#house royce of runestone
boldstarks · 2 years
Dagmar Royce Character Profile
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name: Dagmar Royce
born: In the 3rd moon of 93 AC at Runestone (Age 39 in “The Black Queen”)
alias(es): Lady Dagmar, The Bronze Star of Runestone, Lady Royce, Lady Moore, Dagmar Moore, Dagmar Arryn
title(s): Lady of Runestone, Keeper of the Gates of the Moon (formerly)
religion: Faith of the Seven
culture: Valemen
significant other(s): Jason Moore (husband †), Addam Arryn
family: Yobert Royce (father †), Rhea Royce (half-sister †), Hugo Moore (son), Harlan Moore (son †), Elinor Arryn (daughter), Ser William Royce (cousin)
status: Alive
allegiance:  House Royce, House Moore, House Arryn (sworn overlord)
appearance(s): Bronze Star (Part I-III), My Tumblr Page
portrayed by: Laura Berlin
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daenysthedreamer101 · 5 months
Daughter of Steel and Bronze ~ HOTD
Ch 6 - Gone with the Wind
HOTD x Targaryen!OC, eventual Targaryen!OC x Harwin Strong
Warnings: it's a sad one guys, mentions of menstrual blood and pregnancy, Daena gets "the talk", kind of angsty
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"Not much can be said for the next couple of years. Princess Daena returned to Runestone, while her father mysteriously disappeared and wouldn't be seen in King's Landing or the Vale for quite some time. Occasionally, she would fly on her mighty dragon, Vermithor, high above the Vale, frightening the villagers and the Mountain Clans. The last time a dragon was sighted in the Vale was when the Good Queen Alysanne flew on Silverwing to the Eyrie to visit her daughter, Princess Daella."
(Fire & Blood, Being a History of the Targaryen Kings of Westeros, by Archmaester Gyldayn)
109 AC
The two following years of Daena's life could be summed up in one word - uneventful. She spent most of her time at Runestone and occasionally traveled to Gulltown and other surrounding towns. She even visited the Eyrie once, when her mother was summoned by Lady Jeyne Arryn. 
Lady Jeyne's father was Queen Aemma's half-brother. The ruling lady of the Eyrie was an interesting character  - she was warm and welcoming toward the young princess, less so toward her dragon. Vermithor, to Daena's surprise, appeared several times in the Vale. 
Daena wasn't quite sure how the dragon knew where she was, but she chalked it up to their special bond. When Lady Jeyne saw the monstrous dragon in her front yard, she looked as if she had seen a ghost. The last time a dragon was in the courtyard of the Eyrie, Queen Sharra Arryn was bending the knee and surrendering the Vale to Queen Visenya.
The other, perhaps more important thing that happened to Daena while she was in the Vale was her first flowering. 
It happened one sunny morning. She had just gotten out of bed, not noticing a couple of red stains on her bedsheets. Still not fully awake, Daena sleepily washed her face and brushed her hair while Amanda made her bed. 
Suddenly, she heard a gasp coming from the other side of the room. She turned her head only to see Amanda holding a bloody sheet in her hands. "Daena..." 
The young princess looked at the bloody sheet - she knew instantly. She got up from her chair and turned behind - her sleeping gown was also covered in small blood stains. "I think I should tell Mother," Daena said quietly, her mind swirling with thoughts. 
"You will be alright, my dear. This is a sign - you're now a woman grown." Amanda said as she clasped her hands around Daena's shoulders, trying to comfort her young cousin. But Daena knew what this meant - soon she would be married off to some lord to make babies for him and continue his line. 
She looked up at Amanda, who had a genuine smile on her face - Amanda was now 19 years old, and a couple of months ago was betrothed to Ser Jasper Coldwater. Daena didn't know how to respond so she just nodded and repeated her wish to see her mother.
Later that day, her mother explained to her what her "duties" would be once she became a wife. Daena wanted to puke; the thought of a man seeing her naked, touching her body, putting his seed into her womb, carrying a child for nine months, and then pushing it out of her body - she was on the verge of tears by the time her mother finished. 
That night, Daena cried herself to sleep. 
A couple of months after her first bleeding, it was decided that Daena would be fostered at the Red Keep, as a future lady in waiting for Her Grace, Queen Aemma. Daena wasn't too happy to hear that she would be leaving Runestone and her mother once again.
The only good thing about it was that she would be with her dear cousin, Rhaenyra, once more. She would also be closer to her dragon, Vermithor. Her mother informed her this wasn't her decision and that if it was up to her, Daena would have stayed at Runestone until she turned 16. 
"Sweet girl, you have to understand. This wasn't my decision. It was the King's decision and who am I to disobey His Grace?" Daena's mother told her as she wept in her bed. 
"Promise me you will write letters to me every moon. Promise me." She said through tears. Rhea embraced her daughter and wiped Daena's tear-covered cheeks. 
"Of course I will. Oh, my beautiful girl... You are strong, I know you can do this. Her Grace is a kind woman, she will treat you right." Rhea said to her daughter, who locked herself in her room after hearing her news.
"Yes...Aunt Aemma is a good person. I...I'll just miss you, that's all." Daena confessed. 
Rhea felt her throat tightening as she looked into her daughter's glossy lilac eyes. "I will miss you too, my dear. And remember, Runestone will always be your home." 
Her mother then pulled a ring from her hand and handed it to her - it was a simple silver ring with a small red garnet in the middle. (X)
"Do you know who gave this to me?" She asked Daena. The little girl nodded. 
"Grandmother," Daena answered, the image of her maternal grandmother appearing in her mind. 
"She gave it to me when I had you. I wanted to do the same. I wanted to wait until you were betrothed at least, but I think now is the right time. I want you to remember me when you wear it and how much I love you." Rhea said to her daughter, her usually stoic face now full of emotion. 
"Thank you, Mother. I'll never take it off." Daena said and slipped the ring on her left hand - it felt right to wear it. 
The next day, Daena was packing up her things with Amanda's help. In actuality, Daena was stalling. She didn't want to go. She didn't want to leave her mother once again. Runestone was her home, not King's Landing. 
High in the mountains of the Vale, the air was fresh and crisp. In the morning, the air would smell of dew and fog. From her room, she could see the Narrow Sea. In Runestone, she could ride out on her mare, Sunny, and ride through the valley. She could train with a bow and arrow. She even started learning how to wield a sword a couple of moons ago.
In Runestone, she ran happily while she chased the cook's daughter, Daisy, through the nearby grove. Daisy was her best friend. She was a lively girl with a freckled face and a small gap between her teeth. Daisy had the most beautiful red hair that shined like copper in the light. It reminded Daena of Vermithor's eyes. 
In Runestone, she was more than just a Princess. In Runestone, she was just Daena. In Runestone she was free.
This chapter was a sad one and the next one won't be any better lol. We see even more of Daena's bond with her mother. We get the first mention of her grandma who will become an important character later down the line.
Thank you for reading! 💓💓💓
If you have any opinions or thoughts feel free to ask/comment.
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autobotviktorialis · 2 months
Lady Rhaelis Targaryen,
Daughter of Prince Daemon Targaryen and Lady Rhea Royce.
Heir to Runsetone, the Grey Dragon of The Vale.
In mourning:
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"My prince, Lady Rhaelis has not ridden her dragon since her mother's passing. She doesn't eat at the great halls and seldom rests. Nhudos flies overhead when she hunts and hawks. He misses her just as strongly as we do." - Ser Willam Royce
"She was her mother's daughter, and now her mother is dead. She feels she has lost a pert of herself losing Lady Rhea." - Maester Mentin
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sarcasticsweetlara · 3 months
The importance of Lady Rhea Royce
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Can we all agree how interesting Rhea is. Whether you like Daemon or not; we can not deny Rhea's position gives us many hints of what was to come in the Dance of the Dragons.
The Vale had Lord Yorbert be the Regent of the Vale while Jeyne Arryn was a minor and in the meanwhile Rhea was the own regent of Lord Yorbert who was apparently her cousin.
That would mean the Royces had a control over inheritances in case an heir/heiress died without children, and also had no problem with women inheriting as we see the case of Rhea.
But even then, the Royces were traditionalists and we can see that on their agreements that inheritances are also determined by close kinship.
That is why Jaehaerys I and Alysanne chose to have him wed to Alysanne. They wanted him at the Vale so they could have control over the Vale, and for Viserys' rule to receive support for Jaehaerys' part, and for Alysanne to try to reinstate Rhaenys by sending him away.
It's probable their consummation was supervised so Jaehaerys I and Alysanne would see it as sealed and unbreakable.
Rhea's successor was her nephew, and if we follow the show narrative, it seems Yorbert had to have received some kind of amends for him to be ok in the future with Jeyne Arryn's support of Rhaenyra, as her nephews Gunthor and Willam will fight for her, and her grandniece will participate in the Maiden's Day Ball as a candidate to be Aegon III's wife
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roshananerva · 1 month
Ser Gerold Royce, not only one of the most badass characters (who unfortunately doesn´t play a big role), but he is also played by the actor with the most Westerosi name: Owen Oakeshott! I`m now rooting for House Oakeshott
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bronzebtch · 2 years
i'm shaking bc right after lady jeyne of the eyrie died, there was a vale civil war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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g1rlken · 3 months
┏ Like real people do ┐
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Aemond Targaryen x wife!reader
summary: The reader is Aemond’s new bride, a match fixed some time before Viserys’s death. Daemon’s daughter through Lady Royce navigates through a difficult now into a new chapter of being married to the one eyed prince, council and war.
warnings: daemon being an awful dad, Luke’s death, attachment issues, angst, slow burn, arranged marriage
word count: 5.1k
Part 1. Part 2
Worlds changed, dragons spew fire, flowers burnt and flowers bloomed, children born and doomed. Y/n, Daemon Targeryn’s first born through Lady Rhea Royce. A child he had despised ever since her birth, just an extension for his hatred towards Lady Royce in the first place. He could never stand her, having been forced to his duties he hated her even more. He was never around for the aftermath of anything, the rogue prince who knew no bounds. The child wasn’t even half a year old when he mercilessly put an end to Lady Royce. The ‘accident’ left the child at the kindness of pitiful wet nurses and the castle staff.
King Viserys however couldn’t stand such tragedy over and over, he generally refrained from interfering his brother’s life. He did regret his decision of marrying daemon to someone against his will but he could not have anticipated such a harsh counter reaction via Daemon. Especially after the babe, Viserys thought the child could perhaps soften the coldness of their relations but it only got worse. The king wished to seek some atonement at least for the sake of the child. Y/n, the princess, away at the grasslands of Runestone. He arranged for her to live at the red keep, a motherless child with an absent father would do better within her present family. The King’s children through alicent were mere babies themselves. The maids, the kind Queen herself, would do well to look after the infant. After all the red keep was her house just as much as it was Daemon’s despite his grievance towards it. Her dragon too was well looked after through the keeps instead of Runestone staff. Her dragon was just a hatchling as y/n too was a baby herself.
Alicent, younger at the time. The keep’s staff, mastered in squalling babies and fussy infants. Y/n wasn’t a bother at all. Not that she were to remember but Queen alicent was kinder to her than the fates had been, she nursed her like one of her own. Such fondness and softness towards daughters, it was nice enough. At least for a while. Y/n was six by the time daemon had come for Rhaenyra’s wedding, then off with Laena. No familiarity between the six year old y/n and her father. Too young to understand her family setting and Daemon still rancour.
Daemon had two daughters with the driftmark princess, viserys deemed him capable enough to raise y/n then. He decided to send little y/n back to her father, viserys wanted his brother to accept his daughter. Alicent had a smaller voice at that time yet she tried to reason with her husband to let y/n be at the keep. Daemon had to accept his brother’s whim anyways so he did. Viserys was as relieved as Alicent was anxious that y/n was in Pentos. King made the decision in good faith, if only he put a bit more distrust in daemon than he did trust. Daemon was still the same, y/n, still a child and he did nothing to make her feel included or at home. She learnt to keep to herself how she had seen Haelena do. Still quite young to comprehend where all such distaste came from, all these different people, different land. She longed to call a place home, her memories of the red keep, Alicent, the others it kept fading because she was but a baby back then. Her father wouldn’t teach y/n how to ride on dragon back how he did with her half sisters. But y/n had taught it to herself. Watching she learnt, she didn’t have to be told explicitly what to do. She fell a lot, on her face and back but she learnt anyways.
As years passed nothing changed between y/n and her father, her half sisters were company enough time to time but she was always in their orbit and not as close. All until Driftmark, they lost lady Laena. Y/n was in her early teens and she tried to be there for Baela and Rhaena. She stood by their side through their mother’s funeral. She understood the gravity of such tragedy, she lived with that grief all her life for her mother who was a stranger she never even met. But she mourned her longer than she’d known her.
Reunited with Alicent, gaining a distasteful look from Daemon. “You’ve grown so much” Alicent remarked as she pulled the girl into her embrace. Both of them looked so much different from when they last met each other. The girl had distant memory of the queen but her warmth was nicer than she had known anyone else’s. Despite the occasion alicent was brought some peace of mind seeing Y/n, she didn’t look her best but at least not the worst. She didn’t have to ask y/n to know if Daemon spoke to her, if she felt at home. She reintroduced y/n to her children, some of them y/n didn’t even remember through faces if not for name.
“She was such a small babe.” Helaena commented as she greeted the young girl. It had been years since Helaena had seen her. Aegon and Aemond just stood with disinterest, Aemond trying to mask it otherwise regardless.
After the tragedy that was which followed Laena’s death upon the nightfall of her funeral. Aemond’s eye was taken and it was a rather gruesome unfolding. A night which left a permanent distance between families. A mark which shaped Aemond for years to come.
As the years followed, dragonstone proved to be just as dreary and awfully lonely for y/n. None of her half siblings were her own or ever treated her as such, unsolicited kindness was all she would get here and there and she had accepted surviving it. Thinking of lives far away, a place where life would begin. But it was perhaps never. As King Viserys’s health worsened the queen and hand took matters into their own hands bit by bit.
The queen, declared that it is but the king’s wish for Aemond to be married with y/n, Daemon’s firstborn. Viserys was asked about it, surely, his decision was firm and wearily elated about the marriage so what does it matter who pitched the thought as long as the king agreed. Aemond was agitated. He did not want it, at all. For the ever present and abiding Aemond he had a rift with the thought of marriage to y/n. But he kept his shortcomings to himself.
Even more so mortified was y/n, she didn’t remember how exactly was her childhood at the red keep but she did recall that ever since driftmark, that family would surely not have a soft heart for her. “Father please don’t-please don’t make me do this” she pleaded Daemon.
“It is the King, my brother’s wish.” Daemon said in a disregard of her wish, surprisingly he was fine with his brother’s second hand wish too. Daemon was aware that the Hightower queen and Otto is who pulled all the strings and his brother was a bed ridden king but this was a decision in his favour as long as he could be rid of y/n.
“You cannot marry me off like this!” She exclaimed, for someone who rarely expressed thoughts to daemon. Something she learnt in all those years with being met with cold shoulder all of life, she had to fight for her life as of now. “Not to Aemond, please father please, I do not know any of them-“
“You do. You have spent most of your childhood at the hip of that Hightower queen you will be just fine.” Daemon scoffed with a bit of condescension in his voice. Indifference as he referred to Alicent.
“I do not remember them” y/n tried to reason, any wet nurse could show sympathy to a high born motherless child she did not account to be in a marriage with that sympathy at this stage in her life. “They are complete strangers, father, please I will stay wherever you ask please don’t marry me off!”
“You are of age, y/n. This is a fitting decision for you!” He exclaimed with growing irritation at this conversation, daemon never paid mind to her moreover chose not to and hence he had expected her to show nothing but compliance.
“For me or for you?” She asked with a bitter huff looking away from her father already losing hope in this conversation, she couldn’t stomach this decision without letting him know her repulsion of it. “You are so eager to wash your hands off of me as if I have ever wronged you, all my life, I’ve never asked for anything-“
“Haven’t you?!” Daemon said loudly, his rage visible in his tone “The fact that you exist is asking too much of me as it is. You are an awful reminder and a mistake. I have been subjected to duty and honour and it is only fair if you are too. It is your duty, if not to me then to the King.” With that the door was slammed as the rogue prince walked out, an ironic vision of her life.
A bitter goodbye and an uncertain life with little to no hope y/n was set for the red keep, glancing back at dragonstone for one last time. She didn’t know if she held any homely softness for that place in her heart but she presumed the life which awaited her would be more dreary than the stone.
The wedding was an intimate affair, a small ceremony but still a lot of strangers y/n had never seen. Daemon refrained from attending but it was no surprise. She was met with warmth and affection from her mother in law and her family but not her husband to be, they were all a strange set of people down here in the south from the maids to the king himself who didn’t even sit on the throne yet made decisions.
Even the most beautiful flowers would wither away at the heavy heart of the new bride of new title, the princess. She couldn’t stand her person she was becoming or moreover the mere idea of what she had to be. Aemond wouldn’t even share the same bad as her, almost every night for the first week. He’d rather sleep on the sofa or some nights he’d just never return from wherever he wandered off to.
Barely getting the grasp of it, small domestic solaces just everytime she was with Halena and her mother in law, tending to her niece and nephew. The only time she felt less alone but she was familiar with the loneliness, that wasn’t the problem. It was the nerve wrecking confusion and uncertainty that followed after, eating her alive every night that she would lay. Within strangers now, she felt a stranger to herself too.
Days passed, circumstances arose: the king fell. Aegon was declared the king, a restless unease of an upcoming war. The hand’s very first decision was passing daemon’s seat on the council to y/n. “What?” She asked wide eyed as the hand and queen pitched it to her. “Why, me? I’m not even that learned…” she trailed off.
“You spend most of your time in the library, you happen to have a knack for reading. I’m assuming you can write too?” Otto questioned, if more number of people on the council were his own to mould and speak for the rule would be so much easier.
“Yes but just letters and scrolls..” she trailed off with a sigh, it was rather strange they would approach her for something as important as the council in the first place.
“We need sharp mind of a soft heart on the council.” Alicent said as she caressed her daughter in law’s cheek, with a smile to put some confidence in her. Despite her father’s motives of having y/n on the council, Alicent believed y/n would prove to be rather fruitful and genuine.
“It is also your birthright, through your father’s seat on King Viserys’s council. It is only right if you were to be a part of it.” Otto added in an encouraging manner. The pieces were being set already, as the blacks were processing their own steps.
They had Aemond set to go meet lord Dorros the very next morrow, with a bribe of the crown’s coin and loyalty. The forces set, Aegon’s coronation done. Just one last afternoon council left. Aegon, riding the high of his coronation wasn’t present in this one.
Everyone took their respective seats, it was an eventful morning’s slow afternoon. The coronation was as eventful as it was unpleasant with the beast beneath the boards. Sending out scrolls to other lords, the council discussed it. Y/n didn’t say anything, just listening. Writing out the needed scrolls, Alicent quietly remarked her beautiful hand at the words.
The door slammed open as Aemond entered, he was enraged at his wife’s seat on the council. “Aemond.” Alicent said as the room stiffened.
“What is this?” He asked with as his brows furrowed, he felt very wronged and partially frustrated that his lady wife had a seat on the council above him.
“It’s a meeting.” Otto declared as he looked back from the board back to Aemond, “Not yet done, what is your business here?”
“What is she doing here?” Aemond inquired as he leant over a chair, more belonging in this room than anyone else. Especially his wife, he thought to himself the other members with an awkward look on their face.
“She has a seat extended on the king’s council after her own father, daemon.” Otto filled him in on the subject, visibly disinterested.
“Daemon’s claim on the council died with my father’s death. She holds no such extension.” Aemond reasoned calmly, very much opposed to the irritation rising inside him.
“I’m still a hand to the king aren’t I? Your mother is on the council. Lord Tyland-“ Otto replied back but was interrupted by Aemond midway before he made his point.
“None of them sworn against Aegon. Daemon has called for the pretender hence his seat on this council holds no significance.” Aemond scoffed looking down at his wife who sat, scrolls lay in front of her and a pen in her hand. She felt overwhelmed with such necessary distaste, the hand to the king and queen mother herself asked her to join the council yet Aemond had an issue. It’s not as if she were to act against the interest of the crown or make big decisions to begin with.
“She is the princess. Your lawfully wedded wife, in the eyes of the gods and all the members of this very council and more. Despite Daemon’s treachery and your incoherent jealousy she belongs here.” Otto said breaking Aemond’s mouth, he knew which nerve to exactly hit. Saying Aemond was jealous, of his lady wife’s seat in front of everyone. It was enough to send him seething back and he was right. With a huff as he stared down at y/n, he turned to his heel at left.
Everyone had their accustomed part with a potential war brewing. Aemond had to leave to meet lord borros next morning. Y/n assumed he would be calculating and supposedly busy with his task at hand yet he found time to cause a scene at the council. Y/n knew that nobody on the council saw her as a threat because they all knew of daemon’s indifference for her. The black sheep. In truth she didn’t owe her father any loyalty either so their calculations were correct, her husband however.
She planned to avoid him regardless, spending the rest of the day with the twins, Helaena talking her ear off about her fixated spider and y/n loved that too. Jaehaera was playing with y/n’s hair, adding her toys into it making improper braids. Jahaerys running in circles and hoarding his toys in y/n’s lap as she enjoyed a conversation with their mother.
Alicent walked in, for a moment just taking in the domesticity of the scene. The serenity, the girls laughing. It was rather rare before y/n to see Helaena at peace like this. She entered with a soft knock greeting everyone and she took a seat next to y/n, “Children you must retire your auntie now, it’s rather late!”
“It’s alright mother, it’s not that late.” protested, Haelena she enjoyed y/n’s company as much as the whining children, Jaehaera caged y/n in her tiny arms from her back to not let her go. However through alicent’s hesitant eyes y/n realised she must have some sort of business to discuss.
“Forgive me my loves I am growing a bit tired…but I’m not going anywhere I’d be back soon enough!” She said with a sigh as she kissed the twins goodbye, both of them a bit protestant but let her go eventually. “Good evening, Helaena.” She smiled and bid her goodbye as well and exited with her mother in law.
After they were out in the hallway, secluded of other ears Alicent proceeded “Are you alright?”
“Yes, your grace” y/n replied with a non hesitant nod, in an instant with a smile confused why would that question come up.
“Mother.” She corrected her stopping on her way to turn to face her.
“-Mother.” Y/n said with a soft smile rephrasing her title.
“After…today’s council. You have been avoiding Aemond?” She asked searching for y/n’s dreary eyes.
“No-that is not the case” y/n shook her head trying to formulate a better answer given she hadn’t asked that question to herself. Because in a sense she was avoiding Aemond. “I—“ she breathed “I am rather anxious.”
“Of what? Does he speak to you in an ill manner? Do you wish for me to talk to him?” Alicent inquired concerned for her hesitation of Aemond’s lashing out or whatever it was she was trying to avoid.
“No-no it’s not that…I just feel guilty. He wants an authority, his opinion to be heard at council level and I get that place before him, we’re not at the best terms to begin with and now he must be cross with me” Y/n explained her worry with a sigh.
“And? It is your right, y/n.” Alicent said as she took her hand into hers in an affirming way, “you must never feel guilty for claims that are solely yours.” She explained, “as of Aemond, he can be difficult sometimes, but I assure you he isn’t malevolent. He loves you.”
The Queen mother’s assurance felt it came from a place of gentle constitution and the motherly naïveté of overlooking some things but y/n was more than aware that Aemond did anything but love her. She was familiar with lack of warmth, affection, just so far from it she could almost find strange ways to dwell in it. It was an emotion she knew for so long, from her father’s house to her husband’s, bricks of her old life and no love.
But she did not tell alicent of her wearies, after all she did not worry about it she was at terms with it. But she was worried meeting Aemond, as of now, she walked the hallway to their shared bedchamber with heavy breaths. Aemond was looking out the giant window, he had a journey to make the next morning to the baratheons yet he wasn’t resting or preparing. Much to y/n’s demise she hoped he’d be off somewhere else. She closed the door behind her as she entered, Aemond never talked to her generally. She never spoke unless spoken to but today silence weighed heavy between the two of them.
“The meeting ran late did it?” Aemond asked without looking back at her, he could tell from the soft stride who entered their chambers.
“No, I was with Helaena…” She trailed off growing strangely anxious because she felt answerable to him. As if it would compensate him and that was her burden to bear. “The meeting was rather trivial”
“Was it now?” He scoffed in a bigger way and turned to face her, “You must have provided the trivial meeting with your other worldly wit and understanding of warfare.”
“Aemond” she said taking in a sharp breath, meaning to tread carefully “I know you are upset. Believe me I did not know beforehand of the planning nor was it offered to me, the hand-queen mother they deemed it as my duty and right and I did not have other choice otherwise I would’ve asked you…”
“Asked me what?” Aemond interrogated crossing his arms as he leant against the stone pillar, her feigning nonchalance and false sympathy irritated him to no end.
“To take my place” she answered. She meant it in a genuine sense because she did not hold the same passion or want for a seat on the King’s council the way Aemond did. It was far from her. “I’d rather you take my place, I have no wish for authority on the council. I could ask the hand to-“
“You truly are the imbecile I presumed you to be.” He said assertively as he stiffened, his shoulders tight. “Are you that naive? Do you think I would need your help to put myself on the council? Yours?” He said as he huffed, berating her was his intention. Y/n remained silent, unmoving in her place no matter however she tried and help him or soften the rift in their marriage he was always imbecile from it. In the meantime he walked a bit closer to her, towering over her given his taller stature he leant forward by a bit to make himself appear intimidating.
“My apologies then.” She muttered lowering her gaze from his because she felt rather scrutinised by him as if she was at fault for something, as if she had wronged him. “Excuse me” she said before he could reply and attempted to retreat away to the adjoint bathroom. Wait out him falling asleep or leaving. The newlywed with their peculiar marriage of indifference.
Aemomd’s return from his errand with the Baratheon lord contained of a difficult detour nobody had anticipated. Rather difficult, to navigate such a blow through warfare. The council, y/n merely heard and spoke four sentences on an average, was shocked. No idea of action status not war treading. Circumstance heavy on everyone. Shame and disregard.
Sitting by the burning lamp, late evening, the scrolls and letters were to be written with such urgency after what happened with lucerys y/n had to take it to her own desk. Too busy with the works she barely processed the loss yet, she did not know Lucerys as a brother but an acquaintance who was rather kind to her all those years.
She barely looked up when the door opened, only when Aemond drew closer. Rather too close to her desk, he leant on the table where she was writing. Close to where she was sitting he breathed heavily. Putting the pen down and the scroll aside y/n looked up at him. “What did the king say?”
“The king?” Aemond repeated with a small laugh, he was still getting used to the new titles but referring those even behind closed doors was somewhat strange. “Aegon, he is not the most serious about it. Collateral damage he said.” Aemond repeated the words, he was never fond of the bastard himself but he never planned to take such drastic step. “Grand sire had a lot to say and mother, she is disappointed. Perhaps everyone is disappointed?” He asked emphasising ‘everyone’ referring to her. He did not know of his lady wife’s connection with the Strong boy but his own mother had a dislike for him and yet she was disappointed.
“I don’t know warfare as good as the lot of you, but” she nodded to his previous implication of being disappointed in a way, such loss must be difficult to stomach for those really close. “It is a lot…”
“Do you grieve him?” Aemond asked, his tone non threatening nor interrogative, subtly calm.
Pausing y/n thought about it for a moment, she was quick to side with the hand’s cold and calculative decisions as her mother in law suggested writing Rhaenyra letters instead, y/n herself weighed heavy on practicality as if grief was non existent. In a way it was. “I don’t know” she said puzzled “We were never close but he was kind to me, not all of them and not everytime but whenever he could be…” she trailed off. “He was easily anxious about a lot of things, scared.” Last time she had seen him it was the dinner for King Viserys upon the discussion to heir of driftmark. The scene that followed that dinner was distant in y/n’s mind until now. The same inferior fright was in Luke’s eyes that day.
Aemond did not say anything, her words made him feel guilty even more so but he would never display to anyone. He fought for his life debating to the council, to grandsire that it was an accident however not enough for him to take accountability of it as if he had done something wrong. He knew he had, but he did not show it. He could not. It did not come from a place of sympathy nor altruistic intentions but an ambush of unsolicited guilt. “Is it true?” She asked him.
“What is?” He replied as her voice pulled him out of his thought and his gaze met hers, she still sat on the desk the soft orange hue of the lantern on her face.
“You hold no regret?” She asked him referring to the conversation he had with the council when he was confronted about what happened. He did not owe his truthfulness to anyone, especially not the council.
The heavy silence between the two of them told her more than his words could, her eyes softened as he pondered his unsaid exoneration. Nobody would believe him but she might just, “I did not mean for that to happen, nor did I plan it.”
There was a crack in his demeanour, very different from how he presented himself back in front of everyone else about the the whole ordeal. Accountability seeping in and he should know, “Acting bigger than the situation won’t provide you with the atonement you are looking for.” She told him, forgetting herself when he asked for her advice and she assumed in such delicate state of mind he would rather lash out than listen but he did not. He was present, here to listen. To her? So far he had made it so very clear that he held no regard for her whatsoever.
“I am not looking for atonement.” He said more to himself than to her in a gentle tone and a hint of lostness in his expression. He longed for something, some consolation of some kind but he did not know exactly what and he felt restless with heavy emotions.
“You are.” She answered for the question he did not ask out loud, however the epiphany of it was not lost on him as he looked at her like an open wound. He did not protest her because she was right, she held the answers to herself. She could think for him despite of what he did and it unsettled him in some way because he had never felt such softness of anyone else. To know that he had done something he would have to seek atonement for and…hold regard for him still?
“Do you see me differently then?” He asked, small fright creeping him on the inside if she affirmed his answer.
“No” she replied without hesitation nor enthusiasm, she did see him less ruthless and uncaring than she had previously known him to be but she did not tell him that in this state of mind of his. However the heavy silence and the remorseful tension was too much to bear. She stood up from her chair seemingly to leave and attend some other task, just then realising he stood rather close. Before she could attempt to move away he stopped her. Holding her by her wrist he pulled her close but he was already close enough, the distance shortening this small for the first time since their wedding.
“Do you truly, not see differently?” He asked again with searching eyes. He couldn’t do with her short no however affirming as it was it wasn’t absorbing. It did not feed to his shame and guilt.
Y/n did not know how to soothe his wearies, she never thought her perception would matter to him at all. The walls within their marriage came crumbling down as he held her wrist it seemed, she wasn’t going away yet he kept a hold of her. To ground himself more than her. After staring into his eye for what seemed like an eternity she simply pulled him into her embrace, in a tight embrace. Her arms holding his broad stature the best they could, raising on her toes to bring him as close as she could.
Aemond was stunned to say, for a moment. He could not fathom she would want to tread so gently with him after what he had done he did not expect such, such softness. As he enlaced his arms around her waist, hugging her back as he raised her closer to him. His person. He had never felt such warmth and love of hands that would show soft affection even after knowing his ugly work, he was met with her comfort when he deserved retribution. It nestled his spirit in a serene place, he worried the place would vanish if he let go off her so he didn’t. He kept holding her close to him, closer of it was possible as he buried his face by the crook of her neck.
After a while she pulled away but not entirely, resting her temple against his. His soft breath on her as she sighed closing her eyes. He followed to, until he met her gaze again. His impulse wanted to touch her face to make sure she was real, that this moment was. So he did. Fixing the loose strand of her hair behind her ear he cupped her face. She did not move away, heart racing in such gentle exchange between the two of them. It was a first and he did not want her to extend her boundaries for his sake but he could not stop himself, he brushed his lips against her.
Indulging in a passionate kiss, holding her face in his hands as if she was made of porcelain. It was the first time somebody had held y/n with such fragility. Such affection was very foreign to her all her life, even the kiss on their wedding day felt forced and ceremonial. But this felt real, it was. She kissed him back and held him close, standing in the light of a desk lantern, the moonlight seeping in and lovers who might just be alright.
—part 2.
I am sorry if this feels rushed, i skipped season 1 bc i want to do all of s2…please let me know what you think in the comments 💕
If you want to be in the taglist pls comment AND go drink water RIGHT NOW ILY SO MUCH !!!!!!!!
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thaliajoy-blog · 1 year
Lady Rhea Royce, who ruled Runestone, and was called by the disgraceful but catchy name of "Bronze Bitch" by her estranged husband Daemon Targaryen (featured here on his dragon Caraxes). She died as she was hawking alone, hence the bird on her shoulder.
The motto of House Royce is "We Remember" (alluding to their First Men origins).
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bumblesimagines · 2 months
The Dragon of Runestone
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Request: Yes or No
Summary: Prince (Y/N) Targaryen has kept to Runestone with his grandsire in preparation for taking the seat of House Royce but when his uncle passes and his cousin is usurped, he makes the decision to fly to her aid and unite with his family.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
TW/CW: Typical GoT/HOTD warnings, Targcest/Incest (Half Sister-Half Brother/Cousins/Stepbrothers), mention of Daemon's two dead wives, mention of Luke's death, age gap Jace and Baela are around 18/19 while (Y/N) is in early to mid twenties (don't ask me his exact age I didn't want to do the math), Daemon is a questionable father but what else is new, drinking, Jace is a SIMP, sexual/suggestive content
I hate how intricate Rhaenyra/Alicent/Helaenas hairstyles are in comparison to Rhaena and Baela who get the simplest of styles. I also had more written but it was going into full smut territory 💀
Luke was dead.
Despite the days and weeks that passed, Jace hadn't yet wrapped his head around it. His partner in crime, his shadow, his closest friend, his little brother... dead. Slaughtered mercilessly by their kinslayer of an uncle. His mother had been clear in her instructions when she agreed to send them away, fully and completely adamant that they not engage with anyone. Luke followed his mother's orders diligently and the Greens took him without remorse. 
The cold that'd washed over him when he received news of it, when he read the letter sent to him by his stepfather and felt the realization settled in... the cold of the North had nothing against it. Nothing against the unsettling iciness that swept through his veins or the way his heart squeezed and dropped to the pits of his stomach. Lord Cregan Stark's attempts at comfort had gone in one ear and out the other during the descent down from the Wall. 
He prayed it'd been a mistake, that Luke's name had been miswritten, and Daemon had meant another Velaryon. Convincing himself of such a thing allowed him to fly back to Dragonstone, allowed him to dream that the moment he got there, he'd see his brother and Arrax waiting for him; that they'd laugh about the misunderstanding and settle down together to talk about Storm's End and the North while the sun set over the horizon. But all he received when he climbed off Vermax were pitiful, sorrowful looks from the servants and guards of Dragonstone. 
Luke was dead... and he was partly to blame for his death. 
It'd seemed like a good idea at the time, for him and his brother to mount their dragons to ensure those who'd bent the knee when his mother had been named heir planned on keeping their oath. It'd seemed simple enough, as well, to fly out to meet and dine with nobles who'd trip over themselves to please two princelings. But Aemond had beaten Luke to Storm's End, and chosen to spill the first blood of war over silly childhood pranks. 
Jace attempted to distract himself through various means such as training twice as hard and attending his mother's council meetings; all in hopes of swallowing his guilt and grief into the back of his mind. He shed enough tears, sobbed enough into the shoulder of his mother, and told his pains to Baela. It was time to focus on avenging his brother, on claiming back the throne usurped by his uncle and the wicked Hightowers. Distracting himself, as he quickly grew to learn, was easier when his stepbrother lingered around and took his place at the table. Visenya born again, they called him. The Dragon of Runestone. 
Jace enjoyed watching him during meetings, observing and taking note of how he conducted himself. (Y/N) cut down power-seeking nobles with ease, his violet eyes piercing into those who dared interrupt or speak over Rhaenyra. It was comforting despite the blatant indifference he had for his cousin outside of war meetings and discussions. Rhaenyra needed powerful people on her side, powerful men that others feared enough to remain silent on their opinions and desires.
He only had a few years on Jace; born three years before his mother's sudden passing. Jace heard the rumors that Daemon had been insistent the babe wasn't his until (Y/N) was born with those signature silver locks, forcing him back to Runestone to see his firstborn son and admit Targaryen blood flowed through his veins. Rhea refused to allow him to take (Y/N) far from Runestone but her wishes were ignored when she passed, leaving her inheritance to her only child and her estranged husband to do as he pleased.
From what the twins had told Jace, even as a toddler and young boy he'd fussed when tended to by his father's new wife, Lady Laena. Kicking, crying, biting, and shoving; it felt as if the boy knew she'd been a swift replacement for his mother. He'd been developing from a boy to a tween when his half-sisters were born and even then, he ignored them in favor of being with others on Pentos or flying with his dragon, Bantis. 
From a young age, Jace had idolized him; the cooler older boy with an air of indifference and mystery. He simply couldn't resist the allure, and neither did Baela. 
"I think the first time he ever looked at me had been during training," Baela had told him one time, back in Driftmark hours after her mother's funeral. They'd been young children then, and it'd been the first time Jace laid eyes on (Y/N) outside of stories and paintings. He'd been captivated despite the never-fading scowl and snarky attitude. "I picked up a training sword and hit his friend in the leg with it. It was the first time I ever heard him laugh." The glimmer in her eye had been undeniable. 
Focusing on silly little feelings hardly seemed appropriate during a time of war, but it took Jace's mind off the reality around them. Especially when he could rest his arms along the stone railing of a balcony overlooking where knights trained and watch (Y/N) knock men twice his age down onto the floor. His eyes followed each movement of his arms and legs, gaze lingering on the tight grip he had on his sword and thoughts drifting to wonder what it'd feel like to have them pressed on bare skin. 
"You can speak with him, you know." Jace flinched, his body instinctively straightening up and heat bursting across his face as he turned to face his betrothed. Baela smiled at him, teasing and friendly, sliding up to take the spot beside him and releasing a thoughtful sigh at the sight of her older half-brother. (Y/N) slammed his foot into the back of his sparring partner's knee, the blade of his sword pressing against the man's neck. He smirked and it sent a shiver down Jace's spine. 
"I doubt he'd like that," Jace responded, albeit a bit whiny, but he felt comfortable enough around Baela to let go of what was expected of a prince like him. They were to be wed one day, after all. Baela glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, a soft laugh escaping her.
It was true, in a way. (Y/N) hardly liked any of his family, apart from those in Runestone. He'd fallen out with Daemon the day his father chose to wed Rhaenyra; an argument so vicious it ended with (Y/N) striking Daemon in the jaw and flying away on Bantis, never to answer any letters from any of them again. King Viserys appeared to have been the only one left he cared enough about to visit, but he'd proven to at least hold some love for them by ensuring Lady Jeyne Arryn kept to her oath without being asked to and flying to Dragonstone to serve on Rhaenyra's council before a letter could be sent to Runestone. 
"He is kind when he wants to be." Jace looked at her sideways. Baela laughed again, the sweet sound carrying with the wind that tousled her silver curls. "It's true, I swear! I've seen it before. He can be kind. He is just... hard to reach. You cannot blame him for being distant, I suppose. It can be hard to have Daemon as a father." 
"It must be." Jace thought back on the rumors surrounding Rhea Royce's death. He winced when the sparring partner tapped out, the knight's nose trickling with blood. The squires and available knights around shrank back when (Y/N) turned toward them. "The only times I've heard them speak has been from arguments heard all around Dragonstone. I hear even Caraxes and Bantis cannot stand to be around each other."
"Father does love him and wants him around but... he has little patience and (Y/N) has never tolerated being yelled at," Baela spoke, her hand flying to grasp his arm as she did and feet turning toward the stairs leading down to the training area. Jace felt himself automatically tense when (Y/N)'s sharp violet eyes turned in their direction. 
Gods, he hated how easily his legs weakened and cheeks flared in (Y/N)'s presence. The others around dipped their heads respectfully, bowing to whom would be their future rulers once the Iron Throne returned to its rightful heir. Jace managed to tear his eyes away from the prince to nod to those around, motioning for them to leave with another nod. They quickly did, practically scrambling away before (Y/N) could pluck one and toss them around. 
"Brother," Baela greeted, her hand leaving Jace's arm to lace her fingers together before her. (Y/N) gave a hum of acknowledgment, the tip of his sword digging into the mushy ground when he leaned into it. His hair had long gone askew from the constant movement but Jace thought it suited him perfectly. "Perhaps it'd be better if you stopped beating up our knights."
"They're knights." (Y/N) drawled. "They ought to get used to it before facing real battle. If they cannot do well in training, they'll die on the field. The sheep of the Vale are tougher than some of the fools here." 
"If you feel their performances are inadequate then feel free to train them." Jace felt more than thankful to have Baela at his side, otherwise he would've stuttered through his sentences harder than a babe learning to speak. (Y/N) regarded him with little emotion. "We deserve to have the best of the best protecting us and our claim, after all."
"Whatever you say, Jacaerys." (Y/N) raised his sword and slipped it back into its sheath, unaware of the disappointment coursing through his stepbrother's veins. Baela glanced between them, her fingers tightening around each other and teeth catching her bottom lip. She stepped forward, blocking his path before he could depart. 
"Why don't we catch up, Brother? It has been much time since we've spoken. You must have many stories to tell of the Vale, do you not?" Baela, ever the quick thinker, said as she looped her arm around (Y/N) and sent a look Jace's way. The brunette nodded along with her words, a prick of hope sparking in his chest. 
The older prince's eyes slowly slid between the two, a single brow lifting for a moment before he gave a curt nod. "I suppose I have time to spare. It'll be over wine, however. I could use a drink or two." 
"Over wine." Jace agreed and found himself unable to resist a giddy grin from spreading across his face. 
The buzz of wine coursing through his veins hardly helped with the heat flowing through his body. Conversation had surprisingly started easily with Baela asking questions about the Vale and Runestone, perhaps the taste of Dornish wine having some to do with (Y/N)'s relaxed, semi-open composure. Jace absentmindedly listened to his betrothed and stepbrother speak, his hand swirling the cup of deep red wine that he assumed to be some sort of Dornish wine. It tasted sweet, addictively so. 
His eyes flitted around the bedchambers given to (Y/N), mostly lingering on the bed Jace noted to be the perfect size to fit three or more people. His thumb pressed into the designs of the goblet in hand, his mind racing with his vivid imagination.
He'd hardly done anything with Baela apart from holding her hand or embracing her, but he oft' thought of how their life as a married couple would go. He'd never been with any else before, man or woman, unlike many of the men around him. He was a prince, for Gods sake. He was meant to be the very definition of a gentleman... although that certainly never stopped the thoughts from conjuring late at night. 
His teeth caught his bottom lip and tore a bit of skin off, the heat rushing to his stomach making his grip tighten on the goblet. Baela and (Y/N) looked dazzling in the warm glow of the candlelight and moonlight seeping in through the balcony. Baela's brown skin looked warmer, dewier, so much so that Jace wanted to run his hands over every inch of her. He loved when she released her hair so it tumbled down her shoulders and framed her face with those perfect curls. Her purple eyes glimmered with each flicker of the candles, and her full lips looked utterly enticing. 
(Y/N) looked similarly, his hair pushed back from running his fingers through it multiple times and his features softened into a look of contentment. He'd rid himself of his overshirt when they entered his room, leaving him in an undershirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. Jace's gaze trailed over his arms, strong enough to no doubt lift him from the ground. He slowly moved his gaze upward, studying each detail of his body until he focused on his face. He startled when the two made eye contact and (Y/N)'s lips curled upward into a smirk that reeked of trouble.
"Jacaerys," (Y/N) called, dragging his propped-up feet off the table and planting them firmly on the floor. Jace swallowed thickly, contemplating taking another swing of his wine. Baela delicately sipped on the last of her wine and reached for the pitcher, pouring herself the last of its contents. "Have you ever gone to bed with someone before? Or have you been keeping your hands to yourself 'til marriage?"
Baela grew still, her eyes widening at the swift change in topic from something innocent to speaking of sex. Jace flushed, heat spreading across his face and neck, his ears growing unbelievably hot. She was a lady. Hardly the sort of subject two men would speak of so carelessly. Sex was only spoken of with certain people: parents, septas, maesters, and partners. Sure, he'd heard plenty of filth spew from Aegon's mouth, but it hardly beat hearing it from (Y/N) in front of Baela.
"I-" Jace cut himself off with another swallow, his adams apple bobbing and tongue unable to form words. He pressed his lips together, his free hand curling against his thigh and eyes flickering wildly between Baela and (Y/N). "I-I have not. I... I was taught not to bring ruin onto a lady by... such acts."
"Ah, you sound like a prude." (Y/N) laughed lightly and set his goblet on the table, the smirk hanging onto his lips. "I'm certain your parents would hardly fault you for... indulging with one another. You've thought about it, haven't you, Jacaerys? She's your bride-to-be, after all." 
Jace's face felt as if a dragon had blown on it. "I-"
"What about you, Brother?" Baela cut in, her composure drastically more calm and collected than Jace's but he noted the way her thighs pressed together beneath the skirt of her dress. (Y/N) tore his amused stare away from Jace and onto his half-sister, his finger running circles over the rim of his goblet. "Have you... been with anyone before?"
"'Course I have." He gave a light scoff and envy flooded Jace's stomach. "Maids, ladies, whores, knights, lordlings. I'm not a child nor saving myself for whichever noble lady ends up my wife. There's little to do in the Vale apart from typical lord things; hunting, riding, and those sorts of things get boring after a while." 
Maids, ladies, whores, knights, and lordlings.
Women and men.
Jace's gaze darted over to Baela, meeting her wide-eyed stare as the two came to a similar realization, and then, the same idea; a spark ignited in her eyes and a light flickered on in his head. Gods, was he glad they were betrothed. They were so similar in so many ways, he certainly couldn't wait to rule side by side with her. Jace knew coming to an agreement with her would hardly ever be a hassle. 
"Show us, then," Jace said, the wine dancing in his body only filling him with confidence and boldness. (Y/N)'s head tilted to the side in question, and for a moment it was easy to forget he was the child of a brutal prince. "You have much experience under your belt, do you not? Why not teach us how to properly bed one another?" 
"I'm certain you know where everything ought to go, Jacaerys." 
"Obviously," The heat returned to his face. "But... I've never kissed anyone nor touched anyone. You have, however."
Jace received a hum in response and (Y/N)'s head tilted back in thought, seemingly contemplating the idea. Jace felt nerves beginning to bubble up in his stomach, anxious over what the response would be. It'd be one thing to finally have one of his dreams fulfilled, another to have to face him the following days with a sober mind and a dejected heart. Baela met his eyes again, giving him a subtle nod of encouragement. He could still backtrack, still laugh it off-
Fingers grasped the side of his throat, coarse fingertips dipping into the hairs on the nape of his neck and digging into his skin. He only had a brief moment to look back at the older prince before lips pressed against his own, a sharp shiver darting down his spine and body tensing. (Y/N)'s lips felt soft against his own but Jace hardly knew what to do apart from tentatively parting them. He shuddered when (Y/N)'s tongue invaded his mouth, his hand nearly dropping the goblet as he clumsily searched for the table in order to set it down. Once both hands were free, he pressed them against (Y/N)'s shoulders and began meekly mimicking him. 
When they pulled back, Jace sighed at the string of saliva connecting them before (Y/N) wiped his mouth. He grinned at him, a breathy and amused chuckle leaving him at the dazed sight of Jace.
Be it the wine or simply the giddy feeling constricting his heart, Jace could barely think straight, his thoughts only focusing when (Y/N) patted his thigh, his attention directed onto Baela. She rose from her seat and shuffled around the table, carefully sitting sideways on her half-brother's lap. Jace's breeches felt excruciatingly tight, the feeling only growing as he watched the two lock lips. 
Baela lifted her hand to cup (Y/N)'s cheek, the other tightly curling around the sleeve of his shirt. (Y/N) kept his palm pressed to her back while his other hand danced downward until it reached the skirt of her black and red dress, his fingers curling and slowly dragging the fabric upwards to reveal her calf and then her lower thigh. Jace squirmed in his seat, battling with urges threatening to take over his mind; a battle he began slowly losing as he watched (Y/N)'s fingers dig into the flesh of her thigh.
Suddenly, (Y/N) stood and took Baela along with him, setting her down on the edge of the table and pulling away to grab his forgotten cup and blindly toss it aside. It clattered with the stone floor, the wine spilling and darkening the shade of gray. Effortlessly, (Y/N)'s fingers undid the knotted laces of the back of Baela's dress, his legs pushing hers apart and causing the skirt to ride up further. Jace watched, eyes bouncing around their bodies until he looked at (Y/N)'s face pleadingly. 
"Put what you learned to practice, Jacaerys." 
With those words, Jace shot up from his seat, nearly knocking the chair back from the sheer speed and force. Baela's chest lightly heaved with pants, her half-lidded eyes meeting Jace's when he stood at her side. He leaned in and despite the need blazing in his lower belly, Jace kissed her gently, sweetly, moving slowly and taking his time. Her lips felt soft and plush, and they parted easily. It was clumsy but endearing, and it made his heart swell. 
"Shit," Jace cursed, reeling back from Baela when his pants loosened and a hand dipping beneath his breeches. (Y/N) chuckled breathily against Baela's neck before latching his lips onto her and searching around until he found a spot that made her breath hitch and hands fly to grab the collar of his shirt. Jace's legs threatened to give out from under him when (Y/N) lightly squeezed him, forcing him to brace himself against the table and drop his forehead down onto Baela's shoulder. 
"Sensitive, the both of you." (Y/N)'s muffled voice said, and Jace caught the way he dragged his teeth along Baela's neck, enticing a shudder and soft whine out of her before he lightly dug his teeth where her shoulder and neck met. Jace barely had a chance to respond before letting out a strangled groan at the feeling of (Y/N) slowly stroking him, his hips bucking and knees trembling with each slow drag of his hand. 
Jace whined suddenly when (Y/N) retracted his hand, a sound that made his neck flush in embarrassment and lips form a disappointed scowl directed at the older prince. (Y/N) rolled his eyes at him, fingers hooking along Jace's pants and breeches to swiftly tug them down to his thighs. The cold air from the cool breeze flowing in through the balcony made him shiver, goosebumps rising along his skin. His first instinct was to tug his pants back up and hide himself from their prying eyes but he pushed the urge down.
"Take it off." (Y/N) told him, or rather ordered him, the tone making Jace woozy with the desire to fulfill his every command. He clumsily did as told, nearly stumbling over his jittery legs as he undressed fully despite the cold nipping at his exposed skin. (Y/N) eyed him over and then grinned again, his hand roughly grabbing Jace by the hip and tugging him closer to slam their lips together. When he drew back, he nodded over to the bed and Jace's features brightened, eagerly moving toward the bed.
(Y/N) carefully tugged Baela's dress down her shoulders, dragging the sleeves down past her elbows and freeing her arms. She shivered at the cold first and then wrapped her arm around her chest, her skin feeling as if the sun were glaring directly down on her. (Y/N) snorted softly, his eyes surprisingly soft as he peeled her arm away from her chest, leaving butterflies fluttering around her stomach. He wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her, his hand pulling and tugging at her dress until it fell down her thighs and partly over Jace's scattered clothes. 
His arm dropped so he could lift her by her thighs, her arms wrapping around his shoulders and head burying into his neck as they moved toward the bed where Jace awaited them. (Y/N) lowered her down on the bed, the covers feeling soft and silky against her skin. Jace's chin hooked over her shoulder, his hand cupping her jaw before lowering to explore her neck and shoulders, trailing down her arm and moving onto her hip. 
"You're beautiful." He murmured, and any tension in her body disappeared. She smiled and kissed him, already addicted to mushing their lips together no matter how clumsy or messy. Jace pulled back, brushing his lips over her cheek before swooping down to peck her shoulder, his long brown curls tickling her jaw. 
"I think..." Baela spoke softly, head turning toward the older prince still standing and still clothed. "Someone has far too many layers on." 
"I do not recall saying I'd bed either of you." (Y/N) spoke, attention shifting downward when Jace pushed the bottom of his shirt out from his pants to expose the skin beneath. Despite his words, he did little to stop the brunette from undoing his belt nor did he protest when Baela tucked her knees underneath herself and rose to unbutton his shirt. 
"You said you'd teach us," Jace reminded him, his lips pressing against (Y/N)'s happy trail and hands eagerly mimicking what the older prince had done to him moments prior; swiftly undressing him and leaning back to look him over, the sight alone making the brunette's mouth water. "We have to practice on someone, do we not?"
The corner of (Y/N)'s lips twitched upward. "I suppose."
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myocsfanfictions · 6 months
Princess Ysilla Targaryen is the only daughter of Prince Daemon Targaryen and Lady Rhea Royce. The affection that she felt for her mother was strong, while her father had never been there, acting as if Ysilla was not even his. But she was. The dragon egg that had been put in her cradle hatched. An outcast of a dragon was born. A dragon with no legs. An outcast of a dragon for and an outcast of a dragon rider. Ysilla’s hair was dark but streaked with white. She was a Targaryen, and her wrath was not different from the one that burned inside the members of the House of the Dragon.
《 Previous - Next 》
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The rumors surrounding Rhaenyra’s children only got worse when her third child had been born.
Ysilla was now a girl of fifteen. She was very different from the skinny little child that had left Runestone so long ago. People would describe her as elegant, intelligent, and beautiful. She had grown to be graceful, as much as her dragon was. And as Dārysyr, her fierce was known by now. Her dragon had grown large and powerful; his muscles were well-formed, and his wings were strong. Ysilla went flying on Dragonback once a week. She would have liked to do it more, but she had her studies and her duties.
Just a couple of years before, Ysilla had the chance to speak with the Alchemists of King’s Landing, and she had been left very fascinated.
“Vysenia was said to be familiar with dark magic,” she said one day, sitting beneath the Hearth Tree as she observed Aemond practicing combat movements with a stick.
“You want to be Vysenia born again?” He asked, fighting against air.
“Do you think I’d made a fool of myself?” She asked with a little smile as she looked at the boy.
“No,” he answered, turning to her, “I think you are as willed as her. But with the grace of Rhaenys.”
Graceful. Yes. Ysilla had grown up to be very grateful. She knew how to bow, to speak, and to dance. The court was well impressed by her. And from Runestone, her aunt Jeyne was hoping for a good arranging for Ysilla. Not only because she had become very well respected by the people in King’s Landing but also because Queen Alicent seemed to have high expectations from Ysilla. She called her her ward.
“She probably wishes for you to be wed to one of her sons,” that rumor had reached her aunt Jeyne as well. And she seemed pleased by it in her letters. A Royce on the throne.
Ysilla, on the contrary, had no thirst for power. The thought of ambitions and schemes only reminded her of her father and what he had done to be always a step closer to the Iron Throne. But she was not her father.
The lack of personal ambition, though, did not make her blind to politics and schemes. It was because she knew how harmful they could be that she was always vigilant and observant of what happened in court. Fully aware that knowledge and duty were what was required to keep alliances and peace. She had grown up side by side with the Queen, raised by the same people that raised the princes. She knew that the health of the King was faltered, as did the respect some people had for the future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms when her children started to grow up to become more similar to the Captain of the Guards than her own husband. Everybody knew, and yet the King did nothing. This had also happened ten years before when her father had killed her mother.
“Are you not coming to the pits?” Aegon asked that morning when they were breaking their fast.
“You heard that right,” she answered, smiling at him before taking a sip of her milk.
“You cannot ditch me like this,” he said, leaning towards her with playful eyes, “I’ve promised you today would have been fun.”
Aegon had grown up, but his search for fun and enjoyment had remained the same. “Helaena wished to dance today. You know how I love her and how I enjoy dancing.”
He cocked his head to a side, “More than riding Dārysyr?” Then his hands moved to touch a strain of her hair, “Did I say how I like your hair today?” Ysilla took his hand to push it away. Aegon had always had a fascination with her hair, and since he had started to grow and notice women, he had begun to voice his compliments on her hair and appearance more often than not.
“I love nothing more than Dārysyr,” she answered, looking at the boy. "And we already flew with him and Sunfyre last week.”
Not so long before, Aegon managed to bend Sunfyre, becoming his dragonrider. Sunfyre was known to be the most beautiful dragon alive, and he really was. He had golden scales and pink shades, and even his flames were golden.
“I wasn’t meant to go fly together,” he said, a mischief light in his eyes.
“What’s with the face?” She asked, making him laugh.
“What face?”
“The one that always brings you trouble,” she answered with a glare. He was planning something. She knew him too well to be mistaken. She didn’t have time to ask because the wooden door opened to let Aemond enter the chamber.
“Good morrow, Aemond,” she greeted him with a smile.
“Ysilla, brother,” he answered shortly. It was how Aemond was, very different from his older brother. He was composed and dutiful. Less impulsive than Aegon was. “Mother is looking for you, Ysilla.” He said, sitting down.
“That’s why you’re not coming. Because of Mother,” Aegon said, making Ysilla turn to him.
“I wasn’t supposed to,” she said, standing up. Her eyes went from one brother to the other. "I’ll see you both when you return from the pit,” then she looked at Aegon.
“Behave.” He blown her a kiss.
“Like always, my sweet.”
“Stop that,” Aemond said, focusing his attention on the plate in front of him. Ysilla ignored Aegon, making her way towards the door. She wondered why the Queen wanted to see her. Ysilla knew she would have been busy with Rhaenyra after the princess’s labor ended and the third of her children would be born. Rhaenyra had been screaming for hours, and Ysilla stopped to observe the corridor that led to her chambers on her way to the Queen. By the screams, she seemed to be suffering very much. That made her anxious. She knew that it was a woman’s duty to give children to her husband. She just hoped the gods had mercy for them and an easy way to bring life to the world.
“Princess,” Ser Cole was guarding the door, bowing his head as she walked closer.
“Good morrow, Ser,” she answered politely. “I hope your day has been good so far.”
The man smiled, “It is, Princess.” His smile would have made her blush just a few years before. But the more she grew up, the less embarrassing it became to share words with men, even handsome men such as Ser Criston.
When Ysilla entered the chamber, the Queen was standing next to the window, and a serving girl was fixing the back of her dress.
“My Queen,” she greeted, bowing. “Have you asked for me?”
“Good morrow, my dear,” Alicent Hightower smiled kindly at her, “Indeed. Helaena is a little... agitated today."
Helaena had stayed the same in those years. She was still the sweetest girl that Ysilla had ever met. Sweet and gentle. But her queer behavior sometimes agitated even herself. Ysilla had seen Helaena in those moments, and she knew that the princess didn't like to be alone when she was feeling like that.
"We'll find something else to do then," Ysilla answered. They could have taken a walk or talked about bugs. Helaena liked bugs. Ysilla would have found something to ease Helaena's mind.
The Queen smiled at her, putting a hand on her arm. "What a blessing you are." Ysilla returned the gesture, bowing her head in gratitude and respect.
At that moment, the door behind them opened to reveal Rhaenyra and Laenor. Ysilla widened her eyes to see her cousin.
"Rhaenyra," the Queen gasped, "You should be resting after your labors."
"I have no doubt that you would prefer that, Your Grace," Rhaenyra answered, trying to keep her trembling voice steady. The pain that she had experienced was well visible on her face, and it was not surprising.
Ysilla had heard Rhaenyra screaming only a few moments before. She knew what happened during labor, and the septa had explained that to her. How could her cousin possibly walk? Or even walking up the stairs?
"You must sit," the Queen said, turning to one of her serving girls, "Talya, fetch a cushion for the Princess.” The girl bowed and turned to attend Rhaenyra.
“There’s no need,” Rhaenyra said. By the Queen insisted.
Ysilla followed Alicent as they walked towards the couple. Rhaenyra had finally accepted sitting down with Laenor's help, but seeing her in pain and holding her newborn baby, Ysilla felt like moving so that she could help her cousin sit. As the girl touched her arm, the Princess turned to look at her. A small smile appeared on her lips, probably still trying to hide her pain. It was well-known how stubborn Rhaenyra was.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“There’s no need,” Ysilla answered, then exchanging a look with the Queen.
Alicent was observing the baby like she had done with Lucerys just a few years before. Ysilla knew what she was thinking: even this child had nothing of Ser Laenor in him.
As Ysilla went back to stand next to the Queen, King Viserys entered the chamber with a huge smile on his face. “What happy news this morning,” he exclaimed.
The years had not been gentle to the King. His body was weaker and more fragile. His skin had gotten paler and his hair thinner. The condition of his left hand had gotten worse. He first lost just three fingers, but it kept getting worse until the Maester decided that it was better to cut off the entire arm. Even so, Ysilla’s uncle tried to maintain a positive attitude, always smiling at everyone.
“Indeed, Your Grace,” said Ser Leanor, taking the child in his arms to present him to the King. Ysilla observed Rhaenyra’s husband’s face as he looked at the baby. He smiled happily and proudly. Could he really be so blind? He had never seemed such a man to Ysilla. It was true, though, that he was not very present as a father.
He is more present than mine, anyway. She thought as she observed the unbothered son of Corlys Velaryon pass the child to the King. But even in his expression, Ysilla could not see surprise or disappointment. She could not understand why both men acted so blindly about the behavior of the future Queen? Why did her actions have no repercussions? Everybody knew, everybody whispered. And yet the King did nothing.
He must truly love her, if he is protecting her like that. Ysilla thought, observing the happiness on Viserys’ face.
“A fine Prince,” he said, his eyes looking at every one of them. Ysilla smiled, lowering her eyes. “Sturdy. You will make a fearsome knight.”
Surely, Ysilla thought. If the rumors were true and his father was Ser Harwin Strong, he surely could have become a terrific fighter as an adult. Breakbone was the strongest man in the Seven Kingdoms.
“Does the babe have a name yet?” The Queen asked with curiosity.
Rhaenyra took a breath, “We haven’t spoken-”
“Joffrey.” Ser Leanor interrupted his wife. “He’ll be called Joffrey.”
Ysilla looked between them, hoping that her face did not give away the kind of thought she had in mind. Had they spoken of it or not? Did Rhaenyra agree with such a name?
“An unusual name for a Velaryon.” The Queen was speaking the truth. Velaryon came from Valyria as much as the Targaryens. Their names came from Old Valyria to keep the traditions. But it wasn’t only their costume: in the Seven Kingdoms, all the Noble Houses had names and family names. Ysilla’s name was a Royce name. Her mother, Lady Rhea, had done it on purpose. Ysilla’s father could be a Targaryen, but she had Royce’s blood in her veins as well.
“I do believe he has his father’s nose,” Ysilla would have frowned at the King’s words, but she had to keep her composure, so she decided to look at Rhaenyra and smile at her. The Princess did the same, but there was no truth behind that gesture. They were both aware of what was happening.
The King chuckled, still focused on Joffrey, and soon after, Laenor did the same before clearing his throat.
“If you don’t mind, Your Grace, your daughter has exerted herself heroically and should rest,” Ser Laenor said, ready to help his wife get on her feet.
“Of course,” the King answered. The Queen was soon at his side, taking Joffrey in her hands. Ysilla moved aside when she saw the King walking closer to his daughter, but she didn’t walk very far, curious about what they would have talked about.
“Well done, my girl,” Viserys said with tenderness. Such a tone forced Ysilla to lower her eyes, fully aware that her father would never have such sweetness for her. If she’ll ever see him again. She knew that he was an Essos with his lady wife and their two twin daughters. She wondered how he was fathering them. If he was cold and cruel like he had been to her so long ago. Ten years had passed, and yet she remembered the way he had looked at her as he said that he felt nothing for his firstborn daughter.
“I do hope the labor was easy,” the King said as Ysilla walked towards the Queen, who was giving the baby back to Ser Leanor.
“Do keep trying, Ser Laenor. Sooner or later, you may get one that looks like you.” She had said it so politely, but her intentions were quite clear—she was voicing the thoughts of the entire court. The man looked startled, and when he noticed Ysilla standing there, she didn’t say anything. She only smiled, with no true intention behind it.
Rhaenyra then walked towards her husband before they both left the chamber. Ysilla bowed gracefully as they disappeared behind the heavy wooden door.
“What a happy day,” the King exclaimed full of happiness.
The Queen lowered her eyes from next to him. “Indeed, my love,” she answered.
The whole situation was against everything that politics and duty required. Ysilla could understand why her uncle was protecting his daughter, but her King was making a fool of himself. And whispers could only get louder and louder, not only against Rhaenyra but against the King as well. He was not only Rhaenyra’s father; he was the Protector of the Realm, of the peace of the Realm. How would the realm answer once the King had left that world? What was ahead of them? That uncertainty was heavy in her heart. Politics could be ruthless, and it could reclaim anyone’s life.
“You wanted to dance, I’m sorry,” Helaena was saying as they walked in the corridors of the Red Keep.
“Nonsense, Helaena,” she answered honestly. The events of that morning had left little room for light emotions in her heart. “I don’t feel like dancing today.”
“Running from the back is important,” her cousin said. Ysilla turned to observe her. It didn’t matter how many years they had known each other; Helaena’s strange sentences left Ysilla confused all the time. She knew better than to ask. Helaena didn’t know how to explain the meaning of her words, and the more people asked her to, the more she got agitated. That was one of those days. One where Ysilla stood quiet, listening to all the strange things her cousin felt to say. She loved Helaena, but on those days, the hours went on slowly.
I wish I was at the Dragonpit, she thought. Ysilla wished nothing more than to be with Dārysyr, especially during days that felt so heavy in her heart.
They were back in Helaena’s chamber when the Queen arrived. Ysilla was set next to her cousin, who was very interested in counting the rings of a centipede. They have been there long. And Ysilla decided to take one of the many books that she had in her chamber to keep herself occupied until Helaena was satisfied with her counting. When the Queen entered, Ysilla was ready to stand up and bow, but the woman gestured for her to sit still and keep with her reading.
“This one has sixty rings and two pairs of legs on each, ” Helaena whispered, looking closer at the centipede, “It makes two-hundred-twenty-four.”
“Yes, it is,” the Queen said in a soft tone, even if her expression could not hide her worry. It was difficult to communicate with Helaena when she acted like that. They had to be patient.
“It has eyes,” the girl spoke, looking closely at the creature in her hand.
“Does he?” Ysilla asked, keeping reading her book.
Helaena muttered in agreement, “Though, I don’t believe it can see.” Ysilla looked at her with a confused frown.
“And why is that so, do you think?” Asked the Queen.
“It is beyond our understanding.”
Beyond mine, for sure, Ysilla thought at her cousin’s words. Those were too much of abstract concepts for her mind. She liked history better.
“I suppose you’re right,” the Queen answered. Some things just are.” As she finished speaking, though, the door opened to reveal Aemond. Ysilla put aside her book. Her eyes widened, seeing how dirty his face and clothes were.
“Aemond,” the woman gasped, walking to her son, “What have you done?”
“He did it again.” Ysilla stood up after Helaena’s words. He must have entered the Dragonpit. That place was dangerous for someone without a dragon, and Aemond was the only one of them without one. Dragons bend only to one person, and when they did, they will only listen to their rider. They could become very dangerous for anyone else. But Aemond had always been very fascinated by dragons. The pain in his eyes was always visible when they went to the Dragonpit.
Ysilla could understand him. She had been fascinated, too, before Dārysyr’s egg hatched. Being a Targaryen without a dragon hurt a lot.
“After how many times you’ve been warned,” the Queen reproved him, “Must I have you confined to your chambers?”
“They made me do it!” Aemond argued angrily. Who made him do it? Ysilla moved forward, feeling for her cousin. He truly seemed so upset. What had happened? But the Queen didn’t seem to share Ysilla’s same thoughts.
“As if you needed encouragement,” the woman said, worryingly observing her son to be sure he was not harmed. "Your obsession with those beasts goes beyond understanding.” When she spoke like that, the Queen truly reminded Ysilla of her mother's skepticism about dragons.
“They gave me a pig!” Aemond exclaimed. Ysilla’s eyes widened.
“A what?” The Queen asked in confusion.
“They said they found a dragon for me. But it was a pig!” Aemond answered, trembling with anger.
I’ve promised you today would have been fun. Aegon had said to her that morning. He was behind it. Ysilla could not believe it. He knew how Aemond suffered since he was the only one without a dragon. Even Rhaenyra’s sons had one each, but not Aemond, a son of a King. How could he be so stupid to do that to his own brother?
“You will have a dragon one day,” Alicent said trying to calm her son, “I know it.”
Aemond deserved a dragon. It was saddening to know that his egg hadn’t hatched. He had asked Ysilla many times how she did it as they grew up, but she truly wasn't sure how or why. Dārysyr was just born one day. It had been a very normal day. But Aemond’s didn’t, and it was not fair. Why did the Gods play such games?
Aemond lowered his gaze, “They all laughed.”
And why did the Gods make Aegon to be such an idiot?
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darknight3904 · 3 months
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕽𝖆𝖈𝖊
ᴀᴇᴍᴏɴᴅ ᴛᴀʀɢᴀʀʏᴇɴ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ᴏᴄ! ᴛᴀʀɢᴀʀʏᴇɴ
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: ᴄᴀɴᴏɴ ʟᴇᴠᴇʟꜱ ᴏꜰ ʜᴏᴛᴅ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ.
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Rhaella is 10 years old at the start of the story and Aemond is a year younger than her at 9.
125 AC
They say the weather was beautiful the day her mother was buried. Her cousin, Gerold had told her stories of her mother. Rhea Royce had dark curly hair and deep brown eyes.
"Why do I not look like her?" She had asked
"You take after your father. The blood of the dragon." Gerold had said one night at supper.
Her father. A man she had never met. Supposedly he had been at her birth and once she had come into the world healthy and screaming, he mounted his dragon and flown off.
Not even a year later she had attended her mother's funeral. According to Gerold, the wet nurse had held her as she slept peacefully while her mother was buried.
Now, 10 years later here she sat dreaming of a life she could've had.
Her eyes met the Maester Edric's. His wrinkled hand pointed to the map of Westeros.
"What is the sigil of House Greyjoy?" He asked
"A yellow cracken." She sighed.
They had been at it for hours. Maester Edric had been torturing her by pointing to the map and having her name the great houses and their sigils. Rhaella wanted to rip her silver hair from her head out of boredom.
"It is a golden cracken, my lady." He says
"Isn't that the same thing?" She said
He shot her a look of disapproval.
"You will need to know these things to rule Runestone one day. Your cousin cannot preside forever. You are your mother's heir." Edric reminds her
"I have been hearing those words for my entire life." She groaned
"It is an important responsibility." He said
Silence followed as he pointed to the next house on the map.
"House Lannister. A golden lion." She rattled off
"Good. What are the words of House Lannister?" He asked
"What is my father doing? The last you spoke of him you said he had remarried to Lady Laena." She asked, ignoring his question about the stupid Lannisters.
"Daemon is living in Pentos with Lady Laena and their daughters." Edric says "According to the latest reports your half-sister Baela's dragon, Moondancer, is growing quickly and their bond with each other is strong."
Rhaella nodded and kept her silence. She wished she had a dragon. Her father had never chosen an egg for her cradle and she had never even left Runestone to try to claim one. A dragon would make it so easy to escape these boring lessons she sat through daily.
"Might we take a break? I wish to have supper." She asked
"Of course. I hear tonight's duck stew will be wonderful. Gerold has caught it himself." Maester Edric smiled as he gathered up his things.
Rhaella helped him to the door of her chambers. She worried about the old man's health sometimes. It seemed that every day he grew slower and slower. Edric was the closest thing she had to a father figure. Sure, her cousin could've passed but he was busy ruling Runestone until she came of age.
"Lady Rhaella, Maester Edric." A maid was blocking the door frame when she pulled the door open. "A raven has arrived for you, My Lady."
King's Landing had a certain charm she had never experienced before. Sure, it stunk, terribly...but the bustle and the noise was something Rhaella was captivated by.
"Remember to curtsey," Edric whispered in her ear as they stood before the Iron Throne.
Behind them the large doors were opened and King Viserys approached them. A large smile was on his face as he gestured for them to stop their bowing.
"How was the journey. Not too rough?" He asked
"Not at all, my King. This is my first time away from Runestone so I enjoyed the road." She admitted, rattling off what Edric had told her to say to the King.
"That is good. I hope both of you will settle in well here." King Viserys said
"I am sure we will, your grace." Edric replied "If I might ask, I was wondering what you wanted to see Lady Rhaella about? Your letter was rather cryptic."
"I simply wished to meet my niece. I had heard that you were becoming a wonderful young lady and wanted to meet you at last. Every Targaryen needs to know their family." He said
"You honor me, your grace." She smiled, filled with glee at the thought of a family, a real one.
"Uncle." He smiled "Now, you will be shown to your rooms but tonight we are having a family dinner. I want you to be familiar with where you come from."
Rhaella could hardly believe what was happening. The moment the handmaiden had shut her door, she had collapsed on the bed. It felt like her dreams were coming true. She was finally out of Runestone and finally able to meet people she was truly related to.
An odd sound brought her out of her fantasy as she glanced at the door. It sounded like the sound of skin being slapped. Hushed whispers filled her ears as she pressed her ear to the door.
"I want to enter first!"
"I got here first, Jace! You can enter after me."
"I'm older than both of you, so I get the honor of opening the door."
"Opening the door isn't an honor, Aegon."
Rhaella presumed the king's eldest son was the Aegon on the other side of the door. She wasn't sure who this Jace was but he seemed upset that he couldn't open her door.
"You're a twat." a voice said from the other side
With that declaration from whoever it was, she pulled on the handle herself to reveal the mysterious voices.
"I'm going to tell Mother that you didn't let me enter first!" A brown-haired boy says to another boy who looks like him.
"She won't care!" He argued back
"And I thought you'd be ugly. Looks like you take after our uncle." The tallest, Aegon, she presumed spoke.
"Are you Lady Rhaella? Our mother told us you were here. You're our Uncle Daemon's daughter!" A dark-haired boy greeted
A sharp pang of anxiety ran through her as she looked at the four boys in front of her. Two dark-haired ones and two with hair like hers. She had never interacted with another person her age and now it seemed like there were four of them in front of her. Well, maybe three. The tallest seemed a bit older.
"I thought women from the Vale would look like sheep." Aegon's taunting voice fell on her ears yet she couldn't bring herself to tell him he looked like sheep himself with that curly hair of his.
"You shouldn't say things like that." One of the dark-haired boys scolded
"Are you going to stop me?" Aegon asked, mocking the younger boy.
"You are frightening her." One voice cut Aegon and the dark-haired boy off,
Rhaella's eyes met the other silver-haired boy who was at her door. He was much smaller than Aegon, of course, she presumed he was just younger than him.
"Thank you." She smiled "You are all quite...loud. I am afraid I am not used to conversing with people our age."
"I am Lucerys." The shortest one who looked like he might have been no more than seven said. "This is Jacaerys. He's my brother and it was his idea to meet you before dinner tonight."
"Hello." She greeted. Upon hearing their names she remembered who these dark-haired boys were. Jacaerys and Lucerys were sons of her future queen, Princess Rhaenerya.
"I'm Aegon." The tallest said, confirming her hunch. He gestured lazily to the last boy "Aemond."
"You should ignore him. He's very odd." Jacaerys said glancing at Aegon.
She smiled at Aemond who seemed to be the quietest out of all of them.
"I'll see you at dinner, sheep girl." Aegon said before sauntering off
"It is from all the wine he drinks, Jace." Lucerys says
"Yes, well, too much wine will do that to a person." She smiles, trying to say something these boys will find interesting
Lucerys giggled and whispered something into Jacaery's ear. The older boy nodded and whispered something back.
"Do you want to come to the Dragon Pit with us? I am training with my dragon Vermax today.
"I do not have a dragon to train with, I should just remain here." She said sadly
"Aemond doesn't have one either! The two of you can just watch us." Lucerys says
Rhaella glanced at Aemond who avoided her eyes. It was surprising to her that a Prince did not have a dragon of his own.
"Will I get to see the dragon eat something?" She asked hopefully
The Dragon Pit was more monstrous than she had ever imagined. Her neck ached as she stared at the huge building.
"We're falling behind." Aemond's voice filled her ears
He had fell into step with her after Jacaerys and Lucerys had decided they had to race each other to the pit. The winner was to claim the other's dessert tonight at dinner.
"Right, sorry." She said as he led her toward where the others were
Aemond had been mostly silent during their travel here. The carriage ride had been filled with Jacaerys and Lucerys chattering about all sorts of different things. Mainly talk of how their mother was six moons pregnant and how they both desired a baby brother.
Rhaella had tried to follow the conversation but their talking was a bit overwhelming and hard to follow. She had taken to watching Aemond who seemed fixed on staring at his shoes.
"Dracarys Vermax!" Jacaerys shouts to the green dragon in front of them.
Rhaella feels her face heat up as the dragon spits fire at the sheep in front of him. Her heart speeds up as her mind races with the ideas of claiming a dragon for herself. She was envious of the young dark-haired princes who had eggs that hatched for them.
"It is boring after you see it a thousand times." Aemond says from her right
"I do not think I could ever become bored of that." She smiles
"Without a dragon of your own, watching others train their own becomes depressing." He sighs
Princess Rhaenerya's screams were echoing through the castle. Edric had told Rhaella that laboring to bring a child into this world could take days sometimes. Rhaella found herself wishing that the screaming would cease. Could they not give the princess something for the pain she was experiencing? Surely as heir to the throne she was entitled to that.
"I thought you said you were going to listen if I read."
"I am listening. Keep going." Rhaella glares
Aemond shot her a look but kept reading about Visenya and her conquest of Drone.
"What do you think childbirth is like?" She asked her companion
A loud yell from Rhaenerya's chamber echoed down the halls and into her room.
"Painful," Aemond said not looking up from the book
Rhaella elbowed him in the side.
"Ow!" He yelped "Why did you do that?"
"Because I can tell it's painful! She's been screaming for hours."
"Well, you asked me what I thought!" Aemond said
"I hope I never have children. I don't want to experience the pain the Princess is enduring." She declared
"Aren't you the heir to Runestone?" Aemond asked
Rhaella looked at him like he was an idiot. He knew she was so why was he asking.
"Being an heir means you have to have children." He pointed out
Stupid Aemond and his observations.
"Nobody asked you." She scoffs
Viserys was tired. He had spent the better part of the day at a long small council meeting. His back was hurting and the sores that had taken over his body were driving him mad. Yet, instead of resting like he had planned his wife was pacing in front of him, she was beginning to make him dizzy.
"Might you sit down?" He sighed
"Did you not hear a word I just said?" Alicent asked
"I heard you. You worry yourself for nothing." He said
"They will not remain children forever. Separating them now will be easier than later." She said
"Why? Aemond finally has someone to be friends with. I have heard that they spend hours together reading." Viserys says
"I am trying to prevent improper events from occurring. You allow them to sit in her room with the doors closed for hours, alone. Aemond is..." Alicent trails off
"Aemond is not like Aegon. He will not hurt Rhaella." Viserys assures
"And if you're wrong?" Alicent asks
"I am not wrong," Viserys says
"If something were to happen and Daemon received word-"
"Daemon does not care for her. I have written to him many times about her and how wonderful she is and his only response was that she is the product of a drunken mistake." He stops his wife rambling
"What if he changes his mind one day. I do not think he even wants her to be interacting with our sons let alone reading with one for hours." Alicent says
"You worry over nothing. Even if Daemon changes his mind, they are nothing but children who are friends."
The pig was a cruel joke.
Aemond could feel hot tears on his waterline as he stumbled back towards his room. He wished ill on his little nephews and big brother. He is already aware he is dragonless, why must they remind him of it in such a crude manner?
"Aemond? Is that you? My needlework lessons ended early and I brought a book about..."
He feels his face heat up when Rhaella turns around from her place at his desk to lay eyes on him. She wasn't even supposed to be in his room for another two hours.
"What happened?" She asked
"Nothing." He shrugged her off
"You are dirty and crying, that is not nothing." She pointed out
He cursed her out mentally for being able to see his tears. When did her eyes get that good?
"Was it Aegon? Or Jace and Luke? Or all of them?" She questioned
"All of them." He sighed lying down on his bed
"I will go-"
"Go and do what? Yell at them? They don't care about our opinions. We're boring to them. Dragonless Targaryens are nothing to them." He proclaims
"We are not nothing." She said jumping onto the bed and lying down next to him
Aemond let out a soft grunt at her declaration her words were falling on deaf ears.
"One day we're both going to get dragons and then we will race across the skies," Rhaella says
"I will win." He declares
"No, you won't! My dragon will be far quicker than yours." She gasps
"Yeah, it'll probably be ugly like you too then." Aemond laughs
Rhaella lets out an offended gasp and a pillow lands roughly on his face.
"Ugly? You must be talking about yourself!" She laughs as he pushes his hair from his face.
"You have not looked in the mirror lately, Rhaella." Aemond jested as his hands tightened around the pillow as he sat up to be eye level with her.
Perhaps she was going to say something witty back to him but was met with the soft fabric of the pillow as Aemond laughed.
Heleana watched quietly as her brother and cousin hit each other with the many pillows that adorn the bed. She had been sent to collect her cousin after she had snuck away from their needlework lessons yet she couldn't bring herself to intrude. Aemonds laughter and smile was something she rarely saw and it had her frozen in place.
"One day my dragon will race yours under the sun." Rhaella declares.
"And I will be the victor." Aemond cuts her off
And then Heleana's mouth is opening and her words are whispers in the shadows of her brother and cousin's joy and plans for the future.
"They will race under colors of green and black. The sky will be thick with blood."
This is my first HOTD fic so let me know how you liked it!
Next Part
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realmsdelght · 1 year
His Rogue Lady; Daemon Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
Summary: how Daemon met his Rogue Lady Note: italics mean they are speaking in High Valyrian. Told from Daemon’s perspective. Also, reader is referred to as Lady Targaryen because she is married to Daemon, her house is not specified. The timeline is very messed up and different from the show/books, in this Viserys wants to wed Daemon to Rhea, not Alyssene There is a flashback in the middle but its marked by separations in the beginning and end Warning: MDNI! a tiny bit of smut, cursing, and blood Word count: 1980
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Daemon Targaryen stood proud, it had been a big night for his knights. 
Blood adorned his face and his Dark Sister, but not his gold cloak. His smirk never left his face, it gave him pleasure to see the fear on the face of the scum of King’s Landing. As much as he liked to see the prisoners off to their cells, and to hear them begging for mercy, he had a more important place to be. Just like Dark Sister, the prince had a thirst for blood, but most days he had a thirst for something else, his soulmate. 
Most people assumed the Rogue Prince would only settle down once his brother forced him into marriage, and he almost did. But that was until he met his heart. Daemon was amazed at how a person can change once you get to know them. What was once a lady of the court that he, and most men, lusted after, had become the most important person in his life. He could remember exactly when his feelings changed from lust to burning passion.
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If the Rogue Prince were a dragon he would have been breathing fire down the halls of the Red Keep, melting the stone and iron down alike. Things had started looking up for him and his brother, Viserys had just recently named him Commander of the Gold Cloaks, and their training with the prince had finally started to pay off. But of course, Otto had gotten into Viserys’ head and he had decided that it would be a good idea to wed him to Rhea Royce of Runestone.
‘How dare he think that woman would be a good choice for a Targaryen Prince,’ Daemon thought. His fiery thoughts were interrupted by the sound of steps behind him. The prince wasn’t sure who would dare attempt to approach him in this state, but he was surprised once he turned around. One of the most beautiful ladies of the court stood before him. Daemon had seen her before with his good-sister Aemma, the Lady was always quiet, but her beauty always attracted the eyes of men roaming the Keep. But the prince had never bothered to speak to her.
“Prince Daemon, I wanted to congratulate you on your betrothal,” the Lady surprised the Prince by speaking Valyrian. 
“There is no need, sweetling. I’m contemplating jumping off the balcony if it means I won’t have to wed Lady Royce,” Daemon walked closer to her.
She smiled, the most beautiful smile the Prince had ever seen, “or you could just push Lady Royce off the balcony before the wedding,” the Rogue Prince felt himself melt as he watched the Lady’s face as she proposed murder. It was in that moment that the prince knew this lady was no sheep, and that he would never let her go.
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The prince rushed towards his shared chambers. After the exhilarating night he had, all he could think about was his wife. He didn’t bother to greet the guard outside his door, he threw it open and one of his guards closed it as he walked in.
“How was your night, husband?” He heard her sweet voice greet him as he walked in.
Daemon was met with the sight of his beautiful wife, only wearing a thin nightgown, holding two goblets of wine in her hands. He walked towards her, taking one of the goblets from her small hand, his other arm went around her waist, pulling the lady closer to him. The Rogue Prince didn’t even bother to clean the blood off his face, he knew his wife preferred him that way, having the spoils of his victory splattered on his face. 
“Wonderful. You should have seen their faces once they saw my gold cloak,” he smirked at the memory.
“I bet it was a sight to see,” she caressed his arm covered by the gold cloak, “my beautiful husband enforcing the laws of the realm, delivering justice with his Dark Sister, making the city’s criminals weep and crumble at his feet.”
“Anything to keep my beloved wife safe,” the man finished his goblet of wine, “How was your day?”
“Boring, as most days without you are,” she smiled at her husband, sipping the last of her own wine, before setting both goblets on the table.
Daemon stepped away from his wife, and started taking his armor off, “well, I heard my love was up to no good today.”
The Lady giggled, approaching her husband and helping him with his armor, “some of the ladies of the court had very strong opinions about why the Prince’s wife hasn’t given him a child yet,” she pulled his gold cloak off, letting it fall on the floor, “of course, there must be something wrong with me, my womb must be cursed. But then one of them said that maybe it was the Rogue Prince’s fault, maybe he preferred his soldiers or whores to his wife. So I told them that my husband fucks me better than their fat husbands could ever do to them,” she moved closer, almost kissing her husband, “and I told them that if they ever spoke about my husband like that ever again I would feed them to Caraxes.”
Daemon faked a gasp, before smiling again, “I do not believe Caraxes would eat meat as rotten as theirs,” his wife giggled, pulling him down for a kiss. His hands moved from her waist to her thighs, slowly pulling her nightgown up, “now I must fuck my wife. Please be loud sweetling, so the cunts of the court can hear you.”
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“Daemon,” the Prince heard his brother call.
He turned around, bowing slightly, “yes, Your Grace.”
“I have urgent matters I need to discuss with you, brother,” Viserys headed into his study, so the two could have privacy.
“Did something happen? Is it my Lady?” The princes started worrying.
“No, no. Nothing happened. But this matter does involve your wife,” the king said, “Otto has brought to my attention that some members of the council are worried.”
The prince sat down, “worried about what?” He was already bored by the mention of Otto Hightower and the council.
“They worry you still don’t have an heir, you have been married long enough,” the King told his brother.
“I don’t give a fuck about what your council thinks.,” the Prince stood up, ready to leave.   
“People have been talking Daemon,” the King tried to reason with his brother.
“We are the blood of the dragon. I do not concern myself with the opinion of the common people,” Daemon said with fire in his voice.
“These are our people Daemon,” Viserys hoped his brother would understand. 
“Very well, you may tell your council that we did not have children because we do not wish for children yet,” the prince walked closer to his brother, “and I do not wish to share my wife yet, even with a child.”
“Gods be good,” the king whispered as he watched his brother’s back as he left the room.
The King had known talking to his brother would not work, but his council, especially Otto, had been adamant about the king talking to the prince. But what the king did not know is that he had given his brother an idea. Daemon Targaryen knew what he had to do, and suddenly the idea of his beautiful wife carrying their child did not seem so terrible.
The Prince strouted towards his chambers, he could not wait to see his wife again, and maybe when he told her the council she would threaten them herself.
“My dear wife, you look beautiful,” the prince said, walking into their shared chambers. The lady sat by her vanity, adorning herself with jewelry for the feast. 
The king was having a big feast for Queen Aemma’s name day, and as always Daemon’s wife dressed her part. Her house’s colors were long forgotten and a black dress with blood-red embroidery adorned her body. Daemon felt aroused seeing his wife in his House colors, her colors now.
“Thank you, husband,” she looked at her prince from the mirror, “how was your day?” She asked. Daemon walked closer to her, he took the hairbrush from the vanity, softly brushing her hair.
“Interesting,” the man started doing small braids on her hair, “I learned the council is rather concerned with our life. And that you need to threaten more people with Caraxes.”
“What do you mean?” She turned around so she could face her husband.
“Viserys approached me today, he told me his council is worried you have not given me a child yet,” the prince told her.
His lady now sported a suggestive smile on her face, “and what did you tell him?”
“I told him that I am not ready to share my beautiful wife just yet,” he knelt down in front of his wife, “but if it is what the people want,” the prince smirked, pulling his wife’s dress up to her thighs. 
“We must give them what they want,” she bent down, slipping her hand down her husband’s trousers. 
“You are a tease, my sweet,” the prince groaned, as she moved her hands.
“I am simply preparing you, husband. You need an heir, don’t you,” she moved her hand again, earning a moan from the prince.
“Then I must spill my seed inside of you wife,” Daemon moved his wife’s hand, getting to his feet. He placed his hands on his wife’s thighs, lifting her on top of the vanity.
“Before you can spill your seed, you must fuck me hard, my love,” she smirked. She pushed his trousers down, freeing his cock. 
“My dear…,” Deamon stopped himself, lifting his wife’s dress to her waist again, “... wife,” he groaned with pleasure as he slipped himself inside of her. 
“Fuck,” the Lady moaned, biting her husband’s shoulder as Daemon pounded her hard.
The prince was sure his wife had drawn blood from him, and that only made him more aroused and in love with his lady. Their shared chambers were filled with groans and moans. His Lady was as feral as the Rogue Prince, she marked his skin deep purple as he took her. Obscenities in both the common tongue and High Valyrian slipped out of the Prince’s mouth only made his Lady moan loader and bite harder. 
Daemon felt his wife clench around him, “I love you, my sweet.”
“I have missed you inside me, my Daemon,” she whispered as she felt herself getting close.
Hearing his wife calling him hers made his cock twitch inside of her, which only made the prince get rougher. The prince pulled his Lady’s hair, making her look into his face, “you will soon carry my heirs,” 
“Maybe that will show the ladies of the court who the Rogue Prince belongs to,” the prince gripped her thighs so hard he was sure his hand would be imprinted on them. Their moans grew louder as the two reached their highs together. 
The couple took their time to compose themselves, being careful not to waste Daemon’s seed and to make sure the lady’s dress was spotless.
The prince and his Lady walked into the Great Hall holding hands, the smile on their faces was brighter than the stars that shone in the sky. The King was happy to see his brother so happy, so pleased he decided to ignore the bruises and bites on his and his wife’s necks, something he knew he would hear about later on. 
As the Lady and her husband approached the high table, Viserys pulled his brother into a hug, “you are late,” the King pointed out, smiling at Daemon.
“I was making an heir,” Daemon smirked as he was sure the whole table had heard what he and his late were doing before the feast. 
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floatyflowers · 2 years
Dark Male! Rhaenyra Targaryen x Cousin Reader
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You are the daughter of Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce, making you the beloved cousin of the realm's delight, Rhaeger Targaryen.
There is no lie that the crown prince is enamored with you, and it is clearly shown everytime you visit Kingslanding.
You two would spend long periods together, flying on your dragons, mocking the ladies and lords of the court while eating lemon cakes.
Indeed, no one can deny the prince's infatuation with you.
Everything was going well, until your aunt Aemma died during childbirth, and your father got exiled.
Not only that but Rhaeger's father remarried to Lady Alicent Hightower, a girl, Rhaeger considered a dear friend.
Also your mother was found dead, it is said that Lady Royce fall off of her horse.
You ended up inheriting Runestone afterwards.
When the time came to marry, Rhaeger was forced to marry from House Velaryon for alliances, completely denied your hand in marriage.
However, his lady wife was unable to bear him children nor was she interested in him as her preferences lie with the same sex.
Rhaeger felt hopeless and bitter with everyone and everything, his succession to the throne is threatened until Daemon who returned back from his war at Stepstones.
His uncle suggests that he has children from another woman and passes them off as his and his lady wife's children.
Little did Daemon know, that the younger Targaryen prince would choose you to be the mother of his children.
Rhaeger's wife agreed to his plan, but you were hesitant at first.
"Please (Y/n), there is no one I can entrust with such a task except for you, dear cousin"
However, Rhaeger managed to convince you in the end by guilt-tripping you, agreeing to only give him a son.
But, you ended up giving him three sons.
Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey.
All three ended up inheriting your appearance, dark hair with purple eyes.
All are loved by their father, especially Lucerys who inherited your soft attitude.
Of course, rumors spiraled around the court about your children's legitimacy every time you visited.
Which made you decide to stop visiting, and continue residing at Runestone as its Lady even if staying away from your children hurt you.
Nevertheless, your departure didn't last for long as Rhaeger's wife 'dies'
Rhaeger rushes to Runestone, proposing that you both get married and return with him to Dragonstone where you two could raise your children in peace.
"Rhaeger... That's a wonderful proposal, I love our children truly, yet I only see you as a friend whom I helped in a time of need"
Yeah, the Targaryen prince didn't take kindly to your words.
Which resulted in him kidnapping you and marrying you against your will in the traditions of your house with your sons, Jace and Luke as witnesses.
Part Two
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“As their child grows up I think Daemon and Rhea will come to the unwanted realization that their child is the dangerous mix of both of them. And neither particularly likes that the other is so prominently ingrained in their child’s development. But that doesn’t make them care for their child any less, if anything it makes both of them want to further bring out their own behaviorism and tendencies out of their child.”
That’s true, their bby will probably become a legendary warrior and dragonrider once they’re older- as well the lord/lady of Runestone since they’re the only child and heir (and they’d rather keep it that way). But look at their parents and don’t think they aren’t raising another lord/lady/conquerer in their hands. They are their most treasured pride and joy after all.
But I think they’d be a mama’s bby for a brief time whenever Daemon has his quarrels with his brother and the council at King’s Landings. Rhea would be spoiling them while he does that and let’s not forget- she’d be shit talking about Daemon and how they’re the only good thing that came out of him.
And Daemon would definitely be lavishing them with expensive gifts alongside with a dragonrider saddle and tell them he’d happily them how to ride their dragon when it’s time someday. But he definitely takes them for rides on Caraxes often.
Since they move back and forth from King’s Landing and to the Vale, I can only imagine the tension increases between both parents. But what would happen if they’re darling we’re to get abducted for ransom? A temporal formed alliance just to get them back unharmed? Maybe. I think they would considerate for their bby sakes but decided ‘fuck that’ and decided to work separately with their own allies.
I can see Rhaenyra happy to have a playmate- even if they go and come back way too often. Because Rhea usually comes back on horse to King’s Landing pissed off with some Vale soldiers behind her to take back her bby because Daemon keeps taking them to king’s landing without her knowledge. At least she gets to be entertained by witnessing two parents verbally fighting over her favourite cousin as Viserys tries to meditate the situation but fails to proceed.
As for the three-headed dragon that hatched when their precious darling was a happy toddler; imagine if it became the next Balerion the Black Dread but much bigger. It’s clingy with the darling and let’s just say it keeps swatting everyone with it’s tail whenever they tried holding their future dragonrider. Daemon just gets offended at it while Rhea just angrily responds by setting back at the growing dragon before quickly taking her child.
Poor Darling is stuck in a hostile environment between two parents who detests each other and practically hovers over them 24/7. Not the most ideal life to live in but at least they get a dragon out of it. 😂
Oh yeah. Rhea and Dameon’s child would be the epitome of a fighter, even at a young age. You can’t tell me their child wasn’t beating the shit out of other kids or even adults for doing something that the Reader didn’t agree with. Unlike Daemon though, his child would have more of a moral code and honor to go by having been primarily raised by Rhea and House Royce/House Arryn in general. As much as both Daemon and Rhea adore their child, they’re both well aware of what their child can be capable of especially once they’re older. And with a dragon at their side, let alone a massive three-headed one at that, their child is able to up and leave whenever and to wherever with not much to stop them. The most that can be done is Daemon going after his child but even then he’d most likely turn it into a bonding adventure to spend with his bby and may very well never bring their child back to Rhea, choosing to instead take them to the free cities and reside there with them all to himself. And Rhea would absolutely go berserk if that were to ever happen. She would march to King’s Landing and demand that Viserys do something to get her child back and have Daemon never ever be able to interact with her bby again. Not that Viserys would go that far but he would feel obligated to bring the Reader home to their mother.
With all the quarreling and hostility between Rhea and Daemon, I could very well see Viserys having the Reader reside at King’s Landing where both their parents would have to come to visit them instead of having the Reader being pulled and forced to the Vale or wherever Daemon’s been staying. This would be the best thing for Rhaenyra to get to have her beloved cousin by her side for longer than usual. It may have even been due to Rhaenyra’s desperate want for her cousin to be closer or even Aemma’s concern over the hostile environment that the Reader was being brought up in on either side that really got Viserys to take some form of initiative. He may even think that if his brother’s child is at King’s Landing then it may get Daemon to behave or act accordingly, as if. If anything, Daemon may act out even more than before to show off for his kiddo and thus causing even more trouble than usual.
I wholeheartedly see Daemon and Rhea’s child being extremely close to their dragon. They do absolutely everything together while the dragon is still a small, and that doesn’t necessarily stop when the dragon continues to grow and grow bigger than any dragon seen before. If anything the dragon’s need for space outside of the Reader’s bedchambers or any dragon keep would only lead to more adventurous behavior on the Reader’s part. They would do anything to be close to their dragon, even if their mother vehemently forbids it. More often then not the entire Vale would be thrown into a frenzy when the Reader is no where to be seen only to be found cuddled up with their massive dragon who is so tenderly curled around them in a protective and comforting manner. The only thing is trying to bypass the dragon to get to the Reader, it certainly doesn’t help having all three heads glaring down their snouts at the party who’s come to retrieve its’ precious dragon rider just daring them to try and do something.
If anything were to ever happen to Daemon and Rhea’s child, there would be a consideration on both parts to work together but it wouldn’t last very long. If anyone is going to bring their bby home it was going to be them separately. But they wouldn’t even have to do much given that the Reader’s dragon would be the first one to find and reunite with them, causing absolute havoc and catastrophe in its wake trying to reach the side of it’s beloved rider again.
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humanpurposes · 9 months
We're Born At Night
Chapter 1
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Lady Rhaelle Targaryen of Runestone travels to King's Landing to plead for her sister's life, though the King she must bow to is a kinslayer three times over, and the very man who slaughtered her father
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Aemond Targaryen x Rhaelle Targaryen (OFC)
Warnings: 18+, eventual smut, politics, mentions of death and war
Words: 4.3k
A/n: a self-indulgent post-dance fic and I'm excited about it :)
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She rocks with the carriage as it rolls over the cobbled streets of King’s Landing. Bricks and tiles in dull shades of red, yellow and browns move past the window, and the air is thick with dust and all sorts of unpleasant smells. 
Her heart sinks at the absence of greenery, like the forests and fields that surround Runestone, the sounds of rivers and streams, the bright bursts of colour in the wildflowers. The Red Keep overlooks Blackwater Bay, she remembers that. She loved rising early to watch the sunrise, to see the waves glow red and gold. She loved going down to the beach below the castle to feel the warm summer sun on her face and dip her toes into the cold water.
It is autumn now. Grey clouds dull the sunlight and there is a chill in the air.
Daena sits opposite her, tugging at her sleeves and the collar of her travelling cloak. They are in matching gowns of dark green velvet, newly made for their visit to court; a cheap play for the King’s favour, but she needs all the help she can get. 
Her younger sister’s constant fussing is irritating, but Rhaelle cannot blame her.
“You look beautiful, my lady,” says Morra, Rhaelle’s handmaiden who sits beside her, a sharp and observant young woman.
Daena’s harshly violet eyes glare up at her. She gives a small huff and drops her arms into her lap. “I look better in red,” she says.
“Careless talk like that will cost you your tongue the moment we’re through the castle gates,” Rhaelle warns.
Daena tuts and turns her head towards the window. “What an awful place,” she says.
Rhaelle pulls back the thin curtain with the tip of her finger. Miserable faces, crowds of bodies, market stalls, bands of mummers, and an endless array of buildings pass her by. She has prayed to the old gods and the new that their visit to the Red Keep will be short, but that is wishful thinking and she has never been much of an optimist.
Ten years ago she had been hunting with her late mother’s cousin, Ser Gerold, when a raven appeared over the hills, headed for Runestone. It had filled her with an inexplicable dread and she could not understand why until she returned to the castle to learn of the death of Laena Velaryon, her step-mother. Daemon had summoned his eldest three daughters to Driftmark to see her laid to rest and mourn alongside two sisters they had never met. In a matter of days, Ser Laenor was dead too, Daemon had married Princess Rhaenyra on Dragonstone, and had plans for three more marriages.
Their oldest sister, Alyssa, and Prince Jacaerys were married at the Red Keep little more than a month later, she being sixteen and he a boy of ten. Baela was betrothed to Prince Lucerys, and Rhaelle was betrothed to Prince Joffrey, only a babe at the time.
While Rhaelle and Daera had returned to Runestone, Alyssa had remained at Dragonstone with her husband and so her fate had been sealed.
They come to a gatehouse made of red stone, where the banners of House Targaryen loom proudly over the walls and flutter in the breeze. The sight sparks a memory Rhaelle had forgotten she had, and suddenly it feels like she never left this place at all. Her family’s sigil, the three-headed dragon, should be more familiar to her than it really is. She finds more comfort in the colours of white and bronze, black pebbles and the ancient runes of her mother’s house.
She looks down at her own sleeves, at the runes embroidered into the cuffs with golden thread. The right reads the words of House Royce: We remember. On the left though, is a saying far older, so old that no one can truly say where it came from, only that it has been passed down in proverbs amongst those who carry the blood of the first men. Now they are written in books and scripture, carved onto tombs, whispered in prayers said before a weirwood, spoken to her by her mother: Learn to die.
Did those words pass the lips of Rhea Royce when she fell from her horse and cracked her head open on a rock? Did they echo through her mind when she lay in her bed, either unconscious or incoherent for nine days?
Does Alyssa utter them to herself in the darkness of the Black Cells?
The carriage comes to a stop. Rhaelle takes a deep breath, checks that her hair is neatly pinned back, that her gown sits right and that her boots are spotless. There can be no room for weakness here, not where people will judge every move she makes, note every word she says and stare into her eyes as if to read her very thoughts.
The door is opened for her and she steps out into the courtyard clutching the hand of one of her household guards.
Lord Corlys is waiting to greet them by the steps to the castle, dressed in fine robes of sea green and silver. On his collar she spots a gleam of gold, the pin that marks him as the Hand of the King. 
When she had last seen Lord Corlys he was the Seasnake, a naval hero who carved out his own legacy and built his seat of Hightide to fill with the trophies of his victories. Now Hightide is nothing more than ruins buried in ash and Lord Corlys is an old man leaning on a cane, with long silver locks, a thick white beard and a tired look in his eyes, the look of a man who has seen his last war. 
He offers her a small bow of his head. “Lady Rhaelle, what an honour it is to welcome you to the Red Keep.”
Daena follows her and greets Lord Corlys with a perfect curtsey. He smiles and notes how much they have changed since he last saw them, but they were girls then, young and sweet, only grieving their first loss.
Morra takes their travelling cloaks before Lord Corlys leads them inside, followed by their household guard. The halls are quiet and solemn, the colours she remembers from childhood somehow duller and she wonders if it is because she is older.
Eyes fall to the sisters easily and whispers echo wherever they walk. She hears a faint whisper of “traitor” as they come to the great stairwell in the very heart of the castle. She looks around her and above, up into the cavernous space overhead where faces peer down from balconies and galleries, made hazy by smoke and heat from the braziers.
Traitor, the accusation clings in her stomach and throat, until Daena’s hand gently wraps around her wrist and urges her to walk on. But perhaps the whispers are right. She is the daughter of a traitor, the sister of a traitor, perhaps it is in her blood and she cannot escape it.
They are shown to their chambers in the west wing of the castle. A small reception room joins two privy chambers and two bedchambers beyond that. It is a pity, she would have liked a room where she could see Blackwater Bay or the Kingswood to the south.
Her bedroom is a little smaller than her own bedchamber at Runestone, decorated with tapestries, furnishings and details in green, gold, red and black. She looks from the window, over the towering walls of Maegor’s Holdfast of her lavishly decorated prison, a thought which she immediately reprimands herself for. She will not allow herself such pity, not while her sister is a prisoner.
Alyssa had stayed by her husband’s side through the war, donned a widow’s veil when he fell in battle and decided that she would stay on Dragonstone when Rhaenyra took King’s Landing.
The war went on. Alyssa's letters stopped abruptly. Word came that the commonfolk had revolted against Rhaenyra, and her own betrothed, the boy Joffrey, was slain in the fighting.
Then came the raven from King Aegon. Rhaenyra was dead and their remaining siblings had been taken captive: Little Aegon, Baela, Rhaena, and Alyssa. She can still the words scrawled onto the parchment: “She has been treated with no unnecessary cruelty.”
Aegon wouldn’t have dared lay a hand on Baela and Rhaena, not with Lord Corlys on his small council. Alyssa had no such protection, not with their father rotting alongside the corpse of the dragon at the bottom of the God’s Eye.
And now the man who slaughtered him wears the crown.
Lord Corlys has invited her to dine with him, in his chambers in the Tower of the Hand. Daylight fades swiftly into twilight as she crosses the courtyard that her bedchamber overlooks, past the lowered drawbridge of the Holdfast. With winter approaching, the days are growing shorter.
A servant of Lord Corlys’ leads her up a single flight of stairs, through a reception room and into a small dining hall. The table is set with fine silverware and glass cups, lit by flickering flames of candles and a blazing hearth. Lord Corlys sits at the head of the table and rises to meet her. She offers him her hand, and he presses his lips to her knuckles.
“Is your sister not joining us, my lady?” he asks.
She smiles politely. Daena fears for Alyssa’s life as much as she does, but she is not meant for the delicacy of a negotiation.
Her place is set to his right and as she sits he pours her out a glass of wine. “From the Summer Isles,” he says. “I could never understand why anyone would bother with the stuff that comes from the Arbour.”
“We are lovers of ale and cider in the Vale,” Rhaelle says, “but I trust your taste, my Lord.”
They raise their glasses to each other and take small sips as two servants bring in plates of beef, bread and butter, and roasted vegetables. They move like shadows between the candlelight, their footsteps light, their movements gentle and unobtrusive. They are gone as quickly as they came.
When the door is shut, Lord Corlys leans forward with his elbows on the table and his hands clasped together. He says quietly, “I intend to put your matter to the King in the morning.”
Rhaelle places her glass down on the table, her hand lingering on the base. Sadness suddenly strikes her heart. “You mean you have not spoken to him at all?”
“I have told him you seek to improve your position, and the position of your younger sister, of which he has been supportive.”
“But what about the matters we have discussed?” she asks.
His eyes are distant, settled on nothing in particular. He reaches to take a roll of bread from the table, but he does not eat it, he simply places it on his plate. “Lady Alyssa is an admirable woman, truly. She reminds me much of Baela–”
“Not admirable enough for you to appeal on her behalf,” Rhaelle says sharply. “I only wish to see her returned to her home, to Runestone.”
“In the eyes of the King, she is a traitor to the realm. She challenged the true line of succession.”
“As did you,” she says, “at the start of the war, you pledged your support for Rhaenyra.”
“Aye, I did, for the good of my family, and the cost was great.”
“Greater than siding with those who killed your wife?”
Corlys looks to her with a grave expression. “And Aemond killed your father, but you have come to his court, in the hopes of lobbying him, to plead for his mercy and his favour.”
But that’s different, isn’t it? Her father was a rare presence at Runestone, his name hanging over her head like an unspoken secret. He did not come to lay his first wife to rest, but he had tried to claim her inheritance and had no difficulty condemning their daughter to a marriage that would tie her to a war.
“I just want my sister to be safe,” she utters.
“I want that too,” Lord Corlys says and she can almost believe him.
“When can I speak to him? When will he release her?”
He takes a slow breath. “We must approach this matter with caution,” he says, “and it will be worth your while. Many say Aemond is a far more reasonable man than his brother was.”
“You served them both. What do you have to say on Aemond’s reason?”
A sad look falls over his face. He looks the way he did the day his daughter was buried. “Aemond is just, in his own way, but the Targaryens have always ruled with fire and blood, and he is no exception.”
When she returns to her bedchamber, she finds Daena curled up on a chaise by the dying hearth. 
“She wished to see you after your dinner with Lord Corlys,” Morra mutters as Rhaelle fetches a blanket from the bed and drapes it over her sister. “It has been a tedious few months, and I do not doubt she is tired after the journey from Runestone.”
As a child, Rhaelle often wondered if she and her sisters had been born cursed. They had inherited nothing of their father’s looks save for his violet eyes; three Targaryen girls with dark curls and the stern face of their mother. Daena has always had a softness that she and Alyssa never had, a fuller face, a smaller nose, slight but pouted lips and large eyes. She looks like a doll, even in sleep.
She smooths her hand over Daena’s head, lightly so she will not disturb her, like she used to do when she was a babe. Daena makes a small humming noise in her chest but does not rouse.
She wishes her sister could rise from her sleep well rested, to a world where she would never know fear or uncertainty. Such a possibility seems close; in her heart she chases it like a hare, a flash of movement through a forest. She need only draw an arrow and strike her target.
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Rhaelle is awake before dawn. By the time Daena will have started to stir, Morra has her bathed, skin scrubbed with sugar and honey then scented with lavender oil, dressed, then adds the finishing touches to her hair. She takes the top half and braids it around Rhaelle’s head like a crown, the rest falling freely down her back. With no Queen, the ladies of the court are said to follow the fashions of Princess Rhaenyra and Queen Helaena. If she is to be a lady of Aemond’s court, a Targaryen, she must appear the part.
She breaks her fast in her privy chamber. Servants bring in jugs of cherry juice, bowls of sweet stewed oats, platters of blackberry tarts and slices of apple dusted with sugar and cinnamon. The sun rises over the courtyard and a pale shade of red shines through the window where the light reflects from the red stone of the Holdfast.
Daena bounces into the room like an excitable child and takes a blackberry tart before she has even taken a seat. She will need to work on her table manners before she dines before the King and his court, Rhaelle notes. Her hair has been brought into one thick braid that falls over her shoulder and her gown is black, like Rhaelle’s, but detailed with silver rather than gold. 
“What did Lord Corlys say to you last night?” she asks, following her pastry with a sip of cherry juice.
“He said that he means to put our cause to the King, and that we must employ patience.”
Daena scoffs, “patience?”
Rhaelle shares a pointed look with Morra, standing by the table. “We have no other choice,” she says, “and you will mind what you say, even in private, even when you think we are alone.”
“I thought the Master of Whispers had been put to death, or does Larys Strong still manage to spy on the Kingdom without a head?”
“And will you continue to slander the King if I find a smith to wrench out your tongue?”
Daena glares at her, then pouts her lips to stifle a giggle.
They finish their meal in relative peace and when they are done, Rhaelle is left with a pleasantly sharp sweetness on her tongue from the fruit. Morra adorns her with jewellery, all gold and set with rubies, a chain about her waist, earrings and a necklace. For the final touch she dabs tinted rosewater on her cheeks and lips.
“They say he’s terribly dull,” Daena says, patiently waiting her turn.
Rhaelle frowns at her through the mirror. “The King?”
“Tyland fucking Lannister– yes, the King.” 
Prince Joffrey had been far too young to be her escort to the wedding of Alyssa and Prince Jacaerys. Aegon was already betrothed to Helaena, and so on the day of the festivities Rhaelle had been presented with a sombre looking, silver-haired Prince. He frowned constantly, which she did not doubt had something to do with the cut through his left eye. The wound and his skin was red, held together with stitches. He often had his hands balled into fists, breathing deeply through his nose as though he was in pain. He tried to talk to her about his studies, and asked her about the histories of Runestone and House Royce. He led her through one dance after dinner before he retreated to his chambers. She had despaired with Alyssa the next day that she hadn’t been allowed to be escorted by any other young man of the court. That boy is a man now, and a kinslayer thrice over.
“Better a dull King than a drunk King, I suppose,” she says quietly.
“Who’s a slanderer now?” Daena says with a wicked smile. 
There are less clouds in the sky this morning. Sunlight bleeds through tall windows and floods the halls of the castle. It is more lively now, servants hurry about with baskets of food and fresh linens, men and women in all their finery walk through courtyards and galleries, though most are gathering at the throne room.
Rhaelle and Daena stay arm in arm, until they reach the entrance hall and the great oak doors that lead into the great hall.
“These carvings are new,” Rhaelle wonders aloud. The stone is cleaner here than it is in the rest of the castle, images of dragons carved into walls, pillars and archways. 
She hears the ominous hum of voices on the other side of the doors. She can picture them, the staring faces like a pack of wolves eager to sink their teeth and claws into the daughters of Daemon Targaryen.
And she can picture the Iron Throne, where her uncle once sat with the golden crown of the Consolidator atop his head.
Daena leans in close to Rhaelle’s ear, tightening her hold on her arm. “But he was a dragonrider, and a warrior, surely he cannot be so dull.”
She tries to imagine that boy from the wedding feast, his serious expression, his round little face, a single sad blue eye darting around the hall. Then she imagines a killer, a bloodthirsty monster with fangs for teeth and talons for hands. She cannot place them in the same body.
“They say he has a sapphire set in the empty socket, but that he wears an eyepatch so as not to frighten the ladies at court.”
She has heard of this story, like Ser Symeon star eyes. “How considerate of him,” Rhaelle adds, glancing over her shoulder but no one seems to have heard them. She clenches her jaw and takes slow, steady breaths in the hopes that it will calm her nerves, just enough to get through this ordeal.
“I wonder if he is handsome?” Daena adds.
He’ll be wearing the Conqueror’s Crown, Valyrian steel and set with square rubies, the same worn by his brother, by Maegor the Cruel. She has only seen it in history books.
“There were awful rumours about Aegon, but he has his own now, doesn’t he?”
He will surely have Blackfyre by his side too, unless he managed to claim Dark Sister from their father’s hands once he was slain. Would he take it as a trophy of war? The thought makes her stomach churn.
“The Harrenhal whore,” Daena hisses.
This tale she is also familiar with. Aemond had marched to Harrenhal and left King’s Landing undefended. When he arrived at that cursed castle and heard the news that he had lost the capital, he slaughtered all of House Strong for treachery, save for a bastard woman, some kind of servant who he took as a bedmate. “He made her Lady of Harrenhal,” she adds, much to the ire of the realm’s Lords.
"A generous patron then," Daena chuckles, and then she falters. She lowers her voice even further till it is scarcely a breath against Rhaelle’s ear. “Will he kill Alyssa too?”
A familiar feeling of fear strikes her in her chest, squeezing on her heart and lungs. She can make no promises, not before she hears the sound of wood creaking as the doors are swung open and the voice of Ser Willis Fell calls, “Lady Rhaelle Targaryen of Runestone, and her sister, Lady Daena Targaryen!”
She drops Daena’s hand on instinct and takes a step before her like a sworn shield. The hungry faces stare up at them but she looks ahead, to the Iron Throne, to the man who sits amongst the mass of swords.
He is too distant for her to make out the details of his face, but they become clearer as she walks through the hall. If there are any whispers of “traitor,” she does not hear them.
The crown sits proudly upon his head of silver hair, long enough to pass his shoulders and fall to his chest. He is dressed all in black with no other distinguishable colours other than the silver buckles on his jerkin, and wears an eyepatch over the left side of his face.
She stops at the base of the steps leading up to the throne, knowing Daena is lingering behind her. Now she sees more of him, the line of his scar, the sharp angles of his face, his jaw, his cheeks, his nose. Most of all her attention is drawn to his mouth, to the curve of his lips, the way they settle in an expression that could almost be amused, were it not for the look of fury and hunger in his remaining eye, which is violet, like her father’s, like hers.
Lord Corlys stands by his side, but she keeps her eyes on the King and curtseys as deeply as she can. She feels her legs trembling under her skirt, her hands shaking by her sides no matter how she wills them to stop. Aemond stares at her all the while, not sparing a glance for Daena who will be following her lead.
“My King,” she says, only to find her jaw is trembling too. She dare not take her eyes from Aemond, should he take it as a sign of weakness. 
She knows the words she must say, Lord Corlys had been very specific, but there’s a thick feeling in her throat, a reluctance that she never had before, now that Aemond’s one eye is boring into her very soul.
She allows herself a breath. “My King, my sister and I have come to renounce the pretender, Rhaenyra, and all those who supported her treason, including our late father–” her eyes fall to the ground before she can stop herself. 
“You have come to ask something of me, cousin?” Aemond says. His voice, hauntingly gentle, draws her eyes back up to him.
“We have come to beg your forgiveness, and pledge our undying love and fealty to you,” she bows her head once more, “the one true King.”
Relief lifts a weight from her body but fear creeps under her skin like a fever, burning and chilling all at once. Murmurs fill the air and she hears Daena let out an exhale of breath, further away than she had expected her to be.
She keeps her head down as she sees movement in front of her, as the murmurs die down and the sound of tauntingly slow footsteps approach her where she kneels.
“Rise, my Lady,” Aemond says. 
She does as she is instructed, straightens her body, her neck, and the last thing she lifts is her gaze.
There is something sinister in the intensity of his eye as it moves about her face, the care he takes in reaching for her hand and pressing an achingly light kiss to it that lingers on her skin, but then he does not let her go. He holds his hand firmly over hers as if to keep his kiss there. “You shall be an honoured guest in my court, Lady Rhaelle.”
She cannot tell if this is kindness or a butcher calming a lamb before the slaughter.
He goes to Daena and kisses her hand, but he does not hold her the way he did Rhaelle.
“Those of my blood who are loyal shall always have a place at my court,” he says to the hall and is met with a cautious applause. 
Rhaelle meets Daena’s eye as they turn to face the crowd. Her sister frowns innocently, wide eyes begging for an explanation. Why should they trust him? Why should they have to appeal to him when they played no part in the war, when they did not challenge his brother’s inheritance? Why should they beg for forgiveness from a kinslayer King?
Aemond looks over his subjects with his head held high and his hands behind his back. He carries no sword, just a knife tucked in on his right hip. He does not regard his people with the warmth of King Viserys, instead he watches them like he’s looking for fear, like he thrives in it.
And he is so utterly captivating.
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Series taglist: @adragonprinceswhore @persephonerinyes @gemini-mama @aemondzyrys @snh96 @magnificentdelusionr
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miiroki · 15 days
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𝘿𝙖𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙣 𝙏𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙖𝙧𝙮𝙚𝙣 & 𝙣𝙞𝙚𝙘𝙚! 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧/𝙤𝙘
𝘏𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘤𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘢 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘩 𝘢𝘪𝘳. 𝘏𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘥𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘵 𝘙𝘶𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘦. 𝘍𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘨 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘴 11𝘵𝘩 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥.
Warning: targcest, (niece and uncle) 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
one: ✶ two: ✶
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Prince Daemon Targaryen, Lord of Flea Bottom, as he was now deemed in hushed tones had nothing on his mind except his marriage with Lady Rhea Royce.
He had thrown quite the fit when it was announced, his own brother had agreed with the marriage, which lead to the eventual ceremony.
Daemons own grandmother, Alysanne, had arranged the two to wed, others in the council nodded at the offer. The Royce’s were the second most powerful house in Vale, on paper it was a good match for a prince who was second born and wasn’t sent to inherit anything.
But the others had neglected one crucial detail. Daemon Targaryen was vicious, and only marched to the beat of his drum.
Having been wed to an intolerably plain women that bored him was terrible, not being able to return to Kings Landing whenever to visit with his sweet niece had irked him, Runestone felt like exile.
Above all else his bride was not of Valaryen descent, even if Rhea bore children, it’s likely that they would never become dragon riders. To Daemon being wed to a women of brown hair, akin to horse shit, dark emotionless eyes, and that dull bronze armour, had to be the most humiliating action that had ever been done to him.
Daemon had finally been able to return to Kings Landing, where they would celebrate his nieces 11th name day.
Rhaella had written to him non-stop. Their were times where he had just finished his reply before another one of her letters had come again.
It’s sure that she has grown into a lovely girl, a flower with no thorns. The girl was gentle to even the roughest thugs for goodness sake.
Daemon had not held back and gotten her more things than any child should own, but it was his wonderful niece. She was no ordinary child.
“Kepa!” Fathers Brother
As soon as Caraxes had situated himself on the the ground, Daemon slid off his the wyrms wings and had leaned down, opening his arms towards his niece.
The young girl was dressed in frills and lace, she looked like a cake. Rhaella jumped into his arms and tried to embrace his neck.
“Lēkianna” Child of the older brother
Daemon embraced the girl in his end, tensing and crossing his arms across her back, as if she’d fly away as soon as he relaxed. He untucked her from his chest and pecked her forehead.
“Eman missed ao tolī olvie” I have missed you to much
He whispered in her hair, and slowly caressed the now messy silver locks.
Soft. Her scent had mixed with that of the Dragons den, like smoke, citrus and flowers, and something else he cannot name.
Rhaella squirmed into the crook of his neck and giggled. “You’ve gotten larger uncle. Mayhaps Caraxes will have a harder time riding with you”
He chuckled back, moving his arms to end at her waist, tickling her in the process.
Rhaella laughed uncontrollably while flailing in her uncles hold.
“You’ve gotten cheekier with no one to test you I see”
Rhaella didn’t listen and continued to climb all over his chest, finding herself on his shoulders, with Daemon having a strong hold on her legs.
Rhaella’s name day celebration was well underway, many lords of the area had attended and brought gifts, ranging from jewel encrusted jewelry, to soft animal shaped pilwe.
The young lady of the hour had last been seen with her twin sister talking to other young maidens from distinguished houses.
Currently she was no where to be found.
On a grassy hillside, the pair of Daemon and Rhaella had escaped the roaring festivities. Viserys had always liked his feasts.
Rhaella had come up to Daemon and requested for him to take her away from the all the ‘scary people’, as she put it.
He had taken Caraxes out of his den and flew to a small grassy Island littered with wild flowers.
Rhaella had been entertaining herself by sticking flowers of all shapes and sizes into Daemons hair. The silver locks now filled with blues and yellows. His back was facing her as he lounged on the grass.
“You look prettier like this Kepa” Rhaella muttered in a hushed tone, her fingers desperately trying to keep the red flower from falling off his head.
“Are you saying your uncle is not attractive?”
“Noo” Rhaella gasped and encircled her small arms around his neck once more.
Daemon chuckled and slowly stood from his spot, dragging Rhaella up in the process.
“We should return, the people would be devastated if the young princess was to run away with her uncle” He carried her, pressing her small body into his tuniced chest.
“I refuse!” She grumbled into his clothes, gripping onto the maroon leather.
“You mustn’t sweetling”
“But I should”
“Stop it” Daemon taunted, reaching Caraxes who was enjoying the sun.
Rhaella sighed for the seemingly thousandth time, and continued to bury herself into her uncles body. “If I must you must also stay”
Daemon peered down at the young girl, her ears were red with embarrassment, and warm to the touch.
“As the young princess wishes of me” He laughed, earning smacks from the girl.
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