moltenwrites · 27 days
Fuck man, this is crazy
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The support on this platform for me just yapping about my silly guys is UNREAL. Thank you all SO much, especially those of you who keep tagging me and stuff: you all have made this platform so fun and you’re all so talented and creative! I don’t know what the custom is for milestones on this platform, frankly im still figuring it out in general- but I had an idea while brainstorming this post, so I’ll do that.
If any of you guys wanna comment a writing prompt I’ll try to write a short ( like 5k words max ) story for it. In the unlikely event this blows up like the stupid reblog to read post, then I’m just gonna limit this to when I don’t wanna do it anymore, or if no one puts a prompt, that’s cool too!
TDLR: You all are amazing and I’m so grateful for the progress I’ve made, I’m trying to do SOMETHING as a show of thanks, so if you comment a writing prompt I like I’ll try to write a short story for it
And I wanna give one final thanks to my tag list. You all have been the biggest supporters ever, I genuinely am so grateful for all of you.
@thatuselesshuman @ddgraywrites @juliana-jones @revenantlore @aintgonnatakethis @yourpenpaldee @illarian-rambling @autism-purgatory @gioiaalbanoart @the-letterbox-archives @theverumproject @noxxytocin @joseph-hooser @mk-writes-stuff @yrndrgn @theslpr
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moltenwrites · 3 months
guys why is writing hard
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moltenwrites · 4 months
Alright it’s time for the long overdue
Heya everyone, I’m molten writes. I just go by Molten though. I’m a writer who loves to write fantasy!
Most of my projects are told in a large universe know as the “ Souls Collide Universe. “ It’s named after the first story I ever came up with in this universe, and it’s a story I intend to finish someday.
Current project(s) - HOW OUR WORLD ENDED
Word count -87397
Progress - It feels almost surreal to say, but the first draft is done. Time for ✨Editing ✨
Word count - 2941
Progress - Chapter 3 is finished, but may go through some revisions. Chapter two needs some minor changes, and then will be posted. I also have the plan for chapter 4 finished!
Asks are probably always gonna be open, and I’m more than happy to answer any questions.
Annnd that’s all! Hope you stick around for the future. Have an amazing day, and remember to work on that WIP
Also, you’re all welcome to tag me in anything.
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moltenwrites · 3 months
Thanks @aintgonnatakethis and @the-golden-comet for the tag! The rules of this one are simple, just share some of the most recent stuff you’ve written. For me, I’ve been on a bit of a writing break ( outside of YouTube scripts, but that doesn’t really count ) since finishing how our world ended, so I’ll share the end of the epilogue! It doesn’t spoil anything, so here we go
The Artist sighed as the light faded. It raised the knife to its chest and stabbed itself repeatedly. It flinched at the pain each time, but nothing more came from its attempts. It sighed, throwing the blade to the side. A large pillar of ice appeared seemingly out of nowhere and slammed the blade to the ground. The Artist groaned and fell to its back. And in the vast darkness, all The Artist was, was a spec.
As always, this is a WIP and anything here is subject to change/being cut
Tag list
@thatuselesshuman @ddgraywrites @jjoneswriting @revenantlore @noxxytocin @yourpenpaldee @illarian-rambling @autism-purgatory @the-letterbox-archives @theverumproject @gioiaalbanoart
+ OPEN TAG, as always
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moltenwrites · 3 months
I have a LOT of tag games to catch up on, so sorry if I’m a bit slow replying to them. Don’t stop sending em my way though, I love these!
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moltenwrites · 2 months
Writing interview tag!
Ohoho this one is exciting! Thanks @the-letterbox-archives for the tags. Your answers were sick, it was a very interesting read. This one is a long one, but the goal is to answer a LOT of questions. A empty list will be at the bottom with the tags!
About me
When did you start writing?
Oo im not sure? I started “ seriously “ writing a couple of years ago when I took a writing class, but I wouldn’t say I was really a “ writer “ untill I started working on How Our World Ended a few years ago
Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?
Oh 100% I haven’t been reading that much lately, but I mostly read horror and mystery. While I sneak in horror sometimes, I’ve never really been compelled to write a mystery story
Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often?
If I’m honest, no to both of those. I have authors I love, but i have my own thing. And people don’t compare me to any author. Weither that’s good or bad is up to you I guess
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I write with my old, shitty Chromebook on my bed with my pillow propped up as a back rest. My PC keyboard is very loud and just not too fun to write with, and I despise writing on mobile. If I’m in the mood, I turn on some music and get to work
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I’m gonna answer this question in two different ways, how I get inspiration for ideas, and how I get in the writing vibe. For the first, it’s honestly just seeing something I like and going “ I wanna do that “ or listening to a song while some grand story plays out in my head. For ACTUALLY writing, that’s tricky. I normally write late, but if a friend is up talking about whatever thing ive really liked as of late can help. Thinking ahead to scenes I’m excited to write helps, especially when I listen to music that I tie to those moments.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write about?
I mean, I’m sure they did subconsciously somehow- but I tend to write in fantasy, and my suburban ass life doesn’t really lend to my ideas well. Though I will say, my moms fondness for museums has inspired Paintings a good bit
Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you?
Yeah, a good few. I’d say grief, and how it impacts people is the most prevalent theme across my stories. This is a bit surprising since I’ve ( fortunately ) not lost too many people in my life
would you please tell me about your current favorite character?
Oo this one is HARD. I can pick my favorite for each story easily but OVERALL is really hard. I’m torn between Lars from Souls Collide, or The Artist from How Our World Ended. Both characters mean so much to me, and I’d say those two are the characters I’ve made with the most depth. Ughh this is difficult. I guess I’ll say Lars for now, just because of how prevalent and important to me he’s been
Also I know it’s not what the question is asking, but my favorite character that I DIDNT make is Sunny from OMORI
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
I think I’d vibe with most of the souls collide cast, considering they were initially based off of people I knew. I also think I’d get along with Asim and Astera from Paintings, along with Lyra and Val from How Our World Ended.
which characters would you dislike the most of you met them?
Oh god most of them. I write TERRIBLE people. Samaueal would just kill me- I’d hate Nelios, he’s a dick, Ryder from Souls Collide was based off of a person I disliked in real life, Salazar is pretentious and WOULD kill me, Dimitri is the worst- I can go on. But the worst is Samaueal, considering he would just kill me for the hell of it
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
It’s real weird. I either see something I like, and want to steal it in some way, so i base a character off of them. Asim and Astera are heavily influenced by Mary and Reginald from Cemetery Mary, Hart is inspired by Walter White, the whole council was inspired by the organization from Kingdom Hearts. But for characters I didn’t partially steal, it mostly just comes to me when listening to music. Some characters were also created out of necessity, and evolved far past that.
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
Yup. I tend to write certain types of characters very formally, my protags are often shaken by one particularly harrowing event, and they almost all have some sort of huge internal fight with themselves.
How do you picture your characters?
It depends! Most of the time, I imagine every character in the style I wanted Souls Collide to be, but for certain scenes ( especially fights with Res ) I see it in live action.
My writing:
what’s your reason for writing?
I have a whole lotta ideas and gotta get them out SOMEHOW.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating?
Literally anything positive anyone says makes my day. You all have been more supportive than irl friends. But the things that make my day are either people predicting what comes next in private circles, and for comments here, saying that people like a character or are interested in a story makes me beam. I will die if I ever get fan art ( in a good way )
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
However they wanna. You don’t have to see me any way, but I’ve tried to be a positive force here, so I guess that.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I don’t wanna sound egotistical, but my ideas are really cool ( at least I think so )
What have you been told is your greatest strength as a writer is by others?
I’ve been told that what I can do is impressive. I remember one specific interaction about the artist that was incredibly kind.
How do you feel about your own writing?
It depends. I’m incredibly proud of my recent work. I love how Paintings is coming along, and I think the laster chapters of How Our World Ended are the best things I’ve ever written. Anything over two years old is dogshit though, I was in physical pain rereading the first draft of chapter 4
If you were the last person on earth, would you still write?
Gonna be real, don’t think I’d live. But in the event I continued living for whatever reason, maybe? I don’t know, that’s a hard ass question.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?
I write plots entirely for myself, but I try to thing about what issues there are with my plot from a readers perspective. Idk if that sounds crazy, but thinking about stuff from an outsider perspective can be helpful in editing.
Annnd that’s all, this took me life half an hour wow. Here’s the question list ( It’s unspaced so fellow mobile users can actually copy it all ) Thanks for reading it all, if you did, it’s a super fun exercise!
About meWhen did you start writing?Are there different genres or themes you enjoy reading other than the ones you write?Is there an author you want to emulate, or are compared to often?can you tell me a bit about your writing space? What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and/or places you write about?Are there any reoccurring themes in your writing? If so, do they surprise you?Characters: would you please tell me about your current favorite character? Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?which characters would you dislike the most of you met them?Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters? Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?How do you picture your characters? My writing: what’s your reason for writing?Is there any specific comment or type of comment from readers that you find particularly motivating? How do you want to be thought about by your readers?What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?have you been told is your greatest strength as a writer is by others?How do you feel about your own writing?If you were the last person on earth, would you still write?When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, do you write purely for yourself, or is it a mix of both?
Annnnd tag list!
@thatuselesshuman @ddgraywrites @jjoneswriting @revenantlore @aintgonnatakethis @yourpenpaldee @illarian-rambling @autism-purgatory @the-letterbox-archives @theverumproject @gioiaalbanoart @noxxytocin @joseph-hooser @mk-writes-stuff @yrndrgn @wyked-ao3
+ Open, as always
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moltenwrites · 2 months
Oooo this one looks so fun, as soon as I saw it I wanted to do it, but I was on vacation. But I’m back now, so let’s get going
Thanks @the-golden-comet and @thatuselesshuman ( plus anyone I mighta missed )
For the tag and @the-letterbox-archives for creating the game and tagging me
This game is fun, give an overly clickbaity title for your stories. I’ll do How Our World Ended, Paintings, and the unnamed Cadin and Raixen story
How our world ended:
( this one is kinda hard for me because it’s so hard to sum it up haha )
Man KIDNAPS protesting woman? ( SOULLESS FOUND 😬😬😬 )
I met a CUTE GUY IN A MUESUM?!? ( gone wrong, WAIT UNTILL THE END!!! 💯💯💯💯)
Souls Collide:
My best friend commented ROBBERY ( COPS CALLED! 🤯😱🤯😱🤯😱😱)
It turns out I’m not very good at this, but it’s fun to think about. I released the first part of paintings recently, so if you wanna see what goes wrong, check out the first part. The tag games you all have thought of are so cool, great job guys!
Tag list:
@thatuselesshuman @ddgraywrites @jjoneswriting ( this one has been broken twice now, I’ll try to fix it soon! ) @revenantlore @aintgonnatakethis @yourpenpaldee @illarian-rambling @autism-purgatory @gioiaalbanoart @the-letterbox-archives @theverumproject @noxxytocin @joseph-hooser @mk-writes-stuff @yrndrgn
+ open, as always
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moltenwrites · 3 months
Really random i know but shoutout to people who say nice things about others works. One of my biggest struggles while writing was getting support from friends, and the people here who have said such kinda things is amazing. Plus, even though I’m infrequent as hell and not the greatest, there has been overwhelming kindness for my YouTube project aswell. All this to say, thank you to anyone who says kind things not only to me, but to other people who create, sometimes even the smallest of things can make the biggest of differences :)
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moltenwrites · 3 months
Thanks @nczaversnick for the tag!
I got tagged for a character name origins tag, but I did that very recently, and the post also mentioned talking about the characters origins, which I’ll gladly yap about!
The Artist
Gotta be honest, it feels odd that Ive BARELY talked about the artist here considering how important they are to How Our World Ended. The Artist is a God who can create universes, and observes them
The artist is a literal outline of a person, with a white line covering their eyes. They exist within a black void, as a result of destroying their own universe. The origin for this character is odd, and many years old, but I’ll try to get a good timeline.
Initially, they were just a character for me to project negative thoughts onto. Then, the idea of them being a creator of universes came into my mind. They were first put into a story during a OLD assignment which I unfortunately do not have access to anymore. While it was bad, it solidified the character in my mind. And they always stayed in the back of my mind, untill I came up with How Our World Ended. And considering how important they are to the ending, and hell, the universe of Souls Collide, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about them ( random note, but I feel like the watcher from What If was a big inspiration of the concept )
Ugh, so this one is a littttle embarrassing. A lot of my older ideas have evolved a lot, and that includes the early stages where they were inspired by some…. Odd stuff ( you don’t wanna know how souls collide itself started )
Anyways, if I remember right, I always liked the idea of doing a more medieval fantasy story. Souls Collide takes place in current times, so that line of thought was always an interesting thought experiment. Anyways, in 2021 I was watching the game awards because I had nothing better to do. I was kinda zoning out, untill the live performance of the song enemy started playing. And as it played, the premise of How our World Ended, or at least a rough outline, hit me. And as time went on, more music inspired more about the story. Hells coming with me by Poor Man’s Poison gave me an idea for a second half of the story that was, admittedly, terrible. But the ending, that was cool, and it stayed. That song also gave me the rough outline of what I wanted Res to be. A revenge fueled fire soul was how he initially was gonna be. But as time went on, a lot changed. I changed him to be an ice soul, as the protagonist of souls collide is already a fire soul, and I didn’t want to overlap that. Then, Res became more fueled by grief. Now, Res is cold and calculated. He works as a vigilante of sorts, and is far more caring once he gets to know someone.
Oof- that was long, I’ll do a quick lighting round of origins that are WAY shorter.
Two big inspos for this guy. Firstly, I always wanted to do something similar to the organization 13 from kingdom hearts. Salazar, and his past in the council of fate, was initially gonna fill that role. Over time, the council shrunk and that role more fell to the gods. Then, for his explicit personality, it was heavily inspired by moon waltz by cojum dip. Something about it just fit the guy, and me misinterpreting the wrestling mask of the album cover as a masquerade mask 100% shaped both his chilling personality and his design
Okay I think this one is just funny. So, I didn’t plan this book well. At all. I kinda just went “ fuck it “ and let it happen. That’s why the first draft is VERY rough atm. Anyways, Nelios wasn’t originally in the story at all. I was just gonna name drop him, and maybe give him a scene or two, but when I wrote a full chapter of him, I loved him so much, he became VITAL to the story. His personality came from a mix of “ how can I make an arrogant asshole likable? “ and “ how can one make this guy a fun ass character to write “
Okay I rambled for WAYYY to long there, but I have a lot to say haha. Anyways, tag list time.
Tagging @aintgonnatakethis @ddgraywrites @jjoneswriting @revenantlore @noxxytocin @yourpenpaldee @illarian-rambling @theverumproject @autism-purgatory @gioiaalbanoart @the-letterbox-archives
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moltenwrites · 3 months
Character interview tag!
Thanks @thatuselesshuman for the tag!
Today’s game is a set of questions that I answer from my characters POV.
My questions
If you could choose between a hero and a villain, what would you be?
What do you fear the most?
Do you believe in happy endings?
Your questions
Have you ever been in love?
What is your least favorite thing in the world?
What is your pet peeve?
Would you rather have unlimited bacon, but no games, or games, unlimited games, but no games?
I’ll have Res, Nelios, and Salazar answer these!
1. If you could choose between a Hero and a Villain, what would you be?
Res - I’d like to think I’m a hero in some sense. Stopping people who hurt others, that’s gotta be worth something, right?
Nelios - I’d rather be a hero. I do want to do good, even if DAD keep making me do stupid shit
Salazar - What a daft question. I am a hero.
2. What do you fear the most?
( I think the answer to this question changes based on what point in the story you ask these characters, so I’m gonna go with midway through How Our World Ended )
Res - Losing Lyra, it would be too much like- well, that’s not important. Losing her would hurt me to my core. I don’t think I could do that again
Nelios - Failing Celu. As much faith as I have, I do wonder if I’m not good enough for her grace.
Salazar - Betrayal.
3. Do you believe in happy endings?
Res - Yeah, as much as life’s been terrible to me, I really think it’ll turn out okay. I think there’s always a chance for a happy ending
Nelios - Yes, that’s a big part of my beliefs. I think those who do good will be rewarded by Celu and taken into the afterlife
Salazar - For me? No. I am but a stepping stone for fairness to prevail, and I do not think I will live to see it reach its potential.
TAG LIST, let me know if you want to be added or removed!
( note 2. I think I also have a few of these built up, so I’m also gonna not spam tags for those! )
@thatuselesshuman @ddgraywrites @jjoneswriting @revenantlore @aintgonnatakethis @yourpenpaldee @illarian-rambling @autism-purgatory @the-letterbox-archives @theverumproject @gioiaalbanoart @noxxytocin
+ Open, as always!
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moltenwrites · 3 months
I’ve been talking about my book, How Our World Ended a LOT on this blog, but I’ve realized, no one knows the main cast. That changes today! Here is the intro to ( most ) of the main characters featured in the story
Age - 23
Soul type - Light Blue ( Ice )
Powered - Yes
Physical appearance - An average height man with light skin. He has short curly black hair . His eyes are light blue. A frown stains his face frequently, but can be replaced with a soft smile on rare occasions He wears a light blue cloak with golden stitches. The undershirt and pants are a dark blue. He wears black boots and a belt, to which a knife with a distinctive golden handle is clipped.
Personality - Res is often cold and calculated. When he’s on the job, he imposes fear in all that see him. If you were to get close to him, he would stay reserved for a long period of time, but eventually warm up towards you. And when he’s attached, he’ll do anything to save the ones he loves.
Age - 23
Soul type - Black ( Shadow )
Powered - No
Physical appearance- An average height woman with light skin and black eyes . She has flowing black hair that goes below her shoulders. She wears a black cloak, nearly always with the hood down. She wears matching black pants and shoes.
Personality - Lyra is a outgoing and kind, albeit easily angered person. She is always one to speak her mind, and won’t back down no matter the odds. She has a lot of love for those around her, especially her sister. Speaking of which-
Age - 31
Soul type - Red ( Future Sight )
Powered - No
Physical appearance- A tall Hispanic woman with red eyes. She commonly wears a red dress with red heels. Her hair is brown and commonly tied into a bun. She always wears a white glove on her left hand.
Personality - Val is very quiet, but incredibly caring. She prioritizes her sister above everything, and would do anything to keep her safe and happy. Val has a talent for sales, but hasn’t been able to put it to use since- well, that’s a story for another time-
Age - idk, mid to late thirties though
Soul type - Purple ( Illusion )
Powered - No
Physical appearance- A tall light skinned male with messy black hair. He has constant rings under his dim purple eyes. He wears a black cloak with purple helix’s on the sides. He occasionally carries a wooden staff with a glass ball at the top.
Personality - Raven is quiet and incredibly intelligent. He has a fondness for history, and he wants to know everything he can about the world he lives in! Raven works as a professor under the king. While he may be timid, he shows his worth frequently.
Age - ???
Soul type - Soulless, but if he was alive, white ( life )
Powered - Yes
Physical appearance- It depends! When Salazar doesn’t have a vessel, he is a towering man with gray skin. His hair is long and white, matching his eyes and robe. Spikes line his arms, ready to strike. Alas, this isint the design i associate with him most. His vessel on How Our World ended takes that place. When Salazar takes his vessel, he is an average height man with unkempt black hair. He wears a white suit, and a yellow masquerade mask to match his vessels yellow eyes. As this body is now shared, he has one yellow and one white eye. He also carries a foil
Personality - Salazar has one goal in life; To make it as fair as possible. Salazar puts fairness above all else, even if his definition of it has been twisted. He is willing to do anything to uphold this, and his high intelligence makes his plans a major threat, as any ruler should be.
Age - 27
Soul type - Red ( Future sight )
Powered - Yes
Physical appearance - Nelios is a large light skinned male. He is incredibly fit, with incredible strength. He wears a suit of dark gray armor with a red skull embroidered on to the chestplate. He has pitch black hair, and blazing red eyes.
Personality - Nelios is incredibly cocky. I mean, if you were the son of King Dimitri, you would be too. Nelios, despite his arrogance, does hold the few people near him close. He strives to protect those around him. He is a deeply religious man, but has his doubts about those above.
Annnd there’s where I’m gonna call it. This is what I’d consider the “ main “ cast of How Our World Ended, but there are MANY important characters I didn’t include here ( Oti, Exodus, The Artist, and Dimitri for example) But I think these are the best ones to get the word out about. If you read that all, thank you so much, and I hope you enjoyed getting to know a bit more about my characters
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moltenwrites · 3 months
Thanks @thatuselesshuman for the tag
Rules: Post the names of all the files ( for me, files are the ideas fighting for attention in my head ) in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
After writing the post, I realize I very likely shared more than I was supposed to. Oops-
How our world ended
My current project, the first draft is finished and I’m shooting for a late 2024 early 2025 release
Souls Collide
My first project, and the namesakes of this universe. This one is indefinitely on hold untill I figure out how I want it to end.
Cadin & Raixen ( untitled )
A story focusing on two very important characters in the souls collide universe. This one is a more recent idea, but I’ve got a lot of it locked down in my head
Hart ( untitled )
A story focusing on an aging bounty hunter named Hart! This is the most recent full story idea I’ve had. I only really have the end figured out, but I like the idea
Council of fate ( untitled )
I may never make this one, but a story focusing on the council of fate, and how these people became as fucked up as they are is infinitely interesting to me
Asteri ( untitled )
One of two god based stories I’ve thought of, this one would focus on Asteri, a character who actually made a brief appearance in the How Our World Ended prologue
Other god story idk ( untitled, obviously)
I want to make a story focusing on the Gods post Asteri.
Shorter projects
These projects wouldn’t be full novels like the last, but I felt they were worth mentioning!
The Unfaithful - A remake and expansion of a ( admittedly terrible ) short horror story I wrote many years ago. I actually wrote a couple of paragraphs for this one, but I’m waiting to develop it more
Another Soul - A short project focusing on Oti, the God of death, taking a single soul to the afterlife
Untitled religion idea - this one is probably never gonna see the light of day, but it has a cool concept that I kinda fuck with
Island story - Also very likely never gonna see the light of day, but I thought of it two days ago and it was kinda cool
Tagging @aintgonnatakethis @ddgraywrites @jjoneswriting @revenantlore @noxxytocin @yourpenpaldee @illarian-rambling @autism-purgatory @the-letterbox-archives @theverumproject @gioiaalbanoart
+ Open tag
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moltenwrites · 2 months
Thanks @the-golden-comet for the tag! These are always fun, answer the questions with which of your characters is most likely to do the action!
My statements: Most likely to bare-knuckle brawl a jaguar, most likely to try to rob a bank but can’t find the location, most likely to be an experimental eater
Your statements: Most likely to daydream, Most likely to become addicted to something, Most likely to have a incredibly niche obsession
Most likely to bare-knuckle brawl a jaguar
Samaueal 100%. The fucker is a masochist who will pick any fight, and he’d fuck up the jaguar too.
Most likely to rob a bank, but not be able to find the location
Hmm this one was a bit hard, I tend to make my more evil characters a lot more calculating. I’ll do with Mic ( temp name ) from souls collide. He’s a bad person, bit not experienced in that field
Most likely to be an experimental eater
Honestly I think Raven would be open to trying anything, if nothing else, for ✨science✨
Annnnd that’s all, I always like these. I’m on a roll right now haha
Tag list, let me know if you wanna be added or removed!
@thatuselesshuman @ddgraywrites @juliana-jones @revenantlore @aintgonnatakethis @yourpenpaldee @illarian-rambling @autism-purgatory @gioiaalbanoart @the-letterbox-archives @theverumproject @noxxytocin @joseph-hooser @mk-writes-stuff @yrndrgn
+ Open, as always
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moltenwrites · 3 months
Thanks @noxxytocin for the tag
This game is simple, each person has Ana anagram and has to share a bit of writing that starts with each letter of the word
My word: PALE
Yours: SPENT
P - Prasad did not back off. He pointed the blood stained sword at Salazar's neck. As Salazar began to stand, Prasad muttered a single word filled with the terror of a man who is seeing his worst nightmare come to life. ” What? “ He tried to compose himself, throwing a quick stab towards Salazar yet again. Now being in reality, Salazar was prepared to dodge. He flung his body to the right, only the wind created by the momentum of the blade touching him. Salazar silently glared at Prasad, his blade piercing through the wood of the display. “ Why do they always do this? “ Salazar grumbled.
A - A comfort that was familiar, a comfort that had been missing. Res’ eyes shot up. His head soon followed as he looked at the source. Lyra lay on his side, sleeping peacefully. His heavy breathing slowed to a slow, relaxed flow of acceptance. He smiled lightly. He took care to put her on the floor lightly, not disturbing her slumber. He quietly lurked to the bedroom and grabbed the pillows and blanket. He carefully placed them on Lyra. After he ensured she would sleep well, he readied himself for the day. As he was doing this, he thought of the night before. It was a quiet night. A few stories were shared, words of anger were spoken by Res, but overall it was silent.
L - “ Let us go see him. '' Nelios glanced nervously at Raven. Raven mirrored the nervous look. The men lead Salazar to the front of the bar. The walk to the bar was a far cry from the first time the men had been there. Instead of the cheerful dancing, dread filled the air. As soon as a person's eye caught Salazar they stopped their activity and stared. Salazar did not acknowledge these looks
E - Even through the hood's concealing shadow, the orange eyed man’s face showed visible discomfort. He shook his head and nodded, opening the door for Dimitri. “ Good, I was about to let myself in. “ He slipped through the opening provided, using his wide shoulders to stop the man from getting too good of a view of what had occurred outside. Dimitri shut the door behind himself. The orange eyed man stayed behind Dimitri, eyeing him wearily. Dimitri stomped forward and sat at the chair opposite of Izidor.
As always, this is all a work in progress, it’s all subject to change and all that. Thanks for reading!
TAG LIST, let me know if you want to be added or removed!
( also quick note, as to not flood you guys, I’m not going to tag for the rest of the anagram games that I have built up )
@thatuselesshuman @ddgraywrites @jjoneswriting @revenantlore @aintgonnatakethis @yourpenpaldee @illarian-rambling @autism-purgatory @the-letterbox-archives @theverumproject @gioiaalbanoart
+ Open, as always
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moltenwrites · 2 months
5 Things Tag!
Now that I know how to sort by tags, let’s get caught up. This is an old tag from @noxxytocin ( thank you by the way ) in which you go through 5 things that describe your story. I’m gonna do this with How Our World Ended ( shocker, I know )
2 of your favorite lines
“ There is some pain not even an eternity could heal. But we don’t have eternity, we have the lives we were given. And we can learn to move past it all, we don't have to let it rule us. “
“ That’s why you're keeping me alive, right! “
Dimitri scoffed.
“ No, it’s just more fun to see you try to weasel your way out of it. “
These will be listen before the tags because, as is frequently shown, Spotify mobile SUCKSSSSS
Love, Hate, Rage, Betrayal
I’m bad with tropes so I looked through a list on the internet and stole the first 5 that applied
Ancient Secrets, Gods, Fights, friends to lovers, Loss
@thatuselesshuman @ddgraywrites @jjoneswriting @revenantlore @aintgonnatakethis @yourpenpaldee @illarian-rambling @autism-purgatory @the-letterbox-archives @theverumproject @gioiaalbanoart @noxxytocin @joseph-hooser @mk-writes-stuff @yrndrgn @wyked-ao3
+ Open, as always
Annnd here’s the song list for no. #3 ( fuck mobile tumblr it’s so bad )
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moltenwrites · 2 months
As soon as I saw this one I knew I had to do it. Thanks @thatuselesshuman and @the-golden-comet
This one is simple, just fill out the ones that apply to your character. I’m conflicted on who to do this on, people like Samaueal would be nearly blacked out, but I want to focus on characters who will actually appear soon, so I’ll do it for Res
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( text says kinda, it’s very debatable)
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This was really fun, thanks again for the tag.
@thatuselesshuman @ddgraywrites @jjoneswriting @revenantlore @aintgonnatakethis @yourpenpaldee @illarian-rambling @autism-purgatory @the-letterbox-archives @theverumproject @gioiaalbanoart @noxxytocin @joseph-hooser @mk-writes-stuff @yrndrgn @wyked-ao3
+ Open, as always
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