner. Evidently, Min was equally shocked and appalled.
Yoongi managed to keep his emotions in check up until he got outside. He couldn’t believe that someone else betrayed him like Hoseok did. His own father and best friend. It makes what Hosoek did seem so small now.
Before entering the car, you turned to Yoongi. Before you could speak, streams of tears flowed incessantly down Yoongi's cheeks, staining his eyes and cheeks red. Your heart shattered into millions of pieces.
"H-how could he do that to me? I did everything I could...and more. He's supposed to be my father," Yoongi began, tears streaming down his face. "How could my dad do that? I'm his son. I'm the one who stayed when the others left. Where's the father's love everyone talks about? Isn't he supposed to love me? All he does is find new ways to hurt me," he said in a broken voice.
You couldn't bear it any longer and pulled him into a comforting embrace. Yoongi finally broke down, hiding his face in your neck and letting out all his pent-up emotions on your shoulder. Seokjin came behind him and rubbed his back while Jungkook watched with concern for his leader.
Hearing Yoongi’s broken voice devastated you but it sent needles right through his mother’s heart. She wanted nothing more but to comfort her son. She made her way to him once again this time Yoongi allowed her to get closer. You looked at her as she looked at you with pleading eyes. You nodded and moved to the side allowing Yoongi and his mother to have this moment.
Yoongi wiped his face and avoided his mother’s gaze. She kept holding onto his hand hoping for a chance to comfort him.
“Did you know, mother?” he asked. She shook her head.
“Not at all. We’ve been talking about this moment up until this moment. I didn’t think he would consider anyone else. He seemed so happy to finally hand this down to you.” She said rubbing his hands. Yoongi scoffed and shook his head.
“He’s happiest when I’m embarrassed or put on the spot. Genuinely happy for me? Doubt it.”
Yoongi kept his eyes on his mother until he heard a voice he wished he hadn’t.
Yoongi looked up and saw Jimin looking back at him. Your eyes went wide, silently praying that the same thing that happened last time wouldn’t happen again. Yoongi pushed you and his mother behind him as Seokjin and Jungkook were right next to him. Jimin immediately put his hands up.
“I’m not here to start any fights or even to argue. I just want to talk,” Jimin started. “See, look,”
Jimin reached into his jacket pocket and pulled his gun out, dropping it to the floor and kicking it to Yoongi.
Yoongi relaxed a little but still, he didn’t trust him.
“What do want, Park? Sadly, I’m not in the mood for pointless conversations.” Yoongi said crossing his arms.
“I know,” Jimin sighed, “I saw what happened, and…Hyung you didn’t deserve that.”
Yoongi was taken aback as he looked at Jimin. What the hell is he telling him that? He know he didn’t deserve that shit.
“That was the most fucked up thing I’ve seen your father do…and we’ve both seen him do a lot worse,” Jimin said. Yoongi looked to the sky as his tongue poked the inside of his cheek, trying desperately to hold in the already spilling tears. Jimin sighed and walked closer towards Yoongi but still not too close as Jungkook and Seokjin both got closer to him.
“Why are you here, Park?” Seokjin asked this time, becoming agitated as this conversation continued.
“This might not be the best time to say this..but Ji-hoon is back in town,” Jimin said.
The air became thick once again. Yoongi felt another drop hit the bottom of his stomach.
“He’s here? I want to see him. Where is he?” Yoongi’s mother asked. Jimin stepped a little closer but this Yoongi signaled Jungkook and Seokjin to stand down.
“He’s with Hoseok right now. I probably shouldn’t be here but…Hyung. I…” Jimin paused for a second causing everyone to grow confused.
"Yoongi, I have never hated you, and even now, I don't feel hatred toward you, Seokjin, or even Namjoon," Jimin stated sincerely.
"I don't believe that," Yoongi responded skeptically. "Just a few weeks ago, you were physically assaulting Namjoon in front of my girlfriend. You've been monitoring her every move since you discovered her identity. You can call me hyung all you want, but I don't trust a single word you say."
Jimin nodded, acknowledging Yoongi's feelings. "You have every right to feel that way," he agreed. "But that doesn't change the fact that you're still my hyung, and I genuinely want to resolve our issues. I tried to convince myself that I hated you, but it wasn't true. You, Hoseok, Seokjin, and Taehyung are all still close to me. You guys are all I have, and it's been challenging not having you guys in my life," Jimin admitted, his eyes welling up with tears.
Yoongi's heartstrings were tugged at by Jimin's honesty and vulnerability, and he found it hard to hold back his own emotions.
Jimin didn’t have anyone for most of his life. No one looked after him, no one looked for him. He really couldn’t remember a time when he did things with his parents. He doesn’t even remember who his parents are. He couldn’t even point them out if he wanted to.
It didn’t bother him either. He has been taking care of himself since he was only 12 years old. He had his place and he learned from the landlord that his parents paid for him to live there rent-free. If anything that bothered him the most was the fact that his parents had enough money to buy a place for him, make sure there was food in there, and send him a monthly allowance but didn’t care to be there with him or even bother to call.
All that changed when he met Hoseok. They immediately hit it off and became close.
And that changed his life forever.
“Park, is it okay if I have some friends over at your place tonight?” Hoseok said over the phone.
‘Friends?’ Jimin thought to himself.
“Would I know them?” Jimin asked. “Not Taehyung since he goes to school with me. Not Seokjin since he already graduated but you might have seen my two other friends. Min Yoongi and Kim Namjoon” Hoseok explained.
‘Why’d you give a random person our full names Hobi?!’ one yelled.
‘It’s not like he wouldn’t know it anyway’ the other teased.
‘Why didn’t you say MY full name?’ another whined.
“Oh shut up, it’s not that big of a deal. Anyways, Park! What do you say?” Hoseok asked excitedly.
“I don’t, my mom really does like company” Jimin teased which caused Hosoek to laugh.
“What the hell are you talking about?! Your parents practically don’t exist.” Hoseok joked back which caused Jimin to laugh. “Whatever, Hyung. I don’t care, you know that. They can come”
Within the next hour, there was a knock on the door followed by chaotic mumbles. Jimin opened the door and the group of boys poured in, making sure to kick off their shoes at the door.
“Okay, guys, this is Park Jimin or Park,” Hoseok said wrapping his arm around Jimin’s shoulders “He’s the same age as Taehyung but he's older. Looks like you’re still the baby Tae.”
The boys began to laugh as Taehyung groaned in annoyance. “Still?”
“Anyways, the one with the dimples is Namjoon. The one who calls himself handsome all the time is Seokjin” Hoseok started before Seokjin interrupted “I am, handsome” which caused another way of laughter.
“And the quiet, serious guy is Yoongi. His dad is like super rich and that’s the only reason we keep him around” Hoseok joked which caused Yoongi to scoff before rolling his eyes. Doesn’t your dad own companies too? My dad isn’t the only rich one here.” Yoongi snorted.
“Yeah, but your dad has the best booze and the best parties,” Taehyung said which all the boys agreed causing Yoongi to shrug “I don’t think so but oh well. It’s nice to meet you Park, welcome to our pack” Yoongi said with a smile.
Jimin will never forget how meeting them made him feel. They were more than friends to him. They were his family and he hated to see how torn they’d become.
You stepped closer to Yoongi and hugged him tightly from behind before rubbing Seokjin’s back who had lost control of his tears ages ago.
“You don’t have to forgive me, honestly I wouldn’t be upset. Just know that, I know deep down you and Hoseok can fix this. I know things can be the same again.” Jimin said before looking at you then Jungkook “With new additions. The only reason why I kept in touch with Y/n was not for Hoseok alone…we didn’t even know she was attached to you, Hoseok was infatuated with the way she looked and carried herself, I mean come on Yoongi look at her.”
Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle breathlessly at Jimin’s comment. He too was infatuated with you and could not leave you alone either.
“But once we saw that picture of you and her on her desk, I thought to myself, that maybe I could get close to her and see you again. To tell you how I felt. I’m sorry Y/n to take your picture and use you as I did. I want to give this back to you.” Jimin reached deep into his pockets and pulled out the picture from your desk that you loved so much, passing it to you with a smile. Your eyes lit up and stepped from behind Yoongi to take the picture back with the biggest smile ever. “Thank you!” you couldn’t help but be happy to get your photo back.
Yoongi smiled a bit seeing you as happy as you were. He turned back to Jimin, “I know how you must feel, and trust me, I never wanted it to be this way. But, I don’t think this can be resolved. Not easily at least. Hoseok and I both crossed lines that we shouldn’t have. I’m sorry but as far as a family reunion goes, I don’t think that would be possible.” Yoongi said sadly but truthfully.
“My hatred for Hoseok runs too deep for me to forget it or put it in the past,” Yoongi admitted.
Jimin nodded. “No, I understand. I just wanted to let you know how I felt Hyung. Have a good night and I’m about what happened back there. For what it’s worth,” Jimin started
“We all know what an amazing leader you are.”
Jimin bowed and headed to his car before disappearing into the darkness.
Namjoon’s heart sank into his shoes. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He refused to believe what he was hearing. He refused to believe that Yoongi, someone that has been by his side since they were kids, wrote him off so quickly. He turned to his father with tears in eyes full of hatred.
“I told you that was going to happen! I told you! Now I lost my brother. You really expect Yoongi and Seokjin to work under me? Are you fucking insane?”
“No I don’t but you need to make them,” Min said standing next to Kim. His face was still red and stinging from the slap his wife gave him earlier. “Yoongi isn’t going to give in easily but don’t take what he said personally. Either way, he knows that he has to follow your orders reguardless of what he thinks.” Kim added.
“You are the closest thing he has to silbings. He lost his real brothers, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jimin-all of them. You think he’ll want to lose you too?” Min said.
“That what hurts the most! We’re like brothers and it looks like I betrayed him when I told you I didn’t want to do this to him.” Namjoon argued.
“THAT NO LONGER MATTERS,” Min yelled, “My son hasn’t lost anything to know how serious this is. His brothers? Big deal. His friends? Oh fucking well. But Y/n/? If he lost her, he’ll lose his mind. You see how much he loves her and he’ll do anything to protect her. Up until now, he has done everything surrounding her. His world revolves around her. With someone else in charge and no date insight to when he’ll be boss, he will have no choice but to contiune under my leadership through you. You need to her to twist his arm.”
“I will not hurt Y/n.” Namjoon said sternly.
“I didn’t say to, you did” Min said before walking off to find his wife.
Namjoon could not believe what he was hearing but he couldn’t argue anymore. The word was out and the damage was done.
Min pushed through the crowd that just resumed partying and ignoring everything that happened. He needed to fine his wife. He couldn’t handle her being that upset with her.
He hated to admit but he was just like Yoongi when it came to his wife. Min was and still is in love with her. Even through all of his infidelities, she’s still the one he wants. She has been with him through everything and he would hate if this is how it ended.
Fortunately, as she walked through the door, tears stained her cheeks. Before facing Min, she shut the door behind her. He softly grabbed her waist and pulled her close.
"Darling, please try to understand," he began, but she pushed him away.
"No, I refuse to make any more effort to understand. You are free to inflict as much pain as you choose on me. I have made the decision to accept it because I love you. However, you have crossed the line for the final time. You have damaged each of our children. Two of our sons want nothing to do with us, and the one who does complete all of your requests and more, including the one in which you forced him to abandon his aspirations in favor of yours. You embarrass him in front of everyone we know and grant his rightful position to someone who has no claim to it? Someone who served as his right-hand man? Tonight, I witnessed Yoongi cry to Y/n in a way I had never seen before. Since Hoseok, I haven't seen him that wounded. So no, I have no interest in making sense of it any longer. She sobbed before retiring to her room, preventing Min from speaking.
"Will everything be okay with you two?" asked Kim.
Min was terrified. He was overcome with fear.
"Yes, everything will be okay with us. She just needs to unwind, much like Yoongi. So I can make it up to her, get everyone out of here. Tell Namjoon to schedule a meeting for tomorrow. I must speak to my son."
"Of course, sir."
The next morning was hell for Yoongi. He didn’t want to accept reality. Too many things had happened in only a few weeks, and he hated it. He no longer had control of things. He couldn’t ensure your safety anymore. Granted, Namjoon could still follow the things Yoongi has set in place but he could hardly trust Namjoon now. He didn’t trust him.
Sleep did not find Yoongi as he hoped. He spent the night holding you as close as he possibly could. So when Seokjin knocked on his door, he wasn’t annoyed.
“Come in,” he said sitting up and covering you back up. Seokjin came inside and closed the door behind him.
“Good morning, boss,” Seokjin said.
“You don’t need to call me that. We are on the same level, Seokjin.” Yoongi said placing his back against his backboard, running his fingers through his long hair.
“I don’t care what your father says. You’re the boss.” Seokjin said sternly. Yoongi chuckled and shrugged.
“Whatever floats your boat,” Yoongi started “What’s going on?”
“You probably don’t care but Namjoon requested to have a meeting.” Seokjin started.
“You’re right, I do not give a fuck.” Yoongi shrugged. Seokjin chuckled.
“You might after I tell you this,” Seokjin said causing Yoongi to look at him. “Hit me”
“He wants Y/n to attend the meeting.” 
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writersrealmbts · 1 year
Treasured Hoard: Part 5
Part 4
Description: Dragon Hoseok! You’re spelunking when you come across a dragon, and suddenly your life is a lot more complicated as he adds you to his hoard.
Warnings: Not really
Posted: 03/15/2023
Tags: Dragon!Hoseok, Shapeshifter!Hosoek, Hoseok X Reader
Mostly Fluff: 1,186 words
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“I’ve got bad news,” Hoseok said, as if that hadn’t been obvious by his bringing you a whole net-full of gifts on top of taking you outside for most of the day.
“I have to go to a clan meeting. My kin-clan. It’s best if I don’t bring you. I’ll be gone until the evening of day after tomorrow.”
You blinked at the book in your hands. “Oh. That’s….”
“A long time. So, I was thinking, while I was gone…I’d leave you a way to get in and out of the cave. Just in case of an emergency.”
Your chest tightened, and you couldn’t seem to draw a full breath. Two weeks of trust-building while making trips outside. Two weeks of barely leaving his sight when among the plants and trees and sunshine.
Continue Reading on Ao3...
Part 4  ~  Part 6
Masterlist ~ Hoseok Masterpost
Tagging: @alex–awesome–22​  @missmoxxiesworld​  @bryvada​ @knjhe​  @i-dont-even-know-fck​ @sinceritythatcouldntbedelivered
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