#how to sell giftcards
princessmyriad · 1 year
Hate the concept of "business days" for online services. What the fuck do you mean my payment will be processed in 3-5 business days its a fucking program that does it?? The bot needs weekends too now?? Fuck off
#personal#like i know theres not an actual employee youve hired to process every individual order or payment or claim#i know there might be a support team but there is not a dedicated team for this particular action#im looking at you paypal#youre a fucking online payments service. you do not need to TAKE WEEKENDS OFF IM SO FUCKING ANGRY#i bought this gorgeous secondhand piece of clothing from a fb marketplace buy/sell/swap group#my payment was sent on the morning of a saturday. the seller wont ship until my payment comes through to them (fair)#but paypal. my detested. now they wont ship it first thing monday as expected because apparently you take weekends off#so they wont receive my payment until atleast wednesday if you decide to be kind. so they wont ship until atleast thursday. if im lucky#and i wont recieve the item until next week when it could have been here and the entire transaction could have been over by friday.#at the latest.#it makes no sense????#its like. i get ubereats giftcards for myself when i need a pick me up right. i purchase them.online and i get them recieved digitally#to my email within seconds right? except for the one time. they were sold out. of DIGITAL GIFTCARDS#that they GENERATE THE CODES FOR UPON PURCHASE. how do you sell out of a digital product made on request#it doesnt make sense. again if there were teams of real people that moderated this kind of shit yeah obviously they need a break#you get more leeway and patience from me if you have an actual team. but this doesnt#why the fuck are you holding my payment paypal??? huh??? id better see it go through monday morning since youve held it for three days#youre an online fucking company you dont nees to wait for busineas days. send my.fucking money where ive sent it days ago already#im so so pissed#if anyone has a real answer as to why online companies with no human staff in that department need to take a weekend. please lmk
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ms-demeanor · 2 days
On insurance: I still live with my parents and don't know a lot yet about the sorts of things adults usually have to spend money on. I've always been skeptical of things like insurance and credit cards because it seems to me they wouldn't be selling that if they didn't expect to make money from it. I talked to my cousin a while ago about credit cards and basically came to the conclusion that they do that because they're betting on the customer getting sloppy and letting their debts stack up, and the way you beat that and get money from credit card companies is just by being careful.
I'm a little more confused about insurance though because it seems much more straightforwardly like a gamble they will simply not take if it won't pay off for them. Like, you don't go to a casino because every game they play at a casino is one they've done the math on and have determined that statistically most people will lose money on most of the time. Is insurance not kinda the same? Where they estimate the risk and then charge you an amount calculated to make sure it probably won't be worth it for you?
I know if you have a car you legally need car insurance so everyone knows you can pay for another car if you crash into someone, and I gather that here in the US at least health insurance companies have some kinda deal with hospitals so that the prices go down or something, and there's a reason I don't fully understand why not having health insurance is Really Bad. But we get to pet insurance, or like when I buy a concert ticket and it offers ticket insurance in case I can't make it to the show, and surely if they thought they were gonna lose money on that they just wouldn't sell it, right? Or they'd raise the price of it until it became worth the risk that something bad actually will happen? Wouldn't it only be worth it to buy insurance if you know something the insurance company doesn't?
So the deal is that most people don't use their insurance much, and often insurance companies will incentivize doing things that will make you use your insurance less.
So, for example, you can get a discount on car insurance if you have multiple cars because people who insure multiple cars are more likely to be responsible drivers (the ability to pay for multiple cars stands in as a representation of responsibility here). The longer you go without an accident, the lower your premiums get because that means that you are not costing your insurance company anything but you are paying into the system. The car insurance company's goal is to have the most responsible, safest drivers who never get into car accidents because they can predict (roughly) how much they're going to have to pay out to their customers and they want the number they pay out to be lower than what's paid in. So they try to discourage irresponsible drivers by raising their rates and encourage responsible drivers by giving them discounts.
Health insurance companies often do the same thing: I recently got a gift card from my health insurance company because I had a visit from a nurse who interviewed me about my overall health and made sure I had stable blood pressure and access to medications. It is literally cheaper for my insurance company to give me a $100 giftcard and hire a nurse to visit me than it is for me to go to my doctor's office a couple of times, so they try to make sure that their customers are getting preventative care and are seeing inexpensive medical professionals regularly so that they don't have to suddenly see very expensive professionals after a long time without care.
Insurance in the US has many, many, many problems and should be replaced with socialized healthcare for a huge number of reasons but right now, because it is an insurance-based system, you need to have insurance.
We're going to use Large Bastard as an example.
Large Bastard had insurance when he had his heart attack and when he needed multiple organs transplanted. He didn't *want* to be paying for insurance, because he thought he was healthy enough to get by, but I insisted. His premium is four hundred dollars a month, and his out of pocket maximum is eight thousand dollars a year. That means that every year, he pays about $5000 whether he uses his insurance or not, and if he DOES need to use the insurance, he pays the first $8k worth of care, so every year his insurance has the possibility of costing him thirteen thousand dollars.
The bill for his bypass surgery was a quarter million dollars.
The bill for his transplant was over one and a half million dollars.
His medication each month is around six hundred dollars. He needs to have multiple biopsies - which are surgeries - each year, and each one costs about twenty thousand dollars.
Without health insurance, he would very likely be dead, or we would be *even more* incapable of paying for his healthcare than we are right now. He almost ditched his insurance because he was a healthy-seeming 40-year-old and he didn't think he'd get sick. And then he proceeded to be the sickest human being I've ever known personally who did not actually die.
Health insurance costs a lot of money. It costs less money for people who are young and who are expected to be healthy. But the thing is, everybody pays into health insurance, and very, very few people end up using as much money for their medical expenses as Large Bastard did. There are a few thousand transplants in the US ever year, but there are hundreds of millions of people paying for insurance.
This ends up balancing out (sort of) so that people who pay for insurance get a much lower cost on care if they need it, hospitals get paid for the care they provide, and the insurance company makes enough money to continue to exist. Part of the reason that people don't like this scheme is because "insurance company" could feasibly be replaced by "government" and it would cost less and provide a better standard of care, but again, with things as they are now, you need to have insurance. Insurance companies are large entities that are able to negotiate down costs with the providers they work with, you are not. If you get hit by a car you may be able to get your medical bills significantly reduced through a number of means, but you're very unlikely to get your bills lower than the cost of insurance and a copay.
Because of the Affordable Care Act, which is flawed but which did a LOT of good, medical insurance companies cannot refuse to treat you because of preexisting conditions and also cannot jack up your premiums to intolerable rates - since Large Bastard got sick, he has had the standard price increases you'd expect from aging, but nothing like the gouging you might expect from an insurance company deciding you're not worth it.
Pet insurance works on the same model. Millions of people pay for the insurance, thousands of people end up needing it, a few hundred end up needing a LOT of it, and the insurance companies are able to make more money than they hand out, so they continue to exist. This is part of why it's less expensive to get pet insurance for younger animals - people who sign up puppies and kittens are likely to be paying for a very long time and are likely to provide a lot of preventative care for their animals, so they're a good bet for the insurer. Animals signed up when they are older are more likely to have health problems (and pet insurance CAN turn animals away for preexisting conditions) and are going to cost the insurance companies more, so they cost more to enroll (and animals over a certain age or with certain conditions may be denied entirely).
This weighing risk/reward is called actuarial science, and the insurance industry is built on it.
But yeah it's kind of betting. The insurance company says "I'll insure ten thousand dogs and I'm going to bet that only a hundred of them will need surgery at some point in the next year" and if they're correct, they make money and the dogs who need surgery get their surgery paid for out of the premiums from the nine thousand nine hundred dogs who didn't need surgery.
Your assessment of credit is correct: credit card companies expect that you will end up carrying a balance, and that balance will accrue interest, and the interest is how they make the money.
And it is EASY to fuck up financially as an adult. REALLY EASY. But you are still likely to need a good credit score so you will need a credit history. That means that the correct way to use a credit card is to have a card, but not carry a balance.
To do this, never buy anything on the card that you can't afford. In order to avoid needing the card for emergencies, start an emergency fund that is at least 3 months of your total pay *before* you get a credit card. That seems like a *lot* of savings to have, but from the perspective of someone who has had plenty of mess-ups, it's a lot easier to build up a $10k emergency fund than it is to pay off a $10k credit card debt.
If you don't understand how interest works on credit cards, or why a 10k savings is different than a 10k debt, here are some examples working with $10k of debt, 23% interest (an average-ish rate for people with average credit), and various payments.
With that debt and that interest, here's how much it costs and how long it would take to pay off with $200 as the monthly payment:
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Fourteen years, and it would cost you about twenty four thousand dollars in interest, for a total amount paid of about thirty four thousand dollars.
To save $10k at $200 a month would take four years and two months.
Here's the same debt at $300 a month:
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4.5 Years and it costs about six grand (again, just in interest - sixteen thousand dollars total). Saving ten thousand dollars at three hundred dollars a month would take just under three years.
Here's the same debt at $400 a month:
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3 years, about $4000 dollars (fourteen thousand dollars total). Saving ten thousand dollars at $400 a month takes just over two years.
The thing is, with all of these models you're going to end up paying one way or another. Insurance vs out of pocket is you weighing the risk of losing a fair amount of money by signing up but not using the system, or potentially losing a catastrophic amount of money by not signing up.
For credit cards they really only work if you know you're never going to need them for an emergency, because an emergency is what you're not going to be able to pay off right away. I didn't have an emergency fund when Large Bastard had his heart attack and needed surgery, or when we moved between states suddenly, or when we moved between states suddenly AGAIN and needed to pay storage costs, or when Large Bastard needed a transplant, or when Tiny Bastard got in a fight with my MiL's dog, and the fact that I didn't have an emergency fund is still costing me a lot of money.
So, young folks out there: what's the takeaway?
Get insurance. Get the best deal possible, which usually ends up being the one you sign up for early. You may think you can let it ride without insurance, but man in the six months between when I graduate college (and lost my school insurance) and when care kicked in after 90 days at my job I got electrocuted and needed to go to the ER. If that hadn't been a worker's comp payout I would have had thousands of dollars in bills. Something could happen. You could break your leg, you could get hit by a car, you could suddenly find out that you actually have heart disease at twenty, you could develop cancer. Have insurance, you need insurance. You legally need car insurance in the US, and you financially need health insurance. If you have a pet, I think it's a good idea for them to have pet insurance.
Credit cards are not for emergencies, they are not for fun, they are not for buying things that are just ever so slightly out of your budget, they are for taking advantage of the credit card company and managing to get by in a system that demands you have a credit score. ONLY put purchases on your credit card that you already have cash for. Before you get a credit card, build up an emergency savings so that you aren't tempted to put emergency charges on your card.
If you DO end up with an interest-bearing debt, pay it off as fast as possible because letting it linger costs you a LOT of money in the long run.
Stay the fuck away from tobacco and nicotine products they are fucking terrible for you, they are fucking expensive, and they are not worth it put the vapes down put the zyns down put the cigarettes down I will begin manifesting in your house physically i swear to fuck. Knock that shit off and put the cash that you'd be spending on nicotine into a savings account.
Take care, sorry everything sucks, I promise that in some ways it actually sucks less than it did before and we're working on trying to make it suck even less but it's taking a while.
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babygirl-lovesyou · 1 month
♡ Hello💞 this is my first time doing something like this but i hope i reach the right audience 😚
♡ First of all, im selling, im not much of a talker, but I'd love to see what you guys like to do so maybe a few chats!
♡ I've read a little about how things are done but i will use cashapp and a few rules.
♡ No begging, no asking for previews(i post enough previews) anddddd most importantly. If i block you, dont use an alt.😊 easy right?
Yes i have good girl parts if you think im trans lol
Anyways! Few things i do,
♡ 5$ for a D rate(or boobs/pussy if youre a girl)
♡ 7$ for 2 pics
♡ 10$ for 10 minutes of sexting
♡ 15$ for 5 pics
♡ 17$ for a video(ill send a link for you)
♡ 21$ for 10 pics
♡ 30$ for 2 videos(+2 free pics)
♡ 70$ for my friends dropbox(98 pieces of content)
I TAKE GIFTCARDS(ill choose what gift card if you want to use these for my content)
I will not be doing customs yet because i want to get used to the whole selling things first💞😚
Heres a lil pic incase youre wondering if im worth it🫶🏻
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strangesmallbard · 5 months
bg3 characters if they worked at publix/safeway/your grocery store of choice:
karlach: in charge of anything that involves moving heavy objects between locations, but also works produce. LOVES helping old ladies take their groceries to the car; will accidentally abandon the vegetables at least once per shift. (she does apologize to the vegetables.) also is a pallet stacking master in the most haphazard configurations that, somehow, miraculously never fall over. frequently posts her monstrosities on r/publix, alongside a selfie of her giving a cheeky thumbs up.
wyll: store manager, in his second year of a master’s degree in public policy. optimistic like a sword is optimistic. WILL make sure you take your mandated break and will hand out store giftcards for a job well done. does not suffer customers who behave badly. is roommates and longtime best friends with karlach; the energy they exude while together either makes your shift bearable or unbearable, depending.
shadowheart: works the in-store coffee counter. probably should not because she always looks vaguely disgusted, annoyed, or bored. the dark circles under her eyes are always there no matter how many espresso shots she sips. has anonymously complained to corporate about the store’s music choices. every new employee thinks they have a shot with her until she hits them with the 👁️😐 did you need something? 👁️😐 and they slink away, feeling chastised for reasons unknown.
minthara: works the meat and/or fish counter. smokes seventeen packs per mandated break. always smells a little bit like red meat. has the most insane combat stories but it’s completely unclear whether she’s a veteran or just someone who gets into situations on purpose. every 20-something employee is at least mildly obsessed with her whole thing, but she’ll only humor karlach. no one knows where she lives.
lae’zel: 22-year-old grocery team lead. typically works the 5pm-11pm shift, but still obviously runs that shit like a navy seal base. has encyclopedic knowledge of grocery store codes and also lore. during mandated breaks she can be found doing one-armed pushups, argueflirting with shadowheart, or scribbling poetry in a notebook. she’s also the pitcher on her college’s varsity baseball team; everyone shows up to her big games and she fails at not looking overwhelmed by joy every time.
jaheira: beloved customer service manager, knows literally everything and everyone. taught wyll everything he knows about not suffering customers who behave badly. often goes mountain climbing with her scary 39-year-old girlfriend astele who owns the smoke shop next door. sells the best weed you’ll ever smoke in your life.
gale: day shift manager counterpart to lae’zel, postdoc who needs the job to make rent obviously. constantly gives aisle directions for the store location he worked during undergrad and shelves the soup cans all wrong. WILL show you photos of his cat. constantly recognized by his booktube fans (he also streams sims 4 builds of classic sci fi/fantasy book locations). he does wear his own merch underneath the uniform.
halsin: that customer who’s very polite but frequently and inexplicably barefoot. he also teaches woodworking and pottery at the youth center down the road. sometimes brings his regular kids to the store for a field trip and those little bags of cheetos. grows the weed that jaheira sells.
astarion: does not work at the grocery store. he worked at the grocery store for two weeks, during which he showed up late every day, insulted customers, and generally behaved like a cat ripped away from his ball of yarn. he only lasted those two weeks because gale (roommate/situationship) begged wyll to give him another chance in a different department. he still lives with gale while finishing up a law degree and can be found loitering in the grocery store, bitching about The Circumstances with shadowheart.
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erriga · 3 months
I was once again reminded that the most popular piece of writing I've ever created is a 7 minutes long film short I ghostwrote 6 years ago for a contest at my dad's company (so he is credited as thw author ofc) about like, how law is important? Because the company is selling law-info systems and search engines and they had a contest for the best screenplay for a children's PSA about the importance of law so I wrote a fucking fairytale about a princess who decided to get rid of all laws and got beaten up by her subjects, don't ask me, o have no idea what compelled me to do that but hey I won an 800 zł giftcard to media ekspert
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castor-oil001 · 3 months
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Hahaa hi guys! Def not the point of this blog- but I just wanted to see how this would do?
Anglerfish Adopt
Price: > $5 flatprice, can negotiate > Payment through Amazon or Etsy e-Giftcards only
You Receive: > HQ unwatermarked ref sheet > HQ unwatermarked ref sheet w/o bg (transparent) > HQ transparent fullbody w/o ref sheet
T.o.S. > do not sell for more money without more art > trading and gifting is okay! > NO NSFW OF THE DESIGN! Im a minor :) > Dont use the design unless you own it!
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ailuridaess · 11 months
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Testing how selling works on Tumblr! Can't get these guys to sell just being on Toyhou.se so posting them here for any luck.
$10 USD each for the dogs, $5 USD Each for the cats! Can be haggled (Through Paypal) Can also take offers through Art/Nitro/E-Giftcards if USD isn't an option! To purchase message ailuridaes on Discord or PM me on here ! base (c) quardie, deviantart
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yarnings · 1 year
I have managed to start hating Amazon so much more.
I honestly don't understand how something that's such a pain to use managed to destroy all other forms of shopping. (Yeah, I know, it used to be less awful.)
My husband was given an Amazon giftcard, so when Canada Computers didn't have the kind of RCA/HDMI adaptor that we needed, we stopped looking for a place to buy it and just got it off Amazon.
But we couldn't just buy it. Despite me knowing that this was free shipping, and it should have cost less than the gift care was for, Amazon said that the cost would be $3.32, and I needed to enter a credit card. Note that it wasn't actually displaying the price yet, despite having one in mind. (I know it had one in mind, because the "sign up for Prime and we'll give you $50" had a little bit in it, showing me that once I paid the $3.32 I'd have $46.68 left over). So once I navigated all the traps that it's trying to trick you into clicking on, and confirmed that I was telling it to apply the gift card I'd figured out how to enter (and I'm guessing that they sell those gift cards on the assumption that people just won't bother carrying through with figuring out how to redeem them), I entered my credit card number. Oh, wait, I added a credit card to my account. (I guess that's part of how they justify asking for my credit card before telling me how much I owe? They like to act like it's just filling out account information, not payment info?)
Then once I had managed to avoid all the add-ons, and select the correct shipping method. (No, charging me money to send it to me in a harmfully short amount of time will NOT make up for the fact that I'm not buying this in a store. It just makes me hate you more), what do you know! I didn't owe them anything.
So I had to add in the credit card and then remember how to take it out (I hate hate hate companies that make you jump through hoops after every purchase in general, not just Amazon. And they way they like to act like I'm the unreasonable one for not wanting my payment information stored in the app, "oh, we follow best security practices", as if I have the ability to do a proper audit on them. Or as if their security is the only problem with that practice). And I didn't need the credit card after all. But I guess that they couldn't admit to that. Because then they would have missed a chance to maybe get me to forget and leave them my credit card info.
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raven-617 · 2 years
I love working at a "Not Starbucks". We sell their products, but have a better food selection. I can't take their gift cards or app, and then I have to explain how we're technically separate companies and we can't accept Starbucks giftcards cause we're not owned by them.
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firelise · 21 days
my coworker just emailed me a $20 starbucks giftcard for helping them out with a last minute thing and idk how to say thank you but free palestine bro i dont fuck with starbucks i dont even know what they sell there anymore its been 2yrs since ive stepped foot in one
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cashforgiftcard · 10 months
Discover the best ways to turn your unwanted gift cards into value with our latest blog post. Explore options such as selling your gift cards online instantly through platforms like Raise, Cardpool, and Giftcard Zen. Learn about in-person options by searching for "cash for gift cards near me," including local businesses like pawn shops and grocery stores. Dive into the world of trading gift cards on sites like CardSwap and CardCash, allowing you to exchange for a card you'll use. Explore the power of social media and personal networks for selling or consider giving back by donating your unused gift cards to organizations like Give Back Box and Gift Card Giver. Don't let your gift cards collect dust—unlock their potential and even make some extra cash in the process.
visit: https://cashforgiftcards.mystrikingly.com/blog/maximizing-value-how-to-sell-your-unused-gift-cards-for-cash
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@sohereswhatyoumissedlastweek replied to your post “thank u blokker giftcard i now finally bought one...”:
Wow Blokker still exists there? It's disappeared in Belgium
​Yeah it almost disappeared here as well. They tried rebranding, even with Sarah Jessica Parker, but that didn't work BUT it's still there. It did close down a lot of stores and they try to be more of a webshop where partners can sell their stuff on, which is how I got this mousepad thingy.
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broke-guys-forum · 1 year
How to Shop online using Apple Free gift cards
The gift card is a form of payment that allows you to make purchases on the Apple website or in the Apple Store app, but you will still have to pay for the items you purchase.
To use an Apple gift card, follow these steps:
Visit the Apple website or open the Apple Store app on your device. Browse the products you wish to purchase and add them to your cart. When you're ready to check out, select "Apple Gift Card" as your payment method. Enter the gift card code and PIN when prompted. Confirm the payment and complete the checkout process. If the balance on your gift card is not enough to cover the entire purchase amount, you can use a credit card or another form of payment to pay the difference.
It is important to note that gift cards should be used only by the recipient, and it is illegal to sell or trade them.
Claim your GIFTCARD here
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earn-online23 · 2 years
How To Get Free $100 KFC Gift Card
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is an American fast food chain based in Louisville, Kentucky, specializing in fried chicken. It is the second largest restaurant chain in the world (by sales) after McDonald's, with 22,621 locations worldwide in 150 countries as of December 2019.[4] This channel is a subsidiary of Yum!
KFC was founded by Colonel Harland Sanders (1890–1980), an entrepreneur who began selling fried chicken from his roadside diner in Corbin, Kentucky, during the Great Depression. Sanders recognized the potential of the restaurant name concept and the first name "Kentucky Fried Chicken" opened in Utah in 1952.
More details http://bitly.ws/AAWf
KFC #kfcchicken #KFCDelivery #giftcard #KFCSecretMenuHacks
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irregodless · 2 years
i hate capitalism so gd much
we need to sell giftcards ask the customer how many giftcards they need to finish their purchase today
girl you NEED to touch GRASS
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8 Top Sites To Buy And Sell Discounted Amazon Gift Card In The US And Nigeria
8 Top Sites To Buy And Sell Discounted Amazon Gift Card In The US And Nigeria -Buy and sell Amazon gift card with up to 10% discount -Buy and sell gift cards safely and at the best rate -How to find a Chinese gift card vendor #giftcard #amazon
Buying and selling gift cards is one of the legit and profitable ways to make money online. Gift cards are typically a type of payment card that is issued by retailers and can be redeemed for money. Today, a lot of people are in the business of gift card arbitrage or making money from gift cards by buying low and selling high. Whether you want to buy/sell gift cards or perform gift card…
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