#rooms in amritsar
tnghotelsandresorts · 4 months
Hotel in Amritsar: Lowest prices guaranteed!
Offering a budget hotel near Golden Temple! Book your stay now for a peaceful and enjoyable time in this special city.
Visit our website - https://tnghotelsandresorts.com/global-inn/
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tourismirctc · 1 year
Embark on a Journey of Spiritual Enlightenment with IRCTC Tourism
The Golden Temple Amritsar is a popular destination for travellers looking to experience the rich culture and history of India. A tour of this magnificent temple is an opportunity to explore the architectural marvels, religious significance, and diverse traditions of the Sikh community. IRCTC Tourism offers an exceptional Golden Temple Amritsar tour that ensures an unforgettable experience for all tourists.
The journey starts with a visit to the Sikh religion's holiest destination, the Golden Temple, also known as Harmandir Sahib. The temple is renowned for its magnificent architecture, which includes a gold-plated dome, deftly carved marble walls, and an adjacent holy water pool. The temple is not just a place of worship but also a symbol of the spirit of the Sikh community.
The tour also includes a stop at the Jallianwala Bagh, the scene of a sad incident that occurred during India's war for freedom. The tour guide explains the historical significance of the site and its connection to the freedom movement. Visitors can also witness the memorial dedicated to the victims of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre.
One of the highlights of the Golden Temple Amritsar tour by IRCTC Tourism is the Langar or community kitchen, where visitors can witness the Sikh tradition of serving food to all, regardless of their social status or religion. The Langar serves over 50,000 people daily, making it one of the largest free kitchens in the world. Visitors can also volunteer to help in the kitchen or donate food or money to support this noble cause.
Another attraction of the tour is the Wagah Border ceremony, a daily military ceremony performed by the Indian and Pakistani soldiers at the border. The ceremony showcases the impressive and synchronized movements of the soldiers and is a testimony to the pride and patriotism of both nations.
IRCTC Tourism offers a variety of packages for the Golden Temple Amritsar trip, including the Ramayana Yatra tour package and the Jyotirlinga Bhakti Yatra. The Ramayana Yatra trip package takes visitors on a spiritual journey to places related to the Ramayana epic, including Ayodhya, Chitrakoot, and Rameswaram. The Jyotirlinga Bhakti tour is a pilgrimage to the twelve Lord Shiva-dedicated Jyotirlinga temples spread throughout India.
IRCTC Tourism ensures a comfortable and hassle-free tour for its guests. The tour includes comfortable accommodations, delicious meals, and transportation to all the destinations in an air-conditioned train room. The trip is educational and pleasant because of the tour guide's expertise and friendliness.
The Golden Temple Amritsar tour by IRCTC Tourism is an excellent opportunity to explore India's rich culture, history, and traditions. Many of India's most well-known attractions, including the Golden Temple, Jallianwala Bagh, Langar, and the Wagah Border ceremony, are visited on the journey. The Ramayana Yatra trip package and the Jyotirlinga Bhakti tour are additional packages IRCTC Tourism offers for those looking for a spiritual experience. Book your tour now to experience the vibrant and diverse culture of India.
To learn more about the Golden Temple Amritsar trip package and other packages offered by IRCTC Tourism, visit www.irctctourism.com.
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bluebellebarrett · 1 month
Mycroft Holmes. Again.
I guess this is my way of saying I'm back on my MTP bullshit? And that I am too far through a new fic for my school final to not be finished yet, but priorities. This would go where prologues usually go, if I actually end up finishing and posting this.
When he was a young child, sometime between the death of their mother and the beginning of his dubiously storied career at Harrow, Sherlock had come into possession of a pair of magnets. Mycroft could not remember the year, exactly, but he could remember the singleminded focus with which his younger brother set about discovering all of the magnets’ secrets. They had struck Sherlock as something arcane, bordering on magical, no matter how many times Mycroft had explained to him how they worked; Sherly had spent hours at a time determining how strongly the magnets would seek each other through a selection of materials at a variety of thicknesses. 
There would be a little crease that had appeared between his brows every time the magnets failed to find each other, and the only word Mycroft had had for it was disappointment. It had made his chest twinge, young as he himself was at the time. There was quite possibly nothing to be done about the strength of Sherlock’s magnets, but Mycroft has spent an entire night in their father’s study, searching through his books for some way to make it better. He’d read in detail about electromagnetic experiments, and had, for the first and only time, made the mistake of telling Sherlock something without supervising the effects it had on him, and, well. Despite the maid’s claims, Sherlock had not burned the house down, only scorched the drapery in the sitting room. Very heavily scorched, sure, with some damage to the crown moulding, but the house stood. So, too, did the point. 
From that day, Mycroft Holmes had thought he’d developed something of a sixth sense for when magnetism might lead to trouble. And yet, when he picked up the dossier on the British Indian Army’s most recent exploit in Amritsar, he hadn’t even felt a twinge. 
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December 24, 2022 Christmas Eve Morning
I’m feeling a bit discouraged this morning, friends and family. I’ll open with that. Our challenges cannot compare to what so many struggle with around us—and all I have to do is look at the U.S. headlines to know that this was probably a good Christmas to skip in the Northeast. So forgive me, in advance, for asking you to indulge me.
We moved into our place yesterday- and we are still so grateful for this gift. But northern India is experiencing a “severe cold wave”- and while the temperature may sound balmy at 41 degrees- in a house made of stone and concrete (as almost all homes are) with no heating (also typical)- last night was damn cold. If you know me, you know I’m pretty tough about a lot of things (growing up going to Windy Island certainly trained me)- but you also know there is one thing I can’t stand—and that’s being COLD. We went to an electrical appliance store first thing yesterday and bought a quartz heater…but frankly, I can’t tell any discernable difference between our bedroom and the outside after running it for several hours. And the hot water does not seem to be working. The person who manages the house, Vasu, is very nice- and assured me he’d have a plumber attend to it today. But not being able to take a hot shower right now just adds to my shivering. It’s my understanding that this weather will last through January—and I’m wondering how that’s going to go.
David and I made a trip to the mall yesterday to purchase some things we both needed and wanted to make the place feel more like home. That was really fun--mostly because David went down to Reliance Smart (a lot like a smaller Walmart) to buy necessities (a bucket, clothes pins, etc.) while I went upstairs to Home Centre (India’s version of Bed Bath and Beyond) to buy the more “wants vs. needs.” That was a lot more enjoyable to do without David continuously murmuring how much he hates shopping. Salespeople in India are encouraged to be extremely attentive when one enters a shop—and that can be a little overwhelming, to be honest. But I was eventually approached by a young man named Ravi who was terrifically helpful, patient, good humored, and charming—and we had a great time together. Several of Ravi’s coworkers hovered nearby with obvious envy. I’m not sure if they work on commission ( it was clear I was there to spend some significant bucks) or if they were just damn bored (the ratio of salesperson to customer tends to be very, very high here.)
Once my purchases were wrapped up and ready to go (first I had to dash downstairs to give David some cash after he learned that Reliance’s credit card system was not working)- Ravi and another salesman walked TWO shopping carts of purchases down to the street,
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, where they hailed an autorickshaw, loaded everything into it (with barely room for humans)
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and Ravi ACCOMPANIED US TO OUR HOUSE. This was at his manager’s instruction (and Ravi’s good nature)- and after we unloaded everything to the driveway of our house- Ravi would not accept any tip. I wrote him a rave review when I received the now ubiquitous customer survey on my phone late last evening.
I know that part of my blues is the shock of moving from a very comfy hotel bubble to real life in Amritsar, and the rest is probably that it’s Christmas Eve (my favorite day of the year)- and I’m in bed with the knit cap on that David thankfully suggested I buy at Reliance Smart yesterday and which I wore all night (an homage to my dear old dad—who often did the same.)
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We had a simple and incredible meal last night served by the house’s staff member Nidhi (sp?)
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and this morning David brewed us the Starbucks coffee given to me by my wonderful student Quinn Whittman as a gift (served in our new mugs from Home Centre.) If I can just get warm…all will be fine (WHY didn’t I bring my hot water bottle to India, Sarah HJ? Now I’m trying to track a couple down.)
We are off to the Foreign Registration Office to meet Dr. Devender Singh from Khalsa College. Hoping to get that red tape task taken care of today!
Missing our friends and family in the U.S. very much this morning. Hoping you all are staying safe and warm. Please be careful out there! And wishing you all a very merry, joyous, and warm holiday surrounded by loved ones.
Thus endeth my whining…with a photo of me with Scary Santa.
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poohnotpiku · 2 years
Pooh & Dad
Today let me introduce my Dad, the primary reason why people link me to Piku!
Dad is not old like Amit ji’s character in Piku, but his body is like that of a 70-years old with many ailments. Life has not been fair to him or, may be, he has not been fair to life…we will not go there…Coming back to Dad’s age, he is just 3 years senior to Mr. Salman Khan (the first official hunk of Bollywood) :D
I would not want to bore you guys with Dad’s medical history but will point out his two major health-problems around which his life revolves.
First comes his ‘Bowel Movement’ (yeahhhh…go ahead….link this to Piku!). I am not sure what’s with these aged men and their bowels! (Inner Pooh : “At least, it’s the most important thing for Dad!”)
His second issue (which he is not aware of) is his Bipolar Disorder. Depending on where his mind is on the Bipolar scale, I am his ‘Gulab Jamun’ one day and a ‘Hellcat’ on other days!! I can accept Hellcat but which girl (Inner Pooh : “You mean old lady!”) would like to be compared to a GULAB JAMUN??? If it was a perfect Haldiram’s gulab jamun, made with pure ghee, dipped in saffron infused syrup, with a silver coating and a topping of pista, it would still have been great! But I am more comparable to those poor gulab jamuns in a dingy sweet-shop with sad-looking faces and no ghee or silver coating (forget pista!!). Now you see? We want to be Candies of the World and not damn Gulab Jamuns (Dear God…another item to be addressed in my next-life!!!)
Life with Dad is a mixture of laughter, tears, and anger. It’s a real roller-coaster ride! Let me share few funny anecdotes from Pooh&Dad archives.
Scene#1 :
I am in a deep sleep, floating away in the void of outer-space…. suddenly there is a bright light…(Inner Pooh – “Has the Sun blasted???”)….I wake-up with a start…my eyes flew open….I am back on my bed…..and as I see upwards, I see Dad staring down at me….Inner Pooh shriekkssss….
Me : “What is it Dadda? Why have you switched on the lights? It’s 4am!!!”
Dad : “Are you sleeping?”
Inner Pooh : “Yeah we are sleeping and now we are sleep-talking with you!!!!”
Me : “I WAS sleeping, now I am awake…What happened?”
Dad : “It’s ok, if you are sleeping we can talk in the morning…”
Inner Pooh : “grrrrrrrrrr…..”
Me : “Abhi I am awake…bolo na…what is it?”
Dad : “I was thinking when I will get well, you book me a 3-tier Railway ticket to Amritsar…I will go own my own…I need to visit Amritsar again…”
Inner Pooh : “Yesss…we too NEED to go to Paris….so we will first drop you off at Amritsar and then fly away…”
Me : “Ohk…we will discuss this later…first get well and stabilize your body….now let me sleep…”
Dad : ……
Inner Pooh : --------
Me : …….
Dad : ….
Inner Pooh : ????
Me : “Dad please switch off the lights now!!”
Dad (while switching off the light) : “Accha(btw), I did not had my bowels since two days, you are not giving me my Dulcoflex (laxative) tablets??”
Inner Pooh : “Not Again, Old Man!!!!”
Me : “Wait till tomorrow, if the issue persists, I will give you an extra dose!”
Lights off, Dad and his cane walk away…..Inner Pooh dozes off…..But Me?? I am left wide-awake, praying for my dearie sleep to return!!!!
Scene#2 :
Dad is a very bigggggg fan of Amit ji (Mr. Amitabh Bacchan). In fact he has literally asked me to find out Amit ji’s mobile number so that he can talk to him directly…(Inner Pooh : “Yeahhh, why not?He has his number published in wikipedia!!!”).
One day Dad was looking at Amit ji’s pic in the newspaper and calls me over and says : ”You have no idea what a big superstar he is….he is the DON!!”
I left the room, rolling my eyes (what else to say)….
But this gave me an idea to gift him a framed pic of Amit ji. I searched online, could not find any option….and then I went to our local photographer’s (who will be referred to as Bhaiya henceforth) shop….and….
Me : “Bhaiya, show me some photo-frames….”
Bhaiya : “Madam ji…look at this one….this is beautiful….” (he shows me 2 heart-shaped frames joined in the middle with lovey-dovey symbols all over)
Inner Pooh : “Ewwww…..”
Me : “Not this one bhaiya…show me a ‘simple’ one….”
He excavates an old box, from inside the box he takes out one dual frame piece…old but simple design…I had to take that one. Those where pandemic days…..I was lucky to even find this guy’s shop open…
Me : “Do you have internet? Please search for Amitabh Bacchan and Dharmendra (Dharam ji is dad’s another favorite) and let’s download one good-looking picture of each… you then print them out and put them in this frame…”
Bhaiya looks at me as if I have gone mad!!!
Bhaiya : “For whom are you getting this?”
Inner Pooh : “Should we tell him it’s for Dad? He will think we all are insane!!!”
Me : “It’s for an old uncle…he has his 80th birthday coming up…so just want to give him something which he will cherish…”
Bhaiya looks satisfied with the explanation and I leave the shop with a sighhhhh…..
The frame, with Amit ji’s and Dharam ji’s pic is still lying on Dad's bedside table….And every time I see the frame, I just can’t help smiling….
Scenario#3 :
I am in a meeting with my screen shared and presenting to my seniors in another part of the globe…..suddenly in my corner-vision I feel some disturbance….I look up from the screen and find Dad standing there, with his cane in one hand and beckoning me by doing gestures with his other hand…I do my random hand symbols to explain to him that I am in a meeting….but no use….he starts speaking in his loud voice…I excuse myself from the meeting, go on mute (Inner Pooh : “Thank God!! Else it would have been a live Indian drama for our foreigner colleagues…”)
Me : “I am in a meeting….What do you need?”
Dad : “I need 2minutes of your busy schedule….” (He stresses on the word busy)
Me : “Ohk…What is it?”
Dad : “You think you are the Lord of this house…you will control everyone….but I am telling you…you cannot control me…I will do whatever I want to do…you will not stop me…I do not need you or anyone…”
Inner Pooh : “Ooppsss…He has started again…moving towards other end of his Bipolar scale….note to call the psychiatrist…”
Me : “Okies…do whatever you want to do….now will you let me continue my meeting?’
Dad : …..
Inner Pooh : ……
Me : ……
Dad : “Ok….When you have time….play Anil Kapoor’s Laadla movie on my TV… “ (Mr. Anil Kapoor is Dad’s latest ‘crush’ :D )
Me : “Okkkk”
After completing my meeting, I go to his room and take the remote control and start surfing for ‘Laadla’ movie (Dad’s somehow not comfortable with any technological advancements….)
Dad : “Next time DeeDee comes, I will ask her to teach me how to operate this YouTube thing…”
Inner Pooh : “He has no expectations from you…LOL”
Me : “Where is the damn alphabet L…oh it’s here….now where is A?...”
Inner Pooh : “How I hate searching for anything on this television…such maze-like keyboards and you need to click each damn button one by one!!! If only you could handle advance technology, it would save so much of my precious time....”
Dad : “This Anil Kapoor Guy is also too good….there is no one like Amitabh….but Anil Kapoor is also a great actor….”
Me (still struggling with the on-screen keyboard): “Where are you hiding damn ‘D’….ahh…found you!!!”
Inner Pooh desperately looking at the recommendations panel of YouTube to show me ‘Laadla movie’ and stop me from typing anymore!!!
YouTube AI rocksss….we found the movie in the suggestions panel….set it to play….Mission Accomplished!!
Dad : “If you have sometime in your busy schedule…sit and watch this movie…”
Inner Pooh rolling her eyes!!!
Me : …..
And there are many more such anecdotes…..may be, I will share them some other day…
So, now what do you feel? Am I a Piku? Let us give you all some time to analyze this :D
Until then, ciao!!
P.S.: Do I need to say it again??? Please refer to the P.S. of my first blog..!!!!
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lemontreehotel · 18 days
Are There Family Rooms Available at Lemon Tree Hotel in Amritsar?
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When planning a family trip to the vibrant and historical city of Amritsar, one of the foremost considerations is finding suitable accommodation that caters to the needs of every family member. Among the many options available, Lemon Tree Hotel in Amritsar stands out as a prime choice, offering a blend of comfort, convenience, and hospitality. This blog post delves into the availability and features of family rooms at Lemon Tree Hotel in Amritsar, highlighting why it is an excellent choice for families visiting this culturally rich city.
Amritsar, known for its iconic Golden Temple, bustling bazaars, and delicious cuisine, attracts thousands of visitors every year. Whether you're visiting for a religious pilgrimage, a historical tour, or simply to immerse yourself in the local culture, finding the right accommodation is crucial. Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar, located in the heart of Punjab, offers an array of amenities designed to make your stay comfortable and memorable. In particular, their family rooms are designed to accommodate the needs of families, ensuring that everyone enjoys a pleasant stay.
Family Rooms at Lemon Tree Hotel in Amritsar
Spacious and Comfortable
Family rooms at Lemon Tree Hotel in Amritsar are designed to provide ample space and comfort for all members of the family. These rooms are larger than standard rooms, ensuring that there is enough space for everyone to relax and unwind after a day of exploring the city. The rooms are equipped with multiple beds or sofa beds, allowing for flexible sleeping arrangements that can accommodate both adults and children comfortably.
Modern Amenities
To ensure a comfortable stay, the family rooms at Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar are equipped with modern amenities. These include high-speed Wi-Fi, flat-screen televisions with cable channels, air conditioning, and well-appointed bathrooms with complimentary toiletries. Additionally, the rooms feature a mini-fridge, tea and coffee making facilities, and a work desk, providing all the conveniences of home.
Thoughtful Details
Understanding the needs of families, Lemon Tree Hotel in Amritsar has incorporated thoughtful details into their family rooms. Extra pillows and blankets are readily available, and there are plenty of storage options to keep the room organized. Safety features such as electronic safes and secure locks provide peace of mind, ensuring a worry-free stay.
Dining Options
One of the highlights of staying at Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar is the excellent dining options available on-site. The hotel features multiple dining venues that cater to various tastes and preferences, ensuring that even the pickiest eaters in the family will find something to enjoy.
Citrus Café
Citrus Café, the hotel's multi-cuisine restaurant, offers a wide range of dishes, from local Punjabi delicacies to international favorites. The restaurant's kid-friendly menu ensures that younger guests have plenty of options to choose from. For parents, the café offers a relaxing atmosphere to enjoy a delicious meal while keeping an eye on the little ones.
In-Room Dining
For those days when you prefer to stay in and relax, Lemon Tree Hotel in Amritsar provides 24-hour in-room dining service. This allows families to enjoy a meal in the comfort of their room, at a time that suits them best. The extensive menu includes a variety of dishes, catering to different dietary needs and preferences.
Activities and Entertainment
Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar offers a range of activities and entertainment options to keep the whole family engaged and entertained.
Swimming Pool
The hotel's swimming pool is a great place for families to unwind and have fun. Children can splash around in the pool while parents relax on the poolside loungers, enjoying the pleasant weather and the hotel's serene ambiance.
Fitness Center
For those who like to stay active even while on vacation, the hotel's fitness center is well-equipped with modern exercise machines and equipment. It's a great way to stay fit and burn off some energy before heading out to explore the city.
Nearby Attractions
Lemon Tree Hotel in Amritsar is strategically located close to many of the city's top attractions. The iconic Golden Temple is just a short drive away, allowing families to easily visit this breathtaking site. Other nearby attractions include Jallianwala Bagh, Wagah Border, and the Partition Museum, offering plenty of opportunities for educational and historical exploration.
For families planning a trip to Amritsar, Lemon Tree Hotel offers a perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and hospitality. Their family rooms are spacious and well-equipped, ensuring a comfortable stay for all members of the family. With excellent dining options, a range of activities, and a prime location close to major attractions, Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar is an ideal choice for your stay in this vibrant city.
For reservations and more information, you can contact Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar at 91-8273799656. Make your Lemon Tree Amritsar booking today and experience a memorable stay in the heart of Punjab.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q1: What types of rooms are available for families at Lemon Tree Hotel in Amritsar? A1: Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar offers spacious family rooms that include multiple beds or sofa beds, providing comfortable accommodation for families.
Q2: Are there any special amenities in the family rooms? A2: Yes, family rooms are equipped with modern amenities such as high-speed Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, air conditioning, mini-fridge, and well-appointed bathrooms with complimentary toiletries.
Q3: Does Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar have a restaurant on-site? A3: Yes, the hotel features Citrus Café, a multi-cuisine restaurant that offers a variety of dishes, including a kid-friendly menu. There is also 24-hour in-room dining available.
Q4: Is there a swimming pool at Lemon Tree Hotel in Amritsar? A4: Yes, the hotel has a swimming pool where families can relax and enjoy their time together.
Q5: How far is Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar from the Golden Temple? A5: The hotel is located a short drive away from the Golden Temple, making it convenient for families to visit this iconic site.
Q6: Are there any fitness facilities at the hotel? A6: Yes, Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar has a well-equipped fitness center for guests who wish to stay active during their stay.
Q7: Can I book a room at Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar online? A7: Yes, you can make a booking online or contact the hotel directly at 91-8273799656 for reservations.
Q8: What are the check-in and check-out times at Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar? A8: Check-in is typically at 2:00 PM and check-out is at 12:00 PM. It is advisable to confirm these times when making your booking.
Q9: Is parking available at Lemon Tree Hotel in Amritsar? A9: Yes, the hotel provides parking facilities for its guests.
Q10: Does Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar offer airport shuttle services? A10: Yes, the hotel offers airport shuttle services. It is best to arrange this in advance when making your booking.
Q11: Are pets allowed at Lemon Tree Hotel in Amritsar? A11: It is advisable to check the hotel's pet policy directly when making your reservation.
Q12: What nearby attractions can families visit while staying at Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar? A12: Families can visit the Golden Temple, Jallianwala Bagh, Wagah Border, and the Partition Museum, all of which are located close to the hotel.
For a comfortable and enjoyable family stay, choose Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar, where you can experience the best of hospitality in the heart of Punjab.
Also Read: What Dining Options Are Available at Lemon Tree Hotel in Amritsar?
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lokeshwith · 22 days
Ultimate Guide to the Best Resorts and Hotels in Amritsar
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Amritsar, the spiritual and cultural heart of Punjab, is renowned for its historic significance and vibrant heritage. Known for the Golden Temple, the city attracts millions of tourists annually. For visitors, finding the perfect accommodation is crucial to enhance their travel experience. In this guide, we explore the finest resorts and hotels in Amritsar, offering a blend of luxury, comfort, and convenience. Your trip to Amritsar will be genuinely remarkable if you include these hotels and resorts in your tour packages to India. They provide a superb balance of luxury, convenience, and cultural immersion.
Top Luxury Hotels in Amritsar
Taj Swarna
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Taj Swarna stands as a beacon of luxury in Amritsar. This five-star property combines modern amenities with traditional Punjabi hospitality.
Location: Situated on Outer Circular Road, it offers easy access to key attractions.
Amenities: Features include an outdoor pool, spa, fitness center, and multiple dining options.
Accommodation: Rooms and suites with elegant decor, offering city views.
Dining: The hotel's restaurants serve an array of cuisines, including authentic Punjabi dishes.
Hyatt Regency Amritsar
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A symbol of sophistication, the Hyatt Regency Amritsar provides a seamless blend of comfort and elegance.
Location: Conveniently located near the city's commercial center and the Golden Temple.
Amenities: Includes a full-service spa, fitness center, outdoor pool, and shopping arcade.
Accommodation: Spacious rooms equipped with modern facilities and stylish interiors.
Dining: Multiple dining venues offering Indian, Italian, and global cuisines.
Radisson Blu Hotel Amritsar
The Radisson Blu Hotel offers a serene escape from the bustling city life with its luxurious accommodations and top-notch services.
Location: Close to Amritsar Airport, providing easy access for travelers.
Amenities: Features an outdoor pool, wellness center, and comprehensive business services.
Accommodation: Well-appointed rooms with contemporary designs.
Dining: A variety of dining options, including an all-day diner and a specialty restaurant.
Boutique Hotels for a Unique Stay
Ranjit's SVAASA
Ranjit's SVAASA is a heritage boutique hotel that provides a unique, personalized experience.
Location: Nestled in the heart of Amritsar, close to major attractions.
Amenities: Includes a wellness spa, yoga sessions, and organic gardens.
Accommodation: Rooms are decorated with antique furnishings, reflecting the region's heritage.
Dining: Offers home-cooked style meals with organic ingredients.
The Baradari Palace
A historic mansion turned into a boutique hotel, The Baradari Palace offers a regal stay experience.
Location: Situated near the cultural and historical landmarks.
Amenities: Features include beautifully landscaped gardens and cultural tours.
Accommodation: Rooms and suites with a royal touch, offering a glimpse into the past.
Dining: Traditional Punjabi cuisine served in a royal dining setting.
Budget-Friendly Hotels in Amritsar
Hotel Hong Kong Inn
Hotel Hong Kong Inn is a popular choice among budget-conscious travelers seeking comfort and convenience.
Location: Centrally located, providing easy access to major attractions.
Amenities: Offers basic amenities such as free Wi-Fi, 24-hour room service, and tour assistance.
Accommodation: Clean and comfortable rooms with essential facilities.
Dining: On-site restaurant serving a variety of dishes.
MK Hotel
MK Hotel offers affordable accommodations without compromising on quality and service.
Location: Situated in a prime area, making it convenient for sightseeing.
Amenities: Includes a swimming pool, fitness center, and banquet facilities.
Accommodation: Simple yet comfortable rooms with all necessary amenities.
Dining: Multi-cuisine restaurant offering both local and international dishes.
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jannattravelguruhp · 22 days
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Complete Himachal Tour With Amritsar In Best Price For You
Complete Himachal Tour With Amritsar In Best Price For You. Book Now Himachal Tour Packages. Himachal With Amritsar Tour Package, HP Trip.
Deluxe Package
INR:- 47,500/- Per Couple
(08 Nights / 09 Days)
Include:- Hotel + Meals + Cab + Transfer + Sightseeing.
NOTE :– Inclusive All Toll Tax + Inter-State Tax + Green Tax + State Permit + Driver Allowance.
Honeymoon Package
INR:- 49,500/- Per Couple
(08 Nights / 09 Days)
Include:- Hotel + Meals + Cab + Transfer + Sightseeing.
NOTE :– Inclusive All Toll Tax + Inter-State Tax + Green Tax + State Permit + Driver Allowance.
Family & Group
INR:- 11,750/- Per Person (Mini. 4 Person Required )
(08 Nights / 09 Days)
Include:- Hotel + Meals + Cab + Transfer + Sightseeing.
NOTE :– Inclusive All Toll Tax + Inter-State Tax + Green Tax + State Permit + Driver Allowance.
Day-1:Chandigarh — Shimla
On Arrival at Chandigarh Airport / Railway Station you will meet, assist and drive towards Shimla. On the way visit sightseeing :- Pinjore-Garden-(Mughal-Garden), Timber Trail.Shimla was the former Capital of “British India”. Set amidst the Snow-Capped Shivalik Mountain. Check-into Hotel in Shimla. Evening free to stroll in the famous shopping place of Shimla Town- “THE MALL & THE RIDGE”. This large open space in the heart of town presents excellent views of the mountain ranges. Shimla “Landmarks:-The Neo-Gothic Structure of Christ-Church and the Neo- Tudor– Library-Building, Jakhu-Temple, Sankat Mochan, Inst. Of Advanced Studyis worth sightseeing. Overnight stay at the hotel in Shimla.
Day-2: Shimla — Kufri — Manali
Morning, After breakfast proceed to Shimla for in and around sightseeing in Shimla visit :- Green Valley, Indira Tourist Park, Himalayan Nature Park, Chini Bunglow, Fagu Valley, “KUFRI” India one of the best holiday paradise Kufri in Shimla is beautifully tucked on altitude of 2,622 meter. The place is a tourist hotspot for its awesome scenic and sports activities. Afternoon leave for Manali on the way sightseeing Like :- Sunder Nagar Lake, Pandoh Dam, Hanogi Mata Temple, Vaishno Devi temple, KULLU, River Rafting, Shawls Factory. Overnight stay at the Hotel in Manali.
Day-3): Manali — Sightseeing
Morning after breakfast visit local sightseeing in Manali :- HADIMBA TEMPLE built in 1553 with a superbly crafted pagoda roof, it is famous for its exquisitely carved doorway. CLUB HOUSE with comprehensive facilities that include roller skating, an auditorium, billiards room, a library, a bar and restaurant makes a wonderful outing for the day. Tibetan Monastery, Van Vihar, Manu Temple and Vashisht Temple well known for its hot springs.There are old temples dedicated to the Saga Vashisht and to Lord Rama. Evening visit famous “Mall Road” in Manali. Overnight stay at a hotel in Manali.
Day-4): Manali — Rohtang Pass-(Snow Point)
Morning, After breakfast proceed for full day sightseeing in – Rohtang Pass, Solang-Valley, Nehru Kund, Gulaba, Kothi Village, Him Valley. Overnight stay at the hotel in Manali. While visiting Solang Valley one should also try their hands on adventure activities as it is one of best places for adventures near Manali. You can enjoy activities like – Paragliding , Cable Car Ropeway, Zorbing, Snow Scooter, Skiing, Horse Riding, and also can enjoy a short Trek to “Anjani Mahadev”. 
Day-5): Manali — Dharamshala
After, breakfast check-out from hotel and proceed for Dharamshala on the way sightseeing like :- Kullu, Kullu Market, Shawls Factory,  Palampur Tea Garden, Chamunda Ji Temple,Baijnath Temple, Zoo, Cricket Stadium.Evening visit “McLeodganj Market”. Overnight stay at the hotel in Dharamshala.
Day-6): Dharamshala — Dalhousie
After breakfast check-out from hotel and visit Dharamshala local sightseeing like :- Bhagsunath Temple, Bhagsu WaterFall, Dal Lake, Dalai Lama Temple, Nadi Picnic Spot, Cricket Stadium, St. John Church. Evening reach at Dalhousie. Overnight stay at the hotel in Dalhousie.
Day-7): Dalhousie — Khajjiar
This day after breakfast proceed for full day sightseeing in Dalhousie :- “KHAJJIAR”, Khajjiar Top, Kalatop, Wild Life Sanctuary, Satdhara Falls, Bakrota Hills, Dainkund Peak, Subhash Bowly. Evening visit Gandhi Chowk &  Mall Road. Overnight stay at the hotel in Dalhousie.
Day-8): Dalhousie — Amritsar
Morning, After breakfast leave for Amritsar, reach at Amritsar directly go to “WAGAH BORDER”– (Indo Park Parade). Return back to Amritsar and Especially visit for “GOLDEN TEMPLE” with (Light Vision). Overnight stay at a Hotel in Amritsar.
Day-9): Amritsar — Chandigarh
Morning, After breakfast check out from hotel and Visit Local Sightseeing in Amritsar:- “GOLDEN TEMPLE”, JALLIANWALA BAGH, DURGIANA TEMPLE and Drive to Delhi drop at Delhi/Chandigarh Railway Station/Airport to catch onward Train / Flight.
Honeymoon Special:- Bed with Flower Decoration, Candle light dinner, Drinks, Honeymoon cake etc during the stay period.
NOTE:– Inclusive All Toll Tax + Inter-State Tax + Green Tax + State Permit + Driver Allowance etc.
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jwalamukhitourws · 26 days
Amarnath Yatra Packages from Hyderabad: Jwalamuki Tours & Travels
India, a land of spiritual journeys, beckons devotees from far and wide. The Amarnath Yatra, one of the most revered pilgrimages, attracts millions of devotees every year. If you're based in Hyderabad and planning to undertake this sacred journey, finding the right travel package can be overwhelming. That's where Jwalamuki Tours & Travels comes in, offering the best Amarnath Yatra Package from Hyderabad.
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Overview: Join us on a transformative pilgrimage that takes you on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Our 11-night, 10-day package covers Jammu, Srinagar or Kasikund, Baltal Base Camp, Amarnath Cave, Keer Bhavani Temple, Katra Vaishno Devi, Shiv Gori, Amritsar, and culminates in the spiritual town of Kurukshetra. Experience the perfect blend of spiritual fervor, cultural exploration, and breathtaking Himalayan landscapes.
Package Details: 11 nights and 10 days of travelling, lodging, and accommodation with Wi-Fi rooms Destination: Baltal Amarnath Trek Departure: Delhi Places to visit: New Delhi-Jammu, Jammu-Srinagar or Kasikund, Kasikund-Baltal halt, Baltal-Amarnath, Baltal-Srinagar, Katra-Shiv Gori, and return to Baltal Amarnath Trek
Inclusions: Food 11 nights of hotel accommodation All transfers by Jeep (6 people per Jeep) Star-level facilities Doli, helicopter charges, and additional fees for the Amarnath permit card
Exclusions: Tea/Coffee and mineral water Personal expenditure and beverages Motorbike and horse rides to the temple after Jeep Medical expenses
Day-to-Day Itinerary:
Day 1: New Delhi to Jammu
Begin your pilgrimage as you depart from New Delhi for Jammu by bus or train. Arrive in Jammu, a culturally rich city, where our representatives will welcome you. Check into your hotel and relax, preparing for the spiritual journey ahead.
Day 2: Jammu to Srinagar or Kasikund
Travel to the picturesque destination of Srinagar or Kasikund, depending on weather conditions. Enjoy the scenic beauty of the journey as you approach the starting point of the Amarnath Yatra.
Day 3: Kasikund to Baltal (Base Camp)
Proceed to Baltal, the base camp for the Amarnath Yatra. Take in the breathtaking landscapes and prepare for the spiritual adventure awaiting you.
Day 4: Baltal to Amarnath
Embark on the trek from Baltal to the sacred Amarnath Cave, a distance of 16 km. Experience the divine aura as you reach the holy cave and pay homage to the ice Shiva Lingam. The spiritual energy and natural beauty will leave an indelible mark on your soul.
Day 5: Amarnath Cave Darshan – Halt in Baltal
Dedicate this day to the divine as you have the opportunity for another darshan of the Amarnath Cave. Absorb the spiritual essence and stay overnight in Baltal.
Day 6: Baltal to Srinagar – Darshan at Kheer Bhawani Temple
Return to Srinagar, enjoying the journey through picturesque landscapes. Along the way, halt at the revered Kheer Bhawani Temple for blessings and darshan.
Day 7: Srinagar Local Sightseeing – Evening Journey to Katra
Explore the beauty of Srinagar with local sightseeing. In the evening, commence your journey to Katra, your next destination on this sacred pilgrimage.
Day 8: Katra – Vaishno Devi Darshan
Embark on a 14 km uphill trek to the sacred Vaishno Devi Temple. After darshan, begin the descent and stay overnight in Katra.
Day 9: Katra to Shiv Gori – Drop at Jammu Railway Station
Proceed to Shiv Gori, a spiritual site located 3 km from Katra. Here, you can opt for doli or horse rides. After seeking blessings, our journey concludes as we drop you at the Jammu Railway Station.
Day 10: Jammu to Wagah Border, Amritsar, and Kurukshetra
Embark on a scenic journey to the Wagah Border, experience the cultural richness of Amritsar, and conclude your pilgrimage with a visit to the spiritual town of Kurukshetra. Absorb the diversity of India's cultural and spiritual landscape.
Join us on this unforgettable journey and experience the spiritual essence of India. Book your Amarnath Yatra Package from Hyderabad today!
For More Info Call Now:
Jwalamuki Tours & Travels
Laxman Gupta: 09964146301
Website: https://www.jwalamukhitours.com
Link: https://www.jwalamukhitours.com/amarnath-yatra-packages-from-hyderabad.html
Address: C-81, Flat no-301, Mahadevpuram, Balaya nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500055
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Local Flavors and Cultural Wonders: Your Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar Stay
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Welcome to Amritsar, the heart of Punjab, where vibrant culture meets delectable cuisine. Nestled in the midst of this cultural hub is Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar, your gateway to an unforgettable experience. In this blog post, we'll explore the local flavors and cultural wonders that await you during your stay at Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar.
Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar isn't just a place to rest your head; it's a haven for those eager to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Punjab's heritage. Begin your journey by indulging in the authentic flavors of Amritsari cuisine at Citrus Café, Lemon Tree Hotel's signature restaurant. From mouthwatering tandoori delicacies to aromatic curries, every dish is a celebration of local ingredients and culinary expertise. Don't miss the opportunity to savor classics like Amritsari kulcha and butter chicken, served with a side of warm hospitality.
After satisfying your taste buds, it's time to explore the cultural wonders that surround Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar. Just a short drive away lies the iconic Golden Temple, a spiritual and architectural marvel that attracts millions of visitors every year. Witness the mesmerizing sight of the temple's golden façade shimmering in the sunlight and feel the sense of tranquility wash over you as you take a peaceful stroll around the sarovar.
For history enthusiasts, a visit to the Jallianwala Bagh memorial is a must. This poignant reminder of India's struggle for independence commemorates the lives lost during the Jallianwala Bagh massacre of 1919. Walk through the narrow pathways, past the bullet-riddled walls, and pay your respects at the Martyrs' Well, where hundreds jumped to escape the gunfire.
No trip to Amritsar is complete without exploring its bustling markets and vibrant bazaars. Take a leisurely stroll through the lanes of Old Amritsar, where you'll find a treasure trove of traditional handicrafts, colorful textiles, and aromatic spices. Bargain with local vendors for souvenirs to take home, or simply soak in the sights and sounds of this bustling hub of activity.
Back at Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar, unwind and relax in the comfort of your well-appointed room, complete with modern amenities and warm, inviting décor. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, our attentive staff is dedicated to ensuring that your stay is nothing short of perfect.
Your stay at Lemon Tree Hotel Amritsar is more than just accommodation; it's an immersive experience that combines local flavors and cultural wonders in equal measure. From indulging in authentic cuisine to exploring historical landmarks, every moment promises to be memorable. So why wait? Book your stay today and embark on a journey of discovery in the heart of Punjab. Contact us at +91-7452936927 to reserve your room and start planning your Amritsar adventure.
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pgdodeja · 2 months
Dhamaal Dhamaloo Day - 3 (Amritsar)
It was late when we reached Happy Home stay, Amristsar, say around 11.30 pm way past my routine sleeping time of 10.0 o’clock. But I slept like a log anyway, expecting to miss sunrise in the morning. But I woke up without alarm around 6.0 am in morning. We were sleeping on a terrace attached room, I came out to check weather and enjoy cool climate (Temprature around 3-4 degrees). Wow… It was so…
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tnghotelsandresorts · 5 months
Hotels Near Golden Temple
Hotels in Amritsar - Explore the Golden Temple's beauty with ease from hotels nearby. A memorable stay at the doorstep of serenity.
Visit our website - https://tnghotelsandresorts.com/global-inn/
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shoppsin · 2 months
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kavyatraveler · 3 months
Bloom Boutique Ranjit Avenue
Bloom Boutique, nestled on the picturesque shores of Lake Pichola in Amritsar, offers a captivating blend of luxury and serenity. With its prime location, guests are treated to breathtaking views of the lake and the majestic City Palace. The boutique hotel boasts elegantly appointed rooms and suites adorned with modern amenities and traditional touches, ensuring a comfortable stay for discerning travelers. The intimate setting and personalized service create an atmosphere of tranquility and exclusivity. Guests can indulge in delectable culinary delights at the on-site restaurant, featuring a menu of local and international dishes prepared with fresh ingredients. The rooftop terrace provides a perfect spot to unwind while savoring panoramic vistas of the lake and the city's skyline. Whether it's a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a business trip, Bloom Boutique promises an unforgettable experience in the heart of Amritsar's charm and beauty.
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For the Love of Dogs
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I’ve mentioned the street dogs in Amritsar. I see dozens every single day. They are often skeletal, injured, and so very timid. People abuse them. Or hit them with a vehicle and drive on. I see them lying in holes they have dug at the side of the road. I see puppies wandering through traffic or shooed away, threatened, or worse by street vendors.  I am cautious, because they are feral. But it is heartbreaking to see them try to eek out survival in this unforgiving environment.
I stumbled upon a place called Pawsitive Sanctuary on the outskirts of the city and I was intrigued. I asked to join their Facebook group and was immediately welcomed. I asked if we could visit (assuring them we had received our rabies booster)—and the founder of the sanctuary, an Indian-Canadian woman living in Toronto, called me soon after. Amita has devoted herself (and her bank account) passionately to providing free medical care, rescue, and compassion to these dogs.
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Today we rode out to the shelter in the one car they have for rescuing dogs. We met a staff that cares for the dogs with incredible love and generosity.
The lone cat (who loves this staff member) and Aashi, the fearless, fierce, and loving coordinator on the ground
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Above: preparing food for all of those dogs!
They have a resident vet who lives on the premises with his wife and young son. When we arrived, he was busy treating the bed sores of a paralyzed dog.
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There are approximately 125 dogs currently living at the sanctuary (along with one very loud cat.) Many are paralyzed from train and car accidents. Some have had tumors removed, survived distemper, and horrific wounds inflicted by other dogs. One dog, Cinderella, was rescued when she had such a huge and maggot infested wound on her head, half of her face was literally gone. They are nursing her back to health. It is still pretty hard to look at her, but her face is healing, and she will probably have the use of one eye. The staff showed me pictures of when she first arrived. She is, indeed, doing much better!
Here's a partial view of poor Cinderella.
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Almost all of the dogs are gentle and friendly. I quickly developed a soft place in my heart for “Milky” and “Tiger” (a tripod who was very jealous of attention we paid to anyone else!)
Tiger (left photo) and Milky
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Those of you who know me know that I am not a particularly religious person. But whatever God is—their love is working through these people to help creatures that have no voice, and who deserve dignity and love just as much as you or I. In what religion are they not deserving of that? And yet so many people—here and around the world-- think of them as “just animals.” It infuriates me.
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I am sharing some photos. Some are too distressing to share. If you are strong enough, go to the sanctuary’s Instagram or Facebook pages. I am committing to volunteering at the sanctuary while we are here. Please consider supporting them. A little goes a LONG way in this country- and I saw with my own eyes what donations are making possible. Every dog is neutered or spade. All receive the medical treatment, surgery, and care they need. The sanctuary takes in approximately ten dogs per week. People call them from all over the city, having seen an injured or suffering dog. Some are returned to the neighborhoods where they have lived—if there are people there that feed them and watch out for them (they can’t keep them all!) Some are up for adoption. Any dog that cannot survive on their own is assured of a forever home. We are told that many of the dogs will indeed live there forever-- Cinderella, as well as the many paralyzed dogs among them.
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The most critical are kept in this room:
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The paralyzed dogs (some are slowly learning to walk again!)
Some of the now-healthy dogs love to roam in the wonderful expanse surrounding the sanctuary
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Saying goodbye for now to our hosts: Aashi and Reena
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To donate (for U.S.) use Paypal:
Thank you for listening!
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harrysharma5588 · 3 months
Our rehab center in Amritsar gives a lot of good facilities to the patients. We give proper checkups and proper medication to the patients. Our center environment was peaceful. All our team members cooperate with the patients. Our professional team members knew how to handle all the patients and all the cases. Our center provides the facility to the patients for a lifetime. Our center is very neat and clean. Our rooms and garden area were cleaned regularly. Our center was properly sanitized. 
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