rkjei · 6 years
˟ ▀   witching hour .
━    ❪  ˟  .  it’s getting late - not very, just late enough that jei preferably would like to get out of her costume and sleep or go just about anywhere else.  the boredom is setting in and with it comes the irritation.  but there’s still one more thing left for her to do, and though jei’s just about done with this scene, she isn’t the type to leave things unfinished.  thankfully, she sees a familiar face in the crowd in the one of her best friend, dressed as a pirate.  stunningly creative, actually, considering he’s spent the last few years going as the exact same thing.   ❫   hoseok - you’re wearing something different.   ❪  ˟  .  she raises her brow as she inserts herself next to him, looking a little worn but, jei still carries herself well.   ❫   i’m trying to finish this one last ghost task - .. whatever it might be, but i can’t find the ghost anywhere, so will you help me find them? i want to go home.   ❪  ˟  .  and then, a sudden thought - realization dawns on her, and she asks a very pointed question with just a little incredulity.  after all, it’s not like hoseok to decide to dress up as anything but aquaman on his own.   ❫   wait - ... are you here with someone?  are you on a date?
˟ ▀  &. @hoseokrk
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gunheerk-blog · 6 years
yesterday, in the morning.
Gunhee basically tumbled out of the Rising Star on the morning of August 8th. After a 2am closing time and almost an hour of clean-up, it was nearing 3am. It would take him at least half an hour to get home too. He really had to make the move to Gangnam-gu soon. 
He could have hailed a cab, or made the walk down to the only all-night bus line that ran remotely close to his place, but instead, Gunhee decided to continue a habit he’d started a few weeks ago. He headed to the 24 hour convenience store that was down the road from his workplace. It wasn’t much, but it had food and a place to sit, and Gunhee was starving. Plus, something could occasionally be found at that place that he had yet to find anywhere else.
As he approached the convenience store, he saw it – the bulky figure of a young man sitting at the outdoor table. He heard the familiar sound of a person slurping ramyun, and he smiled. Without disturbing the man, Gunhee quietly walked into the convenience store and bought his favourite snacks. Then, he made his way back to the outdoor table. It was the best seat in the place, after all.
“Hoseok-ssi,” Gunhee greeted the man who was eating there, “hey. You planning to wake everyone up with those slurps, or is the soup really that good?”
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yutark · 6 years
— stranger danger
Whoever had decided the adults were allowed to be in the ball pit, had no prepared for Yuta; the Japanese male had taken to using it as a fighting ring. More than once lifting a friend, tackling them over, dragging them down into the balls. Every time, declaring that he had won one point and quickly calculating up his total score. It was in the heat of the moment that he latched his arms around the person who had his back to him, whole body thrumming with how this was going to be a great on as he stuck his leg out and tried to trip the other up. Laughter already bubbling up as moved to twist them, and that was when he caught sight of them, when he realised the breadth of the body -- and how both, were not recognisable as one of his friends. His eyes widened, freezing up, and then losing his own balance, slipping backwards onto his backside into the balls and releasing the strangers waist as he did so.
He didn’t even notice when he awkwardly slipped further on a plastic ball, eyes glued on the other male. A part of him knew he should have apologised, that he should have been uttering out embarrassed explanations; but he was on a sugar high, an oxygen and sunlight high, a ‘I’m winning so why stop now’ high. “I thought you were my friend,” Yuta laughs up, still not moving from being surrounded by the balls, by the delighted squeals of younger children and how he’d fitted right in with them. It’d been a while since he’d felt so happy, felt so much joy, and wasn’t thinking about TRC or training or debuts. All of that was forgotten behind him, lifting up a ball beside him, and tossing it at the other male. “Now I’m one point down because of you,” was his petulant utterance, even though his eyes glinted and he thought of how he could get that one point back. “Help me up!”
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rksora · 6 years
i’m good
                                   ━━━━━━━━━━━         @hoseokrk  ◞  ❤
she had come into the convenience store across the street from her home often enough that the cashier mumbling her name in passing has her more than a little cheerful. a smile on her face as she heads with dedication towards the aisle of woman necessities, jiwon had run out and she was sure her roommate had absolutely none (after having turned the apartment upside down in her look for one). but on her way, she digresses, hands quick to get distracted from her task. of course she had come for pads but instead, she’s grabbing a new bag of potato chips, a case of chocolates, two bags of popped kernel (from the movies she’s yet to watch at home), a pretty new notebook, one of the sandwiches in the deli aisle, and lastly, the pads she had come to the store for.
it’s amazing how much she can hold, as they’re toppled over one another in her arms. on her way to the cashier, she neglects to look around her surroundings as she unflatteringly throws all the contents within her arms onto the counter without a second thought. “sihyun oppa, i’m ready!” she says until she watches the man behind the counter glance from her to the customer standing beside her -- a man she had not seen a second ago due to her carelessness.
“oh! sorry, i -- didn’t realize you got here first.” fingers are quick to tuck messy tendrils behind inflamed ears, red with embarrassment as she sees the cashier counter now littered with all her miscellaneous things amongst the male’s beside her. it’s only then that she notices the box of pads she come into the store to by among the lot, fingers snatching it up quickly to hide behind her back as cheeks turned a bright red.
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rkhyunggu-blog · 6 years
unavoidable irritation.
future thread w/ @hoseokrk​.
there’s only so many things hyunggu can tolerate. he can tolerate the voices around him, not directly addressing him. he can tolerate the presence of others, he can tolerate talking to people as long as it isn’t personal. hell, he can even tolerate kihyun’s sarcasm on a great day.
what he can’t tolerate at the moment, is the hopeful gaze directed right to him. he spares a glance to see if he’s still staring, before turning his head back down to try and focus on the beat he’s trying to make. it lasts a minute before he realizes that hoseok has come closer, and hyunggu sighs. the band is good for hyunggu, but he’s not so certain hoseok is good for him, right now. he’s already irritated enough from things that happened before practice, and hoseok toeing around him without actually saying anything is only encouraging his irritability.
so, he lets his hands fall between his spread legs where he sits at his drumset, drumsticks loosely gripped between his fingers, and without looking at hoseok, he asks dryly, “do you need something?”
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rksona · 6 years
★ — home for christmas.
rkgive starter for @hoseokrk !
as the year was drawing to a close, dawon found herself feeling conflicted as to whether she’d say it had passed by quickly or slowly. so much had happened, and so much had changed—a year ago, she wouldn’t have imagined herself anywhere close to where she was now. it felt all to surreal, and she still found herself trying to come to terms with all that had happened. despite the teary goodbyes and heartbreak she’d experienced earlier in the year, so much good had come out of everything, and, for the first time in a while, she felt genuinely happy.
“he’ll be here any minute,” she said, softly smiling in hoseok’s direction. it was safe to say that she wouldn’t have made it this far without hoseok by her side, as the older boy’s support had been crucial in helping dawon to make a few tough decisions. words couldn’t express how grateful she was for her friend, and she felt nothing but joy to be able to spend christmas with him. “should we make something while we wait for him?” she asked, in reference to her cousin. “like, i don’t know, cookies or hot cocoa or anything like that?”
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kihyunrk · 7 years
day of heroes.
The day up to this point had been extremely pleasant for Hoseok. Honestly, it was good having a taste of his old life back. Spending these moments with Kihyun and feeling the happiness that he used to feel was incredibly refreshing. A huge smile was plastered on his face as they walked through the front door, still holding the bag of leftover burgers and fries that they couldn’t finish at the restaurant. The smell of popcorn still clung to his clothes and he had unfinished boxes of candy inside of his pockets. Before heading out, he stored Kihyun’s gifts here so that he could open them in the comfort of his own home.
After placing the bags and candy onto the counter, he turned to face his friend. “That was a great movie, huh? I hope that you’ve been enjoying your day so far, but I still have a few more things that could make it a little better. Come here.” He gestured toward the sofa as he walked that way, plopping down on the cushions and laughing gleefully. Truthfully speaking, he missed the days that he lived here with Kihyun. Living alone was so… lonely. Not that he was completely alone, he usually had Meeko, but still. Was he technically homeless? Dawon wasn’t in on the fact that he was doing a little more than house-sitting since he lost his new apartment, too…
Oh well, no time for those types of worries. He greeted Kihyun with a blinding grin as he reached down for the wrapped gifts and shoved them onto his lap. One was in a larger box, the other in a gift bag. Upon opening them, he would see a Flash onesie similar to the Aquaman one that Kihyun gifted him for his birthday, and in the other, he would find Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. When they were both unwrapped, he excitedly looked at his older friend, clearly hopeful and confident in his choices. “So?… Do you love them, or what?”
kihyun wasn’t sure what he had done to deserve such a great birthday (it went without saying that he was enjoying himself far more than he had on his last birthday), or why things felt as though they were going so well for him, but he wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. instead, he made his way through the day with a grin, enjoying each and every second spent celebrating the day of his own birth all those years ago.
“oh?” he questioned in response to his friend, genuinely surprised that hoseok had gifts waiting for him. kihyun had assumed that the trip to the movies and the food had been his present, though he found himself unsure as to why he hadn’t seen something like this coming. “but, yeah, the movie was great. even if it’s not too big with the critics, i really enjoyed it. but i’m… surprised that it looks like there’s even more to my birthday, if i’m being honest with you. look, you didn’t have to do all of this for me, hoseok.” but kihyun knows he would have done the same for hoseok had it been his birthday, meaning he couldn’t blame him.
kihyun was unable to resist the wide, radiant grin that formed as he opened his gifts, unable to hide his excitement with each one. “do i love them? are you kidding me?” he questioned, something resembling amusement in his tone. “yeah, of course i love them… this seriously feels like one of the best birthdays ever. seriously, it feels like the bar has been raised super high.” he looked almost like a young boy on christmas morning, his broad grin unwavering. “well, i’m going to go get changed into this super suit, and then, well… i’ve gotta give the game a try, and i expect you to stick around for it!”
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seungcheolrk · 6 years
the season to be jolly it is.
Honestly, Hoseok rarely got to spend much time with Seungcheol these days. Whether it was due to his friend’s busy schedule or his own personal issues, he couldn’t entirely decide. All he knew was that it was Christmas, so there was no way that he was going to let anything prevent him from at least showing that he still cared about him. Despite his struggles, this was a time for cheer and he couldn’t forget that. When out shopping for gifts for those that meant the most to him, Seungcheol was obviously one of the few that he bought for.
Now, not only was he going to get to see him to give him his presents, he’d also be spending even more time with him later, which was probably long overdue. Ignoring any negativity and going through with this was something he felt thankful for, therefore he had a genuine, bright, happy smile on his face as he saw the other boy, speaking a soft, “Merry Christmas,” as he offered up the wrapped box and another small container. Inside of the container was one of the cookies he baked with Kihyun, then once the bigger was unwrapped, he’d find a Star Wars sweater that Hoseok was amused by. “I just put one cookie in the container this time. I figured that a single cookie couldn’t hurt anything.” He softly smiled, turning to face the ground before drawing in a deep breath. “I hope you like it.”
Seungcheol doesn’t see Hoseok nearly as much as he’d like to, and he knows there’s not much ( or anything, really ) he can do about busy schedules but it’s sad that the most conversation they get sometimes is via text messaging during breaks. When they find themselves both free to attend to the holiday festival, he obviously jumps at the idea ( though tries not to look too eager, in case of scaring him off ) — not only would he be getting a chance to give the older his gifts, but also spend a significant amount of time together later in the day, sipping hot drinks to stay warm and enjoying the festivities, and Seungcheol can’t really think of anything better. It’s the time of year for family and friends, after all, and Hoseok is, in a way, both. 
“Merry Christmas!” He chirps back as he carefully takes both the container and the wrapped box. A soft laugh bubbles past his lips at the older’s comment regarding the cookie, and promptly shakes his head. “One cookie won’t hurt anything,” he agrees with a warm smile, “thank you! It looks good... Kinda want to eat it right now, but I’ll save it to show my mum. She’ll coo to the heavens at this. It’s cute!” Gently, he puts it to the side, making sure not to bump it against anything as he adjusts his hold on the box. “I know it’s a little early but I... don’t know what time I’ll get on Christmas Day and it’s nice to see each other’s reactions, right? Ah, now I’m just rambling...” He trails off, tearing the paper from the box and peering inside. Holding the jumper out in front of him, he laughs again, much more lively and gleefully than before. “Oh my god, this is perfect. I’m going to put it on right now; wait here! Thank you so much, Hoseok; this is perfect.” 
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rkmeiqi-archived · 7 years
♕ — 2 Cool For Cool.
@hoseokrk​ commented on this post for a starter with the word “hoodie”
autumn has slowly descended on seoul, the leaves of trees fading to a crinkly yellow and the wind nipping slightly harsher at exposed skin. while the cold isn't completely welcome, the beauty of the season is.
meiqi loves the fall. she loves the aesthetic of the ground littered in leaves and she adores the atmosphere that calls for a thick sweater or a scarf. but sometimes, she really pities the people who are oblivious to the changing climate outside.
she's passing by a video game shop, and normally meiqi pays no heed to the stores that are of no use to her, but a blond head catches her eye. his nose is practically pressed up against the window, but meiqi's more concerned about his shivering body.
tugging her hoodie off, meiqi stops beside the person and holds the piece of clothing in front of his face. "this may be small but you're shivering so take it."
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rklandon · 7 years
░▐ ★_brave the storm 、
《 ★ @hoseokrk 》 the later it becomes, the more weary yixing is about the weather and although the rain pours down on them, he feels an unbearable heat overwhelm his senses. he’s burning up but he can’t stop dancing, can’t stop entertaining and sheltering the people who pass them by between performances. another umbrella above his head, he’s forging his way deeper into the crowd of the market to find someone who’s unluckily without an umbrella for the moment and he sees someone perusing something at a stall, no added shelter in sight. “hello!” he bows once he’s got their attention and glances over to see what they’re peering at, “my name is yixing. i’m the personal shopper assigned to you today. what are you looking for?” he hopes the male has a good sense of humor or his act is lost like the distance voices in the downpour. 
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rkseokwoo-blog · 7 years
new tracks
@hoseokrk : charisma starter #4
While the few songs he did know were useful--Isty Bitsy Spider had been a hit at his last audition--they were not capable of getting him signed. He needed to add to his repertoire. The problem was that he knew nothing about music and even less about musical instruments, and as he stood inside the music store; he wondered if he should have brought his younger sister. But she had school, she had lessons and he was determined to make certain she managed to get into university. She needed to focus and he--he--needed some help. The tips of his fingers pressed to his lips as he glanced around, searching for an employee who could offer him answers to his questions; or at least, give him a direction on what questions to ask.
His steps were uneven, quick and then hesitant, and then scuffed again as he made his way to the counter. A smile wide on his lips, eyes curving and his finger pressing in to his lip firmer. “Uh... Excuse me,” Seungjun spoke, dropping his hand as he tried to settle his nerves then looked over his shoulder around the store. Everything looked wondrous, untouchable; something that the twenty-three year old had never had a chance to experience and wondering if he would need some special skill for it. Maybe he had a secret unknown talent for music and would only know if he tried. “Do you know much about music?” His lips rose, curled, and he shifted his weight. His hand waved in small, tiny motions. “I want to learn, but I don’t know anything.”
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xchaeyeonrk-blog · 7 years
charisma starter for @hoseokrk !
humming a song stuck in her head, chaeyeon flipped through the vinyl albums casually, her eyes searching and searching for the perfect title that might appeal to her father’s old school taste. his birthday was coming up and given that he was an avid fan of classics when it came to music, chaeyeon thought a visit to a local music store might help in finding a good gift for him. finally finding an album by a musician that her father would be fond of, the teen grinned before looking at the price. seeing that it was a bit on the pricier side, the girl turned her head to dig into her purse to see if she had enough for that in change. wanting to double check on the price, chaeyeon turned her head back towards the vinyl to look at it.
she froze. 
on the wall above the vinyl section was a lizard, small but not small enough in chaeyeon’s eyes. it stayed in place, refusing to move from it’s pose as it hugged the wall. even in its motionless position, the teen was still panicked by it’s presence. harboring a common fear and dislike, jung chaeyeon did not like any type of reptile or amphibian— the creatures creeped her out, who could blame her? cringing as she resisted the urge to physically freak out, the teen took a deep breath and walked slowly over to the register where one of the music store’s workers was on duty. biting down hard on her bottom lip, chaeyeon sheepishly smiled at him before softly voicing the current problem. “ um hi. um, there’s like a lizard thing in the store. it’s freaking me out, could you maybe, uh, get rid of it? please? ”
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bambamrk · 7 years
hot / hoseok & bambam
They had just left the stage, for a while he stayed under the tent and downed a whole bottle of water himself. Sure, it was something he was used too but he couldn't deny he had been hot and he didn't know what had him holding on. After the water, Bambam ate a snack and headed outside the tent. There were many people around, all he had to do was fine someone.
It seemed to be a pretty easy goal, after only a few minutes he had found someone. "Hello." Bambam made sure to bow towards the person, just in case someone was watching. "It's hot today, please have a bottle of water and stay to watch the event."
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rkminhyxk-blog · 7 years
` shs&lmh
[ sns → hoseokie 🐰 ] WEE WOO WEE WOO WEE
[ sns → hoseokie 🐰 ] beep beep
[ sns → hoseokie 🐰 ] are you alive 😢
[ sns → hoseokie 🐰 ] let me know you didn’t die bc i’m the real one dying here
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jihyork-blog · 7 years
—  stuck ;
starter for @hoseokrk !
a trip to a local park. once again, this hardly seemed like something out of the ordinary, given that the place usually wasn’t even that populated. it had proven to be a place in which jihyo could be alone with her thoughts, free from each of her responsibilities and worries. in a way, it was a sanctuary to her, regardless of whether or not she spent much time there. and so she finds herself walking towards the park, entirely oblivious to the events that would soon unfold, and the impossibilities that would soon reveal themselves to be quite possible.
when she sees him, she almost doesn’t believe it. jihyo wants to attribute it to something unreasonable such as being tired, or perhaps even dreaming—only this is real. unlikely? sure. real? one-hundred percent, regardless of just how confusing it might be. it seemed as though the guy with the blonde and blue hair had somehow gotten... stuck. shirtless, and within a coil. a million red flags were suddenly thrown up within her mind, endless questions suddenly taking root. “um... hey, cool hair guy...? how did this happen?”
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rkxsungwoon-blog · 6 years
can’t beet this
✦ — a starter for @hoseokrk ( smoothie )
day 2? 3? of sungwoon’s most recent attempt to curb his caffeine habit: things are not going well.
the unhealthy combo of insomnia and a packed daytime schedule means that at least one cup of coffee in the morning is necessary for sungwoon to function at the level of an average human being. in reality, one cup is closer to three or four large ones because he needs to function at a higher level than average if he’s going to get anywhere in his life. fact, not opinion. 
some would call this a problem and sungwoon would be inclined to agree. the amount of money he sinks into the drink is alarming, not to mention the concerns he has about what it could be doing to his growth ( it’s easier to blame his height on his caffeine consumption ). so he’s trying to make a lifestyle change by cutting it out of his life altogether. this isn’t the first time he’s attempted to quit, but sungwoon has a really good feeling about this attempt. the timing seems good, the planets are aligned, and he’s ready to do this.
except it’s a lot harder than he anticipated. in between falling asleep in classes, his inability to focus on anything, and overall crabiness, sungwoon can feel his grip on reality starting to slip. he needs something; he can’t continue on like this. his friend’s suggestion of taking up smoking again is rejected immediately ( replace one bad habit with another, yeah right ), but the next one about how a good smoothie might be able to help has some merit to it. sungwoon hopes, anyway. he’s optimistic. 
which explains his presence in line at a semi-trendy smoothie place at the start of the day, arms crossed over his chest and a small frown on his face as he scans the menu. all the offerings have names that include one or more puns, with the number of calories and nutritional value scribbled next to them. and yet, sungwoon has no idea what most of these contain or what they’re supposed to do. ‘dragon force?’ what the fuck is that? ‘green rush?’ what? ‘kale-abunga?’ is this real? and one of them is just called ‘tasty nuts.’ this is a joke, right?
he settles on one that sounds relatively normal, the ‘can’t beet this,’ which he assumes includes beets in some form. and it’s a fun purple, so that’s cool. but sungwoon still feels out of his element, so much so that he turns to the person behind him in line and asks, “hey, what’s the best thing off the menu here? i’m looking for something to keep me awake, but i’m totally lost.” he smiles sheepishly. “i was looking at the beet one, but like, none of these are going to kill me, right? or give me indigestion? i’m kinda delicate.” he meant to say his palate is delicate but—whatever.
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