#how the internet has changed the world
harrison-abbott · 11 months
A Post-Internet World
I was watching The X-Files earlier. Season 1, which aired in 1993. It’s a fun show; and as a 90s boy (me being born in 1992), it took me back to that hazy world, where the music was different, the haircuts different, even the colour of the streets seemingly different.
The characters step into phone booths to make calls. They still have those televisions which are massive black boxes which flash with those black & white dots when not hooked on to a channel. They still read broadsheet newspapers. I’ll admit a nostalgia for the 1990s and TV shows from that pre-Sopranos age.
But it got me thinking about the main thing missing from the daily lives of people back then.
The internet. They don’t use the internet; it’s just not there … Which is surreal when you compare it to 2023, when all of us are constantly wired to the internet.
So it got me thinking about just how much the world wide web has altered the planet, since the era I mentioned above, when I was a child.
1993 is a convenient year, because this is when the first proper web browser was released to the public. Amazon and eBay were invented in 1995, and Google in 1998. Wikipedia was born in 2001. In 1993, 1% of information fed through global telecommunications networks was performed via the internet. In 2023, it is 100%.
What about TV shows? Well – you remember Blockbuster, right? The video store. That’s what you’d do on a Friday night, go and rent a VHS out to watch the X-Files. Well, Blockbuster declined heavily after the explosion of the internet, and closed its last store in Alaska in 2018.
The internet also killed Toys R Us, RadioShack, Virgin Megastores (in terms of high street shops, in the West), the Discovery Channel Store, Borders book shop, Hastings Entertainment, Dixons entertainment, Woolworths, Sears (which was once the world’s largest retailer) and GameStop, to name a few.
Furthermore, there are whole industries which have had to adapt to the WWW. Pre-internet, and up until the new millennium, almost all books were sold in bookstores, as physical copies. Today, 80% of books are sold online. Specific types of books are no longer bought on demand; such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, travel guides or maps – all of which are easier to access online.
Landlines … for your phone in your house. In the 1990s 9 in 10 of households used their landline phone as a main way of communication. Today it’s 9 in 10 with cellphones.
Journalism. From 2005 to 2021, over 2200 American print newspapers closed in the US; and from 2008 to 2020, the number of American newspaper journalists were cut by half. Similarly, in the UK, around 300 newspapers died away between 2009 and 2019.
The music industry. Is an obvious one, and among those most severely struck. Whilst the net made it far easier to pirate music, platforms such as Apple Music and Spotify removed the need for illegal listeners. The industry itself was among the most profitable in the 1990s. Within the last 20 years its revenue has been reduced by 50%, when taking all sources into account. CD sales reached their peak in the year 2000 in America (a figure of around 900 million). Since then sales have dropped 95%.
And, on a grander scale, we can’t ignore how the internet has altered how we socialise. We spend more time on the internet in our daily lives that we do via communicating with other people face to face.
It’s changed the way we read, and the amount that we read. People are far more likely to skim read articles on a screen and not read beyond the initial three or four paragraphs, especially if this requires clicking ‘next page’ to read on. Writers on the internet now write shorter sentences in order to hold reader attention span.
The internet has changed crime. Through cybercrime, as people find it easier to steal money from long distance locations whilst hiding their identities. It is estimated that over $600 billion is lost (or robbed) each year via cyber criminals.
It’s changed the way people date. People who use dating apps are more likely to have sex sooner in a relationship than those who meet in the ‘traditional’ way; and are more likely to date several people at once before choosing a specific individual. Moreover, it has made people less likely to commit, because with internet dating, they have far more options.
Most of this essay has been negative. One can’t deny that the internet has many positive sides to it too. With Healthcare, for instance: as people are able to communicate with their doctors without having to physically attend a GP, thus making it faster. And in terms of education – one can basically look up any information they please at any point. Rather than having to head to a library or school.
I use the internet all the time as well. Am no different. I suppose it just felt odd, watching the X-Files earlier, as it gave me that dose of what it was like in boyhood. There was Twin Peaks, as well, and Friends, you know, all of those classic 90s shows. I used to watch them on one of those gigantic televisions, which only had four channels.
In 1993, around 15 million people used the internet. Nowadays, over 4.66 billion people are online. That’s less than 1% of the world population in 93, to around 60% of the world population now.
I miss the 1990s. It was a great decade for things like television, and film, and music. Culture in general. The irony is that I no longer own a VHS player. And I was using a streaming site to watch the X-Files earlier. I should feel lucky to have experienced that last-decade-before-the-internet. To belong to the millennials generation.
What I do still have is a retro TV (with the black & white scrambly dots), and a Nintendo 64 and Playstation, oh – and a great collection of CDs. And they’re never getting chucked out, ever. Will keep them, always.
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Thinking about a lot of things but mainly of how Terry Pratchett writes tiredness.
(Which means I’m mainly thinking of Sam Vimes. Which is normal.)
But he gets it so right.
The feeling behind your eyeballs. Stealing time from your future self with coffee, and, when the coffee doesn’t work anymore, going on sheer bloody mindedness because you cannot stop, you can’t. Not being sure when you last had real sleep. The strange state of mind you land in where you should absolutely not be tested because everything’s on a hair trigger, and things feel like they’re moving through treacle and your ability to make decisions feels shot to hell so you can only hope that you’re making the right choices.
Not Terry Pratchett’s words, if course, but I can’t get to my bookshelf at the moment, and, if I could, I’m not sure that I can read anymore. 
I’m tired, is what I’m getting at.
And Terry Pratchett writes the whole spectrum of being human so brilliantly, but, damn, how he nails down being tired. 
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oneiricazalea · 4 months
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Happy 5th birthday to my dear OC, Sei ♥
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
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Does anyone know where I can find the good quality version of this image? It's so frustrating because when cross searching on google it'll tell me the original quality is 850x478, but I can't find a way to download it in that quality. This is another version of the image (I'm guessing it's Mayoi promo art):
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But I liked the clean white background one...
#It's cute...#It's got Akutagawa stealing glances at Atsushi#Thought asking was worth a try ;;;;;;#Google cross image search has changed and as someone who used it as I use breathing it's been absolutely heartbreaking.#It makes cross searching images so much harder it's awful#Because before when you looked up an image it suggested you the best quality avaible of that image.#And the search got worse every year but it was still functional you know??#But now there's not that anymore. There's no “large” “medium” “small” and instead it only gives you “find image source”#Dude I don't want to find the image source. I've downloaded the image I KNOW the source. What I want is ANOTHER SOURCE with better quality#And I used to get it when I was 10 and I used to get it when I was 15 and I sued to get it when I was 20#And now I don't have it anymore?? It stripes away one of the most powerful search tools on the internet from the public????#It drives me insane. Like why does internet get worse every year that's not how humanity is supposed to work#Sorry. I needed to rant. This makes every quality-freak media archivist (like me) job harder beyond comparison#Btw if you're looking for an alternative Yandex images still does the work... It's not as powerful search engine as google#and it's often going to miss the particular hidden media (y'know- super niche Akutagawa merch from 2018 and stuff)#But for the rest it does a pretty good job. If anything there's still the best quality avaible option#But seriously looking up stuff for aktgw-daily has gotten so much harder ever since this fucked up change to google lens#and it makes me hate the world. I haven't been able to find a way to reverse it but if anyone more tech savy than me who has any idea-#what I'm talking about can help me. Please please hmu I'll be grateful forever#Sorry for the rant I have a lot of pent up rage over this. Stop making broke people's lives harder challenge#random rambles
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cookie-waffle · 8 months
I HATE how so many meaningful human interactions are now just “cringe”
Wanna be extra corny and romantic with your partner? Embarrassing. Wanna ask your neighbor if they’re feeling alright? Awkward. Wanna be yourself around your friends and act silly? Ew so weird. *pulls out phone and films you*
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muuurder · 11 months
Things I didn’t know I needed from the L change the world English dub:
Alessandro juliani voicing L Lawliet saying good girl.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk :)
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current mood: repeatedly banging my head into the wall because of animes that have Major Important Events happening over the span of decades before the "main story" even starts, but have NO ACTUAL OFFICIAL TIMELINE for when these Major Important Events ACTUALLY HAPPEN, forcing you to dive SO DEEP into reddit pages (and manga panels and anime screenshots and wiki pages and character data booklets) that you wind up with a master's degree in that anime JUST so you can piece together what MIGHT be a semi-viable timeline of historical events in the show that STILL has holes in it because the actual show decided "timeline? what timeline? we work on dramatic timing alone lol" was a reasonable organizational method.
if this seems very pointed and specific, it's BECAUSE IT IS.
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electriccenturies · 5 months
inch resting how i am such a nice, normal person up until the point where i get triggered by irl things that feel too much like being on tumblr, and then i lose my cool...
like (now, after a ton of therapy) im totally cool agreeing to disagree, or understanding that someone might have a different worldview but the same underlying beliefs as me, or understanding that the reaction they have to something might be different than mine but not fundamentally incompatible, and understanding that we are closer in our differing beliefs than either of us are to OTHER beliefs even when we disagree on the exact specifics of lefty progressive ideas... but then it gets to the gaslighting 'actually, the society has always been the way we're trying to change it to be, and this all makes perfect obvious sense as objective TRUTH, and you're the weird one if you think it's new or need an explanation because nothing has changed even though it OBVIOUSLY has' or 'actually these people believe [opposite of what they believe] and [deliberate misreading of what they believe]' and i black out 🙃
its a problem. it's an actual panic response or smth and i can't control myself very well when it happens. and also i don't like feeling compelled to censor my observations about the world around me, and i don't like watching others be asked to either. why can't people just acknowledge that they're asking for something new, and then defend it to people who find it confusing? If you can't defend something without lying and/or using emotional manipulation to get people to stop asking, then maybe you need to think it through more??? or at least accept that it's not THE objective truth?
i regularly find myself begging my therapist to tell me if what im saying is a 'normal people' belief or not because my perspective is so, SO skewed from being terminally On Tumblr for 12 years. i used to believe crazy shit, even when i didn't believe it anymore. imagine my shock when i learned that many of the absolute no-nos on this webbed site do not even register as anything to average progressive joe. that many of the strict, important social rules on here are seen as crazy as fuck by people who vote progressive, hold progressive values, but aren't in these no-nuance no-debate no-disagreement echo chambers? god it's confusing.
the world is so much more complicated than anyone wants to admit, it seems...
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alchemistdetective · 10 months
((you know, microwave ovens are a miracle when you think about it))
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alichiraku · 2 years
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I've been havin' dreams 
Jumpin' on a trampoline 
Flippin' in the air 
I never land, just float there 
As I'm lookin' up 
Suddenly the sky erupts 
Flames alight the trees, spread to fallin' leaves 
Now they're right upon me
You ever get haunted by a visual? Because I’m always thinking about Iruka during the Kurama incident.
#kurama#kyubi#iruka umino#(yes iruka is the tiny figure in the middle)#naruto#mine#my art#< this tag is never gonna be useful to me but anyway#this is like. the second time in my life that i post something i drew on the internet#i'm very much Not an artist i just have trouble focusing in class#and instead i draw on the preview app bc idk it helps#ANYWAY i just get a lot of emotions thinking about how iruka lived that night and remembers it#and like. i'm a little fascinated about the 'little boy vs beast of legends wrecking his home' of it all#like iruka is TEN. he's never seen the war and he only knows it through what his parents tell him. or other shinobi. or kids at school#and he's not a genius either so he probably has a quite sheltered life#and in just one night his entire world changes and suddenly War and Danger and Death become very real concepts#obviously it would be traumatizing for anybody but there's such subtlety in the way he remembers it and the ptsd associated with it#the focus on the fox's eye. the way he re-experiences the scenes.#everything is sooo. i can't explain it but it's so imprinted in my mind#anyway i'm sorry about the lame song choice (which i can't listen to without thinking about this) and i'm sorry about the lame drawing#please don't look at the number of teeth too closely.#please don't look at ANYTHING too closely kgfhjfghk#i don't even know why i'm sharing this i guess i like the concept itself#also i really really really love kurama's aesthetic
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chansgender · 1 year
just came up with a new social media site called evil instagram where everything is the same but the filters make you look worse on purpose
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woodnrust · 2 years
I will not lie I cried three times watching Mr.Harrigan's Phone. That being said when I went to review it on letterboxd I did not expect such low ratings and a lot of people were saying it was bad cause it was anti-technology but that is not what I got from this movie At All so I'm wondering if maybe I'm not processing this movie right cause I'm too hung up on the death scenes or if everybody else is just bad at analyzing this movie.
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hobisexually · 2 years
#hello internet#(why did I channel dan Howell just now I also don’t know)#i have been! chronically offline for a month now#and I don’t really know how to return after the world has called my real life attention to this degree#in a short summary: I went out of the country for the first time in three years and saw harry#then got covid. Went through two awful fear filled weeks where I really thought I was dying#then. barely recovered for (1) day and then was in charge of an office move#me! the most impractical bitch you’ve ever met!#i can’t believe it either and I think the fact that I wasn’t fully recovered from covid yet saved me weirdly#because I wasn’t conscious enough to stress about anything I just had to Do Things#most stressful week of my life still but we did it#then a day after I fucked off to london for my friends 30th#which unlocked many emotions I wasn’t prepared to deal with I don’t think I’ve ever been that sad in london before#it was very weird#but good because I was finally addressing some things#and then I left for scotland with one of my best friends and I have never walked this much in my LIFE#it was beautiful but also#I’ve known her since I was fifteen and it’s weird to see how. idk we’ve both changed so much#and yet she still manages to make me feel very small in a bad way but also very loved#it was odd#anyways then last night I came home and discovered my father went on a hissy fit again about losing me and where did he go wrong#and I’m just done with not being able to live my life without being guilt tripped! i really am!#my friend asked me in scotland why I feel the urge to lie about who I am to people#why I’m not just ✨me✨#and I didn’t really have an answer until I came home to this and remembered I was forced to lie about who I am all my life because the me#that I am simply isn’t good enough. even at 30 years old this instinct is still there#and it’s fucked up! ITS SO FUCKED UP#anyways all this stress has made me ……. significantly uh. well it changed my body very much#and my friend just sent me the holiday pictures and now I’m trying not to cry because I didn’t realise I had let myself go like this#and it’s literally the least of my worries and it’s okay because I’ve gone through a LOT but also it isn’t okay. yk? alas SORRY HI FOLKS
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digitamizer · 4 months
Retail Revolution: E-Commerce Unleashing the Power of the Internet
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#How retail market changed after the Internet revolution?#Introduction#The emergence of the net has introduced a profound transformation in several factors of our lives#and perhaps one of the most massive adjustments has taken place in the realm of retail. Electronic trade#commonly called e-commerce#has emerged as a recreation changer inside the retail industry#redefining how customers stores#and corporations perform. This whole article delves into the evolution of e-commerce#its multifaceted impacts on traditional retail#the key drivers of its growth#the disturbing situations it faces#and its promising future prospects.#Evolution of E-Commerce#Retail Business#The Early Beginnings of E-commerce#The concept of digital commerce#or e-commerce#had its humble beginnings long before the internet became a ubiquitous part of our lives. The roots of e-commerce may be traced back to the#whilst the world turned into introduced to a groundbreaking generation referred to as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). This technological#1. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI):#In the 1960s and Nineteen Seventies#corporations were heavily reliant on paper-primarily based systems for carrying out transactions#handling stock#and changing commercial enterprise documents. This manual and paper-intensive manner was no longer only time-eating but also susceptible to#EDI was developed as a strategy for these demanding situations. It allowed businesses to alternate dependent records electronically in a st#consisting of purchase orders and invoices#groups should transmit these statistics digitally among pc systems. This innovation drastically decreased office work#minimized errors#and streamlined diverse enterprise techniques.#2. Early Adopters:
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rajkhateek · 7 months
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#is digital marketing a good career?#Digital marketing is a great career choice. We are living in a digital world and marketing budgets are moving to digital advertising and aw#The employment forecast for digital marketing in 2023 appears to be fairly#Businesses of all sizes are understanding how critical it is to develop their digital literacy in order to compete to the fullest.#People prefer digital marketing because number of mobile users has grown significantly in the last few years.#In a world full of products and services waiting to be bought and sold#digital marketing plays a crucial role. Digital marketers need to promote their business on the internet. Digital marketing has evolved dra#and the Internet has also expanded significantly. All the ads you see online#the content you view#and the images you see online are related in some way to the work of digital marketers. This way you will discover a few more reasons why c#01.High Demand for Digital Marketers#Digital marketing skills will keep seeing an increase in demand in the near future. This is because there is a considerable gap between the#and companies are dying to hire digital marketers. They know how beneficial the internet and digital platforms are. Digital marketing lets#scale their business further#and generate more revenue. So#learning an in-demand skill never hurts. It only means that you can get better-paying jobs with more security since the demand for these sk#02. Digital marketing Offers Accelerated Career Growth#For all those who feel that digital marketing is a field with little upward mobility#we beg to differ. People were not using WhatsApp in 2011 one of the examples on how fast the internet changes and it changes every year. Di#they are always learning new stuff and mastering new techniques. So the possibilities for growth are really limitless. If you’re looking fo#then you should go for digital marketing.#03.Easy to Start a Career with No Specific Education Required#There is no specific educational degree as a requirement to pursue digital marketing as a career. The internet is a good source to understa#you will only need to practice the essential online marketing techniques#create a portfolio#and you’ll be good to go. These courses could help one boost their digital marketing career. Since there is no recognized educational degre#it allows people from other streams to pursue it.
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claypgeon · 9 days
too sweet | max verstappen
pairing: max verstappen x reader
summary; everyone swears you're too sweet for max, but they don't seem to understand that he's just as sweet.
notes: me being happy there's less than a week until school ends, just to remember i start summer school 3 days later 😐
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liked by, maxverstappen, jimmyandsassyinsta, redbullracing, and 736,928 others!
yourusername: who wore it best?
view comments below!
user1: SASSYS SO CUTE !!!
user2: no jimmy ??? :(
yoursername: jimmy saw me coming at him and ran faster then i ever thought was possible for cats💔
user3: y/n i love you..but sassy takes this one
user4: this is adorable
maxverstappen1: y/n we've talked about this...
user5: max being the buzzkill he always is
georgerussell63: sassy 100%
user6: george being more supportive then max is crazy
jimmyandsassyinsta: i personally think my mom looks better then everyone on planet earth 😻
user7: not y/n commenting on her own post from her cats account
user8: how do you know it's y/n and not max who runs the account ??
user7: max doesn't have the humor to make an entire daily-updated cat instagram...
charles_leclerc: hmmm, this is a hard one
redbullracing; i think i would demolish you both in a cat walk
redbullracing; get it? cat walk
user8: yeah we get it...
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liked by 23,738 users!
ynupdates: y/n was heard in the back of max's stream today!
y/n: "Jimmy please!" *loud steps were heard*
max: *laughs* "what's going on back there?"
y/n: "i'm trying to get jimmy to do that, cat paw-print thing, remember?"
max: "mhm, please be careful."
y/n: "always am" *loud thud was heard*
max: *laughing* did you just fall?"
y/n: "…possibly."
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user9: the relationship everyone wishes they had
user10: idk i feel like y/n deserves someone nicer then max..
user12: she's not the stepmother, she's the MORHER WHO STEPPED UP!!
user13: i feel like max just doesn't match her energy: (
user14: RIGHT ??? we saw a picture with y/n and lando ONCE and they both looked so happy, He matches her energy so well
user15: no literally, in every picture she's so 😁😁and on a good day he's🙂
user16: she deserves someone who will be 😁😁with her
user17: is it weird to say i would die for y/n ?
user18: no because i would too :(
user19: her jimmy and sassy >>>
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liked by, maxverstappen, charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri, danielricciardo, and 636,928 others!
yoursername; i met someone. life changed.
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user20: y/n getting a capybara when ??
yourusername: max's apartment building doesn't allow 'out of the ordinary' animals 🙁
user20: but what if capybaras are ordinary to YOU ???
georgerussell63: where does one find a animal such as this?
yourusername: i won't tell🤫🤫
oscarpiastri: i've been chased by one of those before...
yourusername: of course you have, you're australian 🙄
maxverstappen1: 🐈's better
user21: wow max we love the energy (sarcasm)
user22: i've said this once and ill say it again... y/n deserves someone who will MATCH HER ENERGY!!!
user23: his girl is posted up with a CAPYBARA and all he has to say is THIS ???
user24: he was probably with her when she took these photos ??? what do yall want him to say ???
user25: y/n get a man who matches your energy in 2024!!
user27: yall saying y/n “deserves better” as if she isn’t living the dream as a stay a home cat mom who travels the world ??
user26: #yndeservesmoreenergy
user27: i feel like yall are making this too much of a big deal, max isn't a "declare the love you have for someone on the internet" type of person
user28: then maybe he should be ???
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liked by, yoursername, danielricciardo, and 294,628 others!
jimmyandsassyinsta: my beautiful mommy at diner today - Jimmy💙💙
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user29: aww 🥹🥹
user30: knowing y/n is posting this herself is so funny ???
user31: when a cat posts y/n more then her own boyfriend...
user32: JIMMY!! when are your parents separating???
user33: tell you father that he needs to treat y/n better
user34: jimmy getting a father that will treat y/n better when ???
user35: y'all in this comment section are WERIDDDD
user36: RIGHT ??? the whole "treat y/n better" is SO WERIDD
user37: y/n looks so cute☹️☹️
danielricciardo: and i wasn't invited? wow.
jimmyandsassyinsta: we don't want you here. - Sassy
user38: y/n is too sweet and kind for mad max
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liked by jimmyandsassyinsta, maxverstappen1, redbullracing, and 583,514 others!
yourusername: @/jimmyandsassyinsta admin hard at work 🐈🐈
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user40: y/n heard yall were doubting max's love for her and said "he's been posting on a cat account with the sweetest captions for me for the past 3 years 🙄”
user41: miss y/n was sick of the "she deserves better" comments
*liked by yourusername*
jimmyandsassyinsta: jimmy and sassy do NOT approve of this message 😾
yoursername; it was time for the world to know!!
user42: you're telling me max has being @/ jimmyandsassyinsta for THREE YEARS ??
user43: okay wait this is so cute ??
user45: yeah like "we think mommy looked beautiful at the paddock today."
user46: and "we couldnt have asked for a better mommy"
user47: and "so thankful for our mommy"
user48: and "we love mommy more then words could ever describe"
user49: i'm sobbing
user51: omg he's being writing love caption for her since they started dating 😭😭
leothelion: omg so cute 🐾❤️
maxverstappen1: so unoriginal leclerc, so unoriginal.
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