#how dare he be such a puppy while in his mini-me phase?
orsuliya · 3 years
Not... Not going on a full rewatch, mind you. That said...
...Song Huaien wasn't very subtle with his "SEE?! DADDY LOVES ME BEST" routine at the end of episode 1, was he? My guy, my dude, I get that you're really proud about being chosen to escort Xiao Qi to the capital, but you know, it's not nice to gloat. And that was totally some very explicit - if non-verbal - gloating. Complete with checking the reactions of his rivals to Daddy's affections brothers-in-arms. Not subtle. Not subtle at all.
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deviant3lover · 4 years
OOOOOOOO! You writing for other charaters now? Cuz, here are some bois I'd like to see your take on! Pick and choose who you'd please: Zombieman, Child Emperor, Tatsumkai, Sonic, Flashy Flash, Mumen Rider, King and, (one I'd really like to see) Sweet Mask. Thanks, and happy early birthday!
Thank you~! And lmao, my birthday was like, a month ago now;; I swear my attention span is hella weak- I see a shiny thing and I 
Z I P 
Outta my work and go over to look at it for the next 3 days.
And anon… dear anon…
I will do ALL OF THEM.
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If I’m being honest? I honestly hated him when he was first introduced.
He cycled as fast as he could to confront the Paradisers, had a moment where he parked his bike, (a bit awkward, but I faintly enjoyed the sight) pulled off a show of confidence that implied that he knew the gravity of the situation and has a way of dealing with it effectively (the common subversive tactic: weak looking character has tremendous strength) and then got DECKED ON with one hit, showing that it was just shallow hot air he couldn’t back up.
And then he got credit for the work that Saitama did. (Albeit unintentionally.)
Not… the greatest first impression. I thought he was an overconfident guy who was playing hero, uncomprehending of the danger that he puts himself in for the sake of living in an idealised fantasy that since he’s the protagonist, since he’s the one with determination and a heart of gold, it’ll all work out. Him cycling towards the Sea King at full throttle, with him apparently not taking the hint from the Paradisers, drove that belief home to me even more.
(Wow, I sound like Garou here. :o…)
And then he launched into his spiel.
How he felt like he wasn’t good enough to take the promotion, how he knows, better than anyone, that he’s weak. That yes, he might not win- might even get killed for his fruitless efforts for it, but what matters is that he tries. Not because he feels like he can pull it off eventually, or that the monsters will submit to how ~brave~ he is, but because it’s just important to try in the face of overwhelming odds, if it means that others have a slightly better chance of surviving because of it. Willing to die just so others won’t, even when you’re dismissed as a weakling both in the present and after death.
And that made me doubt about what I thought of him.
It wasn’t until I saw him trying to convince TTM to leave Garou alone, trying to intervene when Garou attacked him, and getting his face smashed repeatedly into the concrete sidewalk for his efforts by the same man he tried to defend, that I was utterly convinced that Mumen was genuinely heroic.
This may be a little dark, but I have a feeling that Mumen’s sense of justice doesn’t entirely stem from his selfless nature, but also from feelings of worthlessness. That he goes above and beyond to be a hardworking hero because he feels he has no worth if he dares do otherwise. The Christmas extra chapter in the manga sort of sparked this belief for me. If Mumen’s sense of justice was purely selfless, he’d mention other options (e.g. Friends inviting him out, new bistro downtown, setting up a mini Christmas tree and treating himself to a nice present) and maybe consider injecting some time for himself for them, if not on Christmas day, then the day before or after. Instead, he says with a smile, that he’ll be patrolling the streets for danger with no allusion to his personal life. And that lingering suspicion still sticks to me to this day.
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First impression? I didn’t think too much of him, because I didn’t have much reason to. Very little screen time in the early manga/anime didn’t get me to form much of an attachment or investment in his character.
But later on? I like him! A kid prodigy, but it’s made clear time and time again that he still has room to improve, and I’ve always been a big fan of personal growth and developing self-reflection/awareness in stories. The fact that he wasn’t a stuck-up brat who thought he knew everything, and (taking into account that he’s literally 10 years old) still had a great deal of growth ahead of him in terms of the technological and the personal…
Yeah. I’m definitely holding out my hope for seeing a side story dedicated to him.
If I had the luck to choose the idea for the plot, I would love to see what sparked his love for technology, his mishaps and successes and so-so’s when it came to developing his skills and his gadgets. I want to be able to see the people around him reacting with awe and confusion over this kid hurriedly drawing up complex diagrams on a chalkboard board for different ideas before they leave his mind, which gadgets he’s put the most work in, the most time on, and is proud of, and finally; if he had a snobby phase and is ashamed of it. Bonus points if he took a break from his work to read up on how to be more like a mature adult so that older people will take him more seriously outside of being an inventor.
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I, uh… honestly don’t think too much of him? He never really stuck with me.
Conversely… I do, however, like the few times we get the spotlight shined on him. He’s a badass to watch, and I laughed and cringed when the infamous ‘accidental punch’ scene came up on my screen. Considering the fact that I watched the anime first before the manga, I wasn’t anticipating it at all.
Which makes me glad in this case! The animated scene feels way more impactful and memorable than the manga version. I felt the build up and the rapidly increasing dread rise in me as I saw Saitama’s fist slowly punch Sonic’s unmentionables. Animating the- ahem- impact of his punch done me in and seared that scene into my mind.
Hmm… I feel like Sonic’s a more rebellious version of Flash, whilst also having been influenced by him. The both of them enjoy taking care of themselves in more luxurious ways, with their glossy hair and refusal to be filthy or rough in any way (e.g. Flash taking good care of his hair in the shower, Sonic opting to cook the monster cells and serve them tastefully before eating them) but I feel like Sonic likes rebelling more outwardly towards how he’s been trained and conditioned as a ninja compared to Flash. He just gives off that vibe~
Expanding on that, I feel like he’s more self-reflective and subtle in his thoughts. Flash is sort of absorbed in his own business and narrow range of experiences (not that I’m blaming him: he’s a busy man) while Sonic is more rooted to reality, and is a little more mellowed out to show for it. In the audio CDs, he gains a new understanding of what Saitama is forced to go through and respects him more as a person than just a milestone to beat, and he overcomes his trauma of Saitama ‘punching him’ by accepting what happened and simply keeping the possibility of it happening again in mind; not to torture himself or blame himself for being ‘weak,’ but to acknowledge what he’s fearful of and accepting it, allowing him to move on.
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I was gunning hard for him to be a cold-blooded woman assassin who wants to look elegant and deadly at the same time. Femme fatale, minus the seduction.
I was a little disappointed when he turned out to be a guy, and more so when he riled up Metal Bat with his insults while telling them to cut it out (counter intuitive, but it wouldn’t have been so bad if I wanted to see that. But I didn’t want to see it so lmao-) so, apart from his cool character design, I was a little turned off in my investment in him.
I was hoping that they kept the name ‘Lightspeed Flash’ instead of Flashy Flash. Yes, I know that they’re pretty much the same in terms of meaning, but the former just sounds more dignified. Considering he’s a man who takes himself seriously in both his work and appearance, I feel like it’s more in character for him to suggest a hero name that sounds more impressive, but still shows that sort of silliness underneath when you look closely.
He gained back some of my respect for him when he directly told Tatsumaki off for stealing his kill and talking down on him. That takes mad guts and I was wondering which of the heroes are willing to risk a serious fight with her to prove that they’re not one to be trifled with.
(Metal Bat was a little different in that regard: at the time, I just saw him as another affectionate parody of the delinquent trope. Nice contrast to the rest of the older, calmer heroes, but a little generic.)
Flashy Flash… yeah. I feel like he’s willfully disconnected himself from the world both emotionally and socially. Not because he’s afraid, but because he thinks it’s useless. He’s already seen the worst of it thanks to his upbringing, so there’s no point in putting in effort to go out and explore just to discover what else is wrong with the world.
I also think that, like Tatsumaki, he feels more than competent on his own and believes doesn’t need any outside help or interference. Hence, anyone who doesn’t meet his personal standards immediately has their opinions and suggestions of him dismissed or not truly considered with respect. He thinks he knows what’s best, even when there’s opinions screaming that he’s not, because he doesn’t respect others that way.
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OOF- Okay, I was actually pretty ambivalent about him.
I thought he was cool when he intimidated the Tongue monster into submission, then thought he was an egotistical, vain hero when confronted by the G4 monster, then thought he was a pitiful, cowardly man forced to flee out of necessity, and then thought he was an endearing puppy when he realized just who Saitama is to him.
And. Hm.
King is… a very genuine man. I like him. Like Mumen Rider, he’s willing to put himself on the line to protect others. What makes me a little conflicted is if he’s more, the same, or less heroic than Mumen.
More: He has absolutely nothing to defend himself with in terms of physical skills or strength. His luck is his only maxed out stat in the hero game he’s obliged to play, and he’d rather be left alone, but he still puts his life on the line to help others, even when he’s scared witless.
Less: He does have his awe inspiring, fear inducing reputation that can neutralise the monster threats more often than not, and is aware of this, using it to his advantage. So maybe he’s a little less courageous since he knows it will work in his favour more often than not.
My take on him…  King strikes me as a good man. In a normal, monsterless world, he won’t be the kind who’ll fearlessly charge into battle against terrorists, or pull off any awe inspiring feats by himself by passing life saving legislations; this man isn’t interested in grand scale heroics and would rather support those who are interested and are good at it.
No, King strikes me as a man who wants to keep to himself and offer his sincere help to those who manages to become good friends with this shy man. He may be quaking in his boots at imminent danger, but he’ll still try to stand up for what’s right when someone else is being taken advantage of, even if he’s not entirely sure of what he’s doing.
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I never cared much for Amai until now.
I can’t imagine anything more devastating than working yourself down to the bone to protect and give people hope, to cultivate others into what it means to be a true hero, only to realize the people you worked so hard for was just as hideous as you used to be. This man worked so hard, and him protecting the people he cared about wasn’t enough to deter them from reacting with horror and disgust. It wasn’t even five minutes until the first of his ungrateful ‘fans’ tried stoning him.
Thank God Saitama intervened… the look on his face after he was called a cool guy was both ugly cute and heart wrenching. He may have been called dreamy or inspirational by the adoring masses, but being broken down to the very thing that you’ve been ashamed and fearful of your entire life, and still having someone who sees you as someone worthwhile must’ve meant the world to Amai. He’s a monster, yes, but he kept a vice grip on his morals and never let them go, even when his grip on them was weakening with every breath he took.
I also liked the way that ONE written his rise to fame. The build-up and anticipation surrounding how he looked behind the mask, Amai himself being bitter over the vanity of the public, learning to accept it, and gradually became obsessed with embodying the symbol of justice- this time, where everyone can see it. But it wasn’t on his own terms, no; instead of being seen as the ugly but virtuous man before, he has to present himself as a handsome idol, instead of being loved and revered for who he truly is; ugly and all. That it’s not a defect.
And I felt pity for him when I realized that’s what happened.
My opinion and takes (interpretations) of him? He’s interesting, to put it lightly.
If I think more on it, I feel like he’s losing himself to his delusions. It’s ironic: someone focusing on saving the hearts of others, yet all they can see is themselves.
True to the series, Amai reminds me of Genos. Of what Genos would’ve turned out to be if he was kept alone with no one he can truly connect with. No one who can remind him of the sweeter things in life that don’t matter. No one you have a personal, deep connection with to return home to.
Amai strikes me as a man who’s so focused on eliminating evil that he sees it everywhere, no matter how small or large it is, or if it even exists. If someone doesn’t live up to his standards or sees what he sees, he immediately has this sort of insurmountable, unseen distance from them that can’t be easily crossed.
In all honesty, I’m intrigued and worried for him. Part of my indulgent ideas for him is that he’s slowly starting to hallucinate and had started monsterize from the inside for a long, long while, and it’s only by the Association’s dependence on him and his adoring fans that keeps preserving the man that he used to be when he was purely heroic, but hideous. And even then, it’s not enough.
I feel like he’s painted himself in a corner where he feels it’s too late to try and get help for his condition, instead desperately searching for someone who can take his place. He knows how important a symbol is, and if he had the choice, would keep it up as long as he lives, but his passion for it isn’t enough to drive off what he’s becoming.
And he was right.
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I may have done Zombieman already, but I also realise that I’ve missed out on some things that I wanted to include~
In contrast to Amai, Zombieman strikes me as the type of guy who’s a sort of ‘Frankenstein’s Monster’ character. Unlike the book character, Zombieman is in a society that accepts, reveres, and adores him for all he does despite his questionable history and to what degree he is ‘human.’ He doesn’t seem to believe that what he is makes up for who he is, and anyone who thinks otherwise will earn his ire; but again, like Frankenstein’s monster, he knows it’s a part of him, and that it’s still a source of discomfort for him. He needs to get that skeleton out of his closet for him to truly enjoy life.
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Honestly, I didn’t notice too much of her character until much, much later in the manga. Prior to that, I admired her ability to take care of the worst threats by herself. Soloist heroes and protagonists were always a soft spot of mine: learning to handle the worst of what life had to throw at you and being good at it, but not necessarily good at taking care of your emotional and mental wellbeing, confiding in others about that, and showing that it’s okay to be vulnerable or lost or flawed, and endeavoring to fix that?
Yesss. Good trope. One of my favorites.
So, what finally caught my attention from her?
Her fight with Psykos.
I was sort of seething with the way Psykos was chilling smugly in her underground lair. Her plan was smart, but the way she was so self-assured and the way she thinks she’s above others; human and monster alike, sipping wine all the while?
That irritated me a lot.
So, to see Tatsumaki rip her from her cozy room and into the fray of the battle, coercing her into spilling intel by twisting her limbs and body each and every way to force it out, and striking fear into her heart with that sadistic, predatory smile of hers?
I loved it. Whoo!
As for takes… I’m not sure if I have any on her to be honest! At least, not one that isn’t already canon. She believes that you shouldn’t rely on others to become strong, or to save you, and has lived up to that idea by herself. She can back up her words and I admire that.
I do feel a little sorry for her, considering what she’s gone through. As much as I agree with her, sometimes she can take it too far.
I was a little irked by her showing little to no concern for shielding her team mates from getting crushed underneath the rubble of a building, with Darkshine stepping in to protect them, but I suppose she had a point; you have to take care of yourself on the battlefield.
Still; her total lack of concern left me a little perturbed.
This was curbed a bit by her refusing to uproot the association until she knew Tareo was safe; I feel like that added more character to her in the manga, as opposed to the webcomic.
In conclusion: All of these characters are good. UoU! Murata and One are great writers, and they made them feel fleshed out and distinct from each other in almost every way possible whilst keeping them believable. And I love them for it. :3
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ikonct95 · 5 years
the weekend
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Pairing: wonho x female reader
Genre: t, fluff, college au.
Warnings: bad kissing (?)
Word Count: 1593
A/N: not proof read
You shuffled your heeled clad feet across the frozen street as you hurriedly tried to escape the biting cold, your winter coat did nothing to help you stay warm seeing as you were were a short dress and the coat itself only reaching your midthigh.
You were on your way to Soyou after midterms party, a party that you didn’t really want to go to but were persuaded by Soyou, no one could really say no to her adorable puppy eyes. So, begrudgingly, you agreed to go to the party.
Soyou had squealed before embracing you in a quick hug, “Wear something cute!” she told you before heading to her next class.
Unfortunately to you, it started snowing right as you left your apartment. Walking across the frozen pavements in heels while trying not to slip and fall and break your leg was a total fucking nightmare.
Finally, you were outside of Soyou’s front door. Her apartment was on the fourth floor so you didn’t really have time to warm yourself up but it was better than the ugly weather outside.
The sound of the heavy bass was muffled but it became deafening when the door was flung open revealing an excited Soyou, “You made it!”
You playfully rolled your eyes as she pulled you into a hug, grateful for the short source of warmth.
“Damn girl, you outstaging me at my own party?” Soyou commented after you hung your coat.
You snorted at your best friend. First of all, Soyou looked drop dead gorgeous in her mini red dress. Second, you weren’t dressed all out. Just a simple white dress that just reach midthigh, no pattern or sequence, plain and simple, “Honey, stop fishing for compliments you know you’re beautiful.”
Soyou shrugged her shoulders while flipping her hair, “I know.” She giggled, “But seriously, you look great!”
The apartment was crowded, but not to the point where it was hot and there wasn’t enough air for anyone. Just a decent large number where everyone was busy with the other. Soyou led you to your other friends and once you were pumped up enough, you all headed to the center of the room and danced till you literally dropped. No, seriously, Bora’s heel snapped and she twisted her ankle so she couldn’t really dance anymore.
Her boyfriend, Shownu had to carry her to the kitchen and set her on the counter while Hyolyn gently pressed an ice pack to help soothe the swelling.
Shortly after that, the crowded start to diminsh as the hours went by until it was just you, your friends and their boyfriends and a few other guys hanging out still long after the party was over, amongst them was your crush, Wonho.
“What do you y’all wanna do?” Jooheon asked, his head resting on the armrest of the couch.
“I don’t know.” You sighed with a heavy sigh, your back resting against the leather couch. Your feet going numb from sitting on them for a long time.
“Y’all wanna place truth or daughter?” Bora suggested playfully as she wiggled her eyebrows, causing the group of college students to groan at her suggestion.
“What are we, hormonal preteens?” Dasom jabbed.
“Oh, I know you’re just dying to kiss me.” Changkyun puckered his lips at Dasom who shoved his face away from him with her face all scrunched up. The two have been dancing around each other for a very long time. It was cute at first, seeing them being all shy towards each other and denying their feelings but now it was just sickening.
“No, I think it’s a good idea.” Hyungwon spoke up.
“Me too.” Nodded Hyolyn.
Soon, they all voiced their agreement until they all turned to face you.
“Well, Y/N. What about you?”
You pretended to think before sighing and rolling your eyes dramatically at them, “Fine, I guess will play truth or dare.”
You were all sitting in a circle in the middle of the living room, Soyou’s phone in the center of the circle. Across from you was Wonho, who smiled at you shyly when your eyes met. It made you blush and quickly look away from his gaze. Hoping he doesn’t notice how red your cheeks were turning.
“Ok, so the rules are simple.” Bora spoke after adding the names into the truth or dare app on her phone, “If you don’t carry out the dare or lie when you were supposed to be telling the truth, you have to do either one of the two penalties. First one is eating an entire full spoonful of cinnamon and the second one is to rundown the streets in your underwear.”
“But it’s snowing!” Shricked Minhyuk.
But Bora simply shrugged as she said, “Not my problem.”
“Oooff you’re one bad cookie, ya know that?” Changkyun pretended to shiver.
The game wasn’t that eventful at first. Shownu was dared to impersonate a chicken, Soyou had to tell one of the most embarrassing kiss she had ever received and Hyolyn had to recite the alphabet backwards.
Things got more entertaining when Changkyun was dared to unscrew a hot sauce bottle and take two gulps down, resulting in him crying and dry heaving. Hyungwon was dared to sit in his underwear for the next three turns but he opted to do the penalty instead which was extremely hilarious seeing cinnamon coming out if his nose before spitting out the cardamom. Bora had to tell the truth if she ever thought her boyfriend’s shirt was ugly when she told him it wasn’t.
You went twice. The first one was a dare where you had to hold your breath for a minute (you failed) and the second one was a truth where you have to tell if you’ve ever been skinny dipping (you haven’t).
Dasom went after you with a dare and then Kihyun had to tell one truth from his childhood. When it was finally Wonho’s turn, you didn’t like the expression on Soyou’s face. Nor how Bora mirrored the look as she picked up the phone and, loudly, read, “Dare: kiss the person sitting across from you for two minutes!”
If it were possible, your eyes would’ve bulged out of your socket after listening to the dare. The boys wolf whistled and teased Wonho for blushing, his ears rapidly turning several shades of red.
“Remember, you have to do the penalty if you don't want to do the dare!” Hyolyn singed song, failing at hiding the excitement in both her eyes and voice.
Wonho’s eyes shyly met yours, his features softened, as if he were asking your opinion on the matter.
You bit on your lip. You’ve had a crush on Wonho ever since freshman year when he sat down next to in intro to biology class and never developed the courage to confess your feelings towards him. All you could do was be his friend since it was the easiest thing.
But, knowing you luck, this was the only chance where you could kiss Wonho with his consent. And who knows, maybe by some miracle he felt the same way and reciprocated your crush.
Casually shrugging your shoulders to show that you weren’t really phased by the dare, you softly said, “I don’t mind.” it was meant for Wonho’s ears and his ears only but of course your friends heard you and let out teasing sounds. Instantly, you regretted telling Soyou about your crush who naturally told the other girls. You also regretted coming to this dumb party.
Okay, let’s be real, kissing Wonho isn’t a bad thing but oh my god kissing him in front of everybody else was nerve wracking.
“I have the timer reader!” Jooheon announced loudly, waving his phone wildly into the air.
Everyone held their breaths in anticipation as they watched the two of you inch closer, it was so quiet that if you dropped needle, you could probably hear it as loud as the heavy bass playing earlier.
Wonho’s eyes dropped to your awaiting lips. His tongue darted out to wet his suddenly dry lips before, every so painfully slow, leaned down and kissed your lips. Your eyes slowly closed and a gentle sigh could be heard coming from you at the way moved against yours.
A tingling sensation traveled down your spine when you felt Wonho’s tongue probe against your lips. Without any hesitation, you parted your lips and granted him access into your month. It was unclear who really moaned into the kiss. It could’ve been either one of you or both of you as your tongues continued rub lazily against each other.
Time seemed to have stopped during your make out session because when you finally broke the kiss, you were surprised by the mind blown expressions on your friend’s faces and the time going past two minutes. It went past five minutes to be exact.
“Ok, now that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” Jooheon muttered as the rest nodded their heads along.
Wonho, who was only a hairbreadth away from your lips, asked “Wanna get out of here?”
Nodding your head quickly, “Yeah.” You replied and was instantly blinded by the bright smile Wonho was giving you.
“Hey!” Bora called out as the two of you got up and made it to the front door, “Where are you going?”
But neither of you paid any of your friends attention as Wonho helped you get into your coat before taking his hand in yours and leading you out the door to, hopefully, continue where you’ve left off.
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luxexhomines · 6 years
Hello, can i please have a headcanon of Gundham, Kazuichi, Leon, Kiyotaka and mondo, who try to comfort their S/O who is very stress because their family think be bigender is "not normal" ?
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Thanks for the request! I don’t know that I can write for a bigender reader as far as their perspective goes, so these headcanons are all just about comfort and the way the boys react to your distress from your not-so-understanding family.Hopefully, they’re all in character.
No cut; let me know if you’d like one. Icon credit to phasedistort! Here we go!
Gundham, Kazuichi, Leon, Kiyotaka, & Mondo Comforting Bigender! S/O Headcanons
Gundham Tanaka
He’s never been really great at comforting people or had great people skills in general, truthfully. He wonders how he even managed to get as lovely of a s/o as you!
But to see you in such distress after coming out to your family makes his heart ache, so if you’re crying or moping, he’ll sit next to you and offer grandiose affirmations in the chuunibyou language he speaks as well as a box of tissues. “O Majestic Ruler, you are above any of the plebeians that cry false, disparaging claims about your utterly sublime character and state of being!”
He’ll bring you comfort food like ice cream and cookies, or whatever you like to eat! If it has meat, he might be kind of reluctant, but seeing your face, he’ll agree.
And oh, does he have the ultimate cuddlers with him. The hamsters are kind of small to cuddle, but he has no problem getting you dogs, cats, bunnies, or whatever else you’d like to pet. You know Gundham, he’d probably even leash and tame a bear so you could hug it–that is, if you dare.
If you’re allergic to fur, that’s pretty sad, but he’ll go to costco to get a huge teddy bear or your bedroom if you have some at home so you can have something soft & cuddly!
Oh, but if you ask to cuddle him… He’s gonna be severely shy, so you’d probably have to hunt him down or tackle him. Or he’ll accept, seeing the state you’re in, while his cheeks are permanently dyed a gloriously deep red.
If you cuddle him in bed at night while sleeping, he’s probably not going to sleep the entire night although he won’t admit it, so you should probably spare him and hug the teddy bear instead. He gets pretty out of it when he doesn’t have his sleep.
Gundham’s there for you all the way, behind the scenes! He’s your errand boy and cuddly toy, even if he won’t say so himself.
Kazuichi Souda
He’s another one of the type that is unsure about how to deal with distressed people, so he will be at your beck and call and asks you constantly if there’s anything he can do for you, to the point that you might find it a little annoying, although his devotion to you is endearing.
If you ask him to help you through the holidays with your family by going with you back to your home, where your presence has not been requested but required despite their discomfort with your gender, he’ll be honored that you feel like you can rely on him with such an important job.
Your family might not be too approving of your boyfriend, seeing his bright pink hair and the way he looks kind of like a delinquent…but to them, at least it proves that you can love normally despite being bigender, so they’ll kind of accept him. Kind of.
There are, of course, times when your family, not thinking being bigender is normal, will make bigoted comments about your sexuality at the dinner table, which will definitely rile him up. You’ll have to reach under the table and squeeze his hand to keep him from standing up or arguing with them.
After the dinner, he’ll rant to you about your family and then shut up abruptly, realizing that they are still your family. You’ll have to reassure him that it’s okay, and you know he has good intentions.
His reactions–or what would have been, at least–make you feel a bittersweet joy, because you know that he’s on your side and expresses what you wish you could to your family.
When you cry, it’s enough for him to want to pick up the phone and give your family an angry phone call or storm over there, but you always stop him, knowing it won’t solve anything.
To control his anger, he’ll go to his garage and fiddle with his gadgets, where he might just make a mini-you robot. Or a hundred of them. Depends on his mood. 
This boy will get angry on your behalf, and if it’s not your family making you cry, he’ll gladly go and take them down a peg, never mind that being a mechanic isn’t particularly intimidating.
Leon Kuwata
Here’s another one with a hot-blooded temper and will actually argue with your family after they say something about how being bigender is abnormal or how you must be mistaken about your gender; apart from words, even physically making contact with him won’t calm him down, and your strength is hardly enough to hold back the Ultimate Baseball Player.
You don’t take him back with you for the holidays when you go to see your family because he simply can’t control himself, but he will check in on you over text and phone calls everyday.
If he ever finds out you’re crying at your family’s house, he’ll probably jump on a plane, train, car, or public transportation to get to your family’s home so he can comfort you. And maybe beat someone up.
When you’re thinking about the whole situation and feel down, Leon will play some music for you on the guitar, maybe sing as he strums some tunes. He’ll encourage you to sing along if you have the spirits, but won’t be pushy about it. 
He might even suggest playing a simple game of catch, if it’ll take your mind off of things. Doing something single-mindedly can help get you out of your funk, according to him, and throwing a ball around is surprisingly meditative.
When you just want to be comforted, Leon will let you sit in his lap, let you rest your head in his lap, cover you in lots of blankets.
If you eat tons of ice cream or other comfort foods, he’ll eat with you.
Overall, Leon’s kind of a wild card with lots of anger, but he will offer plenty of camaraderie no matter what’s going on.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
You know how he is–he gets riled up easily, but as he doesn’t condone violence, he would never try to fight your family, at least not physically. Word are another story, but he’ll sit, beg and lay down, whatever you command, since they are your family.
He will have lots of healthy coping methods for the stress you accumulate in his back pocket! Or he’ll research them for you, like the sweet & caring cinnamon roll he is.
He’ll try all the coping methods with you, one by one! He’s probably not a big believer of meditation or praying, but whatever helps you–he just wants you to feel better and deal with your stress in a healthy way!
When you begin to cry, hyperventilate, or panic, he’ll sit you down at the couch and rub soothing circles on your back while murmuring affirmations to you. About every ten minutes, he might check in with you and ask if you’re feeling better, worse, or the same, and if there’s anything he can do to help.
If you ask to cuddle, he might object and say it’s indecent with red painted all over his cheeks, but if you give him a puppy dog look, he’ll agree reluctantly. He’ll likely be very stiff and nervous, but will relax over time. Maybe.
When you’re wanting to eat something, he’ll suggest healthy foods too, like carrots or celery, which are crunchy enough that you can maybe take out some of your anger on them without eating anything too bad for your body.
But if you want ice cream, chips or sweets, he’ll oblige–but he’ll insist on buying it for you so he can check the ingredients and choose the best options from the selection of not so healthy foods.
You can count on him if you want to bring him back for the holidays not to do anything drastic, though he might have a couple outbursts. He just loves you too much, he can’t help it if someone else is causing you to suffer or saying horrible things about you!
He’s just a sweet boy who will try to make sure you cope with all the stress in a way that is healthy and conducive to yourself and the people around you for your own good.
Mondo Oowada
You know him, he has the shortest temper of them all. There is absolutely no way you’d ever bring him back home over the holidays for support because he’d end up causing you more anxiety over fights rather than giving you peace of mind as you weather the storm. Although the sight of him would probably be more than enough to stop your family from making ignorant and hurtful comments.
You know he’d jump on his motorbike and ride over to rescue you and maybe punch out the lights of some people there, so you try to ride the rollercoaster of emotions, take good care of yourself, make sure you are in good shape for daily calls with him, and for the most part it works.
Sometimes when you mention a comment from your family about how bigender probably wasn’t a thing and that you were just going through a phase, he starts ranting about them and swearing loudly, forgetting that technically, you’re just as capable of doing so yourself if you want to.
Otherwise, you mostly use him as a giant teddy bear–albeit, his chest is more muscular than soft.
You like to cling onto him and beg for piggyback rides, though, and when he asks if you’re a kid in an irritated manner, you answer that you are when he’s around, so he bends down to let you climb on. His gruff manner does nothing to disguise his love for you, which is comfort in itself.
When you break down in front of him, he feels powerless and helpless, not knowing how he could ever lift you up. But he doesn’t let his selfish desire to remain in control take over; he accompanies you through the long night, staying at your side loyally and holding you close.
If you’re fine with it, he’ll ask to take you on a ride on his motorcycle in the dead of night, the comfortable breeze combing through your hair and the moon guiding your journey down countless empty streets.
He is super down for comfort food. Greasy fast food? Sugary ice cream? Bags and bags of salty chips? He’ll take you anywhere and buy you anything–heck, he’ll eat all the same things, too.
He’s a solid partner when you need support; he doesn’t succumb to the pressures of a toxic masculinity culture and especially not when he takes care of you, because he knows it’s all about you when you ask him to be there for you. He’ll be vulnerable with you, too, if you want.
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