#hotd character profile
witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐀𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧
Chaotic Neutral > Evil?
The Emperor Reversed 
Scorpio Sun, Aries Mooon, Pisces Rising
Also known as Aemond One-Eye and later Kinslayer, he was the thirdborn child and secondborn son of King Viserys and Queen Alicent Hightower. A notable part of his physical appearance played a big part in his personality; Aemond lost one of his eyes during an altercation with his young cousins in his childhood. In its place he wore a sapphire, but commonly donned an eyepatch as to not frighten ladies at court. 
  The animosity between Rhaenyra and Alicent had been passed on to their children. Rhaenyra’s three sons; Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey despised Alicent’s three; Aegon II, Aemond and Daeron. With each encounter tension brewed and brewed. And none of the ploys of Viserys to draw his family closer to one another worked. In fact, for the boys it did the opposite. 
 In his youth, Aemond held a lot of bitterness for the family members who had dragons and dragon eggs. It tormented him greatly. Yet one night Aemond claimed the biggest dragon in all of Westeros; Vhagar. However, it was upon this night that while he gained one thing invaluable, he lost something in turn. 
  With a fight against four of his cousins, Lucerys wounded Aemond’s face so harshly that his left eye could never be recovered. This had been foreseen by Helaena, Aemond’s eldest and only sister. 
 Aemond seemingly had the closest relationship with his mother out of all her children. His relationship with his father seemed...empty. But in his youth Viserys did oversee some of his training, however, his sickness developed quickly and substantially. 
It was said that Aemond was a great swordsman, but had a dangerous temper. The latter was proved true as he had slain Lucerys and Arrax at Storm’s End. This forced Rhaenyra’s hand and the Dance of the Dragons began. 
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princessbellecerise · 13 days
𝕵𝖆𝖈𝖆𝖊𝖗𝖞𝖘 𝖁𝖊𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖞𝖔𝖓
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jacaerys velaryon first of his name
⚘ Possible Spoilers Ahead ⚘
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114 AC
Fifteen years of age
House Targaryen, House Velaryon, Loyal to Team Black
First rider of Vermax the Ill-Tempered
129 AC, The Gullet
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Born to Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon, Prince Jacaerys Velaryon is the eldest of five boys. As Rhaenyra’s first born, he is also the Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne.
In his early life, Jacaerys grew up around his brothers and cousins. At age two, he was engaged to his step-sister/cousin, Baela Targaryen, due to their mother’s fondness for one another. He was said to be born a “large, strapping lad with brown hair, brown eyes, and a pug nose.” Often times, rumors were spread that Jace along with his brothers were the illegitimate children of his mother Rhaenyra and Ser Harwin Strong. Though these allegations were never proven to be true, these rumors still followed Jacaerys and his brothers due to their un-Targaryen like features.
As a babe, an egg was placed in his cradle and much to the surprise of Queen Alicent, hatched. Jace’s dragon would come to be known as Vermax the Ill-Tempered, as green dragons were speculated to be the most irritable.
On many accounts Jace was know to be responsible, mature for his age and extremely resourceful. It is noted that he and his brother Lucerys were “skilled in arms.” During the Dance of Dragons, Prince Jacaerys was a key factor in winning the war. Before his death, he succeeded in securing allies in the North, proposed the idea of Dragon Seeds and overall played a huge role in Team Black’s success.
Unfortunately, Jacaerys died at only fifteen but it was noted that his death was a deep loss. Maester’s from Team Green and Black agree that Jacaerys would have been a great King. His death lit a fire in the north and in Rhaenyra, who swore to rain down fire and death upon Aegon and all those who supported him.
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gojuo · 1 year
Helaemond shippers are now claiming that the ship come directly from grrm and that claim is so weird because grrm always speaks about how it's important to be as close as possible to the books . And there is nothing literally in Fire and Blood implied that aemond and helaena have this secret affair and Aegon's children are not his but Aemond's. Even Mushroom who is known for spreading alot of sexual rumors (true or not) never said something about this kind of relationship and never gave any hints about Aegon/helaena/aemond having the same dynamic of Aegon/nerys/ aemon. So from what sources they get this information? Because it doesn't feel like an information but more of wishful thinking at this point.
lol "comes directly from grrm" i guess that's why this crackship had no evidence of existence back in 2018 when F&B dropped, or in 2019 one year after F&B's release, or in 2020 two years after, and still nothing in 2021... instead it came into being in 2022 when HOTD dropped like ... lmao so unserious
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asumofwords · 11 months
Smoke, Fire and Ash
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence, death, forced marriage, and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on.
This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: You are the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. You are forced to navigate the difficult surroundings of your upbringing and the eventual disintegration between your family and the Hightower's relationship. What will happen when your older and estranged uncle suddenly takes a more sinister interest in you? (Dark!Aemond x Reader)
Characters: Aemond Targaryen X Reader, HOTD characters.
Note: Hello hello hello! Behold, another chapter, I know these ones are quite heavy, and so I am doing my best to post as often as I can so that we aren't all left in the pit of despair. <3
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Chapter 76: Unlikely Ally 
The soft brushing of hands through your hair drew you up to the surface of consciousness, a gentle stirring that did not jerk you to the front, but caressed you. Sandalwood and musk, smoke and leather, hints of dragon, all curled around you, creating a feeling of safety. 
It was him.
It was okay.
It was over.
Your eyes cracked open, your limbs heavy and tires as you looked up.
Long silver hair, deep black leather robes, a scar through cheek and forehead, a shining sapphire eye and a stormy violet one. Aemond sat as he had the day before, back stiff and seeing eye still on the chamber doors. 
He had not slept.
And he had not taken his eye from the doors, not even for one moment.
His other hand however, was not clutching the side of the chaise as it was when you drifted to sleep, but instead cupped your face, thumb smoothing the soft skin along your jawline.
You blinked at him and shifted, dull pain sparking in your neck, and throbbing through your core. At your stirring, the Prince turned his sight away from the door, to cast his eye down to look at you, jaw clenched as his gaze slipped to the bruises upon your neck.
Slowly you moved to sit up, ignoring the way your body begged to stay still, to keep laying on the chaise, to go back to rest and exist in a world of non-existence. To sleep in the emptiness void and bask in the silence of your dreams.
Your uncle made room for you to sit beside him, feet moving down to brush against the cold stone floors.
“Easy.” Aemond breathed as you winced from the movement, your eyes finding the fireplace, with no sight of Lucerys or Helaena.
They were gone.
He lifted his hand to brush a lock of your hair behind your ear, evidently pleased that you did not flinch at his touch. But how were you to flinch when you had no one else to go to.
There was an emptiness that settled in your chest, a hollowness that lingered around you and had not left, despite his presence. 
Aemond's violet eye searched your face, looking at your profile before he whispered your childhood name to you. A soft coo. A gentle command. A come hither of the kindest notion.
You turned your head to face him, and watched as he softly gripped your chin, tilting your head up, pain in the movement of it, allowing him to see the bruises that marred your neck. 
Cause by his brother. 
The King.
He breathed a sharp breath through his nose as he looked at the purple blotches. Long angry lines marked the shape of fingers around your neck, pink and purple blooming around the skin, with tinges of yellow creeping along the edges.
“Skoros ēza ziry gaomagon naejot ao.” What has he done to you, He murmured, and you shut your eyes.
You didn’t want to think of what he had done to you.
You didn’t want to think about the feeling of his hands on you.
The feeling of him inside of you.
A knock rattled the wood of the doors, echoing in the solemn space. You jumped beside him, heart lurching in your throat as you spun to look at the entrance.
It was him.
He was back.
He was back.
It was not o-
“It’s alright.” Aemond whispered before turning his head, but his posture said anything but it. His spine had stiffened more than it already was, and he looked as though he was ready to jump from his spot beside you. It set you on edge.
“Come.” His voice boomed across the room.
The two large doors opened, and the knight who guarded your chambers entered meekly, eyes on the floor, not daring to look at you or Aemond. 
Where was he?
Had he heard?
Did he know?
“My Lord, My Lady.” He greeted you both, finally raising his eyes to look across the room. “The King has requested your presence this morning to dine with the Small Council.”
The King.
The King.
To Dine.
To Dine.
The King.
The words caused nausea to roll through you, tears springing to your eyes. Please Gods, not again. Please. Please. Your breath quickened as you stared, heart racing against your ribcage.
Aemond inhaled deeply, with anger. 
“Has he commanded it?” He growled.
“Yes, My Lord.”
“Leave.” Aemond grunted.
The world around you got smaller.
The King. 
The King.
You were to see him again. 
Two large hands grasped your face and turned you to gaze upon Aemond’s. 
“Paghagon, zaldrītsos.” Breathe.
A sob broke through you as you tried to steady your breathing.
The King.
The memories of him on top of you.
His grunts.
His hands.
Aemond murmured your nickname and you looked into his eye.
“Do not show that him that he has broken you.”
One hand released your face and came down into your lap, pulling your hand into his own, finger sliding up and down on the scar of your palm.
It was intimate, it was soft, and it grounded you. 
“I promise, he will not touch you again. I give you my word.”
You said you wouldn’t leave.
You promised I would be safe.
Your breathing quickened again.
You said I would be okay.
I told you.
I told you.
I to-
“Where is your fire?” His eye searched your face.
You blinked at him, tear rolling down your cheek. 
“Skoriot iksis ñuha zaldrītsos?” Where is my little dragon?
Where is she?
Where is she?
Snuffed out.
“You and I both know that is not the case.” He whispered, thumb still smoothing the scar on your palm, “Iksā se ānogar hen Uēpa Valyria. Perzys dakogon rȳ ao. Iksā se tala hen Rhaenyra Targārien, se se Rogue Dārilaros."
You are the blood of Old valyria. Fire runs through you. You are the daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen, and the Rogue Prince.
Aemond leant forward, eye determined and shadowed as he spoke, with conviction, slowly, sternly, and reverantly.
"Iksā ñuha ābrazȳrys.” You are my wife.  
My wife.
You blinked again, heart still thumping a racing rhythm in your chest.
“My wife is not weak. My wife is not broken.” He squeezed your hand and you squeezed it back, trying to calm the awful anxiety that caused your stomach to tie up in knots.
“We will dine with the King, and we will show him… Who you are.” 
Who you are.
Who are you?
You sniffed and nodded, swallowing thickly as you began to push down the tide of overwhelming terror.
Where was your fire?
Where is your fire?
The Amala and Joanna came to dress you, and had sat you gently at the vanity to brush and braid your hair together, both there to support you. There to offer you support with their mere presence alone, and although it did not relieve the trepidation that you had, their non verbal show of care was a stepping stone you had not known you needed. 
When you looked at yourself in the vanity, your eyes scanned the bruises along your neck and the visual state of your wellbeing. Your eyes were dark, heavy shadows beneath them, and your cheeks had lost a fullness to them, as though the life had seeped out of you. 
The bruises told a story of its own.
Dark purple blotches of fingers along your neck stood out as a reminder to you, mauves and blues pressed harder in some places than others, like splatters of paint, and yellow bleeding at the edges. You had to suck in a shaken breath and turn your head away, not wishing to look at the evidence of his touch on your flesh.
It is over.
It is over.
The gown they dressed you in was high necked to cover the bruises, to hide his crimes. To hide the horrors that you had to endure. To hide your sorrow
The dress was long and heavy, sleeves tight against you with silk threads of black flames that were embroidered along the sleeves, skirt, and bodice. The high neck buckled at the front with silver clasps, and a large chain of Valyrian steel was secured around your waist, the head of a dragon biting down on its own tail.
When you were dressed, you sat once more in front of the vanity and looked at yourself. 
Though the dress hid the bruises that marred your body, your face betrayed you with your hollow eyes and gaunt cheeks. But the gown helped in a false sense of power and pride, and the hair made you feel closer to your family in a moment when you needed them most. 
Do this for them. 
Do this for them.
What more could be done?
The worst has already happened.
“Are you ready?” Aemond stood behind you, one hand on the side of your shoulder where his thumb rubbed against the junction of your neck. 
You swallowed.
Were you ready?
You would never be ready.
But you had to be. 
For them.
For yourself.
You nodded and stood, turning to face Aemond. 
Shock crawled through you.
Today, he was not in his leather robes that he always wore.
Today Aemond wore something similar to you.
All black.
Your eyes roamed over his body.
The tunic and pants were similar to yours with a black vest tightened at his front. Large silver clasps held the tunic and vest together, and from one point of his shoulder down to his waist was another steel chain.
One dragon head on each end, their jaws biting down on the black to hold to the material. 
Aemond was wearing black.
Not his black leathers.
But black robes.
Matching black robes.
He was wearing your colours. 
Aemond’s eye was half hooded, and his sapphire eye twinkled lightly as he shifted his head to look at you. His hair had been braided back, away from his face and fastened at the back of his head half up and half down. 
It reminded you of your father.
The Prince held out his hand to you, palm up. The scar ran across the expanse of his large hand, the pink skin raised and delicate. His hands were so much larger than yours, and he had calluses from years of sword training, and the wear of Vhagar's reins upon his skin. 
Placing your own in his, you felt the two of your ceremonial scars press together.
As one.
And so you walked together, as one, in unlikely circumstances fated by the Gods or others, to the small Dining Hall.
His grip grounded you as you counted the steps. 
You breathed in with every second step and out with every fourth, trying to set an easy rhythm to concentrate on and follow. 
The walk passed quickly, and by the time you stood in front of the two doors, Aemond’s eye was set on the entrance in front of him, his hand tightening around yours painfully. You watched as his jaw clenched, and the lips you had come to chase, pursed.
“Dracarys.” Came the familiar whisper of Lucerys.
The doors opened, and you struggled to keep your fear in check, but you pushed it down, as you had many times before. As you have always had to do. And the cold steel mask that you had grown accustomed to wearing in your time, since even before the war, slipped on.
There was something about entering a chamber full of the Greens Small Council, and having all eyes on you. All eyes on the treaty bargaining piece, and her husband, the One-Eyed Prince, dressed head to toe in matching robes of black. 
A symbol of unity.
A symbol of rebellion. 
A symbol of hope.
When your eyes landed on Aegon, your stomach lurched into your throat, hand jerking in Aemond’s grip, who thankfully kept it tightly in his as you ascended the small stairs.
Aegon continued to stare at the both of you, a wide smirk on his pale face as he looked at the state of your dress, focusing on the neck of the gown, which split his face into an even wider smile. 
“Brother! Welcome home.” The King boomed.
Alicent sat nervously at the seat beside him, hand tucking a thumb into her palm on the table. A nervous habit.
Aemond did not reply, and pulled out the seat for you to sit in. You sat down and held your breath, heart rising in your throat as your eyes could not tear themselves away from your eldest uncle. 
“How do you fare, niece? You look unwell.” Aegon falsely asked, and the shift in the chambers was palpable. 
You swallowed thickly, teeth grinding down against one another in your jaw as you dug your nails into Aemond’s hand.
“Tired, Your Grace." Your voice crackled, "Aemond’s return was swift and unexpected. We had much to catch up on.” You felt your teeth slide across each other roughly.
Aegon grinned, “I am sure you did.”
Otto inhaled deeply, and Aegon leant back to snap his fingers at the servers, having them bring the food to the table. 
The food was brought over and piled high, the smells of the meats and fruit turning your stomach. There was even a bowl of starfruit on the table, which you dared to not touch. But most notably, there was a large roasted pig sat in the middle in front of you and Aemond. You felt his own hand clench in your grip, whilst Aegon watched with bright eyes, waiting for the reaction he desperately sought out. 
“Mother, a prayer?” Aegon looked to Alicent, who’s eyes nervously danced between all of you. 
You wondered who else in the Small Council had known of what had happened. 
Anger began to stir inside of you, and Lucerys’ whispers got louder.
“May we pray to the Crone for wisdom in these times, may she carry her lantern to us to guide the path in which we move forward. May-“
“We pray to the Mother,” Aegon began, interrupting the Dowager Queen, and all eyes flicked up to him, “For a healthy babe and fertile womb for the Princess.”
It was a blur of black and green.
Black and Green. 
Green and Black. 
“Hen Kasta, Hen Zōbrie.” Of Green, Of Black, Helaena whispered.
The world around you spun.
Breath caught in your throat, the sound of guards being summoned and the yells of Alicent and Otto Hightower brought you back to the present. 
Aemond had launched himself across the table, fist catching the Kings jaw, sending the Conquerors Crown flying across the floor with a clang. The chair he had been seated on swung backwards, and the two brothers landed on a heap of fists on the floor.
You could scarcely move, standing as you watched punch, after punch was thrown by both men on the stone floors of the Small Dining Hall. The other Council members stood watching, others sitting, unsure of what to do as Ser Cole rushed over to the blur of silver hair, trying to yank the youngest brother from the King. 
“Aemond! Stop this!” Alicent screamed, watching as the One-Eyed Prince wrapped his hands around the King’s throat.
“Aemond!” Otto bellowed, hand raised to stop the King’s guard from reaching the two.
“Aemond.” Your voice felt foreign as it left your lips.
The two men struggled still, the king beneath Aemond who's hands only continued to tighten on around the King's neck.
Hands around your neck.
Aegon's hands around your neck.
His grunts.
His breath.
"Aemond!" The yell escaped you without a second thought.
You watched as the Prince stiffened and jerked his brothers head down onto the stones, rolling off of him to stand. His chest heaved as he looked down at Aegon who was pulled up by Ser Cole, blood dribbling from his lips and nose.
Hen Kasta, Hen Zōbrie.
Aemond was yanked backwards by Alicent, his shoulder jerking her hold from him as he breathed staring at his brother who sneered. 
“You dare put a hand on the King?” He growled, “I could have your head.”
"Touch her again and I'll-"
"You'll what?"
A tear slid down your cheek. 
“Enough! Is it not bad enough that we are at war with your half-sister, that now you seek to war with your own brother? Have you gone to madness?” Alicent snapped at her son, staring Aegon down, who spat a glob of bloody spit onto the stones at Aemond's feet.
“I will not have this family fallen over the petty grievances of two men grown behaving as little boys.” Alicent snapped her head to the Council members who watched on awkwardly, “Leave, and do not speak of what you have witnessed.” 
“Not a word to anyone of this.” The old man had bowed his head, and uttered a quiet, “Your Grace” in acquiescence. 
“Return to your chambers,” Alicent spun around looking at you and then to Aemond, “All of you.”
You blinked, once, twice, three times.
Aemond was at your side, lip split and hair tousled, though the braids holding firmly. His knuckles were bloodied and bruised, his attire was messed, but his face checked over yours to see if you were okay.
To see if you were safe. 
You had an ally.
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
Tag List:
@izzicle @ej-shitchats @may-machin @alegria1580 @witchy-jadda @videovampire @inkdelicious @queteimporta39 @virtualsweetsqueen @fo-cus @auratiqs @feyres-fireheart @queenofshinigamis @asoiafwh8re @teasandcrumpets @shesjustanothergeek @grungegrrrl@queenofsarcazm @marihoneywk @curlsx88 @virgogaia @loser-keiji @asoiafwh8re @whore-of-many-hot-men @vipervixxen @theonewiththeimaginaryboyfriends @watercolorskyy @lavendervisions @mazmack666 @chokefrog @orangejump-suit @nik2blog @serrhaewinin @ohemgeewhat @winxschester @cryptidsrcool @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @celestedonut @bloodyvelvet777 @iamapersonthatsalive @av-sos @yentroucnagol @sanzu-s @opheliaas-stuff @bellameshipper @maviee @persephonerinyes @neytiri-09 @ensnaredinwonderland @xbluegracex @sotragedynut @nattieot7 @shesawaywiththefairies-blog @coffedraven @prettycutebunny @celestedonut @the-jess-life @ssulfurr @out-of-life @madislayyy @crazylokonugget @cicaspair418 @katwmk @relminnie @milovart @teagrex @visenyaverse @bellameshipper @toodlesxcuddles @tempt-ress @dontmindmereading7 @qyburnsghost @55gyi53vtnquwziq5 @notnormalthings-blog @maidmerrymint @qyburnsghost @madislayyy @chelseaouat @hc-geralt-23 @daenerys-supremacy @rabbit-reveries @mari0302 @fallinglikeash @ivy-targaryen @nana-is-reading @kattirin @iameternallylonely
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daenysthedreamer101 · 2 months
HOTD Masterlist
General Masterlist
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~ Daughter of Steel and Bronze (Targaryen!OC x Harwin Strong)
This is the story of Princess Daena Targaryen - daughter of the Rogue Prince Daemon Targaryen and Lady Rhea Royce. What role will she play in the impending doom of House Targaryen?
Follow along as she learns to navigate the complex life of the Red Keep, uncovers treacherous plots, falls victim to dangerous lies, and falls in love with the heir of Harrenhal.
Will she survive the Game of Thrones or perish as so many others did?
Character profile
Ch 1 - To King's Landing
Ch 2 - Claiming your birthright
Ch 3 - Dragonstone
Ch 4 - Blood of the Dragon
Ch 5 - Victory
Ch 6 - Gone with the Wind
Ch 7 - Loss of Innocence
Ch 8 - Crossroads
Ch 9 - Child no more
Ch 10 - Signs and Portents
Ch 11 - The comforts of home
To be continued...
Depictions of Daena
Pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3
Pt 4
Character Introductions
Lady Amanda Royce
Ladies Joy and Hanna Strong
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
Hi honey, I hope you don't mind, but can I ask what you're working on right now?
Yes, of course you can. This list that shows in general, without including HOTD (because I already made a list of them, if you want to read, just click here). For now, these are the pending ones:
Yandere Percy Jackson Headcanons (General) (Percy Jackson) (POSTED)
Yandere Elijah Mikaelson with a reader with a sire bond | Imagine (Romantic) (The Originals)
Yandere Nico/Hazel with a Shy!Child of Pluto (Headcanons) (Platonic) (Percy Jackson)
Yandere Apollo with a Child of Ares Headcanons (Romantic) (Percy Jackson)
Yandere Zeus/Poseidon Headcanons (Poly!Romantic) (Greek Mythology) (POSTED)
Yandere Athena vs Aphrodite | Imagine (Romantic) (Greek Mythology)
Yandere Artemis/Athena Headcanons (Poly!Romantic) (Greek Mythology) (POSTED)
Yandere Jake Peralta | Imagine Angst (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) (POSTED)
Yandere Ares w/Pregnant Reader | Imagine (Greek Mythology)
Yandere Apollo w/Forced Marriage | Imagine (Greek Mythology)
Yandere!CEO Taehyung w/Married S/O | Imagine (BTS)
Yandere Icarus Headcanons (General) (Greek Mythology) (POSTED)
Yandere Leo Valdez Headcanons (General) (Percy Jackson)
Yandere Artemis/Apollo Headcanons (Romantic) (Greek Mythology) (POSTED)
Yandere Ladybug/Cat Noir Headcanons (Romantic) (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir) (POSTED)
Yandere Percy Jackson w/Another Child of Poseidon Headcanons (Platonic) (Percy Jackson)
Yandere Jennie w/Unwilling Male!Reader | Imagine (BLACKPINK)
Yandere Grover Underwood w/A Careless!Child | Imagine (Percy Jackson)
Yandere Julius Caesar Headcanons (General) (Historical Characters) (POSTED)
Yandere Wednesday Addams Headcanons (General) (Wednesday)
Yandere Tyler Galpin Headcanons (General) (Wednesday)
Yandere Rosé Headcanons (General) (BLACKPINK)
Yandere Xavier Thorpe w/Innocent!Reader Headcanons (General) (Wednesday) (POSTED)
Yandere Greek Heroes (Male) - Profile (Greek Mythology)
Yandere Thanatos Headcanons (General) (Greek Mythology)
Yan!Mom Hera w/Yandere Apollo Headcanons (Romantic) (Greek Mythology)
Yandere Damon Salvatore Headcanons (Romantic + NSFW) (The Vampire Diaries) (POSTED)
Yandere Artemis Headcanons (Romantic) (Greek Mythology)
Yandere Egyptian Gods - Profile (Egyptian Mythology)
Yandere Lucifer Morningstar Headcanons (General) (Lucifer)
Yandere Morpheus/Sandman Headcanons (General) (The Sandman) (POSTED)
Yandere Helen of Troy Headcanons (General) (Greek Mythology)
Yandere Lucifer Morningstar Headcanons (The Sandman)
Yandere Maze Runner Boy's Headcanons (Romantic) (Maze Runner)
Yandere Winchester Family Headcanons (Platonic) (Supernatural)
Yandere Jamie Fraser Headcanons (General) (Outlander) (POSTED)
Yandere House Lannister Headcanons (Platonic) (Game of Thrones) (POSTED)
Yandere Hades/Persephone Headcanons (Poly!Romantic) (Greek Mythology)
Yandere Athena Headcanons (Romantic) (Greek Mythology)
Yandere Hermes Headcanons (General) (Greek Mythology)
~ Lady L
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knightsickness · 6 months
have you seen the most recent twitter discourse on whether criston is """really""" dornish or not?
i don’t have a twitter account + don’t keep up w hotd discourse on there, no. i’m curious how the casting call, website character profile, fabien interviews, and the decision to make the first thing a main character says about him ‘gods he’s dornish’ could have been unclear. purely in terms of utility would love to know why people think they keep reiterating it if he isn’t meant to be dornish it seems like inefficient writing
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sanktasansa · 2 years
Imagine the Dance of the Dragons as written by the writers of Succession...imagine writers for HOTD that get that you don't have make terrible people "justified" in their terrible actions or passive to the point of stupidity to make them "sympathetic"; you just have let them have clear, honest human reactions when terrible things that happen to them, before they plough forward in doing terrible things to other people. This slap-dash attempt at making characters both worse & better than the book versions is starting to warp the story in bizarre ways.
Additionally, Succession's creative team knows when you are dealing with characters with high profiles, you need to show and give importance to the reactions of not just the main characters, but of "the chorus" aka the other people that fill out the world of the story; otherwise the story just seems small and low stakes. GOT only got away with not doing this for awhile because they had 4-5 storylines going on at a time; HOTD has no excuse for us not seeing for ourselves how the smallfolk and, in particular, the court feel about the conduct of the royals and their advisors (imagine Succession without them checking on news reports about the Roys or phone calls from the White House). This means the only real consequences that matter are physical torture and death...that's just not realistic in any society. Even the most empathy deficit people fight like hell to gain some external approval or to insulate themselves from the effects of external disapproval because in our lizard brains, rejection from our tribe IS death, and that was still quite literal for medieval society. We need an understanding how close any given character is to social rejection, but that isn't being explained. HOTD is cutting corners in developing the context of this story in many ways, and it shows.
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horizon-verizon · 11 months
Hi, I recently found you're blog and have grown quite addicted to it lol. I've also been looking at both team's posts to try and get a broader understanding at everyone's mindset and, if I'm going to be honest, feel very exhausted from it.
I'm a firm believer that stan culture is toxic and this fandom is no different, but I've actually found an interesting pattern when it comes to posts from both stans in this fandom specifically and wondered if you noticed the same thing. Team Black stans are more likely to be aggressive and continue on an argument, but the information they argue tends to be more accurate actually. Team Green stans still argue, less overall, but their arguments aren't built completely on actual facts on the show (which is also the only source they base arguments off of) they use far more speculation and are driven more by their own individual feelings. Some examples are that I've seen: TB arguments saying that calling Rhaenyra's boys bastards is a very dangerous claim that can lead to real, dangerous consequences, which is completely true, but then TG have laid out an argument comparing Rhaenyra to Cersei on the hypothetical that her children would r*ape women in order to try and make Alicent seem like a better person, which is a scenario we all know is completely made up and pure speculation based on nothing but opinion. Black stans are more likely to accept the faults of their favorite characters, or at least come out and say they don't care, while Green stans will defend every action of the people on their team even when they probably shouldn't. Like, do they know it's ok to like flawed characters? I've also seen TG stans attack show Rhaenyra for every single action she's done and I've seen TB stans do it for characters like Alicent too, but it's just overall less?
I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's hard to take any argument from Team Green stans seriously. What's also shocking is how many notes some of these arguments have even though a lot of them spread false information or just make things up. Now of course, there's false information going on both sides, I know that, but on here it's just so concentrated onto the TG side and I just think that takes away from really getting a good grasp and understanding on that version of events.
What's your opinion on this?
Firstly, thank you for following me thus far and I'm glad you enjoy my posts! Sometimes I feel like I'm not really getting my pts across well enough and I try to improve.
Secondly, from my time in the online fandom -- I wanna say from Oct of last year? -- yes, I agree with your assessments. Quickly, before I go on, I tend to be more team Black (as one can see from my profile pics here and on Twitter) and specifically, I am a Dany/Targ/Rhaenyra/Rhaenys I-Visenya stan. So one may argue or dismiss me as having way too much bias towards how black stans vs green stans tend to argue.
However, in all my time (half a year, so not much) I've reblogged and been reblogged at least 30 posts, entering debates about how Fire and Blood/HotD are written, who wrote them, why certain ships exist, etc. Most of the time, green stans & HotD!Alicent stans argue from a place of traditionalism and reactive emotionality because they have learned that the anti-autonomist ideologies against women, lower-classed people, gender-nonconforming people, darker-skinned people/PoCs, and foreigners because those formulas are ready-made and are status quo to organizing and seeing gender, race, sexuality, etc. They do not have to think any more than emotionally react to what they already know is both "sad" but "must be", no noticing irony or strange details that might point out how the text may be making fun of a character or how absurd they think for thinking and doing a certain thing when they already decided to stan.
Both sides do this (me, I didn't really over much over Daeron's sins until HotD and thought him even "good"), but green stans really don't bother to work at observing language or/and context or/and text -> how those relate and interplay to create meaning(s) in the story. One time, you hear how F&B is unreliable--which it is but not in the degree and way they describe it and leave readers to think--and that the HotD writers are doing so well at rewriting Alicent away from the evil stepmother trope, then another time they will applaud Alicent for trying to mutilate a young boy...ironically something many evil stepmothers or women of that archetype have performed evil against children they perceive as threats or competition to themselves and/or their own kids in fairytales. Or they will ignore completely how Alicent knows how horrible childbirth can go from having 4 kids of her own yet deciding to have Rhaenyra's newly born sons paraded around on their way to "be presented" to show how "obvious" a bastard they are, gain public support, and/by humiliating Rhaenyra and demeaning her political stance in subtly exposing her "whoredom". And then choose to ignore how Alicent herself practices disturbing, anti-autonomous sexual exchanges when she uses her feet for Larys to give her info--this would absolutely get her labeled as a "whore" by many others in her society AND not relate how that compulsion to sacrifice sexual autonomy mirrors Rhaenyra's not wanting children out of fear of death or being put out of the "room" of decisions where she's been outcasted from her whole life, yet having to marry to even have the beginning of access to that power and continuing to have it as a woman. (Forgot to mention, these are HotD's characters, not F&B's.)
You will hear green stans say that it is Westerosi society's culture--therefore unquestionable "right"--to have only men and boys automatically inherit higher, directive political power over any available or smarter/better-equipped girl or woman. And some will claim and suggest that it is for the sake of ORDER and harmony. Part of the idea is that if you maintain the ORDER, there will be a social balance between classes, genders, etc. that would ensure much less bloodshed or people hurting each other (ironically, something that existed as proto-thought since the real medieval era during European feudalism -> c.400 A.D. -1400s A.D.), and you see that thought solidified into something like what Thomas Hobbes wrote in his Leviathan, which argued for people giving their obedience and allegiances to a sovereign entity unaccountable to the ruled's as equally, or at all. Pro-Monarchist, pro-stratified hierarchy. 
In other words, hierarchies in general and their extremes of them that veer the most away from the truest, ideal democracy (where the government must adhere to and exist as the people direct and structure it) work to suppress as much an affirmative negation as possible, which inevitability also means critical thinking. Not just the skills, but thinking deeper than what's presented to us in the first place because once you start to do this you are already putting the bones, so to say, in question, when you ask how an untouchable really came to be so untouchable and how God would just leave an infant to die when a grown nobleman voluntarily goes after a literal 11-year-old.
Because human societies have been essentially training people since infancy to accept what status quo is available, all fans in the fandom are passionately inquisitive and/or territorial.
*Small Rant*
Stan culture is very saturated in dismissals and outright bullying for the most meager things, and that is because people go online to:
outpace their own loneliness and/or commiserate over oppressions, annoyances, what have you
celebrate with others over how much they love a certain creation, esp when they do not have anyone, enough real-life, persons, or are bullied and put down for liking that thing
are torn down in real life and wish to get back power by ruining others' days
reaffirm their own biases that make them feel in control
share their creations so that they have some sort of validation that they create some sort of good thing, whether just a pleasurable object (entertainment/beauty) or something of salubrious moral character that brings perspective, or BOTH
In other words, there are so many high feelings most of the time when we log in, the good and the bad and the somewhere in between that are nonetheless complex and sometimes powerful. And we push them here in fanart, metas, debates, fanfics, and we seek other minds and perspectives to bounce our ideas off, show off, or peek for assurance and validation, sometimes all of the above. On the one hand, I don't always care what Uriahdeeznutzgotee from the UK thinks of how my grammar when I speak about my love for Rhaenyra, but I do and will always care about how Uriahdeeznutzgotee decides to imply I am stupid for not agreeing with his ideas about women in relation to himself, politics, the genre of epic fantasy, publishing houses, etc. Because these are the structures I both take a break from it being online sometimes while most of the time I take a break from facing head-on to actually reflect through fiction, which I go online then to break down for others and myself to further appreciate. So it can eventually bother me when Uriahdeeznutzgotee uses ad hominems to discourage others' thoughts or even misreads and misinforms (purposefully or not) others that fiction piece that has helped me in some way to contextualize the real world. Some trolls know it too, dammit. And when attempt to actually argue but the other side persists (esp with quotes), they tend to stop and block to save some face. Or, they may do as I did and stop, blocking for what is whatever peace of mind can be had after leaving the last argument that they want to give.
While fiction is fiction and the characters cannot reach out to bite us, their actions and their worlds are always sprinkled with a specific set of rules inspired by the real world and thus we're always going to emotionally engage with the fiction. Another reason why I find most team neutrals to lie to themselves but that's another thing altogether.
High emotions and passion = higher chance of crazy behavior. And I think fandom, but esp stan culture, will always have questionable patterns and behaviors. But I also think that without these spaces, a lot of people will silently suffer more and be even dumber than they already could be.
*End of Small Rant*
This doesn't mean that, as you mentioned, there aren't any black stans that are not compassionate or maybe want to be but do not know how to quite get there without giving up the peace that just going online to gush about Matt Smith's banging cheekbones gives them. Same goes for Olivia Smith/Ewan and some green stans (concerning the only going online to gush). But, it is also true that I am far more likely to come across a worse argument from a green stan than a black stan about gender, ethnic, etc. politics in the ASoIaF universe which is more likely to suggest how they go out in the real world treating others.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐑𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧
True Neutral
4 of Wands Reversed 
Aries Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Aquarius Rising 
The eldest daughter of six, her parents were Aenys I Targaryen and Alyssa Velaryon. 
   As a child, Rhaena was dreamy and more comfortable around animals than other children. Whenever she was around strangers, she would hide behind her parents, and never warmed to any of her companions. 
  That was until she bonded with the dragon, Dreamfyre, a beautiful blue mount. From then she outgrew her shyness and after her first flight, she made her first friend; Larissa Velaryon, her cousin and later on in their lives, they would become lovers. However, in their youths, Larissa was betrothed and sent away to marry. It was then that Rhaena befriended Samantha Stokeworth, the daughter of Lord Alyn Stokeworth, the Hand of the King.
   Rhaena was born on Dragonstone and considered a match for her uncle, Maegor, however her parents disapproved. This would not be true for her later years, as Rhaena was one of Maegor’s, ‘Black Brides.’ In which he had a ceremony marrying three women at once, because he was desperate for an heir. 
  Rhaena was close to her brother, Aegon, and would take him flying as he did not have a dragon of his own. They would become so close in fact, that they married. 
It was Rhaena who started the tradition of placing a dragon egg in the crib of a Targaryen baby. She chose the eggs for Jaehaerys and Alysanne.  
  The marriage between Rhaena and her younger brother enraged the smallfolk, as well as the Faith. They thought it an abomination. Aenys, a usually indecisive and fickle man, was stern in this match. 
  Together, Rhaena and Aegon had two daughters, twins; Aerea and Rhaella. And when Aenys passed, the crown went to Aegon, who claimed his father’s dragon; Quicksilver. However, he was never able to claim the throne. He was known as Aegon the Uncrowned. 
   Dowager Queen Visenya had brought Maegor back from Exile and he rose up to claim the Iron Throne. Even with rallied forces, Aegon and Quicksilver were no match for Maegor and Balerion. Aegon died in the battle against his uncle, and it was called, ‘The Battle Beneath the God’s Eye.’ 
  The throne was then passed to Jaehaerys. Although, Rhaena and her daughter Aerea were candidates (they were passed over due to their sex.) Aerea would go on to be Jaehaerys heir until he produced his own, and Rhaella was sent to Oldtown to train as a septa. 
After Jaehaerys had claimed the throne, Rhaena felt free to do as she pleased. Gathering a group of companions; Elissa Farman, Samantha Stokeworth, and Alayne Royce. They become inseparable. 
   The four lived on Fair Isle, where Rhaena married Androw Fairman, the second son to the residing lord. He had no skill of any kind - and could barely read. Some say she married him out of thanks to Androw’s father, for sheltering her after Maegor killed Aegon. Maester Smike speculated that Rhaena had taken Androw for her husband because she loved his sister Elissa.
  Rhaena didn’t leave Fair Isle until Androw’s father died and his eldest son ascended into the position. He ordered Rhaena, her dragon and her companions from the island, but bid Elissa to stay. She defied her lord brother and went with the Targaryen Princess. 
   Rhaena and her companions were taken in at Casterly Rock by Lyman and Jocasta Lannister. But when Rhaena realised they only wanted to marry her off to one of the Lannister sons, she left. She encountered this problem everywhere she travelled. Every lord and his wife wanted something from her. And she did not like that. 
So, she went to King’s Landing as a wedding guest to King Jaeherys and Queen Alysanne’s second wedding, and afterward, she requested the seat of Dragonstone and to have her daughter Aerea back in her care. Both requests were granted. 
   Soon Rhaena would be known as The Queen in the East, but Elissa Farman and her daughter, Aerea grew unhappy there. As Rhaena and Aerea had been separated for years, Rhaena knew nothing about her seven-year-old daughter. In turn, Aerea couldn’t remember her mother. As well as this, she did not care for the dullness of Dragonstone. She longed for the exciting Red Keep. 
Within time, Elissa departed Dragonstone but stole three dragon eggs. Neither she, nor the eggs were ever located...
  Along with this, Rhaena lost her mother; Alyssa. Who had died in childbirth, delivering Rogar Baratheons second child. The Dowager Queen and Rhaena were never able to reconcile, as Rhaena did not like that Rogar and Alyssa married. 
  Rhaena blamed Rogar for her mother’s death. As soon she saw him, she had grabbed him by the beard and warned him to take care of her two half-siblings. She also threatened that if Rogar ever married again, she would kill him personally and make Storm’s End another Harrenhal. 
   While Rogar swore he was not frightened of Rhaena, he indeed never married again. 
As Rhaena returned to Dragonstone, a plague set upon the island - killing those closest to her. All her companions, including young Lianna Velaryon, who died in Rhaena's arms.
   It ended up being Androw’s doing. He was angry at Rhaena for being treated for a fool. Rhaena ordered Androw to be gelded, with his private parts to be cooked and fed to him before he would be allowed to die. Yet the cowardly Androw jumped from a castle window. In turn, Rhaena had his body hacked apart and fed to her dragons.
Despite their cold relationship, Rhaena encouraged Aerea to bond with a dragon. She allowed her daughter to be aquainted with all Dreamfyre’s hatchlings and the island’s dragons. 
   However, one night Rhaena found out that Aerea had fled Dragonstone on the back of Balerion. And even though great effort was put into the search, it wasn’t until a year later that Aerea returned to King’s Landing, riddled with sickness. She died the same day, and Rhaena did not arrive in time. 
After her daughter’s death, Rhaena couldn’t bear to be on Dragonstone, nor King’s Landing. She did not want the company of others and went to Harrenhal, where she became a guest of House Towers. There she dropped into a deep depression. 
 She made home in the Widow’s Tower, and befriended a sickly young Lord Maegor Towers, the last of his lineage. When he died, she took over his household. 
  Never again did Rhaena visit Dragonstone or King’s Landing. Once a year she would visit her daughter, Septa Rhaella. Otherwise she remained at home. 
With age, her hair turned white and the smallfolk in the riverlands thought she to be a witch. Nevertheless, she never turned down a traveler who came to Harrenhal (but never sought their company). 
   Rhaena continued to ride Dreamfyre until her death. 
She was cremated at Harrenhal, and her ashes were interred where her husband had died by the Gods Eye. 
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princessbellecerise · 11 months
𝕬𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖆𝖗𝖞𝖊𝖓
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aemond targaryen first of his name
⚘ Possible Spoilers Ahead ⚘
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March 30 110 AC in the Crownlands
Twenty years of age when he dies
Aemond is an Aries
House Targaryen, House Hightower, Loyal to Team Green
Third rider of Vhagar
May 22 130 AC at the God’s Eye
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Born to King Viserys I and Alicent Hightower, Aemond Targaryen was their second son and youngest child.
As a child, it is known that he claimed the dragon Vhagar and lost an eye to Lucerys Velaryon to do so. However, when the incident happened young Aemond claimed that it was a ‘fair exchange’ for the dragon he always wanted.
The animosity between Aemond and his nephew’s side of the family never fleeted though, and he remained bitter towards them after the incident. Going on rumors from his mother and grandsire, Aemond believed his nephews to be bastards and therefore not worthy of the Iron Throne.
During the Dance of Dragons, he supported his brother, Aegon II as the rightful heir and fought his battles on top of Vhagar. The young prince was known to be hot-tempered and unforgiving, only meeting his end when Daemon Targaryen challenged him at Harrenhal and lost his life to the ancestral sword, Dark Sister.
It is said that he took a wife in Alys Rivers, nicknamed the Witch Queen. After his death, he was known as a Kinslayer for killing the same nephew that took his eye, Lucerys Velaryon, along with his dragon Arrax above Shipbreaker Bay. No other Targaryen son was named after him, therefore making Aemond the first and last of his name.
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madame-fear · 1 year
Hii lovely! What are your favourite HOTD accounts? Or maybe what are your fave HOTD fics out there?
Hello precious! Well, as for favourite fics, all fics that are Luke x Reader are my favourite, to be honest 😂💕 And as for favourite HOTD accounts, these are my faves! :
— @damatheirin
Best of friends of all besties, absolute goddess ❤ MY PARTNER IN CRIME AND IN MADNESS!!! <33 She has the coolest variety of HotD gifs,and she JUST PUTS SO MUCH EFFORT IN EVERYTHING SHE DOES PLEASE FOLLOW HERRRR 💕
— @mrsgrwy :
SHE'S MY DARLING BESTIE TOO!! 🥰💘 All her fics are amazing, and she writes them so well! Her Luke and Jace fics? DYING SCREAMING SHAKING 😭😭 Writes also for Modern! HOTD AUs. And her profile? AESTHETIC AF <3
— @howyouloveyourdragon
— @faces-ofvenus
Also writes for Aegon, Aemond, Jace, and Luke + some Modern AUs! And the way she writes smut? PLEASE IT'S PERFECT, SQUEALING EVERYTIME I READ ITTTT
— @countsmoon
Moonie, my babygirllll <33 I've seen Moon mostly write for our sweet little Luke! And, the fluffy, sweetest way my babe writes for him? FANGIRLING!!! It's so sweet and cute! Plus, also wrote a poly headcanon for Jace x reader x Luke, and that never left my mind ever since I read ittt 😩👌💘💘
— @house-strong
Please, the way this user writes is just PERFECT. The narration, the way to write the characters, the aesthetic it contains — JUST CHEFS KISS. Everytime I read this user's content I know it'll be a good fic! Especially the Luke one's... *sigh 😍*
— @valeskafics
My dirty slut I LOVE YOU SM. Mostly good as kinky smut for Cregan, Jace, Aemond and Aegon — With the best of AUs I have ever fucking read from HOTD SERIOUSLYYY SJDKDKDK <33
Hope I'm not forgetting of anyone!! But yeah, please read all this users works, I am absolutely delighted by all of them <33
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
Something I feel like the hotd fandom overlooks is that Daemon was a full on cop. Bro held a mass police brutality event in episode one. And Daemon girlies with ACAB in their profiles are still saying that him chocking Rhaenyra is out of character like most cops aren’t domestic abusers💀
To be fair to Daemon, Viserys mentions he had both previously been Master of Coin and Master of Laws, but kept getting different portfolios because Otto insisted he be moved. So, the most likely characterization would be that Daemon is just really bad at any government post? He did not stay long in the City Watch (nor did he even establish it; it came to be under Maegor), so, to be perfectly honest, I can only point to the Gold Cloaks' undying loyalty to Daemon as another instance of unexplained authorial bias. In practical terms, he's not so much a cop as he is... a nepo baby? 😅 Getting jobs he's not qualified for because he's the brother of the King?
That being said, for some reason, his image is associated with the Gold Cloaks in the collective consciousness, so it is bizarre that his stans refuse to even attempt to critique that. Though, in the spirit of quasi-historical objectivity, I do have to add that medieval law enforcement looks like an absolute mess to my eyes - so the pre-police system doesn't seem all that desirable to me either. From what I gather, it was primarily the responsibility of the victim to prove that they were wronged and bring the perpetrator to justice - with, perhaps, some help from the local community.
At the same time, what Daemon did with the Gold Cloaks was a thinly-veiled excuse to revel in violence. So I wouldn't say him being Commander of the City Watch was Problematique per se, more like. what he did with his position. which is to make a mockery of justice.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 2 months
Daughter of Steel and Bronze - HOTD
Targaryen!OC x Harwin Strong
Character Profile
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Name: Daena Targaryen
House: Targaryen, Royce (by birth)/ Strong (by marriage)
Father: Prince Daemon Targaryen
Mother: Lady Rhea Royce
Spouse: Ser Harwin Strong
Dragon: Vermithor - the Bronze Fury
Place of birth: Runestone, The Vale
Year of birth: 98 AC
Hair: long, silver-gold
Eyes: deep-set, almond-shaped, pale lilac
Languages: the Common Tongue, High Valyrian
I don't have a particular face claim for her like I do for my other OCs but this gif was too pretty not to use it.
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almostthre · 1 year
O K A Y.
So in the beginning of the year I decided that I needed to write again, mainly so I can empty my head a little, however I’ve been thinking about jacegon so much, there’s not enough fics of them, and then it occurred to me that I could fix that problem. Thus I must start writing, which is very hard you know, especially because I’m the type that just imagines things and, at most, conceptualizes them. What I’m trying to say is that I need someone to talk to about my ideas to properly develop them and since I’m not asking my friends about their opinions on this I’ll just scream at the void that is this hellhole and hope that it screams back!
Anyway, let’s start with my beloved idea that I like to call “The White Lotufication of HOTD” so basically we would be following the Targaryens as they go to this luxurious resort for a family reunion and the rest is just truly horrible! But in a fun way, like idk Vissy, as I like to call him, survived his eleventh heart attack or something so he forces everyone to go cause “life is just so precious and PLEASE my beloved family get along for once” as he always does. A few things I have already decided to include: Daemon is adopted, because I feel the need to minimize the incest since this would be a modern au, Aegon has been sober for some time, Jace has older daughter syndrome, Rheana is an influencer so the whole thing is being posted on her insta and so on.
But what really matters is the jacegon, right?
That’s why I’m here, so let’s talk about them, as mentioned Aegon is sober, or at least trying to be. Why? Because he got the family into a big scandal, I was thinking of a sex tape that leaked and the stuff in it was just nasty(please read this with the voice of an old lady for the effect). Thus Vissy(read Otto) gives him an ultimatum: get his shit together or get a job and stop living off of his trust fund and thanks to that he would be trying to keep a low profile for the first time in his life, it’s hard for him, okay? Now to his relationship with Jace in the begging of the fic. They used to be besties until Aemond lost his eye and the family split in two. Since then he’s had no one so in some ways he resents Jace, since once he was out of Aegon’s live he realized that he was alone while Jace still had Luke and the others by his side, also Jace is the perfect son, he doesn’t bring shame to the Targaryen family which fuels Aegon’s insecurities and this beautiful cycle where he wishes to be close to his nephew again but eventually just pushes him further forms at some point.
Now for my boy, Jace! He’s the oldest daughter, he can never fail or disappoint, he must be perfect or he’s nothing at all so needless to say he’s got some issues. I think his feelings for Aegon started when he was just a boy with a crush on his pretty uncle, but as he grew he couldn’t help but desire for more,however he feels as if they could never be together since Aegon is still a piece of shit that pushes Jace away, don’t get me wrong Jace is very much in love but his uncle is an undeniable asshole that treats him like shit and as I mentioned incest wouldn’t be as accepted in this scenario, so those two getting together would be a scandal, and, as mentioned before, Jace cannot have that, he must be perfect. In some ways he would remind me of Henry from “Red White and Royal Blue” in this scenario, hiding his true self behind the perfect persona.
As for why this would be “the white lotusfication of hoft”
1. There will be death, but not of a major character, this is a comedy;
2. These people are all clinically insane;
3. I find that writing about the extremely wealthy without sprinkles of my hatred for them thrown around to be impossible;
4. Idk I just think it would be cool okay
Anyways if you’re part of the void I beg you to talk to me
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 10 months
hotd season 2 is probably going to be ass cause they have no writers and i feel bad cause it’s not the actors fault 😭
It is nobody’s fault, but greedy studio executives.
It makes me sad for the likes of Ewan, Harry and Phia - these are supposed to be their big breakthrough roles, that will push them towards more high profile projects, and they’re being scuppered by the ideology of profit over quality. They’ll all give astounding performances regardless, I’m sure, but you can only do so much with so little, you know? Bums me out because so much has been sacrificed for Aemond’s character and Ewan loves that role, but it will suffer with no writers on set to support it.
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