#how to clone my husband phone
stiphenpaul8 · 2 years
How to check my husband whatsapp
If you think your partner is in a relationship with someone else before and after marriage, then you might want to know how to check my husband Whatsapp messages before leaving your relationship. To do this, you need a perfect monitoring solution to keep track of their activities, and spymaster pro is the one you need to know the hidden realities behind him. Visit to know more in detail.
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reallyromealone · 1 year
I think this is it.
Aight, thank you. Here's my request: So Pro-hero Bakugou has a husband (reader) and a son who didn't inherit his quirk. Instead, he got m readers' "weak" healing quirk. The kid hates/dislikes reader for getting his "useless" quirk instead. Meek reader doesn't want tell Bakugou that the son has a crappy teen ego, but Bakugou comes home early to see son berating reader. And Bakugo just scolds the son and explains why the the healing quirk is useful and how reader is amazing. Its a bit angsty, but can we have some fluff comfort at the end pls? Thank you again. :)
I got this
One thing no one in U.A expected was for Bakugo to get with Recovery girls grandson, the Omegas quirk being "healing aura" the ability to create a healing must up to 12 feet.
The two teens didn't get along initially, Bakugo crass and rude and (name) very much no nonsense and stubborn, the two constantly butted heads during their stay at U.A.
It was a surprise towards the end of their high school career for the two to move in together with an upcoming engagement "when did they even start dating?" Some would ask only to realize those arguments and comments were actually the two flirting.
(Name) ended up much like his grandmother and travelling agency to agency and helping out post villain attacks and doing what he could, gaining adoration and fans through how much he helped.
They almost forgot he was an Omega till he went on maternity leave.
(Sons name) was very much like Katsuki, a spitfire who had many little options and though Katsuki calmed down considerably there was no denying they were practically clones.
And because of this, it devastated (sons name) when he didn't get his sires "heroic" quirk but instead got (name)s quirk, the boy over time developing a resentment to his Dam.
Due to (name) only being called for emergencies, he ended up taking his late grandmother's place at U.As Medical wing.
And because of these hours, he was often left to care for his son alone while Katsuki did hero work, and because of this missed his son developing into a mythic asshole.
(Name) was exhausted after work, needing to use his quirk a lot today along with quirkless medical practice as many students didn't need his quirk but a simple bandage and such.
The house was a mess, whenever (sons name) came home he always made a mess, deeming it "Omega work" as the teen scrolled his phone "arent you supposed to be studying for the written exam?"
"Why should I? Dad got me in on recommendation, thank god since all you gave me was a shitty quirk" the teen snapped and (name) looked absolutely heartbroken at this as the teen continued "thank god dad's been teaching me martial arts since it's so useless-- seriously why did I have to get stuck with something as useless as your quirk, I'm amazed dad settled for someone as useless as you"
"The fuck you say?" The two turned to see Katsuki Bakugo walk in, out of uniform after finishing work at his agency "d-dad..." (sons name) looked sick and (name) on the verge of tears "your dad's "useless quirk" literally saved countless lives and your dad hauled ass saving countless People from villains" his voice cold as he dropped his duffle bag "why's the house a mess? You not fucking helping your Dam? I know he just got home so I know this ain't his mess" he laughed without any humor "disrespectful little shit, get up and clean this mess, after we train and get ready because it's gonna be hell" Katsuki promised coldly and the teen got up not wanting to piss off his dad more as the pro led (name) to their room.
"How long?" He said pulling the exhausted Omega into his lap, only soft for his mate "honestly since he found out his quirk, it's just been coming out the past few months..." Katsuki was shocked at this, how did he miss this?! "Why didn't you say anything?"
"... You were busy... You were working so hard on building your agency and I wanted to lift some weight off your shoulders" he wanted to cry as his husband held him close "stop being stupid" his voice loving despite the harsh words "I'll whip I'm straight, rely on me idiot"
(Name) was left to relax in the bedroom as Bakugo handled his son, calling a few hero friends to help especially the teens uncle Izuku and uncle Aizawa-- the teen spending his break at his uncle Aizawas and subsequently with uncle Shinsou who was visiting.
By the written exam he was kicked into shape and Bakugo made sure his mate was reminded over and over again how loved he was.
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
For blurb night, carlos and lando taking the kids golfing together
Note: I don't know that much about golf, so please excuse if some term is correct or some technicality isn't quite right!
"You requested to karts, is that correct?", the lady at the front desk checked, "they've been packed like you asked, here are the keys", she smiled as Carlos accepted them, heading outside to see Lando just about containing all six kids into the safe perimeter.
"Sainz little ones, you go with your papa! Norris little ones, follow me!", Lando said after catching the key for his kart, helping Charlotte to the seat next to him so he had more control over his youngest.
"Off we go!", Carlos cheered as she started driving to the first spot.
The idea came from Carlos' wife, suggesting you and her should have a spa day to enjoy yourselves, so your husband's decided to take the kids from you and play golf with them.
"Daddy, do I get to swing?", Matilda asked once they stopped and Lando gave each of them a smaller club.
"Yes, Tilly, after uncle Carlos lets Benjamín have a go first", he said, "let's all take a picture so we can show mummy!", he suggested, setting the phone on the kart and gathering your children. Lando managed to find little matching golf kits for the kids and one of his own that looked nice along with theirs, "looks great guys!", he said after he checked the photo, not helping his smile when he noticed how much the kids looked like him - his little clones, you would say.
"It's my turn!", Matilda yelled, going up to her spot and looking at her father, "I need your help, daddy!", she waved him over.
"You do it like this, careful - yes!", Lando clapped, "Good job princess, that was a very good one", he offered her a smile.
"Clara, amor, you can't be so harsh with it because the club will hit the sand and that's no good", Carlos stated, helping his daughter with it.
"Daddy, am I winning?", Fraser asked as they drove off to the next spot of the course.
"I think you're third, buddy", Lando mused, "the last one you did wasn't so good, but I bet you'll be able to get this one really well! It's very similar to that one we did at the beggining".
"Papa! I got it, I got it!", Mateo clapped as the ball he hit fell on the hole, "I did it! Take a photo so I can show mama!", he asked.
By the time they finished, Carlos and Lando decided to stay in the course for a little longer, the rest of the people playing already beyond that spot which allowed them to get the kids to have some snacks, juice and water before they made their way back.
"We were a daycare for an afternoon, two of us for six kids", Lando stated as he zipped the kids' backpack.
"We did a good enough job, but at least this will tire them out", Carlos reasoned.
"My little rocketship does not look like she has a low battery", Lando argued as they watched Charlotte run around in the grass, giggling and squealing loudly.
"What is it they say? What goes around comes around", the spaniard patted his friend's back.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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yeetus-feetus · 10 months
Random ra'stim idea:
What if they just don't tell anyone. Like Ra's quietly courts Tim the old fashioned way but like on the down low.
Tim's bookcase is slowly being filled with love poems written in Arabic, he gets his ears re-pierced but he's not wearing Alvin Draper's earrings- he's wearing emeralds and jade.
He starts wearing fine fabrics to Gala's, professional but not a western style suit, and that's where Damian starts catching on. Because he knows these types of clothing intimately, and Drake is too white to have picked such outfits out on his own.
Then there's a ring. Gold banded, studded in tiny green gemstones that seem to glow when viewed from certain angles and a large diamond to top it off. When Stephanie admires it and asks about it, Tim tells her it's his mother's, something he found going through her old jewellery box. But it's obviously foreign- His excuse is his parents former line of work. Damian knows better, he just doesn't have anything to back up his suspicions.
Tim is seeing someone. Why is he keeping it a secret? Why is he wearing foreign jewellery and why is his Arabic now so perfectly spoken.
Then there's the kohl Tim starts wearing to special events, the same kind his own mother wears. The same kind Ra's wears.
Damian tries to convince Grayson that something is going on between Tim and the LOA. That Tim is romantically involved with someone. It couldn't be his mother, and there's only one other person who wears that same green fabric Drake had draped himself in just the other day.
But Damian is brushed off. Told to stop being paranoid and to leave Tim alone. And the others are too busy to listen to him, or simply don't want to.
Dick, though, doesn't admit to the younger that he too is starting to grow just a little bit suspicious.
Then there's the second ring. A thick, shiny gold band inscribed with Arabic text, and Damian is sure to point it out when they all end up in the same room. Tim tries for the excuse he used for the last ring, but Damian points out clearly that it's written in a way specific to the league only.
Tim is pink in the face, but he manages to keep his other features otherwise expressionless as he gaslights Damian, claiming that he is being absurd.
Finally Dick steps in to back Damian up. Dick is a bullshit artist himself, and he can see through the gaslighting immediately.
"You married my grandfather didn't you, Drake?" Damian hisses out.
Tim only frowns at the fourteen year old. "I'm 19 and a CEO, I can do what I want. There's a reason I never told anybody about us."
"He intends to clone you for an heir to replace me, Drake, have you forgotten that!?" Damian asks.
"less pressure on you. Now you only need to focus on becoming the next Batman," Tim shrugs in reply.
"woah wait!" Stephanie speaks up. "How can you be so okay with the whole cloning thing??"
Tim shrugs again. "It is what it is."
"fuck off, you are not using a meme to justify this right now", Jason says in disbelief.
"Tim who are you texting??"
He looks up from his phone with a small smile. "I'm getting my husband to pick me up y'all are lame, peace out ✌️😙"
"Tim! You come back here this instant!"
"You're not my dad!"
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Ao Guang's Weird Day part 2:
prev post.
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Pissed-off Parent!Wukong is a side of the Monkey King that Ao Guang did not expect to encounter. Only recently it seemed like the demon was a pup smashing down his door for a weapon. When did he have time to cultivate a whole family?
I'm liking the idea of Ao Guang being so confused/curious by all the in-fighting that he pulls the gang into different interrogation rooms for some answers. Muppets Most Wanted song for an idea of how quickly it turns nuts. Mostly because Nezha is a hated enemy of the east sea (Ao Bing situation), and Pigsy taught MK never to speak to cops without a lawyer. Wukong strangely enough is very eager to spill the beans once he gets Fire Star on the phone.
Ao Guang: "You understand the severity of stealing the Map to the Samadhi Fire, don't you Wukong?" Wukong, holding the two youngest babies: "Yes. And I hope Mac suffers just a little bit for it." Ao Guang, blinks: "So it was no you who stole the Map? But your mate?" Wukong: "Well it was sorta a team effort. DBK and Red Son have been helping us investigate what LBD has been up to. Plus tracking down my damn husband - and they ran into eachother at Nezha's place. DBK had to go home cus he got hurt shielding the kids from the Map's barrier." Ao Guang: "And... where were you in all this?" Wukong: "I was with my kids??? Dude, I'm not that reckless! I was supervising MK's transformation training outside the city when LBD attacked us with her bony-mech thing." Ao Guang: "But the Staff. How did she obtain it?" Wukong: "MK went to strike at the mech and what looked like some sort of reactor? The missing Trigram Furnace." Ao Guang, pales: "Please tell me you're joking." Wukong: "Wish I was. What ever she did to modify the Furance literally absorbed the Staff, and even most of our powers, like how the Rhino King's ring did. I'm really worried it could absorb other weapons too." Ao Guang: (*realising Macaque was right that the Samadhi Fire might be the best plan against the Bone Demon*) Ao Guang: "Shit." Wukong, covering the babies' ears: "Language!"
Meanwhile Mei and the Eclipse Twins (shadow powers duh. Dragon guards didn't take that into account that they could slip under the door) are busy stealing back the Map and breaking the rest of the Gang out. Wukong's interrogation gets cut short cus MK and Mac bust in to haul him and the babies to the newly-constructed TEA.
Oh and in lieu of Macaque's shadow clones attacking the East Sea?
Well... my ideal Lady Bone Demon has control over all bones and bone-related beings that she has influenced with her icy-crystal-like corruption.
And whats down in the sea?
Plesiosaur fossils and whale falls. Imagine gettign attacked by that.
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Baby Yuebei: (*little nerdy squeak that sounds like she's trying to say "Dinosaur!!"*) :D! Macaque: "Aw. She's interested in dinosaurs now?" Wukong: "Yes, ever since she found an ammonite on the beach." Macaque, adoring: "Our little girl is so smart." Wukong, reluctantly sappy: "Yeah..."
Meanwhile the entire East Sea is freaking tf out and smashing skeletons, while the noodle shop gang get away in the TEA.
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sequinsmile-x · 7 months
fic request pleasee hehe :) so I read threads about how Hotch should lost his hearing after everything he went through. Could you write a fic about that pleasee? I think it's an interesting topic exploring how he partly lost his hearing and his fear of not being able to hear Emily's laugh again or the children they might have hehe
bestieeee i loved this idea the moment i got the ask, and clearly everyone agreed since this won the poll I did!! really hope you enjoy this <3
Emily is the one who notices it first.
Aaron's hearing loss gets worse.
Words: 2.5k
Warnings: None
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily is the one who notices it first. 
Initially, she thought it was because he was getting too caught up in his work, that he simply didn’t hear her as she tried to get his attention, only realising she was talking to him when she stood in his line of sight. Her eyebrow raised as she smirked and repeated whatever she’d said to him. 
Then it became more obvious something bigger was happening. 
He didn’t always hear his phone ring, especially if it was on his left side, and he asked the kids to repeat themselves if he wasn’t looking at them when they spoke. The team then started to tell her he didn’t seem to listen to them, particularly when they were on the jet, the roar of the engines drowning everything else out, and that he often asked them to repeat themselves too. A man who prided himself on his attention to detail, the very thing his career had relied on, was seemingly losing his touch. 
It was only when he complained about a buzzing sound she couldn’t hear, grumbling under his breath about the air conditioning in their home being broken again, that it clicked into place for her. 
His hearing was getting worse. 
He had annual appointments with his audiologist, appointments he hated and would complain about when they came around every year. She’d never gone with him, always staying at home with the kids or staying at work when he left early, and she’d feel a sense of relief when he came back to her and let her know everything was fine, that any change had been minimal. At first, she was worried about bringing it up with him, about suggesting that he bring his appointment forward and see his doctor, but he’d simply sighed when she mentions it one evening, their 9-month-old daughter fast asleep against his chest, and he’d nodded. 
It was only when he asked her to come with him, his voice soft as his cheek rested against the top of Thea’s head, that Emily realised just how worried he was too. 
She turns to look at him, her heart twisting in her chest as he tightens his hold on her leg, his fingers squeezing her knee joint so much she’s surprised it doesn’t pop. It’s the only outward sign of his stress, everything else internalised, burning a hole in his gut, and she wishes she could pull him into a hug. That the arms of the plastic chairs they were sitting in weren’t in the way. Instead, she places her hand over his, encouraging him to turn it over so their palms meet and she can link their fingers together. She smiles encouragingly as she squeezes and he smiles back.
“Sorry,” he says, his smile turning shy, and she shakes her head, “I didn’t mean to use your knee like a stress ball.” 
“You have nothing to apologise for, honey,” she replies, running her thumb back and forth over the heel of his hand, winking as she continues, “You’re the only one allowed to use my knee like a stress ball.” 
He chuckles and nods, squeezing her hand gratefully as he leans forward and presses a kiss to her cheek, “Did I tell you what Oscar did before we left?”
She shakes her head, warmth spreading through her at the mention of their 3-year-old. He was exactly like Aaron in looks and personality, to the point where she often joked she’d given birth to her husband’s clone. Oscar was reserved around people he didn’t know, but unbelievably loving to his family, forever doting on his little sister in a way Emily was worried wouldn’t happen when his initial sibling jealousy kicked in when Thea was born. 
His smile gets wider, “He kissed my ear and said he made it all better.” 
She has to press her lips together to stop her cheeks from aching from how wide her smile gets, and she shakes her head at just how adorable her son is. They’d told him and Jack a watered down version of why Aaron had to go to the doctor, a child-friendly account that worked with the detail they already understood. The damage to Aaron’s ears meant that flying was painful and that he was unable to ride most rollercoasters, so they’d had to explain that when they all went to DisneyWorld the summer before. They’d booked the vacation almost a year in advance, a decision Emily had regretted the moment she realised it meant she’d be pregnant in the Florida heat when they found out she was having Thea. 
She treasured the memories from that trip, even if it hadn’t been her idea of a vacation, and she kept a picture of Aaron and the boys in matching Mickey ears on her desk. 
“That boy will be the death of me one day I swear,” she says, shaking her head, “How will we cope when he gets old enough to rebel against us? He knows we can’t say no to him.” 
“So does Thea and she’s only a baby,” Aaron quips, raising his eyebrow at her, “We’d better just hope my genes can fight whatever yours will do to them in their teenage years.” 
She scoffs jokingly, faking offence as she places the hand that isn’t linked with his on her chest, “I don’t know what you mean.” 
“Let’s just say, if you get enough wine in your mother she tells some stories.” 
She rolls her eyes but is cut off from responding when the doctor walks into the room. 
 “Aaron Hotchner?” 
She immediately realises that Aaron hasn’t heard his name being called, his back towards the door of the doctor’s office, and she feels her chest get almost impossibly tighter. She squeezes his hand and nods behind him, indicating to the doctor beyond him, and smiles encouragingly when he looks nothing short of embarrassed, as if this wasn’t something that an audiologist would be used to.  
“It’s your turn,” she says softly as she stands, her hand never leaving his as he joins her, “I’m right here.”
He smiles gratefully and squeezes her hand back, blowing out a short breath as he tries to calm his nerves. 
He had a feeling he knew exactly what the doctor was going to say. ___
It was his turn to put the kids to bed. 
Emily offered to do it, insistent that she’d help and give up the one hour she had to herself on the days it was his turn, but he’d turned her down. He needed the distraction, wanted to focus on anything other than what the doctor had told them.
He listens to every word as Jack tells him about dinosaurs for the hundredth time, matching his enthusiasm even though he could recite the facts himself, as the young boy helps him get his younger siblings ready for bed. He focuses on the splash of the water as he gives Thea her bath, on the sound of Oscar’s laugh as he purposely wriggles around whilst Aaron tries to help him into his pjyamas. Once all three of them are in their rooms, Oscar and Thea asleep and Jack sitting up in bed with his book with a firm deadline for when he needs to turn his light off, he sighs as he steps out into the hallway. 
He gives himself a moment, blowing out a slow and shaky breath as he covers his eyes, his ability to successfully distract himself with his children gone now they were in bed, the doctor's words now reverberating around his head.
He was at risk of losing all of his hearing in his left ear. 
His hearing loss had progressed significantly in recent months, something his doctor attributed in part to his age and in part to his job. His exposure to loud noises - gunshots and explosions - had taken its toll, and he’d been warned any further exposure could make it even worse. He was going to be fit for a hearing aid for his left ear and his appointments were being moved to bi-annually. It was the news he’d expected, he knew his hearing was getting worse, but it wasn’t the news he’d wanted because he knew it might force his hand in a decision he’d been grappling with for months.
He’d been thinking on and off about retiring ever since Thea was born. Emily had left the BAU when she had Oscar. It was a decision they’d made together, wanting to minimise the risk that their working together created. She’d moved to Counterterrorism, and if rumours he’d heard were to be believed, she was close to being asked to run the whole department. He’d carried on at the BAU, content and happy in his job, but recently he’d been thinking about leaving, about spending more time with his family.
He’d wanted the decision to be his, to be one he came to by himself, not one he was forced into because the only other option was to risk losing his hearing entirely. 
He sighs as he pushes himself off of the wall and heads downstairs. There was a time when he wouldn’t have wanted to speak to anyone about this, when he would have hidden it, let it fester until it turned rotten, bitter and vile on his tongue when he would claim he was fine. It was different now. He wanted to talk to Emily about it, to hear her opinion, to bask in the comfort and love would willingly give him. Affection she would give him for free whilst expecting nothing in return, a debt he would happily repay when it was his turn to be the strong one, when she’d collapse into him. It was a give and take he couldn’t imagine life without now, and he often wondered how he’d ever lived without her, how he’d survived before he had her to come home to, her smile and her embrace the places he found a type of peace he once thought he’d never have. 
He stops as he walks into the living room, smiling as he finds Emily fast asleep on the couch, a glass of wine just out of reach on the coffee table and a book on her chest. He walks over, reaching out to pick up the book, careful to hold it open as she’d left it so he can dogear a page for her. He’d accidentally lost her place in something she was reading before, and it was a mistake he’d never made again. He freezes as he sees the title, love and sorrow squeezing his heart in equal measure, a vice forged by his affection for her making his breath catch in his chest.
Linguistics of American Sign Language: An Introduction
She shifts as she opens her eyes, yawning as she stretches in place, unaware she’d even fallen asleep in the first place as she rubs her eyes. She smiles as she sees him standing just in front of her and she sits up, but her smile slips off her face when she sees what he’s holding, how his eyes are fixed on the title of the book she’d been reading. 
“I ordered it a couple of weeks ago, when I first noticed…” she says softly, drifting off as she clears her throat and smiling when his eyes meet hers, “I already speak 6 languages,” she says casually, “What’s one more? I could teach you too if…if you need me to.” 
In a moment, as he thinks about the way his wife loves him, how she’d casually bought a book on sign language, how she was thinking of learning it just in case he needed her to, and any doubt he had about retiring disappears. He wanted to do it for him, for his children, but more than anyone he wanted to do it for his wife. 
He wanted to tell her that he loved her every day of his life, and he wanted to hear her say it back, to never forget how those words sounded when she said them. 
He places the book down and sits next to her, his hands automatically reaching for hers, “I’ve been thinking,” he says, smiling as she shifts closer, her knees in between them as she gets as close as possible, “I think it’s time I retire.” 
Her eyes go wide, and she feels her heart drop into her stomach. This was the main reason she’d hidden the book from him, because she hadn’t wanted to guilt him into anything, to make him feel like he was backed into a corner. 
“Honey, no that’s not-”
“I’ve been thinking about it for a while anyway,” he says, cutting her off, not letting her spiral into the guilt any more than she already had, “This just made the final decision for me.” 
She searches her eyes for a hint that he’s lying to her, that he’s trying to hide the truth to protect her feelings, but she doesn’t find anything except acceptance and love, “Are you sure? You love your job.” 
“But I love you and our family more, sweetheart,” he says, running his knuckles down her cheek, “And I know my hearing could get worse anyway, but I don’t want to actively risk it,” his hand drifts to her neck and he cups it, the beat of her pulse beneath his palm a comfort, “I want to hear your laugh every day,” he says, and she smiles, her eyes shining as they fill with tears, “I want to know what Thea’s voice sounds like when she starts to talk, and hear the boy’s voices break when they go through puberty,” he laughs, the sound wet as it catches in his chest and passes to hers, “I don’t want to risk any of that. I want it all.” 
She nods, her lips pressed together as she tries to stop her chin from trembling, but the force of her emotions wins out and a couple of tears fall past her lashline, “I want you to have all of that too.” 
He leans forward and presses his forehead against hers, taking a moment to breathe her in before he stamps his lips against hers, “I love you.” 
“I love you too,” she says, kissing him. Her hand snakes up over his jaw and around the back of his head, holding him in place as she anchors her fingers in his hair as she kisses him again, “I love you so fucking much,” she closes her eyes and rests her forehead against his, “I’m sorry this decision is being made for you,” she says, pulling back to look at him, her tongue peeking out to lick her lower lip to chase the taste of him, “I know you’ve been thinking about it, but I’m sorry you didn’t get the chance to come to the decision yourself.” 
He smiles at how well she knows him, “Me too.” 
She kisses him once as she runs her fingers through his hair. As she pulls back she makes the point of trailing her finger around the shell of his left ear, the corners of her mouth twitching into a smile as she presses her thumb and finger into the lobe of it, feeling the long healed over piercing he’d told her about on their first night together against her skin. 
“I think you’ll look sexy with a hearing aid,” she says softly, her smile getting wider as he rolls his eyes at her, “What? It’s true. I might buy you reading glasses too. And a tweed jacket with elbow patches,” she says, waggling her eyebrows at him, desperate to inject some lightness into the evening, to cheer her husband up after a rough day, “Really lean into the sexy older professor thing.” 
“I don’t need reading glasses,” he replies, tugging her into his lap, his hands on her lower back as he holds her in place. 
She hums, leaning forward and stamping her lips against his, trailing up to his ear and biting the lobe lightly, “Don’t ruin this for me.” 
He smiles and shakes his head at her, shifting her closer as he kisses her, safe in the knowledge that no matter what comes next it will be okay because he has her. 
“Whatever you say, sweetheart.” 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @ptrckjcne, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317 @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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kobol1 · 2 years
Here's a super rough draft of some angst.
It's more of an outline than a ficlet. I just needed to get it out of my head because it won't let me sleep. Kek
Clone Danny Au.
Danny is a clone of Jazz.
Jazz and Jason get a frantic phone call from Danny. Jazz can hear the fear in his voice, she rushes to Amity Park with Jason.
Jack and Maddie had discovered his ghost half. Instead of strapping him down to a table, they do something equally as worse, they disown him and kick him out of Fenton Works.
"Jazz are you sure my birth certificate is in here, all I see is old paperwork. Danny said to his sister sitting next to him on the floor of his former parent's closet.
"I'm sure it's in here. Ah, look here it is." Jazz says. Picking up an envelope with Danny's name on it. She opens it and pulls out an old file. "Huh, I wonder what this is." She opens it and starts reading the contents of the file. Her eyes go wide and her mouth hangs open. "Oh my God! What the fuck is this!" Jazz suddenly yells in shock.
"What! Jazz what is it? Jazz? JAZZ!" Danny says out loud.
Jazz is too shocked to reply to him. She just hands him the file with a hand covering her mouth. Danny takes it and reads the file. He re-reads it again and again still not believing what is written down on the old computer printout.
"This can't be real? It can't be, how, why, why would they do something like this?" Danny asks not believing what he had just read.
Jazz numbly replies that she found his birth certificate handing it to him and taking back the file. She gets up off the floor and starts to head out of the room and down the stairs to the living room where Jack and Maddie are waiting.
"Hey Jazz wait what are you doing? Jazz!" Danny nervously asks her. She ignores him continuing her way to the living room with fury in her steps.
Maddie eyes the familiar-looking file in Jazz's hand. "Jack I thought you got rid of that." She harshly asked her husband. Jack doesn't bother to respond to her.
Jazz comes to a stop in front of them, with her standing protectively in front of Danny
"What the fuck is this?" Jazz asks holding up the file for the two of them to see. "This says that you cloned me? That Danny your son my little brother, is my clone?"
"That thing hiding behind you is not my son!" Maddie answers Jazz with venom in her voice.
Jazz felt her core flair up with rage to protect Danny, to protect her little brother, her everything, her baby, and now her son.
"You know what Danny was never your son!" "You and Jack were never his parents." "All you two ever cared about was that stupid fucking portal!" Jazz yelled back with equal amounts of venom in her voice.
"I always felt more of a mother to Danny than a sister! and now I know why! Because I practically am! He's practically my son!
I raised him! I clothed and fed him!" I was the one to take him to his first day of school and all of the million other things that you two never did!" Jazz huffed out in rage.
Danny was holding on to the back of Jazz's sweater to keep himself from turning invisible from all the fear, rage, and anger he could feel in the air.
Jazz can feel her fangs and claws coming out, and the tips of her ears starting to get pointy. She can taste the fear rolling off of Danny in waves. She's struggling to not transform into her ghost half and end the threat in front of them.
"Your son" Maddie laughs "if you want that thing as your son then we have no children."
Jazz lets out a growl. "Fine" She hisses. "We're leaving."
Jazz pulls Danny to the front door where his belongings are packed up. They gather the bags and open the door to Jason with his hand on the holster in his jacket. His eyes flashed a Lazarus pit green from having heard the conversation inside. He snaps out of it seeing Jazz and Danny. He turns around and goes to open the trunk of the rental car.
After putting the bags in the trunk Jazz and Danny climb into the back seat with Jason taking the driver seat. They drive off leaving Amity Park behind them.
Jazz pulls Danny into a tight hug growling and whispering assurances that he is safe and protected into his hair. Finally feeling safe Danny lets himself break down. Sobbing into Jazz's chest that he didn't mean to break up their family and ruin her and Jason's vacation.
"Danny, Danny sweetheart you didn’t ruin anything. None of this is your fault. Not one thing. Shhhh. Shhhh everything will be okay do you hear me, baby? Shhhhh." Jazz says letting out loud purrs from her core.
Danny lets out pained whimpers and Jason can feel his heartbreak at the sound.
After a few hours of driving and Danny falling asleep with his head in Jazz's lap, they pull over to decompress.
"So do you want to talk about what happened back there?" Jason asks Jazz looking at her in the rearview mirror.
Jazz lets out a tired sigh. "Jack and Maddie cloned me, Jason. "My Little brother is my clone and I don't know what to think or what to do about it right now." Jazz answered him while carding her hand through Danny's hair. She was on the edge of exhaustion.
"You should get some rest Jazz, we'll figure this out when we get back to Gotham. Jason replied. Jazz yawns and closes her eyes and falls asleep.
Click here to see more of my sleep deprived ramblings! :D
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reblog-house · 5 months
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A Little Catching Up
Written for Hermit-a-day-May, day 12: Friends of Hermits. Or: Lizzie! ALSO written for @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt 252, "Spill The Tea"
Wc: 1000
Ao3: Here!
It’d been a while since Lizzie last saw her husband in person, since he joined Hermitcraft. Good. That meant she was able to focus on other stuff that was on her mind. And it’s not like they never spoke, anyway.
At first, they called every day, but now it was every week or so, and every time she did, he had another story to tell. Apparently, there was something about… clones of himself? A murder mystery? A murder mystery about the clones of himself? Honestly, she stopped trying to disentangle that thing. She was happy not understanding and just hearing her husband ramble.
And then, Joel got the idea of traveling together in his brain — ‘To get some inspiration for my base, Lizzie’ — and she was more than willing to indulge him.
It was nice, getting to catch up properly, to spend some time together, before they each had to go to their respective servers. It was a much needed trip, and they got to see some very wonderful builds. She may not be pulling inspiration from it for her own creations, but she’d be lying if she said seeing all the views didn’t revitalize her a little.
It’d been less than a week since they parted ways and Lizzie was boiling a pot of tea when her phone rang. It was Joel.
“Hey babe,” she greeted, bringing the phone to her ear.
“Hey Lizzie, what are you doing right now?” He spoke very fast. “Because I want to tell you something weird and don’t want you to break something.”
“Eh, nothing special,” she said, and with her phone now supported by her shoulder, she picked up the kettle before it could whistle. “Hit me with it.”
“Remember how I told you Etho was obsessed with me?”
“Uh, duh.” She began pouring the liquid into her cup.
“Well, apparently there’s someone worse.”
“That’s possible?” She asked sarcastically. “Wow.”
“Lizzie. I came back to like seven love letters addressed to me, Lizzie. Seven anonymous love letters!”
Lizzie choked and her grip on the kettle got unsteady. It spilled a bit around the cup. “Oh, crap.” It could’ve fallen on her.
“I know, what the hell! And the worst part is, he was convinced we had something going on, because someone left a sign on his base pretending to be me!”
She openly laughed now, and set the kettle with a clank before the boiling water could drop on her. He continued his pleas.
“I’m married, Lizzie! To you! And when I told him I didn’t want anything to do with him that way, he sent me a poem. A poem, Lizzie!”
Lizzie was delighted. She picked the mug with both hands and walked to the living room with it as he spoke.
“Did he, now?” She sat back onto her favorite armchair and set the mug on the side table.
“And now!” He was quickly growing agitated. Not in a negative way. Joels needed some agitation for enrichment. An agitated Joel was a sign of a healthy husband. “The context is too complicated to explain, but now I’m stuck having to make an armor stand –”
“Oh, armor stands! Your shrine for me was adorable. And little you! Oh I could just squish his cheeks.”
“...Thank you Lizzie. Right. Now I have to make an armor stand of myself professing my love to him or whatever so he leaves me alone.”
“Ha! Oh Joel, only you.”
“Only me? Lizzie, have some compassion. I’m dying over here!”
“I don’t know…” She brought the mug to her face and checked the color. Still a couple more minutes before she could drink it. “That seems like a Joel problem to me.”
He groaned, and she could just imagine him covering his face with his hands in frustration. She loved seeing him suffer.
“Right, the worst wife. She doesn’t listen to my suffering. I’m doomed. I’m in pain and she doesn’t empathize.”
She laughed again. “Well, if I’m so horrible of a wife, I think it’s time to go, now! My tea will be ready any minute now.” And with the most cheerful of tones. “Bye Joel! Good luck with the number one fan!”
There was a little moment of silence, and when Joel spoke again, it was like he was a different person. All the acceleration left his voice and who remained was the man she’d know for most of her life, who she would take strolls along the beach with, who proposed to her, who she spent a wonderful time with on their most recent trip. 
“Bye babe. It was nice talking to you. It’s… it’s been a strange few days. I think the trip made me realize how much I missed you.”
She melted a little and didn’t try to hide it in her voice. “Oh, Joel. I can imagine. I miss you too. It’s been three months now, since you joined. Can you believe that?”
“And yet it sometimes feels like the first week. Like I’m still very new to it all. It’s so strange. How has time passed that fast but also so slow?”
“Something only the ruler of Stratos would know.”
“What- that… doesn’t make any sense. Why would I from-”
“I love you Joel.”
“Love you too, Lizzie. Right, I have some projects to be working on. Not the stupid statue. I’ll postpone that as much as possible. Maybe one day I can sneak you in so you could see how my base is coming along. See how the trip has helped me”
“I would like that. Just be careful of Xisuma noticing me!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll bring you in when he’s offline. Okay, bye now.”
And like that, she ended the call.
It truly was nice to see him having fun on his new server and making new friends. If unwanted love letters counted as a new friend. She chuckled to herself. The situations that man got himself into, sometimes…
But she loved him all the same.
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dayseternal-blog · 2 years
OKOKOK I might sound weird but do you have any kinky naruhina fanfics?
This anon has nearly the exact same wording as my most popular fanfic rec ask that I answered in 2021. For some pervy reason, that post has seen the most circulation out of all my fanfic rec lists 🤭 maybe because I sorted it by kinks? Maybe because I included hentai?
Anyway, perhaps the same anon is back for
A New Kinky Rec List ver. 2? 🙈
New year, new additions to the craziest, kinkiest NaruHina fics I've yet read 😳 lol again, majorly inappropriate, these new ones will be sorted by kinks below the cut.
NaruHina Smut & Kink
A reminder that some of these are meant to be read with humor! And these are all rated Explicit.
“Down the Rabbit Hole” by @vegebulsoup - Modern AU, One-shot. Despite his protests, Jiraiya takes Naruto out to a hostess club for his birthday and it’s not quite what he expected.
"The sweet, shy, innocent Kunoichi" by @tjtheanimelover - Canon-Divergent AU, Series of One-shots. See Naruto's point of view as he and Hinata partake in some naughty activities
"Bruise" from "Lips, Tongue, Teeth" by @wickermayne - Canon-Compatible, One-shot. Warning: bruise and pain play
“After the Bleeep” by @peppercornpress - Canon-Compatible, Multi-chapter, Complete. Naruto and Hinata agree to try out phone-sex while Naruto is off on a business trip. Things do not go as planned.
“Savage” from “NaruHina Erotica Oneshots” by @makuro767 - Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. I am the sun, you know you need me / And you might get burned if you take too much / Don’t get addicted ‘cause, I’m gonna fade you like that rush / Is that blood on me or blush?
"Double Trouble" by vegebulsoup - Canon-Compatible, One-shot. The Seventh Hokage is always using shadow clones to help him fulfill his many roles. He even sends one to help his wife around the house and keep her company. But when Hinata starts killing his clones in the middle of the day, Naruto struggles to keep his composure at work as the clone's memories flood his mind.
"High School AU" from "NaruHina & MenHina Lemons" by Veradux - High School AU, Three-shot. "This can't continue, Menma." Naruto sighed. "I'll invite her over, and we'll ask her to choose one of us."
"New Years, New Beginnings" from "Small Doses" by @chloelapomme - Modern AU, One-shot. Tonight was the night. New year, new beginning. She had finally made her decision regarding the two men that had been gravitating around her, openly flirting with her for a year now.
"Fun With Clones" from "Tales of the Seventh Hokage and the Byakugan Hime" by Nihal Tonks-Lupin - Canon-Compatible, One-shot. They've been married for 3 years now, and Hinata knew her husband better than anyone. She knew she could get him into trouble, but she also knew he would not mind at all. The reward was too great for him to complain about a little public embarrassment.
"Naughty Hinata" by afydith - Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata Hyuga was thought of as the most innocent person in the village, but how wrong everyone was.
"New Tactics" by konyah - Canon-Compliant, One-shot. Her eyes darted to the books on her night table. She absolutely cannot BELIEVE that Naruto had these sleazy books in his library, and in a spot their children could easily access! Even if they were from his mentor - she could tell that he had read threw them a few times from the slightly torn pages.
"Teaching" by Senrab Nomis - Canon-Divergent, One-shot. Hinata wants to learn the shadow clone jutsu, and who better to teach her than Naruto? Now if only he could figure out why her clones aren't exact copies. Surely there must be some reason they keep appearing in their underwear?
"Valentine's Eve" by v0c SweetKiss - Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. With Naruto's love towards Sakura begins to waver, Hinata seized this opportunity to take action.
“Love in all the wrong places” by Pelican182 - Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. She knew what she was getting into, yet didn’t try to stop it. How could she when she’d already become so addicted. [I just found out that the fic was deleted or something. I tried to get it on the wayback machine, but it only had Ch. 1, Ch. 4, and Ch. 5]
"Spit" from "Lips, Tongue, Teeth" by wickermayne - Canon-Compatible, One-shot. They started with her fingers first. “I’m just too big, y’know? Don’t wanna hurt you,” Naruto mumbled between sloppy kisses.
“Hinata’s Plan” by EreborMarkus - Rated E for major hentai smut, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Hinata has been working on a plan for years now, and poor Naruto has no clue. It’s finally time to reel in her man.
"Naruto Hinata" from "Naruto Deserted Island" by Freedom Guard - Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. What do you do when you are stuck on an island with plenty of food and water, and the only company you have is a beautiful woman?Naruto is about to find out.
"Hinata Hyuuga, Training Session of Seduction" from "Naruto's Beginnings of the Fox's Seed" by sandkings321 - Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. Naruto Uzumaki is a dominating Adonis - blessed with good looks, a strong body oozing with pure manliness and unadulterated testosterone, pure animal magnetism, an unquenchable thirst for sex and a habit of dominating submissive horny women and bringing them into his harem. 
"Icha Icha Paradise: The Jinchuuriki and the Hyuga Heiress" by DarkChild316 - Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot.  After a day of playing in the snow, Naruto and Hinata return home to the Hokage Mansion where things "heat up" in a hurry.
“Work Relations” from “Hinata Oneshot Series” by tjtheanimelover - Modern AU, One-shot. Naruto and Hinata are both adult film stars who have secret crushes on each other. When they finally get the chance to work together, the results will be explosive.
“Instagram Lust” by conquereddaddyissues - Rated E, Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Naruto can’t stop thinking about Sakura’s roommate Hinata. Or asking about her. Sakura does him a favor, & now he can’t stop watching her Instagram stories. Or jerking off to them. Fuck, did Hinata turn him into a pervert?
"Happiness Found" by dreadlord789 - Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. The war has been won, differences have been set aside, and Naruto is now Hokage, married to his childhood crush. Though his marriage is far from perfect, he finds comfort in the one woman who has never left his side.
“Runner’s High” (to be rewritten) by @bunny-hoodlum - Rated E, College/Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. She’s an older woman. She’s also married. He’s a freshman at University. Single. She’s the one he wants and he doesn’t see what’s so wrong about that.
“Antidote” by tragedyneverends - Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Complete. During a mission, Sakura and Hinata get bitten by highly venomous spiders. They don’t have enough time to prepare the antidote so, to save their lives, they’ll need Sasuke’s and Naruto’s… help.
"don't mind me" from "love incredible" by @ellaroundpanda - Magic AU, One-shot. In which a seemingly innocent box of cookies causes some trouble for Naruto and it's up to Hinata to deal with the consequences... Or, Naruto eats a bunch of cookies laced with extremely potent aphrodisiacs and no one but Hinata can help him.
"Blessed Poison" by @journalist298 - Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. After a run-in with a rogue female ninja who hates men, Naruto is infected with a poison that will kill him in 24 hours. There's only one cure. Hinata will do anything to save him...anything.
“Chapter 2: Modern AU” from “NaruHina and MenHina Lemons” by Veradux - Rated E, Modern AU, One-shot. Theme: Olympics Swimmer Naruto (22) x University Junior Hinata (19)
"Married Life:Crazy Adventures" by LolaTheSa - Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Incomplete. Come with Naruto and Hinata to see their married adventures.
"Icha Icha Nightly Report" by tjtheanimelover - Modern AU, One-shot. Hinata is a regular reporter for the Konoha News Station by day but is a freaky reporter by night. She will stop at nothing to go all out for her viewers but once her reports get leaked what will she do and how will everyone react?
“Naruto’s New Focus” by @truebkgirl - Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. For 18 months training and missions have been put on hold due to the loss of his arm. Now, Naruto is mission-ready and learns that a number of his comrades have taken on seduction missions… He’s questioning his feelings but never lets his focus waiver. Naruto has a new mission to endure. All he needs now is to figure out if SHE wants to be part of it.
"Peeping Naruto" by randomteenager - Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot.  Jiraiya orders Naruto to complete one of the hardest missions of his young life.
“On-Screen” by browniefic - Modern AU, One-shot. In which camboy Naruto’s girlfriend makes an appearance on camera.
"Perspective" from "Naruhina Oneshot Prompts" by tjtheanimelover - Canon-Compliant, One-shot. Written for NH Prompts 2022, March 1st- Extra Prompt: Perspective
"Relief (Hinata)" from "VulgarAssassin's Naruto Drabble Dump" by wickermayne - Canon-Compliant, Drabble. Boruto wasn't a hungry baby.
 “Fifty Shades of Denial” from “Heartbreaks and Heartaches” by @powerful-niya - Crime AU, One-shot. NHPrompts22 Prompt 8: “You know, things wouldn’t be all that different if we were dating.”
"Incubus" from "NaruHina Erotica Oneshots" by Makuro767 - Demons AU, One-shot. It’s not a fairytale love story. It’s not a teenage romance. She didn’t even know if this can be considered romance.
"Friction" by Supercar - Canon-Compatible, One-shot.  It was as if they were no longer just Naruto and Hinata. He couldn't tell where one ended and the other began. He didn't want to.
Chapter 13 from “NaruHina Oneshots” by powerful-niya - Fox!Naruto x Bunny!Hinata AU, One-shot. In a world where Humanus Hybrid Prey and Predators live and hunt, one fox and one bunny meet unexpectedly.
"The Beastmaster and the Witch" from "NaruHina & Menhina Lemons" by Veradux - Fantasy AU, One-shot. Hinata Hyuga, the Cosmic Witch of the East, is not a typical witch.
"Alpha" from "NaruHina Erotica Oneshots by Makuro767 - A/B/O Canon-Divergent AU, Three-shot. Naruto bit Hinata...that's not a good thing...or is it?
I wrote these:
“Sweet As” from “Needs & Wants” - Alpha/Omega Modern AU, One-shot. Hinata gives Naruto candy on Valentine’s, and he develops a crush early-on.
"Lovesick" - A/O Canon-Divergent AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. She wasn't ready for Naruto to come-of-age. He wasn't ready, either.
“Risk of Intimacy” by browniefic - Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Naruto knows right from wrong. He knows the right thing to do in this situation is to train his business partner’s daughter. He knows the wrong thing to do in this situation is to fuck her against his desk. But goddamn it, he’s only one person.
"Hinata (DILF Naruto)" from "Chicken Ramen for the Pervert's Soul" by wickermayne - Canon-Divergent AU, One-shot. Naruto knew better. “Here you are, Uzumaki-sama.” He bit back a growl, taking the cup of tea from Hisashi’s eldest daughter.
"Lust for Life" by chloelapomme - Modern AU, One-shot. When did one stop being a child? A little kid seeking affection? Was it when they got so much that they eventually had to leave the suffocating love of their parents? Or was it when they never got enough that they asked for more in some other ways?
"Miss Hinata" by Sadistic One - Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Hinata's life had become a custom routine until Naruto joined her company four months ago. Somewhere in month three, Sakura assigns Naruto to be her work husband. That wouldn't be a problem if Hinata wasn't thirty-five and already married. However, Naruto knows this, everyone else knows she's married, so why did he kiss her?
"Dissolve Me" by bunnyhoodlum - Modern AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. He remembers the her before the bad coping mechanisms as he struggles to find the balance between doing what's right and doing right by her.
"Hot For Teacher" by truebkgirl - College AU, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. Without looking back up to him she says, "I'll be on at 9:45. Don't be tardy." Naruto's smile widens. "I haven't been tardy for you yet, Ms. Hyuuga."
"Hole" from "Lips, Tongue, Teeth" by wickermayne - Canon-Compatible, One-shot. Naruto eats ass.
"Fantasy AU" from "NaruHina & MenHina Lemons" by Veradux - Fantasy AU, One-shot. Theme: Naruto (Dragon Emperor, 24) x Hinata (Sorceress Concubine, 21)
I know this list isn't exhaustive, like I'm definitely missing some good ones, but it's getting too long and the post keeps glitching lol. So anon, take a look at my first list and this one for a whole lot of smut!!
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askstevella · 9 months
Double the trouble
-> Click here for part 1
The wind was charging across the south side of the safe house. It was cold outside but warmer beside the lights of the fireplace.
They were in Jersey.
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Steve had them arrive shortly before the lights on the streets could go red, as he sat down glancing down the window and his shield place right aside the couch. He clinched the window frame, as his thumb played with the curtains grumbling. Beforehand it like he knew Stella would panic and break into her quick paced mood of picking at her skin, so he made them some tea.
She sat down on the couch, sipping the tea watching him and gulped down the drink. She watched his stance not change, as her fingers run across the mug, he added honey to her tea. That was slightly uncommon for him to do unless he was frantically searching for something to smooth his senses.
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“Babe.” She said, standing up from the couch placing the mug on the coffee table and walked over to him, “Sweetheart?”
“Hmm?” He asked, looking over at her stepping away from the window with a furrow brow, “Before you ask, yes, I’m fine. Just gotta make sure we weren’t being followed.”
“And if we were?”
“I’ll make sure they know who they are dealing with.”
“Why would this other Steven want with me?”
“First off, he believes I am living in the past and don’t deserve everything I got..That I’m in shackles now being tied down to following orders. I should take what i want. The star on my chest is an illusion and my wife deserves better than me.”
“He definitely believes he’s the better Captain. If he has me, the role as leader for The Avengers and the power to do whatever he wants..”
“Then everything is right in the world. He’s HYDRA honey..or so we think?”
“You think? He’s a clone of you! Unless..he’s from another universe?”
Steve raised an eyebrow at her thought process, knowing his wife was clever and down right smarter than he thought. The infinite earths theory is on the table. But he had to keep her heart calm, her voice relaxed and the mood in the room light, he knew his wife too well to know what she might do next if she knew the truth.
“Before we left i had Stark and Nat look into it. Maybe your right but he looks like me. Acts like me Elle..” He replied, with an honest almost fearful look, “..if he’s actual HYDRA, then he needs to be eliminated.”
“And what are you gonna do? Stay here and keep watch while our friends are searching for him. I understand you want to keep me safe but this isn’t how it should go.” She added, pacing the room with the tiny glare, “..I know your scared of losing me but you won’t.”
“I can’t be sure of that.”
“Yes you can.”
“Your not as strong as you used to be after you stopped practicing magic to go back to a simpler life.”
“So? I know how to use a gun, punch someone in the face and jump on a motorcycle if needed.”
“I’m planning on going back to find him but I need to know you will be okay here by yourself.”
“I will be.”
He nodded and kissed her cheek, returning to the kitchen to make a phone call. Stella was clever to know something was wrong, she knew her husband well enough but he wasn’t this on the nose with everything. He understood he was fearful of the situation but the way he acted like she was going to leave him or run away made her feel horribly bad.
And then she got her answer. His shield was played against the couch, it looked a little worn down and scratched. It wasn’t uncommon for the shield to look that way but the slight increase fade of color on the edges said otherwise. She looked over her shoulder, as she kneeled over to flipping the huge frisbee over to notice a small crushed card stuffed into the side behind the handlebars.
She quickly picked it up, opening it to find the note to be her handwriting. She half smiled, she tended to leave small notes on the inside of his shield telling him to ‘be safe’, ‘pick up the milk’ , ‘kick their ass babe!’ and or something longer than that.
She read the note..
‘Hello my darling, day 259 of this note writing game. Yes i’m keeping count! I want you to know, that I love you dearly but you have to let me go soon. I know you and my brother want to try everything to save time, but my body is slowly fading. I have fought every battle, kissed every star and sang every last lyric in my songbook. Please understand you are my love, my darling thoughts and one of the reasons i smile. You will both see me on the other side, i promise you that! I love you my husband. You will see me again. XOXO, Elle💋 ’
Stella was silent as she finished the note, her hand written letter was sent like a new made goodbye. The crushed car was stamped with her a kiss from what seemed to be ruby red lipstick. She knew it wasn’t her because she never wrote this lovely but sorrow note. But it was her from another universe who sounded pleased that she’s leaving theses note for her husband to remember her by.
She was always a sucker for keeping notes and photos around for the sake of memories to keep in the living spirt of it all.
“What are you doing?”
She turned around to face his blue eyes and blonde matted hair with a stance that looked protective yet purposely serious. She gasped as her thumbs rubbed circles across the paper. He walked over to her, annoyed wanting her to stand and explain herself.
He repeated himself, “What are you doing, Stella?”
“You’re him..” She said, as her voice sounded like a whisper.
“So your smarter than you look, love.”
“You shouldn’t be here..you should be with her.”
“Whatever you saw, it was nothing of your concern.”
“Yes it does!”
“No it does! You may look like her but deep down your not the same women!”
“Doesn’t matter! She is your wife..I’m your wife! She need you right now..”
“You’re alive and she’s not!..i need you alive.”
“She’s not dead yet..what do you want from me?”
“You’re magic. You’re heart..”
“You want my heart to save Estella Strange—”
“Rogers. And yes, it was your brother’s insane idea! We can’t live without you. The Avengers can’t live with you.”
“So you kidnapped me?! Thiego is insane…”
“It was his idea.”
“And my father?”
“He thought it wasn’t right unless we found a version you who would do it.”
“No. I—no I won’t do it. You just have to accept that there is no version of me, who would give up their magic for that!”
“Answer me this then. If it was the other way around, would you search for a way to keep me alive? Or would you let me die?”
“That’s what i thought.”
He was about to walk away when he heard her speak again.
Stella looked him dead in the eyes, “Not if you said, it’s okay to let you go. Yes, it will hurt having you gone but not when i know we will see each other again one day. And I clearly told you in that note the same exact thing!”
“She’s delusional. She’s under a lot of medication. My Elle would not..” Steve said, with hard piercing glare and sighed, “..you’re brother won’t accept it either and neither will any of them! Taking your heart is the only way to save our own.”
“Your in denial, Steve! You all are.”
“Shut it. You don’t get to lecture me about the situation when you don’t know what it’s like.”
“I take it you’re version of me was each other’s first love or something? I never met my fiancé and you never met Peggy or Sharon..?”
“..Peggy and I were just friends..and Sharon well—no. You never met Sam’s wingman Riley..well you met but never dated.”
“..oh god. Steve, you and I need to talk.”
“No. We don’t.”
“Yes we do. I may not be your Stella..but I do know that we both love a version of you no matter what. I think if you talk about this..maybe you can accept she loved you enough and want you to be happy?”
“Happy? When she’s died?…when she’s died and I’m still alive?!”
“Steve please. I don’t want to hurt you anymore than it must be seeing my face but yes! She wants you to know how much she loves you..sit with me?”
“You sit. One wrong move and I’ll restrain you to the chair. Understood?”
She only nodded, fearing a part of him would do it.
They were both in the living room.
Steve was silent, holding the note in his hand and groaned shaking his head. He was standing in front of her. He was never one to handle losing the people he cared about well and seeing this version of his wife sitting next to him struck a nerve.
She just sat there watching him. She looked so vibrant dressed in pinks and whites, her fingers tinkering with the fabric of her sweater. Her hair was longer with lush brown curls. Her makeup was fair and lighter in the rays of light that peaked from the hallway.
He huffed, he knew it was a mistake to see Stella like this and think of knocking her out cold to bring her to Thiego.
It was a contrast to his Elle. The idea of seeing his own with no make up, a little pale and shorter hair could make a shiver down his spine. Her bright smiles that she had now turned into smaller sweeter ones.
Ones that smiled as if that’s the last time she would smile towards her friends and family.
Before he left to come here, he remembered kissing Elle’s forehead as she was asleep in his favorite dull brown sweater. She was at The Avengers Compound hospital bed and if he’s correct, she might as well could still be asleep.
He remembers the way she would stand from the couch or chair, when he got home from work and rush to him arms. And he would catch her swiftly and kiss her face as she laughed.
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He didn’t want to let her go. He couldn’t. He wasn’t sure he was ready to watch her leave him, just yet.
Yes he was going across the 5 stages of grief in his head but can you blame him?!
They have been together since the moment he woke up in early February of 2010 as she was his nurse in New York City. That version of Stella never became a part of The Avengers, but an sweet agent to SHIELD.
She was one of the nurses on the medical team when they met.
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And it was history ever seen.
He could do it right now, but he knew a part that Elle wouldn’t want him to. Yes, she would have told him to pull the trigger and told him to get the job done years ago but now, she wouldn’t exactly tell him that.
His thoughts were intercepted by Stella’s voice as he glanced up at her. She said something.
“Hm?” He asked, his baby blues meeting her brown eyes.
“Are you here to harm my Steve and make him look bad as Captain America?” She repeated, slightly inching away from him.
“..i might. He doesn’t deserve you. And if he gets in my way, or worse I’ll make sure the Captain look like a fool.”
“Have him arrested?”
“Possibly. I already did some damage when i got here, breaking into SHIELD facility and steal few access codes.”
“Why? To make a point.”
“Yes. The footage already looked like he did it and knowing my counterpart, he is searching for you. He’s trying to prove his innocence to SHIELD and track you down.”
“He will find me.”
“I know he will. And I won’t hesitate to shoot if he does.”
“Where’s my brother? Does he know you’re here?”
“He’s searching across the universe to see if there is another match aside in case you’re heart or magic doesn’t work. Now if you want to help me, you can surely give in.”
She glared as she leaned forward against her knees as she gave him a simple, “No.”
Steve glared as he walked to face her as he leaned forward and grabbed her face with a hand, “You will help me.”
“Accept she’s will be fun and just want to spend her last few months or so with you!”
“You forgot what’s like to be honest about this situation.”
“I learned that you have to remember the good memories, Steven. And not think about the bad!”
“You’re pathetic.”
“You don’t have the heart to hurt me.”
He squeezed her face just ever so slightly, make sure not to leave a mark on her cheeks. He had the shoulder glare deep within his eyes as he let go off her face. She gasped, felt like she was thrusted back onto the couch as she rubbed her cheeks.
She blinked. He was hurt and he needed to understand what matters is that is with her. Yes, it was true Stella wasn’t as strong as she once was with her magic.
But she had a strong element to her talents that could help him remember why he’s here.
Just as she was about to stand up and try something. The door was knocked down as an angry super soldier stood there glaring at his counterpart holding his shoulder.
He was dressed in his suit, with a glare underneath that mask.
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“Oh you’re screwed..” Was all Stella said, as her fingers glowed a light organic orange and backed away slowly.
It was as if the room got colder than expected in that moment. 2 Steven Grant Rogers in the same room?! Both looked at her structure and glances at one another dead in the eye, beforehand reaching for their shields and then—Blam! Captain America styled shields were thrown across the ground into the other’s grasp as Steve grabbed the man and pinned him onto the wall.
-> Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and reblog with responses if you like.
-> What do we think of this twist? And the roles taken place?
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @mallowbee4 @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @sherloquestea @rooster-84 @halesfavoriteharlot and etc
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theglitchywriterboi · 6 months
The Life And Times Of A Power Dealer
Issue Zero
AUTHORS NOTE: This is a really rough draft I wrote at like 7AM on no sleep & in a format I generally don't write in [first person kinda talking to the audience]. So apologies for any mistakes
I'm not a drug dealer per se… Yes, I do sell things that, to some, may be considered drugs due to the fact they do alter your physical &/or mental capabilities. And yes, the selling of these items may not technically be legal but… Okay, maybe I am a drug dealer.
But what I sell isn't traditional drugs. What I sell gives people… Abilities. Whatever power you want, I probably have on deck. & if I don't, for the right price, I can in a few days.
Superspeed? Obviously. Shape-shifting? You might as well ask if the supermarket has bottled water. Flying? Of course!
See, a few years ago - nine to be exact, about 6% of the population gained Superpowers. Some got only one, but were very powerful - like being so strong they’re able to fold a bus as if it were a piece of paper. Others got several, but were weak - like being able to blow bubbles & being able to float two inches off the floor. Not many people could do it sure [and given how rare powers were in general, may make people - especially kids, stunned], but not really useful, or flashy.
Of course there were others that varied. Some got one weak power - one guy I know can teleport. One inch at a time.
And before you think it’d somehow still be faster than walking, its not. Powers use energy - if you train enough its not super exerting, but when you teleport less than the average step, while simultaneously using up more energy than a step, it’s kinda pointless to train.
Then theres people with multiple strong powers. Super strength & being able to breathe fire. Or being able to control water & the ability to fly as high as you want.
Naturally, some non-powered individuals [and some with subpar powers] are upset they got the short end of the stick.
I can’t blame them to be fair.
So, thats where I come in.
I lucked out, having a few fairly overpowered abilities. The main two relevant for you to know right now though, are: Hyper intelligence, and being able to clone myself.
The government, both the new superpower branch & the normal branch, don’t like people having powers, so they try to keep it suppressed. Ironically, by hiring those with powers [because how can someone with no powers go up against someone who can turn your body inside out?
I make ability supplements. Any way you want them. Some want a patch, others want pills, the weird few want it to be powered - I really hope they’re making a “Super power drink” not snorting it, but once the sales done, it’s none of my business.
Cute story, one guy came in & he wanted a very specific order. Format was glitter, and you cant absorb the power through latex gloves, & once the glitter touches the ground [carpet or grass], it no longer has the power in it. He wanted two powers in it: The ability to fly about six feet off the ground & invincibility. Flying to last two hours & the invincibility to last two & a half hours. He got five doses to take home.
A few days later he comes back absolutely beaming. Turns out his kids [two daughters & a son] fell in love with the Peter Pan movie, so he & his husband dressed in their best Peter Pan outfits, and sprinkled the glitter - or Pixie dust as far as the kids know, on top of all their heads.
He showed me a video - while I wouldn’t recommend videoing yourself using my products [seeing as its a crime & you never know when a bootlicking superpowered motherfucker may somehow access your phone & see your video] it was very adorable. When he showed me he gave a big tip, which most usually don’t, especially after the fact.
Unfortunately, not all customers have such sweet intentions. But once again, after the sale is finalized, what they do is none of my business. Though since I’m still a small timer, there haven’t been any big crimes committed by the people who solicit my services. As far as I know at least.
Being able to clone yourself comes in all forms. Some have what I like to call “Instant spawn”. Basically, versions of themselves spawn near The Origin [the non-clone version] - surrounding a person they're going to attack, different parts of the room, whatever. Traditionally somewhere in proximity to The Origin, though it is incredibly rare for someone to make a clone in lets say Moscow while they're in Seattle. Possible, but again, rare.
Others have my favorite, “The walk out”. Basically the clones seemingly [or literally maybe] walk out of the The Origin. Generally those with that kind stand still while their clones walk out of The Origin but others like to be flashy, making their clones walk out as they walk/run.
The kind I have is… Okay. I call it the meditation method. I close my eyes, generally I sit crisscross or lay down, then my clones walk out of me. Similar to the previous method I suppose, but I have to have my eyes closed & if The Origin [myself in this case] is disturbed - whether I open my eyes voluntarily or I’m attacked, my clones snap out of existence.
I & most people who can clone themselves, retain all the information & memories that our clone went through.
Anyway, I should get onto telling the happenings of my life instead of rambling about powers [I will do more rambling, apologies in advance, but also… You read this & made an active choice to keep reading…].
It all started with an angry father. Different father than the cute story guy [and not his husband either].
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sirwarthogsworld · 6 months
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U know shits going down when he catches u doing something u shouldn't do.
U try to leave the house and he's like and where do u think ur going little lady? As he deeply says with a tence stare in ur soul.
Then u say I'm going out with my friends?.
He looks at u and says sweety it's a school night u need to be in ur room getting on homework.
Then he realizes ur wearing something revealing and he goes oh your not wearing that. Jamas then school work!
Then u go to ur room lock the door then u get a text from a friend uve known since preschool and he says wots taking so long.? And u reply I'm not going I got home work.
His answer is oh then should I save u a dance then?
U laugh then u say with a teary eyed emoji I wish I could but my dad has me on a curfew because the Empire placed one on all citecins remember?
Well then we could sneak off someplace just u and me?. Plus when has the Empire stopped us before?!
Then u try to sneack out ur window and..
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Suddenly caught by ur dad's husband ur other dad.
Wot do we have here?! Trying to desert ur own fathers I see? And still in that awful skimpy outfit I see!? School night means school night! Non of this run away shinanegins shit!
And then he sees ur talking to the friend u knew in preschool. And u go daddy I have a confession u know my friend grem from school?
That boy u played with as a kid? Yeah I know him know how close u were with him. Why?
Things with him have come closer dad. And plus this girl at my school yelda she thinks she's hot shit. And stuff always gets her way gets the fame glory popularity in class and on social media and she's got this party going on to showcase her and her families new house and just to have more attention cus rampart is her dad.
And she said if I'm not there in a hour that grem was hers and shed tell everyone how.. Then u pause and he says how u flunked math? I know. He puts u in the comfort of his arms and says non of that matters and u love him truly then tell him!
I'll handle the bully situation and also ur grounded for dis obeying orders and trying to wear something that u think can one up MS popularity and cus I love u.
And something else ur super smart. So dont let that girl take that from u. And I'll help u with ur homework. Cuz we got ur report card the other day and u got a c. So try getting it up to a b and we'll see wot happens and something else I need to confiscate ur phone.
So next morning u ur dads and ur mom r at the breakfast table eating and next thing u know it's some guy walking to the door and it's someone u rarely see anymore. But with the accent u remember him all to well and a deeper voice. Your dad slick. Came by to take u to school. And as ur in the land speeder with him and the radio going he notices quite a tude to ur voice. And with how you posture urself before getting in.
And he's like tft a real rebel like ur dad and I back in the civle war. Got quite a tude to u today kid wot is it.?
As. U slump down and u see her yelda in a neon pink land speeder with grem in the passenger side. And u slump down farther so she can't see u. As ur at the trafic light she rules the window down and is like hey loser heard ur daddy grounded u. Ha ha stupid inferior clones! And u call ourselves the better soldier?! Please! And she throws her soda at ur head! Bye now and vssoom! Speeds past u and as ur crying ur heart and eyes out slick then calls u off school takes u to his apartment on the other side of galactic city back on coressant and he gets u cleand up and he says
So that's wot ur deal is. I'll get her expelled for this. As he kisses u and while a ur tears and says amphiritite u know we're here for u. As he carried u to ur new room layd u in bed turns the light off and then closed ur door
Then gus calls.. Where the hell is she?! In a fit of rage!
Gus calm down please I called the school called her off brought her to my place.
Gus well the teach nor any of us here were notified of this! The hells matter with u slick Oberon?!
Chopper the overly aggressive but sensitive and understanding type he is.. Give me the phone.
Slick babe please tell me she didn't skip school.?
No hun she didn't I was on my way to take her there and kinda get her take on this whole situation and ramparts daughter showed up beside us and was with the boy our girl was falling hard for the one she new since preschool grem?. Yeah well he was with her and she threw her coak at our daughter. And mocked her! So I brought her here called her off just for the day no homework non of that. She needs to decompress.
Sigh.. Ok slick good call then.
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katarinas-redemption · 4 months
The Alchemist (No. 101). 👏👏👏 Episode highlights.
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Season 1, Episode 12 "THE ALCHEMIST"
Red notifies the team that a man known as the Alchemist has been hired to protect a mob informant and his wife;
Official synopsis: As Red (James Spader) enlists activist whistleblowers in his search for the mole, Liz (Megan Boone) pursues a deranged scientist who's helped dozens of criminals escape by engineering and killing their genetic doubles.
Eric Trettel aka The Alchemist. - Meera: His name’s Eric Trettel. Flunked out of med school. Falsified a degree from Harvard and used it to land a job in the Human Genome Project. He spun that into a career as an expert witness specializing in DNA evidence. Ressler: He testified in a case on behalf of Carlos Trena, a soldier in the D’Angelo crime family facing three counts of murder one. Meera: Trettel was hired to present exculpatory DNA evidence. Problem is, that evidence was falsified. Trettel was outed as a fraud and disgraced. Two weeks later, he disappeared. It was believed either the D’Angelo family had him killed or he fled to avoid indictment.
Liz: He’s, um – a scientist, an expert in DNA.
Red: – There’s someone I think you should find.
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He’s a man who protects the guilty by preying on the innocent. He’s killed women, children, infants if need be– whatever the particular job calls for.
Red: I bring this to your attention because I’ve learned that he’s been contracted to protect Pytor Madrczyk and his wife.
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Liz: You were wrong about Madrczyk. You said the Alchemist was hired to protect him. Now he’s dead.
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Liz: How does he do it?
Red: I don’t know even half of it. I’ve heard rumors– removing the white blood cells from the victim and replacing them with the red blood cells of his client, leaving clone DNA at crime scenes to mislead the police, even incorporating synthetic DNA into genuine human tissue.
Liz: So this isn’t just evidence tampering. This is genetic manipulation.
Red: Yes. It’s a trade in death. The guilty give their blood and genetic identity.mThe innocent give their life for the guilty to live. If you find the Alchemist, you have a chance to resurrect the dead, to bring to justice some of the most vile creatures who ever lived.
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Red: If you find the Alchemist, you have a chance to resurrect the dead, to bring to justice some of the most vile creatures who ever lived.
Aram: The female victim on the plane was named Sarah Jenkins.
Liz: How did you identify her?
Aram: The Alchemist knew that, based on a forensic procedure, we wouldn’t run tests necessary to distinguish between synthesized and natural DNA. Now that we know what we’re looking for, we pulled the bone–marrow sample, ran it against our database.
Mrs Madrczyk: I got a call. Are you Trettel?
Trettel: We have a situation.
Mrs Madrczyk: Yeah, we have a situation. You crashed our jet, murdered five people. We’re supposed to be gone. You assured us. I was on my way to Budapest when my husband was taken into FBI custody.
Trettel: Who did you tell?
Mrs Madrczyk: We paid you to make us disappear.
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Liz: Sarah Jenkins was using an online–dating site. That’s how we think the Alchemist found her. Gave him everything he needed to know to double her as Catherine Madrczyk.
Liz: He knows we’re onto him.
Ressler: That’s why he took the risk of coming into the field office. Got Madrczyk, his wife– The guy’s killing everybody that might lead us to him.
Liz: Oh, my God. His family.
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Ressler: [ On phone ] Malik, we’re too late. Molly and Annie Trettel are dead.
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Mrs Trettel: You’re not gonna get away with this.
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frigid666 · 1 year
haven't posted a tiktok in a while bc i deleted the app from my phone, but i saw this brilliant commentary reposted to youtube and had to share it.
men who tell women to lower their standards and settle for/tolerate a kingbaby or else they will die alone are BLUFFING! whether they know it or not. some of them are more conscious of the fact they will one day be old and need someone to take care of them. they are actively trying to rope in a woman for themselves to assume this role and holding the line for other men so that they can secure a caretaker too. others have really overdosed on redpill content that they are actually disconnected from reality and don't see how many of them are dying alone, unloved, and forgotten. and that no, men actually don't age like fine wine and can attract a big-titty 10/10 submissive 25 year old to be their caretaker like fresh and fit said; or that they can emotionally neglect their children and still reasonably expect those children to care for them on principle of being "the protector and provider father." men are the ones dying alone, and they would do well to humble themselves and built a community (which includes his family/partner) that actually cares for him bc he built a good relationship with them, nurtured them and enriched their lives.
sometimes these men can condition their sons to be their loyal narcissistic clones (see: andrew tate and his abuser father), but a lot of the times even the sons are not having it and go no contact or resist the father's abuse of the family. i see this a lot in the mexican immigrant/mexican-american community from the sons. i remember a tiktok that went semi-viral of a mexican-american guy in his early-mid 20s who said he wanted to work and be successful so he could buy his mom a house and provide for her. and there were a lot of people (mostly men, but women too) giving him a hard time in the comments for just saying this was for his mom, and not mentioning the dad. they were mad bc he broke rank and said the quiet part aloud: that his dad wasn't shit and didn't deserve anything, so he was not going to receive anything from him. not because they couldn't relate.
in my own city coroner's office, there are 13 unclaimed female bodies. 3 of which are homicide victims, and 2 of the 3 were burned/otherwise damaged specifically to make confirming their identity difficult for police and the public. there 36 unclaimed male bodies; all in relatively good condition upon discovery. all different races of men are going unclaimed at my local morgue, at nearly 3x the rate of women. i saw some women out of curiosity checking their local coroner's office to see if this trend of unclaimed male bodies superceded the amount of unclaimed female bodies after 1 woman posted her results (which is why i checked mine), and nearly all did. this is the (literal and metaphorical) nail in men's coffins. they MUST learn to socialize as a community members and as good fathers, because women and children of today are not playing. they WILL leave their shitty husbands and fathers in the dust. from dust they were formed and to dust they shall return, like isn't that a saying?
never get in the way of a mans karma. let the people decide. are most men worthy of having people by their side of their death bed? of being claimed by others for burial? don't fall for their mind games. they think we as women will not call their bluff, that we will eventually relent on staying single and childless in order to not have to settle. let's make sure they are WRONG!
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tamelee · 2 years
Hey Tamelee,
Hope you’re having a wonderful day.
I just want to share with you my hypothesis while rereading Gaiden a few days ago; because I love to dissect that 10 chapters in my head but never got to really write it down somewhere. Here is my first try:
Orochimaru confirmed that it was Shin’s cells that was used for Danzo’s arm where he implanted all those sharingans, meaning Shin have been in existence for a long time already. It’s just not clear when Orochimaru lost control of Shin and even Kakashi is aware that Orochimaru are doing some clone experiments (check his quick phone conversation with Naruto)
Why I’m saying this, because I think after the war Orochimaru started doing another experiment this time involving the DNA of an Uchiha and an Uzumaki and trying to create something like the Sage of six paths. It will not be hard for him to create a new clone since he already have Shin as a basis.
Kakashi when he was still a hokage become aware of Orochimaru’s experiments and asked Sasuke to track down and stop Orochimaru, Sasuke agreed to help to prevent any more Uchiha’s to be created; while looking for Orochimaru that’s the time that he asked Karin to help him that’s why they were travelling together. And Sakura got to know that Sasuke agreed to take on this mission so she was able to track Sasuke’s whereabouts and join them or was allowed to tag along as long as she will not be on their way.
When they were able to locate the hideout and saw a full grown fetus floating in one of those big tubes that’s when Sakura begged /convinced/ guilt tripped Sasuke that she will just take care of the baby. Maybe they already know that Naruto already had a baby that time and so Sakura got jealous and wanted a baby of her own and seeing the fetus with an Uchiha blood it’s like hitting two birds in one stone: she can have her own baby like Naruto, and at the same time make Sasuke his husband. (I got this idea since Boruto is born Mar 27 while Sarada is Mar 31 so the jealousy in Sakura’s heart is still new so she will do anything to get what she wanted).
I think Karin helped in persuading Sasuke since she still have feelings for him and keeping the fetus alive will somewhat make her connected to Sasuke as well. ( this is what Karin refers to as “friendship between women” in chapter 10 because it takes both of them to persuade Sasuke to keep the fetus alive, and also when she was asked by Suigetsu if she have already moved on from Sasuke she just answered “connections come in many forms”  while focusing on the umbilical cord meaning it’s what’s keeping them connected).
In the end Sasuke agreed or was just guilt tripped to keep the fetus instead of destroying it that’s why when he met Sakura in ch 6 he said that it’s his fault no matter how you think about it - he is blaming himself for being persuaded and agreeing to the idea.
So I strongly believe that Sarada is a test tube baby - Sakura never mentioned anything about carrying Sarada in her womb for 9 mos, she just keeps on saying she is my child (she can claim it since she raised and feed her, but biologically wise she is not Sakura's), also in ch 6 she said “I meant to tell you properly” to Sarada like she still have a lot of things to say to her. And Sarada is made of Uchiha (can be from Sasuke or could be from Shin or any other Uchiha DNA) and Uzumaki (Karin’s DNA – come on!! with her eye glasses and how Karin is aware on when her eye glasses needs replacement it’s like she is her second mother watching from a distance)
This is just a hypothesis or maybe a headcanon based on what I have read, but in the end Gaiden never really explained anything. Sarada just focused on feelings and bonds after her talk with Naruto and was completely pacified with a few words from Sasuke.
If anything it just shows how close Naruto and Sasuke is; how they kept in touch through out those years and could easily meet one another if they want to, but during those times together they never even bothered to discuss about their own families.
Thanks for reading and I hope I didn’t bore you with my scattered thoughts. I’m writing this at 2am 😊
Hi Non.e ♡ I am, hope you do too! Always fun to read a Gaiden analysis!!
"Orochimaru confirmed that it was Shin’s cells that was used for Danzo’s arm where he implanted all those sharingans, meaning Shin have been in existence for a long time already. It’s just not clear when Orochimaru lost control of Shin and even Kakashi is aware that Orochimaru are doing some clone experiments (check his quick phone conversation with Naruto)"
So yes! Well, I wonder. We know Danzo had connections with Orochimaru. It was also Danzo who gave Orochimaru those lists with the profiles of the Anbu members through Sai. Given his reaction to those documents.. they're well acquainted. Danzo also needed Hashirama's cells to make that arm which Orochimaru also had access to. (Main source for Wood release Kekkei Genkai, Yamato was a test subject of his...) Therefore it is safe to say that it is entirely possible that Orochimaru was involved as 'Gaiden' explains.
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And well, Sasuke literally says it.
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As did Orochimaru.
They already know Orochimaru was involved tying back to that "white Zetsu army" Sasuke talked about during that fb that Naruto had. (Lol, sorry I don't follow 'Boruto' so there is perhaps already more info on that.)
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So, knowing this, it happened already a while ago as they don't pin it on Orochimaru. Snake man is living his best life but mentions that Shin is a 'problem' and it would be beneficial to him if Konoha helps him to get rid of them.
"Why I’m saying this, because I think after the war Orochimaru started doing another experiment this time involving the DNA of an Uchiha and an Uzumaki and trying to create something like the Sage of six paths. It will not be hard for him to create a new clone since he already have Shin as a basis."
Yeah, I've been saying something similar about the DNA mixing. Not just that but these Shin clones can perform a space-time Jutsu with Sharingan only. Obito uses MS for Kamui and Sasuke needs his Rinnegan. You'd need an insane amount of Chakra...
"Kakashi when he was still a hokage become aware of Orochimaru’s experiments and asked Sasuke to track down and stop Orochimaru, Sasuke agreed to help to prevent any more Uchiha’s to be created; while looking for Orochimaru that’s the time that he asked Karin to help him that’s why they were travelling together. And Sakura got to know that Sasuke agreed to take on this mission so she was able to track Sasuke’s whereabouts and join them or was allowed to tag along as long as she will not be on their way.
When they were able to locate the hideout and saw a full grown fetus floating in one of those big tubes that’s when Sakura begged /convinced/ guilt tripped Sasuke that she will just take care of the baby. Maybe they already know that Naruto already had a baby that time and so Sakura got jealous and wanted a baby of her own and seeing the fetus with an Uchiha blood it’s like hitting two birds in one stone: she can have her own baby like Naruto, and at the same time make Sasuke his husband. (I got this idea since Boruto is born Mar 27 while Sarada is Mar 31 so the jealousy in Sakura’s heart is still new so she will do anything to get what she wanted)."
Oh man!!!! That would be something..
Well, I don't think that was Sasuke's mission as we can see in the fb he was talking a bit about his research. He looked too surprised to find someone with the Sharingan and Orochimaru is a little too comfortable to see as someone that supposedly was "tracked down" or "stopped". What is still funny to me is Boruto and Sarada's birth dates.
"I think Karin helped in persuading Sasuke since she still have feelings for him and keeping the fetus alive will somewhat make her connected to Sasuke as well. ( this is what Karin refers to as “friendship between women” in chapter 10 because it takes both of them to persuade Sasuke to keep the fetus alive, and also when she was asked by Suigetsu if she have already moved on from Sasuke she just answered “connections come in many forms”  while focusing on the umbilical cord meaning it’s what’s keeping them connected).
In the end Sasuke agreed or was just guilt tripped to keep the fetus instead of destroying it that’s why when he met Sakura in ch 6 he said that it’s his fault no matter how you think about it - he is blaming himself for being persuaded and agreeing to the idea."
I also think Karin's "friendship between women" had a double meaning tbh. As well as "connections coming in many forms".
Nothing else displays that her and Sakura are friends. Karin indirectly takes care of Sarada by proving the glasses, keeping the uc and is somehow attached to her but Sakura never even mentioned Karin to Sarada!?! Not sure about Sasuke though. I think after everything it would take a whole lot more to guilt trip or convince him to do anything. The result stays: he avoids them for 10+ years regardless. I can't imagine it unless there is another, bigger reason as well. Something "bigger than himself" and certainly more important than Sakura's selfish wishes for him to simply agree.
"So I strongly believe that Sarada is a test tube baby - Sakura never mentioned anything about carrying Sarada in her womb for 9 mos, she just keeps on saying she is my child (she can claim it since she raised and feed her, but biologically wise she is not Sakura's), also in ch 6 she said “I meant to tell you properly” to Sarada like she still have a lot of things to say to her. And Sarada is made of Uchiha (can be from Sasuke or could be from Shin or any other Uchiha DNA) and Uzumaki (Karin’s DNA – come on!! with her eye glasses and how Karin is aware on when her eye glasses needs replacement it’s like she is her second mother watching from a distance)"
The more I think about it, the more "test-tube-baby-like" Sarada becomes. So yeah, I agree. Unless this ALL was written for the sole purpose to only mock SS, it has to be true. True in the sense that Kishimoto made it "true" for 'Gaiden'. They always can change the narrative in 'Boruto' though.. as they've been doing so carelessly lately.. but Gaiden still stands as is. Regardless of whichever character "won" the feature for Kishimoto's upcoming short Manga.. I honestly am excited (though a little nervous) for it. I really love Gaiden because it does show how genius Kishimoto is as he's weaving two narratives together in one story. It's brilliant.
Thankyou for sharing! 💕💕
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youcancallmenoob · 1 year
what’s your phone wallpaper : Lock screen is old pic of my bf and home screen is a shared dino pic with my husband xd last song you listened to : Lament of the Orphanmaker Chase Noseworthy. So i can daydream my own storiessss
currently reading :Im not reading... but i know last thing i did read was a dbd clown fanfic...smut...
last movie : The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse (i cried like whole thing) last show : FUGGET ABOUT IT (idk why i like that familyguy clone)
what are you wearing right now : MY NEW SPORT DRESS! black dress that has shorts and sport bra build in it. also pockets. its my love of comfy
how tall are you? :  160cm 5.2???? i thinkkkkk- i might be fking wrong piercings / tattoos? : Ears 4. Nose. tongue. nips. / small vulpix on my arm. Dead rabbit with snake and birds on my tigh. Big artistic pic of like. changing killing the past mistakes....blablabla...love it glasses? contacts? : NON i am not like u heathens (jk. u know the joke of "god mafe u perfect dont change it. THEN WHY THE F U WEAR CLASSES IF U PERF) last thing you ate? : EGGS. Fried salted eggs.
favorite color(s): Dark green. My hair is green. All has to be green current obsession : DBD Clown (didnt even need to type that one thanx) And Tmnt 2003 Hun
any pets : Staffordshire Bull Terrier! He is a lil fancy baby boy. old bby boy. do you have a crush right now?: I have problem of keeping ppl as friends so yes XD small. favorite fictional character: absolute fav....safe place. my first baby man. TF2 medic. last place you traveled : Local store... for alchol....i dont travel. one longer was month ago to dif city to see my bf.
Tagged by: @lettherebemonsters (i goed little giggly bitch mode someone fking members me)
Tagging: @aphrxxxdite @archiarthur @butchtrait (no i havent forgotten about u im just. doing non pirate shit)
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