#how to turn off glance in samsung
glance11 · 1 month
3 Reasons Why Crickets Lovers Are No More Interested In How To Turn Off Glance In Samsung
If you are a cricket fan, and if you're a proud owner of a Samsung smartphone, you might have come across the incredible Glance feature on your lock screen. 
While some of you may have initially wondered how to turn off Glance in Samsung, we're here to tell you that cricket lovers are no longer interested in doing so. Why? 
Because Glance feature has become an indispensable companion for every passionate cricket fan, offering a world of exclusive content, personalized experiences, and unparalleled access to the sport we all love.
Let’s dive straight into it: Why more and more cricket fans are ditching the idea of learning how to turn off Glance in Samsung?
Reason 1: Glance Brings the IPL to Life
The Indian Premier League (IPL) is more than just a cricket tournament; it's a phenomenon that captures the hearts and minds of millions of fans worldwide. And with Samsung Glance wallpapers, and other features, you can experience the IPL like never before. The platform offers a wide range of IPL-related content that goes beyond just scores and highlights, making it the ultimate destination for cricket lovers.
Samsung Glance Wallpaper: A Canvas for IPL Passion
One of the standout features of Glance is its stunning collection of Samsung Glance wallpapers. These high-quality, visually captivating wallpapers showcase your favorite IPL teams, players, and moments, allowing you to express your love for the sport right on your lock screen. With a wide variety of designs to choose from, you can customize your Samsung Glance wallpaper to reflect your personal style and support your team in a unique way.
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Live Scores and Updates: Never Miss a Moment
Gone are the days when you had to frantically search for live scores and updates during IPL matches. With Glance feature, you can access real-time scores, ball-by-ball commentary, and match highlights right on your lock screen. No more navigating through multiple apps or websites;
Glance ensures that you stay up-to-date with the latest action, no matter where you are. This Glance feature has become a game-changer for cricket lovers, making it easier than ever to follow the IPL and never miss a crucial moment.
No wonder, no one is interested in knowing how to turn off Glance in Samsung!
Exclusive IPL Content: Behind the Scenes and Beyond
Samsung Glance takes your IPL experience to the next level by offering exclusive behind-the-scenes content that you won't find anywhere else. 
From player interviews and locker room access to expert analysis and special features, Glance brings you closer to the heart of the IPL. This unique content allows you to gain deeper insights into the tournament, the teams, and the players, enhancing your overall experience as a cricket fan.
Reason 2: IPL Contests and Giveaways: Win Big with Glance
One of the most exciting aspects of Glance is its IPL contests and giveaways. Throughout the tournament, Glance runs a series of contests that give cricket lovers the chance to win incredible prizes, including signed merchandise, VIP match tickets, and once-in-a-lifetime experiences. These contests add an extra layer of excitement to the IPL, allowing fans to actively participate and engage with the tournament in a unique way.
Reason 3: Glance Creates a Personalized IPL Experience
Every cricket lover is unique, with their own favorite teams, players, and preferences. Samsung Glance recognizes this and has created a platform that delivers a personalized IPL experience tailored to each individual user. By leveraging advanced algorithms and machine learning, Glance curates content, recommendations, and features that align with your specific interests and behaviors.
Customized Content Feed: Your IPL, Your Way
With Glance, your lock screen becomes a personalized hub for all things IPL. The platform learns from your interactions and preferences to deliver a customized content feed that reflects your unique tastes. Whether you're a die-hard fan of a particular team or have a special affinity for a specific player, Glance ensures that you receive content that matters most to you. This personalized approach makes your IPL experience more engaging, relevant, and enjoyable.
Smart Recommendations: Discover New IPL Delights
Glance's intelligent recommendation system goes beyond just serving you content based on your known preferences. It also introduces you to new aspects of the IPL that you might not have explored before. By analyzing your behavior and the preferences of similar users, Glance suggests articles, videos, and features that you're likely to enjoy. This discovery process helps you expand your IPL horizons and deepens your connection with the tournament.
Personalized Samsung Glance Wallpaper: Showcase Your IPL Allegiance
As mentioned earlier, Samsung Glance wallpaper is a canvas for expressing your IPL passion. But Glance takes it a step further by offering personalized wallpaper recommendations based on your favorite teams and players. The platform intelligently suggests wallpapers that align with your allegiances, ensuring that your lock screen always reflects your true IPL colors. This attention to detail makes your Glance experience feel truly personal and tailored to your unique cricket fandom.
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The Best Lock Screen Wallpaper for Cricket Lovers
When it comes to the best lock screen wallpaper for cricket lovers, Samsung Glance is in a league of its own. The platform offers an unparalleled collection of high-quality, visually stunning wallpapers that bring the essence of the IPL to life. From action shots of your favorite players to iconic moments from the tournament's history, Glance has a wallpaper for every cricket lover's taste.
But Glance's wallpapers are more than just static images. They are dynamic, interactive, and constantly updated to reflect the latest happenings in the IPL. Whether it's celebrating a crucial victory, showcasing a record-breaking performance, or capturing the emotion of a nail-biting finish, Glance's wallpapers keep you connected to the pulse of the tournament.
Moreover, Glance's wallpapers serve as a gateway to a world of exclusive IPL content. By simply tapping on your lock screen wallpaper, you can access a treasure trove of articles, videos, and features related to the image. This seamless integration of stunning visuals and rich content makes Samsung Glance the ultimate platform for immersing yourself in the IPL experience.
Glance Feature: The Ultimate Cricket Companion
In the end, it's the combination of all these incredible features that makes Glance the ultimate cricket companion for Samsung users. From personalized content and interactive experiences to stunning wallpapers and exclusive access, Glance has everything a cricket lover could ask for.
This sense of belonging and camaraderie is what sets Glance apart from other platforms. It's not just about consuming content; it's about being part of something bigger, something that unites cricket lovers from all walks of life.
How to turn off Glance in Samsung: Conclusion
In conclusion, it's clear why cricket lovers are no longer interested in how to turn off Glance in Samsung. The platform has become an integral part of the IPL experience, offering a level of engagement, personalization, and access that simply can't be found anywhere else.
From the stunning Samsung Glance wallpapers that showcase your passion to the exclusive content and interactive features that bring you closer to the action, Glance has redefined what it means to be a cricket fan in the digital age.
So, if you're a Samsung user and a cricket enthusiast, we urge you to embrace the power of Glance. Don't waste your time searching for learning how to turn off Glance in Samsung, which is an incredible feature. Instead, dive headfirst into the world of Glance and discover a whole new way to experience the IPL.
Let Glance feature be your guide, your companion, and your gateway to the ultimate cricket experience. Personalize your lock screen with the best wallpapers, engage with the vibrant community of fans, and immerse yourself in the magic of the IPL like never before.
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wifetomegatron · 9 months
here's to peace ( and those who get in the way of it ) ( first aid / reader )
summary : first aid has dinner with your family for the first time. first contact au pairing : first aid (idw) / gn! reader fandom : transformers idw continuity, more than meets the eye rating : m for mature due to mentions of blood and cursing, generally safe for work (sfw!) warnings : human ignorance. mentions of blood. tags : rewatched the awkward family dinner scene in fleabag and i didn't realise how much i loved it. deeply inspired by that scene, if you're it familiar with it, go have a good laugh and see it. i tried to be funny. idk if it works though.
There's a moment when you were sure that the sinking, churning feeling in your stomach would actually rise and push bile out of your mouth. That the sudden awkwardness in the air, pulled taut by the prolonged silence, will snap and cause your eyes to roll back — fainting would be a great distraction to get you and your boyfriend out of this agonizing position: a formal dinner with your family. 
You've been putting it off for weeks, declining their calls and sneakily texting your sibling back with the brightness of the screen down to zero while First Aid dozes off next to you. Eventually, he confronted you about it —  of course , he would find out. Attentive, doting, First Aid, who would scrub the apartment spotless every Sunday until no speck of dust survived, would find out. The grenade was already in your hands, the pin in your mouth like an apricot seed — and nearly sparked an argument about how you were ashamed of him. You had to calm him down and explain that it wasn't him you were ashamed of. It was the fact that your family told everyone that you were  dating a car . ( " Unfortunately, I can't turn into anything at the moment.") And to think that it's been nearly a decade since first contact, and they still couldn't find anything wrong with calling him an android. To make matters worse, they were referring to the Samsung  tablet —
" Ahem."
You were pulled out of your thoughts, and he gave you a reassuring squeeze, trying to level his vocalizer even if he was sitting as stiff as a rock next to your father. 
" Thank you, for having me here."
And like a kid who threw a rock at a sleeping hive of bees, the table buzzed to life, unapologetic to the fact that they've been staring in stunned, shameless, silence ever since you both arrived in the restaurant — which was, you glanced at your watch, fifteen minutes ago.
" Are you sick, love?" Your stepmother asked him. First Aid looked in your direction, confused until she gestured ( fingers a little too close ) to his mask.
" Oh no... this is just how I...look like."
" Well you're not at the hospital anymore," She chuckled through her teeth, smile stiff and voice so chirpy they grate your ears, " You can, you know, take it off."
" No, it's fine" You interrupted, " It's not a big deal." 
The rest of the people were looking at the menu, brow knitted and deep in thought as if they weren't just choosing whether to get the lamb shank or the vegetarian option for the starters. Cowards.
" It's a bit rude to have the shades and the mask when you're inside." She insisted.
" It's ruder to impose stupid, ignorant customs onto others."
You had to grit your teeth to get the words out. There was a brief pause, and you had to trace the seams on First Aid's arm to calm yourself, focusing on how the light bounced off his armor. And as if slinking back into her cave, retracting her claws, she swallowed the sour look on her face as it flickered back to a faux grin — nose scrunched and teeth bared.
 " Oh silly me. I do apologize."
First Aid let out a shy chuckle, " It's fine I understand —"
" I didn't mean to assume you had a mouth or eyes for that matter. Biology under all that...must be different."
Your stomach dropped. You could have sworn something lagged inside First Aid.   
" It's so lovely to have you here, darling! " Your sibling pans in your direction and smiles, trying to salvage the shattered pieces of the atmosphere, considering that your stepmom had  brutally  whacked a sledgehammer through it. The night is young. You were hopeful. You can count on them to say something reasonable —
" Considering your dating history, I just want to say that it's so refreshing to see you dating someone who's...not human! Diversity in relationships, after all, is the spice of life. Love wins."
Your father cleared his throat — choked on his wine was more like it. Your sibling's partner talked over them before you could interfere: " Hear, hear! Humans are more compatible with your kind anyway. We're too emotional and fickle-minded. Dating metal must be a real upgrade from your previous relationships. They don't come with the messy, human baggage."
" That's a stereotype," You snapped, lowering your voice once a few heads turned to look, " So you're saying he's incapable of expressing his emotions? Because he's not human?" 
" Now you're just putting words into my mouth. I never said —"
" Do you need anything ?" The needy waitress interrupted, hovering around your table every ten minutes. You wiped your face with both hands. A cluster of arms flew to order drinks. The cutlery was noisy against the table. A headache formed in the back of your skull, and all you could do was anchor yourself to First Aid's palm as they massaged the small of your back. It was too much. The waitress called you twice and you lifted your head to order vodka, and then she gives you a pretty smile and accidentally asks First Aid wine or champagne.
Fuck. It was too late.
When he said no, your sibling-in-law and his disgusting, lazy excuse of a mouth were quick to joke, " What, you're not gonna offer the guy some oil?"
Immediately, at the same time, your father and First Aid placed a hand on your shoulder. Fingers and servos brushed against one another to calm you down, but it turned awkward, and your father pulled back a little too quickly, looking at the ceiling while First Aid crumbled like a wounded puppy. You want to reassure him that your old man's just socially constipated, but you feel the air rush past your lungs. The room felt hot. If there was an invisible camera, tucked away into the corner of the room, you would've stared at it for the crew to stop rolling. It's a shame that life isn't as simple. Or cheesy. And there wasn't a laughing track to wash away the discomfort suffocating everyone like waves bubbling into foam against the shore.
And that was how you ended up in the washroom scrubbing the bloodstain off your clothes. Water splashed all over the sink and onto the floors as you wiped the red pouring down your mouth, your chin, and even your neck. There was talking outside, and you held back tears, remembering the nervous phone call First Aid had with Ratchet in the evening before you had left the house. He told everyone. Your sweet, sweet boy had asked his CMO a week before about getting off early on Friday to meet your family. He told Velocity. He told Ambulon. Hell, Rodimus knew. And whether out of formality for being his previous captain or out of a severe case of 'never knowing when to mind his business', he had phoned your place and wished him luck. 
There was a knock.
" Can I come in? "
You slowly turn to your lover, nodding and finally bursting into tears. He hugged you tight, and you clenched your eyes shut, too ashamed to look at him. He was so gentle it was almost painful. Blood stained his shoulders. You know he's itching to wipe it off. Yet he stood still, steadying your shoulders with both hands. If he understood you less, you would've apologisedBut it was a wordless exchange between the two of you. Always. Only when you've stopped withering did First Aid speak.
" That went well."
You scoffed, " They're idiots."
" But you love them. And you should continue to have dinner with them. Meet them. Talk to them."
You frowned. You don't even know what's going on out there. But from the marks on First Aid's servo, he must have patched up the bleeding, bruised (hopefully not broken ) nose you had given your sibling-in-law. And knowing him, probably also helped ease your father back on his feet after you had accidentally knocked him down amid your little scuffle.
" I'll even go with."
You shook your head incredulously, " Why would you ever want to repeat this?"
" Because they apologized." His tone was soft, quiet almost as he stroked your hair, " And I'm sure, this won't happen again."
" Be realistic."
" At least it won't at least end like this. I know it."
Sometimes loving First Aid was like looking directly into the sun. You can't help but look away, eyes sore and heart bloated with hope. He pulled his mask down and kissed the discomfort away, and for a brief moment, you almost forgot that you still had people outside.
" If it makes you feel better, your stepmom apologized first."
" Really?" You pulled away from him to search his expression, mildly impressed, " And she didn't follow it up with anything?"
" Well, she did say life in the berth — erm, bed room, must be so interesting when you've got so many cables to choose from. She said it must've been a letdown for me to find out you've only got one port."
" Oh, fuck me."
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ingrossmarket · 6 months
Complete guide to using a Samsung induction hobs
Are you looking to step up your culinary game? Induction cooking has become increasingly popular in residential kitchens, though passionate home cooks may have more of a vested interest in mastering a more efficient cooking method.
Allow us to unravel the world of Samsung induction hobs as we define their mechanics and how to use them and review their key benefits.
What are induction hobs?
An induction hob uses a high-frequency induction coil below the cooktop’s smooth surface to heat up cookware with a magnetic field. Rather than using an open flame generated by a gas hob or the heated coils on an electric cooktop.
Samsung induction hobs models look just like electric smooth-top units and while Samsung induction hobs use electricity to generate heat, it does so differently. A magnetic array called an inductor is placed under the glass surface and it vibrates at high frequency so that the molecules in the pan pulsate to create heat thereby making the pan itself the heating element for your meals.
Types of pans that work with induction
You know that not all cookware works on an induction cooktop that loses the magnetic field that is required for the hobs to heat up the pan.
You need to take a careful look at the pan its bottom must be made with iron and also match your induction hob. The best way to verify if cookware is induction and compatible is by using a magnet.
Samsung induction hobs attach the magnet to the bottom of the pot and get the green light if that fits well in it.
Why must you invest in induction cooking?
Since all of the heat is generated in the pan when using induction cooking, there is no heat loss, and clean up after dinner is made simple by the smooth cooktop surface's ability to cool down rapidly. Similar to this Samsung induction hobs heat up rapidly a number of versions can be turned off without a dial or button by just withdrawing the pan from the induction element.
There are several benefits that you will get by using the induction hob at a glance.
Up to 70% reduction in energy consumption
Safer and no flames or ignition
Faster food preparation with no risk of leaving a pan
Cooler kitchens and hobs only heat when pan is present
Easy to clean as available with a smooth and flat surface.
Can we place refrigerator on the wall side?
Consider the space between the Built-in refrigerator Height 158 ​​cm and the wall before making a purchase because many large appliances require sufficient clearance and thoughtful placement for improved performance, safety, and efficiency.
Over the past few decades, there have been substantial modifications made to refrigerator design and engineering. One of the biggest changes is the coils are now located at the base of the unit instead of at the rear.
With the new configuration positioning the refrigerator next to wall spaces that are too close in proximity can impede airflow and prevent the heated coils from cooling down.
Built-in refrigerator Height 158 ​​cm placement offered a more natural spacing between the coils and the wall to promote air circulation and allow the heat that was generated to dissipate.
Visit our website and connect with us when you are looking for any of these applications for your workplace.
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solarfixx · 8 months
Getting Started With Home Automation: A Beginner's Guide
The idea of home automation may seem complicated and confusing at first glance, but it's much easier than you might think to get started. We've put together a Getting Started with Home Automation: A Beginner's Guide to help you understand what smart home devices do, how they work, and the benefits they can provide for your family.
The home automation market is growing rapidly, with new products finding their way to consumers at a fast rate. However, the pace of new releases can make it difficult for a home automator to stay on top of what works and what doesn't, which can lead to problems down the road. It is important for home automation beginners to do their research before jumping into the smart tech market, and to take the time to compare the quality, pricing, and features of available products.
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Fortunately, many of the big technology companies like Amazon, Google, Apple and Samsung have created ecosystems to help with the configuration and integration of smart devices. When choosing a device, it is important to be aware of which systems the product is compatible with and which connection protocols the device uses. This can help avoid issues later on when you're ready to expand your smart home.
Home automation systems can be used to control a wide range of household tasks, from lighting and music to temperature and security. Some of technology viewer website the most popular devices include smart security cameras, smart door locks, smart thermostats, and smart plugs. Many of these are designed to be controlled using voice commands or a mobile app, while others require the use of an in-wall keypad or touch panel.
Many homeowners are interested in reducing their energy costs, and home automation is a great way to do this. A smart system can monitor and control energy usage, turning lights off when rooms are unoccupied, adjusting heating temperature automatically, and even shutting off appliances at the socket to minimize "standby" power drains. Some smart systems can even provide detailed analysis of energy usage in the form of charts and graphs, which can be helpful to determine where you can save money on your utility bills.
Whether you're looking to improve the convenience of daily tasks, add a level of safety and security or simply reduce your energy consumption, smart home technology is an excellent option for everyone. Getting technology website started is as simple as choosing your desired goals, researching devices that align with those goals and connecting them to the right smart home platform. Once connected, the devices can be set to run on automatic schedules and respond to trigger events, such as entering or leaving the home. This will allow you to live smarter and enjoy the four main benefits of home automation: convenience, security, entertainment, and energy efficiency.
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crsauto888 · 1 year
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mpdmobileparts · 1 year
Discovering Motorola's Hidden Gems in Their Mobile Phone Lineup
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Motorola has been a trusted name in the mobile phone industry for decades. From their iconic flip phones to today's modern smartphones, they have continued to innovate and surprise us with their technology. But did you know that there are hidden gems within Motorola's lineup of mobile phones? These secrets may be unknown to many, but they can greatly enhance your user experience. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at some of Motorola's best-kept secrets and unravel them for you. Whether you're a long-time fan or new to the brand, get ready to discover something new about Motorola!
The History of Motorola
Founded in 1928, samsung s21 plus has a rich history of innovation and technological advances. The company began as a manufacturer of car radios before expanding into other electronics, including two-way radios for public safety agencies. In the 1980s, Motorola made a splash with their first mobile phone - the DynaTAC. Though large and expensive by today's standards, it was revolutionary at the time and paved the way for future advancements in mobile technology. Throughout the decades that followed, Motorola continued to push boundaries with their phones. They introduced some of the first flip phones in the 1990s and were one of the early adopters of camera phones in the early 2000s. In recent years, Motorola has focused on creating affordable yet high-quality smartphones that cater to budget-conscious consumers. Despite changes in ownership and leadership over its long history, Motorola remains dedicated to providing cutting-edge technology to its customers around the globe.
Motorola's Best-Kept Secrets
Motorola is a brand that has been around for decades and has always been at the forefront of innovation in the mobile phone industry. While many people are familiar with their popular models like the Moto G or Moto E, there are some hidden gems in Motorola's mobile phone lineup that not everyone knows about. One of these best-kept secrets is the Motorola Edge Plus. This high-end smartphone boasts a 6.7-inch OLED display, 5G connectivity, and a powerful Snapdragon 865 processor. It also features a massive 5,000mAh battery and an impressive camera system with a whopping 108-megapixel sensor. Another great device from Motorola phone parts that often goes overlooked is the Moto One Fusion+. This mid-range smartphone offers incredible value for its price point with its large 6.5-inch display, long-lasting battery life, and quad-camera setup. One of Motorola's most unique devices is the Razr flip phone. This nostalgic model combines vintage design with modern technology by featuring a foldable screen that allows it to fit comfortably in your pocket. While these devices may not be as well-known as other smartphones on the market today, they offer impressive features at competitive prices making them excellent options for those looking to upgrade their mobile device without breaking the bank.
Unraveling the Hidden Gems
Unraveling the Hidden Gems of Xt2163dl lineup is like discovering a treasure trove. Some features may not be obvious at first glance, but they add significant value to the user experience. One example is Moto Actions, which allows users to interact with their phones via gestures. With a simple chop motion, you can turn on/off the flashlight or twist your wrist twice to launch the camera app. These actions save time and are incredibly convenient for users who need quick access to these features. Another hidden gem is Moto Display, which shows notifications on the lock screen without waking up the entire device. It uses minimal battery while providing important information such as incoming calls, messages or emails. Motorola's partnership with Google also brings some unique software experiences like Google Photos integration that offers free unlimited storage for photos and videos in high quality resolution. These are just a few examples of how Motorola goes beyond conventional hardware specs and surprises its customers with innovative software solutions that enhance usability and functionality.
The Future of Motorola
As we look into the future of motorola g stylus 2021, there is no doubt that their focus on innovation and user experience will continue to drive their success. With new technologies emerging every day, it will be exciting to see how they will incorporate them into their mobile phone lineup. One thing is for sure - Motorola's commitment to providing high-quality devices at affordable prices while delivering exceptional performance is what sets them apart from other brands in the market. Whether you're a tech enthusiast or just looking for a reliable phone that fits your budget, Motorola has something for everyone.Conclusion
As we conclude this blog post, it's evident that Motorola has some hidden gems in its mobile phone lineup. From long battery life to durable build quality and unique features like Moto Mods and Moto Actions, these are only a few examples of what makes this brand stand out among competitors. We hope this article helps you discover more about what makes Motorola one of the most trusted mobile phone brands worldwide. So why not give them a try? You might be surprised by all the amazing things their phones have in store! Visit www.mpdmobileparts.com for your desirable product.
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stepphase · 1 year
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Samsung Galaxy Watch3 LTE - 45mm and Bluetooth 41mm
Samsung Galaxy Watch3 with advanced technology which is amazing for us and let us feel like home
Advanced health monitor on smartwatch
Samsung Galaxy Watch3 combines leading health technology and smartphone level productivity in one premium classic device. Also helps you effortlessly manage your health and life. That's well being in your hand.
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Image source samsung.com
Samsung Galaxy Watch3 Premium and Classic
Smartwatch with precision rotating bezel for apps navigation.
You can pick in two different sizes, the first is 45mm, and the second is 41mm. As well as, it looks amazingly awesome that you will love it. That is available in 3 different colors, the first is Mystic Bronze and the second is Mystic Silver And the last one is Mystic Black. Its design is outlined in a unique rotating bezel which is works around the clock.
Design of Samsung Galaxy Watch3
Lighter and slimmer big display that is comfortable for wear.
It is easier to focus on what matters with a bigger screen. It is also smaller and thinner, It is lighter with its looks and unique for your hand with its slim down frame.
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Source theverge - Watch3
Strap is leather with a premium quality
It is designed polished off with a premium genuine leather strap. When you will turn it over you will see strengthened leather that protects against discoloration and also its leather creates a natural look that you will definitely love it.
It's look is signature with the largest number of watch faces. And everything in it is a sleek body. You can also easily accessing your favorite and most useful apps because useful information you will get at a glance only.
Blood Oxygen in Samsung Galaxy Watch3
It uses a red LED and also infrared rays to estimate your SpO2 levels, and also the amount of oxygen that is available in your bloodstream. Oxygen saturation is directly linked to a physical performance that is enough to push your daily routine to the next level which is mind-blowing.
Sleep - Better night
It records your REM cycles, also deep sleep, and total sleep time to score and help to improve the quality of your sleep. Samsung just partnered with the national sleep foundation to include educational content and also sleep tips right with you on your hand, which will help you understand your rest and also improve your sleep.
As well as, it also equipped with 120 home workout programs. That can help you get your body and mind moving on time. It will also display your heart-rate in a real-time. Also, you can use the ridge sport band for accurate stats.
Running Analysis
The running guide will let you keep pace as you get tips. It has an advanced algorithm analyzes that how you walk or move to help you improve your form and also prevent injuries. You can measure VO2 maximum values and keep it up with your monthly, weekly, or, daily performance from your watch/phone.
Auto chat - Keep your conversation going
When you will get a new text, that your watch3 will show you chat history so you can easily follow your conversation. As well as, you can easily see images without an extra tap, which makes it easier to keep you going even if your running.
Smart reply
Its smart reply analyzes text and photos you will receive that also will give you the suggestion that you can reply, even if its about celebration, selfies, food and etc.
Bitmoji stickers are a new way to communicate. You can personalize your Bitmoji to looks just like you and use it to jazz up the way you talk to your friends or family.
Your music won't stop even you go from one device to another device. Play Spotify on your Galaxy Z Fold 2 / Galaxy Note 20, then open the Spotify app on your watch to easily switch songs from your watch, and also you can touch and hold your Galaxy buds live to exit the music.
Just find your phone and see your photo from the watch or you can switch between devices to control music and also check reminders.
You can also stream, call, or check your steps, everything from your watch.
IP68 / 5ATM: it can handle a little dirt or water.
Military-grade durability: weather and temperatures with durability made for an active lifestyle.
GPS: Barometer sensor will know you location and also handle detours with ease.
Compatibility: You can easily connect with galaxy and non-galaxy devices in a range.
Samsung Galaxy Watch3 Specification
Network: 4G, 3G, 2G
Launch: August-05-2020
Price: $369.99
Connectivity: GPS, Wi-Fi, NFC, Bluetooth
OS: Tizen
Display: Super AMOLED, corning Gorilla Glass DX, 3.45cm , Resolution is 360x360, 16M color
Processor: Dual core 1.15GHz
Memory: 1Gb RAM 8GB ROM
Sensors: Optical heart-rate, light, gyro, barometer, accelerometer
Body: weight is 53.8 g, and dimensions is 46.2 x 45.0 x 11.1 mm
Battery: 340mAh Li-ion
Audio and video supported: MP3, WAV, WMA, AMR, 3GA, AAC, OGG, OGA, AWB
Manufactured by Samsung and origin in India, Vietnam, Korea, and China.
After all, here are a few Samsungs Smartphones that you may be like M51, A42 5G, S20 FE 5G, F41, M31 Prime.
You can contact us to let us know if we are missing something on our page, I hope you like it and visit again.
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architectslong · 2 years
Ark 2 pre order
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There's the foundations of something decent here: lots of species of prehistoric animals with different pros and cons, an in-depth survival system. I'm just kind of existing in the world populated by dinosaurs. And that's how I feel when I'm playing it. Couldn't get any help with the first one because I couldn't remember the dino's name and it had been a few days (it was dead, jim), but the second one got resolved speedily. Yeah the game's support is genuinely terrible, but I only had to use it twice, once when I got a dinosaur stuck underneath the terrain (back in early access - and this only happened once) and second when I messed up with tranferring tribe ownership. A lot of the bugs people have mentioned have been fixed since well before EA, I'm not sure what they're going on about. Even if you have a good card, be prepared to turn those settings down to medium or low to get playable fps. That's ~41 days of nothing but playing this game. While it has its problems, I can't justify giving this game anything less than a 10. Now it’s officially going from tech demo to shipping product, and I can’t wait to try and get my hands on one and see how the display actually performs.While it has its problems, I can't justify giving this game anything less than a 10. Samsung’s Odyssey Ark monitor was easily one of the most notable reveals back at CES 2022, and all these months later has remained the most memorable of those showcases. This promotion runs through September 11, and will likely begin shipping afterwards. That’s $100 off when you reserve the monitor, and then those who complete the pre-order will get another $200 off. Locking in your pre-order will secure the 55-inch gaming screen for $3,199.99, an overall $300 savings. The $3,499 list price is going to be hard to stomach for some potential buyers, but Samsung is offering some initial savings today. Samsung does not specify when the monitor will officially begin shipping as of yet, but there are some incentives for those who want to score the latest and greatest right on launch day. Now available for pre-order direct from Samsung as well as retailers like B&H, you can lock-in your Samsung Odyssey Ark. There’s an integrated Game Bar for reviewing settings at a glance, as well as different modes based on whether you’re gaming, watching videos, or getting work done.
One of the more unique software features is enabled through the Ark Dial, which lets you adjust settings on the new Samsung Odyssey monitor on the fly. We’ve seen plenty of other monitors that offer wraparound designs to throw you into gameplay, but having the option of using the display for other use cases outside of traditional gaming makes the monitor even more of a standout. Samsung then backs the Odyssey Ark monitor with a versatile stand that allows the curved panel to rotate between immersive UltraWide gameplay sessions to a productivity-focused vertical orientation.
Four HDMI ports are also joined by other features like FreeSync Premium Pro support, four corner speakers with two central woofers, and Dolby Atmos virtual surround sound. Its mini-LED panel uses the brand’s Quantum Matrix Technology and then also sports a 4K resolution with 165Hz refresh rate. Since its reveal over eight months ago, Samsung has kept all of the wildly unique features first revealed at the January showcase.Īs a quick refresher on the stats, the monitor is centered around a 55-inch form-factor with 1000R curvature. Samsung Odyssey Ark goes up for pre-orderĪs just the latest addition to the Samsung lineup of Odyssey gaming monitors, the new Ark addition is certainly going to be the most eye-catching release yet.
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jadeee · 3 years
Nicky Valentino Reverse AU
def one of my favorites 💫 enjoy
His head would prob explode within the first 10 mins of being in our timeline. The technology alone would make his head spin.
Speaking of technology, you’d have to give him a crash course every day of the week. I like to think he’s a fast learner but when it’s come to tech, there's just sm stuff: youtube, google, instagram, podcasts, audiobooks, netflix.
Nicky leans over your shoulder and glances at your screen.
“Oh is that chapcat? Or tweeter??”
You turned around and scrunched your brows at him.
“Is it the goo- what was it called? Gootube?”
Eventually, he gets a phone but he doesn’t know how to work the damn thing. You're the only contact he has atm. Tbh he prob takes a selfie with you as soon as he gets it. Well.. after you teach him what a selfie is. He’d only take selfies for you but most of his camera roll would be things he saw when he was out and made him think of you.
You told him about texting before but, one step at a time lol. He’d prob develop the habit of calling instead of texting you bc it’s a lot easier and omg he loves facetime. Always greets you with some romantic Italian before saying anything else and always compliments you.
Sometimes he won't say anything but he'll just look at you and admire your beauty. Say it’s golden hour and you’re walking to your car and the sunlight is shining on you. He'll just stare at his phone like 🥰🥺 "ti amo, amore mio"
Phone case would prob be clear or black tbh, iPhone all day long {sorry samsung and android} and it’d be that gold color.. I just know it. Lock screen would be a picture of you two and his home screen would be an off guard picture he took of you.
He’d def need a pair of blue light glasses bc his eyes aren’t used to sm screen exposure. If you have a thing for ppl who wears glasses, he’d wear em all the time lmbo. All jokes aside, I think he would have a routine where he only sets aside x amount of hrs for screen time so he doesn’t strain his eyes too much. He might try to put you on it too.
Omg he’s so old fashioned he’d have a picture of you in his wallet. Which leads me to his ID ahahaha - the day you take him to get his ID is unforgettable. He prob woke up hella early, made breakfast, and spent an hr on his hair and outfit.
Idk the technicalities behind how that would work logistically. Granted we’d have access to his birth certificate and all that but ppl would just look at him like “... when did you say you were born again?! 😳🤨” then ask what cream he uses lmbo.
Teaching him to drive HAHAHA do I really need to go into this? He’d be so nervous at first. I can imagine you two sitting in an empty parking lot and he’s just in the driver’s seat like “uhh… why are there so many buttons?”
He wouldn’t listen to the radio at first. He literally just needs to learn the bare minimum. No need to teach him the horn. He’s from New York, they know how to work those.
Wherever he goes ppl are just drawn to him. So he’ll often make friends without trying bc he has that magnetic pull. Ofc he’ll get the occasional, random “you’re so attractive” compliments but if they flirt a bit too much he’ll automatically go into “i’m taken” mode.
He’d def join a social club whether it’s for jazz lovers, old souls, or pre-boomers {is that a thing?} he’d be a part of it and never miss a meeting. This really helps him to connect with his life from the 1920s, especially with Rocky and Chris in a way.
The world is huge and he’d def meet a few ppl who remind him of his family and friends. When that happens, he’s just so captivated and almost stunned. He’ll ask them a few questions only they would know but when the doppelgangers can’t give a straight answer, he’s sort of saddened. He’d make it a point to tell them they remind him of someone back home though.
I know for a fact if he found someone from Italy - or with Italian roots - in your neighborhood, he’d freak out! If they spoke Italian?!?! He’s got a friend for life now and he prob feels so at home around them {depending on where they’re from and all that, i’m guessing}
Side note, Nicky would roast tf out of restaurants that call themselves Italian but don’t serve genuine Italian food. Speaking of food, he’d prob cook all the time for the two of you. Omg if he had a lil cookbook 😭💖💕
I really feel like he’d be best friends with an old Italian lady. I know this in my soul and you cannot tell me diff. She would remind him of his mother and that’s why he’s so drawn to her. Especially considering the only thing missing that would make his life perfect is having his family with him alongside yours. He’d invite her over for dinner and she’d def bring food for you two.
She wants to hear every detail about how ya’ll meet and she gushes over the two of you once she sees you side by side. She’ll put her hand over her heart and swoon. Her name’s either Carlotta, Giana, or Florentina.
Shopping with this guy?!?!?!?!! Ugh, sm fun. He’ll prob be really frustrated since fashion is diff now from the 1920s but still you would have sm fun. I can tell you rn though, he doesn’t like skinny jeans.
“Toots,” he struggled to pull the fabric up past his knees.
“How the hell do you wear these things?” He grunted in between his words.
Before you could respond, the door to his fitting room flung open.
He looked at you disapprovingly.
You tried to keep a straight face.
“What’s wrong?”
“I can’t move.”
You let out a laugh and Nicky smirked.
“I’m serious! How am I supposed to walk in these?!?!”
“I think you look good!” You tried to affirm him.
He waved his hand at the air as you continued to laugh.
“You’re just trynna get on my good side.”
He gave you a smile before shutting the door.
After a moment, he opened it and peeped his head out.
“Uh.. amore?”
“I can’t get ‘em off.”
His cheeks turned pink as you stood up and walked towards him.
His style is v professional/light academia. He’ll prob try and find suits closest to his, like the blue and brown one for instance. Besides, I know he has his favorite outfits from the 1920s and he’d prob try to mimic them as much as possible.
Doesn’t own the first pair of shorts or any jeans at all. He hates the fabric of jeans bc they’re so dense and heavy, unlike his slacks. Shorts? Why would he wanna show his legs if he’s not at the beach/pool or playing find the cannoli? The only modern, laidback things you’ll really see him in are sweatpants {yes, the gray ones 👀}
He would be an absolute music and film lover 100%. If you don’t have one already, he’d get a record player and find some vinyls of his favorite singers from back then. Whenever you two have downtime, he’ll put on the records. He has music on his phone too but “it’s not the same” lol.
We already know he loves movies and he’d be fascinated by some of the modern ones. I think streaming platforms, like Netflix, would be like a goldmine for him bc they have such a huge collection of diff genres. This might be selfish of me but I’d make him watch at least one Robert DeNiro film… just one {but then there’s Martin Scorsese, Joe Pesci, and Al Pacino 🤷🏾‍♀️ one of each ig}
It’s not gonna be a walk in the park but you’re by his side and that’s the most beautiful walk he could ever take. He’ll ease into modern living but he’d def bring some 1920s style with him. I think your home would be a happy one that manages to blend the beauties of both.
He would def go down the rabbit hole searching for documents about everyone back home: Rocky, Chris, Floyd, Ralph. He would look for smthn on everyone. I think most of all he just wants to know what their life was like. If Chris ever got married and if Rocky ever stayed married lmbo.
He’d want to know how it ended too but he’d save that for last. He’d really want you by his side, even if he doesn’t say it. If he came across pictures, he’d pick his favorite ones and put them in his wallet and maybe frame a few.
⭐ BONUS: Right… money. I feel like his crew would save it for him bc he didn’t leave without saying goodbye. However, money from back then isn’t worth equal value now. So I think he would consider investing it in the stock market. Emphasis on 'consider' bc it’s like a rollercoaster sometimes. I can see him working in an office setting being part of upper management. Yeah, you need a degree for most, if not all of these, but I know for a fact somehow he’d get up there. Be it charisma, working his way up to the top. Someone somewhere is gonna call him boss.
~~~ A/N: This was v much spur of the moment writing. Thank you for reading/reblogging/liking/commenting!
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
Small Actions (Create Big Ripples) CC!Plat!Ranboo x GN!Reader
I've been thinking lately about this little drabble and it makes me a bit upset? Like.. I'm in this position high key but theres nothing I can do about it...
(R/R/n) stands for Ranboo's real name. Also if you're really tall.... No you're not. Shhhh. For plot purposes
You stayed away from social media as much as possible. Now, don't get me wrong, you used to love watching Youtubers play their games and happily interact with their fans.. But growing up, you never seemed to have enough money to donate when they streamed, or go to events where they were.
You had always wanted to tell them how much they've helped you through life, or shaped your personality.. Or saved you. But... They get told that every day by over hundreds of people.. So there would be no real sentiment behind it..
You'd probably just get a simple, "Aw. Happy I could help." Before turning back to their game without blinking twice.
So, you just watched silently. It hurt, you know? Wanting to thank them, or send them something to show your appreciation.. But you never seemed to be able to send it, with the thought that 'it won't really matter to them after five minutes.. You'll just be brushed over. It's pointless.'
Eventually it hurt too much to keep watching the content creators that raised you, so you just stopped and went on with your life.
It was hard, but at least you didn't have to deal with the fact that you would never be able to thank the people you watched for making your life that much better.
As time went on, while you still heard about the creators, it was just... less. Now people were non stop blabbering about these people from something called the DreamSMP?
Your sister was obsessed with it to say the least, and you always heard her mumbling about strange people like Technoblade? Or Sapnap? And apparently some people had children with inanimate objects?! Like a Samsung Fridge and a salmon?! Yeah you didn't even bother trying to understand what she was rambling about most of the times. It just spun your head in circles.
"Okay, I gotta take my mutt to the vet," Your sister and closest friend, (S/n), tilted her head towards the backseat to her dog as you sat in the passenger seat. "You think you'll be good to do the shopping for two or so hours? I'll call when I'm finished, and plus I know how you can get distracted with looking at some things."
"Yeah, I think I'll be good." You nodded slightly, going over the list in your hand of things to get for your classes, food and just some clothing for the changing seasons.
(S/n) pulled into the parking lot and looked you over briefly, "You forgot your mask didn't you?" She watched as your hands flew up to your face to feel for the fabric, but you didn't find it so you fished through the pockets of your sweater before smiling nervously at the driver. "Uuugggggggghhhh. Of course. Okay, I got a new one from the merch store that you can use, but do not damage it! I spent a whole $30 on it!"
Scoffing as you rolled your eyes, you snagged the half white and half black mask away from her, "You and your merch. Honestly, (S/n), your obsession scares me. But anyway, thanks. I won't get it damaged, I swear." You pulled the mask onto your face after giving her a smile and walked into the store as she drove off.
Sighing slightly, you walked in, sanitized your hands, and set off on your journey to find the things you needed. Surprisingly, today seemed to be a good day as you miraculously pulled the card that didn't have the busted wheel!
Humming a soft tune to yourself, you paced up and down aisles in search of (S/n)'s favourite coffee. Pausing for a moment as you scanned the shelves, you finally spotted it and made a noise of anger as you realized it was on the very top shelf. "Oh, I hate it here..." You mumbled, a phrase you had picked up from your sister who was really big on trends like that.
Grumbling to yourself, you stood on the tips of your toes, jumped up and down, even climbed the shelves a small bit, but it just seemed to brush by your fingertips every time. Apparently it had been long enough to the point where someone had wandered into the aisle as well.
"Hey... Uh.. Nice mask? You need help?" A male voice asked very hesitantly making your head turn towards him. He was t a l l and literally could tower over you if you got close enough. He had fluffy dirty blonde hair possibly? It looked a little damp so you couldn't really tell. Rain had been in the weather report, but guess it couldn't hold off long enough. Oddly enough, he was wearing dark sunglasses and the exact same mask as you?
'Maybe he's a fan of one of (S/n)'s fandoms?' You stepped back with a sheepish smile and a blush. "Oh! Yes please! Uhm.. Also, could you tell me about what these masks represent? This is my sister's... And I kinda want to make sure I'm not looking like I'm part of some gang or something."
The tall boy reached up for the coffee before pausing midway through and looking at you in surprise. "You don't know who... Oh, it's just from a Twitch Streamer.." He murmured rather softly as he got the coffee down for you.
With a cheerful "Thank you!" You placed the container in the cart. "Oh? Yeah that makes sense. My sister loves that kind of stuff. Are they... A good person?"
"I-I'd like to think so." He nodded quickly. "Are you not.. Like, a fan of content creators? Like.. Uh.. Dream or (P/F/C)?" (Past favourite creator)
"Well... I mean I used to really like (p/f/c) when I was younger. But it kind of... Saddened me, you know?"
He looked at you again and tilted his head a bit, "Saddened you? Did they do something bad?"
"No no! It's just... I try to avoid joining fandoms, even if they make me really happy while in them despite the toxicity. I really enjoy the people who create content, and I like watching them have fun... It's just.." Were you really gonna spill some personal stuff to some stranger who showed you the slightest bit of kindness? Not originally. But he kept watching you, patiently waiting for you to continue the sentence. "They'll... Never know.. How much they saved me."
"Oh.. I see. Yeah.. I've had that happen a lot. When, I watch this guy's streams," He pulled at his mask for a moment, "People always donate money and tell him how much they appreciate him for getting them through rocky times.. It's heartwarming to say the least but he does sound genuinely thankful."
"Oh that's sweet.. What does he do? Or what's he like?" You asked with a smile, although he couldn't see it, as you crouched down to get something from the sheleves. "Unless you have places to be of course!"
He looked a little surprised at first, "Ah... I got time. It's just.. Kinda nice being able to talk to people again after quarantine..." He trailed off briefly before taking something off the shelf as well and putting it in his basket, "Uh.. The streamer is a popular minecraft player. He recently hit a record during a stream and everyone lost their minds. He's a little painfully awkward at some points but he enjoys playing the games and interacting with his chat."
"Oh he sounds nice! I would definitely want to friends with someone like him!" You chuckled softly before frowning and glancing away. "Oh.. Popular.. So I'd be another comment in the flood of a chat.. Damn. I got a little excited. Oh! My bad, I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you!" You laughed softly in an attempt to brush off the sad atmosphere you made.
"(R/r/n). But everyone just calls me Ranboo. Nice to meet you too." He sounded as if he was smiling but there was a soft sadness in his tone. "Do you not like popular streamers then?"
"No, it's just... that I had always wanted to tell them how much they've helped me through life, or shaped my personality.. Or saved me.. But... They get told that every day by over hundreds of people.. So there would be no real sentiment behind it.. I suppose it just left me feeling a bit hopeless and like a broken record of every other fan of theirs. So, I just watched silently. It hurt, you know? Wanting to thank them, or send them something to show appreciation.. But I never seemed to be able to send it, with the thought that 'it won't really matter to them after five minutes.. You'll just be brushed over. It's pointless.'.."
Ranboo seemed slightly more upset and he shifted his basket into his other hand, "I don't think it's like that at all.. I believe that streamers and creators truly cherish anyone who even interacts with their videos, and even though they know there's some people in the world who can't say anything or buy their merchandise, the creators still know that they're there. They appreciate everyone who comes along their path, whether they support them by giving them money, criticism or their attention!"
You blinked at how... Passionate your new friend was about this topic before smiling softly. "I guess... It never passed my mind.. Thank you Ranboo.. Hey, you wanna be friends and get to know each other more?"
His expression was unreadable due to the fabric covering his mouth and nose, and the glasses covering his eyes. "Oh! Sure!" He sounded quite happy, so you were guessing that you weren't being too awkward. "Here's my number, as long as you promise to never give it to anyone. Even if someone wants to get to know me, okay?"
You took out your phone and looked at him with a strange expression, but quickly nodded. 'Maybe he is just really strict about his privacy.' Once he gave you the number, you sent a quick text to him to give him your contact in return. "Great! It was wonderful meeting you, I hope we can hang out more often! After.. covid of course."
Eagerly nodding, Ranboo finished writing your contact into his phone and slipped it back into his pocket. "Oh yeah definitely! I'll see you soon, (Y/n)!"
Parting your separate ways, you looked down at the newly added contact, 🤍Ranboo🖤 (Platonic hearts), with a smile.
Maybe small actions weren't as useless as you thought...
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dreamsfreckles · 4 years
[11:27a.m] JealousyIsFound
GeorgeNotFound x reader
Just some jealous simp gog content - enjoy!
You, Sapnap, and George were sitting in a small booth at a rustic coffee shop. Dream and your other friend still had yet to arrive, giving you and the two boys a good thirty minutes of sitting around to do. You and your other girl-friend decided it would be fun to take everyone shopping at a new mall that opened up nearby. Luckily, it wasn’t too difficult to convince the boys to come. You have fantastic guilt tripping skills. With all jokes aside, everyone was excited to spend the day together and explore the new shopping center.
Sapnap was the first to arrive; it’s kind of weird that he is the most punctual of the bunch. Then you came, almost dropping your purse and slamming into the side of the building after using the wrong side of the door. And finally, our beloved George, who looked like he would rather die than come shopping with everyone. Dream and your friend were carpooling and called in to tell you that they would be late due to some traffic on the highway. So for the time being, you, Sapnap, and George decide to go ahead and order a treat from the bakery side of the shop.
“What are you getting, y/n?” You shrug your shoulders at Sapnap. “I don’t know, I’m indecisive.” You sigh. George looks over at you with a surprised look on his face. George has noticed every time you go out, you usually go with the same thing: an iced caramel macchiato and a double chocolate chip muffin. “No muffin?” He questions. You scrunch your nose, looking at all of your options. “I don’t know anymore... everything looks really good today.” You mumble. ‘That’s weird,’ George thinks. You scan your eyes over the display cases of pastries once again. Feeling hopeless, you elbow Sapnap in the side. “What about you samsung, what do you want?” Sapnap rolls his eyes at the nickname. “I think I’m just going to get a cheese danish. Those usually slap.” He confirms. You hum in agreement. “Maybe I’ll copy you.”
George furrows his eyebrows and looks at you two judgingly. “Are you guys okay?” You and Sapnap both peer at George. Sapnap is the first to speak. “What? Cheese danishes are good!” George scoffs at his answer. “Whatever.” You giggle at George’s response to Sapnap, causing George’s ears to flush. George forced himself to look away from your smiling face and up to the menu. He shouldn’t get this nervous when you look at him like that... it was your normal face! Nothing special to him! You have the same ugly face all the time! Why would it make him nervous..? Once George was finished arguing with himself in his mind, he decided he should probably choose what he wanted as well.
Once you all chose your preference of baked good, you headed back to your booth. You slid into the right side, followed by Sapnap, with George across from you on the other side. George decided to go with an everything bagel with cream cheese while you and Sapnap enjoyed your danishes. “You’ve had their danishes before, right?” Sapnap asked you, unwrapping his. You shook your head. “No, I usually just get their double chocolate muffins. Are they good?” Sapnap looks at you incredulously. “Are they good, you ask? Oh, they aren’t just good. They’re incredible.” George watches you and Sapnap, amused. “How often do you come around for these cheese danishes, Sapnap?” George mocked. Sapnap looks at George with challenging eyes. “A little less often than your mom and I’s date nights.” You immediately facepalm. George’s eyes narrow and he lets out a sarcastic “ha ha.” After facepalming the pain away, you get started on unwrapping your pastry. This attracts George’s attention. “Let me know if you like it.” George proclaims, earning a smiley ‘okay’ from you. 
Sapnap glances between your guys’ exchange, already figuring out underlying emotions between you two. He feels a wave of mischief come over him. Why not mix things up?
Sapnap turns his head to face you, a smirk on his face. “Y/n, has anyone told you that you look really nice today?” You gasp at the compliment. “Oh my gosh, really? No, no one has! I thought I looked like a mammoth today, thank you!” you smile at Sapnap, astonished by his compliment. That was so nice... ‘I wish George would say something like that to me..’ you thought to yourself. 
George glances at you and Sapnap in disbelief, mildly irked that he said that to you. Since when did he care about what you looked like? 
About 15 minutes go by with Sapnap still flirting with you and George sulking in his seat. You’re still smiling. He looks down to his bagel. Bouncing his leg, he looks at you again. You’re laughing now. George begins to sweat a little. He looks out the bakery’s window to calm himself. He turns towards you again. You’re giggling. Fucking giggling. George rolls his eyes, facing more towards the window again. Is this for real right now? Are you seriously into Sapnap? George fidgets in frustration. This is torturous to George. 
As if on que, Dream and your other friend finally stumble in through the bakery glass doors, peering around to look for the table. George raises his arm to catch their attention. “Dream, over here!” he calls out. Dream turns at the sound of George’s voice and smiles once he sees him. “Finally!” George exclaims in relief whilst Dream jogs over to pull him into a hug. “I’ve been stuck with these nimrods for too long.” George sighs. Dream chuckles at him and glances over to you and Sapnap. “Should we leave now since you’ve been waiting so long?” Dream suggests. “Well if you and y/f/n want a pastry or coffee then we can all wait.” Sapnap suggests. “The danishes are superior here.” y/f/n scoffs at Sapnap. “We know Sapnap, you’ve only mentioned that to us 100 times before we even had plans on meeting here.” You laugh at her and Sapnap and then look over at George who is already looking at you. He playfully rolls his eyes, causing you to giggle with him. “Well...” Dream starts. “I’m kind of ready to go, do you want anything y/f/n?” She shakes her head in reply. “Nope, I’m ready.” And without further debate, you were off to Dreams car to leave for the mall. 
Once you all made it to the parking lot, standing by Dream’s car, you all discussed the seating. Dream drove a jeep, which provided the perfect amount of seating for all of you. Sapnap ended up calling shotgun so he could DJ whilst dream drives; leaving you, George, and y/f/n to all sit in the back. You three played rock, paper, scissors to establish who sits in the middle, resulting in you losing to sit in between them. George sat to your right and y/f/n sat to your left. It was a kind of uncomfortable squeeze but thankfully since you were in such a good mood, you weren’t too bothered by it. Plus George was warm so...
As you shifted around to get comfy, George threw his arm over the back of the seats behind your head; basically having his arm around you. Facing the other way he awkwardly coughed into his fist, cheeks tinged pink. Smooth George, smooth. Noticing his arm, you shyly played with your fingers in your lap, a small smile on your face. 
“Alright!” Dream begins backing out of the parking spot. “Time for some shoppin’!” everyone collectively agreed in excitement. George sighed in content with you leaning into him. 
This will be interesting...
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Hey guys! Hope you like it! <3
This has been sitting in my drafts for a while and I suddenly got inspiration to finish it up! sorry for errors! Let me know how to improve :)
Sapnap is next hehehe
also, this has the potential for a part 2... if anyone is interested... LMK!!!
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lunar-jimin · 4 years
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life goes on, it gets so heavy; the wheel breaks the butterfly
Pairing: Jungkook x fem!reading
Rating: 18+
Genre: smut, angst, fluffy ending, ceo!jungkook, secretary!reader
Word Count: 10k
Warnings: cheating, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, using pulling out as a protective method (don’t do this kids), dom!jungkook, sub!reader, cumming in pants, oral (female receiving), dirty talk, daddy kink, degradation, lovey-dovey sex, impreg kink
Summary: Despite being the golden heir of a wealthy empire, Jungkook is incredibly unhappy with life he’s been handed. When you show up in his office one morning, you change his life in the way he least expected, but in the way he needed the most. 
a/n: This is an anonymous commission for my BLM fundraiser!! If you would like to request something yourself, you can find the link to my official post here! I would also like to thank the lovely @nightowls388​ for beta reading!!
| masterlist | moodboard | playlist |
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The air was too hot. Uncomfortable. Sticky. Jungkook loosened the tie around his neck in a desperate attempt to free himself from the confines of his suit. He hated August. It was always too warm, too sunny. He preferred the dark winter days where the snow silenced the universal white noise. Black suits weren’t as suffocating on forty degree days.
He glanced out the window of the Rolls Royce, taking in the pedestrians struggling not to melt in the intense gaze of the sun. He sympathized with their struggle. Even the blast of freezing draft from the air conditioner did little to spare him from the heat. He enjoyed watching people. He was fascinated by the little idiosyncrasies that formed them into unique individuals, each essential to making the world work. Besides, everyone’s life seemed more interesting to him than his own.
There was a point in his life when he was content with the plan his parents had laid out for him before he was in diapers. He looked forward to one day taking over his father’s company, marrying a nice girl, and starting a family. It was a simple plan and one that gained the approval of the adults in his life: something he was constantly vying for as an adolescent. It was what he was raised with. When he went to college, everything changed. For the first time in his existence, he wasn’t being inundated with his parent’s doctrine and found that there was more to life than running Fortune 500 companies. His parents were less than pleased to discover that he had accompanied his business major with a minor in photography. 
But despite the longing that had bloomed in him for something more intriguing than sterile offices and mundane board meetings, he still found himself back home where his parents once again instilled in him the desire to be the golden heir. A year after his return as the prodigal son, his parents set him with the woman who was now his wife. Three years after that, his father decided that he would rather spend his days on the golfing green rather than in sky-high conference rooms, so he handed off the company to Jungkook. Ever since Jungkook had been locked inside stuffy black suits and boring ties. And he absolutely hated it. 
He squirmed in his seat, his desire to escape increasing with each second he was locked in the back of the car. God, why was it so hot? He felt like crying- a feeling that had become increasingly common during the past six months. His brain felt like a bubbling volcano waiting patiently to explode. Sometimes, Jungkook imagined what would happen when it did. He would divorce his wife, leave his job, and move to some island in the Caribbean where he would spend the rest of his days taking pictures. It was a nice dream, but it was only that, a dream. 
He shook his head, trying to contain his runaway emotions. As the car came to a halt in front of the office building, Jungkook tightened his tie and grabbed his briefcase before exiting out into the scalding heat. If inside the car was bad, outside was absolute hell. It was so hot, Jungkook swore he was on fire. He frowned, rushing into the safety of the air-conditioned skyscraper in front of him before he broke out in a sweat. 
He sighed in relief the second he made it through the rotating doors. He had never been so grateful for the large air conditioning bill in all his life. His relief was so immense that it took a full minute to realize something was wrong. Normally, the second he walked through the door, his secretary greeted him with an iced coffee and a pastry, but as he looked around, his secretary was nowhere to be found. Yet another sigh escaped his mouth as he stepped into the elevator. Why of all days did today have to be the day his secretary magically disappeared? He shook his head. 
He noticed her the minute he arrived at his office floor. She was bent over a box, all her attention focused on searching for whatever object was eluding her. It took her a moment to notice his presence, but when she did, she bolted upright before scurrying in front of the desk, hands behind her back. Jungkook looked her up and down, transfixed by the beautiful stranger.
“Can I help you?”
His voice came out harsher than he meant it to and he cringed when you tried to disguise a wince. 
“Um, yes, I’m your new secretary, Mr. Jeon.”
His brows furrowed. 
“New secretary? What happened to the old one? He was perfectly fine.”
He didn’t remember any emails about his secretary leaving, although to be fair, he hadn’t been paying attention to much these days. He might physically be at work, but more often than not, his mind had drifted to far off places. Mostly island paradises. 
“He moved away.”
“Ah,” he gave you a once over, “and what is your name, new secretary?”
You answered him. He nodded as if you had given him the right answer on a quiz.
“And I don’t suppose anyone has told you how things work around here.”
“No sir.”
His hands clenched at the name, a picture of you on your knees before him (with much less clothing) popped into his head. He shook it off, trying to stay the least bit professional. He had a wife for god’s sake. 
“I see. Well, for future reference, I expect you to meet me each day in the lobby with an iced americano and a pastry,” he paused when he realized how demanding he sounded before softly adding, “No cherries though, I hate cherries.”
You nodded, grabbing a sticky note and jotting down his instructions.
“For now, just get settled in. Do you happen to know if I have any meetings today?”
You nodded again, “You have a lunch meeting with the Samsung marketing director at one, sir.”
There it was again. That damn formality. It was really going to get the better of him. 
“You will accompany me. I expect you to take notes, but don’t contribute to the conversation. Got it?”
“Yes, sir.”
Jungkook nodded before making a beeline to his office before he got a boner. He let out a sigh of relief as he closed the door behind him. His heart pounded in his chest and despite his desperate attempts, he’s chubbed up a bit in his pants. 
He didn’t want to admit that it’s because you might be the most attractive woman he has ever seen. He didn’t want to admit that he hasn’t been this turned on in months. Instead, he passed it off on the fact that he hadn’t had sex with his wife in three months which left behind quite a bit of built-up tension. 
The hours ticked by and Jungkook attempted to bury himself with the neverending stack of paperwork. He remembered there was a time when he loved to show off his signature (there was a reason fifteen-year-old him never had a girlfriend), but now he wanted to chop off his hands so that he could never sign a contract again. He was thankful when the clock struck eleven, releasing him from his office, even if it meant being stuck talking shop for an hour while eating expensive but flavorless food. 
He stepped out to find you arranging photos on the wall beside your desk. You glanced up when you heard the door open and flashed him a blinding smile. 
“Ready, sir?”
He nodded. The title was really going to be a problem. 
The meeting was the beginning of Jungkook’s personal purgatory. Every day you would greet him with a smile and the best pastries he had ever tasted. (He was surprised when you admitted to him that you had baked them yourself. If you weren't proving to be an amazing secretary, he would suggest that you open a bakery, but he’s selfish.) You were a good listener and caught onto his routines without a struggle. But every day you would show up dressed as pure temptation. It wasn’t even that your outfits were scandalous, just simple pencil skirts and pastel blouses, but you made them look like sin incarnate. It didn’t help that every night he went home to his wife who he barely noticed existed anymore.
There had been a point when he and his wife were, er, passionate. For the first couple of years, Jungkook even managed to convince himself that he was in love with her. But a couple of months ago, weekly dinners turned into once a month before they disappeared altogether. To make the situation worse, his mother was starting to complain about her lack of children, but he didn’t know how to break it to her that he couldn’t remember the last time he had kissed his wife, much less had sex with her. There were no bitter feelings or resentment, just indifference. He had briefly considered couples therapy before deciding against it. He wasn’t sure he even wanted to attempt to salvage the crumbs of his marriage. 
You had only added fuel to the fire. Jungkook found himself just as infatuated with your mind as he was with your body. Not only did you laugh at his dumb jokes and listen to his whining, but you had witty contributions and easily found out-of-the-box solutions. He swore this quarter’s numbers would be higher just from you alone. And you flirted. He wasn’t sure at first, incredibly hesitant to respond in fear of a scandalous HR report. But when he caught your gaze on him when you thought he wasn’t looking one too many times, he realized there was a good chance that you liked him just as much as he liked you. 
Between you, his wife, and his desperate need to escape this world of offices, limos, and quid pro quo, his life was unraveling right in front of him. Still, he tried to hold onto all the pieces before they landed in a disappointed heap in his lap. He wasn’t quite ready to let it all go to shit. He definitely was not ready to meet his parents’ disapproving faces when he lost everything they had worked so hard to ensure he had. 
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Two months after you began working, he found himself at an overcrowded party praying he was anywhere but there. Sadly, being a CEO meant that he wasn’t allowed to drink away his woes, lest he make a fool of himself in front of all the investors. Instead, he was forced to stay exhaustingly sober as he watched everyone around him devolve into debauchery. He found his wife pleasantly drunk near the bar talking to one of her friends whose face he recognized but couldn’t remember her name for the life of him.
“Having fun darling?”
He grinned, trying to play the role of loving husband. A role that had become increasingly difficult to mimic. 
“It’s your birthday party, I should be asking you. Have you even had a drink? Probably not,” she turned back to her friend, “He never drinks at these things, something about keeping up appearances. I think it’s dumb. It’s his own birthday for fuck’s sake.”
He rolled his eyes. There she went again, putting him down. It wasn’t the first time she had commented on his festive sobriety. She wasn’t a fan. Maybe it was because he only fucked her after he drank. Still, he conceded to her teasing, figuring one drink wouldn’t hurt. He waved down a bartender.
“A whiskey on the rocks, please,” he turned back to his wife, “satisfied?”
She grinned at him before resuming ignoring him in favor of whatever fascinating conversation her friend was providing. He sighed before grabbing his drink and making his way out to the balcony. The air inside the penthouse was stuffy and he was beginning to feel claustrophobic. He was surprised to find you already out there, nursing your own drink in your hand. It wasn't unusual for people from the office to be at his personal parties. His father had taught him a long time ago that inviting your employees into your personal life was key to inspiring loyalty. It made them feel like they knew you and that they were important to you. But seeing as you were a relatively new addition, he had never seen you outside of the office and if you were sexy in skirts and blouses, the dress you had on should be illegal. He gulped before leaning next to you on the rail.
"Parties not your thing?"
You jumped, spilling a bit of your drink onto the dark street below. 
"Um, no, parties are fine. Rich people parties are just a whole new animal."
He chuckled.
"That's fair I suppose. Even I get sick of those fuckers. They do realize that they aren’t at the office anymore right? No need to brag about how well your stock is doing"
You smiled at him before looking back out at the city skyline. Despite having grown up with views like this, Jungkook still found it breathtaking. Almost as breathtaking as he found you. He took a sip of his drink, trying to drown his thoughts in alcohol. When he looked at you again, he felt his stomach churn. You were so beautiful that he wasn't sure what to do with himself. A sigh escaped him. You broke out of your trance and turned to look at him.
"Something wrong?"
"No. Not really."
You raised your eyebrow.
"I just- I know this sounds stupid and pretentious- but I really just don't want to do this anymore."
"What do you mean?"
"This job. This lifestyle. This life. I was raised to be the perfect CEO with the perfect family, a copy of my father really, but that's not what I want. All my family has ever seen me as is the golden heir and honestly, I don’t know if I can be that anymore."
"Who do you want to be?"
"I don't know. A photographer I guess. And marry somebody I actually choose to fall in love with. And live away from the stress of trying to please every person in my life at the cost of my own happiness."
"You don't love your wife?"
"No, I do. Kinda. I just... My parents picked her out and at some point, I was smitten with her, but we're so different and she wants success and money and, well, I don't care about that as much. She’s not a bad person, she’s just obsessed with her books and her writing, and well, that doesn’t leave much room for family. I’m not much better though."
"And we haven't been too hot lately."
"How so?"
"Um, well, we're really distant, and, um, we haven't had sex in two months."
You snorted and he blanched. He usually never shared that kind of thing with anyone and here he was confessing his personal problems to you, his secretary. The alcohol must be affecting him more than he thought. This is why he didn't drink at parties.
"How? Has she seen you? I would be all over you if I was your wife.”
You realized what you had said a moment too late and you looked at him with wide eyes, a faint blush covering your face. He let out a nervous chuckle. 
“Would you now?”
You nodded before downing the rest of your drink. Jungkook felt something akin to butterflies begin to flutter in his stomach. He had known that he was fairly attractive, but something about hearing someone as ethereal as you admit it made his heart do flips. 
“Yeah, well, it’s really on me I guess. I haven’t really wanted to.”
“You don’t want to have sex?”
Relief washed over your face when you realized that he wasn’t going to linger on your slip up. 
“Yeah. Well no. I do want to have sex. Just not with her.”
“I see. Well, who do you want to have sex with?”
It was a small glimpse, almost imperceptible, but he saw the recognition in your face as you watched his eyes glance over you.
Jungkook gulped. What was he doing? What was he getting himself into? He had a life to protect. Expectations to uphold. And yet, here he was, considering risking it all for a secretary who was making him feel something for the first time in months. 
When he gathered enough courage to look at you, he found you staring at his lips. One second he’s waging a war with himself and the next your mouth is on his. Your lips are just as warm and soft as he thought they would be and for a moment he lets himself be absorbed by them. But reality rapidly floods back, and he pushes you away. You looked at him, obviously hurt by the rejection. 
“I’m sorry.”
He’s being honest. He doesn’t want to hurt you. But he was a coward who was afraid of what people thought of him. And the things people would think about him if they knew he kissed his secretary were not pretty.
“It’s fine.”
You failed to cover up the disappointment in your voice. 
“It’s not you. It’s just I have a wife, and a family with expectations and-”
He sighs.
“Look, it’s fine. Really. I’m just gonna get going, okay? I’ll see you on Monday.”
With that, you leave him to his own devices. He watches your figure go, before turning back to face the city. 
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If work was hell before, it was nothing compared to what it was now. Every day, he found himself torn between wanting to take you on his desk and wanting to never see you again. Ever since the party, the memory of your lips pressed on his had haunted him like an orphaned Victorian ghost with a thirst for revenge.  It was on replay in his mind to the point he couldn’t properly sleep anymore. He felt like shit, and he was pretty sure he looked it too, but if anyone noticed they neglected to say anything. 
You, on the other hand, seemed to be doing just fine. You hadn’t so much as mentioned the party. You performed your duties with your usual pep and continued to bring him your heavenly pastries. He resented you a little bit for being able to move on so easily. Here he was hung up on a moment he had fucked up, and there you were acting like nothing had happened. He wanted to scream. 
So he pulled back. He only talked to you if it was absolutely necessary. He never looked your way. He threw himself into his job. But you were still there, just as tempting as the first day he had seen you. His mind was being forced to choose between you alongside the island paradise he dreamed of, and keeping up appearances while pleasing his elders. A week passed and he was miserable. He was exhausted and all his will power had been depleted. 
That’s why he ended up doing what he did. Or at least that’s what he told himself. Friday rolled around and Jungkook was at his wit’s end. And then there you were, fifteen feet away from him flirting with some random guy from IT. (Namjoon, maybe?) It was harmless, but it didn’t stop Jungkook’s gut from twisting about inside of him. Why didn’t you flirt with him? Why didn’t you show him any signs of affection? He reminds himself that he rejected you, but it’s no help. Jealousy overwhelms him as he squirms in his leather chair. He barely noticed his hands clamped into fists or the way his jaw had clenched to the point of pain. When Namjoon leans over to whisper into your ear, Jungkook loses the small tidbits of control he had left. 
He pushes himself out of his chair and storms out, not bothering to say anything as he grabs your arm and pulls you away from a stunned Namjoon and back to his office, slamming the door behind him. 
“Can I help you?”
Your tone is curt and your face was twitching with displeasure. Jungkook realized that once he had you, he wasn’t quite sure what he wanted to do with you. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. He would certainly like to bend you over his desk and fuck you until you couldn’t walk, but he was fairly certain that wouldn’t go over well with you right now. 
He felt a blush cross his face as he realized he was still holding onto your wrist. He released it before turning to pace back and forth across the marble floor. 
You folded your arms across your chest, your eyes were alight with something dangerous. Something that Jungkook found incredibly sexy. Before his brain could register with what he was doing, he found himself marching over to you, grabbing you by your waist and pulling you in for a kiss. 
You stiffened against him, but before you had a chance to respond, he had pulled away from you. The guilt was almost immediate, drowning him in regret and confusion. You too looked confused, as you stood stock still, surprise plastered all over your face. Jungkook turned and walked back to his chair. 
“You can go.”
You seemed to barely register the words as you nodded before absent-mindedly wandering out of his office. Jungkook relaxed in his seat as he tried to make sense of what had happened. He knew he had feelings for you, but nothing he couldn’t handle. Nothing he couldn’t control. But he had lost control and now he wasn’t able to trust himself. And he didn’t know if he wanted to.
After that, things went back to normal. Well, as normal as they could be. He gathered the courage to interact with you again. But now instead of friendly glances and gestures, there were secret looks and subtle touches. Jungkook knew he was a wind-up toy one twist away from snapping, but he couldn’t help but indulge in your flirty gestures. 
He found himself growing bolder as the consequences he had once worried about seemed to be a world away. What started with the brush of a hand across the hip, grew to a hand on your thigh in the back of the car. Dark stares and lip bites plagued his day. At night, he would go home and lock himself in his private office where he would wrap his hand around his cock while conjuring up images of you in a variety of wanton states, all for him. 
He should’ve known that staying at work late with you would be a bad idea. Usually, you had the rest of the employees to keep you in check. With them gone, he found himself finding little reason to hold himself back.
“And so that’s why I think it’s a good idea to start engaging with younger consumers.”
You had been discussing ways to boost sales for the quarter, but he had stopped listening long ago, instead focusing on how your shirt was opened a button lower than usual.
“Mr. Jeon?”
“Are you listening?”
“What? Oh, yeah. Of course. Younger consumers. Got it.”
You raised an eyebrow. 
“Maybe if you spent less time staring at my chest and more time focusing on these market studies, we would already have higher sales.”
“Sure you are.”
“You’re right. I’m not.”
The drop of his voice surprised even him. You looked at him with an unreadable look from your perch on the edge of his desk.
“And what is so enticing about my chest?”
Jungkook gulped. Your eyes had darkened and he felt himself start to stir in his pants. 
“It’s a part of you. And you are so sexy I can barely control myself.”
You smirked, before sauntering over to him and lowering yourself into his lap. The scent of your perfume overwhelmed him as you leaned in to whisper in his ear. 
“Then don’t.”
Somewhere inside him, a cord snapped. The control he had been trying to reign in had broken free and he was left to his own primal devices. He pulled your lips to his, finally relishing in getting to properly kiss you. You responded instantly, lips moving against his as your hands buried themselves in his hair. You tugged on the strands and Jungkook moaned into your mouth, hips bucking up into you as his hand grabbed your ass. You returned his moans and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. 
His brain was a mess of emotions and hormones. He was overwhelmingly hard in his pants and your lips felt too good against his. You rolled your hips on top of him and he let a growl, the need to take you battling with his need to preserve the few remaining shreds of his dignity. 
He didn’t have the chance to make a decision though when the office door swung open and the head of a very confused janitor popped in. 
“Uh…I thought you were gone,” he stuttered, “...I’ll just leave.”
The janitor blushed before shutting the door. Jungkook turned back to look at you to find a similar rosy hue had graced your cheeks. 
“Um...I should probably get going too.”
Your voice was meek and the embarrassment of getting caught was plastered all over your face. He can’t blame you though, he isn’t doing too well himself. The fear of getting caught had left him deflated in more ways than one. 
“Yeah, sure, that’s probably good.”
You moved off his lap, readjusting your skirt as you do so. You grab your purse and jacket before walking to the door. Just as you were about to open it, you turn back to look at him. 
“Good night, Jungkook.”
He looked up surprised. It was the first time you had called him by his first name. It sounded heavenly coming from your lips. 
Before he left for the night, he made sure to track down the janitor and offer him a healthy sum of money to stay quiet. He took it happily and continued on his way.
The weekend passed slowly for Jungkook. You plagued his thoughts with images of your rumpled skirt and the feeling of your hands in his hair. His wife was out of town for yet another business trip. He didn’t care. It just gave him more time with the thought of you while his hand was around his cock.
When Monday finally rolled around, Jungkook found himself the happiest he’d ever been to go to work. As he walked into the lobby, the sight of you washed over him like the cold water of a lake on the hottest day of summer. Something about your smile seemed to relieve him of all the heavy stress he was carrying on his shoulders. 
He almost made it through the day without losing control of himself. Despite all the glances he gave you, or the way you brushed your hand against his while you leaned over next to him to explain a chart, he managed to keep it together. But when you bent over in front of his desk to pick up a pen he dropped, he lost all control. The next thing he knew, he was slamming you against his office door, lips attacking yours, while his hips rutted into you. 
Your initial shock wore off almost instantly and you groaned as you melted into him. You wrapped a leg around his waist, dragging him closer to your core. The kiss was messy and he was sure your lipstick was ruined. A fervent need overwhelmed him as he humped you like a desperate teenager. You pulled away to catch your breath, dark eyes looking staring back at his own. 
“Fuck, you turn me on so much, baby,” he growled into your ear, hips moving faster. 
Words seemed to fail you as you whined back at him, pleasure contorting in your face. You suddenly let go of him, before dropping down to your knees. Instead of going to undo his pants like he expected, you simply gave a long lick over his bulge. Jungkook’s legs immediately turned to jello and he had to brace himself on the door to keep himself upright. 
“Oh fuck, what are you doing baby?”
“I’m getting you off. Do you want me to make you feel good sir?”
For once he was happy to hear the name. He didn’t get a chance to respond before you grabbed him through his pants. He threw his head back with a moan. It briefly occurred to him that people might hear through the thin walls, but your hand on his hard cock soon relieved him of all thought. It didn’t take much to get him to the point of no return. Even with all the nights spent with his fist and a bottle of lube he still felt like a rubber band getting stretched to its limit. You were barely touching him, but there he was, on the precipice of cumming in his own damn pants. He barely had time to warn you before spurts of hot cum filled his boxer briefs with white. “Oh, fuck.”
You giggled as he let out soft groans, cock twitching in its confines. The high of pleasure was quickly wiped away as the sensation of sticky underwear rose to his attention. 
“You’re a bad, bad girl, baby. You made me cum in my pants. Do you know what happens to bad girls?”
“No, sir.” 
“They get punished.”
“And how are you going to punish me, sir?”
Jungkook had to stifle a groan. You were still on your knees in front of him, calling him ‘sir’. Despite having just had one of the better orgasms in his life, his dick twitched with interest. 
“Stand up.”
You quickly obey, rising to your full height, but keeping eye contact the entire time. 
“Take off your panties.”
Your eyes grew wide at his demand, but you obeyed him nonetheless. The second you grasped the pink lace in your hand, he snatched them from you, immediately bringing them up his nose. He inhaled, letting himself get lost in the musky aroma.
“Shit, baby, you smell so good. I can’t wait to eat your wet pussy. But not today. You were bad today and only good girls get their pussy eaten.”
You let out a whimper but kept your mouth shut, body frozen in place. He stuffed your panties into his pant pocket before walking over to his desk and taking a seat. 
“You may go.”
You looked like you wanted to say something, probably about your lack of undergarments, but you held your tongue and turned to leave. 
“Oh, and one last thing.”
You turned back to him.
“I’m going to need a new suit. It seems I’ve spilled some coffee on this one.”
He smirked and you nodded, before stepping out the door. 
He didn’t try to hold himself back after that. He would take you whenever the opportunity arose. It didn’t take long for him to fulfill his promise to eat you out. He would forever remember the way you whined his name while his mouth pulled not one, but two orgasms from your dripping pussy. And when he finally got to feel your mouth around his cock, he was fairly sure he had found nirvana. 
He wouldn’t fuck you though. He knew it was silly as if he would be betraying his wife any more than he already was by having sex with you, but for some reason, he felt the need to draw a line. To separate the boundary between the fantasy land he had created with you and the cold reality that he returned home to. His wife had become all but a ghost in his life, and as a result, Jungkook found you providing his only emotional support in addition to sexual release. He didn’t want to admit that somehow, in a few short months, you had grown from being just his secretary to his closest companion. 
He didn’t want to admit it because he was too afraid of where it would lead. He was already teetering on the edge to give it all up, even before you had shown up in his office looking like a gift from heaven, but now, now he was fairly certain that even the tiniest breeze would push him over. And he didn’t know if you would be there to catch him if he fell. 
But that didn’t stop him from starting to dream of a future with you. The island paradise in his mind expanded to include you. Flashes of laughing children, nights under the stars, and soft kisses danced through his mind. You would have your own bakery, he would take pictures, and together you would create your own little family. One that was far removed from the hassle and the stress of his painful existence.  
Jungkook was over the moon to discover that you would be accompanying him on a work trip to Japan. For one whole week, you would be one door away. Even if it was a ruse, Jungkook would be allowed to pretend, for one whole week, that you were his and he was yours alone. On the plane ride alone, he made you cum three times in the cramped bathroom. During the day, you would both try to hold it together. Merger meetings were laced with subtle glances and hidden touches. At night, you would become a whole other animal. 
You tested his limits. Dared him to give in and finally give you what you both wanted: him inside you. Every night you would knock on his door in translucent nighties that highlighted the fact you had discarded your bra. After the second night of showing up in see-through clothes, Jungkook decided to return the favor, opening the door with his shirt unbuttoned, leaving his abs out for anyone to see. While you were both visibly affected by each other’s teasing, neither of you gave in until the last moment, each of you leaping into each other's arms and making a mess of the hotel furniture. But he still didn’t fuck you. It was his line. His final frontier. 
On the last night of the trip, Jungkook suggested that they finally test out the jacuzzi on his balcony. Bad idea. When you showed up in a tiny red bikini that did little to protect your dignity, Jungkook felt himself spiraling out of control. Instead of greeting you like he usually did, he thrust a cocktail in your hand while trying to will his dick into submission. He made it through about ten minutes in the hot tub, trying to participate in regular conversation with you. But he couldn’t, not when your tits were sitting right there. He was no longer sure if the sweat dripping down his forehead was from the warm water or the pent up tension. 
“I can’t take this anymore,” he groaned.
“Can’t take what?”
Your eyes gleamed, daring him to admit to what they both knew he so desperately needed. 
“There is nothing more I want then to sink into your pretty pink pussy right now.” 
“So why don’t you?”
It was the first time you had questioned why he refused to have sex with you, and now that you were finally confronting him about it, he found himself at a loss for a reasonable explanation. The line that he thought he was creating by refusing to have sex with you had long ago been blurred to the point of no longer existing. And here you were, with your warm body inches from him, wanting him just as much as he wanted to you and he knew that he was done for. 
“Fuck it.”
With that, he pulled you onto his lap, attaching his lips to yours for the three millionth time. He would never tire of your kisses, the way they comforted his soul, and quenched his constant need for your touch. You eagerly responded to him, tongue licking the seam of his lips. As the two of you began to explore each other’s mouths, his hands came up to the string keeping your bikini top together and gave it a quick jerk, letting the scarlet cloth fall from your body. He pulled back and groaned at the sight of your perfect tits, the water around you swishing as he rolled his hips up into yours.
You whined out, “Fuck, baby. Just like that. God, I can’t wait for you to be inside me.”
“Yeah?” Jungkook’s voice was low with lust, “Me neither, baby. You’re gonna be such a good slut for me aren’t you.”
“Yes, sir.”
Even after months of you calling him ‘sir’ in less than professional situations, Jungkook still hadn’t gotten used to it. He felt every inch of his skin tingle with sheer pleasure every time the word fell from your shameless mouth. You whined, teeth pulling at his bottom lip as you pressed down on top of him, just as desperate as he was. He moved from your mouth to your neck, kissing down to your collarbone, where he stopped to take the time to leave a rosy mark that signified you were his and his alone. Once he was satisfied with it, he continued down your chest, taking one of your pretty pink nipples in his mouth, sucking on the hardened bud. You moaned out his name, hips stuttering against his. God, he loved your breasts. 
Your hands tangled themselves in his hair, pulling on them to the point of pain. Jungkook didn’t care though. He loved when you showed him just how good he could make you feel. It made him feral. Sure, receiving pleasure was gratifying, but there was nothing quite like watching you squirm from his ministrations.
He reluctantly pulled away from your tits to pull the ties keeping your bikini bottoms intact before discarding the garment in the same manner as your top, leaving you naked on top of him. He took a moment to pull back and admire how beautiful you looked. You sat there as he looked you over, a blush rising to your cheeks. You crossed your arms over your chest in an attempt to make yourself less vulnerable to him.
“Oh no baby, don’t hide yourself from me,” he gently pulls your arms away, “you’re too beautiful to stay covered up.”
Your blush intensified. He smiled at you, wrapping his large arms around your body and carrying you out of the hot tub. Your lips reconnected with his as he stumbled his way into the hotel room, tossing you on the king-sized bed. 
“Are you gonna be a good girl for me?”
His voice was as dark as his eyes. You nodded in response, voice escaping you. 
“That’s my baby.”
He pulled off his wet swim trunks before joining you on the bed, where your wet body had begun to soak the sheets. If he had his way, they would be much wetter by the time the night was over. He wasted no time diving into your pussy, lips attaching to your clit, drawing out your sweet moans. His fingers found your entrance, circling it a few times to collecting your slick, before slipping one in. Your back arched at the sensation and Jungkook let out a chuckled against your clit. 
Your whines grew higher and he could tell that you were getting close to finishing. After months of exploring your body, he was well acquainted with how to play your pussy like an instrument, conducting your symphony of pleasure. He slipped in a second finger, crooking them upwards in search of the spot he knew would make you scream. When you cried out he knew that he had found it and not five seconds later, you were coming all over his digits. 
“Fuck, Kook.”
“I hope you don’t think that we’re done yet,” he growled as his fingers slowed before leaving your sopping cunt, “when I’m through with you, you won’t be able to walk for days. I'll have to carry you to every meeting and explain to them that I fucked you too hard for you to function.”
You clenched around nothing at his words and he mindlessly took his cock in his hands, giving it a few quick strokes. 
“You like that don’t you? You would love for the entire world to know how much of a whore you are for my cock.”
“I would. I’m a whore for your cock, please give it to me. I’ve been a good girl.”
Without bothering to warn you, he lined himself up before sinking into you. You both groaned at  the feeling of your tight cunt stretching around his cock. After months of dreaming of what your pink walls would feel like around him, he could confirm that the sensation was much better than anything his imagination had conjured. 
He started with slow thrusts, trying to give himself time to come off the edge he had already been worked up to. Your legs came to wrap around his waist, pulling him closer to you. As soon as you had adjusted to his girth, you began to roll your hips up to meet his.
“Go faster.”
“Uh uh, if you want Daddy to go faster, you have to beg like a proper slut.”
It just slipped out. Jungkook knew he had a daddy kink, but it generally stayed repressed deep within after his wife had shamed him for it. But you didn’t seem to mind. If anything, you squeezed him even tighter.
“Please Daddy, please go faster. Fuck my tight pussy.”
He conceded to your wishes, pulling all the way out, before thrusting back in. He set a tireless pace, pounding into you so hard the bed began to shake. He leaned down, meeting your lips in a sloppy kiss. Your teeth clacked together, but Jungkook didn’t care. He just wanted to be as close to you as possible. 
He pulled away from your lips and his cock twitched at the visual of the string of saliva connecting your mouths. Without him to silence you, your moans mingling with the sound of skin slapping creating a beautiful symphony for Jungkook’s ears. 
He felt himself approach the edge, honing in on his release. Luckily for him, your pussy was tightening around him, signaling that you were close too. 
“Fuck, are you gonna cum for me, baby? Are you gonna come around Daddy’s cock like a good girl?”
“Yes Daddy, I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna-”
Your voice broke off into a high pitched moan as you clenched around him. You threw your head back, hands clawing into his skin. The mix of pain and pleasure sent him over the edge with you. He quickly pulled out before covering your pussy and stomach in white strands. As soon as the waves of ecstasy rescinded, he collapsed on top of you, exhaust claiming his muscles. 
He laid there for a minute before hopping up and heading to the bathroom. When he came back out, warm towel in hand, he found you passed out on the soaked sheets. His heart skipped a beat at your blissed-out face and for a moment he wished he could feel as peaceful as you looked. After making sure you were thoroughly clean, he collapsed on the bed next to you. Sleep was quick to come to him, but not before he took you into his arms, burying his face into the crook of your neck. 
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A dam had burst. The two of you went at it like rabbits, he would take you any and every way could, whenever he could. He couldn’t get enough of you. He would take you in the back of the limo, in the elevator, empty conference rooms. It was to the point he was sure the entire company knew of your amorous relations, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care. All he thought about was you. Even the fear of disappointing his parents was beginning to diminish. As his feelings for you grew and blossomed, his desire to please anyone else faded into a faint buzz in the background of his mind. You had him whipped. 
He knew things were bad when his five year anniversary with his wife rolled around and he didn’t feel a thing when she told him that she wouldn’t be able to be there due to some book tour. Sure, a little part of him was upset that she didn’t care enough to even try to change the tour dates, but he knew that he didn't have a leg to stand on. In fact, he was rather grateful he wouldn’t have to plan some dinner to celebrate a love that had died long ago.  
When you heard that he was spending his anniversary alone, you had offered him some company. He felt a twinge of guilt about the idea of having sex with a woman that wasn’t his wife on their anniversary, but not enough to stop him from inviting you over. So there you were, in his foyer, with an overnight bag, a bottle of wine, and a smile that could light up the heavens. He grinned back at you, taking the bottle and leading you into the living room. 
“I’ll get us some glasses, yeah?”
“Sure. Do you mind if I change? Work clothes aren’t the most comfortable.”
“Oh, yeah, go ahead. There’s a bathroom down the hall to your left.”
When he returned to the living room with two glasses and a bottle opener, you were curled up on the couch in a tank and shorts. You were flipping through the photography book that he kept on the coffee table. You were so immersed in the pictures that you didn’t notice his presence.
“So whatcha want to do?”
You jumped, startled by the sound of his voice. 
“It’s your anniversary, you should decide.”
He placed the opener and the glasses on the table next to the bottle before taking a seat next to you. 
“I don’t know. How about we just drink and talk for a bit?” he paused, “Maybe that’s stupid.”
“Nope. Nothing about you is stupid.”
There was your damn smile again. Jungkook hated the way his heart pounded faster because of it. He smiled back at you. It only took a few sips of the merlot before Jungkook had begun to relax. He had been drunk around you plenty of times, but there was something about wine that made him want to pour his entire heart out to you. 
He watched as you laughed at your own joke, strands of hair that had fallen loose from your tight ponytail danced on your cheek. The world seemed to slow down a little, time coming to a halt, making the room for him to exist with just you and no one else. It was somewhere in that warm, fuzzy space that the words came tumbling out of his mouth before he could stop them. 
“I think I love you.”
Even the air in the room stilled. You stared at him, eyes wide with shock.
You looked like a deer in headlights. Jungkook felt like one.
“Nothing. I was just running my mouth. Don’t mind me. Go back to telling me about this dream bakery of yours.”
Much to his chagrin, you didn’t budge, eyes still fixed on his rigid body. Your surprise had evaporated and you were now looking him up and down as if you were trying to analyze his inner thoughts. You both sat frozen for what felt like ages before you moved to kneel in front of him, taking his shaky hands in yours. When you opened your mouth, your voice was soft, caressing his soul.
“I love you too.”
The world stopped in its tracks. Jungkook swore his heart stopped beating in his chest. And then your lips were on his and even though he had kissed you more times than he could count, this felt different. This felt like the collision of two planets, the implosion of a star. Fireworks weren’t enough to describe the cascade of emotions pouring through him. His hands grasped your cheeks, gently caressing the soft skin. You hummed against his mouth as he pushed you back to lie on the couch, while your legs spread to make room for him between your thighs. 
Jungkook swore he felt a tear trickle down his cheek, but he couldn’t tell if it was from you or him. He honestly didn’t care. The woman he had grown to love loved him back. He now knew that you would catch him if he fell. And so he let himself tumble over the precipice he had once been so terrified of.  He could finally admit that your embrace was home and that your arms eyes were the safety he never felt. He loved you. You loved him. The stars had aligned. 
He trailed his kisses away from your lips and to the crook of your neck where he inhaled. You smelled of the remnants of your perfume mixed with your own personal scent. He swore if he breathed it in enough, he would get high off it. Instead, he placed soft kisses on the delicate skin, before taking it in between his teeth, shamelessly marking you. The whole world would know that you belonged to him, almost as much as he belonged to you. 
You moaned as he sucked the bruised skin into his mouth before shifting lower so that his face was right between your breasts. Your flimsy tank top did nothing to stop him from tearing it in two. 
“Jesus, Kook,” you groaned as he took in the sight of your braless chest, bare before him. 
“What? I can buy you all the tank tops you want. I would buy you the whole world.”
And it was true. If that’s what it would take to make you happy, that’s what he would do. Tears glinted in your eyes at his words before Jungkook ripped a moan out of your mouth when he took a nipple in his. He sucked on it before releasing it with a pop. 
“These are the best tits in the world. I love them almost as much as I love you.”
He dove back in taking the neglected breast in his hand, rubbing the nipple. Your hips bucked up into him, desperate for more concrete pleasure than the little he was teasing you with. 
“Slow, baby, I’ll get there. Slow.”
You whined in response, head thrown back against the arm of the couch while Jungkook swirled his tongue over you. Even though he was unbelievably hard in his sweats, he found no motivation to do anything about it, his sole focus on you and your pleasure. 
He moved to kiss down your stomach. When he reached the hem of your shorts, he pulled them off, before moving to kiss over your lace panties. An obvious wet patch marked the center and Jungkook once again took the time to stop and smell you. The aroma overwhelmed him, driving him mad with carnal lust. 
“Fuck baby, your dripping, and I’ve barely touched you yet.” 
“That’s ‘cause you’re taking forever. Please baby, I need you.”
And how could he deny you when you were so sweet and all fucked out, just for him. He pulled your soaked panties to the side, groaning at your soaked, pink lips. He dove in, licking one long striped from the bottom of your cunt up to your clit. You bucked against him desperate for more. 
In response, he wrapped his arms around your thighs, holding you in place. His tongue found your clit, eliciting angelic moans from you while he drew abstract shapes on your bundle of nerves. Your thighs began to quiver in his grip and he smiled against you. The thought of you coming from just his mouth had his dick twitching in excitement. 
“Fuck, Kookie, I’m gonna cum.”
“That’s right baby, cum all over tongue.”
Seconds later, you're soaking his mouth while you writhed in pleasure. But Jungkook didn’t stop. He was too blissed out with his face in your cunt. He would stay like this forever if he could. He pulled one hand away from your thigh, to sneak around to your entrance, a finger slipping inside.
“Oh god, Kook, it’s too much.”
“You can do it, baby. I know you can.”
You looked like you were about to protest before he curled his finger up, hitting your g-spot. You cried out, more slick pouring out of you, if that was possible. He knew that there was a large wet spot staining his ten-thousand-dollar couch, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care. Slipping another finger in you, he began to flick with his tongue, daring you to come again. It didn’t take long.
“Oh shit, Kook, shit, shit, gonna cum, shit, shit-”
He’s never heard you scream so loud in all the months he’s had the privilege of giving you orgasms. Before he could properly register what was happening, you were squirting all over him. Your hips bucked out of your control as you painted his face with your orgasm. Jungkook swore that if he had any less self-control, he would’ve come all over in his pants. 
As you came down from your high, Jungkook scooped you up, carrying you to the bedroom. He laid you gently on the bed, giving you a few moments to recover as he stripped himself of his own clothes. You sat up, watching him closely as he slowly revealed himself to you. He was well built, he knew that, but you often told him how much you appreciated his muscles, as if the way you kissed and bit his abs weren’t enough of a clue. He would be lying if he said he hadn’t started working out more just to please you. 
But he also knew that he could never step foot in a gym again and you would still love him just as much. That was the difference between you and his wife. You loved him without condition, without the need for him to be someone he wasn’t. His wife had fallen in love with only one version of him, a version that no longer existed. 
He joined you on the bed, crawling up between your legs, giving you a soft kiss when he reached your lips. You fell back on the pillows letting him take in your face, your body, you. He bucked up against you, tip rubbing your clit and you let out simultaneous moans. 
Just when he was about to slip into you, his phone rang on the bedside table. He groaned, lifting himself up to see who dared to call him when he was about to have sex with the love of his life. A flash of guilt rushed through him when he saw his wife’s name light up the screen. Of course it was her. Despite everything, this was a woman who would keep up appearances until her dying breath. And here he was, about to have sex with another woman in their shared bed. He sighed, swiping to ignore the call, before tossing it back on the table. 
This time, he didn’t wait to enter you, thrusting in immediately. He groaned at the feeling of your soft walls encapsulating him. Ever since the first time you had had sex, he had always made sure to use a condom, but he couldn’t bring himself to care that he wasn’t using one now. Being inside you without the extra barrier felt so intrinsically right. In fact, part of him was excited about the idea of going raw and risking getting you pregnant. 
“You wanna get me pregnant?”
Your voice was soft and curious. He stilled inside of you, 
His voice trailed off as he tried to come up with a reasonable response. His brain failed him. 
“It’s okay if you do. It’s kinda hot actually.”
“Yeah. I wouldn’t mind having your kid.”
Jungkook couldn’t help the moan that fell out of his mouth. He thrust softly in you. So many hormones were flooding his brain that he could barely focus on what was happening. 
“Well, then I guess it’s my duty to make sure you’re nice and pregnant for me by the end of the night.”
“Yeah, Kookie,” you whined, “give it to me. Want you to cum in me. Want your baby.”
The two of you met in a messy kiss as Jungkook pounded into you, balls slapping your ass. Desperation flooded him, determination to knock you up with his child overriding every other need. He’d never had the desire to get someone pregnant like this before. There was something about you that pulled at all his primal instincts. 
You were tightening again, your moans drowning out the sound of skin slapping accentuated by Jungkook’s own grunts. Jungkook himself wasn’t too far from finishing himself, having been on edge since you squirted all over him. 
“Fuck baby,” you moaned, “you fuck me so well.”
“Yeah. Are you gonna cum for me? Are you gonna cum so that I can get you pregnant?”
“Yes, fuck, I love yo-” 
Your voice faded into a scream as tears rolled down your cheeks as you came for the third time that night. The look on your face triggered Jungkook’s own orgasm. He roared as jets of white cum covered your inner walls. His hips stuttered as he chanted your name. Your legs were wrapped tightly around his waist, holding him deep within you. 
He rolled over without pulling out, keeping you tight in his arms.
“Mmm,” you hummed, “hope that did the trick.”
“Yeah? Me too,” he smiled. 
You grinned back.
“Are you not gonna pull out?”
“We gotta keep my cum in you so we make sure it does the trick.”
“Okay,” you chuckled.
He pouted.
“You’re just cute.”
“I’m not cute.”
He giggled when you rolled your eyes, pressing a peck on your lips. The two of you stayed like that for the rest of the night, wrapped in each other's arms, talking until sleep carried you off into dreamland. 
Jungkook woke the next morning before you. He took a moment to admire your face, not believing that you were really all his. He softly kissed your forehead before wiggling his way out of your embrace. 
He quietly slipped on a tee and some sweats before making his way to the kitchen where he put on a pot of coffee. While he waited, he checked his phone, expecting to find a voicemail from his wife. He was surprised to find none. He opened the phone app and his stomach dropped. There at the top of his recent calls was a twenty-minute call with her. He must have accidentally answered it. She must have heard everything. Anxiety crept up on him as he began to pace the white kitchen floor. Before he knew what he was doing, the phone was dialing. 
Her voice was groggy.
His voice quivered. 
“What do you want Jungkook?”
“Oh, umm, I’m sorry I guess,” his voice is quiet, “For what you heard.”
“You mean listening to you moan about how you wanted to get your secretary pregnant?”
He cringed at her dripping sarcasm. 
“Yeah. That.”
“Don’t be.”
“Don’t be sorry. I don’t care.”
“You don’t?”
“Jungkook,” she sighed, “I think we both knew something like this was going to happen.”
“Yeah, I guess. But that doesn’t mean that it was okay for me to cheat on you.”
“That’s true.”
They both stay silent for a minute, letting it all sink in. 
“I suppose that means this is the end of the road for us then, huh?”
“Yeah, it is. But it’s okay. We weren’t meant to be. All things being said, you sound like you really love her.”
“I do, I really do.”
“And if I’m being honest, I’ve kinda had a thing for my editor for a while.”
He was honestly surprised that he remembered his name.
They both laughed. 
“We’ll talk when you get back, yeah?”
“Yeah. Goodbye, Jungkook.”
He hung up before leaning against the counter, throwing his head back to look at the ceiling. A breath of relief escaped as all the weight he had been carrying for so long fell from his shoulders. It was over. His dead marriage was finished and now he had the rest of his life to love you. He laughed giddily before running to wake you up and tell you the news. 
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Six months later, he’s on a beach in Jamaica, trying to take a picture of you without you noticing. He’s almost successful, your nose is buried too deep in a paperback you had propped up on your pregnant stomach, but you looked up when you heard the shutter click.
“Jungkook,” you groaned, “I told you not to take pictures of me.”
“I’m sorry, baby, I can’t help it. You're too sexy carrying my baby.”
You rolled your eyes behind your shades.
“Whatever. As long as no one else sees them.”
“Of course, baby. I’m keeping you all to myself.”
You grinned before turning back to your book.
A month after his conversation with his now ex-wife, their divorce had been finalized. He’d simultaneously quit his job as CEO, unafraid of disappointing anyone else at the expense of his happiness. He had made more than enough money to support the two, soon to be three, of you for the rest of your life. Together, you had moved to Jamaica, where you were working on opening a bakery and he had begun a fairly successful photography business. And in three months, the two of you would welcome a beautiful baby girl into the world.
He sighed, overly content with his life. He glanced down to your hand to spot the sparkling diamond on your ring finger. A month ago, he had taken you out on a boat ride where he had asked you to be his wife. You had eagerly accepted. 
Now he was blissed out in that island paradise he had dreamed about all those months ago. His stress levels were an all-time low. And, sure, maybe his parents weren’t that happy with him, (all though his mother was over the moon when he announced the impending arrival of a grandchild, finally), but whenever he woke in the morning with you by his side, he couldn’t find it in himself to care. You were his whole world, and he wouldn’t give that up for anything. 
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n1ght5h4d3-24 · 2 years
Travel to Jurassic World -Chapter 10
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Pairing: Owen Grady x Mitchell!OC 
~Previous Chapter~ 
Claire, Owen and the Mitchell siblings all ran into the Samsung Innovation Center, the siblings ahead of the adults.
"This way!" Claire said before leading the way.
Claire was starting to head past the lab when she stopped running, causing the others to stop behind her.
"They've cleared out the lab." she says before walking into the place.
The siblings followed their aunt and Owen brought up the rear. As they all looked around the lab, there came a sudden noise that took them by surprise before seeing two InGen agents loading vials into a cooler box.
"What are you doing?" Claire asks them.
"I'm afraid that's above your pay grade, honey." another voice says.
It was the hefty man from before that Owen had punched in the nose.
"Hoskins. Where's Henry?" Claire asks him.
"Dr. Wu works for us." he answers.
Owen stepped forward, guarding Claire and the siblings as Hoskins walked up to them. Gray glanced at a computer screen that had a DNA strand on display and a diagram of the Indominus Rex.
"That's not a real dinosaur," he says.
Hoskins looked at the screen before looking at the small boy.
"No it ain't kid." he says. "But, somebody's gotta make sure that this company has a future," he continued.
"Imagine, that one, a fraction of the size. Deadly, intelligent, able to hide from the most advanced military technology. A living weapon unlike anything we've ever seen. You see, millions of years of evolution, what did we learn? Nature is a gift that just…" Hoskins speech was cut off by Delta crashing into the lab.
"Shoot!" he exclaimed.
Owen pushed the others back a little as Delta slowly approached Hoskins.
"Easy boy. Easy. Hey, hey…we're on the same side, right? Right? Easy. I'm on your side." Hoskins said to the raptor, holding his hand out to keep Delta back like Owen had done in the paddock earlier that day.
Delta gave the man a weird look before she lunged forward and bit Hoskins hand, which caused him to scream in pain. Owen pushed the others, and they all ran out of the lab.
"No, guys. Guys, this way. Come on." Claire called out after her niece and nephews who had ran ahead of her and Owen and were continuing down the hallway.
The Mitchell siblings stopped running, turned around and followed their aunt. Suddenly, Delta bursted through a glass window. Owen stopped everyone before they turned around and ran a different way to the exit. As they crossed the holo-platform, Gray hit a button on one of the display screens and a hologram of a Dilophosaurus appeared that caused Delta to stop in her tracks. The five of them exited the building and ran down the stairs, Owen leading the way when he stopped. They came face to face with Blue, then Echo and Charlie approached from the left and the right. Delta came up from behind them. Owen looked at all four raptors before putting his attention on Blue.
"That's how it is?" he asks her.
Blue only growled softly and Owen dropped his sniper rifle. He slowly reached out towards Blue, who was still growling slightly.
"Easy….easy. Easy, that's it." he said in a calm tone.
He managed to get his hand on the headgear around Blue's head and took it off her before tossing it aside. He smiled slightly at his beta when the Indominus Rex showed up. The Velociraptors turned to the bigger dinosaur, who began to communicate with them. But the raptors turned to Owen, waiting for a command from him. Owen looked at them before looking up at the Indominus Rex, a smirk on his face. He gave a sharp whistle and the raptors attacked. Maya took the opportunity to shift into her wolf form to help out the Velociraptors.
"What in the world?" Claire said in confusion.
She had just seen her niece become an animal, a wolf for that matter.
"It's a long story that we'll explain later." Zach tells her.
While the raptors and the wolf fought the Indominus Rex, Claire, Owen, Zach and Gray took shelter in a souvenir stand.
Chapter 11
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
Riding Grayson cuz he hurt his foot 🥺
Hahaha stop why is that so funny to me? Just..
“Ow, fuck!”
You pull away from Grayson’s mouth and look at him concernedly. You’re laying on your sides, naked from the waists up and kissing heavily. You had just started to turn over, pulling Grayson with you so he could settle on top of you, when he had cried out in pain.
He’s still catching his breath from your deep, heated kisses, but now he’s got a wince on his face and he’s reaching down to clutch at his foot. You look down with him and see the swollen bruise coloring his big toe and they very top part of his foot right beneath it. 
It looks painful enough but you both know it’s not broken. Grayson had insisted on going to get it x-rayed, only to find out it was just a badly stubbed toe. For someone who preaches about mental and physical betterment, all that seems to go out the window when he’s doing stupid things that consistently give him stupid injuries. He not-so-secretly thrives off the attention he gets from it all.
He’s a drama queen, but he’s your drama queen. You’ll roast the shit out of him later for how much of a baby he’s being, but you’re still very much in the mood for his dick, and you don’t want to kill the mood by bringing down his ego right now.
You’ll play into it for now, though. You fix a concerned pout to your swollen lips, cupping his cheeks and stroking them with your thumbs gently. “Oh, are you okay, baby?” you ask, the unavoidable tinge of mockery in your tone going completely over his head. 
“Yeah,” he sighs, stroking his hand up and down your side, dipping it under your waistband to squeeze your ass. “I don’t think I’ll be able to be on top at all, though.”
You can work with that, but you have to hide your amused smirk in his neck under the guise of tucking your face there to suckle gentle kisses there as you push him onto his back. One of your legs swings over his, and you start rocking against his solid erection, bringing you both back to that excited state you were in just a few moments ago. “It’s okay, Gray. You sit back, and let me take care of you.”
He grips your hips in his hands with a moan, and nuzzles his nose against your hair to coax your face back to his. You happily oblige, slipping your tongue past his lips with a sigh as you start working his own sweats down from where they're already sitting low on his hips.
Once you’re both completely naked, you settle between his legs and spend an inordinate amount of time worshipping his cock. He’s thick and hard and standing proud and tall in front of you, clearly unaffected by the pain in Grayson’s foot. You’ll never complain about getting to have him in your mouth, though, and you give him the best sloppy suck he’s had in a while. The Samsung spin cycle, in the sophisticated words of Noel Miller. 
Despite how pretty he looks falling apart above you, his moans and whimpers music to your ears, you don’t let him cum. You do want to take care of him, like you said, but you also want to get yours. He whines when you lift completely off his dick, but you see his eyes light up in your peripheral when you turn around and straddle his waist again.
“Yes, baby,” he mumbles behind you. One of his hands grabs your hip, the other lining up the head of his cock with your entrance. You’re sitting up on your knees, and you glance over your shoulder to catch his eye, both of you checking each other’s readiness as you sink down on him. 
He fills you up so good like this, stretching you out and reaching so deep you swear you can feel him in your lower belly. You start to bounce straight up on him, tossing your head back so your hair tickles his abdomen, grabbing your tits and tugging at your nipples.
Grayson grunts behind you, and you see his legs twitch in front of you like he wants to plant his feet on the bed and fuck up into you, but he stops himself because of his foot. Your legs are starting to tire anyways, so you lean forward to brace yourself on his tattooed legs as you start to throw it back rhythmically on his dick. He’s not as deep like this, but you both appreciate the new angle as he hits a completely new spot inside of you.
You also know that he’s got a better view of your ass this way, and you grin when you hear his breaths pick up and his groans get more desperate. Both of his hands grip your ass cheeks, pulling them apart so he can see your pussy lips gripping him tight and the cute wink of your asshole looking back at him. He traces his thumb along the wetness clinging to your pussy and that’s coating his cock, before circling it against your back hole, pushing until it slips inside.
The pressure feels amazing, but you’re only a little disappointed when he moans louder at the feel of your pussy clenching extra tight around him and how your ass swallows his thumb. You know that sound means he’s right on the edge. Sure enough, he’s grunting, “Oh my god, I’m gonna cum, baby!”
You encourage him with filthy whispers and quiet little seductive moans as he shoots inside you, coating your walls in his nut. You slow down on top of him, and when you feel the last spurt, you rise off him gently. 
Grayson stares up at you like you're some kind of goddess, and he makes grabby hands for you as he reaches out with heavy arms. “C’mere...c’mere, please.”
You eagerly shuffle up his body, crying out instantly as his tongue swipes through the mess of your juices and his cum coating your pussy. Something about the idea of him eating you out and tasting himself mixed with your own arousal makes you cum harder, faster than usual, and as soon as he sucks your clit in his mouth, you’re shaking on top of him. 
Cut to later that afternoon, and you and both twins are hanging out in the living area, each doing your own thing answering emails or scrolling Instagram. You hand Grayson the ice pack he requested a few minutes ago, and watch him situate it on his foot where he wants it. 
“Babe, take a picture. I’m gonna add it to the video of me wiping out.”
You shake your head, but accept his proffered phone anyways. “You know, I’m starting to think I should be getting jealous. Every time you get remotely injured, you grovel to the internet to get sympathy from all the fangirls while I wait on you hand and foot.”
He knows you're joking, and once you hand him back his phone, you accept his kiss as an apology. “Yeah, but your sympathy is the only one I really care about.”
“Wow, how romantic.” You roll your eyes with a grin and rejoin Ethan in the kitchen. 
He’s looking at his brother with pure disdain as he chomps huge bites of his avocado toast into his mouth. “He’s such a fucking pussy.”
You grin and take a sip of your water. “Yeah, he’s really milking this one. TMI time, but he made me be on top this morning because apparently his toe hurt too bad to do any of the work.”
You expect Ethan to retch or do something equally as dramatized as what he claims his brother is doing, but he just stares at Grayson captioning his post on the couch. Finally he makes a face like ‘well done’ and shrugs. “I should try that in the future, actually. All I have to do is stub my toe falling off a skateboard and I’m getting a free ride?”
“Yeah, well, you better hope any girl falling for that is only half as generous as me, too,” you laugh, punching Ethan in the arm before going back to the couch to cuddle your man and make sure his ice is working.
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dishsoapandcards · 2 years
THE PURSUE OF HAPPINESS (Chapter 1 or something)
Please acknowledge that this is a joke story with Inscryption characters. That’s. That’s all I have to say. Goobert woke up one morning, the sun hitting him right in the eyes, and boy, that isn't a good thing for him, really. Goobert suffered from a case of astigmatism in both of his eyes, so when he moved away from the sun's blinding rays, he had these weird wiggly things in his vision. Kinda like a bunch of tiny, flying worms. How annoying...
Though, he wasn't bothered by the little worms he hallucinated. He stood up next to his bed with a grin after rubbing his eyes with his goopy green hands. "GOOOOD MORNING, TOWER!" He yelled at the top of his nonexistent lungs, dashing over to his closet to get some clothes on since he slept practically naked (it's not like he had anything to cover anyway.) His closet was a humourous sight, it was a walk-in closet with duplicates of his same exact robe, extra-large, purple, and made from fine silk, laced in a gold yellow around the sleeves and such. 
He didn't mind though, that was his fashion. He unhooked one of the robes and slipped it on. "I LOOK FANTASTIC!" He yelled, though truthfully he looked very average. Goobert continued to grin widely before he walked out of his room with his new clothing on, sliding down the staircase since he had little to no care for walking down. And then he went into the kitchen, where Magnificus, Lonely Wizard, and Piked Mage were sitting at the table.
Piked Mage looked annoyed while she was texting on her little Samsung phone. Or she was looking something up. Goobert went to her first, grabbing her shoulders and glancing at her phone out of curiosity. "WHATCHA DOOOOIN'?"
"GAH-!" Piked shrieked, turning off her phone screen and shoving it up to her chest. "Privacy, please?" She seemed a bit anxious now. 
"Get down from there," Magnificus demanded sternly. 
"Oh- RIGHT-" Goobert began to frown a bit as he sat in the only chair available. 
Magnificus cleared his throat, "However, to answer your question, I'm decent, I suppose." Magnificus replied though he sounded quite annoyed for whatever reason. Goobert assumed one of the other Scrybes must've ticked him off earlier.
"I'm good." Piked spoke in a monotonous tone, going back to staring at her phone. Goobert didn't understand why she liked that thing so much. Sometimes, he wanted to just take it away from her, but he also did that once before and got shanked two hundred times in seven seconds from her. He shivered at the memory. 
Lonely let out a small growl (like a "kkrrggg") as he looked over at Goobert, "I WANNA KILL A GUY! I WANNA KILL A MAN AND MAYBE ANOTHER!!" 
"EMMM... W-WHY'S THAT?" Goobert asked his small friend.
"Dude, it's been on the counter the entire time." Piked replied, pointing over to an opened kit-kat bar. The attached kit-kats were all bit together rather than snapped apart. 
"Oh- KIT-KAAAAAAAAAAT!" The feral tiny creature screamed aloud, skittering over to the unsatisfyingly eaten candy bar. 
Piked snorted and rolled her eyes (presumably, at least,) before she went back to her little phone.
"What's up with you guys today? C’MON, LET’S DO SOMETHING TOGETHER!!" Goobert forced a wide smile, getting out of his chair and gesturing for everyone to get up. But nobody listened or even glanced at him. That frown of his came back as he sighed...
...The rest of the day was very long and unamusing, to Goobert anyways. He went back into his bedroom which was almost as messy as a splatter room. He face-planted into his pillow on his bed, not finding even his bed comfortable anymore. Goobert groaned and adjusted himself to stare at the ceiling of his room, resting his hands on his chest as he felt alone and boring. Why weren't the others happy like him? Has he done something wrong? He questioned things that he usually wouldn't! He thought his 'tower family' was perfect, but he was now questioning his relationship with everyone...
As everything fell into silence, Lonely Wizard snuck into Goobert's room after sensing an unusual wave of sadness coming from his friend. Lonely growled as he crawled over to Goobert before sitting right on his friend's stomach. "Hi."
"Oh," Goobert forced a grin, "Hey, I guess."
"What's going on? KKKRRGGG DO I NEED TO DESTROY SOMETHING?" Lonely got on all fours and arched his back, glancing around while hissing softly. His pupils slit, giving him a more cat-like appearance. 
"Lonely, it's- eerrughh... It's fine... Just, Magnificus and Piked have been pretty moody lately-" Goobert sighed.
"AND RECLUSIVE. I DON'T LIKE IT." Lonely said, shaking his head.
Goobert gave a more genuine smile, "I see, I'm not the only one who's noticed..."
"A golden tulip of happiness?" That peeked Goobert's attention, "Where would we look for it though?"
"UM... I-I-IN SOME MEADOW WITH BLUE AND PINK FLOWERS, GOLDEN YELLOW GRASS, YEAH!" Lonely's tail wagged as he hopped off Goobert.
Goobert was quiet, but he got out of his bed and began to search through his room. He grabbed a bag and put it around his neck as he searched through his drawers. Not much was in the drawers besides art supplies, potions, elixirs, and what seemed to be a few pocket knives. He decided to take a few of each, which quickly filled his bag. "L-Lonely? You miiiiind p-packing some- arrgh- food? It may be a while of t-traveling."
"Waaaait, W-WE'RE GOING RIGHT NOW?" Lonely cocked his head.
Goobert simply nodded as he stood up.
"OH, OH OKAY-!" The lonely wizard skittered out of the room nervously.
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shaalk · 4 years
How we started
Type: Oneshot
Characters: Sehun X Reader
Genre: Fluff, Romance, CEO AU
Warnings: None
Status: Completed
Summary: Sehun is that haughty yet handsome boss that everyone somehow falls for. I am not an exception. 
Words: 1900
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“Oppa, stop!” I giggle loudly as Jongin continues tickling me. Thankfully we are the only ones left in the cafeteria since lunch ended 10 minutes ago. I wouldn’t want to be swept up in rumours in this huge company, saying that I was fooling around with one of my bosses.
He finally stops after I start gasping for air. We begin talking about our personal lives and our families. It is weird how I am so close to a boss. I could talk to Jongin so comfortably unlike some of my other bosses. This then led to Mr Kim requesting me to call him by his name when we weren’t in work-related situations.
I am actually quite close to all my bosses, except for one.
Speaking of the devil, a cough is heard from behind me. Jongin stops mid-sentence as we turn to see the strictest boss of the company towering over us. He nods his head lightly in Jongin’s direction before his gaze fleets over to me, just staring into my eyes. I get up to greet him right away
“Good afternoon, Mr Oh.” I bow.
Jongin then invites the newcomer to sit with us.
Mr Oh sits opposite me, while Jongin and I are on the other side of the table. The two bosses indulge themselves in a conversation about one of their clients while I start zoning out.
After a while of daydreaming, I feel my eyelids growing heavier. It seems like the late nights for the past month are getting to me. I really can’t wait for the Samsung project to be over so that I can actually leave work on time and be on my bed by 11pm. Suddenly, I feel a cold touch on my cheek and I flinch in shock.
“Tired?” Jongin asks softly, watching my eyelids flutter. I pout and nod while rubbing my eyes.
I hear a sigh from beside me before I am lightly pulled to lean against his body.
“Rest for a while,” he says before gently pushing my head so that I am lying on his shoulder. My mind is telling me to protest but just too tired to listen. I end up drifting to sleep almost immediately.
My eyes shoot open when I hear someone murmuring on the phone beside me. I glance around to see that I am still in the cafeteria. I peep down at my watch to see that I have napped for a good 30 minutes and there was still 15 minutes of my break left.
Mr Oh is no longer in front of me too. Since he’s known to be a workaholic, I can only assume that he has gone back to his office to complete some documents.
I move away from the body beside me to stretch, especially my neck which is slightly sore from laying on one side for half an hour.
“Slept well?” I immediately freeze, my eyes wide.
That is not Jongin's voice!
I quickly turn to my left where the voice came from and sheepishly bow my head in embarrassment.
“Sorry Mr Oh!” I fluster an apology. 
He just waves his hand, dismissing my words, just as he does to most things I say.
He explains that Jongin had to rush off for a last minute meeting with one of the company’s suppliers but wanted me to continue sleeping comfortably. So he made Mr Oh sit beside me to ensure that I had something, or someone to lean on.
After packing his things, Mr Oh silently nods towards the elevators, signalling that we should head back up to our office. I scurry behind my boss, not wanting to bring his unusually non- angry mood down.
In the elevator, I paste myself to the back of the metal box while Mr Oh stands in the middle, scrolling through something on his handphone.
All of a sudden, his back is all I can focus on. His broad shoulders, his slender waist and his thick arms hidden under the grey plaid jacket. I have always thought my boss was super attractive and I might even have had a teensy crush on him at some point.
I don’t know what takes over me because within the next second, I step forward and wrap my arms around Mr Oh’s waist, snuggling my face into his strong back. His woody scent that I am fond of infiltrates my nostrils immediately.
I feel my boss tense up in my hold and he stops scrolling through his phone as well, but he doesn’t say anything.
The elevator bell rings all of a sudden, telling us that we have reached the top floor and that it is time for us to get off.
My eyes and mouth shoot open in shock. I wake up from my trance and immediately pull myself away from Mr Oh. I can feel my cheeks burning up already. 
With a clear of his throat, Mr Oh leaves the confines of the elevator and struts to his office like nothing out of the usual has happened, leaving me surrounded by his scent.
What have I done?
I hang my head low and slowly walk to my desk that is situated outside Mr Oh’s office, wondering how I am going to face him again after that embarrassing incident in the elevator.
Just as I am about to plop down on my seat and attempt to continue with my work, the intercom beeps, a tell-tale sign that Mr Oh needs me in his office.
I huff in frustration, totally not ready to face him yet. My face is heating up again and my heart is beating quickly.
Shit, am I going to get fired?
I pace outside Mr Oh’s office for a while, trying to calm myself down, but to no avail. The intercom beeps again and this time, for the first time ever, Mr Oh actually speaks.
Maybe because I usually respond to him immediately.
“I believe I have beeped you. Get into my office, now!” I hear his rough voice interrupt the silence of the office.
Not wanting to annoy him further, I quickly knock his door before entering. Mr Oh is still furiously typing away on his computer, not giving me attention at all.
“You called, Mr Oh?” He holds a finger up in my direction, wordlessly telling me that I should wait for a moment.
I bounce on my feet and play with my fingers not knowing what else to do. There are so many thoughts running through my mind but the only probable reason of why I was summoned into his office is definitely because of the damn hug I gave him in the lift. I internally scream at myself for being so stupid.
Isn’t that harassment?
As the countless scenarios of how i’m going to get fired run through my head, I hear the wheels of a chair moving, which means that Mr Oh is done with whatever he was doing, and is going to talk to me.
I dare peep up at my boss, only to see his facial expression as blank as it always is, giving me no clues on what he is going to converse with me about.
Just as he opens his mouth to say something, I immediately start apologising profusely with my head down. I can’t bring myself to look at him, worried that he will be glaring at me, or worse, would want to fire me. I get to the point where tears are about to roll down my cheeks.
I love my job. Yes it is stressful and yes my boss is always demanding and angry all the time, but he was great at what he did. I had always admired his work ethic and am proud to call him my boss.
My apology outburst ends. I don’t know what else to say anymore and yet, I still don’t hear a word from Mr Oh.
I hesitantly glance up to find Mr Oh staring at me with a light smirk playing on his lips. He tips his head towards the couch by the door, silently telling me to take a seat.
I shuffle across the room and drop down on the couch with my head still down. I hear Mr Oh sit on the couch opposite me.
“I would like to discuss our board meeting presentation next week,” he starts.
I snap my head to look up at him, wide eyed. He raises an eyebrow at my action but continues planning the presentation.
I am thankful that he doesn’t mention the situation in the elevator because after a while, I forget about the incident and start giving my inputs for the meeting.
About an hour later, we manage to finalise the decisions for the presentation. I take that as a cue for me to leave. I bow and make my way to exit the room.
Just as I am about to reach out to turn the door handle, Mr Oh calls out for me.
I turn to see that he has a ghost of a smile on his lips, which is a rare sight.
“About that hug in the elevator,” he starts and my body immediately starts to heat up, expecting the worst. “I would appreciate if next time, you were standing in front when you hug me and also gave me a chance to hug you back,” he continues teasingly. He even dares to wink after that.
Argh, god he is so attractive!
My mouth opens in shock. This is not what I expected at all. The situations in my mind were all going towards a whole different direction. I am so out of it that I don’t even notice him stalking towards me.
Mr Oh places a calloused palm on my cheek to tilt my head up, and lightly pecks my forehead. 
What the heck is going on?
“Close your mouth sweetheart. I don’t want you to get flies in there,” he whispers as he pushes my jaw back up.
Is it warm in this office or is it just me?
“You may go now,” I hear him say.
Still in a state of confusion, I head towards the door until I am stopped again when Mr Oh calls my name.
“Oh, and cancel our 6pm meeting with Mrs Jung. I’m taking you out for dinner.” 
“That was how mummy and daddy started dating,” I tell my daughter, all the while watching my husband play with our son.
As if he can feel the heat of my gaze on him, Sehun meets my eyes with a huge smile on his face.
How is he still so attractive after all these years?
”What’s wrong princess?” He questions with a frown on his beautiful face. I shake my head.
We play with our kids for a while longer before they fall asleep. We manage to silently tip toe out of their room and head back to ours.
We immediately change into our sleep wear, brush our teeth and jump under the covers. Almost instantly, Sehun’s arm finds its place around my waist while my face is buried into his chest.
“Sehun?” He hums in response. “I love you” I whisper. I can almost feel the smile forming across his face.
“I love you too, my baby.” I hear him proclaim before I slowly drift off to sleep with a smile on my face.
A/N: Let me know what you think! Please drop a comment :)
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