#how tmblr works??
cpdust · 9 months
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It gives otome dissection vibes...
Аnyway, here's Albedo for y'all
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lemongogo · 1 year
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< 2023 trgnz
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alstroemeria-fox · 9 months
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beretisonium · 5 months
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I need more 1984 content or I will go insane. So there is nothing else left except making it myself
Anyway, here is the first O'Brien sketch I am satisfied with.
Idk if i will post anything else on Tumblr🤷🏻‍♀️
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lightbulb-warning · 2 months
<3 is a smile and <\3 is also a smile. to me. hope this helps!
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utapribr · 1 year
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ptizasych · 2 years
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Okay listen. Zenos with a fan.
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sophiascn · 1 year
heyyy (with rizz) just here to say i. exist i guess. im new to tumblr so please be nice thats all i’m asking 👍 didn’t make an account here to end up like on twitter lmao btw don’t be shy to tell me if i ever do something that’s considered like a faux pas or something!!! im very new here and it’ll probably take me a while to get all the hints excited to make new friends on here :]
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woodenpuppet · 2 years
am i the only one who suddenly is like "wtf am i doing this is so dumb" and does a complete 180 and starts eating normally
thats where im at rn
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samgatinho · 1 year
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UH hello tumblr nation !!!!! its me !!! sam!!!1
ive been dealing with a horrible art block for like . 8 months or smth and i decided that i would fight it by drawing silly thumbnails for sir mumbo jumbo™ and post it here hfdsdfhf i may post other stuff so!!!!! yeah!!!! hello!!!
also i have no idea how tumblr works im honestly sdcared help mE???!!!!!!! i hope u guys accept me 😔
also, for the buttercup drawing, the designs r from @/applestruda on tmblr and @/BuwkaHuiwka on twt!!!!!
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wolfhowls · 2 years
Ma Tumblr su Android 12?
Non funziona la condivisione esterna e nemmeno la copia dei link. Che cavolo di app... A momenti funziona meglio il sito mobile...
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cpdust · 10 months
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For the first post, I’ll try to introduce you to my EAH OC ✨✨✨
🧵Stitch Cotton-Brockade
🪻Sue Cotton-Brockade
Tailor's Children
Parent story: "The Tailor of Gloucester"
Category: both renegades
Roommate: 🪻Bellatrix Bellman (my friend's OC)
🧵Reginar dai Haig ( my other friend's OC)
About Us:
Birthday, age, etc.:🪻June 12, 17 years old, bi, 178 cm, she/her
🧵September 7, 17 years old, gay, 173 cm, he/him
Secret heart's desire: To prove to my father that my talent, skill and success do not depend at all on whether I follow my story or not, and to get away from poverty as far as possible
🪻Unlike some, I don’t trying to prove anything to anyone, I just want to become a successful model and live in abundance.
My “Magic” Touch:🧵I don’t have it
🪻My extraordinary beauty, of course! Well, and flowers grow faster next to me.
“Oh Curses” moment: We never knew how to deal with money. Family trait inherited from dad
The most magical color:🧵Depends on mood
Favorite food:🧵Grape pastille
Favorite Subject: 🧵Arts and crafts. I'm a tailor, you might have guessed it.
🪻Music. I don't want to brag, but I play several instruments.
Least Favorite Subject: 🧵Economics, it just puts extra pressure on the patient.
🪻Philosophy. I get confused by all these great and not so great thinkers.
My SO:🧵Reginar dai Haig
🪻John Martovsky (my other other friend's OC)
Best Friends Forever After:
🧵Why do you want to know?...
🪻It's too many. We're pretty popular y'know~
Stitch and Sue were born out of wedlock, but from early childhood they were always together; Oliver Brokcade hid from both women and until recently did not recognize himself as the father of the children, but this did not last long. Because of this situation, mothers began to communicate closely with each other and the children spent almost all their time together. At about 10 years old, Stitch became interested in the craft, and it was decided to apprentice him to the best tailor in their city. Unfortunately, this tailor turned out to be his and Sue’s father; the girl did not want to leave her brother and left with him. Oliver Brockade had never been an honest man, and the children soon realized this. At first he presented his son for his ideas, and then his works. He appropriated most of the proceeds for himself and spent it unknown where, just like the money that the children’s mothers sent for their maintenance. Stitch and Sue tried to escape several times, but it did not lead to anything good and they returned. When the children were 14, another, already decisive, scandal with their father occurred, and then Stitch and Sue decided that they would tolerate him for another 2 years for the sake of Stitch's education and leave for their mothers. After returning home, they lived at home for another year and then the women suggested that they go to Ever After High and the children agreed. This is where a new chapter of their lives begins...
If you're interested, let me know and I'll introduce you to other OC's
Для первого поста, попробую познакомить вас со своими ОС по ЭАХ✨✨✨
🧵Стич Коттон-Брокэйд
🪻Сью Коттон-Брокэйд
Дети портного
Сказка из которой персонаж: "Портной из Глостера"
Категория: оба отступники
Сосед(ка) по комнате: 🪻Беллатрикс Беллман (ОС моей подруги)
🧵��еджинар дай Хейг( ОС моей другой подруги)
О нас:
День рождения и возраст и др. :🪻12 июня, 17 лет, гомо, 178 см она/её
🧵7 сентября, 17 лет, би, 173 см он/его
Заветная мечта:🧵Доказать отцу, что мой талант, навык и успех вовсе не зависят от того следую я сказке или нет, и как можно дальше уйти от бедности
🪻В отличие от некоторых не стремлюсь никому ничего доказывать, я просто хочу стать успешной моделью и жить в достатке.
Моя “Магическая” Черта:🧵У меня её нет
🪻Моя необыкновенная красота, конечно же! Ну, ещё рядом со мной цветочки быстрее растут.
Наше “Проклятье”: Мы никогда не умели вести дело с деньгами. Семейная черта доставшаяся от папаши
Самый волшебный цвет:🧵Зависит от настроения
Любимое лакомство:🧵Виноградная пастила
Любимый Предмет:🧵Искусство и ремесло. Я портной, могли бы и догадаться.
🪻Музаика. Не хочу хвастать, но я играю на нескольких инструментах
Нелюбимый Предмет:🧵Экономифика, только лишний раз на больное давит.
🪻Рыболософия. Я путаюсь во всяких этих великих и не очень мыслителях.
Сказочная личная жизнь:🧵Реджинар дай Хейг
🪻Джон Мартовский (ОС моей третьей подруги)
Лучшие Друзья Надолго и Счастливо:
🧵Зачем вам это знать?...
🪻Их слишком много, мы популярные, знаете ли~
Стич и Сью родились вне брака, но с раннего детства всегда были вместе, от обеих женщин Оливер Броккейд скрывался и до последнего не признавал себя отцом детей, но это длилось недолго. Из-за этой ситуации матери стали тесно общаться друг с другом и дети почти всё время проводили вместе. Примерно в 10 лет Стича заинтересовала ремесло, и было решено отдать его в подмастерье к лучшему портному их города. К сожалению, этим портным оказался их с Сью отец, девочка не хотела оставлять брата и уехала вместе с ним. Оливер Броккейд никогда не был честным человеком, и дети довольно скоро это поняли. Сначала он выставлял за свои идеи сына, а потом и работы. Большую часть выручки он присваивал себе и неизвестно куда спускал, ровно как и деньги, которые матери детей высылали на их содержание. Стич и Сью несколько раз пытались сбежать, но ни к чему хорошему это не приводило и они возвращались. Когда детям было 14 произошел очередной, уже решающий, скандал с отцом, и тогда Стич и Сью решили что они ещё 2 года терпят его ради обучения и уезжают к матерям. После возвращения домой они ещё год прожили дома и после женщины предложили им поступить в школу Эвер Афтер и дети согласились. Тут и начинается новая глава их жизни...
Если вам интересно, дайте мне знать и я познакомлю вас с другими ОС
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faithshouseofchaos · 2 months
Trying to match the obsessive vibes mafia Lando had in part one (which is absolutely excellent) I personally think their first meeting wouldn't be as much of a coincidental meet cute as he makes it seem. Basically, he saw her and stalked her to find info so that he was attractive to her from the first moment. Then she starts "coincidentally" running into him everywhere. If she works at a coffee shop or something he always tips her extremely well to show how good he could take care of her. Just my thoughts.
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“A name to a face” — Dark ex mafia Lando Norris x reader
part one part two part three part four part five part six
Word count 2k
Warnings — angst kidnapping reader being locked away.
Tagged— @bethanymccauley @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @alwayzbeenale @a-casual-romantic @amatswimming @67-angelofthelordme-67 @bblouifford @bbtoni @biancathecool @barcelonaloverf1life @badassturtle13 @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @clowngirlsstuff @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @eugene-emt-roe @embrosegraves @entr4p3 @formulas-bitch @formulaal @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @hangmandruigandmav @hollie911 @cinderellasmissingshoes @ironcowboycopnickel @jvpiterzs @jeffs77 @llando4norris @laura-naruto-fan1998 @lightdragonrayne @lollypop90907 @moss-on-tmblr @mrsgeorgerussell63 @omgsuperstarg @oconswrld @otako5811 @purplephantomwolf @regalbanshee @strugglingyetvibing @sweate-r-weathe-r @swifth0lic @toasttt11 @the-ghost-lovwr @tallrock35 @uluvjay @vellicora @venusisnothere @crispysoup318
There was no escaping from Lando. He had you locked away from the rest of the world and there was no hope. After 20 minutes of trying to pry the window open, you gave up. Sliding down the wall you sat there wishing you could go back in time to stop yourself from agreeing to that date with Lando.
That was a naive thing to think. When Lando wanted something he’d do anything to get it even if that thing was you. With no hope and no real chance of escaping from him, you were stuck and it was only a matter of time before you had to depend on him.
*Flashback to when you met Lando*
You weren’t paying attention. The conversation you were having with your friend was more important than paying attention to where you were walking.
Your friend was telling you about her latest hookup and how he was, according to her, the greatest lay of her life.
You rolled your eyes, pretending to be annoyed by her story. In truth, you were secretly a little envious. Your own love life had been nonexistent lately. You couldn't remember the last time you'd been on a date, let alone had a decent hookup.
As you were lost in thought, you abruptly slammed into something hard. The impact knocked the wind out of you and you stumbled backwards, nearly losing your balance. You looked up to see what you had run into and froze. A pair of piercing blue eyes were staring down at you.
The man you had run into was, without a doubt, the most attractive person you had ever seen. He was tall and lean with tousled brown hair and a cocky smile. He was wearing a faded t-shirt that showed off his muscular arms and jeans that clung to him perfectly.
He looked you up and down, his smile widening a bit as he took you in. "Sorry, love," he said, his voice smooth and easy. "I didn't see you there."
You swallowed, speechless. You couldn't take your eyes off of him, his presence was overwhelming. "It's... it's fine," you managed to stammer out. "I wasn't paying attention."
The man chuckled, his eyes still on you. "No, you were too busy listening to your friend rattle on about her latest conquest," he said with a wink.
Your cheeks flushed, caught off guard by his observation. You looked over at your friend, who was now looking between you and the man as if she was watching a tennis match. The man noticed her reaction and chuckled again. "No need to look so embarrassed, love," he said, his eyes flickering over to her for a moment before returning to you. "I won't tell anyone what you two were talking about."
The man giving one last wink walked away from the two of you. You watched him walk away, unable to tear your eyes off of him. He sauntered away, his casual confidence drawing your attention.
Your friend tugged on your arm, pulling you out of your trance. "Oh my god, he was so hot!" she exclaimed, fanning herself dramatically. You snapped out of your daze and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he was," you said, still watching him as he walked away.
Your friend nudges you playfully. "You should have asked for his number," she teased, a mischievous gleam in her eyes.
You felt your cheeks flush a bit. "I... I don't know," you stammered, feeling a bit flustered. "He was definitely out of my league. He was way too hot for me."
Your friend rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on," she said, giving you a playful shove. "Don’t be so hard on yourself. You're gorgeous and you can have any guy you want."
You smiled weakly at her words, but you still had doubts. The man you bumped into had seemed so carefree and confident, he was probably used to having girls throw themselves at him. There was no way he would be interested in someone like you.
Oh how wrong you were…
*present time*
It had been hours since you saw Lando. He was true to his words and kept you locked away from the world. After what felt like hours of being alone in the room, you heard the sound of footsteps approaching the door. They stopped outside the door and you heard the sound of metal against metal as Lando unlocked the door.
The door opened slowly and Lando stepped into the room, a neutral expression on his face. He closed the door behind him and leaned against it, looking at you.
"Hungry?" he asked, his voice nonchalant. You looked at him, your stomach grumbling at the mention of food. You hadn't eaten since this morning and the hunger pangs were getting worse by the hour.
Lando saw the look on your face and chuckled. "I take that as a yes," he said, pushing himself off from the door and walking over to you. He picked up the chair that was beside the bed and placed it in front of you before sitting down. He leaned back in the chair, his legs stretched out in front of him, his arms crossed over his chest. He looked completely relaxed and at ease, a stark contrast to your tense and nervous demeanor.
"I've got food downstairs," he said, his eyes roaming over you. "But I thought we could have a little chat first."
Your heart skipped a beat at his words. You had a feeling this wasn’t going to be a pleasant conversation. You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt, waiting for him to continue.
Lando leaned forward, his arms resting on his thighs as he looked at you intently.
"We need to talk about what's going to happen going forward," he said, his voice soft but authoritative.
"I know you're not happy about the current situation," he continued, his gaze not budging from your face. "But believe me when I say you're going to learn to love it eventually."
You wanted to argue with him, to tell him that he was crazy and that you would never love being locked away like a prisoner. But deep down you knew it would be pointless. Lando had already made up his mind and nothing you said would change it.
Lando saw the resignation on your face and nodded, satisfied. "Good," he said, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "You've already learned the first lesson."
He leaned back in the chair again, his arms resting behind his head. "I have rules," he said, his tone turning more serious. "And if you want things to go smoothly, you better follow them."
Your heart sped up at the mention of rules. You had a feeling they were going to be strict and probably unreasonable. "What rules?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
"First rule," Lando said, holding up one finger. "You will not try to escape. I've taken all the necessary precautions to make sure you can't leave, but I don't want any stunts."
"Second rule," he said, holding up a second finger. "You're never leaving this room unless I say so. I've got guards on watch at all times, so don't think you can slip past them."
"Third rule," he said, holding up a third finger. "You are not to talk to anyone other than me. No calls, no texts, no emails. You are mine and mine only, and I won't tolerate any distractions."
Your heart sank at the last rule. He was completely isolating you from the rest of the world. "What about my family? My friends?" you asked, panic creeping into your voice.
"You don't need them," Lando said, his tone cold. "I'm all you need. They can't take care of you the way I can."
"And the fourth rule…" Lando said, holding up a fourth finger. "Is probably the most important rule. You are mine. You belong to me. I own you. Every part of you, body and soul."
"You belong to me, and me only," he continued, his eyes scanning your face. "You will not talk to other guys, look at other guys, or even think of other guys. You're mine completely."
The possessiveness in his voice sent a chill down your spine. It was like he didn't see you as a person, but as an object that he owned and controlled. And deep down, you knew it was true.
Lando leaned back in the chair, studying you. "Understand all the rules now?" he asked, his tone deceptively casual. You nodded, feeling completely resigned to your fate. There was no point in resisting or arguing. Lando had you completely in his grasp.
Lando smiled, satisfied with your compliance. "Good," he said, standing up from the chair. "Now come here." You tensed up at his command, but you knew better than to disobey. You stood up and walked over to him, stopping a few feet away. He stepped closer to you until he was mere inches away. He reached out and ran a hand through your hair, his touch gentle but possessive.
"You look perfect like this," he murmured, his eyes roaming over your face. "Completely under my control."
It had been a week since you bumped into the mystery man as your friend called him. There was something strange about him that you couldn’t understand but it made you want to know more about him. The only problem was you didn’t know where to look for him.
Lando on the other hand was completely obsessed with you, he had made it his mission to figure out who you were. It wasn’t hard Lando had clocked a camera above your little interaction so all he had to do was go to the local police station and pull the footage and run your image through the database to find out who you were.
Lando walked up to the front desk, he knew how to charm his way through anything and he was about to test that theory. "Hi there," he said, flashing a charming smile at the young police woman behind the desk. "I need a little favor."
The woman behind the desk raised an eyebrow, clearly not thrilled by his advances. “What kind of favor?” she asked, her tone wary.
Lando leaned casually against the desk, still sporting his charming smile. "I need to get access to some security camera footage," he said, putting on his most innocent expression.
The woman eyed him skeptically. "And what exactly do you need the footage for?" she asked, her suspicions clearly not eased.
Lando chuckled, his confidence not wavering. "Let's just say I’m doing a little investigation of my own," he said, his voice low and smooth. "There was this guy who robbed me of something very important and I’m trying to track him down. I have a good idea of what he looks like and I’m hoping the security cameras in the area can help me identify him."
The woman seemed to soften a bit at Lando’s story. "That’s rough,” she said, sympathy in her voice. "But I can't just give away camera footage to anyone who asks. There are strict protocols."
Lando’s smile never faltered. "Of course, I understand that,” he said, his tone reassuring. “I’m not asking for you to just hand over the footage. I just need a quick look to see if anything useful is on it."
The woman paused for a moment, clearly contemplating the situation. "If it’s just a quick look, I suppose it couldn’t hurt," she finally said. "But I’ll have to stay with you to make sure you don’t do anything funny with the footage."
Lando chuckled, feigning offense. "Me, do something funny? You wound me," he teased, enjoying this little game. "I promise I’ll be on my best behavior."
The woman rolled her eyes but seemed to be lightening up a bit at his charm. "Alright, let’s go then," she said, standing up from the desk and gesturing for Lando to follow her.
Lando followed the woman through the station, still wearing his charming smile. He felt a rush of excitement, knowing that he was finally about to find out who you were. The woman led him to a small room with two computers, clearly the room they used for reviewing security camera footage. She gestured for him to sit down in front of one of the computers and took a seat next to him.
The woman must have noticed the intense focus on Lando’s face as he watched the footage, his eyes never leaving your figure. “Find something?” she asked, watching his facial expressions intently.
Lando snapped back to reality, realizing he had been staring a bit too intently. He quickly composed himself and looked at the woman with a charming smile. "Yeah, I think I did," he said, his voice betraying none of his true emotions. "I think I know who the guy is. Thanks for your help, love."
The woman raised an eyebrow at the “love” comment but decided to let it slide. “You’re welcome,” she said, a hint of amusement in her voice. “Just make sure you use the information appropriately.”
Lando chuckled, standing up from the chair. "Don’t worry, I have only the most noble intentions,” he said, his tone dripping with confidence. “Thanks again, love." With that, Lando left the room, his mind racing with thoughts of you.
Lando smiled to himself as he left the police station, a sense of satisfaction filling his chest. He finally had a name and a face to go along with it. The chase was on.
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catnipaddictt · 5 months
Hi!, its my first time here in tmblr and I rlly love your works, Can i request a Anakin Skywalker x reader, where he's like straight up Gomez Addams To Her? (Like he's so lovesick for y/n?) ?, if you're not taking any req it's okay js ignore this!! , thank u!
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anakin x gn!reader:
wc: 0.4k
tw: fluffy, slightly suggestive content?, head over heels anakin, reader is refereed to as princess
comment: hey anon! sorry this took so long to write but hopefully its kinda what you were thinking? my writers block still has an iron grip on me grr
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Anakin Skywalker was head over heels for you. And even that was an understatement. The boy practically followed you around like a lost puppy when he was off duty. Unfortunately for him this meant missions were his left favorite thing, especially if they were long and oh so far away from you. You were all he could think about, constantly on his mind. 
Sometimes it got so bad that his focus on missions would slip, resulting in stern words from Obi Wan, who was aware of your and Anakin's relationship, however he chose to ignore it as he knew how it felt to be young and in-love. Anakin would count down the days until he would be reunited with his love, practically bouncing on the balls of his feet when he got to visit you.
When he was with you he would bathe you in kisses treating you like the princess you were. Every mission he brought something small back for you. This could be a piece of jewelry, or a pretty rock he had found on a distant planet. You would never have to lift a finger when you were around him, he would make sure you were always comfortable and looked after. At night he would check and double check that you were warm enough or not overheating. He refused to let you catch a bad night's sleep. 
Pressing a kiss to the side of your neck Anakin mumbles against your warm skin “just missed you so much baby.” His curls tickle you as he shows you just how much he had been craving you while on his latest assignment. You close your eyes, basking in the comfort of the jedi, wishing he didn’t have to leave you again in the morning. As if he can sense your thoughts he speaks softly “let me take care of you, okay?” 
This boy is willing to sacrifice anything for you. When you two first got together, he made it very clear that he didn’t care about the jedi’s rules about attachments. He just wanted you, and only you. Although sneaking behind the backs of his fellow jedi is difficult, he will not give you up. Even if it risks losing his status and being ousted by the council.
Anakin was always patient and understanding with you, he would let you talk about your worries and doubts. He would offer advice and tell you how you were already perfect to him. This man is just so in love with you, and he will continue to love you until the end of time itself. 
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Edit: All chapters up on tmblr & ao3 :p
Okay, so I got alot of hits on my last FoP:ANW ficlet. Which had me re-reading it frequently. So instead of healing, I desperately wanted to fix this situation. I think I am genuinely affected that Timmy isn’t the MC anymore.
My child hood = 💀
Anyway, I made a continuation kinda. I’m much better at introspection than writing out actions (I think). So if this piece is not of the same quality as the last. Lemme know, I really wanna do this concept justice. :p
On a Wing and A Wish 🪽
 I wish Timmy Turner got back all the memories of his fairies and could be apart of his family forever.
    “What is this?” Dev asks, “Whose Timmy Turner?”
  Peri harshly shushes him, hovering in close while darting his eyes around Dev’s room.
    Begrudgingly, the kid whispers, “What’s the deal? No one is here. What. Is. This?”
  This - was a note looped with periwinkle ink on what was balled up paper. Peri couldn’t believe what he was doing. Sneaking behind his parents’, and worse, the Fairy Council’s back, asking his own god-kid for a wish. He never thought to go through with it, even if he did frequently imagine the outcome. But it was the one thing he’d wanted since his brother left.
  No. Not left. He forgot. They made him forget. He never left us.
  Never left me.
  He sighs, resuming the usual distance. Dev can finally breathe in air that’s not Peri’s cologne and takes in his god-parent’s appearance. The fairy did not look good. Usually quaffed hair was flat and tussled, like he forgot to shower then tossed and turned all night. Which, ew, he probably hadn’t showered or poofed himself clean or whatever fairies do based on the pit stains. Sweat was also causing clammy hands that were attempting to wring themselves dry. His usual calming, lavender eyes were bloodshot from what he could tell. Well, when they weren’t searching for a haunted house jump scare.
    Dev waves his arms, “Hello? Earth to Peri!”
  The beat of wings is audible as Peri jumps a foot higher in the air.
    “Are you broken? Can fairies malfunction?” Dev gets a dimmadome idea, “Do I get a new one if you do?”
  This absurd question has Peri descending from the (literal) high level of anxiety to a level of annoyance. That level being eye to eye with his god-kid, where purple and blue begin a standoff. If there was a movie in the pinpricks of their eyes, it would reflect a tense western gun fight. Peri would have a wand at his holster and Dev would be there, arms crossed and smug as can be. His mouth loaded with the bullet 'I wish…' and Peri would be dead on the dusty road.
  A wing and a prayer is the saying. He had wings, he just needed the prayer.
  Or a wish.
  Peri surrenders, realizing picking a fight will not work in his favor.
    “Fairies can’t grant their own wishes.”
     The ginger scoffs, “That’s it?” He thought his fairy was dense, but he didn’t realize Peri was actually challenged. “Just, have another fairy grant your wish.”
  Rather than meeting with some Peri-fonted, copy-paste of Da Rules, Dev saw as his god-parent open and close his mouth. Pale lips pressing in a thin line. His small body seemed to curl in on itself, shielding not from Dev, but the irony of what he had said.
     Without looking at him, Peri said, “They can’t. It’s not how it works. Only a god-kid can make wishes.”
  The hitch and crack at the word 'can’t' did not go unnoticed by either. Peri flinches. He had spent all week wrestling with the notion. It was only last night that he had scribbled the note down. There was nothing in Da Rules about another kid wishing for someone to not lose their memories. His mom was right, there are a lot of loopholes.
   Peri had hoped and hyped himself up enough that being a godparent would fix him. If he could recreate it, he wouldn’t feel the dreams of his childhood each night turn to mourning. Deep nostalgia for a time that seemed imagined rather than the most impressionable years of his immortal life. Hijinks among his and his parents’ god-kids flooded him with memories. Waves of jealously crashed down as Dev and Hazel shared their youth, times they’ll have forever.
  Peri could not live eternity drowning.
  The human boy felt awkward, it never occurred when he wasn’t the most grieved one in the room. Dev knew, though not consciously, that grief was not just losing someone. It was being lost yourself. Each day happened, it was not unnoticed, but it wasn’t remembered.
    “Well….what would I even be wishing for? I was taught not to sign something before reading it, err wishing.”
 Peri’s wings flutter briefly. Was Dev considering it? What was he supposed to say? He gathers himself as much as he can to stop shaking from nerves.
    “Timmy Turner is someone really important to me. Like, he’s kinda the whole reason I exist.” He pauses, waiting for Dev’s reaction.
    “I thought the green fairy was your dad?”
    “No, not like that. Although, I guess he did wish for my dad to get pregnant.”
    “Your dad was WHAT?” Dev shouts but Peri is quickly on him again, hand pressed tight over the kid’s mouth. Dev only briefly struggles to push him off, dramatically gasping for breath.
    “It’s complicated okay? I just, it would mean everything to me, to my parents, if you could wish this.” Peri interjects before Dev can close curtain on his overreaction.
     Cutting a glare that isn’t so much as throwing the knife but threatening to, Dev straightens himself. “What’s in it for me?”
  Whatever miserable feelings Peri has disappear into steam when he reddens from frustration at the kid’s incredulousness.
     "'In it for you?!' You literally have anything you have ever wanted at your finger tips. You have ME! A fairy! With an endless amount of wishes. There is nothing I can’t give you if you want it!” Peri hisses. He might pass out, all the breath pushed from his lungs at this nightmare of a child. He takes a deep breath.
    “It’s a favor. I’m asking a favor Dev.”
  The kid did feel a little stupid saying that. It was such a habit. He’s never been in a situation that wasn’t an exchange. It’s not like Peri was going to stop granting him wishes if he said no. And besides being less annoying, there was nothing more the fairy could do if he said yes.
  Dev sighs, he knows he’s going to make the wish.
    “Do you know why kids get godparents to begin with?” Peri’s tone is drained of any animosity. It sounds hollow, like an echo instead of the real words.
  He isn’t sure if Peri is looking for an answer, but Dev is still feeling sheepish after his own selfishness.
  Fairy eyes are known to have a slight shimmer in their iris’, as if they held infinitesimal pieces of glitter. Dev hopes that it’s just the light magnifying the effect in Peri’s and not him on the verge of tears.
     “Because life isn’t fair. When life isn’t fair, kids get fairies. The fairies stay until life gets better or they grow up. But,” he falters then, a strained attempt at composure, “but they always forget.”
  He flutters down onto the side of Dev’s bed. Wings mirroring his melancholy as they droop. This is not a reserved sadness, it’s not something you can leave till nightfall, not anymore. Not now that he has to face it every day, worse that’s of his own volition. It’s a lonely feeling that twists and winds itself so tight he can’t stand it. Something had to be done.
      “I just can’t forget.” And there is a tear now, one he hopes his god-kid cant see with his head bowed.
  Hesitantly, Dev sits down. It’s rare for them to be on an even level when he’s not hovering. Peri is so small compared to the 10 year old, who feels like moving an inch might shatter his fairy.
      “Was he your first god-kid? Is that how, fairies like, reproduce or something? You run out of fairies for kids and when you need more you just…..your dad?” Dev can’t decide between disgust, curiosity, or confusion.
  Peri chuckles, plugging any leaks he has with a sniffle. He guesses he’ll get a few awkward questions on that later.
    “Eh, no. We grew up together. He’s kinda like - he’s my brother.” The statement is the only solid thing he can cling to. That one simple fact.
  He’s my brother.
    “I know it doesn’t make any sense, and it’s a lot to go over. But I promise if you do this for me, I will explain everything. Anything you want to know.”
  There is another thing that makes Dev feel like an idiot, and that’s his dad. Anytime there might be a sliver of a chance for him to pay attention or choose Dev over some money scheme, Dev falls for it every-time. A swell of hope and admiration fills his chest and then he’s getting the breath knocked out of him when, surprise, he’s never his dad’s choice. Peri was right about life not being fair. And it doesn’t just seem unfair for humans. But, if he got a fairy to even it out for him, maybe he could try too.
  Besides, he was going to-do it anyway.
    “Hey Peri?”
  He rubs his eyes with his sleeve for good measure and gives a mosaic smile of all the shattered hurt inside.
    “Yeah kid?” 
  Dev takes a breath.
    “I wish- “
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luza-wayne · 7 months
drunk talk.
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bokuto koutarou x reader
wc: 1.3k
i like the little hurt i felt, rereading this fufu. i remembered i posted this on one of my old tmblr acc. pls request to me, i'm begging T^T
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you were woken up from your afternoon nap when you heard your phone went off continuously. you grumpily reached for it on the nightstand just beside the bed.
as if a spell was cast on you, your expression immediately lit up, when you saw the notification.
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bokuto has been more expressive and more clingy this past week. he does things like staring at you while you do work and he'd always bring you sweets and flowers every time he came home.
just yesterday, he brought you another necklace.
though you want to know why he's like that, you don't mind it, in fact, you love it. that's why you make sure to show him how much you love him too.
you looked at the time on your phone and it's already quarter to five.
i guess i should clean up the house. you thought as you fixed your hair and stood up.
*ding dong* 
you were woken up from your slumber for the second time today when the sound of the doorbell rang throughout the living room of the house you shared with your boyfriend.
ah bad. i fell asleep while cleaning. 
you drowsily rubbed your eyes as you walked to the door, not minding the unfinished work.
you opened it and there was akaashi looking so done with his life, while your partner hanged on his left shoulder.
“akaashi, did he drink that much?” you said looking at him pitifully.
“yeah,” he stated. “...but he's acting weird today.”
you wanted to ask what he meant, but you told him to get in first to at least place bokuto on the couch and rest his shoulder.
he softly throws his previous captain on the couch as you take off bokuto's shoes. when you came back from putting the footwear on the shoe rack, you offered akaashi water.
“hey, what do you mean earlier?” you asked him, worried that bokuto might be having a problem.
“normally, he would be so energetic and loud, but today he just drank and drank. i immediately noticed it, that's why i didn't drink too much because i'm sure he'll be too drunk later on.” akaashi explained and chugged on the water you gave him.
you looked at bokuto and you noticed how troubled his expression is, even though he's sleeping.
“did he tell you anything?” you queried the editor who’s looking at bokuto.
“sadly, he passed out before i could ask him anything.” he sighed and fixed his glasses.
after you talked a bit to akaashi, he bid farewell to you, since he has work tomorrow. you sent him off while thanking him for looking out for the drunk guy on your couch.
you went to the bathroom after to get a bowl and towel to clean up bokuto. you crouched beside the couch and slowly took his arm.
you successfully wiped it, so went to the other arm. as you reached for it, you suddenly froze when he groaned.
“hm? who you?” he questioned looking at you suspiciously.
here it is again. every time bokuto is drunk, he always fails to recognize anyone. anyone. 
“ah. i was with akaashi. you're akaashi, right?” he wanted to confirm, but you just smiled at him and offered him water, but he refused.
he turned his body to the side, he's facing the backrest of the couch and his arm dangled on the edge of it.
“akaashi…” he called even though akaashi's not there.
you just decided to go along with it, hoping you'd catch something funny that you can tell him tomorrow once he comes to his senses.
“yes?” you answered, putting a low tone to your voice.
“i want to ask you something.” he said, not moving from his current position.
“what is it?”
“i don't know what to do.” 
“about what? tell me.” you listened to him intently.
is he going to talk about what's bothering him?
“actually, i love (y/n)...” you replied with a hum.  “but…” he refutes.
he changed his position again and now he's facing the ceiling with his arms covering his eyes. this is the first time you saw him this serious while drunk.
“i love her, but i don't love her.” he whispered and bit his lips.
“what?” you were unsure whether you heard it right or not.
i must’ve misheard it, but i’m pretty sure i didn’t. what is he talking about?
“what do you mean?” you let go of the towel accidentally making it land on the bowl, splashing water on its surroundings.
“what i mean is that i'm not feeling the same way as before. i love (y/n), but it's not the same love i'm feeling from before.” he said, his lips were quivering and his voice was a bit shaky.
“i'm trying, akaashi. i'm trying to bring back the love. i’m doing the things i did when we were still new to the relationship. i'm hoping the love would come back, but…” a tear fell on the side of his eyes, down to his ears. 
“what if it doesn't come back?” his voice was getting quieter and quieter.
“what if my love for her fades away?” he sobs.
you just stood there looking at him talking. a lot of information came in at once, it seems like your mind can't keep up.
he doesn't feel the same anymore? so the reason he's been extra sweet lately is that he wanted to revive his feelings for me? 
you let out a laugh and comb your hair with your fingers.
“what are you laughing for, akaashi?” he fixed his position, sat on his butt and looked up at you, even though his eyes were still blurry.
“nothing. it's just, (y/n) thought nothing of it when you were extremely sweet and clingy, though she loves it, now she feels like shit knowing what was the reason.” you tried to finish what you were saying, while also trying to keep the tears from falling.
he confusedly looked at you. you cleared your throat and clenched your hand.
“why don't you just tell her the truth? that you've already fallen out of love?” he lowered his head and placed both of his hands on the sides of his head.
“but, i promised her forever.”
he said, vocals almost inaudible, because of how shaky it is. anyone who can see him right now, can tell that what he's showing right now is what he really feels deep inside him.
“i promised that to her, and i still don't want her to be sad.” he clasped both of his hands.
“but you shouldn't lead me on that you're still mine because that hurts much more thinking all your i love you's are genuine, but it isn't. it’s not love, if you’re faking it.” 
you sighed heavily, you felt as if your legs lost all their power, you suddenly wanted to sit down. you did, but on the floor right in front of your boyfriend.
you looked at him while cries and worried about what to do with himself for minutes and minutes.
it seems like he sobered up. 
you smiled weakly and reached for his cheeks. you noticed how he melted into it, now you know that he's really back to his senses.
“babe…?” he muttered and looked at you. 
you saw how his eyes showed terror now that he'd realized that the one he's talking to all the time was you and not akaashi.
“b-babe, i—” he held your hand that was on his face, but you pulled it out of his grip.
you nodded slowly, smiling at him.
“shh. it's okay. we can talk about it tomorrow. you should take a rest for now.” you said and walked towards your guy's room, refusing to let even a drop of tear fall in front of him.
bokuto watched as you took each step. what he's feeling right now doesn't seem right. 
it is as if you're walking away from him for good, but he feels like he should run after you. 
but, shouldn't he feel that way if he had already fallen out of love, right?
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thank you so much for reading! reblogs would much appreciated!
also, you can visit my ko-fi acc, if you'd like to tip me and help this broke college student (>//3//<)
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