#how to hack my husband whatsapp
stiphenpaul8 · 1 year
How to check my husband whatsapp
If you think your partner is in a relationship with someone else before and after marriage, then you might want to know how to check my husband Whatsapp messages before leaving your relationship. To do this, you need a perfect monitoring solution to keep track of their activities, and spymaster pro is the one you need to know the hidden realities behind him. Visit to know more in detail.
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deepdonutkid · 4 years
Social media and the Shelby Family
Let’s go from youngest to oldest…
Finn, as said in the first part, is an influencer, who likes to live his life online. He tweets a lot, he has a ton of insta stories and likes to keep his followers updated. Also he follows some trends like trying bubble tee or these weird tik tok dances. Finn even bribed his brothers to try some with him. They refused of course. Tommy said a no and walk right out of the room. John laughed and brushed it off. Arthur tried, but failed hilariously. Good for him, that Finn was teaching him the steps and not filmed the miserable attempt.   Michael did and was actually good… and Ada did quite okay. Well, Polly wasn’t even asked, because Finn already knew her answer was no.
A lot of his pictures online are with his friends, especially Jesaja.  They skate sometimes and film their tricks. (I added this, because I saw a video of Finn’s Actor- Harry Kirton- skating and I thought it also fit Finn) Whenever he is eating something instagramable, he definitely take a picture. Finn also take good selfies, but he only uses funny filters. So no Dog ears or sparkly flowers here!
He answers messages mostly direct, no waiting time, ‘cus this guy doesn’t play games, but as a Gen Z he would definitely be scared of phone calls. Especially if it’s Polly and there are already two missed calls. Then he just freaks out right away.
And to add a little funny extra: Finn tried among us on his phone and he is kinda sus!
His Whatsapp status would be: “my milkshake brings all the bees to my car. Shit… there are bees in my car!”
Michael is king of selfie. He knows he looks like god’s gift to the women and he plays that card. His phone is filled with all kinds of selfies. Little narcissist, here! Well, he needs to take a picture from every ankle to capture his beauty.
He also posts some stories on insta, but not so often like Finn. Michael keeps it casual. Just a few party pictures with friends or something super cool like new car.  
But as we all know Michael Gray, he likes to play games with da ladies. So sometimes you wouldn’t even get a goodnight from him. If you tease him, he’ll tease back. Probably posts a picture with another woman. She is just a friend, but you’ll not know that. Yes, he can be mean, but if you’ll call him drunk and late at night, that you miss him, he’ll be glad to hear that.
His status would be: “P1 cleaner than your church shoes.” And yes, this is a weeknd lyric from the song starboy
Ada. Yes. I almost forgot her. How could I? She is gorgeous!
Already mentioned in part one… She knows her stuff pretty well. Technology… no problem for this gal right here. Ada can hack into stuff and write codes and programs, but this also made her very aware of data getting misused or stolen from bots. This is why she chose to keep distance from social media. She doesn’t use the gram or snapchat or whatsoever, but she uses secure text messenger and is likely to be found on a super dank meme page and to understand the memes you need the knowledge of years and years internet culture. And Ada talks to Finn and Michael about unprotected data and how they shouldn’t spill so much information about them online.  
But she takes a lot of pictures from her kids, her husband, her cute outfits, her house and garden, their vacations. She doesn’t use a normal cloud and prefers to show you the pictures together. One after one and she’s making a comment to every single one of them. About that she could talk for hours.
Her status would be… well, she wouldn’t have any!
So… John-boy! Here isn’t much to say. He uses Instagram, but it’s a rare thing. John might follow some artist, so he is up to date for new concerts to go to and also some friends, but that’s it. On a good day which happens to be every half year he might post a picture, when he went somewhere. To get a new tattoo or if he went to see a game, probably soccer and rugby. If he gets the chance to travel, he’ll make pictures, but he totally forgets to post them or even show them to his family. He prefers to talk with his brothers about the experience of traveling and not starting a slide show.
What he is talking pictures of? Selfies are rare, but do happen, if they are a special request from a gal… and it’s probably shirtless, ‘cus he has got the body.  Then again, he took pictures, if he was abroad, not on the usual roads, but only a few. While texting he might send a funny meme, if he sees any and thinks of you. And the occasional picture of “Look what I just got”… and it’s a Vinyl or a band shirt. Even though, he answers his family rarely, when he is in Birmingham, he’d be texting with his lady a lot, having this grin on his face, while Ada asks who he is writing to.
His status would be something like: “punk in drublic.” Which is a festival for said genre, but he just finds it funny. Likely to add “Y/N with an emoji of choice”, when he is in a relationship.
Tommy hates social media and refuses to try it for a long time, but Finn uses it so much, that Tommy had a little interest, what’s going on there. His youngest brother had a lot of explaining to do, which probably went like:
T: “How do I tell the person I like the picture?”
F: “There is the comment button.”
T: “No, I mean the… like thing.”
F: “Double tap on the picture, Tom.”
T: “Good, so… what’s next?”
F: “Nothing. What should happen?”
T: *shrug* “So, this is completely useless!” *deletes the app immediately*
And Tommy is also not the guy to answer private messages directly or often. Sometimes you said on read for days with this fellow, because he is super busy and doesn’t have the time to type. If you’re lucky, you get a quick okay. But if it’s important, he’ll call you right away and asks what happened, and if you need any help. With business he always answers straight and don’t like to waste time.
He doesn’t take pictures really. There may be some incidences where he hit the button by mistake. And there some photos of documents, which he need proof of… so he doesn’t have to rip out a page from a book like its 1920s. And all the pictures of his family has been send to him, he just don’t delete them.
His status would be: “Available” or “At work. Only important calls.”
Arthur… well… he has Facebook and uses it like anyone going on forty… really weird boomer mems, that might have been funny ten years ago. He sends them to everyone and they’re so annoyed by it, but he spares Tommy as his time is too important to waste on ‘funny pictures’.
Some gave him an Echo thing, the one with Alexa, you know, and he was so frustrated by it, that he threw the thing against the wall. Arthur couldn’t get past the set-up and got to angry. His family laughed about it, but it’s better this way.
Thanks to Finn and his little videos, Arthur became a meme himself, because his little brother filmed him while Arthur did something ridiculously stupid. That vid went viral. (Unsure what he did exactly)
His status would be: “Hey, there I am using whatsapp!”
I don’t know what to say about Polly and Freddie… so I leave them out now, but if you have something to add or whatever, feel free to do so!
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ultimatehacking · 3 years
How To Hack My Wife's Phone
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When you're married, trust seems to be the most crucial aspect of your relationship. Because of this, not everyone can be trusted. It's likely that if you accuse your wife of infidelity, he's been keeping anything from you, such as text messages showing him flirting with other women on his cell phone. When it comes down to it, though, should we hold people accountable or should we place the blame elsewhere?
Spying on your wife's cell phone can be done for a variety of reasons. Maybe he's been behaving oddly, and you're worried he's cheating on you. If he doesn't respond your calls or texts immediately away, he may claim that his battery died or that he misplaced his phone. You're aware that something's wrong because this conduct has only become worse over time. See what your wife does behind your back by reading this article. We'll show you how to secretly monitor his phone without alerting him.
Is it possible to track my wife's android phone?
Because he'll have to do it through his smartphone, this may be a challenge. To unlock his phone, you'll need to know his pattern or security code. It's a lot of effort, but it's vital. Activate the app by removing the application's icon from your desktop.
Don't be concerned. It's not necessary to have any prior knowledge. Additionally, they make advantage of the clients' user-friendly monitoring interface. With just a single click, you may read text messages, see where the phone is now located, see what's on the screen, and examine call history, among other things.
How can I read the text messages on my wife's phone without her knowledge?
Is it possible to hack my wife's SMS messages without her knowledge? What are my options when it comes to monitoring my wife's cell phone activity? It's conceivable, yes. That's all up to you. You just need a concept for this. This does not necessitate any prior programming or technical skills on your part. All you have to do is search for and download applications on the internet. Spying on someone's phone may be done using a variety of spyware, which you can find on a variety of websites.
If you don't want to utilize a spy program, you may use a tracking service instead. Because it's anonymous, secure, unrestricted, and simple to use, the tracking service is quite valuable. In a matter of seconds, you'll be able to see the location of your husband's phone and other information. This is a relatively straightforward technique, however there are now better quality technologies available.
What can I do to find out where someone has hidden their phone?
You can see your wife's text messages, phone calls, and browsing history if you use the right spy software. This program can simply send all of the required info from your wife's phone to yours without you being aware of it. And a high-quality Spyier operates in such a manner that he will never detect it. Also, keep a few things in mind.
How can I spy on my wife's phone without gaining access to her data?
This is the very worst part in the movie. It's possible he always has a smartphone on him. It's not uncommon for someone to be trying to hide anything or to be surprised by an unexpected phone call. Messages and other valuable information can still be found, even in this scenario.
With Apple iPhones, backup data is stored in the cloud through iCloud (Apple's version of Amazon S3 or Google Drive). If you misplace your phone, you won't have to worry about your personal information being compromised. Additionally, this service provides you with the option to obtain all of the fraudster's personal information. To view your wife's messages, phone records, and history, you'll need to utilize a reliable spy program or service.
How can I track my wife's whereabouts without touching her phone?
This is the very worst part in the film. It's possible he always has a smartphone with him. To keep a secret or prepare for an unexpected phone call is not uncommon. Messages and other valuable information can still be found, even under this situation.
Apple's iPhone utilizes iCloud cloud storage to store backup data including call history, texts, browsing history, and so on. It safeguards all of your essential data in the event that you misplace your phone. Additionally, this service provides you with the option to obtain all of the essential information from the fraudster. To view your wife's messages, phone records, and history, you'll need a reliable spy program or service. You'll also need access to your wife's iCloud account.
Contact: [email protected]     
WhatsApp : +1 (612) 204-2770 
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ultimatehackers · 3 years
How Can I Spy On My Husband Cell Phone Without Touching His Cell Phone?
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What could be more upsetting than a straying spouse? Uncertainty over whether or not they are being faithful to you. Doubt hurts more and causes more discomfort than dishonesty itself. Mobile phones, on the other hand, can come to your rescue in such a scenario.
Mobile phones do make cheating easier, but they also make it more difficult to disguise your wrongdoing. Seeing your husband on his phone a lot doesn't imply he's lying about his whereabouts isn't cheating. Other factors might be at play. To learn the truth, you'll have to install a phone spy app on their device. You may be asking yourself, "How can I track my husband's phone activity?"
Few Good Reasons to Spy Your Partner
You need to spy on your husband for a variety of reasons. Here are a few of the explanations behind this.
Working Late: If your spouse is continually making excuses for working late, you need to snoop on his phone.
Avoiding You: If your husband avoids you or fights with you needlessly, spy on him.
If he's on the phone a lot, you may want to keep an eye on him. If he's always engrossed in his phone, it's time to check it.
If He's Lying or Hiding Something from You, You Need to Spy on Him.
Benefits on using spying apps to spy on husband!
Spying on someone's cell phone has a lot of advantages. The following are a few advantages of making use of these tools.
You may spy on someone's call logs by using a spy app. When you bug him, you'll have access to all of his phone records.
Messages: In addition to reviewing your phone's call history, you can also go at all of the messages stored on your device. You have the ability to view text messages and WhatsApp conversations.
You'll be able to follow his phone's position with the aid of this app. You'll be able to see his phone's current position as well as previous ones.
Spyware is very impossible to detect. You won't have to worry about your spouse finding out if you're spying on him with it. As a result, you can surreptitiously monitor his phone without his knowing.
How to spy on your husband’s cell phone?
Most people realize how tough it is to give another person their phone to stay secure. Since many hackers exploit data to perform illegal acts, our culture is now preoccupied with privacy. People have been imprisoned for crimes they did not commit simply because their phones were hacked and the data on them was misused. As a result, I can appreciate the difficulty you'll have if you decide to bug your spouse. Although it appears tough, if you put your mind to it, you can find a solution. The use of spy applications has made it easier and more seamless for others to keep tabs on our whereabouts and well-being. So even if you're in Ohio, you'll be able to track your wife's progress on the road.
What are my options for monitoring my spouse's cell phone activity?
Many psychologists and human relations experts have come up with numerous suggestions on how to keep your lover loyal to you. However, as we are all aware, nothing is ever really complete.This issue has not been fully handled, as seen by the rising divorce rate. If you want to hack, spy, or watch who your partner interacts with, I have precisely the solution for you.
With the constant growth of mobile phone technology and the never-ending updates that accompany each new release, phone makers are always upgrading the security features of their products. Making it more difficult for anyone to hack into a criminal's gadget without their consent. Some have exploited the public outcry about data privacy and security as an excuse to cheat on their spouse. Online, stories abound of partners finding a love message on their partner's phone after it was left unattended. As a result, many marriages have struck rock bottom and never recovered.
You have two choices if you suspect your partner is having an affair. To ignore them is one choice; to snoop on their internet activity is another. If you choose for the first choice, that's great, but if you want proof to back up your intuition, stick around.
Contact: [email protected]     
WhatsApp : +1 (612) 204-2770
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hackactivities-blog · 3 years
How can i hack my husband's WhatsApp messages In this post, we will be showing you how to access husband WhatsApp phone or messages, spouses phone remotely.
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joshuajmadrid · 4 years
How to Spy on Cell Phone and Social Media
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What is the best spy app for cell phones and social media? Today’s post will be answering the top 8 questions we have received from people all over the world for the past 8 weeks. We will arrange the questions according to the number of times people asked the questions and made such searches.
Cell Phone Spy and Social Media Spy FAQs:
Question 1: How can I spy on someone’s Instagram activity?
Instagram is one of the most popular social media websites, and it has over a billion users. It is not surprising that Instagram happens to be the account/app that most people are targeting to spy. People may be interested in spying on an Instagram account for various reasons, ranging from personal reasons to reasons related to fulfilling a ‘fantasy’. When it comes to Instagram hack or spying on an Instagram account, you are better off using a reliable and trusted Instagram spy solution. And you can always count on DataBurglar for this.
Question 2: How can I spy on messenger?
How can I spy on messenger is the second most asked queestion and searched query when it comes searches related to spying on cell phones and social media. And the interesting thing about this question is how broad it is. Whether you are interested in spying on facebook messenger, or any of the other popular instant messenger apps, you can never go wrong with DataBurglar. Whatever the reason; whether you are just curious and want to know who someone is taliking to on facebook messenger or on IM or DM, or a girlfriend wanting to check her boyfriend’s facebook messages, you will definitely be able to get all you need.
Question 3: How can I spy on an iPhone?
Our cell phones have becomes a very important part of our lives. A lot of people all over the world depend on their cell phones to carry out different tasks. So having access to someone’s cell phone means you can literally tell what is going on in their lives. It is not surprising that a lot of people are interested in spying on iphones, due to its popularity. And also considering the fact that it is widely known and reputed as one of the most secure cell phones. The people mostly interested in spying on iphones include; people who want to catch a cheating spouse, parents who want to monitor their children, and employers who want to monitor their employees. Whatever the reason for wanting to spy on an iphone, you can never go wrong with DataBurglar
Question 4: How can I Spy on Facebook?
Are you surprised that a lot of people are interested in spying on facebook? You don’t have to be. Facebook is about the oldest and one of the biggest social media accounts. And ofcourse, the reasons for wanting to gain access on spy on a facebook account vary. So the best way to spy on a Facebook account than by using an effective and reliable facebook, social media and cell phone spy solution — DataBurglar! You will be able to spy on facebook messages, facebook messenger, whatsapp spy, and also retrieve old and deleted chat and messages.
Question 5: How Can I Spy on an Android Phone?
The fifth most search terms when it comes to cell phone and social media spy is; how can I spy on an android phone? Even though more people seem to be interested in spy on iphones than those that are interested in spy on android phones but the margin is not so much. And the same category of people interested in iphone spy seem to also be the same set of people that want to spy on android phones, and these include; married couples/lovers, parents, employers etc. DataBurglar offers one of the best and most reliable android phone spy solution.
Question 6: How Can I Spy on a Cell Phone?
People searching for ways to spy on iphone and android phones were specific with their requests. But both the iphone spy and android spy can be generally classified under the broad search request of — how to spy on a cell phone. This search request is so popular that TechTime made an article quoting this: “How can I spy on a cell phone?’ is a question that comes in the mind of every person at least once in their lifetime. However, most people don’t bother finding the way to do this since they feel it might be too complicated for them.” So if you are one of the people in search of how to spy on a cell phone, you can totally rely on DataBurglar to deliver to your satisfaction.
Question 7: How Can I Spy on Someone’s Phone
Can I spy on someone’s cell phone? To put the answer in one word- YES. Spying on a cell phone is a very easy thing to do. In fact, within a few hours, you can get the data of any cell phone no matter if it is Android or iOS. The only thing you will need is the right tool for the job. And this is where DataBurglar comes to the rescue again. And this is another reason you should follow this guide very closely and learn the perfect way to spy on someone’s phone with/without installing software.
Question 8: How Can I Spy on My Partner’s Phone
The popularity of mobile spy software is increasing every passing day as worried wives and husbands want to confirm that their spouse — husbands/wives are absolutely honest with them at all times. It is very easy to know about the activities on the partner’s phone as the software can be installed in almost any phone and it will then forward every single call or text messages log to the specific website. Gaining access to your partner/spouse’s phone will enable you to know what your spouse is up to.
Conclusion: As you can see, DataBurglar is the answer and solution to all these questions and queries, you can count on DataBurglar to successfully deliver satisfactory cell phone spy, and social media spy service. To request this service, send a request to — [email protected]
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aaabhiklmnnrs · 5 years
പരീക്കുട്ടി കൊച്ചുമുതലാളി ഈ Household-ൻറെ ഐശ്വര്യം
നിരാലംബയായ,അരയത്തിപ്പെണ്ണ് കറുത്തമ്മ ഇവിടെ
അരികുപിടിച്ചു ലൈഫ്-ശ്വസിക്കുന്നു, chronic slowly.
BK is my mentor.
i had started this blog back in 2015. at the time, i had used the email id [email protected]. suzy bishop is a character from Moonrise Kingdom. it was SH who watched the film in july 2014 or so, and asked me to watch it. he had said that's me and that he wishes to discuss the film with me. it related to suzy bishop being problem child. and soon in the summer of 2014 i had created an email with aol. what i liked about her best was she used to wear blue eyemakeup. another day we discussed the film പരിണയം. it was vague-based on Tatrikutty's സ്മാർത്തവിചാരം i guess. i had teased him then that he was 'Madhavan'. Madhavan is relatively-privileged than Tatrikutty's character.
i do not think or speak like this anymore. i had written this almost 5 years ago : "I also have a teeny confession to make Bala. The name Madhavan was cryptic code from fantasy days with your friend SH. Some day if you remember me, you must remember to ask him what Madhavan signifies. In that make believe universe, just like Madhavan, there was another character Kunjunni. Kunjunni turned out to be You. I thank you for giving me a Light at Night for Diwali. And the pumpkin design ha ha ha. And those words by Charles Dickens that you shared. All that comforted me in my most vulture-vulnerable moments. SH wanted to have a drink with his bros(BK and Brahma ) and his hoe (Me) at Koshy’s Bangalore. Initially I wanted to be friends with both of you for sake of SH…and the Koshy’s drink! But that later I started warming up to both of you, and much later in life if you remember me, must convey minor-malaise that all failed as a monuments men, and no one bothered saving the painting! Before I forget, in friendly moments, please make fun of SH for me. Shame him. Make him feel dirt cheap and guilty of crime and all that. Everybody likes to throw sticks and stones at me, and he be സർവോത്തമൻ ശ്രീരാമൻ! The many archived emails and phone conversations and live chats et al we exchanged, all that which he said and did! Punish him too, just not me."
it’s 2019 now, and i do not wish to confess anything to anyone. back in 2018 my mother had pinged me on whatsapp when the Supreme Court had attempted to strike down section 497 an archaic law which treats a woman as a bone of contention between her lawfully wedded husband and another man. it had made me smile at the time, my mother had ideal-married my father and as their daughter, I had felt that she had tried her best to be emulate the brahmin wives she had known growing up. for the most part, i had felt that she thought it was her duty to dot on him even if she took out her frustrations and unhappiness on her daughters. as a third person, if i may make an entitled comment on my parents' marriage i would say that my mother didn't know what to do. if she had gotten a divorce, her family would have said 'i told you so, what were you thinking marrying a non-brahmin'? my mother is quite self-willed, she doesn't offend others with her ego. but if people offend her with their ego, she plays super-defense. my mother must have thought that it is better to stay in the marriage, because even if her husband never did meet her expectations, the A-Z of his life is still relatively-ശരി than that of her brahmin family's. she didn't have a third option i guess.
i am her daughter, a lot of my stubborn is inherited. back then when Sabarimala happened, the random-coincident pinging by my mother on whatsapp regarding scrapping of section 497 had comforted me. because beneath all the Tatrikutty attitude of mine, i've grown up as mummy's little girl, and it takes time to unlearn shit and graduate to organically-stop associating yourselves with കുലസ്ത്രീs of the world. like how my mother is finally taking comfort from random supreme court verdicts at age 65+, after being a suffocated-കുലസ്ത്രീ all life. oh, nothing has changed, she is still a suffocated കുലസ്ത്രീ, as am I, but the act of sharing the whatsapp message empowered both of us.
when i started this blog back in 2015, i had just subconsciously used this email id that was not hacked by anyone yet. all my other emails have been hacked by then.
based on the events for over an year now, i'm guessing that the email id now has added meanings :) to remain in spaces where you have been hack-violated is similar to being bodily-violated. i will not change my phone number or network or email or anything. @fanofstarc and balakrishnanM.tumblr.com are the spaces that i wish to share my thoughts with the world. and that's what matters when a woman is allowed to have autonomy and independence.
please do not endorse Hack-Broadcasting. let's be equally fair to all of us, this social-experiment has been going on for a year now. and, i wish to truly have my personal space. i am not feeling well, yesterday i had to walk all the way from the train station to my home. it's not 20 minutes as I had previously thought, but actually 50 minutes, and it was raining. i did it so that I didn't have to take an Uber, and that be (mis) interpreted as communication to the world.
i wish to use the web and phone as I wish, i do not wish to be forced into being around people I’m not comfortable with.
“i do not hold the possibly-another-marriage-for-me-in-this-life outlook any longer. and, to feel ‘comfortable’ means that instead of shutting down entirely or reliving traumas or relapsing into dysfunctional every days, i feel up to practicing better at staying on the ground, just so life can be lived a little easier. i’m a writer-type, and to have niche spaces like @fanofStarc and balakrishnanM.tumblr.com,  where i may feel comfortable, to express thoughts with the world, on healthy enough days, make me quite the grateful Worm Menon.” 
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simplytak · 5 years
Brown rice good;white Bad ...
Brown rice good for health ;white rice is bad ....Does this sound  familiar ? if not i assume you are one of those who is preoccupied with an important job and there is hardly anytime to meet up  guests (or hosts) who are on a “high tea building networks”,these are mostly contemporary food specialists whom seem to have hacked the secret code of elixir of perfect human  health , or some of those food bloggies or  whatsapp food authors who think they are serving a mouth watering coverage on benefits of contemporary foods and health benefits by forwarding those messages. 
One of the best ways to start a conversation in a social gathering  is -at least among the urban elite and the upper  middle class  -  either start with the state of weather  - this serves as a welcome drink around  and move and the traffic scene .This could well mean some  starters and if your next  talk happens to be  on  organic foods - You are now on main course ! 
Last week I  was attending a concert in Bengaluru and was a little early so that I get to sit closer to the dais.I managed to get a closer seat to the dais and also got a  chance to be a part of the organic conversation -passively though - when a  small group sitting in the row ahead of me spontaneously started  a discussion on the topic close to my heart - food ! This discussion among the group not only served as a prelude to the concert, it also served as food for thought .Let me recap the highlights of the  conversation among the three people - A lady with a green sari (Lady 1 in her early 40s ),Lady with a blue dress (Lady 2 probably in  mid 30s ) and a genteel in black pant and a white shirt (well over 45 s Gentleman) 
Lady 1 : Opps! its quite humid  in here..There is a change in global climate and its getting warmer by the year ..
Lady 2 : Oh yes !.surprising its Nov and and feels like April !
The gentleman moves into the conversation . Just not the climate even the food we eat has completely changed its all chemical stuff you know and this is making us feel more vulnerable to climate changes 
Lady 1 : ...that’s why i always use organic vegetables and look for more organic stores wherever i shop.even though its expensive.
Lady 2 :Oh ! me too am very particular about the food i cook you see. I always prefer the brown rice then the white one...
Gentleman : I tried the brown rice wasn’t so tasty as white... prefer the white over brown ..
Lady 1: No you better get used to it ..this has more of husk and in  white(rice) it’s all removed.
Gentleman (innocently) : What does the husk do ma’am ?\
Lady 1 : Well...er..er.. will send you the details let me have  your whats app num 
Also hurriedly adds that she is planning to start  an organic food boutique .Did boutique sound weird - for me too  !
Lady 2 : Ma’m  my husband loves tea and he has several cups a day am tired of controlling him ... what’s your advice . 
Lady 1 : Well ...well ...there is an organic tea er... will send you the details let me have your num 
i wonder organic tea ! all my life have been drinking tea and where on earth did i find an inorganic tea ? 
They both shared the number and hopefully the lady roped in her first prospect  besides developing their organic relations 
Sitting in the corner seat  of the back row i was hoping that one of these pundits  would spell the rational behind the brown , white , and other colored rices.This  I never happened. All of a sudden the conversation now slips into whispers ,I see the artists occupying their respective seats on the dais and a bright looking lady is about to start the performers’ introduction. Now its music time for a couple of hours. I too sit back to enjoy the concert 
Post concert - As i drive back home am  wondering about this chaos on different foods people-every under or un employed - turning into a  make believe dietitian. Of course excluding the legitimate dietitians in this context us ignorant consumers ! what makes me wonder who on earth is cooking all these ? the business hungry marketers , women who are thirsty to project know how on contemporary  scientific  cooking or the greedy business men who want to kill the rival brands and establish their own ? 
Let me confess my ignorance :am no botanist or agriculturist or even remotely a life sciences person.I eat to sustain life and occasionally i live to eat while i believe its better to eat to live.My  wife is a life sciences professional  and she most often believes in cloured rice - brown in specific .Hence  its strictly rice is  brown at home .
Let me tell you ever since we switched to brown rice years ago neither have i grown rich in any way or my  girth has reduced in anyway and yet our racial inclination for rice is brown , .by the way it comes with a fat price tag!
My personal preference ? interestingly have closed the doors and windows of whats app, emails and unqualified people who blabber on food technologies.
Walking down the memory lane, that’s in my teens and later  it was my mother’s care and diet plan that kept me slim, trim and healthy.Pictures in my album  serves as the proof of concept and  reminds me of  of the mistake i committed by following many food specialists whose food advises are sending a lot of doctors , hospitals , dietitians,theme stores such as organic malls - laughing to the bank.
Anyway have decided to go home for my lunch.”Mom am home...me hungry,,,where are you ? 
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thesoftwarereview · 4 years
What the In Crowd Will Not Tell You About Whatsapp Spy
Locating Whatsapp Spy on the Web
Were the online spy songs from $500. Whatsapp spy program is Crucial but as a way to have it, it is essential to find the best Programs. Businesses and its unique spy jailbreak find your spy, iphone Activities. Must figure out how to spy sound.
Now how are you going to feel while hacking somebody’s whatsapp like hacking your buddy’s whatsapp will be a brilliant enjoyment. Hellospy dialogue whatsoever about shouts. My primary question is all about whatsapp.
Within this scenario, using the most effective cell phone spy is certainly an excellent Choice for all these parents to remain conscious of their children’s activities online. There’s no denying how the popular WhatsApp instant messenger has now become a fundamental component of everybody’s existence. You can uncover many reasons why People would rather spy on distinct folks. Respond to Unique messages in Almost any chat.
Installing MxSpy on your own objective’s cellphone can be concluded in under 10 minutes. Ensure your mobile is working on iOS8. Cell phone spying and mobile phone spyware has existed for Fairly a long time but with the Brandnew Android mobile phone. Really need to spy lnea segura.
After the applications revealed two or three errors on both the iphone Collectively with the android Gear. Tranferring WhatsApp Advice via an encrypted iPhone copy is, in addition, supported. ForiPhone users, the Process is actually rather simple You can find many of whatsapp spysoftware obtainable in the marketplace.
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Furthermore, but there’s the superoneclick for android, here. Perfect Android Spyware is actually a reality. Mobile Spy is among the quite best and most Famous applications out there to spy on mobile phones. Whatsapp spy are available on Android an iOS.
Call recorder android screen numerous address on husbands. All WhatsApp chats history and attachments might be extracted via this Program. So, if you the way to spy viber. Upon finishing the setup on the phone spy Applications into Activities.
The most Routine group, who whatsapp iphone after you detect will. This hack permits you to spy friends and family with only few clicks. The expression whatsapp hack is exceptionally Greatly like whtsapp secret agent but Looks somewhat strange. This most common Whatsapp Hack stipulates some cool premium attributes.
In case you have downloaded whatsapp snifferll describe the way you can use whatsappsniffer. WhatsApp Messenger can be got free of charge for a limited time. This time the Phone actually must not be replied.
Users of the cell phone spy program can likewise seek Assistance from an unbelievably efficient support team when they face any Problem. This program Is not challenging to put in and easier to use! Through example in case your Target cellphone send or be given a text message you will be given a buzz and additionally a copy of that specific message. App for example whatsapp messages without.
The Tried and True Method for Whatsapp Spy in Step-By-Step Detail
Enter your preceding phone number within first field, alongside your amount within the underside Click done and check the number and all of your Advice will move over. This WhatsApp spy will not ever request your own real information and dates. Enter the telephone number as well as Start hacking!
The Chronicles of Whatsapp Spy
The expression whatsapp hack is exceptionally similar. A quick google search will pull up an enormous amount of services which will spoof email addresses. All logs may be used for lots of valid Motivations which have been traditionally linked to Internet and PC abuse. The log can Totally be sent if there is an active web connection on the telephone
0 notes
berndbraunn · 4 years
How to Track My Husband Without Him Knowing
Husbands have a nature track record of cheating on their wives. Not all husbands are cheaters, but there are some husbands who like to have an extramarital affair with other women. If your husband is behaving weirdly around you or if you suspect anything, you need to track him to find out the truth. You can also follow him to know his location or keep an eye on him while he is working away from home. Here, we will show you how to track your husband.
4 Ways to Track Your Husband
4 Ways to Track Your Husband
If you want to track your husband, make sure you do it secretly without alerting him. Here are some ways to track your husband.
Private Investigator
It is one of the oldest methods of spying on someone. There are many investigators who work privately. You can hire a good private investigator to track your husband and report to you. They use high-tech tools to get all the information. This method is ancient and has many flaws. It is time-consuming and requires a lot of money. It is very risky, too as you involve another person in your private matters.
You can learn Private Investigator Guide: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=privateinvestigator.book&hl=en_US
You can also use the services of a professional hacker to hack your husband’s phone and find out the truth. This method is very costly and risky. Hackers can demand a lot of money from you. Also, they cannot be trusted with your personal information. So these methods naturally fail.
Tracking Gadget
You can use a micro GPS tracking gadget and hide it in his car or clothes. Moreover, it is better to sneak it in a car. It is instrumental. However, this method is suitable but only provides limited information. You will only be able to track his location. The location will not be accurate as he may park his car elsewhere.
You can order some GPS Trackers gadget at https://www.amazon.com/GPS-Trackers/b?ie=UTF8&node=617650011
Spying App
This is one of the latest and best ways to track your husband. These apps need to be installed on his phone. It will help you get all the information directly from his phone. Also, this method is budget-friendly. With a spying app, you can get complete details. As spying apps are undetected, he will never know about the spying.
What information will you get by using a spying app?
You will get all this information by using a spying app.
Calling Details: You will be able to get all his calling details. You will get all the information on the call logs. Moreover, you can also listen to all his call recordings. You have to use the call spy option to get details.
Message Details: You will be able to get all his text messages information. Apart from that, you can also check his chats from different messenger apps like WhatsApp, Viber, and Telegram. All these options will be available on the panel of the app.
Location: You will get information about his locations. You can track his live location on the map. All the previous locations will also be available on the spying account.
Gallery: You can check his phone gallery. You can open his pictures and view the videos stored on his phone. You can even see all the downloaded media files on his phone.
Recording: You can record his conversations with other people using the ambient recording function. You can save these recordings and use them later.
Browsing History: You will get information about his phone browsing history. You can check the sites he visits or the apps he downloads.
Social Media: You can obtain his social media information as well, you will be able to track all his chats. You can follow his Facebook, Instagram, and other social media apps.
Steps to Track Your Husband
Here, will show you how to track your husband easily by using a spying app. There are different types of spying apps you can use. Make sure the app includes all the options. He won’t be able to detect the app as it is hidden in the phone.
Step 1: Download & Install
Step 1: Download & Install
The step will differ for iPhone and Android phones. So follow the steps accordingly.
Step 1.1: Spy on Husband’s iPhone
If he uses an iPhone, follow this step. To spy on iPhone, there is no need for installation. You can do it without the phone. You need only to add his iTunes details to setup. Once the features are added, it will be configured and ready.
Step 1.2: Spy on Husband’s Android
Follow this step, if he uses an android phone. To spy on Android, installation is compulsory. For this, you have to use his cellphone onetime. Although it is risky, it will take only 10 minutes. You need to download the app from the website. After downloading, it has to be installed. Open the file and install it on his phone.
Step 2: Register Your Account
Step 2: Register Your Account
You need to register a new account (email/password). And if you want to spy on husband without him knowing, you must hide the spying app.
Step 3: Monitor
Step 3: Monitor
Now, you can simply monitor all his activities. To do this, you have to use your own device, which he cannot access. Go to the website and use the log in option at netspy.net/cp/. Now enter your account information and login. Once you log in, go to the panel. You can select different choices from the panel. You will get all his details on the dashboard.
This is how you can easily track your husband. This option is affordable and accessible compared to other options.
How to Track My Husband Without Him Knowing published first on https://netspytracker.tumblr.com/
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mastcomm · 4 years
The Week in Tech: A Tech Mogul’s Phone and the Saudi Crown Prince
Each week, we review the week’s news, offering analysis about the most important developments in the tech industry.
Hello, Davey Alba here. I’m a fairly new member of the tech reporting team, and I cover online disinformation and the harm it does around the world.
I’m here to give you the tech news highlights of the week, starting with Kashmir Hill’s tour de force of a story on a facial recognition app used by law enforcement agencies across the country.
The app, Clearview AI, has been used to solve identity theft, credit card fraud, shoplifting and murder cases. It’s used by agencies like local police in Florida as well as the F.B.I. and the Department of Homeland Security. And it has more than three billion images in its database, scraped from places like Facebook, LinkedIn and Venmo, according to the company.
The article is a pretty astonishing feat of reporting. A piece in BuzzFeed News soon followed, questioning Clearview’s marketing practices and noting that the company’s founders had previous connections to the far right.
I asked Kashmir what she thought the most important implication of her story was.
“I was shocked by how easy it is for law enforcement to just start using a tech tool in criminal investigations that was not vetted or independently tested in any way,” she told me. “It ties back into all that flawed science they used to use: blood spatter, hair analysis, etc., that was completely junk science. Now it could happen with tech.”
For more, read Kashmir’s take on how she nailed the story.
Remember those Bezos photos?
On Tuesday evening, The Guardian and The Financial Times reported that a forensic analysis of a phone belonging Amazon’s bajillionaire chief executive, Jeff Bezos, had concluded that the phone was hacked after Mr. Bezos received a video from a WhatsApp account belonging to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia. (I believe “bajillionaire” is the technical term for a man with a net worth of well over $100 billion.) In response, the Saudi Embassy in Washington said the idea that the kingdom had hacked Mr. Bezos’ cellphone was “absurd.”
Our reporters unearthed more details. The forensic analysis report included two examples in which the crown prince appeared to send Mr. Bezos messages that suggested he could read the tech executive’s private communications. We also had a timeline of the events and more analysis from cybersecurity experts.
I talked with some of our reporters about the article. This is an edited version of those conversations.
What did you think when this story broke?
SHEERA FRENKEL: Last year started off with The National Enquirer publishing photos and texts from Mr. Bezos’ phone. It seemed like history repeating itself.
My first reaction was to get the forensic report. I wanted to see exactly what the investigators had found and why they seemed so confident in their assertion that the Saudi crown prince had personally been involved in the hacking.
MATTHEW ROSENBERG: That the malware came straight from M.B.S.’s WhatsApp account blew me away. It’s one thing to say the Saudis hacked a phone — intel services around the world hack phones. Lord knows the Americans do it all the time.
But it’s a whole other thing to say that the crown prince was personally involved. It’s amazing. He meets Mr. Bezos on a visit to the United States. They strike up a casual conversation over WhatsApp — and then he uses the “in” to plant spyware!
It really challenges the idea that the elite are a group apart. Until now, it’s always looked like the elite left it to their minions to battle it out in business or politics or espionage or whatever while they met up in places like Davos and, you know, kept it on the level with one another. I guess Mohammed bin Salman really does play by his own rules.
The exchange of the texts themselves happened in 2018. Why is this all coming out now?
KAREN WEISE: There is a documentary screening at the Sundance Film Festival on Friday about the Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder. According to The Post, one of the United Nations experts is on camera connecting M.B.S. to the hack of Mr. Bezos’ phone. Best I can tell, the United Nations experts wanted to make their statements public before the film screened.
So were Jeff Bezos and M.B.S. just intense texting pals?
FRENKEL: Not really. The communication seemed mostly one-sided and sporadic. When Mr. Bezos got some of those suspicious texts from M.B.S., it had been months since the two had spoken, and the report notes that Mr. Bezos thought it strange that M.B.S. was sending him seemingly random messages.
WEISE: Amazon was pursuing a major deal to build cloud-computing data centers in the kingdom, so they had reasons to be in touch. They had also met several times. The deal fell apart after Mr. Khashoggi’s murder.
Do you think the crown prince of Saudi Arabia is texting other high-profile public figures in the same way?
ROSENBERG: We know he has used WhatsApp with other high-profile pals. Jared Kushner was one of them. What did they text and how often? That we don’t know.
What is the implication, if any, of these texts being exchanged before we learned of the killing of Mr. Khashoggi?
WEISE: The U.N. experts painted the alleged hack as part of a pattern of “Saudi targeting of dissidents and perceived opponents,” which they say included Mr. Khashoggi. They pointed out that at the time M.B.S. sent Mr. Bezos the video, Mr. Khashoggi’s columns at The Post “increasingly raised concerns about the crown prince’s rule.”
Do you have any advice for our readers on how to practice good tech hygiene? Like, if you get a text from a foreign prince, be wary?
ROSENBERG: Definitely be wary of Saudi princes bearing GIFs. But I’d take it another step. If anyone sends you a link or a video or a file that you are not expecting and does not have a recognizable URL, ask them before you click on it. And by anyone, I mean your mother, your father, your husband, your wife. Anyone’s account can be compromised and used to get at you.
FRENKEL: It’s important for people to take basic steps to protect themselves. Use a password manager. Enable two-step verification. Don’t click on suspicious links you get in emails or in text messages.
The truth is that most of us aren’t Jeff Bezos. A Saudi crown prince is not going to hire a private cybersecurity company to use extremely rare and expensive malware to hack our phones. That’s not something that should keep people up at night.
But maybe the biggest takeaway from this is that anyone, anywhere, can be hacked if the person carrying out the attack has enough time, money and patience.
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waftr · 4 years
This Post tells you How to Hack a Facebook account without downloading anything and hack Facebook messenger instantly (2020) in a simple way using Online hacking apps and Softwares to Hack a facebook account using Username and profile URL, we got tips from Ethical Facebook Hackers and created this guide, this Trick is working since 2017 and helped a lot of people hacking FB account in ethical ways in 2018, 2019 and 2020, You can download this whole Facebook Hack guide in PDF now. Before trying any of the below method use any of the trusted paid or Best Free VPN Service.
Hack Your Friends Facebook Account (Step by Step Guide)
To hack any account you just need to know some of the friends of the Facebook account you need to hack. Following this way you can hack Facebook account and through which you can enter Facebook messenger, In the recent update, I’ve mentioned Mobile Apps to hack Facebook account and Facebook hack Software with coding, give them a try. Meanwhile, you can check out How to Hack someone’s Snapchat post as well. Below are the 5 different methods we are going to use to Hack any FB account.
Video to Find your Friends FB Password:
Note: Try this YouTube video method to get your Friend’s Facebook password only if you have access to his email id or phone number linked to his FB account.
Method 1. Hack a Facebook account instantly using Forgot Password:
Method 2. Hack a Facebook Password using Apps and Software:
Method 3.  Hack Facebook Account online using Face Geek
Method 4. How to Hack Facebook using Sam Hacker
Method 5. Hack Facebook using facebookhackerp
Before moving on to the steps to hack FB account, Click any of the below procedures to solve your problem-
Delete a Facebook account – To Delete A Facebook Account.
Recover Facebook account – Forgot Password.
Report on Facebook –  FB Account got Hacked.
Gmail Password Recovery – Forgot your email.
Method 1. Hack a Facebook account instantly using Forgot Password:
Given below are the steps to be followed patiently to get into anybody’s Facebook account in a few minutes. Follow these steps and if this doesn’t work then just follow the links given below these steps which leads you to other great ways to hacking an Fb account and even you can get someones Facebook account password using this software.
Step 1: Click “forgot password”
To Hack a Facebook account,  Open facebook.com and Click “Forgot your password? ” If you are using a phone, Open Facebook Full Site in Mobile this helps to do all functions to hack FB.
You May Like this: How to change FB password
Step 2:  Select “No longer access”
Below Reset your Password you could find “No Longer have access to these?” Click that. 
Bonus:  How to Hack Someones Instagram
Step 3: Type New Mail ID
Type your New email ID, confirm it and click continue.
Step 4: Ask friends
Ask your trusted contact for help, now you want your friends on that account to help, to enter in to the account, you have to get secret code from the three people Facebook shows in this step, try to get the code from those guys to Hack this Facebook account, get the code and Click continue.
Within 24 Hours you’ll get a new password and Hack the account. You can use this hack to open your own account if you forgot your password and nothing worked or for any Good reason to hack someone’s account, don’t use this Facebook account hack for any other purpose.
Method 2. Hack a Facebook Password using Apps and Software:
To Hack a Facebook password there are many ways, Just peep into the guys PC while he types the Facebook password, just kidding, below are some super cool ways to hack a facebook password.
Use software to store what your friend types on his PC, here is the Best free keylogger from Cnet. (Read about these tools below in detail) You can also use some Hardware keyloggers like Keyllama, which will actually save the Facebook password that the guy types.
Method 3.  Hack Facebook Account using URL online with Face Geek. 
FaceGeek is another method to hack a Facebook account. you can go to Face-geek.com and type the user ID of the Facebook account you want to Hack. Follow the below-given steps to Hack a Facebook account using Face-geek.com
Visit face-geek.com account and enter the Facebook ID of the targeted Facebook account. You’ll get the password of the account in 5 mins.
Method 4. How to Hack Facebook using Sam Hacker
Hack Facebook using Sam Hacker in just 5 mins, you can use sam Hacker and Hack a facebook account just by using the Facebook ID of the Facebook account you want to hack. You can register for this account just by using the email ID.
Follow the below steps to hack a Facebook account using Sam Hacker.
Visit Sam Hacker website (samhacker.com), official website to Hack Facebook account.
Enter the email ID of the account you want to Hack.
In 2 mins you’ll get the Hack report and credentials, you can easily hack the Facebook account you wanted to hack.
Method 5. Hack Facebook using facebookhackerp
Facebookhackerp.com is also a website, where you can enter and just click Hacking account, then it’ll redirect to a page, where you have to give someone’s facebook profile whom you want to hack and click enter. then follow the instruction, that person account will get hacked and you’ll get his Facebook password.
Bonus: How to Hack Someone’s WhatsApp account
Other ways to Hack someone’s Facebook account:
If this Hack Doesn’t work then try some other online Hack Applications to Hack your friends facebook account, Checkout the following online applications to hack a facebook account,
1.  Wonderhowto – This website provides you the detailed content on How to hack a facebook account and how to be safe.
2.  Hack-Facebook (hack-facebook.com) – Try this online Facebook Hack, It gets the facebook account which you want to hack and starts hacking and it may work.
3. Hyper Hacker (Hyperhacker.com) is one of the experts in Facebook hacking, they compromised more than 1000 Facebook accounts and won lots of Boug bounties.
4. SPYZIE is the latest tool in the market to Hack Facebook account.
Also Read: Whatsapp Messenger for Tablets
3 best approaches to Hack Friends Facebook messenger:
1. Keylogging
Keylogging is a software program which records the activities and keystrokes used during login of account and discloses the password of the user to you. Using the most advanced software, it sends data back to you and regulates the information which has been copied and pasted, even interprets voice dictations.
While there are a lot of keyloggers out there, the best among them is Spyrix Free Keylogger. This app records all the words typed by the user and saves them in its file along with the list of programs used by them. For better performance, it takes screenshots at regular intervals.
The only complication while using this software is that you have to have access to the person’s computer.
Following that, you can proceed with the steps:
Visit the CNET website and then click on ‘Direct Download for Spyrix Free Keylogger’
Once the software is downloaded, open the program by double-clicking and in the window that pops up click Yes, then click Next, three times.
Click on Install and then on Finish.
Once you start the program, it automatically starts recording the keystrokes of the typing done on the computer. To view the collected information, you have to press Ctrl+Alt+A. You can then search the details until you find the login information.
If the password is already saved on the browser, then download software called FacebookPasswordDecryptor which shows the detected facebook passwords stored through Internet Explorer, Chrome or other browsers. Just download and run the program and soon you will have the necessary details.
Free of cost.
Get the passwords of all social media accounts.
Works only on Windows computers.
Have to have access to the user’s computer.
If two-factor authentication is enabled, the account cannot be operated even if you have the required details.
2. Phishing
This technique uses tricking human psychology to get the desired result. To phish for the information, you have to generate a relying e-mail which looks like it is received from Facebook directly. Within the email, there would be a link which when the user visits, they would be asked to enter their login information to secure their account. Once done, you get the information that has been collected by the link and can easily access the account of the user.
This, however, is generally illegal in most places, but if you need to find more info,
visit: Hacking-tutorial.com.
Free of cost.
Physical access not required.
No one falls for such scams.
If two-factor authentication is enabled, the account cannot be operated even if you have the required details.
3. Spy Apps for messengers
The best and easiest way to hack someone’s facebook messenger is to download a spy app among thousands of them available online. The best being mSpy is the most effective and reliable spy app ever, it provides access beyond Facebook. Used by millions of people, it has constant email and chats support facility for any help. This interface can be operated from all major Smartphone brands, Mac and Windows computers and more. Install this app on the device of the user and if you face any issues, you have the customer support service for your help at all times.
Apart from Facebook messages, it also discloses the call log, messages, browsing history, GPS location, email accounts, saved media with all messaging apps and other social media accounts. This app is generally useful to keep an eye on the actions of the children; or by wives who want to keep track of their husbands’ actions; or people wanting to catch their partners cheating on them. You can also check my previous post on best hacking apps.
How exactly does mSpy work?
You have to buy the app and then download it, and install it on the user’s devices. You will then be able to access all the information present on the user’s phone from any device, you just have to log in to your account and keep track of the dashboard information of the user’s device.
24×7 customer support
Access to every activity on the phone.
GPS location tracking, browsing history, keyloggers, and 25 other features
Shows you the received, sent and even deleted data from Facebook, WhatsApp or any other media.
It is not free and plan begins at 15 dollars a month.
PDF guide to Hack a Facebook account
You can now download the PDF version here – Hack a Facebook account PDF
How to Protect your Facebook Account from Hackers:
Don’t use the same e-mail ID for other social Networks.
Keep security questions very harder, so that nobody could predict.
How to Change Facebook Password once in two months at least.
Keep your passwords very secure, use password managers.
If you got any Problem Hacking Facebook Just do a comment.
Don’t share Facebook username everywhere.
Disclaimer: All these steps are just found on the internet, Waftr team gathers them and show here. Following the process is at your own risk.
The post How to Hack Your Friends Facebook Account Password 2020 (Instantly) appeared first on Waftr.com.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
‘Had I not been there, I wouldn’t have met Rudy’: The tale of the Arabian princess and the Trump International Hotel
By Dalton Bennett, Beth Reinhard and Josh Dawsey | Published October 18 at 1:03 PM ET | Washington Post | Posted October 18, 2019 3:40 PM ET |
For two years, the Emirati princess had been battling her estranged husband in Qatari courts for custody of their young son. She was running out of options. So, on the advice of friends “in diplomatic circles,” Princess Hend Al Qassemi traveled from Dubai to a place where she thought she might have a chance encounter with a powerful American official who could help: The Trump International Hotel.
Hend arrived in Washington on June 22, a date she chose to coincide with an event a Virginia women’s group was throwing to celebrate President Trump’s birthday. There, in the hotel lobby, she spotted none other than Rudolph W. Giuliani, personal attorney to the president of the United States.
“Lo and behold, there I was at the right place at the right time and met the right people,” Hend said in a telephone interview with The Washington Post. “Had I not been there, I wouldn’t have met Rudy.”
The previously untold story of the princess in Washington is the latest example of foreign interests seeking access to the administration by turning to the president’s lawyer. It is also a vivid illustration of how the Trump hotel is perceived by some abroad as a portal to American power — and of how, in some cases, it can be exactly that.
Foreign diplomats, lobbyists, political appointees and aspiring Republican officeholders — all are regulars in a daily spectacle of Washington influence at 1100 Pennsylvania Ave. Hend is not a professional in that world but believed, correctly, that she could have the ear of a confidant to the president if she just showed up.
In Hend’s telling, her custody case is caught in the political crosscurrents of Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, two Persian Gulf nations that broke off relations two years ago. Hend said she is a member of the royal family in Sharjah, one of the emirates, and she says her estranged husband is a cousin of the emir of Qatar. Their divorce is recognized in her country but not in his, she said.
She alleges that, one day in 2017, he pulled their son out of school and took him to Doha, the Qatari capital, without her permission. Hend traveled there and has been reunited with the child, now 11, but has not been permitted to leave the country with him, she said. A legal action she brought is ongoing, she said.
“Mr. Giuliani, an important lawyer, is currently helping me regain custody of my son,” she wrote on Instagram in June, posting a picture of herself with Giuliani in the hotel lobby. “He is currently the lawyer for #PresidentTrump and is helping me end this #UnfairBattle.”
The princess told The Post that Giuliani boasted of his past work in Doha but told her that, because he represented the president, he was no longer doing business with Qatari clients. Giuliani arranged for her to meet a lawyer in New York City as well as a longtime friend and former business partner, lobbyist Tony Carbonetti, she said.
Hend said that she met with Giuliani again at the Plaza Hotel in New York City, and that she continued to press him for help after her return to Doha. 
Giuliani said in an interview that he initially thought Hend could be a paying client but concluded after talking with her that he could not help. Giuliani said the lawyer, whom he did not identify, told him he could not either.
“It was a total sob story,” Giuliani said. “I never lobbied the government on her behalf or made a dollar off of it.”
He said his past work for Qatar was part of a cybersecurity matter that involved “solving a hack.” Giuliani has continued to represent other foreign clients since becoming Trump’s attorney last year, breaking from long-standing protocols.
Several days after she left Washington, Carbonetti met Hend at the Baccarat Hotel in New York City. He said he did not contact anyone in the U.S. government on her behalf and was not paid by her. He said he “passed her case off” to the Qatari embassy.
Carbonetti, who was once managing director of the consulting and security firm Giuliani Partners, said Giuliani reached out to him because he was a registered Qatari agent. Carbonetti’s firm, Blueprint Advisors, is paid $300,000 every three months by the Embassy of Qatar, according to lobbying records. 
“Rudy called me up and said she had a hardship case and asked me if I would listen to her,” Carbonetti told The Post. “I did.”
The princess said that, in the days after she met with Carbonetti, she received a legal summons related to the custody case that required her to return immediately to Doha. She said she suspects Qatari authorities had become aware of her efforts in the United States, perhaps from her social media postings, and wanted to divert her.
“I think they saw the picture,” she said. “I think that when they saw I met up with Rudy, it was too close to home for them.”
The government of Qatar declined to comment for this story. Efforts to reach Hend’s estranged husband through the Embassy of Qatar were not successful.
The White House did not respond to a request for comment. Giuliani said he never raised Hend’s case with Trump, and there is no indication the president ever became aware of it.
Less than two weeks after she met Giuliani, Trump hosted the top Qatari official, Emir Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, at the White House. The president described him as a “highly respected man, a real leader” whose government is “investing very heavily in our country.”
In 2017, the UAE and three other Arab nations severed relations with Qatar and imposed a land and air blockade, alleging that Qatar aided militant Islamist groups. The U.S. has sought to maintain close military and diplomatic relations with all of these countries — including Qatar, an energy-rich nation that is home to a major base for U.S. military operations in the Middle East.
“There is currently a cold war happening, and my son is caught in the middle of it,” Hend said.
Hend’s trip to the Trump hotel came after months of her seeking advocates for her cause, which has been championed by some in far-right social media. Among them is Mohammad Tawhidi, an Australian Muslim cleric and outspoken critic of Qatar. 
Tawhidi and the princess have never met. He told The Post that he appealed to U.S. officials in recent months — he declined to say to whom — but was ignored.
Hend said she doesn’t agree with all the arguments made by Tawhidi, who calls himself the “imam of peace.” She is dismayed, she said, by his frequent accusations that Muslim political and religious leaders sponsor terrorism. But she added: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend . . . I’ve had random people try and help me.”
Tawhidi’s tweets caught the attention of Emediong Akpabio, a Ni­ger­ian who describes himself as a human rights activist. Akpabio launched an online petition on the princess’s behalf that has collected several hundred signatures.
In Washington, Giuliani was not the only influential person to whom Hend turned for help. A couple months before staying at Trump’s hotel, she reached out to a well-connected lobbyist for a Persian Gulf nation. The lobbyist, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the case, provided The Post with records of their communications.
Members of the Qatari royal family “are acting like monsters,” she told the lobbyist, adding, “I am not looking for a scandal or money. I just want my baby back.”
But her visit to Washington in June signaled a new phase in her search for a powerful political fixer. “I didn’t go to Saudi, Kuwait or Oman,” she said. “I went to the big boys. I went to America.”
Hend said she had heard from acquaintances in diplomatic circles — she declined to identify them — that pro-Trump events are frequently held at the hotel in the District. “At these events you can meet Republicans and people from the administration, which is what happened,” she said. 
The June reception she attended drew several hundred people to the hotel’s main ballroom on a Sunday afternoon. Tickets cost between $150 and $5,000, according to an online registration page. A Post reporter was also present. 
Two speakers credited Trump with saving their lives; one woman said a letter from Trump revived her on her deathbed, while another said she was considering suicide when she saw him appear on television.
Another speaker, Lucretia Hughes, recalled seeing as a child a “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” episode on TV that showed a solid-gold toilet in the Trump home.
“I’m going to sit at your toilet someday,” she thought at the time. Hughes finished her remarks by leading the crowd in a chant of “God! Family! Country! Trump!”
The princess was seated at a prominent table, with several of the speakers and the event’s emcee. Alice Butler-Short, the founder of Virginia Women for Trump, the for-profit group throwing the event, asked her to stand and be recognized after having traveled so far to attend.
In an interview this week, Butler-Short said Hend did not mention the custody battle. She recalled receiving a WhatsApp message from Hend’s assistant before the event, saying that she wanted to attend. Butler-Short had never heard of the princess.
“This sounds kind of suspicious,” Butler-Short said she thought at the time. Later she became convinced that Hend really was royalty. “Oh God, I better be polite,” she told herself.
More than a month after her two-day stay at the hotel, Hend again pressed Giuliani for help.
“Rudy, where are you?” she texted on Aug. 1. “I’m sorry for being troublesome but there are no relations between Qatar and most Arab states.”
Giuliani was on his way to a different part of the world.
“Headed for Madrid,” he texted back. He was en route, he recently acknowledged, to press Ukrainian officials to investigate Trump’s political rivals.
Staff writers Karen DeYoung, David A. Fahrenthold and Tom Hamburger contributed to this report.
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djgblogger-blog · 7 years
Real security requires strong encryption – even if investigators get blocked
What's the best way to keep data secure? Victor Moussa/Shutterstock.com
The FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice have been fighting against easy, widespread public access to encryption technologies for 25 years. Since the bureau’s dispute with Apple in 2016 over access to the encrypted iPhone of one of the two people who shot 14 victims in San Bernardino, California, this battle has become more pitched.
This dispute is not about whether regular people can or should use encryption: The U.S. government is in favor of using encryption to secure data. Rather, it’s about the FBI’s demand that encryption systems include “exceptional access,” enabling police who get a warrant to circumvent the encryption on a device or on an encrypted call.
Nearly every element of American society is a potential target for sophisticated hackers. That makes the conflict complicated; giving law enforcement officers a way into secure systems makes breaking in easier for others as well. In 2016, I testified before Congress in support of Apple and against the FBI position; and as I explain in my forthcoming book, “Listening In: Cybersecurity in an Insecure Age,” the FBI’s stance would make people, and society, less secure, not more so.
A new battle in an old war
An export-restricted encryption algorithm was printed on a T-shirt as a form of protest in the 1990s. Adam Back
Today, the American public is engaged in the second round of what have been called the “encryption wars.” During the 1990s, the U.S. had restrictions on encryption software and algorithms, allowing their use within the country, but preventing them from being exported to other countries. As a result, U.S. software companies faced a choice between creating two versions of every program – a strong system for U.S. customers and a weak system for everyone else – or providing only the weak version. Most chose the latter. That limited the availability of encryption software in the U.S., so export control worked well for both the NSA’s intelligence gatherers and the FBI’s investigators.
But in 2000, the two agencies’ interests split. The Clinger-Cohen Act required the U.S. Department of Defense to buy commercially available communications and computer equipment – and the agency wanted encryption built in. To boost the strength of cryptography in the marketplace, the NSA supported loosening the export controls.
This was a time when NSA itself was facing a new reality. Encrypted communications had become the norm in government work – and not just for technologically sophisticated nations. NSA adapted. Details are shrouded in secrecy, but we know that just like hackers, NSA takes advantage of unpatched vulnerabilities to break in to targets. NSA also relies heavily on communications metadata, the when, where, how long – and sometimes who – of a communication. And NSA apparently uses stealthy techniques, such as intercepting communication equipment while being shipped, to install eavesdropping tools. The result? Despite widespread use of encryption by its targets, NSA is largely able to obtain the information it seeks.
Adapting to an encrypted world
Today, the FBI is facing a similar situation to the NSA’s two decades ago. Consumer products and apps like WhatsApp regularly use strong encryption to protect communications and devices. And sometimes that prevents investigators from viewing potential evidence – as it did in San Bernardino, for a time. The bureau can keep fighting the battle to weaken encryption, which it has been losing for decades, or it can follow the NSA’s lead and adapt.
Police without a back door into encryption systems have several options. Since at least the early 2000s, the FBI has been getting court orders letting agents hack into criminals’ computer and communication systems to install recording and surveillance software. But that’s not the only possibility for investigators.
Other kinds of nonencrypted data may provide valuable information that can serve as an alternative, and computer systems can be enormously helpful in finding and analyzing that data. In the wake of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, investigators had to wade through paper copies of phone company records to discover who talked to whom when, and from there draw connections between members of the bombing conspiracy. Modern software – and digital phone, financial and other records available with a warrant – can make that analysis immeasurably faster.
Former federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald explains how technology assists criminal investigators.
The “internet of things” provides another potential treasure trove for investigators: In one instance, for example, the history of a person’s heart rate as measured by his data-collecting pacemaker led to his indictment for arson when his story of his actions during the fire didn’t hold up. In another case, a woman’s activity level, as tracked by her Fitbit, contradicted her husband’s account of her death – and led to murder charges against him.
Following suspects is a third area where technology really helps police: Using a team of trackers cost approximately US$275 an hour – but tracking a suspect’s phone as it travels drops the price to $5.21 an hour.
Such technological advances aren’t used as easily by state and local investigators, who conduct more than half of law enforcement wiretaps in the U.S. Sometimes state and local police are stymied by relatively simple issues, such as the wide variety of phones, internet providers and data formats. In 2013, the FBI stepped up to help, creating training programs through its National Domestic Communications Assistance Center to help police gather digital evidence without needing to break encryption.
Even as these varied investigatory techniques will help, sometimes encryption will simply prevent investigators from getting the goods – or getting them quickly enough to prevent a crime. But law enforcement has always had to deal with blocks to obtaining evidence; the exclusionary rule, for example, means that evidence collected in violation of a citizen’s constitutional protections is often inadmissible in court.
Facing new threats
The importance of strong cryptography in protecting people’s privacy has become clearer in recent years. Attackers are more sophisticated – as shown in the 2015 Russian hack of the Democratic National Committee emails and the 2017 Equifax data breach, among others. And any groups “viewed as likely to shape future U.S. policies” were targets of Russian hacking efforts, according to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. That could include almost any organization – activist groups, church associations, community foundations, professional societies, nongovernmental organizations and more – that forms the underpinning of democratic societies.
This broad threat to fundamental parts of American society poses a serious danger to national security as well as individual privacy. Increasingly, a number of former senior law enforcement and national security officials have come out strongly in support of end-to-end encryption and strong device protection (much like the kind Apple has been developing), which can protect against hacking and other data theft incidents.
As technology changes, the jobs of police and intelligence workers must also change; in some ways, it will be harder, in others, easier. But the basic need for security supports the call for wide use of strong encryption – and without modifications that make it easy for Russians, or others, to break in.
Susan Landau has a research grant from Google. In the past she has received funding from NSF. She participates in a Berkman Center group that periodically publishes whitepapers on security and privacy issues related to the Internet.
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New Post has been published on Attendantdesign
New Post has been published on http://attendantdesign.com/this-software-company-may-be-helping-people-illegally/
This Software Company May Be Helping People Illegally
On three occasions this week, I asked a FlexiSpy salesclerk a simple query:
If I desired to, could I exploit their adware to eavesdrop on my spouse’s mobile phone without her understanding? The solution every time turned into sure. Whilst asked if it becomes legal, they answered with a canned disclaimer explaining it turned into vital to get the permission of the target. However what if I didn’t need my wife to recognize? They might help me besides. If I wanted to interrupt the regulation, I ought to use their $68-a-month app and they’d walk me via the 5-10 minute method of installing FlexiSpy on my spouse’s telephone, hoovering up all her calls, WhatsApp and Fb messages, and her place, whilst hiding the software program so she’d in no way know.
That by no means befell. The inquiries have been to discover how scrupulous FlexiSpy was and if it might be willing to assist clients despite the fact that their moves had been in breach of the U.S. Wiretap Act, which outlaws any surreptitious spying on every other’s communications without their permission. Procurement of another character to intercept comms is likewise deemed illegal beneath the statute. And outside of prison problems with adware, there are clear moral troubles: regularly such adware is utilized in abusive relationships. In 2014, NPR surveyed 70 women’s shelters; 85 in line with cent have been working with sufferers who were tracked through GPS, or what’s usually known as “spouse are.”
Not that any of the three FlexiSpy salespeople seemed to care a whole lot about the Wiretap Act or the capacity for abuse. Even though I commenced every communique telling the FlexiSpy salesclerk I was a FORBES reporter, they had been satisfied to offer hints approximately how one ought to deploy the app without permission of the goal. One stated I should “sneak to get her smartphone” after which install, a procedure that FlexiSpy would manual me thru. He sought to allay any fears about getting caught, noting there was no icon and it might operate silently.
I requested every other People, what if I didn’t get my wife’s permission? “This is ok, she will Now not recognize that the software is inside the smartphone,” the sales clerk spoke back. I moved directly to morals. Wasn’t it terrible to the undercover agent on your spouse? “It isn’t bad. You just need to know the reality Illegally,” they said.
Toward the crease of my 1/3 verbal exchange, the web chat characteristic mysteriously crashed after which disappeared absolutely from the FlexiSpy website. It has Now not again on the grounds that. The company failed to respond to an inquiry about why.
I exceeded screenshots from all my conversations with the sales reps to FlexiSpy. It claimed I had pressed the salespeople “to pressure an unnatural reaction.” “To their credit, most of our help personnel answers reiterated that They may only help you with installations to your own telephone and that for criminal advice, you have to seek advice from your lawyer,” a spokesperson said.
No matter that, FlexiSpy is calling into why I obtained responses that indicated they might help me install the spyware on another’s cell phone without them knowing. “We do take your feedback critically, so we can take a look at the reaction of our workforce, and provide a full analysis of what took place, and make improvements wherein required, However, I will assure you that our group of workers is educated to ensure that they most effective answer questions about the product functions, because they all know that they cannot solution questions about legality, or offer advice for unlawful use cases,” the spokesperson delivered.
Suspicions that FlexiSpy might be inclined to assist jealous husbands spy on their wives got here from the firm’s own advertising. even as its competitors have toned down their marketing in worry of U.S. authorities motion, Thailand-primarily based FlexiSpy has persisted in promoting its equipment for spying on a accomplice. On its Twitter feed final month, the organization recommended it is probably time to analyze a suspect accomplice:
On its own internet site, FlexiSpy says that all people in a dedicated dating have a “right to recognize” and have to “discover the truth, secret agent on their smartphone.”
Who’s behind FlexiSpy?
FlexiSpy changed into founded in Thailand through Atir Raihan in 2006. He had No longer responded to more than one requests for interviews over the last year, even amidst worries about its risqué advertising. His Facebook profile indicates a middle-aged man who has a penchant for dressing up like a rock star (his page become now not publicly to be had after this newsletter changed into posted), and a Uk Businesses House file for FlexiSpy’s figure employer, Vervata, found out his age: 53.
His LinkedIn web page indicated he’d moved on from FlexiSpy to other tracking services aimed at organizations trying to keep tabs on the workforce, although one ex-employee stated he nonetheless headed up the firm. He seems to have his fingers in other pies too, registering a number of other domain names for spyware companies, such as thaispybangkok.Com in 2013 and filipinaspy.Com in 2015.
In addition to setting up a business for clients, Raihan additionally created a new FlexiSpy enterprise in 2012, a reseller software that allows everybody to take their software program and relabel it, either as client or authorities spyware. That reseller application makes FlexiSpy a far extra exciting beast: its Computer, iPhone and Android malware may be everywhere on the internet, just below exceptional banners.
FORBES located evidence of a reseller in Nigeria, where a LinkedIn consumer marketed the device as part of his SpyWitch surveillance arsenal. But one beyond accomplice may additionally have been one of the world’s satisfactory-acknowledged government malware suppliers, FinFisher. In 2012, its rival Hacking Team claimed FinFisher’s Android surveillance tool regarded almost equal to FlexiSpy. As pronounced in a FORBES research ultimate week, FlexiSpy expressed surprise at the claim its software seemed tons similar to FinFisher’s device. The latter did Not reply to a couple of emails and calls.
Is it the prison?
After presenting my conversations with FlexiSpy salespeople to two attorneys, they each agreed that if the hypothetical state of affairs did go in advance, and the agency helped me set up adware on any other’s phone without them understanding, they’d have risked breaking the law.
One of these prison professionals changed into Marina Medvin, who represented the simplest ever person to have received a crook penalty for adware production by the U.S. government, StealthGenie creator Hammed Akbar. She stated StealthGenie in no way went as some distance as assisting users with an installation. “They are endeavoring to install illegal software, No longer just put it on the market it. They are technically undertaking a criminal conspiracy with the husband as nicely. There can be each civil liability and crook culpability for the curious husband and the useful company concerned within the hypothetical you supplied,” she said.
Nate Cardozo, the Digital Frontier Foundation’s senior counsel, agreed: “He’s imparting to be an accomplice to violating the Wiretap act. below an American law, he’d be guilty of a Wiretap violation.” FlexiSpy hadn’t answered for further questions on the legality of its operations.
In the meantime, lawmakers are looking for to extend legal guidelines that punish unwarranted, mystery surveillance. ultimate week, Senators Ron Wyden, Jason Chaffetz, and John Conyers delivered The Geolocation Privateness and Surveillance (GPS) Act. Especially, it creates criminal penalties for “surreptitiously the usage of an Electronic device to tune a person’s movements that parallel the penalties that exist for unlawful wiretapping.” For instance, Wyden’s workplace stated that if a lady’s ex-husband tapped her cellphone he was breaking the regulation.
Irrespective of intentions, absolutely everyone taking into account installing spyware on every other’s tool for whatever reason must don’t forget the critical moral and prison implications.
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berndbraunn · 4 years
How can I spy on my husband cell phone without touching his cell
Spy on my husband cell phone without touching his cell – Try with NetSpy
We are living in digital era, an era where all of us are connected to each other digitally, where all mobile phones and computers are connected to each other. Hacking task is performed by hacking software, and you are not supposed to install the software on your husband’s mobile. You can hack his cell phone without touching it actually. Hacking someone’s cell phone requires installation of different types of software, and process is a bit complex as you have to done this job remotely. You can easily extract all the information from the targets cell phone with the help of NetSpy.
Spy on my husband cell phone without touching his cell
NetSpy is hacking software and easily extract all information from the targets cell phone. NetSpy is one of the best software available in the hacking world.
There are various hacking softwares available online. You have to choose the one according to your needs and requirements. When you decide to buy a hacking tool to spy on your husband’s cell phone, first of all you must understand your requirements, after that you will be able to choose the better hacking spy app.
Here I am going to list out some important spy apps with their basic features.
NetSpy is one of the best hacking apps available in the hacking market. NetSpy is a hacking tool which will work for you as virtual spy. Itis a cell phone hacking app, it is one of the best and trusted hacking app available in the market. It hacks the target mobile without his knowledge. NetSpy app is the best app among all apps, its basic features are best and give you hundred percent result. This app work silently and target won’t be able to know anything about it. The NetSpy is a reliable app and it gives you desired result, to download this app you need to visit website: https://www.netspy.net/install-netspy-free-android-spy/.
First you need to register yourself as a user. You should have a valid email I’d to register yourself. Once your account is created on the website https://www.netspy.net you are ready to buy the software. Once you purchased the software, you become eligible to login and see the information. It takes around 15-20 minutes in overall processing. Now your spy tool is ready to spy on your husband’s cell phone.
Features of NetSpy
Call recording – NetSpy records call, by using this feature you can listen to whom your husband is talking, what kind of conversation he is having and what kind of his behaviour is with his female’s friends. This feature will help you to listen to the real time conversation and it will help in understanding your husband’s relationship with his colleagues / friends.
Reading text messages – NetSpy reads text messages that are sent and received by targets mobile. You can read text messages sent by your husband; also you can see who is sending to him. In this way you will be better informedabout your husband’s activities.
Social media apps – NetSpy app collect all kind of data and information from all social media apps. Whether it’s Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram. You can see to whom your husband is chatting, what kind of conversation he is having. You can see whether he is having affairs or just casual talks. NetSpy collects all types of shared files like pictures, video etc.
Location tracking – Location tracking is another very useful feature. With the help of this feature you will be able to know where your husband is. Whether he is in tours, or in office or in any restaurant. This feature is very useful safety as well. It helps in knowing about your loved ones location so you can protect them at the time of any emergency situation.
These are some important features of NetSpy, which surely makes your job easier. You will be having complete information about your husband’s activities.
TheTruthSpy is the latest spy app. TheTruthSpy is a legit hacking app and it’s presence is visible world wide. The app is trusted by millions of users till date. One of the best features of this app is, it hacks targets mobile without rooting or jail breaking system. This app allows you to set a physical boundary; it means if your target cross the physical territory as mentioned by you, you will be notified about it. Other features are message and social media chats tracking, call recording, media files and many more.
SpyZee is also mobile hacking app, this app send all data from the targets mobile phone secretly. SpyZee is very efficient app and save your valuable time and energy. This app helps you to target someone else’s mobile remotely without having it. If you are internet savvy and know how to do the job then you can easily track all the online activities of target mobile.
The FreePhoneSpy hacking spy tool is one of the best among. It offers more than 30 features; it covers all social sites and social media platforms like Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram. This app helps you in listen the conversation between the targets an other person. You can listen to the real time conversation by using this app; it’s an outstanding feature of FreePhoneSpy.
Hover watch
Hover watch is a spy tool and used for hacking data from the targets mobile without knowing them. Features are similar like other spy apps call recording, extracting all information related to social media, text messages etc. This spying app can read targets call and browsing history even if it is deleted from the targets mobile. This app is GPS enabled hence it can easily track the location of your husband.
Hacking someone’s cell phone without knowing them is not legal even if he is your husband. It is intrusion in his personal life. Still hacking is suitable if you are working woman and wants to know what is happening in your kid’s life, where they are going, what they are watching and to whom they are talking. These spy apps will help you in knowing about your kid’s activities and you will be aware about them even If you are not with them 24*7.
The post How can I spy on my husband cell phone without touching his cell appeared first on NetSpy.
How can I spy on my husband cell phone without touching his cell published first on https://netspytracker.tumblr.com/
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