#how many ship names lo r d-
goatsboat-blog · 7 years
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lorirwritesfanfic · 3 years
#RoDAW: MC Tag Game
RULES: Repost this with some information about your MC so we can all get to know them! Then tag a few friends to keep the game going.
Thanks for the tag @missameliep 😘
Full name: Carla Ines Mendoza
Nickname: Cariña by her grandmother, babe by Logan
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight/Demisexual
Pronouns: She/her
Faceclaim: Lorenza Izzo
Morality alignment: Chaotic good
Sins: Greed (and maybe lust?)
Virtues: Patience and gratitude
T H I S  O R  T H A T
introvert / extrovert
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / unempathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
hard-working / lazy / in between
Birthplace: Los Angeles, CA
Ethnicity: Latina/Hispanic
Job: Biology student, Research Assistant (first two years of college), Online Tutor (during pandemic), Teaching Assistant (last two years of college)
Hobbies: reading, hiking, camping, playing games (as long as it incites her imagination and she has fun, she will play anything), watching movies and DIY videos
Languages: English and Spanish
OTP: Logan x Carla
OT3: None. Carla never saw herself in a relationship before Logan. One partner is all she can manage 😁
BroTP: Carla and Toby, Carla and Vaughn
NOTP: Colt x Carla (she learned to respect him, but they've never seen eye to eye)
She learned how to cook with her grandmother and watching cooking channels on YouTube;
She loves watching DIY videos;
She loves camping and hiking. She used be girl scouts until Sophomore year in high school and it helped her get the early admission to Langston university;
She is scared of ghosts. She heard so many stories about El Caleuche ship while growing up that she was afraid of ships when she was five because she believed any ship could be El Caleuche and one of ship crew ghosts would take her away;
She grew addicted to online games she can play with other people because it's a way to have fun and stay in touch with Logan, Riya, Darius, Toby and Vaughn. Her favorite one is Ragnarok because she loves going on quests and partaking in Wars of Emperium (she chose creator class/biochemist and is often recruited by her guild to give other players potions that increase attack and defense skills). She married Logan in the game and he often uses skills they received after marriage (teleportation, giving his character's energy to save hers) when she gets in trouble for trying to kill MVPs on her own without the proper armor/garments 😅
She hated playing Among Us 😁
Tagging: @darley1101 @blackcatkita @walkerismychoice @troublemakerinspace and other RoD fans who wants to join 😊
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bootleg-killer · 4 years
Alexei Yahontov Biography
G E N E R A L   I N F O
name: Alexei Yahontov aliases: Lexi, Alex faceclaim: Aneurin Barnard nationality: Russian age: Twenty-Six gender: Male sexuality: Openly Pansexual height: 6'1"
B A C K G R O U N D   &   P E R S O N A L I T Y
Alexei was always the wide-eyed dreamer of the family. From a young age, he recognized how miserable everyone around him was and made an effort to go against the flow. When his family would complain, he’d try to see the bright side. His family blamed it on his books and proclivity for fantasizing. Among his fellow soldiers in war, he was given names such as ‘Naive Lexi’ and ‘Kind Alex’.
He prefers to cut tensions with jokes, but is never the type to talk down to someone seriously. He’s an extrovert who thrives in social settings, especially parties, where he likes to be the center of attention (usually by showing off his dance skills). He maintains a motto of giving everyone a chance and keeping an open mind.
But even though he doesn’t appear very affected by his darker upbringings, he’s not adverse to make a switch into seriousness. Growing up a farmer and a soldier taught him how to kill when need be. When he killed, in or out of war, the people around him would site a strange switch in his expression; people came to find that there was a different side to him, hidden beneath layers of blind optimism and blind friendliness.
Alexei was the youngest brother of five siblings, but one of only two to survive to adulthood. The gruelling Russian winters claimed two sisters and one brother, leaving only him and his older brother, Viktor. They spent their formative years tending to the farm, potatoes being the primary source of income for his family. On the side, however, they produced bootleg vodka behind the Government’s back. Initially, they only sold to close family and friends, but when alcohol was outlawed in 1914, they began to sell to more and more people.
It wasn’t far into WWI that Viktor was sent off to fight, giving his life for his country soon after. In late 1916, after just barely turning 18, Alexei followed suit at his strict father’s behest, fighting on the frontlines and barely making it back alive in 1917. Though his time in the war was short, it wasn’t long before he was forced to fight in the Russian Civil War as part of the White Army.
He realized a couple of years into the Civil War that he needed an out, and after hearing tall tales of the American Dream and what can be achieved in the USA, he snuck onto the first cargo ship he could, leaving Russia behind forever at the ripe age of 21.
His start in America was rocky. Achieving the dream was harder than he thought, especially for an illegal immigrant. But he kept his spirits high, always being the optimistic but naive type, and made due with what he could. He spent most of his days finding odd jobs, anyone that would take him, and making just enough money to get by. It wasn’t until he entered the Speakeasy scene that things began changing for the better.
He thrived in the partying market. Years of physical fitness in the war and a knack for rhythm made him a natural dancer, and his open and friendly attitude attracted many new friends. The only issue was the legality of it all; by this point, alcohol in America was outlawed, so his presence in America became even more illegal by proxy.
Not long after entering the party scene, Alexei met and fell in love with professional dancer, Mia Walker. As it seemed, she liked him, too, and soon a romance blossomed. There was one major issue, though; Mia was being kept under control by a close ‘friend’ of hers, Xander Smith. Xander told Mia when and where to perform, and pushed her closer and closer to escorting, threatening her with police-intervention if she were to defy him.
Not long into their relationship, things came to a head when Mia convinced Alexei to kill Xander for her. Alexei, being the hopeless romantic that he was and already harboring hatred for his target, did it almost without question. This wasn’t his first murder, but it was the most personal and illegal thus far. After the deed was done, the pair ran off together, escaping from Los Angeles to Chicago.
Life got far more rocky for the lovers, but Mia’s survival instinct soon kicked in with a great idea; using Alexei’s knack for making bootleg liquor. After months of scrounging up any money they could, they managed to get an old farm and begin planting potatoes. Everything about buying the land felt barely legal, but it was a well-needed fresh start for them. An isolated farm where they could hide from authorities and produce alcohol to make money on the side.
The business venture was slow coming at first, but when word got around that there was some decent vodka on the market, money began flowing in. At first, they mostly dealt with Speakeasies in the area, but as demand grew, so did their customer base. Their business caught the eye of the budding Mob in the area, and soon they were selling to them and only them.
The pair made due, though, staying as disconnected from the Mob’s criminal activity as they could. Alexei would occasionally be asked to participate in some more violent activity, being the strong arm that he was, but they were set up quite nicely thanks to their gang affiliations. Their measly farm was upgraded, and more equipment was bought to streamline the vodka making process. After a couple years of business, they were sitting pretty on their own (illegal) fortune.
But an innocent business decision meant disaster. When they were asked to also sell to a different district in Chicago, they agreed without much thought. Mob tensions were at an all time peak and their original buyers saw this as a betrayal. A hit was ordered on them–they were going to be made an example for other bootleggers in the area.
Alexei and Mia caught wind of the kill order just in time to fight back. Alexei was attacked at one of his typical hangouts first, getting shot just below his right ribs, but managing to fight off his attackers with a lead pipe and escape. He rushed back to the farmhouse, bleeding out but barely making it. He was expecting Mia to already be packing their essentials for a quick getaway. He was sure he’d get healed up and they’d start a new life somewhere else, just as they had done years prior.
But when he got home, he found she was gone, along with her suitcase and all of their savings. In their time of greatest tribulation, she had left him to die. With the mob closing in on his farm fast, he collapsed on the porch, too exhausted and sorrowful to escape on his own.
With the sound of racing tires in the distance and his body losing heat by the minute, he watched as a thick evening fog rolled over the house. When the Mob got there, all they found was a pool of blood where Alexei used to be.
K I L L E R   I N F O
weapon: A two and a half foot lead pipe with a turn at the end. It looks as if it was torn directly from a wall to be used as a makeshift weapon.
killer stats:
base walking speed: 115%
size: Medium
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donna-medusa-gorgon · 5 years
Hazbin Hotel Review
....who’s that really cute clown demon. I must know her name
Oh hey I remember that one scene!
God I love Angel Dust, he might be my fav character
I love Charlie so fucking much. She’s so nervous yet so happy and I want good things for her. And I really love her and Vaggie together. I think they do complete each other well
Vaggie trying so hard to contain Charlie’s singing. Oh honey....
Oh shit, here’s the bitch, Katie Killjoy
“I dOnT tOuCh ThE gAaAaAyS”
She also proceeds to poke her in the boob and her nose
Quick intermission-I fucking love how much this has upgraded and change! The colors! The little noises! It seems that even a few demons got an upgrade!
Im really liking Katie as a villain, she’s such a bitch it fits her so well!
I’m getting major second hand embarrassment at this point tho and I keep pausing it
Oh look the servants of my wife!
How many people did Charlie indirectly kill in that song? Doesn’t matter it can’t be worse than anyone we-MIMZY
Charlie I will forever love you I hope you know this
Low key love that background Dia De Los Muertos demon
Goddammit Angel you had one job
Me: Gasp! Charlie! Watch your fucking mouth
Oh Katie is a spider kinda! Thats cool
Oh I love Cherri.
“OH! Harder daddy~”
“Would that make your hat the top and you the bottom?!”
This is it. This is how I die from laughter
Why is Tom on fire-Nevermind I don’t want to know
Cherri and Angel Dust are my favorite duo
What kind of fucking limo was that?!
Vaggie cursing in Spanish is everything
I’m already signing adoption papers for Charlie
“I, I think dad was right about me” SQUARE THE F U C K UP LUCIFER
Don’t let him in!
Let him in!
I forgot how much I missed Alastor’s voice! I loved the old timey radio feel to it!
“Say What now?” Goddammit Charlie you couldn’t be more wonderful
I knew his microphone was alive! I love that!
“Why does anyone do anything? Sheer absolute boredom!” That’s a mood
But I do feel as if he has alternative motives. He does however seem to be working outside of Lucifer and those other big bads, so what exactly DOES Alastor want?
Lmao he just wants to finish his damn speeches
Yeah he totally has alternative motives
Damn Alastor you don’t have to call out every demon in Hell (excluding Charlie of course)
Story time!
“He looks like a strawberry pimp!”
Okay I’m going to need a poster of every poster in the backgroundor the hotel, they are so detailed and beautiful I want them all
Damn he’s good tho
Charlie’s good too
...I’m bisexual as fuck
“You’re sketchy as fuck” I love that line
“I can suck your dick” RADIO SCREECH “ha! No.” I FUCKING LOVE THIS SHOW
“You think I’m some kind of fucking clown” “Maybe!”
“You think you can buy me with a wink and some cheap booze! Well you can!”
T O O G O O D ! ! !
There’s too much! It’s too good!
That is legit terrifying Charlie. Use it more often
Please let that be a running gag
“Do I know you” dayum
....where does that GO?!
Don’t interrupt Alastor
I can’t believe Alastor is the cook of the hotel
Angel flirting with Husk...I totally ship it
“Stay tuned” as if I have anything better to do
So, no where?
Final thoughts
This was well worth the wait! I loved every minute of this show and I can’t wait for more! Thank you so much Viv for this show! And happy birthday!!
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hbostolemysoul · 5 years
Band of Brothers fluff alphabet: Buck Compton
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
The moment Compton walked through the doors he had caught your eye. The men had been joking that someone named ‘Lynn’ would be leading them, one look from you silenced their chatter. They had learned that feminine did not mean weak, having trained with you for those two years reaffirmed that fact. But seeing Lynn (Buck) Compton in person really drove home that he was anything but feminine. You went out of your way to hide the flush in your cheeks from the men around you.
(he also has a nice ass…not that you would ever admit to anyone that you noticed that)
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Buck definitely wants a family. During the beginnings of the war Buck would sometimes talk about his girl back home, boasting about how they were going to get married, and that their children would be absolute knock outs. Hearing this always made your heart hurt but seeing the photo he had of the two of them together you had to agree, their children would be absolutely beautiful.
Near the end of ‘Bucks’ war he changed. It was on Christmas when Buck joined you and Guarnere that he pulled out the photo again and gave it to Bill. “She’s finished with me” he said hollowly. Buck had changed so much since that first day you met him. It wasn’t long after Guarnere and Toye were hit that Buck was sent off the line.
He kept in touch with you and Malarkey through letters. It was through those letters that your dynamic with each other shifted a bit. He opened up more in your letters than he did in Malarkeys. A fact that you didn’t mention as Don was already having a hard-enough time.
A few months later you were hit. A sniper bullet through your lower abdomen had ended your war. You don’t remember much after being hit. Doc over you, mouth moving silently as if asking you something.
You woke up in some form of hospital a few days later. Buck at your side.
You two stayed close to each other after that, sleeping in neighboring cots, before he somehow, eventually, found his way into yours.
When the war ended he asked you to come home with him. So to Los Angeles, you went.
Buck would bring up the topic of children sometimes, but it was always hard for you. The surgeon had mentioned that due to the location of your bullet wound it could be difficult, if not impossible to ever get pregnant. Buck assured you that biological children or not, all he really needed was you.  
Eventually, you two filed for adoption, bringing your little boy home had been one of the happiest moments for the both of you. It was about 2 years after you brought him home that you found out you were pregnant. Buck had been ecstatic, you had been terrified. The pregnancy had been rough, you ended up going into labor prematurely, and while that had been terrifying your little girl came into the word healthy, and with a strong set of ‘fuck you’ lungs. 
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
The man is like an octopus. Every limb he can have wrapped around you he will. Not that you mind though.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
During your time in the hospital, ‘dates’ consisted of card games and stolen cigarettes. Once home he took you to all of his favorite places.
E = Everything (You are my __ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“You were the angel I never knew I needed’
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
It happened sometime between the 3rd and 7th letter he had received from you since he left the line. When the newest batch of mail came in and he only received one from Malarkey he got worried. Reading that you had been hit had sent him into a near frenzy. He pulled some strings and managed to get himself transferred. Sitting at your bedside, watching the slow rise and fall of your labored breaths broke something in him. He knew he loved you then, because the idea of losing you had become the most terrifying one he has had this entire war.  
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Buck is a gentle, teasing, asshole of a giant. The frustrating thing is he doesn’t even realize it most of the time. The way his hands gently brush the hair off the back of your neck drives your absolutely mental.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
He prefers to have his arm around your waist, hand resting on your hip. He likes the closeness.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
Buck came into Easy knowing that one of the few females allowed into the Airborne had been assigned to Easy. He expected some…well to be completely honest he didn’t really know what he was expecting. But it certainly wasn’t you, with your shy smiles towards him, yet you turned around and joked and brawled with the rest of the men. You were certainly an anomaly.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Buck is a pretty charismatic and confident guy. He also knows that you are one tough gal that will put a man in his place should he chose to ignore the word no. He has virtually no fears when it comes to other men and you. Granted he has no problem coming to back you up should you look over at him with your exasperated “Get this fucker away from me before I am charged with assault” face.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
He did. It happened when you first woke up after being shot. He looked exhausted, but the smile that broke across his face when your eyes met made him almost look like a new man. His lips met yours gently, his forehead coming to rest against yours soon after.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
You and Buck had managed to rig up some form of dartboard after your recovery. As per-usual he was shooting lefty most of the game, changing to his right-hand last minute to win. With a roll of your eyes you muttered “I can’t believe I am in love with a cheater” under your breath. It was a joke (only partially though), but the way his eyes met yours after that was almost electric. Buck kicked himself a bit for not saying it first, but he found creative and teasing ways to say and show you how much he loved you after that.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
Buck has lots of ‘favorite’ memories of the two of you. But the one he probably treasures the most is the day you two brought your baby girl home and she got to meet her brother for the first time. The look on your face, and your sons could have lit up every dark and gloomy place on the planet.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Buck has always had good job. Be it the police force, or when he became a district attorney you two were never hurting for money. He made a habit of not spoiling your children though, as you both wanted them to be raised knowing the importance and value of things in life.
That doesn’t always translate over to you though. As the mother of his children, and the love of his life he doesn’t mind the exasperated sigh you will sometimes give him before opening one of his newest ‘just because’ gifts.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
He has a hard time thinking of one specific colour that defines you. You are a powerhouse of kindness and love. You brighten everything you touch. So the only word he can really think of is “light”. You are his light.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
While you were both serving he would come up and ask “How is our girl doing?”.
While in the hospital together it changed to “How is my girl doing?”
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
While this is not exactly un-modern, he still has the first baseball he ever caught as a child. Its old, and the wear and tear is more than evident, but the sentimental value outweighs its less than appealing appearance.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Tea parties with the kids. Its almost comical to see such a giant of a man sitting at a kiddy table playing super hero princess tea party (Your son and daughter had already negotiated the guest list). He is nothing if not a good father.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
While in the hospital Buck was still in a dark place, so you two would just squeeze onto the same cot and hold each other. You still do that now, even though two smaller bodies always seem to find their way between the two of you.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Buck is charismatic and can string words together beautifully. But mostly he just loves talking with your children, listening to them string tiny sentences together that, sometimes, make sense. Your family brings him so much joy.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
His family. While it can sometimes be chaos (especially now that your daughter has learned to climb), being around the three of you has always made me feel better.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Photos. Of. His. Kids.
Yes, he is ‘that’ dad.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
He would propose on the ship back home. The coastline of home in the distance he would pull out a ring and give you the most beautiful speech you will probably ever hear.
Your wedding will be a bigger affair. Both of your families, Bucks friends from work and school, as many of your Easy company brothers as possible. It is beautiful, and so terribly exhausting but more than worth it.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
When the parties over – Billie Eilish (covered by Garret Garfield) -please listen to his version- PLEASE-
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Yes. He didn’t even wait until stepping foot on American soil before asking you to be his.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
You get a dog. It’s a bigger dog, one with an extreme amount of patience considering your children often try to ride it like a horse.
(I am not used to writing for Buck, and I was so worried I wouldn’t be able to provide enough content…I am almost embarrassed about how long this one turned out to be lol. I hope I gave him the love he deserves!)
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acrobaticcatfeline · 6 years
Summerville Nights chapter 1!
ok so this is the fanfic based on the prompt by @romantichopelessly.
summary: It was a sunny day in august when the school opened its doors for its first day that school year. 4 kids so terribly different walked into the doors, gazing in awe before getting shoved aside by kids eager to get to class and meet up with friends. Everyone who goes to this school has one heck of a story about it and it’s always legendary. So let’s get into it.
warnings: cursing, piningness? i don’t really think there’s anything else, let me know if there if though.
ships: pre logince, pre moxiety
taglist: @anyay666 @emocinamonroll @noahlovescoffee @voices-and-stardust @treechildoffical if anyone wants to be added to the taglist let me know!
more below the cut
Summerville high school is known as one of the best schools in the US in athletics, curriculum, and even the arts. Its giant too, the size of an average community college campus and many amenities provided are free to any student or alumni. The school has a lot of luxuries by being in a wealthier neighborhood and still being a free access public school. Everyone who goes to this school has one heck of a story about it and it’s always legendary. So, let’s get into it.
It was a sunny day in august when the school opened its doors for its first day that school year. 4 kids so terribly different walked into the doors, gazing in awe before getting shoved aside by kids eager to get to class and meet up with friends. The 4 of them hadn’t been able to tour the campus and the giant pristine halls set them all in shock at the beauty of it all; who knew a high school campus could be actively gorgeous. Virgil Lee was the first to come back to the present, mostly because his older brother Remy was quick to drag him over to freshman orientation. The smaller kid quickly turned and ran forward to the open doors of the huge auditorium. He gave his brother a punch to the arm as a farewell before meeting up with some of his friends in the audience. They spent quite a while just talking about the different sports the school offered; of course, Virgil was the epitome of the high school jock. (not really but don’t tell him that). He wore his jeans hung slightly low, and a purple muscle tee with his middle schools’ mascot across the front, and his jet-black hair fell across his violet eyes gorgeously; his family always did say they were the best thing about him. He had to pause his conversation when he saw a really fucking cute goth boy walk in, he made a mental note to introduce himself later before jumping right back into the midst of his previous conversation.
The next to come to his senses was a tiny frail kid named Logan Sanders. That was because he had been shoved into a wall already, probably for his choice of outfit; a deep blue knee length skirt, a black button up and a matching blue tie, as well as a little teal butterfly hairclip. He scurried away and into the auditorium searching for anyone he knew and running straight for Virgil, his longtime best friend. He was always grateful for Virgil’s awareness, because he could run straight into the other and be lifted up instead of falling over; something extremely important he thinks as he’s barreling toward the jock full speed. Virgil’s grin was wide when he caught the feeling that his nerd was running toward him and spun around to lift the tiny thing up before he bulldozed them both over.
“sup Lo? Haven’t heard from you in like a month, everything been alright?” Virgil questioned softly with a small smirk.
“oh yeah, uh, anxiety hit like a metaphorical truck again, sorry about that. Hey, I already got shoved into a wall today! It is a new record!” Logan’s small smile was quick to fall when Virgil’s face fell, and his hands turned to fists. Maybe he said a bit too much?
“who? Where? I’m gonna kill them how dare they? They need to grow the f-” Logan covered his mouth before he spouted more incriminating words. He gave another weak smile as he pulled his hands away again.
“it is fine! Calm down, I don’t even know if it was on purpose or not, it is okay. Lets just sit down and wait this thing out” Virgil slouched before nodding.
“only for you nerdling”
The next to come to was the same goth boy Virgil saw, the bad boy Patton Fernandez. He had to snap out of it, if anyone saw him smile for long, they’d start asking questions that he was unprepared for and people were already staring. He sauntered into the auditorium with his hood pulled down showing off his dirty blonde hair that faded into pastel blue and his eyebags that were only partially eyeshadow He was surprised he even made it on time today, usually when he’s actually able to sleep, his alarms can’t do shit to wake him from a week of sleep, but here he is, at 7 am on a Monday regretting his decision to not bring his headphones. Granted his mom dropped them off at the office for him, but he couldn’t get them until after orientation and its really loud in there. He’s supposed to meet his best friend though, and he’d suffer far worse for him and to be honest, he already had. All he had to do was wait for his service human and he would be fine. Speaking of which.
Roman Washington was the last to refocus, mostly because he was so tiny no one noticed he was there. He ran into the assembly and made a beeline to his goth friend. He ran into him for a big hug and Patton didn’t even stumble. The boy started jumping in excitement and his giant circle glasses were bouncing just as much. The two of them couldn’t be more dissimilar, Roman was tiny, colorful, and loud but introverted where Patton was tall, dark and gloomy, and quiet but extroverted. When Roman spoke everyone heard, but he didn’t talk much. Patton was rarely heard, but never stopped talking, mostly for his own sanity. Even so, these two have been inseparable since they met.
Roman was about to start ranting to Patton about his weekend but the lights in the room dimmed and the orientation started. Oh well, Roman would be able to tell Patton all about everything when they go home to Patton’s. I mean its his super epic birthday extravaganza and Patton was… pretty much the only one who was invited. It’s not his fault people are scary! Although he once shouted at someone for calling Patton a broody emo because excuse??? Patton isn’t BROODY he’s d e p r e s s e d, and he’s not EMO he’s g o t h and if anybody has an issue, they’re gonna have to get through him first. And his tiny frail body that knows nothing about how to protect himself. Yeah lucky for him most people are scared of the look Patton gives to anyone who thinks it’s a good idea to mess with his friend. In other words, there’s two guys walking over to them and-oh. Roman sees a boy walking towards him and he’s wearing a really cute skirt and a tie? Oh, geez Roman was always a hopeless romantic but geez. He not-so-subtly starts fussing with his bright red sweater vest and fixes the button up underneath it. He pats at his green slacks and is suddenly very aware of how nerdy and awful he looks and wants to disappear. He steps behind Patton and hyperventilates while fussing with his glasses that are far too big for his head suddenly and oh geez oh geez. Patton was having a similar freak out because there’s a really cute guy but he’s obviously a jock and jocks like to torture him and he’s not keen on this happening right now, so he just sits down. He was not ready to punch his poor heart yet.
Virgil had grabbed Logan as soon as the lights dimmed and dragged him over to the cute goth boy because cute boy? Possible friend? Possible more than friend? Yes please. Also, the little nerdy boy with him looked like he was totally Logan’s type and we all know its bros first, so yeah, that’s how he made his way over to the two. Logan was maybe possibly slightly enamored with the boy Virgil pointed out to him. He shouldn’t be, he doesn’t get it, although he’s always been one to fall for darker skinned guys, and holy crap he was so pretty-aesthetically of course-it’s not like Logan finds him attractive or anything, just aesthetically pleasing. His darker skin matched with a white button up and a blood red sweater vest beautifully is all. And him fiddling with his hair and tie was just a fidget he did, not him trying to look nice for the cu-the boy over there. Of course not.
When they got over, they simply sat in the row behind them and chatted quietly together until it was over. Patton was gearing up, getting ready to tell them off as they were leaving, but the jock was offering him a hand up? He took it suspiciously and went reeling at the smirk the guy wore, thinking he was about to be pranked. He drew back quickly before looking around him. All he saw was Roman and this little nerdy kid exchanging shy nerd glances of pining. He immediately fixed the jock with a glare.
“do you have an issue with me kid? What could I have possibly done to heed you waltzing your happy ass all the way over here out of your way?” oh he felt bad for that. He didn’t like being mean, but he has to protect himself. Maybe if he’s intimidating enough, he’ll just leave? Oh, nope he’s smiling now, did he set himself up? Oh, is there a supervisor that just heard him curse out this dude? He didn’t even swear that badly! Shit.
“wow wasn’t expecting that. I do have an issue with you in fact, you are illegally cute, and I was hoping I could possibly befriend you?” oh. Oh no this is worse, gosh his cheeks are bright red now he’s sure of it. He scowls at him before shoving his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.
“yeah sure thanks for the joke dude real funny I gotta get to class I don’t have time for people poking fun at me right now.” He pulls one arm back out and grabs Roman’s hand and heads off.
“hey, wait!” he pauses for a moment, the voice being new. “um, mr person, my friend isn’t joking with you, I promise. He’s not like that. He’s really nice actually um, and I would also be pleased in befriending you and your friend. If that’s ok with you. Uh, I’m Logan and his name is Virgil.” Patton smirks slightly and turns around. He analyzes the look on the smaller boys’ face before nodding.
“hm. Ok. I’ll believe you for now. Names Patton. This one is Roman. See ya round later, I guess. Virgil, Logan.” And he turned back and continued to class with Roman.
Logan and Virgil were left in awe for a moment before rushing to their class too. Logan kept spouting about how dare he introduce him to a pleasing person and make him feel… things!!! He didn’t even talk at all, but he was figuratively falling for this, this… dark skinned beauty!!! Its not allowed and Virgil was definitely buying him dinner tonight to make up for this entire ordeal thank you very much! Meanwhile Virgil was in stunned silence because geez that Patton guy, oh he’s so cute and feisty and he wants to see that cursed smirk every day now. He hadn’t ever had such fierce desire to know someone, he hadn’t had such a fierce desire to do anything other than sleep. And maybe run on a good day. But he has a goal now at least. He was gonna woo the goth.
The 4 didn’t reunite until after school that day. Logan was seated in the field across from the football practice and was studying already, hoping to get to a comfortable week ahead. He nearly threw his book out of his arms when someone tapped him on the shoulder, but he settled for snapping it shut…on his tie. Great job. He opens it and sets it down before turning to see the two he met earlier. He adjusted his glasses and gives a small smile. Patton was squatting next to him, and Roman was standing a foot or so behind him. Logan went back to his textbook when it seemed like the two weren’t about to start talking. He was paying enough attention to hear the sounds of two backpacks thudding to the ground as well as some footsteps and two people sitting down. As long as they didn’t try to hurt him everything would be fine. They didn’t seem like they had any malice directed at him, so maybe he could focus a bit more on his studies, maybe he could trust them? No definitely not, no way, even Virgil would say it’s a bad idea he bets. Plus, it seems like they’re talking now Logan you might want to listen.
“so, what’re you doing hanging out here dude? You don’t have any extra crap like Vee does?” Logan tilts his head over at Patton who is the one talking, very quietly in fact.
“oh uh, not that start yet. I plan on joining gsa and maybe the debate team? I do not know quite yet, Virgil usually helps me make decisions as I am quite indecisive. Also, he owes me dinner tonight, and as much as I would usually let him off, he said he would take me to Olive Garden and while I logically know its objectively bad Italian food, it is a guilty pleasure of mine that I have been craving. Thus, why I am sitting here studying and waiting for him to be done with practice.” He says rather easily. There’s a beat of silence before Patton speaks again.
“so how long have you two been a thing?” Logan squints in confusion.
“um, I am not quite sure as to what you are talking about? If you are inquiring about our relationship, I cannot quite remember. I think I was about 3?” there is sputtering, and Logan is only even more confused.
“you’ve been dating since you were 3!?!?! Please tell me you’re joking?!” ohhh. Oh, that makes more sense now.
“oh no, I seem to have misunderstood you. Virgil and I are in a completely platonic relationship. We have been friends for that long.” There was a sigh of relief as well as a small giggle that sounded, and the giggle set Logan’s chest into overdrive, gosh that must have been Roman and that was the literal sound that happens when you ascend past this mortal world; pure and hopeful and did Logan just actually die? That’s the only reasonable explanation. Welp he said he platonically loved Virgil before he went to practice so no reason to regret. Wait what’s that voice.
“Pat you should have known, he literally walked over and said you were cute while dragging him along. You’d have to be really silly to drag your boyfriend along to call someone cute! I mean unless you’re poly but most teenagers don’t mess around with polygamy in high school and I dunno, but I told you!” the giggle sounded again, and Logan managed to turn to him in time to see the large toothy smile that broke out on the near charcoal skinned beauty. And yup, Logan was so gone. Virgil owes him dinner for a week now yup that’s what’s happening.
“um, are you ok Logan? Logan? Do you need to go to the nurse’s office?” that pulled him right back.
“what?! No! um, I mean, I’m fine it’s just uh, it’s a bit warm don’t you think, I mean it’s august and I’ve worn dark colors all day its fine I just need to cool down for a sec sorry.” Oh no there went his metaphorical chill. He used contractions! Gosh how could he have done this it’s embarrassing he wanted to be cool and calm and now he looks like a complete imbecile. Of course it was just then that the whistle ending practice sounded. There was shouting and running and suddenly Logan grabbed his bag and started packing hurriedly before standing.
“I uh, I am sorry, but I must be leaving, I hope to see you both tomorrow?” he rushed while trying to remain calm. Of course, the two others stood, and Patton gave a smirk.
“well we might bump into each other tonight. I was actually taking Roman to OG for his birthday dinner tonight as well. Maybe we can hang there, god knows with sports for him and theatre for Ro, it’ll be hard to chill anywhere else. I’ll be sure to book a table for 4.” Oh shit. That cheeky goth just winked. Oh god what does that mean what is he planning what did he just sign up for??? He nods, and waves then bolts to the locker room.
Logan was a regular there, as he had accompanied Virgil to every tryout for the team, so when the guys saw him, they paid no mind. He walked to the hallway directly next to where he knew Virgil was and slid to the floor, covering his face and pushing his glasses up to rest on his head. Virgil peeked his head around and snickered softly as he rushed to finish getting ready. When he was finished, he tapped Logan on the shoulder and they started on their way.
“I might have accidentally signed us up for something and I need you to promise not to yell because its freaking me out too and you yelling would make it worse ok? And I know you don’t yell at me but yelling in general might cause a panic attack right now” Logan blurted out while they were walking. He is acutely ware of the fact that he’s fidgeting with his tie but he’s nervous ok? Cut him some slack! Virgil glances over to him with a curious look as well as a promise in his eyes. They’ve learned to communicate without words after as long as they’ve been friends.
“well uh, you know how we are going to Olive Garden? Well apparently Patton and Roman were going too and Patton said he was going to get us a table for 4 and I sort of want to just go home and curl up in a ball but also like Roman’s voice is so nice and his giggle is like literal angel bells Virgil, his giggle is the sound that you hear after you die and I cannot handle it Virgil what have you done I knew I was gay but this is a lot and I don’t know what to do Virgil what do I do?” Virgil had to set his hand on Logan’s shoulder to help ground the now panicking boy. After taking a deep breath and calming down a bit he looks over to see Virgil with a small smile on his face. He takes his hand off his shoulder as he speaks.
“first off dude, I wouldn’t yell at you or near you if I have the choice, you know me I hate losing my temper. Secondly, that’s pretty cool! I did wanna hang out with them more they seem really interesting. Thirdly, it seems like you’ve found your dream guy lo. I’m glad I could drag you headfirst into your destiny. Just be yourself and everything will be fine. Plus, the kid looks like head over heels for you too. So just relax and go with the flow. You’ve got this.”
They both gave each other a look of confidence and a nod as they headed to the dreaded Olive Garden meet up. Will they survive? Maybe. Will they realize just how totally gay they are for the goth and the nerd? Most definitely. But the only way to know is to stay tuned!
thank you for reading!!!
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brokenbloodlinesrp · 5 years
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                                         🎅 secret santa 🎅
Seres sobrenaturales, intuimos que ya han escuchado acerca la actividad llamada Santa Secreto. Por ello deseamos incluirla una vez más en esta época del año. ¡Esperamos que se diviertan! Si tienen dudas, pueden comunicarse al ask o chat del main.
¿De qué va esta actividad?
El Santa Secreto consistirá en el envío de mensajes forma anónima a una persona designada para conocer más de ella.
Los participantes, o santas, deberán enviar al menos un mensaje diario a la persona que les tocó. Pueden preguntar por sus intereses, sus personajes en broken, su vida en el rol, sus gustos, disgustos, etc.
Sin embargo, no pueden preguntar aspectos personales. Nos referimos a develar su nombre de algún modo. Nos regimos bajo un seudónimo para la seguridad de nuestros usuarios.
Deberán abrir sus anónimos durante los días de actividad, al igual que activar el submit. No obstante, si existen inconvenientes, les pedimos que nos avisen de inmediato al main.
El último día de la actividad la identidad de los santas secretos serán reveladas, acompañadas de un gráfico hecho por ustedes acerca del personaje que rolea el usuario. Ejemplo: Kol es el santa secreto de Genevieve, el último día envía a su sumit un gráfico de Genevieve más un mensaje revelando que se trataba de él, el cual pueden enviar al submit de cada personaje o subir a su blog y etiquetarlos. Recuerden etiquetarlo como #brokenedits.
Estaremos enviando los mensajes de manera privada durante el día de mañana. A partir de recibir su nombre, pueden comenzar a enviar sus preguntas. 
Modo de envío: Este año hemos decidido implementar preguntas estructuras que pueden utilizar. Sin embargo, si alguien prefiere una interacción coloquial, puede hacerlo. La primera parte contiene preguntas para el usuario; mientras que la segunda parte son sobre tu personaje. 
¿Debo enviar desde el primer mensaje los ask sugeridos?
No, pueden presentarse primero si lo desean.
¿Es obligatorio utilizarlos? 
No, son para hacer más ameno y diferente esta versión. Pero pueden preguntar lo que deseen mientras cumpla lo mencionado anteriormente. 
               Actividad realizada del día 13 al 21 de diciembre. 
Preguntas sugeridas bajo read more.
Preguntas para el usuario. 
Playlist.  ( x )
1- Best/your fav playlist you have listened to so far?
2- Your favorite playlist soundtrack?
3- Fav sci-fi playlist?
4- Fav D&D/Actual Play playlist?
6- Playlist that makes you laugh the most?
7- Favorite horror/thriller playlist?
10- Which playlist do you listen to the most?
11- Have you listened to any YouTuber’s playlist? If so, who’s was it?
13- How many playlist do you have in your library?
15- Favorite playlist genre?
16- If you could magically travel to the world of one playlist, which one would it be and why?
17- If you had to be one playlist character for a week which one would you be and why?
18- (Random playlist Character) vs. (Other Random playlist Charactet): who would win in a fight?
21- Playlist you are currently listening to?
80′s movies ask. ( x )
bill and ted’s excellent adventure: are you more of an optimist or pessimist?
back to the future: which decade in the last century would you most have liked to live in?
the breakfast club: which high school stereotype do you fit into best?
ferris bueller’s day off: what’s your guilty pleasure?
the goonies: what was the last thing to make you laugh?
the outsiders: why is your best friend your best friend?
the lost boys: would you rather be immortal or objectively beautiful to everyone?
stand by me: why did you last go on a road trip?
pretty in pink: what’s your signature ‘look’?
drugstore cowboy: which historical figure most spikes your interest?
ghostbusters: where were you when you watched your favourite movie for the first time?
sixteen candles: at which age do you consider a person to be mature?
dirty dancing: where were you when you first heard your favourite song?
better off dead: why did you last laugh so hard it reduced you to tears?
heathers: did you apologise the last time you were unreasonably mean?
parenthood: is there anyone you’re not biologically related to that you consider ‘family’?
permanent record: where were you the last time you told someone you loved them?
st. elmo’s fire: what’s one piece advice you would give to someone two years younger than yourself?
dangerous liaisons: which language would you most like to learn?
rumble fish: who do you look to for guidance in times of need?
e.t.: what’s one ‘weird’ feature that you love about yourself?
young guns: what’s one style that you love on others, but would never try yourself?
oxford blues: why did you last pretend to be something you’re not?
dead poet’s society: the last time you made a decision that everyone around you told you not to make, how did it work out?
Ships. ( x )
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
give me a character (from anything ever) in my ask and I’ll rate:
looks: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY
can you relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me
would you date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady boyfriend/ girlfriend | neither | i don’t know
Give me 6 characters and I’ll tell you who i would: ( x )
Push off a cliff
Set on Fire
Wrap a Blanket around
Be Roommates with
Send me a fandom and i’ll tell you:
the character i least understand
interactions i enjoyed the most
the character who scares me the most
the character who is mostly like me
hottest looks character
one thing i dislike about my fave character
one thing i like about my hated character
a quote or scene that haunts me
a death that left me indifferent
a character i wish died but didn’t
Deep Red - I’m in love with you.
Red - I love you.
Pink - I think you’re cute.
Blue - You’re amazing.
Rose - You’re pretty
Purple - You’re hot.
Violet - I would date you.
Aqua - I could stay on your blog for hours.
Lavender - You are my tumblr crush.
Orange - I want to get to know you.
Tangerine - We have a lot in common.
Amber - I wish you would notice me.
Cream - I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog.
Anon or not, make me choose between (and i’ll gif it):
Show: _______ or ________ ?
Character: ________ or _________ ?
Pairing: _________ or _________ ?
Anything: ________ or _________ ?
Preguntas acerca de tu personaje:
Let’s try this
red: seven insecurities
orange: six fears
yellow: five turn ons
green: four life goals
blue: three fears
indigo: two weaknesses
violet: one thing you love
20 asks for  writers.
Some of these can also be used for canon muses. ( x )
When did you create your muse?
Where did you find inspiration for your muse?
Tell us something about the world/universe in which your muse lives.
What’s your favourite headcanon about your muse?
What’s something only very few people know about your muse?
Are there parts of your muse that resemble parts of yourself?
How many face claims do you have or have you had for your muse?
How did you choose the name for your muse?
If your muse could be a canon character in any fandom, which fandom would you choose?
Do you ship your muse with any canon characters?
Do you ship your muse with any other original characters?
Share a song that matches with your muse!
If your muse were the main character in a movie/book/show/game/…, what would it be called? What would it be about?
Do you have any NPCs for your muse’s world or story? If yes, can you tell us something about them?
Share a random headcanon about your muse!
Is your muse religious?
What is something about your muse’s background story that you’ve always wanted to have a thread about?
Give us one thing from your muse’s wishlist that you really want to write in a thread!
List some of your muse’s favourites! (eg. food, movie, book, song, drink, place, celeb, etc.)
This or that according to your muse: morning or evening? Marvel or DC? Mayonnaise or ketchup? Books or movies? Red or blue? Black or white? Halloween or Christmas?
For each   “ 💐 “   I receive, my muse will tell you one thing about their ideal dream wedding
Headcanons: ( x )
✿: What is your muses favourite scent?
☼: What is your muses favourite kind of weather?
☤: Is your muse allergic to anything?
♫: Does your muse like music? What kind?
✉: What is something your muse would write about?
✈: How far has your muse travelled away from their home?
💕: Does your muse have any crushes?
★: What is your muse’s zodiac?
✞: Does your muse have an religious beliefs? What are they?
∞: Is there something about your muse that has been constant throughout their life?
✘: What are your muses pet peeves?
💲: What is your muse like with their money? What’s their financial situation?
⚽: What’s your muse’s favourite sport?
✔: What is your muse’s sexuality?
✋: Is your muse left or right handed?
👓: Does your muse need reading aids? Contacts or glasses?
🎒: What does your muse normally keep in their bag?
🚑: Does your muse have any disabilities/impairments?
👕: What is your muse’s fashion sense like?
🎲: Does your muse like to gamble?
🍕: What’s your muses favourite food?
🍸: Does your muse like to consume alcohol? What’s their favourite kind?
💉: Does your muse have a substance addiction? To what?
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C:R ~VE~ Chapter 6
I look at the folded piece of paper in my hand. I don’t know when, but sometime during our embrace Nemo had put it in my pocket.
“He made sure I saw,” Barbicane said with a proud smile. “Nemo’s a weird guy, but he can be sneaky when he wants to be!”
I can’t help but feel a little conflicted when I hear this. Our first time touching, and it was a ploy. No, I shake my head. Besides, how long did he hold me? How long did we stay touch, palm-to-palm? In the end, all that matters is that he communicated safely with us and we will get him out. I should not be selfish, not with someone I care about. A dear friend.
Speaking of communicating with us…
“What did he tell you?” I asked. “When he kissed you?”
Barbicane’s jovial expression quickly falls. “P-Please don’t remind me of that, Polly-chan… I was so worried I’d have to wipe his weirdo lipstick off me!”
He rubs his cheek with an expression of pure agony on his face, but he stops when he sees the look on my face. “A-Anyway, he just said ‘tonight’. Not giving us a lot of time, but it’s better to act quickly if Victoria-chan has convinced herself that Nemo’s some kind of rebel prince.”
I unfold the paper and look down at it. He has surprisingly neat handwriting, even if he does accentuate it with little drawings of stars.
Sponsor will drop off ship tonight, specs below for
I M P E Y  B A R B I C A N E. This is so cool!
“Why did he write my name like that?” Barbicane squints over my shoulder.
I will take you to our M Y S T E R I O U S  I S L A N D. There we can have lots of fun!
“Is… is that a drawing of himself winking?” Cardia asks.
I suddenly regret letting the two of them read over my shoulder.
X O X O,
I hear Barbicane begin to chuckle, and he winks knowingly at me. “Lots of fun, huh…? Wow, a bold love confession! His bravery is motivating me, too!”
Barbicane suddenly gets down on one knee and takes Cardia’s hand.
“Cardia-chan, my angel! Will you have fun with me on a mysterious island?!”
Cardia initially doesn’t respond. Finally, she glances at Impey and says, “I think your definition of ‘fun’ is different from Nemo’s…”
“H-Hey hey hey! Don’t say that I’m worse than that pervert! That stings, Cardia-chan!”
I knew that Cardia was right, but I was surprised to find that I felt disappointed when I heard her say it. Of course, the discoveries that will be made on our voyage will be lots of fun. Being with someone who is as passionate about science as I am will be fun, even if our favorite subjects are different.
But, I’m shocked at how I was hoping that there was more to it, with that cute little drawing he did.
What kind of ‘fun’ was I hoping he meant…?
I’m so ashamed that I don’t even flinch when Barbicane plucks the paper from my hand.
“Let’s see, ship ship ship… ohh-hooo! Looks like we’re going to be getting a pretty good one! This sponsor Nemo got ahold of isn’t messing around! We’ll be sailing through the sky in no time!”
My stomach drops.
“When you say ‘ship’…”
“Mm-mm!” Barbicane closes his eyes, imagining the metal curves. “A gorgeous, gorgeous airship will be our getaway chariot!”
It’s rather hard to put into text the sort of noise that comes out of my mouth at this point. It isn’t a happy noise, that’s for certain. I sit down on a chair and stare at the ground.
“Hm? What’s wrong, Polly-chan?” Barbicane puts a hand on his hip. “Worried about being held captive like a cute princess by the scary airship captain, Nemo? A~aahh! I’ll rescue you, Cardia-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!”
Cardia looks at Barbicane. “If Aronnax is the one being kidnapped, why would you talk about rescuing me?”
“Ho ho ho! Because Polly-chan would only resist to save face, of course!” He strikes a pose that almost reminds me of Nemo. “Oh no~ how horrifying! Please be gentle with me!” He gives a thumbs up. “So that would give me lots of time for a super love rescue for my angel! All’s well that ends well, right, Polly-chan?”
“I have no idea what you just said,” I reply.
Cardia ignores Barbicane and looks at me. “Do you not like flying?”
I nod and take a deep breath.
“I have no specific reason for it, and my fear makes no logical sense,” I say. “I just hate the sight of the ground getting smaller…. and the only thing that separates you from falling into that eternal blue is a thin piece of metal.”
“And science!” Barbicane flicks down his goggles. “If you want, I can explain how airships are put together and what makes them tick. I can eeeeeeeeeven taaaaaaaaaaalk liiiiiiiiiiike thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis if it’ll make you feel better.”
“…. Never do that again,” says Cardia.
“I appreciate it, Barbicane, but I think I’ll pass,” I say. “All I have to do is take my sleeping draught before take-off and I’ll be in dreamland in about an hour.”
I stand back up.
“Doesn’t help quell the anxiety beforehand, though.”
I shake my head and dismiss my worries with a wave. “Seems silly to be anxious about that while we’re plotting a jailbreak!”
“That shouldn’t be too difficult,” says Impey. “Just have to sneak an explosive in and ka-boom, no more cell!”
“Just sneak in an explosive,” I repeat.
“Impey and the others do things like this often…” Cardia states flatly.
“That’s a little worrying,” I say.
“Are you surprised at this point?” asks Cardia.
I think about it for a moment.
“Not really.”
Stealth has never been one of my skills. It’s a little unnerving to see the beautiful man in front of me weaving in and out of shadows like he belongs there. When Barbicane told the Count about our plan to rescue Nemo, he had simply smiled and said, “Oh, how fun!”
So now we’re walking through the grounds of Buckingham Palace. It’s strange how easily we are able to get around, but the Count is moving with the experience of someone who’s done this many times. I think I would be too frightened to ever ask him what his hobby is.
“Count, there’s a guard ahead!” I hiss.
“Yes, I know,” the Count just smiles as he walks up to him. Before the guard can comprehend what’s going on, he falls to the ground unconscious.
I didn’t even see the Count move. He just looks back at me with a smile and gestures for me to enter. I run past him and the Count follows in case there are more guards inside.
Of course there are more guards inside.
“My, my,” says the Count. “So many.”
At that moment, there’s a crash and smoke fills the room.
“Aronnax, go on ahead! San and I will hold them off!” I hear Frankenstein’s voice amidst the smoke.
“Thank you!” I call out to them before running in the other direction.
It’s hard to navigate through the smoke, I have to grope at the walls and pray I’m going the right way. How do they make it look so easy?
Eventually I make it to the door and open up into the cells.
“Nemo!” I yell.
I’m greeted with booming laughter.
“It’s time, it’s time, it’s tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime!”
There’s another explosion, and I see a warped cell door go flying across the hall.
“Fwahahahahahahahaha!!” A familiar silhouette steps over the rubble from the blast and stands triumphantly.
“H-How did you…?” I trail off.
Nemo’s teeth glinted.
“Did you reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaally think that my resources were limited to a few mere scraps? Why, Professoooooooooooooooor, I’m insuuuuuuuuuuuulted!” But the wide smile on his face showed me that he was anything but insulted. In fact, he balanced one of his feet on the rubble and leaned back in mad laughter.
“I could have escaped aaaaaaaaaany time I wanted!” he shrieked. “I stayed put like a good boy so that I could triuuuuumphantly return and show that I’ve surpassed the greatest mind of Steel London: Isaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaac-sensei!”
I’m stunned. I just stare in surprise as he continues to laugh.
“But I’m afraaaaaaid their change of plans forced me to action! So I must go, for my sun is setting over Steel London and dawning above the deep bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue!”
He thrusts out one of his hands.
“Noooooooow, Pauline Aronnax! Come with me on the joooooourney of a thousand lifetimes!”
I swallow and gingerly reach out to take his hand. However, his eyebrow twitches and he pulls his hand back. He steps over the rubble and stands in front of me, so close that fine strands of his hair brush my cheek.
My heart is pounding.
“I’m afraid, with these developments… the terms of our promise have changed,” says Nemo.
A bolt of coldness runs through me. “W-What are you saying?”
The grandeur of the scene is ruined by him biting his lip and shifting his weight—he’s nervous.
“If you go with me,” he starts. “You’ll likely be branded as a criminal by the British Empire.”
He reaches out and takes me firmly by the shoulders. “I—I wanted you to know, before we left—there’s still a chance! If you…”
His voice darkens.
“If you reject me now, you’ll likely be able to go back to the way things were. You could go back to Paris, you could go back to your studies and work. No one would have to know that you assisted me.”
His grip on me tightens, and I can’t stop myself from whimpering from the pain.
Is this a reminder of just how dangerous he is? A glimpse of the madman who built a battleship to cover the sky in darkness?
I try to seek out his eyes hidden behind his goggles. Even this close, they’re completely obscured.
For some reason, I suddenly recall the conversation that I had with the university’s headmaster, and I say the same words:
“It’s too safe for me here.”
Nemo’s expression falls in shock, his mouth slackens and he lets go of my shoulders.
“What…” his voice is higher than usual. “What are you saying?”
“I’m going with you,” I say. “Nothing will make me change my mind.”
He looks like he’s trying to process what I just said.
“Discoveries require risks,” I continue. “The greatest discoveries require the greatest risks. Besides that…”
I feel my face redden as I look down at the ground.
“I don’t want to go on this voyage with anyone but you, Nemo.”
I hear him make a confused noise.
“I don’t think anyone else could make me feel so happy about what I’m doing, about the science I’m pursuing. You … you love science so much. Being with you makes me feel like there’s so much left in the world to be discovered. By us.”
I hold out my hand.
He looks down at it, then looks back up at me. I try to reassure him with a smile.
He slowly reaches out for me, and we’re finally palm-to-palm again.
The only bars around us now are open, and we look at one another for what feels like an eternity.
Both of us move at the same time, closing the space between our bodies—
“Aronnax! Impey is coming in with the airship!”
Frankenstein is standing in the doorway, the Count not standing too far behind.
“The prisoner’s escaped!” guards pour in from the door on the other side of the hall, interrupting Nemo’s passionate greeting.
I keep a hold on Nemo’s hand as we begin running for the door with the others. I don’t ever want to let go of him. We were so close to holding each other again.
Surely this passion is the beauty of science!
… At least, that’s what I wish I was thinking.
As we escape from Buckingham Palace, I realize that I’m losing the battle against my own feelings. But thinking it, acknowledging it… Nemo and I are companions who will go on a great journey in the name of scientific discovery.
I can’t sully the beauty of that by admitting to myself that I’m falling in love with him.
The airship is waiting for us, hovering above as Frankenstein and the Count hold off the guards that seem to be pouring in from all directions.
“Ahoy there! Everyone ready to go, then?!” Impey’s voice is broadcast through the air.
I find it hard to move as I realize that we’ll be boarding that thing and sailing and plummeting and tossing ourselves through the unforgiving sky. My body becomes even more rigid when I see a rope ladder dropped down from the ship.
“Miss Pauline, it was a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” says the Count.
“Don’t forget us if you ever find yourself in Steel London again,” says Frankenstein. They turn their backs to us to fight the guards who run to stop us.
I yelp when I feel an arm wrap around my waist and lift me.
“Hee hee hee! Noooooo time for being sheepish!” Nemo hoists me up and grabs ahold of the rope ladder, sandwiching my body in-between him and the rope.
I can feel the rise and fall of his breathing. It’s calming, even if only a little.
The airship begins to rise into the air.
“O-K! Reel us in!” Nemo yells upward.
The ethereal boy standing above the airship trapdoor looks down at us and narrows his eyes.
“Sister… if we were to drop them, we would be rid of so much noisiness.”
My throat goes dry. I can’t even scream at the horror that fills my core at that terrifying joke.
I feel Nemo lean in close to me. “Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing.”
The ladder vibrates and then is slowly reeled in by someone turning a crank.
“Finis, this is no time for that!” I hear Cardia yell to her brother.
“In and out…” Nemo continues. “I won’t let my precious friend fall, so just keep on breathing.”
It still feels like an eternity before I feel Cardia grab ahold of me and pull me inside the airship. As soon as I’m inside I collapse to the ground in a heap.
“Hoooooooooooooooo! It feels so gooooooooooooood to be back in the sky!!” I hear Nemo’s joyous shriek.
“Pipe down back there!” shouts Barbicane.
“Get away from that steering wheeeeeeeeeeel!” Nemo cackles. “Out, out, ouuuuuuuuuuuuuut!”
“You should show a little more gratitude to the genius who rescued you!”
I feel the ship lurch as Nemo grabs the steering wheel away from Barbicane.
“I’m going to be sick…” I murmur into the floor.
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dresden-sandiego · 6 years
World Building, Part 1
Okay, I've talked about the book series that serves as the source material (Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3). I've covered the basics of the FATE system and the more nuanced aspects of the Dresden Files Role-Playing Game. Now, it's time to go over the world building process and start to share the city of San Diego, California as we've imagined it.
Before diving right in, I want to stress that almost everything in these games is a collaborative process. It's more fun when all the players work together to build the world, and to build their characters. The game system actually suggests building aspects involving at least two other player characters, to help everyone feel more connected. All of the parts of the world were built with more than two players working together. If you ever decide to run a Dresden Files game, I can't recommend the collaborative world-building enough.
Anyway, let's get to it with the first step: choose a setting, themes, and threats.
Choose a Setting
The DFRPG book "Your Story" contains all the rules and procedures for building your world, the first step of which is picking the city or setting for the game. The sky is the limit for a game; the setting can be anything from a specific city or region to something abstract like a cruise ship or archaeology dig site. I think it can be paralyzing to have so many options, so it helps to have a high-level idea in mind. The location is an important aspect of the game, but it's not something that can't be changed. If you get partway through and don't think it will work, go back and change it.
In terms of world building, once you have a location idea, you want to start doing research. If you have local knowledge, that's a great start; however, there are things about every semi-large city that even locals don't know. With Google and Wikipedia at your fingertips, you can find out a lot about a city and its history in just a little bit of time. You can find out what local sites are famous (or infamous) or visit tourist destinations through Google Earth and photos. Each player should write down what they like or think is cool, and have notes ready for the city building process itself.
Themes and Threats
Once you have picked your setting, you get to start building up the themes and threats that will run through the game. Themes and threats are both problems that the players will likely face during the game; the only difference is the length of time the problem has existed. Themes are old and run through the entire framework of the game. They are problems that are relatively well known, at least among people "in the know." Threats, on the other hand, are recent developments and are new or mostly unknown.
Themes are pervasive and inexorably linked to the setting and aren't something the players are likely to tackle directly. These are big issues that provide tension to the story. Themes should force players to make choices and take actions; these, in turn, will define their characters. For example, in a game set in Los Angeles or Washington, D.C., the tension between the wealthy elite and the poor would make an excellent theme.
Threats will be what provides most, if not all, of the conflict within a game. These are smaller problems that the players can deal with, given time. Maybe there has been a rise in street crime tied to drug trafficking. It might take a few adventures, but the party can probably root out and deal with the entire supply chain of the drug. Good threats will adventure and story hooks, informed by the themes of the setting, but providing goals for the players to accomplish.
Once you have the setting, the themes, and the threats, you should think about the supernatural elements in your game and how they fit into your setting. Your game's power level will be a big factor here, as well. If you're "Feet in the Water," it will be hard to have too many supernatural elements be too visible; your characters simply won't be equipped to deal with it. On the other hand, for a "Submerged" game, your characters will walk all over the more mundane elements.
I have found that for the supernatural elements, it's a delightful spice to add to your game's cuisine. But like any spice, too much given too often risks becoming overwhelming or dull. Not every even in your setting's history needs to be tied to the supernatural. Remember, in the world of the Dresden Files, the supernatural is well hidden from the mundane. And a good urban fantasy game needs a mundane world that is as fleshed out as the mystical.
For now, you want to identify threats and themes in terms of ideas. Later on in the world building process, you will associate them with aspects that define them. These aspects define the setting and will guide additional world-building.
Building San Diego
For our game, we chose San Diego (where I and all the players live) as the setting. San Diego was chosen for two reasons. First, we wanted a place that we were all familiar with to some degree. Secondly, we wanted to be pretty far out of the way of the main setting for the books, Chicago. All of my players are big Dresden Files fans, and love the books, but we didn't want major characters turning up often, if at all. San Diego let us allow for some cameos if we wanted them, while offering up interesting history and complexities.
San Diego is one of the largest cities in the United States (8th as of July 2018) and the second largest city in California. It's south of Los Angeles and adjacent to the border with Mexico, across from Tijuana. San Diego is known for a lengthy association with the US Navy, a mild climate year-round, and as a recent hub of pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry.
Historically, the area now making up San Diego was the territory of the Kumeyaay people. Spanish explorers arrived in the area in the mid 1500s and started settling in mid-to-late 1700s. The area would eventually become part of the Mexican state in the early 1800s until the Mexican-American war, when it became part of the United States. California was admitted as a state in 1850; the same year, the city was named the seat of San Diego county and was officially incorporated as a city.
Because of the climate in San Diego and its year-round consistency, this city is a major tourist destination. A lot of people visit San Diego and then, later in life, move here to enjoy the weather. Combined with a major military presence, it means that a lot of people that live in San Diego aren't from San Diego. This gives us our first theme (also note I'm working a little ahead and giving you the aspect that goes with it):
San Diego is a city of change.
As more and more people move to San Diego, or are stationed here, the background of the city is always changing. San Diego is a hub of transport and visitors, mundane and supernatural. The aspect that represents this theme is [NOBODY IS FROM HERE].
Our second theme builds on the first. As a border city, with an airport, an extensive highway network, and a port, San Diego has been a hub for shipping and transportation since it's founding. The industries have changed, from military production to tuna farming to biotech, but San Diego has always been a place that provides. It shouldn't be hard to believe that as the mortal focus has changed in the city, so has the mystical. Thus:
San Diego is a hub of supernatural research and development.
Given how important supply lines are to R&D, it makes sense that industries would invest in facilities in San Diego. As long as people have been living and working here, others have specialized in getting things people want. [I CAN GET THAT, BUT IT'LL COST YOU] is the aspect that represents this theme.
A lot has been said about the climate in San Diego, but over the past few years it's started to be measurably warmer. It might be due to climate change, or perhaps it's just a hot decade, but it has been warmer in the summer than it historically has been. I and my group tend to be very liberal, politically, so sweeping this under the rug felt wrong. Instead, we decided to build it into the city as a threat:
Summer's power is growing in San Diego.
The Summer Court, one of the major political powers in Dresden universe. It made sense that Summer would have power in San Diego; perhaps Summer Sidhe vacation here. In any case, Summer has a foothold in San Diego and their power here is growing. The aspect, a riff on a tagline from Game of Thrones, is [SUMMER IS COMING].
We didn't worry too much about exactly when our game starts compared to the Dresden Files timeline, but we did want it to take place after Summer Knight and before Changes. Given that time frame, the war between the Red Court and the White Council is always in the background and it would need to be addressed. If it needed to be addressed, why not make it a threat?
The Red Court is infiltrating San Diego. Later novels establish that significant Red Court territory makes up Central and South America. Logically, that could extend into Mexico and that might make San Diego an attractive target. Assuming that the Summer Court is maintaining enough control to keep them from openly crossing, we extrapolated that [THE RED COURT IS COMING] to establish some foothold in the US.
When we first built the DFRPG San Diego, we decided to make two (2) themes and two (2) threats. We knew we could add more as we played, so the stuff presented here is how the city was built at the beginning of the game. From these outlines, we went on to build locations and put faces to these themes and treats. That will be covered in the next blog post.
Thank you for reading!
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lightningbig · 6 years
wow your fake chop stuff remains awesome! i love how true to life all the different crew interactions feel and all the little details ahhh! would you consider writing about the interactions/interpersonal relations among fake chop itself? who's closest? who gets along best? is there any ~ romance ~?
anon you have just u n l e a s h e d  t h e  d r a g o n, i have SO MANY headcannons about how the crew operates within itself 
i love??? all iterations of fake chop??? and i have so many ideas for romances and shit?? like they’re all so good and nice?? 
speaking clearly about crew and disregarding any shipping for the moment, i definitely picture the fake chop situation actually being pretty similar to irl cow chop, with this huge warehouse in the shitty part of town as their base. it’s not a lot, but it’s cheap and it has enough room for them and their equipment and weapon storage. for the most part, they all live in cheap apartments around town, spread out so that if one of their buildings gets compromised, they all aren’t thrown out without a place to stay. worst comes to worst, there is room for them to stay in the warehouse, but lbr no one wants to do that. 
obvi james and aleks are close, and it comes from working together for so long. because, like, maybe aleks knew brett longer than he knew james, met him first and saw him fleetingly between interactions in mutual hideouts or crew interactions, but they never worked directly together the way that james and aleks did in their old crew. working out in the field builds this sort of… trust? dependency? reliance? that the two of them have more than any other duo in the group, tbh. (except maybe joe and james, the two thick as thieves and always in for each other, the kind of best friends that could talk across a fuckin fire fight without even opening their mouths and be on the same page. but joe left, and james- well. james didn’t.) 
and at the beginning, james was definitely the person at the fore front of cow chop, the front man, the one that spear headed the foundation of the crew. without him, they would never have moved out to los santos on their own, would’ve never started the crew, and everyone knows that. but james never wanted to be the leader forever, never wanted to trade field life and taking orders for being the one having to handle negotiations and planning. so brett comes in - brett, who’s older and more experienced with actually leading a crew, who has names and contacts and the weight to throw behind their name and pull them up from obscurity and into something resembling a real god damn crew. and james is happy to relinquish that leadership in the same way that brett is happy to share it, letting james and aleks help him make up heists plans and budget for the crew. 
fake chop isn’t a strict hierarchy, and they don’t necessarily all have “assigned roles,” mostly out of necessity. they’re a small crew compared to fahc, and they all have to be flexible. so like, brett is the leader, but he keeps the whole crew in the same loop as himself, tells them and lets them know everything that’s going on, looks to his crew for advice and asks their opinions before he finalizes their decisions, and he still comes out on jobs. james and aleks are usually muscle/field work, but they both know their way around the computers, and regularly help out grabbing intel and scouting people, places, and anything else. when they want something to burn, aleks is their man. james knows guns better than anyone else, and on the ground, he’s their best marksman. asher is their best sniper, but anna also knows her way around a sniper rifle, and even trevor has gotten up there and done some sniping for them before. lindsey doesn’t usually do field work, but she’s more than capable of it when they need the extra body. most times, though, she’s back at the base, watching cams and feeding info to the field team over their comms. trevor is by her side when they need it, or out in the field when he’s needed there. he’s probably their most flexible member, is usually trusted with everything except driving. jakob is the preferred driver, ironically as the next youngest, but the kids got talent and they aren’t just gonna pass it up. as far as medics go, anna is fairly trained. she used to go to a trade school that was prepping her for real medical school, but she skipped town instead of going to college. she learned more on the streets than in the classroom, though, and she’s kept them all alive and healthy so far. jakob knew a little bit coming in, just from practicality and necessity, and anna’s been training him as much as she can on everything else since more hands helping are always better. 
brett knew lindsey before fake chop, knew her from hitmen jobs and freelance work, and so when he has a crew of his own one of the first things he does is bring her on. they needed her, because anna, trevor, and asher all together made a good tech team, but they needed more people out in the field and it just wasn’t plausible to work this way anymore. she fits in like a charm, and has them working like a well oiled machine in no time. it’s funny seeing the two of them interact, fighting like two siblings, even when they’re out on jobs. 
trevor and jakob are the closest thing to apprentices that aleks and james will probably ever get, both of them being brought in on their advice, almost as a classic “taken under my wing” situation. neither will admit it, but they have a soft spot for their boys, feel responsible for them and want to protect them, fierce and overprotective in a way that they hate to show, but will if they have to. 
asher and anna are super close, too, came into the crew at the same time, and are both sort of jacks-of-all-trades type people, so they’re always near each other, teaching each other some skills that they don’t know or practicing different things and correcting each other. asher teaches anna how to tie all different knots, both for tying up hostages and for rappelling. in turn, anna teaches asher some knife tricks, and they both share stealth moves, and other things like that. 
oh dear, this got so long and i didn’t even touch half the things i was going to write about it oh my goddd
i’m a mESS
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M U R D E R  H O U S E -
it's a beautiful stately home in Los Angeles, built in the 1920's by a doctor for his wife. They soon fell on hard and tumultuous times which eventually led in a murder-suicide between the couple. That started the darkness that has festered in the house to this day. Anyone that dies within the house remains within its confines as a ghost. Trapped forever between the living and dead, remaining there to be seen if they choose or to stay dwelling in the shadows. There are ghosts who don't know when they died or how they died and who still believe they're alive. Ghosts who have accepted their deaths and have determined to live how they choose to now that they're stuck eternally on the grounds. And there are the far more evil ghosts who are hell bent on causing chaos even in the world of the living.
R U L E S -
based on american horror story: murder house this is an all GHOST group verse. seriously everyone is a ghost living within the house how your character died prior is entirely up to you. and it's also up to you whether they're aware of themselves being dead, if they're more good or evil, etc, etc ALL fandoms are accepted, including OC's as long as bio is intelligible 18+ required considering the content of both the verse inspiration and the verse content anything can happen, really idc, don't even need to run it by me please no force shipping ok? ok duplicate face claims are ONLY allowed if discussed by BOTH muns - esp. any ahs characters CONSIDERING the show's anthology premise and such if there be any you can put how many muses as you want into this verse ( i'm greedy af and I have 3 so i mean it should apply to EVERYONE ) as long as you post a bio and make a post at least once or twice a month ( i feel you guys ) so this is definitely NOT a time restrained verse no ooc drama pls & thx ALL APPS should be submitted to ME HERE upon acceptance pls post a bio in the tag gv; murder house
A P P -
mun name / age: muse name / age: face claim: reason for ending up stuck in le murder house:
M A S T E R L I S T -
klaus mikaelson - @anditsxsorrows - joseph morgan - bio rebekah mikaelson - @everflaming - claire holt - bio cordelia goode - @ofimaginarybeings - sarah paulson -bio bellamy blake - @amongthcwreck - bob morley - bio kit walker - @tothedevilsshow - evan peters - bio james patrick march - @tothedevilsshow - evan peters - bio moira o'hara - @discordandrhyme - alexandra breckenridge - bio kai parker - @discordandrhyme - chris wood - bio vanessa ives - @beforethescorpion - eva green - bio winter anderson - @beguilcd - billie lourd - bio alexander jefferson - @elenaloveablekotsala - dan stevens - bio nate hanson - @twicedied -  ben barnes - bio rapunzel carter - @imthelcstprincess - taylor swift - bio taylor borelli - @roaming-agent - vanessa hudgens - bio eleanor chandler - @rosegcle - felicity jones - bio Evie Grimhilde - @inherited-vanity - sofia carson - bio katherine pierce - @killerqueenpetrova - nina dobrev - bio constance langdon - @silcntstorm - jessica lange - bio logan kattalakis - @ourredxmption - josh holloway - bio ethan hart - @hartbreakprince - grant gustin - bio ivan bellemore - @thewhitepoison -  daniel sisneiga - bio hawthorn hadens - @skull-dagger - kj apa - bio sansa sark - @wolfqueennamedstark - sophie turner - bio isa kristoffson - @wintersembrace - nariman malanov - bio basil white -  @pciscnedappleprince -  nathan sharp - bio hazel evers - @leftbehindtheperfectcrime -  holland roden - bio dorinda ‘dori’ mouse - @inherited-vanity - gemma ward - bio octavia blake - @xnctafraid - marie avgeropoulos - bio henrik mikaelson - @howledmercy - cody christian - bio
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