#htf actor au
bo-bo-bean · 10 months
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jazzcat247 · 2 years
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Has anybody else made an actor au for this dying fandom? ...No? Just me?
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lookismfanfics · 11 months
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You guys already know what it is~ Lookism Actor AU (part 6!)
Ft. Taehoon
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quackkryak · 10 months
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in 2022 i made an au about htf
i don't really remember what it was about but basically
they were in simulation that looked like a main cartoon, and characters from spinoffs lived in normal world (like splendont, splendid's team and etc. btw Buddhist Monkey is an actor that played in same-named cartoon, like Jackie Chan lmao)
decided to post them here cuz why not lmao
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Hello 🤗
I just wanted to say that i love your blog hehe
I hope you can mention some other lookism blogs that you like that i will enjoy or maybe one of your favourite mutuals?
This is a GREAT ask but I MADE A COMPREHENSIVE DRAFT AND TUMBLR FUCKED IT. Holy shit I am going to rage.
Anyway, I started to type out literally my whole following list. Searched for Lookism tags. Searched in blogs for posts to recall my memory. It was getting out of hand. This exercise and tumblr fucking me over has made me UNWELL. I started on this over TWO hours ago 😭😭😭
So... I've culled and got a list of writing blogs with more comprehensive masterlists/fics below. (I am so sorry if I've missed anyone out. I can bet I read your stuff and LOVED it but if I have to format and copy and paste or whatever I think I will legit keel over and die. And I'm currently on a teams work call LOL. Please forgive me)
But seriously, the talent and FUN in this fandom. I cannot exaggerate the way I have scoured Tumblr for tags and crumbs, scrolling through and reading everything. This goddamn fandom has made me obsessed and love characters I never paid a second glance to
@royaltyoon SHE'S BACK AND ACTIVE. A mix of fun and angst. Johan simp, but tbh I think about the Goo tie fic and Vin Jin hc every day
@lookismaddict does any Gun simp not know of this person? Rendezvous will guarantee to get you hot and bothered
@lookismfanfics sweetest writing AND THE ACTOR AU POSTS. READ THESE
@amayochew great fics and also the funniest incorrect lookism. Makes me lol everytime
@anticapitalistclown Soooooo many hc. A LOT of fun scenarios
@lokislytherin Jay/Daniel. It's canon. Can't change my mind. The funnest AUs!
@zaiisaii the steamiest NSFW (you'll need a cold shower afterwards)
@4ut0p5y hc that are absolute nuggests of joy
@spaceyflowerswriting THE FORMAT. Asks sent as messages, texts etc. And they respond in character!
@lychee-drinks really fun works and hc, some of the best domestic stuff (and NSFW)
@bread-writes No longer active :( I can't even remember that much of their stuff, I just remember INHALING it all
@vascoprints No longer active :( not a lot of Lookism hc but the writing will embed itself into your brain
@k-dokja I live in FEAR everyday that they will delete their account/posts. I might have reblogged them like crazy to create my own archive lol. Amazing Lookism + HTF writing (less active in this fandom). The Taehoon fics are like crack
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treetownconfessions · 2 years
htf actor au but the characters gore themselves for real
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artsyfangirl · 2 years
I have a lot to work on now y’all, between my requests and my AUs, OCs, and personal writings. So forewarning, don’t expect anything from me in way of writing. For a while. Not that I won’t complete requests and write stuff, but it’ll be on a ‘hey, I can actually write right now’ basis.
I’ll still be posting about my OCs and AUs a lot, and sorry to my HTF followers for the lack of content. Though I would recommend my OC blog for FNAF Security Breach fans, as well as Tales From The SMP fans, for my OCs.
I currently have two HTF AUs, being my own interpretation of the show, as well as my Plush AU, I have my FNAF AU, and am currently working on a LOZ AU.
Sorry to my Michael Afton followers and other content followers that I haven’t fed in a while, things have been hard lately, so I am trying to reinforce to myself a content posting basis based on when I can actually do things, instead of pushing myself or feeling bad for not writing things.
Some things you might be able to expect from me in the near future are as follows - LOZ AU development, FNAF AU development, comparison/analysis of Actor Mark and Reaver, general headcanons, fangirling and/or yearning/sadness, and stuff like that.
Gosh, I’d really like to develop my AUs rn, or write requests, or just fangirl about stuff, but I’m so emotionally unbalanced rn that I can’t do it myself. So if anyone’s interested in brainstorming for any of my AU’s, character takes, analyses, headcanons, OCs, theories, or just wants to listen to my fangirling and/or fangirl/boy/unidentifiable gender with me.
Like seriously, if you have the slightest feeling that you might want to, DO IT. I don’t initiate contact on any social media, and Tumblr is no exception, I wait for people to come to me. So yeah, I could use some company! I thank you all for your support and interest in my works. I hope you all have the best day/night possible! <3
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girlbosspetunia · 3 years
Htf actor!au:
• the blood and gore are special affects
•fliqpy is an actor/stunt double for flippy
•splendid’s powers are just cgi
•mr. pickles is a green screen prop
•nobody actually dies
•feel free to add on
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oldoldoldoldold2 · 2 years
ok whatever my own "evil" htf au. petunia is in a place where fungi grows out of everyone so she wears a hazmat suit to protect herself, or the place is just radioactive where she lives. giggles is a fallen angel thats vengeful and cruel. flakys a shit biker whos kind of an ass due to stuff beyond his control. sniffles is a mad scientist who thinks hes better than everyone else. nutty is a butcher who can easily get pissed off. mime is a theater actor who got disgraced and is also cruel. i think itd be a bit interesting if it was also post apocalyptic here too but like its more of people trying to survive. so not really evil
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OOC: Tag Meme
Tagged by: @askdrink-hotchoco. Rules: You must answer the questions and tag 20 followers you want to get to know better. Height: Last time I checked, I was still about 5′0 Star sign: Virgo Time now: 10:13 PM Last thing googled: “Who invented the flushing toilet” Song(s) stuck in head: Tsumi no Namae Last movie watched: Sing (2016) (Korean Dub) Last TV show watched: Steven Universe What I’m wearing: Comfy sweater and sweatpants When I created this blog: November 23, 2016 Stuff I post: Mostly blog related stuff Do I get asks regularly: Not really, kinda stress-free Why the URL: To let people know that this blog is part of an au Gender: Female Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw Pokemon team: ...Mystic. I chose it because when the leaders were only silhouettes, I liked the trench coat-ed one so I chose that one. Favourite colour(s): pale beige, blue, red Average hours of sleep: Depends. School = about 8-none. No School = 10-14 Lucky #: 13. I guess Favourite character(s): ...too many to name, but the most prominent one that I can think of right now is Kcalb from The Gray Garden Dream job(s): idk # of blankets on bed: One winter blanket. That’s all I need. Types of blogs I follow: Ask blogs, art blogs, misc. blogs Tagging: errrrrrrrrrrr Anyone who wants to do it can tag me ^^;;;;;;
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meganmazing · 7 years
random recs from the drafts
So I started this compiling this list for Fic Rec Days back in February, which... I never finished. I had a whole plan with themes for the days and everything (a plan I can’t remember for the life of me), but then life happened and no post was made. I honestly forgot all about it until I was scrolling through my drafts. Reading my commentary from a few months ago was a Trip, let me tell you. If you have stuff collecting dust in your drafts, go take another look because it’ll probably be an adventure in trying to figure out where the hell your mind was.
No one asked for this, and I don’t remember why I chose to rec out these specific fics, but I’m posting it, so here you go! Current thoughts are in italics. Click the bold titles for links.
It’s Drarry, Johnlock, Mchanzo, and Reaper76 (r76). All fics are really well-known in their respective fandoms, but if you’re new to any/all it might be helpful!
(As always, please read the tags/warnings before jumping into a fic. I’m not into infidelity, mpreg or dub-con/non-con, so you won’t run the risk of seeing them here, but I still advise caution as a general rule.) 
Drarry (Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy) - HP
Bound to You by agentmoppet
Rating: Explicit  Word Count: 28k
Summary: Hag magic is capricious and unruly, and Harry and Draco are bound to stay by each other’s side until they can solve the riddle. In between long car trips, misty rain, and midnight star charts, they begin to understand each other.
I told myself I wasn’t going to rec a fic from the HD-Erised fest which ended in January. Obviously, I lied to myself. In my comment on AO3, I called the author a word wizard, and I standby that statement. This made me feel warm and happy and I treasure it to pieces. I’m a sucker for humor and angst with a happy ending, guys. To save this list from being entirely HD_Erised, I’m just going to point you to the fest’s tumblr and livejournal.  All of the ones I’ve read from that fest I’ve loved.
(I absolutely remember this fic, and wholeheartedly agree with my past self. A+. If you need more of a fix, seriously go check out the tumblr/lj)
Tea and No Sympathy by who_la_loop
Rating: Explicit   Word Count: 70k
Summary:  It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again. It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always.
Look. I don’t remember which was the exact first drarry fic that got me hooked, but this was one of the ones that left me with SO-GOOD-NEED-MORE type of feels. It’s the Draco-centric fic I think of when people start talking about Draco, and draco-centric fics feed my soul.
(Everyone needs a time-turner fic in their lives. Let me reccomend this one for you. And Draco fics still feed my soul, go figure.)
Johnlock (John Watson x Sherlock Holmes) - BBC’s Sherlock
A Study In Auto-Signatures, Sniper Dolphins, and Sex Holidays by: cwb 
Rating: Explicit  Word Count: 32.6k
“Mary's signed us up for a sunset boat tour of the bay. Dolphins. Champagne. Moonbeams, etc.
Jesus Christ. SH
No, he won't be there, just the dolphins.”
Yes. You did read that right. Sniper Dolphins. BUT you have to hear me out, because this has everything I love: texting, UST, fluff galore, angst and emotions, and smut. Plus, I genuinely laughed out loud while reading this. And, best of all, no infidelity! I promise.
(I am a little wigged out becasue I reread this like two days ago, and screamed in the bookmark about how much I love it. Coincidences are weird, man.)
To The Sticking Place by blueink3
Rating: Explicit  Word Count: 122.2k
Renowned Shakespearean actor Sherlock Holmes has finally burned all of his bridges in the theatre industry save for his constant director, Greg Lestrade. John Watson has made a name for himself in the musical theatre circuit, but age and injury are working against him. Can they reinvent themselves for an all-male Macbeth without killing one another?
I was hesitant going into this one, just because I don’t know much at all about theater, but I’d read Macbeth in high school so I gave it a go. Safe to say I was hooked by the first chapter. This fic is also really grounded in real-life theater stuff so it feels very immersive, and the integration of the characters is A++. The johnlock fandom has brilliant writers in general, but I love this author’s style. My heart was aching and soaring by turns, and it’s one of those fics I’d kill to go back and read again for the first time.
(also, if you liked Performance In A Leading Role, the go-to movie stars/acting AU, then I think you’ll really enjoy this one)
(Cosigned. I remembered specific parts like scenes from a movie. With over 100k words, you expect description, but I swear you feel everything in this story. Lovelovelove. PiaLR is also fantastic and worth your time.)
McHanzo (Jesse McCree x Hanzo Shimada) - Overwatch
Hang the Fool by AlmaMeDuele (arcanebarrage on tumblr)
Rating: Mature  Word Count: ~231k (a commitment, but worth it)
I can’t talk about McHanzo without talking about HtF. It’s just not done. If you are new to Overwatch, or have only seen fanart of a grumpy Japanese archer with a dragon tattoo and a smirking cowboy/sharpshooter with a robot arm, and suddenly started to ship it a little? Oops, that may have just been how I got started. This is a fantastic starting point for those new to the fandom, and the writing is literally novel worthy. It is so well constructed, and the characters are beautiful and flawed, and I might have almost teared up once or twice. Plus, a happy ending that is just open enough to leave room for future additions, which the author is actually doing!!
(I haven’t read mchanzo stuff in awhile, but this remains at the top of every list. It is one of my favorite stories of all-time, regardless of fandom. The author should work in published fiction, I’d buy everything. Who cares if you don’t play the game. If you’ve got the time and want something fresh that feels like it’s own universe, read HtF.) 
Reaper76 (Jack Morrison x Gabriel Reyes) - Overwatch
When We Were Young by: JudgeCoffee (this is also their ONLY FIC?? i cri)
Rating: Explicit   Word Count: 84,754 (as of Feb 3, 2017) (102k+ as of June 30)
Summary: When Jack Morrison was 18, he joined the military. Fifteen weeks later, he joined the Soldier Enhancement Program, and that was when he met Gabriel Reyes. That was when everything changed.
This fic is a WIP, which I know is taboo in the rec’ing world, but I had to. The story here is a brilliant imagining of what might have happened in the time before Overwatch was formed. The writing is impeccable and I never find myself bored with an update. This fic hurts. The characterizations, and Gabe in particular, blow me away. I even find myself attached to OC’s, which NEVER happens for me. Plus the smut never feels without purpose, or just for the fun of it, (even though hell yes, sign me up for meaningless smut) while still being entertaining. I have two many emotions about my edge-dads as young, still alive, men.
(This is one of the few long-term fics I have kept up with religiously. There’s only one chapter left, to be posted and I am itching for it. Like HtF, this is on a whole other level of fanfic. Only in the Overwatch fandom have I seen work like this, and it’s amazing. My heart aches, becasue you know how it has to end if you’ve know anything about the game’s lore, but you just want them to be happy and love each other and maybe retire early on Jack’s family farm. Too much to ask??)
I’m sure there are many fics I’ve been obsessed with that I’m forgetting, too! If you check any of these out, don’t forget to leave a kudos or a comment. (Leave it to past-me to make myself emotional about mchanzo and r76 again. Thanks, self.)
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bo-bo-bean · 10 months
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bo-bo-bean · 10 months
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bo-bo-bean · 5 months
Alright everyone! I'm doing a fun AU HTF Actor project! Please read this and if you want to participate, please feel free!
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