#however she actually likes Celia
brainbleedo · 4 months
I hear your sam-celia-alice polycule but I raise you;
Celia doesn't actually like Sam and is using him as a means to an end but she's actually developing feelings for Alice who likes her back but doesn't want to hurt Sam so is standing back to let him be happy and to get over her feelings for Celia (perhaps developing some for Gwen instead???)
Then when it all finally comes out than Celia doesnt and never did like Sam but did develop feelings for Alice shit falls apart because Sam hates Celia for what she did but he also can't help but hate Alice because Celia fell for her, Alice feels like it's her fault and she hates Celia for what she did to Sam (but also still kind of likes her which is agony) and Celia is falling apart because she ruined the one good thing she had going.
Just a thought
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jo1sstuff · 17 days
I think I know who the Archivist is, and it's not Jon. (TMAGP SPOILERS AHEAD)
(TLDR: I think it's Celia. Read on to see why!)
I know the title sounds kinda click-baity, and this is gonna be a bit long, but this is such a ground-breaking theory that you'll hopefully want to stick around.
This is just a theory, so I might be wrong, but it would explain a lot.
I listened to TMAGP 29 earlier, and since my sister doesn't listen to TMA/TMAGP but I like to talk to her about it, I was mentioning the whole "It's on the train" thing, and a crazy theory popped in my head. So now I'm here sharing it with you all, so you can discuss it and maybe prove me wrong/right.
Anyways, I'm gonna start with something that might seem confusing at first, but it'll make sense later.
So we all know Celia, right?
Well, it's pretty much confirmed that she's from the TMA universe, but there are still a few things that don't quite make sense.
For example, the 'sleepwalking' thing she does. She'll wake up somewhere with no memory of what happened.
While I've seen some theories explaining it as the TMAGP Celia sharing a body with TMA Celia, it doesn't make much sense to me. Why would the TMAGP Celia still be in there? Wouldn't TMA Celia be able to communicate with her? Why hasn't anyone else mentioned seeing Celia when she 'sleepwalks'? Wouldn't TMAGP Celia have friends that would talk to her? If so, why wouldn't they notice it's not the same Celia?
Anyways, that theory just doesn't make sense to me.
Another thing that will make sense later: We all remember Michael Distortion from TMA, right?
And how his reflection looked different than how he sometimes looked in person?
An Avatar looking different through glass; whether through Sasha's window, or in the reflection of the cafe's window.
That was the thought that made me first come up with this theory.
The other thought was the "It's on the train" bit.
Sam and Celia get on a train to 'follow' the Archivist. Alice, however, sees it on the train with them.
(technically we don't know for certain that it was the Archivist, or if it was in or on top of the train, but it context makes it seem like the Archivist was in the train with them)
Why wouldn't Sam and Celia notice it? It's a monster that's all eyes, how could they miss that? Sure, it might have been hiding, but they likely weren't the only passengers on board. So why didn't the other passengers see it?
Well, what if they do see it, just not it the right way?
Because of the whole 'avatar looking different in windows' thing, what if that's why they don't notice?
Because they're not looking through the window?
Alice is though.
Alice is looking through the window.
She sees it.
What if, the Archivist is in a human form, but Alice can only see it because she's looking through the glass at it?
But who would it be?
It's Celia.
Who else could it be?
What if, when she's 'sleepwalking', she's actually in Archivist form?
Sam got Archived, after all. And shortly after that, Celia appeared.
Wouldn't Celia have noticed the Archivist leaving?
Unless she just came to.
And she's so used to it happening, that she isn't bothered by the time she finds Sam.
Who knows how far away she got, after all. Maybe it was only one alley away, maybe it was a few blocks.
She'd have some time to compose herself.
And after that disorienting event, she managed to find her way to the O.I.A.R. and found Sam.
She was in the same area and time-frame the Archivist was there.
It's her.
Another thing: The statement-givers. Aka, the talking corpses. Aka, people that got Archived by the Archivist.
I'll bet that every time it mentions Celia having a 'sleepwalking' episode, it was around the same time that someone got Archived.
I'm not gonna go back through the episodes to see if I'm right on that, but if someone else will, it would be very much appreciated.
How exactly Celia became an Archivist, I don't know.
Maybe when she changed universes the Eye decided to make her its new 'precious little boy girl'. Maybe (if we believe that TMAGP is Somewhere Else) the Archivist part of Jon got stuck in Celia. Maybe she even became an Avatar by herself, who knows! I certainly don't.
Another thing I don't know is whether she'd remember what happens when she's the Archivist.
She seemed surprised to find Sam, after all.
And (if I remember right) she doesn't know how she gets to places while she's 'sleepwalking'.
I also don't know how Jack fits into this, but he's a mystery of his own.
Anyways, feel free to chip in with your own thoughts and criticisms, I could be completely proved wrong next episode after all!
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(and other ships)
Red: You’d be stupid to lay a hand on me.
Chloe: Oh, you’d be surprised how much stupid shit I do.
(Fight of our lives basically)
Red: Love is weakness and an evolutionary mistake.
Mal: You are literally making a Valentine’s day card for Chloe.
Red, pointing their hot glue gun towards Mal: You’re on thin fucking ice.
-now Chloe and her Mentor-
Chloe: How do I make a date really romantic?
Evie: Be mysterious.
Chloe: Okay!
*later, while on a date with Red*
Red: So where are we going?
Chloe: None of your fucking business.
(Red teases her about it on their next dates)
Mal: Evie, I know you love Chloe. I mean, we all do, they’re a very nice person and I respect them immensely.
Mal: But I think they might be a fucking idiot.
(she's the smartest dumbass. or dumbest smartass?)
Red: How do you know how to kiss? Like who teaches you?
Chloe: Well it’s actually a class, but unfortunately it’s full right now.
Chloe: Would you like me to tutor you?
Evie: That was smooth.
(Evie is proud. Mal is losing 20 bucks. why? Bet)
Red: Do you want to know your gay name?
Chloe: My... my gay name?
Red: Yeah, it's your first name-
Chloe: Haha. Very funny Red-
Red: *gets down on one knee* And my last name.
Chloe: Oh- oh my god.
(Mal, proud: Now that was smooth)
Mal: Why are you guys acting like this?
Red: Oh, we're not acting. We really are like this.
Evie: Mal? I mixed redbull with coffee and now I can see sounds, should I worry?
Mal: Evie, I swear to god—
(Evie. Stop doing that. You need sleep don't overwork yourself. I love her Qvq)
Kidnapper: I have your partner.
Mal: What? I don't have a partner...
Kidnapper: Then who just called me a lowlife bitch and spit in my face?
Mal: Oh my god, you have Evie.
(the good old Isle days)
Celia : I am a ninja.
Mal: No, you’re not.
Celia : Did you see me do that?
Mal: Do what?
Celia : Exactly.
Mal: Hey, can you do me a favor?
Celia : Sorry, I have to go do literally anything other than this.
Mal: You don’t even have a legitimate reason?
Celia : Oh, no, I do.
Mal: Well, what is it?
Celia : You see, I simply don’t give a fuck.
(she loves to annoy Mal. Little annoying sister. Canon)
Celia: We’ve found the person who stole your identity and was impersonating you.
Dizzy: Where were they?
Celia: Eating cheetos and crying in their car.
Dizzy, impressed: Damn, they really went for it.
(it was Uma, wasn't it? That's literally canon XD)
Celia: Here comes the lightning!
Celia, whispering: You've got to imagine it coming out my fingertips, wherein I am an almighty wizard.
Dizzy: Ok, currently imagining that. Hmm, not bad. Not bad at all.
(and they were roommates, your Honor) (wow they were roommates) (The bestest of friends)
Red: N... No!
Celia: A fair rebuttal. However, consider this counterpoint: Y... Yes???
(Red is trying to deny her crush on Chloe. Ha.)
Dizzy: What, I can’t be in a bad mood? It’s like people think, “Oh, Dizzy is such a nice person, Dizzy is so happy-go-lucky! Dizzy can’t be in a bad mood!” Well, you know what? Dizzy CAN be in a bad mood. And right now, Dizzy IS be in a bad mood.
(Yas Queen. Queen of Mean? So last season. Queen of Bad Mood? So in!)
Mal: You tricked me!
Audrey: I deceived you. ‘Trick’ makes it sound like we have a friendly relationship.
(Maybe Queen of Mean isn't so last season.)
Dizzy: Comparing Audrey and Mal is like comparing apples and oranges.
Mal: We’re both unique in our own ways?
Dizzy: Apples are superior in every way and all oranges should be eliminated.
Audrey: Which one of us is the orange? (It's me, isn't it?)
(Damn Dizzy. Queen of Bad Mood taking the lead)
*the squad is at a dinner party but someone has been murdered*
Chloe: You’re acting pretty carefree for someone who’s life’s at stake. Who’s to say you aren’t the killer?
Evie: It’s a murder, not a tax audit. I’ll be fine.
Red: What about Dizzy? Nobody ever suspects Dizzy!
Dizzy: Well what about Audrey? They have a gun!
Audrey: Celia has a knife.
Celia : Yeah, for fun, not for murder! *stabs Red in the arm*
(where is Uma? oh-. I bet it was Audrey. How else do you show you love someone? They are having their Killing Eve moment)
Audrey: You’re such a dumbass (affectionate).
Uma: Aww, you’re such a whore (complimentary).
Mal: How are you talking like that in real life?
Uma: Witchcraft (derogatory).
(canon. They late/hove each other)
Dizzy, talking about Evie: They're trying to lure me into a false sense of security! Well, joke’s on them! I’ve never been secure in my life! And I’m not about to start now!
(before Evie got through to her on the Isle 🥲)
Mal: *running towards Celia with open arms*
Celia: *moves out of the way*
Mal: Hey, why'd you move?!
Celia: I thought you were going to attack me.
Mal: I was going to hug you!
Celia: Why would you hug me?
(OOF. Lol)
Celia : I love being right. It’s one of my favorite personality traits.
Mal: Wow, this sucks. I’m gonna kill *remembers that suicide jokes only worsen your mental health and that the first step to healing is stopping* you.
(she's getting there. Go queen)
-will add more of the boys in the next one-
Carlos: Are you laughing at that video of Ben and Harry fighting?
Jay: No.
Jay: I'm laughing at the comments.
(the comments saying "Ha! Gaaaay" etc.)
Carlos: You don't need my blessing to go kiss Jay. In fact, I was pretty sure you were already kissing Jay!
Gil: Nope.
Carlos: In that case, as the archbishop of Gil's fully awakened gaydom, I give you my blessing to immediately leave and rectify that as soon as possible! Go now, my child, and kiss Jay right on the lips!!!
(Damn Carlos. Yes. Thanks for helping Gil. Everyone needs Carlos as a best friend)
Harry: How are we supposed to put a tracker the size of a penny on Jay without them noticing?
Gil: Hey, Jay, I bet you 5 bucks that you can't swallow this penny.
Jay: *takes and swallows tracker* Pay up, loser.
Harry: ...
(same Harry, same. But then again not that surprised)
Now this is for @corgiplays for context here
Chloe: Earl, I sense hostility.
Earl: Good, because I hate you.
Earl, entering the room: *Sees Chloe and leaves*
Chloe, watching Earl leave: There’s my monthly dose of the Cat…
(Earl didn't leave before pushing one of Chloe's things tho)
Chloe: We just ate. Why are you making pancakes?
Red: For the dogs.
Chloe: Why are you making pancakes for the dogs?
Red: They don't know how.
(I want Red to be able to cook lol. That can't even be a headcanon tho, that has to be an AU lol)
Earl: Just so everyone knows, don't ever try to climb a tree at night carrying a strobe light, owls DON'T like it.
Biscuit: ...what happened?
Earl: I made a VERY bad mistake.
Biscuit: Don’t be sad!
Red: Why not?
Biscuit: I don’t have a good answer.
(Red acts like she can understand him. Imagine his responses lol. But she basically can)
Chloe: When I first met you, I did not like you.
Earl: I'm aware of that.
Chloe: But then you and I had some time together.
Earl: Uh-huh?
Chloe: It did not get better.
(It did. Stop lying. Also Chloe does the same thing as Red. I mean honestly who doesn't talk to their little furry friends.)
Red: You don't know anything about me!
Biscuit: I know EVERYTHING about you! You are an open book written for very dumb children!
(Damn. If Red could actually understand him she'd be flabbergasted)
--and just because I love it so much. Here is that one again
Chloe, gently nudging Earl aside with their foot: Earl, move out of the way so I don’t trip on you.
Earl, her eyes enormous: You kick Cat? You kick their body like the football? Oh! Oh! Jail for Chloe! Jail for Chloe for one thousand years!
(she is purposely laying in the way tho. And then acts like Chloe hurt her when Red hears her distressed meows)
That's it
Hope you liked it.
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agnesmontague · 7 months
tmp - tma connection theory
i do not claim full credit for this as @anthonyampersand and i were bigbraining it (and screaming) in chat together but our current theory for how Archives and Protocol connect are as follows :
tl;dr : TMP and TMA are a setup for each other's premise respectively, feeding into each other like an ouroboros. we know that TMP is on some level a "sequel" to TMA (i.e. celia may possibly "remember" events from TMA that we know to have "already happened", such as the eyepocalypse) but it's entirely possible that events in TMP will influence those in TMA in turn, without much concern for actual temporality.
more specifically : it appears, at least so far in the canon, that fears in the TMP universe haven't really split themselves into categories the way they do in TMA. we've seen a case that sounds an awful lot like a Slaughter statement (the bloodthirsty violin), with others that overlap across several Smirke Fears (the very first one read by norris is a healthy mix of Stranger and Lonely, it appears to me), and others that don't strike me as being any particular fear (a malicious, hungering liminal space...? Spiral, Lonely, Extinction...?).
this is ironic because, well, the protagonists' very job is to do that kind of categorization. Dolls comma Watching, or Dolls comma Skin? it's the very type of job that smirke himself seems to have tried to undertake in TMA-verse (and ultimately succeeded). which means....
maybe there ISN'T any fear-categorization in this world prior to the OIAR. maybe, in the end, the way to "defeat" whatever Fear(s) stalk this world is to split it up into little parts that antagonize each other, and then send them away. in short, the OIAR crew are who will send the Fears into the TMA-verse in the form we see them in TMA.
there are some other indications that time may be a flat circle here. why did lynne hammond suddenly change her name to celia in s5 of TMA? why would it suddenly "feel right" to her out of the blue, unless it was the name she vaguely remembered using Elsewhere? of course, since TMA was written before TMP was even conceptualized, it's not extremely likely that it was some kind of deliberate foreshadowing back then ; it is however possible that they took this little detail to build TMP to fit "retroactively" with it. the archives of the magnus institute in TMP-verse being pristine and free of papers could indicate a sending-away or timeline-wide interference as well. and to say nothing of hilltop road, of course...
the tagline for TMP is "Fear takes many forms". sure, it's a pun (fear receives a lot of paperwork). but perhaps it's also a warning for what's to come. fear takes on many forms, in TMP--perhaps even as many as fifteen?
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baldurdashitall · 4 months
TMAGP Prediction:
What will make Alice actually face the fears?
Of any character from any horror franchise, Alice Dyer seems to have the best survival skills. Girl has been working a horror analysis desk job for 10 years and still seems relatively okay.
Her strategy all this time has been 'ignore whatever is going on and don't get curious'.
Investigating the Magnus Institute with Sam seems to be the first time she violated this, and we can see that it hasn't gone well for her. Now that she has 'caught the eye' of whatever is out there, she's been using a different strategy of trusting her gut and not being alone when she feels watched.
However, looking at how she handled Gwen's reveal in TMAGP 18, it seems like she is still employing the 'ignore it's strategy for all the horrors except the one she's directly dealing with. Tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if she has seen other coworkers spiral into the horrors similarly to Gwen, as a result of them getting curious and getting involved.
When Gwen said 'dont get attached' on Celia joining the OIAR, I'm sure she was saying so considering the high turnover rate. However, I wonder if Alice's confirmation of this was based in more than just the turnover rate, but also the fact that she's seen people 'go weird' over the years and lose themselves to the fears. Coworkers either leave quickly to find other employment or end up much, much, worse, except for Alice.
Which brings me to what I think will actually push her over the edge to get actively involved in what's going on- Teddy. Here's a man who has left the OIAR, Alice seems quite fond of him, he obviously is doing his best to find a normal job, a normal life, has absolutely no interest in returning to the spooky horror job, absolute paradigm of how to not die given Alice's rules of engagement.
And something is going to happen to him. Something horrible and undeniable is going to happen to Teddy, a man who has followed Alice's rules, who has no interest in all the spooky stuff, is going to suffer greatly and Alice will realize that no one is safe.
If Sam got hurt, if Sam was consumed, Alice would be sad, no doubt, but she's warned him! She told him this would happen. it's unfortunate but she did her due diligence. if Teddy dies, if Teddy gets hurt, that throws Alice's whole approach out the window. She'll realize no one is safe, and once that false security is shattered completely, then she will be willing to get involved, because obviously not getting involved still won't save you.
Or it will be something with her brother lol who knows maybe both!
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laora-ryn · 2 months
fr3-d1, [error noises], and Alice Dyer
So this may have been done before idk, I don't keep up with the online fandom too much! But I went through episode by episode looking for Freddy interactions, and despite what everyone in-show says, there aren't a ton of crashes/errors so far? However, there is a bunch of weird, unexplained instances of Freddy, et al acting independently!
Alice calls this out specifically in episode 21; on five separate occasions (episodes 1, 9, 14, 19, and 21), Chester reads an incident about or mentioning the Magnus Institute to Sam. The only time a TMI statement is read in a different configuration than this Chester-Sam combo, is when Chester reads the doppelganger case to Celia.
On a slightly separate note, as far as I can tell, the error beeps have actually only ever happened in Alice's presence, despite her and Colin's insistence that it's super buggy and crashes often:
2 jmj errors, in episode 3 and episode 17
one example of Freddy reacting to something Alice says out of nowhere in episode 5
Freddy also crashes Alice's computer when Sam asks her about TMI in episode 19, forcing her to suddenly have time to chat
This…feels like a little more than a coincidence, to me?
At this point, I'm less wondering "why is Chester so interested in Sam" - that's either relatively straightforward (look into TMI, save Jon and Martin from a terrible fate), or some plot twist I can't imagine that's way different from that!
Now, after doing all this reading, I'm a little more interested in what Freddy, or Chester, or whatever overlap exists between them, has against Alice!!
Under the cut is a summary of all the autonomous actions as of episode 21, grouped by the apparent source and sorted by date:
Definitively Chester:
Episode 9, 8 March: Chester starts reading the cursed dice statement on his own, without Sam interacting with his computer
Episode 17, 4 Apr: Chester reads a universe-hopping statement to Celia
Episode 21, 12 Apr: Alice intercepts a Magnus Institute incident report on Sam's terminal, being read out by Chester. Freddy makes several disapproving beeps when she deletes it
Definitively Jon:
Episode 7, 12 Feb: Sam receives an email from a "John" with an internal email address, with Gerry's name and address
Freddy, otherwise unspecified:
Episode 3, 22 Jan: Alice receives a jmj error on her computer, which Colin troubleshoots. Freddy sasses back at them both via error beeps
Episode 5, 5 Feb: Alice: "what the hell is wrong with everyone today?" OIAR computer, not having been touched or interacted with: [error noise]
Episode 17, 4 Apr: Alice receives a jmj error on her computer, which Gwen troubleshoots. Freddy emits error beeps often, but not as snarkily as it did in episode 3 imo
Episode 19, 11 Apr: Sam asks Alice to talk with him about the Magnus Institute. Immediately, Alice's computer throws an error, like it wants her to stop working and talk with Sam
"Someone," "the system":
Episode 4, 29 Jan: "the system" sends Alice a notification that Sam searched for "Magnus" and "protocol"
Episode 4, 29 Jan: Gwen receives an email from an unknown source showing Lena trying to kill Klaus. She apparently receives this multiple times before she confronts Lena in episode 7 (approx. 2 weeks)
Episode 20, 12 Apr: Sam has received an email from a garbled email address he can't reply to, with a ton of attachments from 1999 regarding the Magnus institute, Starkwall, and William Price (the Response Dept head)
Colin's extracurricular activities, just for completion's sake:
Episode 1, 9 Jan: Colin sneaks back into the office after shift to find a computer running, which he verbally threatens before shutting off
Episode 7, 12 Feb: Colin attacks Sam for bringing a phone into his office; he is put on mental health leave
Episode 10, 9 Mar: Colin sneaks back into the office to dig into the computers some more. He is disappointed that Alice is out, because he wants her opinion on something
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villainscharm · 1 month
BLOOD AND BONES | davos blackwood
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paring : davos blackwood x f! original character
summary : celia and davos began their courtship for their upcoming wedding in less than a week, only before celia found out that her betrothed were off to battle the next day.
a/n : sorry for being late i was busy fighting migraine for two weeks 😭
english is not my first language. all characters are of age unless stated otherwise.
rating : explicit. mdni !!
words count : 4.7k
warnings : smut. fingering. angry outdoor/gazebo sex. dirty talk. biting/slight blood kink. breeding kink, creampie. arranged marriage. original house/characters.
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“You came home late last night,” Carlos said when Celia strode into the dining hall, his voice was a mix of observation and statement, anything but a question in fact. “Didn’t realize you were awake until then,” Celia responded in annoyance as she sat herself down on the seat next to her brother, pouring herself a goblet of wine. Carlos noticed, his eyebrows perked up at the sight. The lady Lairwyn was no stranger to wine or any intoxicated beverages but in this hour after the sun had just risen, Carlos was sure something may have possessed his dear sister. “I wasn’t awake by then, but you just happened to forget how to close the door quietly at night is all,” Carlos replied sarcastically, almost a rare sight for Celia however. Two years ago, Carlos was a charming man, though would speak with a prince-like mannerism, he managed to be himself around his sister more than he was now. Loss changed him — death changed him.
“Oh, had only I known I was interrupting your beauty sleep, brother, I would have tried to be quieter,” Celia banged the table lightly with her fist as she stared at her brother menacingly. “I assume your nightly stroll didn’t go well then. Who would hate themselves enough to willingly be your paramour anyway?” Carlos flashed her a low smirk, already knowing who she had seen last night. “Try not to hate each other, it would help the marriage to go well,” Carlos spoke after a quick moment of silence as Celia ate her breakfast, bread and wine, an unusual meal for lady Lairwyn of Bloodstone. “It would surely go well only if you didn’t betrather me to someone who enjoys testing my patience,” Celia managed through her gritted teeth. “At least the two of you would have that in common,” Carlos said before standing up, he had done with his breakfast for a while now, two goblets of wine which did nothing to his sobriety, sometimes Celia herself wondered if her brother actually drank blood.
“You’re scheduled to meet him this afternoon. Ready yourself and try not to kill each other as I discussed important matters with lord Samwell Blackwood,” Carlos finished before exiting the room.
“Of course, dear brother, I wouldn’t want to kill him before our wedding!”
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“Do you despise yourself?”
“What?” Davos’ head shot to Celia’s direction in confusion, his eyebrows frowning as he watched the lady in front guided them into the garden of her estate. “I asked if you despise yourse–”
“Yes, I heard you the first time, I just didn’t believe my own ears that it’s the first thing you said to me,” Davos said with annoyance, he sighed and Celia rolled her eyes at him. “If you distrust your ears you could have told me, I would love to slice them off and feed on them so I could live more years,” her lips curved into a smirk in amusement, only Davos found nothing amusing of the matter at all. “You are unbelievable,” the young lord sighed as he walked past his betrothed. “I know, our marriage would be lovely,” Celia shouted behind before quickly following him. It was uncommon that the pair of them spend their time as betrotheds without a chaperon or perhaps it was the fact that house Lairwyn only had no more than ten caretakers including servants under their household.
They walked through the Bloodstone lifeless garden in silence for a moment, just enjoying the silence between them, it was neither comfortable nor uncomfortable, it was just calmness, something both Celia and Davos needed in their life for once. When Davos arrived at the castle with his uncle, he dressed in his full proper attire from head to toe, with his dark-red cloak hung over his broad shoulders, his sigil pinned proudly on his chest while Celia for the first time wasn’t in breeches but a dress. In her house color, a dark taupe gown with black laces on the hem of her dress and sleeves, her raven-haired tied in the half up half down, a change from her usual style of simple braid.
A beautiful sight in fact, Davos remarked silently.
At this moment she was lady Celia Lairwyn of Bloodstone, the infamous sharped-tongue and current heir to Bloodstone. She was full of beauty, danger and pride, and Davos found it somewhat challenging.
“You weren’t present when I arrived this morning?” a question came from Davos as he watched her carefully beside him. “I was ready myself. You shouldn’t question a lady’s schedule,” Celia’s voice was stern and poisonous. Davos knew she was trying to be nonchalant with him, after last night, and it was too obvious but he kept his notices to himself. “My apologies then, but thank you for your efforts to look nice for me, pretty in fact.”
Celia’s gaze snapped to Davos’ mischievous ones as they studied her up and down, a smirk crossed his lips and Celia was sure she was ready enough to wipe that smug face off of him in mere minutes. Annoyed, yes, but indisposed? no. 
“You were in the hall with my brother and your uncle earlier, tell me,” Celia managed to change the topic suddenly, her posture now serious. “What else has my brother discussed with your uncle?” Celia and Davos could tell that his betrothed and her brother hadn’t been talking about it much, typical noble lords separated family’s wishes from all importance. Davos considered for a moment, he knew what terms Carlos had asked his uncle and he hesitated to let her know. But either way, it was their marriage, she had to know anyway and he figured lying to Celia must’ve cost him more dearly than he could have thought.
“He wishes for the child to be named heir to Bloodstone, as his successor.”
The child, not our child.
Davos tried to avoid certain terms to not make her feel uncomfortable, but judging by his bare sights she didn’t seem to be in any discomfort.
Hearing that somehow made Celia’s chest feel tight. Of course they would have a child, she just hadn’t thought about it at all. Slowly, she nodded in reply, already aware of that matter as it had been discussed with her moons ago.
“Of that I'm aware of. Do you accept it?” Celia pursed her lips, trying to not seem like she was pressuring him to yield to her terms, not that it was her desire anyway. “My uncle left it to me. He already has his heir, if nothing goes wrong, he will inherit everything — which I don't mind — as well as one who’ll bear our names.” His answer made Celia’s head turn in surprise. She had not expected, of all people, a Blackwood lord to accept such a kind of terms like this. Though she was grateful for his generosity, she managed to hide it and uttered a simple thank you to him. They walked together in more minutes of silence, just the sounds of their boots touched the ground. Bloodstone’s dirt was muddy but the leaves were always dry. Their trees possessed no lives, not a green sight to be found. Davos continued studying his surroundings as they walked, Bloodstone’s dead trees reminded him of his own home, Raventree Hall, the enormous weirwood tree in the godswood and hundreds of ravens above it. Those thoughts reminded him of the conversation they had fortnight ago.
“I'm sure Raventree Hall must be astonishing.”
“It is indeed astonishing, lady Celia. You should see it yourself.”
Davos would take Celia to Raventree Hall if she asked, even if she already had to anyway. But he wanted her to go to his home because she wished to go, not because her duty forced her to so. If they weren’t bound by this marriage proposal, he would take her anyway, such beauty remained hidden in the castle would be wasted, especially as his future lady wife.
“I do not wish to be a misery to you,” Celia began when they reached a pond at the end of the garden, after a long moment of silence. Davos looked at her with surprise, his eyebrows raised at the mention as he said nothing and let her continue. “—or a bane. I don’t want my marriage life to be…cold and loveless either,” her gaze low, wandering to the pond instead of meeting her betroth’s eyes. “Truthfully, I do not wish to be married out of convenience at all, Davos.”
Davos listened and said nothing, he tried to come up with something comforting to speak to Celia, nothing seemed bright, so he asked instead. “What do you think?” Davos sat himself down and rest his back against the nearby tree, close to the pond itself. “Well, my brother suggested try not to hate each other as much and maybe it could be easier,” Celia replied with a huff, still annoyed at her brother’s smallest attempt to help her through.
“He is sharp,” Davos chuckled, earning a glare from Celia who stood above him. She rolled her eyes at him before settling herself next to him. The closure reminded them of their late-night encounter prior, their hands now laid close to one another’s but they remained still, tensing and trying not to reach for another.
“Last night—”
“I went to bed and fall asleep,” Celia cut him off before she could hear what he said. Davos was confused for a second before a smug smirk reappeared in his face. “I didn’t even— ah I see,” and Celia’s head shot to him, Davos watched her do it with a chuckle. “You went to bed and thought of me? How kind of you,” he managed to tease her but she didn’t find humour as he did at all. “Don’t flatter yourself, Davos. You’re not that memorable for me to waste a thought on.”
“Unless it was not a thought that you wasted at night, my lady,” Davos moved closer, a smirk remained on his lips. Gods, how Celia wished to punch that smirk of off his face. His lips moved closer to her ears, he whispered, “Tell me, lady Celia. Did you think of me as your dream went into its wilderness? Untangling the sweet torment I left you with?”
“Speak more and I will actually rip both your tongue and heart out right his second.”
“But won’t you miss it my lady?”
“In your wildest dream, Blackwood.”
“Trying my name on your tongue? Don’t worry, my betrothed, you will be lady Blackwood in days time.”
“Ugh, and I thought you may not be as loathsome as I judged,” Celia huffed out before stood up quickly, dusting her gown violently, “clearly I was wrong.”
As she began walking away, Davos shouted, “Still, you didn’t deny it!”
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“What did you say?”
Davos shouted as the Bracken before him stop, he could feel that Aeron’s body stiffen as his voice shouted. For Davos knew Aeron must have uttered something foully that took enough courage to mention, but to Davos, Brackens were anything but courageous.
Slowly, Aeron turned around to face the Blackwood lord. Oh, how he hoped he had continue walking away. “Your false queen, Rhaenyra, is a kinslayer,” Aeron managed after a gulped and realization hit Davos along with his men. House Blackwood and Brackens were anything but on the same path, with their history of rivalry and loathing, but as Aeron announced his treachery, Davos knew this war would have deeper layers.
“Your uncle declared for Aegon, didn’t he?” Davos responded, nodding to himself before stepping forward. “Well then, let me tell you; Aegon Targaryen is no true king,” Aeron did not back away as Davos stepped closer. “just as you are no true knight,” the young Blackwood lord pushed his opponents in his chest as his voice grew louder.
“You’re both cravens,” pushed.
“Little—” pushed.
“CUNTS!” a final push, and Aeron’s back hit the squire boy behind him, causing him to fall backwards. Instinctively, Aeron reached for his sword under his belt, pointing its end towards Davos Blackwood, as he did the same in defense. But instead of unsheathing his steel, Davos let go of it and laughed. A laugh that almost sounded menacing.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
Davos proclaimed and silence filled the air as the squire boys were glancing at each other anxiously, debating among themselves whether they should stop their lords before the fight could begin. Aeron remained silence as he waited for Davos to continue, only he didn’t. One of the squires alerted Davos of something, whispering quietly which made Davos’ eyes lit up at once.
“Your treachery will not be forgotten, my lord uncle will wage war for the realm’s true queen while you cravens cover yourself under the green’s banner as if children hide under blankets. We will not allow you traitors get away with it.”
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“Well, thank you for your hospitality, lord Carlos. And you lady Celia, I hope my nephew and you have grown into each other,” lord Samwell Blackwood announced at the dining table, a goblet in his hands as he raised it in a respectful gesture. It was just the three of them there, Davos was nowhere to be found. The lord of Bloodstone instructed his sister to invite him inside for supper after their departure at the pond. But Davos simply declined, he wished to spend more time under the large willow tree and Celia did not care enough to accompany him, not after his childish teasing that Celia herself had to admit, made her heart softened for a bit.
Just a bit.
Maybe little more than a bit.
Fine. Combined with their shared kiss from last night, maybe more than she’d admitted.
Celia dissociated for a moment before she felt her brother’s urging cough, and realized she had not said anything after their guest commented on her courtship. “Your nephew is…” lovely, no, she couldn’t force herself to utter that aloud even in her mind. Annoying, no, that would be unkind. “—of many things. I find myself transfixed by him. Though, it would take us sometimes to find common ground, we have some differences.”
False. Celia had to admit, although the pair didn’t get along as much as they should have, Celia could list a few similarities they shared; impetuous, reckless, quick to anger, and egoistical.
The list could go on and on.
“Oh? Well, I hope you find his impulsiveness to be attractive then. Especially after he declared war in my name this morning,” lord Samwell finished before taking a bite of the chicken while Celia’s head shot quickly in confusion. “Declared war, you say?” It was Carlos who spoke up first, clearly sharing the same confusion as his sister. “Idiotic, Davos might’ve done, but his intention isn’t unacceptable. It is our loyalty with the queen we have, those Brackens are traitors to the realm after calling Rhaenyra false queen. There will be war sooner or late—”
“But this isn’t just a war for our queen, lord Samwell, it is your excuse to eradicate your centuries of rivalry your houses have,” Celia cut him off, she had no idea why she was angry. Maybe because Davos chose to not mention any of it during their shared time, and it irritated — maybe pained her — knowing that he tried to hide this important information from her.
“Maybe, but in the name of our queen, we’re only serving her,” lord Samwell did not mind her interruption, reasoning with his hosts. “Have her grace told to?” Celia continued, she could feel her brother’s stare but she ignored, not that Carlos disapproved of her anyway. “It is expected of us,” lord Samwell replied, earning no answer from Celia, so he continued. “There will be an attack on the morrow, at the mill, I supposed. Davos will be there.”
A beat, she gulped.
She felt her blood boil, her heart beating violently inside.
Of fear or anger, she couldn’t tell.
“You should seek for him, sister, bid him best of luck,” Carlos advised, he knew what emotion his sister was in.
“True, if you’ll excuse me, my lords.”
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“You are off to battle and wish not to tell me?” Celia asked — rather a scream — she found Davos in the gazebo near the pond of her garden. He took his cloak off now, even though the hour grew dark and the weather got slightly colder than before.
“I simply think you do not care,” Davos replied nonchalantly, standing up from his seat from the bench to approach her. Celia huffed in disbelief, throwing her hands in the air. “I? We are to be wed in less than a week and now you’re telling me that you wish to wage war and die?” her voice croaked with anger, she had not expected Davos to be willing enough in this arrangement but seeing as he tried to hide something important to her said it all.
“I did not say that.”
“But your decision did!” Celia stepped forward, her finger jabbing in his chest. “If you care for your responsibility or your duty for your house as you said enough, you would not make such a foolish decision,” it took all her might not to slap the senses into his face. At this point, she was lying to herself of the reason why she was inevitably furious. “This is war, there is nothing foolish about it,” Davos argued, his voice quieter than before, growing tired of the shouts.
“You put honor ahead of your desire just to throw it away like this? I can’t believe you.” She murmured, but loud enough for him to hear. “Maybe we should wed now, and you go die in battle tomorrow so we could be ridded of this burden. My brother can arrange another betrothal for me, I’m sure. Maybe he would let me choose a husband of my own choosing, one that I like.”
“You can dream of finding another suitable man,” Davos huffed, his eyes stared deep into her dark ones, and Celia noticed the lightly green color in his eyes, she always thought they were brown.
“And you suit me?” holding head high, her tone challenging.
“Better than every fuckers in the seven kingdoms.”
They were so close— too close than they realized, if anyone found them right now, they would surely be in trouble. Not that it was important, closer than this had happened before. And it was happening again as their lips crashed into each other.
Teeth and tongue. They were fighting and melting into each other at the same time, for dominance and for comfort. Davos thought Celia was actually going to slap him in the face when he dared to announce himself the best man to ever match her. She might had done it if her gut didn’t long for his kiss in that moment. Her hands went to his hair tugging at it and pulling him closer, pressing against each other, suddenly the cold air felt like nothing as their bodies grew hot with desires. Davos gently pushed Celia backward, until the back of her knees touched the table in the middle of the gazebo. His hands went under her gown, trailing up to her thighs as Celia placed herself onto the table, feeling something hard pressing against her leg.
Davos’ lips moved closer to her ear, placing small kisses under it before letting his tongue trailed down her neck. A moan escaped Celia’s lips as she felt Davos’ opened hot kiss, throwing her head back in pleasure. The hem of Celia’s pretty gown lifted up by the hand of Davos, he managed to slip his finger up inside of her garments, only to find out of how soaked she was.
“Davos...” Celia whimpered while Davos’ finger teased at her entrance, his hazel eyes watched her hungrily, taking in every detail from the way her eyes rolled in pleasure, how her chest heaved and her breathed hitched everytime his digit touched her pearl — before eventually entering into her core.
Celia moaned at the contact as Davos worked his skilled finger deliciously inside her. He was very good, not just the way he touched her but the way he was studying her as well, figuring out how to please her, what to do with his thumb and what her preferred pace to be, especially how to earn that sweet noise of his name from her lips more.
But before that Davos slowly removed his fingers from her, earning a frustrated whine from the lady. Gods, how beautiful she was underneath him. Davos truly thought they were perfect for each other, no other women in the realm would ever suit him as much as lady Celia Lairwyn did.
Davos managed to rip her undergarments off, exposing her core to his darkened eyes, he felt his mouth go dry at the sight. While Celia’s pretty hands started to unlace breeches, as soon as they fell to the floor, Celia wasted no time and went to touch his hardened length, wrapping her hand around and began stroking it dangerously slow, a sweet torment it was.
“You are full of pride—” Celia managed out while Davos urged her to lay down. “—thinking that I cannot find no better man than you are,” removing her hand from his cock, she yanked at his collar, a little habit Davos was starting to enjoy. His lips cast a smirk, not feeling threaten for a slight bit and it irritated her. Suddenly Celia wanted to bite his lips, she wanted to draw blood and wipe that smugness off his handsome face.
Gods, how she hated him.
Davos went to stroke his cock before placing the redden tip at her entrance, rubbing at her bundle of nerves teasingly.
“Keep talking and I will make you full of me.”
Before Celia could argued, Davos finally entered. — and how divine it felt. They both moaned in unison from the contact, resting their foreheads against each other while Davos waited for Celia to adjust to his size. After a moment, Celia gave him a nod as well as started to jerk her hips upwards. Celia had had experience before, this wasn’t her first time and Davos could tell, though he did not mind.
“So wet for me,” he grunted, listening keenly to the sweet sounds falling from her lips. “Not a big talker suddenly, hmm?” Davos teased, his hip moving in a quick pace, making Celia moan breathlessly while her cunt tightening around him. Her hands went to hold the back of his neck for balance. “Testing me further and I will draw blood out of you,” her nails dug deep into his skin, earning a groan from his throat but that face still displayed with a smirk. “Are you threatening me or suggesting? Either way, I find that stimulating.”
Gods, how she lusted for him.
“Fuck— your cunt is divine, how dared I leave you wanting like that last night?” he thrusted hard, his cock soaked with her wetness. “I bet that your hands couldn’t satisfy you, hm? Needed my cock to help you with that?” Davos chuckled lowly, his eyes filled with lust, darkened as they deepened into her eyes.
“I don’t need your— fuck!” a pathetic attempt was cut off by his once again hard thrust, this time Celia swore she could feel it deep in her soul. “Of course, my lady, but you are so pretty when you lie,” Davos kissed her neck, sucking and leaving purple marks that everyone should see on her pale skin. “Remember what you said about wedding earlier?” his hot dangerous voice whispered into her ears. “Take it as it’s done then, since we’re consummating now.”
It made her head spin, how deep his cock buried inside of her. How he fucked oh so perfectly in her cunt, blessing that sweet spot of her walls, angled himself just the right way for her clit to rub against his pubic bone. Davos groaned at the feeling of her hot cunt gripping him, her voice called for him everytime he hit that spot inside, begging for more.
Fuck me.
Please! I need you, Davos.
Gods, how she drove him crazy.
“I thought you should see this as performing duty for our houses?” Celia asked, her lips swollen from the biting she unknowingly did to suppressed her moans, even though that didn’t work. It was beyond divine. If this was how davos spent the night before his possibly last day on earth, he wouldn’t mind at all. Die in the battle, it be, the last thought of Davos Blackwood would cling to Celia Lairwyn; her dark eyes, her sweet scent, her blood-red lips.
“Before leaving me to battle and die, you might as well fuck an heir into me, at least our duty should be done successfully.”
And possibly her belly with his child.
And hells, her vicious cunt and her sharp fucking fangs as well.
Davos grunted lowly when Celia bit his lips, under the pale moonlight, he could see how the red liquid painted her soft lips when she smirked up at him. The Lairwyns and their crazes, Celia may not sucked blood as anyone said to be, but she surely lusted for it. And it only aroused him more.
Davos licked his lips, tasting the bitterness of his own blood. It hurted but that didn’t matter at all. “Davos,” Celia whimpered, warning him of her approaching climax. She looked so pretty when she neared her peak, how her glossy eyes looked at him desperately. Fuck, it took all his might not to spill inside of her now.
“You wish to cum, my lady?” Davos managed through his grunts, he was close too, the way her cunt tightened around him was driving him crazy. Celia nodded, pleading him with her eyes. Davos shook his head slightly before respond. “Use your words, and I’ll let you so.”
“I hate you,” she managed, biting her lips hard but her moan only grew louder.
“Your soaking cunt says otherwise,” he smirked down at her. It was too painful at that point, he slowed his pace, almost stilled his hips in place. Davos moved his lips closer, whispering encourages in her ears. “Come on, yield to me, wife.”
Hearing that almost send Celia over to the edge, but no matter how much she tried to fight it, she failed. “Tell me how much you want it, how much you want me,” his voice hot in her ears, his hips sped up as he could tell she was so close to yield. “Please, Davos— please let me cum,” Celia begged, her cries high-pitched and sweet in his ears and her pleas went straight to his cock.
“I need your cum inside of me, please husband—”
With that they reached climaxes, Celia peaked with a cry of Davos’ name from her lips, her cunt tight around his cock, milking his seed off while he buried his face into the crook of her neck, muffling his groan. Davos fell on top of her, and they laid there together for a moment, no words exchanged just the sound of their breathing slowed to its normal stage.
“Don’t die tomorrow,” it was Celia who broke the silence first, her voice rasp from tiredness. Her hand moved up to his hair, stroking them gently in a comforting way— almost a loving manner. On top of her Davos hummed, planting soft kisses of her temple. “I’ll try not to,” he replied quietly, his heart thumped in his chest, matching hers. “Wouldn’t want you to be a widow before our wedding.”
“Wouldn’t be a widow if we’re not yet married,” Celia corrected him, earning soft chuckles from Davos. He hummed in agreement while Celia smiled softly at him. At that moment Celia realized something. She wasn’t angry because Davos hid something from her, but because he was leaving her just before joining her at the altar—to die even worse. She didn’t love him, not yet at least, but she felt something in her heart after every moments they shared. After getting to know each other more, their marriage would really work out if they try.
“Promise?” Celia softly asked.
“I promise.”
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taglist : @deltamoon666
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 2 months
TMAGP 21 Thoughts: Y2K [Error]s
And we're back, again. Albeit I'm back quite late. This one was an interesting one to start act 3 with. On one hand it's a really good recap for what's lead up to this and a great foundation of what we can presume is to come. On the other hand it's an episode I think is deceptively devoid of new information. There is obviously new stuff to dig into here but in general I think it's not a lot of major stuff and mostly reinforcements of stuff we're already well aware of, or confirmation of stuff that I feel was about as good as confirmed anyway. With that said, this will be quite a read because what there is to dig into does go pretty deep.
Spoilers for episode 21 below the cut.
The conversation with Sam and Celia has a couple of interesting bits in it. Some of it's fairly obvious but there is at least one thing I've not really seen people talk about with it. So, Sam is flirting with the idea of of quitting, which is very Sam, and Celia pushes for him not to and tries to get him back "on track" in regards to the Institute, which is very Celia. Celia does care about her co-workers but obviously she's out for herself more than anyone else in the office. Her "complicated immigration status" is another is a long series of alternate-universe references. I think her comment about the OIAR's lax background checks is a more compelling detail there. Presumably there is a TMP version of Celia, who may or may not be called Celia. So you wouldn't necessarily expect there to be an issue there. "Celia" Ripley does likely exist and is likely British and would likely qualify for a position in the OIAR. Yet the way Celia frames it suggests she thought it would be an issue too. Either something that might come up after she got the job or something to be solved in order to get it. What I think is interesting about that is that it suggests to me that her identity isn't the problem but that they'd have some way to tell she's not from this universe.
That's all pretty normal stuff for this show though. The most interesting part of this is Celia's statement that she has to stay because he can't take Jack back to wherever she came from. I've seen a lot of musings on it but nothing that's gotten to what I feel is the heart of the problem there. Jack can't come with her because Jack is a baby and so can't understand and then engage with the mechanism she used. Which basically confirms that however she did it is much close to Darrien's meditation-induced-travel than, say, a portal to walk through. She doesn't rule out that she couldn't go back either so however it works it would have to be something Jack would have to participate in. Although there is the possibility that she's currently sharing her body with the actual TMP Celia and has merely brought her consciousness over and that Jack can't go because there is no body to return to. The problem with that though is the aforementioned background check. If she was physically living as TMP's Celia then there isn't really a concern there at all. Along with Lady M being about to smell that she's different it probably rules that out. Not a strong confirmation but certainly more pointing in the direction that Celia's body is hers which in turns makes the issue with Jack less likely to be that there is no Jack in Celia's home universe to body hop into.
Okay, so on to the incident proper. Honestly, not a huge amount to dig into this one IMO. Obviously a fair bit happened but it's mostly surface level. Which isn't a bad thing but for the sorts of things I tend to talk about it does limit what there is to say. I'd rather not recount things unless I have something to say about them beyond the text itself. There are still a few things to mention here all the same. Firstly, speaking of Darrien the Dr Welling that is mentioned in the episode is very likely the person who gave their name to Welling Mutare Materia where Darrien was incarcerated in episode 17.
Next up, while it's not talked about in explicit detail there is one thing that sums up the point of this ritual, the "Great Work". Anyone into alchemy will be well aware that this refers the creation of the Philosopher's Stone, the Magnum Opus. Immortality, turning lead to gold, spiritual enlightenment, all of the above. Ask 5 alchemists what it's about, get 6 answers. There are some pretty major implications to this that I've not really seen touched upon. Firstly, it's a near direct confirmation that the OIAR and the Magnus Institute are directly adversarial. If the Institute's goal is the completion of the Great Work then the OIAR's purpose is to prevent that and it's something they. mostly, openly broadcast. The symbol of the Magnum Opus is circle housed in a square, housed in a triangle, that is housed in another circle. That symbol is found in the OIAR's insignia but inverted. Which is about as blatant a statement of opposition as you can really get. In turn that also largely confirms that the OIAR are responsible, or at least wanted to, burn the Institute to the ground. The timing of this is very likely not a coincidence either. This letter is dated 04/01/1999, the dome they're referring to in it (the O2, formerly the Millennium Dome) was opened 31/12/1999, as you might expect. The Institute burned down just 7 days prior to that happening.
Secondly, knowing that the Great Work is pretty obviously the goal at this point recontextualises things like catalysts and agents. As well as the general purpose of the Institute as a whole here. The Great Work isn't generally seen as a bad thing in alchemy, like, it's the whole point of the art. It also doesn't seem like the Institute itself is necessarily perverting that idea either. The PoV character is certainly not happy with the idea that this ritual will harness fear and despair is too great of a quantity. So it doesn't seem out and out capital E Evil as a plan. At least as presented. However, there is
Next up, the Millennium Dome itself has a few interesting elements to talk about in this context. The most obvious one is the Millennium Experience which was a kind of its whole thing for its first year. This was an exhibition of all sorts of bits but of relevance is that the exhibition has split into three major themes; Who We Are, What We Do, and Where We Live. 3 is a fairly major number in alchemy thanks to the tria prima. They're divided further still and Who We Are splits into Body, Faith, Mind, and Self-Portrait. These have some loose alignment with the tria prima, the body, the soul, and the spirit. This is something other people have brought up though and it's not actually the thing I think is exciting about the Millennium Dome. Especially not in context to the episode. The dome is important as an architectural work first and foremost. Everyone should go have a look at it because its major feature is incredibly relevant to the Great Work, this episode's details, and the show's explicit references. The feature of the Millennium Dome are its twelve 100 meter support towers. IRL the 12 towers were chosen mostly because of the strong associations with time, both hours and months, but in this episode a lot of weight is given to the astrological and there are 12 signs in the zodiac. But 12 is also incredibly important for the Great Work too. Typically there are 4 stages that you must take to complete the magnum opus but these stages were expanded upon by various scholars. 12 is a number multiple sources land on. 12 is especially relevant for TMP because it's what's laid out in The Compound of Alchemy; or, the Twelve Gates leading to the Discovery of the Philosopher's Stone, written by George Ripley in 1471. Ripley is a very noted alchemist and importantly Celia is his namesake. It really just ticks a whole lots of boxes for "big important thing" in a show like this.
As a final note on the Great Work its presentation as a universal transmutation is quite a shift from more traditional interpretations. As mentioned it's a bit all over the place as for what it means but this incident seems to portray it as something akin to The Change in scale. Universal and far-reaching. It's hard to say too much more than that based on this episode alone but it's worth keeping an ear out for in the future. Even if this version of it is benevolent I can see why something of that scale got them firebombed.
Also, is it just me or does Chester sound much more roboty to start here than in other incidents?
After the incident it's Alice and Lena having a bit of a chat. Alice in this scene is a little peculiar to me, she's very quick to accept that Sam is correct about being lead to a conclusion by Freddy. Although I'm not sure how that reflects on her stance in the last episode. She was obviously trying to protect Sam but it didn't seem like she was lying about not believing his whole conspiracy there either. In this scene though she's pretty sold on the idea. Lena having a heart is nice to see too. I like that she's opening up a little more and is subverting some of the expectations of her assumed archetype.
Gwen and Ink5oul's section is pretty self-explanatory IMO. At least as far as those two characters go. Ink5oul's powers are progressing and she's now able to control mundane tattoos she had no part in producing but beyond that it's pretty expected stuff. Obviously the real standout here is [Error]. Firstly it's a confirmation that they're the one compelling people to spit out statements. Not that I think that confirmation is much of a reveal. There are a few bigger details to pick at here though. They've seemingly marked the whole gang for some reason. If the above is correct, and the OIAR is directly opposed to the Institute, it could just be revenge. Albeit that labours under the assumption [Error] has some sort of allegiance to the Institute. Which I think isn't entirely certain at this stage. The way the transcript describes them is also very perculiar.
A Figure emerges, shrouded in a cloak of whispers. … The Figure continues to emerge, a nightmarish specter of an older world, slowly enveloping Ink5oul’s brash bravado … The Figure breathes deeply, a strange and disconcerting sound, enveloped in pained whispers.
They're three details worth mentioning there. The first is their almost ephemeral description, they emerge and then continue to emerge. Which is a strange phrasing if they were just walking into the scene. The whispers I think are fairly obviously the statements they force on people, not much to say there. "Ink5oul’s brash bravado" speaks to what I was discussing in last episode's post. Ink5oul seems to be fairly inauthentic in a lot of their interactions and are putting on a persona to seem like they're more of a badass than they really are. Outside of that there is just this to mention.
The tape recorder bites Ink5oul before clicking off.
I've seen it brought up a lot and I get why, it is quite funny, but I think it's also speaking to a larger thing. [Error] appears to have much greater control of these than we might be familiar with. I'm not going to get into TMA spoilers but [Error] seems to be conjuring, and commanding, these things themselves which is a very different vibe. I think they might serve a similar purpose overall, the gathering of statements, but more purposeful and I could also see them being [Error]'s physical tether to the world. If they are as ephemeral as the transcript hints at the tape records might serve as their anchor. It's something they can move about but it might be their vulnerability.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet and Terminology Sheet
DPHW Theory: 4254 seems about right but it's also such a weird one that it's hard to really quantify. It doesn't strike me as wrong in any way but the focus of the incident was not on the, well, incident. So it's hard to say.
CAT# Theory: CAT2 is a 2 and I don't have a huge amount to say on these as of yet.
R# Theory: BC seems right. It's what the last letter about spooky shit was rated and this seems to hit all the same notes I mentioned in the ep 19 post.
Header talk: Architecture (Landmark) -/- Corruption (Entropy) is another of those strange ones. Our third in a row. Which likely means they're here to stay, and while that's generally fine by me it does make me wonder what the diegetic reasoning is here. It's a pretty sudden shift to just do this now and it never come up before this. It's also not something mentioned as new either. Corruption (Entropy) is fairly interesting though. It makes sense for the incident but it feels like you could've just done "time" here for the same effect.
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jayisgay · 2 months
idk if this is just me but I kind of dislike the protocol fandom. It feels sometimes like they won’t let the show be the show and are always trying to analyze it through the lens of the Magnus archives. Which is understandable! They are, to some extent, connected. However I’m seeing more in the tags of people trying to sort episodes into fears and latching onto the appearances of tma characters, rather than actually focusing on the characters original to tmagp. And honestly, this is to some extent a gripe I have with the show itself: it won’t let itself be something other than the Magnus archives. For a show that is supposedly independent of tma, to the extent that you don’t have to have listened to tma to understand tmagp, it feels very reliant on established knowledge and characters from tma to carry the plot forward. I feel the show would be more interesting WITHOUT all of these ties to the original tma universe- like Celia’s whole deal (which I find very self-inserty the way she always is namedropping fears and stuff) and the Jonmartin mention in one of the recent episodes. I don’t know, it just gets on my nerves.
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gnomebinary · 5 months
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This is my protocol bingo! (Thank you as always osric.com).
Lena is just doing her evil job - No thoughts, no morals, no alligence. Girlboss.
Nobody ever finds out Jmart's real names - I just think that would be tragic, and fit in with what RQ have been saying about this not being too attached to Archives.
Redemption arc - There was a notable lack of these in Archives even though forgiveness and making a conscious effort to behave morally were important themes in the later seasons. I'm ready for Mr Bonzo to have Kylo Ren's exact redemption arc where he's redeemed mostly through kissing. I don't even care who he kisses.
Froyo trip - It's pretty clear that we're being told that this is Somewhere Else through things like the Archives staff having tea and the OIAR staff having coffee. The s1 Archives gang iconically got icecream, so I'm gunning for a froyo trip, and a Gwen monologue about preservatives.
Colin dies first - He's just so killable. Plus, Celia can't die until they do her reveal and they'll probably want to build up to it, Sam can't die because he's the driving force behind investigation into Magnus, Alice can't die because she kinda makes the whole show, Gwen can't die because she's mid-arc and it is of the type that if left unfinished it would be anticlimactic not tragic, and Lena can't die because the impact would be pretty low.
Nostalgic PC games - I LOVE that RQ appears to be into old tech. I want to see Chester and Norris play Catz 5. Lowfi retro charm.
Dyhard - I go back and forth on this one, it feels too obvious what with the hot drinks imagery workplace annoyances to lovers stuff, but at the same time it does Just Make Sense.
Somebody becomes disabled - In Archives people were injured a lot, but none of that amounted to a long-term physical disability, except for Melanie's blindness. Feels like something to do in Protocol.
Police brutality - Feels like a theme that Jonny still has more to say about, and an incredibly easy one to weave into this kind of story.
Alice is hiding something - I actually think she isn't but y'all are saying it.
Alice naming stuff has consequences - She does it so much and Colin warned her off it, clearly seeming concerned but not explaining why, I think it will have unforeseen and damaging consequences.
Someone has a pet - In Archives, especially in the earlier seasons, everyone was notably unattached. Martin has a mum to take care of, but nobody has partners or children. I think this was partly because it made them easier to manipulate, and partly because it meant that tragedy could be dialled up: Sasha dying was sad, but not as gutwrenching as Daisy dying because Daisy's relationships were more fleshed out because it was later in the series. We're already bucking that trend with Celia's son, so I think we might see a pet too. Also, the pet will probably die.
Alice dies in the last season - Alice is very killable but she's also the heart and soul of the character relationships, so I think they will kill her but they'll wait to do it, and then do it mid-final season as an OOH THEY WENT THERE turning point, like how Tim dying brought in a new, darker era for Archives.
Conclusion that love isn't what makes you human - At London Comicon in October, Alex or Jonny (I forget) said that if Archives was about what makes you a monster, Protocol is about what makes you human. I think it's kinda trite if love is the answer, and I think the conclusion re love will be that monsters can love, because that's cooler. Hell yeah romantic monsterfucking.
Celia evil - I LOVE that we're seeing another Welsh person, but she doesn't sit well with me.
Agnes returns but we don't hear her speak - The tree on the other side of the rift is still alive, and if that universe was this one then that means that Agnes may still be alive. Jonny and Alex have said that they regret not doing more with Agnes, and I don't think they'll miss out on the opportunity to use her again. However, I think the fact that she doesn't speak is central to her tragic character and role as Jon's character foil, and I don't think they'll change that. I actually posted a tiktok about this.
Scene on London public transport - We're already seeing our gang at the pub and on dates, I think we're going to get some tube content.
Jmart fate worse than death - They're going to have us WISHING that they died in mag200.
Fears never treated as separate - I just think we're over that.
Breakup - They're getting the character relationships in early, so I'm predicting an onscreen breakup, because that's one of the few ways that we didn't see relationships between characters going bad in Archives.
Gerry's life gets ruined again - I'm sorry guys but I don't think they're going to let him have peace. He's going to get dragged into the OIAR situation and he's going to suffer.
Alice's brother lives - People are already noting similarities between Alice and Tim, I think that it'll be essentially the same character beat again if her brother dies. Adapt, improvise, overcome, RQ.
Another Michael - Just another character called Michael, unrelated to the four existing Michaels. I wasn't going to put this because Jonny is very aware of the four Michael problem, but this man plagurised his own full legal Christian name, so anything is possible.
Jack is Agnes' Jack - I think it's cool if we all think about how there was actually a massive age gap between Agnes and Jack because she didn't seem to age past her twenties, so he was absolutely a child when she was an adult. Not that I want to have Discourse or anything, that relationship was hecked up and complex in plenty of other ways, just because it's interesting.
Onscreen kiss - They said they wouldn't do it during Archives and then they did and it wasn't that gross, so I'm ready to see it happening again. They might have a relationship between allosexuals this time, I don't think they're going as far as onscreen fucking, but I'm game to be surprised. Insert joke about reusing the whimpering noises from Archives here.
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siribaes · 7 months
Dario Sepúlveda x blackfem!reader (OC — Nina Fuentes)
“During his quest to find Griselda, Dario reunites with an old friend in Miami—”
PARING: Friend/ “Former Client” to Lovers
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SUGGESTED TUNES💿: Mack the Knife (cover) by Tito Puente, La Plena Bomba Me Llama by Celia Cruz & Tito Puente, Yerbero Moderno by Celia Cruz, Abayarde by Tego Calderon, Una Noche Mas by Yasmin Levy
CONTENT: 18+ MDNI, SMUT, Cursing, Some racist language/ideologies (reference to La Perra Negra & the story takes place in late 1970s so you know, not the most foward-thinking of times), the main character is a sex worker, use of the Spanish language, star-crossed lovers-esque elements, references to death, drugs, trafficking, Cartel activities, or*l (fem & alluded to male receiving), f*ngering, praise k*nk, Fluff, Dario being lowkey a soft boy, *Unedited/Not Proofread
AUTHORS NOTE: uhmmm who else has seen alberto guerra in griselda??? 👀 it’s a great show highly recommend everyone go watch! alberto being shirtless is just an added bonus, so basically this is slightly AU-ish in this fic dario travels back to miami twice (i think i can’t remember lol) before “finding” griselda—full stop bc spoilers but yeah. the OC is a former sex worker, and Afro-Colombian/Latina (faceclaim is Yaya DaCosta <3), but yeah i hope y’all enjoy :) 💖
Medellín, Colombia - Spring 1976 (The Past)
The weather was in a particularly odd flux. For most of the day, heat raged on like an unrelenting wave, the weatherman reported scorching temperatures, a whopping, almost record breaking 101 degrees. Medellin quickly became a ghost-town, people sought refuge from the unbearable temperatures. The heat trickled its way into the evening, until around 9 or so, storm clouds suddenly swirled the sky, then, boom, a torrential downpour. The rain came down in violent pelts, hitting everything and anything insight. However, as quickly as the storm came, it went. The temperatures went down, the rain aided in crispness in the air. The wind swept through the streets and neighborhoods of Medellin, with coolness and airiness that was necessary, relieving.
Relief was exactly what Nina needed.
With the scorching temperatures, it brought a particular irritation with her clientele. It was like the hotter it became, the meaner they were. One of her regulars, Mr. Moneybags (an older gentleman, who happened to be very, very, generous with his wealth.), who was severely punctual and only wanted oral. He was never rude, impatient or rough with her. Until today. He was late, storming into her room, barking orders for her get on her knees, and when Nina finally did give him what he wanted, all Mr. Moneybags could ramble on about was high rough day at the office and he needed to tame "La Perra Negra". To make matters worse, when Mr. Moneybags orgasmed, he cummed on her shirt (a brand-new halter top, made of fine silk and in the prettiest shade of coral, it wasn't cheap, it cost her 78 pesos.) and in her hair (pillowy-soft coils as someone told her once). That was a complete, no, no.
Mr. Moneybags was the first of her clients to receive a verbal lashing, but he wasn't the last. As the hours rolled by, each man arriving acting more brutish and egregious than the last. Nina handed out her lashings with ease, all for her to be met with the same insult, fuck you, Perra Negra. The heat only fueled her rage, so much that the one customer, who had some semblance of decorum, went soft in her mouth. He quickly scurried out, offering a sympathetic smile, and promised that he'll come back next week, when she felt better.
So, when the storm came, Nina was more than relieved. She got some reprieve from her finnicky clients, even though her room was tucked away on the further corner of the brothel, the rain seemed to drown out the noise from the other end of the compound. She was able to soak her stresses away in her tub, light a candle or two, slip on her favorite mini-silk robe, and actually rest. The raindrops served as a lullaby from Nina as she drifted off to sleep.
Now, at 2 AM, Nina sat in a chair on her small balcony. She people-watched from her small corner, relishing in the cool breeze the generously fanned over her skin. She more than deserved this peace and stillness after the shit she had to deal with. After a while, Nina became engrossed in this older couple blocks away, were dancing in the middle of the street. She was so enraptured with the couple she didn't even hear the door creep open.
A familiar scent drifted through the air, a blend of cinnamon, tobacco, cardamom, and strangely mint. Nina couldn't help the smile the curled onto to her lips, as heavy footsteps inched closer and closer.
"You left the door open,"
Nina smirked. "What if I left it open for you,"
"Hm. That's unlike you,"
Nina turned around meeting those soft, russet-colored eyes, she cared to enjoy so much. She playfully batted her eye lashes.
"Oh, Dario, you mustn't forget, you are my favorite customer," Nina purred. She rose from her seated position, and unabashedly took in Dario's appearance.
He was meticulously dressed, he wore neatly ironed, black slacks with a coordinating black dress shirt. A few buttons were undone, revealing a sliver of warm-tawny skin, and the ink-colored edges of a tattoo. Nina wondered sometimes what the fully tattoo would look like, or better, would she ever get to see it.
From the first night they met, Nina gathered that Dario was someone who took pride in their appearance. He was never sloppy, not a flick of dirt or dust sullied his clothes or shoes. Thick, brown tresses were combed and quaffed with care, while he maintained neatly trimmed facial hair. Even the way Dario carried himself was equally irresistible, he possessed a poise and calmness that was developed, cultivated, even. He was careful with his words, never speaking out of turn or without thought. He charmed his way into people's hearts, both old and young alike.
Dario was a true debonair. It was the perfect distraction from what he truly was, a hit man. El Sicario.
"You look thirsty," Nina strutted past Dario to the small bar along the wall inside, "Would you like a drink?"
''Not tonight,"
Nina tsked, "Where's the fun in that? You can't just humor me, I've had a terrible day and--"
"Enough Nina," She paused to looked over her shoulder at him. His brows were furrowed, as looked intensely at Nina. After a beat, Nina turned a back around, pouring some tequila in a glass. She turned back around, gesturing for Dario to speak. "I'm looking for someone," Dario pulled a photo out of his front pocket.
"Aren't you always," Nina sassed. She couldn't help it, she was enjoying seeing Dario a bit peeved, it was so refreshing to see, even Dario, el sicario himself, could be annoyed.
He shows her the photo, "Vincent Fernandez, you know him?"
Nina scans the picture, taking in the face of the man.
"Yes and no," Dario's eyebrow quirks, "His real name is Vincent, but nobody calls him that. He goes by Chuy,"
"Okay...Chuy, have you seen him?"
"Yeah, a few weeks ago. He was coming out of Carmen's room...now that I think about it, she was leaving with him. She carried a suitcase too. Haven't seen her since,"
Immediately, Dario balled up the picture, flinging at the wall. He began to pace and back forth, his left handed raked through his hair, messing up that of that beautiful handiwork.
Something thrummed inside of Nina as she watched Dario slowly lose composure. Dario’s beautiful features were twisted with frustration, his jaw was clenched, and eyes were blazed. He stopped pacing and stood next to a small coffee table with vase that sat on top. With hesitation, Dario snatched the vase and launched it at the wall. Ceramic shards exploded on impact, pieces flew everywhere in the process.
"What the hell is your problem!?" Nina rushed over, she brushed past him, and picked up a broken piece of the vase, "Fuckin' pendejo, this was a gift from a friend," She was seething, gearing up to cuss him out to fullest extent but she paused. On one of the broken pieces with a red speck. Nina's eyes drifted towards the floor, seeing a trail of red spots, the spots grew larger and larger, until there was a small pool of blood underneath Dario's hand. "...You're bleeding,"
"What?" Dario one step but Nina quickly stopped him.
"Stop! Stop, it's getting all on the floor. Go to the bathroom and rinse the cut. When your done there's a first aid kit and a bottle of peroxide in cabinet, grab it, and sit on the couch," Dario just stood there a bit lost in his eyes, "Vete! Go, now!"
Dario disappeared into the bathroom, leaving Nina in the mess he created.
"This is going to sting so keep still," The two sat next to each other on the couch. In one hand, Nina gently cradled Dario's hand, his wounded palm facing up. The other hand held a cotton ball soaked in Hydrogen peroxide. She slowly inched the ball towards the cut, when it the skin, Dario instantly hissed, moving his hand slightly. Nina pressed again, trying to be a bit softer than before, but Dario jerked his hand away again. Nina swatted at his stomach. "Ay! Stop moving,"
Dario finally complied, relaxing against her touch, letting her clean the cut. A quietness fell over them as Nina worked in a comfortable rhythm of wiping and dabbing.
"I'll make sure to pay for the vase," Nina stopped, looking up at Dario. There was a sincerity in his eyes, and something else...embarrassment maybe? "The least I could do, since you put up with shit all the time..."
Nina bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from smiling, at Dario's gesture. She said nothing in return, but instead sat the used cotton balls to the side and reached for the roll of bandages. Nina couldn't make heads or tails of how she felt about Dario right. One part of her was agitated with him with how he broke her vase and how edgy he was being towards her all of the sudden. The other part of her was attracted to Dario, something about him losing control like that revved her engine. For once he wasn't so controlled and calculated, he was human, flaws and all.
"I know I'm not supposed to ask, but, why are you looking for Chuy?" Nina asked, slowly wrapped the bandages around Dario's hand.
To Nina's surprise, he answered. "He took something that didn't belong to him,"
"...Oh. Oh," Nina nodded realizing what Dario what he meant. Chuy had to have stolen a kilo or two of coke from them. Everyone in Medellin knew stealing from the Bravo family was a guaranteed death sentence. "Shit, I should've known..."
Dario shook his head. "It's not on you. The sneaky bastard managed to fool all of us, especially me,"
Nina chuckled nervously as she tucked the last strip of the bandage underneath a bottom layer.
"All finished," She slowly let go of Dario's hand to gather and put back her supplies, "I would give it a day before checking the cut to see if its healing. Just try to keep it your hands clean the best you can,"
Dario nodded. "Thank you,"
Nina smiled gently at him. She could feel his eyes on her as she bounced around and out of the room disposing of the trash and putting her supplies back. When she came back into the room, she found Dario relaxed against the couch looking outside. She followed his gaze up to the night sky. The normal starry, ink-colored sky was now filled with stormy clouds.
"It's going to rain again," Nina murmured, she returned to her spot next to Dario.
"How'd you figure?"
Nina pointed to the sky. "The clouds. Plus, the air is getting thick...y'know humidity,"
Dario laughed, flashing those gorgeous pearly whites, making Nina's heart skip a beat. He quickly quieted as a look of curiosity filled his expression.
"Where'd you learn to do that kind of stuff...like patch people up?"
"I guess I got tired of getting rug burns and bruises on my knees from giving head so much. It's bad for business,"
"That's fucked up,"
Nina shrugged. "It's a part of the job. I have to be perfect and presentable at all times. It's what sells the fantasy. So, I had to become my own doctor, learn how to patch myself up. I also learned, that if I was on my knees for too long, all the time, I wasn't doing my job correctly.
Dario tipped his head, scratching at his goatee, "Where the guys always that rough with you?"
"Someone is mighty curious tonight," Nina teased. She twirled a coil round her pointer finger, "but, to answer your question, no. Some tried to, but I was always on guard. I had to be, I'm the only black girl here...La Perra Negra. Before my regulars, most of the guys thought because I’m black, a morenita, that's I wanted. It took some threats and me pulling out my switch blade a couple of times, but they got the picture. Sometimes I feel bad for them...they’re so caught up in fucking me as a conquest, and not for their own pleasure. Typical men,"
Dario's brow quirked. "Typical?"
"You know what I mean. Most men when they have sex are either caught up in some ego thing, or only focus on pleasuring themselves they don't bother in pleasuring their partners, especially if the partner is a woman,"
"I suppose you're right,"
"You suppose? Do you feel the opposite?”
"Not entirely. You do have a point…I guess I’m not most men. I like pleasuring my woman,” Dario rasped. His pink tongue swiped at his bottom lip before continuing, “It turns me on to see her lose..composure ‘cause I’m fuckin’ her so good. I dunno it just gets me there. I could never get hard or cum without doing so,”
From the tops of Nina's ears all the way to the bottoms of her manicured toes, she ran hot. Her mind raced with flashes of images of her and Dario in the nastiest of scenarios. If she wasn't sure about being attracted to Dario, this solidified it. Despite her growing need to literally lunge herself at him, she pulled back. She needed to make him sweat.
"I guess there's some room for exceptions," Nina hummed, she readjusted herself, re-crossing her legs, make sure to give him a quick flash of her lacy panties. She secretly thanked her Orishas, when she saw Dario's eyes wander to her thighs.
"I had customer the other day," Nina continued, "Sweet guy, couldn't fuck to save his life, so I suggested get on top. I thought riding him would be better, but it wasn't. So, in a last-ditch effort, I closed my eyes and imagined it someone else..."
"Who did you imagine?"
"...You. I imagined you underneath me, fucking me. I fantasized about those beautiful brown eyes staring up at me. How it would feel to have your hands on me...all the things those hands could do. Like would you pull my hair, or grip my hips so hard that I would have bruises? Or, would you smack my ass while you stroked, deep inside me...even better would you hold my hands behind my back, while you played with my clit? Then, like magic, I came...I don't think I've cum so hard in my life—”
He cut her off with kiss. It was gentle and sweet. As Dario moved his lips, he gingerly swept his tongue against Nina’s lips savoring her taste. He snaked his arms around Nina’s waist, drawing her closer to him. A small whimper escaped Nina as Dario’s hands roamed her body. She felt her body hum with need as he rubbed and squeezed at her flesh. A smarting slap from Dario caused Nina to mewl breaking the kiss.
“Fuck! Dario,” Nina whined. She leaned her forehead against Dario’s. She pulled back to see Dario’s face fully, her heart rattled against her chest as she ran her fingers through his hair.
“Mi hermosa mariposa," Dario murmured, hands drifted up and down the sides of Nina's torso. She felt a wetness begin to pool beneath her, the more Dario caressed her.
“I want you,”
Dario smiled softly. “Yeah?”
“Mhm,” Nina nodded her hands reaching for Dario’s belt buckle, but he stopped her.
“It’s not about me tonight,” he hoisted her up, wrapping her legs around him as he carried Nina to bed. Dario dropped her softly down the plush sheets. “It’s all about you,”
Nina could tell from the serious yet lustful glint in his eyes that Dario meant every word he said. She sat up on her elbows watching as Dario’s nimble fingers undid the belt of her robe. He pushed the fabric, revealing nothing but soft curves, rich brown skin and lacy fabric. With his pointer finger, Dario traced Nina's collar bone, dragging it down her navel, leaving a trail of goosebumps the further down he went. Nina's breath hitched in her throat as Dario's thumbs rubbed soft circles on the skin above the waistband of her panties.
"I like the way your eyes light up when I touch you, solecita,"
"Please, Dario. Enough games,"
Dario chuckled. He held her hips in place, sinking down to his knees.
"Patience," Dario held his gaze as he inched his head closer to Nina's clothed pussy. The two moaned in unison when Dario licked a stripe at Nina's clothed entrance. He continued on licking, probing, and mouthing her pussy. Moans fell helplessly from Nina's lips as she felt the lacy fabric rub against her clit. Dario relentlessly moved his tongue, spurring Nina on, she felt slick dripping downwards on her thighs.
"More. I need more, baby, please,"
It was like switch went off in Dario. He stopped all movement, as he just stared at Nina. Long eyelashes fluttered as he slowly blinked.
"Baby...say that again," he murmured.
"Baby," Nina cooed. She sat up, reaching for Dario, she cupped his cheek. He nuzzled her cheek, placing a kiss on her palm.
Then like a flash, Dario ripped Nina's panties a part. He skillfully gathered the torn shreds and flung them away. He dove straight for Nina's pussy. Despite his meticulous nature, when it came to pleasure Dario was sloppy. There was no spot or area left unattended. His tongue alternating between swirling and lapping Nina's clit. Dario's pace was so unrelenting, it sent Nina's body into throws of pleasure. Just when she felt the familiar coil in her belly, Dario pulled back, only to blow cooly onto her drenched pussy.
"B-baby, fuck!" Nina yelped aloud, her hands found themselves back into Dario's hair, as he returned back to her core.
He placed a wet kiss, creating a lewd smacking noise that echoed into the air. Dario dove back in, plunging his expertly skilled tongue into her entrance, fucking her. Nina felt like her entire body was on fire, completely blazed with pleasure as Dario relentlessly fucked her pussy. Her mind swirled feeling the familiar coil in her stomach become tighter and tighter.
"I-I'm gonna cum. Oooh shit," Nina panted. She pulled tighter at Dario's hair. "I'm c-cuming, fuckkkk!"
The coil snapped. Nina shakily thrusted her hips towards Dario's mouth, riding out her orgasm. Dario stayed still softly lapping up her cum, he did keep gentle hand on Nina's waist to steady her.
"Mhmmm, so good to me, baby, s'good," Nina loosen her grip on Dario's tresses, letting her arms fall back onto the bed.
Dario hummed appreciatively before pressing soft kisses on Nina's inner thighs. Her fluttered when she saw the slick sheen of her nectar glistening in Dario's mustache and goatee.
"You like when I'm good to you?" Nina could feel his grip on her thighs get tighter as he spoke. When Nina nodded instead replying, Dario slapped her thigh. "Words, Nina, I wanna hear you,"
"Good. You gonna be good for me this time?" Nina hissed when two of Dario's fingers found her clit, rubbing taut circles.
"Yessss, I'll be good for you, baby!"
He quickly switched his technique, he plunged his fingers into her wetness. Nina whined at the squelching and lewd noises that her pussy made as Dario stroked in and out of her. Dario bent down and gave Nina searing hot kiss, he wedged his tongue inside of Nina's mouth, allowing her to taste herself.
"Please don't stop,"
"I won't mi amor, I can feel you...you close?"
"So close, baby, please,"
Dario slowed his pace down, giving Nina slower strokes, but drove deeper, and deeper every time. Her walls fluttered around his fingers when they met her oh so sweet spot. Nina's orgasm came swiftly as a fast-moving freight train. Her mind went blank, as she screamed out in pleasure. Nina's legs jerked and spasmed as her nectar flowed out in endless droves. Dario slowly slipped his fingers out, kissing the side of Nina's face as she reveled in the planes of ecstasy.
The two fell back into the bed. Nina snuggled up close to Dario's side, her fingers still tingly, traced the ink of his half-covered up tattoo. She looked out to the balcony. It was raining.
"I think we knew each other in our past lives..." Dario trailed, he kept his eyes towards the ceiling as spoke.
"As what? Enemies?" Nina teased.
"No," He sighed deeply, turning to meet her eyes. His face was open, vulnerable, Nina felt her heart flutter. "We were...something to each other, I know it..."
For the second time this night a quietness fell over them. They stared wordlessly at one another, as the raindrops lightly pelted outside. Nina didn't know what to make of Dario's sudden confession, or revelation. She did know that the way he looked at her in this moment, made her feel all mushy and gooey inside. Nina leaned in capturing Dario's lips into a passionate kiss.
"You know what I know," Nina purred parting from Dario's lips. She straddled him, reaching for his belt buckle, this time Dario didn't stop her. "Reciprocity...Can I have some more, baby?"
"Yes. Mi amor, in every lifetime."
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brainbleedo · 5 months
An over analysis of why Celia isn't interested in Sam, Alice is interested in Celia and Sam is probably going to end up alone like the looser boy he is (affectionate)
Firstly, the big one, I don't think that Celia is actually interested in Sam. Firstly previous to the date episode and Sam asking her out there was no hints she was interested in him, what she was interested in however was about the statements. So Celia has an interest in the statements, she wants to know about specific ones, she believes that the statements (or most of them) are real.
Now the date, the date was a bit painful to listen to because Sam is very obviously interested in her and Celia really just doesn't seem like she reciprocates it, especially when she brings up work (key thing is that SHE brings up the topic) and according to the recent episode (14) they spent the rest of the date talking about it.
So, Celia, a suspicious woman who wakes up on the side of roads, has a son called jack and a weird interest in the statements goes on a date with Sam, her co-worker, a man who's also interested in the statements, a man who was rejected from the Magnus institute, a man who's probably very important. Yeah.
Now Alice and Celia, Alice and Celia I wasn't too sure on until this recent episode but after this one? Yeah no Alice is in love jfc.
The flirting, the mfing flirting.
Okay so picture this, you have reconnected with an ex who is also an old friend and are becoming close again- then a new girl joins your job and she's cute but your friend seems to be interested in her so you tease him but it's all fine. Until you start to get to know her, and YOU start to fall for her, but you can see your friend and his sad puppydog eyes so you stand back- then when he asks her out on a date? When he comes and talks to you about how you should be more 'professional' at work with your history now he's dating your co-worker? When she comes and talks to you, asks if it's going to be a problem that they're dating because of your history with him?? Then you snap, because neither of them get it, you snap and 'sarcastically' say that actually no SHES the one you have a crush on. Then you realise what you said but it's fine it was sarcastic so you joke it off and walk out but she knows. She knows.
Finally why Sam is probably going to end up alone like the pathetic looser boy he is (again I mean that in the most affectionate way possible, he's my favourite man)
Sam is into Celia, we know that, Celia isn't into Sam so that's probably going to blow up. I don't think he's going to end up with Alice either because frankly there doesn't seem to be any interest in her on his side (currently)
Furthermore his growing obsession with the Magnus archives and the statements is probably going to sabotage all his relationships s2 Jon style yk?
Also I think he's going to die, I really really do think he's going to die or become an entity of some kind. No real proof except for his abismal sense of self preservation and a gut feeling.
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anthroposeen · 5 months
tmagp 12 relisten notes
- requests tea, not coffee, the OIAR custom. points to her being from the TMA universe + bonus thing! there was no tea in the OIAR and sam lended her some. potentially a demonstration of their relationship dynamic lore-wise (celia representing other-wordly things and sam's insistence on interacting w them. this is definitely a reach, though, since im very much a 'the curtains are never just blue' person)
- she agrees to go out with sam but needs to "sort some things out" maybe related to jack, georgie, or her individual research
- he asked her out! oh my god (alice's father)!
- is trying to distance himself from the magnus institute (TMI) but is still unable to break his curiosity about it
- watched sam ask out celia (we can assume it was with the manner of a deer in the headlights)
- "its rude to have no game" i love you maam
- no glitch after she says "i cant believe im missing out on all of this- devastating" but could be because it comes off as more sarcastic than a blunt lie
- "we dont always get what we want, do we?" potentially a hint at her feeling about sam
- "i go by alice, now, actually" important only because i adore you miss dyer
- seems to genuinely care about gwen, lending to the idea that shes protecting her coworkers
- "i dont wonder. i know" no glitch followed this statement. it could be because it was meant as a joke and not to deceive gwen, but who is to say
- she's trying to discuss the morality of their roles and seems to be unhappy to participate in mascot strip club murder
- "you dont wonder what the point is? who benefits from all this awfulness?"
- "dont worry about it, it wasnt that bad" alice, referencing TMI
- "no." sam, lying about not being interested in information about TMI
- this is the result of gwen giving mr bonzo the hit, and it seems to have been read at her computer (once again implying theres a consciousness within FR3D1 or jmj)
- incident made by jordan bennett -> maybe related to this universe's bennett family (connection to barnabas bennett) but i doubt its lore relevant
- no obvious alchemic ties in this incident
- this case is narrated by norris/martin, but goes against the regular theme of his incidents (lonliness, loss of a loved one)
- the robotic sound of the narration seems to be diminishing, with very little of the beginning and end of the incidents being read in a monotone and robotic voice
- i want to voice my deepest appreciation for the title being "getting off", along with mr bonzo initiating a hit for the uk government in a strip club. incredible. absolute cinema from the minds of AJN and johhny sims truly
The target:
- before this episode, my theory was that klaus, colin, and teddy were the most likely to be the hit
- based on this list, if the target is the groom, it makes the most sense for it to be klaus, since there has been no mention of colin or teddy being engaged, and thats a clue i dont think the writers would leave out. however, the groom is called "baz" by his friends, which is a nickname i dont recognize (but its potentially on the rpg somewhere?)
- im not very convinced that klaus was the groom in this incident. i think the hit may have been obvious to lena, but gwen has yet to connect all the dots, leaving the audience a bit in the dark as well
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More little incorrect quotes from Descendants with CharmingHeart/Glassheart.
(and other ships)
Red: Amore, what does IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean?
Chloe: I don’t know, I love you, talk to you later.
Red: Alright, I love you too, I'll ask someone else.
Chloe: Wait- Red, no-
(Red didn't really know much about texting)
Red: A person can really hear themselves think out here.
Red’s mind: Did you leave the door unlocked? Does your mother actually love you!? WILL YOU DIE ALONE!?
Red: Well, that was a mistake.
(Beginners mistake, Red. You'll get there..)
Chloe: Okay, but what if we went to dinner not as friends this time?
(Chloe doesn't know if she wants to laugh or cry)
Red: That was so hot, Chloe.
Chloe: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenterate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets.
Red: I'm so in love with you.
(Red loves this side of Chloe, when it's not directed at her)
Dizzy: Tell me a little about yourself.
Red: I'd rather not, I really like this group.
(Dizzy and Celia joined Red and Chloe's friend group. Dizzy is Chloe's cousin.)
Celia: Can I get a waffle?
Red and Chloe: *fighting and yelling at each other*
Celia: Can I p l e a s e get a waffle?
(Alternative Universe where there was no coup and Red and Chloe became roommates and get on each other's nerves a lot)
Red: Who wants to make fifty bucks?
Dizzy: How?
Red: I need someone to take the fall.
Celia: What did you do?
Red: I can't tell you. Yes or no, no questions asked.
Chloe, from the other room: Oh my god.
Red: ...
Chloe: OH MY GOD!
Celia and Dizzy: Make it a hundred.
Red: Deal.
(Same Universe as before)
*In a horror movie situation*
Dizzy: I've got no service in my phone here.
Chloe: Shoot, my battery just died.
Red: Sorry guys, I just broke my phone with a hammer.
Celia: Guys, my phone is a playing card.
(Damn. Bridget has been worry spamming her and Red couldn't take it anymore.)
Mal, to Evie: I mean, I get complimented all the time-
Carlos: *starts cackling*
Mal: I do!
Jay: *laughs harder*
(They love getting on her nerves)
Mal: A stake to the heart won't kill a vampire if their tits are big enough.
Carlos: Yeah, you just catch it.
Evie: Nah nah nah, deflects it. Stake? Just bounces right off. Done. Back to doing hot girl shit.
Jay: Then I just use a spear instead.
Mal: You are trying so hard to kill a vampire with big bazongas, and for what? Why would you do that to the ecosystem?
(Yeah Jay! Why? Like damn)
Jay: Who would you swipe right for? Audrey or Uma?
Mal: I would delete the app.
(Jay, stop. Evie and Mal just had a small fight. It's not a break up)
Jay: Mal and I are so close we even share a toothbrush.
Mal: We what?
(No Jay. Why. But true)
Mal: Do you love me?
Evie: We’re literally married.
Mal: Yeah, but as friends or—
(Mal, you're too insecure. Evie, kiss her insecurities away)
Mal: My dad has a spiked collar.
Mal: *dog
(wait let me fix this real quick)
Mal: My dog had a spiked collar when he was a teen.
Mal: *dad
Hope you like it.
Also I'm so glad I finally found other teenagers that Red and Chloe can hang out with other than their teen parents lol
Celia and Red would thrive
Ok byeeee
I wanted to Google how old Celia and Dizzy were. I was thinking 12-13 and they are 13. And Red and Chloe are 16 but since there was a time skip from Descendants 3 to the Rise of Red. I thought they'd be the same age.
The time skip was apparently 16 YEARS (which may have been mentioned at the beginning of the movie and I forgot. Idk) also that would mean Chloe and Red are born when descendants 3 ended or somewhere in that timespan. Damn.
Buuut I shall make Celia and Dizzy 16. Because I said so... We don't talk about the complications.
Ok byeee again
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ananxiousgenz · 7 months
okay so lets get all this bullshit straight:
celia is almost definitely from the jonmartin dimension, girlfriend brought up tape recorders, searching the database by meat or being buried alive, was trying to find connections between the voiced cases (LIKE HOW ONLY THE REAL CASES IN TMA COULDNT BE DIGITAL-), AND said the voice of chester felt familiar but she couldn't place why
however this brings up the question of how did she get here??? i thought only annabelle, jon, martin, and maybe jonah were able to hitch a ride with the fears
i think gwen is actually going to be the first to die (lena gave her a promotion which will likely keep her out of the office and away from everyone else AND the static over lena's voice as she gave her the promotion cannot be good)
lena is working for some person or organization who hired her to kill people!!!! and specifically a dude that may or may not have been her last IT manager?????? idk i don't like it
colin knows about whatever we are and how we can basically zip around through different electronics and get recordings to follow the plot
i'm not sure what that makes us?? in tma we were revealed to be the ceaseless watcher itself but clearly we are something similar here and colin Knows (maybe we're FR3-D1??)
sam got an email from jon with an address (flashback to the q&a session where someone said sam and alice go to a place in episode 10- now we kind of know why)
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helpimstuckposting · 9 days
TMAGP 30 Speculation
Now that it’s season finale time, I’ve got a LOT to say and a lot of ideas so I will ramble them here and either I’m horribly wrong or horribly right but unfortunately we have to wait to find that out
First, I can’t believe Alice had two mysterious talks with her friends saying they have something super important to say with a horrified quiver to their voices and she didn’t have time to listen to EITHER of them. Teddy and Colin are high high high on the list for ‘died off mic and we only find out next season’
Since Gwen was promoted (idiot) and Sam is… mmm… missing, it looks like the OIAR will need to fill at least one position, and I think it would be fun if Teddy came back to take his place as a main character. It’s possible that what he had to say was “This new job… it’s not exactly [working out]” and he was simply looking for a new one, and it’s no more ominous than that. If that’s the case, I can absolutely see him taking his position back next season. Colin’s probably dead, though, I’ll be shocked if he’s not tbh
Speaking of Colin, he called the system Freddy while talking to Alice. You know, the same guy that said “Don’t give it a personality. We shouldn’t even be calling it Freddy.” So the change up here is really blatant to me.
I’m still really attached to the idea that Jon and Martin (and Jonah’s) voices were stolen and they’re not actually trapped in the computers. However, I *do* think the voices are sentient, I just don’t think we’re right about who’s behind them. I think Freddy, the program itself, may be using the voices to push its own agenda and manipulate the decisions each OIAR employee is making. Alice gets a lot of JMJ errors, and is specifically the only person on staff who actively tunes the cases out and does not read into them.
OR, if it does turn out to be our guys, then I think it’s possible they’re working counter productively to Freddy, and the JMJ errors are a result of that — like they’re actively trying to work against Freddy. This could also be why Colin said he messed up, like maybe his attempts to deal with the JMJ errors made Freddy more powerful.
Either way, it seems the OIAR is in a huge bind going into season two. Colin probably did something buck wild and pissed the computer off, he’s probably dead, Sam is missing and they’ll need a new hire, Lena is gone (the only person who presumably knew anything that was going on) and Gwen just got promoted to boss despite having 1) absolutely no idea what’s going on with anything at all, 2) an inability to handle the externals and several panic attacks, and 3) no clue what Lena’s job even was, with no direction from the man who promoted her. It seems like even the PM has no real clue what the OIAR does, how it functions, or who it employs (“I’m sorry, do you hire a lot of murderers for contract and consultancy work?” - the answer is Yes, actually, several!)
Picturing the team next season as Alice, Teddy, Celia, and their boss Gwen is… a comedy of errors (or comedy of [ERROR]s? … Sorry) like that absolutely cannot go well. Although, we are pretty used to people being hired as a boss while they have no qualifications of the sort (also did not go well)
As for Sam, the Archivist, and Hilltop Road, I have a few questions about what could possibly happen. First, if the crack in reality was specifically calling for and tugging Celia toward it, we can probably assume that it’s the TMA universe on the other side, right? Which means Sam and the Archivist are now in our original beloved universe. I’m curious to see if Sam is just going to be MIA for the entirety of season two, or if we’ll get tape recordings of him at the same time as our TMagP friends, and we’ll have updates between both universes. I could see that being very interesting if some voice actors appear as two different people in the same episode (their TMA part, and their TMagP counterpart) but that would probably be really complicated to pull off in an audio format.
Also, we know the TMA fears cannot be separated, and that they’re possibly just one entity and have been one entity the whole time. That’s why they couldn’t start the apocalypse without all of them participating, and that’s why when Annabelle opened the crack in reality they all left the TMA universe. “Any attempt to separate the fears is doomed,” is what she said. She also said, “I would either travel with them, or I would die. I do not know which... Most would simply lose whatever power they have been gifted.”
So, if an archivist travels back through the crack in reality, what would happen to them? They’d be cut off from the entity that gave them power, right? So either the archivist will die, or maybe we’ll find out who Beth Eyre (the voice of [ERROR])’s character really is? Who they were before they became an archivist?
I don’t think they’d introduce [ERROR] and then just get rid of them without any resolution, which leads me to believe we will eventually find out what happened to Sam. I don’t think Sam’s just going to be dead or missing and never come back, I don’t see how there’d be any point to that. He is still the only person we know of who’s survived telling their whole statement, and even though he had a headache I feel like that must be significant. The janitor turned into a rock, I really don’t think a normal person would just walk away with a headache. Like, for all intents and purposes, Sam probably should have had his skin ripped off if we’re following the pattern of [ERROR] related deaths.
I hope next season focuses on Hilltop Road, because the lore in this episode was amazing. First of all, it was hard not to notice how each shop had a different danger. The custodian mentioned the drunk man walking into the newsagent and then he “ignored the smell of burnt hair and charred meat”. Then there was the shop that turned a woman into a mannequin, and Sam and Celia walked past the appliance shop where doors kept opening and closing, and the dentist that wanted peoples teeth. There was also the antique shop from episode 7 that almost buried the manager alive, plus the institute also used one of the units. I could be reading too much into it, but it feels like each fear from TMA has uhhhh… set up shop?
It’s also interesting to me that Annabelle said every owner on Hilltop Road in TMA was marked by the Spider, and died a grizzly death.
“So many schemers and spiders and full-throated monsters. Twisting manipulators and furtive liars. Each meeting a violent, grotesque end.” (TMA 196)
And the owner of Hilltop Center was no different.
“I found the owner dead in his office, with every blood vessel stripped from his body and strung around the room in a grim cat’s cradle.”
Not only did he die a violent and mysterious death, but his blood vessels were strung up ‘in a cats cradle’, which is pretty web-like if you ask me.
Anyway, I’m really really hoping to learn more about Hilltop Center next season, that’s the ONE thing I’m super latched on to post-finale
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