abhijeetpanwar1512 · 3 years
Change changing, changing changes
She used to change her hairstyle,Changing hairstyle means a lot to her,Like changing everything that’s not working for her anymore,Changing things that don’t go with flow anymore,Like a snake who shed skin to bear the newer self,Like a caterpillar who turns into a cocoon,And then in a beautiful butterfly, With different haircuts of her with different phases of her life,And forthwith the changing…
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abhijeetpanwar1512 · 2 years
Read it once...
Read it once…
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abhijeetpanwar1512 · 3 years
Name the ebook and i will provide you that...
Name the ebook and i will provide you that…
Yeah guys, i have opened a telegram channel for all the book lovers all you have to do is join the channel, name the book (if necessary author too). And latter going to upload that ebook. So, if any of you are interested you can join the telegram channel via the link. For the sake of book of your interest. Join the telegram provided for the ebook you would love to read where in the discussion…
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abhijeetpanwar1512 · 3 years
क्यों है ऐसा ।।
क्यों है ऐसा।।ये आसमा इतना खाली क्यों,ये पेड़, ये नदी, ये पर्वत सुनसान क्यों,ये धुंध क्यों, ये राज क्यों,अफसोस है, प्यार क्यों।। मैने देखा था, एक डाली को यही कहीं,पुष्प और पत्तियों से लभा–लभ भरा।धूप में लहरता, जल में ठहरता,वात के आंचल में।। पूरे बसंत, वो चमकता रहा,ग्रीष्म ऋतु में भी उसी के प्रकाश से,मेरा दिन चह-चहाता था,उसी का प्रकाश मुझे राह दिखाता था।मैं भी उसी की तरह बन चला था,पूरा, लभा–लभ…
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abhijeetpanwar1512 · 3 years
असमंजस का नजराना हैं, भूलने पर भी याद आना है।��क ही पत्थर पर बार–बार को ठोकर खाना है,संभलना, संभालना से आगे आकर,खुद को ही धकेले जाना है।।हो सकता है, एक दिन खुद को भी खो दू ऐसे ।ये जानकर भी, रुक कर, सोच कर न चाहकर भी आगे कदम बढ़ाना है।।खुद में घुलकर, खुद में मिलकर, खुद में टूटकरमायूसी के आशियाने में मिल जाना है।।समझ को समझ कर, समझ को बदल कर, समझ समझ कर, समझ को समझाकर,टूटे को भी चिपकाना हैं, टूटे को…
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abhijeetpanwar1512 · 3 years
The Pen
This comes with a special blow.When something or someone you really care about, the one who you think will never leave you.Marks you as a stranger, treats you like a problematic asshole.Dumps you like trash, and forgets you as you have never existed. Frightening right???But maybe this was meant like that.So you can change, you can evolve, you can adapt to the real values of this world.Being…
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abhijeetpanwar1512 · 3 years
Suicide? Isn't it terrible?
Suicide? Isn’t it terrible?
You would never know the pain of an individual, who is trying to end his life.
We, humans, are so much convergent in ourselves, we can kill someone for saving our life. Then imagine the circumstances in which a person happened to kill himself.
Isn’t it’s soul’s sunset to kill himself?
This is terrible than killing someone, we are making a person do suicide as a solution to all his…
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