tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Housing Contest 5 - A House With a Story: @dominette’s  House of the Silent Magnifico
Player: @dominette
House: House of the Silent Magnifico
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Housing Contest 5 - A House With a Story: “Predator“
Player: @GarYin
House: Bouldertree Refuge
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Housing Contest 5 - A House With a Story: “Once upon a time...“
Player: @futerko
House: The Ample Domicile
"This is chocolate!" gasped Hansel as he broke a lump of plaster from the wall. "And this is icing!" exclaimed Gretel, putting another piece of wall in her mouth. Starving but delighted, the children began to eat pieces of candy broken off the cottage.
"Isn't this delicious?" said Gretel, with her mouth full. " She had never tasted anything so nice. "We'll stay here," Hansel declared, munching a bit of nougat. They were just about to try a piece of the biscuit door when it quietly swung open. 
"Well, well" said an old woman, peering out with a crafty look. "And haven't you children a sweet tooth? Come in! Come in, you've nothing to fear!"
- Brothers Grimm”
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Housing Contest 5 - A House With a Story: “Mystery Meat”
Player: @awesomesaws9
House: Humblemud
“Here at the Tipsy Flytrap eating establishment, there is no shortage of food. It's not always easy to find meat in Bal Foyen, but at this eatery there seems to be endless supply. Who knows where they get the meat? It's definitely not people, so don't ask.”
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Housing Contest 5 - A House With a Story: “A Fall from Grace“
Player: @Biuejay
House: Ald Velothi Harbor House
“The tragedy of Tamriel's infamous pioneer of genetics' alteration turned mad by the ever-increasing expectations.” Read full story: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17FYnB4bU57IHFa5zrV5rZocxd_m4LmDa/view?usp=sharing
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Housing Contest 5 - A House With a Story: “Solace in Insanity”
Player: @Skiddlebunz
House: Sleek Creek House
When Zjharro-Dar lost the love of his life, he was left with a big void to fill. Yet no adventure, loot or knowledge could fill it. Slowly he sank into desperation. When profanity, skooma and alcohol could still not sate him, a stranger came to meddle. 
The god of madness, enjoying the view of such misery, offered a bargain. A potion, a transformation, a future without misery. Zjharro-Dar was no longer brave enough to face the void in his life. He felt perhaps there was a future in this bargain, perhaps there was solace in insanity.”
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Housing Contest 5 - A House With a Story: @Gune’s Mournoth Keep
Player: @Gune
House: Mournoth Keep
Act I (Strife) Two families are at war with each other. Two youngsters, Renoit and Lillia have managed to find love amidst all the warring, but their families certainly do not approve!
Act II (The Wedding) What a joyous occasion! Preparations are being made for a wedding! The family crests of the soon to be married couple are all over. But wait, the family crests of our lovers are colored blue and yellow and the wedding colors are red and yellow. Maybe it is less of a joyous occasion than thought...
Upstairs, Lillia is still in bed after a secret, nightly meeting with her lover. Her mother is telling her to fit her wedding dress, because a good match has been made for her. Outside Lillia's room Renoit is climbing down the balcony after the meeting with Lillia.
Act III (The End) A plan was hatched to get Renoit and Lillia together. Lillia would take a potion to appear dead, so Renoit could come get her later. But Lillia's letter explaining the plan never reached Renoit and he only got the news of Lillia's demise. 
Overcome with grief he rushed to the mausoleum her family erected for her and upon seeing her dead in the sarcophagus takes poison to join her for eternity. Shortly after, Lillia wakes up and sees Renoit lying dead. Overcome with grief she stabs herself in her heart.
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Housing Contest 5 - A House With a Story: “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs“
Player: @Bluesafron
House: Cyrodilic Jungle House
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Housing Contest 5 - A House With a Story: @perdita’s Gorinir Estate
Player: @perdita
House: The Gorinir Estate
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Housing Contest 5 - A House With a Story: @moonsister’s Twin Arches
Player: @moonsister
House: Twin Arches
There is a house near Hallin´s Stand that is said to be haunted. Former livestock is roaming the place but no person has been seen walking in for as long as anyone can think. Yet blue light shines over the walls and a terrible moaning sound can be heard when you get close. 
Many have tried to rob the place but only one thing has ever been brought back: A letter. 
“From the moment I first laid eyes on you, that day when you saved me from being sacrificed in that dreadful dungeon, I fell in love. Like a thunderstorm made flesh you fell on your enemies and you were the most beautiful and terrible thing to behold. 
The journey we had made our hearts grow into one, every adventure we had, every monster we have slain giving substance to a bond so loyal and strong that not even time will ever break it. Your heart has always been as fierce in its love and anger as the magic you wield, raining destruction on your opponents yet also bringing life to this barren place of my ancestors.
I swear this to you, my love, and to those that came before me: I promise to stay at your side, in joy and pain, in hunger and hardship. To cherish what we became and built together. I promise to protect you and what is ours, in life and beyond, as your magic has protected me countless times.
My sword arm shall for ever be yours to rely on and my heart shall be yours for all ages to come. Wait for me, love, when you pass on before me. I promise, I will find you.”
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Housing Contest 5 - A House With a Story: “Clavicus' Wedding"
Player: @draugael
House: Exorcised Coven Cottage
“You will discover the story of a sad high elf and his broken heart.”
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Housing Contest 5 - A House With a Story: “War on the Home Front“
Player: @Cyrinaty
House: Amaya Lake Lodge
“A story that shows the devastating impacts of war in Tamriel, told from an ordinary family's perspective. A man and woman enjoy a pick nick together on a small hillside. The man confesses his love to the woman and proposes. The couple have a beautiful small wedding with family and friends.
They then decide to start a family together and a new member is introduced. A boy! Their life together is simple yet content until the alliance war reaches their hometown. The town is attacked by an opposing alliance. Homes are burnt down and town folks are slaughtered. Many lives are lost including the boy’s parents.
The boy is then sent off to an orphanage. He has lost his family and his home. All he has left is a memento of what he once had, his favorite toy.”
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Housing Contest 5 - A House With a Story: @Silvervind’s Erstwhile Sanctuary
Player: @Silvervind
House: The Erstwhile Sanctuary
“A group of five people entered into a cave and encountered Sheogorath ending up in one of his games;  as the group accepted his offer, they went through several turns where they needed to select a choice. 
As each turn progressed every member of the group made their own choices, regardless on various scenarios one of them disappeared they decided to distinguish the choice they made based on two signs: “ X ” and “ I “ .
Arriving on the last turn, the game ended with only one person remained and noticing a similar gate which the group used to enter in the cave; Beyond the gate the natural light of Tamriel was visible, as soon he stepped into it the game ended and there he stood alone observing a nearby waterfall, wondering the reason the group entered into the cave and accepted Sheogorath’s offer in first place.”
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Housing Contest 5 - A House With a Story: @Lotlurien’s Aumn’s-Gate
Player: @Lotlurien
House: Autumn’s-Gate
“When our nord protagonist was child he was an orphan, but was then cared by an orc couple. They lived in this house as a happy family. When our protagonist reached adulthood, he was recruited into the army. The protagonist was brave and honest, but had warm blood. The protagonist was on the duty for a couple of years, but stayed in touch with his parents. But a time came when letters from his parents stopped coming. It took time to arrange so that he could leave the army.  And when he came home for visit, he found out that in his house there were bandits there, and that they had murdered his orc parents.
Protagonist returned again with his friend and killed the bandits. Both of them were badly injured by poisonous blade during the battle, however. Our protagonist wanted to revenge his parents, but he couldn't find the leader of the bandits that was responsible of their murder. In the army our protagonist had met with various people and with someone who had told him about daedric gods.
He remembered a story about dread father, dark brotherhood and Sithis. After our protagonist and his friend buried his parents, his friend died in his arms, by choosing a quick death over the slow and painful poison lingering in his body. Our protagonist himself was able to perform the black sacrament to avenge his family, and then he died soon after.”
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Housing Contest 5 - A House With a Story: @Shauriel’s Stay-Moist Mansion
Player: @Shauriel
House: Stay-Moist Mansion
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tamrielhomes · 5 years
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Housing Contest 5 - A House With a Story: “Ayleids and Demons”
Player: @Jackthegreat666
House: Coldharbour Surreal Estate
“When Delodiil now known as 'the Hollow city' was pushed by Meridia into Coldharbour in 1E 484, its outpost fort, Castle Meridius got stuck on a small isolated pocket plane near Coldharbour between the realms of Oblivion.
The Ayleid Knights that worshiped Meridia, who were resident in the castle at the time, were cut off from food and supplies. Half died from starvation. The survivors, fortunately, first met the Daedric prince Azura who found entry through her realm inside their Temple. She agreed to help the residents supplying food in exchange for their worship and trade. Meridia, her ally at the time, heard of this also agreed and soon gained access as well. 
The plane found itself with portals opening from the other oblivion realms outside the castle walls, with one by one the other x15 major daedric princes finding points of entry from their realms. The daedric alliances of the time, who had long been in perpetual conflict with each other, became able to access the castle. 
The Ayleid warriors with the help of Azura and Meridia got the daedric representatives to talk with one another in the castle to try end the war between them. They negotiated peace between all the daedric alliances except for Molag Bal and his allies at the time.
A great danger came when Molag Bal and his allies including Mehrunes Dagon, Vermina, Nocturnal and Hircine, in their desire to continue their war, decided to attack the castle from their realms. They were defeated by the Ayleid Knights and lights of Meridia which blinded and burnt the attackers around their portals. 
A peace was made allowing the Ayleids to leave the castle grounds and return to their families in the Hollow City. The Ayleid Knights of Meridia would eventually become part of the Soul Shriven in Coldharbour.”
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