#how do we format it for maximum engagement and how can it look good on mobile etcetc
aurosoul · 8 months
realizing that my main task rn is to figure out how to make art for myself again 🤔
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kspp · 6 months
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NEP 2020 : How can India become center for public policy education in next five years?
Instead of looking at public policy professionals to be anchored in just arts and humanities, India must create a new generation of nation builders trained in Public Policy and learn from diverse disciplines such as law, management, technology, economics, and humanities.
India is a desirable destination in the global higher education space. Our demographic dividend will allow us to have the highest population of young people globally over the next decade. We need to reset our higher education offerings that will be in sync with our nation’s emerging needs and our region and the world.
When we take a closer look at the arena of public policy, specifically – India’s Act East policy has far-reaching implications in entire Southeast Asia. Over the years, China’s policies ranging from greater engagement with ASEAN, the formation of the Shangai Cooperation Organisation, debt diplomacy, and the recent Belt Road Initiative, show a reordering of the regional dynamics.
The US-China standoff, changing relations between countries in the middle east, etc., will lead to the emergence of new world order.
Domestically speaking, the repealing of close to 1500 acts during the 2014 to 2019 Lok Sabha tenure is an impressive feat considering that less than 2000 acts were repealed over the previous six decades. The emphasis on “Minimum Government Maximum Governance” and attempts to increase the “Ease of Doing Business” all point to a fresh impetus to change the way governance was done in India till recently.
As the 2012 article by CommonWealth Foundation says – “Governance is too important and complex to be left to governments alone.” Good governance will be brought about only when Society, Businesses, and Government come together and explore ways of working together to usher in more citizen-centric governance mechanisms. For a long time, in India and many other countries, public policymaking has been the domain of mainly the bureaucracy. What began in the UK under John Major, the “Citizen Charter” movement, has over the last decade resulted in various states starting to deliver the “Right to Public Services.”
Innovation in different fields: Further innovation by multiple states like Delhi, Karnataka, and other states, many public services are being offered at the doorstep. Other stakeholders’ inputs and opinions are rarely sought in a welcoming manner, and even if suggestions are received, they are less likely to be incorporated. The journey of “Changing the way we govern ourselves” demands the best and the brightest to be involved in nation-building and continue to become more citizen and business-friendly.
NEP aims to increase gross enrollment ratio: The National Education Policy 2020 rightly identifies the need to double the Gross Enrollment Ration to 50 percent by 2035 from the GER of 2018, which stood at 26.3 percent. The higher educational institutions across disciplines will have to add over three crore seats.
New generation of nation-builders: Instead of looking at public policy professionals to be anchored in just arts and humanities, India must create a new generation of nation builders trained in Public Policy and learn from diverse disciplines such as law, management, technology, economics, and humanities.
In addition to the reconfiguration of geopolitics, innovation in public services delivery, rapid advances in technology, and its implications necessitate progressive regulation to protect the privacy and thwart the threat of a jobless future. All of this adds to the need for professionalizing public policy. NEP rightfully encourages holistic and multidisciplinary education.
Emphasis must be to provide lifelong learning as compared to the long-standing – “finish college” and then “start working” mindset.
The logical fallout from NEP should lead well-functioning higher educational Institutions to dream big and move away from centrally controlled by cumbersome and lengthy Government regulations. NEP implementation should encourage them to become board-administered autonomous institutions that will respond to the country’s diverse needs and beyond.
The present-day, low-trust, high-touch regulatory approach needs to be replaced with a trust-but-verify mode, giving the better performing institutions greater autonomy to develop long-term roadmaps for emerging areas like public policy.
Different public policy courses: Public policy courses designed to keep Indian ethos with the western public policy frameworks will be essential ingredients to move towards a better-governed nation given the above set of conditions. Our students and faculty must blend ancient wisdom from texts like Kautilya’s Arthashastra, Bhartrihari’s Niti Shatakam, and others that capture the local realities and cultural context.
These texts cover various aspects of governance, ranging from ethics, economics, law, politics, military, spies, intelligence to logistics when combined with proven western governance mechanisms that have given excellent results.
With every crisis comes an opportunity to leapfrog to a new normal. Many lessons from India are relevant to the Commonwealth countries, South and Southeast Asian countries that share similar governance mechanisms.
As cooperative federalism is taking more center stage, many more opportunities will open up at the state level along with the national level for bringing in these reforms in the government sector. Many new areas are getting deregulated and opened up.
Many businesses will look out for public policy specialists who can advise them during this transitionary phase. India’s CSR spends from BSE 100 companies itself crossed 10,000 crores in FY19-20. Also, many not-for-profits raise large grants nationally and internationally will benefit from professionals with a good grounding in public policy education.
All the above aspects augur well for India powered by the National Education Policy to become a hotbed for public policy education. India will become a powerhouse for innovations that will usher in a citizen-centric and inclusive future for all.
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enhmediaseo · 2 years
Social media marketing can assist you in developing engaged audiences in places where they already spend their time. It can also generate multiple sources of traffic that brings in customers consistently and keeps your business in front of them.
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The most common social media failures for small businesses stem from a lack of understanding of who their customers are, who their competitors are, which channels to target, and how to engage their audience. So, if you want to maximize the effectiveness of your social media strategy, the most important thing you must do is understand and connect with your target consumer.
Here are seven actionable social media marketing tips for small businesses:
Understand your target audience: It is important to know your target audience very well. Knowing who you’re creating content for and where you’re going to post it is essential for social media marketing success. In short, creating a buyer persona is an excellent way to improve your social media efforts and make better strategic decisions.
Establish social media goals and objectives: Make goals that adhere to the SMART framework. They must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. Set your goals based on metrics that will have a real impact on your company.
Pay attention to trends: It is a good idea to keep an eye on social media trends so that you can understand what people are looking for when they log into their social channels. This allows you to create relevant content that will resonate over time.
Use the right tools: The key to effectively using social media is to use tools that automate or simplify much of the work. There are numerous tools like Engagement management, Analytics, Content curation, Graphics etc. available to assist you in increasing your productivity.
Look for brand ambassador and influencer opportunities: Keep an eye out for brand ambassador and influencer opportunities for genuine company promotion and maximum reach. It adds a personal touch to the brand and aids in increasing brand awareness and sales.
Track and refine your performance: It’s critical to keep track of what works and what doesn’t as you implement your social strategy. You can then fine-tune your efforts to achieve better results. The analytics tools will help to give you a great picture of your social efforts and track whichever metrics matter most to you.
Mix up your formats: Make an effort to vary the formats of your social media posts from time to time. If you normally post GIFs, try a JPG or a video.
Are you looking for social media services for your small business? We are a social media agency that constantly monitors and keeps up with the latest developments in the digital space. Try us out right now!
For more details visit: https://enhmedia.com/services/social-media-marketing
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transienturl · 2 years
I have watched/listened to, I dunno, a small to moderate amount of actual play tabletop campaign series... serieses? What is the plural of series?
Okay, before we get distracted: while I do so, I'm constantly thinking about what I would and wouldn't want to emulate from them if I were a player or GM in my own campaign. I have a couple of mostly-unrelated thoughts on this topic:
I actually have no idea how close these things are to a typical home tabletop roleplay game; I have been in... a little bit of one... once? Doesn't seem like a big enough sample size. Obviously, it's clear to me that there's a big difference between the ones where there's a set output format and in some sense it's heavily preplanned/"scripted" (live stage shows with a time limit; shows with elaborate physical props like dimension 20) and, you know, the shows that don't have those, but I'm sure there are much more subtle things that you do only when you're recording something for an audience that I wouldn't easily pick up on.
Even though the amounts of each roleplay group I've experienced besides the one I've watched hours of are like [two episodes, four episodes, about 10 minutes, one season], it's really obvious that everyone's strengths and weaknesses are different, to the extent that "actual play D&D" really doesn't fundamentally describe the same thing. Some groups seem, besides the DM, actively bad at the D&D part itself and the "rules" are more of an inspiration source for some professional-tier storytellers/roleplayers who are really using that skill. Contrast, I guess, with critical role, who seem to more actively be playing the game itself (neither of which is better or worse, obviously; it's just different).
My biggest pet peeve, that I'm really curious about the prevalence of, is when the GM presents the players with a problem, multiple players come up with ways to solve it that don't really engage with each other, that's kind of the end of the thought, and they say "okay each of our characters does their plan" and they all roll separately. I dunno, like... I guess when you say it that way it sounds fine. But it doesn't lend itself to, I guess, stuff like narrative drama? I thought I had a better way to describe this in my head. But, I guess, coming up with a plan that involves everyone's idea makes the successes or failures dictated by the device create a coherent narrative that everyone can contribute narrative ideas to, while everyone splitting up to (let's say) sneak into an area and one person getting caught usually just leads to the invalidation of the potential storylines of all of the other potentially clever ways to get past the challenge.
Related to that, and more generally: I like to think I would run tabletop in a very specific way: that of "the best, most compelling story is the one we're trying to create." For example, I would actively want my GM to decide how many wolves are around the corner based partially on the current state of the party, not necessarily because they wrote that down beforehand. To me, that's not a betrayal of the system we decided wherein the better my character is built the more successful they are! I would want to play tabletop more as a collaborative writing exercise than as a video game, I guess. I find "clever ways to skip boss encounters" actively annoying unless the clever way is cool, and makes a cool story, and feels good, which it often does but often doesn't! If not, it's just wasted story potential, wasted emotion potential really. The goal is to feel something. I'm not saying de-weight the dice, to be clear; the dice are also a way to feel something! I'm saying, engineer the scenario so each time you roll the dice, you have the maximum chance of feeling something because of it.
Yeah, I think about this a lot for someone who will likely not experience these things any time soon.
(If you're looking for recs: I don't think Oxventure is the sort I'd do a specific rec for since a lot of the draw is enjoying the people and just how they interact, but I do really like all of them and have watched it by far the most; the early bits of TAZ I've listened to give me similar vibes but I hear the worldbuilding gets pretty good later; I don't like how crit role does combat descriptions and I don't have the time to commit to understand the melodrama so I passed on it; I haven't gotten into friends at the table but I bet I would find them the most compelling if I did; their creative abilities seem off-the-charts but I have trouble parsing the voices...
...and I watched the first dimension 20 season and that one does get a straight up recommendation, because wow they are good at what they do; I would say the high-energy style is not actually my style but if you're gonna do that they do it in a way that I bet almost no one can
Still looking for a show that feels like, "oh, this is me." Not actively looking, but.).
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barbarewjohnson · 2 years
Content Creation 101: How to Create Compelling Content That Converts
If you’re a business owner, you know that creating compelling content is essential to driving conversions. But what exactly makes for compelling content? In this blog post, we’ll explore content creation 101 – how to create material that’s both effective and engaging. We’ll touch on topics like understanding your audience and using strong headlines. So if you’re ready to learn more about how to make your content work for you, read on!
Content Creation 101: The Basics
Creating content can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to the process. But don’t worry – we’re here to help! In this blog post, we’ll go over some of the basics of content creation, including tips on how to come up with ideas, produce quality writing, and format your content for maximum impact. So let’s get started!
One of the most important aspects of creating great content is coming up with ideas that will resonate with your audience. To do this, it helps to understand who your target reader is and what kinds of topics they’re interested in. Once you have a good sense of what direction you want to take your writing in, it’s time to start brainstorming some specific article ideas.
Once you have a few ideas down on paper (or saved in a document), it’s time to start fleshing them out into full-fledged articles. This is where things like proper grammar and spelling become important – after all, you want your readers to take you seriously! However, don’t get too bogged down in perfectionism – remember that even the best writers make mistakes from time to time. Just do your best and proofread your work before hitting publish.
Finally, once your article is complete, it’s important to think about how you want to format it for maximum impact. Breaking up your text with headings and subheadings can help make long pieces more digestible for readers. Including images or videos can also be a great way to add visual interest (and break up blocks of text). And last but not least, make sure to choose an attention-grabbing headline that accurately reflects the contents of your article.
Content Creation 101: Tips and Tricks
1. The first step to creating great content is understanding your audience. What are their interests? What do they need to know? Once you have a good understanding of who you’re writing for, you can start crafting content that will resonate with them.
2. It’s not enough to simply write words on a page – your content needs to be interesting, engaging, and informative if you want readers to stick around. Take the time to brainstorm ideas and come up with topics that will hook your reader from the first sentence.
3. Finally, don’t forget about SEO! Keywords are still important when it comes to ranking on search engines and driving traffic to your site. Use relevant keywords throughout your content so that both people and search engine spiders can find it easily.
Content Creation 101:Tools of the Trade
Creating content can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not sure where to start. But with the right tools, it doesn’t have to be. Here are some of the best tools for content creation:
1. A good text editor: Whether you’re writing blog posts or creating web pages, a good text editor will make your life much easier. We recommend Atom, which is free and open source.
2. An image editor: Sometimes, a picture is worth a thousand words. But even if you’re not a professional photographer, an image can still enhance your content. For basic editing tasks, we recommend GIMP (also free and open source).
3. A video editor: Videos are becoming increasingly popular as a form of content, so it’s useful to know how to create and edit them. We recommend Adobe Premiere Pro CC (not free, but widely used).
With these tools in your arsenal, you’ll be well on your way to creating great content!
Content Creation 101:The Creative Process
Assuming you would like a blog titled “Content Creation 101: The Creative Process”, it might look something like this:
Have you ever wondered how your favorite bloggers or social media influencers always seem to have the perfect article or Instagram post? Chances are, they’ve mastered the art of content creation.
Creating great content doesn’t happen overnight – it’s a process that requires time, effort, and plenty of creativity. If you’re new to the world of content creation, here’s a quick guide to help get you started.
First things first, you need to come up with an idea. This can be anything from brainstorming potential topics to conducting market research. Once you have a general idea of what you want to write about/post, it’s time to start getting creative.
This is where you really start putting your thoughts into action and fleshing out your ideas. Whether it’s writing down key points for an article or sketching out a rough design for an Instagram post, this is when your vision starts taking shape.
editing and revising until it’s just right. And voila! You’ve created some amazing content that’s ready to be shared with the world
Content Creation 101:Inspiration and Ideas
Assuming you want a blog titled “Content Creation 101:Inspiration and Ideas”:
If you’re reading this, then chances are you’re in need of some content creation inspiration. And trust me, you’ve come to the right place. Content creation can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With a little creativity and organization, anyone can produce high-quality content on a regular basis. Here are some tips to get your creative juices flowing:
1. Keep a list of ideas handy: This is probably the most important tip I can give you. Whenever an idea pops into your head, write it down immediately. Use whatever method works best for you – physical notebook, digital document, notes app on your phone – just make sure you have a central location where all of your ideas are stored. That way when it comes time to sit down and actually create content, you’ll have plenty of options to choose from.
2two methods that work great for sparking creativity: brainstorming with someone else or taking yourself on a mind walk.; If You don’t feel comfortable discussing sensitive material with just anyone Brainstorming by yourself can also be effective; Another approach is what I like to call the “mind walk.” This is where ;3 Take some time for yourself : This may sound counterintuitive – how can taking breaks help me be more productive? But hear me out., giving yourself regular break will actually make it easier for you focus when it’s time to work.. When we try to force ourselves to be creative, often times nothing comes out at all.,By allowing yourself some downtime;4 Get organized : Once again,.A well-organized workspace will help ensure that everything runs smoothly when it’s time start creating content .
Content Creation 101:Editing and Publishing
Assuming you would like tips for writing and publishing content:
When it comes to creating content, editing is key. A lot of people are afraid of editing their work because they think it will make their writing seem less personal or unique. However, editing is essential in order to create clear and concise content. If your readers cannot understand what you are trying to say, then your content is not effective.
Here are a few tips for editing your content:
-Read your work out loud- this will help you catch errors that you may not have noticed when reading silently
-Get someone else to read your work- another set of eyes can be helpful in spotting errors or areas that need clarification
-Take a break from your work- sometimes it can be helpful to step away from your piece for a day or two before coming back to edit it. This can help you see mistakes that you previously missed
Assuming you want a conclusion for the blog post:
Content creation can be a daunting task, but with these tips in mind, anyone can create compelling content that converts. Just remember to keep your audience in mind, and to focus on creating quality over quantity. With a little practice, anyone can become a master of content creation!
The post Content Creation 101: How to Create Compelling Content That Converts appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreator.com/content-creation/content-creation-101-how-to-create-compelling-content-that-converts/
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christophermraerdon · 2 years
Content Creation 101: How to Create Compelling Content That Converts
If you’re a business owner, you know that creating compelling content is essential to driving conversions. But what exactly makes for compelling content? In this blog post, we’ll explore content creation 101 – how to create material that’s both effective and engaging. We’ll touch on topics like understanding your audience and using strong headlines. So if you’re ready to learn more about how to make your content work for you, read on!
Content Creation 101: The Basics
Creating content can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to the process. But don’t worry – we’re here to help! In this blog post, we’ll go over some of the basics of content creation, including tips on how to come up with ideas, produce quality writing, and format your content for maximum impact. So let’s get started!
One of the most important aspects of creating great content is coming up with ideas that will resonate with your audience. To do this, it helps to understand who your target reader is and what kinds of topics they’re interested in. Once you have a good sense of what direction you want to take your writing in, it’s time to start brainstorming some specific article ideas.
Once you have a few ideas down on paper (or saved in a document), it’s time to start fleshing them out into full-fledged articles. This is where things like proper grammar and spelling become important – after all, you want your readers to take you seriously! However, don’t get too bogged down in perfectionism – remember that even the best writers make mistakes from time to time. Just do your best and proofread your work before hitting publish.
Finally, once your article is complete, it’s important to think about how you want to format it for maximum impact. Breaking up your text with headings and subheadings can help make long pieces more digestible for readers. Including images or videos can also be a great way to add visual interest (and break up blocks of text). And last but not least, make sure to choose an attention-grabbing headline that accurately reflects the contents of your article.
Content Creation 101: Tips and Tricks
1. The first step to creating great content is understanding your audience. What are their interests? What do they need to know? Once you have a good understanding of who you’re writing for, you can start crafting content that will resonate with them.
2. It’s not enough to simply write words on a page – your content needs to be interesting, engaging, and informative if you want readers to stick around. Take the time to brainstorm ideas and come up with topics that will hook your reader from the first sentence.
3. Finally, don’t forget about SEO! Keywords are still important when it comes to ranking on search engines and driving traffic to your site. Use relevant keywords throughout your content so that both people and search engine spiders can find it easily.
Content Creation 101:Tools of the Trade
Creating content can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not sure where to start. But with the right tools, it doesn’t have to be. Here are some of the best tools for content creation:
1. A good text editor: Whether you’re writing blog posts or creating web pages, a good text editor will make your life much easier. We recommend Atom, which is free and open source.
2. An image editor: Sometimes, a picture is worth a thousand words. But even if you’re not a professional photographer, an image can still enhance your content. For basic editing tasks, we recommend GIMP (also free and open source).
3. A video editor: Videos are becoming increasingly popular as a form of content, so it’s useful to know how to create and edit them. We recommend Adobe Premiere Pro CC (not free, but widely used).
With these tools in your arsenal, you’ll be well on your way to creating great content!
Content Creation 101:The Creative Process
Assuming you would like a blog titled “Content Creation 101: The Creative Process”, it might look something like this:
Have you ever wondered how your favorite bloggers or social media influencers always seem to have the perfect article or Instagram post? Chances are, they’ve mastered the art of content creation.
Creating great content doesn’t happen overnight – it’s a process that requires time, effort, and plenty of creativity. If you’re new to the world of content creation, here’s a quick guide to help get you started.
First things first, you need to come up with an idea. This can be anything from brainstorming potential topics to conducting market research. Once you have a general idea of what you want to write about/post, it’s time to start getting creative.
This is where you really start putting your thoughts into action and fleshing out your ideas. Whether it’s writing down key points for an article or sketching out a rough design for an Instagram post, this is when your vision starts taking shape.
editing and revising until it’s just right. And voila! You’ve created some amazing content that’s ready to be shared with the world
Content Creation 101:Inspiration and Ideas
Assuming you want a blog titled “Content Creation 101:Inspiration and Ideas”:
If you’re reading this, then chances are you’re in need of some content creation inspiration. And trust me, you’ve come to the right place. Content creation can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With a little creativity and organization, anyone can produce high-quality content on a regular basis. Here are some tips to get your creative juices flowing:
1. Keep a list of ideas handy: This is probably the most important tip I can give you. Whenever an idea pops into your head, write it down immediately. Use whatever method works best for you – physical notebook, digital document, notes app on your phone – just make sure you have a central location where all of your ideas are stored. That way when it comes time to sit down and actually create content, you’ll have plenty of options to choose from.
2two methods that work great for sparking creativity: brainstorming with someone else or taking yourself on a mind walk.; If You don’t feel comfortable discussing sensitive material with just anyone Brainstorming by yourself can also be effective; Another approach is what I like to call the “mind walk.” This is where ;3 Take some time for yourself : This may sound counterintuitive – how can taking breaks help me be more productive? But hear me out., giving yourself regular break will actually make it easier for you focus when it’s time to work.. When we try to force ourselves to be creative, often times nothing comes out at all.,By allowing yourself some downtime;4 Get organized : Once again,.A well-organized workspace will help ensure that everything runs smoothly when it’s time start creating content .
Content Creation 101:Editing and Publishing
Assuming you would like tips for writing and publishing content:
When it comes to creating content, editing is key. A lot of people are afraid of editing their work because they think it will make their writing seem less personal or unique. However, editing is essential in order to create clear and concise content. If your readers cannot understand what you are trying to say, then your content is not effective.
Here are a few tips for editing your content:
-Read your work out loud- this will help you catch errors that you may not have noticed when reading silently
-Get someone else to read your work- another set of eyes can be helpful in spotting errors or areas that need clarification
-Take a break from your work- sometimes it can be helpful to step away from your piece for a day or two before coming back to edit it. This can help you see mistakes that you previously missed
Assuming you want a conclusion for the blog post:
Content creation can be a daunting task, but with these tips in mind, anyone can create compelling content that converts. Just remember to keep your audience in mind, and to focus on creating quality over quantity. With a little practice, anyone can become a master of content creation!
The post Content Creation 101: How to Create Compelling Content That Converts appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreator.com/content-creation/content-creation-101-how-to-create-compelling-content-that-converts/
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreatorcom.wordpress.com/2022/11/21/content-creation-101-how-to-create-compelling-content-that-converts/
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razieltwelve · 2 years
JP-03 (Final Effect)
“What we have here, gentlemen, is the JP-03. It is the Empire’s newest multi-purpose fighter craft. It is capable of both space and terrestrial operations, and although it is focused primarily on fighter-to-fighter combat, it can also execute operations in a bomber role and as an air support craft.”
“What’s with the wings?” someone asked.
Blakey smiled. “Naturally, we don’t have all of the information about the JP-03 at this time. However, our friends in the Empire have seen fit to share some information since we’ll be facing it during the upcoming joint exercises next month. In the interests of fair play - and because they really want to put this thing through its pace - they’ve decided to forward us some information.”
Blakey gestured, and the holographic display put up some numbers. “Feast your eyes on the glory that is the JP-03′s testing numbers.”
“Son of a bitch,” someone else muttered. “Are these real?”
Sazh XI frowned. “Ma’am, with all due respect, are we sure the Dia-Farron aren’t pranking us? I’ve faced the G-17 Goshawk. It’s the Empire’s current lead fighter craft. It’s an excellent fighter. It can’t quite match our own B-12 Blitz, but the G-17 is getting on in years. If these numbers are accurate...”
“The JP-03 claims to have a 115% increase in maximum speed, and an overall increase of 225% in combat manoeuvrability, along with an increase of 200% in effective firepower. It’s sensor array is 200% as effective as the G-17′s.” Blakey grinned. “During my last trip to the Empire, I had the pleasure of seeing the G-17 in action. I believe these numbers to be correct.”
Sazh shook his head. “Then I’d say we’re going to have some trouble during the joint exercises, ma’am.” He glanced around at his fellow Winged Lancers. “We’re the best ma’am, but they’re no slouches over in the Empire. If we were on even footing, technologically, I’d give us good odds of winning again. But this? We’re looking at a fighter that trumps the B-12 by significant margins in every meaningful combat category. They’re faster, more agile, more heavily armed, and have better sensors. Assuming the pilot behind the stick isn’t an idiot, we’re going to have a tough time out there.”
“Which is why we will temper our expectations accordingly,” Blakey explained. “However, I wanted to give you a heads up, so you know what you’re up again. I also want you to pay close attention when you’re up against the G-17. If we can replicate some of the technology, or at least get an idea of how they’re doing it, we can improve our own fighters.”
“I know the Dia-Farron are brilliant,” Sazh said. “But this has come entirely out of left field. They don’t typically focus their efforts on fighter design, and the Empire has made heavier use of drones throughout its history than the Alliance. Like I said, their fighter corps are good, but they don’t emphasise fighter combat the way we do.”
“I believe that the Empire have noticed the relative weakness of their fighter corps and are taking steps to remedy that. Previous engagements against Grimm swarms have shown that although drone fighter formations are effective means of engaging Grimm equivalents of fighter craft, they are not necessarily efficient. This is particularly clear when drone fighters are asked to take on more complex missions or to perform non-standard manoeuvres. In the interests of giving their pilots the best possible chance, they have taken a more active interest in fighter design.”
“I know Dia-Farron design,” Sazh replied. “And although there are hallmarks of that in the G-17, there’s something odd about it too.”
“This information is going to be public in the next month, which is why I am telling you now.” Blakey smiled toothily. “The Federation managed to lose a Sato. He grew up on a trash world and attracted the attention of a Dia-Farron after fixing a hyper drive.”
“With what?” some asked. “You can’t fix a hyper drive on a trash world.”
“A Dia-Farron might be able to do it,” Sazh replied. “And so did this Sato kid. What happened next?”
“As you can imagine, the Dia-Farron took him with her. He has since been adopted by her and is a Dia-Farron in all but blood. Although I do not know the exact nature of his Semblance, combined with his genius for design, it is powerful enough that the Federation tried to get him back by exerting both diplomatic and private pressure on him. The empress was not amused and has made it clear that any further attempts to take him will be met with force.”
“Well, shit,” someone said. “The kid must be something special.”
“He is,” Blakey said. “Despite not having any formal education prior to being rescued from the trash world, he is on track to receive a Dia-Farron-level PhD in engineering within the next three years. Let that sink in.”
“So... you’re telling me that the Dia-Farron managed to get their hands on a Sato, one whose intelligence and Semblance both seem perfect for designing fighter craft?” Sazh made a face. “This is going to be tricky.”
“Not just fighter craft,” Blakey said. “The Dia-Farron are, at their heart, a mischievous bunch. When they hosted me, they told me what JP stands for. It means Joint Project. Given that the JP-03 has a 3 in it, we can only conclude that he has been involved in at least two other projects.”
“I don’t suppose we could steal a Sato?” someone asked.
“Believe me, we’ve been looking to see if we’ve got any,” Blakey said. “Our own research and development is excellent, but having a Sato or two on staff would definitely accelerate it. Sadly, we don’t have any, and the Federation has been even more paranoid about potentially losing valuable personnel as of late.” Blakey grinned. “Now, since I was allowed to take some footage of the JP-03 in action, I want to hear your opinions on it.”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
Coal’s Semblance and his general intellectual leanings are perfect for objective-based design. If you tell him and Galatea what they need to build and what it has to be able to do, they’ll be able to do it. And, yeah, the Federation was pissed about losing him. They raised a stink, but Averia VII pulled the whole ‘You dare? I am ruler of more than a million worlds. My word is law. Begone from my sight and never darken my door again.’ thing while telling them that Coal wasn’t going anywhere.
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anthony-howard · 2 years
All you need to know about presentation design
Do you remember the excitement we used to feel during our school days when we were asked to present in front of a host audience? Some of us used to feel nervous but the level of excitement never failed to take over. That heartbeat speeding up, that nervous walk around the corridor, that anxious wait before your name is announced, those sweaty palms and forehead. Those were the days. 
Anyways, the reason for recalling those days is that you will get to learn about presentation design and how to become a presentation designer in this blog. Let’s get started. 
What is presentation design? 
Presentation design is a combination of certain elements, such as texts, graphics, fonts, color, background, graphics, etc. It is an exclusive niche of graphic design focusing on the visual representation of content which enables the audience to understand quickly and in a better way. 
What is the role of a presentation designer?
The best part about being a presentation designer is that the job role is ever-evolving. So, when it comes to constantly looking for new presentation trends and skills, there is no full stop to it. And, this is what makes the job role so much more interesting. A presentation designer needs to have a hawkeye for designs, especially when it comes to presentation slides and layouts. Starting from body language to voice modulations, every little thing plays a huge role while you are presenting in front of a host of audiences! All of these and much more fall under the category of presentation skills, which is why advice from a presentation specialist is nothing but helpful. Do not worry, you can develop these skills if you are ready to put in a little extra effort and hard work.
Talking about their everyday responsibilities:
1- A presentation designer needs to have proper knowledge of presentation programs such as PowerPoint, Google Slides, and creative suite programs like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. 
2- They need to have the ability to handle work pressure and a wide range of projects. 
3- Should be great at sustaining brand guidelines.
4- Professional presentation designers work with the internal ad external stakeholders to ensure that all brand presentations are of high quality. 
5- Another must-have for a good presentation designer is that they need to have an out-of-the-box thought process to create aesthetic designs. 
Presentation designers need to have a portfolio that showcases their best work. This resonates with prospective clients and instills confidence in your ability to elevate their representation. 
Is there anyone whom you can call a pro at all of these?
Absolutely yes!! As a presentation design services provider, EZ recognizes the importance of first impressions. We understand the field of our clients, and their intention and purpose, which enables us to create the right presentation for them. We have a dedicated team of presentation designers, who are proficient and experienced, to provide one of the best presentation design services. We use appropriate designs and infographics, convey information in the most comprehensive and precise manner, and help our clients draw the interest of their audience.
Our four categories of Presentation design services are:
Flipping & Formatting - Presentation designers at EZ understand how dreary last-minute flipping and formatting can be, especially for translated documents and presentation slides. Hence, we flip and format documents and presentations, correct their alignment, ensure that they adhere to the prescribed templates, and provide branding and styling guidance, too.
Basic - We, at EZ, pay strong attention to detail. Our presentation design services are modeled in such a way that we ensure that the little yet significant things, like font and alignment, are in accordance with the prescribed format, so that consistency is maintained.
Advanced - We develop content for our client's business needs and create high-end visuals for maximum engagement and impact. When it comes to advanced presentation design services, we restructure content, create templates, use handwritten inputs, and include elements and details, such as iconography, dynamic charts, and graphs.
Animated - This includes animations, transitions for smooth story-telling, and dynamic content to add more visual appeal to presentations, websites, pitches, conferences, training, and more.
Be it format, font, content, iconography, or medium, for a presentation to be comprehensive and clear, everything must be precise and in accordance with the best practices. Presentation designers at EZ, understand the needs of our clients, and represent them visually, in the most impactful way, enabling our clients to communicate with their audience, as we connect with them. Interested in working with us? Contact us today and get free POC.
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linkonseoexpert · 3 years
8 Ways to Properly Promote Your Business on Social Media
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Social media is now playing much larger roles in our lives than it did decades ago, and one of those essential roles is social media promotion. In truth, any marketer or business owner that has not already jumped on the social media bandwagon is way behind the times. Social media promotion has revolutionized the traditional approaches to marketing businesses so that almost everything is now digitized and operations can even be conducted from devices like phones and laptops.
A key element of promotion that social media has majorly streamlined is communication. Businesses no longer have to send out one-way messages to clients and wait for ages to get back replies or no replies at all.Through social media platforms and messaging, there is a newfound speed and simplicity to business correspondences, and reaching out to potential and intending clients to promote products and services has never been much easier.
Now that millions of businesses are conducting their operations and pushing their brands on social media sites, only the businesses that are doing social media promotion the right way can succeed standing on the benefits that the phenomenon presents. Therefore, if you are looking to create more visibility for your brand and propagate a growth in revenue through increased customer patronage for your business using social media, you must take an appropriate approach to achieve this. In light of this, here are 8 ways to properly promote your business on social media. And don’t let the idea intimidate you because it’s all a lot easier than you think!
1. Start with a Goal.
A journey without a destination is no journey at all, but an aimless roaming around and a pure waste of time. In this same vein, plunging into social media marketing without starting out with set goals is a foolproof recipe for disaster.
Goals are very important because they help you know, business-wise, where you stand currently, where you want to get to, and how you are going to get there. Thus, having clear and distinct goals makes it easier for you to shape your social media content to achieve these goals.
Are you looking to boost your business’ patronage? Rack up the number of viewers or increase the reach of your content? Increase the revenue coming into your business by making direct sales on the social platforms? Develop strong customer relationships?Or create awareness to the public on important subject matters in the environment?
These are some excellent goals to base the construction of your business profile(s) when promoting on social media. For business objectives, you can create attractive posts about the products you sell, post captivating video content to share sufficient info about a service, give your followers content that showcasesthe nature of your brand, publicize business events like promotional sales, and so on. For awareness purposes, you can provide content that educates, informs, and entertains (all at once if possible!), and engage in intellectual discussions with people so that everyone can learn from one another.
2. Decide Which Platforms You Want to Focus On.
There are several social media platformsand forums on which you can opt to promote your business on. In fact, their number is ever-increasing!This is because, currently, there is a general awareness of the importance of social media promotion and communication in the business world, and the discovery of a secondary demand for niche-based platforms and forums so that distinct communities of people having similar interests can connect and interact with one another in spaces designed especially for them.
When deciding which platforms you want to focus on in terms of marketing your brand or business, you should take your customers and the nature of your business into account. Where can your target audiences be found majorly? Such platforms are where your major business profiles should be set up so you can easily connect with potential clients and them with you. Conducting research using social media demographics can help you figure out what social media sites these should be. 
In addition, which sites will suit your products and the kind of content you wish to post best?For instance, if you own a hair care line of products and want to broadcast tutorial videos for your buyers on the best ways to use the products, then YouTube is an obvious choice.
The most popular social media platforms for brand development and marketing today are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and most recently, Tiktok. Thus, you can choose the best ones for you based on the nature of your business and the kind of content you’re set on publishing.
3. Get to Know Your Audience.
Another reason why using social media promotion is so effective is that businesses can micro-target their audiences. To do this, you have to get to know your audience first.
Start by noting the patterns among your current customers. You can do this easily by making use of social media analytics tools to track, collect, and analyze relevant trend data on customer behavior towards your social media accounts. With this sort of valuable information, you can then tailor your content to keep your customers loyal and engaged and maximize the appeal of your business to anyone who comes across your profile.
For example, if you find out through analytics that your customers or target audience are majorly active between 7:00pm and 8:00pm, then that is the exact period within which you should have your new posts put up. Some social media sites like Facebook and Instagram have inbuilt analytics tools, but you can also find many other social media analytics apps and online tools that canprovide you with this kind of data.
Additionally, as a business looking to encourage more patronage from your audience, it will also work in your favor if you are able to influence the patterns and decisions of your potential customers. Present yourself to them as an authority in whatever industry you operate under by displaying elevated levels of knowledge and expertise through your content, and you will find that people will increasingly begin to pay rapt attention to anything you have to say to them. From this, you can also successfully build a devoted community around your brand that will only continue to grow over time.
4. Stalk Your Competitor or the Brands You Like.
Yes, you read that right. You must research every move that your competition is making on their social media to know what they are doing right and how to do it better, as well as what they are doing wrong and how to avoid doing the same. While you’re certainly not looking to copy anyone, observing what your competition is doing is a quick and efficient way to learn what willwork for a business like yours and what won’t.
This doesn’t only apply to your competitors but also to the brands that you like and look up to. Take examining their social media promotion techniques as a form of inspiration to help you generate unique and failsafe ideas for your own profiles.
5. Create a Social Media Calendar.
A mistake that many businesses on social media often make is either leaving it till the last minute to figure out what they are going to post or making unscheduled and unplanned posts. This, more often than not, leads to them putting out low-quality content. Absence of pre-planning can result in more mistakes like repeated posts or forgetting to remain active on one of your accounts. 
A simple remedy is to create a social media calendar. This type of content calendar helps you avoid making mistakes and properly preparethe right things to post.It also serves as good assistant forbuilding solid strategies that will enable you meet your goals.
To make a social media calendar, you can make use of a regular notebook or planner, or even a standard calendar to pre-organize your content. What you can plan out includes yourwrite-ups or multimedia content, captions, hashtags, links, and the likes.
Remember that while having a pre-planned posting schedule will prove the most beneficial for your business on social media, spontaneity still has its perks. Real-time interaction with your customers breathes life into your business so that people know that they are dealing with much more than just a page on the internet.
6. Create Engaging Social Content.
Whatever your social media goals may be, getting people to engage with your content will always help you achieve them. Using the customer trend data that you gather from analytics tools, you can achieve high levels of engagement by molding content that people want to see.
Also, don’t forget to switch up the format of your content. There’s so many formats to choose from: informative messages or articles, inspirational quotes, eye-catching images, interesting video content, funny GIFs, and so much more. Social media platforms today also offer novel formats that you can take full advantage ofin putting out highly engaging social content, like Facebook Stories, Instagram Live videos, Twitter Polls, YouTube Shorts, and so on. Regardless of what you opt for, planning with a content calendar will help you keep all your content at its best.
Another remarkable way to optimize your content, social media profiles, and business sites to encourage maximum engagement from audiences is to work with an exceptional digital marketing agency. We at Lamar G Marketing Tree offer first-rate services and strategies that will have you hitting all of your promotional goals in no time! Our services include:
Website Design.
SEO Planning.
Social Media Strategy.
Visit our website today to discover that your business can be so much more with the right professional and promotional touch.
7. Audit What’s Working.
It is very important that you monitor the performance of your content and posts, and then make use of regular analyses to refine your social media publications so as to get better reception from your audience.Luckily, there are many online analytics tools available to help you gauge the success of your social media marketing efforts.
With every promotional effort you make, you must always work to give maximum value. Always ask yourself, “How can I add more value?” This is one of the biggest secrets to building stellar customer relationships and attaining high customer retention.
Your focus, however, should not only remain on your repeat customers but should be equally divided between that and obtaining new clients.
8. Audit What Doesn't Work.
In the same way that you retain and improve on what’s working, you must also watch out for what promotional content and strategies may not be doing so well in meeting the goals and expectations that you have set. It’s okay to go back to the drawing board and start afresh, reevaluating the things you were doing before and how you can change them so that your promotions can do better.
Be careful not to over-promote. Besides trying to make sales, your content should also be more entertaining for your audience so they are not put off by you selling yourself too hard.
And hopefully, you always get positive feedback from your audience. However, if you happen to receive any negative response, you should quickly and carefully address the situation. A little public apology or a kindly offered solution can oftentimes turn an upset customer into an applauding patron.
Also Read: South Florida Digital Marketing Agency
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printondemandsuite · 3 years
Print On Demand Suite Review & Recommendations
= 19,500 T-Shirt Designs — in 4 Clicks! Print On Demand Biz In A Box Four Software At The Price Of One Plus Video Course, Ebook & 100 Top Seller Design Templates
Get Print On Demand Suite and I guarantee it will change the way you look at TeeSpring & Facebook forever…So what are you waiting for? Click the button below to get started…
Steal 19,500 T-Shirt Designs That Made$520,577 With FaceBook Ads… In 4 Clicks!
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So you want to profit – by selling t-shirts online – with Facebook & TeeSpeing And, you want to get traffic with Facebook Ads? Great — that’s where T-Shirt TITAN 2.0 comes in…
Here’s My “Secret Summer 2021” Formula …
STEP ONE – 100 Profitable Niches
First, we choose a profitable t-shirt niche…
The more proven the niche, the bigger the profits.
The 100 most proven niches are pre-loaded into Titan 2.
Choose 4 categories – then pick from 150 niches…
There’s no “niche research”, so we can skip to Step 2…
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Next, I need to create a design. This is the most important step of all, which is why I use two powerful new approaches.
Firstly, I enter a keyword into my Tee Searcher software, which scours eBay, Amazon, Facebook, Zazzle, Redbubble & Wanelo – all the main t-shirt sites – for proven designs.
Instantly I know what sells for any keyword or niche.
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Secondly, I type a keyword into my Idea Maker tool. This is preloaded with over 100 ideas which have already been proven top sellers for t-shirts on TeeSpring.
These have all sold well in different niches – it’s just a case of taking the same template and “spinning” it to our chosen topic!
fI simply enter a few “keywords” – and dozens of template ideas are generated in under 1 second for me to choose.
With Tee Searcher & Idea Maker, I now have a shortlist of great design ideas for my niche. Now onto stage three..
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Now I need to create my design, which is the image I’m going to upload to TeeSpring.
Once again this step is 100% automated using my Auto Designer software.
I simply enter the design – as text or images. And hit go.
The software formats the images and text into a complete design image. You simply pick the one you like, download the image, and upload it to TeeSpring.
Creating a design and a live TeeSpring campaign literally now takes just a few minutes!
Now it’s time to move onto the fourth and final stage…
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We now launch our Facebook ad with a high degree of confidence that we will win.
There are several tricks I use here to perfect my targeting, create the perfect ad, and maximise my chances of profits. I’ll share them ALL in the members area. And I can’t wait.
But there’s one tip I’ll share with you right now.
It’s a way to get double digit click-throughs, 10 cents clicks and maximum returns…
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This fourth software tool called Auto Model.
Auto Model lets you create images of attractive models wearing your tees in eye-catching locations.
These model images are unique – which means they get more clicks, better engagement and higher conversions than the plain images everyone else is using.
This gives us another advantage over the competition.
With FOUR software tools, Titan changes EVERYTHING for t-shirt marketers in 2020…
And That’s All There Is To It!
Print On Demand Suite only launch PROVEN tshirt designs, in the BEST niches, with the most ENGAGING Facebook images.
This allows us to spend a smaller amount of money and get larger returns – with lower risk.
No matter the exact design we settle on it… the niche we choose.. or the way we launch our ad… we are instantly “locked in” on the money.
We’re finally playing the t-shirt game with the deck stacked firmly in our favour….
This is the exact system that took me from zero to selling over $10,000 of t-shirts with TeeSpring.
Get Print On Demand Suite and I guarantee it will change the way you look at TeeSpring & Facebook forever…So what are you waiting for? Click the button below to get started…
And this is the exact system you’ve been crying out for, since you first heard about people making money with t-shirts.
Can you see how this is different to the other t-shirt systems out there?
19,500 Profitable T-Shirt Designs – in 4 Clicks(Here’s How This $5,000 Software Works)
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                                            … with 150 Proven Niches…
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                       = 19,500 T-Shirt Designs — in 4 Clicks!
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So Are You Ready To Take YourT-Shirt Business To The Next Level?
                                      Are you in? OK great.
               The first step is to click on the order button below.
I’ll send you an instant access to ALL 4 Print On Demand Suite software…
Ok, then all that’s left to do is buy this before this limited time offer
CLOSES FOR GOOD! Get Print On Demand Suite and I guarantee it will change the way you look at TeeSpring & Facebook forever… So what are you waiting for? Click the button below to get started…
Buy It Now, And You Will Also Receive These Time-Limited, Profit-Boosting Bonuses…
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syncogon · 4 years
[QZGS meta] what’s in an OP? dawning glory (pt 3)
(part 1) (part 2) 
This is the third and last post in my little series analyzing the opening theme of The King’s Avatar Season 2! Honestly, this whole thing became way longer than I was expecting. I guess this is what happens when all my immense amount of love for this series, accumulated over years of no-donghua-updates, overlaps with my immense amount of love for anime openings. 
Watched the first and second episodes yesterday, and they really sparked a lot of joy. :D I missed Blue River so much :D
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Yesterday, they released the OST for Season 2, which includes the TV cut and full versions of the OP and ED, as well as two insert songs, and the instrumental versions of all of the above. I’ve yet to find anywhere that lets me download the audio files (hoping they’ll be reuploaded to youtube or bilibili soon), but in the meantime you can listen here. They’re really good songs!  https: //www. kuwo. cn/album_detail/15792659
Anyway, let’s finish up this OP analysis!
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Now here, we reach the true climax as we enter the chorus section. This next segment is definitely the highest-energy part of the entire opening. It’s a montage of Happy’s characters showing off their moves, timed to the music; there’s not too much deeper meaning, but damn if it doesn’t look fantastic. The animation flows from one character and scene to the next so smoothly, so beautifully, it’s just incredibly hype to see. This is what you get when you specifically choreograph/animate sequences for the opening instead of just reusing shots from the main show! (Parts of some of these shots appeared in episode 1, but I do honestly think that it’s more likely that the show reused shots from the opening than the other way around, just because of how perfectly the OP fits together. I also don’t think it’s super noticeable in-show; I’ve just been watching this obsessively.)
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In particular I love the line that kicks this all off: “just put on your battle armor and step onto the road to the unknown.” Specifically, though, the rhythm of the lyric is, “jiu pi shang zhan jia ta shang wei zhi qian fang,” with emphasizing accents on the -ang sounds. This isn’t how you would divide the phrase naturally, but because the (syncopated!!) melody accents these notes/syllables, the rhyming effect really stands out and it feels as clever and satisfying as a rap lyric. Moreover, the emphasis times juuust right with the attacks of Soft Mist, Steamed Bun Invasion, and Windward Formation, a perfect example of how music and visuals mutually reinforce each other for maximum cool effect. 
It’s generally easier to rhyme in Chinese than English, because of a smaller phonetic vocabulary. From the chorus onward, the key rhyme is on the “-ang” sound (think “ahng” or “ong”, not “aang” like the Avatar), which is a good choice - powerful, reverberant. The asymmetry of the syllable’s use in this section - the song’s lines are all different lengths at this part, so you’re kept on your toes as to when the pattern will reappear - helps add to the engaging excitement of the song. This is also the syllable used for most of the rhymes in the second half of the first OP. 
jiu pi shang zhan jia ta shang wei zhi qian fang
hui qi shou zhong wo jin de na shu guang
you ni men zai lu shang__
shi li liang
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I really love One Inch Ash’s design. Concealed Light had a big redesign for this season, and honestly I like it as well. And notice here that he’s holding a book - exactly how we left Luo Ji when we saw him last! 
“Waving the light clenched tightly in our hand” - that is to say, brandishing our light as our weapon, no matter what form it may take - a sword, a book, our hope and determination. 
On a purely musical note (ha), right at this point, specifically the measure beginning with “那束光,” you can hear a three-note “ooo” harmony line in the background, and wow it’s so subtle but I love it so much! A similar three-note line actually appears earlier too (during the “crossing the frozen finish line,” right as the music is building up), also to great effect.  
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We follow Concealed Light’s gaze upward to the building to see Deception running along the wall, from which he does a flip and slashes downward with twin blades. I love that transition a lot, but my favorite transition of this entire sequence has to be the following one:
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Yes! Deception’s cross slash resolves perfectly into the cross held by Little Cold Hands. It’s so fast and so natural you don’t even notice it, and that’s the absolute beauty of it. The first time I saw this, I was in awe - the animators really brought their A-game to this, far better than I ever would have dared hope for this series.
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And Little Cold Hands is so pretty! When we got our first art of her official design, the comments were filled with people simping for her, and honestly, valid. I’m surprised her hair is purple instead of pink, but that’s just a minor thing. 
There’s something especially powerful about how she raises her cross in time with the lyric “having you all here [with me] on this road,” and then the cross flashing brilliantly with “it’s power.” More than any other role, the healer is a team player. And this theme of team togetherness is particularly important for An Wenyi, who is deeply moved by the team’s perhaps illogical faith in him. Remember that analogy Ye Xiu tells him, of the straw tied to the deluxe mitten crab? 
An aside: listening to this, I always thought the line should be 有你们在身旁 instead of 有你们在路上, because it still fits the rhyme, because my past experience has somewhat conditioned me to expect that phrase, and because the full message of “having you by my side is power” just makes me wanna tear up like what a good line! So it felt like a missed opportunity that they didn’t use that. But as it turns out, the final iteration of this chorus in the full version of the OP does, in fact, use “by my side”! And I think making this tiny tweak to the lyric the final time you here it just makes it that much stronger :’)
I’m also just a big fan of the “it’s power” melodic flourish in general, since it comes as a surprise. You kind of expect the melody to end with the previous phrase, but the extra notes here add a really nice emphatic beat to finish off the line. 
So to recap the transitions: we see Soft Mist falling from the sky and get a close up of her face as she stabs her spear; this takes us to a closeup of Steamed Bun’s face facing roughly the same direction before we zoom out to his torso and he slashes from lower left of the screen to upper right; following the motion of that slash we see Windward Formation’s torso rotate in that direction as the camera zooms out farther; we follow the rays of his attack to see One Inch Ash drawing his sword; we zoom in on the flashing blade and zoom out on Concealed Light’s glowing book; we follow his gaze upward to see Deception running along the building behind him; Deception leaps and slashes and the slash becomes Little Cold Hands’ cross, which raises up and triggers an explosion. It’s just so dynamic and smooth even without taking place in one continuous setting, and it just really, really gets you hyped. 
Also, starting from Happy’s team picture at the start of the chorus, which is during the day, it feels like Soft Mist and Steamed Bun’s moves are at late afternoon, Windward Formation and One Inch Ash take us to nighttime, and then you can see the first rays of morning in Concealed Light and Deception’s segments. This continuity also definitely helps with the feeling of natural flow through these scenes. 
Anyway, this entire action segment is just so beautiful, I could watch it on loop. But we still have the final segment of this OP to analyze, so let’s keep going.
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After the action sequences of the climax, we settle down a bit now as we approach the end. Here we see the Excellent Era team picture, in the same style as the team pics we saw earlier, but presented separately. It makes sense, as the role they play in the story is different from the roles of all the other teams. 
Sun Xiang, Liu Hao, and Cui Li are at the bottom. Because we’re panning up, these three are the first we see. At first glance, the way they’re positioned is fairly consistent with the team pics we’ve seen already: Captain Sun Xiang at center-right, the largest figure; vice-captain Liu Hao, manager Cui Li in the background. 
Sun Xiang’s position and expression is really the only one that fits the healthy pattern of the teams we’ve seen already - looking toward the camera, a confident (though arrogant) smile. He might be misguided, but there’s hope for him yet. Notice how Liu Hao isn’t even looking at the camera, which as we’ve seen before is somewhat of an indication of how unified and focused the team is toward its goal; instead, Liu Hao is doing his own thing, determined to prioritize his own desires over what’s best for the team. And manager Cui Li is in this image too, despite not even being a player. His sinister presence reflects the unhealthy interference of the business side in the gaming side. Excellent Era’s downfall comes about because of its prioritization of profit over victory.
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As we pan up, Excellent Era’s logo comes into view. It’s larger than any of the other team logos we’ve seen so far, spanning around three-quarters of the screen whereas the others looked to span no more than half. Excellent Era’s legacy is a weighty one, to date the only team to have ever won three championships, and consecutively to boot. 
It’s this immense, shining logo that seems to be casting Tao Xuan on the left into shadow. He cuts a large figure, reflecting the deep impact his actions have had upon the main plot of this story, even though he’s only now appearing for the first time in the donghua.
However, he’s also turned away from the camera, such that we can barely even see his closed eye. Because of that, it’s difficult to read his expression, but the impression given by this pose is not one of vindictive pride, but one of shame, as though he can’t quite bear to face what he’s done. On some level, no matter how he might try to rationalize it as necessary, Tao Xuan knows that his profit-driven betrayal of Ye Xiu was a pretty awful thing to do. It might be this amount of guilt that leads him to offer Ye Xiu a wish granted, a tribute to their years of friendship and partnership before their ties are severed completely.
In the end, Tao Xuan’s greed leaves him with nothing really to show for it. What had he gained? What had he lost? Those realizations are still a ways off in the story, but I like how this OP is already hinting at the depth of his character. Tao Xuan isn’t some glasses-flashing, evil-laughing, one-dimensional antagonist; he is in fact very realistic for the setting. We can condemn his actions and priorities, but at the same time we can understand how he ended up here.
As for Su Mucheng, her eyes are closed as well. She’s brightly illuminated, but pointedly turned away from all of the others in Excellent Era; she knows the direction of her future, and that it no longer lies with Excellent Era. Her loyalty was always to Ye Xiu, and as soon as he was banished, her relationship to the team was professional and nothing more. 
“This light hidden in my heart is burning” - there are many ways to read this lyric and what exactly the light referenced here is, but because the line is paired with this image, I naturally think about Su Mucheng’s situation. Despite her pretty-vase, sweet-girl appearance, she holds a deep, profound anger at everything that happened regarding Excellent Era. It’s a testament to her immense strength of character that she lasted the remaining one and a half years of her contract in this hostile environment. 
Yet even as she resolves to cut ties, there’s a sadness in her expression. She was here from the very beginning as well, when Excellent Era was no more than an internet cafe, and it pains her immensely that the powerhouse, championship team that they and her brother had built from the ground up would ultimately meet this tragic end.
It’s interesting to note that both of the “redeemable” characters here (namely Su Mucheng and Sun Xiang) are on the right, more brightly-lit side of the screen, so there’s a nice little dividing line you can draw there. Sun Xiang’s eyes are still looking toward the left, though, revealing how his character development still has yet to play out.
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From there we cut to Ye Xiu holding Lord Grim’s account card. He’s standing back on top of the roof from the beginning of the OP, now in full daylight.
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As mentioned… the animators really went ham on the bangs animation.
Ye Xiu turns away from the railing, the camera cuts to an image of Happy’s logo on a flag waving in the wind, and then we zoom out to see the current members of Team Happy gathered together in uniform, standing proud in the light of day. Left to right, Steamed Bun, Tang Rou, Luo Ji, Ye Xiu, An Wenyi, Wei Chen, Chen Guo. Presumably, this will be Happy’s lineup by the end of the season. 
Up until now, we’ve only seen the real players separate from each other - they’ve all been in different places, never even in the same frame together. (This, of course, also contrasts the pro team pics that we have, which show everyone together.) Halfway through the OP, we got the group shot of them meeting in game with their characters. And now, they’ve finally met up in the real world as well. 
One thing I like about this final pose is how it compares to the final pose of the OVA OP. It’s the same kind of power-pose vibe, but there we only had Ye Xiu, Chen Guo, and Tang Rou. Look at how we’ve grown since then! They’re well on their way to being a proper pro team! 
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And that’s a wrap! With this final image of Team Happy gathered together, we’re ready to enter the episode proper. 
So let’s talk about the OP as a whole. Generally, an OP serves a couple of main roles: a) tells you a bit about what the show is about, b) gives you an overall feeling / mood for the show, c) gets you hyped and ready to watch the upcoming episode.
How well does this opening achieve those goals? Pretty well, as we’ve seen. Past OPs did a pretty good job of setting the mood, but they honestly just put some pretty visuals on the screen, only vaguely aligned to the music, and called it a day. This OP, however, has a cohesive storyline to tell, framed around Team Happy’s coming together (following the tagline of this season). Even in such a short span of time, it manages to convey so much information about its story and characters, both overt and implicit (as I hope this series of posts has managed to convince you). Paired with the music, which has its own deeper meanings encoded in the lyrics, the OP becomes incredibly effective and memorable as it makes its statement.
I mentioned an “interest curve” earlier (interest in the sense of interesting, not the money); this is part of the standard formula for anime opening songs, in my experience. I’m a little too lazy to draw a graph myself, so take a look at this image:
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(source: https: //www. researchgate. net/figure/Example-of-an-interest-curve-for-a-successful-entertainment-experience_fig1_333917625 )
Although not all of the relative heights and segment lengths are accurate in this specific case, hopefully the general shape of the interest curve is enough to demonstrate my point. You’ve got the A-B peak at the opening instrumental segment, the C-D peak/arc over verse 1, the D-E-F peak/arc over verse 2, then the sharp F-G-H peak over the chorus before dropping off for a smooth landing right into the episode. This general pattern is effective at holding the viewer’s focus and managing their excitement over the course of this one and a half minutes. 
Visually, the OP is just such a treat for the eyes. I’ve already talked about many of the little details I love - lighting, character designs, animations, transitions, etc. - but all in all the new animation studio is doing a really good job here. An OP is how you hook people, and I’d definitely feel comfortable using this to try and bait people into watching this show. 
One comment I want to add is about the incorporation of the credits, which we didn’t see until the episode premiere. I don’t think there’s anything too exciting to say (and I also don’t have access to any images right now since the OP was only shown in episode 2), but the fonts and styling were a nice choice - it gave a gaming vibe, but if I recall it still used a serif font, so it didn’t feel overly modern - and the text positioning generally complements instead of distracting. I also liked how they showed the lyrics! I didn’t really expect them to include them onscreen, or if they did, I thought they would just be plain subs like they were in this video. But in the actual OP that plays at the beginning of the episode, they’re as much a part of the art as the credits!
If I had to make any criticism, my biggest complaint about the OP is, I think, the singers. I think having two different singers trade off can work nicely, but in this case, the switches are jarring because their voices are so different. The first singer has a lower, gravely voice, while the second singer’s voice sounds much brighter and more nasally. Furthermore, the first switch doesn’t come until we’re fully halfway through the song, which means that by that point we’re already used to this first singer. It’s also strange that they’d switch back to the first voice at the climax of the song, when I think the second voice would suit the high-energy segment much better. Switching from second to first right at this point feels like we’re actually taking a step down in energy, which is the opposite of what should be happening here. 
Still, my main problem isn’t with the voice switching but with the voices themselves, and I think the voices are something I could get used to. The third switch, going from the first voice back to the second voice during the shot of Excellent Era, is much less jarring than the others - I actually like how it feels like the solo is passing naturally from one person to the next, emphasizing the ideals of this not being a single-player game and all that. For that transition in particular, I think (because of the added “it’s power” flourish) it happens too quickly for one person to sing it comfortably, so having another person pick up the line works best. And I do like how the voices sound when they overlay together for the final lines of the song. 
So, overall? Overall, this OP is really damn good. It’s everything I could have asked for and more. After such a long wait, the OP, at least, does not disappoint, and I’m extremely excited to see what the series has in store for us. 
If you’ve read to this point, thank you! I like this series a lot, as you can probably see, and I’m treating it as my glory :)
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Top marketing hacks for business promotion.
Want to know why marketing is important for business promotion? What type of marketing hacks should be used?
Doesn’t matter how amazing your products and services are, But if your marketing strategy is not there then it is meaningless. It is an important aspect for every small and large business owner for their business promotion. There are so many marketing aspects which need to be applied from business promotion point of view.
On a basic level, to educate your customer it is important to plane proper marketing strategy. It helps in making people aware about your products and services. To increase the reach of business it is important to study the marketing hacks and techniques. In order to make people buy your products you need make them aware about your product and services. Marketing is one the most efficient way to communicate with customers and educate them in an interesting way. Communicating with customers, building an engagement with them is the core of any business promotion
The main goal of any business promotion strategy is to increase the sale, so from the sales point of view marketing is very important. Main thing is to create a need of your products and services. Without marketing it is not possible to survive. Marketing helps for business promotion and generate sales. ultimately sales will increase the growth of the business.
 To ensure the success of the marketing strategy for the growth of the business you need to know the goal of your business. There are two ways of marketing traditional and digital marketing. In this article I will be explaining top marketing hacks of digital marketing techniques in both organic and paid ways for business promotion.
 Organic marketing hacks:  sometimes it will be difficult to grow business organically, using social media with with proper understanding of audience and content marketing you will make it through. What important is content planning and smart strategy to get more people engaged with your online product promotion strategy. Because that is what we want to grow using organic social media marketing hacks.
Facebook organic marketing hacks:
Why Facebook organic reach is decreasing
1) Facebook only puts the relatable content to your users. To optimize the content and build the engagement the content strategy should be based on audience’s interest.
2) Because of increasing number of users and the amount of content is being published every day.
3) Pay per click adds.
How to reach organically on Facebook:
Add human touch: don’t’ just use automation tool for regularly posting but add human touch to Facebook images. By doing online product promotion, it is important to be flexible with your content ideas. Post photographs of your team member.
Find the intent behind face book page: doing business promotion and online product promotion, Facebook is good platform but intend behind creating fb page should be building a community and creating audience. Consistently doing product promotion can lose audience interest.
1)   Interact with your audience
2)   Reply to comments.
3)   Add story.
4)   Add short videos.
Track and data analysis: use Facebook insights to keep the track record of data. Which posts has been like by the audience and reached the most. Check the number of like on which type of post. Test your content sometimes to understand which content is working.
How to grow organically with Instagram: if you are looking forward to increase the sales and reach of the brand without spending a buck.
Instagram users are taking interest in engaging with business and product promotion related content as well.
Choose the type of post: There are endless possibilities to create the type of post to increase the reach and connect with the post.
1)   Add behind scene post: so that audience will feel connected to you more. Taking your audience with you and showing them things like office tour, set up, team members. Add product photos and how they are made.
2)   Organize give ways: host question answer poll. Host give ways, online product promotion contest, image promotion, selfie-contest to make it interesting. It will make people egging with your contest and show some action.
3)   Add user generated content: post about image of product promotion and brand. Add influencer post of their product that will grab more attention of people and increase the product reach. Tag your product with Instagram tag option, when users will see it and then the name prices will be appearing. Caption should be story telling of your brand, product and services promotion. Caption can help people connect with your product promotion. Increase visibility with hash tag.
Inorganic or paid ways of marketing:
Paid way of marketing is to get reach and achieve the goal of marketing by paying the various ad platforms.
For inorganic trending hacks, there are platforms like Facebook ads, Instagram ads, Google ads.
In this paragraph I will be discussing about trending paid ads format.
  Video ads: People enjoy watching videos with eye-catchy, attractive and relevant content. Most of the people regularly watch video online. Wide range of the audience of can be target with help of video ads. In video ads product promotion can be done. After watching information related to the products, reviews it will be helpful for customers to take decision of buying products.
Causal ads: A carousel ad is an ad format that allows you to add display images at least 2 and up to 10 images or videos, headlines, call to action. In a single ad business, having product and services can use this feature through Facebook, which can help a company achieve their goal Users will come across your carousel ad, scroll the number of carousel images by swiping.
Importance of carousal ad: It gives you more space to add the complete story of your product. It enables you to give more flexibility for your content. It is an interactive format for users to see their story from starting to end.  
Email marketing: more than billions of people use email marketing. Email marketing is one of the oldest way and efficient way of reaching the audience. With email marketing you can personally reach up to users. You can communicate with the topics like company format change, best wishes, invitation and feedback.
1)    It helps to convert maximum people.
2)    It helps to reach large number of customer’s personally.
3)    It is an action taking techniques.
With these organic and inorganic way of marketing and using these hacks our team UPMIUP will help you to grow your business. UPMIUP is promotional platform format which allows business owner to participate and host the contest. UPMIUP is a great platform for brands and business owners to promote online product and market their business. It allow users to host and participate in an online contest and gives you chance to win promotional gifts.
So connect with UPMIUP platform and give boost to your brand.
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Rules for mobile (Pinned Post)
The Code
Success. I’ve sufficiently pestered the wench to make me a blog, much to the cost of a certain behorned mischief god whose presence I must share. Follow the rules below, and there’ll be smooth sailin’, savvy?
This be an exceptionally selective blog. I was me mun’s first ever muse yonks back and I’ve pestered her into writing me again, BUT, she’s horribly pressed for time. Partners will likely be very few, else ones doubling up with Loki’s. Anyone is welcome to approach and enquire, but she and I will be leaning toward those either from me own universe or crossovers with which she’s highly familiar and characters in whom she’s especially interested. Ye have been warned.
Replies are like to be slow, up to a few weeks at most.
Partners must be 18+. Various themes of an adult nature may be found here. Sexual things will be tagged ‘#filthy pirate’ with whatever level/variety of sin I deem them. More details below.
Behave. There shall be no rudeness, no passive aggression, no hate, no censorship or generally being a twit. Do I make meself clear?
The Code - Extended (below the cut)
Hi, guys. I’m Pirate (oddly known as this long before I made Jack a tumblr). Here are my more detailed rules and guidelines for writing with me on this blog, though the absolute basics are at the top as, honestly, it’s never easy to remember everyone’s requirements.
Jack is a sideblog. If you’re being followed by a benevolentgodloki that means I’m following you back. I don’t need us to be mutuals (both following each other) for us to write together, but there is a greater chance of us having a partnership if we’re letting each other know we’re interested.
How I Roll
I note myself as ‘highly selective’. This isn’t to be an elitist bugger, it’s because we all only have a limited amount of time we can put in. I want to write what I enjoy with people I enjoy. I am married with two attention-seeking cats, two jobs, a slow-brewing intended writing career and a video game addiction.
Asks/Memes - I will usually answer these no matter who they are from but I may or may not turn them into a thread I intend to keep. Some memes are very much designed to be something that continues so context can be key. If you would like to know in advance whether I intend to answer and/or keep something, please do pop me a message and I will be kind and honest.
My Threads - While Jack’s blog is still exciting and new, I’m being a bit all over the place with who and what I reply to depending on which way Jack’s.. compass.. is pointing. I do have a rolling turn order that I adhere to (to the point that I can genuinely tell you who is next at any given moment) but it’s all piled in with Loki’s threads, meaning I can take a few weeks to get round everything. Every partner gets one of their threads answered within that ‘round’ and then I go round again. However, when I’m really into something/finding something easy to pop back, I treat myself to spamming certain threads or partners at my whim. I use rpthreadtracker.com to maintain what I have. 
I will remind partners of threads that have not been replied to for more than three months. If I do not do this, I have either forgotten/lost it myself, I’m not too fussed about keeping it at that stage, or you were absent for a long period of time. 
My Style - I will write in both past or present tense depending on partner preference. My default is past but I like either. Please kick me if I screw up and write the wrong one. I prefer using regular size font but I will make mine small on replies to people who use the smaller so that it looks neat. I will often match partners’ lengths and some formatting details e.g. bolding dialogue, but I struggle with doing novella-length posts for reasons below.
I have a bugbear to admit about role-play. What we call splicing. A good half of my partners write this way so I’m not about to tell everyone to stop but if you’re someone who does this, you will occasionally run into some frustrations when writing with me. ‘Splicing’ is when you retrospectively write dialogue or actions as having previously happened during your partner’s last post. These things are fine when they’re passive i.e. your character muttered them, thought them or you were writing what your character was doing at the time because that’s pretty much essential. The trouble comes usually when my characters talk a lot/ask rhetorical questions and partners choose to answer every single one despite the fact my character carried on talking. I know it’s an ass that I have talkative muses and you really want to respond to every point/get a word in, but putting words and actions into the past effectively godmods my muse into accepting they happened. If you feel your muse would have full-on interjected midway through their ramble, please ask me to edit my post/stop it at that point. Otherwise if you do prefer to splice, my muse will only respond to whatever it is your character did or said last in their post. This is one of the reasons I can’t write novella, because often there is only so much you can write before you’re stepping into the territory of changing what went before and not allowing your partner to do anything about it.
TL;DR don’t ever worry about your post being too short for me. If it’s one sentence long but it’s because something fast-paced is happening, I won’t be miffed.
Shipping! - no not that kind of ship, Jack. I love shipping. Ships all around. Let’s face it, romance can be one of the most exciting reasons we bother writing. I am open to a lot of ships for Jack, practically all of them. Yes, even that one. I will do downright nasty, toxic, horrible stuff, savvy? It’s fiction and Jack is a great indulgence for bad things happening to him as much as good. That said, of course don’t force something on him without prior agreement between us. Well, I mean, your muse can try and accost him and see what he does, just don’t expect him to definitely reciprocate. Jack and I are bi/pansexual. We’re open to everything. I will admit a heavy lean toward m/m but, that said, Jack is extremely fond of the ladies, more so than Loki. I am very into Sparrington especially.
Not Safe For Ye Olde Work
Sliding down from the above topic, I enjoy the occasional smutting. It is not a requirement from my partners. In fact, I’m warming very much to fading to black depending on the context/mood/if things feel a bit repetitive. I do feel a touch more comfortable with partners who don’t need that boundary but as I’ve recently figured ‘if it needs a cut, then it’s smut’ I know when to skip on.
Saucy material will go under cuts/Read More’s and be tagged as mentioned above with ‘filthy pirate’. Additional tags will be based on the citrus scale: ‘lime’ for general grabbing, ‘lemon’ for full on sexual content and ‘grapefruit’ if things get extra kinky. I will tag things such as ‘rape tw’ or ‘noncon tw’ or ‘dubcon tw’ where necessary. Please blacklist any or all of these at your leisure, or search them if you fancy :U I do NOT tag these as ‘ns.fw’ because tumblr just completely hides them from being searchable which is useless for my partners.
OC’s - Due to my time constraints I am extremely picky when it comes to OC’s. This is a good fandom for well-thought-out muses and I know firsthand how hard it is to make headway as an OC in the RP world. However, I also understand that for people like me, I want to dip in on this site to mostly play with the characters and worlds I’m really absorbed in and ship my weaselly black guts out. Some people have more time than others to really give your OCs the time and love they deserve. Unless I’ve played with you a long time and I really like the cut of your and your muse’s jib, it’s very unlikely I’ll bite. Apologies! The same goes for crossover muses from fandoms I’m unfamiliar with, but I will let you know if that’s the case.
Threads - I don’t have a strict limit on how many to have per person but please bear in mind that the more of these you have with me the longer it will take me to get to a particular one (unless I’m spamming it back and forth). This is more a mun/muse context how many I accept.
Exclusives/mains - I don’t do these although I may consider having a maximum of 3 or 4 of one muse depending on activity levels and to ensure plots don’t get mixed up or attention feel unfairly balanced.
Triggers/squicks - I don’t like body horror e.g. graphic detail of squishy bits having bad things happen to them. I’m writing a pirate so there’s absolutely allowed to be elements of torture/violence, just don’t stab him in the eye or chop bits off him. One torture-related thing sends me into a complete freakout which I’ll discuss with partners if we’re doing a thread of that ilk as needed. Kink-wise I’m not into mpreg, A/B/O or infantilism or toilet things. Just ask me/Jack if you’re after something XD
Who I Am/What I Need From You
Being yourself is the most important thing and I promise I am not a scary person (usually). We’re only human and it’s natural that we’ll get along better with some rather than others. This is more to give you a gist of the sort of person I am and who I gel with best.
So I’m a shy hermit at the best of times. I’m trying to be better at engaging and enthusing with partners over our threads because I realise more than ever this does keep things alive and make for a more enjoyable experience. I’m not always great at it. I work best with people who are patient and don’t worry too much on what I think of them and their writing, with people who are happy to keep threads going for the longhaul rather than keep dropping everything before I’ve had the time to get to the next post, and most especially people who accept that fiction =/= reality. I do need a certain level of quality, which doesn’t always mean perfect grammar, but it must be coherent, fun and creative. I like a relaxed approach, sharing mutual enjoyment in silly fantasy world sandboxes as escapism from (and exploration of) this complicated world we live in.
If you managed to read all of this, have a drink (even if it’s water). You’re a diamond. 
Pirate xxx
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go-events · 5 years
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GO Rom Com Spotlight: @apocryphalia
The most excellent @apocryphalia​ (also apocryphalia on Twitter and AO3) has claimed Casanova to adapt for Good Omens in the Good Omens Rom Com Event.
For reference, here’s a little background about the source material.
About Casanova: With a reputation for seducing members of the opposite sex, Casanova discovers a beauty who seems impervious to his charms. However, as he continues to pursue the indifferent lady, he finds himself falling in love.
We spent some time chatting about how the adaptation is coming so far, as well as future plans for it! Now, get to know @apocryphalia​ a little better!
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goromcom: So, you know how if you open a Tumblr chat with someone you haven't chatted to before, Tumblr tells you two things they post about? I wanted to tell you that yours reports that you post "about #aziraphale/crowley and #ineffable husbands." Well, you're a true blue fan, and I support that!
apocryphalia: Considering this blog exists because I’m 100% pure Good Omens trash, that’s not shocking. I’m also slightly obsessive about my tags, which is probably why my mother and that one career test I took in college insist that I should have been a librarian.
goromcom: Oh, librarian is one of my dream jobs, but I never pursued it. I also feel similarly about tags! But before I start waxing poetic about the Dewey Decimal System, let’s segue to your rom com.
You chose to adapt Casanova as your rom com. Has this story been a favorite of yours, or is there some other reason you chose it? Were you thinking specifically of the David Tennant adaptation of the story, or just Casanova in general?
apocryphalia: Like a lot of us, I may have gone a little bit crazy watching Tennant and Sheen's previous roles after the show came out, so I had seen his Casanova fairly recently, and I was definitely thinking of that version when I looked at the list. Also, this is a bit silly, but I have no idea how dates work, and I originally thought that the event claims opened the day after they actually did. I had off work the day I thought claims started, and I was planning to watch a bunch of movies I hadn't seen and put some real thought into which one I might want to do, but I figured out about two hours beforehand that I was very wrong. So I kind of panicked and just started throwing titles that I had already seen into the list, and I liked Casanova and couldn't resist the Tennant connection, so… here we are. No regrets.
goromcom: Sometimes life throws us the very curveball we need.
What's your favorite moment of Casanova, and are you looking forward to presenting it in your adaptation? Any loose plans for that scene that you can share?
apocryphalia: I love Bellino, and I love the scene where she breaks off her engagement with Casanova and plays wingman for him with Henriette instead. My main goal in planning this so far is basically just maximum gender fuckery, so I’m still trying to work out exactly what to do with the character—I’m going to have to play fast and loose with the actual historical status of castrati, which gives my historian-brain some anxiety—but I think it’ll be fun to write, and hopefully fun to read! (Also, fun fact, the actual historical Casanova may have been bisexual, so why shouldn't Crowley!Casanova try to marry a castrato and also fem!Aziraphale?)
goromcom: Why not, indeed? I can absolutely see that for both the historical Casanova and for Crowley/Aziraphale as well.
Other than a healthy sprinkling of gender fuckery (of which I’m very much a fan) do you plan to stick very closely to the beats of the original story, or make bigger changes?
apocryphalia: I’m planning to stick pretty closely to the events of the Tennant adaptation for the first half or so, but I’m changing the ending because obviously our ineffable spouses need a happy ending! I’m also ditching certain children that appear in the story, for the purposes of gender fuckery.
I would like to keep to the flashback format, as in the movie older Casanova is actually telling these stories about his life and his relationship with Henriette to another servant in the household where he’s now a librarian. So parts of the fic will be in first person as excerpts from Crowley’s memoirs, and others will be in third person telling the events as they actually occurred. I haven’t completely nailed down which POVs I want to use yet, but Crowley is certainly not a reliable narrator, and I think the back-and-forth timeline showing both young and old Casanova is interesting, so I’m going to try to keep that vibe in the fic.
goromcom: What's an interesting decision you've made in your planning so far--a notable casting decision, a changing of venue, or some other plan you have to paint Good Omens all over your rom com?
apocryphalia: Ineffable wives! Again, I’m going to have to play fast and loose with history and it’s giving me some anxiety, but this is fiction, it’s fanfiction, and it’s going to be fun, dammit! Fem!Casanova!Crowley may be slightly channeling Gentleman Jack, because who doesn’t love lesbian Suranne Jones? Aziraphale gets to be the cautious, repressed one desperately trying to adhere to societal expectations while also being desperately in love with her as Henriette, and there will be plenty of slow-burn, mutual-pining, dancing-around-their-feelings-and-their-crappy-circumstances goodness!
goromcom: I think fiction and art help us imagine the world we want, so if we want a world where people aren’t so hung up on gender or orientation, what better place to start than in our storytelling? <3
But I don’t want you to reveal too much about your story before it’s time to post it, so let’s move on to the final question, cribbed from The Good Place: The Podcast. Tell me something "good". It can be something big or small. It can be a charity you think is doing good work, or you can talk about how great your pet is.
apocryphalia: Well, I can’t resist an opportunity for pet pics. My cats are both terrible at being cats, and they are my favorite things in the whole world. Look at these little idiots being king and queen of recycling mountain! [ed: photo below interview] 
Also, on a real note, there are other similar organizations all over that could use support, but here in my part of South Jersey, the SERV program at the Center for Family Services runs the domestic and sexual violence advocacy programs, and assists victims of human trafficking. I’m a former volunteer with them, and everyone involved in that work is so incredibly compassionate. They provide free counseling, support survivors through the medical exam and reporting process (or through the decision not to report), and they operate a 24-hour hotline and the domestic violence shelters for two counties. Their #1 goal is to believe and trust survivors, and to support whatever they decide is best for them, not to pressure them into any particular course of action (i.e., reporting an assault or filing for a restraining order) and I just think that’s incredibly powerful and helpful.
goromcom: SERV sounds like an important resource and I’m so glad the people of South Jersey have something like that to support them. (Though let’s hope as few people need it as possible.)
Make sure to watch for the GO adaptation of Casanova, coming soon. (And now here’s that pet photo I know everyone was waiting for.)
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brandtreein · 4 years
How do you think marketing works? Well, my perspective on digital marketing in simple layman’s terms is the use of the internet to reach consumers. It is believed that business has only two functions – MARKETING AND INNOVATION.
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Marketing Advertising Commercial Strategy Concept
1. Right Strategies, Implementation, & Success.
Planning out business goals and how to achieve them is very important for any brand, don't you think so? I believe it is important to figure out where the brand stands right now and its goal in the forthcoming years. And to achieve the above-said goals, it is necessary to have a well-planned set of strategies in a cost-effective yet impactful manner so that no stone is left unturned. To mention a few strategies:
Creative Web Design/Development: Using UI/UX interface designs and catchy graphic designs and standardized software along with developing the website further helps in generating leads.
Personalized Content: Content is king. Make sure to give out content that grabs the attention of the readers by making it more relatable and personalized to adhere to their requirements.
Discounts/Sale: Providing discounts, cashback, and season sales is something that catches the eye of every given consumer. This will ensure website traffic and to reach a wide range of consumers.
Social Media Marketing: Social media has become a rage amongst people. Marketing a certain business on social media is one of the most effective ways to reach a wider audience and helps to constantly engage with your followers/consumers in different ways.
Omnichannel Marketing: This is the practice of marketing a business across many channels including online and offline modes. It helps to provide an enhanced and customized user experience across numerous channels through any method that the customer prefers.
Once we have a plan, it's now time to implement them! Reach out to various platforms and make sure that your brand visibility is improving with every passing day. It is important to use all the technologies at hand and put your best foot forward in getting your brand on the radar. With this outline, every process can go on organically and effectively which will eventually lead you to success.
2.Content Still Matters
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It is said that great content is the best sales tool in the world. Content marketing is an effective approach to marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material such as videos, blogs, website content, social media posts, etc and eventually not only promotes the brand but also intends to stimulate interest in the services it has to offer. HubSpot research suggests that businesses that blog are 13 times more likely to witness ROI than those that don't. Now, how will content help, improve brand marketing? Here are a few content marketing tips that will answer the above question:
Perfect Keyword Research: It is of utmost importance to make a list of relevant keywords that people are searching for and to make sure to use them in your content. This helps improve brand visibility and eventually to reach out to numerous customers.
Constant Content Optimization: Great headlines catch the attention of the readers and force them to read the blog. It is important to keep optimizing your content with time to make sure that your brand is hand-in-hand with the current trend.
Visual Appeal: Videos/pictures are what adds more understanding to any given concept that you are trying to explain. Add relevant yet innovative photos and videos to grab the attention of readers.
Promotion: Once we have an initial set of audience, it only makes sense to keep expanding it. Promote your blogs/website on various platforms like social media, another fellow brand, and others make sure your brand attains success in every possible way.
3.Social Media is a Game-Changer.
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How many of us don't use social media? I'm sure not many of us can say "ME" to that. As of 2020, over 3.6 billion use one or the other social media platforms. With that huge number, isn't it only logical to make use of social media in the field of digital marketing as well? SMM (Social Media Marketing) is a process where the marketer uses social media networks as a tool for promoting their website thus increasing traffic. This is done because, when a website is connected to a social media network its position in the search results increases drastically. Here are a few tips:
Device a full-fledged social sharing strategy.
Use the maximum number of social media platforms possible.
Discuss the current trends and make sure to use them, thus attracting an audience on a larger scale.
Constant engagement with your followers. Run contests/games to stay connected.
Regular social media creation and optimization.
Put across simple and fundamental concepts that can be understood by anybody who reads it. Try not to complicate the content.
Analyze and improve.
4.Make Your Customer the Hero of Your Story.
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What determines the success of a brand ultimately? Its customers. Every brand’s ultimate goal is to reach the maximum number of customers and doing this is not an easy task at all and involves a series of best marketing strategies that could be:
Market Research: Make sure to do a quick market survey and collect data as it is very important to understand the needs of your customers and the current trend.
Email Marketing: Emails happen to be one of the easiest means of customer communication since time immemorial. Sending out personalized emails to a set of customers makes it easy for them to stay updated about any new launches/services thereby, increases customer engagement with the brand and increase the potential number of customers from time to time.
SMM: 83% of people who use the internet, use social media as well. This is yet another platform to reach out to a wide range of customers. This has been explained above in detail under the heading, “Social media is a game-changer”.
Content Marketing and web design: It is important to have a website that can be easily accessed on all devices be it smartphones, tablets, or laptops, and also to make it visually attractive. Content is king. The more entertaining and relatable the content is; the more will be the readers who will eventually become loyal consumers. Ain't that so simple?
Ask Customer Reviews: Ask the customers how satisfied they are with the service you are providing. Asking for feedback is one of the ways where the brand understands what it needs to improve whilst making the customer feel important and that their opinion/feedback matters.
5. Page Speed Matters
According to a study, 40% of customers discard websites that take more than 3 seconds to load. So yes, I still stand by what I said, “Page speed matters”. With good page speed, comes, better conversion rates, better search engine rankings, and user experience. Let us see as to how page speed can be improved:
Google Page Speed Insights: This is a free tool, made available by Google which runs performance tests on your website and also gives insights on how to improve the same. It works for desktop and mobile versions.
Image optimization: Images hog the maximum bandwidth of a website. Thus, we can use images in jpeg, jpg, or png formats and compress them, so that they occupy less space which will eventually increase the speed of the page.
Use a CDN strategy: A CDN (Content Delivery Network) is a network spread across various locations in the world. A website with a single server is bound to have an increased loading time. Hence, by incorporating the CDN, user requirements are put across to the closest server(in accordance with their location) and as a result, website speed is increased and keeps the customer engaged.
HTTP Compression: It is mainly used for text-based data like HTML, Java, CSS, and others. These days everybody makes sure that their webs server is GZIP enabled. SO, compressing content will lead to faster loading of web pages.
Transfer the database: Moving the entire data to a separate, optimized server is one of the most effective to improve page speed.
Performance budget calculator: The importance of catchy content has been repeatedly made very clear. This tool helps you to improve your existing content on the website and to constantly optimize it.
Effective tools: There are a bunch of tools that help you to test websites and understand the flaws. To name a few: Pingdom, YSlow, and others.
6. Data Privacy
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While the internet is a vast ocean of technology, it also comes with its own risks. This is when cybersecurity/data privacy comes into the picture. During consumer and company interactions, there will be a need to share some personal contact and bank information which need to be protected no matter what. Now, how can that be done? Read along.
Ask for permission: California consumer privacy act (CCPA) and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) act in such a way that, it gives the consumers all the control over the data/information they wish to pass on according to their own will.
Know and agree: Create a page enlisting all the security tools and policies and go further only if the customer agrees to it upon reading the security you have to offer.
Focusing the right data: Data is most important for any kind of marketing. So, it is important to collect the required data and make sure none of it goes unused. Thus, making it comfortable for the customer while fulfilling the data the website needs as well.
7. Constantly Optimize User Experience
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Developing a website and getting customers is one thing, while constantly being able to optimize the user experience is another key aspect. Better user experience leads to better conversion rates and increased revenue. With rapidly increasing trends, don't you think, it is necessary to make sure that your website is not looking old? Well, here are a few tips that can help you improve your website experience:
Google is definitely the most popular and used search engine in the world. Google search rankings play a very important role for any website from any sector. Google algorithms are a set of complex systems that determines the rankings of websites in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). Google makes updates/changes thousands of times, and given the importance of it for our website, it only becomes necessary to keep ourselves updated.
Improved page speed.
Use attractive images and videos to keep the website engaging.
Keep the web pages consistent with catchy and well-designed headlines.
Based on the data fed by the user, provide personalized and reliable suggestions/services to the users.
Conduct behavioral UX data analysis and with the final results, work on improving the user/website experience
8. Always Analyze The Results.
There is always an increasing drive to provide the customers with the best experience under any given circumstances. Constant analysis of the results or outcome of the website is the only way to improve any business. Here is how it can be achieved:
Collect data on the works of the website or brand in the past week/month.
Make a statistic analysis by making a graph for better understanding.
Understand why certain aspects might have gone wrong and in the meantime also make sure to keep up with the existing highlights of the website and keep optimizing it and making it better.
Make sure to make all the necessary changes/updates required on a weekly/monthly basis and be at the top of the game and hand-in-hand with the ongoing trend.
A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer – it is what consumers tell each other it is. – Scott Cook
For more visit Brand Tree
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lesegames669 · 4 years
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Twitter is exactly where game publishers, the gaming media, popular game streamers and entertainers, esports leagues, teams, players and commentators interact with their most engaged fans and with 1 one more. Some like it wireless. Some favor to go old-school with wires. If you occur to belong to the latter group, you may possibly want to give the Havit HV -MS672 Wired Mouse It may perhaps not have a really exceptional optical sensor that can run in the 16,000s, but its maximum of three,200 DPI should be enough to give you with an exceptional gaming expertise. Its DPI settings can also be adjusted to three other levels with the lowest at 800 DPI. The Havit Mouse also comes with breathing LED light effects like 7 circular LED light effects to set the mood in your game.
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Comics Gaming Magazine is an online gaming neighborhood magazine that publishes articles and editorials on on the web gaming. The web page also evaluations the most current games and sells gaming merchandise. Subscribe to their magazines to get the newest details on major games. Azreal Llywen or Azzy for quick is a person of contradictions becoming brainy and a total idiot at the similar time. She is a geek by heart constantly amazed at science but despairs at the sight of math. That is why her regions of expertise in gaming are puzzle solving, fighting and flat kind games.
Kongregate are a video game studio, bringing a enormous array of games to the table. Their devblog and forums give invaluable insights into the gaming world, hunting behind the scenes and enabling you to ask those burning questions in an atmosphere complete of authorities. I applied on line. The course of action took a week. I interviewed at Green Man Gaming (London, England) in June 2018.
Android gamers represent 78% of the global mobile gaming market and can be worth eight occasions far more than iOS players in the country. The Gimars Memory Foam Set actually comes with 2 pads: one for every wrist. Considering that gamers typically use each keyboard and mouse when gaming, we advise this set. Sssniperwolf is 1 of the https://asmodea13.site/ world's biggest female gaming influencers, and undoubtedly one particular to watch out for in 2018. Her channel is complete of good video game content material, which includes her Get in touch with of Duty videos, which are particularly well-known among viewers.
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Having a good gaming magazine is no straightforward process, obtaining to create numerous articles a day is a have to for it to be capable to rank appropriately on Google and keep up to date with all the news but what about when you want to write your own reviews or make up rankings. In this post we are going to examine the very best themes on the marketplace from simply accessible with fewer functions up to the ideal themes full of capabilities. The short article will cover the great, the very great and the quite finest gaming WordPress themes accessible, orderer by capabilities and ranking.
If you're in the marketplace for less costly or additional very affordable games, make positive that you check the Hot Deals section of the web site. Green Man Gaming consists of a link to that page on all its pages. You can look at the Deal of the Day or at present specials that let you save up to 75% off the MSRP on well-known games. The Hot Offers section also incorporates some VIP specials chosen by best games from around the planet.
Did you know that Mobile games now account for 51% of international revenues in the gaming business followed by Console games (25%) and Pc Games (24%) 62% of smartphone owners set up a game inside a week of finding their phones and Mobile Games now account for more than 43% of total time spent on smartphone. Verify out our infographic on The State of Mobile Gaming Industry” for latest mobile gaming statistics and trends.
This weblog aims to make a actual neighborhood that cares about subjects like technologies, gaming and gadgets, offering news and critiques. Furthermore, it allows the readers to interact with the rest of community through comments and polls, but also enabling them to write guest posts. Green Man Gaming's publishing arm works with developers to enable publish and marketplace their personal games, supporting them every single step of the way. Their vibrant on the web community also connects gamers and rewards them for in-game activity. This gameplay data enables them to further strengthen the general gaming encounter.
Some of the most viewed internet websites for gaming-associated content are YouTube and Twitch, both of which are streaming websites that boast hours of videos. The quantity of video content that has been accessed regularly over the previous few years have steadily elevated, producing video content material an invaluable component of any Search engine marketing or social media campaign.
Brought to you by the firm accountable for the Globe Electronic Sports Games, Planet Gaming is a good spot to get all your esports news. The Planet Electronic Sports Games is 1 of the most prestigious esports events in the world, and World Gaming brings that similar level of production value to their weblog. Planet Gaming has coverage of a wide range of esports outside the most popular games, as effectively as general esports news. The forum is also a excellent place to engage and discuss esports with other gamers and fans.
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From Indie games to PlayStation, Video Chums have got all the testimonials of your preferred weekend picks. Study through their gaming articles, gaming console reviews and participate in contests to win giveaways. Connected Posts: Allow the connected posts and they will appear at the bottom of each and every blog post suggesting three (or far more) connected articles to study subsequent. Make certain the quite layout is enabled in your web pages settings due to the fact this is a lot a lot more enticing for gaming blogs.
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