#how come nobody is posting about her fashion
sleaterkinnie · 11 months
some of you self proclaimed punks seem to forget that the entire basis of punk and the punk ideology is the rights of the working class. the punk fashion of jeans and boots and leather is literally from the workers. because those are clothes you wear To Work when you work blue collar jobs. DIY ethics is from creating and working with what you cannot buy or do. safety pin piercings and patches and duct tape on clothing and making your own clothes and doing your own hair was not exclusively to fuck the man or whatever. these people were POOR. class consciousness is such an integral part of the punk ideology and it's so frustrating to me watching punk come back with nobody feeling any type of urge at all to understand class divisions at all. ive seen one too many posts about how taylor swifts music is actually punk because being punk is about liking whatever you like. no it fucking isn't. what has she ever done to inform or speak on the issues of the working class bro never 😭😭 her ass is in a private jet polluting the planet and is one of the richest artists in the entire world. i can't even begin to tell you how NOT punk that is. respectfully you are not punk. you are posers. we need to bring that word back because that's what it means when you dress a certain way and call yourself a certain subculture without engaging in anything that has to do with it. nobody is "gatekeeping" you're literally just a poser figure it out
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hotvintagepoll · 27 days
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Eartha Kitt (Anna Lucasta, St. Louis Blues)—My friend and I have a saying: NOBODY is Eartha Kitt. A thousand have tried, and they've all come up empty and will continue to do so. Everyone knows her for something: from "Santa Baby" to Yzma in Emperor's New Groove to Catwoman to making Lady Bird Johnson cry for the Vietnam War. She was a master of comedy and sex, an extremely vocal activist, and she aged like fine wine... I honestly don't know what I can say about her that hasn't already been said, so I'll stick to linking all my propaganda. Like what else do you want from me. She was iconic at everything she ever did. Literally name another. How can anyone even think of her and not want to absolutely drown?
Audrey Hepburn (My Fair Lady, Sabrina, Roman Holiday)—I know people nowadays are probably sick of seeing her with all the beauty and fashion merch around that depicts her and/or Marilyn Monroe but she is considered a classic Hollywood beauty for a reason. Ironically in her day she was more of the alternative beauty when compared to many of her contemporaries. She always came off with such elegance and grace, and she was so charming. Apparently she was a delight to work with considering how many of her co-stars had wonderful things to say about her. Outside of her beauty and acting ability she was immensely kind. She helped raise funds for the Dutch resistance during WWII by putting on underground dance performances as well as volunteering at hospitals and other small things to help the resistance. During her Hollywood career and later years she worked with UNICEF a lot. Just an all around beautiful person both inside and out.
We are in the quarterfinals of the Hot & Vintage Movie Women Tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Propaganda is not my own and is on a submission basis. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Eartha Kitt:
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"A hot vintage woman who was not just known for her voice, beauty, poise, and presence, but also her unapologetic ways of speaking about how she was mistreated in the show business as a girl who grew up on cotton fields in South Carolina in the 1930s through the 1940s coming to Broadway first and then Hollywood."
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"Have you watched her sing?? Have you seen her face?? Have you heard her talk?? How could you not fall instantly in love. She makes me incoherent with how hot she is."
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"She can ACT she can SING she can speak FOUR LANGUAGES she is a GODDESS!!! Although she is (rightfully) remembered for her singing, TV appearances (Catwoman my beloved), and later film roles, her early appearances in film are no less impressive or noteworthy!! She’s an amazing actress with so much charisma in every role. She was also blacklisted from Hollywood for 10 years for criticizing the Johnson administration/Vietnam War, so. Iconic. Also Orson Welles apparently called her “the most exciting woman in the world.”
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"She had such a stunning, remarkable appearance, like she could tear you to shreds with just a glance- but the most undeniable part of her hotness was her voice, and it makes sense that it's what most people nowadays know her for. Nothing encapsulates the sheer magnetism of her singing better than this clip of her and Nat King Cole in St. Louis Blues, she pops in at 2:49. Also I know it's post-1970 but her song that was cut from Emperor's New Groove is likely to make you feel Feelings."
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"Even with as racist as Hollywood was in the 1950s and 60s, Eartha Kitt STILL managed to have a thriving career. She also once had a threesome with Paul Newman and James Dean, and called out LBJ over the Vietnam War so hard that it made First Lady Johnson cry. Eartha Kitt was talented, sexy, and a total badass activist."
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Audrey Hepburn:
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"She may be a wispy, thin little thing, but when you see that girl, you know you're really in the presence of something. In that league there's only ever been Garbo, and the other Hepburn, and maybe Bergman. It's a rare quality, but boy, do you know when you've found it." - Billy Wilder
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Raised money for the resistance in nazi occupied Hungary. Became a humanitarian after retiring. Two very sexy things to do! [editor's note: not Hungary; Audrey was involved with the Dutch resistance. Source.]
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"It’s as if she dropped out of the sky into the ’50s, half wood-nymph, half princess, and then disappeared in her golden coach, wearing her glass slippers and leaving no footprints." - Molly Haskell
"All I want for Christmas is to make another movie with Audrey Hepburn." - Cary Grant
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where to begin......... i wont her so bad. i literally dont know what to say.
My dude. The big doe eyes, the cheekbones, the voice. The flawless way she carried herself. She was never in a movie where she wasn't drop dead gorgeous. Oh, also the fact she raised funds against the Nazis doing BALLET and she won the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her humanitarian work.
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Growing up, Audrey Hepburn desperately wanting to be a professional ballerina, but she was starved during WWII and couldn't pursue her dream due to the effects of malnourishment. After she was cast in Roman Holiday, she skyrocketed to fame, and appeared in classics like My Fair Lady and Breakfast at Tiffany's. She's gorgeous, and mixes humor and class in all of her performances. After the majority of her acting career came to close, she became a UNICEF ambassador.
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No one could wear clothes in this era like she could. She was every major designer's favorite star and as such her films are time capsules of high fashion at the time. But beyond that, she had such an elegance in her screen presence that belied a broad range of ability. From a naive princess, to a confused widow, to a loving and mischievous daughter, she could play it all.
Look at that woman's neck. Don't you want to bite it?
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partycatty · 6 months
i need more dark star johnny IF U CAN 🙏🙏
or! therapy <3
dark star!johnny cage > nobody else
expanding on this post, specifically when i mention how unfair he is regarding attention from others
warnings: again, abusive relationship. johnny being annoying. smut w degradation and sadism (not explicitly consented to)
notes: guys i'm starting to think we can't fix him...
masterlist &lt;3
part 1*/ part 3* / part 4* / part 5* / part 6*
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•dark star!johnny cage, as previously mentioned, loves having you hang off of his arm like a pretty handbag. you're his accessory on the red carpet and he prefers to keep it that way. he'll strut and pose while you stand behind him and look pretty.
•you guys are getting ready for the red carpet event that leads into a cast interview for ninja mime 3.
•"i can't have you looking too good, sugar. you'll take all the attention." he says as you twirl around in your fancy dress, one that's sure to match his outfit. when you guys are in public, you need to match. it's like his only requirement. it's not a hard task either, since this man's wardrobe is DIVERSE. he's got that stupid coat in all colors
•god that coat is so stupid and dumb and oversized he's such a cornball but GOD DO YOU LOVE FUCKING HIM WHILE HE KEEPS IT ON LMFAO SORRY ANYWAY
•johnny's hand rests confidently on the small of your back, though he's doing it to guide you rather than comfort you. he discreetly uses it to move you along, but stops in his tracks at a young girl holding an MTV labeled microphone. she looks to be about nineteen, maybe twenty. she smiles, batting her lashes at your boyfriend and pays minimal attention to you.
•i should say, you have your chunk of fame, but it's from being johnny's girlfriend. only his real fans know your name. it's always been "johnny and his latest fling," "cage's match," "johnny and that one girl." this was fine with you. your boyfriend would prefer it that way.
•back to the girl, though. she stands, a little nervously on the carpet waiting to catch actors, and ended up scoring the lead star. she introduces herself and opens by saying she won an MTV raffle to interview celebrities on the red carpet. she's awkward, but her smile is bright and her body is defined under her little dress.
•johnny makes an obvious effort at showing his interest in her, lowering his sunglasses down his nose and drinking in her view top to bottom and back again. you can't argue back. you won't argue back. not in public. smiling a sweet smile, your fingernails dig into your palms.
•"aren't you the cutest little thing?" johnny says, grabbing her face and leaning in close. "could just eat you up." and the girl almost collapses at his advance, knees buckling as she anxiously reads through the bland interview questions. johnny smirks that classic smirk and answers in his typical fashion, referring to himself as "sexy face" and "the boom" as he rambles on and on about how much work it takes to be as perfect as he is.
•as he's enamored with this complete stranger, you feel a hand on your bare shoulder. you spin around and see one of johnny's co-stars! he greets you with a grin and says you look great, putting a hand on your arm to show his sincerity. it feels warm, it feels genuine. for a moment, it feels better than the love that johnny gives you, if you could even call it that.
•the thoughts are abruptly ejected from your mind when johnny reaches across from you and grabs a fistful of the co-star's dress shirt, holding him in place. honestly, this man probably looks like a peacock rn, showing off his feathers by standing tall and wearing that dumb blue coat. sillies aside, the co-star immediately tenses up and puts his arms up in a surrender pose. johnny pauses and looks around, people are horrified at the sight and what could've come of it. his eyes lead to you, and he groans to himself, releasing the other man and grabbing your wrist, not hard enough to raise eyebrows but enough to tell you he was fuming. his giant sunglasses conceal his furrowed brows and glaring eyes. if there's one thing he'd save, it'd be his reputation. the last thing he wants is an assault charge on a co-star, so who better to take it out on than his girlfriend?
•johnny pulls you away from the cameras and ogling eyes, slamming the door to the women's bathroom and locking it. almost immediately, he's towering over you, holding you by your shoulder against the door and pointing in your face with the other.
•"you're a fucking whore," he says with a nasty tone. "you enjoy getting men's attention, don't you? you just love pissing me off." he grabs your face, squishing your cheeks but it's nowhere near a cute gesture. "who do you belong to?"
•"you—" you muffle out, afraid to look at him when he gets like this. the sunglasses make it easier. that is, until he tucks them into the collar of his shirt to get a better look at you. his eyes are animalistic, wildly infuriated that you even bothered to give another man a smithereen of attention. "i belong to—"
•SMACK. johnny backhands you, the ring sending a nasty red streak across your face. you whimper, legs weakening. it's just a damn shame you're a masochist, huh?
•"speak up," he commands, now caressing that part of your face. "i'm only asking one more time. who do you belong to?"
•like some kind of sick and twisted game, johnny's hand lifts one of your legs, holding it up by your thigh. before you'd get the chance to use your voice properly, his hand expertly lifts up your skirt enough to swipe two fingers across your shamefully wet panties. you yelp out and grab hold of his sleeves to stabilize yourself. he chuckles breathily, momentarily forgetting to be angry.
•he watches your face contort as he applies pressure with two rough fingers on your pulsating clit. it's like he's trying to make responding difficult. you put a hand over your mouth to muffle your noises of protest, but johnny removes your hand and pins it above your head. he uses his legs to divide yours, the closeness now intoxicating with his expensive cologne. you can feel his hot, hard cock on your thigh, but we'll get to that later.
•"not... not here–" you try to protest, but end up involuntarily moving your hips to relieve the pressure he's putting on your clit. johnny, still mad but now also amused, leans into your ear.
•"you wanna be a whore? i'm gonna make you one, whether you like it or not."
•johnny removes his hand from your panties and admires the shine on the pads of his fingers. he chuckles and forces them into your mouth, which you lick reluctantly, looking downward.
•"eyes on the prize," he purrs, making you look up at him through your lashes.
•"i'm sorry," you mumble out, a trail of saliva from his fingers dribbling down your lips when he pulls them away. "i belong to you, sir."
•"fuckin' prove it then," he replies in a deep grumble, one his other hand to push you to your knees by your neck and the other fumbling with his stupidly large belt. his cock springs free, and you swear that thing is never not hard. homeboy's probably gettin ED at 39.
•both good and bad johnny strike me as a 7.5 incher, cut with a pink tip and a slight curve. and yes, he waxes. of course he waxes, have you looked at the fucker?
•should also mention, when it comes to sex, he is entirely focused on himself. very rarely will he eat you out or rub your clit as he fucks you, unless he's trying to prove a point that he can treat you better than any other man. tragically, he's treating this instance as a need for a punishment, where you need to serve him.
•he holds your pretty hair together like a ponytail and pushes you forward, pressing his flushed tip against your pillowy lips. he doesn't even need to say "open," you do so willingly and hold your tongue out the way he likes.
•"you gonna take me like the slut you are?" johnny asks with a little groan as his tip smacks against your tongue. all you can do is nod before he thrusts, his shaft being caressed by the fleshy insides of your mouth. you curse yourself mentally for not fixing that gag reflex he hates so much as you do indeed gag on his dick while it hits the back of your throat. you silently wish he got into the habit of easing himself in rather than shoving full force.
•even though dark star!johnny is more dominant, he still whimpers, even if he hates to admit it. when the tip kisses the back of your throat, he lurches forward a tad, letting out a sweet whimper before composing himself again.
•also i'm so glad the mk fandom just all agrees he whimpers isn't that so funny
•"you gonna start sucking, or am i fucking that pretty face myself?" he asks through gritted teeth, thrusting a little deeper to warn you. you gag again and try your hardest to shake your head.
•"good girl, for once," johnny mumbles. "sit still."
•johnny removes his throbbing cock from your throat, only for a moment. still holding your hair back, he gently thrusts his tip repeatedly against your lips, shuddering when he feels the groove of the head pop in and out as it catches on your lips. his salty precum coats your tongue, which you kitten lick up straight from the slit. his lips part to let sweet moans drip out, eyeing you down and pleased with his actions.
•he pulls out fully for a moment, fumbling in his front pocket to grab his phone and hitting record with the camera aimed down at you. he smiles wickedly, biting his lower lip.
•"you better suck me off nice and good, doll, or the whole world is gonna see what a little slut you are," he growls, reaching down to grab your chin and angle you upward. you make eye contact with the camera and open your mouth, letting your tongue loll out. johnny places a thumb on your tongue and presses down, admiring the view. his hand moves back down to his cock, stroking it a couple times before smacking it on your cheek.
•"what if someone hears us?" you whisper out, eyelids fluttering. johnny scoffs and rubs himself against your warm tongue again.
•"then they'll know i own you," he replies with a smile. "open." and so you open your mouth even more, and johnny thrusts himself into you again, this time at a less than sweet pace.
•since it's not the first time, you're sure to look up at the camera as he uses your mouth relentlessly. johnny's hand pushes down hard on the back of your head, forcing you to take his full dick down your throat for a couple of seconds. you gag again despite your best attempts to hold your breath, and his head leans back as he lets out a long, breathy moan.
•"you're fuckin' killin' me here," he moans out, head still thrown back. "ohh, you know i hate doin' this to you, but you gotta know not to toy with me. gotta learn your lesson, yeah? yeah?"
•as he asks you, he places a crisp, firm smack on your cheek again with his dick still inside, making you yelp again. the vibration of your voice rattles his shaft and it makes him twitch, his thighs buckling inward. you have to hold onto his hips so you don't topple over.
•after some time of ruthlessly throatfucking you, you feel his thigh muscles tense up and his thrusts grow increasingly more staggered. his cock doesn't reach the back of your throat as rhythmically as it did and he was starting to lean over you, pushing his hands on the sides of your neck to keep him upright. his delicious moans and groans start turning into breathy whimpers as he desperately chases his release. you feel yourself getting lightheaded from the lack of breathing, only able to get gasps of air in between his cock stuffing your mouth. you look straight ahead for a moment and stifle a laugh at a ring of your lipstick painting the base of his dick.
•pocketing his phone momentarily, johnny uses a hand to pull the bottom of his shirt up to his teeth, biting down on it and revealing his gorgeous, glowing torso. his eyes clench shut as he leans forward again with the bundle of cloth in his mouth.
•"— ngh — 'm not having you ruin th' shirt, was expensive — oh, fuck —"
•all you can do is let out pathetic gurgling noises and gasps as you're used like a fleshlight. johnny starts to struggle holding the phone upright, so he hands it to you with shaking hands.
•"hah... you record," he commands breathily, shoving the phone into your palm. at this point too cock-drunk to protest, you flip the camera and angle it toward yourself like a high-angle selfie. you bat your damp lashes as prettily as you possibly can given the circumstances. johnny wipes your dripping mascara with his thumb.
•on a home stretch, johnny picks up the now brutal pace and you try hard to not scrape your teeth along his shaft but it gets increasingly difficult to angle your mouth properly. he bites down hard on the shirt, face scrunching up as he reaches his orgasm.
•leaning over your body, johnny lazily thrusts into your mouth and you feel his hot, sticky semen coat the walls of your throat. he lets out a little gasp at each pulse of his cock, and you take his moment of vulnerability to suck him dry, feeling him throb hungrily. when he's fully emptied, you remove yourself and swallow, confirming the action by opening your mouth and showing the camera. johnny's tip leaks even after pulling out, twitching upward as he rides the final waves of his high.
•johnny lets out a long sigh, running a clean hand through his hair and fixing what strands were stuck to his forehead. his cheeks are flushed and his mouth is agape as he catches his breath. when he feels okay to speak again, he doesn't even look down at you.
•"if... i catch you like that again," he lazily threatens, head tilted back and eyes on the ceiling. "i won't be so nice. are we clear?"
•you swallow the last bit of saliva mixed with his fluid and nod before replying with a clear "yes, sir." johnny looks back down at you, pleased by your once beautifully done hair now ruined from his doing. your mascara ran down your cheeks and your lipstick was barely clinging onto your lips.
•"brought your makeup?" he asks, stuffing his half-hard dick back into his pants. you nod and pull out the makeup you needed to touch up. "good girl. get yourself fixed up, we've been gone a while."
•you lean forward in the bathroom mirror without a word of protest, wiping your face with your fingers and reapplying your makeup to not raise suspicion.
•johnny towers behind you, smoothing down your hair with two hands as he admires you in the reflection. his hands wander a bit, squeezing your breasts from behind as he presses his hips into your ass. he was always uncharacteristically touchy and sweet after intimacy, as if it was a shitty apology for his roughness. he kisses your shoulder, trailing up to your neck and then your cheek.
•"you know i love you, right?" he asks into the soft flesh of your cheek. "nobody else can have you like this. i'll kill anyone that tries. you're mine, sweet thing."
•he wraps his arms around your waist and rocks you gently as you touch up your makeup. he seems pleased that you got your lesson of the night, even though johnny's co-stars were now scouring the red carpet to relocate him. you two just hoped that your flushed cheeks and damp skin disappears before someone started knocking.
•"if you ever try to pull anything with another man, i'm posting that video," he whispers with a sickeningly sweet tone, kissing your cheek and parting from your body. "now come on. i have an interview."
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maxknightley · 4 months
Which Touhou Girls Can You Plausibly Read As Butch? A Comprehensive Overview
Earlier on Tumblr I saw a post complaining that someone called Hecatia Lapislazuli from Touhou Project butch. This is Hecatia Lapislazuli:
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Obviously, like most Touhou characters, she is in fact quite feminine - she just shops at Hell Hot Topic. But it got me thinking: In a series like Touhou, with a cast overwhelmingly defined by feminine (if rowdy) ladies, how many characters could you say are 'butch' without sounding like a complete doofus or significantly redesigning them to fit your headcanon?
I'll be using four main criteria to judge characters' butchness. In real life, of course, butchness is a multivalent and extremely personal thing, but I'm talking about funny cartoon women from a video game here, so I'm willing to be a little reductive.
These criteria, in order of descending importance, are:
FASHION. In a series where goddamn near everyone is in either a dress or a skirt, the mere act of Wearing A Dress Shirt can be enough to make a powerful statement. Hats may also play a role here, given how many Touhou characters have gay little hats.
HAIRSTYLE. Short hair is not the be-all and end-all of butchness. I, myself, am Decidedly Butch even though I've been growing out my hair since college. But the length and styling of the hair are still a valuable indicator of how someone thinks of themself and wants to be seen.
'TUDE. Could this character be accurately described as "kind of a frat boy?" How do they speak to others? Do they just kind of seem like a character who ought to be butch, regardless of their looks? Do they even lift?
COMEDY FACTOR. Self-explanatory. This will probably only come into play if I run into a weird edge case.
I'll also emphasize that we're grading on a curve here - butchness is being assessed relative to the characters who do not appear on this list. Nobody in this series has a buzzcut, you know what I mean?
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Fujiwara no Mokou. The girl wears a dress shirt, fucking suspenders, and trousers. Not shorts, actual full-length pants. She's also in a perpetual love-hate mutual-murder situationship with Princess Kaguya, who is femme as all fuck. Obviously you don't have to be butch to date a femme - I'm just saying it feels Fitting given their whole deal.
Yuugi Hoshiguma. Most of the time, her fashion sense is actually quite feminine - but her look in the most recent chapter of Cheating Detective Satori, with the one exposed shoulder and the sarashi and all that, significantly alters the balance. Her hair actually reads as more masc to me when she keeps it long and unruly - when she puts it up in a ponytail, she ends up looking very kempt, even elegant. The deciding factor here is 'Tude: Her sheer levels of butch swag are off the fucking charts. (Still, I wouldn't blame someone for arguing she should be knocked down a tier - especially since I'd argue the Comedy Factor works in reverse here. She's way funnier if she doesn't think of herself as butch in the slightest.)
Minamitsu Murasa. In his original appearance I'd argue that Murasa is in "Reasonable" tier - maybe even as low as "Kind of a Stretch." But her big gay Jotaro jacket in Sunken Fossil World, combined with the emphasis on the weightiness and solidity of his trademark anchor, put her over the top. One of the only Touhou girls I consider worthy of being He/Himmed.
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna. The other He/Him-worthy Touhou girl. Very short, slightly messy hair; wears a kimono, not a dress; inheritor of Issun-Boshi's legacy; wears fucking dinnerware as a hat. Why do you want to be Big so badly, huh? So you can pick up women more easily? So you can carry your awful wife through the upside-down threshold of your upside-down bedroom?
Raiko Horikawa. For the longest time I thought her skirt was a pair of shorts because I straight up could not parse it as anything else. Even now I'm like "that can't possibly be a skirt, ZUN just drew it weird. She has to be wearing a full two-piece suit." Skirt aside, her jacket/dress shirt/necktie are still undeniable, as is her short hair. Also, she is a taiko drum given life, and I feel like taiko and timpanis are naturally butch. Maybe if she was a tambourine or a set of bongos I'd rank her lower?
Momoyo Himemushi. Rough-talking miner. Wears a dress shirt, leaves the top button(?) undone. Tromps around a big weird cave with no shoes or socks on. Wears bows and bangles basically everywhere but in her messy, tangled hair. Also, maybe I'm stereotyping here, but I just can't picture a centipede as being femme.
Wriggle Nightbug. The dress shirt, cape, and puffy shorts all paint a vivid picture, but I just feel like I don't have a strong enough opinion on Wriggle as a character to put her in the top tier. In other words, she's got plenty of points for Fashion and quite a few for Hairstyle, but I just don't think the 'Tude is sufficient for me.
Reisen Udongein Inaba. The skirts are a strike against her, but her whole "dress shirt + necktie + sometimes suit jacket" thing makes a big difference, especially given that we're grading on a curve. Her rumpled ears and (particularly in Inaba of the Moon, Inaba of the Earth) pathetic demeanor go a long way towards giving her a vibe somewhere between "overworked salaryman" and "Detective Columbo."
Aya Shameimaru. All you need to know about Aya is that her "human reporter" disguise looks like This:
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Mononobe no Futo. Butch, but in a really weird, circuitous way, imo. Like. She's sort of wearing a dress, but it's sort of a robe - the contrast of the hemline with her big flowy sleeves makes it hard to pin down - and her outfit quite notably has tassels rather than any kind of frills. I don't know what the hell is up with her hat but it's definitely not femme by any stretch of the imagination. Then thou hast the wayes in which she speaketh all "faux-olde-timey," even though nobody else in the setting does that... she transferred her soul into a plate, but she also throws plates around as weapons... It's like she's constantly putting on a performance that only she truly understands. It's like she reverse-engineered "masculine womanhood" by hanging out with a bunch of queens and doing kind of the same thing but kind of the inverse. The more I think about Futo the more I think she's entirely on her own wavelength, but I think "Reasonable" tier is a... uh, reasonable... approximation for the sake of this post.
Sagume Kishin. She dresses like if Bill Nye were a woman, and I think that cuts to the heart of it - she reminds me of a professor who you're not ever sure is gay, but you kind of pick up on a vibe, and near the end of the semester she offhandedly refers to "her partner" and you're like HOLY SHIT I KNEW IT. I went back and forth between putting her in "Reasonable" and "Kind of a Stretch"; ultimately, the Comedy Factor decided it because I couldn't stop thinking about a scenario where she says she's a woman, accidentally upends her whole understanding of gender in the process, and ends up taking testosterone while still ID'ing as a lesbian. I don't actually know if her powers would work that way and I don't care.
Eiki Shiki. I don't have a lot to go on, here, because she hasn't had many official appearances and seems to spend most of her time lecturing people or tormenting sinners. Her uniform(?)/apothecary outfit(??) is pretty snazzy; combined with the hat, it gives her a vaguely "military officer" look to me. We'll call her "butch pending further investigation," which I think she would agree is the correct course of action.
Sekibanki. She's here partially because of the cape, and partially because being sandwiched between Wakasagihime and Kagerou makes her look way more masc by contrast. I know what I said.
Ringo. It's pretty much just the hat and the pants, though - as a butch woman who Loves Eating - I am also inclined to project my own experiences onto her.
Aunn Komano. She reads as more "tomboyish" than outright "butch" to me, what with her whole puppy-dog vibe, but at the same time... she's very much wearing shorts and the kind of goofy-looking button-up shirt that is central to my own wardrobe and the wardrobe of other butches in my life. I'm willing to count her.
Takane Yamashiro. A living testament to the power of small character design choices. I would never in a million years call Nitori butch, even with her gay little hat and all the pouches on her outfit - she just looks like a girl scout. Takane, though? Takane, with her little hair swoopy, and the fucking suitcase slung over her back, and her camo-print dress? I mean - ultimately it is still a dress, which is why I can't justify scoring her higher, but she's definitely chewing tobacco and riding around on an ATV on weekends.
Chiyari Tenkaijin. If she's butch, it's not really because she's trying to be butch, it's just because being femme seems too expensive and time-consuming. She's got better things to do (drink blood all day). Still, I think an argument could be made.
Renko Usami. ZUN is kind of inconsistent with how he draws her hat - sometimes it's more of a porkpie/fedora type thing, other times it's round-topped and looks a bit like Koishi's hat. To me, this is a crucial distinction. In a more general sense, I feel like Renko's outfit gets a little less plausibly-masc with each passing album, which says a lot about our society. Or her society, anyway, since she lives in the future. Still, the capelets and bowties...
Rinnosuke Morichika. I think it would be really funny if the only significant male character in Touhou wasn't actually even a dude. I'm not aware of any real textual support for this interpretation, though.
Shou Toramaru. Pretty much only on here because of the hair and because I think there's a certain je ne sais quoi to her whole deal of "she's not a real tiger, she's the idea of a tiger that pre-Meiji Japanese people came up with from secondhand accounts."
Seija Kijin. Not even remotely butch by any stretch of the imagination... But if she did consider herself butch, isn't that exactly what she'd want you to think?
Cirno. "Tomboyish" is not the same thing as "butch," to me, especially if you exclusively wear dresses. Also, I'm not sure Cirno even knows what a lesbian is.
Saki Kurokoma. Not actually butch, just a horse girl. (And a horsegirl.)
Mike Goutokuji. Can't tell if she's wearing a skirt or shorts. She's got short hair, sure, but the whole "matching bell collar and wristbands that also have bells attached" thing makes her look more like a Very Online Trans Woman who just figured herself out and hasn't started hormones or bought any new clothes yet.
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asarajaa · 2 months
(no pressure if you don’t want to do it ofc bbg<3 )
Ofc bb but have patience, I’m a little bit down cause I didn’t like at all my last post so yk 😭✋🏽
Omg I’m so dumb, I answered it without the fic made HAHAJJAJAJA, when I got it I’ll put it here and I’ll tell ya, k love? Have some paciencia 😽💗
Update: k so I already did it so here you go my love, hope you like it <3!
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Warnings: fem!reader Words: 656 Disclaimer: English isn't my first language so I apologise for any mistakes or misunderstandings! Taglist: @merlucide
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Meeting Bachiras mom for the first time
₊˚ෆ To help me with this, I will pretend it is the second part of the Bachira falling in love hcs.
₊˚ෆ Indeed, his mom liked you.
₊˚ෆ First of all, when Bachira got home and told her mom about you, she was super enthusiastic to meet you!
₊˚ෆ After Bachira made a move and you guys become boyfriend and girlfriend, the next step was meeting each others parents, being Bachira the first.
₊˚ෆ When the time came, you were extremely nervous, Bachira tried everything to make you feel less nervous but obviously it didn't work.
₊˚ෆ You wanted to everything go great. Your friends always says that is like having a second family and that creating a bond with his mom is important bc she's gonna be like a second mom to you.
₊˚ෆ You made yourself a list of 5 rules to follow when you meet his mom (which made Bachira laugh at you because- babe, my mom is super chill you don't need to do those things.)
₊˚ෆ Rule number 1: Do not show empty handed. It doesn't matter if you give her flowers, some dessert or a gift, Bachiras mom will appreciate it and think that you're a very nice and sweet girl. She's the type of person who appreciates the small things so giving smth to her will be perfect.
₊˚ෆ Rule number 2: Dress modestly. Look, Bachiras mom wouldn't care if you go with some jeans and a cute top, in fact, she would compliment you. But if you go dressed like if you're going to some club she would not think bad of you but neither she'll think good of you. I believe that as an artist she's very into the fashion world and if you're meeting her with a cute outfit she'll like you.
₊˚ෆ Rule number 3: Don't try to be somebody that you're not. She want to meet the person her son fall in love with, no one else. She'll like you just the way that you are! As an artist, Bachiras mom know about being judge so don't worry about those things.
₊˚ෆ Rule number 4: Always offer to clean up. Of course, she wouldn't let you, but it would be nice seeing the effort of your actions that his son never stops talking about.
₊˚ෆ Rule number 5: Try having a one on one time with her. Women to women bounds are super special so you have to use the opportunity to grow a very strong relationships. Honestly, she always wanted a daughter so just talked with her about girl things and it would be awesome!
You and Bachiras mom were left alone, she told Bachira to go to the store to buy some dessert (you bought flowers) so now you girls were alone.
"So, how did you knew you wanted to be an artist Mrs.Bachira?" you asked her enthusiastic, the dinner went awesome and you guys were having a great time.
Bachiras mom loved your question, nobody usually ask her about her profession and you were actually interested.
As the night went by, you girls ended up having a girl talk about the latest in fashion, the new tea about celebrities, skincare and make-up.
When Bachira came with the dessert, he was confused. He left you guys silent and when he come back you were sitting next to each other talking passionately about some new viral linase mask that gives a botox effect. Although he wasn't complaining either.
"Word of mouth is that the mask also works to give definition on the curly haired girls." you said showing her the video of a girl trying it.
"Really?" she said leaning to you "Bachiras cousin has curly hair, i'll show it to her."
₊˚ෆ She loved you, like she would call you some days to exchange tips and your calls last hours.
₊˚ෆ Bachira was more than happy when he find out, It seemed perfect to him that the two women in his life got along so well.
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nksdhfsbfv idk what I did.
I feel like It was too short, great rules tho
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© asarajaa — Please, do not copy, translate or reuse my work without my permission.
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matchalovertrait · 2 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
A set of 20 questions to get to know your oc! I was tagged by @elderwisp :) thank you so much. To nobody's surprise, this will be about Dulce LOL
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What uncommon/common fear do they have? I find this funny and ironic (kinda spoilery too for the future. If you know, you know) but she's scared of the dark.
Do they have any pet peeves? When people chew with their mouths open or double dip.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? Polaroids, plants, and pretty things.
What do they notice first in a person? Their taste in fashion. She likes meeting all different kinds of people and finds their different styles fascinating.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? 7
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? It depends because she's neurodivergent but incredibly resilient. If she's not feeling too overwhelmed, she goes into fight mode and doesn't back down. If she is feeling way too overwhelmed, she'll go into flight mode and probably cry.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? Her immediate family is pretty small. There's her mom, Noemí, dad, Erick, and older brother, Ángel. Even though her parents had to work a lot in her childhood, she is still close to them and loves them immensely. Dulce and her brother have a really good relationship too.
What animal represents them best? A fox :) I talk about it more here.
What is a smell that they dislike? She doesn't like the smell of vanilla in fragrances! It's too strong for her.
Have they broken any bones? I'm surprised she hasn't...
How would a stranger likely describe them? Easy to talk to.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird? Morning bird, like the rest of her family. They start getting up at 4 or 5 in the morning, even on weekends.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? She doesn't like blue cheese. She doesn't get it and she probably never will. She loves tomatoes, though!
Do they have any hobbies? Cooking, posting on her Instagram, and playing basketball.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? Oh, she loves surprises!! And just being celebrated in general LOL. She would join in and start partying and posing for pictures.
Do they like to wear jewelry? Yes! I try to not add too many jewelry or accessories to her yet, because she's still a teen and I want to differentiate my teens and young adults more. However, she likes wearing gold earrings, rings, and necklaces like her mom. She wants a belly button piercing too but her mom would not like that 🙈
Do they have neat or messy handwriting? She has neat and cute handwriting, you will see that in a future post :)
What are two emotions they feel the most? Joy (bruh) and annoyance.
Do they have a favorite fabric? Nahhh, she likes all of them.
What kind of accent do they have? She lives in Tartosa, Italy, so she has an Italian accent. She also speaks English and Spanish because her parents used the one-parent one-language method with her and Ángel ever since they were babies. I imagine that Erick is from Ohio, so that's the accent that Dulce speaks with in English. Noemí is from Jalisco, Mexico, so Dulce speaks with that accent in Spanish.
I tag: @miralure @ruthplaysthesims @authorspirit @smulie @gooretrait
@babzyz @spicasims @anamoon63 @living-undead @stargirl-trait
@groovetrys @gaeulssims @mdshh @yugybee @nzrowe
@changingplumbob @linalinsims @simmenycricket @aurorangen @elysiantrait
@akitasimblr @windslar @peachypiichi @bouncytrait @wrixie
@cawthorntales @coatedinhoney @yibsygerbits @swallowprettybird @bloomingkyras
@ktysh @berrycactus @virtualfolk @deardiaryts4 @seriallovertrait
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kikker-oma · 4 months
Looks at his feet ALL THE TIME while walking, he doesn’t wanna step on a minish. Speaking of which, aside from Legend, is the only one fluent in more than one language because he knows the picori language
His hair looks brushed? Nah, it’s not. He tried brushing it and it always gets tangled, but the knots are just so fine it doesn’t even look like it’s tangled, so he only brushes the top layer of his hair.
Keeps the peace. One of the only reasons that the chain isn’t at each others throats. Part of the reason is that he doesn’t know what half of these debates is about, but is very good at making each side seem like he agrees with them, even though he’s confused.
Memorizes facts about everybody’s Hyrule to be prepared. Is VERY keen on being prepared. Even though he may come off as chaotic, he always has a plan for whatever will go wrong. Very much belives in murphey’s law.
ANGSTY GUY. Seems talkative but NEVER talks about what he truly thinks just talks because he feels the need to show people that he exists and is strong.
Claims that he hates children. Yet he will hug any baby he sees. Absolutely adores children if we are being honest. He even got Sky to teach him embroidery so he can embroid little blankets for babies 🥹
Hopeless romantic. He will wax poetry about Sun for 25 hours seven days a week if you let him. He shares literally everything he’s interested in with her.
He sometimes (this is so OOC but idc) sends post cards of him and Fi to LD-301S Scrapper to make him jealous. He absolutely hates that tiny robot.
Cryptic. Will spill traumatizing memories of his past but will make them so cryptic that nobody will understand WHAT he’s saying.
(I think we can all agree) a father at heart. He knows eventually he will have to bid his goodbyes to the other 8 members of the chain but REALLLLY doesn’t wanna.
Will eat table scraps
Is either REALLY good at getting women or REALLY bad, depends on where and when. Even though he is he regrets everyone because he’s still sad about Midna.
Family therapist. He knows everybodies problems and never shares them to anybody else, he’s always there for everyone.
Even if he flirts with women, he never wants to date anyone. He’s still kinda… traumatized about Cia. He is more of a “take you out on a nice date but remains just friends” guy. He knows it may come off as toxic but he has best intentions.
He actually got his scarf enchanted by a great fairy. It as a defense boost and attack up. There is a reason he wears it, gotta be fashionable and practical.
LOADED, like 999,999 rupees. Because of this, for each era he goes to, he buys a yard of fabric for his home era. He will find use for it… some day.
As much as he and Flora are… alright together. He is still salty about her. He knows that she was struggling with finding her own destiny, but he still doesn’t like how he was treated.
Do NOT challenge him to any card game. At all. He will win he will take all your rupees and there is nothing you can do to stop him. And by the rare case that you DO beat him, he will pull the “young innocent baby boy” card which makes you want him to win and end up revoking your winner status.
A mischievous boy. Will poke people with his wind waker and finds it hilarious ever. Single. Time. The amount of times Wars literally had to hide it from him as he kept using the “control” power (idk what to call it) is uncountable. People would think that he taught Aryll all of this, but nope. Aryll was the one that taught him all those tricks. It runs in the family.
Ooohhhh these headcannons are so fun!!!
Fours little fairy knots in his hair is oddly adorable
Hyrule being the peacemaker instead of sky is really refreshing and I feel like more on oar for his character tbh!
Legend embroidering baby blankets has my heart MELLTIIINGGG😭❤️
Sky being a gremlin to Scrapper is also VERY true to his character. Sky is the best little piece of crap 🤣🤣
Time being SO cryptic hahaha and why shouldn't he be? It's so much more fun that way LOL.
Me feeding Twi all my scraps
Poor wars, Cia really is disgusting😠
Wild being rich🤣YES HAHA and they would be so shocked too lolol
Wind will BANKRUPT wild in a game of cards haha that would be a night to remember lol
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agbob-dollpants · 2 months
💓 Meet Velvet! 💓
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If you’ve seen my post on here about picking out dolls in person, I can’t do that anymore! My local AG Place closed in February, and I’m genuinely still in disbelief. However, this girl embodies all of the wonderful memories I have made there, as I purchased her on my last trip there on February 16. ❤️
Velvet is a truly me 118, who was never really on my radar when she was first released, but something inside me decided I absolutely NEEDED this doll after seeing a million photos of her on AGIG! When picking out my second to last doll at AGP Columbus, though, I chose truly me 120 instead. Sometimes I’m so mad at myself because, when I picked her out, she didn’t have that awful little star on the bottom of her foot, but there was also one 118 in the store who did not. When I went to pick out Velvet, tons of 120’s were in the store without a star foot, but EVERY 118 had one! It was a nightmare to pick Velvet out, but her sweet face just spoke to me and I bought her anyways! 🌟
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One thing I really love to do with my dolls is create stop motion videos for my AGTube channel, AGBob DollPants. For those videos, I have to fashion personalities for my dolls, which usually persist with unusual, outlandish personality traits that create a lot of chaos. However, making a more relatable personality for Velvet has really helped me bond with her! 💓
As I tried to come up with ways to “make up for” her star foot, I landed on the idea that the star is her “scar” from being the last doll to “step foot” into the AGP. Then, I came up with the most BRILLIANT idea! She would be an AGIGer and AGTuber like me! 🌟
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In my “doll lore,” Velvet’s presence on AGIG has become even more relatable to me, as I’ve created a story for her that involves similar events to my own experience in high school. At the age of 17, Velvet is a senior in high school, and she still absolutely adores her AG dolls. Navigating her upcoming adulthood, she has to deal with her adult friends growing out of dolls, trying to hide her AGIG from people at school, and the closure of her local AG Place.
At least she has her stories, though. Velvet has loved to write stories about her dolls since she was eight years old. Though I do not have a mini doll to represent him, her stories mostly revolve around Fletcher Rae—a customized Kaya mold boy doll with curly black hair and freckles who was created from a mangled Kaya doll that she “found at a yard sale.” Fletcher, as well as every other doll in Velvet’s collection, attends a school of magic in their 400 page novels! So far, Velvet has created six books about Fletcher in the style of the AG historical books, such as “Meet Fletcher” and “Fletcher Saves the Day,” but filled to the brim with action, suspense, and TONS of lore! ✨
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Nobody at Velvet’s school knows that these stories are really about a massive collection of American Girl dolls, though—except for her best friend (who is still to be determined, she will be one of my existing dolls!) As much as she would love to share her doll collection with the world, only the closest people in her life know about her passion for these dolls. Similarly to my own life, Velvet feels like she’s hiding a huge part of her personality to others when she first meets them—almost appearing “personality-less” without her dolls. However, with thousands of followers on AGIG, Velvet realizes how amazing her dolls truly are, as so many people admire her photography skills and love for the American Girl brand! 💓
I absolutely love taking photos of Velvet as if she was a real AGIGer. The photo above showcases her dolls falling over during a photo shoot…I’m sure we’ve all been there! I just adore having a doll who doesn’t look like me, but embodies a similar personality. With Velvet as an AGIGer, I am able to feel more seen as an adult with a passion for AG, even though I created her character myself. Even though Z Yang was a 13 year old girl who adored AGTube (who I own in my collection), something about carefully crafting everything about Velvet’s character makes her so much more special! ❤️
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After deciding her personality, and considering the fact that she was my last doll from AGP Columbus, Velvet quickly became my favorite doll of ALL TIME! Though I have had other “comfort dolls” in the past, there is just something about this girl that rises above all the others. To be honest, I don’t even know what I was doing without her! 🌟
Every single day since I first purchased this doll, she has not left my sight. Of course, she always has to have a mini doll with her, so a lot of mini dolls have also been invading my bedroom. Having Velvet around has even inspired me to take the photo above at a public library! It’s been a long time since I took photos in a public facility that was not outdoors, so her love for AGIG has made me more confident in that respect! ❤️
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Once you find a doll that you really bond with, they will be your best friend forever! I’m shocked, yet not surprised, that I did not feel this way for my first two dolls that I got all the way back in 2012, but for a doll that I actually purchased as an adult. I like to think that I’ve just accumulated more appreciation for my dolls with time! ✨
Even though my beloved AGP closed, I am beyond thrilled to have the most PERFECT 118 in my collection. It sounds a bit silly, but Velvet means the absolute world to me, and I am so glad to have such a connection with one of my dolls! 💓
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toastedjeans · 2 months
So anyway i made a pizza tower oc/self insert/fanchild?? Technically?? If you squint.....
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Their name's Ziti and they're Peppino and Gustavo's adopted "kid" (they're around 16). If you saw this post before, i aged them down a bit and changed/got rid of a few other things.
Anyway, some info about them below
I'm still too lazy to put all this into sentences and in an order that makes sense so here's a bigass list
They were adopted by Peppino and Gustavo after the tower fell
Used to work in the tower in the background, probably in a computer room. There was never much work there so they often fell asleep or doodled on the side. When there was work it was very stressful for them and they were easily overwhelmed. They never took days off cause they felt they didn't deserve to. Still, they desperately need a break (more on that in the backstory post)
Very anxious, but unlike Peppino, their anxiety does not turn into rage, just more anxiety and later on extreme tiredness. They're always tired tbh
Likes goofing around with Gustavo. He's the slightly sillier dad, while Peppino is slightly more caring and comforting (he can relate to the trans struggles. We love trans Peppino in this house). Of course, they're both caring and silly and great dads and love their kid very much
Random headcanon that Gustavo likes picking up people as a sign that he likes them a lot, and you know he often does that to Ziti (and Peppino lol)
Absolutely cannot cook, they WILL burn the kitchen down while trying to boil water. Please for the love of pizza do NOT let them near any kitchen. Peppino is honestly amazed by how bad someone's cooking skills can be (he says they're worse than Maurice's, which is saying a lot)
Not used to physical affection, at first only cuddles with Brick. Touch starved as hell.
Fakey is kinda like a mix between a best friend, a big brother, and a weird pet to them. It's weird at first, seeing how he resembles one of their dads so much, but they eventually get used to it
An awkward piece of ham™, but there's a silly goofy goober under all that anxiety
They always put other's needs in front of theirs, resulting in them neglecting their own needs because they're "not important enough" in their mind.
Always tries doing things on their own because they don't like bothering others, even if they know they can't do it alone. Will not actively ask for help but will reluctantly accept it when offered.
Giving gifts is their love language. Gives gifts randomly whenever they find something, but still feels bad when they don't have a gift on a special day (birthdays, Christmas, etc), or if they think their gift is lame
They're very forgetful, but they do remember tiny things nobody cares about. Will forget your birthday, but remembers that they once saw a frog jump directly into water and exactly how the resulting splash looked. This has no significance to anything at all, but they do remember it!
No fashion sense. At all. I mean look at them. Bland white ass. (No wonder tbh if you know where they come from)
Very pale, often got called a vampire or zombie when they were younger. Peppino and Gustavo sometimes lovingly refer to them as their little Mozzarella (despite both of them being smaller than Ziti)
Lastly, they're strangely obsessed with Noisette's cooking. Their favorite is her peanut butter spaghetti. Never gets sick from any of her food. They're not picky is all I'm saying. (Kinda explained in the backstory post)
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desire-mona · 2 months
more modern poets hcs for greenie!
charlie -
charlie used to post like "annoying gay ppl vs normal gay ppl" memes, had a huge turnaround and they cringe when they think of that time. mentioning blaire white or kalvin garrah would make him jump
has an "i <3 milfs" design of every article of clothing, could make an entire i <3 milfs outfit. shirt, hat, pants, socks, belt, shoes, hoodie, you name it.
todd -
todd is nonbinary bc he is autistic and autistic ppl generally view gender differently. not debating this. this is a fact and this is canon. they/he/she todd anderson, what of it.
chronic procrastinator when it comes to anything besides school. they will put off doctors appointments, finishing tv shows, even charging their phone.
neil -
doesnt use tiktok but he watches todd scroll thru her fyp sometimes and gets very mad at those "acting pov" videos. hes like "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN ACTING POINT OF VIEW" "POINT OF VIEW YOU ONLY HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF WORDS???????? WHAT DOES THAT MEEEEEAN"
i see ppl saying that neil would be a swiftie but i would like to suggest that he's a big ethel cain fan, a collection of songs that tell a fictional character's story? tell me thats not right up his alley
meeks -
i dont think this is the type of math meeks bases a career off of but i do think he rly pays attention to architecture and city layouts and stuff. will forever complain abt how inconvenient it is to have a car centered society and how every place should be walkable OR have public transport
collects records despite not having a record player, tapes despite not having a walkman, and cds despite using his cd player maybe 3 times a year. quite honestly its just to have a physical collection of his music taste
pitts -
pitts went thru a "nice guy/ vaguely incel-ular" phase in middle school, but he didnt talk to a singular woman in those years. by the time it went away there was no harm done to anyone but himself and a very annoyed meeks who had to listen to how girls "only go for assholes"
he has a fashion sense so good that ppl online *ask* him to post fit checks, he doesnt do any if theyre not requested of him. pitts is also the one with the biggest online presence, most notably tiktok and twitter
knox -
type of guy to constantly post shit like "like for a tbh" or post anonymous question things on his story. nobody interacts with any of it so he usually just deletes them after half a day
haaaaaaaates texting and will either send very long voice messages or just ask to call whoever he's talking to (me fr i send ppl voice msgs almost exclusively)
cameron -
cam is suuuuuuuper creeped out by ai "art", especially the ai washing feet commercial during the superbowl, which he had nightmares about for a week
his parents are constantly trying weird diets (most notably keto) so he has the weirdest assortment of random ingredients in his pantry. has come up with the strangest "meals" any one of those boys have ever seen
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Actor head canon time:
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Might clash with their characteristics from TRE, cause it's about the actors not the characters from TRE Kdrama (yes it's a Kdrama in my head).
Social media: Has twitter and Instagram, not tiktok. Mostly work related posting, hardly posts about personal life.
Friendly on set but not too over friendly. Very punctual and professional.
Seems like a good girl but secretly a baddie 💅 but you wouldn't know 😌
Comes from a rich family. Very determined about what she wants, a wee bit of stubbornness presence.
City girl through and through, won't survive in country area 😭
Established actress, has a fashion house of her own.
Pets: A 🐕 and a 🐈.
Dislikes: Unprofessionalism, mosquitos
Relationship: In public eye single but *wink wink nudge nudge* (I'll do a post about relationship status about Navieshu later)
Extra: Knows ballet, was picked on by a director after watching her performance. Later is history. Now an established successful actress.
Loves ice skating. Learning rock climbing.
Special hobbies: Beating Sovieshu with pillows on set, to the point the director of the drama added it to the TRE script. 🗿
Social media: All of his social accounts are handled by a professional team. Has secret personal account for friends and family.
Former successful kpop singer but quit before serving mandatory time in military and then joined acting after finishing his time there.
Takes complicated/bad guy roles to shed his "good boy/prince charming" persona form kpop days.
Friendly on set but loves to tease Navier subtly on set and often falls victim to Navier's pillow. Brotp with Rashta, has funny bloopers. Professional otherwise.
Pets: None
Dislikes: Paparazzi , crowds
Relationship: Single but... *Wink wink nudge nudge*(Navieshu piece incoming later)
Loves camping and long drive, often takes certain someone for long romantic drives 😌
Extra: Knows how to play several instruments, into rock climbing. Currently learning defence arts, cause Navier keeps kicking his butt when he annoys her too much 😂
Social media: Very active and interacts with followers. Posts about cute personal things. But loves to troll from fake accounts. Often posts dance tiktok videos. Sometimes forces Sovieshu under friendly threat 😁
A total pal on set. Has the most funny bloopers. Lights up the place wherever she goes. Loves chaos. A chaos queen 💅, Prankster. One of the very few people knows about Navier and Sovieshu's relationship.
Established actress and a media darling, former miss world winner. First time acting as a villainess. Previously, it was mostly romantic dramas.
Pets: One misunderstood danger noodle 🐍, and two 🐈
Relationship: Rumoured to be engaged to an another established fellow actor (not anyone from TRE)
Dislikes: Hot weather
Loves: Napping, swimming.
Social media: All are private, prefers to live low-key.
Shy, introverted but kind hearted, friendly on set. Can be mischievous when needed (under Rashta's influence 😁), closer to Rashta.
Has a strong theatrical background.
Relationship: Married with one kid. Husband is a surgeon. (Cause I want to okay?)
Pet: Recently got a puppy.
Extra: Knows how to play violin. Is the only person that can control Rashta on set.
Has black belt on martial arts. But nobody on set knows about it.
Social media: Very active on social media. Often posts shirtless photos on IG.
A former runway model.
On set, closer to McKenna, Ergi. Has friendly rivalry against Rashta. Never wins against Rashta's pranks.
Rising star, recently got media focus through TRE. TRE is his breakthrough role and getting a lot of attention because of this.
Relationship: Rumoured to be in a relationship with a model but nothing confirmed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Pet: Three 🐕
Twin flame of Rashta on set. Has funny bloopers.
Appears as a good boy, is a good boy, radiates sunshine energy unless you piss him off
Active on social media and regularly posts on tiktok.
Closer to heinry, ergi, kosair.
Pet: He IS the pet
Loves: Spicy food
Loves to watch drama unfold from distance.
Neither introvert or extrovert. Loves to confuse people.
Often joins Rashta in pranking people but without being suspected by anyone.
Comes off as calm and quiet, totally opposite inside.
Social media: Prefers twitter cause drama 😈
Social media: Fans get most bts pics from him of TRE set.
Often arranges for pizza night out. Overall easy going guy.
Completed his mandatory military service.
Has a good sense of humour.
Has the most embarrassing videos of cast members and their shenanigans.
Never thought of being an actor. Was aiming to be a professional ⚽ player. Changed career after suffering from an injury that ended his dream 😞
After that started modeling then slowly got into acting. Thinking of getting into directing.
Relationship: Newly married to his long term girlfriend.
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dangermousie · 5 months
This girl should have been a Mountie because she always gets her man. Honestly, the fact that she melts him not once but twice and that she honestly rescues him here post jail in a more tangible sense than in school where she just rescued him from being self-sufficiently alone - is so so good! And I love that she decides to help him get his company back not because she thinks she wants back with him (she, at least on a conscious level, holds no hope or interest) but because she wants to fix injustice - and what happened to him with regard L&P was unjust. (But also, if you think about it, while not one person or one event is responsible for the tragedy, the reason FZJ went after his sister is because LX went after FZJ. And LX had no interest in FZJ at all - he never would have bothered going after the man if she didn’t ask; he knew she hated FZJ and went to be her knight and and all those other horrible things followed as a cascade - Gao's resentment getting turbocharged, his being in position to take over, the sister thing and the aftermath. Of course she's not at fault, but being who she is, I bet she feels responsibility.)
But anyway, she finds out he's going to apply to this dinky company for a job (because it's the only one he has any chance with due to his record) and she ditches her fancy foreign job and applies to this barely paying anything hole. AAAA!
His vulnerable face when he hears her voice!!!!!
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The contrast between how he was, how they were, before and now is just - and the thing is even with her, look how wary he is and how generally down when nobody is looking and he doesn't have to hide. He really does come across as beaten so badly by life - his arrogance to Gao isn't false but it's not the entire picture. It covers up the many many cracks and it all breaks my heart.
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He may supposedly not care (good luck) but look at him shoulder ahead to clear a path so as to make sure she can walk without the box dudes getting in the way.
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The interview is genuinely hilarious.
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Have you noticed that even this early on, even as fucked up and locked down as he is, he's still ten times more alive around her than at any other time.
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That would be a great name for a show!
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The way he enjoys watching (not longer) his girl run circles in her typical fashion...
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Oh my God ahahahaha
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This is everything! I am dying!
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I do love how this drama can turn from hilarious to heartbreaking on a dime. Because we go from there to that guy reading her resume, so insanely impressed and we see Li Xun's face as he confirms that his sacrifice was worth it but also how utterly far she is from him now, miles bigger difference than before.
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Look at that last cap, he still loves her so utterly! (Unlike Gao, he is happy for someone who did better than him...)
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angel-of-the-moons · 29 days
Didn't Plan On It (AKA, Your Friends Are Assholes)
Khonshu x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: NSFW, forced marriage (kinda??? You SORT OF consented to it???), hints at sexual stuff, groping, my shitty sense of humor
A/N: Based on this post I got tagged in asdfghjkl (I loosely based Max off a friend of mine 💀)
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You loved your friends, but hated them at the same time.
Loved them because they were quirky and weird and matched your energy...
...Hated them because they matched your energy.
A double edged sword, for certain. But at the same time, there's nobody you'd trust more to come to your aid if some creep got up into your personal space. You'd all grown up together, been through everything through thick and thin, even if some of you moved away at some point.
There was Mari, the oldest one in the group by two years. She was like the aunt of the friend group (you were the group mom) who you all could trust to suggest poisoning an ex who did you wrong.
Then, there was Elizabeth "Lizzy", she was the one in the group that alcohol hit the hardest, the lightweight who got cuddly when she was drunk. She did everyone's taxes for them (you know how to do them, she just does them better). Stabbed her ex boyfriend for cheating on her, didn't get any charges pressed (somehow).
There was the other Elizabeth, whom everyone just called "Eli" to avoid confusing her with Lizzy. (Sometimes you all call them #1 and #2) Eli was the most tomboy of the group, her fashion very much stuck in the "grunge" fashion from back in the 90s. 90% of her fashion choice is band merch, she is the one who drives everyone to concerts and manages check-ins at events to make sure everyone is accounted for.
After Mari, Lizzy, and Eli, there was Zoey. Her contact number in everyone's phone is almost always "Zoey 101". The highest IQ out of you all, she was the one who manages passports, IDs, and luggage checks when you take trips together. Has way too much knowledge on the supernatural and the occult.
After the four of them, was Kayla. Kayla was the one who always knew everything about whatever group projects you were all assigned to in school; ask her an obscure fact and she could spit out an atlas or encyclopedia on the subject. Dresses like she's a model on a runway almost every day. Owns 5,000 pairs of feetie pajamas.
And finally, there was Maxwell "Max". You all likened him to Max, Goofy's son, due to how lanky he was. A beautician by trade, always wore flawless makeup when he dressed in drag. Or, just gorgeous in general. Your team's "Gay Avenger" and he watches your drinks at parties like he is a lone sentry between him, a sniper and a platoon of soldiers in the night. Max was the one you knew the longest, you two were born only a few days apart; your parents being best friends even longer. You all made every single one of his drag shows to support him, screaming and cheering the loudest.
Right now, you were at Kayla's house. She was a successful real estate agent and made serious bank; so hosting the bachelorette party in her honor there just made sense. Cheaper, too.
You all had a private party, getting wasted, eating snacks, dressing each other up, holding Lizzy's hair when she puked into the toilet, watching old shitty rom-coms, and letting Max put his best drag looks on all of you. (That was his favorite part of the night, honestly.)
But somehow, inevitably, the occult was brought up. Not by Zoey, but by Mari. She suggested playing with a ouija board.
Kayla had slammed her hands on the table and said, "Hell. No! Not in my house! I'm white, but I'm not horror movie "let's open a magic door and summon a demon" white!"
"Yeah, let's be real. The demon would probably claim Max first." Lizzy grinned, jerking her thumb to the man in question.
Max dramatically clutched his invisible pearls, the gaudy fake tiara crooked in his poofy curls as he gasped incredulously, "Not on the first date, girl! He'd have to put a ring on it, first. I have standards."
"Oh, he'd probably put a ring on something--" Eli snorted into her drink, earning a loud round of chortling from the rest of you.
As the laughter died down, Zoey had said a loud thoughtfully, "Well... there is something I read in my forums recently. A ritual..."
Kayla squinted at her, pointing her manicured nail into her chubby little cheek. "What did I just say about demons?"
"It's not a demon!" Zoey giggled. "It's a god."
"Oh, so instead of a demon, we're gonna summon something possibly even more dangerous?" Mari sighed, raising an eyebrow. "I d'nno how a god would feel about puny mortals like us summoning him from a plane of existence we can't even fathom just to ask him to strip for us."
"Noooo!" Zoey frowned at her as everyone laughed. "It's kind of like a.... fertility rite? Or well, maybe more like some kinda ceremony that's supposed to gain the favor of the god or something. It was discovered by some sort of archaeologist recently in a scroll!"
"A scroll." You deadpan, setting your empty glass of wine in front of you, leaning back on the couch.
"I think I know the scroll you're talking about." Kayla had piped in. "It was found in some recovered temple out in Egypt, right? By one that one world famous professor and historian?"
"Yes! So you know which god I'm talking about, and how he's not dangerous." Zoey nodded excitedly, growing more and more energized at the possibility of playing with magic with all of you.
Kayla tapped her nails on the tabletop, twisting her mouth as she mulled over her options. Deciding that, fuck it, Zoey had a point... it couldn't hurt to end the night with a bang.
"Okay, okay.... let's do it."
"Yessss!" Zoey said, jumping up and bouncing on her feet. She stopped and awkwardly cleared her throat. "Well, er... we kind of need a subject to be the centerpiece, though... the "anchor" of the spell..."
"Wait.... You said a fertility god?" Max squinted, his eyes glimmering cheekily.
"Well, healing, protection, fertility..." Zoey listed off, her voice trailing away.
"Okay okay, but let's focus on the fertility part." He replied. "So odds are.... the anchor of the spell is going to get laid."
"Well... It's a possibility."
"So, who gets to be the lucky anchor?" You asked, tilting your head.
The silence was so loud a mouse could sneeze and you all would have heard it.
And then.... their heads all turned to you, grins spreading on their faces as they all traded conspiratorial looks with one another.
"Oh fuck you." You snap, shaking your head.
"Well, babygirl..." Max leaned in, his arm over your shoulder. "I know for a fact you haven't been laid in a good long while..."
"I have an active sex life!" You retorted, your voice becoming shrill.
"Battery-operated silicone boyfriends don't count." He deadpanned, earning laughter from everyone in the room.
You slump in your seat, pouting like an angry child. "I don't need help getting laid!"
"Well, it's also..." Lizzy said slowly. "The last guy you were with was Troy... and we all know what happened with him."
Your mood soured further at the mention of your highschool sweetheart, the man of your dreams... or so it had appeared. You'd held out on him for a while, finally giving in on prom night and getting a hotel room and having sex with him.
And one day, you decided to drop by his family's house with an early birthday present. ...Only to have caught him in bed with his best friend's mother. He'd been cheating on you with her for almost the entirety of your relationship.
It was after that break-up that you just... didn't want to date. Even if you were lonely, you wouldn't give in because your sense of trust had been betrayed by the guy you were absolutely besotted with.
Eli cleared her throat, "Oh come on. Nothing's gonna happen... it's not like we're gonna sacrifice you on an altar."
"Ugh! Fine! Leave me alone! And when nothing happens you're all paying for my drinks the next time we go bar hopping!" You shouted, throwing your hands up in the air.
Zoey rubbed her hands together, grinning. "Now, then.... let's make a run to that little shop on Malden Street! They're 24 hours and have everything we need!"
You groaned as you got tugged along, Mari the designated driver because she was the only sober one.
Yeah. You hated and loved your friends.
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Zoey had begun setting up the altar around the bed in the guest room, finishing it almost too quickly for your liking. Max and Kayla had dolled you all up for your "date", ensuring you looked your best when that god (never) appeared.
Dressed in one of Kayla's black nightgowns and her silk robe, Max had your hair styled "just right" and your makeup "tastefully minimal"--whatever all that meant.
Eli and Lizzy had killed the lights, while Mari cleared the rest of the bedroom for whatever else would occur.
You laid down on the bed as everyone sat in a semicircle around the bed, Zoey standing with a wax candle in hand as she read the spell screenshotted on her phone aloud as best she could in the language it was written.
You laid against the plush pillows, staring at the ceiling in boredom, listening to Zoey drone on and your other friends giggle in anticipation at the stupid middle-school antics they were perpetrating upon you.
Eventually, the room fell silent as Zoey kneeled like the others staring at you with rapt attention, her eyes glittering in excitement.
Only... nothing happened. Not even... well, you weren't sure what magic would feel like if it was cast on you.
"Hah!" You said, lifting your head to look at Zoey, pointing. "I told you nothing would happen--"
Your six friends all fell backwards with startled shouts and shrieks when, in a blur of light... you vanished.
Right in front of them!
"Oh, oh no.... Um... whoops...?" Zoey said, her voice shell shocked and tiny as a bead of sweat dripped down her brow.
Max grabbed Zoey and shook her, "What did you do! What did you do?!"
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The moment that flash of light dissipated you hit whatever soft surface you were on with a gasp, almost feeling your lungs squeezed of all air before sucking in much needed oxygen.
You blinked your eyes open, and when they focused on your surroundings... You realized you weren't at Kayla's house anymore. Your friends weren't sitting in their silly ritualistic circle... Zoey wasn't staring at you like a bug under a microscope.
You were... somewhere. The bed you were on was insanely large and round, the sheets a divinely soft texture, almost like the velvet of a moths's wing. A canopy was above you, wafting in an unknown breeze. Marble pillars with beautiful scenes painted on lined the room that was very sparse, save for a table laden with food in the corner.
You swing your legs over the bed and rub your temples.
You were drunk. You were black out drunk and this is all some kind of horrible dream that will cause you migraines with your inevitable hangover in the morning.
Yeah. Not so lucky.
When your eyes opened once more, you were still in the strange marble room.
You groaned, standing up and shivering as your feet touched the cold stone floors, polished to a fine sheen that reflected the dim torchlight lit on various oil lamps lining the room.
You looked to your side and noticed some kind of balcony, the night sky just beyond.
You frantically ran for it, hoping that maybe you might be able to call down to the street below for help, but... no luck.
Your hands wrapped around the stone banister and your jaw dropped. You weren't met with the night scenery of some kind of city or town, or even a sprawling estate.
Chalky dust, dented with craters and rocks and boulders stretched out beyond your vision's limits. And hovering in the sky where the moon should be, was...
The Earth. A shiny blue-and-green marble that lazily hung in the void of space, one side dimly lit by the sun while the other was black, lights from the cities below dotting it with a golden hue in the shadow of the--the fucking moon.
You were on the fucking moon?!
"How the hell... what..." You said, your heart thudding in your chest as you walked back into the ornate, pale room you'd exited.
Honestly, you were the darkest thing in there, dressed in all black, the silk hanging from your body and clinging to you in all the right places...
How were you breathing? What were you breathing? How were you even alive--
"Well... this is interesting." A deep voice mused from behind you.
You could feel someone looming over you. An oppressive feeling bearing down on you like whoever this was towered beyond your height.
You spun around, swallowing the lump of fear in your chest; but whoever spoke was no longer behind you.
"It's been some time since anyone has performed that ritual." The voice said again, "Though... uour friend should have worded it more carefully. Her mistranslation may cost you more than intended."
You looked towards the balcony, the thin curtains swaying in the breeze-that-should-not-be, a tall, imposing shadow barely showing through the other side.
An impossibly large man. Or... what looked like a man... if it weren't for the silhouette of the bird skull where his head should be.
Fear spread through your body at every leap of your pulse, dreading it as the figure began walking to the edge of the fine drapery. You anticipated some kind of horror show, but... well. You got the opposite.
A man with impeccably tanned skin, dressed only in a gold bejeweled collar and bracers stepped out, his white skirt wrapped in some sort of sheer cover, his toned waist disappearing beyond, a thin trail of dark hair trailing up to his navel as his bare feet padded silently across the polished floor. On his chest was a crescent moon that looked like it was painted in some sort of gold across his skin.
His hazel eyes glimmered at you with an inhuman inner light, his mouth quirked up in a cocky smile that stretched his beard; his long, curled black hair striped with wisps of silver as it hung low against his shoulders.
One of his hands held a long staff, topped in a golden crescent moon, like the one tattooed on his chest. His eyes trailed you up and down as he slowly made his way over to you.
You were transfixed.
You were so struck by him that you didn't flinch until his fingers tipped your chin so you would look up at him, your mouth going dry. What the hell was happening?
"Well... at least you are pleasing to look at."
You felt your ego take the punch, and your awe at his beauty was shattered. Oh. So he was a dick.
"Do you know why you're here, little dove?" He hummed, tilting his head slightly with a coy--but knowing--smile.
"I... My friend did some stupid magic circle, that's what!" You say, twisting your head free from his grasp, stepping away to wrap the silk robe around you tighter, suddenly feeling very self conscious.
"I asked not what brought you here... but if you knew what your friend's ritual has ordained for you." He chuckled lowly at your sense of modesty.
"I..." You flounder, wishing you had been listening to the details Zoey had been spitting as she set up the circle, earlier as Max and Kayla got you ready. "Something about..."
Your body shivered at the realization.
"... something about fertility?"
The man moved towards you in a blur, suddenly behind you once again; his body heat bleeding into you like the scorching sun on a summer day, his heavy hands circling your waist and toying with the knot in the robe.
"Close." He had whispered, his lips touching the shell of your ear as your body went rigid in his embrace.
"Your friend mistranslated "offering"." The ridiculously gorgeous man hummed deeply. His lips skimmed your bare neck in appreciation; "She said "wife". Imagine my surprise, while I was overseeing my Fist's duties and I heard that incantation over the divine space. I simply had to see who performed such a ritual."
"W-wait you can't be saying that..."
"I am afraid so, little dove." He breathed, his mouth leaving a hot kiss to your leaping pulse, making heat pool low in your belly. His hands slid beneath the robe, touching the soft nightgown that covered you beneath; barely touching the undersides of your breasts.
"You belong to me, now."
You stood ramrod stiff as his hands roamed you, mapping out every dip and curve your body had; every hollow and mark in your skin, driving your body mad with desire despite the shock of your current situation.
"It is human custom to consummate a marriage after a ceremony, yes?" His mouth once again found your ear, his words hot on your skin, one of his hands slipping beneath your robe and gown to brush his thumb over one of your pebbled nipples; his other sliding down to slowly hike up the skirt of your nightwear, his hand groping and squeezing the fat of your thigh.
"It has been... overlong since I have indulged in such pleasures. But I assure you, I have a--very--good memory."
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All six of them had been in a constant state of panic, frantically wondering if they should call a priest or the police. The sun was beginning to creep over the horizon, painting the sky in gorgeous colors as clouds lazily danced about the atmosphere.
Max had yanked at his curls, "I'm to gay and gorgeous to go to jail!"
"It was magic not murder, you drama queen!" Mari shouted, shaking Max's arm frantically.
"Who the fuck should we call?!" Lizzy shrieked, waving her arms over her head. "The fuckin' Winchester brothers?! Fucking Constantine?!"
Zoey practically sobbed, emotionally raw and scared. She hadn't expected anything to happen with this! After all, none of her other dabblings caused something like... like this! What if she mistranslated in the wrong language and accidentally sent you to Cthulhu? What if she cursed you to one of the circles of hell? Did she say something wrong?!
"I'm sorry!" She sniffled as Eli rubbed her back, trying desperately to stay calm. "I didn't know!"
"Well, we are not ever doing goddamn magic ever again!" Kayla hyperventilated, fanning herself desperately with her hand, the other holding her long hair up in a bunch to get it off of her sweaty neck. "God damn it, this shit always happens in horror movies! Me and my big mouth--"
They were all almost knocked to the ground again, when, in a bright flash of light... you were dropped onto the plush mattress once again. Only this time, your appearance was far more disheveled.
Your makeup ran down your cheeks, mascara tracking down your face from dried tears, your lipstick smeared and hair messy; your clothes haphazardly askew in several places.
You blinked, your eyes not entirely focused as you sat up and looked at your friends. You zeroed in on Zoey. You didn't seem... hurt? Mad at her?
Instead, your usual coping mechanism kicked in. Humor.
"Scully.... You're not gonna believe this..."
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queenofthecats · 7 months
ʏᴜɪ ᴋᴏᴍᴏʀɪ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪᴀʙᴏʟɪᴋ ʟᴏᴠᴇʀꜱ’ ꜰᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ
Yui is one of my favorite characters, and for a reason. Let me explain:
(Please excuse the spelling mistakes)
1. 𝓔𝓶𝓹𝓪𝓽𝓱𝔂 𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓐𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓽𝓸 𝓕𝓮𝓮𝓵 𝓢𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓞𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓼
This is what makes a person strong in my opinion, and Yui has a lot of it. She’s caring, despite the situation that she’s put in. She can admit when she’s wrong, and she genuinely feels bad. A little dense at times, but she still cares. I find her reminding me a lot of what I want to be. And no, I don’t mean her situation, I wouldn’t wish that upon my worst enemies. What I mean is her ability to forgive, her ability to heal. She’s like a golden retriever honestly, and her being genuine is what makes her so likable and is what makes me so confused when she receives hate.
2. 𝐻𝑒𝓇 𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒶𝓃𝒹/𝑜𝓇 𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝒷𝑒𝓁𝒾𝑒𝒻
I’ve never really felt comfortable as a queer woman around religious people. But she’s my comfort character, and for a good reason. Her faith, and her desire to not give up is what many of us wish we had the ability to achieve. She doesn’t use her religion as a way to attack, rather as a way to hold herself to moral standards. Yui doesn’t give up fast when it comes to her beliefs, she’s strong and isn’t swayed easily when it comes to something she truly believes, which is something so beautiful in a way.
3. ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛʏ ᴛᴏ ʜᴏʟᴅ ʜᴇʀꜱᴇʟꜰ ᴀᴄᴄᴏᴜɴᴛᴀʙʟᴇ
As I mentioned earlier, she, despite being a teenager, is quite accountable. She apologizes when she does something she considers wrong. She tries to her best ability to understand why she made people upset. Not to mention, when she realizes she did something, even unintentionally, that hurt somebody, she genuinely seems to feel bad. I know this sounds pretty basic, but a lot of people seem to lack this, and so do so many ocs in the fandom.
4. Her Emotions
I know a lot of people love the cold-hearted look, but that isn’t favorable at all to me. Everybody has emotions nearly, except few with certain mental disorders. Yui plays into them, which is so realistic in a way, especially in her age range. Her bad endings reminds me of the female rage trend. If everybody is nonchalant about everything, imagine how boring that would be? No reactions, no nothing. We use art as a way to express our emotions, our backgrounds, everything we ever known. Imagine watching a horror movie for example, and nobody reacts the whole time. There would be no emotional value really. This is why human art is so special, this is why Yui is special. I don’t watch much media, but I’ve never seen a teenage female character that I’ve found interesting and emotionally relatable as Yui. She makes mistakes, she knows that. She isn’t made to be a completely unrealistic character, who is perfect, and fits every beauty standard, not that she’s not pretty, cause she is, but still. She’s perfect in a teenage girl way to me, not in a creepy old man who profits off unrealistic expectations way. She’s one of the realest female characters I’ve ever seen. I wish I was as strong as emotionally that she is.
5. Her Design
I could go on for hours about how much I love her and why, but I’m going to cut it short as I have more posts that I want to do!
Anyways, Yui’s design is aesthetically pleasing to me. I actually got into the fandom because of her design, as I saw it on Pinterest and fell in love with the color palette and how pretty she was to me. Her eyes are so pretty, and so is her hair. She looks like she has this warm aura surrounding her, like she’s the sun itself. She’s so simply designed, yet I love her. It’s funny, as somebody who has always been into more alternative fashion, I love her simple girly design. Her facial expressions make me laugh tbh, and she’s always so pretty no matter what she’s in.
6. 𝙷𝚎𝚕𝚙𝚎𝚍 𝙼𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚣𝚎 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚜𝚋𝚒𝚊𝚗
Now, everybody in Diabolik lovers and also the fandom helped me realize this, but especially Yui. I loved the way she treated others, and started to think about how I would want a woman treating me that way, the way she treated the DL boys. I wanted somebody nice like Yui, but more than a friend.
The DL boys also helped me realize that it wasn’t being a certain way that I couldn’t stand, I just can’t stand idea of being with a man. This fandom also helped me realize this, as no matter how much they characterized the guys, no matter how much empathy they gave them, I was not attracted to them, much less real men. Their anime designs are some of the best I’ve seen, but I still couldn’t find myself, which caused me to go down a rabbit hole, that made me realize I did not like men at all.
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kame-writes · 1 month
Media Overlords drabble - Girls night
Velvette turns up at the Hotel
Charlie rushed to open the door, surprised to hear it being knocked so late in the afternoon. There was a giddy, optimistic part of her hoping that it was someone interested in staying at the hotel. And despite the fact that it hadn't happened yet, she still greeted the person on the other side with a Dazzling smile. “Welcome to the Hazb-”
“Zip it Princess, nobody cares.” The impatient cockney voice instantly gave away who it was, and she didn't sound in a good mood.
The Vees generally didn't come out to the hotel, except Vox who was a naussance on a debatably regular occasions. Valentino was out right banned on pain of something about Alastors shadow, which had been a huge relief to Angel Dust. So Velvette standing with her hand on her hip in the doorway was a very odd sight indeed.
“I'm just here to pick up my number one bitch for the day.” She explained, pushing her way through the door and into the lobby. 
“Uh Angel Dust?” Charlie guessed, not sure who Velvette meant. Angel was a good guess, since he was always in fashionable clothes for his shows, which she assumed came from the social media overlord.
“Pffft as if. He wishes he was number one.” With a scoff Velvette brought a hand to her lips and let out an ear piercing whistle, before screaming. “Girls night!”
Immediately, there was the sound of quick, tip tapping sounds as someone ran down the stairs. A red and white blur rushed past Charlie and launched itself into Velvette’s arms.
“Niff, how you been girl?” Velvette grinned, pulling her into a spinning hug, before settling the much smaller sinner on her hip, able to hold her almost like a child since she was so much smaller. “Towers been boring as fuck without you running around causing chaos.”
“I'm in a war with the cockroaches!” Niffty  beamed, excited as always to talk about her unusual little hobbies. “You should see my collection, hehe, I put on puppet shows with them!”
“Good for you. Now then, the boys have pissed me off today, so we're going all out. I'm talking spa day, retail therapy, the works. If we don't max out at least one of Vox's cards, we ain't doing enough.” 
“Ya know. Al gave her a job here. He ain't gonna like you taking her away like this.” Husk pointed out from the bar.
“Stay outta this pussy cat. If that Deer bastard’s got an issue he can come back to the tower and hash it out with me personally. Hear for himself just what I think of him demoting my girl to a fucking janitor.”
“I like to clean!” Niffty grinned, not seeming to see the same Issue Velvette was.
“So. You're taking Niffty shopping? Is she going to be gone long?” Charlie asked, clearly a bit apprehensive about letting their weird little maid leave by herself with an Overlord.
“I don't think it gives us a good image, if our staff is seen out and about with the Vees.” Vaggie pointed out, making herself known from further back in the foyer, glaring at the young overlord suspiciously.
“Oh please. What kind of Hotel only has, like, two guests anyway. One or two posts on my Sinstagram and your crummy little hotel could be crawling with patrons.” Velvette almost giggled, turning around to hold up her phone for a selfie.
“Aheh. I wouldn't do that if I was you, little lady.” A familiar staticky radio voice spoke out, a second before its owner materialized from the shadows, leaning forward on his cane with slightly narrowed eyes aimed at Velvette’s phone camera. “Unless of course, you wish for the first shop you visit to be buying a replacement.”
“If you break one more of my phones I swear to-”
“Let's, uh, not get into a fight shall we?” Charlie cut in, anticipating this to only get worse if it was allowed to continue.
“This hotel is not in affiliation with the Vees. As I have made very clear on multiple occasions.” Alastor's voice was a casual firmness, being polite instead of argumentative. “It is a place for sinners who honestly want to give redemption a shot. Not some tacky, tourist photo opportunity for your social media scrutiny.”
Alastor straightened up from his forward lean, walking over to put himself between both Charlie and Velvette, slightly to the side so he could address them both equally. “However. If Charlie wishes to allow you some form of promotional material. Perhaps you may ask her to join you on your outing today? Ask some questions, take some photos together. Be seen supporting our darling princess in a few of your posts.”
“I'm not letting Charlie go anywhere with an Overlord. It's bad enough that you're here. And even then I'm only about sixty percent sure you're not a threat to us.”
“Sixty? My, I've gone up in your estimations.” Alastor laughed, backed up by a condescending laugh track. “But very well, I suppose it would be remiss to leave you behind.”
“Hold up. This ain't some kind of playdate.” Velvette snapped, putting Niffty back down on the floor to instead stand with both hands on his hips, hip checked to the side with very obvious attitude. “I'm here for Girls night with-”
“And the last time I checked, both Charlie and her paramour were of the female persuasion.” Alastor said, more firmly this time. “Girls night seems like a wonderful bonding experience for all of you!”
Charlie looked back at Vaggie, who was holding her spear to the side, not looking thrilled at the idea, but not outright rejecting it either, and Niffty was bouncing on the spot with a hug grin stretching wide across her face. “I… guess it wouldn't hurt to get to know eachother. I mean, if your a friend of Al's, and wanted to help out.”
“Ooooo! Girls night got bigger.” Niffty gasped, practically vibrating with excitement.
“Urgh.” Velvette groaned, racking a hand down her face in annoyance. But the fond look she gave at seeing how happy the idea made Niffty softened the blow somewhat. “Fine. I suppose being seen with the princess isn't cramping my style too much.” The resignation in her voice was palpable, and the knowing look she shot Alastor only validated his smug expression.
“Wonderful! Anything Charlie buys, you may take out of my personal account.” Alastor said brightly, stepping aside to allow Charlie to pass. “I look forward to hearing all about it this evening.”
Vaggie reluctantly followed the others out of the hotel, moving besides a bewildered but optimistic Charlie, who already looked like she might break into a full round of twenty questions at the drop of a hat.
“And don't you fret princess. I'm sure the boys and I will have things completely under control here until you get back.”
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desos-records · 6 months
[MAJOR Spoilers for The Empty Grave]
@oceanspray5 asked for Lucy and Marissa parallels so here we go
Marissa, in typical villain fashion, claims that her and Lucy aren't that different and she's not entirely wrong.
They're both Listeners, can both talk to Type Threes, they both have close relationships with and, to an extent, rely on those same Type Threes (or whatever Ezekiel is), both have a male counterpart with a chip on his shoulder.
But that's where the similarities end. It's all surface level. Marissa claims that Lucy has the same fear of death that Marissa does, but she's wrong. Lucy stares death in the face until it flinches first every day, she understands that it's sad and scary and it's natural. By Empty Grave, she's not afraid of it so much as she wants to live.
There's a difference. A difference Marissa doesn't understand.
Lucy wants to stay with her friends, with Lockwood, in Portland Row, in this little family they've built together. Marissa has nobody. She had friends and family at one point, but she pushed them all away. Or, in several cases, killed them. She's responsible for the death and suffering of four entire generations (her own, her daughter's, granddaughter's, and the current generation). Not to mention all of the souls she trapped. Fear ruled her more than love did.
And Lucy feels fear too, all the time, but her love for her friends, her fierce protective instincts, her empathy for others, her own strong sense of self-respect are all so much louder than her fear. Lucy saves her generation and that will echo through the ones to follow.
Despite the bravado, Marissa is deeply insecure. Lucy points out the mirrors in her office, how her beauty is obviously important to her. Lucy has her own insecurities about her looks. A consistent thread in her narration is her intense self-deprecation, about plenty of things, but often about her appearance (the only counterpoints to this coming from Lockwood, but that's another post). She doesn't like her hips or her hair or how she often looks like she's been dragged feet-first, at speed, through a dusty, abandoned, mouse-infested attic because that's exactly what happened to her today.
But as insecure as Lucy is about all that, as much as it sometimes influenced her decisions, it ultimately doesn't matter. It does not out-weigh the things she does value about herself--her Talent, her self-reliance, determination, intelligence, empathy, bravery.
That moment right before the elevator doors open, when Lucy's staring at her reflection of herself, is one of my favorites. Lucy gives us the usual highly specific, but not particularly flattering description of herself. And then she says that it's nice to be reminded of who she is: Lucy Joan Carlyle.
What does show!Lucy say? Never liked mirrors, there's always just some stupid girl staring back at me. By the time we get to Empty Grave, she still has her insecurities, she still doesn't think she looks particularly nice (especially not when she's literally just come back from hell and had half a dozen ghost pillars dropped on her), but she looks like herself. And she likes who she is in a way that Marissa could never manage.
And that matters more than looking pretty and put together ever will.
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