#how tim & gander’s relationship will develop
polarsirens · 2 years
Your never after art is so good! I adored your recent Gerard, it made me feel a lot! If this isn’t too rude, could you do a father goose one?
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thank you for the compliment & the clarification ☺️ can’t say i’ll be able to answer every request ask, but you, my friend, are in luck because i did have this timothy doodle i didn’t post yet!
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tearosesarts · 4 years
Hello there, I hope you have a great day! Also what are you thoughts about Tim Burton - Sweeney Todd’s movie adaptation? (Sorry thats pretty nowhere I just really appreciate u & Sweeney Todd very much 🥺💖)
Aww, thanks! Now, as for the 2007 Sweeney Todd... I hope I don’t get a lot of hate over this, but I had a lot of problems with this movie. I’ll try to go through this in organized chunks. I’ll put it under the cut, this is going to get long.
First off: the casting. We have to address the fact that, besides the actress playing Lucy, none of the cast really had any musical theatre experience, and it showed. This wouldn’t be as much of a problem if it weren’t for the fact that this was Sondheim music, which is insanely difficult, even for well-experienced musical theatre actors. Thus, we ended up with Sweeney awkwardly singing from his throat (sounding more like a pirate than Jack Sparrow) and frail, shrill vocals from Mrs. Lovett, Johanna, and Anthony. One justification that I’ve seen people use is “Well, Tim Burton was making a film, not a musical,” but in that case, why even include the music? Why not simply make a non-musical movie adaptation using those characters? Sweeney Todd has existed for far longer than the musical; the musical itself is based off of a play adaptation by Christopher Bond. It could have very easily been a movie adaptation of that play, instead. Moving past the singing, while this film did have a lot of really good actors, it wasn’t really any of their best works. I don’t know if it’s because of Tim Burton’s “style” or what, but a lot of the actors’ performances felt nearly lifeless compared to when they were in other movies (although Timothy Spall’s facial expressions as the Beadle were great!). Particularly, Helena Bonham Carter’s Lovett felt very flat and static. I feel bad for saying so, since this was apparently a dreamrole of hers (plus it was just her birthday yesterday!), but something about it just didn’t work. It seemed like she was torn between playing a doe-eyed damsel in distress, a jaded, sarcastic woman, and a suave, devious temptress (and being motherly for one scene, and the combination made for a bland and inconsistent performance. The inconsistency especially stands out during and after Epiphany, where she goes from looking quite terrified of Sweeney at the beginning to nonchalantly delivering the “That’s all very well...” line, even though the song got more scary towards the end, not less.
Now for what probably bugged me even more: some of the things that were cut. The film seems like it’s trying to be more edgy and gritty than the stage musical by cutting out some of the humor, but it also cuts out some of the darkest parts of the show. I can understand getting rid of the Greek chorus for the different Ballads of Sweeney Todd, but they really could have and should have included the ensemble bits for God, That’s Good. We can see the townspeople enjoying the pies, but it isn’t enough to see them simply enjoying the pies, we need them to be obsessed, screaming for “more hot pies.” Then there’s Toby, who doesn’t get his crazy part at the end. I understand cutting that bit short since we don’t have the final Ballad to end it (and therefore ending with the shot of Sweeney bleeding over his dead wife), but he could still do the creepy “pat-a-cake” stuff before slitting Sweeney’s throat and scuttling away. Besides creeping out the audience, this bit shows how everything has affected Toby and taken a toll on him.
And then there’s Johanna. Johanna, what did they do to you? Sometimes movie adaptations of musicals add some depth to some of the less-developed characters. Here, they seemed to do the opposite. She sings Green Finch and Linnet Bird, looks at Anthony, and after that only exists because the plot calls for her. Kiss Me is cut, which also cuts an entire plot point. She doesn’t even sing in the Johanna Reprise. It’s called the Johanna Quartet on the OBC album for a reason, guys! They not only reduced her to a prop who sings about her emotions once and no more, but her relationship with Anthony was also less developed. The two of them never really meet, they just look at each other once. That’s barely an interaction. It’s a wonder that she even recognizes him when he rescues her from the asylum. Speaking of, next came the thing that bothered me the most: she isn’t even the one to shoot Fogg (or whatever they named the asylum warden in this). In the musical, this was her moment of finally holding her own against one of the older male oppressors in her life. This was her breaking point, her loss of innocence she may not have even had in the first place. Changing this just felt wrong.
Alright, I’ve done enough ranting. There were a few things that I thought the film did pretty well, actually. Firstly, the cinematography. Tim Burton has a very specific aesthetic to his films, and this was no different. Some people like, it, others don’t, but the dark, muted aesthetic did work, in a way that may not have worked if another director did it. The opening sequence with an instrumental of the Ballad of Sweeney Todd playing looked really cool. I also especially liked the visuals during Epiphany, when Sweeney is outside having a mental breakdown as the crowds of townsfolk are completely unaware of his presence. While I didn’t care for his singing, Johnny Depp’s acting was pretty solid here. Sacha Baron Cohen as Pirelli was fun. The kid playing Toby had a good performance. I’m not usually a huge fan of children singing, but he handled the score well. Another thing I liked was the addition of the scene between Anthony and Turpin. It added an extra layer of vicious cruelty to the Judge that was more than just “creepy old guy preying after a teenage girl” (and the “You gandered at her” line was great, especially with Alan Rickman’s delivery).
All in all, I wasn’t really a fan of this adaptation, but there were some parts I did enjoy, and I appreciate that it did expose more people to Sondheim’s music and musicals in general.
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Home Turkey is the recognize the heart is." True. In any case, you need to see that the physical sign of that condition in like way impacts your mien and your perspective.
We if all else fails need to take a gander at pretty things, and an ideal, all around decorated home is correspondingly as accommodating in causing you to feel unimaginable.
There are wearisome online journals and protests that discussion about home improvement, yet we've regulated it down to the best, the ones that truly matter and offer you the correct responses. Truly, you just need these complaints, amassed by seeing quality. We recognize these move you to begin your own home-improvement tries.
There are tries you can do in isolation, yet that doesn't commonly mean entrusting a gigantic extent of money. Your ingenuity doesn't end with a mentioning spending plan.
Weave VILA
You can't evaluate home improvement without discussing the unbelievable Bob Vila. In 1979, he animated This Old House and exhibited ensured home-improvement expands, the first of his time, for instance, uncovering the presence of unscripted TV.
Ricochet Vila has been cryptically for how long now, at any rate he truly interfaces with individuals by strategies for setting them up home-building aptitudes through his online classes, Bob Vila Academy. This home-improvement professional additionally shares his ruler course through his blog, offering answers for both tangled and clear home issues.
This blog has a solid after—fifteen million individuals month to month looking at home-improvement appraisals. This Old House shows up on various stages, unite with swarms through its own magazine and TV show.
DIY experiences discharge up from those that supervise accidental upkeeps, to plumbing, to lighting, to creating, despite various things. Reades can in like way search for shocking improvement contemplations for different pieces of the home.
What began as seven days by week email in 2001 has now encircled into seven days after week favoring that offers reactions for expressive plan issues. Apartment suite Therapy is inside sketcher Maxwell Ryan's assurance to the home-building world and gives shopping guides, instructionals, and advance on all things.
Perusers can moreover get styling assessments from particular perusers, as Apartment Therapy highlights home visits. These visits are truly peruser submitted photographs that are unedited, and the houses are not styled by proficient decorators, so you can truly say the activities are bona fide DIY.
Weirdo HOUSE
Named after the striking youths' story, Ugly Duckling House is Sarah Fogle's storeroom of DIY information she has gotten all through the all-encompassing length. The blog began after Sarah did various tasks generally with no other individual, learning home-building limits in segment and as time goes on sharing records of her home's different appearances and times of progress.
Psycho House bases on DIY redesign activities and home develop plan.
Tim Carter, the blog's maker, has been in the home-building business for more than thirty years as a star housetop shaper, a master handyman, and a professional craftsman and is unquestionably a pro regarding the issue.
Ask the Builder posts mechanical party assessments and instructional records on different bits of building and fixing a home. It furthermore gives an arrangement of central focuses to a specific home endeavor, which mentioning to address, the breakdown of costs in any case, and relationship with noteworthy articles.
The creative mind is boundless concerning reviving your home, yet all things considered, the spending plan can't stay aware of what has been imagined.
Melissa Michaels endeavors to manage this issue in her blog, The Inspired Room, an improving web diary that offers tips on finishing and masterminding your home, making it look stunning without you encountering a monstrous proportion of cash.
Affiliations that control land improvement, home affiliations, and progress will profit by GuildQuality, a distant partnership that practices studies that will help the business customer survey how their undertakings have been coordinated.
This evaluation pulls in relationship to follow and improve their presentation. GuildQuality other than records work postings and a pool of plan based experts and different managers in the advancement business, making it head for customers to search for an improvement authority collusion.
DIY Inspired shows perusers, homemakers, and reestablishing fans do-it-with no other individual's help tasks and tips on the most capable framework to reuse, upcycle, repurpose, or fix things found at home.
The different hours Dinah Wulf, the blog proprietor, has spent in swap meets, approaches, and flea markets and swap meets have reestablished her to make her own blog.
DIY Inspired in like way shares update assessments for various occasions and extraordinary events and instructional exercises on making your own standard things. Your home can be an evaluation office of sorts too.
Building Moxie is a valuable guide for homeownership. Regardless of whether you're doing tries at the DIY level or ace level, you can discover tips and frameworks for creation, fixing, fixes, and keep up.
The course are clearly not difficult to follow and go with photographs, so you ought to have the decision to respect beginning various home-improvement tries.
Squander not, need not" is a focal subject of Bea Johnson's Zero Waste Home blog, which shares the route in to a moderate and without waste way of life. Johnson sees that a zero-gobble up home will assist families with sparing time and a lot of cash and improve their emanation of living and accomplishment.
She adheres to five Rs in her standard objective for zero waste: deny, decay, reuse, reuse, and decay.
Melaine Thompson is moreover a market article boss for Souvenir, which is a way of life magazine. Through My Sweet Savannah, she needs to assist perusers with getting animated to make their homes fantastic by getting the fitting extra things, exploring different streets concerning their pointlessness tastes, and taking off to the correct stores for the best plans and quality home styles.
Thompson in like way gives perusers a virtual visit through her own home on My Sweet Savannah.
Igor Josifovic began Happy Interior Blog in 2011, including the sights of different spots all finished, furthermore as houseplants. Josefovic excitedly sees houseplants bring delight.
Any place you are, euphoria is dependably something that can truly make your home a home. For Josifovic, this fulfillment at home can duplicate when you have a house that is intentionally sorted out.
Experience a touch of time travel and care at Living Vintage, where old houses are deconstructed and a brief timeframe later intertwined with new ones, with the utilization of recovered materials.
The vintage look is the sincere to the blog's subject, at any rate different styles are also included. The "Friday Favorites" bundle, as its name prompts, highlights different looks or subjects for a wide level of events and occasions.
Decorator Stacy Curran's South Shore Decorating Blog lauds the best of especially organized homes and inside parts in all styles conceivable: ordinary, contemporary, French, standard, and vintage, among different others. DIY tries and relationship with deal bargains are other than found on the blog. Curran offers e-edifying affiliations, seeing customers' home spaces through an electronic party.
Hello Lovely is a way of life blog that offers plan motivation for interior parts. Overhaul experiences, DIY instructional exercises, and even plans are an aspect of the blog's staple highlights. The blog joins a ton of farmhouse-style interior parts yet in like way does a visit through homes that show various styles. The blog has a solid after, with in excess of 4,000,000 perspectives.
Pulling off a wonderful mission for your unassuming home doesn't need to mean crazy spending. The experts at Interior Frugalista can assist you with restoring and re-endeavor your homes regardless, when you're on a tight spending technique.
The DIY blog is plentiful with examinations for rich yet humble enrichments and home-plan pieces, things you can make from repurposed things.
Flipping houses, which generally endorses purchasing property to exchange it for advantage, is a really energetic idea in the land business. Liz, the maker of It's Great to Be Home, has flipped ten houses and offers adolescent flippers sage bearing on the most fit system to get into the flipping industry and huge enrapturing focus interests.
Style and inside game plan meet on this blog, as Liz also discusses storeroom stray pieces.
Our House Now a Home offers moderate improving plans. The blog sorts experiences as appeared by the improving point of view being thought of (e.g., affiliation, updates, rooms) and highlights home visits as indicated by the season (e.g, spring, winter).
A portion of the substance and things in Our House Now a Home have been joined unequivocally streams, for example, Good Housekeeping and Huffington Post Living.
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howtotechpress-blog · 7 years
At the point when originators leave: lessons for Apple from Microsoft, Intel, and Sun With Steve Jobs suddenly leaving his position as CEO of Apple, inquiries are …
The Internet is slithering with Jobs reports today. Almost every news aggregator puts Apple's new authority circumstance in front of tropical storm Irene departures. (In spite of the fact that constantly tasteful AOL advances the 10-year commemoration of Aaliyah's passing and some shameful Blake Lively pictures. Finger on the beat!)
So the CEO burn has been passed to Chief Operating Officer and intermittent substitute CEO Tim Cook. Visionary organizer and pioneer Steve Jobs plays an entirely key part as Chairman of the Board, and may dump his trademark turtlenecks for a Sinatra-style tuxedo.
Lights take a break, some of the time even from champion pioneers in Steve Jobs' class. So we should take a gander at a couple of renowned stories of alluring pioneers passing the twirly doo to perceive what history proposes about Apple under the administration of Cook.
Contextual analysis 1: Microsoft from Bill Gates to Steve Ballmer
Maybe the nearest relationship to Steve's acquiescence originates from most despised adversary Microsoft. Charge Gates made Microsoft into the most profitable organization on the planet before venturing down: Apple's $349 billion market top starting the previous evening looks insignificant alongside Microsoft's $600 billion valuation toward the finish of 1999.
Two weeks after that minute, Gates reported his renunciation from the CEO post, passing the buck to trusted lieutenant Steve Ballmer. Doors remained dynamic as Chief Software Architect and Chairman before surrendering the planner work in 2008, however despite everything he runs the Board of Directors. Doors' operational obligations have been downsized in a precise way, giving him more opportunity to spend on the Gates Foundation's philanthropy work.
This was an emotional change. The vital arranging that Bill Gates had done "in his mind," as indicated by Ballmer, turned into a vocation done by council. In the meantime, Ballmer opened up to the world about his dismissal of Gates' authority: "I'm not going to need him for anything. That is the rule. Utilize him, yes; require him, no," he said to The Wall Street Journal in 2008.
So how has that worked out for Ballmer? Microsoft's stock hit its pinnacle when he steered and has lost about 60 percent of its incentive from that point forward. Microsoft is still huge and essential, however just the fifth-biggest organization on the planet tallying by market top—some $150 billion behind Apple.
Furthermore, that market droop is not undeserved. Under the rule of Ballmer, Microsoft has to a great extent neglected to catch the Internet opportunity and missed the versatile upheaval. Windows Vista was bound to happen and after that ended up being a flop, much like Duke Nukem Forever. Deals development in the course of the most recent decade has been bashful, net revenues are lessening, and the once-dependable money machine in some cases consumes more money than it makes.
You dislike the Gates method for working with a heartless talent for eradicating rivalry, however that model worked. Macintosh, which has about made a few markets in the most recent decade (iPod, iTunes, iPad), requirements to watch out for the following new thing as opposed to surfing its present product offering into a wipeout.
Contextual analysis 2: Intel from Robert Noyce to Paul Otellini
Intel recounts a more joyful story. The chip monster's initial three CEOs were all fellow benefactors with altogether different qualities: visionary Robert Noyce passed the occupation to designing wonder Gordon Moore and after that to "Just the suspicious survive" specialist Andy Grove. Craig Barratt and Paul Otellini have proceeded with the custom of solid initiative with methodical progression arranging, and at no time in its 43-year history has Intel's survival been in uncertainty.
In truth, Intel's stock graph has taken after Microsoft's pretty firmly in the course of the most recent decade. Like the other portion of the WinTel association, Intel is developing all the more gradually nowadays because of the cooler PC market and unstable development of ARM-fueled cell phones and tablets. Yet, Intel is pressing more benefit out of each business dollar today even as Microsoft's benefit share continues declining. To put it plainly, I believe Intel's terrible market rap is undeserved while Microsoft's isn't.
Noyce, Moore, and Grove set the tone for quite a long time of predominance and gave an outline to accomplishment to their beneficiaries. Through popped Internet bubbles and financial mayhem, and in the midst of lively difficulties from AMD and ARM, Intel still stands tall. On the off chance that Cook can keep the Good Ship Apple on course without losing force, and furthermore culture an undeniable next-in-order to have his spot one day, this could be Apple's future.
Contextual analysis 3: Sun from Scott McNealy to Jonathan Schwartz
Scott McNealy wasn't Sun's first CEO, however he was one of its four prime supporters and one of the longest-running CEOs in business history. Following 22 years in charge and with some turbulence toward the end as that Internet bubble popped, McNealy closed down in 2006. On his watch, Sun Microsystems had a noteworthy influence in Internet history both on the equipment and programming sides.
Jonathan Schwartz just had two years of abnormal state administration encounter, however he had a time of organization responsibility. Schwartz kept going only three years at the top before the home loan based money related emergency of 2008 pulverized Sun's request streams. IBM and HP were furnished with shake strong monetary records and could take a kidney punch, however Sun had no such extravagance. In 2009, Sun consented to an arrangement to be obtained by Oracle; McNealy's successor never had a possibility.
Was that McNealy's blame for not setting up the move better or just a stroke of misfortune? Reality most likely lies some place in the middle of those extremes. McNealy did almost twofold Sun's trade offset the most recent two years of his rule—floated by a $2 billion installment that finished a patent and eminence war with Microsoft—so he didn't hand over the keys of an as of now slammed auto. Maybe he could have picked a less neglectful sovereign to take the position of authority.
We don't believe that Apple's future looks anything like this.
The 10,000 foot view
It's difficult to concoct administration change cases of the greatness Apple is confronting. Much regard to Tim Cook and all, however Steve's shoes look almost difficult to fill.
I think that its ameliorating that Mr. Employments remains on as Chairman, much like the Intel custom of moving from CEO to board pioneer as the eras pass by. Additionally, the current wellbeing related leaves of nonattendance have arranged the new man for the occupation.
Still, Steve likely can't hold Tim's hand for 10 years as Bill Gates did with Ballmer. There are medical problems at work here, something Microsoft never needed to manage. In due time, we'll see precisely the amount of Apple's prosperity originates from Steve's visionary cerebrum and what amount should be possible without this virtuoso on deck.
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komtech-blog · 8 years
The basics of the thorny relationship between science and philosophy
A considerable measure of things that attempt to pass themselves off as science, similar to homeopathy, obviously aren’t investigative. In any case, it may shock you to realize that there’s no straightforward agenda or stream graph that gives you a chance to isolate the investigative from the pleasant attempt yet not-quites. It’s not for absence of endeavoring; for a considerable length of time, savants attempted to make sense of how a determinedly human action could deliver such dependable data, however all the enormous name scholars in the field have missed the mark.
Understanding why they fizzled is the subject of numerous graduate-level workshop classes. In any case, in case you’re simply keen on a brief review, Tim Lewens can bail you out.
Dr. Lewens is a rationalist of science at Cambridge University (and a Ford driver, as we find) who’s composed a book called The Meaning of Science. It’s implied for a general crowd, yet it handles shaggy issues in the rationality of science and tosses in ruminations on the way of mankind for nothing. The Meaning of Science is an odd combine that doesn’t exactly hang as a reasonable entire, however it’s not an awful read for anybody keen on a fast and-effortless prologue to the secret of why science works.
The theory of common rationality
Science was once called regular rationality, yet the two to a great extent went their different courses for a considerable length of time. It was just a century ago that scholars appeared to understand that science was doing fascinating things, and it was likely worth understanding why science was so profitable (an inquiry additionally handled by antiquarians and sociologists). Lewens dedicates time to the two greatest names who responded to the call: Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn.
In Lewens’ telling, Popper took his prompts from the adoptive parent of experimentation, David Hume. In Popper’s perspective, Hume indisputably exhibited that inductive thinking is problematic. Since science is solid, it must not include incitement. Popper felt that he had developed a practical option in light of misrepresentation, i.e., the specialty of demonstrating that something can’t in any way, shape or form be correct. The capacity to demonstrate that something isn’t right is an essential piece of science. However in the meantime, researchers accept continually.
There’s presumably a close limitless number of thoughts that we haven’t took a gander at in enough detail to know they’re off-base. However researchers support particular models decisively in light of the fact that they can translate proof as favoring a few thoughts and not others. Furthermore, loads of thoughts that were plainly wrong—they were adulterated—turned out, when changed marginally, to deliver significant speculations. Gregor Mendel’s laws are abused constantly, yet the infringement can be represented and let us know bounty about science.
Rather than investigating the way of experimental confirmation, Thomas Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions concentrated on how it’s delivered. Kuhn set that informative ideal models direct research until they are toppled in an upheaval to clear a path for new ideal models. While the idea of a worldview is really exact—cosmology plainly works under a Big Bang worldview—the entire unrest thing isn’t. Once more, consider Mendel, whose thoughts took us from pre-transformative science up through the revelation of DNA’s structure and past, all without an insight of upset.
Lewens additionally gives a section to the topic of what qualifies as science. He makes well known progress—canny configuration isn’t science, while treating somebody with homeopathy can be investigative, since it triggers a misleading impact. In any case, every case is contemplated through separately, and Lewens articulates no unmistakable arrangement of principles to divide the outskirt amongst science and other stuff—however to be reasonable to him, no one else has thought of one either.
Another fun segment of The Meaning of Science assesses the thought that we know science is working since its speculations are so effective at anticipating future conduct. Lewens effectively brings up that we don’t have any feeling of what number of wrong hypotheses could be similarly fruitful, so it’s untimely to pronounce triumph.
Science talks back
Science isn’t only a subject of philosophical rumination; logical revelations illuminate a considerable measure of philosophical level headed discussions, and Lewens makes that the center of the second 50% of the book. For instance, as scientists tease separated the connections amongst hereditary qualities and the earth, their work can advise the interminable civil argument about the relative parts of nature and sustain. The condition of that level headed discussion impacts what we think about human character, which thus impacts the sorts of hereditary controls we’re willing to endure. Lewens takes a gander at various illustrations like these, and in addition how science has educated our comprehension of unrestrained choice and benevolence.
This is by all accounts the weaker part of the book, as it’s not clear that the points inspected here spread the full scope of scholarly thought. Material science and cosmology, which let us know some exceptionally weird things about the way of the truth we wind up in, don’t appear by any means, despite the fact that they’re the subject of a ton of thought by an extremely dynamic group of scholars. The subjects that are considered feel like a scattershot examining that is centered around science.
In a few cases, Lewens depicts the thoughts of individuals who can’t help contradicting him, then talks about why he doesn’t discover their contentions powerful. The issue with this methodology is that his scholarly rivals have without a doubt additionally heard Lewens’ contentions and don’t observe them to be convincing. At the point when Lewens doesn’t clarify why that is the situation, it has a craving for listening to a large portion of a talk.
This shouldn’t imply that that there isn’t interesting material in these sections. For instance, Lewens takes note of that both hereditary qualities and nature add to achievement in school. He goes ahead to portray how some policymakers have inferred that it ought to be viewed as a win on the off chance that we came to the heart of the matter where hereditary qualities began assuming a bigger part, as it could suggest that we have persuaded nature to be to a lesser degree a prevention to understudies.
From various perspectives, the two areas of The Meaning of Science are best perused independently. The main segment is best comprehended as an early on outline to the theory of science that spreads how thoughts expand on each other after some time. (Lewens incorporates a “further perusing” list toward the end of every part, so catching up on a theme or a scholar is straightforward.) The second area is best perused with every section saw as a thing on an individually menu. Thoughts don’t generally expand on each other, and if a section doesn’t intrigue you, you can simply skip ahead to one that does. You can choose for yourself whether it merits purchasing a book knowing you won’t not read every one of the parts.
All through The Meaning of Science, Lewens’ written work is clear, agreeable, and sprinkled with pertinent, current illustrations (like how his open deliberation over purchasing that Ford lets us know something about unrestrained choice). Be that as it may, for both segments, it’s Lewens’ clarified further perusing records make the book really advantageous for perusers who need more after his presentation.
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