#house ladybright
ghostofpalestonesword · 8 months
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Jayne Ladybright, Companion of Princess Arianne Nymeros Martell
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cocoalover1956 · 2 years
I made a list of 200 potential Valyrian steel weapon names for various houses, listed by region. * indicates a canon name. Brackets indicate previous owners according to my headcanons.
Crownlands (32)
Targaryen: Blackfyre (bastard sword)*, Dark Sister (longsword)*, Ash Heart (longsword), Nightingale (dagger)
Bar Emmon: Judgement (longsword)
Blount: Safeguard (sword)
Brune: Misfortune (sword)
Buckwell: Able Might (sword)
Bywater: Bereaver (sword)
Cargyll: Satisfaction (sword)
Celtigar: Scarlet Hold (battle axe)
Chelsted: Glory (mace), Honor (dagger)
Farring: Nemesis (longsword)
Follard: Bright Sage (sword)
Harte: Fortitude (sword)
Hogg: Battle Hunger (sword)
Landward: Despair (sword)
Mallery: Due Trust (sword)
Manning: Pride's Protector (sword)
Massey: Diligence (longsword)
Rambtom: Dominion (sword)
Rollingford: Red Spring (sword)
Rosby: Stranger's Touch (sword)
Ryyker: Grievance (sword) [House Darklyn]
Staunton: Soaring Virtue (sword)
Stokeworth: Good Faith (broadsword)
Sunglass: Starlight (greatsword)
Thorne: Torment (sword)
Wendwater: Resilience (sword)
Velaryon: Maelstrom (longsword), Riptide (longsword)
Dorne: (19)
Martell: Heaven's Eye (spear),
Allyrion: Omen (sword)
Blackmont: Vengeance (sword)
Dalt: Sour Edge (sword)
Dayne: Dawn (great sword)*, Dusk (longsword)
Fowler: Ascension (sword)
Gargalen: Mother's Tears (sword)
Jordayne: Fate (sword)
Ladybright: Brilliance (sword)
Manwoody: Eternity (sword)
Qorgyle: Venom (sword)
Santagar: Constancy (battle axe)
Toland: Spiritcaller (sword)
Uller: Hellfire (longsword)
Vaith: Desolation (sword)
Yronwood: Black Guardian (sword)
Wells: Paradise (sword)
Wyl: Bonecutter (sword)
Iron Islands (18)
Greyjoy: Sea Devil (longsword) [Essosi sailor]
Blacktyde: Challenger (sword) [House Charlton, Riverlands]
Botley: Anguish (sword) [House Payne, Westerlands]
Codd: Infamy (sword) [House Deddings, Riverlands]
Drumm: Red Rain (bastard sword)* [House Reyne, Westerlands]
Farwynd: Wayfarer (sword) [House Vance, Riverlands]
Goodbrother: Screamer (sword) [Essosi sailor]
Harlaw: Nightfall (longsword)* [Dalton Greyjoy <- Essosi sailor]
Ironmaker: Bloodsurge (sword) [House Osgrey, Reach]
Kenning: Nagga's Daughter (longsword) [Essosi sailor]
Merlyn: Torrent (sword) [House Waterman, North]
Myre: Battlelover (arakh) [Essosi sailor <- Dothraki khal]
Orkwood: Fishfeeder (battle axe) [House Shawney, Riverlands]
Saltcliffe: Upsurge (sword) [House Goodbrook, Riverlands]
Sunderly: Seawhisper (cutlass) [Essosi sailor]
Tawney: Blight (longsword) [Essosi sailor]
Volmark: Valor (sword) [House Oakheart, Reach]
Wynch: Moonshard (sword) [Essosi sailor]
North (20)
Stark: Ice (great sword)*, Thought (dagger), Memory (dagger)
Ashwood: Glad of War (sword)
Bolton: Honesty (flaying knife)
Cassel: Perseverance (sword)
Cerwyn: Fine Point (sword)
Condon: Resistance (sword)
Dustin: Barrowkeeper (sword)
Glover: Fidelity (sword)
Hornwood: Frostbite (sword)
Ironsmith: Deathforger (sword)
Karstark: Cold Glory (claymore)
Lightfoot: Steady Foe (sword)
Locke: Hoarguard (sword)
Manderly: Merling's Wrath (trident)
Mormont: Longclaw (bastard sword)*
Ryswell: Nightmare (sword)
Tallhart: Evergreen (sword)
Umber: Giant's Tooth (great sword)
Reach (40):
Tyrell: Rose Thorn (longsword) [House Gardener]
Ambrose: Endurance (sword)
Ashford: Clarity (sword)
Beesbury: Stinger (sword)
Bridges: Unity (sword)
Bulwer: Red Kiss (sword)
Caswell: Father's Justice (bastard Sword)
Chester: Malice (sword)
Cockshow: Remembrance (sword)
Cordwayner: Principle (sword)
Costayne: Last Love (sword)
Crane: Sentry (sword)
Cuy: Joy (sword)
Dunn: Sacrifice (sword)
Florent: Cunning (sword)
Footly: Solitude (sword)
Fossoway: Pleasure (sword)
Graceford: Piety (sword)
Grimm: Misery (sword)
Hewett: Melancholy (sword)
Hightower: Vigilance (longsword)*
Hunt: Mastery (sword)
Hutcheson: Splendor (sword)
Kidwell: Eternal Bond (sword)
Leygood: Intuition (sword)
Lowther: Legacy (sword)
Meadows: Poppy Blossom (sword)
Merryweather: Plenitude (sword)
Mullendore: Revival (sword)
Pommingham: Perdition (sword)
Redding: Fortune (sword)
Redwyne: Bloodthirst (sword)
Rhysling: Warden (sword)
Rowan: Passion (bastard sword)
Roxton: Orphan Maker (longsword)*
Serry: Massacre (sword)
Shermer: Proven Will (longsword)
Tarly: Heartsbane (great sword)*
Webber: Spiderbite (sword)
Wythers: Vitality (sword)
Riverlands (18):
Tully: Devotion (longsword)
Lord of Harrenhal: Lifedrinker (scimitar) [House Hoare <- Essosi sailor]
Blackwood: Peacekeeper (sabre)
Blanetree: Amber Charm (longsword)
Bracken: Willbreaker (sabre)
Butterwell: Rumination (sword)
Cox: Riverguard (sword)
Darry: Mourning (bastard sword)
Frey: Toll Taker (sword)
Mallister: Mercy (broadsword)
Mooton: Champion (broadsword)
Paege: Bloodbond (sword)
Piper: Maiden's Kiss (sword)
Roote: Liberty (sword)
Ryger: Remorse (sword)
Smallwood: Harmony (sword)
Terrick: Steel Screech (sword)
Vypren: Prudence (sword)
Stormlands (24):
Baratheon: Fury (great sword) [House Durrandon]
Bolling: Defiance (bastard sword)
Buckler: Security (sword)
Cafferen: Bloom (sword)
Caron: Silencer (sword)
Connington: Griffin's Bite (sword)
Dondarrion: Sure Strike (bastard sword)
Estermont: Wisdom (sword)
Kellington: Influence (sword)
Fell: Moonshadow (sword)
Grandison: Long Sleep (sword)
Gower: Undoing (sword)
Horpe: Blessed Memory (longsword)
Lonmouth: Wraith Lover (longsword)
Mertyns: Seer (sword)
Morrigen: Phantom Queen (bastard sword)
Penrose: Achievement (bastard Sword)
Rogers: Mystery (sword)
Selmy: Warrior's Triumph (longsword)
Staedmon: Heavy Heart (dagger)
Swann: Swansong (great sword)
Tarth: Twilight (bastard sword)
Trant: Hatred (sword) [House Toyne]
Wylde: Raindancer (sword)
Vale (22):
Arryn: Talon (broadsword)
Belmore: Deathtoll (sword)
Coldwater: Vigor (sword)
Corbray: Lady Forlorn (longsword)*
Donniger: First Blush (sword)
Egen: Expanse (sword)
Grafton: Crone's Light (sword)
Hersy: Overflow (sword)
Hunter: Decimation (sword)
Lipps: Praise (sword)
Lynderly: Snakebite (sword)
Melcolm: Balance (sword)
Moore: Humility (spear)
Pryor: Eclipse (sword)
Redfort: Ruby Rage (bastard sword)
Royce: Lamentation (longsword)*
Ruthermont: Shadowsteel (sword)
Sunderland: Fang (sword)
Templeton: Reverence (sword)
Upcliff: Sorcery (bastard sword)
Waxley: Beacon (sword)
Waynwood: Threadcutter (bastard sword)
Westerlands (20):
Lannister: Brightroar (great sword)*
Algood: Justifier (sword)
Banefort: Corpsemaker (sword)
Brax: Silver Promise (longsword)
Broom: Loyalty (sword)
Crakehall: Tusk (broadsword)
Estren: True Majesty (sword)
Farman: Sunset's Call (sword)
Hawthorne: Ruination (sword)
Lefford: Golden Grace (sword)
Lydden: Deepgrave (sword)
Marbrand: Cinder (bastard sword)
Plumm: Gilded Trust (sword)
Prester: Willpower (bastard sword)
Serrett: Smith's Pride (sword)
Turnberry: Sweet Victory (sword)
Vikary: Crimson Courage (sword)
Westerling: Purity (sword)
Yarwyck: Reckoning (bastard sword)
Yew: Conviction (longsword)
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west1rosi · 1 year
LIKE THIS POST for a starter from my dornish houses muses during the MAIN ASOIAF/ROBERT'S REBELLION ERA. specify if you want a specific muse (or several and i'll pick). if you are a multimuse, choose your muses, or else I will ignore because I'm not good at choosing.
❝ HOUSE . . . .—dayne
❝ ASHARA DAYNE . . . — DAYNE [__the laughing eyes.] dornish beauty.︱pan, she/her. ︱ Bruna Marquezine . ❝ ARTHUR DAYNE . . . — DAYNE [the sword of the morning.] kingsguard︱bisexual, he/him. ︱ santiago cabrera. ❝ ALLYRIA DAYNE . . . — DAYNR [the regent.] regent of starfall︱bisexual, she/her. ︱ Marina Moschen . ❝ DORIAN SAND . . . — DAYNE [the fallen star.] rumored bastard son of arthur payne.︱pansexual, him/his. ︱ sean teale.
❝ HOUSE . . . .—martell
❝ ELIA MARTELL . . . — MARTELL [the dornish princess.] rhaegar's wife. ︱pansexual, she/her. ︱ elodie yung. ❝ OBERYN MARTELL . . . — MARTELL [the red viper.] prince of dorne. elia's brother.︱pansexual, him/his. ︱ pedro pascal. ❝ ARIANNE MARTELL . . . — DORNE [the princess.] the dornish royal︱bisexual, she/her. ︱ sybilla deen. ❝ DORAN MARTELL . . . — SAND VIPER [the dornish prince.] prince of dorne.︱bisexual, he/him. ︱ alexander siddig.
❝ HOUSE . . . .—ladybright
❝ JAYNE LADYBRIGHT . . . — LADYBRIGHT [heir to seagard.] companion to princess arianne. dornish company for princess myrcella.︱bisexual, she/hers. ︱ courtney eaton.
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isefyres-archive · 8 months
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Prince Oberyn Martell. Brother of Prince Doran and Princess Elia. Known as the Red Vyper, Oberyn is obsessed with bringing justice to what happened to his sister during the Rebellion.
Princess Elia Martell. Married to Rhaegar Targaryen, Elia died during the Rebellion after being put aside by her husband. Elia and her children perished in the last days of the Rebellion.
Prince Trystane Martell. The youngest son of Prince Doran, and the bethroded to Princess Myrcella Baratheon. Trystane is kind and generous, only showing fighting spirit when he must.
Princess Arianne Martell. The eldest daughter of Doran and his heir. Arianne is a guidance to Princess Myrcella. Seductive and scheming, Arianne wants her father to see her value as heir and wants Myrcella to be seen as the same.
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Lord Gwayne Dayne. Lord of Starfall and father of Edric Dayne. Gwayne is currently in the Water Gardens and is part of Princess Arianne's protection as she travels to meet the supposed Aegon who survived.
Ser Arthur Dayne. The Sword of the Morning, a kingsguard of King Aerys II and protector of Prince Rhaegar. Ser Arthur helps the prince take Lyanna Stark and eventually dies at the Tower of Joy protecting the newborn son of his lost friend.
Lady Ashara Dayne. The Lady with the Laughing Eyes. Ashara is regarded as one of the most beautiful women in the realm. A lady for Princess Elia, she falls for Ned Stark during the Harrenhal tournament and thinking they will wed, the two sleep together. Ashara eventually dies after the Rebellion, after seeing Ned one last time.
Lady Regent Allyria Dayne. Youngest sister of Arthur and Ashara and Gwayne. Allyria is Regent of Starfall and tutor to her young nephew and heir to Starfall, Edric Dayne. Allyria is fiercely loyal and adamant that her sister Ashara and Lord Ned Stark were in love, even suggesting the name Ned as nickname for her nephew.
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Arron Qorgyle. is a knight of House Qorgyle, the second son of Lord Quentyn Qorgyle of Sandstone. Arron is one of Prince Oberyn's Squires that accompanies him to King's Landing when he is to take a seat at the council.
Quira Qorgyle. Third daughter of Lord Quentyn. Quira is known for having heterchromia, two eyes of different colors, some say it's a sign of goodwill or witchcraft. Either way, Quira was a lady for Princess Arianne, however, often resenting how close she was with Ser Damon Sand. She grows close to Princess Myrcella.
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Lady Valena Toland. Valena Toland is the eldest daughter of the Lady Nymella Toland of Ghost Hill. Valena greets Princess Arianne Martell and her companions when they arrive at Ghost Hill. She is the heir of Ghost Hill.
Lady Jynessa Blackmont. She is the eldest child and heir of Larra Blackmont, the Lady of Blackmont. Jynessa, accompanied by her mother and brother, are a part of the escort that accompanies Prince Oberyn Martell to King's Landing when he comes to claim his seat on the small council.
Lady Jayne Ladybright. is Dornish noblewoman from House Ladybright. She is the niece of Alyse Ladybright. Jayne accompanies Princess Arianne Martell on her mission to meet Jon Connington in the Stormlands.
Lady Elenor Tyrell. Elenor's mother is a woman from House Dalt of Lemonwood. With her mother deceased and Deziel Dalt's brother and heir away in exile, there is rumors she is to be send to Dorne to become the new lady of Lemonwood.
Lady Myria Jordayne. is a member of House Jordayne and the daughter and heir of Lord Trebor Jordayne of the Tor. She is the current heir. Myria is part of the escort that accompanies Prince Oberyn Martell to King's Landing.
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warsofasoiaf · 1 year
Why do you think there weren’t any new Dornish houses formed during Nymeria’s conquest that were purely Rhoynar in origin?
Integration was made the policy of Nymeria and especially the Red Princes.
It's possible, however, that new houses were founded. House Dryland, for example, went extinct after Lucifer Dryland was sent to the Wall, but what happened to Hellgate Hall? When were the Ladybrights or the Drinkwaters founded? What's the exact relationship of the Dalts? Did any Rhoynar Houses follow the example of Joffrey Lydden? All of these are possibilities that we simply don't have answers to due to lack of wordspace.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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myrc3lla-a · 9 months
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Rosamund Lannister. Cella's cousin and lady in waiting. Rosamund's role is mostly, to be her decoy if the princess wase ver found in trouble. Rosamund takes her job seriously and had sworn to protect her cousin, being one of the few who were send with her to Dorne when the Princess was shipped there.
Joy Hill. Joy is Cella's half cousin and the bastard of one of her uncles. She was also send to attend the princess and be more of a companion to play. There was hope Joy would inform Queen Cersei back of Dornish plots or moves but the girl simply enjoyed Dorne too much.
Jocelyn Swyft. First a lady companion to Queen Cersei and then King Tommen, Jocelyn was requested by Myrcella upon her return to King's landing simply out of pity and compassion, aware of the mistreatment she suffered at the hands of her mother. Cella enjoys Jocelyn's singing and dancing.
Syntia Santagar. Sister to the heir of house Santagar, Syntia was send to become one of Myrcella's permanent ladies by Prince Doran and Princess Arianne. Syntia is known for her passion for poisons and some say she has withc like qualities.
Jayne Ladybright. Another dornish lady, first a lady in waiting for Princess Arianne, Jayne is send to become a lady for Myrcella as she returns to King's Landing and plans to set her on the throne or an alliance begin to brew. Jayne is quick with a spear and vows to protect the princess.
Princess Arianne Martell. Myrcella's mentor and friend. Arianne is the mastermind behind the queenmaker plot to set Cella on the throne and the rise of Dorne. Despite the first failed attempt, Arianne remains dear to Myrcella and she could be considered her "Hand of the Queen" if she ever got to power.
Ser Jaime Lannister. Myrcella's uncle and new sworn shield. Ser Jaime has stepped into the role of protector for his niece when he arrived in Dorne and has set eyes on keeping her safe from any attacks or threats, including those coming from within the family.
Ser Arys Oakhart. Myrcella's first sworn shield who died during the Queenmaker Plot protecting the princess, he was more like a father to her during the early years in Dorne and would often give the princess confidance in her skills.
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House Ladybright:
House Ladybright is a noble house from Dorne. Lady Alyse Ladybright, the current head of the house, serves as lord treasurer in Sunspear for Prince Doran Martell.
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shebsart · 4 years
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I wanted to illustrate @valoisqueens​ ‘s House Ladybright sigil deisgn, hope it is close to how you imagine it :D Happy Birthday Sini!! ❤️❤️
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mariedemedicis · 3 years
I haven’t talked about Jayne Ladybright in awhile (😔) but now I’m remedying that
(So actually this was sparked thinking about the Mormont sisters because we actually don’t have a definite age set for any of them except Lyanna; personally I think Dacey and Alysane are rather close in age which I think is supported by the text, between two and four years max I would say; I also think Lyra and Jorelle are close in age, which not as supported by the text, my guess would be they are in their lateish teens as Maege keeps them with her but they are old enough to fight; and then we have Lyanna at age ten at the very end (and I presume, unplanned; not that any of the Mormont girls were planned necessarily but I think Lyanna was more unexpected then the rest. I’m sooo interested in Lyanna’s relationship with her niece though. Aly’s (unnamed) daughter is only a year younger than Lyanna so I imagine they have to be if not close by choice, thrown together a lot by circumstance and their family.)
so my headcanon/guess is that Jayne is not much older than Elia Sand, but especially when you’re young, you cling to those tiny age differences and they mean so much, so I think she’s between one and three years older than Elia, I tend to think closer to the one/one and a half year apart but three at the max
Jayne has to still be on the youngish side because she’s specifically noted as such but she’s also not called a girl so she’s definitely at least sixteen
Elia Sand is fourteen so I would put Jayne at sixteen although I think seventeen is arguable too
(sidenote: not to be a hater but Elia Sand is a lot closer in age to Dany then Rhaenys, you realize that right? If Rhaenys had lived, it makes more sense to me that she’d be close to Arianne and/or the five older Sand Snakes (Sarella feels most plausible tho’) as well as some of the ladies-in-waiting she might have rather than her baby aunt who depending on Rhaella’s survival may not always be raised together with her niece and nephew; Aegon and Dany are closer in age to each other.)
anyway to clarify, this is all speculated/wildly made up by me based on Jayne appearing in one (1) Arianne sample winds chapter so like grrm could choose to change her name or get rid of her entirely (😪) but!
what I find interesting is that I think she’s like a foil to Elia Sand? maybe foil is too strong a word but like complement. I think Jayne is demure and well behaved (is this all based on the fact that pretty much the only thing of note is her being seasick? yes. could grrm choose to change her ‘characterization’? also yes. but i’m working with what little we’ve got.) the way a lady is supposed to be whereas we know Elia is much more gregarious and a bit wild.
I also think that their stations in life have something to do with this too? and grrm could do interesting things with that if he wants to. we have Elia Sand, a very highborn bastard but a bastard nonetheless with a father who it can only be assumed encouraged her wildness and who is only recently dead (and how much of the way Elia acts is in reaction to that, we just don’t know) and then we have Jayne, a presumably fairly sheltered young noblewoman.
if she’s getting seasick for the first time (again assumption but.), this may be the first time she’s left Dorne (not necessarily of course, there are other ways to travel, especially if you’re going only to the Reach or the Stormlands which are next door, but not i think an implausible guess).
the Ladybrights are all my canon ocs. we know next to nothing about them (yet) - not their house words, not their house colors, not their house sigil, not where their seat is located nor its name, and though we know only the names of two members, that’s almost the sum of the knowledge that we have.
I did extrapolate from their name (which is basically the only thing I can extrapolate from) that they might be particularly religious generally or they might be somewhat like certain religious cults where (I’m using cult here in like a specific religious subset way not a mass murder type way although obviously a cult can be both.) one god or aspect was given the lion’s share of the prayers and attention and devotion, i.e. the cult of mithras.
so I designed their sigil keeping that in mind. (sheb drew it for me here because she’s an angel. 💙)
‘the lady’ is a bit vague, it doesn’t map clearly onto solely the maiden or the mother, although those do feel a bit more plausible than the crone tbh. I also think it’s a reasonable interpretation that religion is practiced a bit differently regionally (grrm doesn’t really show us this but 🤫) and I think it’s entirely possible for someone(s) to choose to focus on the women aspects of the seven. (even the stranger honestly. the stranger said to be neither male or female so like, can probably be mapped under either by choice or variant of worshippers. also ‘the lady’ seems like it could be a way to euphemistically refer to a powerful figure such as death or a deathbringer but avoiding using their name so as not to summon them/get their attention.)
so I think the lady can be a number of possible things either a) amalgamation/focus of the maiden, mother, and crone or b) another name for just the maiden or c) mother and maiden or d) the three plus the death aspect. and doesn’t have to be the same one always.
I think House Ladybright may have a special connection with one of these or at the very least, the house founder might have. whether that is still true of the current members of the house is another thing.
Alyse Ladybright, canon relation to Jayne unknown, is lady treasurer.
because of that, I think it’s fairly reasonable to assume both that a) she’s on the older side rather than the younger and b) that she’s not the (current) head of her house.
I think it’s a logical assumption not to put say, a twelve year old, in charge of the accounting and financial decisions of a Great House even if they’re a mathematical genius so I think she is at least 20 and given that Arianne does not include either her or Jayne in her friend group nor in her childhood remembering, I think Alyse is at least 10 to 15 years older than Arianne
I headcanon her as close in age to Doran and them as childhood friends but that’s just what I would like
Likewise, although the age gap is almost certainly less between Arianne and Jayne, she doesn’t feature in Arianne’s memories like Sylva, Garin, Daemon, and Tyene do (this could be because the Ladybrights are very recent conceptions of grrm’s like how in agot we didn’t know all the names of Maege’s daughters but either way I think it has to be presumed they didn’t play together in childhood)
Alyse is probably not the head of her family because if she’s lady treasurer for Doran, she probably spends nearly all of her time in Sunspear/the Water Gardens, etc. it’s not impossible but unlikely that she’d also have time to run House Ladybright’s seat and manage her family’s affairs.
but she is a Ladybright. so either she’s a Ladybright by marriage, a widow, maybe of a previous Lord Ladybright, or she was married and widowed and reverted to her maiden name (possible of course but unlikely I think), or, what I think is most likely, has remained unmarried to do what she loves best which is math for the Martells. and I think she’s able to do that because her position brings prestige to her family.
so I think she is either younger sister to the current ruling Lord or Lady Ladybright or aunt to the same. Either way, I have her as great-aunt to Jayne.
hmm I really strayed from my initial thought didn’t I
it’s unclear to me whether Jayne and Elia Sand had an acquaintance before this trip but if not or if they knew who the other was and that’s about it, Elia making fun of Jayne getting seasick is hardly going to put them on the right foot so I look forward to them not getting along and being contrasts to each other and probably driving poor Arianne crazy
(last comment before I post this ramblygook: why is Jayne included at all in Arianne’s party? she’s the most obvious why is she there, so I think my idea that Doran and Alyse are friends/were friends/are close isn’t completely unfounded. also supports my thought that the Ladybrights are sworn directly to the Martells rather than vassals of say, the Daynes or the Yronwoods, but given their lack of significant mentions in Dornish history, I think it’s likely they derive their prestige from that relationship alone.)
I hope we see more of Jayne (and I hope we get to see Alyse) even if it means I’m proven wrong
I don’t know how to end this so uh have a meme behind the cut and peace and love ✌️
how I look to y’all posting this:
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princessnysar · 4 years
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Part Two before and during Robert’s rebellion:
Lady Kerenza Uller, eldest daughter of Lord Harmen 
Lady Wylla Wyl, the heiress of her house 
Lady Larra Blackmont, eldest daughter of Lord Maekar and heiress 
Lady Alyse Ladybright, eldest daughter of Lady Sita and heiress 
Lady Myriah Vaith, eldest daughter of Lord Daeron and heiress 
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aegor-bamfsteel · 6 years
Random Bracken headcanon: One of Jonos Bracken’s five daughters is named “Jayne.” While the name “Jeyne” is very common in Westeros including the Riverlands (Jeyne Darry-Frey, Jeyne Goodbrook, Jeyne Harroway, and Long Jeyne Heddle, among others), the alternate spelling Jayne only appears one other time: In Arianne’s Winds of Winter chapter, one of the ladies-in-waiting who accompanies her to the Stormlands is young Jayne Ladybright. We know so little about House Ladybright (aside from Jayne, the only other member of the House mentioned is Sunspear’s lord treasurer Alyse) that it’s hard to say if it’s a unique family spelling (not a regional one, since “Jeyne” is used for Jeyne Fowler. Though as the Fowlers are First Men/Stony Dornish and we don’t know where the Ladybrights even live, Jayne might be a Rhoynar variation/transliteration instead). So maybe Lady Bracken is a Ladybright and decided to give one of her daughters her family’s special variation on a common name. 
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aliadayne · 7 years
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Daughters of Dorne
Jayne Ladybright, whose degree of relationship with Dorne's Lady Treasurer, Lady Alyse, is not known. Described as pretty, she accompanies Princess Arianne Martell on her mission to meet Jon Connington in the Stormlands. She does not tolerate well the trip by sea.
Myria Jordayne, heiress of Lord Trebor Jordayne. She is part of the escort that accompanies Prince Oberyn Martell to King's Landing. Once back in Dorne, she is present at the feast when Balon Swann arrives in Sunspear. She is one of the nobles who drink when Ricasso raises a toast to King Tommen Baratheon.
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dornedaily · 3 years
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Female companions of Arianne Martell’s on her journeys SYLVA SANTAGAR & JAYNE LADYBRIGHT @asoiafwomensource & @asoiafminorhouses Minor Ladies Week 2021 - day 7: Dorne (Ladybright sigil insp @shebsart)
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juliaswickcrs · 2 years
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HOUSE MARTELL :: 101 AC - 158 AC
Not much was known of House Martell during the Dance of Dragons, and most of the history prior to its induction into the Seven Kingdoms is either hidden or lost. 
What is known is that Prince Qoren Martell and his consort Arianna Martell nee Manwoody, were blessed with four children, three daughters and one son. Leila Martell was the eldest and as such, she inherited Dorne when her father passed. Aliandra, younger by three years, grew up into a spirited young lady and was said to hold the affection of Ser Alyn Velaryon. Prince Qyle and Princess Coryanne were the youngest, and while Prince Qyle’s martial prowess became well-known throughout Dorne, Princess Coryanne preferred to keep her skills private, and so not much was written of her. 
Stranger still was the inconsistent appearances of Prince Qoren’s younger brother Andar Martell and his paramour, Selyna Ladybright. It is unknown why the two nobles never married yet shared three daughters, affectionately known as the Daughters of the Dorne for their loyalty to their kingdom. 
Meera Sand was rumored to be Princess Leila’s own Mistress of Whisperers and personal assassin, while her sisters moved behind the scenes, fulfilling different duties for the Princess of Dorne. 
Princess Leila refused to have any other ladies in waiting but her cousins and sisters, which was not unusual for Dorne, although it did lead to some tension between the vassal houses and the Great House.
The fates of House Martell largely remain unknown, as Dorne stayed a far removed kingdom until Prince Daeron married Princess Myriah Martell, Leila Martell’s own granddaughter, several decades later.
tag list: @honeyandsunflowers @foxesandmagic @booty-boggins @iron-parkr @jvstjewels @camiemendes @a-song-of-quill-and-feather @arrthurpendragon @villain-connoisseur @starcrossedjedis @drbobbimorse @noratilney @stanshollaand @kingsmakers @elmunson @darth-caillic @mystic-scripture @lizziesxltzmxn @misshiraeth98 @chrissymunson
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asongofsilks · 2 years
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Alysanne Stark (b. approx. 200 AC): Younger daughter of Lord Beron Stark of Winterfell and his lady wife, Lorra Royce. Beron was a grandson of Lord Cregan Stark through his father Brandon, Cregan's youngest child. Fancast: Siena Agudong.
Alysanne Targaryen (36-100 AC): Daughter of King Aenys I and wife and queen to her brother Jaehaerys I. She was a dragonrider and used her influence to pass several new laws, including the abolition of the First Night as well as the construction of the system which served the inhabitants of King's Landing clean water. She bore 13 children but only her son Vaegon and daughter Saera (who was estranged from the family) outlived her. Fancast: Jodie Comer.
Alysanne Waters (b. 155 AC): Bastard daughter of King Aegon IV Targaryen and his mistress Megette (known as Merry Meg). She was born before Aegon became king, and his father, the then-Prince Viserys, arranged for her and her three younger sisters to be trained as septas. Fancast: Audrey Tautou.
Alyse Ladybright (main series era): The lord treasurer of Sunspear, seat of the Martells in Dorne. Fancast: Gabriela Duarte.
Alyssa Arryn (era of Andal conquest): Legendary member of House Arryn who did not shed a tear when her husband, brothers and children were all murdered. The gods decreed that she would know no peace until her tears watered the Vale. The waterfall named for her, Alyssa's Tears, does not reach the Vale below the Giant's Lance. Fancast: Amy Lee.
Alyssa Blackwood (c. 245-275 AC): Fourth wife of Lord Walder Frey of the Twins and mother of five of his children. Fancast: Adrienne Wilkinson.
Alyssa Royce (b. approx. 120 AC): A lady of House Royce of Runestone, she was presented to King Aegon III at the Maiden's Day Ball which was held in order for him to choose a new wife. Fancast: Mary-Charles Jones.
Alyssa Targaryen (60-84 AC): Second daughter of King Jaehaerys I and Good Queen Alysanne. She gave birth to three sons by her brother-husband Baelon, but only two survived. Her eldest son became king as Viserys I, and his brother Daemon briefly held the position of Prince-Consort whilst his wife Rhaenyra sat the Iron Throne. Fancast: Kristy Dawn Dinsmore.
Alyssa Velaryon (7-54 AC): Daughter of Aethan Velaryon, who was master of ships for Aegon the Conqueror, and wife and queen to Aegon's son Aenys I. Her third and youngest son, Jaehaerys, became king after the death of Maegor the Cruel. Fancast: Viva Bianca.
Alyx Frey (b. 282 AC): Granddaughter of Lord Walder Frey of the Crossing. She is one of the Frey maidens whom King Robb might have married, according to the agreement he made with Lord Walder. Fancast: Roxanne McKee.
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House Yronwood of Yronwood:
House Yronwood is the most powerful house in Dorne after the ruling Martells. Their seat, Yronwood, is the last fortress defending the Boneway; this is reflected in their title Warden of the Stone Way. House Yronwood claimed the title High King of Dorne before the arrival of the Rhoynar, and the head of the house continues to be called the Bloodroyal. An ancient family of First Men origin, the Yronwoods built Yronwood in the foothills of the Red Mountains and controlled the Stone Way.  The valuable land allowed the Yronwoods to rule much of northern Dorne. Their domain eventually reached from Wyl to the headwaters of the Greenblood, and, at times, even the Sandship of House Martell. Although rich and powerful, the Yronwoods were unable to conquer the Kings of Stone and Sky from House Fowler, the Kings of the Torrentine from House Dayne.
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