of-elitiism · 5 months
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V3 for.... bandit + adrianna please?
kiss meme - accepting!
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knowing their dynamic, this is funny and awkward as heck @banditborn
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🍕/ 🧳 / 🏠 - (For the house one I guess could you share your inspo for the Sims 4 build you are working on)
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I used the collage feature on Pintrest to make these because it was a tad more convenient for me.
🍕 my muse’s favorite foods
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💼 my muse’s job/occupation
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(The Aki artwork on this one is one that I made btw :D)
🏠 my muse’s home
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I think this is pretty close representation of my thought process when furnishing her house, I wanted it feel warm, lived in and light.
(Kaiden does like plants and would love to have more but she's worried she doesn't have time to take care of them all so she limits herself)
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cerberivs · 6 days
Finally, he had been done with one of his info deals that had dragged on way too long for his liking. He understood though, it was common to be skeptical and his client seemed like the careful type... Maybe too careful. With that out of the way though, he had lit a cigarette and took out his phone to do his usual reports when he'd been successful.
Leaning against his car, he spoke with his boss — a string of curses and annoyance followed before the hellhound decided to just hang up. The whole deal had him in a sour mood; Kalego believed they should've charged more and been a lot more rough, but as usual his boss was too soft — at least in his personal opinion. He had been warned of being too cutthroat, but Kalego never took it to heart. His irritation in mind had been interrupted as he felt someone was looking at him.
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"It's rude to stare." he snarled, but he sighed and calmed himself. Despite how crude he could be, he wasn't really one to snap at strangers.
@howlkissed | (starter)
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airxn · 4 months
◊: Do you bing-reply or prefer reply-queueing? ●: Which time of the day, do you rp best? ☺: Do you prefer memes, or plots?
how do you rp.
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◊: answered here!
●: Back when I was in school I would write late into the evening because that was the only time I could write, but now I can only write wayyyy early in the mornings. When dash isn't active but I'm awake and therefore I must get all the worms outta' my head before I can focus on the rest of my day.
☺: I do prefer memes over plots in this scenario because I'm more of a wing-it kind of gal. If I do plot it'll just be on how to get things rolling, but everything after is winging it because... I can't promise my muse will act a certain way as plotted because things can change their minds so fast!!
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realmythsmoved · 5 months
24 through 29!! :)
24. would you play a crossover ship?
Yes, but I'd likely need to make an AU for it.
25. do you play smut? do you play it only with characters you’re shipping with, or are you open for “one night stands”?
Yes, though I don't write it often, I am up for writing smut. I'd prefer an established ship but depending on muse I'm up for one night stands too. 26.are you multiship?
27.are you interested into poly relationships for your muse?
It depends on muse, and if the other RPers would be okay with it. I imagine some of my muses would be interested. But I wouldn't do it unless my RP partners would be okay with it. But provided that happened, yeah I'd be up for it.
28.is your muse canon divergent in any way?
My Dany & Arya are. My Bridgerton muses are also headcanon-based which is my way of saying, I take from canon what I want and leave the rest, but so far they're all canon-compliant. (We'll see once they get to Eloise's season, though. LOL)
29. what are your honest thought about your muse’s canon?
Depends on muse. Some muses I have a love-hate relationship with canon. Even though I am for the most part canon-compliant. But others, like the 13th Doctor, I genuinely love canon for the most part. That doesn't mean I adhere to it 100%, I like to put my own spin on my muses. But it does mean that I enjoy the source material.
Thanks for sending these in <3
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castelleve · 3 years
@howlkissed asked: ♠♠!
One of my favorite desserts is tiramasu!
On the topic of coffee, I actually can’t drink it for energy because it just knocks me out instead. Sometimes I’ll drink it before bed, though, to help me sleep. 
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of-elitiism · 3 years
we don't talk much but!! its great to see you on the dash active again. your artwork is amazing the sketches you do give me enough serotonin
End of the year thoughts~
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I legit squeal each time i see you on my dash too and i want you to know that i freaking adore your muse and if you ever have the time and energy to plot and rp more than we already do i'm game!
Also thank you so much! i'm happy my messy sketches are liked by someone, but i also have like 0 understanding on how to receive a compliment about then ASDFGHJKL
Have a good new year over there! :D
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13xwishes · 3 years
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🌙 Random Wishes || Anonymous Asks { Main Verse } 🌙
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Mentioned: @howlkissed, @howlout, @strcngered, @anarchyhorde , @sorcerymuses 
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      ❝ Alright, which one of you was it? ❞
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magioffire · 3 years
🍵 !
salt salt salt ; accepting
just because someone is on anon, doesnt automatically make their opinion invalid or anon hate. yes, i understand its often a knee jerk reaction to be more defensive towards an anonymous person criticizing you rather than an actual account, because you cannot contact the person privately. and you basically have the choice of: confront it or delete it/ignore it. yes, people abuse anon, people will lie about belonging to a group to give their opinions more weight (like anons taht are like "im black but i believe reverse racism is real because -insert really white opinion here-" to the point its like obvious they are pretending to be someone else), people use anon to get away with being more nasty, but sometimes anons have good fucking points that need to be addressed. sometimes the anon is saying what everyone has been thinking but are too scared to say it for fear of usually hurting someones feelings, or in rarer cases particularly among 'tumblr famous' people, backlash from either the person they sent the ask to or their followers. like ive seen many times where people will completely discount a valid question, or criticism posed by an anonymous question, because it is anonymous, and branding any kind of anonymous criticism as 'anon hate'.
that discounts people who are experiencing actual anonymous bullying. this is not to say that every criticism or question an anon asks is valid and deserves attention -- ive gotten some pretty wild asks in my askbox that arent anon hate but still just didnt feel comfortable putting on my blog because i felt like it was still negative -- like someone once not understanding what intersex means and being very rudely confused and demanding about how vali can be intersex and a masculine presenting and leaning nb person. i dont owe that anon a reply because its not appropriate, it was rude, and it was something they could have answered themselves using google or going into the intersex tag on tumblr. but if someone came into my ask on anon, and in good faith, told me some concerns they had about my portrayal of vali as an intersex person, or questions about intersex stuff in general, i would be all ears and likely post their question/offer resources, because i tihnk its important to bring that discussion out in the open if it does occur.
basically, next time you get an anon that is critical, but is still acting in good faith, dont play into your knee jerk urge to react instead of being proactive about it. its completely understandable why people feel defensive with anons, but its honestly not productive to call every opinion or criticism you get on anon, anon hate.
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bkartz · 5 years
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Sketch Commission for @howlkissed
Like my art? Commission me ! & Buy Me A Coffee~!   Please do not Repost my art !
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ferociousslumber-a · 5 years
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Achim still not grasping the concept of how he is the short one with @howlkissed hope i did Kayleen well u.u
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ferociouslumber · 4 years
❝ you, in this human form, are short. your big as a wolf is what im sayin'. don't get cocky, shorty! ❞
If only glares could kill… she probably wouldn’t be dead, because he doesn’t hate her or anything like that. But she would probably have a very uncomfortable itch somewhere she couldn’t reach by herself. 
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“Huh? What’cha say? Sorry, i can’t hear you from up here…!” the pettiness is so real. 
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of-elitiism · 3 years
exhibit A
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right - Achim: 5′11 ish left - Kayleen: 5′
exhibit B
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Achim, loosing his marbles in a corner, because how fuCKING DARE YOU WOMAN-
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desparialuna · 4 years
howlkissed said:
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kendick lamarison has nothing on me.
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demon-slayer-kaiden · 5 months
questions 6-10!
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Munday Questions. Send in a number(s) to get to know the mun better!
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6. What other fandoms are you in, apart from this one?
Technically I'm fandomless. Kaiden used to be an Inuyasha OC before I rebranded her because I started thinking of her own story and world. But I guess I'm also partially apart of the MHA fandom and the Demon Slayer fandom
7. What drew you to writing your current character(s)?
I think I'm so drawn to Kaiden because I really enjoy her character redesign and just her personality and story I've come up with. She's just a vibe for me a lot of the time. A very chill and easy character to sit down and write when I'm feeling inspired.
8. Have you ever met anyone outside of RP?
Unfortunately no...all of my mutuals are spread out BUT I would love to get the chance to meet them someday! You guys are always so sweet and kind. :)
(I think this is what the question is asking about)
9. How would you describe your aesthetic?
Um, the opposite of minimalist. I am very much a little dragon with my hoard of art supplies, books, dice, pokemon cards, games, trinkets. I like to collect and I like to try and display the stuff I own.
10. What is your favorite fictional character (in or out of the current fandom)?
I'll pick some of my favorites from shows, games and books I've currently read, along with a couple of my all time favorites.
Sango & Kirara (From Inuyasha)
Leafpool (Warrior Cats)
Daenerys Targaryen (A Song of Ice & Fire)
Lucy Maclean (Fallout Show)
Marcille (Dungeon Meshi)
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