#hourglass wives
peakdeer · 2 years
Hourglass wives/duo
(depending on if it's a romantic or platonic relationship)
The potential relationship dynamic between Lauren the Sand Witch who only started magic like yesterday, and Cleo the Time Witch who has been learning magic for potentially lifetimes using her time powers.
Cleo had been a witch for centuries. She’d practiced magic for her whole life, and all of her unlife. She knew her way around magic, even learning the difficult hex magic. She honed her abilities until she truly was powerful, until she truly was the Time Witch. She’d long lost track of how long she’d lived for.
Lauren had been a witch for a day.
Two, actually, by now. She has no idea how to use magic. She runs around without any wand to her name, not even comprehending how to use one. The one spell she does have, she often casts wrong or positions incorrectly. As a highly talented witch who works in hex magic, the idea horrifies Cleo.
As a fellow witch, as Cleo, she feels bad.
Not bad enough to lavish hundreds of gifts upon the Sand Witch, but enough to talk to her, enough to offer her some advice.
Cleo swooped down in front of the Sand Witch’s sand castle. Or, at least, that was what it looked like. It was very cute, she had to admit. She had to give Lauren credit—at least she had a house. Cleo’d been too busy here to build a proper house, and her old one was infested with glow lichen and rotting.
“Hello. You’re the Sand Witch, right? The new one?” Cleo asked, landing next to the witch in question. She wore a cute dress, kind of like the ones maidens wore in the old villages. Cleo had seen some of them in one of the timelines, but she couldn’t quite remember which one. The Sand Witch actually looked quite interesting, her hair half a dirty blond and the other half a purple—wait.
Cleo had to stop herself from laughing. The Sand Witch looked like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Even the laces in the cuts of her sleeves were colored with the same tan and purple.
“Oh, hello! Hello, yes, that’s me. I… I’m new, yeah. I became a witch just… yesterday I think?” The witch startled, turning to look at Cleo.
“Mhm. How’ve you been settling in?” Cleo inquired, glancing around Lauren’s setup. Besides the house, there didn’t seem to be much there except sand and the occasional dry bush.
“Uh… pretty well, I think! I built a second story onto my house and met some of the other witches! I just, uh. Need to get some more spells and things. I started a farm at least!” Lauren explained, waving towards her farm almost offhandedly. The farm was a sad sight, stalks not quite golden but wilting nonetheless, the heads of grain trailing in the dirt. There wasn’t even a spot of water to help the fields, and it looked as if the farm had been made simply by removing the sand and shoveling dirt in. It was a miracle the crops had even sprouted, especially having grown this much.
“That’s lovely. Your house is very cute, love it.” Cleo responded anyway, pointedly looking at the adorable house instead of the lifeless farm.
“Thank you! I appreciate it! I haven’t had many people come to my house yet, just… just you, actually. No one’s seen my house. I’d invite you in, but you don’t want to see the interior. Trust me.” Lauren chattered, looking almost disappointed for a moment before she forced a smile on her face.
“I’m sure it’s not that bad inside. Do you have a waystone?” Cleo changed the subject quickly, hoping for something safer to talk about. She wasn’t a big fan of dealing with emotions. They were quite inconvenient.
“Oh yeah! I picked one of those up! I’ve kind of been using it as a door stopper.” Lauren looked over at her dented door and winced. “But then I moved it. For obvious reasons.”
Cleo couldn’t suppress a laugh at that. “It looks like a bear mauled your door! How hard do you swing that open??” It indeed looked like someone had wrecked her door—it was covered in scratches in addition to the deep gouges it already had.
“Listen! I’ve got a lot of energy! It just happens sometimes! At least I only hit the wall with it once.” Lauren defended herself. She seemed to realize it was a losing battle, though, huffing and looking away.
“The wall? Lauren, you’d have to tear the door off its hinges to do that!” Cleo’s laughter only intensified at that, and she found herself glad she’d decided to stop by. She hadn’t laughed this hard in a long time.
“…Yeah. I’ve had to replace a few doors. For totally different reasons! It had, uh… nothing to do with that.” Lauren protested, trying in vain to preserve what remained of her dignity. Cleo almost felt bad, but Lauren had done this to herself.
“Sure it didn’t,” Cleo teased with a chuckle. Her eyes caught again on Lauren’s small farm, and she winced. It looked so… unhealthy there, growing on the sand-laced dirt without even water to help it grow.
Lauren didn’t seem to notice, blabbering on. Something about a pelican? Cleo wasn’t sure she wanted to know.
“Here, let me just…” She pulled out her Farmer’s Staff, stepping towards the farm and focusing her powers. The crops began straightening up and growing a second later, the dry and wilting stalks shooting up and filling with life.
Lauren had stopped talking by the time Cleo looked up, her jaw dropped and surprise evident on her face. She seemed to be speechless for a moment, eyes darting from her crop field to Cleo.
“You’re the Nature Witch?” Lauren guessed. “No, actually, you don’t fit the vibe. Uh… not the Storm Witch, Necromancy or Illusionary maybe? Though the crops weren’t really dead, and they feel real…” Lauren poked the stalks suspiciously, as if suddenly doubting them.
“Oh! You’re the Time Witch?” Lauren’s head shot up in realization, her eyes widening.
“Correct,” Cleo agreed with a grin.
Perhaps the Sand Witch was smarter than she thought.
“Woah! That’s so cool! You control Time?” Lauren gasped, eyes darting around Cleo as if she’d see an example if she just looked hard enough.
“Yeah, I do. It’s fun.” Cleo agreed nonchalantly, watching with glee as Lauren’s face filled with awe.
“That’s awesome. I wish I had that power! All I have is… sand. And sometimes it doesn’t work.” Lauren admitted, looking rather bashful. From what Cleo had heard about her, she couldn’t really offer encouragement.
“I’m sure you’ll get better at it. I can help teach you?” Cleo offered without thinking. She hadn’t come here to babysit a witch—but this was different. This was helping a friend. She could at the very least do that.
“That would be great! Ooh, a new friend! I don’t have many of those,” Lauren burst out excitedly, giving a little twirl. Cleo smiled despite herself, a laugh bubbling in her throat.
Or not.
But maybe she didn’t mind that. Maybe she didn’t mind helping the Sand Witch—helping Lauren out a bit.
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dancinglifeboat · 1 year
Doodle of the girls<3
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pruneunfair · 18 days
Manhwa characters X Henry VIII and the six wives crossover.
of course this isn't going to line up with the real history, they'll simply be put into the roles they suit best and alternations will be made based on source material and their personalities
Henry VIII-Ceasre de como
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He was never meant to inherit the throne until his brother unexpectedly passed away. The infamous bastard son who was the true cause of prince Alfonsos death believed to be a tragic result of illness. He framed the crime of poisoning the king on his mistress Ariande de mare and marries his late brothers widow as his first wife Isabella de Mare who has only been able to have one child: a girl, Princess Giovanna. Over the course of his life, King Ceasre marries a total of 6 different women and has only had 3 legitimate heirs throughout his life. During his reign, he ignited the fear and hatred of his people through execution after execution, some of the most infamous being 2 of his 6 wives. It was said that on his death bed, all the women he betrayed had haunted him, with the ringleader being his first love, Ariande de Mare
Catherine of Aragon-Isabella de Mare
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Ceasres first wife, Ariandes sister and widow to prince Alfonso. After marrying for a second time small problems erupt from the queen being known as "tainted" for being another kings wife. To mediate the anger, Isabella starts to take religion even more seriously then she did in the past making herself out as a saint who redeemed herself of her sins, the public is unaware she cares very little for the death of her sister. The queen is aware of her husband's concubines and doesn't mind as she knows he would grow bored of her... until Ceasre finds a woman he can't yet have.. so she schemes to stay on the throne. She didn't help orchestrate her sisters death just so Ceasre can go as far as to violate parliament to marry another woman.
She is not remembered so fondly though after her death.
Anne Boleyn- Aria Roscent:
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a common woman adopted into the house of Roscent, despite that fact she has become the talk of the town for her beauty and sharp tongue. Aria was planning on marrying her true love Oscar Frederick until she met the king who wanted her as his mistress more than anything, she tried to turn him down the best she could without facing execution, ultimately coming up with a excuse that she'd only be with Ceasre if she became the queen. To which Ceasre happily does much to the anger of queen Isabella who never would've have guessed it would be a random noblewoman instead of Ceasres favorites. Isabella fights back with the pope on her side using the argument the remarriage is reserved only those who have been widowed, this proves to be Isabellas undoing however when Ceasre shoots back with the revelation that the queen had killed her little sister years back and she would do the same to Princess Giovanna if she stayed. The divorce also leads to Ceasre founding his own church and new rules of religion so no pesky pope will stop him in the future, he marries Aria for only 3 years, during those 3 years Aria gave birth to a girl and named her Arabella to spite the former queen but her happiness is shortlived once Ceasre gets tired of her and executes her on crimes of witchcraft and attempted poisoning of his sister in law, Mielle.
Jane Seymour-Jennette Margarita
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The 3rd wife Ceasre married quickly after the execution of Queen Aria. Despite her gentle care and kind attitude, the populace despised Jennette for replacing Aria as queen. Jennette is more obedient than the last two queens, going by a motto of "bound to obey and serve." So it's not surprise that Ceasre chose her to be the lucky wife to bear San Carlos desired prince. The relationship with her step-sisters isn't great either. Giovanna wants nothing to do with anymore step-moms after what happened to her mother and Arabella is still too young to even comprehend what happend to her own mother, leaving Jennette alone with the hope of her unborn child being a boy that could save her from execution. Much to Ceasres joy, Jennette does give birth to a prince Leo, but unfortunately the 3rd queen passes away just 11 days later from child bed fever.
Anne of Cleves-Adelaide Kotrov
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A foreign princess from a neighboring kingdom. With a male heir finally secured, Ceasre is encouraged to marry for a political alliance, most princesses reject the offer after knowing what happened to Queen Aria but with the forceful hand of her mother, Adelaide of Kotrov is sent to become Ceasres 4th wife. The introduction doesn't go as well as planned, with Adelaide being visibly uncomfortable and annoyed with her husband's attitude. Since Ceasre can't execute a foreign noble, he never consummated the marriage and divorced Adelaide in only 6 months. Instead of becoming enemies though, Adelaide and Ceasre managed to get along just enough during those 6 months to be considered friends and Adelaide stayed in San Carlo with the reputation of the kings beloved sister. She lives her days with her lover Lionel as her true love and becomes the richest woman in all of San Carlo after Ceasre dies.
Catherine Howard- Rashta Ishka.
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Ceasres 5th and youngest wife. A former slave who was saved by another Emperor and worked as a secretary for the Empress Navier. Rashta was never given a proper education so when the work turned out to be more than she could chew, Ceasre took the opportunity to take her with him to enjoy the luxuries of regal life and gave Rashta a title of Viscountess so the nobles of San Carlo wouldn't learn of her true origins. By the time they got married Ceasre was already considerably aged, his daughters have grown and Prince Leo had been getting smarter by the day. Giovanna treated her step-mom with indifference but Arabella and Leo took to their new mother well, giving Rashta a chance to heal from past traumas but her attitude can make it difficult at times as she holds grudges and doesnt easily let things go. Problems would inevitably arise , with unchecked trauma of her past, Ceasre only wanting a spare from her, pushing everyone else that could help her away, yet with her desire to feel seen at the same time. The queen gets coerced and manipulated by another man: Duke Ergi and he takes the chance to screw her over once he got what he wanted from her. Rashta was only queen for a little over a year when she was discovered to have been assaulted by one of her masters leading to a pregnancy no one knew of, and a previous fling she had with Emperor Sovieshu, combined with the rumors that she had cheated on the king, Rashta is beheaded for her crimes. Before her execution she ran after Ceasre, pleading her innocence while being pulled away.
Catherine Parr-Claudine Von Brandt
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Ceasres 6th and final wife. Claudine had initially been with a few other lovers but all have either died or left her before the marriages could even happen. When she is told that she has to marry the king, Claudine naturally freaks out knowing the fates of the previous 5 wives who got divorced at best and lost their heads at worst. She learns to live her life with her aging tyrannical husband and becomes a wonderful stepmother to the kids, even Giovanna was willing to give her a chance and accept Claudine as her stepmother and queen of San Carlo after Claudine convinced Ceasre to reinsert his daughtes back into succession. There were a few close calls but Claudine survived her marriage and outlived Ceasre, but only for a year longer...
Mary I-Princess Giovanna
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(There's no cannon design for Giovanna yet so I used Athy as a substitute)
The first princess born of King Ceasre and Queen Isabella. Out of all her parents failed pregnancies, Giovanna survived as a healthy child despite being a girl. Her parents treated her well enough until her father had the hots for Aria and divorced her mother. Even after learning the truth, Giovanna still considered Isabella the rightful queen even if she was left with a permanent uneasiness of her mom. For most of her time as princess afterwords, Giovanna is demoted to a lady to make room for Arias baby but despite that, Giovanna is a good big sister and doesn't blame Arabella for her mother's fate especially after the second princess is demoted to lady after Aria is executed. After her father dies, Giovanna went through hell to ensure she'd remain a queen and bring back the influence of the pope even if it means the death of the cousin used as a political pawn and the execution of just under 300 people. She dies without an heir only 5 years later.
Elizabeth I- princess Arabella
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Second princess and daughter of King Ceasre and Queen Aria. Poor Arabella was already made a bastard after her mother's execution and lived her life neglected by her father and raised by her older sister. She was named after the 1st queens youngest sister and it's often noted that the princess looks an awful lot like the girl she was named after, almost like she was the reincarnated soul of Arabella de Mare. Her family life is full of nothing but troubles, even after her tyrannical father dies, she's still left in the whims of her sister as their relationship deteriorates when they got older. For years princess Arabella dodged death at every corner until Queen Giovanna passed away, giving rise for the queen no one suspected, Arabella I. She becomes the virgin queen of San Carlo, ending her father's bloodline and granting the right of heir to a cousin when she passes away as the final monarch of the house of de Como.
Edward VI- Leo IV
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(Again, Leo doesn't have a design since he's an OC so young Ceasre will be a substitute)
The long sought after male heir Ceasre had been waiting for and the son of Queen Jennette, he takes after his father in terms of appearance too! As such Leo was raised differently then his sisters and was pushed to the bone since he was the only shot they had for a future king of the de Como bloodline. When Leo became king at the young age of 9, he was easily influenced by the adults and advisors in his life to control the country how they wanted to. He's just a kid and already the people think he'll just turn out to be like his father. Despite how much he loves his sisters, they disagree on religion and in an attempt to keep Giovanna from bringing back influence of the pope, he selects a cousin as his heir just before he dies young, he can finally meet the mother he's never known...
Other characters below:
Prince Arthur- Alfonso de Carlo
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Jane Boleyn- Mielle Roscent
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George Boleyn- Cain Roscent
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Mary Boleyn- Larissa De Balloa
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Thomas Culpeper- Duke Ergi
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megneato · 11 months
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"I swear that I loved you, I swear, I swear."
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shrimpchipsss · 1 year
I love how you draw Sha Hualing so much. Fuckin rectangle 10/10
YEA YEA YEA sha hualing is built like fma envy agenda, NO ass, flat chest, very densely muscled w scary nails and toenails(why are the toenails long?? unsettling!!!), just want her to be a little off kilter, like someone took one of airplane's more out there-looking demons and crammed it into a pastiche of human cultivator beauty standards based on descriptions in plays
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ironwingedhawk · 3 months
The Tarot Sequence Ultimate Favorite Blorbo Tournament
Round 2, Match 7
Diana Saint Nicholas
(Artwork by https://oblivionsdream.tumblr.com/)
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Corinne Dawncreek
(Artwork from the TTS Wikia (by Kritta))
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youremyheaven · 3 months
Vedic Astrology Primer:
1.Beginner's Guide To Vedic Astrology
2. A Basic Guide To Nakshatras
3. Vedic Astrology Books
my first vedic post :-)
mongoose yoni, hasta girlies and retro vibes 🐀💃🏼👯‍♀️
bimbos, venusians and mermaids 🧜🏼‍♀️👭
simple observations
vedic analysis of singers, fairies and cougars 👀 🎶🧚🏼‍♀️
butterfly motif and vedic astrology 🦋
the astrology of big boobs and mistresses 🌕🌕
courtesans and great actors🥵🎭
actors, desirable women and muscle daddies 🎭💃🏼💪🏼
why are cancer girlies so in demand 🦀♋
muscle men and ingenues 🤪🧚🏼‍♀️😩
nice guys, loners, unhappy childhoods 🤓🥰
snakes, scorpios and sex workers 🐍🦂
serpents, trophy wives and nose jobs 🐍🤰🏼👃🏼
Random Vedic Astrology Observations
pt 2 of random vedic observations
Random Astrology Observations
Vedic Observations
Wealth giving naks & Revati's kinky side
Appetite in Astrology 
Are Rashis As Important As Nakshatras?
Random Astrology Observations
K-Pop Astrology:
BTS rising sign speculation
BTS & their celeb crushes
Blackpink Rising Sign Speculation
Pisces Influence on Kpop
BTS & Their Possible Vedic Rising Signs pt 2
RM New Album is Vishaka Coded?
Jennie is a Jyeshta Rising?
Vedic Symbolism & Imagery:
a cool vedic post about symbols and motifs
angel imagery in vedic astro 👼🏼🧚🏼‍♀️
Astrology of Appearance:
The Astrology of Appearance
The Astrology of Appearance pt 2
The Astrology of Appearance pt 3
Astrology of Doppelgangers
The Astrology of Beauty Marks
Doll Beauty in Astrology
Hourglasses: The Astrology of Body Types ⏳🥵💃🏼
Astrology of Appearance: Yoni Animal Edition
Cancer Girls & Baby Voice
Rahu & Ketu eyes
Yin vs Yang Eyes
Appearance Analysis: Angelina Jolie
Lunar men and their eyes
Lunar men and their eyes pt 2
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lizaluvsthis · 2 months
The moon will sing a song for me
I loved you like the sun
Bore the shadows that you made
With no light of my own
I shine only with the light you gave me
I shine only with the light you gave me
The Moon Will sing by The Crane Wives
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Thought about the game I played when I was a kid- The game is called "The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass" its such a nostalgic adventure game. Using my DS Nintendo I played halfway of it before the screen crashed.
Hence here I also thought about the fake gays right after @shygirl4991 's mention of SV4's sword XDD
Then comes to Tetra and Link playing as characters of SV3 and SV4 in the game.
Tags: @shad0wvisi0n | @b-r-i-n-g-x @shygirl4991 @merp0515 @theartistisme43
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black-is-iconic · 8 months
When The Past Comes Knocking
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There wasn't a single day Tengen didn't think about you, you were a constant in his mind like a persistent itch he couldn't scratch. His first love, his soulmate his……everything.
And then like sand through an hourglass you were gone in a single breath, leaving a gaping hole in his heart where your presence was supposed to be.
He waited for you, day and night, searched all the corners of the continent for any sign of you or even just the slightest whiff of you but never found anything. For weeks, months…..a lifetime of waiting. Begging, praying to a higher power for your return….but it was all for naught.
You…were gone, vanished into thin air dead, gone forever. His world came crashing down around him as he fell into a deep depression, unable to go on living without you.
There was no hope. Despair consumed him, his world, everything he loved, gone in the blink of an eye….and all because he was feeling lazy, because he wanted a little more sleep.
He'd practically signed your death warrant when he passed the mission onto you and rolled back over to sleep. And it's haunted him ever since, every waking moment, ever dreamless sleep.
But he moved on…taking up demon slaying…he married…three times…three beautiful wives…..each and everyone of them perfection their own right, but….even with their beauty, kindness compassion and love he couldn't find solace within them.
He had so many regrets…so much regret. None of them held a candle to your visage, they were beautiful distractions, a means to an end that didn't satisfy. But it would do, it would have to.
The past is the past and nothing can change it, so imagine his surprise when he locked eyes….with the very person who plagued him for the last past six years…..
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Your only thoughts were of Tengen from the moment you locked eyes as children, to each day spent chasing each other around the village…you were inseparable. And you always thought it be that way, except his father….for all intensive purposes…hated your guts.
He was always trying to pluck you from Tengen's life like a farmer pulling a weed from his precious harvest.
He'd gone out his way to ruin your relationship with Samui (meaning cold) one of the younger Uzui brothers, and even tried to get Tengen to drop you, but Tengen was unrelenting sticking to you like glue. Which only pissed of his father to a much more extreme level.
His father didn't approve of you lingering around his sons or daughters, despite you also hailing from a pretty well known ninja clan, and you being better than half if not most of the kunoichi in his own clan.
He could never let an exotic (a derogatory term for foreigner or non native) delude his family. You were a stain, your dark skin a flaw amongst his pure 'noble' clan, and he constantly tried to cleanse your presence away by ostracizing Tengen whenever possible.
But it was inevitable, you were both ninja. Sneaking around was kind of your whole schtick, and whenever he would cut you off one way you'd just find another.
You we're deeply in love with each other and nothing would get between you, your actions clearly proved that….and nothing did come between you…until that one fateful night. You should've known, once a snake always a snake.
But you were so relived when he dropped his obsession with weeding you from Tengen's life…..that you ignored the warning signs, were….glaringly obvious the wide smiles gentle touches and sudden interest in your every movement.
The way he suddenly opened his arms to you as if you were new found daughter. That's why you didn't see it coming, that night……but it didn't matter.
Because you were back, back in Japan, back home…and you had a surprise…well actually two.
Two little surprises clutching the hem of you kimono, [Son/Name] and [Daughter/Name] just barely five years old, it would seem your family's twin gene struck again.
But apparently…Tengen had surprises for you as well. Three of them in fact, when you knocked on the door to his home…you weren't sure what you were expecting but two women wasn't exactly it.
"Um, sorry I think this is the wrong house" you murmured turning away as the strange woman stared at you wide eyed and gasping like a fish out of water as you turned to leave she snapped out of it.
Grasping your shoulders roughly and shouting "WAI-" but she never got to finish because you swiftly grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm behind her back, hooking your leg under hers and sending her toppling to the ground.
In one swift movement you had placed a kunai against the soft flesh of her throat, her mouth open in shock and terror. "DO. NOT. TOUCH. ME."
You hissed coolly and she nodded slowly "I'm sorry I'm sorry, it's just you're….her" she said almost in reverance…..as if you weren't…..holding a deadly weapon to her throat.
You sighed releasing her and placing the kunai back in it's pouch [S/N] tugged on you're sleeve "Mama I'm hungry" he whispered as [D/N] nodded along always the silent one out of the two.
The woman before you, a heavy chested, pale skinned blue eyed bimbo looked ecstatic as shed eyed your two toddlers who felt uncomfortable under intense gaze and hid behind your frame.
"I CAN MAKE YOU SOMETHING IF YOU LIKE, YOU'RE SO MUCH CUTER THAN THE PORTRAITS" the woman shouted lunging at you and earning a swift kick to her ribcage sending her sliding across the ground.
"What do you not understand, about do not touch me?" You asked brow arched as she looked at you with wide eyes, she looked down slightly ashamed pressing her fingers together "S-sorry sorry, you don't know me" .
She said anxiously rubbing her arm "of course it would be weird to just hug a stranger, um I'm Suma Uzui" she murmured in a calmer sheepish tone.
Offering you her hand to shake, you looked down at it slightly hesitant to take her hand and ultimately deciding to ignore it all together.
"Um I'm sorry did you say, Suma Uzui? I thought all of Tengen's sisters died…", the woman- Suma tilted her head and began laughing as if you told a joke but when she saw you were serious she stopped laughing rubbing the back of her head.
"O-Oh I'm um not his sister, I'm his wife" she murmured softly watching your facial expression keenly for the slightest change…but there was none besides the slightest parting of your lips. Wife……that word echoed in your mind like a broken record.
"Wife, huh?" You spoke after what felt like an eternity, your lips twitching slightly as you fought off a slight frown, you swallowed harshly…..Suma shuffled in place awkwardly watching the slight emotion slip through your quivering lips.
"U-Um would you like to come in for some tea?" She offered reaching out for you, but you backed away. It was like if suddenly the breath was stripped from your lungs and the world began to spin the only thing grounding you, was the warmth of your son and daughters tiny fingers wrapped around yours.
"I-I see" you whispered in a hushed voice before looking back at her "no… I mean….thank you for asking, however, I need to be going now, sorry for intruding" you whispered backing away slowly "w-wait Y/N please stay he misses you so much, he'll be so happy you're back".
Suma pleaded clutching your hand you simply looked down at her hand on yours and she flinched back. "Ah yes, he missed me so much he remarried" you spoke bitterly venom coating your words as your lashes blinked back tears.
Suma looked down at the ground "h-he was in a really rough spot when he married me and the others, but not a day goes by-" she spoke but stopped when your brows raised and eyes sharpened "Others, plural?"
You asked in a cracked in a whisper, and she took a deep breath clutching her scantily kimono hem. You shielded your children's eyes from such depravity the kimono barely came past her lower thigh- don't be rude….don't…be bitter.
It's not her fault, you rehearse slowly. Suma looked at you with pity, and it only added fuel to the flames of bitter anger inside of you and a sense of betrayal as your eyes narrowed and jaw clenched.
"Yeah, there's two others Hina and Makio" she murmured "b-but you're clearly the favorite" she said quickly trying to comfort you but it felt more like a stab to the heart than anything. you wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.
Laugh at your own stupidity for thinking he'd wait six years for your return, and cry cause you thought you were special enough to warrant the waiting.
"The favorite, my aren't I lucky to be the kings favorite whore". You snap sarcastically and she flinched, "I'm sorry" you started taking a deep breath as the tears finally raced down your cheeks, "I-I'm sorry…I'm just" "It's okay, this is a lot, I can see why you might be angry" "Um, I think I'll take you up on that tea".
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Your eyes never leave her as she makes the tea, and your hand never leaves your kunai.
If you've learned anything from your past mishaps its trust no one and always be prepared so when she came to you with the tea pot, you opened it and checked it's contents just to make sure it wasn't an assassin's tea pot.
And for extra security you made her sip the tea first and waited a couple of minutes to see if it had any effects, the tension in the air is palpable and awkward.
The house was almost exactly how you remember it last only more colorful and vibrant you busied yourself with preparing a meal for your Son and Daughter who clung tightly to your side, it's clear they too were uneasy you made something simple. Stuffed dumplings and pot stickers you even made some for the bim- Suma….for Suma.
You couldn't take your anger out on Suma, she was entirely innocent in this. She eagerly accepted the plate with a wide smile "sorry for the earlier hostility" you murmured shyly and she gushed waving it off.
"No no, it's completely understandable you were gone and then you come back and there's a random woman in your house, trying to touch you and ranting how they know everything about you, it's um…it's a normal reaction I just got a bit carried away" she muttered softly.
she muttered softly an awkward silence falls between the two of you as you just kinda look anywhere but at each other.
Her eyes kept flickering to [S/N] and [D/n} and you seriously hoped she wouldn't ask about them because you really, really didn't want to talk about it….at least with her….no offense she seemed nice and all. But she was a total stranger….and Tengen's wife a voice whispered in the back of your head and you clutched the fabric on your knees tightly.
It was unfair of you to be mad at Tengen, you told yourself, six years is a long time…..he probably thought you were dead. You're okay with this, you reassured yourself this is okay….you repated in your head while cradling [S/N] on you're lap and [D/N] snuggled your hip resting her head on your thigh, "what are their names?"
Sumas asked softly, and you smiled "[S/N] and [D/N]" you answered softly and she smiled. "Those are lovely names, their beautiful" she spoke scooching slightly closer.
You pulled away a bit and smiled awkwardly "yay", another intense bout of silence followed….before suddenly the door open and in walked two more woman who you presumed to be the other wives, your chest ached and your skin crawled slightly as they quickly made their way over to you and suddenly you were uncomfortable.
You were antisocial, always have been, probably always would be. It took a bit of pestering from Tengen for a friendship to blossom, "um, hi Y/N is it?"
A woman in a purple kimono spoke and you gave a single nod, she looked just as stiff and anxious as you felt long lashes fluttering softly "hi I'm Hinatsuru, um how are you?"
She asked softly, uncertainty laced within the octaves of her voice "fine" you responded briskly with a little more hostility than you intend as your hand clutched tighter around your babies who watched on curiously, Hinatsuru didn't flinch but she looked slightly flustered "s-so um" "I'll leave" you spoke after another awkward pause, "w-wait maybe we should talk?"
Hina tried as you scooped up [D/N] and [S/N] "about what? We don't know each other, this is painstakingly awkward, you all seem lovely but um…….I'll try a little later" you murmured walking towards the door and opening it only to come face to face….with Tengen.
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msallurea · 1 year
"Dear y/n,
Excuse me your royal hotness, I am sorry to interrupt your precious time I know im very well unworthy of even being in the mere atmosphere of you but did you know that you have been causing uncontrollable havoc across the world? Like seriously it has truly gotten out of hand! Do you not remember? You posted one photo of you in a simple, black, hourglass silhouette, Thierry Mugler 90s theme, ankle length, vixen dress with beautiful Swarovski diamonds jewelry pieces, YOU PRACTICALLY BLINDED ANYONE WHO SAW YOUR PHOTO BECAUSE OF THOSE JEWELS?! Along with a pair of rare collection black Versace 7 inch heels. I mean come on exactly how much of "broke people should never laugh" are you trying to scream in people's faces here. Has it still not rung a bell?? Seriously, your long, glossy, silky fluffy curls shimmered and glistened in the sun you practically out shined the sun I mean how it that even possible? Your sex appeal quite literally broke the 5th 6th and 7th dimension. I really do hate to be the bearer of bad news but you need to get it together. I have been receiving multiple complaints from husband's wives, they've been too intimidated by your beauty they've had to create fake accounts as guys just to see why there husband is so obsessed with you and end up falling in love themselves, onlyfans has literally went nonexistent since you posted you are the only remedy to this worlds sexual satisfaction, gay people question their sexuality because of you there confused how someone could be so hot, even the most loyalist of men are considering cheating on there s/o because of you, traffic has been hectic cars are crashing everywhere and guess who just happened to walk by..exactly! Calling you beautiful is an understatement, you are astonishing, so poise, so sirenic, so luminescent, you're nostalgia personified, even scientist can't comprehend the complexity of your beauty it's astounding your the one philosophy they just can't explain and its annoying to them. If you have any care at all because by this point you probably believe I'm complimenting you and your batting your fluffy butterfly lashes and eyes sparkling like the moon while you laugh and your sickeningly cute warm smile just reading..thinking of it right now sends purple and pink butterflies in my stomach. Please y/n, if you'd care enough please stop being so hot I beg of you, I'm ready to risk it all with my own wife if you reply back to my letter I have kids and have a happy home but..none of it compares to having you even if it's just for a second please quit toturing us y/n I beg of you."
-Sincerly, your fan
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dancinglifeboat · 1 year
Doodle of the girls<3
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 238. brb x oc
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a/n: just get ready yall. just get ready (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
The evening sun cast a warm, golden hue over the park as Rooster, Beatrice, and their girls enjoyed a leisurely stroll. The sounds of children's laughter and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze created a serene backdrop for their family outing. 
But beneath the surface of their idyllic family moment lingered a sense of unease. Rooster couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that had come over him during his conversation with Mark. His questions had been too probing, his curiosity too invasive, and it left Rooster with a nagging sense of discomfort.
As they reached a bench that was close enough to the playground so Bianca could run around, Rooster paused and gazed out at the grass, his mind still preoccupied with the encounter. Beatrice noticed the furrow in his brow and the distant look in his eyes, and she couldn't help but worry.
"Roos," she began gently, "is everything okay? You seemed a bit... tense earlier."
Rooster turned to her, his eyes filled with concern. He wanted to protect her from unnecessary worry, "Just thinking about the conversation with Mark," he admitted, choosing his words carefully. "He asked some questions about you and your work, and it made me uncomfortable."
Beatrice furrowed her brow, “I mean,did he ask something else besides what you told me?”
Rooster hesitated for a moment, deciding how much to share. He trusted Beatrice implicitly, but he also wanted to spare her any unnecessary stress. "No,it felt... invasive, you know?"
Beatrice nodded in understanding, her expression thoughtful. She sits down on the bench with Nicole on her lap while Éowyn was busy holding Rooster’s hand as they watch her older sister climb a tree "I see," she said, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. "Well, Miranda was…kinda invasive too.”
She shrugs, hugging Nicole to her chest, “Asking stuff about us, even mentioning about a little ‘get-together’ she wants me to go. She says it’s because she’s trying to know as many military wives as she can but…I don’t know,I don’t trust her.”
Rooster furrowed his brow, concern deepening as he processed Beatrice's words. The fact that both Mark and Miranda had been intrusive about their lives raised more red flags for him. "That's strange," he mused, his voice lowered to avoid being overheard. "I don't like the sound of that at all."
Beatrice nodded in agreement, her worry mirrored in her husband's eyes. "Exactly," she replied. "It feels like they're prying into our lives, and I can't help but wonder why."
Rooster took a deep breath, his protective instincts kicking in. "We should be cautious," he said, his gaze scanning their surroundings as if expecting eavesdroppers. "I don't want them getting too involved in our business."
Beatrice nodded in agreement, her maternal instincts aligning with his protective stance. "You're right, Roos," she said, her voice determined. "We need to set boundaries and be careful about what we share with them."
"I'll keep an eye on things," Rooster promised, his tone resolute. "And if they continue to push boundaries, we might have to distance ourselves even more.”
“It just feels like they…show up out of nowhere.” she whispers, “I don’t know,Roos. Is Mark…different? I mean, you mentioned him wanting to talk to Mav but like, was he acting even weirder then?”
Rooster leaned in closer, keeping his voice low as they discussed Mark's behavior. "Yeah, babe," he replied, "he was acting a bit strange when he wanted to talk to Mav. He kept mentioning how much of a legend Mav was and seemed almost too eager to connect with him."
Beatrice furrowed her brow, her concern deepening. "That does sound strange," she admitted. "And you said he knew about you before you even found out about him?"
Rooster nodded. "Yeah, he seemed to have some information about me, which I found odd. It's as if he had done his homework before we even met."
"That's definitely unsettling.” she pauses, “...could they just be socially awkward?”
Rooster turned his head towards Beatrice’s, giving his wife a sweet smile, “It’d be nice if we both didn’t feel how weird this whole situation is.” he says, leaning back on the bench and arching his brows,” But eh, it’s fine,gorgeous. We’ll be alright. Let’s focus on other things,hm?”
Beatrice, while smiling, still had a bit of fear clinging to her spine, “Yeah, you are right.” and leans down to kiss Nicole’s head, their daughter napping against her chest because she had a very good dinner.  “I just think it’s weird, is all,Roos.”
“I know.”
“And I don’t want to get too in my head.”
“I know,gorgeous.” and he leans down to kiss her shoulder, “Relax, it’ll be okay.” would it? Maybe he should message Mav in any case. But not now. “How about we go to Mr.Scoops?” he said it quietly, he suggested it to Beatrice but Bianca, who wasn’t too far away, snapped her head in their direction with her eyes widening.
“YES!” she shrieks, startling a few other passerby’s with her voice, the very mention of the ice cream place was always…special, “YES!LET’S GO!”
“Bibi,” Beatrice says as their nieces comes running, sneakers unlaced and hair a mess, “Don’t scream like that, there’s no need to.”
Bianca quickly slowed down, her excitement still bubbling but tempered by her aunt's admonishment. "Sorry, Auntie Bea," she replied with her legs still bouncing up and down. "I just really love ice cream."
 "I know you do, sweetheart. We all do."
Rooster joined in with a playful grin. "And Mr. Scoops has the best ice cream in town. What flavor are you thinking of, Bianca?"
Bianca's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she considered her options. "Hmm, maybe strawberry today. Or cookies and cream. Ooh, or maybe both!" she gasps, eyes staring at nothing, “Maybe all of them.”
“Alright,alright no,” Beatrice holds up a finger, ‘No, three is the max we’ll get, no all of them,Bibi, you can’t even eat that much.”
“...yes I can.”
Rooster chuckled adjusting Éowyn on his lap before looking at Bea, “If we go now we might get the college kids instead of the families.” he says, knowing the last time they went there they had to wait so long he felt like he aged five years on that line, “What do you think?”
Beatrice considered Rooster's suggestion, weighing the pros and cons of going to Mr. Scoops at this particular time. She knew that going later would likely mean longer lines and more families with children, but going now might mean dealing with a crowd of college students.
"You're right," she conceded with a nod. "Going now might be a better idea. We can beat the rush and hopefully have a more peaceful ice cream experience."
Rooster smiled in agreement. "Sounds like a plan. Let's get going then."
Bianca, who had been eagerly awaiting their decision, practically jumped with excitement. "Yay! Ice cream time!"
With everyone asleep now, they had a great dinner and an even better dessert, Rooster was back in his office, hand on his chin, mouse scrolling through his emails and eyes narrowed. He still had…something in his head was itching, it was itching and it was telling him to just check. 
He wondered if any of the guys talked to Mark or was he the only one?
“Roos?” her soft voice makes him look at the door, to where Beatrice held two mugs with some of the ice cream they brought home. In reality they didn’t have any while at the ice cream shop, deciding that the girls should have it instead, “I brought you some, belgian chocolate.”
Rooster's gaze softened as he saw Beatrice standing in the doorway, holding the two mugs with that precious grin on her face. He pushed back his chair and leaned back, holding a hand to grab the mug when she gets closer."You're the best, babe," he said, pressing a loving kiss to her forehead.
Beatrice smiled,sitting down on the extra chair in his office, tucking her legs under her bottom. "Well, I thought you could use a little break," she replied. "And what better way to unwind than with some delicious ice cream?"
Rooster nodded in agreement and took a spoonful of the ice cream, savoring the rich and creamy flavor. "You always know how to make everything better," he said, his eyes closing happily, “This is still so good. Fuck.”
"That's my job, isn't it? To make sure you're happy and taken care of."
“Funny,thought that was my job.” he smirks with a wink, “Honestly,thanks babe. Are the girls asleep?”
Beatrice chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with affection. "It's a team effort, Roos," she said, savoring her own spoonful of ice cream before nodding. "Yes, out like a light. It's been a long day for them." she licks her lips, tapping the edge of her mug as she watches her husband swivel his chair from left to right, “What are you doing?”
"Just going through some emails," he replied, setting the spoon aside and turning his attention back to his computer screen. "I couldn't help but think about our conversation with Mark and Miranda earlier."
Beatrice tilted her head, her curiosity piqued. "Is everything okay, Roos?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.
Rooster sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. He knew he couldn't keep it to himself. "It's just... something about Mark and Miranda doesn't sit right with me," he admitted, his brow furrowing. "They were asking a lot of personal questions. And…”
Beatrice's expression shifted to one of mild surprise, her mind quickly processing the information. "I did notice that too," she said slowly. "But I thought maybe they were just trying to get to know us better."
Rooster nodded, acknowledging her point. "Yeah, that's what I thought at first. But the way Mark was asking about your job, it felt... invasive. And then he brought up the bar and..."
Beatrice's eyes narrowed slightly, her intuition kicking in. "And what?"
Rooster hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "He seemed to imply that I should have some say in what you do. Like, he was surprised that I allowed you to work there." he snorts “Allowed, like i fucking own you or something.”
“Is that what's been bothering you?” she asks, then finishes her sentence, “The most?”
Rooster ran a hand through his hair, his frustration evident. "Yeah, it's been gnawing at me, Bea," he admitted. "I don't like the idea of someone assuming they have a say in your choices. You're your own person, and you make your own decisions. I would never try to control or limit you."
Beatrice's eyes softened.She reached out to gently place her hand on Rooster's, offering a reassuring squeeze. "I appreciate that, Roos," she said sincerely. "You've always been supportive of me, and I've never felt pressured to make decisions based on anyone else's expectations."
Rooster smiled, relieved that Beatrice understood his concerns. "I just wanted to make sure we're on the same page, babe," he said. "I love you for who you are, and I wouldn't change a thing about you."
Oh he was going to make her cry.
Beatrice leaned in, pressing a sweet and tender kiss to Rooster's lips. It was a silent affirmation of their love and understanding, a reassurance that they were a team and would always have each other's backs.
"Thank you for being my rock, Roos," Beatrice whispered against his lips.
"You're my everything, Bea," Rooster replied, “You know that.”
They stayed like that for a moment, their connection deepening as they basked in the comfort of each other's presence. The world outside seemed to fade away as they focused on the love and trust that bound them together.
Eventually, Beatrice pulled back slightly, her gaze fixed on Rooster's. "So, what do we do about Mark and Miranda?" she asked, her brow furrowing in thought.
Rooster contemplated the question for a moment before responding. "What we planned, ignore them, set some boundaries," he said. "Let them know that there are certain topics that are off-limits….maybe tell them to fuck off.”
“What? I’d love to do that.”
Beatrice frowns a bit, chewing her lower lip, “Let’s just make sure that it's essential to maintain our privacy and protect our relationship. And especially the kids."
“Or…” he purses his lips, “They can fuck off.”
Beatrice rolled her eyes, then stands up to her feet to hug him. He remains seated, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her covered stomach, “Don’t let it get to you,Roos,” she says, cupping his face and tilting his head up, “Please?”
Rooster sighed, his features softening as he gazed into Beatrice's eyes. He knew she was right, as always, and he couldn't let his frustration with Mark and Miranda affect him so much…he just…worries.
"You're absolutely right, babe," he said, "I won't let it get to me.”
She holds up her pinky, “Promise?”
He smirks, hooking his finger with hers, “Promise.”
Beatrice smiled, her heart swelling with love for her husband. "That's why I married you," she said, leaning in to kiss him gently. "You're so strong and protective, but you always listen to reason."
“Most of the time.”
She giggles against his mouth, ‘You do have your moments.”
Rooster chuckled, nuzzling her affectionately. "I learned from the best," he said, his eyes filled with adoration. She smiles down at him,cupping his cheek and kissing his lips one more time, “We should go to bed,huh?”
“We should.” she holds out her hand “Or we can watch some Peaky Blinders while the girls are asleep and have more ice cream.”
“Oh,I like that idea.” he smiles, “Why don’t you go to the living room? I’ll finish it up here.” he kisses her knuckles and waits until she’s out of the office to turn his chair back to the screen. His brows lower and he immediately types something quick, quick enough that Beatrice wouldn’t suspect anything.
There is a group of people who could easily find out more about this whole thing, because they are worse than high schoolers when it comes to gossip. He clicks send on the Dagger Squad group chat and then turns the pc off, walking away from his office after turning off the light.
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huskynotwolf · 6 months
Can’t have it All
-song by the Crane Wives
-fanfic by The Crazy Husky
No. 7
(Vocals: Gem; Drums: Impulse)
Since the incident with Martyn, Scott was cautious of his surroundings, aware that any moment at all, the Watchers would snatch any of them away into another death game.
Martyn had awoken, yes, but seems to be confused and doesn’t recognise anyone, not even Scott. He’d attacked Ren when he came closer to try and comfort him, and he seemed heartbroken. So far, only he, Pearl and Ren knew about this, and Pearl and Scott were the only two who successfully reached him without getting mauled and attacked, and that worried Scott, because of the last line of the message, Paid by the unforgiving sea, bought back by the singing moon, or the hourglass continues falling. He knew it has to mean something bad.
The sea, the moon and the hourglass. He knew they meant people, and that the ‘moon’ meant Pearl. It had to be Pearl; she was commonly associated with the moon. The message worried her, and she was worried about Martyn as well.
He decided to visit the coral boy again. Pearl had dragged him into his room and basically confined him there to prevent him running around and trying to kill people. With Ren’s help, they’d successfully found his room keys and made three duplicates of it, which was owned by the three of them, to basically keep wandering people out.
Scott opened the door, and was greeted by Pearl, who was holding a bowl of soup over Martyn, huddled in a corner and whimpering. Pearl shrugged as he came in, then handed him the bowl. She whispered, “He’s gone insane,” then left the room. He heard the lock turn.
Martyn glared at Scott, but he could sense fear and horror radiating from his friend. “Martyn, you need to at least drink something. It’s been three days.” Scott handed him the bowl. He only shook his head and muttered, “Sun’s falling gaze, lost in the watching eyes’ haze.” He then proceeded to finger his shirt. “No, I said, drink. It’s been three freaking days.” Scott pressed. Martyn locked his scorching green and yellow eyes with him, took the bowl and drank it up hungrily.
He then smashed the bowl by throwing it at the wall.
“Hey! Martyn…” Scott groaned. Martyn hissed and growled at him. He stood up, backed away from him and left the room. His head spun from what he said earlier. “Sun’s falling gaze…” he muttered. Has he actually gone crazy?
The sound of guitar playing caught his attention instead. He looked to see Gem and Impulse have the best time of their lives, while Pearl watched nearby. “You won't find me where you left me, no, I'm long gone (“Long gone” Impulse sang along). You can't bind me in the state you kept me, for so long (“So long”).” Gem sung. She had gotten better at singing since last time, and she seemed to enjoy it more.
“Hearts don't wither, hearts don't break, but mine is tired, mine still aches and all my love you tried to take, but you can't have it all~” Impulse sung, playing along with the drums and singing at the same time. “You can't have it all. You can't have it all,” Pearl, who apparently was also part of the act, joined in while Gem smiled ear to ear. “No, oh, no, no, no,”
“I think I might learn to linger, but not now (“Not now” it was Pearl’s turn). I think you'll have a ring on your finger, but not now (“Not now”).” Gem sung. She didn’t seem to notice Scott before he sang the next verse. “I won't bargain, I won't break. My mind's made up, though my head still aches and all my love you tried to take, but you can't have it all.” He joined in the practice, singing along. “You can't have it all. You can't have it all. No, oh, no, no, no,”
“You can’t have it all.” Pearl grinned, but beneath that smile Scott could sense worry. Was it worry about Martyn, or was it worry about her Skybling? Surely Grian was fine. Nothing has happened to him so far. “You can’t have it all. You can’t have it all,” she could cover her emotions really well, as she showed no hint of slowing down. “You won't find me where you left me, (“You can’t have it all,”) no I’m long gone.”
“(“You can't have it all”) You won't find me where you left me, (“You can't have it all”) no, I'm long gone. (“You can't have it all”) You won't find me where you left me, no, I'm long gone.” Gem ended with Pearl. Impulse cracked a smile and gave the girls a thumbs up.
Scar suddenly skidded around the corner and crashed straight into Scott when he couldn’t stop. “Someone help,” he gasped for breath. “Grian’s Watcher powers aren’t working.” He panted.
Scott let out a gasp of horror. “Sun’s falling gaze.” He gripped Pearl’s cloak, making her stumble. “Martyn predicted this. He knew.”
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cdyssey · 2 years
Summary: Frankly, Barbara Howard has never had so much trouble with a damn zipper before.
A/N: Hi, @athenaseden! I'm so glad that you were one of my giftees for @abbottgiftexchange! Thank you so much for being such a positive light in the fandom with your great edits, your kindness, and your passion for anything and everything Work Wives! Hope you enjoy!
AO3 Link
“Hey, Barb,” Melissa’s voice floats outwards from the en-suite bathroom in their shared hotel room. “Can ya help a gal out a little here?”
“Anything for you, sweetheart,” she idly responds, not really paying much attention. She’s been stretched out on her bed, ankles primly crossed, for sometime now, just watching the Food Network, passively admiring the way that Alex Guarneschelli moves through a gleaming kitchen.
(Mm! That woman sure knows how to work a whisk.)
Melissa, meanwhile, has been in the bathroom for the past half-hour or so, getting ready to go down to the hotel bar and catch a televised poker championship with a couple of teachers they had met at the conference earlier today.
“Fun dudes, but probably not. Nah,” Melissa had said of them, shrugging in an almost casual manner when Barbara had carefully asked if she planned to stay out for the night. They had been in the hotel elevator together, ascending to the correct floor, their shoulders just barely brushing, the delicate skin of their forearms, and the question had electrified the thinnest space between them.
She had shuddered inadvertently and dubiously blamed the cold.
Barbara always discusses sex in euphemisms, treats it like it’s something too dirty to ever articulate with her mother tongue, but Melissa, perpetually a good sport, easily plays along.
Often teasing Barbara.
Sometimes even openly mocking her.
But, for all of her snarky witticisms, she indulges her nonetheless. They speak about sex in the same way mischievous kids come up with creative alternatives for swear words to use when they’re around their parents.
(In their heart of hearts, they both know what they’re poorly disguising anyway.)
 “Eh, they’re a little too goody two shoes for my tastes if y’know what I mean,” she had continued, chuckling. “I like my men the same way that I like my beer.”
“And how is that?” Barbara had only smiled, all balanced again, anchored and blissfully  moored, relaxing at the implicit confirmation that Melissa would return to her well before midnight, that there would be no tomfoolery behind closed doors, and that there would be Melissa, not even five feet apart from her in another bed, stretched on her side, the thin blanket outlining the hourglass silhouette of her body.
Barbara had liked that incredible sight when she had woken up this morning.
Very much.
(Perhaps entirely too much.)
(She had stared, in reverent awe, far longer than propriety would allow, until Melissa stirred herself and finally turned to face her, the crow’s feet just edging her eyes crinkled in a laughing hello. )
“Tall, robust, and just a little bit dirty,” Melissa smirked coyly, waggling an expertly arched brow.
And Barbara had immediately elbowed her in faux-outrage because that was just what she always did whenever Melissa made a vaguely crass joke. 
And Melissa had pouted in faux-indignation because that was just how she always responded when Barbara was faux-offended.
“What? I’m just tellin’ it like it is.
And all was right with Barbara Howard’s world so long as this careful pattern that she and her partner have threaded together for over twenty-something years was so perfectly maintained. She leaned into her friend then and laughed freely.
She was comfortable again.
She was secure.
It’s been a lovely trip all around—the both of them have gotten tons of good tips about integrating tech into the classroom—and, well, it’s been nice for a slew of other reasons too, most of them having to do with Barbara’s semi-recent divorce and what shortly followed afterwards: Melissa insisting that they do fun things together over the summer break.
And she was a uniquely stubborn woman, the second grade teacher.
She wouldn’t take no for an answer.
And so, in the last month alone, they’ve gone to the movies and shopped ‘til they’ve dropped and taken art classes at the local civic center. They’ve visited museums and thrift stores and cozy cafés that no one else but them and Philly’s hipster population seem to know about. On one particularly memorable occasion, they picnicked in Fairmount Park, spreading their blanket near a bed of honeyed daffodils, and Barbara read aloud from a collection of John Donne poems as Melissa spread jam on their sandwiches.
The kindergarten teacher is well-aware that most, if not all, of this has been for her benefit—that by fun, her red-haired companion is openly caring for her, making sure that she gets out of her achingly empty house, redeeming her from the prison of all her thousands of collected hurts.
Thirty-seven years had been a long time to be married, especially when the last five of them had consisted of both herself and Gerald politely ignoring the fact that they had run out of things to talk about anymore besides the basics: they loved God, they loved their girls, and they were mutually obsessed with their respective jobs. 
They both thought that the other worked too much.
And in the end, they had argued about that fact all the time, even though it was not the crux of the problem but rather just another side-effect of it—the excuse they could readily latch onto when facing the truth was unbearable.
Gerald was always so gentle after a fight, though, apologizing profusely for all the things he did and didn’t do. And Barbara was wracked with Christian guilt, that mighty scourge, wondering many questions, though two most of all.
Where had it all gone wrong between them?
And why was the place she felt most at home in a school, in a certain classroom, at a special round table that was reserved for only two?
Before she could satisfy either query, though, she and Gerald had amicably divorced nearly a year ago to the day, and she had set all forms of introspection about herself and her failed marriage and her home away from home in the teacher's lounge aside, incapable of performing such tender examinations on still open wounds.
Her ex-husband still calls her sometimes, and they talk enthusiastically about the girls, what Taylor is up to at her job, how they think that Gina’s girlfriend might finally propose to her this year. And occasionally, when nostalgia or wine hits them just right, they reminisce about the thousands of good times they assuredly had too, even though neither of them have any inclination to return to the start.
Barbara loves him even still. He will always be family to her. He blessed her with their two beautiful daughters. They were wonderful partners for nearly four decades.
She is not in love with him anymore, though, and that is the crucial—sometimes still sad—difference.
Melissa has understood this involved dichotomy, far better than most, and she has offered her shoulder to lean on every time Barbara has nearly asked. She doesn’t ever request Melissa’s help herself, of course, her pride always balking at the terrifying idea of being so vulnerable before another, but her friend has always known when she has needed it.
When she has wanted it.
Ached for it even.
And so, here they are in a shared hotel room at a pedagogical conference in Manhattan that neither of them had really been able to afford to attend, but Melissa had known a guy who knows a guy who got them discounted passes. The younger woman had told her that this was just another fun thing too, a chance to discover some new ideas to bring to their classrooms… but Barbara knows—and is deeply appreciative of the fact—that this is yet another way that she is being so powerfully loved by Melissa Schemmenti.
“Okay, coming out,” she calls from the bathroom. “Don’t laugh, okay?”
“Never,” Barbara hums, finally turning away from the TV.
She assumes that she’s just helping with a necklace or taking the rollers out of her friend’s hair, nothing about their previous exchange exactly preparing her for the moment when the barely cracked bathroom door slowly opens, and there—in the triangle of light fanning across the carpet, stumbling a little, one of her black stilettos catching on her other ankle—is Melissa in a sophisticated cocktail dress, black and silky, the neckline plunging in low places.
Her vivid hair spirals over her bare shoulders in soft, elegant curls, and the reflective fabric of the dress rides over the outline of her curving hips with care, precision, and an unmistakable stroke of sensuality.
Barbara Howard, her mouth fallen open in a perfect, comedic o, is utterly speechless.
Incoherent and overwhelmed at the sight of her.
She barely remembers her own name, much less how to capably speak. 
“Well?” Melissa asks, at once impatient and self-conscious, her cheeks rather rosy with blush. She shifts her weight from heel to heel. “You gonna sit like a log, or are you gonna come zip me up?”
“Zip… you… up?” She echoes dumbly, every syllable punctuated by a rather unnecessary pause. There is something caught in the pillar of her throat—perhaps dust, perhaps her beating heart—constricting her ability to breathe.
“Yeah.” Melissa suddenly turns, revealing a long vee of creamy skin trailing down the length of her back, a hint of her black bra visible, a clasp that just seems to be barely hanging on. The vertex of this sliver, of this little slice of Heaven, ends just above Melissa’s lower back.
Barbara swallows indelicately, unable to pry her eyes away from this remarkably inappropriate place.
“Can’t reach back there,” the other teacher goes on, seemingly oblivious to the chemical reaction denaturing Barbara’s insides, “and the zipper hole’s too small for that wire hanger trick.”
“Oh,” she can only force herself to say. “I see.”
And so, with mechanical movements, all of her limbs alien to her and awkward in proportion to her body, she peels herself off of her hotel bed and shuffles across the soft carpet like a sailor drawn by siren song across the distance of that wine dark sea. 
Temptation is assuredly Melissa. 
Salvation quite possibly too. 
If utter consumption follows, then at least Barbara will die in glorious rapture.
She has never seen someone so beautiful, and it is only as she finally reaches the other woman, less than three feet away from her and then mere inches, that the strangeness of the situation suddenly dawns on her.
Melissa doesn’t wear elegant dresses and Old Hollywood ringlets to bars. She wears leather jackets and black jeans and lovingly scuffed boots. She throws her hair back in loose ponytails. She buys her favorite jewel-toned v-necks in bulk from Target.
The effect is charming in a rugged kind of way.
“All of this,” she croaks, her shivering fingers now poised above that zipper, beneath which the outline of a lace elastic band is just visible, “for a drink with a couple of men from Vermont?”
She doesn’t know why she says men like that, as though she has already judged them and found them wanting.
As though precisely none of them are deserving of the sight of Melissa Schemmenti dressed for the nines.
She supposes that they're all perfectly nice—good teachers, passionate about what they do.
That still doesn’t grant them access to the Holy of Holies.
“Connecticut,” Melissa corrects, with some amusement. “And no, this isn’t for them. It’s… uh, well, you know Alice? That teacher who did a really good speech on music therapy? She’s also gonna be down there. We might grab dinner later.”
Alice Liang.
Yes, Barbara certainly remembers her—a stunningly put together woman in an excellent turquoise pantsuit, who had carefully and exhaustively delineated the importance of preserving music classes in schools. In the corner of her notes—(in the big, even letters she knows makes it easier for Melissa to quickly decipher)—Barbara had scratched out that she looked a little like Michelle Pfeiffer, tilting her notebook so that her companion could see.
Yeoh, Melissa had scrawled back, silently snorting.
But yeah, she had added. She’s hot.
Barbara hadn't gone as far as saying that—(even if she did unaccountably think it)—and it immediately threw her off that Melissa did.
And then, on top of that, Melissa went up to Alice after the presentation was over, and Barbara had watched from afar as the two women talked, both animatedly gesturing with their hands, sometimes laughing at something the other had said. Around ten minutes of this, with Barbara growing antsy enough to consider going over there herself—(To interrupt? To satisfy her ungodly curiosity? To drag her friend away? She didn’t know)—they pulled out their phones and seemingly exchanged numbers before Alice turned away to talk to other attendees.
And Melissa had returned to her, looking quite pleased with herself.
“Another prospective admirer of Melissa Schemmenti?” Barbara had asked in a tone that she hoped to God sounded light. The twinkle in her friend’s eyes discomfited her for no good reason. It inexplicably annoyed her that she hadn’t been the one to tease this lovely softness out of her.
And that it’d been a virtual stranger.
A breathtaking woman at that.
“Oh, shut up,” Melissa had only laughed, ribbing her with her elbow. “I just wanted t’see if she’d send me some more of her research later. I’d love to make silly song time better for my kids.”
“Suuure,” she’d drawled, unconvinced, attempting to remain playful.
“I’m bein’ serious, Barb!” Melissa poked out her lower lip, indignant. It was less ferocious than it was adorable. “It was just shop talk.”
“Don't get your panties in a twist—I believe you!” She had laughed, she had placated, she had soothed—(both herself and the other woman)—patting her friend on the arm like she would one of her kindergarteners, convincing herself that perhaps the conversation had been purely platonic. (Perhaps she had simply imagined the moment when Alice’s hand had lingered on Melissa’s back as they parted.)
And yet, despite everything, despite all that each woman had done to deny significance of that exchange, here Melissa is now—in an unspeakably striking number—for one Ms. Alice Liang.
“I thought she was not, in fact, another member of the Melissa Schemmenti Fan Club,” Barbara teasingly accuses, even as her stomach clenches, even as something unpleasant settles at the hollow of her throat. She pinches the zipper between her long fingers and begins to pull it upwards with slow deliberation, watching, mesmerized, as the teeth close over that smooth and beautiful skin. 
She could be quicker about this whole ordeal, a little voice inside of her quietly suggests.
She shushes it.
She gently tugs.
“I thought you said you weren’t going to stay out tonight,” she adds, dragging out every syllable on her tongue. She appreciates the fact that even though every other part of her body is conspiring together to shut down, her voice is somehow unshaken—low and deceptively smooth.
“Well, I lied, okay,” comes a huffed, embarrassed reply. “I won't object if a pretty woman in a blazer asks if we can go get cosmos. Sue me.”
A slight pause then as she tilts her head to look at Barbara, her chin resting on her slightly freckled shoulder. And though the swoop of her auburn hair eclipses part of her profile, Barbara can still see the crooked curve of her mouth.
That red and radiant smile.
And she briefly stops her very inefficient zippering—nearly three quarters of the way done—frozen, her knuckles resting just above Melissa’s bra line.
“I supposes that makes sense,” she rasps in a thoughtful tone, as though they are simply talking about the incidentals of the weather.
They are absolutely not.
They are openly talking about the way Melissa is very much attracted to and attractive for other women.
Of course, even though the two of them never talk about sex outright, Melissa has never shied away from being candid about her sexuality with Barbara. Indeed, when Gina had come out to her and Gerald a few years ago, it’d been Aunt Mel who had apparently been a silent confidant for her daughter even long before that, telling her of own experiences, assuring her that her parents would love her no matter what.
In that moment, Barbara had deeply appreciated the confidence that Melissa had placed in her.
And ever since then, she has occasionally wondered about that exquisite—(and somewhat conceptually remote to her)—promise of being loved no matter what.
No restrictions.
No insurmountable barriers, no carefully articulated boundaries in-between.
Love that is not circumscribed by the comfortable mantle and the heavy burden of tradition.
Love that is fully liberated.
Love that is unconditional.
“You... said of men that you prefer them like you like your beer. Would I be too”—she searches for the right word in the vast dryness of her own mouth— ”forward in understanding that you have a different palate for women…?”
“You’d understand right,” Melissa says carefully, her voice suddenly solemn and hoarse, sieved of its teasing and its mirth.
Barbara still hasn’t zipped her dress.
Frankly, she doubts she ever will.
“I like my women like I enjoy my wine.”
“And how is that?” Barbara asks the same question all over again, but she is not smiling this time. Not even close. And she is not comfortable, thoroughly unrelaxed, far from at ease with herself and the unspoken tension that vacuums up the air between them. She is teetering on a precipice—toes curled over the unguarded edge—and looking down at the seething sea, calculating her chances for survival if she unreservedly jumps. She is touching Melissa Schemmenti’s exposed skin, and she is incapable of coming up with a rational reason for why she should stop doing so.
She's always had a rational reason before.
A marriage to a good man.
A diamond encrusted cuff on her fourth finger as the material proof of this fact.
But now it's in her jewelry box of a reliquary, consigned to the past, ancient history.
And now she is unbalanced without its restrictive safety.
Horribly insecure.
Knees bent in preparation for the dive all the same, a prayer of faith lacquering the tip of her tongue...
“Good,” Melissa replies huskily. “Vintage. Full-bodied, like it’s tasted its fill of the world before I've even touched it. Elegant and always there when I need it. Swirling with all sorts of complex notes, the symphony rollin’ across my teeth."
“That’s… quite a lot to ask of one woman,” Barbara tries for a joke that falls flat as soon as Melissa finally sweeps her hair back behind her ear, revealing the profound darkness of her eyes, how they are speckled with so many glittering stars.
“Oh, I think I know of someone who can cope...”
Barbara Howard doesn't need any more prompting than that—she leans forward and and captures the taste of Melissa’s lips against her own, sipping slowly and savoring, relishing, discovering, her fingertips still touching the other’s arching spine. Melissa is a practiced sommelier, and she is ever so gentle with Barbara as she expertly explores what happens when the two of them brush tongues. It is a patient and glorious sensation, a sweet buzz that lingers and radiates outwards through Barbara’s entire body.
Every atom in her shudders with holy, intoxicating delight.
She has leapt and not fallen.
She is flying.
She is kissing Melissa Schemmenti; she is being kissed; and though she has been kissed so many times in her sixty-six years of life, she has never been kissed like this before—as though she knows how to innately return the favor forward.
They eventually have to catch their breaths, even though they're loathe to break apart, all of their limbs now tangled and intertwined, Barbara's hands on Melissa's hips, Melissa's fingers curled into the collar of her shirt. She presses her head against the younger woman's own, inhaling the aroma of her, the vanilla and the honey and the smokiness of her wild perfume.
“Shit,” Melissa breathes, her cheeks flushed. “I got all dressed for nothing.”
“I can possibly help with that,” Barbara only replies, finally reaching upwards to grab a hold of that damn zipper, and at long last, undoing what she had so imperfectly done.
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laismoura-art · 1 year
I loved the 'Be my king' finale. All the Lin Kuei just chilling at Hanzo's new castle and the chickens! I just *chef's kiss*
I really likes how you just didn't forget about Raiden nor his relationship with Hanzo. I feel for Raiden, though I don't think Snowblind takes places in the exact same universe as the other two films but o well.
I have a MK Legends headcanon that while Scorpion was being Lord of Netherrealm it was like:
Hanzo: I miss my husband, Sareena. I miss him a lot.
*Kuai summons Hanzo*
Hanzo: ... I'll be back.
Also I got introduced to the song "Tongues & Teeth" by The Crane Wives. And it gave me major Subscorp vibes. Specially on Scorpion's side cause of his whole vengeful wraith state.
AHHHH THANK YOU!!! I'm so happy you guys liked the finale!!💙💛💙💛💙💛
I wanted to give poor Kuai some happiness, so I had to bring his friends back! (And I had so much fun with the chickens I had to bring them along too!)
I couldn't forget Raiden. His death hurt me. Deeply🥲🥲 And I loved his dynamic with Hanzo, Raiden being everyone's dad is one of my favourite things!💛💛💛
I think Snowblind is like... you know, in the first Injustice game, where the main Earth and the other Earth were practically the same except for one major event (Lois' death) that made everything for there on extremely different?
Yeah, I think the Snowblind Earth was at some point exactly like the previous two movies' Earth until some major event (Kano finding the Hourglass) changed everything!
Headcanon entirely accepted and fully embraced! I shall assist you spreading the word!
And ok, I just heard the song, and oh. OH! It does have some major SubScorp vibes!! I loved it!
The dynamic swap makes this song heavily MK Legends Kuai coded, with the whole powers growing out of his control and how he chose to isolete himself and grew bitter and hopeless after killing his clan!🥲
If I ever make a SubScorp inspired playlist, this song will be definitely in it! And also "Love like Ghosts" by Lord Huron! Highly recommend it both as a Hanzo song and as a SubScorp song!💛💙💛💙💛💙
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margindoodles2407 · 11 months
Margin's Zelda Playlists
I am reposting this because I've added like. 50 new songs and deleted at least 10. Call this the ship of theseus i guess
Anyway, these are each their own separate playlist but I have them all on one playlist to save room. :) Enjoy! And if you have any songs that remind YOU of a specific game let me know- I'd love to listen to them, especially if they're related to one of the games with only a few songs on the playlist! All of these songs can be found on Youtube; not sure if you can find them all on Spotify or Apple Music though :(
The Legend of Zelda (the series; also my Pre-Skord Playlist)
Gate of Time/Zelda's Lullaby by HyruleOrchestra
Ballad of the Lonely by trashyinferno
Rule #15: Four Aces by Fish in a Birdcage [EXPLICIT]
This Tragedy of Mine by Knight of Endale
They're Only Human from Death Note: the Musical
Nothing Changes from Hadestown: the Musical
I Lived by OneRepublic
The Call by Regina Spektor
No One Lives Forever by Oingo Boingo
Skyward Sword
Washing Machine Heart by Mitski
When You're Evil by Voltaire (it's a ghirahim mood)
Bruno is Orange by Hop Along
Curses by The Crane Wives
Anchorage by Marian Call
It's Alright by Mother Mother
Ophelia by The Lumineers
Icarus by Bastille
Something I Need by OneRepublic
Minish Cap
Dandelions covered by Bet
All the Small Things by Blink 182 (don't ask me why)
Flowers in my Hair by Wes Reeves
Four Swords
Open Up Your Eyes covered by Daniel Ingram
The Friend You Need from My Little Pony: the Movie (please ignore that these are both from mlp the movie okay. first of all i unironically enjoy mlp and secondly they remind me of shadow)
Ocarina of Time
The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel
Treehouse covered by Eric D
Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons [EXPLICIT]
Small Hands by Keaton Henson
King by Lauren Aquilina
You Don't Get to Know Her Anymore by Pedals on Our Pirate Ships
Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths [EXPLICIT]
Emperor's New Clothes by Panic! at the Disco
Providence by Poor Man's Poison
You Turn the Screws by CAKE
Good Night, Demon Slayer by Voltaire
Go the Distance covered by BYU Vocal Point
River from the Sky by The Weepies
Time/Space by Alex G
Keep You Safe by The Crane Wives
Majora's Mask
Turn the Lights Off by Tally Hall
Twin-Sized Mattress by The Front Bottoms [EXPLICIT]
Home by Cavetown
Best Friend by AJJ
Rule #9: Child of the Stars by Fish in a Birdcage
Slow Down by Poor Man's Poison
Listen When You Miss Me by Naethan Apollo
Twilight Princess
Be Nice to Me by The Front Bottoms (the lyrics aren't EXPLICIT but someone does drop an f-bomb in a spoken background track)
Wagon Wheel by Old Crow Medicine Show
Hell's Coming With Me by Poor Man's Poison
Arsonist's Lullaby by Hozier
Sundown and Sorrow by Hank Williams
Hermit the Frog by MARINA [EXPLICIT]
Shadows and Regrets by Yellowcard
When the Wolf Meets the Moon by Confused Crow
Drinking Song by Haley Heyndrickx
Wind Waker
Rule #23: Birds of a Feather by Fish in a Birdcage
Joli Rouge by The Dreadnoughts
Kokomo by the Beach Boys
"That's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen" from Pirates of the Caribbean (yes. the meme. not "He's a Pirate" the song, i specifically mean the meme.)
Rule #28: Sand by Fish in a Birdcage
Stand By You by Rachel Platten
If We Have Each Other by Alec Benjamin
Abandon Ship by Fin Argus
Welly Boots by The Amazing Devil [EXPLICIT]
Captain's Call by Derivakat
Leave Her Johnny by The Longest Johns
Phantom Hourglass
The Flying Dutchman by The Jolly Rogers (i am sorry that the playlist is only 1 song long :'{ )
Spirit Tracks
Stickshifts and Safety Belts by CAKE
Opening Up from Waitress: The Musical [EXPLICIT]
Ghost Grinder by Steam Powered Giraffe
A Link to the Past
Ghosting by Mother Mother
Welcome Home Son by Radical Face (PLEASE give me recommendations i need more songs for my beloved :'{ )
Link's Awakening
Dream Sweet in Sea Major by Miracle Musical
Hidden in the Sand by Tally Hall
Mary by Alex G (there is a clean version please look it up)
Dream a Little Dream of Me by The Mamas and the Papas
Bones in the Ocean by The Longest Johns
Oracle of Ages/Seasons
Shadow Stalker by Mercedes Lackey (again PLEASE i need song recs)
A Link Between Worlds
Mona Lisa by Mxmtoon
Banana Bread by Sarah Maddack
Tri Force Heroes
Fashion by Lady Gaga
Puttin' On the Ritz by Taco
The Hyrule Fantasy
Rule #33: Pyre by Fish in a Birdcage
Fairytale by Alexander Ryback
Parables and Primes by Danny Schmidt
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Snow by Ricky Montgomery
Seven by Sleeping at Last
Hyrule Warriors
Villains Aren't Born (They're Made) by PEGGY
The Red Means I Love You by Madds Buckley
I'll Make a Man Out of You from Disney's Mulan
She's Kerosene by The Interrupters
Ain't No Crying by Derivakat
Burned Out by Dodie (@unclemoriarty I blame you for this one :] )
That Unwanted Animal by The Amazing Devil [EXPLICIT]
Inkpot Gods by The Amazing Devil
Battle Cries by The Amazing Devil
The Fall by Half Alive
Choke by I Don't Know How But They Found Me
Blossoms by The Amazing Devil
Breath of the Wild
House of Memories by Panic! at the Disco
Amnesia Was Her Name by Lemon Demon
The Distance by CAKE
The Cost of the Crown by Mercedes Lackey
The Mute by Radical Face
A Moment Forever Ago from Central Park
Waiting on a Miracle from Disney's Encanto
Rule #31: Calamity by Fish in a Birdcage
Frank Sinatra by CAKE
Seventeen by MARINA [EXPLICIT]
The Family Jewels by MARINA
Expert in a Dying Field by The Beths
Everglow covered by Remedy A Capella
Stella by Cereus Bright
She covered by Rob Wilson
The Horror and the Wild
Tears of the Kingdom
Rule #29: Throne Room by Fish in a Birdcage
Rule #15: Waterfall by Fish in a Birdcage
Pompeii MMXXIII by Bastille
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