#how do you publish an article with that big of a mistake in it. reeling
ieidolon · 1 month
My favorite wild Dracula take comes from an article that confidently asserted normative masculinity was restored by the end of the novel because the two male characters who had been personally victimized by Dracula, by which the author explicitly stated they meant Jonathan and Quincey Morris, kill him
I don't know what alternate universe this article came from but I want to read their version of Dracula so bad
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lia-jones · 4 years
Growing Pains - Chapter Twenty Five - The Ghosts of the Past
“You should move in with me.” Victor stated casually, while sipping his morning coffee.
I almost choked on my toast.
“W-what?” I stuttered. Where was this coming from, all of a sudden?
“Haven’t had enough coffee yet?” He teased, smiling, peeking inside my mug. “It’s only reasonable, you barely sleep at your apartment anyway, you spend all your time here, you might as well save the rent money and just come live here.”
“Well, if it’s the fiscally responsible thing to do.” I said, ironically. “Besides, the reason I sleep here all the time is because you keep insisting that I do. I wouldn’t mind spending a few nights at my apartment.” I argued back. “You probably could use the break.”
“I didn’t say I want you to spend more nights at your apartment, I was saying I want you to spend all nights here.” Victor sounded frustrated. “Do you really stay the night just because I insist?”
“I did not say that.” I answered softly while taking the dirty breakfast dishes away. I wanted to avoid that conversation so bad.
And Victor apparently caught up on that, seemingly dropping the subject altogether, his eyes trained on his phone. However, I could see his eyebrows slightly furrowed, and that usually meant he was churning some thought in that thick head of his. I sighed.
“Look, this is all very new and it’s a bit weird.” I tried to make him see my perspective. “There’s so much we haven’t even discussed yet… I mean, for now, it’s casual, if we get tired of each other we can go spend some time on our own. If I start living here, you’ll have me in your hair all the time. Besides, we don’t even really know that much about each other, never discussed how we will split the bills…”
“What bills?” He looked confused. “You mean utilities? We’re not roommates, and I don’t need you to pay for those.”
“Well, I want to contribute too. You shouldn’t be supporting me just because you’re rich. See, we really should be discussing these things before acting rashly.”
“Where do you see yourself two years from now?” Victor asked out of the blue, in all seriousness. I blinked at him.
“What, is this a job interview?” I joked. He didn’t laugh.
“Where do you see yourself two years from now?”
I couldn’t see why he was asking, but I was sure it was important. I tried my best to answer.
“I don’t know, honestly.” I said, softly, hoping I could calm some of the inner turmoil I could feel in him. “If someone told me two years ago that I would have gone through all of this… The abuse, the coma, coming to Loveland, my new job, my doctorate, you… I wouldn’t believe it.”
Victor watched me carefully, poker face in place. And for the first time in a long time, I couldn’t read his eyes.
“Alright.” He said, getting up and walking to the door. “Do you need a ride to the University?”
“Thanks, I’m taking my car, I need to-” And with that, I heard the door close behind him, leaving me talking to myself. And I wondered if we had actually been fighting. I simply couldn’t tell.
My routine at the university was a very simple one. During most mornings I would teach, and the afternoons were reserved for the research and occasional meetings with partners. I was thankful for the quiet morning, because I couldn’t focus at all, remembering every single sentence of our discussion, trying to see where things could have gone sour. Eventually, not able to find an answer, I stopped altogether.
After lunch, I went to my office to make a few phone calls regarding the new partnerships we were having at the moment. Unexpectedly, there was a knock on my door. It was Olive Carson, the Dean.
“Andrea, may we have a word?” She said, peeking from the door.
“Of course, come in, sit down.” I said, putting my phone down. “How can I help?”
“We have to discuss this new media exposure you’ve been having, regarding your relationship with Victor Lee.” She started, choosing her words carefully.
“Media exposure?” I frowned.
“Look, I know this is a very sensitive issue, and evidently you are not to blame for what happened to you, but no matter how unfair that exposure is, it is still exposure. And since your name is connected to the University’s now, it is our duty to make sure your exposure doesn’t reflect badly on us. As you understand, sooner or later we’ll have to make our professional relationship official and look for patrons to invest in your research, and any bad publicity will be prejudicial.”
“I’m sorry, Olive, I really don’t follow. What exactly are you talking about?” By that time, I was more than confused, I was starting to get scared.
“You haven’t seen it yet?” Olive asked. “That gossip magazine, Loveland’s Juiciest, published a whole article about you and your boyfriend. Apparently, you caught their attention at that fashion show. I personally choose to steer clear from that kind of literature, but when one of my researchers is involved… I have to pay attention.”
“Wait, Loveland’s…” My mind was reeling. “Ok, yes, me and Victor are in a relationship. Why would the patrons care for that?”
“Well, Mr. Lee spoke on your behalf when you defended your thesis. Some people may think his opinion was… biased.”
“And the results may be discredited.” I concluded, rubbing my forehead in distress. This was not happening. It simply couldn’t be happening.
“And affect our funding exponentially.” She added. “The abuse story is not helping either. I know your boyfriend is a very influential person, and he’s known to be extremely protective of his privacy… Maybe you can talk to him, see if you can make this matter go away, or at least contain it.”
I froze at her words. Did she say abuse? Did that magazine do a background check on me, and shared my abuse with the world? I got up in a hurry, preparing to leave.
“I’ll see what I can do.” I said, quickly gathering my things. “Do you mind if we finish this conversation later? I need to leave urgently. Please close the door behind you.”
Not waiting for her reply, I bolted to the closest magazine stand and bought a copy of the damn magazine. I held it with shaky hands, in my car, too scared to find out what was written.
I should have realized that the moment the paparazzi saw me with Victor, I would be a person of interest. After all, he was known to be the most desirable bachelor in Loveland that never gave any woman a second look. Obviously, they would be all over us. I was bound to end up under the limelight.
The article was titled Ice King or King of Hearts, and it spoke of how honorable and romantic Victor was, choosing to give his heart to true love, disregarding social status or background. And, to make it even more compelling and thorough, there was an entire page dedicated to me, with incredibly accurate facts. The author knew everything about me, my parents, my hobbies, and wrote a tear-jerking story about my abuse, including a picture of Daniel and the exposure it all had in the media back in Portugal, since he was the son of one of the most notorious bankers in Portugal.
My trauma, my darkest part of my life was right in front of me, printed in an elegant font, with pretty pictures to illustrate it. All that I had run from when I left Portugal had followed me to Loveland.
Unsure of what to do, I decided to go to my apartment to try and calm myself down before I did anything else. I couldn’t stay in that parking lot, making a scene. But I still had to fix this mess, and only one person could help me. But before I even considered talking to him, I needed to ground myself.
Victor seemed to have sensed my trouble, because as I drove home, he called me. At the time I was still a bit shaken, so I silenced my phone and dropped it on the passenger seat, deciding I would talk to him when I got home.
By the time I left the car, although a bit shaky, I had a plan. I would calm myself down, try and talk to my mother, and then call Victor and see what could be done. I had achieved so much already, I just needed to face this. Maybe now the world wouldn’t see me as just a victim. I just needed to be strong. I just needed a plan.
But no plan in the world could prepare me for what was coming next.
As I got to my floor, I saw a very familiar silhouette leaning on my door. And when that voice spoke to me in Portuguese, I knew my nightmare was far from being over.
“Hello, doll. Long time no see.” It was Daniel.
I went to my purse to get my phone. Shit! I had left it in the passenger seat. In my car. Downstairs.
Ok, Andrea. Calm down. Be smart.
“What are you doing here?” I asked in English, hoping someone would overhear me. “I don’t want you here.”
“Yet you speak English, our love language.” He answered in English. Daniel always insisted that I spoke English with him when we dated, it gave him a sense of… status. I hated that. “I told you, love, I had to see you. I missed you.”
“I have no interest in seeing you.” I tried to assert, although my heart was tight with fear. “Go away, Daniel.”
“Why? Why deny something so beautiful? Our love is cosmical, karmical, Andrea! No one can get in between us. Not even that boyfriend of yours.”
“So that’s how you found me?” I asked, my voice hoarse. “Some reporter told you where I was?” I paused, taking a deep breath. Still, I couldn’t help but grit my teeth hard in anger. “Our cosmic love, as you say, ended the moment you beat me to a pulp and left me in a coma.”
“No, no.” He laughed, shaking his head. “You’re not being fair, my love.” His sweet voice, his Let me patch you up after I beat you voice made me sick to my stomach. “You were trying to end it long before that, and you know it. I know I made a mistake, and no day goes by that I don’t think about it. But I couldn’t bear to lose you.”
I remained silent, trying to calculate my next move. I couldn’t go to my apartment, risking Daniel coming inside and hurting me in the secrecy of closed doors. I couldn’t run away either. No. Running away was not an option.
“My love for you is so big, can’t you see that?” He continued. “I sacrificed myself, I set you free. I gave you what you wanted, a chance to see how life would be without me. But I always knew you’d come back. When that reporter came to talk to me about our past, I knew that was your way of coming closer, you still want me. Why else would you send for me like that?” Daniel took a step closer. I reacted, taking a step back. “Come on, love, you know you missed me.”
“Are you high on something?” I laughed bitterly, not believing what I was hearing. This was another taste of crazy. “Listen to me carefully, Daniel, I don’t want you here. In fact, if you were living in another galaxy, you’d still be too close to me for my liking. Get out of here, before I call the police.”
Daniel’s sweet expression dissolved into an angry one. That was the real Daniel I knew, the one he only showed to the people he wanted to subdue. He gave me a snarly smile.
“Go ahead. It isn’t a crime to visit a friend. You’ll just make me want to come back for more.” Suddenly he was a lot closer, grabbing my arm. “You’re mine, Andrea.” He had a threatening look. “You belong to me. Don’t think you can run away from me just like that.” He whispered in my ear. “Wherever you go, I will always find you.”
“Do not touch me!” I yanked my arm from Daniel’s grip, but he was faster. Before I had any time to react, he grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against my door hard. I lost my breath for a moment.
“Now, why don’t we go inside? Be a good pussy and serve me some coffee, maybe with some ass on the side.” He whispered in my ear, his disgusting breath and maniacal voice making something break inside me.
“I said.” I threatened, calmly. “Let. Go. Of. Me.”
“And what if I don’t? What’s a weak pussy like you going to do to stop me?”
Back in the day, his words would make me shrink, and act in repulse or disgust. But I was flooded with a sudden clarity I had never felt before. Not wasting any time, I punched him hard on the jaw, slamming my foot hard on his chest afterward, making him fly back and slam against the floor hard. He instinctively assumed a fetal position on the floor, trying hard to catch a breath. My kick must’ve cracked a couple of ribs, at least.
Suddenly, my vision was blocked by someone else’s body. Strong steady hands held my shoulders. And suddenly I realized that, when I was smacking Daniel, I had heard someone call my name.
“Did he hurt you?” Familiar grey eyes met mine. What was Victor doing here?
“I’m fine.” I said, releasing myself from his protection. “Daniel was just leaving, weren’t you sweetheart?” I asked, my voice dripping sarcasm.
“Just remember, doll.” Daniel threatened again, as he wiped some blood from his lip. “I broke you once. I can do that again.”
Victor turned to face him, his expression one I had never seen before. He looked like he was about to commit murder, his eyes fiery with anger. I grabbed his arm, squeezing it gently. He looked at me, and seeing me calm, he relaxed a little as well.
“You know, I thought you did break me. And I hated you for that.” I paused, and noticed the smirk Daniel gave me, pleased to have had such an effect on me. “But it turns out, I was wrong. You didn’t break me. I started over again.” I came a little closer, feeling Victor’s watchful eyes on me. “And I overcame all that you did to me. I created a bigger and better life for myself, and discovered I am stronger than I think and wiser than I look. But most important of all, I realized you can’t break me, not really. The only power you have over me is the one that I give you.”
Daniel’s expression was both of surprise and anger. He wanted to see me scared and helpless. He would find none of that in me. Thanks to my friends, my family, and Victor, I was strong again. More than I ever was. I felt unbreakable.
“I used to be terrified of you. You used to haunt my dreams, make me wake up in a cold sweat. And now that I can see you, the real you… You’re not scary anymore. You are pathetic. Trying to make people love you by using torture, because you don’t feel worthy of love. Trying to break them because you feel inferior, because, deep down, you know how pitiful you are.”
Daniel was a pathetic mess on the floor, blood mixing with tears of rage. I walked to my door, getting the key from my purse to open it. “Go back to Portugal. We’re done here.”
“I decide that! I decide when it’s over!” I heard his voice coming towards me. I turned back to defend myself if necessary, but saw nothing but Victor’s back, who had come between us.
“Listen to me carefully.” Victor warned. Daniel and Victor were about the same height, and still Victor towered over him dangerously. His eyes were menacing and full of rage, his expression feral, his tone clearly indicating he was not one to mess with. “You should be very careful. You may think your deeds will go unpunished, but I am watching you. I have been watching you for a while. And I know exactly what kind of scum you are.”
Victor paused, watching Daniel’s reaction. Daniel immediately shrunk another two inches under his hostile stare.
“If you come near her, if you even dare to be in the same city as her, I will make sure that your existence is pure torture, to say the least. I will find out about all your crimes, and I will make sure you pay dearly for them, bringing you agony ten times worse than what you caused. I will be your judge and executioner. I will make sure that, after I’m done to you, you are simply too weak, too helpless to hurt anyone else. That is my promise to you. And I always keep my promises.”
Daniel’s face was bright red, tears rolling down his face, his fists clenched in anger. But Daniel was a coward, so he would not dare face someone that would actually fight back. He slowly backed away, mumbling some empty threats, leaving us alone.
Without a second look back, I opened the door to my apartment and went in, Victor following me. As soon as I heard the click of the door closing, I found myself caught in a tight and warm embrace.
“He didn’t hurt me.” I whispered. “I’m fine.”
“I will be the judge of that.” I heard Victor’s hoarse voice close to my ear.
“Thanks for being here.” I released myself from his embrace, my hand running through his tie. “What are you doing here?”
“You didn’t answer any of my calls. I went to the university looking for you. Something happened.” Victor hesitated.
“The article about us. I already know. That’s why I came home.”
“I will take care of this.” Victor’s hands held my shoulders tight, as if to steady me. “This reporter… She’s out of a job, I guarantee.” The fury in his eyes almost made me feel sorry for those who would meet it. I almost feared for that reporter.
“The Dean says that this may hurt my research. The exposure… The fact that you and I are dating… may discredit my work.” I said, my voice hoarse.
“It won’t happen.” He looked me in the eyes, silently making the promise. “They are going to collect all the unsold magazines tonight. And we’ll take legal action against the publisher. We have a meeting with the lawyers tomorrow.” He looked at me, taking me in his arms again. “This won’t hurt you any more than it already has, I promise you. You can tell the Dean it has been taken care of. I’ll call her if you want to.”
“No…” I said, rubbing my forehead in distress. “I’ll talk to her. Thank you.”
Victor grabbed my hand and put it down, leaning his forehead against mine instead.
“We’ll get through this. Don’t worry.” He looked at me with soft eyes. “I’m here.”
I ran my hand over his cheek lovingly. Yes, he was here. I just couldn’t muster the happiness for it at that moment. I felt tired and numb. Victor looked at me with worried eyes.
“Let’s go home.” He said, holding me closer. “You need to rest. This was a stressful day.”
“I…” I sighed. “I prefer sleeping here today, if you don’t mind.”
Victor looked at me with a pained and confused expression.
“I’m not rejecting you.” I said, placing my hands on his chest, like I could somehow placate him. “I need this time to myself. I need to gather my thoughts. I am so thankful for your help, and I love you, but I need to be alone. I can think better when I’m alone.”
Victor seemed to relax slightly, although he didn’t look exactly pleased. He clearly didn’t understand it, but he was trying. He took my face in his hands and kissed me gently.
“Just remember, you don’t need to do things alone. I’m right here. I will always be here.”
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ricardotomasz · 2 years
Such is life! Behold, a new Post published on Greater And Grander about Your First Film
See into my soul, as a new Post has been published on http://greaterandgrander.com/your-first-film
Your First Film
This article was originally part of the Insider Cinema guide to Hollywood, a website from the mid-2000s. We are reposting it here as both a writing sample and a guide for those seeking to get their foot in the door in Hollywood.
A lot of people ask the question, “What should I do for my first film?”
There is no answer to that question, in terms of genre, or content. The only thing I can tell you is to make a film that you are passionate about, because then you will pour in everything you've got, and that passion you have will infect others. If you make a film that is an action/sci-fi/porno just to make money or breakthrough, you will fail miserably.
Make something you are passionate about, and something that at the end of the day you will be proud of. If you're not passionate about it, it will show.
One last fact you should be aware of. 90% of filmmakers don't get past their first feature, for one reason or another. In fact, even Kevin Smith was advised not to make CLERKS the way he did, and certainly not to act in it. However, he spent almost $27,000 of his own money to make it (before post-production), and he figured if he was going to sink himself into debt, he was going to make it his own way dammit.
That being said, there are strengths and weaknesses to each choice of your first film. Short vs. feature? Shoot on film or digital? Genre?
The main piece of advice that governs all these decisions is this: Don’t be a one-trick pony.
Short vs. feature?
A lot of filmmakers make big mistakes by making their calling card film a short film for several reasons.
1. Short films are meant to experiment with. That’s why they’re short. They’re meant to be exercises into how much information you can convey with limited resources, not whole Shakespearean monologue-driven plots. They’re meant to be cheap. They’re meant to be hands-on training and devices used on the short films are meant to train you.
2. You can’t sell a short film. The closest you can get to selling a short film is if you create a TV pilot that’s either 23 or 43 minutes long, and then possibly sell it to a network, but even that is rare. There have been a handful of short films that were made, and then a studio exec hired the director to adapt it into a feature, but those stories are few and far between.
3. Agents will look at short films, but they don’t really care unless you have a follow-up script, or two. What’s important is your next feature script, not your short film, because they’re focused more on your future potential, not your past.
4. It’s more impressive to have a feature film on your resume. Even if you don’t show your feature to anyone, and you walk away with only one good scene out of the entire feature that you can put on your reel, if you’re meeting on a potential commercial or music video directing job, you have a feature on your resume, and that says a lot.
Yes, a feature is more expensive. Yes, a feature is more complicated. However, the potential for a feature is greater, and while there’s a 90% chance this potential will not pan out into a distribution deal, it will still stand as a testament to your abilities.
Film Vs. Digital
Many romanticists in the film industry are still in love with the glamour of film. The celluloid mystique is very captivating, but there are many reasons to use digital.
1. Cost. Digital is cheaper than celluloid. Even High-Definition (HD) cameras (which are more expensive to rent) are cheaper in the long run because you save on development costs.
2. Maneuverability. Digital cameras are lighter and easier to move, thus being able to accomplish shots quicker.
3. Sound. It’s easier to sync up sound from a boom microphone to the camera, because you don’t have to go through an intermediate, like a DAT machine.
4. The Look. Many romanticists dislike digital because they say the look is too crisp. Others create a self-fulfilling prophecy by allowing digital to look poorly by not lighting it correctly. The truth is, digital can look just as good as film if one takes the time to light it as if one was lighting film. Some digital cameras perform well in low light. High-definition cameras traditionally do not perform well in low light. It’s an aesthetic choice that one must make based on their story, similar to what kind of film stock or color temperature film they should choose.
As I said earlier, this is your chance to shine. What do you want to say? Who are you? What kind of films do you want to make? What is your favorite subject matter? What do YOU find fascinating?
In the words of Mark Twain, “Write what you know.” and in the words of George Lucas, “Don’t follow trends, start them.”
Do you have your own thoughts? Let us know in the comments!
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avackan · 3 years
Second Entry: Blair Imani
This week I will be analyzing the author, educator, historian, and social media influencer Blair Imani. Imani is a black muslim woman who identifies as bisexual and eagerly takes to the several platforms to teach about the different communities she is a part of and more. Originally from Los Angeles, California, Imani studied at Louisiana State University where “in 2014, she founded Equality for HER, a non-profit organization that provided resources and a forum for women and nonbinary people to feel empowered” (Blairimani.com). This was the start of her activist work which has continuously expanded since.
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(Picture From Blair Imani’s Instagram)
I first found Blair Imani on Instagram through an Instagram Reel that popped up in my suggested posts. The video was one of Imani’s “Smarter In Seconds” videos which she is very well known for. As described in an article published in the New York Times, the “Smarter in Second” videos are “a series of bite-size tutorials that nimbly address such subjects as consent, cultural appropriation and gender expression for her audience of more than 300,000 followers” (Jackson). Here is an example of one of Imani’s “Smarter In Seconds” videos: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CMLfBvSJLNj/ These quick videos which range in topics from The Civil Rights Movement to abortion talk about important issues in a quick digestible way. But Imani also has longer youtube videos that go into depth about important subjects such as this video about intersectionality: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CLryAapplz9/?hl=en. She is also the author of “two historical books Modern HERstory: Stories of Women and Nonbinary People Rewriting History (2018) and Making Our Way Home: The Great Migration and the Black American Dream (2020)” (Blairimani.com).
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(Picture from Blair Imani’s Instagram).
Imani is big about encouraging people to take the time to learn about history saying that history “doesn’t have to be boring. It’s actually very exciting, if you approach it the right way” (Jackson). I admire this about Imani but I also think her ability to challenge her followers and recognize her own shortcomings is really impressive and something not very common on social media. For example, on a recent post Imani wrote a caption which said:
“I made a mistake this week! I perpetuated colorism by taking up space in the conversation around colorism. I let my ego get ahead of my intentions and I’m sorry. I even had my ego justifying my bad behavior. “It’s my page! Of course I’m centering myself.” WRONG! Not every conversation needs MY voice. Sometimes the work is elevating other more directly impacted and insightful people. I commit to doing better in the future and I have sent my ad revenue from the time of posting until today to the advocate that initially called me out. I have also sent support to @darkest.hue who has an excellent breakdown of why what I did was problematic and how we can all learn from it. Accountability is a blessing! As @toliveunchained says!I’ll also be working to further check myself before I insert myself inappropriately into conversations. Just because I have something to say doesn’t mean I need to be the one that says it.And you know what? I’ve been pressed all week. My soul wasn’t right. I was running away from doing the right thing and one of my mentors set me back on the good path.”
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(Picture From Blair Imani’s Website: Blairimani.com)
By recognizing her mistake and taking action to make amends for any damages she caused Imani sets a great example for people who are unsure how to respond to past errors they’ve made in conversations about race. By showing it’s okay to admit when you’re wrong and by responding so kindly to being “called out” Imani also displays the importance of learning and growing. Her colorful and inviting social media presence is welcoming to many people and her bubbly but strong personality is wonderful for communicating the importance of the many topics she discusses. I have learned a lot from her page and have found many resources that, similar to Imani, encourage people to gain more knowledge about race, sexuality, and religion, and history as a whole.
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unixcommerce · 4 years
In The News: Resources for Small Businesses in Troubling Times
The news of COVID-19 is all-encompassing, but the impact it is having on unemployment is unprecedented in recent history.
For small businesses, it is even more distressing which is why it is critically important to find the right resources. This week’s roundup covers the different challenges small businesses are facing caused by the pandemic as well as other topics.
When it comes to resources, there are many public and private organizations offering small businesses help. And the appropriately titled,” COVID-19 Info Small Business Owners Might Not Know They Need” gives you information on everyone from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to the Department of Labor, CDC, IRS, Mayo Clinic and others.
And if you are one of the tens of millions of Americans working from home, make sure to protect yourself from Zoom-bombing. Uninvited guests in meetings and personal conversations are committing truly ugly behavior at a difficult time. This article shows you how to protect you and the guests on your video chat.
Take a look at the rest of this week’s roundup for more on the pandemic and all things small business.
How High-tech Marketplaces Deliver Relief Funds Faster and Easier. It’s no secret that times are tough for small businesses. Revenues have taken a nosedive, if not flat-lined. Unemployment has skyrocketed as restaurants, salons, gyms and other businesses have had to shut their doors. And possibly most disconcerting of all, is the uncertainty of when it will end. The good news, however, is that help and relief are on the way.
Small Business News
COVID-19 Info Small Business Owners Might Not Know They Need. As a small business owner, you’re probably simultaneously reeling from the effects of the coronavirus on your business and the economy and already strategizing your recovery plan. Here are over 25 resources to help you stay informed and get sound advice to keep your business going. Help from the Government World Health Organization (WHO).
Etsy Connecting Makers with Suppliers for Facemasks. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) recommends wearing of cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. As a result, the Etsy marketplace announced a concerted effort to put sellers on the fast-track to meet demand for fabric, non-medical face masks.
Tax Compliance Costs Generally Higher for Small Businesses. Small businesses pay higher costs when it comes to regulations and compliances compared to their larger counterparts. How much more do they pay? When it comes to taxes, a new infographic from SCORE says tax compliance costs are 67% higher for small businesses than for big businesses.
Technology Trends
How to Protect Your Online Meetings from Zoom Bombing. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) recently sent a warning about video-teleconferencing (VTC) hijacking, also called Zoom bombing. The FBI said it received reports of conferences being disrupted by threatening language as well as pornographic and/or hate images.
OneDine Makes a Free Offer to Keep Restaurants Going. The impact of the coronavirus on the restaurant industry has been devastating. This has mobilized individuals and companies in and out of the industry to come up with innovative solutions to keep restaurants going. And innovate is what OneDine has done with its platform. OneDine is going to allow restaurants to turn their parking lots into a touch-free order, pay and pick-up venue.
The History of Backup and Computer Storage. Storing just 3.75 megabytes, yes megabytes, took a hard drive that weighed over a ton and was 16 feet tall. Today you can hold terabytes of data in the palm of your hands, which makes them extremely vulnerable to theft or just losing them.
OK Boomer: Survey Says 39% Plan to Leave their Jobs Soon. More than a third or 39% of baby boomers say they plan to leave their job within the next six months. The number is exactly at a third or 33% for millennials. The data comes from the Olivet 2020 Employee Survey, which looked to find out just how these two demographics feel about each other. And of course, this is in part brought on by the catchphrase ‘OK Boomer.
5 Great Video Recruiting Examples for Getting Top Employees. Are you missing out on one of the easiest, most effective ways to get top employees? Employers are using video recruiting to attract top candidates. Video recruiting introduces your company, and its open position or positions, in a manner more friendly, informative and engaging than any word-filled advertisement. If you’re thinking that making a video is too expensive, think again.
Employee Retention Strategies That Work for Small Businesses. Whether you are the boss of one or many, each employee is important to your small business. Would you rather work on retention, or retraining? According to statistics, more than 3 million people quit their jobs every month, with one-third of those quitting during the first month of employment.
Marketing Tips
Influencers More Engaged Than Ever During Coronavirus Pandemic. If you are thinking about roping in influencers to stay afloat in the coronavirus pandemic, you should go ahead with your plan. Influencers During the Coronavirus Pandemic According to the latest survey from Influence Central, influencers are seeing a surge in social media impressions and engagement across platforms during the coronavirus pandemic.
How Epidemics Spur Innovation. Innovation comes from environments where ideas can connect. So, what kind of environment does an epidemic create when it comes to spurring innovation. This is the very question a new infographic from Top Masters in Public Health Degrees developed by NowSourcing looks to answer.
61 Persistence Quotes for Entrepreneurs. Persistence is key to succeeding, entrepreneurs often say. Whether you just need a little boost, or feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, persistence quotes can provide the spark to get your mojo back. Everyone experiences setbacks, delays and obstacles. But many famous entrepreneurs point to one thing that made a difference in their careers. They kept going.
10 Tips for Avoiding Small Business Missteps or Recovering from Them. Mistakes are a natural part of running a small business. But if you can avoid the obvious missteps, your business should be better positioned to make it through tough times that are unavoidable. Below, read tips from members of the online small business community for avoiding or managing some common entrepreneurial missteps.
Image: Depositphotos.com
This article, “In The News: Resources for Small Businesses in Troubling Times” was first published on Small Business Trends
The post In The News: Resources for Small Businesses in Troubling Times appeared first on Unix Commerce.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2Vk17i4 via IFTTT
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In The News: Resources for Small Businesses in Troubling Times
The news of COVID-19 is all-encompassing, but the impact it is having on unemployment is unprecedented in recent history.
For small businesses, it is even more distressing which is why it is critically important to find the right resources. This week’s roundup covers the different challenges small businesses are facing caused by the pandemic as well as other topics.
When it comes to resources, there are many public and private organizations offering small businesses help. And the appropriately titled,” COVID-19 Info Small Business Owners Might Not Know They Need” gives you information on everyone from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to the Department of Labor, CDC, IRS, Mayo Clinic and others.
And if you are one of the tens of millions of Americans working from home, make sure to protect yourself from Zoom-bombing. Uninvited guests in meetings and personal conversations are committing truly ugly behavior at a difficult time. This article shows you how to protect you and the guests on your video chat.
Take a look at the rest of this week’s roundup for more on the pandemic and all things small business.
How High-tech Marketplaces Deliver Relief Funds Faster and Easier. It’s no secret that times are tough for small businesses. Revenues have taken a nosedive, if not flat-lined. Unemployment has skyrocketed as restaurants, salons, gyms and other businesses have had to shut their doors. And possibly most disconcerting of all, is the uncertainty of when it will end. The good news, however, is that help and relief are on the way.
Small Business News
COVID-19 Info Small Business Owners Might Not Know They Need. As a small business owner, you’re probably simultaneously reeling from the effects of the coronavirus on your business and the economy and already strategizing your recovery plan. Here are over 25 resources to help you stay informed and get sound advice to keep your business going. Help from the Government World Health Organization (WHO).
Etsy Connecting Makers with Suppliers for Facemasks. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) recommends wearing of cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. As a result, the Etsy marketplace announced a concerted effort to put sellers on the fast-track to meet demand for fabric, non-medical face masks.
Tax Compliance Costs Generally Higher for Small Businesses. Small businesses pay higher costs when it comes to regulations and compliances compared to their larger counterparts. How much more do they pay? When it comes to taxes, a new infographic from SCORE says tax compliance costs are 67% higher for small businesses than for big businesses.
Technology Trends
How to Protect Your Online Meetings from Zoom Bombing. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) recently sent a warning about video-teleconferencing (VTC) hijacking, also called Zoom bombing. The FBI said it received reports of conferences being disrupted by threatening language as well as pornographic and/or hate images.
OneDine Makes a Free Offer to Keep Restaurants Going. The impact of the coronavirus on the restaurant industry has been devastating. This has mobilized individuals and companies in and out of the industry to come up with innovative solutions to keep restaurants going. And innovate is what OneDine has done with its platform. OneDine is going to allow restaurants to turn their parking lots into a touch-free order, pay and pick-up venue.
The History of Backup and Computer Storage. Storing just 3.75 megabytes, yes megabytes, took a hard drive that weighed over a ton and was 16 feet tall. Today you can hold terabytes of data in the palm of your hands, which makes them extremely vulnerable to theft or just losing them.
OK Boomer: Survey Says 39% Plan to Leave their Jobs Soon. More than a third or 39% of baby boomers say they plan to leave their job within the next six months. The number is exactly at a third or 33% for millennials. The data comes from the Olivet 2020 Employee Survey, which looked to find out just how these two demographics feel about each other. And of course, this is in part brought on by the catchphrase ‘OK Boomer.
5 Great Video Recruiting Examples for Getting Top Employees. Are you missing out on one of the easiest, most effective ways to get top employees? Employers are using video recruiting to attract top candidates. Video recruiting introduces your company, and its open position or positions, in a manner more friendly, informative and engaging than any word-filled advertisement. If you’re thinking that making a video is too expensive, think again.
Employee Retention Strategies That Work for Small Businesses. Whether you are the boss of one or many, each employee is important to your small business. Would you rather work on retention, or retraining? According to statistics, more than 3 million people quit their jobs every month, with one-third of those quitting during the first month of employment.
Marketing Tips
Influencers More Engaged Than Ever During Coronavirus Pandemic. If you are thinking about roping in influencers to stay afloat in the coronavirus pandemic, you should go ahead with your plan. Influencers During the Coronavirus Pandemic According to the latest survey from Influence Central, influencers are seeing a surge in social media impressions and engagement across platforms during the coronavirus pandemic.
How Epidemics Spur Innovation. Innovation comes from environments where ideas can connect. So, what kind of environment does an epidemic create when it comes to spurring innovation. This is the very question a new infographic from Top Masters in Public Health Degrees developed by NowSourcing looks to answer.
61 Persistence Quotes for Entrepreneurs. Persistence is key to succeeding, entrepreneurs often say. Whether you just need a little boost, or feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, persistence quotes can provide the spark to get your mojo back. Everyone experiences setbacks, delays and obstacles. But many famous entrepreneurs point to one thing that made a difference in their careers. They kept going.
10 Tips for Avoiding Small Business Missteps or Recovering from Them. Mistakes are a natural part of running a small business. But if you can avoid the obvious missteps, your business should be better positioned to make it through tough times that are unavoidable. Below, read tips from members of the online small business community for avoiding or managing some common entrepreneurial missteps.
Image: Depositphotos.com
This article, “In The News: Resources for Small Businesses in Troubling Times” was first published on Small Business Trends
source https://smallbiztrends.com/2020/04/in-the-news-resources-for-small-businesses-in-troubling-times.html
from WordPress https://businessreviewguidenow.wordpress.com/2020/04/17/in-the-news-resources-for-small-businesses-in-troubling-times/ via IFTTT
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squidinkwriting · 6 years
Essay writing
Common mistakes
1.       Doesn’t keep to title
2.       Poor structure
3.       Too descriptive
4.       Not enough critical writing
5.       Not concise
Stages of essay writing
1.       Think about title/question
2.       Gather & organise info/ideas
3.       Get something down
4.       Write a first draft
5.       Review after feedback/reflection
6.       Produce a final draft
1.       Split into 3 sections
2.       Topic
3.       Focus point- specific “what about” broad topic, key terms, perspective
4.       Instructional verbs- what should you do in essay
What are you being asked to do?
1.       Discuss – investigate/examine argument, sift through evidence, give reasons for/against
2.       Assess – decide on importance of + give reasons for
3.       Evaluate- make an appraisal of worth of something
essay question
What advantages + disadvantages does social media present to modern writer
Topic- social media
Focus Point- modern writer
Instructional verbs- identify advantages + disadvantages
Gathering ideas
Brainstorming- gather ideas, no particular order
Outline plan- rate ideas 3* for key ideas, 2* for important points, 1* for background points
Use your plan to guide your research
Find wall street journal article on pewdiepie
Bbc article on shane dawson jake paul video series
Efficient reading
Make intelligent decisions, based on initial planning, which sources to target
Read with a purpose
Systematic note taking- record important info, with referencing (page numbers, direct quotes)
First draft
focus is on title/question, how you’ve interpreted it
Core ideas
From research identify any points missed + include them
Delete anything that now seems unimportant
Write out central idea + main line of reasoning
List headings + sub-headings
Devise an order of key points
Add content + develop topic idea of each paragraph
For each main topic/argument note main information to include + examples / other supporting details
big picture
Use your plan
Keep referring back to big picture + links you made between your ideas
Make sure you answer question
Start with body if you are struggling with intro
Take each main idea + write a paragraph about it
Don’t worry about style/spelling at this stage – let ideas flow
For each paragraph include a topic sentence that makes it clear what that paragraph is about. rest of paragraph will include information + evidence related to that topic
Leave space for editing
Write conclusion, summing up content of body
Go back to question periodically
Write introduction – it is easier to say what your essay sets out to do once you have d1 it
Print off a hard copy – help’s with editing
Put draft aside for a day or so – come back to it with a fresh pair of eyes
1.       Introduction 5%
2.       Body 80%
3.       Conclusion 15%
Tells reader how you will answer question:
comment on title or topic of essay
define or explain any difficult or ambiguous terms in title
direct reader by stating which aspects of topic you intend to cover + why
Each paragraph should contain 1 big idea
Paragraph 1
intro idea
define concepts
give an argument
discuss and give evidence
make a final point
Paragraph 2 + other paragraphs
first sentence links paragraph to previous paragraph then
Each paragraph should have:
A topic sentence
An argument- explanation of your point
Evidence. Most of time, your point should be supported by some form of evidence from your reading, or by an example drawn from subject area.
Discussion. Don't just leave evidence hanging there, analyse it. Comment on any implication/significance/impact.
Concluding sentence. Finish with critical conclusion you have drawn from evidence.
Critical Writing
Being analytical is about breaking things (situations, practices, problems, statements, ideas, theories, arguments) down into their comp1nt parts.
Being critical is about not accepting things at face value, but evaluating them i.e. making reas1d judgements about how valid, effective, important, relevant, useful + worthwhile they are.
Ask lots of questions of everything you read, observe, hear, experience + do to probe beneath surface, looking for reasons, explanations + motives.
Argumentative + evaluative writing styles.
Argumentative Writing
To argue a case/point of view, to influence reader’s thoughts/actions
State your position clearly + concisely.
Use a clear line of reasoning to support your position.
Give reliable, relevant, valid + convincing evidence/examples to support your reasons.
Consider + respond to possible arguments against.
Try not to sit on fence – show there are different arguments but make clear which you find most convincing.
Evaluative Writing
Comparing - finding points of similarity.
Contrasting – finding points of difference.
Evaluating significance of similarities + differences. Do they matter? Do they have important implications for which model should be used? How did you decide what was significant?
Making a judgement - Give reasons for your opinion, based on evidence.
Showing your criteria. Show what criteria you used to arrive at your opinion – e.g. data, research evidence
Get balance right – compare like with like + give equal information + evidence to both.
Using personal experience
Do not use as your main evidence unless you’re specifically asked to do so.
Points to consider when including personal experience:
How typical is your experience? (Any research d1? Any relevant reports or articles?)
How does your experience compare with other people’s?
How relevant is it?
How does it link to theories you have studied?
How does it support or contradict theories + views you have studied?
Can any lessons be drawn from it?
Can any valid generalisations be drawn from it?
Personal writing uses different language:
“I found that” rather than “It was found that”
(More emotional, subjective, intuitive + anecdotal)
Conclusion (15%)
Draw everything together
Summarise main themes
State your general conclusions
Make it clear why those conclusions are important / significant
prove that you have answered whole question
make recommendations if applicable
Do not introduce new material
In last sentence, sum up your argument very briefly, linking it to title
Structure + content:
Does main body do what introduction says it will do?
Is it clear what each paragraph is about? (Highlight topic sentence, sum up topic in margin)
Is every paragraph relevant to question?
Is everything in paragraph relevant to main “topic”?
Is there enough in each paragraph to support “topic”?
Is anything repeated/superfluous?
Is everything in right place?
Are sentences in each paragraph in right order?
Does every paragraph relate clearly to others? (see useful linking words h+out)
Submit your piece in canvas
You will be assessed according to following:
ability to clearly articulate ideas using technically accurate prose
Attention to detail (spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc)
ability to draw upon at least four examples of secondary reading to support ideas
An awareness of contemporary issues + arguments surrounding social media
ability to present a balanced argument supported by secondary reading that offers a reas1d conclusion
Final Polish
Check again
Check you have conformed to required presentation standards
Give yourself time between finishing essay and submitting online
  What advantages + disadvantages does social media present to the modern writer?
·         Spread word about your work (marketing)
·         Provide a creative outlet
·         Interact with fans
·         Get feedback
·         Humanises you
·         Interact with haters- easy for people to judge you
·         Self worth is linked to numbers
·         you put your personality online as well as your work- hard to separate what you do with who you are, could make you seem unprofessional if you post certain things that companies you want to work with might not want to associate with
·         Harassment/non-constructive criticism
·         Plagiarism
·         Might be harder to rebrand/move into other ventures if you are known for doing one genre/one field of work- everything stays on the internet, can lead to consequences later on
·         Highlights reel- might feel pressured to post when behind the scenes you just want time off/you don’t want to interact with anyone that day
·         Not getting on with work because you’re distracted by social media
 Find wall street journal article on pewdiepie
Bbc article on shane dawson jake paul video series
Books about the publishing industry- also article on Zoella ghostwriting
Articles on the james gunn incident- #cancelled movements
JK Rowling twitter
Brooklyn 99 social media, promoting their content
Blake lively changing her Instagram to fit with her latest movie- follows only people with her character’s name
Social media of a particular author/content creator/blogger- to talk about branding e.g. megan ellaby, mdwap
Twitter trending page
Meaning in the age of social media by Ganaele Langlois
0 notes
Tips On How To Better Your Reputation
Tips On How To Better Your Reputation
Sometimes it can seem like you work so hard to build a business only to feel one sting from an unfortunate incident really uproot everything. It's difficult staring business reputation management in the face because the reality of business can sometimes be so cruel. Consider the following facts about what you can do to help you out with reputation management for your business.
To help build your company's reputation, you need to claim your name. The name of your company or your product is essential to brand recognition. There are several websites that allow you to check your product's or company's name to ensure that it is not used by someone else.
If you make a mistake, apologize quickly. Most people realize that everyone is human and mistakes do happen. If you are able to rectify the mistake do so quickly and address it on your website or social media site. If you are unable to rectify the mistake, apologize and go on with your business.
Tumblr media
Watch social networks. Most customers will expect companies to answer questions on social media websites. Try to do so quickly. The more responsive you are, the better you'll appear in comparison to the competition.
If you make a public snafu, show the world that you are mature and apologize. Everyone makes mistakes, but it takes a big person to acknowledge that. If people see that you are truly apologetic for the wrongs you have done, it will make it more likely that they will work with you in the future.
To improve your online business reputation, make sure you publish a lot of content. Although it is almost impossible to remove negative content completely from the internet, it's possible to have negative content pushed to search engine result pages that are used less. Therefore, if your company's negative comments get pushed back to the fifth or sixth page of results, then they won't be read as often.
Try looking into reputation management services. These services do cost a bit of money, but they can help you start a reputation, repair a reputation, or maintain a reputation. These are professionals. They can watch online activity for you, and they can help you both avoid and fight a negative reputation.
Check online for false information about your business. Usually, sites owners will get rid of it if you can prove that the information is false.
Keep your current customers happy while recruiting new customers. Many companies use flashy media to reel in new customers and do nothing for their current customers. This can backfire and cause a decrease in your overall profits. Instead, offer returning customers incentives that aren't offered to new customers. This will let your customers know that you appreciate their business.
You should place a complaint form on your site and encourage customers to use them if they are not happy with your products and services. This will give them the idea that it is best to talk things out with you instead of leaving negative feedback all over the Web. Make sure that you try your best to address all of the issues that are presented to you.
Have a plan available to deal with individuals who post numerous poor reviews with the intent of harming your business. It is better to have a plan and never need it than to find yourself the victim of such an attack and be unaware of your rights with no idea on how to manage the situation.
Talk to your friends to make sure that they are not doing anything that can make you look bad. For example, if there are pictures of you drunk and acting silly, make sure that your friend does not post them anywhere online. While it may seem like a joke, it can definitely do a number on you.
Good reputation management is not about saying good things about your own company. It is about your company's positive actions. Consumers judge a company by what it actually does, not by the things it says. When verbal promises are not backed by actions, the customer loses trust in the company and the reputation suffers.
As you finished up this article, you should have been thinking about what you are going to start doing right away to ensure your business continues flowing smoothly. You don't want any bumps in the road making things difficult for you. It's time to learn how to be the best professional and manage your business reputation properly.
0 notes
cryptnus-blog · 6 years
Invaluable Tools for ICO Marketing Campaigns
New Post has been published on https://cryptnus.com/2018/04/invaluable-tools-for-ico-marketing-campaigns/
Invaluable Tools for ICO Marketing Campaigns
Bitcoinist.net · April 23, 2018 · 11:30 pm
Getting your token sale to market is an ambitious undertaking. Fortunately, the right ICO marketing campaign can get you there.
[Editor’s note: This is a guest article submitted by On Yavin]
What Challenges Do ICO Marketing Campaigns Face?
ICO Marketing campaigns are much like soccer games – It’s all about how you employ a combination of tactical and strategic resources to perfect your ground game and hit the back of the net. It’s easy to get a website up and running – it’s an entirely different prospect to dominate the field of play. To that end, it’s about maximizing the resources available to you and using out-of-the-box concepts in this dynamic field. Make no mistake about it: Cryptocurrency ICO campaigns are taking the world by storm. To be successful in this arena, you must knock out your competition by presenting your product offering as a must-have trade or investment.
It’s no easy feat steamrolling the competition. There are more than 1,500 cryptocurrencies operating across over 10,000 markets. It’s for precisely these reasons that ICO marketing strategies must fuse traditional ICO and marketing tactics and dynamic marketing initiatives to create a success-driven strategy. The synergy that exists within well-run ICO marketing strategies hinges upon the collaboration between various approaches. For example, email marketing must dovetail perfectly with a strategically oriented PPC marketing campaign, in addition to a novel concept known as a Bounty Program. Effective leadership from an ICO marketing expert is required to tie all the loose ends together and channel the ICO marketing strategy toward success. There are three tenets of every successful ICO marketing strategy, namely:
Premium Grade Content –Any marketing strategist will tell you that it’s the way things are said and the words that are used that drives sales, ROI, and turnout. ICO marketing guidance is no different. High-quality content is crucial. This begins with a well-constructed white paper. The content of the white paper must provide clear directions as to how this token sale will be beneficial to stakeholders.
Research Driven Campaigns –Market research is the foundation stone upon which all successful campaigns are built. In fact, methodical research will determine whether there is a need for a new cryptocurrency in the market. Flawed research leads to failed results. The ICO marketing firms must differentiate demographics from target markets, and a comprehensive understanding of the cryptocurrency community is required.
Marketing Initiatives – marketers often use the expression ‘Getting their Feelers Out There’ – this is a reference to outreach initiatives to the broader community. Without exposure, an ICO is doomed to fail. Fortunately, one of the most effective ways to market a cryptocurrency is through a wildly popular messaging app provider known as Telegram. This cloud-based messaging service is run by a non-profit company and is available for Windows NT, Windows Phone, Linux, Mac OS, Android, and iOS systems. Telegram is one of the most popular ICO marketing tools, as it allows for end-to-end encryption protocols which can only be accessed by the sender/receiver. There is no trace of the messages left on the servers. Various other ICO marketing solutions are available, such as highly ranked cryptocurrency forums; social media sites, such as Reddit; and popular cryptocurrency informational platforms, such as Bitcointalk. Combined, these marketing channels offer the best possible shot at ICO success. It is important to also include traditional social media options in the mix, since these can expand the reach of the marketing campaign.
What Resources Are Available to the ICO Marketing Team?
There’s no doubt about it – ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) are some of the most popular investment opportunities in the market. The explosive activity in Q4 2017 is evidence of the potential of the cryptocurrency market. Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and the blockchain technology use a token-based model. The number of new cryptocurrencies appearing on the scene is likely to expand at an exponential rate, making it even more important to have the right ICO marketing strategy for your token-based business model.
ICO marketing firms understand the nuances and intricacies of this volatile market. It’s foolhardy to rest on one’s laurels by applying old methodologies in a new-age paradigm. That’s why it is important to adopt an analytical approach to the process. Marketing activity must be directed at reaching all possible stakeholders and reeling in others with even the slightest interest in the token launch. The trifecta of ICO marketing tools that are used to make all this happen is Email Marketing, Pay Per Click (PPC), and the highly effective Bounty Program option.
What is PPC, and How Can it Help?
PPC is otherwise known as ‘Pay Per Click’. It is a hands-on approach to targeting users based on specific analytical data in order to reach a wider audience than your token’s website can do alone. Moreover, it raises awareness of the ICO and reels in stakeholders. By redirecting focus from the cryptocurrency media network to the ICO pre-launch website or post-launch website, PPC can make a big impact on sales, adoption, and ROI. Its ability to generate leads and conversions allows PPC marketing to remain a leading tool in any ICO marketing package.
PPC is effective for all stages of a cryptocurrency’s growth. These campaigns can effectively channel attention directly to your company’s website. Effectively managed PPC campaigns are more likely to lead to successful outcomes, even before the ICO date has been reached. It should be remembered that the major social media network, Facebook, has slapped a ban on cryptocurrency PPC ads. Google is also planning on banning all cryptocurrency related PPC ads starting from June 2018. Similarly, Twitter has decided to enforce a ban on all ads related to cryptocurrencies, which will begin within a couple of weeks.
The motivation behind the ban is not to prevent people from dabbling in crypto investments or trades – it’s to protect unsuspecting folks with no knowledge of this volatile market from making costly mistakes. The point is that the ICO marketing team should focus their efforts on people who have either a limited or keen understanding of cryptocurrencies and how they can be beneficial to the global ecosystem.
ICO marketing experts use Pay Per Click methodology in cryptocurrency media networks. This time-tested technique for attracting informed crypto aficionados, traders, and investors has passed the litmus test.
Email Marketing Campaigns
Email marketing is hugely beneficial to a well-structured ICO campaign. There are currently multiple email marketing options available when it comes to ICO marketing. These include managed email campaigns and self-service campaigns. Self-service email marketing campaigns allow ICO companies to choose their preferred email listing and then create their tailored message. An ICO marketing manager can design the HTML creative and then submit it. The costs of email marketing campaigns vary according to the quality of the offering, the company’s budget, and the number of emails that are likely to be sent through the campaign.
You may be inclined to target venture capitalists, the top 1,000 tech blogs, leading ICO investors, or cryptocurrency stakeholders. Other options include private equity investors and tech journalists. Managed email campaigns are the other choice available to clients. You simply enter your biographic information, including the ICO start date and end date. The effectiveness of email marketing campaigns is evident across the board. Thought leaders in the industry can be reached, and there is tremendous traction, and investment potential with this option.
How Can Bounty Programs Help?
ICO marketing campaigns are increasingly making use of Bounty Programs. The goal of all campaigns is to dig as deep as you can into the market. In Bounty Programs, the goal is to gain as much coverage area and as much depth as possible. Social media marketing proves to be the most cost-effective digital marketing channel for ICO campaigns. With Bounty Programs, the benefits you receive are like the benefits provided through online gaming programs. It’s an incentivized system whereby various stakeholders, traders, investors, and donors are introduced to the cryptocurrency. The digital coin company rewards individuals for performing certain tasks.
Today, successful ICO marketing guides routinely support the use of Bounty Programs for promotional purposes. People are compensated for testing the network, writing ICO articles, providing research, reporting on bugs that have been found, translating ICO content, offering insights, creating BitcoinTalk signatures, and so forth. Whether it is a pre-ICO Bounty Program or a post-ICO Bounty Program, the importance of this resource is undeniable. The concept of a Bounty Program is a merit-based model. Within the Bounty Program realm, is something known as Airdropping.
This blockchain project is responsible for distributing complimentary cryptocurrency tokens to the community. It only kicks in once the ICO marketing campaign is up and running. Airdropping is performed by Airdrop companies, of which there are many today. They provide a useful service to traders, investors, and all other adopters of cryptocurrency. Major organizations, such as the Blockchain Education Network, publicize the launch of cryptocurrencies to attract greater numbers of people to the ICO marketing launch.
Which Channels Are Used for These Cryptocurrency Resources?
Read any ICO marketing guide and you’ll find that there is no shortage of cryptocurrency platforms today. One of them is BitcoinTalk and it serves as the premier portal to the cryptocurrency universe. For an ICO marketing campaign to work, it must maximize the power of these platforms. Fortunately, BitcoinTalk has captivated the attention of the cryptocurrency community in a big way and its influence spreads far and wide throughout the ecosystem.
The ICO paradigm is attractive to all sorts of individuals, including speculators, general investors, technology bloggers, financiers, early adopters of the cryptocurrency, and business journalists. For the ICO marketing campaign, more publicity is always better. To get the proverbial word out there, several techniques can be used including:
Chat applications, such as Telegram, and VoIP apps, especially Discord
Q&A analysis, PRs, thought leader insights, etc.
Outreach through videos, pictures, and podcasts
Digital currency conferences and Meetups with stakeholders
Social media marketing across powerful crypto-oriented platforms, such as BitcoinTalk, and traditional options, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Compiling discussion threads on Reddit’s subreddits specializing in cryptocurrencies, such as r/icocrypto and r/ethtrader
Engaging in Quora’s discussions tackling issues related to cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology
Creating discussions on Linkedin’s groups that focus on cryptocurrencies and ICOs
It’s all about connectivity in the cryptocurrency universe. The more connections there are within the network, the better for everyone. Professionals who provide ICO marketing services and have lots of connections to journalists and people in the industry will typically do a much better job of promoting the cryptocurrency. There are two primary options to use – paid options, and organic options – and both should be employed for maximum benefit. The quality of the analytics is sacrosanct. A successful ICO marketing plan will rely heavily on the right information for stakeholders. For starters, it’s imperative to know who will read the marketing material and who has an interest in investing in the ICO. There is no doubt that your ICO marketing plan is handled best by the experts.
Consider the downside of a poorly managed pre-launch ICO marketing campaign – failure across the board. Fortunately, there are many upsides if things are managed effectively. The benefits to the company, stakeholders, and the greater community are substantial when an ICO marketing campaign is managed well. When investors have better information about the nature of the product, its usage in real life applications, and its growth potential – they are more likely to part with their hard-earned money and throw caution to the wind. People are unlikely to respond well to ICO marketing campaigns that extol the virtues of the company without backing it up with concrete facts or strategic plans. It is vital to work with an experienced ICO marketing agency that can put the right ground game in place to make sure the campaign is a success.
Today, it’s the professional companies that lead the way with ICO marketing campaigns. A professional ICO marketing company knows which resources to tap into for the best results. Further, they can adapt tactics and strategies to ensure a successful outcome. The greater the exposure, the better the pre-ICO campaign and post ICO campaign operations. The whole point of marketing is to create a favorable impression of the token. Timing is everything with ICO marketing campaigns. Enough lead time must be factored into the equation to ensure that marketing strategy has a chance to work its magic. By drumming up the necessary attention, it is possible to create that hype and hysteria that is so important for lift-off. Of course, the right balance needs to be struck between organic promotion and paid coverage. It’s best to employ as many resources as possible for the widest possible coverage. Luckily, once the media sinks their teeth into a good story – there is no limit on the upside potential!
Author: On Yavin, Co-Founder & CMO at Cointelligence, a platform for monitoring and analyzing real-time crypto-economy market data. On is a serial entrepreneur and an angel investor with over 20 years of experience in the tech industry. On is an expert in the field of online marketing, with deep hands-on experience and knowledge of SEO, PPC, and ORM.
Are there any other marketing tools that you would recommend for new ICOs? Do you disagree with any of the tools/methods described above? Let us know in the comments below.
Images courtesy of AdobeStock
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anseladams03 · 7 years
8 Techniques That Helped Me Improve My Writing During Ten Years of Blogging
Epic copywriting is an integral part of driving traffic and making conversions.
Smashing Magazine even states that “it’s not uncommon for proper copywriting to increase search traffic by 50 percent and conversion rates by 30 percent.”
But being a great copywriter requires more than simply being great at writing.
You need to have a fundamental understanding of human psychology to be able to persuade readers to buy your product/service—you need to know what motivates people to purchase.
Plus, there are several other variables that will impact your approach, including your audience, overall aim, and desired customer reaction.
This graphic from ABC Copywriting offers a nice visual breakdown of the specific elements of great copy:
But how can you become a world-class copywriter in a short period of time if you have only minimal experience?
It took me 10 years to improve, figuring out these techniques. By practicing them, you’ll be able to improve a lot faster.
1. Learn from the best
If you’re just starting out, I suggest diving in head first and absorbing as much information as you can about the process.
Unlike other forms of content writing, copywriting is a highly specialized field and requires a unique approach of its own.
I’m a proponent of reading books from some of the brightest minds to get their take on things.
They’ve been there, done that, and can get you to where you need to be.
Some specific authors to check out include David Ogilvy, known as The Father of Advertising, and Bob Bly.
This list of 50 attributes of a great copywriter from Jeff Bullas can be helpful too.
I also recommend checking out this list of 75 resources from Kissmetrics specifically designed for those who want to become great copywriters.
This covers the entire spectrum and is ideal if you’re just getting your feet wet.
2. Get in the habit of practicing your craft
There’s a definite possibility that you’ll suck at your first attempt at copywriting. Don’t take it personally.
But you would be amazed at what can happen with enough continual practice.
Even in as little as a week, you can make tremendous strides.
You’ll learn to be more efficient and will develop hacks for streamlining the process. You’ll also discover what works for YOU.
That’s why I recommend practicing on a daily basis if possible.
3. Study the psychology behind purchasing decisions
As I mentioned earlier, psychology is a key element in copywriting.
In order to persuade someone to buy something, you need to understand their thought process and behavioral patterns.
Copyblogger has an interesting article that highlights seven psychologically-backed copywriting tips.
In it, you’ll read about the concept of mirror neurons—neurons in the brain that “activate when you ‘observe’ something happening, and then transfer some of the feeling on you.”
I think a good example of it is the Allstate’s “Mayhem” ad campaign.
You know, where they say “mayhem is everywhere” and show disastrous scenarios like a tree branch falling on your car?
These commercials are good at making you envision and feel what it would be like if it happened to you. In turn, you’re more inclined to buy their insurance.
The point I’m trying to make is that your copywriting should resonate with readers and make them feel something.
You need to get in their heads and truly understand what makes them tick.
In turn, this should guide your copywriting and help you create more potent copy.
4. Do your research
Effective copywriting isn’t just clever wordplay. A big part of it is great research.
Why is research so important?
For one thing, it makes your content more authoritative.
By including relevant statistics, case studies, and quotes from experts, you back up your argument.
It shows that your copywriting is based on objective facts and not merely an opinion.
Anyone can make a claim, but when that claim is backed up by data, it becomes credible.
It also adds a layer of depth to your content.
When you take the time to research, you’ll inevitably gain a deeper understanding of a topic.
You’re more likely to see the big picture rather than just bits and pieces, and this should be reflected in your writing.
When you put all this together, it’s going to be helpful in building trust with readers.
Trust is obviously important because it’s going to make it easier to persuade your prospects to buy.
Even if you really know your stuff, I still suggest you get in the habit of performing some preliminary research because it’s going to add a new dimension to your copy.
5. Work on your headlines
Quite frankly, it doesn’t matter how great your overall content is if the headline sucks.
In fact, “on the average, five times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy.”
If your headline isn’t captivating, very few readers will make it to your call to action (CTA).
While it may seem easy enough on paper, creating a great headline can be pretty tricky.
But I’ve come up with a formula for streamlining the process to ensure you create attention-grabbing headlines.
In one of my previous articles, I talk about “the four u’s of headline writing:”
Your headline should be unique.
Your headline should be ultra-specific.
Your headline should convey a sense of urgency.
Your headline should be useful.
Here’s an example of a great headline. It’s quick and to the point:
6. Master the art of the opening sentence
Just one rung below headlines on the importance scale is your opening sentence.
Once you’ve caught the reader’s attention with an awesome headline, you want to motivate them to read through the rest of your content until they ultimately reach the CTA.
And this always begins with a well-written opening sentence.
What do I mean by well-written?
It needs to be short, engaging, and able to reel in the reader immediately.
Here’s a perfect example from Chartbeat:
If you look at the opening sentence, it meets all three of the criteria mentioned above.
It simply says, “It’s not enough to just count clicks and page views anymore.”
This is obviously short and to the point. It’s engaging because it gets readers wondering what they should be assessing if clicks and page views aren’t enough. And it also makes them want to read on to find out what solutions Chartbeat offers.
What’s the takeaway?
Work diligently at perfecting your headline and opener.
If you’re able to do this, you’ve already won half the battle, and you’re in a position to capitalize on the maximum percentage of leads.
7. Use the AIDA formula
AIDA is an acronym created by copywriter Gary Halbert.
It stands for:
Here’s a breakdown of how it works…
You start by grabbing the reader’s attention with an awesome headline and opener like we just discussed.
You build interest by touching on their needs, wants, and pain points as well as ways your product/service can solve their problems, improve their lives, etc.
You create a desire to buy your product/service by clearly explaining its benefits.
Finally, you insert your CTA to encourage your readers to take action right away.
I’ve found this simple formula to be incredibly helpful for guiding my copywriting.
While the specific details will vary depending on your audience, industry, and product/service, the AIDA formula always works and will keep you on track.
8. Be meticulous about spelling and grammar
Did you know that “poor grammar on websites scares 59 percent of people away?”
Spelling and grammar mistakes can be the kiss of death for your business because it makes you look unprofessional and diminishes your credibility.
After all, would someone trust and want to buy from a company that doesn’t know the difference between your and you’re?
A study was even done to determine the biggest mistakes a company can make.
According to the findings, the overwhelming number of respondents (42.5 percent) said they were most influenced by spelling and grammatical errors.
As you can clearly see, poor spelling and grammar can be a real deal breaker, and your conversion rate is going to take a big blow.
This is why it’s so important to be incredibly thorough and even borderline obsessive about proofreading your copy before it’s published.
I also recommend using a tool such as Grammarly to help you catch grammar errors.
It’s a free Chrome plugin, and it will greatly reduce your mistakes.
There are countless people who are great writers but lousy copywriters.
Mastering this craft demands a unique approach and a specific skillset.
Fortunately, it’s possible to learn how to become a world-class copywriter in a fairly short period of time if you’re willing to put in the effort.
Even if you’re just starting out, following these tips and techniques should put you on the fast track to quality copywriting, which means two important things.
You can convert more of your leads AND increase your profitability.
What do you think the most important aspect of copywriting is?
from Quick Sprout http://ift.tt/2hYOIJf from Blogger http://ift.tt/2iYVMqX January 06, 2017 at 09:37PM
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unixcommerce · 4 years
In The News: Resources for Small Businesses in Troubling Times
The news of COVID-19 is all-encompassing, but the impact it is having on unemployment is unprecedented in recent history.
For small businesses, it is even more distressing which is why it is critically important to find the right resources. This week’s roundup covers the different challenges small businesses are facing caused by the pandemic as well as other topics.
When it comes to resources, there are many public and private organizations offering small businesses help. And the appropriately titled,” COVID-19 Info Small Business Owners Might Not Know They Need” gives you information on everyone from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to the Department of Labor, CDC, IRS, Mayo Clinic and others.
And if you are one of the tens of millions of Americans working from home, make sure to protect yourself from Zoom-bombing. Uninvited guests in meetings and personal conversations are committing truly ugly behavior at a difficult time. This article shows you how to protect you and the guests on your video chat.
Take a look at the rest of this week’s roundup for more on the pandemic and all things small business.
How High-tech Marketplaces Deliver Relief Funds Faster and Easier. It’s no secret that times are tough for small businesses. Revenues have taken a nosedive, if not flat-lined. Unemployment has skyrocketed as restaurants, salons, gyms and other businesses have had to shut their doors. And possibly most disconcerting of all, is the uncertainty of when it will end. The good news, however, is that help and relief are on the way.
Small Business News
COVID-19 Info Small Business Owners Might Not Know They Need. As a small business owner, you’re probably simultaneously reeling from the effects of the coronavirus on your business and the economy and already strategizing your recovery plan. Here are over 25 resources to help you stay informed and get sound advice to keep your business going. Help from the Government World Health Organization (WHO).
Etsy Connecting Makers with Suppliers for Facemasks. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) recommends wearing of cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. As a result, the Etsy marketplace announced a concerted effort to put sellers on the fast-track to meet demand for fabric, non-medical face masks.
Tax Compliance Costs Generally Higher for Small Businesses. Small businesses pay higher costs when it comes to regulations and compliances compared to their larger counterparts. How much more do they pay? When it comes to taxes, a new infographic from SCORE says tax compliance costs are 67% higher for small businesses than for big businesses.
Technology Trends
How to Protect Your Online Meetings from Zoom Bombing. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) recently sent a warning about video-teleconferencing (VTC) hijacking, also called Zoom bombing. The FBI said it received reports of conferences being disrupted by threatening language as well as pornographic and/or hate images.
OneDine Makes a Free Offer to Keep Restaurants Going. The impact of the coronavirus on the restaurant industry has been devastating. This has mobilized individuals and companies in and out of the industry to come up with innovative solutions to keep restaurants going. And innovate is what OneDine has done with its platform. OneDine is going to allow restaurants to turn their parking lots into a touch-free order, pay and pick-up venue.
The History of Backup and Computer Storage. Storing just 3.75 megabytes, yes megabytes, took a hard drive that weighed over a ton and was 16 feet tall. Today you can hold terabytes of data in the palm of your hands, which makes them extremely vulnerable to theft or just losing them.
OK Boomer: Survey Says 39% Plan to Leave their Jobs Soon. More than a third or 39% of baby boomers say they plan to leave their job within the next six months. The number is exactly at a third or 33% for millennials. The data comes from the Olivet 2020 Employee Survey, which looked to find out just how these two demographics feel about each other. And of course, this is in part brought on by the catchphrase ‘OK Boomer.
5 Great Video Recruiting Examples for Getting Top Employees. Are you missing out on one of the easiest, most effective ways to get top employees? Employers are using video recruiting to attract top candidates. Video recruiting introduces your company, and its open position or positions, in a manner more friendly, informative and engaging than any word-filled advertisement. If you’re thinking that making a video is too expensive, think again.
Employee Retention Strategies That Work for Small Businesses. Whether you are the boss of one or many, each employee is important to your small business. Would you rather work on retention, or retraining? According to statistics, more than 3 million people quit their jobs every month, with one-third of those quitting during the first month of employment.
Marketing Tips
Influencers More Engaged Than Ever During Coronavirus Pandemic. If you are thinking about roping in influencers to stay afloat in the coronavirus pandemic, you should go ahead with your plan. Influencers During the Coronavirus Pandemic According to the latest survey from Influence Central, influencers are seeing a surge in social media impressions and engagement across platforms during the coronavirus pandemic.
How Epidemics Spur Innovation. Innovation comes from environments where ideas can connect. So, what kind of environment does an epidemic create when it comes to spurring innovation. This is the very question a new infographic from Top Masters in Public Health Degrees developed by NowSourcing looks to answer.
61 Persistence Quotes for Entrepreneurs. Persistence is key to succeeding, entrepreneurs often say. Whether you just need a little boost, or feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, persistence quotes can provide the spark to get your mojo back. Everyone experiences setbacks, delays and obstacles. But many famous entrepreneurs point to one thing that made a difference in their careers. They kept going.
10 Tips for Avoiding Small Business Missteps or Recovering from Them. Mistakes are a natural part of running a small business. But if you can avoid the obvious missteps, your business should be better positioned to make it through tough times that are unavoidable. Below, read tips from members of the online small business community for avoiding or managing some common entrepreneurial missteps.
Image: Depositphotos.com
This article, “In The News: Resources for Small Businesses in Troubling Times” was first published on Small Business Trends
The post In The News: Resources for Small Businesses in Troubling Times appeared first on Unix Commerce.
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