#how to check my husband whatsapp
stiphenpaul8 · 2 years
How to check my husband whatsapp
If you think your partner is in a relationship with someone else before and after marriage, then you might want to know how to check my husband Whatsapp messages before leaving your relationship. To do this, you need a perfect monitoring solution to keep track of their activities, and spymaster pro is the one you need to know the hidden realities behind him. Visit to know more in detail.
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
☆༉ — KATSUKI BAKUGOU. baby’s first beach day.
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about. girl dad!bakugou takes his baby girl to the beach!
warnings. minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact! sfw, fluff, beach days, minor hint at having more babies, reader is called momma, afab!reader, pro hero + girl dad!bakugou.
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thinking about bakugou taking his baby girl to the beach for the first time.
how he’ll laugh heartily at the face she makes when her itty bitty toes touch the sand for the first time. he’s holding her just under her arms so that her feet graze over the soft sand as he keeps her pink tutu swimming costume away from it. “she looks just like you!” you’ll tell him when her face crumples and her nose scrunches because what is this and why is it between my toes.
your one year old really takes after him, grumpy in his arms for most of beach day, her chubby cheek pressed against his pec while bakugou lathers her up with a baby safe sun screen (almost the highest spf factor) because he doesn’t want her to burn. “i know baby, s’cold ain’t it. don’t worry, it’ll be over soon.” he tilts his head, smiling down at her to soothe the first notes of her hiccups. all the while, rubbing over her back in the way that babies like.
you’ll catch them napping in the sun right after, both of them snoring up a storm while catching some shut eye behind their matching shades. you send a picture to mitsuki who instantly makes it her whatsapp profile picture because she can’t help but want to show off her strong bakugou genetics.
the two of them take to the water after a lunch of homemade tuna sandwiches and baby formula — you warn katsuki to be careful with her by the sea and he only winks, using baby girl’s hand to wave at you. “we’ll be good, don’t worry momma.” the whole time they stay by the shore and bakugou regretfully gives her a spade to fling wet sand in his face with her wobbly motor functions.
but it’s totally worth it for him to hear her screaming laughter, and watch her kick her tiny feet in the small pool of salty water. you’ll admit, seeing your husband dripping wet as he makes his way back up to your beach towels with your baby snuggled against him does something to the darkest parts of your soul.
it seems that bakugou knows that too, smirking at you while you give him bedroom eyes from behind your own shades.
when the sun sets, bakugou is careful with his steps as the three of you head back up the beach and towards your car. little baby bakugou is all tuckered out, her ‘deku’ sun hat askew atop her sun-kissed curls. she whines unhappily when you pull her away from his chest to strap her back into her car seat — mindful of the sand. a daddy’s girl through and through.
“d’ya think she had fun today?” bakugou asks you, closing the trunk while you fiddle with the car seat, double checking that she’s secure.
you look up at your husband — the man you’ve loved for half your life and the reason you’re responsible for another. “she’ll remember this, even if she’s only little.” you tell him wistfully, wrapping your arms around his neck (as he does with your waist) once he’s made his way over to you. “you really made her day, i’ve never seen her smile so much.”
bakugou blushes, swooping down to kiss you against the cool metal of your family sized car. “you’re the best, momma.”
“and you’re the best, daddy.” grinning against his lips, you swipe a bit of sand from his cheeks — content that your first family beach day was a complete success.
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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xi1dius · 23 days
Drunken phone calls
husband!kyle x f!reader
This is not my origional idea! it comes from one of @leafybnuuy’s quotes!
massive credits to @leafybnuuy!!
please go check out their work :))
(i have altered it from ghost to gaz tho)
summary: you have just woken up to find you have called Kyle while you where drunk!! 😨
tw: litterlly none, it’s all fluff ☺️ one thing is i’ve neve rhad s hangover before idk how realistic this is gon be . . .
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You woke up, a morbid and unforgiving hangover prickling and aching over your body. There was no way out of this, today was going to be long and hard. As you lay in bed, spiralling as you tried to remind yourself of what stupid thing you must have done last night, you decide to look at the time. you had nothing on today but you’d rather know how much of the day you had missed . . . see is kyle was okay as well. he still wasn’t back from his damn deployment . . .
Upon picking up your phone and turning it on, your first though was the absolute pain the light brought to your mind. it seemed to burn your eyes and head inside out simultaneously.
Other then that, a few messages from kyle sprung on your homescreen. Before even reading them, you clicked on the top one and unlocked your phone. Once Whatsapp decided to actually load, you had the chance to see what was said.
My Soldier💗😋:
I’m bullying you for this when I get home, lovie.. Love you, by the way. Go to bed and get some water lightheaded idiot.
This made you chuckle, then cough, then have to drop your phone on your husbands empty side of the bed. Man, kyle needed to get home. Fast. It was lonely without him!
After a little bit of contemplating, you decided to call him up. no harm, right? You where really rather interested in what you bloody said on that call, must of been interesting.
Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring . . .
“Morning, doll.” Kyle chuckles through the phone. it had taken him a while to pick up and the reception wa sort of patchy.. but that was to be expected while he was in deployment in god knows where for god knows how long.
“I saw I called you last night, how did that conversation go?!” You questioned, struggling to stifle back a giggle. your hangover still burned in your head but it was really rather relaxing to talk to Kyle again. Your kyle.
“Aha . . . well, it was a whole lot of asking about my hoodie, saying you wanted one of mine since you missed me . . .” Kyle began, little pricks of heat growing on the tips of your ears and over your cheeks.
“And then, It was a lot about how much you missssss me! That was adorable, lovie. And then, last but not least, your cute little drunken self decided to wear one of my hoodie that was still in my draw beside he bed.”
After listening to kyle drag on about how infatuated drunk you was with him, you looked down.. only your pjs on. No hoodie, or a hoodie in sight.
no kyle hoodie :(
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etherealvistas · 8 months
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Driving in Palestine now is more dangerous than ever.
Yesterday, I drove from Ramallah to Dura, a village near Hebron to attend the funeral of Ahed, my friend’s baby sister, who had just become a mother. She was shot by an Israeli sniper. A heartbreaking loss.
If I could use Israel’s apartheid roads designated for settlers, it would be an 80-90 minute drive, but it took me 4 hours.
First, we’re forced to take segregated Palestinian only roads which make it a 2.5 hour drive because of checkpoints.
But these days, it’s even worse as Israel has imposed an even more strict strangulation policy over the West Bank, which means even some of those segregated roads are blocked and there are 10 times as many checkpoints.
Taking this drive outside our village/cities of residence is extremely dangerous for three reasons:
Settler attacks: Israeli settlers are in rampage mode, and you don’t know when you could get hit by a rock or bullet from one of their raging mobs.
Soldiers at the end of a wrong turn: There are no signs for what “roads” are currently opened or closed for us, you have to guess or stop to ask locals every few miles. If you make a wrong turn and end up face to face with soldiers, they can shoot you, and claim you attacked them.
Arrests for social media posts: If you’re stopped at a checkpoint, soldiers these days are taking folks’ phones and checking their WhatsApp’s and telegram and instagram. If you have a message standing in solidarity with Gaza, or anything the Israeli soldiers see as offensive, they’ll beat you to a pulp, and could even arrest you. My friend Diala, a human rights lawyer, was just arrested at one of these checkpoints this evening. We don’t know why, but it likely relates to her work and messages they found on her phone about it.
On my end, driving back at night was a nightmare, mainly because I had a friend in the car and was worried about him.
As we drove back, these historically busy streets were ghostly empty because nobody is taking the risk of driving at night unless necessary.
Every turn I’d take, I’d slow down to a crawl to make sure there was no trigger happy soldier or angry settler ready to pounce.
I got lucky as, although we waited at a checkpoint for an hour, the soldiers got bored and literally opened the checkpoint for all the cars to pass without any security check — proof they’re using these checkpoints arbitrarily as collective punishment.
In Dura, I saw where Ahed was shot.
The soldiers had stormed her village as part of their intimidation tactics in the West Bank to keep people anxious. Ahed ran to her roof to warn her husband to come home. An Israeli sniper shot her in the head.
As I drove home, thinking of Ahed, her heart broken family, the families of my friends in Gaza, all the souls we’ve lost, and how easy my life could be taken for simply driving across my ancestral lands to help my friend in her grief.
It shouldn’t have to be said, but our lives are precious. They’re beautiful. They’re equally worthy of joy and basic dignity.
I’m committed to one day being able to drive across my people’s ancestral land a free man, surrounded by my liberated people.
If Israel’s death machine is haunting us around every corner, we might as well live fighting for a life worth dying for.
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fuck-customers · 1 year
Names changed.
Buckle the fuck in.
I have been wanting to tell anyone about this series of events at work. The story doesn't start with me, an ex-coworker who was a Lead and was the one who checked in Julius the dog for a month-long stay. It is well known that his owner Mario is a bit of an Eccentric old Queen. He thinks he's a vampire and other shit. Whatever. He's checking his dog in and mentions he's going to Colombia to find a husband and do cocaine.
Okay go off, if I were retired and lonely I'd probably do something similar. I know he's lonely because every time he comes in he starts the same conversation about how all his family is dead and he's single.
Clearly, he's a bit out there, but if I was a retired old gay like him I'd have some fun too. Whatever. The owner calls our partnered trainer for a few sessions. A few weeks go by and for the third training session, he's not answering. Really weird for him, but we chalk it up to him avoiding roaming fees.
Our trainer finishes his allotted training since he didn't answer to add more. She calls multiple times for 3 days, and she wants the extra money. This is very important.
We get a call from one of Julius's emergency contacts since s in South America saying that Julius is going to be staying for another 3 weeks, and now his stay is two months. Mario has to pay us the current total to prevent abandonment, Joe's friend gets the money wired and the stay is extended, he's using Facebook Messenger as his communication method. So it takes a whole day to do this Totally get it when I got back to my home country. I do the same with Whatsapp. This is normal, this is fine! We extended the stay.
Three weeks pass and we get another call from the same agent, Julius is staying one more night, and Mario's flight got canceled. Annoying since the dog is nasty and a pest (affectionate) but we extend the stay.
He comes in to pick up his dog the next day straight from the airport (not that far it's maybe 20 minutes away). He starts chatting with the Manager, Assistant Manager, and me. He's talking about drinks food, and hotel price. He keeps making a point about the currency exchange rate. USD to COP. So cheap to him. The Assistant and I eye each other we're both Latino so this is annoying.
Then he starts ranking about how he hired security to escort him through all the major cities of the country, Medellin, Cali, and Bogota. All with heavily armored guards.
Our computers start fucking up so the invoice has to be inserted manually, my Manager does it. This is when he starts talking about how dangerous it was in Colombia, how that's why he hired guards ( he had pictures, lots of them, lots and lots). Now I'm uncomfortable. Colombia isn't as dangerous as he's making it out to be, normal people live normal lives and tourism is huge!
By then I'm praying to Jesus and his baby daddy too, as he admits to drunk driving and running over a dog. Then he starts calling the locals whores? How everyone was pimping out their kids and everyone and their mother were forced into sex work because of poverty. Everyone was greedy and envious. I'm trying not to leap over the counter and beat the shit outta this guy.
Then he starts talking about how the main purpose of his trip was to go find a husband. He was proposed to by 2 guys, he showed us the rings (ugly as the man wearing them) and emphasized again how "they were all so fucking greedy". How everyone wanted to talk and be near him because he was popular and had money.
I try to veer the conversation away from that but he goes back to the shit load of drugs and sex he had. My Assistant manager leaves around here.
Now for the pièce de résistance.
He starts detailing how he got KIDNAPPED by a "family" (I'll sell my left kidney if they actually were a real family)
He was fucking ransomed for 7K USD and proceeded to explain that he was kept subdued with sex. This explains his mystery absence and random ass extension AND how his friend was the only one who could be contacted. As well as the obscene amount of money paid in full to extend Julius's stay. This guy is fucking loaded and he was showing it off so much that someone noticed he's as stupid as they come and kidnapped him.
Sweet baby Jesus. But it gets worse.
He shows us proof. He sent his guards away because he wanted to have sex with a 20-something-year-old. By now he's showing off pictures of all the men he had sex with. Accidentally showed us nudes while showing off the cocktails he drank. And turns out! That the family had a father and son and he had sex with both of them. He implied a threesome. I suddenly wished I didn't know English.
I leave because I will laugh, and yell. I start asking my ancestors instead for guidance but instead they laugh as I am forced to back up front.
So I get to hear how he wants to move to Colombia. Apparently, he's moving there as soon as he sells his house here. Which….no words.
I go to the back again and work on cleaning rooms. Later when I go to the kitchen my manager is there and I make a comment about him. And here's the really fucked up bit, while he was explaining that he was both terrified and in love with his experience in Colombia my manager was like "Yeah I don't think I could go and have a time like yours" He looked her up and down, a willowy, average height blond blue-eyed white women in her 20s, and said "no way you be raped so bad" My hand went to my mouth I swore loud and she just shrugged.
This guy has a coke-fried brain, my god. Anyways, the dog just stayed with us again while he was in Colombia again, and luckily, we didn't have to deal with another checkout since he had his dog shipped over to Colombia via a company. Good luck to them both, and I hope the guy who marries him leeches him out of all his money and then some.
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lightofraye · 2 months
i wanted to ask about the story of how Danneel told Jensen she was pregnant, you're always bringing it up as this super awful thing she did.
so i looked it up and read the story from the og source, and truly i don't get what's so bad about it.
she send Jensen an email, problably the same that came from her doctor with the results, and they were on the phone the moment he saw it.
how is that any different from taking a screen shot or picture and sending it via WhatsApp? that's how my sis told her hubby about her pregnancy, and it was ok, he was overjoyed.
i think the problem is maybe you see being pregnant as bad news that needs to be told delicately, and it can be depending of your circumstances.
but if you are married and in good financial status, and a baby is something you both want, and you know the news are going to be recived with happiness, does it really matter the way you share them?
Hello anon.
Sigh. Okay. I'll address this as best I can. It's largely speculation with some statements from Jensen, etc, here, so bear with me.
First, the story of the first pregnancy announcement. (JJ's.) Danneel didn't have a doctor's report--she took a pregnancy test. Three, in fact. She then emails the photos to Jensen, calls him while he's on set on Supernatural, and tells him to check his email. That's all she said. "Check your email."
He gets off the phone, checks his email, sees the photos of three positive pregnancy tests, and calls her back. We do not know the context of this conversation.
If this was a wanted, happy pregnancy, why couldn't Danneel wait until Jensen came home during... I dunno, a weekend off, hiatus, whatever? Then share the exciting news in person?
Because she knew things were rocky and had to give him time to cool off before seeing him in person. Because--and I can't find a source for this, it's been mentioned in a number of now defunct/deactivated anti-Danneel blogs--he was likely getting ready to divorce her and then couldn't while she was pregnant.
Then, when Danneel found out she was pregnant with twins, she gives JJ a card to give to Jensen when picking him up at the airport. Who the hell announces a pregnancy that way? Through their barely three year old toddler no less? And Danneel wasn't with JJ to make that announcement. Nope. Danneel sends her daughter across the airport to do that.
Again, to mitigate any possible blow up. Again, speculation/rumor said he was getting ready to divorce her again--but couldn't, because of the twins.
You say these babies were wanted, happily so, by both parents. They sure as hell don't act like it if so. Who announces a pregnancy those ways?
When I found out I was pregnant, I fucking cried while telling my now-ex-husband. Many others I know who wanted those babies would tell their partners in person. Not over the phone. Not over long distances. Hell, Danneel could've gone to see him and shared the news!
Danneel had those babies to force Jensen into a tie with her. To keep his money, his fame. Not his love.
There's no love there, anon.
This is why I made that statement. I stand by it.
You don't make wanted, happy pregnancy announcements like that.
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triptychgrip · 9 days
Reddit/WhatsApp coding (and resources) based on my fic
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Please do check out the incredible work that @korruptbrekker did to code Reddit and WhatsApp visualizations based on my fic, 'How Skating's Favorite Ice Husbands ACTUALLY Met'. The fic is a post-canon Yuri!!! on Ice story that heavily draws on social media. You'll see that in Chapter 2 of the linked work, they copy and pasted the HTML they used in combination with Archive Of Our Own workskins. I can't stress this enough: this is an AMAZING resource for others that may want to incorporate social media content into their stories!
I love mimicking social media in my fics, but given my limited experience with workskins, I've resorted to manually creating my own Reddit content, taking screenshots of it, and embedding those images into my stories. But, this always carries the risk of images not loading properly, which is a frequent problem on Archive Of Our Own, particularly if you are reading fics in mobile view versus on tablets/laptops. It's also pretty cumbersome to have to host those images on an external file-sharing site before being able to drop the links into a work.
But now, as long as I am using the proper workskin (you should be able to access the linked tutorial in Chapter 2), if I copy/paste my own content into the formatted HTML provided, I wind up being able to generate visuals that look so realistic and really elevate the story. I'm really excited to be able to try this out in part 2 of the series!
Once again, thank you so much, @korruptbrekker for all of your hard work on this -- you are awesome!!
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alatariel-gildaen · 6 months
I am not doing well.
At all.
Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 42. I live at house number 42. As a life-long Hitchhiker's Guide fan, this is a birthday I've looked forward to for years (for my brother's 42nd a couple of years ago, I bought him a bowl of jet-black petunias, with a whale toy nestled amongst them. I was wondering how he would top it) but I cancelled my birthday this year.
Last year, my family drove down to visit us. My side of the family isn't large. Both sets of grandparents are dead, my mum was an only child, my dad's brother - who never had kids of his own - died when I was about 4. My brother is single and doesn't want kids or a partner. So my side of the family is me, my parents, my brother.
And we're close.
So yeah... they drove down to see me for my birthday. They stayed a couple of nights. They were going to leave shortly after breakfast on the morning of March 16th, but I persuaded them to stay just a little longer. To come with us to soft play, and then go after lunch.
They left mine at about 2pm. My little boy gets very distressed when people leave, so they had to sneak out (hence why they were originally going to leave after breakfast, straight from the hotel, so they didn't upset him.) As predicted, he got upset, and I texted mum. She answered straight away.
Anyway. She always gives me updates when she's on the road.
"We've just crossed the bridge. We're stuck in traffic. We've stopped for a coffee." And after an hour and three quarters, when I hadn't heard from her, I sent her a WhatsApp asking how they were getting on, then carried on playing with my 4 year old.
An hour later, I realised she hadn't replied. I checked my phone - the WhatsApp had been delivered but not opened. I didn't think anything of it immediately. Then half an hour after that, I saw that I'd forgotten to give mum her mother's day present, and messaged her again.
About another half hour after that message I realised what the time was, and started to worry. They ahould have been home, and still none of my WhatsApps had been opened. I called her. It rang and rang, with no answer. I tried my brother's phone. The same happened. I called Dad. Same again. I called and called and called, and by now panic was setting in.
So I began looking online for traffic updates. Any reason at all why they may be held up, unable to answer their phones. I saw that there had been an accident on the M25 around the time they were due to get there, and obviously my mind jumped to the worst. But the more I looked into that accident, it didn't seem to fit. Traffic reports said it involved a van and a lorry, and besides, if they were held up in traffic, they'd still be answering their phones, surely?
I looked at google maps, and the a21 looked completely blocked. Dark red for miles. I went on a local "what's happening" facebook group and there were several posts saying the same thing. Avoid the A21. Serious head-on collision. A stolen car being chased by police had ploughed into a white Audi, with three passengers. Two elderly. Judging by the suitcases, they'd been or were going on holiday.
I cannot begin to explain the horror of reading that. We began calling every single hospital we could think of, trying to track them down, and finally found them in Brighton. My mother-in-law raced over to us. The plan was that she would take me, my husband, and my son over to my sister-in-law's (which was on route) drop my son off there, then take me and my husband to hospital.
Just as my MIL arrived, the police turned up to tell me there had been an accident. I think they were very confused that I seemed to know more about it already than they did.
Anyway. The next 2 months were literal hell. My dad was in a coma, and at 80 years old, was walking a knife's edge between life and death. His list of injuries was extensive. From top to bottom, he had a broken shoulder blade, broken collarbone, every single bone in his right arm was broken, his elbow completely shattered, he had 5 broken ribs, his spine was fractured in two places, his pelvis was shatterd, his femur broken. One lung was punctured and collapsed, he had internal bleeding into stomach, his renal artery was damaged.
My mum and brother fared better. My brother had quite severe concussion and extensive bruising, but nothing else, my mum also had bruising and a small tear in her liver, but they were otherwise conscious.
After a week, both my mum and brother were discharged from hospital. We found a 2nd hand mattress that we set up in our living room, so that me, my husband, and my son could sleep in there, my brother taking my son's room, and my mum taking ours until dad could come home.
And he seemed to be miraculously improving.
But after a week, we received a phone call at around 3am. Dad had taken a turn for the worse. His heart had stopped twice, and they had made the decision to not resuscitate should it happen again. We should get to the hospital to say goodbye. We were told it wasn't a matter of 'if' but 'when.'
We stayed by his side for 36 hours, telling him stories. Remembering happy memories. And after those 36 hours, I remember the doctor's exact words. "I don't understand what miracle has happened here, but I think you are safe to go home."
My dad is a miracle. He improved. He woke up. 6 weeks later, he was well enough to be moved to a hospital closer to home.
But the trauma of those two months will always stay with me. I can no longer celebrate my birthday because the association and guilt that I was the one who made them stay later, and it was because of me that they were there in the first place, are too intertwined. I have been officially diagnosed with suffering from PTSD as a result of it. Yesterday was awful, but I know tomorrow will be even worse.
Tell your loved ones that you love them. I am fortunate to still be able to do so, but that can be taken away from us in a heartbeat
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deepseavibez · 2 years
Nerve_Epilogue || KNJ
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Nerve [Namjoon x Reader]
Prompt - @casnextdoor
Part 30 - Finale [E]
Genre - cheating; aftermath; husband au;
Summary - You would never expect it really. He’s doting. He’s sweet. He’s hardworking. But he’s forgotten his morals. Suspecting it is one thing, but when he confirms it, will you stay or walk away.
Word Count - 3.4k
A/N - This is it. The end of the first era. GODDAMN. I mean 13 months is a long time. And just for context, the whole au, is over 300k words. So if you've read all of that, hats off to you.
My amazing betas. Thank you for being with me on this long journey. @hxseok-honee for the first ever read of Nerve, spurring me onward. My sister from another mister, my love, @casnextdoor for the prompt, the one that started it all, betaing numerous chapters, reading my rants and essays on who what when where and why, for naming chapters like Dependency, and giving me strength for chapters like Finale [R] and for loving me, to always check on me and make sure I'm not putting writing before food and sleep and mental health which I have before. @shina913 for the whatsapp messages, the inspiring talks, the ideas and discussions, the betaing and the friend that you are thank you so much for treating Nerve as you have, as your own. @jaysdimples for the betaing, for the hype and the love and the genuine support and the voice notes and asks, sigh, I adore you. And my best guy friend who I know usually checks in on here because he's as invested in my writing as I am, and he's watched me pace around my office and squeeze in writing time and bitch about the emotions my characters are feeling, I appreciate you.
My honourable mentions, @moresarcasm for listening to me bitch about my plot endlessly and for always welcoming me with open arms every single time I needed it.
Some of the supports that I would not have continued to update without @justmewondering-recs you are absolutely the one that dissects and makes me think and research and believe and I have loved every single reblog even when they were long and clogged up the TL. @onlythehobi as if I can ever do without your username popping up, thank you for being there every single week and having me look forward to your feedback. @cuteipat , three reblogs at a time, the hype cannot be compared, thank you for being such a great friend to me. @blushingatyou, @codeinebelle, @toriluvsfics for the dms, that hold my hand and remind me that I can talk, that I can be true to my vision, that I am a great writer and how much you love Nerve and I have loved every single second of your support, you are absolutely amazing people. To my commentors I would love to name you, but the post only allows for fifty mentions and I'm out here like?? But thank you for the weekly reads, the comments, the INVESTMENT.
Sharing Nerve was something life changing because of the ones who have read it and have appreciated the au for how it's played out. It was by far one of my longest commitments and something challenging that I seem to have accomplished.
Thank you for being a part of this with me. Truly.
- Dee 🖤
Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways. - Sigmund Freud
'Not surprised to find you here.'
Helen lifted her head toward the voice and smiled. She'd heard his footsteps on the walkway to the terrace. If he didn't want her to, he'd have made sure of it.
Turning back, Helen let her surroundings in. The moon was high, round and white, sitting in the blanket of the night sky. Finding stars was hard when the cityscape robbed the tiny dots of its luminescence.
Helen preferred the city anyway. 
Helen Mei didn't have time to waste on trivial things like watching the stars and spinning dreams like a hopeless romantic.
No. She had a lot of work to do.
'You left pretty early.' It was more an observation than a question, but he answered her regardless.
'Namjoon and Hoseok were becoming… problematic.' He said in his signature robotic tone.
Throughout all her schemes and plans, Huru had always been her trump card.
And not only was he the strongest one to have, she knew he’d also never let her down.
Huru sighed. 'Besides,’ he chipped off his robot voice with each word, acknowledging her privilege to experience his emotions, ‘Kenta is too occupied to have me followed for once. How could I not make the most of it?’
'Hmm,' Helen smiled as she sipped from her glass, the golden liquid chilled from the winter air, 'the whole band seems to have that 'being a problem' thing in common. And a few others.' 
To be fair, Kenta was a great guy, Helen had a lot of respect for him. It was just unfortunate that he always stuck his nose in where it didn’t belong, most of the time it was all things y/n. And that didn’t bode well for Helen. Her now brother-in-law was too smart for his own good.
Huru stepped up to her, and rubbed his hands down her arms, before bringing one of her palms up to his lips. He gently nipped at her fingers.
'They won't be a problem any longer.' She felt a tickle from his breath.
Tearing her gaze away from the buildings below, Helen turned in her boyfriend’s arms. 'How are you so sure?' 
He gave nothing away. He didn't make a face. He didn't fidget under her scrutiny. He met her stare head on. 
It was his inner strength that had always called to her. 
'Every single one of those men has too much going on. And with your sister and Kenta out of the way, y/n will be more vulnerable than ever.'
Helen's lip curled up in distaste. Kim Y/n. A permanent thorn in her side. 
She didn't hate, y/n. Not at first anyway. 
But build ups only had one final destination. 
‘I’m surprised you didn’t come to your sister’s wedding.’
Helen didn’t imagine the twinge in her gut, but she did push it away as soon as she acknowledged what it was. 'My presence wasn't necessary.' Yuna made that perfectly clear.
'Well… your absence was felt.'
A streak of satisfaction curled around Helen's spine. She needed Yuna to miss her.
Yuna had always been one of the most important people in her life. They’d shared a womb after all. But beyond that, they shared memories with their parents, stories about the boys in the playground and the mean girls that needed to be put in their place. Clothes, toys, a mutual understanding of hobbies. Above all, Helen had always valued secrets, until Yuna stopped telling her those.
Sometimes… it really was a lost cause. 
‘Heli! I submitted my script for the school play!’
Helen scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. ‘The final draft?’
Yuna nodded excitedly.
‘Without a beta?’
‘Oh, I had y/n read the final draft. And I was just too excited to wait to submit.’
But we brainstormed it together. 
‘I emailed you a copy.’ Yuna turned to leave their shared bedroom. 
‘Uncle Kwang is treating us to Italian, let me know what you think when you get to it,’ she called over her shoulder.
Helen’s lip curled in distaste; a mild reaction compared to the storm in her heart.
They spent endless hours on the floor of their bedroom talking about characters, and reactions and, and…
It was not Helen’s work. Yuna had every right to consult with Y/n and talk about the play and even submit. But the act of excluding Helen, made her feel… small. Like her opinion didn’t matter anymore.
And it was not the first time.
‘Yuna I thought you were going with the pink.’ Helen watched as her twin donned a dark green dress with a skirt that flares from the waist, the pastel pink, sweetheart-neckline column dress thrown haphazardly on the bed.
‘Y/n said I should try a different color.’ Helen looked down at the light blue carbon copy of the pink dress on her own body. The ringing in her ear caused her to glare at her sister through the mirror. 
‘Just because she doesn’t like pink, doesn’t mean everyone around her should stop using the color.’
‘She didn’t mean it like that.’ Yuna dismissed her sister. ‘She just suggested I try a different color dress for once.’ Yuna twirled in the mirror. ‘And I have to admit, the green really compliments my skin tone.’
Helen had to admit, she made a good point. The green was a rich tone that offset Yuna’s mocha, but Helen was not about to say any of that out loud.
It was always y/n.
‘Y/n can sleep over.’
‘Y/n can share my blanket.’
‘Y/n what do you wanna do?’
‘I’m sleeping over at y/n’s, she needs me.’
What about me, Yuna, don’t I need you…
‘But Y/n said –,’
‘But Y/n thinks –,’
‘But Y/n wants –,’
Y/n. Y/n. Y/n! Always Y/n!
Helen shook her head against the thoughts and her rising anger.
She felt Huru's arm tighten around her in comfort. 
Helen could have dealt with her jealousy of Y/n's life. She could deal with the fact that Y/n had everything she could ever ask for. Both her parents. Old money handed down to her. A legacy to follow up on. 
Y/n had a path laid out before her, and all she had to do was live up to it. 
Helen wasn't whining in that aspect. It was good to be in control of destiny. Make your own choices and decisions. But she had always been indebted to her uncle. Yuna and Helen were not his daughters, but he took care of them anyway as if they were. 
It was hard to feel like she constantly had to ask, and there was a tab accumulating that was owed, but by far the worst was feeling like a burden. 
And maybe it would have been manageable if the ones present in the makeshift family, were able to actually be that family. 
But Yuna clicked with Y/n. And that was fine. Helen would never fault her sister with having friends and making them and she would do her best to get along with them. And Helen tried, she really did try to be friends with Y/n. But the more she tried, the worse it got. 
Then it was her house that y/n always be present in. Then their time. Dinner. Outings. 
And at last, it was her Uncle. 
‘Did Uncle Kwang show up, like he said he would?’
Helen loved her Uncle. She would always be grateful to him… and more than a little protective. A flash of y/n’s face crossed her mind… especially when it came to spineless bitches.
‘Yeah, he put on quite a show.’ Huru spoke, a tiny bit of admiration laced in his words. ‘I’ve never seen y/n that uncomfortable. Add in Kenta, Namjoon and the whole Scooby gang, all in all, it was quite entertaining.’
Helen could understand that Kwang connected on a different level to Y/n. She shared his knowledge of architecture, indulged in his hobby for non technical based drawings, and they connected on their perspective of the world. Animated discussions would take place over the kitchen counter as the food was cooked, views and comments on the latest news would be exchanged, debates on company politics… even Yuna knew when she was excluded from the conversation, but her sister took it in stride – Helen did not.
All Y/n did was takeover. It was in her blood, just like her father.
Maybe Kwang never did actually have the capacity to be a parental figure, but Helen would have liked for him to have the chance.
He could have attended Yuna’s plays, Neenah’s first trial, weekly family dinners if they were lucky, instead he was always cooped up in his office with Kim Y/n.
It wasn’t until much later that Helen had learned why.
It was disgusting the way y/n had sold herself. Whether it was her Uncle’s attention, or dirt on him so she could steal his shares, the game y/n had played was slow, methodical and beyond repulsive. Helen’s actions paled in comparison.
And for far too long, Helen had let it go. She’d stepped away, took a backseat, as a friend, as a sister, even as a niece, but once her Uncle told her about y/n’s antics, it was game over.
‘Heli,’ Huru nipped Helen’s chin. ‘Where’d you go?’
‘Thinking about our next step,' she replied wistfully. ‘Maiya is definitely out of the equation. 
'So ‘Neenah’ is not going to represent her and get her out?' 
Helen clicked her tongue, the light teasing in Huru’s tone keeping her annoyance at Maiya at bay. 'She's played her part. She had all the tools, including a gun and her role all but set out for her in easy steps and she still fucked it up.'
Maiya Song had been one of Helen's roommates in university. It was an easy friendship. Maiya wanted to find her brother, and Helen wanted to be a good lawyer. 
Over the years Helen had handled helping find Mihlan, convincing him of his sister's intentions, that all she wanted was to provide a better life for him. Helen had even designated herself the Song family lawyer, saving Mihlan more times than she could count and playing an active role in his journey in and out of rehab centers. 
But everyone had their limits. And Helen was no longer the soft-hearted, giving woman she was when she was younger. 
At some point Maiya was less of a friend, and more of a burden. But Maiya always begged, and pleaded to save her brother, even when Mihlan deliberately did the wrong things and joined the wrong crowds and Helen understood the love one would have for their sibling… But enough was enough.
Helen didn't even care that the most recent incident wasn't Mihlan's fault, he'd used up all of his ‘get out of jail free’ cards and Neenah had a lot more going on. 
Gambit had cheated her out of that promotion. Her superiors had known that she used a different name outside the practice. It was non-legal and not ethically or morally wrong. Her name on the bar was Neenah Jae for chrissake. 
But it was all too 'iffy' according to the board. And such a character could not be on the front-line of the firm.
They would live to regret their decision. Helen would make sure of it. 
So yeah, Maiya Song was done, so was her brother. They were effectively removed from the situation. And if Maiya sang like her surname implied, Helen had a lot more to nail her with. Mihlan Song had been very busy. 
And Huru had been saving her ass, so many times, in the secrets department and more. That heads up before Y/n and Namjoon visited Gambit was so small, but also one of many perks to having him on the inside.
'Thank you for splicing the footage by the way,' Helen curled her fingers between Huru's, 'and for planting the gun behind the counter of VIP3 for her to pick up with her Orbit uniform.’
Huru shrugged. ‘It wasn’t hard.’ He rested his head on her shoulder and looked toward the city nightlife. ‘When I was checking the counter for cameras or chips, I just had to strap it under, so the ‘waitress’ for the evening could easily get a hold of it.'
‘Yeah, Bree’s security is quite thorough, especially with weapons. Only certain bodyguards and security detail can get around the rule. Her own bouncers aren’t allowed to carry firearms.’
‘Too bad Maiya didn't use it properly. It was a complete and utter shitshow.’
‘Just like her brother.’
Helen clenched her hands on the railing in front of her and let the cold of the steel bite her skin. ‘It would have been so easy, so easy, if Y/n just left him.’ Or if Maiya just got a lucky shot.
As far as Helen knew, Y/n was always insecure about her relationship with her husband, she always thought she was less, that he deserved better. She was right.
And by blowing up at her straight after the confession and telling her to stay with Namjoon out of desperation, Helen thought Y/n would be too proud not to leave him. Obviously not out of self-respect, but of the fear that she really would never be enough for the idol.
Y/n’s world would crumble if only Namjoon was removed from the equation. Helen had already bided her time, waiting for her sister to take Kenta away. 
Having her husband, having Yuna, Kenta, the band to turn to, gave Y/n a strength that no one, not even Helen could contest with.
But one by one, her plans had been falling apart. 
‘As for the footage, it didn’t take long. The same system was used at the bar.’
There was a consolation there. ‘At least Kenta doesn’t suspect anything about that footage.’
‘He doesn’t because he hasn’t seen it. That harddrive was taken by Yoongi and Jin.’ Huru had been collecting facts ever since she’d decided to put him on their radar.
Helen knew Y/n would want to keep things quiet, always thinking practically about reputation and career longevity. But even then, y/n would want to have some sort of control of the situation when the pictures were ‘leaked’. 
A private investigator, one whose skills were too good to pass-up. Kenta knew he’d fucked up by pulling Huru in, but Huru was the best, and it was too late now.
Of course, Huru knew who Maiya’s roommate was. Helen turned her head to rub her cheek against Huru’s. He knew Neenah Jae, up close and personal.
‘But they can’t have any of the drive’s contents getting out so it's most probably destroyed. To top it off, the band wouldn’t want to actually see any of that footage again. It was too disappointing for them.’
‘Collateral damage.’ Helen heard herself say. The idea that Namjoon cheated on Y/n of his own free will, may have not played out as well as Helen liked, but it was still a solid one.
Getting a hold of the drive from Hazey’s bar was not a priority, but she would have to look into convincing Huru to take the risk to look for it. If Kenta watched it as meticulously as he watched the club footage, he’d find the parts that Huru deleted. Particularly the parts containing Maiya lacing Namjoon’s alcohol with hallucinogenics. If Namjoon were to be put through a urine test the days after, his results would have lit up like a Christmas Tree. Ketamine. Xanax. PCP. All capable of leaving him fatigued with uncoordinated movements, and completely susceptible to suggestion… he could have died considering she’d tied it all with alcohol, but they were a small dosage and it was worth the risk. Kim Namjoon loved his wife to obsession, and he was physically imposing, healthy, due to strenuous workouts and precision-based choreography, not to mention diets that kept him functioning.
Helen had to face it. A naked woman could approach Namjoon and he’d never take her up on the offer – Y/n was too important. 
‘The wake-up call for that family is necessary.’ Helen shook her head in mock disappointment. ‘If only they knew each other’s secrets. A relationship under the radar, the oldest’s secret obsession, the demons that haunt every single one of them…’ she scoffed at the information Huru had dug up about the band. It was only a matter of time before they fell apart. She turned her head up to look at Huru. ‘And you’ll be y/n’s knight in shining armor when all hell breaks loose.’
She scoffed. Y/n was always too important to everyone.
Poor Namjoon. The sad part was that he would never know, he was never the one at fault. The only ones who knew about the drugs were either in jail, or would never say so. Huru definitely wouldn't.
Huru smirked. ‘Jealous.’
Helen glanced at his lips and back. ‘Very.’
It was always the plan to make it look like he was into y/n. Everyone would be more focused on him trying to get close to y/n and not suspect ulterior motives. 
Possession. Jealousy. Protectiveness. They were all very volatile emotions, easily straining the band’s so-called strong bond with y/n and paving the way for an eruptive response purely for the cinematic experience.
When they broke away from their soft kiss, she breathed deeply, letting her thoughts be, oddly feeling more relaxed than she thought possible. 
‘I’ve never asked you this,’ Huru started, ‘to be fair, I actually assumed that this was all about exposing y/n and making her as miserable as possible in the process, but…. I have yet to hear of that part of the plan. So what’s the endgame?’
The question made Helen frown. It was a redundant one, especially because they were so deep in the game. 
‘Exposing y/n will do no good. We don’t have proof of it.’ Helen scoffed. ‘It’s a long shot when everyone trusts her so blindly. Any accusation… will fall on deaf ears.’ She folded her arms when Huru finished the last bit of her drink. ‘Do I want her without her family and her husband, sure, but my endgame has always been to separate her from my sister.’
Huru fell silent. ‘I’m not sure that’s possible, Heli.’
‘We’ll make it happen.’
Making y/n miserable was only a perk. Having her feel alone, having her loved ones ripped away from her, watching her life fall apart – Helen would be there for every minute of it.
‘I’ve already got Yuna across the country.’ Helen thought out loud. Huru tilted his head sideways in confusion. She smiled as she answered his silent question. ‘Who do you think negotiated the contract to get Yuna Mei to produce her own movie?’
A minute of stunned silence. 
‘Wow.’ Huru said without emotion.
It didn’t take much. Gambit handled the studio’s legalities in Korea. Neenah played a part in the legal team, and slipping in Yuna’s name, along with her resume didn’t take much work. Yuna was, after all, very good at her job.
‘I’d do anything for my sister, Huru. You know that.’ Yuna might never love her as much, as she had stated, ‘at some point it’s your character… and I can’t deal with it anymore’  but Helen would always look out for her. 
‘I know,’ Huru’s arms curled around her and crushed her to his front. ‘I’m here for you, baby. Whatever you need. I just hope it’s all worth it.’
It will be.
Helen was not naïve enough to believe that ruining y/n’s life would make her happy, but she did know that some part of her wanted to feel less… pain. 
She had survived losing her parents. She survived losing her sister. She survived being alone and having no one to turn to. She survived that failed test, the cases she lost, the physical attack from one of her clients, the misogynistic behavior at her firm, the bitchy senior lawyer she got fired, processing her uncle’s experience – Helen survived it all and she survived it alone. But being strong didn’t negate the amount of struggle she had to go through. And maybe she was obsessed and a little psychotic and maybe it didn’t make sense to anyone else and maybe it never would… all Helen knew was that she would not be the only one to suffer anymore, consequences be damned, but Helen Mei would not be the only one with a heart broken beyond repair.
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Part 30 - Finale [E]
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sohmariku · 8 months
My phone died... T_T
This morning I awoke to a working phone, I used the toilet and then... it was dead.
Or rather, it started having a seizure. Once in a while, it buzzes, or flashes me a green screen with a blue and red square. Aside from that, it's just black. I cannot turn it off, I cannot reboot it, I can only wait for the inevitable moment that the battery runs out and it will stop to live... Considering it is fully charged, that may take a while. (The internet diagnoses it as a hardware problem, so there is literally nothing I can do.)
And just like that, my whole plan for today was thrown out of the window. No going for a walk, enjoying the clear weather, playing Pokemon Go, and doing some shopping. Instead I'm just sitting inside the house, in a bit of a daze, not entirely sure what to do.
This must be the first time in years that I actually feel cut off from the world. Which is insane to say when I still have a working Wifi connection and laptop to access it. But... I can't tell you how many times I have thought to myself today, "Let's look that up," just to realize I do not have a mini-computer in my pocket that will allow me to do just that!
There is also the realization that, with my phone in this braindead state, I have no convenient way to contact my husband. First, I cannot call him. Although we do have a landline, we never connected a phone set to it. Second, Web WhatsApp is currently useless, because it's currently not connected and I need my phone to do that. Third, he doesn't check Facebook Messenger consistently enough to use it as an alternative. Fourth, the same with email. Fifth, I cannot even text him, because reviving my previous phone also failed. It refuses to charge/turn on.
In short, I can only wait for him to come home from work, so I can inform him I want to go shopping for a phone this evening.
Yes, I feel very cut off from the world.
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matan4il · 1 year
Alice, is there anything we can do to help? The museum occurrence sounds terrifying and I am so sorry you had to go through that. I'm so sorry this is happening but if there is anything us online folk can do, let us know. Even if it is just to listen to you vent about how you're feeling. Sending you lots of cyber hugs.
Dom, my darling! Thank you so much for the kind words! *hugs* I honestly thought, when I made that post, that I'm venting and no one would take note. It's just not the first time in my life that I've had to deal with things like this, and not even the first time that I momentarily cracked and needed to vent online for a second to be able to continue moving forward. So I just hope that you and everyone else who reacted know just how much it means to me. I am so, so grateful for the fact you care!
Regarding what can be done, I wrote about a few options in this ask reply, but I wanna repeat that even just knowing that you care already means a lot!
TBH, I do have more to vent about, because since I've posted, another person died due to a previous terrorist attack. On Friday, there was an attack on a family car, on its way to a holiday vacation in the city of Tiberias, on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. It left me reeling. When my sister was pregnant, I wanted to give her a special bday gift, one last vacation with her sis before she gives birth, so I asked her where she'd like to go together to, and she said Tiberias. Waze took us exactly through the junction that the terrorist attack happened in this last Friday. Every time I think that that could have been my sis and my unborn nephew, I feel like I can't breathe.
The terrorists shot from their own car at that of the Jewish family, a mother and her two daughters, 16 and 20 years old girls. Then when the mother was wounded and her car came to a stop, the terrorists stopped as well, one of them got out, walked over to the family car, and shot the mother and her two daughters again, from up close. This is referred to as "dead checking," meaning the terrorist makes sure the victims are dead, not just wounded. And the two daughters were indeed dead, but he missed that the mother was still alive. For a few days they fought for her life in a Jerusalem hospital, but the other day she passed away, too. Their names were Lucy (Leah), Maya and Rina Dee (may their memory be a blessing). This is their picture:
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The husband and father, Rabbi Leo Dee, chose to donate organs, to save others. He also asked for people to share the Israeli flag on social media. One of my dear colleagues is a British Jew, and he's friends with this family. He shared on Whatsapp a beautiful video of people lining up the route of the funeral of the late Lucy Dee, they were standing in the rain just to wave their Israeli flags for the grieving husband and father. So I'm gonna do exactly what he asked for, I'll share the Israeli flag as well.
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Thank you so much, my beautiful friend, I'm sending you all the love and hugs right back!
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survey--s · 1 year
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Have your parents ever tried to control your relationship? No.
Have you ever had to give someone directions before? Sure, loads of times. I lived in a tourist village for ages and people were constantly asking how to get to various places, lol.
Speaking of which, are you good at understanding driving directions? I’m better at following road signs than reading a map.
How many people do you text daily? Maybe 2-3 people, but that includes text, WhatsApp and Messenger.
Do you have an iPod or an MP3 player? Which brand? I use my iPhone for music.
What was your favorite television show as a child? Arthur, Barney, Smurfs, Teletubbies.
Do you play any instruments? Which instruments do you play? Not anymore, but I used to have piano, recorder, cornet and guitar lessons.
Is there anyone who you call by their last name? Not anymore.
What did you do on your last birthday? It snowed pretty badly - I had a couple of cat visits to do and we got takeaway but otherwise that was it.
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins do you commit the most? Sloth, for sure.
Has anyone ever told you that you're incapable of whispering? Yeah, definitely. 
What is your least favorite subject in school? I always hated maths.
Have you ever been involved in a custody battle before? No.
Do you know a couple who constantly sucks on each other's face? Bleugh, no, thankfully not.
Who was the best kisser you've ever dated? My husband or Joshua.
When was the last time you watched a YouTube video? Yesterday. I watch quite a few TV series on there that I can’t find anywhere else.
Have you ever babysat a newborn baby before? No, just toddlers and up.
How many times a week do you usually see the person you love? We’re married and live together, so everyday, multiple times a day lol.
When was the last time you held someone's hand? I have no idea, I’m not a fan of hand-holding really.
How many meals have you eaten today, so far? Two - cereal for breakfast and a jacket potato for lunch.
Do you think it's stupid for people to call others "hot?" No.
Do you personally think Wikipedia is a reliable source? It can be if you check all the references properly.
Are you someone who listens to more girl or guy bands? A pretty even mixture of both.
Have you ever shopped at Wet Seal before? Did you like it? We don’t have that store here.
Do you care about spending money if it's someone else's money? I’m definitely more cautious if I know someone else is picking up the bill.
What is your favorite Disney movie of all time? The original Alice in Wonderland. 
When you were a child, did you ever want to become a wizard/witch? No.
What are the color of your walls? Do you want to repaint? The walls in this room are red and grey, the kitchen is cream, the bathroom yellow, the spare room is green and the bedroom is pale purple. Our bedroom, bathroom and kitchen all need repainting at some point.
Would you rather have hardwood floors or carpet? I love the look of hardwood + rugs but living where we do, carpets make much more sense as it gets so cold in winter.
Do you have any siblings you neglect you? I don’t have siblings.
Who would you say is the most selfish person you know? No-one in particular is coming to mind right now.
Who was the last person you yelled at? Why? The dog for eating cat shit lol.
As a kid, did you ever go to camp? Yeah, I had to go to day camp most summers and I absolutely hated it.
What were the last three movies you watched in theaters? I haven’t been to the cinema for years lol. The last film I saw was Cats but I can’t remember the ones I saw before then.
Have you ever made out in a movie theater before? Sure, loads of times.
Are you currently trying to learn to play any instrument? Nope.
Do you believe in ghosts, spirits or demons? I don’t believe or disbelieve in them.
When was the last time you went somewhere you thought was haunted? Never.
What is your favorite breakfast meal? Poached eggs on sourdough toast with avocado and bacon OR American-style pancakes with butter, maple syrup, bacon and blueberries.
What does the lead singer of your favorite band look like? Dead, lol.
Who was the last person to compliment you? I can’t remember, Suzy maybe?
How old were you when you got to go on your first date? Fourteen.
Would you call your parents over-protective or under-protective? My dad was definitely over-protective, my mum got the balance about right.
Did your parents ever let you play in the pits of those multicolored balls? Sure. I remember our local garden centre had one of those for some reason and my dad used to take me there on rainy weekends a lot.
What is the best movie you've seen in the last five years? I honestly couldn’t pick just one.
Has anyone ever called you a good kisser before? Sure.
Have any of your siblings ever had a crush on your significant other? No siblings.
Are you the jealous type? Everytime I’ve experienced jealousy it’s been for a valid reason.
Does life ever seem overly ironic to you? Ha, definitely feels that way sometimes.
When was the last time you felt like you were high on life? I honestly don’t know.
Do you know someone who cares about themselves more than their child? Yep, lots of shitty parents out there unfortunately.
Do you still watch cartoons on television? I watch The Simpsons but I don’t really watch any kids cartoons.
What do you usually order at Taco Bell, if you go there? The nearest Taco Bell is hours away - I’ve never been.
Is there anyone currently annoying you? Just how humid it is. It’s giving me a headache.
What's your favorite hairstyle you've had so far? Meh, my hair doesn’t really do decent hairstyles lol.
Do you have freckles? I have a few on my nose and cheeks, but they’re not very noticeable.
How many dogs do you have, if any at all? One.
Have you ever witnessed someone being beaten up? Yes.
Do you think biting is weird or sexy? I mean, it depends on the circumstances.
Would you rather be called hot or beautiful? Beautiful.
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eunicemiddleton421 · 2 months
6 Advanced Tools to Catch a Cheater in the Digital Age
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Discovering infidelity is a painful and challenging experience. Whether you’re dealing with suspicions about your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife, knowing the best methods to uncover the truth can help you make informed decisions about your relationship. With the prevalence of smartphones and the internet, there are various modern techniques to catch a cheater. This guide will explore the best ways to catch a cheater using an iPhone, creative methods, and online resources.
Catching a Cheater on an iPhone
iPhones are integral to daily communication, making them a key tool in uncovering infidelity. Here are several strategies to catch a cheater using an iPhone:
Check Message Apps: Regularly check messaging apps like iMessage, WhatsApp, and Messenger. Look for unusual contacts, hidden conversations, or deleted messages. Pay attention to messages sent at odd hours or those with secretive tones.
Review Call Logs: Examine the call history for frequent calls to unknown numbers or extensive call durations. Cheaters often communicate through phone calls to avoid leaving digital footprints.
Inspect Social Media: Monitor social media activity on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. Look for interactions with suspicious accounts, new friend requests, or hidden stories and posts.
Utilize Find My iPhone: The Find My iPhone feature can track your partner’s location. If your partner claims to be somewhere specific, verify their location through this feature to catch any discrepancies.
Check Browser History: Review the browser history for any dating sites, secret social media profiles, or searches related to infidelity. Incognito mode can hide some activity, but periodic checks can reveal patterns.
Monitor Photos and Videos: Look through the photo and video gallery for any suspicious media. Cheaters might hide evidence in private albums or cloud storage.
Catching Your Boyfriend Cheating
If you suspect your boyfriend is cheating, here are steps you can take to uncover the truth:
Observe Behavioral Changes: Sudden changes in behavior, such as increased secrecy, defensiveness, or unexplained absences, can indicate infidelity.
Check His iPhone: As mentioned earlier, scrutinize his iPhone for any suspicious activity. Look for secret conversations, unfamiliar contacts, and deleted messages.
Analyze Social Media Activity: Monitor his social media interactions. Look for new friend requests, frequent likes or comments on a particular person’s posts, and hidden or deleted messages.
Use a Spy App: If you’re comfortable with it, consider using a spy app like HackersList or FlexiSPY. These apps can track messages, calls, and locations discreetly.
Confront Him: If you find concrete evidence, confront him directly. Be prepared for denial or defensiveness, and have the evidence ready to support your claims.
Catching Your Wife Cheating
Discovering a wife’s infidelity can be devastating. Here’s how you can approach the situation:
Notice Changes in Routine: Pay attention to any sudden changes in her routine, such as working late frequently, unexplained absences, or increased social activities.
Monitor Communication: Check her iPhone for suspicious messages, calls, and social media interactions. Look for deleted messages or hidden conversations.
Hire a Private Investigator: If you’re unable to gather evidence yourself, consider hiring a private investigator. They have the expertise and resources to uncover infidelity discreetly.
Check Financial Records: Look for unusual spending patterns, such as unexplained hotel bills, gifts, or restaurant charges. These could be signs of secret meetings.
Confront Her with Evidence: If you gather sufficient evidence, confront her calmly and respectfully. Present your findings and discuss the future of your relationship.
Creative Ways to Catch a Cheater
Sometimes, traditional methods may not be enough. Here are some creative ways to catch a cheater:
Create a Fake Profile: Create a fake social media profile and interact with your partner to see if they engage in flirtatious or inappropriate conversations.
Set Up a Honeypot: With the help of a trusted friend, set up a scenario where your partner has the opportunity to cheat. Observe their behavior and reactions.
Use a Hidden Camera: Place a hidden camera in areas where you suspect cheating might occur, such as the bedroom or living room. Ensure you comply with local laws regarding surveillance.
Track Their Movements: Use a GPS tracker on their car or phone to monitor their movements. This can help verify their whereabouts and catch any lies.
Analyze Their Trash: Check their trash for receipts, notes, or other evidence of infidelity. Cheaters often dispose of incriminating evidence hastily.
Using a Phone Number to Catch a Cheater
A phone number can be a valuable tool in uncovering infidelity. Here’s how you can use it:
Reverse Phone Lookup: Use a reverse phone lookup service like Whitepages or Spokeo to identify unknown numbers. This can help you uncover the identity of suspicious contacts.
Call Recording Apps: Install a call recording app to record and review conversations. Ensure you comply with local laws regarding call recording.
Check Voicemail: Access your partner’s voicemail to listen for any suspicious messages. Cheaters might leave incriminating voicemails that they forget to delete.
Text Message Spy Apps: Use text message spy apps to monitor incoming and outgoing texts. These apps can provide insights into hidden conversations.
SIM Card Cloning: Cloning a SIM card can give you access to your partner’s calls and messages. This method requires technical expertise and may have legal implications.
Best Websites to Catch a Cheater
Several websites offer tools and services to help you catch a cheater. Here are some of the best:
TruthFinder: A comprehensive background check service that provides information on criminal records, social media profiles, and contact details. It’s useful for identifying suspicious contacts.
Spyic: A popular spy app that allows you to monitor calls, messages, and locations discreetly. It’s user-friendly and compatible with iPhones.
HackersList: Another reliable spy app that offers extensive monitoring features, including social media tracking and GPS location tracking.
FlexiSPY: An advanced spy app with features like call recording, keylogging, and remote camera access. It’s ideal for those who need in-depth monitoring.
Catfish: A platform dedicated to uncovering online dating scams and infidelity. It provides tools to verify online identities and catch cheaters.
Spokeo: A reverse phone lookup and people search service that helps identify unknown contacts and gather information on suspicious individuals.
Ethical Considerations
While catching a cheater is often driven by the need for truth and closure, it’s essential to consider the ethical implications of your actions. Here are some guidelines to ensure you’re acting responsibly:
Respect Privacy: Avoid invasive methods that violate your partner’s privacy, such as hacking into their accounts or using hidden cameras without consent.
Legal Compliance: Ensure you comply with local laws regarding surveillance, call recording, and tracking. Illegal activities can have serious consequences.
Open Communication: Whenever possible, address your suspicions through open and honest communication with your partner. Confronting them directly can sometimes resolve misunderstandings.
Seek Professional Help: If you’re struggling with the emotional toll of infidelity, consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor. They can provide guidance and help you navigate the situation.
Catching a cheater is a complex and emotionally challenging process. Whether using an iPhone, creative methods, or online resources, it’s crucial to approach the situation carefully and carefully. Combining traditional techniques with modern tools allows you to uncover the truth and make informed decisions about your relationship. Remember to prioritize your well-being and seek professional support if needed. Trust and honesty are the foundations of any healthy relationship, and addressing infidelity head-on is a step toward healing and closure.
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fullspectrumdiary · 2 months
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I get so excited when a new crop circle drops! This is the latest one that was emailed to me by the Crop Circle Connector website. I recommend everyone check it out, and once you've taken a good look at all of the ones available for free you get the archive access too because it's SO good.
This one in particular reminds me of the quadrants and zones of Integral Theory. I spent some time meditating on my crop circle tattoo at Stonehenge and since then all of the ones that have come out seem to me to be like replies to what I have been doing on Earth. They are sooooo beautiful on a spiritual level as well as a visual one and this one is so novel and cool. I couldn't even imagine that Ets would ever like box shapes! As a hippie I always thought squares were for squares! Anyway, what I get from it is that the ETs recognise and accept Integral as a valid operating system for humanity, and the boxxy attitude as being basically one which we love!
Anyway, the last few days have been pretty slow. I went out with my friend Paul to a nearby village called Copplestone, which is on the St. Michael Line, the long great ley line that passes through many sacred sites diagonally across the UK. I meditated in a field for a while, and it was just so lovely with all this beautiful black energy coming out of the ground. We also went to a pub and I had an arabbiatta pasta, while he had a pork chop. I'm vegan so I always have to be careful when going out for food. Then I spent a couple days and nights getting back to a decent sleep schedule (check what time my posts drop to see how that's going :P) and watching a whole bunch of anime. Then I went out with Paul again, this time to Exmouth for a beach walk and some more food. I had a falafel and houmous wrap and he had a kebab. It was tasty! Also, during the beach walk, I had a long and pleasant meditation looking at my tattoo with my hand on the cliff face. It was just so good to feel all that deep energy mixing with that of the extraterrestrial intelligence passing through me. I love that sort of thing <3
Since then, I've been browsing 4chan, listening to music, watching YouTube videos and practising more meditation.
Getting back to the main topic of this diary which I am working on paying more attention to, my feelings: Lately I have been experiencing the feeling of success! Just constant wins and wins, making me feel so good inside. For this reason, I'll make an AI image in orange colours for the image post that corresponds to this blog post.
I don't really evaluate myself according to cultural standards. As long as my basic needs are met, I regard myself as a person who functions well enough in society that I can begin to do serious spiritual practice. I don't really feel all that lonely, even though I barely speak to any real-life people, because I talk to people constantly online through 4chan (for far-away, anonymous frens) and WhatsApp (for friends and family who are close to me). My mum and her husband just got home from their holidays, and I'm looking forward to seeing them soon <3 For these reasons, I can feel a pervasive and powerful feeling of success even though I'm not working a job of any kind or juggling lots of social activities, and still not be lonely.
This is the culmination of the feeling of freedom from effort that I talked about in my last post. Not only do I get the sense that I no longer have to exert a special effort to be more than I was before and truly excel and exceed my previous self in some extreme way (contra all that super-super discipline-motivation fitness dogma I fed myself for so long), but now I realise that my efforts do come to good fruition because of the good intentions behind them. If I could do more without much pain or suffering, I would, but I honestly feel that I am now actually giving it my all, 100%, without actually choosing to feel pain just for the sake of getting better karma. So I'm proud of that. I think I'm going to make a red image that symbolises this feeling.
As always, dear diary, thank you for being there for me - I am glad my mum convinced me to do this. It really helps!
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milflookingforadilf · 6 months
REMEMBER JUST REMEMBER WHEN I SAID I WONT FALL IN LOVE?????.THAT I HATE LOVEE I DONT WANNA FALL IN LOVE W ANYONE LOVE DOESNT EXIST YOU SHOULD ONLY LOVE ONE PERSON???? nahhh love is dangerous it pulls you into it without you even realising it, no matter how much you refrain from it you’ll inevitably fall in love. this guy i remember at times i used to wonder how lucky his wife gonna be cus this dood jus like me fr this is how i want my husband to be. slowly talking to him made me feel better, i started to smile when talking to him. i still remember when we called for three hours once as friends and how that one call made me feel better for days until we stopped talking for a week for smth bahhaha. i used to be a person like if i lost my any friends i wouldnt have cared at all but that dude stayed in my mind for that meantime i hated it despised it, he hurt me i hurt him it was a misunderstanding. i thought i was the only who cared until he told me i used to check if you were online, he didn’t wanna see my story but wanted to know what did i put so he scrolled until he found the stories on feed. he checked on whatsapp to see if i was online there. he fell in love when i listened to him and i fell in love when i cried for the first time when i was trying to end it bc i didn’t wanna hurt him but i couldn’t cus i didn’t wanna lose him. i wonder when this all will end, how will i endure it all? how will i carry the weight of breaking someone’s heart i once dearly loved. i wonder when he gets married how incredibly lucky she is gonna be. those hands of his i love so much, they are gonna touch her, he is gonna talk to her, laugh with her, and love her. she is gonna receive all the love i was promised by him.
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triptychgrip · 8 months
I can't believe it: I'm halfway through posting my Yuri!!! on Ice multichapter fanfic (currently at 10 of 20 total chapters), and am really proud of myself.
If you're looking for post-canon, married Viktuuri tooth-rotting fluff, look no further! My fic (and the larger series it is part of) updates weekly, and tells the story of Yuuri, Viktor, Yurio, and the rest of the YoI community at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, which is Yuuri's last competition prior to retirement. It shifts POV, and also includes scenes/chapters from the previous five years, which cover, among other things: 1) The scandal-filled PyeongChang Games and its aftermath, which fundamentally alter many skaters' futures; 2) Viktor's retirement, in March 2018; 3) Yuuri and Viktor's move to Fukuoka, Japan, and starting over at a new skating club; 4) Yurio's move to Fukuoka to become Viktor's second student, and more!
Below is an excerpt from Ch 10 to pique your interest. Hope you consider checking my story/series out!
“See, Vitya? I told you this would become A Thing. Phichit’s memory space for scandal knows no limits,” Yuuri whined, leaning forwards to press his chin to the top of his head. In this position, Yuuri’s legs surrounded his torso, and Viktor yelp-laughed when he brought the heels of his dress shoes inwards to press to his sides.
He was about to raise the point that their Vanity Fair cover shoot was hardly a scandal (at least not yet, as the issue hadn’t gone to circulation), when Niko beat him to it.
“How is that a scandal? You guys went all eros on each other for a magazine shoot. Not like it’s the first time,” she said, looking at Yuuri, as Izumi nodded next to her.
With a smirk, Viktor began to undo his ponytail so that they could get started.
“Well, according to Yuuri, it was a bit more than that,” Phichit countered with a grin, before unscrewing the cap on some skin primer. “I’d have to check my WhatsApp for the actual wording, but these two were apparently so steamy together that by the end of it, he was convinced that legendary photographer Norman Jean Roy was going to proposition them for a threesome.”
“Ow! Stop that!” Viktor squealed with a laugh, as his husband followed up his indignant shriek with a series of chin knocks against his head.
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