#how they'll end the (basically) Apocalypse idk
phantomantz · 1 month
some changes i would have made to the characters storylines in tua s4
disclaimer: i am no writer, it's just fun to think about the possibilities. btw anyone feel free to use any of these ideas for fics idc
lila doesn't cheat for starters. instead she and diego have both been secretly doing vigilante missions and keeping it from the other because they think they'll be mad. on one of these missions the two run into each other and rekindle their spark. basically the five and lila story but with diego and lila instead thanks. maybe one or both of them almost die or their kids are put in danger, and they decide to find a much less dangerous hobby, because while its thrilling in the moment they realize they wouldn't sacrifice their family for it
luther is shown to be much more depressed about sloanes absence (if there really is no way for her to come back) but he's trying to hold it together to be there for his family. would be nice if he bonded with characters like klaus, viktor or allison who have also lost their lovers. diego and lila shenanigans means they need luther to babysit a lot and luther finds happiness caring for his nieces and nephew. maybe he also finds a fulfilling job where he can meet a lot of people and help others.
five still finds the time subway but without lila. we get more time exploring the alternate timelines and seeing different ways the apocalypse has happened including ways the other sibs have ended the world. his PTSD and reliving his trauma is also explored. he eventually ends up in the five diner where he's told that they end the world every time but instead of excepting defeat and making everyone sacrifice themselves he finds another way (what exactly that is im not so sure) and becomes the first and only five to successfully prevent the apocalypse forever
allisons relationship with claire and ray are explored more heavily as well as everything she did in s3. i like the idea that she takes care of klaus because 1: hes the only sibling that will still talk to her and 2: because of the guilt she feels after getting him killed. i just wish her arc focused on something OTHER than saving klaus because thats basically all she did this season. would be nice if she spent more time with viktor and luther the two people she wronged most heavily in s3.
i would keep viktors confrontation with reggie but alternatively i would make this reginald umbrella reginald so it has much more weight to it. either that or have viktor express that even though he said his piece toward this reggie he will never actually get closure with their real father and nothing will remove the pain from his childhood. the rest i would keep pretty similar. reginald wants to kill ben and viktor wants to stop him at any cost. viktor knows what its like to be "the bomb" and doesn't want the same thing that happened to him to happen to ben. instead of working together to find ben however they're more in a race against eachother. maybe allison joins him and they make up on the way. i would have liked for ben and viktor to have had a heart to heart in the beginning of the season, maybe about how ben felt like a monster sometimes because of his powers, and viktor relating. idk how this would work with sparrow ben because he doesn't seem to hate his powers the same way brelly ben did but it would have been nice to show another reason why viktor is going through so much trouble to save him. and the ending where he trys to talk him down would be more impactful i think.
for klaus i would keep everything pretty much the same up until he runs into that quinn guy. instead i would have him travel to the subway with five in lilas place. five and klaus' powers are the most mind boggling out of the bunch not to mention time and death are inherently intertwined and this needed to be explored. also, you're telling me klaus literally has the power to talk to GOD and this never has any plot relevance???? klaus should have been involved in finding the solution to the apocalypse imo. also we needed klaus and ben interactions. idk how or when but it NEEDED to happen
ben and jennifer being the catalyst for the apocalypse is making it very hard for me to figure what to do with him tbh. i just wish he had more time with the other sibs and didn't turn into a horrific blob monster at the end 😭he felt less like a character this season and more like a plot device and he deserved to have some scenes that actually fleshed him out. it would have been cool if the reason he causes the apocalypse was actually because of his powers and not just because he happened to be the one to make skin contact with jennifer. i really thought that the twist was gonna be that the squid that jennifer was stuck in was the one that ben summons and that was why they were connected. not the fact that they both just had reactive magic particles in them that anyone could have set off. like what if jennifer being cut out of the squid was what killed ben?
OH! what if jennifer was an eldritch horror from the same dimension that bens tentacles are from and for some reason she wants to kill the brellys/end the world and because bens powers are linked to her she can control his mind ???? c'mon i feel like i've got something here
a have a couple of other ideas but don't know where they would fit in rn so yeah.
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zecoritheweirdone · 10 months
hey guys,, who wants to see this new dsmp au i've thought up of instead of working on my other countless, already existing aus.
still trying to come up with a proper name for it,,, right now the working title is shattered reflections...? buuuut i'm not too content with that yet.
the basic plot is, via ~wacky shenanigans~,, ranboo, tommy, and tubbo,, all from different universes,, end up getting misplaced together in the multiverse or something like that, and now have to hop from dimension to dimension, trying to find their way back to their respective homes(and maybe they'll find that the real home was the friends they made along the way).
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still need to iron out a few kinks(how did this start, how do they travel, how does it end, etc etc),, but like. it's been rotting in my brain ever since the idea first came to my head, so i figured i might as well share it here? in case anyone else's interested,, dkdnsksms.
ranboo's from a magical girl-like au!!! why? mostly because i thought the idea was fun,, ekenkssjks. tried my best to emulate an anime style into the design, 'm hoping it came across? i've been imagining, if this au were animated like spiderverse,, they'd look a lot like how peni parker was animated,, dkdmskdm. you'll never guess what his magical girl form is themed on /lh.
tommy, as you can prolly tell, is from a royalty au! youngest prince of the antarctic empire,,, design is slightly based on some fanart i saw on reddit, by someone called em0kii, i believe? i say slightly because i only thought to search up "antarctic empire fanart" for inspo after i was done with the lineart,, and by that time it was too late for me to change it to something that better fit the cold environment the kingdom's based on(and by too late i mostly mean i was lazy),,, dkdjskj. still, though, i'm pretty happy with it!
and then there's tubbo! he's from a post-apocalyptic au B]. not one with zombies,, but... idk, maybe something exploded? haven't thought too hard about the cause, but just know that his world is in a not good shape. i'm sure it's fine tho. my main thoughts when drawing him were to make him less colorful and saturated than the other two,, since his universe is a bit darker than theirs,,,, and to make him look a little intimidating(big coat, goggles, scarf, lots of sharp edges, plaid). after all, if you're a 5' something teen in the apocalypse, living all on your own– you wanna try and make yourself look as big as possible to try and ward off as many threats as you can. and if that doesn't work, you can always just hit 'em with a bat.
bonus doodle under the cut:
tfw you wake up in the middle of a forest, with no memory of getting there, with two weirdly dressed strangers right there beside you. like. what the fuck.
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lost-girl-2021 · 1 year
Apocalypse AU!
I started watching The Walking Dead (even though I'm so bad with scary shows) (I'm also skipping all the zombie parts tbh, I'm really just in it for Daryl) and it made me wonder how a Walking Dead/Zombie Apocalypse would affect Spider and his friends/family.
The Start
Spider was with his Dad, headed to an army base a few miles outside of some big city, where they were going to hunker down until things calmed down.
They had to cut through the city or something and got separated by a herd of zombies or something.
Spider ends up getting saved by one of the Sully kids (Lo'ak went off on a solo supply run or some shit and found him?) and brought to their camp outside of the city. He introduces himself as 'Spider Socorro', so Jake and Neytiri don't realize he's Quaritch's kid (Jake and him had some military beef or something back in the day, before he left the military).
The group is probably the Sully's (Neytire, Jake, & the kids) plus Norm and Max. Maybe Kiri is their goddaughter, who's mom didn't make the first wave or something.
Reunited (And It Feels So Complicated)
The zombies are getting too close as the cities become empty of living humans to hunt. Spider tells them about the military base, maybe a few days walk if they hustle. Reluctantly, they head there.
When they arrive, Spider is the one who knocks on the door (or maybe intercom? idk) and his dad's old military buddy, Lyle, lets them in. Quaritch never arrived, they all thought he and Spider were dead.
When he hears Lyle call Spider "MJ", Jake asks what it stands for. Somewhat embarrassed (because even in the end of the world, he's still 16 and embarrassed by everything and anything) he explains that it stands for "Miles Junior" and everything just clicks.
Jake realizes they're in a base from the RDA, not the regular army or anything. He wants to leave, but a storm's coming and it's just not safe (maybe one of the kids got injured as well, so they have to wait until they're healed).
Spider is confused by Jake's reaction, having none basically nothing about his dad's time in the military beyond the story of how his parents met (and his mom's dog tags hanging around Spider's neck).
I think it'd be interesting if Lyle (or the other people there, if there is anyone) low-key (high-key) threaten Jake and Neytiri, basically saying they'll kick them out ASAP without any food/meds/etc if they tell Spider anything.
Eventually, they leave for some reason or another and Spider is once again separated from a family member (this time good ol' uncle Lyle). Something happens to the base and Spider ends up on his own for a few weeks. He plans to make his way to DC, where he can surely find someone in the government who can give him answers and/or help him find his dad.
But, surprisingly, his dad finds him. He's walking down one of the two-lane country highways and as he comes over the hill, there he is.
Cue a touching reunion. Blah, blah, blah. Maybe they had a tense relationship before everything went to shit (he wanted to be a pro skater or some shit, his dad wanted him to get a 'real job' somewhere safe). (or maybe, he wanted to enlist like his dad and they got in a fight, because no way was Quaritch going to risk losing his son, after already losing his wife 16 years prior)
Quaritch changes there direction and they head towards the coast, where they're supposed to meet up with the other members of Deja Blue and catch a ship. They're going to head to a private RDA island and wait out the end of the world.
Spider wants to get the Sully's, after seeing some sign that they're looking for him (the kids have been spray-painting Spider drawings and approximate dates, so he'd know he was going the right way). It's fine for a while, until he sees a sign going left and his dad wanted to go right.
They make camp and Spider sneaks away, leaving a note that he'll meet him at the ship as soon as he can.
Idk the rest of it, but here's this. Tbh, I'm never gonna make this into a fic or anything cause I'm terrified of zombies, but I really like TWD's plot, even if I freak myself out.
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anxiousanteaterr · 9 months
I finished Coromon again and the newer story overall was worth the replay. The more noticable differences show up a bit later on, and there's a LOT more visual improvements than I remember. I dont know if i like the newer story better tho. I also have some huge gripes w the villains, and apparently the main gripe stems from FALSE memories from the original story? I watched some playthrus of the old story to see the differences and theres whole ass scenes that I remember experiencing that just DID NOT happen??? 😭 Like idk if the devs did some smaller story updates between then and what I played or WHAT, but I have a memory of the titans of Velua talking w the Crimsonite titan down in the core of the planet and being like "why are you trying to take over our planet? why didnt u just ask to join us or ask for help?" (i distinctly remember a line from one of the titans saying "WHY didnt you just ASK us?" bc i thought it was so fucking funny) and I thought that they chose to let that new titan stay and the seven of them would work together. Not just killing 6v1 killing the fucker.
In the new story the Crimsonite titan doesnt even seem to EXIST as the Wubbonians exclusively just use the Crimsonite on their own and the only mention of a titan is some human npcs theorizing that there COULD be other titans for new elements. Chalchiu and her brothers are just like "ok girlies, time to wipe clean this world of every ounce of this Crimsonite shit. eradicate with EXTREME prejudice ♥️" and they just rebuild the whole ass world. Like HUH? What abt the Wubbonians? Your character even asks Chalchiu abt them and if they'll be ok w/out being exposed to their element and she's basically like "lmao too bad. not our worlds problem". like YEAH i GUESS thats true, but cmon man 😭 The Wubbonians in the new story dont even mention ANYTHING abt their home planet either. No Wubbonia. No Great Cataclym. Nothing. Its like the story took a hard pivot from "these aliens are looking for a new home and are trying to claim this one bc they and their titan are desperate and not thinking very rationally or ethically abt it" to "yeah these guys r just pure evil now and are here for galactic conquest" or sm and then at the very end and post game u get some hints that MAYBE something else is going on.
Epescially now that the devs changed it from "dark magic" to an actual element called "Crimsonite", it makes even MORE sense to follow the story where the Wubbonians are just a people who are desperately searching for a new home because their home world is either in or rapidly approaching an apocalypse. And how maybe out of the desperation for survival, their titan poured all of its stat points into charisma in order to persuade and brainwash everyone and everything it can.
Also i lowkey kinda liked how the Wubbonians in the og story like... didnt really do anything? I liked how they didnt even try to stop you in Ixqun. You expected a huge fight and they just... stand there. Point and laugh at you. Theyre far too busy staring at Crimsonite rocks and daydreaming abt how they won and that they finally saved their world. Standing there watching their titan do all the work, and subsequently get their ass kicked and STILL do nothing. Like yes kings, go, give us nothing. Just like how your titan gives up and accepts death immediately after being defeated.
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rowannothere · 7 months
I've been coming up with my own scene ideas for a story with characters based HEAVILY on the MLP mane 6 and thought they made really sweet prompts, so I'm sharing them! Lmk if ya use em, I'd love to read it :D Today I'll be doing...
Vacation Themed Prompts!
- One character is over-packing and fussing about what they'll need. They've packed multiple suitcases, full of whatever's relevant to the character! Maybe clothes for a particularly fashionable character or lots of medical supplies for a particularly anxious character?
- One character hasn't even packed yet and they leave in 15 minutes, but they insist it'll be alright and go on to pack very basic items. Later on, they end up realizing they forgot something important! Perhaps a bathing suit, sunscreen, underwear, toothpaste, etc.?
- One character is only packing survival essentials as if the apocalypse will begin the moment they step foot out of the house...
- One character has mostly just packed "fun" things, leaving behind several necessary items!
- One character finds they don't have room to pack their comfort item. What are they going to do?
Road Trip/Plane Flight
- (Road trip) The characters start arguing over what music to play or what food to get.
- (Road trip) The car breaks down in the middle of nowhere!
- (Road trip) The passengers are singing songs and playing road trip games very loudly and obnoxiously, much to the annoyance of the driver. "Punch buggy, no punch-backs!!" and "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we--"
- (Road trip) The characters have quite a bit of trouble trying to read a map and end up so, so lost...
- (Road trip) The characters need to find a place to sleep for the night, what do they do? Oh I can smell the "not enough beds" trope from miles away...
- (Plane flight) A baby is crying on the flight, how do the characters react?
- (Plane flight) There's a bit of turbulence and Character A freaks out, having to be comforted by Character B.
- (Plane flight) One of the characters gets airsick.
- (Plane flight) Airline food sucks, write about that. Idk I've never been on a plane HELP
- The characters go fishing, but one keeps whining about how long it's taking and scaring away the fish, one can't get the line untangled, and/or one keeps pulling up trash.
- The characters play capture the flag!
- The characters go hiking. One keeps pointing out all the cool wildlife while one is worried about getting muddy and sunburnt and attracting bugs. Perhaps one trips and the other has to carry them back to the tent?
- The characters roast s'mores, sing songs, and tell spooky stories by the campfire, cuddling together for comfort and warmth as they listen to the tale of the local ghost that haunts the forest.
- The characters go kayaking and one tries to stand on the kayak, causing them both to tip over into the water! Now they're sopping wet and cold :(
- A few characters argue over the best way to get the sword out of the stone in fantasyland
- "A coke here costs HOW MUCH?”
- One of the characters is nervous about meeting a mascot
- “I dare you to drink the water in small world”
- Which character would get more excited about certain animals on Kilimanjaro Safari?
- A ride breaks down with the characters on it!
- Character A learns not to ride rollercoasters with Character B anymore after Character B vomits on them.
- The lines are sooo long... what do your characters do? Do they try to kill time somehow or try to evade the lines?
- A character has a breakdown due to all the noise :(
Beach Day
- Building a sand castle! Who can do it better?
- One character just tans and reads in the sun while everyone else is having fun, despite being encouraged several times to join them.
- While swimming, a character thinks they see a shark and panics!
- Someone's at the beach with a metal detector for some reason.
- Searching for seashells :) Can you really hear the ocean in them?
- Someone finds a note in a bottle in the water! What does it say?
- Playing beach ball!
- A moonlit stroll along the shore... lol
- What if one character has a fear of water?
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Byler Getting Murray'd: Inevitable?
I never really humored the possibility of Will and Mike getting Murray'd at Murray's house, but recently I realized something...
When it comes to the whole lovers curse Murray has going on, both jancy and jopper were confronted directly at Murray's place, alone (granted jopper had Alexei present, but he couldn’t speak English).
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I'm not saying that Will and Mike would even for sure be alone, but I still think that it's very likely they will be 2 of the few (or many) who end up residing there at some point during season 5. (I also think it's likely we'll get a parallel shot similar to these two above, but involving Will and Mike).
Before I get into this, I urge you to check out this post first! It analyzes scenes from 2x05 when Jonathon and Nancy visited Murray's and how a lot of the details in those scenes, as well as the dialogue itself, foreshadowed endgame byler.
While I do have separate evidence below, for why byler could end up at Murray’s in s5, I still think that the Duffers leaving all those hints back then in 2x05, only to have byler themselves, on the literal cusp of coming to terms with their mutual feelings, ending up in that very setting in s5, would be pretty epic.
But basically, why I think this is all very likely is because Murray’s house isn't even a house, it's a warehouse. It was designed by a literal conspiracy theorist, aka a perfect safe house for the apocalypse.
Of the scenes we get at Murray's warehouse over the seasons, there's a focus on the remoteness of it, as well as it the safety it provides having numerous locks, security cameras, a rifle right next to the door, etc..
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(We even get a glimpse of it in s4, when Murray is taking an ice bath post-karate practice...)
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It's very likely Hopper's cabin won't be enough room for everyone, or maybe even anyone for very long, as it's not exactly safe long-term. While there's other places that are a possibility when it comes to locations in s5, Murray's warehouse is arguably the most fit for this upcoming storyline, meaning it's very likely it will be one of the main locations for the final season.
Why else would they have put so much emphasis on his house and all that comes with it, if they had no intention of circling back to it?
Also, why wasn't Murray with them upon their return to Hawkins at the end of s4? Well, probably because his warehouse is the only place he wants to be right now, and understandably so. Odds are that’s exactly where he’ll be waiting for our mains at the start of s5.
But it gets even better. Upon going back and rewatching the show recently, I noticed that in 3x08, there's a scene where they're planning for the kids to go to Murray's to hide-out. We get him literally handing over the keys to Jonathon and Nancy, explaining each individual key they'll need to get in (the keys are blue and yellow or whatever).
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Then we get a scene directly afterwards, of Joyce explaining to Will that he will be safe there.
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We can only theorize right now, but it's possible apocalypse-byler could end up alone at Murray's hiding out, seeing as that’s the trend thus far (mostly) with Murray's lovers curse on jancy and jopper. Also the ending of s4 seemed to emphasize on byler being side by side and sort of on their own at times, which could have been foreshadowing for their dynamic in s5.
But again, considering how safe of an option Murray's place is in general, I think that it's likely the other kids would come too. Maybe they would just follow through with their original plan at the end of s3, before the mind-flayer barged in and messed it all up. Maybe, again the parents will make attempts for the kids to not be involved initially, and so they'll ship them off to Murray's (though they'll inevitably rebel I presume).
I am curious about how it would play out with Murray though. I'm sort of in the middle on the spectrum, where idk if I even really want byler to be murray'd, while at the same time it's literally all I want...
Though I should admit regardless of what I want, the story is telling us that it’s inevitable...
I just don't know how it would go down. Would Murray go about it the same way he did with jancy and jopper and just tell them to cut the bs, or would it be more complex? I'm hoping the latter, but also with a twist that manages to somehow match his previous pattern in a way, because having it come full circle with parallels between all three pairings would just make it that much more amazing to watch and rewatch.
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fandoomrants · 2 years
Ok, so many hopes and predictions for season 4 of tua. Many people (can't say I'm not one of them) wishing for Reginald to die, some prediciting they're all gonna die. Everyone basically wondering if they'll be once again facing some apocalypse.
And, thinking about it, another end of the world would seem sorta logical, right? Now, the question is, what is going to happen if that's the case again.
I personally hope they all (not Reginald, tho) get out of it alive, with or without powers.
I believe they'll get their powers back somehow, but maybe it won't be so bad if in the end they after all lose them forever? Especially if this time it's some conscious decision they make to get rid of them?
Bear with me for a second here. What if the season ends with either another apocalypse where they all die (please, please no)
Them letting go of their powers and somehow saving the world doing so? Because, if you think about it, they are literally causing it every time because they do something with their powers. So, maybe them losing them is going to give them a chance of a normal life.
That might be good for them??
Luther and Sloane (if they find her, I personally believe she's not gone forever) having a normal life, travelling the world together. Or, for Luther, in general, not being ashamed how people are going to react to his body and him being half a monkey and having to hide his body at all times, just having a normal life that he's in control of. Basically doing what he wants to do, not what his father says.
Diego and Lila having their family and living in peace with their child (let them have one!) , not having the shadow of their upbringing looming over them and threatening them all the time, making them question their ability of creating a normal family.
Allison... Idk, I think she was better and happier in season 2 when she was just trying to lead a normal life with Ray without using her powers. I personally think she's relying on her powers too much but would live better without them. I don't really know what's gonna happen with both Ray and Claire as they're from other timelines and don't make sense in the same one, but I hope she finds some peace.
Klaus!!! Klaus might need some getting used to not being immortal, even though he found out that pretty recently, he is still leading a pretty risky life so he basically never understood how many times he has died. BUT he doesn't like the ghosts! Losing his powers would mean he could have the chance to get clean, start a normal life!! He wouldn't have to get drunk or high in order to escape the ghosts constantly bothering him! I think that's gonna work for him well! He's smart, he's really smart, he'll find a good path for himself. I think it'll be great for him to get rid of his powers!
FIVE CAN FINALLY RETIRE, Y'ALL! Especially if somehow he gets to get his body back (I love the 58-year-old in a 13-year-old body but I believe he would hate to remain like this forever).
Ben... Idk, Brelly!Ben also wasn't a big fan of the Horror, now we have Sparrow!Ben who doesn't seem to mind it, but maybe when there are no Umbrella or Sparrow Academies anymore, he'll just wanna lead a normal life. It's confirmed it was Sparrow!Ben on that train, and he looked so peaceful and happy there. Maybe he'll like to have a normal life without being a superhero or having to prove himself in front of everyone.
And Viktor. Viktor... Really spent most of his life without powers. And, I believe he was actually doing pretty well. He had an apartment, a job. He was actually living better than some of his siblings. So, maybe if he ended on good terms with his siblings this time, and didn't feel like an outcast (AND GOT TO PLAY HIS VIOLIN, OMG, PLEASE. Let the boy get his violin and show his talent properly this time), he would actually live well without powers.
Anywayy, I got a bit carried away! I actually started this post wanting to say that, whatever happens, whoever gets to live or die, we'd better not end up with a dead Ben once again..
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aangelinakii · 3 years
Hi I'd like to ask for a louis x fem reader where reader meets james and invites him to the school but louis gets jealous and does something to hurt readers feelings and idk just a fluff ending and stuff <33 I love you & your writing
in which louis feels a foreign emotion
season : four
character : louis
song : jealousy, jealousy , olivia rodrigo
date : 24th october 2021
au : clementine and aj weren't kicked out , marlon is still alive , basically everything is normal except clem and aj didn't meet james, you did , aj didn't get shot or anything or whatever happened
note : sorry this took so long, but thank you so much for requesting !! i hope you enjoy <33
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from his post you could just about see the top of willy's head. "hey!" you called, causing him to go on his tip-toes to get a better look at you, and he waved.
with a small, eager smile, you turned over to james, who was fiddling with his fingers nervously. you nudged him lightly in the side. "they'll love you, james, trust me. we're an accepting bunch, no judgement."
he looked back at you, trying to believe you — you could see his eyes searching for a trust to grasp on to. he trusted you, but he wasn't sure how he could feel around your friends. every time he got close to someone, their fate arrived quickly, and often in his hands. what if he got someone else killed? he was better off alone; he shouldn't have even joined you. ah, but it was too late: the ericson kids were already pulling open the rusty gates.
by the time you and james had walked through the ericson gates and into the overgrown courtyard, james laid his eyes on everyone there. definitely a mix of kids you wouldn't imagine would get along, but if you'd all gotten this far, then he had no right to judge.
"everyone," you announced, "this is james." as if giving a presentation and pointing at all the bits of info on the powerpoint, you "presented" him with jazz hands and a big smile. people smiled and waved from their posts. you placed a hand of james' shoulder. "james saved me from a pack of zombies and was able to get me back here in one piece the other day. he doesn't have anyone else, so i invited him to stop by here, you know, see if he likes it. if he does, we might have a new addition to ericson."
ruby took a step forward, holding a hand out and shaking james' firmly. "it's great to meet you, james! we've only heard great things! i'm ruby — if you decide to stay, i'm sure we'll get along."
after ruby, everyone followed suit in introducing themselves to james, practically bombarding them with names and hand shakes and whatnot.
however, only one person lagged behind, digging their hands into their pockets. "what's up?" you asked quietly, approaching them.
louis shrugged, staring at james and the crowd that surrounded him. "i don't know," he admitted, glancing at you. "are you sure we can trust him? i mean, he's been living on his own for ages – what if he has rabies?"
you breathed deeply, stifling a laugh. as rude as he was being, louis's humour followed him everywhere. you looped an arm with his and looked up at him, a small smile on your face. "you might have rabies, lou, but i still kiss you, don't i?"
the boy next to you chuckle, elbowing you lightly. "shut up, i don't have rabies," he replied teasingly.
"then how do you know james has rabies?"
louis sighed, looking down at his boots, which were kicking the small pebbles and dust on the floor. he shrugged. "i guess you're right."
"come on," you tried, rubbing his arm, discreetly dragging him closer to the crowd. "just give him a chance. you might like him."
for the rest of the evening, people spoke to james, asking him about what life was like blending in with the walkers, asking him about his life before the apocalypse, touring him around the school and telling stories from before the end of the world. you included.
at dinner, everyone wanted to sit with him (willy and aj especially, they'd seemed to take a special liking to him), but you'd ended up sitting beside him. you could tell by how stiff he was getting, that james was often uncomfortable or overwhelmed with all the attention. after all, he spent all of his time alone or amongst the walkers, or with you if you found him.
whilst willy was telling james about "the terrible boys toilets story", you averted your attention to the other table, for you'd grow' tired of hearing the gross story so many times, and were curious of what the boys on the other table were doing. only so many people could fit on one table so, while you, james, ruby, willy, aj, tenn and aasim sat together, louis, mitch, clementine and omar sat on the other. as clementine made conversation with mitch and omar, you could tell louis wasn't contributing and was, instead, looking your way.
his face flickered in the light of the nearby fire, contorting into all sorts of emotions. your eyes met. 'you okay?' you mouthed to him, and you know he saw because he made a point to look away and join in the conversation on his table.
by the time everyone had finished their food, james thought it would be a good time to go, and everyone gathered around the gate to say their goodbyes. you hadn't had time to ask james about what he thought of ericson, and if he would join you all, but you doubted he'd want a permanent space; a visit everyone once in a while would probably burn him out, even — the kids at ericson were quite a lot to handle, you knew that, too.
as james began to wander back into the woods, pulling his walker skin out of his backpack and onto his face, everyone waved and cheered and said their goodbyes. all apart from louis.
once the gate had squeaked shut, some people clambered up the watch-post to continue waving, but you approached your boyfriend, who'd been off all day. "something's up, louis — what is it?"
"nothing," louis groaned in reply, turning away from you and heading inside. "i'm going to bed."
you sighed. obviously something was bothering him, and you couldn't figure out what, and it was only escalating things considering he wasn't being honest with you. when you two had first made it official, you promised each other that honesty was the way and your number-one priority as a couple; no matter if it was about hiding something or just bottled-up emotions.
hoping to give him some time to calm down from whatever he was pissed about, you didn't run after louis straight away. honestly, it was ruining your mood. then you noticed clementine taking a seat on the stone stairs. she'd been talking with him during dinner, perhaps she knew something?
and so you joined her, plopping down right beside her. "sorry if this is abrupt, but was louis off during dinner to you, like, at all?"
clem turned to you, and then glanced away as if she was remembering. "yeah," she stater, turning back to you. "yeah, and he kept looking over at your table. i asked if he was okay, but he didn't say anything and then joined the conversation like nothing happened."
letting out a sigh, you brought your knees to your chest, a frown growing on your lips. "god... i hope he's okay. he seemed off the whole day, like even before james arrived."
"maybe it was a long day, meeting someone new," clementine suggested with a shrug. "tenn seems a bit worn out, too. don't know if i can say the same for aj, though." she ended her sentence with a short chuckle as she watched aj climb down from the watch-post; it seemed he enjoyed meeting james. but she glanced back to you. "maybe go check on him? now that louis is out of the crowd, he might feel better to open up?"
your frown began erasing itself, and you nodded. "thanks, clem. here's hoping he's just tired out," you spoke as you stood up. "i'll let you know how it goes."
clementine didn't say anything else as you pushed the front doors open, stepping into the school and heading for the dormitories.
once you'd reached the door to louis's room, you stopped and stared for a moment. he was okay, right? was he mad at you? what if you stepped in and he did something really, really bad? you lifted a hand and knocked on the door. someone inside said 'come in', and so you opened the door.
there he was; louis, laying on his back in his bed, staring up at the bunk above him. he looked down at you, but, upon realising who had entered the room, turned on his side, now facing the cracked and peeling wall.
the frown from earlier returned, etching itself onto your face. you slowly edged further into the room, closing the door behind you. "come on, louis, what's wrong?" you asked, approaching his bunk and leaning against it.
you were met with silence.
"what happened to honesty?" you pushed further, crossing your arms. "if something's happened, tell me. i want to help you."
this time, louis sighed heavily. he peered over at you. "nothing's happened," he spoke, his jaw clenched tight.
"then why are you acting like this?" you asked, moving to sit down on the foot of his bed, placing your hand on louis's leg. again, no answer. "is it do to with james coming round today?"
louis looked back over at you — jackpot; you'd found the area of concern. but what about james could've made him so annoyed? he shrugged. "i guess so."
your hand on louis's leg started rubbing soothingly, sympathetically. "do you not like him? just because he's my friend, doesn't mean you have to like him, too. and we've never had a busy day like this before, was it overwhelming at all?"
louis wriggled around so he was on his back and could look up at you properly. his lips had been pulled into a combination of a frown and a pout. "i guess i don't really like him. i guess... i guess... i don't know."
"you guess what?" you shuffled further up the bed, taking your hand in his.
"i guess i was..." louis gulped, screwing his eyes shut tightly, like he didn't want to come to terms with it. "jealous?" he peeked out from behind his eyes to see your reaction.
honestly, it took all of you to not burst our laughing. all this because of a little bit of jealousy?
with a smile, you leaned down to pull louis into a tight embrace. "oh, lou, you don't have to worry about anyone taking me away from you."
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confused-stars · 3 years
What’s the Rapture AU all about?
yes! an excuse to ramble, thank you!!
so idk if you're familiar with the Bioshock games, but i know some of my mutuals aren't, so here's a brief explanation: - the first two games are set in the 1960s in a city called Rapture at the bottom of the ocean! it's an absolutely fascinating setting. i'm just obsessed with the look of it, i mean, it's so cool and atmospheric
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- there's something like bottled superpowers (called ADAM) that can change your genetic profile to be whatever you want, but overindulging really messes you up (those people are called Splicers and they're.. well, the wiki says 'rabid, delusional and/or homicidal') - this stuff is produced by, uh, an ocean slug that is implanted into the stomach of a small child, which is about as bad as it sounds. they also gather ADAM from dead bodies. - protecting them are beings that were once human but have been changed so much that they're basically only able to understand this one task - in the game story, more and more people turning into Splicers (among other things going on) ended up with basically a contained apocalypse within the city, which leaves you with barely a coherent person left alive to talk to now in my au, that doesn't happen. because All for One took charge of the city about fifteen or so years ago and sealed off the Splicers (and anyone who tried to go against him) in a separate part of Rapture. all the bad stuff? regular people aren't really aware of it. he does distribute ADAM, but he's in full control of who gets how much and what they get to use it for
there's a lot of relevant characters in this story, with a lot of history between all of them, but our main players are: - Tomura, All for One's older son, who was part of the initial experimentation phase with the sea slugs and was bonded to a teenager from the surface, who became his quiet shadow bodyguard - Izuku, All for One's younger - and only biological - son, who finds out about everything horrible going on and tries to help smuggle kids to safety, only to get caught and have to run away to the surface - Shouta Aizawa, who finds a distraught teenager at his door and learns from him that his 'dead' high school friend Shirakumo didn't actually die and needs to be saved - Hizashi Yamada, who later finds out about all this from Izuku, who was left behind by Aizawa for his own safety, and decides they'll follow him together - Toshinori Yagi, last surviving member of the team that first researched the ADAM slugs and opposed All for One's method of producing larger amounts. All for One's younger brother and Toshinori's mentor were among those killed in the ensuing conflict, but Toshinori survived and now tries to rescue those kids and find a cure - there's a whole handful of other important characters, but it's just so much, this would be an endless post if I talked about the Todorokis, the Takamis, Kayama, Sako, Overhaul, Eri, Shinsou, Toga, Iida, Kirishima, Momo, Uraraka... there's so much, and i find new roles for people every day. it's time to make a spreadsheet or something
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janiedean · 7 years
Do you have any theories about how ASoIaF will end? Like, who do you think will die and how, what will happen to Jon (seriously, I've read anything from "he's tots gonna marry Dany and they'll have kids and rule together forever" to "he'll die in a Heroic Sacrifice to Save Everyone" to "after all the shit he went through he's just gonna be like, 'fuck everything and everyone, Imma go wander beyond the Wall for the rest of my life!"), stuff like that?
HAHAHAHAHAHAH I JUST REPLIED TO SOMEONE IN PRIVATE OVER THAT I’m gonna c/p the jon and dany related parts and then add the rest, call me back in ten years to see if I’m right
- at the end of adwd dany's back where she came from and hasn't even met tyrion so everything that happened in the show BEFORE drogon flew her off should happen AFTER she's back in mereen- which puts her arriving in westeros WAY after the time she's in the show now- also the fact that in the book there's aegon prancing around dragonstone along with jon connington and the likes suggests me that IF no one dies before she has to deal with them first while shit goes down in the north and possibly grayscale spreads and blah blah blah
also, jon has to come back to life and I'm betting moneyt it's not as easy as in the show, grrm has to tie up the sansa plot and it's gonna take a lot longer because sansa is not in the north currently so it's gonna take ALL of wow for the starks to get back to winterfell IF they do get back to winterfell in wow and for people to find out jon was robb's legitimate heir and so on 
first conclusion: there's no way jon and dany even meet before either the very end of wow or actually ados and by that time the zombies should be WAY too much of a menace for them to be worrying about bending the knee and shit
taken the first conclusion into account and that ados should be all about defeating the others with whoever has survived banding together and that the only surviving copy of robb's will is currently with howland reed who is GOING to have to show up soon, r+l=j should be a known thing BEFORE jon and dany meet or anyway it'd happen soon after so I honestly don't know if it's likely that they'd hook up in canon or if it wouldn't be MASSIVELY weird if they do, but anyway I could be wrong on that bc the text evidence for those two sort of hooking up is actually there even if I don't particularly agree with it, but NEVER MIND
anyway at this point they're obv gonna do away with the zombies which is gonna cause even more casualties and shit which is not gonna make anyone any happier, jon's gonna have to pull his azor ahai stint because it's him and whatever (AND HE SURVIVES IT), I'm 99% sure that in between all of this aegon and jonc AT LEAST are gonna die and it's not going to be just them, anyway at the end they're gonna be left with a post-apocalypse westeros where most of the people who wanted the throne out of I NEED TO HAVE IT BECAUSE POWER or I HAVE RIGHTS ON IT (ie stannis if he survives which I doubt) will have lost most of the interest/force of will
THIS STATED, unpopular jon theory: the thing about his storyline is that he's going through all the typical secret chosen hero steps but every time anything happens it goes badly/it's not what he wants (he loses his family, his first true love dies, he becomes LC and instead of going well he gets stabbed etc) and what did he want at the beginning of the books? to not be a bastard. where is he now? ops, your father was rhaegar targaryen and your mom was lyanna stark OOOOPS. which is *not* what he wanted, he wanted to be a *stark*. but furthermore, idk if it's likely that R married lyanna before leaving her in the tower of joy or not, but if he did he's actually legitimate and has the best claim since he's male and legit son of the legit male heir, and who's gonna want that job? no one. so who is going to have to take it? yeah, HIM. and he's going to... dislike about every moment of it at least in the beginning (MORE ON THIS AFTER THE DANY PART)
now, on to dany: in that scenario they COULD get married and united the dynasties again, but... they'd know about the incest part of it and idk if he'd go for it, but honestly, the thing with dany is also that she started wanting to go to westeros, and what's most actually ironic/backwards if she finds out that after the zombies, meereen and basically getting shit all the way through she actually doesn't even *want* it? I mean the thing is, dany imo (in the books) seemed more at ease/happiest/filling out a role she seemed cut for when she was a *khaleesi*, not when she was ruling, and for a khaleesi she was a++++ because she was very forward thinking, did away with most of the worse stuff in her khalasar and was actually doing some seriously nice enlightened sort of revolution differently from how it went in mereen, so like... my eventual endgame theory is that she goes back to essos to actually be the enlightened full-time khaleesi that essos deserves and making good use of what she learned while jon picks the pieces up in westeros and comes to term with being the only fantasy hero in existence who didn't want to be king at all and ended up there anyway and has to make it work
ALSO: my pet sorta wishful thinking theory re jon is that given that westeros will be a post-apocalypse mess in shambles with most previously powerful lords being either dead or done for and with a complete new system and in which most people will have been through too many wars, zombies and so on to give a fuck, jon could actually rule as *jon snow* rather than jon targaryen or stark (which imo is the name he’d take for himself if he had to choose) without getting married and continuing the dynasty and then after he dies after fixing what he could and putting things on the right way, the seven kingdoms secede, the throne gets destroyed (if jon doesn’t do it before) and they go back to being independent. like, I’m very much aware that it’s not very likely but idk IT MAKES SENSE TO ME THEMATICALLY OKAY? *shrug*
other characters and the likes:
people who are absolutely toast: cersei, the boltons, euron/victarion, lady stoneheart, the elder clegane and someone in dany’s retinue are goners, same as (SADLY FOR ME) aegon/jonc. jonc is definitely dying of grayscale unless what happens in the show with sam and jorah happens to him but I highly doubt that, aegon’s dying while going against the others or anyway after they all join up with dany and then someone else (possibly tyrion since grrm said that not all of the heads of the dragon have to be targ) takes his place. anyway, both goners. very sadly for me. tommen is also a dead man walking, either how it happened in the show or some other way but nope. myrcella might be but I’d like to think being in dorne and grrm not wanting to kill everybody in dorne because BUDGET might be her ticket to salvation, but I’m on the fence. hodor is also sadly dying most probably because the way they did in the show was too clever and well-done to be out of d&d’s imagination. at this point shireen is also most probably dying tho NOT HOW IT HAPPENED IN THE SHOW DAMN IT. stoneheart is dying because brienne kills her to save jaime and she becomes her aerys THIS IS MY PET THEORY OF THEORIES GRRM WILL HAVE TO PRY IT AWAY FROM ME. lf is definitely dying either thrown out of the moon door or some other way but he’s toast. also most freys are 100% toast.
people I’m definitely on the fence about: stannis - I’m sort of thinking he might die but I’m not 100% sure and anyway if he does it won’t be like in the bloody show, jaime (I thought he was kinda headed for the heroic death in the beginning but now I’m starting to think he has some chances of pulling through I really hope he does tbh), meera, the decent people at the wall (I mean some are gonna die when the zombies inevitably pass but I hope they don’t), jorah (not enough elements to decide sorry), blackfish & jeyne poole (same as above), sand snakes.
meanwhile, main people I’m definitely sure are living + their endgames for the ones I have endgames for:
the living starks are staying alive. sansa eventually ends up as rickon’s regent and bran is going to have some luke skywalker moment where he has to decide if he wants to go darkside or not and then obviously decides not to, but eventually renounces being the three-eyed raven the way the previous one had and rejoins the living. arya stays in WF or goes with jon to KL when he inevitably does - could be in his kingsguard or she can stay in WF and help sansa out. (on the fence re gendr/ya happening - might be, might not.) sandor ends up as sansa’s sworn shield at least.
brienne definitely makes out of it alive after fighting the white walkers at the wall with everyone else who had managed to get there. if jaime hasn’t died in front of her while fighting the white walkers (if he dies that’s how I see him going, and anyway they totally will have hooked up before I 100% believe that) they’re going back to tarth together, if not she goes there alone and proceeds to be the awesome person she is. (I said bitter*sweet* before right? I think she has a good shot at the sweet part.)
arianne gets her throne in dorne ofc
tyrion gets casterly rock while tywin rolls in his grave because I doubt he’d go to essos with dany AS PER MY HEADCANON BEFORE
sam gets his maester’s chain but eventually goes on to be jon’s right hand wherever jon ends up (I think in KL so XD hey THE CURRENT ARCHMAESTER IS DEAD)
if margaery survives (before the show I’d have bet on it, now I’m not so sure) she’s ending up in a way more demoted position than she is rn but anyway some tyrell’s gonna live - I don’t think loras might be one tho
davos is definitely surviving - if he doesn’t end up tied with anyone same as he’s in the show (I mean if he REALLY became jon’s hand of the king I’d die of happiness but idk how likely it is) - he’s coming back home a-la sam in lotr, like ‘hey marya I’m home’ 
theon and asha are definitely not dying. asha is eventually ruling the iron islands somewhat. about theon I’m not sure because I don’t have enough elements to decide if he’s going back to the islands (doubtful) or staying north (maybe) but anyway theon’s surviving that shit. he didn’t have the mother of all abuse survivor recovery storylines to die just when he can get to live without anyone breathing down his neck and trying to force his alliances. like I’m 100% sure theon doesn’t die it’s the one thing I’d bet actual money on after canon jb lol
varys is probably gonna live because he’s too smart not to
edmure is surviving and getting riverrun but he and roslin prob won’t separate so he also gets the twins or something along that line of thinking
I’m sure I prob. forgot someone but that’s the main lines of it I think XD let’s see how wrong am I if these books actually see the light of day
btw this is all based on book canon, on the show I have no fucking clue anymore #rip
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