#hphm rarepair week 2019
pidgedee · 5 years
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a concept: matchmaker sidequest
day 3 of @hphm-rarepair-week!
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no53472 · 5 years
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HPHM Rarepair Week 2019
aka Dating Sidequest 2
aka Matchmaker Sidequest
aka “proof that No is a dumb, multi-shipping clown” lmao
The biggest of thank you’s to the mods of @hphm-rarepair-week for starting and organizing this little event. 🌟 🌟 🌟 For people like me, because I don’t ship my MC with NPCs, this was such a breath of fresh air aaaaaaa
Jam City, y’all should take notes.
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hphm-rarepair-week · 5 years
Introducing HPHM Rare Pair Week!
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Move over, MC! The real dating sidequest has arrived - you know, the one where we set up the two NPCs who are obviously perfect for each other. From August 18 through August 25 we’ll be celebrating one NPC ship every day for a week, plus a bonus 8th day to appreciate whatever NPC ship you’d like. 
Day One (August 18) - Talbott Winger x Badeea Ali Day Two (August 19) - Tulip Karasu x Merula Snyde Day Three (August 20) - Barnaby Lee x Ben Copper Day Four (August 21) - Rowan Khanna x Bill Weasley Day Five (August 22) - Diego Caplan x Andre Egwu Day Six (August 23) - Penny Haywood x Liz Tuttle Day Seven (August 24) - Jae Kim x Chiara Lobosca Day Eight (August 25) - Free Day!
You can participate by drawing fanart, writing fics, creating playlists, moodboards, or whatever other type of content you make! Tag your posts with “hphm rarepair week 2019″ and mention @hphm-rarepair-week to make sure we can find your post to reblog it here.
- No NSFW content allowed at all.
- Angst IS allowed, just remember to tag it properly!
- Remember to use the "hphm rarepair week 2019" hashtag if you want us to reblog your post!
Most importantly, have fun celebrating your favorite npc ships! If you have any questions or comments, send us an ask and one of the mods will get back to you as soon as we can.
See you all on August 18!
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neonbluewaves · 5 years
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Day 1 - Badeea x Talbott
I’m joining the rare pair week, why not huh? Also no angst in these prompts because I’m doing enough with something else so... yeah, expect only fluff 
Also, follow @hphm-rarepair-week or you might miss out on content like I almost did >:v
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rosachaotic · 5 years
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For the hphm shipping week-Free shipping day:
Badeea x Diego
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softfairies · 5 years
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Day 7 - Chiara x Jae
7th day and WITH THESE TWO!!
Jam city there giving us in the background these two interacting and I’m 🤡💗 I love them so much?? Like yesss!!!
More content from this week on @hphm-rarepair-week !
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plasticdodecagon · 5 years
From one 10 to another
Day 5 of @hphm-rarepair-week, featuring Andre x Diego. (And a pinch of Badeea x Talbott.)
Synopsis: Andre asks his Ravenclaw friends for help asking Diego on a date.
“That’s not going to work,” sighed Andre, sneaking a glance at the group of Hufflepuffs on the other side of the Great Hall. Penny, Chiara, Tonks, and at the center of them--as always--was Diego Caplan, probably flirting with each and every one of them. “You’re useless at this, Talbott. Send him flowers with a note? Unoriginal, uninspiring--”
“You asked what I would do,” said Talbott, “and I answered, ‘Resign myself to the fact that it probably won’t work and die alone.’ And when you weren’t satisfied with that, I gave you my next best answer.” He added, grumbling, “Keep in mind that I never wanted to talk about this in the first place.”
“I thought it was a sweet idea,” offered Badeea.
“Really?” said Talbott, with more excitement than Andre had ever seen in his dormmate in six years--reminding Andre that he really was the wrong person to ask, having failed to ask out Badeea after at least a full year of mumbling her name in his sleep and blushing every time they made eye contact.
“But it would be better in person, Andre,” added Badeea. “Diego likes confidence in the people he dates.” 
“How do you know that?” asked Talbott, frowning.
“We’re friends,” she said. Absolutely oblivious to the jealous curiosity waxing and waning on Talbott’s face. She was also a terrible choice for this brainstorming committee, he realized. “Just walk up to him, and tell him that you’ll see him at Hogsmeade this weekend. He won’t be able to resist.”
“How do you know that?” repeated Talbott.
“Just a suspicion, I suppose.”
“A suspicion,” scoffed Andre. “No, too risky.” He stood up, picturing Diego Caplan’s perfect dimpled face laughing in his own, and began pacing. There had to be a perfect way to do this. “I could bump into him outside of class. No, that makes me seem clumsy. I’ll catch him alone in the hallway. No, he’s never alone. I’ll send him a note in class--meet me in the Astronomy Tower at midnight.” He paused, trying to pin down the flaws in his plan.
“You sound like a serial killer,” said Talbott. “And I don’t understand why. You’re always giving everyone else dating advice--whether they want it or not,” he added, pointedly. “Why don’t you use that?”
“I’m a master, Talbott. The rules don’t apply to me, and they won’t work on Diego.” He glanced again at the group of Hufflepuffs--who, he might have imagined, were looking in his direction. Merlin, he must have looked crazy. He sat, rubbing the back of his neck. “Not to mention that I’m out of practice. And Diego is...not.” He sighed. “It just needs to be perfect. The expectations for people like us--stylish, attractive people--are higher than for people like you. Not just anything will do.”
Talbott and Badeea exchanged mildly offended looks, to which Andre simply shrugged. 
“Astronomy Tower?” he repeated, to no reaction. 
“What’s this?” came a cheerful voice behind him. “Are you planning a prank on the new prefects? Because we should coordinate our dungbombs.”
“There are no dungbombs, Tulip,” sighed Badeea. “Andre just wants our pedestrian, unattractive, unstylish help with asking Diego on a date. Any ideas?”
“And don’t tell me to put a dungbomb in his shoe, or to give him a Fanged Frisbee with a love note on it, or whatever it is you do,” said Andre.
Tulip sat down, head tilted thoughtfully, before turning her head toward the table of Hufflepuffs and yelling, “HEY DIEGO--FANCY A DRINK AT THE THREE BROOMSTICKS WITH ANDRE?”
Andre’s eyes grew wide, and he turned away, not wanting to see the laugh on Diego’s face. He had never been so embarrassed in his life. He would pretend it was a joke. That Tulip--quite a prankster. Hilarious joke. As if I would ever-- 
No, he’d just have to transfer schools. There were charming boys at Beauxbatons. Durmstrang. Ilvermorny. Or maybe he could stop existing. There were probably some charming boys in the afterlife, too.
“HE SAYS YES,” shouted Tonks from the other side of the hall. 
Andre turned, confused as to why the most confident, charming person in their year needed a spokesperson. Diego looked just as mortified as he was--and blushed when they made eye contact. Andre turned back to his fellow Ravenclaws, smiling.
“You’re welcome,” said Tulip.
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slytherin-puffskein · 5 years
A Happily Ever After Tale
@hphm-rarepair-week | Bill Weasley x Rowan Khanna
My only entry for this lovely event! Please enjoy~
Summary: Who would have thought a single letter was able to give Rowan Khanna such emotional turmoil? As he is offered a choice to make, memories surge through him, ones that he isn’t that willing to revisit.
Warnings: Mild angst
Notes: / / / symbols followed by italicized text represent flashbacks. Features my MC, Laurent King.
The clock moving on, it drags me along with feet buried in the ground
Road going home is dark and alone, but I’ll make it out alive somehow
Flicks in the night, a lamp giving light, my long shadow left behind
I’m on my own, aren’t I?
One scene is based on @theevildoc‘s wonderful art
Rowan Khanna is the sort of person who likes to plan everything until the last detail. Nothing is skipped, nor forgotten. As usual, he had planned his day, and it was supposed to go down like this: waking up, eating breakfast, hanging with Lau and have lunch with him at some Muggle restaurant, and then relax once he is back at home. Not a super busy day, right? Nothing that’ll exhaust him too much. Maybe he’ll even have time to start reading a new book… but for that, he would need to finish the one he is currently reading. Only a hundred pages left, so it might take him… an hour or so to finish. Yes, he will definitely have time to read another book.
He had planned everything, even his outfit, because just like everyone else he liked looking somewhat good. His style was one that could be classified as “nerdy”. To Rowan, despite people’s narrow-mindedness, it was simply amazing, and if he liked it then it was all that mattered.
Having been nervously sitting on the edge of his seat for an hour, pondering over how uncomfortable that chair was, the silence was suddenly broken by three distinct knocks on the door. One. Two. Bang. One, then two again. That can only be Laurent King, who had the weird habit to make up little tunes whenever he had the opportunity to hit a hard surface. Quickly enough, the door swung open, and the two friends were soon in each other’s arms. After all, it has been months since they last saw each other, due to them being both extremely busy with work.
“Laurent! I missed you so much! Talking about new stories I’ve read isn’t as fun when it’s not with you!”
Laurent chuckled softly, and softly patted Rowan’s hair. During his first year at Hogwarts, he wasn’t exactly… a fan of the guy. Not at all, in fact. He had considered Rowan as too nerdy, too clingy, too… too much. But in the end, he had realized one thing: they were both extremely, terribly curious as well as intuitive, and Rowan quickly saw himself becoming Laurent’s friend and accompanying him through his multiple shenanigans.
“I missed you too, Ro. What’s up?”
Two glasses of wine were filled, and instead of following the planned routine they had agreed upon, Rowan’s impulsiveness surged forward. Before he could notice it, his eagerness to talk to his friend controlled his actions and pushed him to stray from their original plans. My new neighbour’s got a cat that keeps yelling. Farm work is doing extremely great! I started reading a new book, and it is wondrous… topics flowed out of his mouth, one after the other, and he came to realize one thing: how much he loved talking to Laurent King. Usually, a lot of people would order him to shut up at once… but not Lau. Never Lau. He would always listen, a smile on his face and a glint in his eyes. It was truly wonderful, to know that someone was interested in what he talked of… but still, sometimes he had to force himself to shut up in order to let Lau speak at once. He couldn’t be the center of attention at all times, after all ! 
When it finally was Laurent’s turn to speak, Rowan found himself entirely raptured by his words. Granted, he was a great talker, but he was also a great listener. He didn’t miss a single detail, fact, random trivia or opinion said by his dear friend. He could have sat there for hours, just listening to Lau’s musical voice.  Soon enough, he was fully updated about all the things that Laurent have been up to, and vice versa.
As Rowan was about to talk about how he was considering to get a Crup, a letter suddenly appeared between Laurent’s fingers. Blue, sort of frilly, with a heart shaped wax seal that was broken. What could it possibly be?
“Sooo… have you got the invitation, Khanna?”
Rowan’s eyebrows knitted together. “What invitation?”
“Don’t you know? Our man is getting married! And I heard the girl is pretty cool. She’s french, like me!”
Our man. How in the world was Rowan supposed to figure out who Lau was talking about ? Sometimes, that guy was impossible. He sighed, giving Lau his most disappointed stare.
“Which man, Lau? Andre? Ben? Jae?”
Jae isn’t the type of guy to marry, though. At least, to Rowan’s eyes. The closest thing he had to a love story was whatever he had going on with Chiara, and it had been… fairly awkward for all involved. Laurent shook his head at last, loose hair strands that had managed to free themselves from his ponytail flicking left and right.
“Nope. Bill. Bill Weasley is getting married, can you believe!?”
And all kinds of different feelings surged through Rowan Khanna: joy, jealousy, excitement, sadness, enthusiasm, anger. He forced a smile.
“I… haven’t got my invitation, yet”
“You’ll surely get it. You’re a friend of his, after all”
At this point, it was as if barbed wire had suddenly popped inside of Rowan’s throat, and gathering the strength to talk was almost too much.
“Yeah… I’ll get it… surely”
/ / /
Hogwarts’ Library was definitely Rowan’s go-to place to relax. Not even study, just relax and contemplate life. And there was a lot to contemplate. His classes, his friends, his family, his future, his past… and yet, nothing came to his mind as he was sitting at his favourite spot, fact that left a bitter taste in Rowan’s mouth. Never before he had found himself like this, with nothing to ponder over. However, the gears inside of his brain kept on grinding in an attempt to provide him things to have deep reflexions over. This time, maybe he could try and figure out why– suddenly, he froze. A knot formed itself in his stomach, and his palms were quick to sweat abundantly. A few steps away, checking the bookshelves, was William, or Bill was he was known, Weasley.
He was looking absolutely beautiful with his shoulder length almost orange hair and sharp, yet friendly eyes. Immediately, Rowan’s imagination started running, seeing himself confidently standing up and talking to him, maybe even flirting with him… but imaginary Rowan was much more different than the real Rowan, who was still frozen on his seat and staring helplessly at the young man.
Come on, Khanna, it’s not that hard! He is a friend. Just stand up, walk to him, and talk! But about what? What is a good conversation topic? Trees? Yeah, trees sound good! But what about trees? Cats. Cats often climb trees. Should I talk about that? Try to figure out why cats love trees so much? No, that’s ridiculous! Get a grip, Rowan! Talk about… books! No, not books!
In the end, he gave up, and pulled out of his bag a book to read.
/ / /
“What? What do you mean, you’re not coming!?”
Rowan’s invitation, received just a few hours ago, was now ripped into tiny little pieces and buried deep into the wizard’s trashcan. Said wizard was now looking at Lau, face expressionless and arms folded over his chest, looking as decided as ever: he was not going to this wedding, no matter how hard Lau was going to try and convince him. It was his decision, and it was 100% final.
“Because I’m just not! Do you remember the Celestial Ball, Lau? I didn’t want to go, and you forced me to tag along. This time, I’m not coming! Will make me save a lot of money too, no need to buy fancy outfits or whatever…”
He mumbled something else, something unintelligible, before flicking his gaze right back to his friend who looked absolutely scandalized. Why would he not come to Bill’s wedding? This was about their friend! Their friend that they loved very much! Rowan… Rowan considers Bill as a friend, right? Lau mentally slapped himself after thinking that. Of course he considers him as a friend, or else he wouldn’t have let me approach him, the protective little shit he is. Setting himself the objective to convince his friend, he took a step forward, scanning his face as if he could possibly find the reason why he didn’t want to come. Rowan sighed, immediately turning away.
“I-I just don’t wanna go, Lau! That’s all!”
To Lau, however, it looked as if his friend was lying. Completely lying. Why? Simple: he looked stressed, anxious, even desperate. As if he was hiding something from his friend. Something he never wanted to be revealed.
Instead of mentioning that, however, his impulsiveness took over, and it started speaking through him:
“That’s all? Yeah, that’s all a load of stinking bullshit. You’re Bill’s friend, and you know it. He sent you that invitation, he wants you there!” the redhead paused briefly, rubbing his temples. “Do you really want him to be sad during his wedding? During what might be the best day of his life? Because you simply don’t want to come?”
Without meaning it, his tone had sounded as if he was blaming him for trying to ruin Bill’s happiness… and unfortunately Rowan took Lau’s words that way, twirling around and facing him with a thundering gaze.
“Get. Out!”
Please stay. I’m so, so lost, Lau.
“What? No! I’m not getting out until I convince you t-”
But once again, Rowan’s thoughts pleaded his friend to stay, to understand that he wasn’t himself at that moment. However, no matter how much Lau claimed he knew Rowan, he didn’t know him enough to see that he was truly upset and in need of help.
So instead of sitting down and trying to reason him, he took his things and left.
/ / /
The Gryffindor, who has been focused on his Transfiguration homework, quickly raised his head and smiled as he recognized Rowan Khanna. Despite the fact he had an exam coming in the next few days, he closed his book and slipped it into his bag.
“Rowan! What can I do for you?”
Because he immediately noticed one thing: he looked worried. Nervous. Desperate, even. But for what…? Gently, Rowan leaned down, his cheeks reddening.
“Can we… uh, can we talk? Both of us? Together? You and me?”
Ugh, shut up, I think he gets that you want to talk to him alone! He was quick to mentally give himself a punch, and focused back on Bill who was, thank Merlin, nodding. “Sure. Let’s move somewhere else, though, I don’t think that the Library is the best place for conversations…”
He quickly shot a glance in Pince’s direction, and Rowan had to hold back a giggle. Together, they made their way outside of the library, and as soon as Bill closed the door behind him words started flowing out of Rowan’s lips, without him being able to control it:
“Is there anywhere you wanna go? We can go the Clocktower Courtyard, the East Tower, the Common Room- well, wait, we’re not in the same House, true, er…”
This is getting worse and worse. Bill, however, chuckled softly and even placed his hand on Rowan’s shoulder as a comforting gesture. Shivers ran through his entire body, electrifying him, and as Bill started smiling he knew one thing: he was a complete mess for that boy. With hope, Weasley appreciated messes.
“We can just do this here in this hallway. Unless it’s important…? You look kind of pale, Rowan. Did Lau pull a prank on you again?”
That was sufficient to make him laugh.
“No, no pranks… just…”
His heart was hammering against his chest, threatening to burst out at any moment. Quite a gory thing to picture, honestly.
“Just what, Rowan ? You really look weird…”
Just go for it. Take a deep breath, and go for it.
“Would you… like to go out with me?”
/ / /
This is a bad idea.
No, this is a terrible idea.
This is a horrendous idea.
Rowan’s mind was spinning to the point that he was starting to feel sort of dizzy, and he had to stop mid-step in order to press himself against a tree, taking a couple deep breaths. Why did I even accept? Oh yeah, because Lau gave me his cute Puffskein eyed-look. Curse you, Laurent! He felt a hand land on his shoulder, and jumped in surprise until he realized that it was Lau’s.
Of course it was Lau’s, they were going to this… thing together. A smile was etched on his friend’s features, and for a second Rowan envied how relaxed he looked. If only I could be as calm…
But there is no way this will happen.
* * *
He looked beautiful.
Exactly as Rowan feared. He thought his scars might have made him look uglier, and that as a result Rowan might turn out to be less attracted to him… but the opposite happened. He looked strong. He looked badass. He looked ethereal.
Just like his wife, who was dancing with him, a smile on her soft features. Pretty people marry pretty people, I suppose. Wasn’t I pretty enough for him…? He scanned the crowd around him. Everyone was happy, clapping their hands and cheering for the newlywed couple. Rowan tried to imitate them, to plaster a smile on his face, but he found himself unable to do so. He could only stare at the two lovers, and notice the way they looked at each other. With pure, unfiltered love. Will I ever know this kind of love…?
He could still remember their conversation, right outside of the library. Don’t think of it, don’t think of it, you won’t handle it if you think of it while looking at them. Don’t ruin this wedding. It’s as Lau said: I can’t make him upset during his happiest d–
Their gazes met.
And Rowan’s heart crushed.
/ / /
He had said no.
Rowan, I like you a lot, you’re a great friend… let’s stay this way.
He said no, and he has been so kind. So caring. So careful to not offend him.
Why was he so perfect? Why was he so unattainable? Why was this so unfair? Gritting his teeth and holding back tears, Rowan stormed inside of his dorm and threw himself on his bed, sinking into the pillows as if he was trying to choke himself on them.
Invisible barbed wire grated at his throat, making it impossible for him to cry without pain. But he did it anyway. Because what is love, without a bit of pain?
For a moment, he considered giving up, but he quickly remembered something his mom would always tell him:
“Never give up, my boy”
He won’t give up on Bill. Not entirely.
Hope will stay. And linger. And tug at him occasionally.
And he will keep it as his dear companion. Upon thinking that, a smile curled Rowan’s lips.
Maybe we will get in a relationship after all.
And marry
And live happy ever after, without any threat falling on us.
/ / /
“The ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming.”
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strangebiru · 5 years
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And although I try to resist it, I still want you
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shinyrockalaska · 5 years
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Of course he gives her his sweater~ Day 7 of @hphm-rarepair-week And I hope it'll be canon soon! 🙏
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captainsickleworth · 5 years
So I'm posting some Jae/Chiara headcanons for @hphm-rarepair-week.
They first met when he was serving detention in the Hospital Wing cleaning floors and she was there recovering after a full moon.
At first she liked having him there, because he was funny and broke up the monotony. But after several full moons with him there she started to fear that he would figure her secret out and asked Madame Pomphrey to have him assigned elsewhere.
He figures out that she is a werewolf on his own in their third year. Being muggleborn, Jae wasn't raised with the same prejudice as most wizards and really saw no problem with it.
She told him how she transforms in the Shrieking Shack and he pretty quickly asked if he could use it the rest of month to hide contraband merchandise.
He asks her out on their first date in their sixth year, they have a picnic by the lake because he was already banned from the tea shop.
Her friendship is probably the main thing that motivates him to not get expelled or sent to Azkaban.
During the war both of them help out with the Order. She serves as their medic and he gathers Intel on the criminal underworld.
After the war she is finally accepted to become an apprentice healer. He eventually takes over Zonkos when the owner retires.
They adopt several of the kids that Fenrir Greyback bit during the war whos parents didn't want anymore.
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pidgedee · 5 years
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day 6 of @hphm-rarepair-week - they!
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no53472 · 5 years
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Jae Kim x Chiara Lobosca
sgdkbaslgkb I made me ship them while I drew this because I am a soft clown.
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lins-fandom-hub · 5 years
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yin and yang, so different, that only by working together do they achieve peace and harmony...
@hphm-rarepair-week idk if you accept edits for this but here's one!
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neonbluewaves · 5 years
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Day 2 - Merula x Tulip
Back at it again with the monochrome palette, may keep it as a theme for all of them
Again, follow @hphm-rarepair-week to make sure you don’t miss other’s content!
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rosachaotic · 5 years
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