#house electrician
gordonelectriacal · 7 months
Commercial Lighting Electrician | Gordonelectrical.com.au
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Illuminate your commercial space with the expertise of a Commercial Lighting Electrician from Gordonelectrical.com.au. Our platform connects businesses with skilled professionals for tailored lighting solutions. Trust us for excellence in commercial lighting services worldwide.
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oncallelectrical · 2 years
A range of electrical problems can damage your home, and electrical emergencies occur when you least expect them. This blog tells about situations where you need to hire professionals.
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cleolinda · 2 months
As mentioned (I think?), new spinal/pain care doctor is switching me from a steroid to not a steroid so I can have a big steroid in two weeks for a pain block. This is my first day making the switch and I am dizzy and loopy and not allowed to post on the internet until I’m more lucid. (Oops.) My queue is a mess, don’t know what’s on it. Might wake up and reblog a ton, might sleep all day, nobody knows.
Remember that wreck my mom was in two months ago, because another driver was rubbernecking a DIFFERENT wreck? For a minute she was afraid her arm had a hairline fracture as pain emerged over time, but x-rays have said she’s good. That said, yesterday the repair shop has finally pronounced her car totaled, insurance is about to stop covering a rental, and so she’s got to run out today and use what insurance is giving her for the old car to finance a “new” (used) car and my point is, I’m just sacked out with my dog hoping that I’m not having a reaction to this Very Different Non-Steroidal Medication. idk, telling people “I’m concerned about this” tends to cosmically inoculate me against it happening. Here we are.
Side note: Hello, new followers! It’s just chaos like this all the time honestly! In 2022, a shit ton of workers descended upon my street one day and dug up all our yards and broke the street’s water main and cut down somebody’s tree without even asking (they brought a crane) and flooded my basement with sewage and we had to gut all of it. Turns out it was a rogue internet provider that was cramming their fiber optic lines into the public easement part of everyone’s yards. Our city works rep told them “uh no you’re paying for the damage,” so within about a year, we were through repairs okay (Internet Provider fucked up the sewage pipes so bad that we had to get an entire new driveway by the time the plumbers were done digging under it). That is kind of the pattern: we get through crises okay, but it sure is a roller coaster to get there!!!, she said with wild-eyed laughter.
But then. Yesterday, my mom came home to discover our front yard marked up with spray paint and tiny flags. They had the logo of a rival provider. It Is Happening Again. So I’m just like. Please do not let me have a reaction to meloxicam while I’m home alone. I don’t need this right now. I don’t need this ever, I didn’t need a second herniated disc at all, but I don’t need this right now.
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tfeesloth · 3 months
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𝕳𝖔𝖙𝖇𝖔𝖝𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖊 𝖇𝖔𝖆𝖙 🙆🏾‍♀️
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bewilderedbunny · 1 year
the level of confidence I get after fixing a simple problem in my home is ridiculous. I just fixed my water heater and started googling plumbing school near me
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mudstoneabyss · 16 days
We've barely been using tumblr lately because it's just been making us feel worse but the cons of that are the Night Vale withdrawal
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erospourfemme · 17 days
i'm a very don't tolerate bullshit kind of person and I respect and expect it so much when other people are real and straight up with me anyways whatever I say stems from my own thoughts and I cannot lie to you and tell you to do something I think is stupid if you ask for advice. anyways an acquaintance of mine who majored in English unless you want to work in primary school for a pay of barely 700 dollars complained how her parents want her to get a masters degree and she's thinking about getting one in marketing or something similar and then later on spreading into tech saying how she can work as a data analyst and I literally almost laughed out loud like it's absolutely insane how little university life prepares us for the future and how absolutely useless it is that you have university graduates here thinking they can work a job that requires a degree in either IT or economy as someone who read and talked about books for grades like please be so serious right now. I'm not upset with her for thinking this is possible just the general society for letting these young people down by telling them every career option is valid and it doesn't really matter what you study in university because it does
#in a general scheme of things it doesn't matter what you study in university when u study useless shit and never get a chance to work#a job related to that#but people who majored in medicine#mathematics engineering biology physics etc like you dont hear them talk about how studies don't actually matter bc they're working jobs#they studied for#adding law onto it as well#like we really need less people in humanities I'm not saying we need no people in humanities#humanities are really important but we need LESS people in them#and we also need less people in universities in general#go learn a skill you can actually use to make money off of in the real word we need electricians and people fixing shit around the house#we need people making ceramic or wooden floors we need carpenters#we dont need more people majoring in English abeg#the society and the school system is failing the younger generations so much by affirming their ideas of what the world looks like#because a highschooler cannot know whats best for them in the long run and we need to aid them#and i wish someone told me this before I went to university I would've saved myself so much trouble and time#and im not complaining bc i genuinely have it so much better than at least like 50% of my ex classmates#i have an appartment#a job that pays me okay#a side hustle#a car even though its old#savings#a future plan#idea of what im going to do and where I'm going to end up#but if i had someone advise me from the beginning I would've saved so much time and effort
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mallowmaenad · 4 months
thing ive been musing about thats too nuanced to actually discussed on here: the parallel of community headcanons of characters being transgender in one direction or another vs. the commonality of literary themes of masculinity and manhood as a curse, punishment or hardship vs. masculinity and manhood as a reward, blessing or accomplishment especially under the lense of a modern patriarchal society and the more specific filter of that kind of art as enjoyed by queer online countercultural groups especially fandoms. ultimately i think people dont put enough thought into this stuff so i will pivot my thought process to the socio-economic conditions of living in equestria and its desperate facimile of an inherently capitalist utopia and what that means for the lower class and disenfranchised in this fucking cartoon made for little girls
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knaveofmogadore · 10 months
You ever have a customer with a legitimate problem but they're such an asshole that they extinguish the embers of empathy within you with their insolence?
#messages from knave#her name is [redacted] and I've dropped from being her champion to wishing she'd lose internet#in about 4 hours#i felt. SO BAD. for this woman last night. only for her to call and scream at me#when the office phone turned on this morning#she's like 'the weather shouldn't have effected anything' when it was raining half this week#this same woman blew her top that people were late when a fucking tree was blocking the road#i tried so hard to keep feeling bad for her cause we (my boss) genuinely screwed up at her house#but she's made it extremely difficult to keep being nice to her because she's begun inventing problems#like for example#i say 'the electrician is gonna be there between 9 and 10am'#she says 'youre disorganized and confused because he said he cant be here at 9. why are you terrible at your job'#i send her a SCREENSHOT where the electrician says he's going to be there around 9:30#she says 'thats not 9am' motherfucker that isnt what i said. He gave a timeframe of 930ish to 10am and that is what i told you.#between 9 and 10#lord in heaven#i dont know why she hired us again she hates one of our techs enough to remember him by name and ask he not be sent#she's never said a nice word and threatens to sue us constantly like WHY DO YOU WANT US TO WORK FOR YOU IF YOU HATE US#YOU'RE PAYING. GO ELSEWHERE#and i tell her last night 'just so you know we're not done#'we have to come back#and what does she do but fucking call me at 8am yelling about why shit isn't done. ma'am. i told u it wasn't finished#im going to lose my mind#can't even make her my boss's problem because he threw a temper tantrum at the implication something was his fault#and fumbled their text chain so gloriously last night that he wont even share what he said to make her want to sue him specifically#I don't even WANT to know what he said because it'd give me an ulcer thinking about it#i need another job before this one gets sued into the ground#also im sick because my partner works retail and thats about as bad as having a kid in daycare
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I’m so sorry for doing this again Darlings, but the power to my house got knocked out last night and I’ve only just gotten it back and been able to start charging my phone. I don’t think I’m going to have enough time to write up anything today. I’m so sorry Darlings, I’ll try again tomorrow I promise 😭
I love you all dearly, stay safe Darling ones 🖤
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eastberlin · 2 months
Well we went from not having internet at home to not having power at home, so that’s very exciting. Everybody say “thank you giant tree that snapped in half”!
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daughterofsarenrae · 10 months
Tfw ur house doesnt have heating so u have to dress up in ur renfest chemise & dress & cloak bc its the warmest thing u have
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playingplayer2 · 3 months
I did not sleep I am very tired now but we have an electrician coming today and I absolutely cannot sleep because s t r e s s ⋋⁠✿⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠o⁠ ⁠⁰⁠ ⁠✿⁠⋌ which is unpleasant :(
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chamerionwrites · 1 year
Might moonlight as the village conspiracy theorist for a day
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haliasjane · 6 months
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accessabilityanon · 1 year
Firstly, the answer! My understanding is that you should be using four wires for your typical Plain Old Telephone System set-up, though two can also happen. These wires are usually in a snug cable burrito except when they need to feed into jacks, so I'll also accept one wire as an answer. After all, I assume most of you aren't electrical engineers (and neither am I).
This clusterfuck has a grand total of thirteen unlabeled, uncolored wires. None of them are in cables. Several of them are exposed.
[A video ensues. The space is dark, cramped, and difficult to see clearly in. Someone is probably using a penlight in one hand to spotlight certain sections. The camera starts by panning over the first six wires, running parallel to a seventh screwed (with a literal, metal screw) into the plumbing beneath. Four of the wires continue on across the plumbing into the other side of the wall. The default text to speech function reads the caption in this part:
"This is sort of a normal POT System, though all of these should be colored and within a cable. I think the extra two are for auxiliary power, which makes no sense, since the phone line itself should be providing power."
The caption fades, and the camera continues on. The extra two wires are messily soldered into a mass of six other wires. The parallel seventh is once again screwed into the plumbing beneath the solder points. A lone tarountula leg stands within the warped mess, preserved by time and high voltage. The rest of the remains are nowhere to be found. The text to speech reads:
"I call this section the Cave of Origin, because if you enter it, you will meet god."
The camera pans across the melted mass soldered into the phone system, where it, too, disappears into the wall. The text to speech reads:
"I think this was, originally, a transformer. What it turned into after this idiot finished with it is fire."
The seventh, mystery wire never disappears at any point. It is screwed in at two end points, another time beneath the mess of solder, and once more beneath the ground wires, but never touches a single other wire. The text to speech reads:
"And this is Sin-Eater, because despite the fact that it can't possibly do anything, when I tried to unscrew it I crashed the Financial Aid office's landline until I put it back."
With that, the video ends.]
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