#hotel key keychain
yuyuwuu · 3 months
✨ Hazbin Hotel key chains in the shape of the key ✨.
Available in two colors and with two types of pendants.
Printed by: @poki3d in instagram.
Painted, varnished and assembled by hand 🖌️
Available on April 1st ✨
Which one do you like the most? 👀
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cryptidlunacy · 3 months
My whole shop is 20% off right now, so if you're interested in anything now's the time!
I've got Mothman, Alastor, Vox- things I haven't even promoted! So go check it out!
Also liking and sharing really helps! 😌
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simanzi · 1 year
nevermind for a second that this is a tumblr ad, what is this type of keychain called? cus i really like it
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boiohboii · 10 days
The Lost Keychain
(Max Verstappen x f!reader)
When Max loses a key chain gifted to him by his girlfriend, the world realises that a race track isn't the only thing he dominates in.
When Max's girlfriend shocks the world about how she has 2 different personalities.
WARNINGS: NOT PROOFREAD, JUST SOMETHING QUICK, A BIT SUGGESTIVE. no actual smut but description of a spicy position in a photo and a suggestive quote engraved on key chain.
Everyone knows how much Max hates media days and reporters invading his privacy, he hates talking about his personal life, especially his girlfriend.
When they first started dating Max tried to keep her away from the media as much as possible, and no one blamed him seeing how sweet, kind and lovely she is, nowadays some of his fans even save her from reporters during race weekends, everyone loved her and they all followed Max's footsteps into protecting the sweet, shy girl.
So maybe this was his fault, actually scratch that, it is definitely his fault, he shouldn't have lost such a precious gift. He feels like everyone is watching his every move much more than usual ever since the incidence at the redbull garage got out, but what can he do, after all a gift like that shouldn't have even been outside of his hotel room.
"Guys, who lost their keychain?"
A redbull mechanic screamed over the noise as he waves the found item around, jiggling sounds from what appears to be multiple house keys and two gate keys gradually drawing the attention of the entire redbull garage.
"Why would anyone even bring their house keys to the garage?" an intern dismissed "none of us have a house in this country man."
Shrugging, the mechanic decided to keep it with him until it's owner realises, and until then he decided to just examine it, maybe there'd be a clue of who it belongs to.
The chocking sound alerted some fellow mechanics, making them get closer to the one who was now red faced with wide eyes looking at the lost keychain.
"Damn," a mechanic said as he took the keychain "that's one lucky motherfucker"
Other mechanics make their way over to the commotion, a crowd forming to see why such an item is taking so much attention.
It was a silver keychain, that much was seen by all the mechanics from afar, what wasn't seen from afar however was what had all of them coughing awkwardly, some even blushing.
On one side of the diamond shaped chain you can see the words 'welcum home. Dinner is ready.' Now, you would think that the pun is just weirdly placed and doesn't match with the sweet message, but the message was intended to be anything but sweet. Turning the chain to its other face, you would see another engravement. A picture. A woman who appeared to be resting on a flat surface supporting her weight on one elbow so that she can lift her torso up, with her legs wide open, palm covering her and a bike helmet on her head. But it wasn't a bike helmet, it was a helmet with an outline that's eerily similar to the design of Max Verstappen's 2021 helmet.
"Holy shit."
"Do you think-"
"Hey, has anyone seen a silver diamond shaped keychain?" The familiar voice of their three times world champion cut through their talking, making them all look like they were 5 year old children with their hand in a cookie jar way past their bedtime. And Max noticed.
Walking closer to the mechanics Max's cheeks got redder and redder with each step, coughing and smiling awkwardly.
"So," clearing his throat in a failed attempt to make things not so tense "that's mine, give it back."
Trembling hands dropped the silver item into Max's awaiting palm before he clenched it around the treasured chain, turning and taking his leave.
"What did you guys do to Max? His face and ears are all red." GP's voice cut through the awkward atmosphere, no one knowing what to say or do.
Noticing the environment and reading the room, GP laughed as he looked at the rest of his colleges. "Did he lose the keychain again?"
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luveline · 6 months
hi, i’m not sure if your requests are open, forgive me if not, but i’ve been thinking about bombshell!reader and spence lately. not sure if you’ve written this already or something similar, but how about them sharing a room on a case? similar to alaska.
fem, 1k
Spencer predicted the outcome of the roommate situation fairly quickly. Ignoring whatever data he might have in his head about the team, Spencer was always going to end up sharing with you tonight, because the universe hates him, and because you quite like him. 
It's nice to be someone first choice, if nothing else. “Me and Spencer will share, obviously,” you say, holding out your hand for a keycard. 
Hotch passes it over without complaint. He doesn't have to say keep it professional, you will (ish), and he doesn't have to ask Spencer if he's okay with this arrangement. Despite endless exhausting teasing, everyone knows that you and Spencer are actually friends. Or, he thinks you are. 
You certainly feel quite friendly as you hike your bag higher up your arm and sew the other arm through his. “Let's go. I'm so tired I might fall asleep on the way there.” 
You don't look tired. Spencer struggles to understand how every emotion you wear suits you. How every time he looks at you, you're prettier. He read a book recently on human attraction, and less factual but perhaps his most strongly believed takeaway from the book was that a person grows more attracted to the person they're attracted to, like a loop, or an ouroboros snake eating its own tail, forced over and over to make the same stupid mistake. What is he doing? Does he really think this is a good idea? Is he in love with you? How couldn't he be? You walk arm in arm to a room you're going to share and you don't care that he smells sickly of arnica and deodorant mixed together. You ignore the dark circles under his eyes, dark circles you never seem to have, always so perfect, always so you. 
“This one?” you ask, coming to a stop. “Room… 108?” He takes your bag and you smile gratefully, inserting the key, and legging open the door. “Tada. Home sweet home, Dr. Reid.” 
The hotel room is small and stale. Clean, sure, but questionably, with yellowing furnishings and sparse furniture. There's a double bed, two nightstands, a cubby bathroom close to the door, and a single chair near a small free standing countertop opposite of the bed, hosting a microwave and cups with hot chocolate sachets. 
“Wow,” you say, beaming, immediately breaking for the bed. 
“Wait, wait! We have to check for bed bugs.” 
You hold your hands up in surrender. 
Spencer peels the sheets back and uses the little torch on his keychain to investigate the mattress while you sit on the floor, one leg crossed beneath you and the other stretched in front of you as you sort through your clothes. You hum as you fold a shirt cleanly and make a pleased sound that may prove to give him indigestion as you unearth your pyjamas. 
“Spencer, can I shower first? Do you mind?” 
“I don't mind.” He turns off the torch, satisfied. “Thank you. For letting me check without being annoyed.”He says the second bit quieter than he means to. 
“Why would I be annoyed?” you ask, standing up in a whirlwind of pistachio perfume. Low notes of something sweet and caramelised haunt him as you drop your hand on his shoulder. “I'm gonna shower really fast, I swear. Should we get dinner? I bet we could order something to the front desk.” 
“I'll see if they have any menus.” 
Sitting in bed with you, later, showered and fed and drinking microwaved hot chocolate from paper cups together, Spencer has a strange flash of pleasure. Talking to you, seeing you with your hair in its protective style for the night, your skin shining with lotions and serums, and to have the revelation that you really do have dark circles under your makeup, it all feels private and special. Because you're still undeniably beautiful, and you act like he's worth sharing that with. 
He feels overwhelmed, in all honesty. 
You can sense it. You do your best to calm him down. 
“Finish your drink, babe,” you say, knocking him on the thigh with your knuckles. “It was a really long day.” 
“I'm fine.” 
“Yes, you are.” You giggle at yourself. “Sorry, I'm being serious tonight, I decided.” 
“Why?” he asks, puzzled. 
“I don't want to make you uncomfortable.” 
“You don't.” 
You put your hot chocolate on the nightstand and sink back into the pillows, looking every bit a movie star as usual despite your fresh face. It's your expression, the confidence behind them, that makes you so beautiful. 
“What are you thinking?” you ask. 
He looks down into his hot chocolate, swirling the drink around and around. “You're beautiful.” 
It catches you off guard. You're quiet for too long, panic festering in his chest. 
“You are too.” You put your hand on his thigh. When he brings his haze to your face, you've closed your eyes, a small smirk playing on your lips. “Wanna brush my teeth for me?” 
“No.” You both laugh. “Sorry if that was out of the blue, before.”
“I say worse to you,” you say. “Lay down with me. We can snuggle.” 
Spencer lays down. You don't snuggle, but your hand stays pressed to the side of his thigh, and the smell of your perfume lingers despite your shower. It must've been caught in your hair. 
“It's weird,” you say, facing the ceiling, “I'm not tired anymore.” 
“It's called learned arousal.” 
Your laugh is a shock. “Oh, is it now?” 
“Not like that. Are you thinking about work? If you think about certain things while you're in bed, it starts to make it so you think about those things on instinct. You've conditioned yourself.” 
“I don't think so,” you say. “Well, maybe. Mostly I just think about you, Spence. And not like that.” You laugh again, so much laughter Spencer could conjure the sound from memory alone. “Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I promise I'm not trying to harass you.” 
He stares at the side of your face. “I know what you mean. I think about you too.” 
“Well, good to know I'm not in this torture alone,” you say softly. 
It is the worst night's sleep of Spencer's life, but he thinks he might want to do it again. 
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everythingne · 6 months
marketing ploy - ln4 ch7
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Lando recovers. McLaren and Red Bull own up. Olivia and Lando decide the future, and give Oscar a heart attack while doing so. We get our happy ending.
piastri!oc x lando norris, bestfriends brother/fake dating
warnings/notes: hospital visits, mentioned injuries, loopiness from medication, pregnancy/sex jokes, media being bitches, lando going 'guys i gotta keep her' and doing the absolute MOST lmao, this is also TECHNICALLY the last chapter but im gonna write more for olivia and lando most def (also olivia will feature as oscars sister in other fics bc i love her)
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I haven't run in years.
I can feel the burn of the air in my lungs as I force them open, adrenaline making every rib shake as I suck in a breath and force it back out. My shoes slam into the floor of the paddocks, sending jolts up my legs as I whisk my bag over my shoulder and 'just go' as Christian had said. My mind is swimming with a thousand thoughts. What if he was seriously injured? He was able to walk, but he collapsed, was it his legs? Or his ribs? What if it's his back? Or his arms? How long will he be out? Is this a whole-season issue or just a few weeks?
Fuck, I cannot be thinking about this right now.
I sweep the room quickly to make sure I have everything, patting my pockets to check for my phone--which is nestled in the back left pocket of my jeans, before whirling around and out of the room.
Once I'm out of the paddocks and towards the exits, where it opens a bit more, the wind whisks into my skin and bites me as I use one hand to dig through the side pocket to find Lando's car keys. I can't steady my hands, even when I'm trying to control their shake, they just get worse. Whether it's fear or anxiety, I find it plain annoying as I struggle to get the small keychain out of my bag. Lando had driven me here from the hotel and shoved the keys in my bag since he didn't walk in with his bag and didn't want to lose the car keys.
Luckily, he had, because talking to anyone in this state would be a bust. I could feel my attitude snipping at my heart as people shouted my name at me. I couldn't stop. I had to find Lando. I knew what hospital he'd be taken to, I had to get there in one piece.
And it was going to be hard with the fucking media right here.
A few reporters try to follow me, but I'm able to slip through the crowds like water. Once I make it to the parking lot, a woman steps in front of me with her camera held high and I shout.
"Can you fucking move?!" And shove her to the side as I zip out of the lot. Fuck the standards, fucking being polite, I'll ask for forgiveness later. And apologize, probably.
Throwing my bag haphazardly into the car, I follow suit and slam the door. There's time here for me to scream, cry, and rage in semi-private, but I bite back the bubble in my throat, throwing my seatbelt on and turning on the car's engine. I wait no time to slam the car forward into first gear, pulling out of the lot with shaking hands. My hands slip with sweat as I try when I remember his McLaren's manual. Cursing, I force myself to revert back to the car I drove in high school as my hands dance across the car in perfected practice.
Thank god I still have that going for me.
The highway is empty, where I thought there'd be lines of traffic there are only a few sparse cars. I slam the car as hard as it can go, watching the ticking of the speedometer, 50... 60... 70... 80...
I look behind me, merging into the fast lane and gunning it even harder. The car sings, and I feel an odd rush of momentary euphoria.
I hit around 165kpm at some point. The car doesn't even shake, it seemingly glides along with my movements, I hear sirens, I don't know if they're for me but I'm not staying to find out. I press harder, merging to the off-ramp and taking it, barely registering what's around me as I slam on my brakes and slip into the traffic near the hospital.
It feels good to drive like that. Maybe I should get back into racing at some point.
Once the McLaren is parked in a back corner of the hospital lot, I grab my bag, rip myself out of the car, and slam it shut, and triple-check it's locked. I turn and book it into the hospital, trying to breathe steady enough to keep myself from losing my shit. It feels like I can't run fast enough, slipping into the hospital and around people who dodge my clearly rushed pace. I pause in front of a desk, panicked and out of breath when someone comes to my side.
"Hi, honey, who are you lookin' for?" A kind nurse says, her hand finding my arm to apply soothing pressure as she notices the fear in my movements. I thought I was hiding it better than I was, I guess. I take a slow breath and let the shake in my hands come in, no longer holding everything back.
"Lando Norris, he just came in with Formula One?" I ask and the woman nods. She asks to see my ID and I fish out my license and Red Bull card to verify my employment.
"Olivia!" A voice shouts as my items are handed back when I'm cleared, and Jon comes up to my side, pointing at my head.
"You still have your headset on." He says softly and I look him up and down, pointing at him.
"So do you," I say. We pause and fall into soft laughter as I pull the headset down to my neck. Jon takes me by the elbow further into the hospital, out of the view of some of the reporters who try to snap photos of us as they're shoved out by the security. I hadn't even seen them when I made my way inside. Through the winding halls, and down to a smaller section of the hospital, Jon brings me to the door to what I assume is Lando's room.
"He's fine." Jon starts with, which eases me immediately, "He's a bit banged up, they think he might have broken or bruised one of his ribs. He's really out of it, the painkillers made him super loopy. Just a forewarning, he's also been dipping in and out of consciousness so don't be alarmed. It's just the painkillers."
"Is his family here yet?" I ask, looking at the door, and Jon shakes his head no once I look back at him.
"They're driving at normal speeds, so no. I don't wanna know how you got here so fast." He steps forward and knocks. A nurse pops open the door and welcomes us inside, Jon stays back while I make my way to the bedside. Lando's wearing a tee shirt and some loose sports shorts, he looks exhausted. I can see bruising on his legs as I nurse tosses the blanket over him as if trying to hide it from me.
"Here!" She pulls up a chair happily and I thank her as I sit down on it, taking my bag off and setting it on the floor, dropping my headphones in. I sigh, taking Lando's hand and feeling his pulse as if the machine that literally tells me that is lying. It feels good to feel his heart thrum under my skin and I kiss his wrist where the pulsepoint is.
"My girlfrien's not g'nna like you doin' that." Lando tries to take his hand from me, Jon snorting in the doorway. I let go of him and laughed softly, leaning up to brush his hair back from his face, the longer curls sticking to his forehead. He's still got the lines from his helmet and balaclava, and I trace one with my finger as he gives me the nastiest stink eye I've ever seen him muster.
"Hi, Lando." I croon, and he whines, slowly rolling his head to the side.
"I have a girlfriend." He states, poking my hand to push it away from him and I send him an odd look. Jon walks over and I can see he's recording, which makes a small amused smile poke at my lips.
"Lando," I laugh softly and Lando whacks my hands away softly, fighting through the weariness of his pain medication to wave his arms.
"I have a girlfriend." He pouts, laying his hands still at his side. I just laugh again, and Lando shouts in his dreary state, "It's not funny! I do!"
"Shush, shh, Lando." I stand and push my chair back a bit as I stifle my laugh into the back of my hand.
Jon calls from where he stands, attempting to help me not laugh by giving me something new to focus on, "Who's your girlfriend, Lando?"
"Olivia. Oscar's sister, which he was actually not happy about at first but I convinced him I was cool--" Lando keeps rambling on until I lift my hand and cup his cheek, running my thumb under his eye as I speak softly.
"Lando, baby, I am your girlfriend." I put a hand on my chest, "I am Olivia."
Lando blinks, eyes settling on me before he gasps and leans up to grab my face and pull me down for a litter of soft pecks to my cheeks and face. I catch myself on the bed and laugh, catching his lips as he happily grins up at me. It's all doe eyes, lovesick smiles on his lips as he keeps his hands tight on my face.
"Hi, baby." He whispers, bringing me in for another kiss and I detach one of his hands so it can rest by his side. I slowly situate him against the blankets with the help of Jon, and sit a bit closer to the head of the bed so Lando can be close enough to me. He keeps one of his hands in mine and I slowly run my thumb along his knuckles.
"Well, Mr. Norris!" A piercing voice calls, a young woman stepping into the room with a bit of an excited flourish, "You are all set! Jon's gonna look over your scans, specifically for those bruised ribs. We're thinking it'll be about three or four weeks of healing, and he's gonna make that like--workout plan and stuff with your personal doctor."
"Ah, thank you, Doctor." Lando smiles, watching as the doctor hands Jon some papers to look over. She smiles at me, a hint of recognition in her eyes.
"Olivia, right?" She asks and I nod, shaking her outstretched hand.
"I'm glad you made it here, Lando was waiting for you a bit impatiently." She kept her happy smile, rocking from foot to foot, "Kept asking us where you were, or when you'd get here. You've got a good man on your hands here, sweetheart."
"I know." My heart is bursting, "He's shown me that over and over."
oliviapiastri and landonorris have posted new stories!
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mclaren has made a new post!
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxfewtrell, danielricciardo, and 876k others..
Thank you once again to @ oliviapiastri for taking care of our #4 and providing the team with love and some pics while he was recovering! Lando is at home now, and our official statement on the accident and other situations this season has been posted on our website.
View the story: McLaren.uk/formula1/landoolivia...
user has turned off comments for this post!
On the 22nd of February this year, Lando Norris (MCLAREN F1 TEAM, DRIVER) and Olivia Piastri (ORACLE RED BULL, HEAD OF ANALYSIS) were pulled into the office of Christian Horner (ORACLE RED BULL, TEAM PRINCIPAL) in Bahrain. A deal was struck between both parties and their corresponding teams to create a fake dating scenario, capitalizing on the tensions between Oracle Red Bull Racing and the McLaren F1 Team to push ticket and merchandising sales. This fake relationship was planned to eventually leak in PR and Social Media Strategy, however, due to Norris' crash in Silverstone, the entire program has been canceled. The program was also discovered by F1 Stewards upon investigation after Olivia's reaction to the accident cemented rumors in the media of the two dating. Both the McLaren F1 Team and Oracle Red Bull are under investigation, and fines are yet to be announced.
Norris and Piastri chose not to be a part of this statement and can be expected to make their own statements in the coming weeks.
On July 9th of this year, Lando Norris was involved in an accident in the pitlane of Silverstone. Engineers have determined this was caused by an overheating of brake lines that didn't allow Norris to stop his vehicle along with worn tires. No fines have been placed at this moment.
Olivia Piastri will return to work with Red Bull remotely immediately and will be in-person by Zandvoort. Lando Norris will return to racing with McLaren by Zandvoort and will be replaced by reserve driver Bianca Bustamente for the time being. Neither Norris nor Piastri will be fined for involvement with the media stunt, or with the accident as of this moment.
There’s a sort of haze around me as I blink sleep from my eyes. A warm pressure on my left makes me look to the side. Lando’s face is squished against my chest, soft snores leaving his slightly parted lips and rolling across my bare skin that pokes out from under my tank top. I take a moment to take it all in, how we’d gotten here, how we were, and I can’t help but roll to pull him closer to me and curl him inside my arms as I pepper a few kisses to his hairline.
How did I ever not like him? He's a fucking saint.
Lando, a heavy sleeper until I started sleeping in the same bed, noticed immediately and grabbed my waist with groggy whines about how tired he was. I coax him back to sleep, kissing his hairline and gently massaging his back until the snores return and I smile at Lando’s sleeping face.
“Awake yet?” Oscar calls from the door, and I wave. He laughs under his breath, waving me over, and it takes a bit of grace to detach myself from Lando. Once I do, I grab one of the spare throw blankets off the floor from where Lando had kicked it and slip over to where Oscar is standing by the door as I wrap it around me to keep out the morning chill.
“He’s exhausted. I think all the stress of the season is catching up on him.” I rub sleep from my face, and Oscar nods, handing me a piece of toast like a peace offering. I take it and tilt my head at him.
“They’re fining McLaren and Red Bull a lot for this stunt. It just came out.” Oscar hums, “said it’s a breach of contract and a risk for documents to be shared amongst the teams…”
My heart jumps to my throat, and I look at Lando’s sleeping form as he rolls into where my fading body heat is still in the blankets, “they want us to split?”
“Well. Lando’s contract ends with McLaren this year.” Oscar paused to take a sip of his coffee before leaning in to whisper, “and you didn’t hear it from me, but Christian has been looking at grabbing him for a few years now.”
“Is Checo moving?” I ask because I know Max wouldn’t leave Red Bull unless we forced him out by dragging him by his ankles.
“I dunno.” Oscar grins, stepping back and whacking my shoulder, “but you can date within your garage, so.”
With that, he walks away and I turn back to Lando as he starts to stir. I lean on the doorframe and watch as he blearily blinks his eyes open, hands searching for me in the covers until he lifts his head to see me off in the doorway.
“C’mere.” he croaks, and I smile, pushing off the doorframe and walking over to sit on the edge of the bed as he wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my thighs.
I can’t imagine him in navy. But it might look good on him.
“is Max positive?” Lando pokes his head into the kitchen doorway, looking at the island where I’m staring at my laptop. I look up and shrug, sending an email back to Christian about the fines and the media being on his ass for the whole stunt.
“Kylie said it’ll be here in five minutes,” I reply, refreshing my email as if that will make the minutes suddenly not matter and for the email to pop up. Apparently, Max had gotten sick right before the next race. While I was home with Lando to make sure he wasn’t being strenuous and to keep media off my back until everything died down, they had to do a COVID test on Max and isolate him just in case.
“It would suck if he's out for his home race this year." Lando wanders into the kitchen and pulls up a stool next to me as he sets his phone down on the counter. He’s been living in Oscar and my apartment for the past few days, just until next week when he goes back to McLaren's training center for a bit to do a lot of physical therapy before getting in the car next weekend for Zandvoort.
Oscar calls my phone, and I stand up, telling Lando to keep checking my email as I make my way over to the other side of the kitchen to grab my phone.
“Yes, bitch?” I say into the phone and Oscar laughs at my sharp tone.
“Just checking in on Lando for Zak,” Oscar says and I look behind me and my boyfriend—like, actual boyfriend now, and smile.
“He’s been fine, ribs are still a little sore. I had him doing cardio earlier and he was faring pretty well so I—I think Jon said he can go back to training a bit earlier. He’s still coming back in Zandvoort though.” I hum, “how’s Bia faring?”
“She’s having the time of her life. I gotta start bringing her around more. You guys really would be an unstoppable duo.” Oscar laughs, “But good, Jon is off today so I’ll let Zak know to reach out to him and ask.”
“Ollie!” Lando whines and I turn.
“Yess?” I draw out as I walk to his side.
“It's negative.”
“Oh, thank fucking god.” I breathe, “That makes everything a lot easier for me.”
Oscar is quiet on the line for a few moments before asking in a small voice, “What’s negative?”
“Max’s COVID test. He’s just got the flu.” I say without thinking much of my brother's hesitance before he lets out a soft laugh.
“I thought you took a pregnancy test or something, I was about to start judging the type of cardio you’ve been doing,” Oscar says and I shout,
“I feel like that’s a reasonable thing to be worried about!”
“Oh my god, we’ve only been actually dating dating for like two weeks!” I groan and Lando sends me a confused look, so I pop Oscar onto speakerphone.
“It only takes like—five minutes to make a kid!”
“Hello?!” Lando shouts and I sink to the floor in a fit of laughter, trying to bite back the volume of my laughter before Lando shouts, "Do you think I fucked your sister?!"
"No! Stop! Stop talking Lando!" Oscar shouts over the phone and now I'm hysterical on the floor in tears as Lando tries to backtrack and Oscar keeps shouting for him to just-- "Shut the fuck up, Lando!"
"Both are you are going to kill me, I'm losing it." I wheeze from where I'm now lying on the floor, Lando laughing alongside me as Oscar groans.
"First the house, now this?" He says and Lando makes some noise in the back of his throat as I manage to calm myself down enough to stand.
"What about a house?" I wipe under my eyes, leaning my head on Lando's shoulder as his arm wraps around my shoulder and he kisses my head, his fingers poking at my side and making me squirm as I push him away with a laugh.
"Nothing, love." Lando sighs, "Remember when they gave me those painkillers that made me super loopy the first night, and Oscar was watching over me?"
I nod, remembering how halfway through my grocery trip he had to call me because Lando was so loopy he thought that I was gone forever. And he had literally cried tears of joy when I answered Oscar's phone call.
"Well, I kinda... oh my god this is so embarrassing." Lando sighs and Oscar tells him he now has to tell the story and Lando hides his face in my hair as he recounts, "I was looking at apartments in London for us."
"Stop, oh my god." I whine, turning to Lando so I can kiss his cheeks and his forehead, pulling him down when he tries to move back so I can't, "That's so cute."
"No, it's embarrassing." He grumbles and I laugh, pulling him closer and kissing along his jaw and then the apples of his cheeks and the tip of his nose.
"I wouldn't mind that," I murmur to him and his eyes widen to the size of dinner plates, his hands find my waist and he presses a kiss to my lips.
"Ew, I don't like that I can hear him kiss you over the phone." Oscar groans, "I'm hanging up now, don't do anything too strenuous."
"Fuck you, Oscar!" I laugh as the call hangs up, Lando keeping his arms firmly around my waist. We sit in silence for a few moments before his hand ghosts up the side of my neck to take my jaw in his palm, thumb hooking on my chin to pull me down to look at him.
"Would you seriously not mind?" He asks softly and I grin, leaning over to pop a quick kiss on his lips.
"Getting to have you with me every day?" I bring our foreheads together, his curls against my own as his hands find my waist to hold, my hands resting on his shoulders as I grin and flutter my eyes closed, "That's paradise."
"I'll literally buy one right now, don't even test me." He groans, pulling me closer and I laugh.
"Let's get Zandvoort out of the way first, yeah?"
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Luckily for me, I made it into the paddocks long before any media people. Max welcomes me with a slap on the back as I welcome him to his home race, and then I'm greeted by the Ferrari drivers once again as Checo laughs at my bewildered expression.
"I'm gonna tell the Tifosi on you both." I huff, but let both Charles and Carlos wrap me in tight hugs of congratulations as we laugh. Once the two are carted off to go do their actual jobs, I get settled in my chair and glance down at my desk before laughing.
A vase of freshly cut flowers and a little cup of coffee sits there, waiting for me, and I turn to look at Max who just grins.
"He's determined." Is all Max says before slipping away as he's called over to get dressed. I laugh and send Lando a quick thank you message, before taking a sip of the perfectly made coffee and settling down to finally get back into gear.
"Welcome back," A voice chimes and I glance up to see Christian in the doorway. I offer him a small smile and a nod.
"Good to be here." Is all I say in reply.
Lando and Max seriously just want to kill each other in these cars. Max takes the win at his home race by some insignificantly small number, they had to literally watch multiple playbacks to see who crossed first, which means Lando is still in good running for World Champion. Luckily, somehow a mix of car issues and the pure energy from Oscar, Charles, Checo, and Carlos managed to keep Max in P2 for most races, leveling out the chances for Lando to recover his lost points.
As soon as most drivers have returned to their paddocks, I'm mid-packing up when I'm ushered off by Logan, who finished P6. He quite literally hoists me off my feet and carries me into the crowd for the podium. A few other drivers lag back, and I look over to Oscar, who'd finished P4 behind Charles.
"Where's Lando?!" Logan shouts over my head at Oscar, who points, and then leans over to me.
"Here's that kiss they promised you'd have to do," He shouts in my ear and I laugh as the two lift me so I can be partially over the barrier holding back the audience from the racers. I wave Lando down and he laughs, slipping away from a reporter as he finishes an interview. Biting off his glove as he walks over, he drops it into his helmet and then grabs my jaw with that now gloveless hand, pulling me into his lips for a quick peck. I don't let him leave though, grabbing his jaw and pulling him back in for a few more deeper kisses.
Oscar cheers and Logan laughs before Lando secures one arm around me to pull me over the barrier. Logan and Oscar immediately hop over after me.
There's warmth in my chest as Lando keeps his hand on my lower back, pulling me through the crowd of drivers and up to where Max and Charles stand. A giddy excitement thrums across my skin.
I could do this forever.
oliviapiastri made a new post!
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, charlesleclerc, and 876k others...
oliviapiastri: 6 months <3
charlesleclerc: damn y'all move fast
maxverstappen: cheers!! looks lovely
⤷ landonorris: I KNOW??
landonorris: omg i can post this publically now
landonorris: i LOVE YOU OLIVIA<333
user2: lando going bat shit in these comments is so real
landonorris: I LOVE U SM DARLING
⤷ oscarpiastri: i liked it better before the FIA made them announce it. i wanna go back in time to before that happened.
⤷ oliviapiastri: get me a tardis then
⤷ bbcdoctorwho: we can make that work ...
⤷ oliviapiastri: HELLO?
user4: dying dead gone deceased i love them
landonorris posted a new story!
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blorbocedes · 7 months
Age difference marriage for your choice of hornstappen or nico/mika please!!!!!
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When Mika proposes, it's with the latest 2010 Mercedes sportscar model. Nico jumps into his arms, and then immediately reaches for the key. It's better than any ring, he tells himself.
"Did you know I used to have posters of him on my wall when I was a boy?" Nico wiggles his brows to the strangers at the Ibiza party lounge. Nico knows why Mika wants to get married in the party capital with no one else in their distinguished motorsports circle around. He's embarrassed. 42 year old, second marriage, pretty young thing on his arm. It all screams midlife crisis.
Well, Nico doesn't need to make it easy for him.
"Mouse." Mika's voice is warning, hand on his shoulder. Nico immediately turns to Mika, smiling, and crawling on his lap.
"What, it's true," Nico toys with Mika's collar. Mika's blonde hair falls over his eyes, hiding the carefully botox'd crows feet when he frowns. "You remember."
Mika's hand rests on Nico's hip. "Don't be trouble." Nico grinds down on him.
The strangers now look away from their public display, embarrassed, and Nico takes it as a win.
A GP2 crash shattered Nico's motorsports dreams, and he kept his word to his father, did 3 years at Imperial, graduated with flying colours with an engineering internship at Williams waiting with his name on it. Nico opted to instead chase after rallying and endurance races, cheering for Mika and waiting for him. It wasn't even hard, after Nico decided his favourite Finn was his white whale. Slipping into the hotel sauna where they were alone, and not wearing much. Mika objected weakly, the flimsy excuse for his conscience, and gave in anyway.
Nico grew up like a little prince so it's hard to spoil him. Mika does, anyway. A short fling of a childhood infatuation turns into something akin to whirlwind romance, it's dangerous and fun and a little bit taboo, and Mika leaves his wife for him.
Nico knows his father would disapprove. Mika knows it too, even as Nico shows up beside him more often than not. But it's nice, Mika's a large, protective figure behind him and always has a sweet name for him: mouse, pigeon, pet, darling, something in Finnish Nico can't quite decipher.
When they're in bed together, Nico can think of how neither of them are going to F1. Yes, Mika's technically on 'sabbatical' but everyone knows. The slight swell of his gut gives it away, but it's okay Nico will be fit enough for both of them, breaking up his croissant so it's harder to notice he hasn't touched it and feeding Mika. He likes that Mika has that touch of vanity of him, that keeps dyeing his hair blonder and is susceptible to the Monaco lifestyle of keeping everything looking young, tight, tucked in procedurally. It makes Mika not the dashing hero from his childhood dreams, humanizes him. And when Mika calls Nico beautiful, it is both a fact and tinged with envy.
"Pigeon, we have to go to the F1 paddock this weekend." Mika tucks Nico's long lock of hair behind his ear.
"Why?" It's technically their honeymoon.
"Mercedes are trying to get Lewis. Hamilton-Schumacher lineup. Ron called me to convince him to stay."
Lewis... Lewis Hamilton, 2008 world champion. The wonder rookie. Nico knew him once upon a time, when they both promised they'd make it to Formula 1 together, childish promises of becoming World Champion. Only Lewis kept up his end of the bargain. The thought of seeing him again makes Nico feel funny, like he wants to hide away. Nico hasn't even gone to Monaco in years.
At the British Grand Prix, Mika Hakkinen enters the McLaren garage with relative fanfare of a Formula 1 World Champion. Nico stays out of the cameras, doesn't have to field any interviews -- people generally don't know him without his dad around. The smell of the rubber and engine fuels and screams of thousands of fans, it's all reminiscent of his childhood. Nico idly thumbs the car keychain in his pocket, waiting for Mika.
"Nico? No way, is that you, man?"
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beom1e · 1 year
10:03 pm — festival meet-cute
pairing yeonjun x gn! reader. genre fluff. wc 316.
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‘oh wait,’ you patted down your pockets in a panic. your group of friends stopped in their tracks to turn around and watch you with confusion. ‘oh my god, i think i lost my—’
‘keys?’ as you spun around, you realised you were inches away from crashing into a stranger. yeonjun dangled the hoop full of keys and keychains in front of you, a kind smile on his lips. ‘i saw them fall out just a minute ago.’
‘thank you,’ you smiled in return. he took your hand in his own, gently placing the keys into the palm of your hand before softly closing your fingers around them. you turned your head to the side in search of your friends, only catching a glimpse of their smirks before they headed out of the venue. ‘i’m y/n.’
‘yeonjun,’ he took his own hand back, bringing it up to awkwardly rub at the back of his neck.
you recalled bumping into him throughout the night. the first time, he’d almost knocked plastic cups filled to the brim with ice cold water out of your hands. he’d apologised immediately and offered to help carry them to your friends, but you politely declined and left it at that. the second time, your shoulder collided with his own as you found yourself being nudged by a friend who excitedly screamed about the artist on stage. the third time, you locked eyes with him through the crowd of people, and found yourself taking a liking to him.
‘do you wanna grab something to eat?’ you braved the question. ‘i know a great burger place right by my hotel.’
‘i was actually just about to ask you the same thing,’ he confessed, and you felt this odd sense of familiarity. a part of could already sense the important role the stranger, yeonjun, was about to play in the next phase of your life.
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Ok somebody said that Puss, Kitty, and Perrito are a road trip family so here are some headcanons:
• kitty gets really bad road rage. She'll be yelling and cursing at ppl to get out of her way and it's like a grandma w a broken leg
• perrito must put everything they come across in his mouth. And if it doesn't try to get out of his mouth... it's going down the hatch (1000 points to whoever gets that reference)
• this has led to a lot of moments where puss and kitty are like "what's in ur mouth" and he just stares at them and starts chewing faster while they try to pry his mouth open
• Puss brings his guitar and sings the whole time. After four hours, Kitty has had enough. Perrito has had enough after four days. Puss keeps singing anyway
• kitty violently smashes the guitar
• perrito gets road sick a lot. Not bc he’s prone to motion sickness but bc he keeps eating random crap and the cart jiggles it around inside of him
• Puss can’t stand the sight of throw up, it makes him sick too. Normally as long as he doesn’t look at it and sings over the barfing noises, he can tough it out but if he lets himself think abt it too much… well let’s just say the cart REAKS now
• perrito likes to stop at every. single. roadside attraction, even the ones that are obvious scams
• Puss and Kitty complain every time abt how cringey and stupid it is and make fun of it while perrito genuinely has a good time
• despite his complaining, Puss will occasionally ask Kitty to take one of those touristy photos of him where it looks like he’s kicking over a statue, holding up a bridge, etc (like what ppl do at the tower of Pisa)
• he needs everyone to know that he went to those locations and that he’s so big and strong he could kick it over (even if it’s an illusion)
• perrito likes to buy one souvenir object from every place they go to too. Key chain, magnet, pen, snow globe, doesn’t matter. He also likes those keychains w names on them and gets a different one every time
• he explains that it started as he was traveling around before he lived at Mama Luna’s and was trying to pick a name for himself. Now he’s just trying to collect all the names
• they try to explain that’s not how these are supposed to work but he doesn’t listen
• Puss discovers the souvenir shot glasses and starts collecting those under perritos guidence
• they now have a growing mountain of useless crap in the back of the wagon and kitty loves to complain abt how they’re never going to use any of it
• they know it’s secretly grown on her tho bc there have been a couple times where they’ve forgotten to buy smth and she’ll run back in and grab smth for them really quick
• if they stay in a hotel, they can all easily fit in one bed if it’s person sized. Kittys on the left, Puss is on the right, and perrito likes to sleep at the foot
• ofc every morning they all accuse each other of snoring and kicking and sleep talking and stealing the blankets but they don’t actually have a way to prove it so eventually it gets dropped. Until the next morning when they do it all again
• if they’re sleeping on the side of the road w the cart, cuddle piles are much more common. They all secretly love them but pretend it’s just for warmth. Except perrito. Perrito is very vocal about his love of cuddles
And I’ll probably add more but that’s what I have rn
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doggone-devil · 3 months
By the Cover: Chapter 1
Behold! A secondary novel for me to write while I work on my other one XD No, but this idea has a chokehold on me so of course I had to write it. Pairing: Alastor x afab!Reader Warnings: none for this chapter~ Word Count: 2,517
"I waited for you my entire life and you were worth every minute." - Mark Anthony
Two lovers, hand in hand, facing the odds of the world around them. A poetic tale of how love triumphs over everything, not even the Universe itself able to keep them together. A romance little girls dream of as they watch their idols on screen, fantasizing about the day they'll be swept off their feet into a happily ever after. Such a beautiful hope, a goal they could one day accomplish, unlike you.
Wrapped in a well-worn blanket, you sit on your couch with your nose buried in the latest episode of your favorite show. The second you received the notification of its release, your were scrambling to go to the streaming site, the show queued in your favorites, ready to play. Giddy with excitement, you began to watch, engrossed in the plot as it furthered, the various characters building the hype of the upcoming climax. As much as  you loved seeing them, your eyes waited patiently to recognize one character in particular.
An audible gasp escapes you before a high pitch shriek, your toes wiggling to try and exert some of the built up energy you felt just from seeing them appear. Red hair dipped in black, fluffy ears, and captivating red eyes. You swoon when they speak, voice filtered to sound like those old 1920s radio broadcast. Some fans find the voice annoying but you swore it was an angel speaking, your body shivering in response to their words. They were the love of your life, your hyperfixation, your absolute obsession.
Alastor was the their name, a very powerful Overlord and one of the main characters of your favorite animated show, Hazbin Hotel. It had appeared and swept many into it's fandom, becoming favored next to the other show released by the same creator, Helluva Boss. Granted, you still loved that show and watched it when the episodes came out, but this one - you squeal - this one had you in an iron grip and all because of the radio demon so graciously displayed on screen.
Granted, you realized your quick fascination with the character was a bit problematic. Firstly, he was manipulative, scheming, and in it for only for him. He didn't care, really, about the other characters, even having a near breakdown when almost dying for them. You were certain if he existed in real life, he wouldn't be as lovely as you dreamt him to be, but that didn't stop your heart from skipping when you saw him. It also didn't stop  you from spending your hard earn money on countless fan merch, his face decorating every pillow, blanket, and object you owned. Even the phone in your hand had his face on it, smiling at you with hooded lids. Yes, you had a problem but you weren't stopping any time soon.
"Another perfect episode," you sigh, letting your hands drop to your lap as you lean back into your couch. The credits roll and you happily stare up at your ceiling, thoughts already plagued by him. He was so cool this time, not that he wasn't all the time, but this time he had been so sassy. You were already thinking of ways to write about it, ready to tell others in the fandom how baby girl coded he was. You giggle, tossing your blanket off your legs. You stretch with a groan, looking back at your phone to note the time. Your stomach grumbles.
You hum as you walk to your kitchen, looking in the fridge for something to eat. You weigh your options of a ketchup sandwich or mayo sandwich. Tough decisions, both sounding very appeasing, but you opt for the third option. You grab your keys and hoodie, tugging it over your head as you slip on your flip flops. You may only have sixteen dollars left after purchasing that one Alastor keychain, but it was totally worth it. Besides, you only needed eight of it to buy an everything bagel and coffee.
Basking in the sunlight for a second once you step outside, you head down the sidewalk from your duplex home, steering clear of other pedestrians as they mosey about. It's clear out, the cold air leftover from winter barely noticeable with no wind, the sun warm as it hangs high in the sky. A very nice day to enjoy as you walk, wondering what it'd be like to take Alastor to a small café. You tilt your head down to keep others from seeing your goofy smile, unable to hide the joy you feel of imagining Alastor critique the food.
He would probably comment on the way it's processed, stating how homecooked meals were the way to go. Oh, how you'd give anything to taste a meal cooked by Alastor. From what you knew of his backstory, he loved to cook and enjoyed a good jambalaya. You weren't raised southern, nowhere close as you recall your hometown in Michigan. You grew up with cabbages and kolackies, a drastic difference from shrimp and gumbo. Granted, you have tasted the Cajun dishes, curious to know what they tasted like when you discovered Alastor's birthplace, but you wanted them cooked by a real southern man. No, you wanted them cooked by Alastor, otherwise they just couldn't be as good. Shame.
You're greeted by a barista as you walk into your favorite café, breathing in the air deeply, enjoying the favorable scents that assault you. It's just a small business a block away from your house, easy and fast to get to. It had the best bagels you've ever tasted and the coffee wasn't half bad, either. You step in line, eagerly waiting behind three other customers while you roam the menu above. You already know what you'll order but it doesn't hurt to see what's new, checking their daily specials. Today seems to be an in house blueberry muffin, complimented with a drink of the customer's choice. It's appealing, but you're not that big a fan of blueberries. Or muffins.
"Excuse me." You hear the voice before feeling the shove, a person squeezing in the line to get through. You step back to avoid them, yet your foot gets caught on the other. You begin to fall backwards until a firm body stops you. You turn to apologize as you regain your footing, but your words get caught in your throat. You see a man standing behind you, his hands fixing his bowtie, but that's not what makes you speechless. He's tall, very tall, with bright red hair and tan skin. As he looks down at you, your breath hitches. His eyes are almost as red as his hair and you wonder if they're contacts. They have to be, you think to yourself, no one's eyes are red. It's not a natural color but they look natural. You must be staring too long cause he clears his throat.
"Sorry!" you blurt out, quickly turning to face forward, realizing a gap between you and the customer ahead of you. You scamper to move up, nearly tripping over your feet, your cheeks burning in embarrassment. You try not to think about the man behind you or his stupidly good looks. Seriously, how chiseled does one jaw have to be? You could cut marble with it. You focus on anything but him, staring at your feet until the barista is asking for your order.
Bagel and coffee secured, you walk to your usual spot in the corner of the café, a window table with two seats. It's comfortable and spaced far enough away from the other tables to let you enjoy your food in peace. You shrug out of your hoodie as you sit, hanging it on the back of the chair. You take a bite of your bagel, moaning softly at the seasonings popping off on your tongue. It's simple and yet, to you, so delicious. Pulling out your phone, you go to scroll through some apps, but your attention is caught by a red coat passing by. You glance up and nearly choke on the bite you swallow. The man from before settles at a table close to yours, only a coffee in hand when he sets it down. He also pulls out his phone, paying no mind to anything around him. Unlike you, your eyes glued to him. You swear he seems familiar despite never seeing him before.
He's wearing nearly all red, minus his black pants. His coat is a deep red, matching his hair. The undershirt is white, however, and you notice black gloves on his hands. Huh, you chuckle to yourself. He almost looks like Alastor, the clothes very similar and even his build - You blink. 
Oh my god. Oh my fucking god, you think, eyes wider than the plate your bagel sits on. You quickly look away, your hand slapped over your mouth at the realization. You just compared a real person to a fictional character. 
You take another glance, trying to study him more. He's tall like Alastor, slender for sure, but you can't really tell with the coat on. He's style is like that out of the 1920s, just like Alastor. A tailcoat, collared undershirt, bowtie, and even dress pants completed with dress shoes. Just slap a monocle on him and he could be Alastor what with the slanted, bob haircut had had. God, if you had your cosplay Alastor ears and antlers, you'd ask him to wear them and call you darling.
No, wait, what's wrong with you? Ugh, you're so creepy and you need to stop staring so much and - oh my god, now he's staring back. Idiot!
You take interest in your bagel again, taking a rather large bite as you struggle to chew. You begin to cough as the pieces roughly slide down your throat, eyes watering as you reach for your coffee. You're gulping it down to help the food along, gasping for air. You hear a snorted chuckle and look up, seeing the man cover his mouth with the back of his hand, avoiding your look. You can see the smile and blush, realizing he watched all of that. Could this get any worse?
You sigh, wanting to bang your head on the table. Instead, you reach for your phone, knowing tumblr will distract you. Only, the Universe decided today was the day to pick on you and as you reach for said phone, your arm bumps your coffee. It spills. All over your table. All over you. You want to cry.
"Here." You see the man walk over to you, extending his hand to offer a handkerchief. You take it, sniffling with a pout.
"Thank you," you mumble, wiping at your now ruined top. It was white ten seconds ago, now stained brown. As you wipe, the liquid spreads. You sigh in defeat, knowing you'll have to throw it away when you get home. Thank god you have your hoodie.
"Here, let me," the man says, taking the handkerchief gently from your hands. You let him, too embarrassed and sad about your shirt. He smiles as he dabs at your shirt. "Wiping only helps the coffee to set. You have to dab for the best results." You watch him, slightly annoyed at the way he fusses over it like a dad would, but you're not angry. In fact, you feel kind of in awe as he moves, your eyes glued to his face. His nose is pointed and sharp, eyes angled like a cat. His lashes are long, complimenting those strange red eyes. You try to see if they are, in fact, contacts, but as you lean to get a closer look, they snap up to meet you. You jump back, knocking into the table. Your coffee cup sways but before it can spill again, he reaches out to steady it. You sigh in relief.
"Sorry," you apologize.
"You have a clumsy habit, don't you?" he hums, chuckling when you pout again.
"Not usually," you state, turning to grab your hoodie when he steps back. You can't help but feel so small when he straightens up to full height again.
"Really? I couldn't tell." It's a banter, but you're failing to think of how to respond. You're not use to actively conversing with people in the real world, most of your conversations being with friends online or AI chatbots. Ok, maybe you didn't need to think about the last one, but the fact still stands that you don't know how to talk to people. Especially people as attractive as he is.
"Well," you grab your bagel and what's left of your coffee, "as fun as was to bother you and embarrass myself, I have to go." You need to escape, more like it. Your social battery is already beeping in alarm, drained from the back to back events that was your attempted outing for lunch. You throw your trash away as you leave, not taking the chance to look back at the man.
As you walk back home, you can't help but think of how the scenario could've played out different. If you were a normal person, you could've held a conversation with the man, maybe even inviting him for coffee tomorrow. You could flirt and date until, one day, he would ask your hand in marriage. Then you would have kids, grow old together, and live a life well filled. At least, that's the person your mother wanted to be. A normal woman with a normal love life, finding a man to support you and give her grandkids. Sadly, that was never going to happen, you think as you step into your house. If the seven foot cardboard cutout of Alastor greeting you at your front door wasn't enough to deter potential mates away, then surely the numerous framed Alastor posters scattered across your walls would.
Maybe you should cancel that order for the Alastor cursed cat plushie…
You toss your keys down and kick off flip fops, pulling your hoodie off to grimace at the disaster that is your white-turned-brown tee. Yeah, there's no getting this stain out and you weren't about to buy some fifteen dollar produce that claims to erase the stain. You shrug it off, opening your kitchen bin and tossing it away. It doesn't bother you too much, thankful it's not one of your Alastor shirts. Speaking of, you walk to your bedroom, going straight to your dresser. You rummage through your shirts before picking one and putting it on. This was one is black, Alastor's face printed on the front with the words 'Smile Like You Mean It' placed around him. It's one of your favorites.
Shuffling back to your living room, you decide to ease your stress with the one thing you know will put a smile on your face. Sitting on your couch, tucking your legs as you bring your blanket back over your body, you quickly open your phone to its browser. Archive of Our Own loads up and you quickly begin filtering through the latest additions to Alastor fanfictions.
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Masterlist ... Ao3
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elliefictions · 1 year
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Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Original Female Character
Summary: Pedro gets back from the Met Gala and is welcomed by Lizzie, his longtime girlfriend, who watched his red carpet from home and prepared a surprise for him...
Takes Pedro’s POV. 
warnings: fluff and some smut
Word count: 2,5k words
It was 1am. Usually, Pedro would already be in bed, like the old man he was. But he was only on his way home from the MET GALA afterparty, his head still buzzing, his mind still racing from the anxiety he felt in waves throughout the night. The crowd, the photographers, the people he got to mingle with. It was nerve-wracking but also so gratifying. Some personal heroes of his came to him and complimented him, mentioning his recent works. Those were pinch-me moments that he’ll never forget.
He was relieved to go straight home, and not make a detour to the hotel to revert back to his civilian clothes. Those were in a duffel bag placed at his feet on the car back to his apartment building.
He looked at his phone and found a text from Lizzie, begging him for another additional picture. This was before his red carpet. He chuckled. She’s probably been served thousands of pictures by the Internet and did not feel the need nor wanted to bother to add more to the pile. And she was going to see the outfit with her own eyes anyway.
P - 1:13am
“Hey, going back home, I’ll be here in a few mins.”
He almost thought she was already asleep but he received a reply a few minutes later.
L. - 1:17am
“Still awake! I’m waiting for you…😘”
Ten minutes later, he was at his doorstep, searching his bag for the house key. His hand finally grasped the keychain but he also felt something else. He retrieved his findings and found the fake lip ring he was supposed to wear on the carpet. But he decided against it as it made him feel a little too self-conscious. And he was afraid of swallowing it during dinner. Looking at this piece of jewelry reminded him of Lizzie’s earlier text. He placed it back on his lip, rearranged his hair and opened the front door.
Once entering the lobby, he stopped dead in his tracks. The lights were dimmed. And he didn’t know he could actually do that, he didn’t even remember having bought a dimmer switch. The furniture had not moved though, which indicated that he was indeed in their apartment.
He slowly set down his keys on the counter while observing his surroundings. He was digging the atmosphere. And then he heard footsteps approaching from the living area. Lizzie appeared and Pedro’s brain froze and his hands slipped, dropping his duffel bag.
He thought she would just wear her nightgown and she actually was wearing one. But this was not the usual lavender satin robe he got her for her birthday.
A luxurious burgundy tulle fabric was covering her whole body, tightly hugging her bust, and then flowing from her waist down the floor, its endings and sleeves made of feathers. She wore a red collar with three laces attached to it. But the different red shade and the fabric indicated that it was not belonging to the robe, but to the garment underneath it. He couldn’t see the full outfit underneath, yet he tried to figure it out through the tulle.
He took all of this in, looking her up and down, then up to her face. She has always focused her makeup on the eyes, and this was no exception, with burgundy-mauve eyeshadow, black liner and fake lashes, giving her a piercing gaze. Her lips were in brown shade, not far from her natural color. Her long jet black hair, usually straightened, was more wavy. Her burgundy-painted nails were holding two glasses of wine, and she was sipping one of them.
She looked like a doll coming straight from a gothic novel, or these old Hollywood movies. She was definitely sexy, but not in her usual badass, rockstar looks. It was like meeting another version of her from an alternate universe.
Lizzie slowly approached him, not breaking her soft gaze. She was displaying a smug smile. She then stopped a few feet from him, as she stared at his face, first in the eye, and then slightly lower, at his lower lip, where the ring was. Despite the dimmer lights, he could see her pupils dilate and she couldn’t suppress biting her lower lip.
“New York is an amazing city. I can’t believe all the things you can buy at 10pm just two blocks from here.”
Pedro was puzzled by this sudden change of tone and couldn’t help but giggle.
“Let me guess…the dimmer switch?”
“Well, yes. But also this robe. And what’s underneath it” She raised her eyebrows. “Did you know there’s a sex shop selling boudoir lingerie in our neighborhood? Very useful for women planning to seduce their partner at the very last minute.”
“Sounds quite like a specific niche. Did people recognize you?”
“I don’t think so, I was actually in and out in ten minutes. I knew exactly what I wanted…”, Lizzie was now very close to him, looking up at him expectantly, her eyes inviting him to touch her.
With just his fingertips, he grazed her waist through the robe and he could feel a harder fabric underneath it. He felt her tremble at his touch which made his lower body twitch in anticipation. His hands then traveled up her body and landed on her cheeks as he approached his face and kissed her, her tongue immediately touching his lip ring. This made both of them shiver.
He didn’t know how much time passed but they were both panting and gasping for air when Lizzie broke the kiss. She handed one of the wine glasses she was still holding. He took it, sipped it, and was surprised at the taste. She must have opened one of the finest bottles in their cellar.  
He followed her to the living room, whose lights were also dimmed. He wondered how the fuck she has changed all the lights and pampered herself in a such a short amount of time.
Lizzie was standing up, facing him from the opposite side of the room, looking at him quizzically.
“So what’s the occasion?” He finally asked, drinking the wine.
“To congratulate you on being now the most fashionable human being.” she exclaimed, raising her glass. “Knowing you for as long as I do, you’ve actually come a long way”
He couldn't help but spit his wine and cackle. He’s always found her quite funny, yet he always got surprised by her occasional deadpan humor. Lizzie giggled softly and hid her smile behind one of her large sleeves, happy of the effect of her delivery.
“Thank you…I guess?” he said in between giggles. His laughing fit mixed with the side effects of the alcohol he drank earlier and him actually wearing a wool coat indoors actually made him sweat. He tried to cool down by fanning himself.
“You know you can take off your coat, right?” Lizzie said as he set her drink aside, got closer to him and held both lapels. She held a serious stare and he looked back at her amused. He could see she was cooking something in her head as he placed his own glass on the coffee table. She then suddenly broke into a grin.
“It’s gettin’ hoooot in heeeere, so take off all your clooothes” She started singing as she removed his coat from him.
He didn’t know what she drank or ate to actually think of Nelly’s song but she was chaotic tonight. And he was usually the chaotic one in the couple. But he loved every bit of that and felt like he had no other choice to match her energy.
“I am gettin' so hot, I wanna take my clooooothes off', he tried to sing the high notes, helping her remove the coat and then loosening his tie. But sure enough, as expected: he was off-key pretty much the whole time, making them both wheeze and laugh so hard that Lizzie had to hold on to him to gain back her composure.
“Just sit down, honey, I’ll just put the coat in the closet. I’ll be right back.” she said, her eyes teary and her voice strained.
She quickly retreated back into the lobby as he sat on the couch waiting for her, wondering what was actually going on in her mind. The whole set up made the intention of a sexy time obvious but the sudden switches of tone and the jokes were definitely sexy time killers. But above all, these were a little bit unusual.
He did not have more time to think about it more that she was already back and sat right next to him. He held her hand to his lips and kissed it.
“My love, I appreciate this celebration of me being finally fashionable in your eyes but this does not really explain…” he enquired, gesturing to her outfit.
“Well…” Lizzie started, looking down, with a shy tone he hasn't heard in a while. “A few hours ago, I was actually wearing your Lakers shirt. And I looked like I didn’t see the sun for years.”
The fact that she wore his shirt made him smile fondly. But he could also imagine the rat’s nest that must have been her hair and how disheveled she must have looked by focusing solely on her work. He just hoped she hadn’t forgotten to eat something.
“Usually, I wouldn’t care that much. But knowing that you would come back here looking like this” She gestured at his outfit. “and that you kind of arranged this for just me…I felt like it was unfair to welcome you back looking like a mess. And I wanted to match your color. So, there you go”.
She looked up at him sheepishly, her demeanor so different from her usual confident self. And deep down, he knew this was the real her, within her always composed face. Or at least this was a side of her that he was privileged to witness.
“Do you like it?”
“Of course, I love it. You can’t see I’m hard right now?” he snickered. “It’s just that…it’s very different. You look different.”
She turned away, blushing and sighed. He immediately cupped her chin, and made her look back at him.
“But just so you know. I love when you wear your combat boots, your leather jacket and bra and your gothic jewelry and play the most insane guitar riff. Do you remember when you performed in Santiago last year?”
“Yes? What about that show?”
“You were the sexiest when you were working on the crowd, making them jump, scream and sing. Like the rock goddess that you are. This is when…I knew I fell madly in love with you.”
She looked at him and he felt like his admission was making her teary. He couldn't help but feel that this emotion was also tinted with an underlying sadness.
He let go of her chin to give her some space to breathe.
“Just so you know.” Her voice was veiled. “I love you with your band and basketball shirts. And your Henley shirts. I grew fond of those. Please never get rid of them. It’s just that…you really looked so handsome and…”
She became hesitant, her eyes trying to find his’, and seemed to be struggling to find words. He waited for her, stroking her shoulder reassuringly through the tulle. He was already beaming with pride at her compliment. It meant a lot coming from her.
“You look like my teenage self’s wet dream fantasy, ok?” she finally admitted.
“Wh..what?!” he said, incredulous.
“Yes. The red shirt, the slim tie, the rings on your fingers and that. Fucking. Lip. Ring. Oh, and the slicked back hair?! The slutty little knee?? Come on! I don’t know the concept you were aiming at. Punk demon? Vampire Godfather? Anyway, this literally ticks all of the boxes for what I fantasized about when I was sixteen. And as a matter of fact, you make me feel like I’m sixteen again. And I don’t know what to do. I’m horny but I’m also intimidated. You make me blush and wet at the same time. This is so embarrassing!!”
As she hid her face in her hands, Pedro took some time to process the sudden outburst, which was pretty rare coming from her. And he came to the simple conclusion that he was living for it. He managed to stifle a laugh but couldn’t contain a sly grin. Since he was her fantasy right now, better lean into it.
He gazed at her sweetheart, trying to make the most lustful expression and got really close to her on the couch so that she had no choice but to lie down. He was towering her and cupped her cheek with one hand.
“So, you like what you see? Am I making your "teenage self" horny right now?” he asked softly in a lower tone, almost like a purr.
It was hard for him to contain his amusement, but she didn’t seem to take notice. She couldn’t avert her gaze from him and just nodded. He squeezed her cheeks with one hand.
“With your words” he commanded in a stern voice.
“Yes. You’re making her wet at the moment.” she replied softly, almost like a whisper.
“Good”. His tongue licked her lips. “But what I am more interested in…” he kissed her, deliberately grazing his lip ring on her chin. “Is what your adult self is thinking of right now”.
Lizzie took a few seconds to ponder his question, averting his gaze. She smiled shyly and finally responded.
“The teenage and adult selves are the same person. But the adult self is also so proud of you.”
Pedro broke character at this new change of mood.
“You looked so badass on the carpet. Like the king I’ve always thought you were. I’ve always felt that your red carpet clothes were wearing you and not the opposite. You and Julia have done a great fashion work lately but this…this is different. This is an eye-turner, it is edgy yet elegant and…it’s so different from your usual red carpet style yet it is so you at the same time. And also, you looked so happy and confident there. Maybe a little anxious at times but definitely confident. And confidence is sexy.”
She looked him straight in the eyes. The lust was still there but he could also sense a deep, indescribable fondness.
“I’m probably going to repeat myself and what everyone has told you lately. But I’m so happy for you. I know how much you wanted this and how hard you worked for it. I can’t wait for the day when I’ll be able to stand next to you and proudly hold your hand for the world to see. I’m so happy I can call you my partner.”
She stroked his cheek and he melted at her touch. This wasn’t just about the MET GALA anymore. It was about everything else. He felt her love in waves, washing away any trace of the anxiety he had felt. There was just raw, pure emotion and love and tenderness.
“Don’t do that” Lizzie suddenly scolded.
“Do what?”
“The puppy eyes. Stop it. How dare you.”
“But you’re making me cry!” Pedro shouted as he kissed every inch of her face, avoiding her lips, saving those for last.  
“I love you, Lizzie”, he whispered to her, like it was a secret.
“I love you, Pedro. Always”. She whispered back as she grazed his upper lip with hers.
Pedro leant into the kiss, deepening it, wanting to convey how desirable she was and how much he wanted all of her. Pedro lifted her up, placed her on his lap and he kissed her, caressing her in all places, making her sigh and moan loudly as she removed his tie and started working on his shirt. He thought for a second that the neighbors must have heard it but then opted out of that thought: he actually couldn’t care less. He just wanted to worship her.
The robe looked regal but it was definitely beginning to bother him. There were too many clothes on her. Also, he was getting curious as to what was underneath it. He untied the knot at her waist while kissing her neck.
“Off off off off off off”. He ordered as he easily removed the robe.
And he had to stop and stare at the bright red leather-like bra with straps connected to her collar. The red garter belt was hugging her waist while a red-laced thong completed her look, turning her from a gothic character to a bondage pinup doll. Which hardened him. That was her girl.
“Now that, I like very much…”
He placed his hands on her ass and lifted her up as he got up from the couch, which made her squeal in surprise. She immediately strapped herself to his waist. He saw her wanting to say something but he shushed her immediately. He wanted to avoid another mood switch.
“I don’t want to talk anymore. Bedroom?” He asked, getting rid of all courtesy.
This seemed to have taken her breath away.
“Bedroom” she only managed to utter before kissing him hard, this time biting his lower lip.
He couldn’t suppress a growl as he carried her to their bedroom, closing the door with one foot.
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theliterarywolf · 1 month
So uh, what's the deal with spindlehorse and merch? Cause I didn't even know there was official merch for HH, I only knew about unofficial merch that fans would make in their spare time
So during the lead-up to the premiere of Hazbin Hotel, A24 and BentoBox (the studio that was brought on to help with production) put up some early-access bonuses people could buy.
They ranged from trading cards, keychains of the HH Key, enamel pins, an official playbill for the series and VAs, and early-access to the first two episodes.
And if you wanted to splurge, you could get the ultimate package that included all of that.
... I splurged on the ultimate package.
I still don't have my playbill.
Also, something something -- I had to pay extra for my access to the first two episodes even though I already paid??
But the series premiered proper and, as anyone who's in marketing would tell you, you would think that they would have had merchandise ready for people to purchase as viewership creeped up.
Well... The only official merch available throughout the entirety of S1 was Amazon offering crap-quality t-shirts, some crap-quality popsockets, and trading cards --
Wait, no. The trading cards have been on waitlist since January.
Meanwhile, people who want to support the show are disappointed because, well, they don't want the crappy merch on Amazon and there are some who feel like they're being punished for not knowing about the early-access bonuses.
So we actually didn't start hearing about anything in the way of better official merch until we were pretty much on the week of the finale's release. And even that wasn't a 'hey, you can buy this now' or even a 'coming soon to *insert store-chain*'. No, it was the Spindlehorse artists who have been assigned to handle to designs of the better merch posting on Twitter about how they're still finalizing designs. In addition to this, we got an official Instagram post talking about how they're still in discussion about what store-chains they want to collab with; though it seems like the bulk of this merch (whenever it releases) will be sold by Hot Topic.
Now, of course, in this bizarre in-between period, fans and entrepreneurs are going to do what fans and entrepreneurs are going to do. So we had an explosion of fans selling high-quality fan-merch. Typical stuff: get some good merch, rep your favorite blorbos, and support some independent artists while you're waiting for official merch to drop.
Well... Apparently, some Etsy store owners who specialize in HH fan merch have been reporting their stores getting taken down by Amazon. Now, while it's true that 'oh, people who sell fan-merch know that they either have to have their own independent sites or they have to use creative alternative names on places like Etsy (i.e.: 'Look at this cute Pikachu cloud pin -- I-I-I mean -- look at this cute 'electric yellow mouse sleeping on cloud' pin'), but it's shitty on Amazon and A24 to start doing this now when they're the reason that Spindlehorse can't sell HH merch on SharkRobot anymore unless it's of the pilot-designs of the characters.
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h-h-r3c3ptionist · 4 months
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A new guest?!
(Let me know that you think, I like it a lot. Should I follow the show?)
Charlie; the princess of hell is pacing around the main lobby, mumbling to herself as she bits down on her nail.
“Oh, why isn’t anyone coming to the hotel!” She whines, digging her fingers through her hair in frustration.
“Well, Amore, it’s been two days since I make the account.” A voice replies to Charlie, making her turn to the lounge area where there sitting on the couch was her newly employed staff; the receptionist.
She’s focused on a card game she’s playing with The Radio Demon, Alastor. “I did tell you it was a waste of time.”
“You don’t know that, maybe someone will show up…eventually.”
“Mhm, whatever makes your heart sore, princess.”
Vaggie cuts into the conversation, placing her hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder for comfort. “We can’t give up. Let’s just wait it out today then maybe tomorrow we can go out there and find some new guest.”
“You’ve got to be shitting my balls, again?!” The receptionist curses at another lost as Alastor chuckles with a smug grin.
“Better luck next time, my dear! Now pay up.”
“Shit—give me a second,” She rushes behind the main desk and is heard shuffling around before cheering once she found what she was looking for and rushes back. She holds it out for Alastor.
Upon inspection, the overlord sees that it’s a little keychain of a small microphone. He sighs with an amusing glare. “Seriously?”
“It’s my best one, don’t be picky.”
Charlie and Vaggie watches this unfold with confusion and maybe amusement before there was a knock on the door making Charlie look away and walk over to see who it is.
Once opening the doors she sees you giving a shy wave. “Hi..um, I saw online that you’re helping people?”
“Yes! You heard right, come on in!” Charlie smiles brightly and pulls you along. “Guys, guys, guys! We have a new guest!”
Charlie squeals and nods as she presents you as confetti exploding everywhere, to which, you simply dust off. “Come on, come on, check them in.” The princess usheres the receptionist with a smile, gently pushing her behind the desk.
The receptionist gives her a sweet smile then turns to you as she sits and types on a computer. “Okay, name—“
“No, no, from the top, like we practiced.” Charlie cuts in, gently watching from the sidelines.
You raised an eyebrow as you look around to see Alastor still inspecting the keychain.
Vaggie standing next to a very excited Charlie, her hands in her hips.
Husk over at the bar cleaning bottles.
And a pink blur? It’s going way too fast for you to see what the hell is zooming around like a cat at 3 AM.
“Okay, okay, princess.” The receptionist sighs, bringing you back from your observations. “Welcome to The Hazbin Hotel, where every sinner can be a winner, name, please?” She recites dryly.
“Hm, and your sins?”
“My—my what, sorry?”
“Your sins, pookie. To see where we need to fix.” She smiles, her chin resting in her palm.
“Oh, yeah, give me one sec,” You reach in your pocket and take a piece of paper and flips it open, let it flip to a long, long, very long list. “Should I list them?”
“No need, I saw parental issues and sexual attraction to fictional characters and understand completely, here’s your key~” She clicks enter and throws you a pair of keys to which you fumble a bit to catch but managed somehow.
“Enjoy your stay~”
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musings-of-a-rose · 2 years
That Shirt
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That shirt
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Benny Miller x f!reader (no established relationships)
Word Count: 3500+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: This is for the writing challenge from @mermaidxatxheart​. You can find the challenge HERE. Also, this was not betad. Thanks to @astoryisaloveaffair​ for helping me decide if positions made sense for all parties involved!
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
Main Masterlist
Frankie Morales Masterlist
Benny Miller Masterlist
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I don’t know why my cousin decided to settle on a Hawaiian theme for his wedding, but I have to admit I’m ok with it now. Watching Benny try on several of Frankie’s ridiculous shirts before settling on some blue thing with…birds? Plants? I’m not even sure, but I am sure that watching my best friends try on shirts is hot. They ask me my opinion but all the shirts are horrid, except that they pull them off. How on Earth can they pull off those prints? Because they’re the hottest men ever.
They also happen to be my best friends.
My crush on each of them started immediately, when they pulled over to help me with my car that was overheating in the middle of nowhere. Again. No hesitance, they hopped out and inspected the car, Frankie knowing more about engines than Benny, but even he couldn’t save it. They gave me a ride, we got something to eat, and the rest is history. That was several years ago. 
And now, because they’re also the best humans on the planet, they’re both accompanying me to my cousin’s wedding, dressed in horridly printed shirts, while I decided on a dress with a print that somehow compliments them. The only problem is, about an hour into our drive, it started to rain. Well not rain. Downpour. Monsoon. Buckets of rain coming down. I look over at Frankie, who was driving, and I see him squinting towards the road. Pulling out my phone, I find a motel that’s less than a mile up the road.
“Mmm?” His eyes remain on the road but he addresses me.
“There’s a motel up ahead on the right. Motel Paradise. I think we should stop.”
He pauses for a moment. “Yeah I agree. I can barely see. I thought we’d have to sleep in the truck.”
We pull up to the motel, thankful for the “vacancy” sign that’s lit up. Frankie pulls up under the awning and we all get out, taking a moment to stretch our legs before walking inside. It’s small, just enough space for the front desk and a small reception area where I assume some sort of breakfast would be available. 
“Welcome to the Motel Paradise,” the man behind the counter says sarcastically, glancing out the glass doors behind us. 
“Thanks, man. You have any rooms available?” Benny asks.
The receptionist glances down at his ancient computer monitor. “I have one left.”
“Just one?”
“Yeah. Everyone’s getting off the roads so…”
Benny glances at me and then Frankie, who nods. “We’ll take it.”
Money exchanged, the man lazily hands us an actual key with a thick, large keychain with the hotel logo on it. It’s all the way at the end of the row of rooms, the very last one in the one story building. Frankie drives us over there and Benny hops out, holding the door open for me as I follow. He walks up to the room door, puts the key in and fiddles with it a moment before pushing the door open. He flicks the lights on and pauses.
“What is it?” I ask, thinking it’s got left over escapade underwear or something a hotel would have that charges by the hour. But as I push past him, I see exactly what he’s talking about.
“There’s only one bed,” Benny says a little nervously.
“Looks like a queen too,” I offer. 
Frankie walks in then and sees us staring. His eyes follow our gaze and lands on the one, smaller bed. He thinks for several moments before speaking.
“I…I can sleep in the truck.”
Turning to him, I shake my head. “Not with your back you aren’t.”
Benny speaks up. “I’ll take the chair.”
Looking at him, I sigh. “Ben, you’re like a thousand feet tall. Even I couldn’t curl up on that thing. No way. I will go sleep in the truck and you guys can-”
They’re both shaking their heads at me. “No way.”
“Frankie, I know you’re protective over your truck but I promise I won’t drive it.”
“It’s not that, querida. It’s not safe out there. I’m trained for that shit. Plus, you’ll hurt your neck or something.
He’s right. 
“Maybe we can sleep on the floor?” Benny asks, looking at Frankie who starts to nod.
“On this floor? No way. This is a hotel, boys. Who knows when this thing was deep cleaned last.”
Benny chuckles. “There’s always the bathtub.” 
Frankie chuckles with him. “I’d love to see you try and cram yourself into a bathtub.”
They bicker back and forth, in a friendly way before they become quiet, scanning the room for another place to sleep.
“Oh for fuck’s sake, we’ll all share the bed.” I wish I felt as confident inside as I sounded then, because the idea of being sandwiched between the 2 men that I have a massive crush on is…intimidating to say the least. I just know my face is heating up so I walk past Frankie and grab my purse that I had tossed on the dresser. 
“We…we can’t all fit?” Frankie asks, looking between me and Benny.
“Sure we can,” I say, pointing to the bed. “Benny, me, you. We’ll fit and no one will have bad backs or necks in the morning.”
Wait…are they blushing? I watch them both shift nervously where they stand.
“Are…are you sure, sweetheart?”
“Of course. We’ve all stayed at each other’s places before-”
“This is a little different, querida.” Frankie cuts me off.
Sighing, I walk over to the bed and sit on it, bouncing slightly with my movement. I swear I caught them both looking at my chest as it bounced. I have to be seeing things, right?
“Look, it’s fine with me. I’ll sleep great knowing I’m with you both.”
A quick glance at each other and they nod, coming to some sort of an agreement. Frankie gets a cooler out of his truck that he had thankfully packed some sandwiches and road snacks in, which now becomes our dinner. We ate and chatted, a movie playing in the background as the mood relaxed. Soon it was time for bed, so we each grabbed our bags and took turns in the small bathroom getting ready for bed. And that’s when I remembered.
I only have a shirt for pajamas. 
I don’t typically sleep in much of anything but I knew I had to have something so I grabbed an oversized shirt and tossed it in my bag, thinking I’d have a room all to myself. Well that was a terrible idea. Oh well - nothing to be done about it now. 
When I walk out of the bathroom, both Frankie and Benny’s eyes are glued to me, scanning me up and down before looking away quickly, each of them turning a brilliant blush color. What was actually happening? Could they…could they feel the same as me? No. I’m not that lucky.
Making my way over to the bed, I crawl up it, scooting towards the middle as I hear the bathroom door close behind Benny. Some movie is still on the tv and Frankie is trying so hard to keep his eyes on the tv and not me. This is…I’m not sure how to process this. Soon, Benny takes Frankie’s place and sure enough, same thing, as if he’s forcing himself to not look at me. 
Frankie comes out, wet curls sticking to his forehead and now it’s my turn to try and not look at him. Because when his hair sticks to him…
Frankie hovers at the edge of the bed, lightly sitting on the smallest area possible. We watch a bit more of the movie, rain still hammering against the roof, but it’s getting late. We all need to sleep.
“Alright. I think it’s time for bed,” I finish with a yawn. “Come on. I know neither one of you are comfortable. That chair looks like a bed of nails.”
Benny chuckles nervously. “You’re not wrong about that.”
They both get up and face the bed, glancing at each other before back at the bed. Rolling my eyes, I make grabby hands at both of them, patting the bed on either side of me. Nervously, they both shuffle to either side of the bed and slide in, trying hard not to touch me as they do.
“Oh my God you won’t hurt me you know.”
“Yeah but…” Frankie starts, grunting as he tries to cover himself with the blanket.
“We’re tryin’ to be respectful, sweetheart.”
I scoff, air coming out of my nose. “Since when?”
“Since we have to share a bed.” Frankie nearly whispers, but we’re so close I hear him anyway. 
I say nothing. What is there to say? They face away from me as they try to fall asleep. They’re so close I can smell them both and there’s no way I’m getting sleep tonight…
A few hours later, assuming by the darkness in the room, my eyes flutter open, lashes dancing across my cheeks as I feel something hard slightly grinding against my ass. Not something. Someone. Benny. I would be the world’s biggest liar if I said this didn’t immediately turn me on, but he’s got to be dreaming. Right? A little moan escapes me before I can stop it and a few moments later, the grinding stops. 
“Shit. I…’m sorry.” Benny’s voice is raspy with sleep and I can tell he woke when I stirred. But he hadn’t moved away from me, just stopped moving, his erection still firmly pressed against my ass.
Fuck it. I can’t take this anymore - if this makes our friendship awkward, I’ll deal with it later. Pushing my hips back, I slightly grind my ass over his hard cock, tucked away in his pajama pants. A rumble in the back of his throat goes straight between my legs as his fingers tentatively grip my hip, his lips ghosting across my ear as he raspily whispers to me.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes,” I whisper back, my nerves lighting up my whole body and making me feel giddy, and I close my eyes to focus on the sensations.
Benny’s lips, so soft and warm ghost across my skin, finding some spot on my neck that has me biting my lip. Fuck how does he know about that spot? I didn’t know about that spot. I feel his hand slowly slide up my shirt, his rough fingertips lightly touching my skin and I let out a huff of breath. I’m trying to be quiet, but I don’t know if I can…
Benny pushes up my bralette, my boobs spilling from it as he grabs one, lightly brushing his thumb across my nipple. I bite my lip to keep from crying out. He squeezes and tugs lightly, and I’m already putty underneath his hands. Benny winds his top arm under my neck and around my front, shoving his hand down my top and grabbing a boob, while his other hand starts to roams south, lightly tugging at my underwear. I know he’s waiting for confirmation. I can feel it in his slight hesitance. 
Pushing my hips back, I feel a puff of air on my neck as he gets the hint, his fingers gripping my panties and pulling them down my legs. His fingers make circles around my entrance and I feel him groan quietly into my neck when he feels how wet I am for him. He pushes 2 fingers in and I bite my lip harder - I swear I’m going to draw blood before he’s done. He pumps into me a few times before he’s gone, no longer touching me. 
Opening my mouth to protest, words die on my lips as I hear and sort of feel him shifting his pants down. His hard cock pops free and slaps against my ass as he adjusts his hips, lining up with me. I’ve wanted this for so long, so desperate for this that I nearly cry out in frustration at his slowness. But then he’s pushing in and -
“Mmmnnuuhh!” A moan escapes me before I can stop it. Benny keeps pushing and fuck he’s long. He feels incredible, lighting me up and electrifying my skin.
Soft lips touch mine, a tongue pushing lightly at them, gently demanding I part mine. I do and the tongue glides in and rubs across my bottom teeth, finding my tongue to dance with it. A few more moments of kisses as Benny finally bottoms out inside me and stills, the kiss breaking. My eyes remain closed for a moment before I slowly open them, looking into the dark, lustful eyes of Frankie.
“Is this ok, querida?”
I don’t think I’ve ever nodded faster in my life. “Yes. Fuck, yes.”
He smiles and fuck- Frankie’s smile has always destroyed me. He glances behind me, I’m assuming towards Benny, and gives a small nod. His eyes find mine as Benny starts to slowly pull out, pushing back into me, his hand playing with my nipple. My mouth hangs open and Frankie is there, kissing me, shifting his body to find the boob Benny wasn’t touching. He starts to gently rub circles around my nipple, swallowing my cries as Benny starts to pick up the pace, grunting in my ear and breathing heavy on my neck. 
Frankie shifts down, his hand feeling for the underwear that Benny only managed to push to my knees. He breaks the kiss and moves to pull my underwear down and off, tossing them on top of my bag. He lays back down and resumes kissing me, lightly touching my nipple, which is in a major contrast with the way Benny is gripping and twisting. Frankie’s other hand shifts lower, pushing my leg up and over Benny’s. An extra adjustment thrust from Benny at this angle has me crying out as he hits some spot at the back of me. What is that spot? I can’t dwell on it because Frankie licks his fingers and touches my cunt, sliding his fingers through my folds before gliding back up to touch my clit.
“FUCK!” The word spills from my lips, erupting from somewhere inside me as both of their touch sends me towards the edge. “Fuck you…you both feel…’m gonna…UGH!” 
I explode, my entire body explodes with my orgasm, eyes flying back into my head, my mouth open, my legs shaking as Benny continues to hit that spot at the back of me and Frankie keeps touching my clit. I come down but I’m twitching with every touch. Frankie chuckles darkly and removes his hand.
“I wanna taste you, querida.”
I nod. I think I nod. I hope I nodded because I’d very much like that. I must have nodded because I feel Benny’s grip tighten on my hip as he pulls out, chuckling as I make a noise of protest. They both move my body to sit up and strip me of my clothes along with the rest of the both of theirs. The room is too dark to really see more than an outline of bodies, but that doesn’t bother me. It doesn’t bother them either as I feel the bed shift, Frankie grunting as he lays on his back, his head towards the bottom of the bed, his feet against the headboard.
“Sit on my face, querida.”
The slightly commanding way he says it has me wet all over again and I don’t have time to think about how he can suffocate before I’m scrambling up the bed, knees on either side of his head. Frankie grips my ass and pushes me close to his face, wasting no time in licking up the center of me.
“F-f-Frankie!” His name spills from my lips as he eats me like a man starved, like he’d been waiting for years for this chance. He uses his nose too, that nose that I love and adore, rubbing it up my pussy and tapping my clit. He continues for a couple minutes, pulling me apart on top of him before I feel a warm, strong hand at my upper back, Frankie humming approval into my cunt and I jerk at the stimulation. 
Benny pushes my upper back down, bending me over Frankie’s body and my nose brushes against Frankie’s hard cock. Fuck he’s thick. Definitely thicker than Benny. I always thought he was packing but damn. Lost in my vision of Frankie’s dick, Benny pushes into me quickly and without warning, but it’s like my pussy had been waiting for him. 
“Benny,” I let out a satisfied moan as he bottoms out and he chuckles deeply.
He starts to set a pace and the 2 men work their magic on me, pulling me apart from the inside out in the most glorious way. My face taps into Frankie’s dick and I moan, moving my head to give it a lick. Frankie’s suction on my clit drops and I feel a huff of air on my wet pussy that ends in a groan from Frankie. Before he has a chance to answer, I lick him again, getting his dick ready before I slowly take him into my mouth. 
“Fuck querida. You-you’re gonna kill me.”
“Doesn’t she feel fantastic, Fish?” Benny echoes his sentiment from somewhere behind me as he continues to pound into me, hitting some spot at the very back of me. 
Frankie licks at me before I can respond, and I dig my fingers into his thighs. I’m just trying to stay afloat, pleasure coursing through me as I run full out towards my next ograsm. Judging by the way Benny’s hips are starting to thrust more and more erratically, he feels very similar. I yank my head off Frankie as I feel myself falling into bliss.
“Boys ‘m gonna…fuck!” That’s all the warning I can give each of them and I wonder if I’ll feel guilty later for absolutely soaking Frankie’s face as Benny rails into me a few more times before he cries out, pulling out quickly. I feel warmth spurting across my back as Benny comes, continuing to whimper as he winds down. My legs start to twitch as Frankie continues to lap at me for a few more moments. 
As Frankie slows, Benny pulls out of me and I feel his loss, a small whine of protest escaping me as I hear him move to the bathroom and wet a rag. He comes back and wipes my back down before leaning over and turning my head, placing a light kiss to my lips before he pulls back, a large grin on his face. 
“ ‘m gonna take a shower.”
Benny heads to the bathroom and the water turns on and I finally move to slide off of Frankie. He helps guide me off of him as my legs had completely given out, helping me to lay on my back. He slides up next to me and props himself up on his arm, his finger tracing lines across my chest, around my nipples, and dipping lower and lower towards my cunt with each pass.
“Are you ok, querida?”
“Mmm? Me? I’m fucking fantastic.” He chuckles, continuing to trace his lines so gently, my skin pimpling at his touch. But wait….Frankie didn’t…
My eyes find his and he cocks his head slightly at my concerned expression. “You…you didn’t…I don’t think you…”
He shakes his head, but still has a small smile. “No, querida. But you did and that’s what I wanted.”
I move my hand to his cheek, lightly scratching his patchy beard hair as a sound rumbles in his chest.  
“Well, we can’t have that,” I say, trying to pull him on top of me as I bring him in for a kiss. Dammit, why is he strong?
“Querida, you don’t have to -”
“I don’t have to do anything, Frankie. But fuck I’ve wanted you both for so long. I just…I need to feel you inside me. Now.”
He kisses me hard, tongue exploring my mouth as he moves on top of me. I can feel him, hot and heavy as he pushes my legs wider with his knee before he notches himself at my entrance. Slowly, he inches his way inside me, watching my face as my head flings back into the bed, my mouth hanging open like an idiot. Fuck he just…He’s not as long as Benny but he’s definitely thicker and I feel like he’s splitting me open but I would beg for this. 
“Rough or slow, querida? We can always change it up next time.”
“N…next time? You mean, you’ll want to d-do this again?”
“Fuck yeah we will,” Benny’s voice comes from the doorway to the bathroom and Frankie nods his agreement, keeping his eyes on me. “But for now, I’ll give you two a moment.” Benny chuckles and closes the bathroom door behind him.
Frankie looks at me, his eyes searching my face for an answer.
“Lover’s choice,” I say, giving him a wink. “Besides - we can always switch it up next time.”
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales​ @chaoticgeminate @janebby @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @diaryofkali @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @jadore-andor @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin
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wri0thesley · 4 months
anime & game merch and sales post!!!
(genshin impact, jujutsu kaisen, my hero academia, jojo's bizarre adventure)
hi friends! i'm downsizing pre-wedding and i'm selling some merch i bought doubles of, i bought in bundles, i bought to make itabags and never got around to, etc!!! i've sold stuff via tumblr before, but if you are worried: i will use paypal goods and services so you are covered, and i'd be happy to share my vinted/etsy/some other source of feedback with you if you ask in my dms (there's just some sensitive location info so i don't want to share publicly on this post!).
all of this is official merch; either bought through mercari.jp, a japanese shopping service, direct from manufacturers, or the official tmall (in the case of genshin stuff!).
i would prefer to ship within the uk, but i'm happy to ship internationally at your cost!!! shipping costs for the uk and the usa are as follows, ask if you want another country estimate:
UK: £3.30 for Tracked 48 postage USA: £18 for International Tracked; if it ends up being less, I'll refund the difference (it's hard to know for certain without knowing exactly what I'm sending and the weight!), but according to Royal Mail it should be around there!
ok! there's the boring stuff. merch under cut and under headings!!!
Genshin Impact
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metal itto keychains! these are HEAVY, honestly, and they're super cute but my itto love simply is not as strong as my love for some other boys and i HAVE to downsize. £8 each, £15 for both
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as you can tell i intended to make an itto itabag VFNKJVFN. chibi/emoji buttons, £5 each, £15 for all 4.
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itto emoji sticker keychains £6 each, £10 for both!
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these ones are bigger buttons than the emoji and are fun and shiny! £6 each, £15 for all 3.
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baizhu 2 charm bundle; £10 for both or £6 each.
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Miscellaneous genshin stuff; song of broken pines metal keychain, noelle kfc collab badge, a button of ayaka from the clothing collab. £5 and just take them off my hands bdfgvnkjgfnkb.
Jujutsu Kaisen
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JJK Bandai Banpresto Nanami figure; I accidentally pre-ordered this twice so I need to sell my double! You can see what it looks like out of box here. £15. SOLD
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Gojo hotel-key style keychain; £5.
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Mahito Pita! charms; I have doubles of them! £6 for both or £4 each.
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nanami bundle that i'd rather not split because i am LAZY dfvnjkgfbnkj. 8 x acrylic charms, 2 x buttons and 1 x acrylic stand. £20 for everything. SOLD
My Hero Academia
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Endeavour and Pompompurin Sanrio collab merch; £8 for both.
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Twice bundle including four buttons and two acrylic charms (two of which are the sanrio collab stuff for him!). £15 for everything.
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Toga bundle (realised I forgot the acrylic stand for her which is why it's on its own!). Orb keychain, acrylic stand, two acrylic keychains and four buttons including the Sanrio collab stuff (Toga had Kuromi which is VERY cute!!!). £20 altogether.
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shigaraki keychain bundle; one plush orb, three pita! keychains, one rubber keychain and three misc acrylic charms. £20 for everything.
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the BIG ONE. there are i THINK 30 assorted shigaraki buttons here that i cannot be bothered to separate; some are from movies, at least one is live action, some are celebration buttons or from exhibitions. they're from a shigaraki itabag i never made. £30 for everything (that evens out to £1 a button!).
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shigaraki x gudetama sanrio characters collab bundle. acrylic stand, acrylic keychain and badge. £12 altogether.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
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prosciutto micro-organisms / tomonui . they ARE official and i love them very much but i do not need five so these two are going to new homes, i hope! i'll lint-roll them before sending bc they're a little fluffy despite just sitting in a box for the better part of a year fgbnkjbgfnkj.
£15 each, or both for £25.
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thegrimadventuresofme · 4 months
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I missed my opportunity to doordash by a hair so I went home and made this instead lol
Now available in my etsy shop!
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