#hotd fandom bullshit
lya-dustin · 5 months
Now that the damage has been done, we get to the wonderful task of rebuilding this fandom into a better place that should withstand the previous damage.
Now that all of yall have called out the toxic behavior and become outraged it is now time to put your money where your mouth is.
For starters i will tell you i am a white passing mexican woman who happens to have been born in texas. I identify as poc though my race is labeled as white on paper. I am aromantic asexual. This i put here so you know i am not a white person here telling you this.
Not putting it under a read more, you see it the fucking read it
So i will be upfront about what must be done.
If you see shit behavior like racism and other sorts of bigotry call that shit out. Seriously, dont let it slide and do something about it
If a person of color tells you something is wrong about you or someone else's behavior LISTEN
Now that your outrage is over uplift poc voices especially those hurt in this. make sure you give them the microphone instead of making it about you and your feelings
Be sure to fucking know the difference between shit talking about others and so called venting
Just because a person articultes well doesn't mean they are always right
Don't blindly believe everything you see and hear, verify before you act on it because as we saw you could be being fed lies from someone you trust
Keep yourself safe, make sure your privacy is secured and if you do not feel safe sharing anything with anyone you meet or befriend here remember you are not obligated to share private info
You don't have to stay in a fandom you no longer feel safe or enjoy, people move away from zones afflicted by a disaster and if you feel like you need to then don't hesitate to do it.
Oh and most importantly curate your own expirience block whoever you wish and you don't have to explain yourself to anyone
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kvtnisseverdeen · 1 month
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TEEN WOLF REWATCH: 2.02 “SHAPE SHIFTED" And you're the idiot dating Argent's daughter. Yeah. I know your little secret. And if I know, how long do you think it's gonna take for them to find out? You saw what happens to an omega. With me, you learn how to use all of your senses. With me, you learn control. Even on a full moon.
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dreamfaerye · 5 months
'TB hasn't read the books.'
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Are you sure about that?
Because majority of TB posts I've seen are based off the books. In fact, many are nice enough to post the actual sections they are talking about! The ones that don't, you'll know if it's bs if you read the books or know how to do a web search.
I haven't seen a TG post that wasn't based on the show or headcanons. No receipts from canon.
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bohemian-nights · 6 months
No this fandom is actually insane
Do people think it’s ok to write “he was teaching her how to bathe”?????? I’m honestly scared to go read the post that they were talking about. The lengths that these people will go to just to prove that dettles never happened
Read at your own risk.
The person who wrote that is actually Black(or so they claim), but is willing to throw Black characters and Black fans under the bus and promote negative stereotypes about us for their mostly (racist) followers in defense of a racist characters desirability.
Sir/ma’am, if you are reading this, get some self respect. I’m actually embarrassed for you cause this shit is actually pathetic. You’re better than this.
Case in point they wrote this crap a while back with 100% sincerity:
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(I should also note that I actually had a run in with them about a year and some change ago and they threatened to block me after I asked them if Corlys bathing with Rhaenyra would be normal father daughter figure bonding time so I blocked them first😊).
Like you don’t have to like Dettles, but when you are pushing harmful ideology and stereotypes (Black people are so stupid/dirty that we need the white mans help to civilize us) as a way to discredit them and make those who ship it look like angry Black women jealous of the poor helpless white woman and her stans, you’ve gone too far.
Let’s keep in mind that this poor helpless white woman was actively trying to kill a Black girl for a crime she claims she didn’t commit and that despite claiming that Nettles definitely didn’t sleep with Daemon her stans spazz out everytime you mention her name and actively want her cut from the show.
Or how about the fact that these same stans actively stalk and harass Dettles shippers whose only crime has been pointing out y’all’s bullshit.
Let’s keep in mind all of this shall we:
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So who is actually jealous of who here? Who in this scenario wants racial revenge?* Who is the problem in this hellhole of a fandom?
Is it the people merely pointing out Nettles importance to the Dance and Daemon’s arc or the people who hurl racial insults and stereotypes? The people who want her erased from the narrative in its entirety cause she disrupts the status quo?
(The fact that someone would even fix their mouth to say that when Black people have been beaten, raped, enslaved, terrorized, tortured, disenfranchised, abused, subjected, and not even given common decency and respect for centuries by these people. If we wanted racial revenge it damn sure wouldn’t be off the back of a fucking fictional character).
The fact that they can’t see Nettles value and only see her as some irrelevant Black girl and reduce people liking her down to a gotcha/“woke” moment is fandom misogynoir in action.
They forget that she comes from nothing, claims a dragon, has a prince willing to give his life for her(six men or sixty remember that since y’all claim to be capable of reading🙃), survives the Dance and becomes a firewitch worshipped by a group of people, because they don’t want to acknowledge her importance.
It makes them uncomfortable to do so because she doesn’t look like them, but people like I’m not like those other Negros cover up for them so that when they are called out for it they can go see this n-I mean this Black person agrees with me.
Imagine being this butt hurt about a fictional character that you can’t even leave your racism or tap dancing at the door for five seconds.
Nettles doesn’t fit the mold, but that’s the point of her story.
They can recognize maester propaganda and scream about feminism when it comes to their white faves, but when it comes to the Black girl who is actively being stereotyped and maligned for her gender, race, and social standing in the source material they believe it no questions asked?
Again, what does it say about you that you are so willing to believe that a Black girl who was clever enough to claim a wild dragon doesn’t know how to bathe herself? What does it say about you that you think Daemon would never touch her with a ten foot pole just because she’s Black?
What does it say about you don’t want her on the show because of her race? What does it say about you that a fictional character who just so happens to be Black has you worked up into a tizzy.
Y’all claim to be for women(real or fictional), but in reality you only care about the women who look like you and shit on women you see as beneath you. Women who you think are a threat to the status quo. You’re no better than the men who oppress you.
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ride-thedragon · 5 months
It's absolutely abhorrent the treatment of Actors of Colour and Queer/Non Binary actors from the house of the dragon fandom.
Bullying actors who were literally children at the start of production because you don't like the way they do their job and communicate their process.
Abusing actors with slurs against them because you don't like their character or the fact that they are a person of colour in this universe.
Utilising the unconscious brutal imagery invoked by the show to fuel your hatred and take it out on the actor.
Misgendering out and proud non binary actors.
Going further than the show did to contribute to the minimising of these black characters. Going as far as to say that the actresses are interchangeable.
Using racist, transphobic, sexist language against the actors for portraying characters.
Removing women in their written narratives because you don't agree with their actions yet no words about the atrocities of male characters there and coming.
Calling actors ugly and using ai especially to take their faces and distort them into your own perversions.
So much more things that can be added, but don't come to mind yet they occur. There seems to be a disconnect between these actors and who they portray.
The fact that this is their job and not their life. The fact that black and brown characters are allowed to be written into these fantasy genres without extra hatred for being bipoc and nuanced. The fact that Trans and Non binary actors can exist within this space with the understanding of separating them from the gender of the character they portray. The idea that you shouldn't bully children as the majority of this fandom is adults.
We are too grown to have these conversations about basic respect. You all are too grown to conflate actors with their characters and hurl abuses towards them because you don't like their character or pit them against each other as though they are in competition.
Get a fucking grip.
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eddardofthehousestark · 3 months
I find it funny how last week due to a tweet joking shipping Ned/Rhaenyra a bunch of green stans decided to "defend" Ned's honor by saying he is bastardphobic.
Personally, I don't care about the whole debate of which side would Ned join, because it's pure crack AU fanfiction. You could make good arguments for him siding with either faction, and many green stans did make good arguments for why he might side with the Greens. Ned doesn't hate bastards, he isn't 'bastardphobic'. His character is a bit more nuanced than that. I do think Ned would care about Rhaenyra's, I just don't think he would care as much as a lot of this fandom thinks he would. To say Ned would care as much about Rhaenyra's bastards as he would Cersei's bastards, ignores a lot of other factors that make Rhaenyra and Cersei's circumstances different. And they are very much different. Honestly, these "Ned Stark is bastardphobic" remind me of all the old "Catelyn Stark hates bastards" arguments, both arguments ignore the whole character and hyperfocus on one small part of them. I could go write more about this, but I won't because I find the whole debate stupid. I just really hate how this fandom removes all nuance from Ned Stark. Last thing I will write is that a lot of people need to learn to lighten the fuck up. A person made a joke about Ned/Rhaenyra and you dumbfucks take it so seriously that they get hundreds of quote tweets insulting for not "reading the books". I have read the books, and Rhaenyra is fossilized dragon shit by the time Ned is even born. It was a tweet about a crack ship where the OP was joking about Rhaenyra having no bastards because Ned would give her a dozen kids and a breeding kink.
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mswyrr · 10 months
The "women for T/rump" characterization of Alicent annoys me on three levels
Modern women who have legal and social rights willing to shred those for white supremacy is not the same as a woman who never had a chance at any rights and cannot even dream of a world where she has rights because she believes so deeply in her religion and obedience to authority
The people who say this know her fanbase is small and majority queer people. They fucking know this. They bring up our real world oppression and the very real danger of our actual rights being taken away in the US -- to score on us for liking a fictional character they hate. I'm sorry, what kind of people act like that??? And some of them have outright said "lol she'd hate crime you" so - this is intentional. And disgusting. Imagine not giving a shit about real people and their human rights, everything is just a toy to play with in fandom bullshit.
Can people familiarize themselves with any period of history? Literally any at all? Because then they'd have the awareness that conditions and specifics change over time and GRRM was drawing on very different ones than ours when writing his fantasy world? That it is ignorant af to try to make it a 1:1 to our current moment.
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frankensteined · 3 months
every time i go into the hotd tags i am greeted by some of the blandest, most "are you actually paying attention when you watch this show?"ing-est takes i've ever seen by people who still have not gotten over the idea of cliques in high school
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helaenasaegon · 9 months
"Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey aren't true Valeryons, they're Strong bastards, so I refuse to call them Velaryon!"
Well, the head of House Velaryon certainly has no problem calling them Velaryon, and he loves them dearly, so I think you can too. 😊
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lya-dustin · 5 months
On the bright side, usually the federal crime is the grand finale to shit like this(i have unfortunately lived this before), but on the bad side the damage is already done and even the show coming back on in june may not even save this steaming pile of shit we call the fandom. Too many assholes who have sadly enabled this until shit hit the fan (complete with doctored discord ss and convinient scapegoats, damn this was truly inuyasha/yashahime 2.0)
I'll still be here, my cringe ass fics will still be here and i honestly hope this doesn't repeat itself
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Larys Strong and Criston Cole: *listen to Alicent rant about her frustrations as her only confidantes and then do unhinged shit of their own accord in not just an attempt to aid her but also because of their own motives and feelings because they take the initiative and act of their own free will*
Some of y'all: how dare Alicent do this!
Not like Larys and Criston are they're own people or anything folks.
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dreamfaerye · 3 months
Just saw an anti Laena post. No reason given for hating Laena (and Laenor, according to their tags), just downplaying her bonding with Vhagar and birthing the twins. Absolutely no mention of the love both Daemon and Rhaenyra had for her.
This person had a Daemyra pfp.
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navree · 5 months
"you can't put alicent in a mother's day asoiaf comp because she's not a good mother and that's okay :)" but you have no problem with cersei fucking lannister in it when half her affc chapters are just about how abysmally she fails as a mother to her children so i think you're just a cunt
#personal#anti hotd fandom#'um cersei loves her children' yeah so does alicent#but you're not gonna convince me that cersei is a good mother#it's like a huge part of her that she kinda can't be because of how narcissistic she is and all her other issues#she loves her children yeah but she's way too permissive of them#(which leads to disaster like we saw with joffrey)#and she can be downright cruel to tommen to keep him under her control (cuz she doesn't want him to die yes but still)#if alicent can't be in something as inconsequential as a fucking mother's day post because even tho she loves her children#(and has to deal with a much more precarious political situation and her extreme youth when she became a mother and no support)#then be consistent and acknowledge that those same critiques also very much apply to cersei#(personally i think that cersei is more of a Bad Mom than alicent for a wide variety of reasons)#(but i don't restrict female characters to their roles as mothers cuz i'm fucking normal)#honestly you can make a case for rhaenyra not being allowed on any good mother list either because of her lies about her sons' parentage#and how that actively contributes to making their lives difficult and screwing them over and also her war leading to their deaths#anyway today is my day to be absolutely petty about fandom bullshit that doesn't mean anything cuz man sometimes team black pisses me off#it's just another version of those 'i wish alicent was the evil hag bitch from the books that i totally loved i swear' disingenuous bs post#'it's okay to admit alicent is a bad mother and bad person guys' yeah it's okay for YOU to admit you just don't like the character#big 'we loved cersei for the villain she was even tho we actually all hated her guts and harassed lena heady about it' vibes tbf
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capsiclesteebrogers · 2 years
i really want an episode of "house of the dragon" in modern family style. each of them having solo shots and airing out each other's bussiness. it would be just too hilarious.
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caddy-crystal-queen · 2 years
So on today's episode of Who In the GOT/HOTD Fandom Needs to be Slapped...
Alicent Stan's!
Yeah...I've been waiting a loooooooong time to rip into these people. A very, very long time. Let me make one thing clear: if you're like a moderate alicent fan, like you just really like her character but don't use her as a reason to treat others in the Fandom/other characters like shit, this rant does not apply to you. Apparently I was "rude" for putting Daemyra stans all in the same box last time I did this (whatever the fuck means, my point still stands at that Comment 🙄)
So if you're just a moderate alicent fan, you're fine. No, I'm talking about assholes that defend her as if she was a real person and use her as a reason to treat others in the Fandom like shit
So I just read a rant from an Alicent Stan about Rhanerya basically being a slut.
My dude.
My guy.
My brother/sister/sibling in Ra...
"Oh but Rhanerya is a slut because she had five bastards and-"
Shut up.
Shut. The fuck. Up.
First of all, you're wrong. Viserys and Aegon were by blood legitimate, she was married to Daemon, who was their father so fuck off. You're also wrong in that Laenor Velaryon gave those boys his name and still helped raise them. By your logic, I myself would be a bastard, as, getting a little personal here, I was conceived out of adultery and my dad still took responsibility for me. So in the eyes of the law, Jace, Luke, and Joff are legitimate. Get it? Got it. Good. That's over and done with.
Second of all: read what the fuck I wrote before I slapped you...REPEATEDLY IF YOU HAVE TO! These characters are not real. Their actions have no consequences in actual reality. You are literally wasting precious finite time on this earth protecting a character who doesn't even fucking exist. What are you doing with your fucking life, seriously?
Third of all: even if their actions had consequences here: who the fuck are you to even judge? Like seriously, what fucking authority gave you the right to say anything? What power are you imbued with to say that you can slut shame anyone and have it taken seriously? I really thought Tumblr was a lot more open minded than that, but yall are proving otherwise. Nothing gives you the right to judge. "Omg a woman had sex outside of marriage! The absolute horror! O.O"...dude...shut up. There are worse things going on in the world today and this is what you decide to worry about? The virtue or lack thereof of a (need I remind you) fictional character who does not exist?
Fourth of all: stop using Alicent as an excuse to hate/harm other people's experience! Like really I almost quit the Fandom when I saw this particular rant. You can like a character, fine. But using their qualities and they themselves as a means to shit on other characters and fans, using Fandom as a measure of one's morality, and taking hatred of characters you don't like to the next level is extremely harmful for the Fandom experience. If you don't like a character, fine. But going out of your way to analyze and treat that character like shit does nothing for you. It's actually seriously unhealthy, and I'm a little worried about you. Stop wasting your time cause that's all that is.
I'm not even kidding. This was originally going to be an I quit post, where I was going to just be done with this Fandom entirely. The greens and blacks may be at war, but as a Fandom we shouldn't have to be. It's seriously ridiculous. If you have that much anger and aggression put it towards something useful.
Stop being an asshole.
Stop using a character as a non existent meat shield to hide your own internal problems. There's therapy for that!
Stop your nonsense and bullshit.
And seriously, if this is all you do with your Fandom life, you really need to do something else. Fandom is supposed to be about enjoying things, not being overly critical for no good reason. Get some help. Seriously.
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kataraavatara · 4 months
hotd fandoms greatest crime is that everyone is so invested in teams discourse the only way jace’s hypothetical reign is discussed is when people are spewing bullshit about how it would start a Glorious Bastard Revolution and/or civil war and NO ONE ever talks about what baela’s rule as queen consort would be like. would she bring her pet monkey to court yes or no.
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