#hse presentation slides
certificationconsult · 10 months
Certificationconsultancy.com Re-Introduced HSE Training PPT Kit to Sell Online
Certificationconsultancy.com is pleased to reintroduce the HSE auditor and awareness training PPT kit with more editable ppt slides and documents. CertificationConsultancy.com has prepared an HSE awareness and internal auditor training presentation kit to help to understand Health Safety and Environment Management System awareness as well as internal audit as per ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards criteria.  The HSE auditor training kit now contains more than 410 PPT slides, handouts and audit checklists. The HSE System Awareness & Auditor Training Presentation Kit has been prepared by a team of highly qualified management professionals and experienced consultants with extensive experience in the implementation of EMS and OH&SMS, internal audit, and certification by ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 requirements
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aurheatum · 10 months
Whoa it's the pope! Ethlyn knows Sigurd is friends with her but, really, he's friends with everyone. She hasn't realized he was friends enough with the Archbishop that she would consider attending something like this. But hey, here she is.
“Lady Rhea, it's an honor to have you in attendance here.” Ethlyn isn't typically one to use titles but it just seems appropriate here. It would feel too informal to greet her just by name.
Her lips slide into a grin as she remembers the interaction she had with Rhea about a year ago as she hands over a bag of a plush sapphire velvet with braided gold drawstrings. If hse is tempted to peek inside, she will find the festive goodies of the typical Chalphy holiday season: roasted nuts coated in a caramelized warming spice mixture, a hand-pulled twisted peppermint stick, decadent candied orange peel, and a holiday cracker to be pulled later with little knick-knacks within. “You gave me nasal binding supplies last year for the holidays. I've made a few scarves now and I'd like to think I'm improving. This here is from me and Sigurd but it just reminded me of the last time we were involved in a gift exchange. Hope you enjoy the party!”
“Lady Ethlyn of Leonster,” Rhea greets after having put her share of Noa fruit, Magdred Kirsch, and this year's surprisingly hardy crop of turnips with the other shared potluck items. “It is an honor to be here, truly, Sir Sigurd is a great confidante of mine and I am overjoyed to meet more of those precious to him.”
She carefully does not inquire about the seating arrangement with Lady Deirdre and Lord Velthomer so far from the young master Seliph and his father; she’s gleaned something is going on, and thinks it best not to bring it up at a party.
(Best not to think of parties at all when Lady Deirdre was involved, really.)
Her smile turns warm at the mention of their last gift exchange and she takes the welcome present with a thankful nod. “Naal binding is a difficult art, but I am confident you are on your way to mastery. As I said, it is a gift made from a mother’s hand that children appreciate most rather than the manufactured warmth from looms, ah! But I am keeping you from your other guests. Let me go find my seat and perhaps later on we can speak more of this.”
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unogeeks234 · 5 months
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GSAP HR HSE: Leveraging the Power of Web Animation for Enhanced HR Experiences
The HSE (Health Service Executive) manages a vast and complex human resources ecosystem. HR processes involve numerous forms, workflows, and data visualization, from recruitment to onboarding, training, and performance management. While functional, traditional web-based HR interfaces can sometimes feel static and unexciting.
This is where GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) comes in. GSAP is a powerful JavaScript library that enables the creation of smooth, performant, and visually engaging web animations. Let’s explore how GSAP could transform various aspects of HSE’s HR systems:
Key Areas Where GSAP Can Shine
Onboarding: Create animated tutorials that guide new employees through the HSE’s systems and processes. Interactive animations can make learning more enjoyable and strengthen information retention.
Training: Develop animated training modules that are more engaging than static text or slide presentations. GSAP can bring concepts to life with timelines and visual storytelling techniques.
Data Visualization: Instead of boring charts and graphs, use GSAP to animate HR data. This can reveal patterns, trends, and insights more dynamically and visually appealingly.
User Feedback: To enhance user experience and offer visual cues, provide animated progress bars, loading indicators, and success/error messages.
Gamification: Introduce elements of gamification into HR processes. GSAP can support animated badges, rewards, and progress visualizations, making HR tasks more motivational.
Benefits of Integrating GSAP into HSE HR
Improved User Experience: Animations make HR interfaces more intuitive engaging, and reduce user friction.
Increased Engagement: Interactive and visually appealing animations can boost employee participation in training and onboarding processes.
Better Information Retention: Animated explanations can improve understanding and retention of complex HR concepts compared to static presentations.
Enhanced Data Understanding: Animated data visualizations help HR professionals and managers quickly grasp important metrics and trends.
Modernization: Integrating GSAP demonstrates a commitment to innovation and a focus on creating a user-friendly HR experience within the HSE.
Technical Considerations
Browser Compatibility: Ensure GSAP animations are tested across different browsers used by HSE employees.
Accessibility: Design animations with accessibility in mind, providing alternative ways to access information for users with disabilities.
Performance: Optimize GSAP animations to minimize their impact on page load times and overall system performance.
Getting Started with GSAP in HSE HR
Learn the Basics: Explore the GSAP documentation ([invalid URL removed]) and experiment with simple animations.
Identify Pilot Projects: Start with small-scale HR modules where GSAP can have the most immediate impact (e.g., a short onboarding animation or an interactive data visualization).
Collaborate with Developers: Work with HSE web developers to integrate GSAP animations seamlessly into existing HR systems.
GSAP can revolutionize how HSE employees interact with HR systems. The HSE can create more modern, engaging, and effective HR experiences by adding carefully crafted animations. Investing in GSAP integration demonstrates a forward-thinking approach and could improve efficiency and employee satisfaction within the HSE.
You can find more information about  SAP HR in this  SAP HR Link
Unogeeks is the No.1 IT Training Institute for SAP HR Training. Anyone Disagree? Please drop in a comment
You can check out our other latest blogs on  SAP  HR here – SAP HR Blogs
You can check out our Best In Class SAP HR Details here – SAP HR Training
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Let The Cameras Roll! Why Use Health and Safety Video Production?
What is the importance of using health and safety video production ? Video is one of the most effective ways of providing a safety induction and training, and interactive elements like quizzes and decision-making choices can reinforce learning and knowledge retention. The most frequently requested type of project for our video production company is the creation of occupational health and safety videos. As award-winning experts in this space, we at Shot Blast Media have learnt quite a few things from designing these video productions and animations for a variety of different businesses across the world. The main point is that a business cannot put a price on safety. The organisation’s workers must come first, and, if staff do not understand how to ensure both their physical and mental health at work, they should not be allowed on site. During 2022–23, 561,000 working people sustained an injury at work and 875,000 workers suffered with work-related stress, depression or anxiety in Great Britain, according to HSE statistics.  These figures illustrate the vital importance of prioritising the health and safety of employees, contractors and visitors to ensure the success of the business. But how can an employer achieve this? Well, a good place to start is to create and use a safety training video that is engaging, memorable and specific to the organisation’s line of work. A comprehensive video training programme (such as an induction video), can support an employer’s efforts to create and maintain a safe working environment by teaching workers and site visitors about the hazards they will encounter, the safe working practices and procedures to follow, and the organisation’s expectations in terms of safe behaviour, known as the ‘safety culture’. Safety training videos can cover a variety of topics, such as hazard identification, emergency procedures, the correct use of equipment, and best practices for specific tasks. Unlike traditional training methods – such as handing out written manuals or delivering verbal or ‘slide-based’ presentations – videos can effectively illustrate potential hazards, correct working procedures and emergency protocols. The visual aspect of film and animation enhances comprehension and knowledge retention among viewers, leading to better adherence to safety guidelines, which of course is crucial. Also, when companies rely on traditional methods of training, key messages can often be forgotten or missed, and this creates ambiguity and inconsistency. However, with video the employer has peace of mind that all bases have been covered, creating consistency in messaging and reducing the risk of any misinterpretation. An effective health and safety video can also contribute to cost savings for a business in the long run. This is because using a well-designed video to deliver effective training can reduce the risk of accidents, injuries, and equipment and property damage arising from poor understanding of hazards and risks. In turn, this will help to avoid expensive insurance claims, higher future insurance premiums and productivity losses due to business interruption that are an inevitable consequence of accidents and incidents. Also, by investing in ongoing education delivered through video-based training, a business can demonstrate its commitment to employee health, safety and wellbeing, comply with its legal duty to provide suitable safety training to workers, and minimise the stress and anxiety that inevitably arise in the event of accidents, near misses and injuries at work. This is important because it is estimated that the total cost to Great Britain of workplace injuries and new cases of work-related ill health stood at around £20.7 billion in 2021/222. Induction videos Health and safety induction videos are an incredibly popular communication tool among our customer base. In essence, an induction video provides key information to new employees, contractors and visitors on the safe working procedures to follow. In fact, it is crucial – and a legal requirement – that all new starters are provided with a suitable and sufficient health and safety induction, covering areas such as the risks and dangers and how to avoid and mitigate them. An induction should also cover the emergency and fire procedures in place and for some workers, will also set out the steps they must follow when undertaking specific tasks, such as rules on safe working at height or process safety procedures on hazardous industrial sites. Video is an ideal tool for delivering a safety induction, especially if the viewing of the video by the individual (such as on a computer, tablet or mobile device) is combined and connected to a computer or cloud-based learning management system (LMS). Integrating the induction video into an LMS allows the employer to quickly and automatically check that workers have watched the video and have therefore completed the training. If the video is integrated with the employer’s LMS – or forms part of an e-learning video or e-learning course – interactive questions and quizzes can be used throughout and at the end of the video to check workers’ understanding of the information they have watched and listened to. Even if an employer does not have their own LMS, videos can be hosted on the company’s website or intranet in an area that is only accessible by staff. A video-based safety induction can also result in time and cost savings, since it is almost always quicker and easier to deliver the information via a video link or a video within an LMS system than organising and delivering a face-to-face induction. Tips on producing a video As a leading producer of videos for industry, we have a few top tips that we use in order to produce the most logical and effective safety training videos for our clients. Our first tip is to think about the narrative and key messages that the video needs to provide. It is crucial to draft and develop a clear, concise and engaging script that sets out and presents the key points workers need to take from the video. There are also a variety of ways of delivering the information, such as using voiceover, on-screen text, or simply visuals, so it’s important to consider what form of presentation will best suit the message to be conveyed and the audience. If using a voiceover, it is essential that it is easy to understand. For example, for a significant number of site workers in certain industries, English is not their first language so it may be necessary to keep the messaging simple or the voiceover may need to be delivered in a language to suit the workers’ nationalities. It may also be necessary to ensure the information can be understood by people with disabilities – such as including a sign language interpreter for people with hearing difficulties. The crucial point to remember is that everyone working for the business needs to understand the health and safety rules, so the video presentation format needs to be inclusive and suitable for all. Graphics and animations can also be used to make the information being presented more distinct, colourful and intriguing, increasing the viewer’s stimulation, concentration and therefore knowledge retention. We also recommend providing a summary of the main safety points at the end so that all the risks and dangers that have been covered are clearly summarised in a final, quick reminder. Using company branding, colours, logos and fonts can also reinforce the visual connection between the company and the safety behaviours it expects from staff. We recommend that a video is designed in a way that represents the business clearly and is personal to its staff and reflects the corporate culture. It is therefore crucial that the video is customised and tailored to the company’s specific risks and sets out exactly what is expected of staff, as this will make it clear to employees, contractors and other visitors that the business is serious about health and safety hazards in the workplace, and expects everyone to take them seriously. Using real-life incidents It is also common for safety videos to provide information and learning points based on incidents that have actually happened in the company’s (or industry’s) day-to-day work.  The idea is to remind other workers not to make the same mistakes and understand how to learn from the mistakes of others. One way of doing this is to use dramatised footage where actors play out and reconstruct the circumstances of an accident in an engaging way. Also, 2D or 3D animation can be used to create reconstructions of accidents, and animation offers the bonus of allowing the animator to create any environment, character, process or scenario to convey a certain message, while ensuring no one is put at risk during filming. A blend of 3D animated film, standard film and voiceover and/or a presenter can provide an in-depth account of an accident, without putting anyone at risk while filming a full reconstruction. Animation is also ideal for showing site structures and access points, and providing maps, layouts and directional information for areas like safe working zones. One popular way of engaging the audience during a video is by using interactive elements. Interactive training videos are increasingly popular as they require the viewer to think about and interact with the information provided – for example, by answering a question. This boosts learning and knowledge retention because the individual is required carry out an action, rather than simply watch the film or animation. An interactive video usually consists of two parts. The first is the content itself, which may be in the form of a live action video, animated video or simple animated slide format or a mixture. This part normally contains the learning points and educational material the employer wants the audience to follow and understand. The second part features the interactive elements, where the user has clickable tasks and actions as a result of watching the video. For example, there may be things like hotspots where the user clicks in a certain area of the video to read or watch further material, questions where the user has to select an answer in a multiple-choice format, decision-making scenarios, simulations, and ‘branching’ narratives that allow viewers to make choices and see the consequences unfold in real-time. Interactive videos allow for personalised learning experiences as viewers can navigate through different paths based on the choices they make or their knowledge levels. The learning path while interacting with the video can therefore differ depending on the interactive choices the user makes, and will ensure that each employee receives tailored training suited to their specific needs and level of understanding. Interactive videos are highly engaging, and the interactive nature of answering questions and making decisions means users usually retain more information from the training. Real-life scenarios This year, we’ve worked on an increasing number of health and safety videos for businesses across the world. One of our latest was a ‘live-action’ safety video for the international electricity generating company RWE, featuring real-life safety scenarios, including a hard-hitting accident in a workshop. The video featured both actors and real workers, and a professional special effects make-up artist created life-like wounds using prosthetics to bring home the consequences of the accident. For this project, we worked closely with Gareth Colven,  engineering lead at RWE, and we even managed to create a fantastic behind the scenes video from this shoot, which is available to view on our YouTube channel,  to show businesses how to create realistic accident scenarios for their own video productions. After the shoot, Gareth explained that while “developing the idea, we knew we wanted to make a video, but we weren’t sure exactly what we needed, so it was really easy via video calls and other communication methods to sit down with the team that we were going to use across the country and thrash that out and get a storyboard together quite quickly. “In just over a month, we went from a position of just having a vague clue about what we wanted to do, to having something that’s really special and I’m going to be really proud of.” In conclusion, producing and using a health and safety training video can be an indispensable tool for businesses seeking to prioritise the safety and wellbeing of their workers and workplaces. By leveraging the power of visual storytelling through videos, organisations can effectively communicate vital information related to workplace safety, while engaging employees in an interactive learning experience. For more information see:  shotblastmedia.co.uk T. +44 (0)113 288 3245 Read our debut in The British Safety Council magazine . Your Industrial Story Starts Here Press the button. Make the call. Transform your media. +44 (0)113 288 3245 [email protected] Contact Us
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phelanspharmacy1 · 1 year
Comfortable & Supportive Chairs For The Elderly
The mechanism may be adjusted in accordance with the weight of the consumer. Private buy may be necessary if the person just isn't eligible to acquire the required tools from the local area well being services. Some people may select to purchase privately as a end result of they need the wider choice of kit obtainable on the private market. Most excessive seat chair producers have a spread of chairs with a seat height between 46cm-59cm (18–24 inches). If you need a really excessive seat to make standing simpler however need support for the ft when seated, strive using a footstool but ensure you can push it out of the best way simply before standing up. We additionally present a variety of specialist options for nursing houses, hospitals, emergency companies, individuals suffering from dementia as properly as quite lots of other specific sicknesses.
The liquid action delivered with the contact of a control propelled us to susceptible. At 6ft 5in, his legs hung from under the knee off the raised foot assist of his perch. Older People Services the place you reside - a listing mobility chairs ireland of older folks services supplied in your native health workplace, you could entry by way of your GP or Public Health Nurse.
These could also be extra appropriate for individuals who need to elevate their legs whereas sitting up. Usually, these chairs have a mechanism that lifts the whole chair, including the seat, the backrest and the armrests up and forwards. They present users with all round assist when in a semi-standing position in addition to making it attainable for them to push down against the armrests enabling them to face up more simply.
Paul travelled to Dunlavin Nursing Home each to supply a chair and at brief discover to restore a damaged cable. My 92 12 months old relative residing there is delighted with every thing. You may qualify for a free wheelchair by way of the HSE in case you are having hospital therapy which requires a wheelchair.
A larger depth must be allowed when you require extra back supports or cushions. The appropriate seat top can be calculated by measuring the distance from the floor to the crease behind the knees. When seated, the hips and knees should chairs for elderly ireland be at right angles while your toes are flat on the ground. However, if the seat is too excessive, your toes is not going to touch the floor and it could feel uncomfortable beneath your thighs.
A few chairs have a seat that rises vertically with out tipping ahead. This is safer for people who need to remain safe for longer and need more time to regulate to the upper position. It can additionally be simpler should you use a level sliding switch especially when the arms of the chair drop down or may be removed. Some firms mobility chairs offer the vertical rise as an option to the standard rise and tip forward. If you have issue getting out of a high seat chair you could think about getting a seat riser cushion or riser chair. These have a spring or hydraulically operated mechanism which, when activated, tilts the seat ahead to help you to get out of the chair.
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k00242817 · 5 years
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One of the first briefs as part of my chosen discipline graphic design was a research project based on a new campaign that was launched by the HSE called ‘Ask about alcohol’. We had to produce and present a 10 slide PowerPoint presentation with our findings. I decided to hand render the presentation and then scanned my work onto the computer exporting in a pdf format.
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jaigeddes · 3 years
Safety inductions to go 4D on Balfour/Vinci HS2 sites
Traditional construction safety inductions are going high tech on HS2 with the introduction of 4D online training.
The Balfour Beatty Vinci JV is developing the online training tool with BIM and digital twin specialist 3D Repo and 4D consultancy Freeform.
Funding has been provided by Innovate UK for the new tool to replace generic training videos and presentations with live walkthroughs of site-specific 4D visualisations based on existing BIM models.
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Dr Jozef Dobos, CEO at 3D Repo said: “Inductions and onboarding in UK construction are usually delivered using generic PowerPoint slides, pre-recorded videos and printed questionnaires.
“Our new training solution will enable site personnel to quickly and easily generate engaging site-specific induction materials that are easy to comprehend and therefore reduce accidents and near-misses through better quality training.”
Dan Fawcett, Head of Innovation & Transformation at Balfour Beatty Vinci said: “Our number one priority is to be ‘Be Safe and Well’ when constructing HS2, and BBV’s work on 4D Constructability Reviews with 3D Repo to date is a great example of innovating to improve health and safety.
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“Introducing further collaboration with Freeform and HSE to build on this work is yet another step forward in ensuring no injury, ill health or incident is caused by our work activities.”
James Bowles, Founder of Freeform, added: “4D models use graphical and non-graphical project information including time, resource, and logistics management to create more predictable, robust plans and sequences.
“With 3D Repo, we are developing a novel online tool which allows for simple planning and visualisation of intricate tasks to improve health and safety not only on HS2, but for the entire construction industry.”
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ebenalconstruct · 3 years
Safety inductions to go 4D on Balfour/Vinci HS2 sites
Traditional construction safety inductions are going high tech on HS2 with the introduction of 4D online training.
The Balfour Beatty Vinci JV is developing the online training tool with BIM and digital twin specialist 3D Repo and 4D consultancy Freeform.
Funding has been provided by Innovate UK for the new tool to replace generic training videos and presentations with live walkthroughs of site-specific 4D visualisations based on existing BIM models.
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Dr Jozef Dobos, CEO at 3D Repo said: “Inductions and onboarding in UK construction are usually delivered using generic PowerPoint slides, pre-recorded videos and printed questionnaires.
“Our new training solution will enable site personnel to quickly and easily generate engaging site-specific induction materials that are easy to comprehend and therefore reduce accidents and near-misses through better quality training.”
Dan Fawcett, Head of Innovation & Transformation at Balfour Beatty Vinci said: “Our number one priority is to be ‘Be Safe and Well’ when constructing HS2, and BBV’s work on 4D Constructability Reviews with 3D Repo to date is a great example of innovating to improve health and safety.
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“Introducing further collaboration with Freeform and HSE to build on this work is yet another step forward in ensuring no injury, ill health or incident is caused by our work activities.”
James Bowles, Founder of Freeform, added: “4D models use graphical and non-graphical project information including time, resource, and logistics management to create more predictable, robust plans and sequences.
“With 3D Repo, we are developing a novel online tool which allows for simple planning and visualisation of intricate tasks to improve health and safety not only on HS2, but for the entire construction industry.”
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from https://www.constructionenquirer.com/2021/04/07/safety-inductions-to-go-4d-on-balfourvinci-hs2-sites/
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hey-youyou · 4 years
Instructions for supervisors This session should be run by the direct Supervisor or manager of a work group (not the HSE representative) Download the video, reflection guide and this presentation well in advance of the engagement session and please follow the download instruction carefully. Organise a suitable room for the engagement session, preferably with a projector or screen to show the video and presentation Print out a copy of the presentation and video reflection guide to use as your notes for the session You can print out the presentation to include the speaker notes by choosing the ‘notes pages’ option (Print  “Print What”  “Notes Pages”) Practice the session to make sure that everything works and you are comfortable with the material We suggest you run both the video and the reflection video more than once prior to the session with your staff Remember telling people the answer stops them thinking for themselves, asking questions makes people think
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numberplates4u-blog · 6 years
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Range Rover Velar 2.0 diesel 2017 review
Image 1 of 18 Image 1 of 18 29 Sep, 2017 1:15pm James Brodie How does the new Range Rover Velar SUV measure up as a four-cylinder diesel? The latest addition to Land Rover’s extensive line-up is one of the SUV market’s hottest properties. The Range Rover Velar introduces a fourth car to the firm’s luxury off-roader wing, offering potential customers something a little bit different.  We’ve already driven the 3.0-litre diesel car, and it fared well, however the Porsche Macan still claims top spot in a hotly contested class. Now we’ve got the more modest four-cylinder diesel in the UK to see if a smaller engine makes more sense. • Best SUVs and 4x4s on sale The new-generation 2.0-litre Ingenium unit under the bonnet is available with two power outputs. Basic D180 cars get 178bhp, although the more versatile option is the D240 driven here – boasting 237bhp. Image 2 of 18 Image 2 of 18 Land Rover has worked its magic on this powertrain in terms of refinement. It’s noticeably hushed, quietly and competently feeding power to the wheels, and only raises its voice with deep lunges on the accelerator pedal. It’s clattery when cold, but it settles down when warm. Claimed economy of 49.7mpg is impressive, too. The Velar doesn’t seem to make the most of the 237bhp and 500Nm of torque on offer, though, with slack throttle response and real-world performance that leaves the claimed 7.3-second 0-62mph time open to question; the V6 diesel feels far quicker. There’s also a question mark over the cost, especially when comparing the Velar with more dynamic rivals. The D240 starts at £53,720 in Velar S trim, next to £48,289 for the more powerful, torquier, V6 Porsche Macan S. Elsewhere, the Velar’s engine appears in the Jaguar F-Pace from a far more reasonable £42,115. Image 10 of 18 Image 10 of 18 Our test Velar had a deeply impressive ride, however, thanks to its optional electronic air-suspension. It soaks up bumps effortlessly while maintaining a firm, reassuring poise through hard cornering. The set-up is standard fit on six-cylinder models, but regardless of our test car’s top-spec HSE status, you’ll have to fork out an extra £1,140 on the 2.0-litre. The design approach means that in just about any spec the Velar has a well appointed and extremely high-quality cabin – especially thanks to the car’s all-new Duo Touch twin-screen infotainment system. Unsurprisingly, range-topping HSE models add perforated and patterned two-tone leather upholstery, 20-way adjustable seats with heating, cooling and massage functions, as well as a digital instrument panel, plus JLR’s full suite of driver assist tech.  While autonomous emergency braking, lane keep assist, park assist and blind spot assist are all present, the only semi-autonomous feature the Velar has is adaptive cruise control. HSE cars also get 21-inch wheels, a sliding panoramic roof and excellent Matrix LED lights. A 17-speaker Meridian sound system is also included. 4 While the D240 powertrain leaves a little to be desired with an eye-wateringly high list price and a perceived lack of punch, the rest of the Velar package is still deeply impressive. This is one of the most desirable SUVs on sale in Britain today, sitting closer to the larger Range Rover Sport than the ageing Evoque, thanks to its plush interior and space-age styling. HSE spec adds all the bells and whistles, but four-cylinder models miss out on the all-important air-suspension. Model: Range Rover Velar D240 HSE AWD Price: £64,160 Engine: 2.0-litre 4cyl turbodiesel Power/torque: 237bhp/500Nm Transmission: Eight-speed automatic, four-wheel-drive 0-62mph: 7.3 seconds Top speed: 135mph Economy: 47.9mpg CO2: 154g/km On sale: Now
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privateplates4u · 6 years
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Range Rover Velar 2.0 diesel 2017 review
Image 1 of 18 Image 1 of 18 29 Sep, 2017 1:15pm James Brodie How does the new Range Rover Velar SUV measure up as a four-cylinder diesel? The latest addition to Land Rover’s extensive line-up is one of the SUV market’s hottest properties. The Range Rover Velar introduces a fourth car to the firm’s luxury off-roader wing, offering potential customers something a little bit different.  We’ve already driven the 3.0-litre diesel car, and it fared well, however the Porsche Macan still claims top spot in a hotly contested class. Now we’ve got the more modest four-cylinder diesel in the UK to see if a smaller engine makes more sense. • Best SUVs and 4x4s on sale The new-generation 2.0-litre Ingenium unit under the bonnet is available with two power outputs. Basic D180 cars get 178bhp, although the more versatile option is the D240 driven here – boasting 237bhp. Image 2 of 18 Image 2 of 18 Land Rover has worked its magic on this powertrain in terms of refinement. It’s noticeably hushed, quietly and competently feeding power to the wheels, and only raises its voice with deep lunges on the accelerator pedal. It’s clattery when cold, but it settles down when warm. Claimed economy of 49.7mpg is impressive, too. The Velar doesn’t seem to make the most of the 237bhp and 500Nm of torque on offer, though, with slack throttle response and real-world performance that leaves the claimed 7.3-second 0-62mph time open to question; the V6 diesel feels far quicker. There’s also a question mark over the cost, especially when comparing the Velar with more dynamic rivals. The D240 starts at £53,720 in Velar S trim, next to £48,289 for the more powerful, torquier, V6 Porsche Macan S. Elsewhere, the Velar’s engine appears in the Jaguar F-Pace from a far more reasonable £42,115. Image 10 of 18 Image 10 of 18 Our test Velar had a deeply impressive ride, however, thanks to its optional electronic air-suspension. It soaks up bumps effortlessly while maintaining a firm, reassuring poise through hard cornering. The set-up is standard fit on six-cylinder models, but regardless of our test car’s top-spec HSE status, you’ll have to fork out an extra £1,140 on the 2.0-litre. The design approach means that in just about any spec the Velar has a well appointed and extremely high-quality cabin – especially thanks to the car’s all-new Duo Touch twin-screen infotainment system. Unsurprisingly, range-topping HSE models add perforated and patterned two-tone leather upholstery, 20-way adjustable seats with heating, cooling and massage functions, as well as a digital instrument panel, plus JLR’s full suite of driver assist tech.  While autonomous emergency braking, lane keep assist, park assist and blind spot assist are all present, the only semi-autonomous feature the Velar has is adaptive cruise control. HSE cars also get 21-inch wheels, a sliding panoramic roof and excellent Matrix LED lights. A 17-speaker Meridian sound system is also included. 4 While the D240 powertrain leaves a little to be desired with an eye-wateringly high list price and a perceived lack of punch, the rest of the Velar package is still deeply impressive. This is one of the most desirable SUVs on sale in Britain today, sitting closer to the larger Range Rover Sport than the ageing Evoque, thanks to its plush interior and space-age styling. HSE spec adds all the bells and whistles, but four-cylinder models miss out on the all-important air-suspension. Model: Range Rover Velar D240 HSE AWD Price: £64,160 Engine: 2.0-litre 4cyl turbodiesel Power/torque: 237bhp/500Nm Transmission: Eight-speed automatic, four-wheel-drive 0-62mph: 7.3 seconds Top speed: 135mph Economy: 47.9mpg CO2: 154g/km On sale: Now
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brandonholdenme · 6 years
5 safety considerations for your construction site in winter
Kelly Friel is a Digital Product Manager with Zoro, a leading retailer of tools and PPE for trade. In this blog post, she shares her insider knowledge for keeping your construction site safe and your employees comfortable through the winter.
Construction sites can be hazardous places at the best of times, but when the temperature plummets and ice and snow become issues, work gets even riskier. Fortunately, it is possible to reduce this level of risk by providing your staff with the right equipment and facilities to stay safe, warm, and comfortable on the job. 
As an employer or site manager, it’s your obligation to provide staff with the right PPE for winter (gov.uk), and ensure that measures are in place to help prevent slips, vehicle accidents, and cold stress. In this article, I’ll outline the basic steps that all construction companies should take to keep their staff safe on site during challenging weather conditions.
Prevent falls, slips, and trips during poor weather
Preventing slips and falls on site is always a priority, especially if your staff carry out work at height. And this is never more important than during the winter months, when wet weather, ice and snow can make surfaces especially slippery and treacherous.
To prevent falls in bad weather, it’s important that all staff have work boots which provide adequate traction and grip. Rubberised mats can also be a good collective solution for adding extra grip to slippery concrete or scaffolding. Hand rails are also important on walkways and scaffolding, or any other area where a fall from an open ledge is a hazard. Remember that metal guard rails can freeze in cold temperatures, so your staff should wear gloves to protect their skin from cold burns and improve grip.
Ensure your employees are warm
Cold conditions present acute health risks to your staff, which is why all workers should be issued with thermal clothing during the winter. Not only are long periods of exposure to cold weather conditions dangerous, but during physically demanding outdoor work, it can also seriously drain staff energy levels.
To help keep your employees warm and comfortable, you should ensure that everyone has an insulative overcoat and trousers designed specifically for outdoor use. It’s also a good idea to offer your staff some accessories that will help to make their existing PPE more comfortable, like thermal hardhat liners, balaclavas, and glove and boot liners. In extremely cold conditions, hand warmers or heated thermal layers might be the most effective solution.
However, it’s not just about providing the right equipment and clothing for working hours. Employees should also have access to a well-heated break room, which should provide a space where they can warm up and enjoy a hot drink: not only will this help to keep everyone comfortable, but it can have a positive effect on your staff’s mental wellbeing and motivation, too. A static caravan or portable office fitted with seating, space heaters, and some basic catering equipment (including a kettle and water dispenser) should be sufficient.
Educate employees on cold stress and injury
Just as you would provide training on preventing and treating workplace accidents or injuries, you should also educate your staff on cold stress. ‘Cold stress’ is an umbrella term for illnesses that occur when body temperature falls dangerously low, like frostbite, hypothermia, and trench foot.  So, before the winter chill sets in, you should provide your staff with training on how to protect themselves, which symptoms to look out for, and what they should do if they think they or another member of staff is falling ill.
It’s a good idea to display signage detailing this information in communal areas, and to ensure that training is refreshed whenever a spell of extremely cold weather is forecast. You can learn more about cold stress and thermal comfort at work on the HSE.
Make sure all working areas are well-lit
Shorter days and longer nights mean that sites can be dark for much of the winter, especially if they work very early in morning or late at night. So, you may need to increase the number of work lights you have on site, and consider investing in a generator if electrical access is a problem.
If your site is very sprawling, mast-mounted floodlights might be the most effective form of illumination. For work on smaller work areas, or on jobs with more than one location, portable work lights will be a more cost-effective solution. Don’t forget that vehicles and equipment may also need additional mounted lighting, especially in poor visibility: this will also help staff on foot to be aware of machinery on the move.
Don’t forget about driving and operating machinery
Extra caution is required when driving in icy conditions or snowy weather, and this is especially true on construction sites, where roads and tracks are often patchy, uneven, and prone to puddles and ice patches. To further complicate matters, construction vehicles are generally less agile and responsive than ordinary cars, which puts them at further risk of skidding and sliding on ice.
To help keep sites clear and safe for vehicles and equipment, a ready supply of grit is essential. This should be applied generously to all surfaces where vehicles will be in operation whenever temperatures drop below 2°C. Your operatives should also be given additional training on driving heavy-duty machinery in challenging weather conditions: you can learn more about this on Vista Training.
Snow, ice, and wet weather can make on-site work exceptionally dangerous, which is why it’s so important to take extra precautions during the winter months. By implementing this advice, and providing your staff with the right PPE and heating equipment, your staff should be able to work safely and efficiently right through until the spring.
The post 5 safety considerations for your construction site in winter was first published from http://ukconstructionblog.co.uk
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fineg002 · 6 years
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carreviewnow · 6 years
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cdmscotland · 6 years
Two companies fined after worker fell from height
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A contractor and scaffolding company were sentenced today for safety breaches after a worker fell five metres from a roof.
Leeds Magistrates’ Court heard how in December 2015 Jhanade Ryan, a sub-contractor working for Centreco (UK) Ltd, was installing solar panels to the roof of Firth Steels, Brighouse.
Mr Ryan suffered life changing injuries. He slipped on the roof, sliding down to the edge protection. The toe board of the edge protection snapped and he fell through the scaffold, landing on a sub-station flat roof. He sustained a fracture to his spine, a broken coccyx and nerve damage. Mr Ryan was in hospital for almost three months and is now unable to work due to ongoing mobility issues.
An investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found the scaffolding company had not erected the scaffold to a known industry standard or design.
The investigation also found roof lights were present on the roof and that the contractor had failed to take effective measures to prevent workers falling through these fragile surfaces.
Oswestry Shropshire Scaffold Ltd of Pool Cottage, Oswestry, Shropshire pleaded guilty to breaching Section 3(1) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and has been fined £28,800 and ordered to pay £945.20 in costs.
Centreco (UK) Ltd of Hearle House, Chorley, Lancs pleaded guilty to breaching Section 3(1) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and has been fined £33,500 and ordered to pay £945.20 in costs.
After the hearing, HSE inspector Jayne Towey commented: “Falls from height often result in life changing or fatal injuries. In most cases these accidents are needless and could be prevented by properly planning to ensure that effective preventative and protective measures are in place such as edge protection or barriers built to the correct standard.”
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