#hotels near golden temple
tnghotelsandresorts · 7 months
Hotel in Amritsar: Lowest prices guaranteed!
Offering a budget hotel near Golden Temple! Book your stay now for a peaceful and enjoyable time in this special city.
Visit our website - https://tnghotelsandresorts.com/global-inn/
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trofysisters · 5 months
Катя. Ч. 2
Во время отпуска Сашка решил постичь тайны древних цивилизаций, поэтому потащил Катю к развалинам храма, в котором тысячелетия тому назад жрецы взывали к богам. (During his vacation, Sashka decided to understand the secrets of ancient civilizations, so he dragged Katya to the ruins of a temple where, thousands of years ago, priests called upon the gods)
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Катя была уверена, что это лишь очередной аттракцион для туристов, но если мужу приспичило бросить монетку к подножию статуи, пусть развлекается. (Katya was sure that this was just another attraction for tourists, but if her husband felt like throwing a coin at the foot of the statue, let him have fun)
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Но когда во время экскурсии на вертолете к ним в кабину залетел рой пчел, Сашка заявил, что это гнев богов за Катино неверие. (But when, during a helicopter excursion, a swarm of bees flew into their cabin, Sashka declared that this was the wrath of the gods for Katya’s disbelief)
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Сказала бы ему Катя всё, что о нем думает, но она была слишком занята, пытаясь с дочерью спастись от роя. (Katya would have told him everything she thought about him, but she was too busy trying to escape the swarm with her daughter)
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Вечером Сашка захотел осмотреть еще одни развалины в глубине острова. Аборигены рассказывали, что там сокрыт эликсир молодости, но путь к нему охраняют огненные демоны. (In the evening, Sashka wanted to explore another ruin in the depths of the island. The natives said that the elixir of youth was hidden there, but the path to it was guarded by fiery demons)
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Недолго думая, Сашка отправился в развалины искать этот эликсир. А вдруг омолодится! Однако, когда до золотого кубка было рукой подать, прямо перед Сашкой из-под земли взвился столб огня. Пока ее муженек не поджарился, Катя забрала его обратно в отель. (Without thinking twice, Sashka went into the ruins to look for this elixir. What if he becomes rejuvenated! However, when the golden cup was just a stone's throw away, a column of fire rose from the ground right in front of Sashka. Before her hubby got fried, Katya took him back to the hotel)
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Катя была уверена, что развлечения должны быть безопасными, вроде Лимбо или горячих углей. А как приятно в пасмурную погоду выпить обжигающий местный напиток. (Katya was sure that entertainment should be safe, like Limbo or hot coals. And how nice it is to drink a scalding local drink in cloudy weather)
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Самый лучший отдых - лежать на пляже под лучами ласкового солнца и любоваться на безбрежную воду. Сашка с женой был не согласен, но благоразумно молчал, а то она припомнит, как он чуть не подкоптился, поверив в глупые байки. (The best vacation is to lie on the beach under the rays of the gentle sun and admire the boundless water. Sashka did not agree with his wife, but wisely remained silent, otherwise she would remember how he almost got fried by believing in stupid stories)
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В последний вечер перед отъездом семья зашла на рынок рядом с плантацией. Туристам позволили самим собрать спелые фрукты, (On the last evening before leaving, the family went to the market near the plantation. Tourists were allowed to pick ripe fruit themselves,)
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но стоило Кате отвернуться, как Сашка полез на пальму якобы за кокосами, а еще солидный пожилой человек, называется. (but as soon as Katya turned away, Sashka climbed onto the palm tree, supposedly for coconuts, although they say about him that he is a respectable old man)
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Утром перед отъездом Катя вывела семью на пляж, чтобы последний раз принять солнечные ванны. (The morning before leaving, Katya took her family to the beach to sunbathe for the last time)
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Вернувшись домой, Катя была полна энергии и вновь решила найти работу в криминале или спорте. Ее приняли в спорт на должность разносчика воды. (Returning home, Katya was full of energy and again decided to find a job in crime or sports. She was accepted into the sport as a water carrier)
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Да они издеваются, - решила Катя и немедленно уволилась. (“They’re kidding me,” Katya decided and immediately quit)
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Она рисованием зарабатывает намного больше, чем ей предлагают на работе, и не перед кем унижаться не приходится. Ну а Сашка наслаждался покоем и обществом верного пса. (She earns much more by drawing than she is offered at work, and she does not have to humiliate herself before anyone. Well, Sashka enjoyed the peace and company of his faithful dog)
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Если пес, Лерой, слушался своих хозяев, то собачка, Сузи, решила, что она сама устанавливает правила в этом доме, а хозяева должны подтирать за ней лужи. (If the dog, Leroy, obeyed his owners, then the dog, Susie, decided that she herself sets the rules in this house, and the owners should wipe up the puddles after her)
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nyraxodeyer · 5 months
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Name: Nyra Odeyer
Age: 37 (167)
Occupation: Head of the Emerald Hotel & Puck's Luck
Species: Siren
Current Residence: Sunny Harbour, Lunar Cove, RI
Once upon a time there lived a girl that dreamt of high castle walls and shimmering rubies, of colourful mosaics and sharp swords, but such images were restricted only to the dreamscapes and imaginations of the child, fated to fade in the dreamy golden hour of dawn’s first light, both a tragedy and reality as the threads that created those vivid tapestries slowly but surely unfurled to a deep longing within her heart. It wasn’t a displeasure to be born without such luxuries, her parents provided far more than most, and really, they too sometimes wished for riches so it never struck her as odd when such dreams recurred, happiness existed and that’s all that mattered… right?
Stories that began with once upon a time often promised happy endings. This is not that story. 
Let’s start again.
Once upon a life, in a memory of time, there lived a girl that knew something was different about her. Wrong or special would be debated in private even if the specifics evaded her but Niharika knew she walked a different path than her siblings. She teased much like they did, laughter rang the same notes if not a bit more melodic, she grew angry like them too, stomping feet like a child was wont to do, yet when her siblings did it skies did not gloom dark in the distance – could be a coincidence, she certainly wrote it of as such many times, but the comparison couldn’t help but be made. However, one of the many things that tormented her in the most annoying sense, Niharika could not, despite her best efforts, lie. But the girl had bigger things to worry about than getting her siblings into trouble. 
Trouble, instead, found her. 
It had been a normal day, she accompanied her mother and siblings to the local temple, and it all went well till a man dressed in priestly clothes questioned whether she would like a reading. Such a thing was not unusual, vedic astrology was an important facet of their belief and their mother agreed, considering this a blessing to be asked when the practice of a family to request such a thing. Something felt different about this to her, about him, but she paid her respects and stepped into a private room within the temple. Suspicions confirmed true when she called her Chandrika, but instead of confusing that ought to have been reflected, familiarity flashed across her face as something began to unlock within her mind; a memory tucked away in a forgotten pocket of time held a song, gentle waves, and a moon so bright she could feel its light illuminating everything in soft glow. He must’ve noticed her wide eyes but when he called her daughter, the spell broke with a tiny gasp as Niharika recoiled away. She couldn’t be blamed for the way hurt and disappointment moved across his face, she hardly paid any attention to anything as moonlight still danced in her vision. Something about past lives he had said about reincarnation and fate and told her to be cautious. She couldn’t believe any of it. The man, to avoid suspension for his intention was to only speak to her, had read her siblings charts too, imparting wisdom and advice to all of them. Thoughts weighed heavy on the girl's mind as they took their leave, half-listening to her siblings boast about being lucky in the near future or attain recognition in their adult life, and knowing she couldn’t speak fully without spilling her thoughts Niharika remained mostly silent, only saying she was told to be careful – which hadn’t been a complete lie, it was part of of what he had said. 
Time ticked by uneventfully yet quickly, uneasiness had waned since the meeting, things returned to normal except now she was too aware of how often she looked to the moon, and no matter how soft her voice had been, she found eyes on her while she sang. Her family thought it was talent shining through as they were drawn to her voice for the uncountable time, magical they called it but that only caused brows to crease and head to be cast down. She kept her mouth shut and drew no gazes, kept emotions in check and skies stayed normal, tried not to think of the stranger but she crossed paths with him again. On her birthday this time. He said he had a gift and revealed a dress of golden silk and embroidery so delicate it looked to be a near perfect replica of the one she used to dream about. Niharika hadn’t worn it, hardly touched it in case it would fade or she tainted it with the ever growing wrongness she felt, what if it was the same one? That thought made her shudder as she stowed it away, trying not to think of the man’s departing words – “Be careful of the water.” 
At a bazaar many moon cycles later did she bump into him, this time growing bolder with age she did not shy away, a lifetime of questions poured out of her at top speed. He did not chide her like adults did, did not scowl as she spoke out of turn, not even a word when she blamed him for countless sleepless nights caused by the warning he had given. Being the adamant little thing she was, Niharika brimmed with confidence as she teetered on the banks of Kaveri, eyes cast to the recent monsoon fed river, determined that there was nothing to worry here, how often had she ran alongside its current or swam in its waters? She had dragged him along to the riverside to prove it. Hopping closer, she all but dipped a leg in before she pulled it out in a panicked frenzy backing away from the waters edge as what she could only describe as the tail of fish grew out from her legs, her flesh being replaced scales as screams echoed with terror. And she swore when she looked at him with horror in her eyes, he simply smiled, like this was something to be expected, like this was normal. A variation of Matsyakanya he had said, citing their vedic lore. Heartbeat returned to a regular staccato rhythm, and for a moment she felt relief, peace, joy even as her tail splashed up some water – these she would come to know where the man’s emotions that gave her, except it felt like her own too.
Still coming to terms with this discovery, she did as told, what choice did she have? Days turned to years and this secret stayed within her, caged and confined like her wings that soon came about, entirely beautiful and mesmerising but she couldn’t share it, out of fear, out of promise, obligation, call it whatever, but she knew things would not be the same if she had. Water was avoided too once she found out what exactly she was. Yet, no amount of precautions would be enough to keep things as they had been, safety had never been granted for their kind she had been told and that slipped further and further from grasp.
The Raj’s guardsmen marching through the village had everyone on edge, their announcements of the King’s decree drew private scoffs yet none could oppose it. Her current family worried about what it would mean, and she had her own opinions on the matter but as she watched them tucked away from line of sight, she was pulled further into the crowd by an invisible force, though she had learnt to not react so openly, the act still jolted her. Invisibility. Another foreign concept. His frightened state was hard to miss, rushed explanations of hunters among the cavalry and fleeing were met again with wide eyes and racing thoughts. Things escalated quickly from then, raids and more soldiers, she didn’t want to run, didn’t want to leave her family behind but when questions that in a roundabout way pointed towards the unnatural state of being, luxury of choice was not afforded to them. It was in this slight hesitation, life flipped for Niharika, the hunted would always be pursued and on a moonless light she still vividly remembered, screams tore into the night as hunters stalked and killed her human family without remorse only later realising there wasn’t anything abnormal about them. She didn’t stick around till daybreak, she ran in the dead of night, teary eyed and angry causing the weather to shift and bend to her will. Her past-life father was ready, bags packed and he vanished as she escaped into the river before they could be found, letting the water take control and steer them to safety.
She grew quiet after that ordeal, blood clouding her vision as she cried, mourned for the loss of a loving family, what a sight she must’ve been too but he couldn’t do much about it other than hide them away, move them from place to place as battles broke out across the land; some pertaining to their kind, most not. Not many batted an eye at an ageing man and a silent girl. She had asked questions mainly as to why he had not kept on being ageless and the answer struck far too deep for something so simple – “I’m tired.”
He would not regenerate again and she accepted it, memories were precious things, they were all one had to keep them going. Before his permanent departure from this world, he had bestowed more knowledge on survival and their kin, answering every question he knew the answer to and finding out some he hadn’t known and giving names of woodland Fae and deep sea dwellers so she may discover more on her own. It was not custom for the daughter to perform last rites but she was family and she’d be damned if beliefs such as that prevented her from being there. It was attended by a few confidants he had made over time, some she had seen some not, all in all a quiet and private affair and none said a word of protest on the matter as she set the pyre alight, chanting mantras for a safe passage. 
Last of the condolences were received as the sun dipped beyond the horizon, a man in a dark suit approached her speaking of a place for their kind, a sanctuary he was setting out to build. With promises to think on it, Niharika put a pin on that thought and it forever fluttered in the back of her mind as she spent the next few decades learning about the world and all it had to offer. She had a proper name for her form too, Siren, the English word more widely used fit snugly. She lived many different lives, some she remembered, some she let the memory float away on the tides, learned to love and live and felt death deeply when those she grew attached were lost to time. Grew into a sharper, resolute person, called herself Nyra too, a new name for what felt like a new life. Because in a way it was, yet she couldn't give up on her roots completely, the picked was a variant name of the goddess she was named after. She met more of her kind too and did end up visiting Lunar Cove, a sanctuary for the supernatural kind, staying a few months on and off but she did not root herself to its soil just yet, there was more to see, more to figure out, and discover she did. Fragments of her family, of both human and the magical kind, her travels took her across the globe, even to Europe where eyes rolled at the so-called British Raj’s. What opulence did they hold to the Maharajas of ages past? Laughable and easily dismissed. In all her finds, however, the best had been stumbling upon Aiyla after a hunter attack. France was her break but with it being a tumultuous time for the Banshee, Nyra easily stepped into help. A deed being repaid forward from times when she was given help. She assisted Aiyla with her endeavours, be it information, questions, nudging her slightly onto a better path, even took her to see Evelyn who knew everything, knowing that she would find some of not all the answers the younger Fae sought. Nyra weaved in and out of Aiyla’s life for years to come, not entirely a solid presence but not completely absent either till eventually she heard her own siren call – Lunar Cove beckoned for permanency and she answered leaving Aiyla to carve her own path and way forward.
The dubious tagline of a sanctum aside, Nyra made a solid foundation for herself in this town, and felt a sense of calm that she hadn’t experienced in years. She stayed on as a member of the court, grew close to Hazal over the years offering her support in any way possible, even took to running the Emerald Hotel to help any wayward Fae that wandered through the mirage. And to finally see Aiyla make her way in was a relief beyond words. But of course, turbulent waters were never far behind. Momentary exhalation came crashing down bringing death and destruction, she tried not to let her heart grow cold as horror upon horror struck the town she called home, especially with Aiyla made Queen and she her advisor, it was not the time for callousness and spite to fester. There was a new purpose now, a chance to dig up hope and mitigate danger that only seemed to grow. 
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A Place to Lay our Heads, and a Long Journey Back to the Beginning
December 21, 2022
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I am having trouble keeping track of the days. I keep thinking it’s Sunday today (and it’s Wednesday), I’m a bit astonished that we’ve been in India a week, and the fact that Christmas is four days away is mind-blowing. Anyone who knows me knows I love this holiday- and I’m getting a little misty thinking about not being with family this year. But this was a conscious choice (in order to meet with my students at Khalsa College and give them an “activity”—I’ve been advised NOT to call it an “assignment”--for over their winter break) and I will relish the chance to experience what Christmas is like in the Punjab. There are certainly signs of the holiday: our hotel is advertising that we can “satiate our Christmas cravings with luscious indulgences, handcrafted by our culinarians”—and for a mere 599 INR (about $7.00) we can have a “Jagermeister Bomb” (don’t know what that is—but yuck.) And there’s an old Anglican church near here from British times with a Christmas Eve service and Christmas day service- so we’ll attend one of those. There are artificial trees for sale in local stalls, along with Santa hats and some other silly stuff—and our hotel has some nice jazz versions of Christmas carols playing (the same playlist over and over…but at least it’s pleasant.) We’ll make our own unique Christmas tradition this year. But I’ll miss the Christmas House in Brookfield, MA where my sister-in-law Margo goes all out in their 18th century home.
The big news since last I wrote is that we found a place to live! David and I were all set to commit to an apartment that was darling—and very comfortable—but in a neighborhood I had some concerns about. In the meanwhile, I reached out to people I met when I was here in 2018—desperately seeking a recommendation for a real estate broker who might help us in our search. One of those people was an astonishing young woman named Aashna Sachdeva whom I had connected with in 2018.
Aashna and me in 2018
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Aashna wrote to me Monday morning that her father, whose family had experienced Partition, was touched by the subject of my project, and wanted to help. Within an hour we were visiting a property he owns in a great part of town—and invited to make that our home for the next six months. The place is shared during the day by his partner and crew who are working on developing an app for film editing (it feels like we are in an episode of Silicon Valley minus the obnoxious characters)- but we have a spacious area upstairs. It was pretty sparse when we saw it, but Aashna’s mom Jasmina met me there the next day and made a list of things she could loan us for our stay: a couch, a table, a small frig, some rugs, etc. The generosity of this couple- who were complete strangers to us a week ago-is overwhelming. We move in on Friday- and we’re planning to treat ourselves to a little shopping spree at Home Centre and Fabindia (the temple of my familiar) to make the place feel homey.
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This city is fascinating… and intense. Having an oasis of peace will be crucial.
Our new place:
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Today, David and I headed to the old city with the plan of visiting the Golden Temple.
On our way
But when we got there, it was teeming with pilgrims, worshippers, and tourists—and we thought it wise to return early one morning or after dark—the times recommended by many. After stopping in at The Partition Museum (the place I visited in 2018 that prompted the whole idea for this Fulbright project),
Outside of the Partition Museum, housed in the old town hall
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we made our way to the Jallianwala Bagh Memorial. If you don’t know or have forgotten: on April 13, 1919, a group of soldiers commanded by British Brigadier General R.E.H. Dyer entered an enclosed courtyard where a large group of peaceful protesters (men, women, and children) were gathered. He ordered the soldiers (sadly, all Indians serving in the British army) to fire into the crowd. No warning was made to disperse (such gatherings were forbidden)—they just fired –1650 rounds—and killed approximately 1500 men, women, and children. 120 of them jumped into the well in the courtyard to escape the bullets—and all drowned. I’m giving the barest of facts here. But see the scene the scene from “Gandhi” on YouTube below for a pretty accurate (and harrowing) seven-minute depiction (if, perhaps, a little kind to the panel that questioned Dyer later.) You'll see the Town Hall that now houses the Partition Museum in the clip. The space is now a memorial park to the victims and very well done, although the cheery music piped in makes for a bizarre counterpoint to the weight of what took place there.
Jallianwala Bagh
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We were tired after that- and ready to head back to the hotel for a rest. That was not as simple as anticipated. We got ourselves lost in the warren of narrow streets that make up the old city- and my Fitbit knock-off alerted me that I had reached 10,000 steps long before we made it to a main road where we could call an Uber. And that was right back where we’d started. We had walked in a huge, confusing circle—past countless tiny shops, tea stalls and rickshaw drivers all offering to take us where we were going (but none knowing where our hotel was.) Although I had some nervousness that we might get robbed (pick pocketing and other theft are a big problem here)- we both sort of enjoyed the journey. The weather was cool and not unpleasant. There were lots of interesting things to see.
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And we knew eventually we’d have to come to something familiar, which we did. It did feel incredibly good to finally climbed into an Uber and sit back as our driver made his way through unimaginable traffic to finally deposit us at our hotel (how does anyone drive in this city?) The Uber cost: 140 INR (about $1.75.) We tipped him more than the ride cost: that price might have been acceptable (for here) if it had been a clear shot—but that poor driver made no money on that ride.
Off to sleep- with the hopes that tonight I don’t wake up at my new time of 1 AM to lie and obsess for an hour before falling back to sleep.
Oh! My funny story of the day: mid-morning I went down to the lobby to ask about extending our stay by one night (the house isn’t quite ready for us.) There was a woman in the lobby impatiently asking for something from the staff. She had on her flannel plaid pajamas and slippers, was holding a cup of chai in each hand, and coughing non-stop. No mask. Not even an attempt to cover her mouth. She then went over to the elevator to head back to her room. I decided to take the stairs. This is a four-star hotel, folks.
And for a little laugh:
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Until the next…
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tonybina-india-2020 · 2 years
Day 10 : The Gulaal - Jaiselmer
18th March 2023
After a vegetarian meal under the stars we retired early to our room for a shower and a chill.
This hotel is fabulous however the view from an our window is of a building site  although looking out from it now, I can’t actually see anyone working the machinery that has been left there.  We’ve also had several power cuts, the most notable, was one that caused a total black out whilst I was showering. It was completely pitch black with not a glimmer of light, so I though it best just to keep warm under the hot water until the electricity was restored
Todays first stop was Gadiser Lake, a holy expanse of water that is kept topped up by a canal. Within this lake are catfish around 5 foot long and they have the circumference of a large bucket. Gangi, our guide said that people fished these near mythical monsters for food, however they didn’t taste at all good.
Behind the lake were the Ghats, which are the cremation pyres for Hindus and next to them the burial plots for the Muslim 
Our next stop was Jaisalmer Fort which also goes by the name Sonar Quila (Golden Fort) as it rises from the desert itself and seems to become one with the golden hues of the sand. The setting sun adds its own magic and shrouds the fort with mystique. The fort is constructed in the classic style of the royals by local craftsmen. This fort is a world heritage site and around 5000 people live within its walls, mostly from Brahim and Rajput descent.
Its narrow streets are cobbled, broken and steep and gutters run along along side. We left our transport at the bottom gate and began our long slow walk into the fort. I was careful not to slip on the worn stones, but a very old man was squatting on the ground with a chisel and hammer knocking tiny holes into the ground to make the surface a little rougher.
The traffic of men, women, children, dogs, scooters, motor bikes and cows came from every direction, we veered and swerved around each other in some sort of dance, there was me jumping out of the way at every horn blast, trying to avoid the dung that was so freely strewn across the ground, but the cows refused to move and stood their ground, their docile, unblinking , brown eyes staring resolutely ahead of them.
We went into a Jain Temple to admire the stonework on its wall and columns. 
Jainism is one of the world’s oldest religions, originating in India at least 2,500 years ago. The spiritual goal of Jainism is to become liberated from the endless cycle of rebirth and to achieve an all-knowing state called moksha. This can be attained by living a nonviolent life, with as little negative impact on any living thing. Some Jains even refuse to eat anything grown from under the ground, they cover their mouths to stop them inhaling insects and in some cases employ people to walk ahead of them, sweeping the ground and thus avoiding stepping on any forms of life.
By midday, the aroma of the fort grew heady with the smell of cooking food, petrol fumes, cow pats and urine or sewage of some sort. The intense heat didn’t help at all and I was ready to get back to the calm of the hotel.
A visit to the sand dunes was planned for this evening to see  the sunset, however this excursion included a camel ride. In all honesty my conscience wouldn’t let me go. I know how some animals are treated in this country with little concern for their welfare and well being, for the sake of 15 minutes of entertainment, the poor camel may have suffered a lifetime of pain.  So we declined and sat by the pool instead catching up on news and dozing, the cool desert wind like a warm blanket covering us.
So tomorrow we are on the move again.
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rajasthanroyal · 4 days
Rajasthan Budget tour :Rajasthan Royal Tourism 08209423763
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Rajasthan Budget Trip: Discover the Royal State with Rajasthan Royal Tourism By Rajasthan Royal Tourism
Rajasthan, the Land of Kings, is renowned for its opulent palaces, grand forts, and vibrant culture. While the state is often linked with luxury, it also caters perfectly to budget travelers seeking to experience its rich heritage and diverse landscapes without overspending. With Rajasthan Royal Tourism, you can explore Rajasthan on a budget while enjoying a high-quality travel experience. Whether it’s the lively bazaars of Jaipur, the romantic lakes of Udaipur, the golden dunes of Jaisalmer, or the blue streets of Jodhpur, this royal state offers many affordable experiences.
Our Rajasthan Budget Tour packages are crafted to give you the best of Rajasthan at a fraction of the price, without compromising on the essence of your journey.
Why Choose a Budget Tour in Rajasthan?
Exploring Rajasthan on a budget doesn’t mean missing out on its grandeur. A budget tour allows you to dive deep into the authentic experiences of local culture, street food, and unique attractions. With affordable accommodations, mouth-watering street food, and economical local transport, Rajasthan Royal Tourism ensures you enjoy every moment without breaking the bank.
Top Budget Destinations in Rajasthan
Jaipur – The Pink City on a Budget Start your journey in Jaipur, known for its majestic Amber Fort, Hawa Mahal, and City Palace—all accessible at low entrance fees. Jaipur’s bustling markets offer handicrafts, jewelry, and textiles at budget-friendly prices. Savor delicious Rajasthani street food like dal baati churma and kachori at local eateries without straining your wallet.
Jaisalmer – Golden Desert Adventures Experience the golden sands of the Sam Desert and explore the historic Jaisalmer Fort on a budget. Stay in budget accommodations or guesthouses within the fort itself, and embark on an affordable camel safari. You can even spend a night in a desert camp under the stars, creating unforgettable memories without overspending.
Jodhpur – The Blue City The Mehrangarh Fort, with its panoramic views, offers a rich cultural experience at a reasonable price. Explore Jaswant Thada and the Umaid Bhawan Palace Museum for affordable day trips. The local street markets near the Clock Tower are perfect for sampling street food and buying souvenirs at budget prices.
Udaipur – The City of Lakes Udaipur’s tranquil lakes, such as Lake Pichola and Fateh Sagar Lake, can be enjoyed for free, while budget boat rides on Lake Pichola offer stunning views of the City Palace. Wander the old city lanes and discover hidden temples and galleries, or enjoy local cuisine at budget-friendly cafes.
Pushkar – A Spiritual and Cultural Retreat Visit the Brahma Temple and stroll around the sacred Pushkar Lake without spending much. Pushkar’s annual Camel Fair is a great way to experience local culture on a budget. Stay in inexpensive hostels or homestays, and immerse yourself in the town’s spiritual and cultural atmosphere.
Ranthambore National Park – Wildlife on a Budget For nature enthusiasts, a budget safari at Ranthambore National Park offers a chance to see tigers and other wildlife at an affordable price. Group safaris are available, allowing you to enjoy the wildlife adventure without exceeding your budget.
Bikaner – The Untouched Desert Gem Visit Junagarh Fort and the Karni Mata Temple (also known as the rat temple) in Bikaner. A camel safari in the desert and Bikaner’s famous spicy street food are other affordable delights in this lesser-explored city.
Budget Travel Tips with Rajasthan Royal Tourism:
Affordable Accommodation: Stay in budget hotels, guesthouses, or homestays that offer comfortable and affordable lodging.
Local Transportation: Use state-run buses, shared jeeps, or auto-rickshaws to travel within cities. Public transportation in Rajasthan is reliable and cost-effective.
Street Food: Indulge in authentic Rajasthani street food at local stalls for a true taste of the region without the high price tag.
Group Tours: Rajasthan Royal Tourism offers group tours, allowing you to share costs and still enjoy guided tours of major attractions.
Explore Rajasthan on a Budget with Rajasthan Royal Tourism
At Rajasthan Royal Tourism, we believe that everyone should have the chance to explore the beauty of Rajasthan without spending a fortune. Our budget tour packages are designed to offer you the essence of Rajasthan in the most cost-effective way, without compromising on comfort or enjoyment. Whether you're a solo traveler, a group of friends, or a family on a budget, we have a range of customizable tours to fit your needs.
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swaroopvillas · 6 days
Best Premier Room with Balcony in Udaipur: A Luxurious Experience
Nestled in the heart of Udaipur, the majestic city of lakes, Swaroop Villas is a hidden gem offering an unforgettable experience. With its serene ambiance, luxury amenities, and impeccable service, Swaroop Villas is the epitome of modern luxury blended with traditional Rajasthani hospitality. Among the many highlights of this boutique hotel is its Premier Room with Balcony, a perfect retreat for travelers seeking comfort, luxury, and stunning views.
Why Choose Swaroop Villas?
Swaroop Villas is located near the picturesque Swaroop Sagar Lake, offering an unparalleled blend of comfort, luxury, and scenic beauty. The hotel’s strategic location ensures that guests are just a short drive away from Udaipur’s major attractions, including City Palace, Jagdish Temple, Fateh Sagar Lake, and Pichola Lake.
The Premier Room with Balcony at Swaroop Villas stands out for its perfect balance of style and sophistication, offering a personalized, elegant stay.
Key Features of the Premier Room with Balcony
Spacious Balcony with Scenic Views: One of the standout features of the Premier Room is the private balcony. Offering breathtaking views of Swaroop Sagar Lake and the surrounding Aravalli hills, this balcony is perfect for morning tea or a peaceful sunset. The tranquil ambiance enhances the overall experience, providing guests with a picturesque setting for relaxation.
Luxurious Interiors: The room is tastefully designed with modern amenities and elegant Rajasthani touches, reflecting the regal culture of Udaipur. From plush beds to premium linens, every aspect of the Premier Room exudes comfort and sophistication.
Modern Amenities: Equipped with a flat-screen TV, high-speed Wi-Fi, air conditioning, and a well-stocked minibar, the Premier Room ensures a comfortable stay. The ensuite bathroom features a rain shower, premium toiletries, and bathrobes to give guests a spa-like experience.
Personalized Service: Swaroop Villas is known for its warm hospitality. Guests staying in the Premier Room enjoy attentive, personalized service, including daily housekeeping, in-room dining, and concierge assistance. The staff is dedicated to ensuring a seamless stay, catering to every need with a smile.
Perfect for Couples and Families: The Premier Room with Balcony is an excellent choice for couples seeking a romantic getaway or families looking for a luxurious yet cozy space to unwind after exploring Udaipur. The breathtaking view and serene atmosphere make it a top pick for a memorable stay in the city of lakes.
Why the Balcony Experience is Unforgettable
The private balcony offers more than just a view; it provides an intimate space to soak in the beauty of Udaipur. Whether you're watching the early morning mist over the lake, witnessing the golden hues of the sunset, or simply stargazing at night, the balcony becomes a special part of the stay at Swaroop Villas. It adds a unique charm, allowing guests to connect with the serenity of nature while enjoying the comforts of their luxurious room.
Proximity to Udaipur's Attractions
Swaroop Villas’ location is ideal for exploring the royal city of Udaipur. Guests can enjoy a leisurely walk to the nearby Swaroop Sagar Lake, or venture a little further to discover the beauty of Fateh Sagar Lake and Lake Pichola. The iconic City Palace and Saheliyon Ki Bari are also just a short drive away, ensuring you can experience the best of Udaipur without hassle.
For those looking to immerse themselves in luxury and comfort, the Premier Room with Balcony at Swaroop Villas is the ultimate choice. From the private balcony with stunning views to the finely crafted interiors, every aspect of this room is designed to provide an unforgettable experience. Whether you’re visiting Udaipur for a romantic escape or a family vacation, staying at Swaroop Villas will ensure your trip is filled with elegance, comfort, and the best of Rajasthani hospitality.
Book your stay at Swaroop Villas today and indulge in the beauty of Udaipur like never before!
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How do I choose the right double bed for a guest room?
Choosing the right double bed for a guest room involves considering a few key factors to ensure comfort and functionality. First, think about the size of the room; a queen or king-sized bed might be ideal for spacious guest rooms, while a full-sized bed could work well in smaller spaces. Additionally, consider the type of mattress and bedding that will provide the best support for your guests. Opt for high-quality linens to enhance the overall experience.
If you're looking for accommodations with excellent guest rooms, SGRT Hotels in Vellore offers a variety of options. If you're near CMC Hospital Vellore, you might search for hotels near CMC Hospital Vellore or lodge in Vellore near CMC Hospital for convenience. You can also find rooms near CMC Vellore or a lodge near CMC Vellore for easy access to the hospital.
For those traveling to Vellore via train, consider hotels near Katpadi railway station or hotels in Katpadi Vellore for a comfortable stay. If you're exploring the area, there are also options like hotels in Ranipet Vellore and other nearby accommodations. For guests visiting the Sripuram Golden Temple Vellore, look for hotels near Sripuram Golden Temple Vellore to ensure a convenient and enjoyable trip. Ultimately, the right bed choice and hotel selection will enhance your guests' experience.
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optimatravels · 13 days
Puri Tour Packages - Exploring the Contours and Attractions
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Puri, a coastal town in the Indian state of Odisha, is one of the most revered pilgrimage destinations in India. Known as one of the Char Dham pilgrimage sites, Puri is famous for the Jagannath Temple, its pristine beaches, and the annual Rath Yatra festival. Tour packages to Puri offer a blend of spirituality, history, and natural beauty, catering to diverse interests. This guide explores the key contours and attractions of Puri tour packages.
Pilgrimage Packages - The most popular tour packages to Puri are pilgrimage-focused, attracting devotees from all over India and beyond. These packages typically include:
Jagannath Temple: The centerpiece of any Puri pilgrimage, the Jagannath Temple is dedicated to Lord Jagannath, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The temple's unique architecture, with its towering spire and intricately carved walls, is a marvel in itself. Pilgrimage packages often include guided tours of the temple, where visitors can witness the daily rituals and offerings.
Rath Yatra: For those visiting during June or July, the Rath Yatra is a highlight. This annual chariot festival sees the deities of Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra, and Subhadra taken out in grand, elaborately decorated chariots. Special pilgrimage packages for the Rath Yatra include reserved spots to view the procession, accommodation near the temple, and cultural programs that provide deeper insight into the festival's significance.
Other Temples: Puri is home to several other important temples, such as the Gundicha Temple, Lokanath Temple, and the Sunara Gauranga Temple. Pilgrimage packages often include visits to these sites, allowing devotees to complete their spiritual journey.
Beach and Nature Packages - For travelers looking to unwind amidst natural beauty, Puri offers some of the most serene beaches along the eastern coast of India. Tour packages focused on nature and relaxation often feature:
Puri Beach: The town’s main beach is a long stretch of golden sand bordered by the Bay of Bengal. Known for its breathtaking sunrises and sunsets, Puri Beach is a perfect spot for leisurely walks, swimming, and enjoying local seafood at nearby stalls. Packages typically include accommodations at beachfront hotels, allowing visitors to enjoy the sea's calming presence.
Chilika Lake: Just an hour’s drive from Puri, Chilika Lake is Asia’s largest brackish water lagoon. It’s a paradise for bird watchers, especially during the winter months when migratory birds flock to the area. Tour packages to Chilika often include boat rides on the lake, visits to Nalaban Bird Sanctuary, and stops at Kalijai Temple, located on an island in the lake.
Balukhand-Konark Wildlife Sanctuary: Located between Puri and Konark, this sanctuary offers a blend of coastal and forest ecosystems. Nature-focused tour packages might include guided treks through the sanctuary, where visitors can spot deer, monkeys, and various bird species.
Cultural and Heritage Packages - Puri’s rich cultural heritage makes it a fascinating destination for those interested in history, art, and architecture. Cultural and heritage tour packages typically encompass:
Konark Sun Temple: Although located about 35 km from Puri, the Sun Temple at Konark is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a must-visit. Known for its monumental chariot-shaped structure dedicated to the Sun God, the temple is an architectural marvel. Heritage packages often include a guided tour of the temple complex, providing insights into its history, construction, and significance.
Raghurajpur Artist Village: About 14 km from Puri, Raghurajpur is a heritage crafts village known for its Pattachitra paintings, a traditional art form of Odisha. Visitors can interact with the artisans, watch them at work, and purchase unique handicrafts. Cultural packages might include a half-day trip to Raghurajpur, offering a glimpse into the local art scene.
Odisha State Maritime Museum: Located in Cuttack, about 90 km from Puri, this museum provides a comprehensive overview of Odisha’s maritime history. Cultural tour packages often include a visit to this museum, where exhibits showcase ancient shipbuilding techniques, maritime trade routes, and more.
Adventure and Activity Packages - For the adventure enthusiasts, Puri offers various activities that cater to thrill-seekers and explorers alike. Adventure tour packages might feature:
Water Sports: Puri’s beaches are not just for relaxation; they also offer opportunities for water sports like surfing, parasailing, and jet skiing. These packages often include sessions with professional instructors, ensuring safety and fun for participants.
Trekking and Cycling: The area around Puri offers several trekking and cycling routes, particularly in the nearby forests and along the coast. Adventure packages might include guided treks through the Balukhand-Konark Wildlife Sanctuary or cycling tours along the scenic coastal roads.
Camping: For those who wish to experience the natural beauty of Puri up close, camping packages are available. These often involve overnight stays in tents along the beach or near Chilika Lake, complete with bonfires and stargazing sessions.
Customized Tour Packages - Many travel agencies offer customized tour packages to Puri, allowing visitors to tailor their itinerary based on their interests, budget, and time. These packages might combine elements from the above categories, ensuring a personalized experience. Whether it’s a mix of spiritual visits, cultural exploration, and beach relaxation, or a more focused itinerary, customized packages offer flexibility and convenience.
Best Time to Visit and Travel Tips - Puri can be visited year-round, but the best time to visit is from October to February when the weather is pleasant. The Rath Yatra in June or July is another peak period. When booking a tour package, consider the following tips:
Advance Booking: Especially during the Rath Yatra or peak tourist season, it’s advisable to book packages well in advance to secure accommodations and avoid last-minute price hikes.
Local Cuisine: Don’t miss out on trying local delicacies like Chhena Poda, a sweet made from fresh cheese, and the prasad from the Jagannath Temple, which is famous for its unique preparation.
Respect Local Customs: Puri is a deeply religious town, and visitors should dress modestly and respect local customs, especially when visiting temples.
Puri tour packages offer something for everyone, from the spiritually inclined to the nature lover, history buff, or adventure seeker. With its rich cultural heritage, stunning natural beauty, and spiritual significance, Puri continues to be a cherished destination for travelers from all walks of life. Whether it’s a pilgrimage, a cultural immersion, or a beach holiday, Puri’s diverse offerings ensure a memorable experience for every visitor.
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asgardenvilla · 13 days
Five-Star Hotel in Vellore: The Ultimate Luxury Experience at AS Garden Villa
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Vellore, a city known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and architectural marvels, is also becoming a preferred destination for travelers seeking a serene yet luxurious retreat. Whether you’re here for a business trip, family vacation, or a special event, finding the right accommodation can make or break your experience. Enter AS Garden Villa, the five-star hotel in Vellore that offers an unparalleled blend of modern luxury, local charm, and world-class hospitality.
Why Choose AS Garden Villa?
At AS Garden Villa, we understand that a truly luxurious experience is about more than just lavish amenities. It’s about creating moments that you’ll cherish forever. From the moment you step through our doors, you’ll be greeted by our friendly staff, who are dedicated to making your stay as comfortable and memorable as possible.
Here’s what makes AS Garden Villa the ideal choice for travelers:
1. Elegant Rooms and Suites
Whether you're staying in a standard room or our executive suite, you'll enjoy plush bedding, modern décor, and stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Each room is equipped with top-tier amenities, including high-speed Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, and luxurious bathroom fittings.
2. Exceptional Dining Experience
At AS Garden Villa, we believe that dining should be an experience, not just a meal. Our in-house restaurant offers a wide variety of culinary delights, from traditional South Indian dishes to international cuisine, prepared by expert chefs. Every meal is crafted with fresh, locally sourced ingredients to ensure the highest quality.
You can also enjoy a private dining experience on request, perfect for special occasions such as anniversaries, birthdays, or corporate dinners.
3. World-Class Facilities
We offer an array of amenities that cater to every need:
Swimming Pool: Unwind by our crystal-clear pool or enjoy a refreshing dip after a long day of sightseeing or business meetings.
Spa & Wellness: Pamper yourself with our spa services, offering a range of treatments designed to rejuvenate your mind and body.
4. Event Hosting
Looking for the perfect venue for your wedding, corporate event, or social gathering? AS Garden Villa offers spacious banquet halls and outdoor venues designed to accommodate events of all sizes. Our experienced event management team will work closely with you to ensure every detail is meticulously planned, from décor to catering, making your event a grand success.
5. Prime Location
Situated in the heart of Vellore, AS Garden Villa is conveniently located near major landmarks such as the Vellore Fort, Golden Temple, and VIT University. Whether you’re in the city for leisure or work, you'll appreciate our easy access to key destinations while enjoying a peaceful retreat away from the city's hustle.
6. Unmatched Hospitality
Our staff is what truly sets us apart from other hotels in Vellore. We pride ourselves on providing personalized service to each of our guests, ensuring that every stay is not only luxurious but also feels like home. From arranging city tours to customizing your in-room experience, no request is too big or too small for our dedicated team.
What to Expect During Your Stay at AS Garden Villa
When you choose AS Garden Villa, you’re choosing more than just a place to stay. You’re opting for a complete experience—one that combines luxury with the warmth of traditional Tamil hospitality.
Luxury at Your Fingertips
The rooms at AS Garden Villa are equipped with modern technology, allowing you to control lighting, temperature, and entertainment from the comfort of your bed. Need something in the middle of the night? Our 24/7 room service ensures you’re never without your comforts.
Relax and Rejuvenate
Whether you’re unwinding by the pool, indulging in a soothing massage at our spa, or enjoying a quiet moment in our beautifully manicured gardens, relaxation comes naturally at AS Garden Villa. Our peaceful surroundings are designed to offer a break from the fast pace of life, making your stay a restorative one.
Experience Local Culture
Staying at AS Garden Villa also offers you the unique opportunity to explore the local culture of Vellore. We organize guided tours to historic sites such as the Vellore Fort and the Sripuram Golden Temple. Our concierge can also arrange for cultural experiences like traditional Tamil cuisine cooking classes or visits to local artisans.
Whether you're in Vellore for business or leisure, AS Garden Villa offers a luxurious and memorable experience that caters to every type of traveler. From world-class amenities to exceptional hospitality, you can expect nothing less than the best during your stay. Book your room today at www.asgardenvilla.com or call us at +91 9840952997 or +91 9840027997 to plan your next trip to Vellore.
FAQ About AS Garden Villa
1. What makes AS Garden Villa a five-star hotel in Vellore?
At AS Garden Villa, we offer a blend of luxury and personalized service that is designed to meet the expectations of even the most discerning guests. Our high-end amenities, elegant rooms, exceptional dining, and attention to detail elevate us to five-star status.
2. Is AS Garden Villa suitable for family vacations?
Absolutely! We cater to families with spacious rooms, a kid-friendly swimming pool, and a variety of activities suitable for all ages. We also offer babysitting services on request, allowing parents to relax and enjoy their vacation.
3. Do you offer airport transportation?
Yes, we provide convenient airport pick-up and drop-off services for our guests. Please inform our concierge in advance, and we will arrange it for you.
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tnghotelsandresorts · 8 months
Hotels Near Golden Temple
Hotels in Amritsar - Explore the Golden Temple's beauty with ease from hotels nearby. A memorable stay at the doorstep of serenity.
Visit our website - https://tnghotelsandresorts.com/global-inn/
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travelblogonus · 15 days
Things to do in san francisco ,ca
San Francisco is a city that captures the heart with its stunning architecture, vibrant neighborhoods, and iconic landmarks. Whether you’re a history buff, foodie, or outdoor adventurer, there’s something for everyone in this beautiful Californian city. Here's a guide to some of the top things you can do or stay in San Francisco to make the most of your visit.
1. Explore the Golden Gate Bridge
No visit to San Francisco is complete without taking in the sights of the Golden Gate Bridge. You can walk or bike across the bridge to get panoramic views of the bay, Alcatraz Island, and the city skyline. For the best photo ops, head to Crissy Field or the Battery Spencer viewpoint in the Marin Headlands.
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2. Visit Alcatraz Island
Step into history with a tour of Alcatraz Island, home to the infamous federal prison. Hop on a ferry from Pier 33 and spend a few hours exploring the island and learning about its history. The audio tour gives visitors a glimpse into what life was like for the prisoners, and the views of the San Francisco Bay are unforgettable.
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3. Stroll Through Fisherman’s Wharf
One of the most tourist-friendly spots in the city is Fisherman’s Wharf. Here, you can indulge in fresh seafood (try the clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl!), visit Pier 39 to see the famous sea lions, or explore attractions like the Aquarium of the Bay. It’s a lively place with something for everyone.
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4. Discover Chinatown
San Francisco's Chinatown is one of the largest and oldest in North America. Walking through its colorful streets feels like stepping into a different world. You’ll find temples, traditional shops, and some of the best Chinese cuisine outside of Asia. Don’t forget to visit the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory to watch how fortune cookies are made.
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5. Take a Cable Car Ride
One of the most fun and iconic ways to get around San Francisco is by riding the historic cable cars. You can hop on at Union Square or Fisherman’s Wharf and enjoy the scenic routes as the cars make their way up and down the city’s steep hills.
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6. Relax in Golden Gate Park
For a peaceful retreat, spend some time in Golden Gate Park. This massive urban park is home to beautiful gardens, lakes, museums, and recreational areas. Popular attractions within the park include the Japanese Tea Garden, the California Academy of Sciences, and the de Young Museum. It’s a great spot for a leisurely stroll or picnic
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Where to Stay in San Francisco
After a full day of exploring, you’ll want a comfortable place to unwind. If you're looking for hotel options in San Francisco, make sure to check b0arding.com for some great deals. From luxury hotels to budget-friendly stays, you’ll find plenty of options that fit your needs. Whether you want to stay near Fisherman’s Wharf or in the heart of the city, b0arding.com has got you covered.
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deltin-royale · 17 days
Top Destinations for a Dream Wedding Near Ahmedabad
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Planning a destination wedding near Ahmedabad is an enchanting experience. Whether you envision a royal palace setting, a serene lakeside, or a luxurious resort, the locations surrounding Ahmedabad offer numerous breathtaking options for couples. From majestic forts to lush resorts, these venues combine tradition with elegance, making your wedding unforgettable. In this blog, we’ll explore five perfect wedding destinations near Ahmedabad, their unique features, and how they cater to different wedding styles.
Royal Heritage: Udaipur – The City of Lakes
For couples looking to add a regal touch to their wedding, Udaipur, located just a few hours from Ahmedabad, is an ideal destination. Known as the “Venice of the East,” Udaipur boasts stunning lakes, opulent palaces, and heritage hotels that exude grandeur.
Key Attractions: The Lake Palace, City Palace, and Jag Mandir offer magnificent backdrops for wedding ceremonies. These venues are perfect for couples who desire a fairy-tale-like experience with traditional Rajasthani hospitality. Why Choose Udaipur?: Udaipur’s seamless blend of rich history and modern luxury makes it an exceptional choice for couples wanting a royal, destination wedding.
Luxurious Bliss: Mount Abu – A Hilltop Paradise
For those who prefer cooler climates and the tranquility of the hills, Mount Abu is an ideal wedding destination. Located near Ahmedabad, Mount Abu is a beautiful hill station with lush greenery and serene lakes, offering a picturesque backdrop for weddings.
Key Attractions: Venues like Ratan Villas, Palace Hotel, and Kesar Bhawan Palace provide breathtaking views of the Aravalli range. The Dilwara Temples and Nakki Lake are perfect for pre-wedding shoots or intimate celebrations. Why Choose Mount Abu?: The cool, refreshing atmosphere combined with the scenic beauty of this hill station offers a peaceful yet luxurious wedding experience.
Seaside Serenity: Diu – Weddings by the Beach
If you’re dreaming of a beach wedding, Diu is a perfect destination near Ahmedabad. This coastal town is known for its pristine beaches, Portuguese architecture, and tranquil vibe, making it a unique choice for couples seeking a beachside celebration.
Key Attractions: Diu’s Nagoa Beach and resorts like Radhika Beach Resort offer a fantastic location for hosting an open-air wedding. The calm waves, golden sand, and stunning sunsets add a magical touch to the ceremony. Why Choose Diu?: Diu provides a blend of culture, history, and natural beauty. It’s perfect for couples who want a laid-back, romantic wedding with a beachy vibe.
Cultural Fusion: Kutch – Desert Weddings with a Twist
For a wedding set amidst vast expanses of the desert, Kutch offers a mystical and rustic setting for couples. Famous for its white salt desert and traditional handicrafts, Kutch provides a cultural experience combined with unique wedding venues.
Key Attractions: The Rann Utsav, held during the winter months, is a stunning time to host a wedding. The vibrant white desert combined with the traditional tent accommodations and local art creates a one-of-a-kind wedding environment. Why Choose Kutch?: If you want a wedding that stands out, Kutch’s unique geography, rich culture, and stunning backdrop of the white desert offer a surreal experience.
Opulent Resorts: Gandhinagar – A Blend of Tradition and Luxury
Just a short drive from Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar is home to several opulent resorts and hotels that are ideal for couples seeking a grand, luxurious wedding without traveling too far. These resorts offer state-of-the-art facilities and world-class service to make your wedding day flawless.
Key Attractions: Venues like Cambay Sapphire and Fortune Inn Haveli provide expansive lawns, banquet halls, and luxury accommodations, perfect for hosting large weddings. The peaceful surroundings of Gandhinagar make it a convenient yet upscale destination. Why Choose Gandhinagar?: If you want a luxurious wedding venue close to Ahmedabad that offers modern amenities and top-notch services, Gandhinagar is the best option.
Conclusion: Crafting Your Perfect Destination Wedding Near Ahmedabad
Whether you’re looking for a royal palace, a peaceful hill station, a seaside escape, or a grand resort, the wedding venues near Ahmedabad offer something for everyone. These destinations not only provide stunning backdrops for your big day but also make your wedding a memorable experience for your guests. From Udaipur’s regal elegance to Diu’s beachside charm, you’re sure to find the perfect venue to match your dream wedding vision.
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NCIA Agent Trese fanfic part 6.
Note: Sorry for the long no posting but I suddenly had the urge to continue this story.😩 Also, thanks to the video game Just Cause 2 for giving me inspiration for this fictional nation.
Fictional Country Desc: Welcome to Biringan, Pulau! The country that is mistaken to be located in Samar! A Country run by both humans and Southeast Asian Supernaturals. Always mistaken to be a part of samar as a loophole mysteriously teleports planes and ships and cars to this island:s capital, Biringan, located near the Malaysian Peninsula. This portal seemingly closes and opens only a few times in a lifetime. This A place where Thai, Filipino, Malay, Indonesian, and Singaporean culture meet! Languages could differ from the Province, Prefecture, City, or even District/Borough you are in. Public transport could differ from Tuk Tuks/Bao Bao, Taxis, Tricycles, Jeepneys, Songthaew's, Buses, and Boats. Try to visit the "Palm Hotel and Casino" for the best 5 star service among Southeast Asian hotels. Go to the White sand beach of "Wisata Emas Resort" to enjoy a relaxing vacation, or try Skiing the "Taman Nasional Kuning Bulan" at the High Mountains of Mt. San Agustin. Or visit the churches of "New Mactan" and temples of the Vietnamese town of "Ðong Lat". Go shopping at the Biringan Night Market and buy authentic local Pulau products. And maybe as the Cherry On Top if you have children, Visit the "Taman Magik" Amusement park at the state of "Batbang" or the Taman Nasiunal Batbang and see the amazing wildlife! From ron Tarsier's, to Tamaraw's, Bats, Eagles, Elephants and more! But don't get fooled by the bright side of this nation. This nation is ruled under the dictatorship of Pado Magsakay, being a puppet of the S.P.L.G., and the strongest source of power of the terrorist faction, it makes them harder to take down.
We got a rental car and I drove next to them at a nearby Food Hall. They were eating the Pulau adaptation of Pad Thai Noodles.
"ha! I'll take the last serving!" Basilio says as he takes the serving fork.
"Hey!" Crispin Complains. I immediately stopped their fighting by taking the bowl of the remaining noodles and putting all of it in my plate.
"Let your cousin eat! Will ya two?" I said right before taking a spoonful of noodles.
"you're not our cousin biologically! Fuck off!" Basilio angrily retorted.
"well just let me eat, I spent most of the time getting a good rental car!" I said pointing at the slightly rusty "1990 Hiace" parked behind us next to the food hall.
"you mean this junk?!" Both of them complained.
"stop it!" Alexandra joined the conversation to stop the argument.
"Any vehicle manufactured before 2011 had no computerized systems. Meaning? They can't be tracked via GPS!"
I explained.
After we ate, we got into the rental van and I turned the key. The van comes to life and so does the radio.
"Hanya ini yang kubernikan
Sebua lagu ciptaan!"
I started to sing in Indonesian as I drive down the City. Everyone except for my sister looked at me as they never knew I spoke Indonesian.
We arrived at the rental house and started to get to work. Turns out, an important member of the faction was going to meet with the president of Pulau at the "Palm" Hotel and Casino.
Later that night we went to the casino to identify who was the VIP. My sister started to work on the cameras and Identification. While me and Alex dance with different people to try and make it seem natural. Crispin and Basilio stayed in the van to be part of backup. The party was formal yet it was so Hip! The dancing accompanied by the banduria's playing "Cariñosa" and the people wearing different Southeast Asian formal outfits.
I slowly made my way around and soon spotted her with the help of my sister on the computer.
"That's her, the one wearing a Malaysian outfit."
I looked at her before calling Maliksi.
"get her limo, knock out the driver and take his place as the chauffeur!"
Maliksi simply kicked the driver so strong he fell into the water across the railings. He took the limo and after the party ended, the lady got into the car.
"Take me back to the mansion! Now!"
The lady demanded in Malay.
"Drive as fast and horrible as possible!"
I told him on the phone.
He immediately floored it and the limo darted away towards downtown along the highway. Maliksi locks the limo doors.
"Hey slow down! What's the rush?! Wait, youre not my driver!"
"Do I really need to go fast?"
"Well we don't want to give this girl an opportunity to jump out safely!"
I replied.
The woman says frightened of what is happening.
The limo stops at a hut by the sea.
Maliksi takes the rich woman and made her sit in a chair.
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jaipurtaxiservice · 2 months
Unveil Rajasthan's Splendor: A 12-Day Guided Car Tour for the Ultimate Travel Experience
Embark on a journey like no other with our exclusive 12-day package tour to the majestic land of Rajasthan Tour by Car. With its rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes, this royal state is yours to explore. From Jaipur's regal charm to Udaipur's romantic allure and Jaisalmer's golden sands, this journey promises an adventure filled with unforgettable experiences exclusively for you.
Day 1-3: Jaipur - The Pink City
Discover Jaipur's Regal Heritage
Your adventure begins in Jaipur, the capital city known for its pink-hued buildings and royal heritage. Over the next three days, explore the city's most famous landmarks. You will stay in a comfortable and safe hotel, ensuring a pleasant stay during your exploration.
Amer Fort: Visit the awe-inspiring Amer Fort, where you can marvel at its intricate architecture and panoramic views.
City Palace: Wander through the City Palace, a stunning blend of Mughal and Rajasthani architecture, and learn about the royal history of Jaipur.
Hawa Mahal: Remember the iconic Hawa Mahal, with its unique facade designed to allow royal ladies to observe street festivities unseen.
Cultural Immersion and Local Markets
Dive into Jaipur's vibrant culture with visits to local markets like Johari Bazaar and Bapu Bazaar. Savor traditional Rajasthani cuisine and witness a mesmerizing folk dance performance to complete your Jaipur experience. Our local guides will provide insights into Jaipur's rich culture and history, enhancing your experience.
Day 4-5: Pushkar and Ajmer - Spiritual Sojourn
Pushkar - A Sacred Pilgrimage Site
Head to Pushkar, a town known for its sacred lake and the only Brahma Temple in the world. Stroll through the bustling Pushkar Bazaar, famous for its handicrafts and colorful camel fair.
Ajmer - A Blend of Faiths
Next, visit Ajmer, a city that offers a unique blend of Hindu and Muslim cultures. Home to the revered Ajmer Sharif Dargah, this spiritual hub attracts visitors worldwide, offering a fascinating insight into the harmony of these two faiths.
Day 6-7: Udaipur - The City of Lakes
Udaipur's Romantic Charm
Step into the enchanting city of Udaipur, often called the Venice of the East. With its beautiful lakes and palaces, Udaipur is a city that exudes romance and elegance, promising to captivate your heart.
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City Palace: Explore the grand City Palace, which offers stunning views of Lake Pichola and the surrounding city.
Lake Pichola: Enjoy a serene boat ride, taking in the picturesque views of Jag Mandir and Jag Niwas (Lake Palace).
Saheliyon Ki Bari: Visit the enchanting Saheliyon Ki Bari, a historic garden with fountains and marble pavilions.
Cultural Experiences
Udaipur's vibrant cultural scene includes traditional puppet shows, folk music, and dance performances. Delight in the local cuisine, with dishes like dal baati churma and gatte ki sabzi.
Day 8-9: Jodhpur - The Blue City
Majestic Mehrangarh Fort
Travel to Jodhpur, the Blue City, famous for its blue-painted houses and majestic forts. Explore the imposing Mehrangarh Fort, which offers breathtaking views of the city below and houses a museum showcasing royal artifacts.
Explore the Old City
Wander through Jodhpur's old city's narrow, winding streets and visit the bustling Sardar Market near the iconic clock tower. Try the local specialty, mirchi vada.
Day 10-11: Jaisalmer - The Golden City
Jaisalmer Fort and Desert Adventures
Continue to Jaisalmer, the Golden City, known for its golden sandstone architecture. Visit the Jaisalmer Fort, one of the few living forts in the world, and explore its narrow lanes filled with temples, havelis, and shops.
Thar Desert Experience
Experience the magic of the Thar Desert with a camel safari at Sam Sand Dunes. Our experienced guides and safety measures ensure a secure and enjoyable adventure. Enjoy a night under the stars in a luxury desert camp with traditional Rajasthani music and dance performances.
Day 12: Bikaner - Desert Fort and Camel Breeding
Junagarh Fort and Local Delicacies
On the final leg of your journey, visit Bikaner. Explore the impressive Junagarh Fort, known for its beautiful palaces and intricate interiors. Visit the National Research Centre on Camel, where you can learn about camel breeding and enjoy camel rides.
Farewell Rajasthan
Conclude your 12-day adventure with a farewell dinner featuring Bikaner's famous snacks, such as bhujia and rasgulla. Reflect on the incredible journey and the memories made along the way.
Book Your Adventure Now
Embark on this luxurious 12-day Rajasthan package tour by car and experience this enchanting state's royal grandeur and vibrant culture. With comfortable travel, expert guidance, and immersive experiences, this tour promises to be a lifetime journey. Book your adventure today and create unforgettable memories in the heart of Rajasthan.
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