#hot mess adrien agreste
intercoursefluids · 2 years
(Akuma attack, Alya is filming and Ladybug and Civilian Adrien just got hit, a portal opens in front of them and their adult versions walk out from it, Adrien making a beeline for his younger self)
Adult Adrien: Listen to me, for the love of god listen to me. Forget Spots go for Pink.
Young Adrien, now blushing: Um, Pink has a girlfriend???
*Adult Adrien put his hands on Young Adrien's shoulders and starts shaking him back and forth*
Adult Adrien: No! Not Pink Flower, Pink Princess!
*Young Adrien's blush intensifies*
Young Adrien: But- Shes just a fr-
*Adult Adrien covers his mouth*
Adult Adrien: Shut up! Shut your mouth! You are speaking blasphemy! You have no idea what you are talking about! Go for the Pink Princess, for the love of god go for the Pink Princess!
*Adult Ladybug walks over and pulls Adult Adrien off and away from his younger self, typing on her yoyo for a pick up*
Adult Ladybug: Shut up he needs to figure it out himself!
Adult Adrien: That's the problem! He's stupid! Ladybug stop! He needs to know! You are actively ruining my life!
*Adult Ladybug face palms and starts pulling Adult Adrien to a portal from the back of his shirt*
Adult Ladybug: Why are you such a drama queen? Everything will be fine.
Adult Adrien: Ruining my life here! You don't even care! Is your heart frozen solid?!
Adult Adrien to Younger Adrien: Listen to the guy who eats cheese like his life depends on it! He knows what he is talking about! Do Not Mess This Up For Us!
*The portal closes and Ladybug manages to finish off the Akuma pretty quickly after that, leaving Adrien reeling and Alya trying not to laugh*
*Alya rushes over to Adrien, slinging an arm around his shoulders*
Alya, still live streaming: So, who is the "Pink Princess"?
*Adrien sputters and turns redder than Nathaniel's hair as he tries to recover from his shock. Alya bursts out laughing*
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xhanisai · 2 years
Broke: Reverse lovesquare! Reverse lovesquare! Adrien now only sees Ladybug as a friend and is in love with Marinette! Marinette now only sees Adrien as a friend and is in love with Chat Noir!
Woke: Adrien is simultaneously in love with both Marinette and Ladybug whilst Marinette is simultaneously in love with Adrien and Chat Noir! It is now a love line!
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iwasbored777 · 1 year
Adrien seeing that Marinette wore her pijamas for their date and going back to change so that he is wearing pijamas too is giving me Aquaman when Arthur gave Mera roses and she thought it was food and started eating the petals and offered him some and he didn't think twice before eating the petals too. Only gentlemen y'all. That's true love.
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dahldahlbills · 2 years
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this was a gift for @jelliedoodles and now i shall offer it to y’all in these trying times 🤲
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Rules of Engagement - Chapter 3 Teaser
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thatasianstereotype · 2 years
It's Actually Adrien Dupain-Cheng Future Wayne. We Don't Talk About The Agreste Part.
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Thank you for your patience and idea! I may have taken it in a different direction than you thought, but I hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: This is somewhat crack. Moving on:
On the morning before the class were set to leave for Gotham, Adrien took the time to remind his very forgetful father that his son had a life outside of him like a good son would have done.
"My class will be in Gotham for two weeks on a class field trip. I hope there will be no trouble in Paris while we are gone." There was a certain emphasis on that last sentence.
Gabriel didn't even look up from his tablet. "Of course. There's no use in increasing the butterfly population if ladybugs are gone."
"Hey! Cats are a formidable foe too."
"No, they're not." Gabriel wasted no time saying.
Adrien spluttered at the utter lack of hesitation in that statement (Chat Noir totally kicked Hawk Moth's ass multiple times) and normally, Gabriel would be amused at his son's absolute lack of decorum, but he wanted to have a peaceful breakfast for once.
"Is there a point to this conversation, Adrien?"
Adrien was still miffed about his earlier comment but answered. "I would like to have an uninterrupted date with my boyfriend and not worry about any evil butterflies for once."
Gabriel blinked. He had to look up at that, leveling an unimpressed stare at his son. "What?"
"Did I forget to mention? I'm gay."
"Oh, I'm not doubting the gay part. I am merely surprised you managed to get into a relationship."
Adrien was offended as fuck. "I totally got game."
"Adrien, I may not have been there for you much—"
"May not have?" He cut in. "You definitely weren't there for me at all."
"But even I can tell that your social and romantic skills are very lacking." Gabriel continued like he wasn't interrupted.
"Okay, first of all, rude. And second of all, I snagged a Wayne for your information."
Gabriel snorted. The child did always have a wild imagination. "Sure, you did."
Adrien was not in the mood to fight for his honor. Mari would not be happy if he came to class late. She might even withhold pastries as punishment, and he wants his pastries.
"Well, I'm off to school now. I hope you have a shitty day, Parental Figure."
"I hope you fall down the stairs, Problem Child."
"I'm your only child."
"And you're always the one giving me problems. What is your point?"
So as far as first impressions go, Gotham is certainly among the top for most memorable. The city was very gloomy and dark and edgy. No wonder Dami loves this place so much.
Anyway, the class was taking a tour of WE. Adrien was hanging in the back of the group with Mari. She was taking notes on the tour and redesigning the Bats' costumes like a multitasking queen.
He was pretending to pay attention while texting Damian and commenting on how Lila and the rest of the sheep was chatting up with the tour guide.
He felt so bad for Dami's brother.
Hot-And-Sexy: Don't be. Todd deserves to suffer in that harlot's presence.
Sunshine: That's mean, Dami.
Hot-And-Sexy: I am mean.
Well, he did have a point. He wouldn't be Damian otherwise.
A mind-numbingly hour later, they were finally able to escape to lunch.
No matter how bored he felt or how much he hated listening to Lila's grating voice on how she absolutely knows the Waynes (not knowing the tour guide was Bruce's infamous dead second son), anything beat having to suffer through evil butterflies and Father always ruining his day because he has nothing better than to do than to terrorize two sleep-deprived teenagers.
Man, his dad needs to get an actual life.
"Do you think hooking my dad up with someone will help him with his issues?" He wondered out loud.
"No." Marinette answered before leaning against Adrien and showing off her sketchbook where she was redesigning Robin's suit. "Mind showing your hottie what he thinks?"
"He would claim Robin already looks amazing."
"And I will disagree vehemently."
Before Adrien could respond, someone cut in.
"Oh hey. You're part of the French class touring, right?"
He looked up to see the infamous zombie known as Todd. And huh, he doesn't look like he eats brains. He actually looks really hot in a bad boy way. Not that Adrien was paying close attention to his appearance. He was a happily taken man.
"Yeah. My name is Adrien Dupain-Cheng and this is my sister, Marinette."
He watched Damian's brother sat down in front of them and made himself comfortable at the table. "Jason Peters, the tour guide but I'm sure you already knew that. I just wanted to see how you were liking the tour and all that."
Not really. But it was a convenient excuse. The only reason why he was wasting his free day talking to annoying high schoolers instead of reading Jane Austen was because he lost a bet against Tim.
He didn't expect much and he really had to hold back from confessing he was Brucie's son when that Lila girl kept going on and on about knowing his bosses personally and if he wasn't nice to her, she will report him to her boyfriend, Damian Wayne.
He almost laughed himself silly when he heard that. The demon brat will never date someone like her. He kind of wanted to be an ass just to see her bluff, but he promised Dickie he would be on his best behavior, and he didn't feel like being guilt trip by the disappointed Mom stare today.
He noticed the two students hanging near the back and away from the rest of the class. There was a clear distance between the two groups, and he didn't miss the animosity or hostile glares Lila and her flock of idiots shot the two. He also didn't miss the way the teacher just let it happen and only spoke up when Adrien and Marinette lagged behind.
He immediately picked up on how the Parisian teen model Adrien Agreste introduced himself. He was a Bat who was raised by a paranoid furry in a batsuit. He memorized the class roster and did a basic background check on them.
"The tour was great." Marinette said. "I liked the different social programs WE initiated to help a lot of people."
"Yeah." Adrien agreed. "I think I might actually want a career doing something like that."
He has always liked helping people out as Chat Noir but maybe plain ole Adrien can make a difference like that too.
Jason had to admit the blonde kid was adorable. He had innocent doe green eyes and a pure sunshine smile.
And huh.
"Have you guys gone sightseeing yet?"
"Not much." Marinette said. "You have any places to recommend?"
"Yeah. Do you guys like animals?"
Adrien immediately nodded. He and Damian already planned to get a dog, cat, and a hamster to keep Mari's future hamster company.
"Great." Jason beamed. "I know a few animal shelters you should check out. But there's one you should go to tomorrow. Let me write down the name and address."
If memory serves him right, the demon brat mentioned at breakfast how he was going to visit his animal shelter tomorrow.
Let it never be said that he did nothing for the baby bat and he was great at matchmaking. He was also bored and what's the point of having siblings if not to use them for your own entertainment?
Tim didn't expect to meet the mysterious Adrien Jason swears is a perfect match for their nightmare of a brother (Opposites attract Timberlina; it makes sense. Stop dissing on my amazing logic) at a coffee shop at 7 in the morning.
And wow, the kid was a literal sunshine. Who could look so happy at fucking 7 in the morning?
He only went to bed like three hours ago before he had to wake up because he had actual shit to do. Jason kept him up. Okay, he was already awake to finish up cases anyway but that doesn't matter.
Tim was only half paying attention to his brother as he talked about his perfect (ly shitty) matchmaking skills.
Jason was spying on them at the animal shelter yesterday and swore on his grave that he saw the little demon blush when he saw Adrien waked through the door.
Tim didn't believe it since it was common knowledge that demons only have spite and ill will in their veins, not blood, therefore Damian can't blush. Surprisingly, Jason anticipated his disbelief and showed him the pictures. And wow, Tim is going to need to update his file. Turns out monstrous hellions can show an emotion other than anger and stabby stabby.
Things got worse when Dick entered the room. And it turns out that Jason wasn't alone in his spying adventures. Dick was gushing to them about his baby brother and psuedo son finally growing up and finding love like a normal pubescent teen.
Dick proudly showed off pictures of the two hugging and Damian didn't even stab the kid.
Clearly, this was meant to be.
"Is something on my face? You keep staring at me." Adrien asked politely as he waited for his sugary sweet caramel coffee and Mari's bitter black one to be done. He really should have anticipated bumping into Damian's horde of siblings at some point.
He recognized the black haired, blue eyed stranger as that insufferable imbecile Drake that has no self preservation skills and should be benched until the fool actually knows how to function as a member of society.
Shit. Tim didn't mean to zone out and make a fool of himself.
Adrien was half paying attention when the class talked excitedly about the upcoming Wayne gala they got invited to. The class was crowded in the hotel room where Ms. Bustier was laying the rules and her expectations of how she wants them to behave. 
Too bad she wasn’t taking the same feedback. 
But Adrien was a good kitty who kept his mouth shut and spammed Damian with animal memes like a good boyfriend. When he glanced to the side, Marinette had a bored look on her face. 
“Oh yeah, Adrien and Damian are totally fighting over me.” Lila boasted like a preening peacock.
Adrien would rather throw himself off a building. 
“They couldn’t figure out who will be my date so I decided to go alone to stop the fighting.” 
“Dami can have her.” Adrien didn't hesitate to say. Gabriel should be glad that his son is following after his footsteps even if he is a shitty anime villain.
"Damian would stab her." Mari pointed out as the only person with common sense and no evil parents to influence her actions. "You don't want to deal with that mess."
Damn, she had a point. "Yeah, you're probably right."
"I know."
Damian is not pleased with his family for ruining his dates with Adrien with their excessive spying and invasion of privacy.
His mood was not the greatest when the gala starts. Grayson and Father took away his good knives and daggers so he doesn't stab any guests as if he can't utilize a mere butter knife to vanquish any annoyances.
"Damian, for the love of god, please do not make a scene tonight." Father had a stern expression on his face.
The man then proceeded threatening to bench him like an unruly toddler if he did not behave so he is displeased with Father for that.
He overhears someone bragging about how Adrien and Damian are totally fighting over her.
And oh.
It was that Lila girl he was warned about.
A plan formed in his head that made him proud to be his mother's son. He immediately headed off to find his Beloved and future sister-in-law.
They were by the food table looking every bit the part of high class in Marinette's original designs, unlike that witch sprouting lies in a secondhand dress.
"I believe a year has been long enough of a secret." Damian enjoyed pulling one over the supposed World's Greatest Detectives but he was growing tired of the assumptions that he and his Chaton were available to plebians.
"You want to go public?" Adrien whispered. "I mean I'm fine with it. But Damian Wayne isn't even out of the closet yet."
"I'm okay with it."
"Well, okay then."
Dear kwami, Marinette can't believe she like these idiots. She pushed them out of the shadows and into the wide open floor where the light is shining down on them.
"Make sure to kiss Adri really good in front of the cameras." She winked and felt accomplished when Adri blushed like a tomato and Damain smirked.
She pulled her phone out and set it to video, not wanting to miss a single shot of this upcoming masterpiece.
People stopped and stared as the youngest Wayne had his hands intertwined with an unknown pretty blonde boy. And once they arrived in the middle of the floor where everyone can see them, Damian turned and kissed Adrien, sweeping him off his feet like a prince charming.
Marinette kept her finger on the record button as the room erupted in loud gasps and screeching (she put her bet on Lila making that horrid noise).
Damian focused his entire attention on his wonderful, pure Chaton. But he did looked to the side for his family's reactions.
It was satisfying to see the gobsmacked expressions on his siblings and father's faces. It was always nice to get one over them. Serves them right for ruining his mood. He'll make a scene if he damn well wants to.
If Father tries to say anything, he'll just point out how Drake has been bringing a boy to his bedroom for the past month.
And Father will be too occupied dealing with the Super Clone defiling his son to worry about Damian's love life.
It was a perfect plan worthy of the best Robin.
"Well, that's one way of coming out I guess." Adrien's face was red and he was in a daze when Dami pulled back looking composed and dignified as ever that smug Hot-And-Sexy son of a bitch.
But he was smiling. Looking over, he saw Marinette holding her phone out. He hoped she got a really good video or at least pictures that captured his good side.
"Beloved, I'm a Wayne. Everything I do is dramatic. Have you met my father?"
"Yeah, I hope Batman doesn't kill me for dating his son."
"Don't be ridiculous. Father has a soft spot towards children."
At least that was good news.
"It's Nightwing you have to watch out for but Grayson has a soft spot towards me so you'll be fine."
Adrien was so dead.
Luckily, he has a beautiful and badass goddess of a sister willing to fight in his stead.
"You are so lucky I like your stupid handsome face."
Damian's smirk did funny things to Adrien's stomach. "I know, Beloved."
Fuck, can he be any more perfect?
He can't wait until Dami proposes to him in the future, but he knew Hot-And-Sexy will have to fight Mari for his hand in marriage first cause he was a classy guy like that.
I'm sorry if this was more bats than ML but I've been more into the batfam fandom than the ML one that it was easier to write the batboys. I just find it hilarious to have the bats try to set Damian up with his own boyfriend.
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angelofthequeers · 1 year
Tangled in You
My @mlsecretsanta giftee this year is @madchattery! I really hope you like your gift! ❤️💚 And a massive thank you to @faunusroman for beta reading this for me! I really appreciate your help 💙
AO3 link here and spoilers up to Transmission!
Disclaimer: I don’t own ML.
This is set in some vaguely nebulous post-Transmission time where Marinette’s acknowledged that she’s still in love with Adrien as in canon but they’re still not together because, you know…the fact that Marinette and Adrien are still Ladybug and Chat Noir in Protection and Emotion, which canonically come after the Kwami’s Choice episodes.
“Not one word,” Marinette hisses. 
Alya pastes a smile on her face, the epitome of innocence, except that she’s a lying liar who lies, and Marinette knows better than to trust the former wielder of the Fox Miraculous.
(Her heart jolts in her chest at that. It’s gotten a little better over the last few weeks but she’s not sure she’ll ever be rid of the pain. Not until she’s rescued the kwamis she let down.)
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Alya sings, shifting her bag on her shoulder. Marinette narrows her eyes.
“I mean it! You know I can’t be with him! Not as I am!”
Alya sighs. Her smile fades. “I’m sorry, Marinette. I took on being Scarabella so that you and Adrien could be together, and I couldn’t even do that right.”
“Don’t apologise,” Marinette says firmly. “What you did for me – what you were willing to take on…it means the world to me, and I’ll never forget that. We’ll figure out how Monarch found out you and Kitty Noire, and we’ll kick his butt!”
“Are we having a rebellion meeting?” says a bright voice. Marinette yelps and somehow manages to jump backward and forward at the same time, resulting in sprawling over Alya in a tangle of limbs, while her best friend tries desperately to keep her somewhat vertical.
“Adrien!” she complains. “Don’t do that!” When she manages to right herself – with great help from Alya – and turns around, she’s punched in the face by Adrien’s wide sunshine smile, and it takes everything she’s got to keep herself upright.
Why is this so hard? Adrien knows she’s in love with him. He knows that she wants to be with him, even if there’s some mysterious reason she can’t that starts with M and ends in onarch. Why is she still a complete mess around him?
“Sorry,” Adrien says, not looking sorry at all, like the evil person he is.
“I swear, one of these days, I’m gonna get you a bell so you stop doing that to me,” Marinette grumbles. Adrien’s face flushes bright red in response to that, so Marinette allows herself a triumphant grin. There. See how he likes it.
“Are we done with whatever we’re doing?” Nino drawls from behind Adrien. “And no, this isn’t a rebellion meeting, dude. I’m not letting Monarch take our Christmas.”
“Perfectly said, babe,” Alya says, crossing over to peck him on the lips. Marinette’s eyes flick to Adrien’s own peach pink lips. He notices – of course he does, because the universe hates Marinette Dupain-Cheng – and those lips curve into a smile that almost brings Marinette to her knees.
“Can we just get on with it?” she whines. “The tree won’t decorate itself.”
“How did you even get it up here?” Adrien says, as the four of them head up the stairs to the apartment above the bakery.
“Dude,” Nino says. “How d’you think? Her dad’s a beast.”
“I helped,” Marinette huffs and flexes her arms. There’s an immediate clatter as Adrien trips on the second-last step. He would’ve face-planted into the front door, if not for Marinette reflexively grabbing him by the back of the shirt and yanking him back, just like she’s done to her kitty many a time with his tail.
“Th-Thanks,” Adrien stammers, rubbing the back of his neck. “You’re strong. Muscles! Strong girl!”
“Oh my god,” Alya mutters but her words barely pierce the blood rushing through Marinette’s ears. Why does this have to be so hard? Why can’t she just Lucky Charm up Monarch’s ugly face, go kick him in said ugly face, then ride off into the sunset with the boy she loves?
(“One of two boys,” says a little, nasty voice. Marinette staunchly ignores it. Chat Noir made his choice and she has to live with it.)
“Anyway!” Marinette almost shrieks and points at the tree that towers over them, dispersing the fresh scent of pine needles throughout the room. “Tree! Decorations! Put on them!”
“Have you ever decorated a Christmas tree, Adrien?” Alya says loudly, steering Marinette away from the haphazardly stacked boxes of decorations. Marinette wants to be offended but…no, it’s probably for the best. Balance is a challenge at the best of times, without her current state of near hysteria.
“No,” Adrien says. The melancholy in his voice immediately snaps Marinette out of Stupid Mode and into Cheer Adrien Up Mode. “My father always hired people to decorate the tree. He said it was too big, and he didn’t want me or my mother to get hurt.”
“Or he could just stop overcompensating and buy a normal tree like normal people,” Nino scoffs. Marinette bites down on her bottom lip to keep her laughter at bay, while Alya lets out a strange cough. “Oh. Sorry, dude. Forgot he’s trying and all now, and I can’t talk smack about him anymore.”
“No, it’s okay,” Adrien says with a small smile. “I never said how much I appreciated all the times you stood up to my father for me, before he started trying. You’re a really good friend, Nino.”
“Aw, shucks, dude.” Nino’s whole face flushes. “Just what friends do, y’know?”
“Right!” Alya claps her hands. “If we’re done with the sappy Hallmark moments, I have just what we need for decorating the tree!”
“The decorations?” Marinette says dryly, pointing at the boxes. Alya rolls her eyes.
“Nope,” she says as she unslings her bag and rummages around inside. As soon as she emerges with a handful of eye-watering fabric, Marinette immediately starts looking around for the nearest window from which to defenestrate herself.
“No,” Nino says immediately because he’s the only other person in the world who currently has a brain cell. Marinette would kiss him for that if a) Adrien wasn’t here and b) Alya wouldn’t be Extremely Unhappy at her for it. “No way, babe. Nuh uh.”
“We promised to show Adrien the joys of a normal Christmas!” Alya insists, shoving an absolutely hideous orange sweater at him. “And that involves wearing ugly Christmas sweaters!”
“I might have sunk to some lows, but I’m not going that far,” Marinette says.
“Thank you,” Nino says.
“But Alya says it’s a Christmas tradition!” Adrien proves that he’s even eviller than Monarch by turning on the puppy dog eyes and pouting with the careful precision of the model he used to be. Alya beams and tosses him a scarlet sweater.
“And we want to honour the hard work of the superheroes in the room, don’t we?” Alya grins, gesturing to herself and Nino. She dumps a black and green sweater on Marinette’s head and, while Marinette splutters and bats the offending garment away, shrugs into the emerald sweater that she’s left with. “After all, I appreciate Carapace very much.”
“And Ladybug does so much to keep us safe,” Adrien agrees, now in his ugly spotted sweater and with messy hair so eerily reminiscent of Chat Noir that Marinette’s heart almost vacates her chest through her mouth. “It’s really the least we can do.”
“And it’d make Adrien happy,” Alya sing-songs. Marinette looks between her evil best friend and evil crush and lets out the most pained groan of her life.
“Fine,” she grumbles, pulling the Chat Noir sweater over her head. “I hate you both.”
“Seriously?” Nino complains. “Marinette, we were s’posed to stand together! Now they’re gonna bully me into it!”
“Pleeeeease?” Alya adopts the same puppy eyes and pout as Adrien, as they conspire to psychically destroy Nino’s will. Nino groans even louder than Marinette had.
“Okay, okay, fine!” He awkwardly slips into his Rena Rouge sweater, knocking off his hat and glasses in the process. “Not like I could be the only one not doing it. Thanks, Marinette.”
“Hey, blame Adrien!” Marinette huffs. “He insisted on it and he did those stupid eyes and everything!”
“It’s not my fault!” Adrien says. “I just wanted to have a normal Christmas!”
“Speaking of, let’s decorate the tree!” Alya grabs the first battered box and pulls a clump of lights. She gives the clump a shake and grimaces. “Seriously, Marinette?”
“I didn’t put them away!” Marinette protests. “It happens every year!”
Alya sighs and lowers herself to the ground. “Okay. Adrien, you’re about to learn the sacred Christmas tradition of spending ten hours untangling the damn lights.”
“If it’s tradition,” Adrien says with a cheeky smile. Marinette resists the urge to punch him for being so damn beautiful.
“Hey, if Ladybug and Chat Noir can take down an akuma with, like, a piece of paper, we can untangle the lights,” Nino says, dropping down to sit next to Alya cross-legged.
“Our lives depend on it, with the way Alya’s going,” Marinette says under her breath as she kneels and hunts for the end of the string. Adrien joins her, and when his hand brushes hers as they navigate the clump of lights, Marinette’s soul is almost evicted from her body.
“You know,” Alya says, “after everything I’ve done for you, you’d think I’d get more respect around here.”
“Just because you know my deepest secrets doesn’t mean you’re not a tyrant,” Marinette retorts.
“Don’t make me throw a bauble at you,” Alya says.
“Please. I’d tie you up with the tinsel before you could even blink.”
It’s not Marinette’s fault. It’s really not. How is it on her that the lights are this bad? She hadn’t put them away! After ten minutes of cursing and putting on a better show than a professional ballet performance, the lights are still matted together and Nino’s throwing a mini tantrum and cursing the name of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, which is totally uncool of him after everything they’d been through with their ugly sweaters.
“I’m done!” Nino throws down the length of lights that had been half-tying his hands together. “I signed up to show my bro a sweet Christmas, not get strangled by a bunch of lights!”
“Careful, you’ll give Monarch ideas,” Alya drawls, kicking her way out of her multicoloured prison. “I’d kill for a croissant right now.”
“You know where everything is downstairs, make yourself at home,” Marinette says absently, trying not to look too hard at Adrien, and how he’s somehow managed to get his head tangled in a makeshift light cocoon, like the beautiful dork he is.
Dork. Marinette from just a year ago would’ve pitched a fit at the mere thought that Adrien Agreste could be anything less than perfection. But after that game he’d played to help her confess her feelings? And the stupid jokes he tells that she can now listen to, since she can actually hold a conversation and not run away in lovestruck terror? Adrien Agreste is a certified dork, and Marinette’s no longer afraid to face the truth.
“Nino, come help me get us some pastries,” Alya says loudly, piercing through Marinette’s trance. Marinette jumps and somehow gets herself even more entangled in the lights from this one action.
“How do you need help to get pastries?” she splutters. “You already know where –”
“Nino’s tall,” Alya says with a smile so innocent that it’s completely devoid of innocence. “What if I need him to grab me something from a cupboard?”
“But the pastries aren’t –”
“Couple bonding activity!” Alya yanks Nino to his feet. “Besides, do you really want him here when he’s ready to set those lights on fire?”
“I’ll do it,” Nino says immediately. “Don’t tempt me.”
“Thank you, babe,” Alya says, patting him on the arm. “Besides, the more of us there are doing the lights, the more we’re just tangling them up even worse. You and Adrien have this!”
“Alyaaaaa,” Marinette whines.
“Marineeeette,” Alya whines back.
You know I can’t! Marinette pushes at her best friend psychically. Thankfully, because Alya is the best friend ever, she’s tuned in to Marinette Air and immediately picks up on the waves coming her way. She whips out her phone, types furiously while Nino raises his eyebrows and Adrien looks adorably confused, then nods and tucks her phone away.
“C’mon,” she says, grabbing Nino’s hand as Marinette’s phone buzzes twice. “Pastries! You and me!” She disappears with Nino before Marinette can so much as blink.
“…Marinette?” Adrien says carefully when Marinette remains frozen where she is in the wake of Alya’s departure. “Aren’t you gonna –”
“Yes! Right! Message!” Marinette fumbles for her phone and somehow manages to get herself even more ensnared in the evil fairy lights from the simple action of reaching into her pocket. She hugs her knees to her chest, takes a deep breath, then swipes open her phone and clicks on Alya’s message.
>> Look I get it girl. I get you’ve got this massive thing on your shoulders & I’m so sorry I can’t do more to help. But you deserve to be happy and you shouldn’t have to commit to being sad just bc of everything you do for all of us. You didn’t mess up bc of love you messed up bc of a jerk who took advantage of you and it wasn’t even the first time he did it to you.
>> You help us all bc you love us. You’re strong bc of it not weak. Pls let yourself be happy Mari I hate seeing you like this bc of big bad douchebag and hey I think Adrien gets the secret thing more than most ppl and you know I wouldn’t be pushing if I thought it’d turn out like Luka. Ily ❤️
Marinette blinks. Why do her eyes hurt so much? It’s not until something splatters on her phone screen that she realises she’s crying, and she lets out an ugly sob and hugs her phone to her chest.
“Marinette?” Adrien’s by her side in a heartbeat, throwing an arm around her without a care for how this wraps a thread of lights around her neck. “What’s wrong? What did Alya say?”
“N-Nothing,” Marinette sniffles. She lowers her phone with trembling hands and reads the message again, which sends a fresh wave of some massive, unnameable thing crashing over her, forcing her back under and filling her lungs. She gasps, accidentally dropping her phone in her attempt to bury her face in her hands.
“Marinette. Hey. It’s okay.” Something warm meets her face; warm and soft and smelling of pure radiance, and she instinctively takes it in as she gulps in oxygen. When she cracks an eye open, the few brain cells still functioning inform her that Adrien’s pulled her into a hug, and her face is half-buried in his ugly sweater, before they cease to work, and all she can do is sob into the scarlet fabric and lose any awareness of time as she drowns. Adrien just rocks her and squeezes her and grounds her in the hurricane, and she clutches to him like a life raft, praying that he doesn’t let go.
“S-Sorry,” she finally manages to say, her voice thick, cringing at how pathetic she sounds. “Messed up your sweater.”
“Marinette, I don’t care about the sweater,” Adrien says. “I care about you. What’s wrong? I know Alya wouldn’t make you cry to be mean or something.”
“She’s not – she didn’t –” Marinette wipes her streaming eyes and snotty nose with her sleeve. “She just –” After another few moments of trying in vain to explain, she gives up and shakily fishes for her phone to offer to Adrien. He doesn’t take it.
“Are you sure?” he says. “Whatever’s between you and Alya’s none of my business.”
“Just take it. Before I change my mind.”
Adrien hesitates for another moment before the phone is finally gently prised from Marinette’s fingers. She reburies her face in his sweater, tensing, praying that she hasn’t just absolutely messed everything up, even though Adrien clearly likes her, and she clearly likes him, and the only thing stopping them at this point is her and her messed-up brain.
“What happened?” Adrien eventually says. His voice is low and sharp, and Marinette pities anyone who ever ends up on the other side of this voice, because it’s a side of Adrien she’s never seen before. “Who took advantage of you? How? Do I need to punch someone?”
“I don’t think your father would appreciate having to bail you out,” Marinette says with a weak hiccup of laughter.
“I’d do it for you,” Adrien says. Blood rushes to Marinette’s face and pools in her cheeks until she could probably melt the polar icecaps with just her skin.
“Just…some guy,” she says vaguely. “Lied to me and made me think he was someone else. So…I trusted him. And I messed up big time. Big, big time.”
“I’ll kill him,” Adrien says straight away, his arms tightening around her. “No one gets to take advantage of Marinette Dupain-Cheng. No one. Not when you’re so sweet and kind and smart and brave and – and loving – Alya was right, you know, you love so easily and so much and it’s why I…you know…fell for you.”
“Stooooop,” Marinette whines. “Shush.”
“Nope. Look…you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but what exactly happened?”
“I –” For a long moment, Marinette wavers. But she steels herself. She can’t give in. She has to stay strong. “I can’t tell you. Not without giving away my big…big secret.”
“The one that got between you and Luka?”
Marinette nods jerkily. Adrien sighs and squeezes her.
“That’s okay. You don’t have to tell me.”
“Of course. Alya was right, you know. I get the secrets thing. And…I’ve got a big one of my own. One that I can’t tell anyone. So I’d be a real hypocrite if I tried to make you tell me yours.”
“What a pair,” Marinette mumbles, sagging against Adrien as the energy drains out of her and leaves her loose and limp and jelly limbed. Adrien laughs.
“I don’t know what happened,” he says, “but Alya’s right. Whatever happened, it didn’t go wrong because of love. It went wrong because this guy took advantage of your trust and kindness and love.”
“But I messed up!” Marinette jerks away but can’t go far, thanks to the lights that have somehow managed to glue them together like limpets. “Big, big time! My mistake could get people killed! It’s caused so much pain already!”
“So you’ll fix it,” Adrien says. His smile is so kind, so warm, and Marinette can hardly stand to look at it, but she also can’t stand to tear her eyes away from its radiance. “You always have the solution to any problem, Marinette. You’ll fix it.” His face falls and he looks away. “I messed up, too. I hurt someone really bad. Two people, actually. The second one almost died if she wasn’t a – look, I didn’t get to fix my mistake but I know you’ll fix yours, because that’s the person you are, Marinette.”
“But it’s because I love you!” Marinette blurts out. “It’s because I love you that I messed up! I should’ve known, I should’ve known it wasn’t you, but he looked just like you and I was an idiot and let my heart rule me and I trusted him – I trusted him – and he took everything from me!” She squeezes her eyes shut and hides back in Adrien’s sweater.
“M-Marinette…?” Adrien whispers.
“I just make mistake after mistake because of how much I love you,” Marinette sniffles. “And then I fell for Chat Noir and I almost got akumatised. I even got my father akumatised the first time! And I got Luka akumatised because I couldn’t be honest with him and I don’t want that to happen to you and I just keep messing up again and again every time I try to love someone and –”
“Shh. Breathe,” Adrien says soothingly as a fresh wave of sobs racks Marinette’s body.
“I c-can’t love Chat Noir or th-the world will end,” Marinette bawls. “I c-can’t love you or M-Monarch wins. I c-can’t love anyone.”
“It’s okay,” is all Adrien says. “It’s okay, Marinette, I swear, just let it out. I’ve got you.”
“I’m pathetic,” Marinette blubbers. “Weak and pathetic.” Her insides chill as her words from just before flood her senses and she groans and shakes her head. “And of course I only managed to say it now when I’m having a breakdown. Not when I actually want to say it to you. I really am pathetic.”
“No.” Adrien’s arms tighten around her. “You were wrong back then, and you’re wrong now. You’re not weak, Marinette. You’re not pathetic. You’re brilliant – strong – you’re so clever, so giving and loving, and I’m just sorry it took me this long to see what was right in front of me.”
“I d-didn’t exactly m-make it easy.”
“And I’m sorry that Félix took advantage of you. It’s my fault, I should’ve known he was up to no good when he offered to pretend to be me.”
“W-What?” Marinette’s brain record scratches, then shuts down. Slowly, barely able to breathe, she draws back and stares up at Adrien as her brain feebly struggles to comprehend the fact that two and two equal four; that Adrien knows, he knows who was having a mental breakdown on his bathroom floor. “F-Félix – but I didn’t –”
“You didn’t have to say it,” Adrien says with a small, wry smile. “I couldn’t think of anyone else who’d taken advantage of you by making you think it was me. Apart from Volpina, of course, but that was just an illusion.”
“I – but – Vol – what –” The trembling in Marinette’s limbs intensifies as the implications of Adrien’s words truly sink in. Adrien hadn’t been there. Volpina had been holding an illusion. The only other person who’d been there, who knows what happened on the Eiffel Tower… “You didn’t – you weren’t – it wasn’t –”
“I don’t know how loving me ended the world,” Adrien says while Marinette’s brain undergoes a total system reboot. “And I don’t know how our love could let Monarch win. But I swear that won’t happen, milady. I can’t let it happen. I won’t. Not now that I know you’ve loved me all this time. And not now I know that the two most amazing girls I know are the same person.”
“No!” Marinette throws herself away from him, toppling backwards. But since she’s currently tied to Adrien with the devil’s lights, he follows her right down and sprawls over her with an oof. “I didn’t – you can’t know, you can’t be him, I can’t –”
“We won’t destroy the world.”
“It happened twice! Because we knew! And now I’ve messed up again and I don’t have the Snake to fix it and Bunnyx is gonna show up and –”
“We don’t know what happened, Marinette. Milady. Please.” His green eyes are soft, crinkled, filled with love that Marinette doesn’t deserve. “Don’t shut me out. Not when you need help. I’ll be super extra careful, I swear, I won’t call you milady or do anything Chat-like in public, so long as you get to lean on me.”
“Nooo!” Marinette covers her face. “I’m so tired. I’m so sick of being miserable and not being allowed to be happy or even really be sad in case I get akumatised! And no one else can do it or they’ll be in danger! Monarch managed to figure out Scarabella!”
“Well, that’s what your dashing partner’s here for,” Chat Noir says. No, Adrien, it’s Adrien above her, except that it’s also Chat and Marinette’s about to have a mental breakdown. “You can always count on me, Marinette. And Alya – I’m guessing she knows?”
“Who do you think was Scarabella?” Marinette mumbles into her hands.
“Oh. Oh. So much makes sense now.”
“I don’t even care anymore.” Marinette lets her hands fall away from her face numbly. “I don’t care that you know. I don’t care that Monarch’s gonna win. I’m tired. I’m so tired, Adrien. I should get to worry about school and boys and fashion without having all this weight on my shoulders!”
“Exactly,” Adrien says firmly. He brushes strands of hair out of Marinette’s eyes, making her battered heart leap into her throat. “You shouldn’t have to deal with all of this. But you’ve got Alya now, and you’ve got me – you’ve always had me, ever since Stoneheart. We’re gonna win, Marinette. We’ll beat Monarch and rescue the kwamis, and you’ll finally get to be happy. And what Félix did to you doesn’t make you weak. Okay?”
“If you say so,” Marinette says. Adrien rolls his eyes.
“I do say so. And I’m your charming, dashing partner, so I’m right, and you have to listen to me.”
A weak giggle wrenches its way out of Marinette. Once the dam’s been cracked, there’s no containing everything that pours out of her in hysterical laughter as her brain meshes Adrien and Chat Noir together – the two boys she loves, the two people aside from Alya who’ve been there for her through everything – and she tries to process everything that happened in the last few minutes. Or hours. Or days. Really, what even is time?
“Why am I laughing?” she hiccups, wiping her streaming eyes while Adrien smiles like the cat who got the cream. Or rather, in this case, the ladybug. “Why? You’re not even that funny.”
“Au contraire, milady,” Adrien says, still grinning. How had she never connected the dots before? He’s so…so…Chat. It’s so obvious. “You confessed to finding me absolutely amewsing when you had to tell the truth, remember?”
“I hate you,” Marinette mutters. But Adrien’s smirk widens, because she’s just as much of a lying liar as Alya, and there’s no way on earth she could hate her kitty, no matter how obnoxious his puns are.
“Liar,” Adrien sings. Then he frowns. “Does it usually take that long to get pastries? Alya and Nino have been gone for ages.”
“They’re just making us talk about this, silly kitty. Alya’s a meanie and abandoned me in my hour of need.”
“Well, I never will.” Adrien exaggeratedly puffs out his chest and Marinette can’t help but laugh. “We should – ah, no –” He tries to sit up but only succeeds in pulling Marinette up against his chest, thanks to the lights that have somehow further entwined them. “How did this happen? How? We barely even moved!”
“The magic of Christmas,” Marinette giggles. It’s still there, deep in her chest, looming and threatening to suffocate her again…but maybe Adrien’s right. Maybe she can do this with him. And maybe whatever happened the last two times won’t happen now, and Monarch won’t be able to take advantage of their love.
She has to believe that. She just has to. What other option does she have, besides losing her mind and throwing her earrings at Monarch for a chance to have five minutes to breathe? And if this was going to lead to the end of the world, surely Bunnyx would’ve shown up by now, right? Right?
“I thought this just happened in the movies!” Adrien says. “Okay, uh – you try moving this way, I’ll put my arm here –”
“You’re making it worse!” Marinette says when Adrien’s move just plasters her face against his neck.
“Do we need to call in the cavalry?”
“No! Alya will never let me live it down!”
“No, I won’t,” says the voice of someone eviller than Monarch. Marinette groans and lets herself fall into hiding against Adrien’s throat so that she doesn’t have to see the look that’s going to be on Alya’s face.
“Alya!” Adrien says. “Our saviour! The second most amazing girl in the world!”
“Second?” Alya splutters.
“She’d better be second to you, bro!” Nino says.
“Great, they’re both here,” Marinette groans. “What do we owe you, Alya?”
“Hmm,” Alya says, clearly relishing the situation before her. “Let’s just say a favour for now. This is way too good for me to think of something on the spot.”
“Fine,” Marinette says pathetically. “Just get us out of this mess.”
“Alright, alright. Nino, try and figure out where the hell the end is.”
It takes an entire half hour. Half an hour of cursing and sweating and playing festive Twister before Alya and Nino can finally detangle the lights enough for Marinette to slip out and off Adrien. She’s craving a nice hot chocolate to drown herself in by now, so she grumbles and staggers into the kitchen to make drinks for everyone because really, there’s nothing better than a hot chocolate and a good croissant when you’ve just had a meltdown and want to feel warm inside. Once the hot chocolates are made, Adrien’s also free from his merry prison, and Alya’s untangling the lights with a deft ease that makes Marinette very, very suspicious of why Alya had escaped downstairs. And the entire half hour she and Nino had taken to untangle them.
“You could’ve done this all along!” Marinette accuses. Alya snickers.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she says sweetly. Marinette narrows her eyes. “Okay, time to put them up before someone lights them on fire!”
As the two tallest people, Adrien and Nino take on the task of stringing the lights around the tree while Alya directs them, because apparently “journalistic instincts” translate into knowing the best way to decorate a Christmas tree.
Once again, Marinette thanks the universe for bringing Alya Césaire into her life. Where she’d be without her best friend on either side of the mask, she has no clue, even if said best friend deviously engineers for her to be tied to her crush with Christmas spirit and actually have a conversation about her feelings, instead of being able to escape.
“Adrien, you can have the honours,” Alya declares once the lights are strung up. Adrien beams and bends down to plug them in, and the childlike wonder on his face as the tree lights up in reds and yellows and greens and blues is enough to make every organ in Marinette’s abdominal cavity quiver and flutter. At this rate, her body’s well on the way to shutting down, and she can’t even be upset about it.
“Okay,” she whispers to Alya. “I take it back. You know what you’re doing.”
“Don’t I always?” Alya grins and tosses her hair. But then her smirk shifts into a softer smile. “I’ve never seen him so happy. Not even last Christmas.”
“He’s never decorated a tree!” Marinette waves her hands around. “How wrong is that?”
“What’s next?” Adrien says, popping up in front of Marinette out of nowhere. Marinette yelps but manages to keep her footing this time.
“Tinsel!” she blurts out. “Shiny!”
Adrien laughs and bends down to fish out the golden tinsel from one of the boxes. “It’s okay, princess, you don’t have to be scared of me. I don’t bite.”
“What the hell,” Nino says while Marinette lets out a squeal so high that every dog in Paris has probably been summoned to the bakery. “I hate it here.”
“You’re even more disgusting with Alya,” Adrien says.
“Yeah, you stayed behind when I was a zombie,” Alya teases. Nino shrugs.
“Fair. You do stupid things for love.”
“Yeah,” Adrien says, looking directly at Marinette, who flushes and looks down. “You do.”
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generalluxun · 1 year
Fanfiction: Swimming in Circles, Chapter 1
Just a little fic in honor of Pride Month. University-aged Marinette encounters a new guy who turns her world upside down in a post-hawkmoth, post-Adrien(but still friends!) world.
Link to the fic on my AO3 page in bio, full test of the chapter under the cut. As always comments welcome.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was in trouble, and she knew it. It was a familiar kind of trouble, but one that hadn’t come knocking in years. The flushed cheeks, the sweaty palms -even underwater- and the sudden lack of coordination that was all the more alarming in her current activity.  You see, Marinette was swimming, or trying to at this point, and making a bad job of it all things considered.
Normally her laps were peaceful, serene, a great way to unwind from classes. She would grab one of the two lanes set aside for laps at the pool and burn through her 1.5 Kilometers without incident. She’d been doing it for years, ever since conquering her fear. It also just felt good to know that not all of her physical prowess came from a pair of earrings. This time she’d bumped into the wall, fouled herself in the lane lines, and swallowed enough water to make herself feel queasy. She stopped at the shallow end and clung to the wall, barely daring to peek at the cause of her problems.
He was blond, so maybe I have a type, his hair was so feathery and light it made her fingers itch to run through it. It was cut just above the shoulders, and had body Marinette would kill for. Sunglasses atop his head, which wasn't uncommon for lifeguards, but he wore them like a tiara. Eyes bluer than the deep end, at least that part is different, and one of those cocky little easy smiles that flashed perfect teeth and made her toes curl.
Sleek and cuddleable, but with just enough firm muscle that she could imagine herself feeling safe in his arms. The cropped white T-shirt he wore with his red trunks gave a full view of abs she could lay her head on all day. Over all of it was body language that kept pulling her back. Some lifeguards were Lords, some were bored, some were just there to pick up, this guy felt like he both owned the pool and was glad people were enjoying it. It was casual confidence in a slouch that was disarming without being sloppy.
In her mind, he turned to her. Those deep blues widening slightly before one eyebrow arched in a playful smirk, and he said, ”hey.”
She knew it was only in her head, but still she was powerless. She sank lower in the water to soothe her inflamed cheeks. She was in university now, and so her brain had a lot more to work with than the last time she’d had this kind of a reaction to a guy.
“Hey.” the word echoed again; gentle, teasing.
“Hey.” Forceful this time, louder. His tone was rich, but the joke never left it.
“Lane 1!”
Marinette blinked and shook her head. She was lane one right now. She looked up, and.. He really was looking at her. Confusion and bemusement playing across his features. Marinette managed a juddering, ”Y-yes?”
He extended the arm he wasn’t leaning on in his high-backed Lifeguard’s chair. waggling the fingers of his hand towards the side of the pool, “Pauses are okay, but if you need a longer breather, could you get out of the lane and let someone else swim a few laps?”
"Oh!" Marinette sank slightly lower in shame, then slunk to the ladder.
As she climbed out another swimmer slipped into the lane and began their own exercise immediately. Marinette mastered her blush and glanced one more time back at the lifeguard, he gave her a tip of his head and a thousand watt smile before turning his eyes back to the pool. Marinette fast-walked to her seat, dried her hands and snatched her phone up in a heartbeat.
Marinette:OMG OMG OMG
Marinette:Hot guy alert!
She flipped to a second conversation and wrote something a little more coherent.
Marinette:I think I did it! Slump defeated!
A notification came in on the first conversation. 
Alya: hot, or hothot? Are we talking another 'he's pretty Alya, but he's not…'
Marinette: Hothot. Clumsinette hot. All systems are functioning hot. What do I doooooo, hot.
Alya:Yes! Yesyesyes! Congrats, M! So, you gonna move in, or just bask in your revival?
That was a real question. Marinette was still too giddy to decide. It had been so long, since Adrien, for a guy to do this to her. She'd dated guys who were 'nice'. She still wanted a relationship in her life, despite assurances from all sides that there was no rush. Marinette knew she was a girl who liked having a partner, even if she could make it on her own.
After she and Adrien had broken up in the gentlest of ways, she had just lost the spark. Mourning first love, drowning in schoolwork, still Ladybug after Hawkmoth, there were plenty of reasons. That didn't make it hurt any less. Finding she could get this excited about anything, anyone again, it was a victory. Marinette's thumbs spend across her screen.
Marinette: Should I? I don't want to come on too strong and spook him. He might have a girlfriend! Maybe this is better just to admire from afar? I'm going to send you a picture!
Another notification came in while she was typing, from the other conversation.
Adrien: Woo hoo! I feel like I should be jealous but I'm just glad to hear it! Tell me about him, her, them?
Marinette: not that far yet! I just had to tell someone or I was gonna explode! How's Kagami?
Marinette exited out to open up her camera. Then a convoluted process began of trying to take a picture without looking like she was trying to take a picture. She got one she wasn't entirely happy with. Mr. Lifeguard was looking to the side, and there were shadows in the way, but she sent it off to Alya anyway.
Adrien: she's good, we're good. Don't think you need to reassure me, marinette. This is about you! I gotta go though, text me later! We still on for this weekend?
Marinette stuck her phone back in her bag and had a little war with herself. No. She decided. I'll just enjoy this, keep coming to the pool, and not wreck a good thing the moment I find it.
Resolved, Marinette walked back over to take up a spot waiting for one of the lap-lanes to be free. She even flashed Mr. Lifeguard a smile when he glanced her way. She got a playful eye roll in return over a smile in return, and it had her bouncing on her toes.
While she waited ideas started to creep in of their own accord. When it was her turn again, Marinette jumped into the water with possible scenarios coalescing in her mind. She swam her first lap to a candlelight dinner. Her second and third to talking on a rooftop -who cared if it didn't make sense. Her fourth through sixth were hushed whispers and sweet nothings. Her seventh was imagining something entirely too personal so so-
Light and pain exploded in Marinette's head. She'd missed her turn and powered full speed into the end of the lane. She opened her mouth, swallowing water. she darted for the surface but was turned around and careened into the bottom of the pool, scraping her shoulder. Chlorine was burning her lungs, forcing her mouth open again in a cough that spent the last of her precious air before she pulled in even more water. She flailed in a sudden desperation, for Ladybug of all people to drown in less than two meters of water.
A strong arm encircled her neck and shoulder. Marinette lashed out blindly in her panic but the grip held and she was yanked bodily from the pool.
Light, sunlight this time, blinded her. She was rolled onto her side firmly and spit up lungfuls of pool water. Someone was rubbing her back.
“Can you hear me? Not too waterlogged?"
Mr. Lifeguard's face swam into focus. Marinette's first thought: He's wearing eyeliner, blended into her second: His makeup game is on point. Followed by realizing what must have happened, and her old friend, humiliation, of course.
At least she was coherent, "Yes, I-I'm okay."
His eyes stared into hers for a long second then flicked up to her head. The hand on her back moved up, pulling off her cap and running fingers through her hair with a professional firmness. Marinette winced when he found the bump.
His eyes came back to hers. "No dilation, no bleeding, you can go to the front office and have a seat for a bit if you want, just to make sure."
Concussion, Marinette reasoned. She shook her head and the world didn't spin. She sat up, everything was still stable. "No, I think I'm okay. I've had worse."
That got a warm laugh out of him, and the pounding in her head lessened for it. "The walls can jump out at you. Take your time, no need to rush."
He sat back on his heels, then stood and offered her a hand up. Marinette took it without catching fire, which just showed how far she'd come since collége days. "I know. You'd think after years I would be able to do it in my sleep, but sometimes my head gets elsewhere and…" she shrugged helplessly.
"Some things never change."
Instantly their roles were reversed. Marinette's curiosity spiked, while Mr. Lifeguard was suddenly abashed.
Before Marinette could reply he stepped back, "Well, I have to get back to my chair. People complain if we aren't visible. Take care, and remember, swim safe." He was back up at his post while Marinette was still struggling with her thoughts. He knows me? How does he know me? Oh god, what does he know about me?
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mikauzoran · 2 years
If you’re taking prompts from the list, how about: “Someone accepting the bad parts of you without judging”?
Thanks for the Ask! ^.^ I went with Lukadrien for the pairing.
Read it on AO3: Lukadrien: Accepting the Bad Parts Without Judging – LGBTIQA+
Summary: Sometimes we need a good kick in the pants to get us out of our own heads. Adrien is going to love and tolerate the crap out of Luka until he’s back up on his feet again.
Pairing: Adrien Agreste/Luka Couffaine
Rating: T
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jheqiawrites · 2 years
This may be the crackiest fic that ever was!
At least the craziest crack fic I have ever written!
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rosekasa · 2 months
the adrien agreste desk partner experience™
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@kasienda 's prompt from the lovesquare headcanon prompt fill party!! (which, if ur reading this, u should totally join, i heard all the cool kids are joining it)
4 chapters; G; no archive warnings apply.
sitting next to adrien is a Bad Idea. because if marinette sits next to adrien, marinette will be a mess, and if marinette is a mess, there's no way she'll be able to keep her feelings for him a secret.
but... well. she can't just abandon him at the back of the classroom. not when he looks so sad.
post-episode: s03 chameleon; pre-reveal; pre-relationship; hot mess marinette; cinnamon roll adrien; sleepovers; love confessions; half reveal
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xhanisai · 1 year
If you ever told the me in 2015 when I was just 15, that this cutesy and silly show called Miraculous Ladybug full of flirty heroes and hot mess teens would have stuff like people created out of feathers being controlled by shitty parents, child abuse, mass genocide committed by an akumatised Chat Noir, Adrien choosing murder over and over again against those who hurt Marinette, Marinette’s obsessive and very anxious behaviour being influenced by Chloe’s constant bullying/torment, Gabriel Agreste probably dying soon and so on, I would have thought you read some next level fanfic or had a fever dream.
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mlwritersguild · 6 months
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 2 months
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This is why say that the Graham De Vanily Rings that were the Agreste's Wedding Rings have Magic seperate from being Adrien's Amok(alongside the fact that I hc Adrien to be part human, and only his lifeforce is a sentimonster), because Amelie didn't even know they were Adrien's Amok, but was still insistent on Getting them.
Also, I'm pretty sure there were times where Gabriel rubbed the ring and made someone other than Adrien do what he wants?
It's a hot mess of a plot and yeah how would Amelie know the rings were Adrien's Amok to know they're important?
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ladysunamireads · 2 months
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