#hsfr sage
sciencelings-arts · 1 year
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Ah Sage, your name was chosen so perfectly for your new game
Fun (spoilery) fact: the arm isn’t Zonai, they lost that one, but they also lost their flesh arm. At least they can still summon a ghost arm sometimes.
unactivated arm under the cut (warning, they have an afab chest, happy pride!)
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idk i think i popped off with this one
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science-lings · 1 year
This game is really validating all of my ideas for Sage. I mean, they’re leaning into the gender nonconformity and there are ghosts in their soul and they’re the culmination of their buddies sage powers and they are a fashion DISASTER
They’re nerdy and free and good with technology, they’re inventive and crafty and clever and getting their life and emotions back and they clearly love Zelda so fucking much
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science-lings · 2 years
Writing prompt.
See how bright the fire side of us burns
Is that ok?
yes it's great lol
"You wanted to talk to the dead? Well, why didn't you say so!" Sage laughed as they strolled casually to the makeshift grave that predated the heroes spirit itself. Only kept whole through the eternal sorrow of the goddess's immortal tears.
The moment that their hand rested on the hilt of the sword, the gravesite burst to life, or rather, anything but. Luminescent spirit flame climbed up the blade and danced around their arms before merging into a floating figure among the group of heroes.
Through the aquamarine glow, an armored man with pale hair and a long scarlet scarf gazed down at them. Just as the rest of them were familiar to each other, the sight of the ghost felt a similar way. King's eyes widened at his only predecessor.
"Hello Link."
Send me prompts?
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science-lings · 2 years
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science-lings · 2 years
Also also for the ask game: asexual
"I'm glad you're like me," Sage muttered into their partner's ear while they both procrastinated leaving their large bedroll, the chill of the ice cave around them didn't feel inviting just yet.
"I know, I feel the same way," Scholar replied, refusing to even open her eyes. They'd had the conversation before, her champion had always been hesitant about relationships, knowing that they were sure to put another's momentary pleasure before their own comfort, but that wasn't a problem with her. Neither of them had ever thought they'd find someone who would've been able to compromise on such a seemingly fundamental part of life, but for once, fate was kind.
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science-lings · 2 years
Hello i have questions about Gish (HSFR) (and maybe also your timeline)
A little while ago you said that Sage and Scholar adopted a child called Gish
Hello i have questions about Gish (HSFR) (and maybe also your timeline)
A little while ago you said that Sage and Scholar adopted a child called Gish, but in the uquiz Gish was also an option to get and he had loz & aol behind his name
Are they the same Gish? Did he timetravel or is his age behind Sage and Scholar? Did Sage and Scholar travel to his time, see a child in need of adoption and went "ours now"? Whats going on? please
Yes, that is the same Gish, the emo little edgelord from the original Zelda, he is 13 and the baby of the group. What kinda happened was that when the Link's first met up, everyone was kind of skeptical of Sage, you know... many of them don't have good experiences with shady mage types, but Gish didn't care as it turns out a lot of their spells/champions abilities are highly similar and that is objectively kinda cool and Sage is like five feet tall so they really aren't that scary and like two months later Sage comes home with a little grumpy mini-me and presents him to Scholar and she's just like, neat, do you think he'll fit in the attic? Gish doesn't actually mind bc he has no other family and it turns out he and Sage just Vibe yk?
I'm taking the version of Link's meeting aus where they all just get thrown together for funsies, sure, there's plot stuff too but that doesn't really matter.
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science-lings · 1 year
After playing totk has anything about Sage and Scholar changed?
oh of course! HSFR was always meant to take place after everyone's whole world-saving quests (though I didn't expect the gap between botw and totk to be so large... I may have to make the duo older than I had originally thought I would have to), and while I have many many ideas, I'm still in the process of figuring it all out in a way that won't drive me insane lol.
For instance, I'm having some regrets about my recent totk Sage drawing, like how I should've added some kind of jewelry or something made from the shards of the light dragon's horns or have braided a bit of her glowing gold hair into their own, perhaps as a way of mourning her during the game when they thought she was going to spend eternity as a dragon.
Before totk came out, when all we knew about was the weird arm and everyone wanted to see Link as an amputee, I was and am part of that crowd, so I always had it in my mind that Sage would lose their arm, though I wasn't sure of the specificities. Now I'm even more sure of that decision, though now I know what I want to do with it! No sheikah replacement arm or just a permanent knob (though those are very valid and cool) I felt the need to lean into the necromancer vibe that I based Sage on, and that led me to having the idea of a ghost arm. It's not there all the time and it takes effort and practice to get it to appear but once it's mastered, they can control how solid it is and where, so they could stick their hand through a wall and grab something on the other side or use it to catch an arrow without hurting them. They lose Rauru's arm powers though so no more magic levitation or glue.
I haven't even drawn totk Scholar yet, bc I know I'm going to keep getting ideas for her design, so far I am definitely going to keep her glasses, bc while she doesn't need them for normal activities, they're good for reading or magnifying tiny words on ancient monuments or looking at bright glowing mechanical parts for long periods of time without damaging her retinas.
And while I love to implement the light dragon into her design (and I definitely will) I don't think I want to give her horns. I was thinking that instead, I'll give her a crown of glowing antlers that are made in a way to parallel the laurel wreath that Sonia has. I still want to give her funky eyes and maybe an odd glow to her hair and markings that are references to the spikes on her back. Maybe some glowing scale-like marks but who knows.
I'm going to be honest, I don't love her ancient outfit, I don't think she deserves to be stuck in a sleeveless white dress when she's shown to obviously prefer pants. I guess it makes sense for the past bc almost everyone wears skirts anyway (except Ganondorf I think), but I do like some of the ornamentation and the layer of green-blue under the skirt. I might do something with that but idk yet. I just know I want to give her a more androgynous vibe and let Sage get her feminine energy lmao.
So uh, yeah, Sage and Scholar are going to change a little, it's going to be fun!
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science-lings · 2 years
"wait i thought you were joking" as a title? (mostly cuz my queer nd butt has had that feeling so many times in my life)
Sage gets their mind blown by experiencing romantic attraction for the very first time. They thought it was fake. They thought everyone was making that shit up. Kissing didn't sound super fun until suddenly, with the right person, they started thinking about it, and maybe it's not so bad... now... just to tell the person they live with who, if a centuries-old melody is to be believed, has had a crush on them for a while.
Send me a title and I'll tell you what fic I'd write with it!
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science-lings · 2 years
Is there any information about hsfr you're willing to share?
It's one of my favorite aus
first of all, I'm super glad that you like it bc its one of my favorite things to think about,
secondly, lately, I've been thinking about the HW trio. It's actually been hard for me to figure out how I want to tackle their designs and vibes without being super repetitive while also being plausible and an interesting take on the characters. So, I decided to focus on the fact that there are two heroes in one era and thus, two heroes' spirits.
General actually has the hero's spirit for the downfall timeline, which I thought was surprisingly fitting. He can fight with a magic rod better than any character I've seen and has a pretty strong connection to fairies. So instead of (just) focusing purely on his place in the royal army and his widespread fame (things he shares with Guardian), I wanted to give him a hint of gay sorcerer energy, and instead of having him be afraid of how the people will perceive his CLEAR homosexuality, he kind of leans into it and still gets away with his fake relationship with Athena because I think it's funny.
Also, Linkle's hero's spirit is from the child timeline and she inherited Hunter's dual crossbows and the nature vibes the heroes before her did. I mean, she's got the farmer energy that the hero of time and the hero of twilight have and I'm considering giving her Epona because of that.
In the new dual drawings of Sage and Guardian, you may have noticed that they have very similar scars on their left cheeks. This is on purpose. Though they got them from different sources and they aren't exactly the same (Guardian got his from Astor while fighting the hollow/malice versions of the champions to get to the master sword and Sage got theirs from guardian beams right before they died) the idea is that they got them at the same spot in different timelines, and the main difference is that one of them was able to heal, while Guardian remains with a wound that still burns with no idea how to treat it. Maybe that's why he's always wearing a sleeveless shirt, bc any pressure on the malice burns makes it hurt even more.
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science-lings · 2 years
sage and scholar for the character bingo
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I have so many thoughts about these two you guys have no idea
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science-lings · 2 years
Anything about sage and scholar?
They’re adopting a child and that child is the link from the first loz who I made up like a day ago and his name is Gish and he is babey and about as old as Wind is in LU.
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science-lings · 2 years
Would love to see what you would do with this, just randomly popped in my head,
Valley seekers
It's Okay to be Okay (taken from song by Harry hudson)
For both of these, I immidiately thought of Sage and Scholar. 'Valley Seekers' would be them going through the canyon that leads up to the forgotten temple, (likely right before canon in hsfr, or like that's where the incident that separates them happens), besides the ominous ending, it would be kind of a fun road trip fic that focuses on them being kind of in love but maybe a little awkward about it.
The second one would be Sage dealing with guilt for actually having a good time for once in spite of everything they have been through. There are days and weeks without nightmares and with actual healing and they start to feel guilty for not being as affected as Scholar is about everything. There's still a massive disconnect between who they were before and who they are now so it's hard for them to conceptualize just how bad the calamity was, and they feel bad for not being sympathetic enough. This was the world they were reborn in, it's all they know, they love it this way, but there are scars on the land and on their body that they just don't feel the implications of. In this one, I don't think that Scholar would be able to feel better, or anyone else that lived through the Calamity but still grew up knowing about it. Like Paya or Riju. Maybe to Scholar or Impa, Sage's indifference to the tragedy that had befallen them with their own eyes would seem unbelievable, maybe that would be what gets them to accept that they aren't the same person as before, they there's no way to get that hero back.
Send me a title and I'll tell you what fic I'd write with it!
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science-lings · 2 years
The children of the land
Sage and Scholar being nomadic little gremlins, I mean, they're the hero and the princess of the wild for a reason. Would likely include hunting for elixir ingredients, like small animals and large monsters, hanging out with the guardian dragons, helping other travelers, cooking with limited resources, setting things on fire, and not having adult supervision aside from the spirits of the champions who couldn't stop them if they tried. Let the princess be covered in dirt, the hero isn't the only feral creature let loose on Hyrule.
Send me a title and I'll tell you what fic I'd write with it!
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science-lings · 2 years
For the ask game
Perhaps number 3 for Sage, sSholar, Heir and Guardian? I just find it really interesting how they would be different for each other post calamity
Honestly any of the questions for those four would be interesting
3. What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go? (Gets you thinking about socio-economic class, values, and how they spend their leisure time)
Let’s start with the AoC Duo, they’re both a little too busy in the rush to prepare to become the reigning monarchs, even though they are both in contact with a lot of money, how they use it is incredibly public.
For Guardian, all his savings before marrying into the royal family are being put into his crown. He wanted to be the one to pay for it and to allocate the materials needed for it, it’s going to be made of many different materials from all around Hyrule with the help of every race, symbolizing his connection to the people and to unity. It’s about his connection to the champions and to the people he’s supposed to rule over. Not just some bejeweled helm that boasts wealth. He also spends a lot of money on his horse, she’s his emotional support animal and he feeds her like a king and makes sure her care is really luxurious.
Heir’s money is everyone’s taxes that goes right back into the rebuilding of castle town and other places that got hit hard during the calamity. If she used some of the money to go on a vacation or do practically anything visibly self indulgent, she’d get heavily scrutinized for it. It’s kind of a crucial time in the stability of the monarchy and she still has to prove that she’s a valuable enough leader that will stay strong in times of crisis, even though she literally led their armies in to defeat Ganon without any help from her father. She does manage to slowly import a full guardian piece by piece into her room to rebuild from the ground up. Robbie and Purah are paid well for their assistance.
Sage and Scholar are the complete opposite, though they don’t have the abundance of wealth from the royal treasury, they make and sell the most powerful elixirs in Hyrule, they have too much time. Sage spends a lot of their money buying and dying their clothes, they have filled the slates inventory and a whole closet with just their clothes. They also take a lot of care into buying rare ingredients and learning new recipes and every time they go to Gerudo Town they attend the cooking classes.
Scholar spends a lot of her money on traveling, most of the things she wants are free anyway, as long as she can get to it. Unlike Sage though, she prefers to sleep in a real bed at an inn or a stable and she always splurges on the soft mattresses. She usually convinces Sage to share with her though, to get their moneys worth, you know? She does have a fondness for Gerudo jewelry that she loves to collect, especially the ones that aren’t very invasive. She always claims to just be interested in how the magic of the gemstones work but that’s not the whole truth. Sure the enchantments are fascinating but that doesn’t explain when she puts them on for no reason.
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sciencelings-arts · 2 years
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Here’s the newest Link in my HSFR AU, Gish! He’s the link from the og loz and aol and is going through his emo phase
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science-lings · 1 year
Okay here is what those mean:
option one: HSFR/ totk Dark Link, grown from the severed arm of the hero that fell into the depths, there's a creature who thinks they are the hero, lost in the darkness, trying to find the light
option two: Hey remember Ravio from my priestesses au? well I wanted to redraw him with his albino raven flavored Sheerow
option three: I wanna redraw that one LU Time I did where his face is half obscured by darkness and that was the FD side and stuff glowed like wouldn't that be neat now that I'm better at drawing and can execute the vibes better?
option four: I've been talking about my totk roleswap au Sage of Time Link a bit lately and I want to draw him bc he is a lot different than his sage of spirit version. at least visually and how I want to project his form.
option five: My girl Scholar (hsfr botw/totk Zelda) needs an updated redesign that actually fits in with what happened during totk. I want to make her look Cooler.
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