#htf flaky x reader
flbrokensoldier · 2 years
howdy! how are you? i just found your blog and i adore your writing! i have a somewhat angst request, if that’s something you’re comfortable with writing! is there any chance you’d be willing to write for Cassidy or Flippy with an S/O who gets critically hurt? how would they react, and would they seek immediate revenge on whoever hurt them? maybe hurt/comfort? thank you regardless for your time, please don’t feel pressured to write this if you don’t want to! have a wonderful day!
I love this and I will be doing short one shots for both in this. <3
CONTENT WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT AHEAD. (And D.I.D. mentionings, may be triggering)
Cassidy x Reader
Bad Mission, Bad Result.
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It all started with a mission brief. One for you and that was it. Seeing as everyone at Overwatch thought it was a simple delivery of weaponry, they only sent you. However, when a certain gang caught wind of the brief mission, it resulted in a horrible incident. It was none other than Deadlock, however Ashe wasn't in on this one. She told them to stay out of it but they didn't listen. Her goons went after you and soon you ended up severely injured, now you were in a hospital under Angela's care. Once Cassidy caught wind of the situation, he rushed there immediately.
Oh how he hated hospitals or hospital like settings. He hated the smell, the sounds of the equipment, and the doctor uniforms. He hated everything about it. He soon entered the room, after rushing there and stared at the equipment since they were blocking the view of your unconscious body. As he stepped in, his spurs softly made a jinggle with each step but for once, he completely tuned them out. He walked over to the bed, his heart sunk so quickly.
You were in a coma, wrapped up and a cast on one of your legs, the other was gone. Your hair had been slightly brunt, along with other parts if your body. Your heart monitor said you were still alive, barely, but it was slightly comforting. You looked so peaceful, yet like you were in so much pain. It scared poor Cassidy seeing you like this, but he tried desperately not to let his fear take over.
He grabbed a chair and pulled it up beside you. He sat down slowly and removed his hat and put it over his chest. He checked the condition of your hand closest to him and carefully grabbed it after deducing it was okay to hold your hand. He softly held it, looking at it as he gently rubbed his thumb over the back of your palm.
"Hey darlin', I heard what happened.. I'm sorry I couldn't get to you sooner.." He put his forehead to your hand.
He felt rage bubble up inside him as he sighed. "They won't get away with what they did. They are in custody now. They either get legal repercussions or I'm doin' something about it."
As he sat there staring at your sleeping frame he sighed. "But for now, I'll stay with ya, until you feel better."
With that, he gave you a soft kiss on the back of the hand and stayed there. Didn't matter how long it took you to recover, he would be by your side. Didn't matter if he had missions, he'd get them done as soon as possible then come back to you. He would not leave your side, that's for damn sure.
Flippy x Reader
He Will Have Vengeance.
(Not using the new names I gave them yet because lazy)
(ART CREDIT: @K_B__M on Twitter and also on Tumblr as @kbmochi)
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(This is how he looks in my stories, buff, tall, and fit with a black button up and those gloves <3)
Once he caught wind of the situation, it was game over.
He heard about it as he was talking to Flaky, Petunia had ran up and warned them about the situation. She said you were in a terrible situation with Lumpy and it resulted in you being hospitalized. From what he heard, you were shot in the leg from Lumpy, who was not being responsible with a gun. You also had a bunch of burn marks from him "accidentally" tripping with hot water. He also threw a knife at one point from not paying attention which resulted in a deep gash in your arm.
He knew Lumpy, he knew he was stupid but he also knew he was no fool. All the things happened because you guys were making a dinner and soon decided to help Lumpy clean his own gun. That didn't go over well, obviously you were in a hospital.
Flippy knew, with the information he had, that Lumpy most likely did all this on purpose. Why? He had no clue. Did he have any reason to do this to you? What did you do to him in the past? Who knows. One thing is for sure though, Lumpy would not live to see another day. He would be sure of that.
Walking along, Flippy had his hand rested on his knife, which was attached to his belt. He had a single explosive on hand that was practically itching to be used. He knew once he grabbed the knife, he would no longer be himself. It would be his other, much more aggressive and protective personality.
Now he was outside the house. It was dark outside and the moon loomed over Lumpy's house. His gaze darkened as he walked along and knocked on the door, like a true gentleman despite the situation and suppressing an extreme amount of anger.
Not long after, Lumpy answered the door with a smile but it soon faded. He stared in horror and tried to close the door. Flippy put his foot in the way though and shoved the door open, immediately letting Fliqpy front as he grabbed his knife and sliced Lumpy's throat. A dark laugh filled the night as blood dripped from Lumpy's throat.
(I hope you liked these, much love!)
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Yandere! Flaky X Reader Headcanons
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(Image found on Imgur posted by SliceOfHeaven)
Hey @elizabeth-yandere thank for the ask! I know it took me awhile to get to it but I hope you enjoy it all the same~ Comments and feedback are always appreciated!!
I tried to keep this as a gender neutral reader! So I used they/them pronouns :)
Warnings: Yandere, toxic relationship, stalking, mentions of blood
- Flaky is shy... everyone knows this
- But you were drawn to her from the start
- She had her head down, eyes avoiding absolutely everyone in the crowded grocery store aisle 
- Her red white-flaked hair obscuring her face as she tried not to cry
- She had tried for the last five minutes to reach up onto the top shelf for the last ingredient she needed for dinner... only to be too short to reach, her fingers just barely brushing the bottom of the can
- It was stupid... she thought, to cry over something so little
- But she couldn't help it, she was overwhelmed and it was so crowded and it felt like the walls were closing in and her heart was beating out of her chest and people were starting to look in her direction and she could hear them whisper and whisper and talk and talk and it was too much... it was always too much
- And she couldn’t even get out a simple “Could you help me with this please?” without feeling like she was going to throw up all over the floor
- She was just about to drop her basket on the floor and bolt out of there when you showed up
-  “Almost... aha! Got it!” With a little effort, you snatched up the very can she needed and held it over to her with a bright smile “Looked like you needed this!”
- “T-t-thank you!” Flaky shook as she accepted the can into her basket from your hand
- She expected you to turn and walk away after that, but you accompanied her to the front of the store, making polite conversation while she wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater
- “So you should totally come over sometime!” You invited her over to your house, so happy to have made a new friend
- Flaky was stunned “You want to hang out with m-me?”
- You laughed, but it clearly wasn’t mean “Of course!”
- Flaky’s crimson eyes widened, she felt like she had just been handed the greatest gift in the entire world, and she nodded
- You two exchanged numbers and then you were on your way
- Unaware of the love-stricken red-head that cautiously followed you home
- Your friendship started out as normal as could be... as far as you knew
- But what you didn't know was that Flaky liked to follow you... watch your every move
- She felt if she let you out of her sight even once, you would disappear without a trace and she would be left alone and heartbroken and she couldn’t have that
- She’d show up at your house randomly
- “Oh hey Flaky! It’s... pretty late... did you want to sleep over?” you asked the small girl as she stood on your porch at just about midnight
- “U-um sure!” her smile was small and lopsided and adorable, so of course you let her in
- You didn’t mind that she slept over, she was your friend after all
- And then things started to go missing from your house
- Small things
- Things you didn't even know you’d been missing until suddenly there was a random space on your counter or your desk or a shelf that you swore there had once been a nail file... a pen... a small knickknack... a half-finished bag of gummy worms... 
- It wasn't so much concerning to you... rather, it was unsettling 
- But you brushed it off as simply misplacement or forgetting and moved on
- Flaky’s visits were more frequent when you had guests over
- A rapid pattern of knocking interrupted you from setting the tea set on the coffee table in front of your new friend Flippy
- “One second, I’ll be right back!” You promised him
- He was such a nice neighbor and you felt guilty of how long it took you to finally meet him (being so preoccupied with Flaky’s visits) so you invited him over for tea the one afternoon when Flaky texted you that she was staying home that day
- Or that’s what you thought... when you opened the door and familiar red eyes met yours
- “Flaky? I didn't expect to see you today, everything okay?”
- “I’m f-fine. Do you mind if I come in? I m-missed you!”
- You smiled weakly... how could you turn away your (basically only) friend now? 
- You invited her in for tea as well, letting her know that you had a guest over
- You lead her to the living room where Flippy sat patiently with his hands in his lap and a nervous smile on his face
- “Hello Flaky, didn't know you’d be joining us too” he tried his best to keep his voice quiet and kind but despite his efforts, his rumbling voice sent Flaky shaking where she stood
- “F-Flippy? W-what are you doing h-here?” Flaky hugged herself as her eyes darted around the room nervously
- “Oh, I didn’t know you knew each other!” You smiled, happy to know that your new friend was familiar with the red-head girl
- You went to take a seat besides Flippy when Flaky grabbed your arm with a force much greater than should be possible from such a small girl
- You laughed and asked her what the matter was, her eyes never leaving the green-haired man
- “Can you let me go please? That’s starting to hurt,” you tried prying the girl’s hand from your arm only for you to be pulled down to her height so she could talk into your ear
- “Y-you don't know?!” Her eyes were wide and she was shaking so bad you thought she might faint
- “He’s crazy! H-he killed half the town once before. He can’t control his anger... he’ll lose control and he’ll kill you too!” she began with a whisper that very quickly made it’s way into a yell that was half a sob
- “What?” You eyed Flippy who had tears in his eyes as he slowly shook his head
- “Flaky... I don't know what you’re talking about, I would never-”
- You’ve never heard Flaky raise her voice and it honestly shocked you
- The red-head girl stood in front of you and pointed at Flippy accusingly “If you think I’m going to let you hurt my f-friend then you’re wrong!”
- “Flaky, I-” you tried to intervene but the girl already had a heavy candlestick in her hands
- “I am SICK and TIRED of you! Thinking you an come in here and steal them away from me?!”
- Flippy stood slowly, his hands up in a non-threatening manner, tears threatening to spill over “I’ll just leave now... I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable Flaky, please just-”
- Flaky pulled you further behind her “DON’T MOVE! DON’T YOU DARE COME NEAR THEM!”
- She swung the candlestick as she yelled, you could hear the whoosh it made as it cut through the air
- Flaky had moved you both to stand in the way of the exit
- “We have to get out of the way if you want him to leave-”
- “QUIET!” Without thinking, Flaky swung the candlestick at you, meeting your head with a sickening CRACK 
- The room went silent as you raised a hand to the side of your head
- There was something warm... something cold... something warm and cold all at the same times running down your face
- You pulled your hand away and held it in front of your eyes... blood
- You let out a cry that you couldn't hear, everything was blurry and red and it HURT
- “Oh my god!” Flippy rushed to your side, pressing a throw blanket to the wound as you screamed
- But as soon as he made contact with you, Flaky struck again
- The candlestick snapped in half as it slammed into Flippy’s head and his right eye popped from it’s socket 
- You screamed and Flaky embraced your form as you fell to the floor in a last minute attempt to grab Flippy as he fell backwards
- Your fingers brushed his front but Flaky was quick to grab you into her arms
- “Don’t cry! No!” she hushed you, one hand keeping you upright, the other pushing your face into her chest
- You couldn’t stop the sobs that tore through you
- “I-I didn't mean to hurt you, please don't be mad at me! P-please!” Flaky’s hold was suffocating 
- You weakly fought against her, attempting to turn your head away from her, throwing your arms this way and that
- But you were losing too much blood and you were too weak
- “Flippy did this! He always does this! I knew he would hurt you! He always hurts everyone and everything!” 
- “N.. no.. no-” you sobbed, chest heaving
- “I’ll make you b-better,” Flaky whispered, pressing kisses to your bloodied head “All you have to do is stay with me f-forever and ever. A-and we’ll get rid of him and run away and live h-happily ever after.”
- Flaky was laughing now “We’ll be happy and free and you’ll be mine... only mine.. forever!”
- The blood poured endlessly down your face, getting in your eyes and blinding you
- And suddenly you were tired... so tired
- You were too tired to wipe your eyes
- Too tired to scream or yell anymore
- Too tired to reach for the phone on the coffee table in front of you
- Too tired to fight against the small girl as she took you by the shoulders and dragged your limp body out the door
- “You’ll be m-mine... forever and ever... and ever... and ever.. and ever-”
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artsyfangirl · 2 years
Saw that you write for flippy and fliqpy! Could I get them with an so who is both touched starved and touch repulsed? (Like some days they CRAVE affection and other days they get uncomfortable with most touch)
OH MY GOSH YES. I’m actually kinda like this IRL. I’m touch starved, which is weird since I’ve always received plenty of physical affection growing up, and my touch repulsion comes from my sensory processing disorder.
Sometimes it’s too much, or it acts like a wall. Ie, my mind and everything are a driving car, and the touch acts like a wall suddenly appearing on the road out of nowhere and causing the car to crash or have to swerve and stop. So I’m gonna model this after my own experiences! Sorry this took so long, I wasn’t quite sure how to interpret it? But it seems really simple now.
Flippy/Fliqpy x Touchstarved/Touch Repulsed Reader HCs
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Okay, so, for starters, the boys are SO RESPECTFUL. And super observant, so they’re likely to notice when you get bothered by touch.
Flip does his best to calm you down, or to bring you back mentally when you withdraw because of physical contact. When Fliqpy is in control, he opts to do little things, like maybe steadily tapping a rhythm on something to give you something to focus on.
Both of them love the times when you’re not only okay with physical contact, but needy as well. They get to cuddle you<3
Flippy is more likely to cup your face in his hands (paws? Which word is best?) and nose nuzzle you.
Fliqpy, on the other hand, will probably do that kind of hug where he legitimately encompasses your body with his own. Like, it’s like putting two bowls of the same size in a stack. That’s what he does. That’s how absolutely he encompasses your body because he and Flip are BIG BOYS.
They’re both really observant, as I said, and they can recognize even the slightest of flinches or lean backs when someone goes to touch you, which triggers their protective mode.
And oh god, if Disco Bear even TRIES, I SWEAR, he’s gonna get torn to pieces. I don’t think he would do it maliciously, he just wouldn’t recognize that you were inherently uncomfortable with the touch (probably an arm over the shoulder or something because yes he’s a flirt but he’s not a creep).
You and Flaky probably get along well, as Flaky probably feels like attention goes to her when people touch them, which makes sense, as vision is drawn to motion. And also they probably understand the whole ‘mind stopped’ thing when you get touched, she experiences something similar when she gets overwhelmed.
Overall, you have two very loving and attentive boyfriends, and a friend who understands how you feel!
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Hope this was satisfactory! Sorry I took so long. But TBH, it’s hard to find the words with which to write about what I experience. It’s just- something that is. You never think about explaining it or describing it. But yeah, I hope you enjoy this!
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arthursaus · 2 years
Oh my god, the possibilities.
Especially for the more protective/possessive characters.
O my god holy shit. I can’t.
Like, ignoring the official merch in order for this to make sense as an AU, you have to get the Flippy plush in order to ‘unlock’ the Fliqpy plush.
Little do you know, it’s actually alive. Or should I say, they. And they are very intrigued by you.
Or Flaky, you get this cute little plush only to find things missing every now and then, to hear squeaks that sound suspiciously like our favorite red porcupine (in this AU, I’ve decided that the show exists. The plushes are actual merch, but some of them are also characters who somehow managed to get brought into our world in the form of plushies).
Maybe you get a Nutty plush and all of a sudden all your sweets start going missing.
I fucking love this idea.
Like I said, especially for the more possessive characters. Ie Flippy and Fliqpy, Splendid, Splendont, Lammy, etc.
Especially our favorite veteran. You own him? Yeah no, he owns you. At least, that’s Fliqpy’s take on it. Flippy sees you as like his charge, since you do own him (doesn’t mean he’s not possessive like his counterpart though).
I am falling in love with this.
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POV: What I think When my mother and father tell me to do the dishes
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treetownconfessions · 3 years
I'm mad that 90% of HTF fan fiction seems to be: Flippy x Flaky, Flippy x OC, Flippy x reader, Fliqpy x reader, Flippy x Fliqpy... Like, I don't hate Flippy or his fans... but I wish people were giving this much love to at least couple more characters.
LMAO.... i get what you mean but
sweats at my mostly flippy centric fics
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happytreeboyfriends · 4 years
are you eternally trapped in 2010? want to kiss a funny animal? cool and epic? unfortunately i am too so here we are
this a htf x reader imagines blog! but um... rules
-don’t let the url fool you, this isn’t guys only! “happytreepartners” just didn’t deliver the joke as well
-in general i try to keep my htf fanfictions silly and gory like the canon show? if you could let me know whether you’re okay with that stuff or not in your request that’d be great. i don’t write it with the intent of scaring or distressing the reader, i just think there’s something amusing about a universe where everyone always winds up dead by the end of the day and are fine by the next morning
-i’m going to assume that you’re reading these imagining yourself as a tree friend. if you want human au please do say so :]
-i write flaky with they/them pronouns. no exceptions.
-no nsfw.
-happy tree friends is a series where a lot of characters are of vague age, but there are some that i consistently see as children and won’t write romantically. these characters are cuddles, toothy, sniffles, and the raccoons. and like. cub obviously.
-however! i’ll write platonic/familial stuff for everyone ^^
-while this is a reader insert blog, i’m ok with canon x canon ships if the reader is there. (like if you’re in a poly relationship, or, say, you’re hyping your friend up to ask out their crush). however, i don’t like flippy x flaky and won’t write it out of personal preference. i’m glad to make content where they’re friends, though! and obviously no incestous ships please and thank you ...
-i can’t be bothered to write out my every single boundary rn but basically just don’t be a freak. i’ll handle everything on a case by case basis. just don’t be ableist and don’t ask for incest or pedophilia and we should be on good terms
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hipsterinaflannel · 4 years
Do u write smut?
Not really, I tend to try and keep my fics smut-free. so everyone can enjoy them (even if there is usually violence and swearing in my fics. Heh.)
Plus I don’t write it cause I wanna try and break the stereotype that all fanfic is pure smut. (Even though a lot isn’t, some people seem to still think this.)
Although one of my HTF fanfics, a Flaky x Disco Bear one called “The Boyfriend Experience” did have a somewhat smutty ending (although I did warn my readers beforehand and made it easy to just skip ahead if they wanted to.)
But to keep things short. (Sorry for rambling :D)
Nope, rarely do I ever write smut. 
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flbrokensoldier · 2 years
Hmm.. Should I just say Yolo and write on here instead of Wattpad since I rarely update there LOL.
I have multiple x reader ideas. I can do multiple characters too, obviously going to make a form of characters I can do and y'all can request things!
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Cuddling With Flaky Would Include:
-”A-are you sure Y/N? Y-you want to c-cuddle with m-me?”
-(Nervous child)
-”Of course I want to cuddle with you silly!”
-”O-okay then-”
-You and Flaky are laying in your sleeping bags on the living room floor
-(You guys decided to have a sleep over and Flaky felt bad that you were sleeping on the floor so she decided to join you.)
-You unzipped your sleeping bag and moved over to Flaky
-”Move over a bit please.” 
-Flaky nervously moves over and you unzip to sleeping bag a bit
-You move yourself into the sleeping bag and zip it back up and turn towards Flaky
-”Cuddle! I’m cold!”
-You out your arms around Flaky’s waist and invite her to do the same
-Nervous child! Nervous child!
-”A-are you sure-?” “Yes Flaky, please cuddle with me.” 
-You give her puppy dog eyes in the dark and she finally agrees
-She slowly....... SLOWLY put her arms around your waist
-You scoot closer to her and you two are pressing up against each other???
-Flaky is low key freaking out and is fighting to not hyperventilate 
-But soon you’re asleep and she is still??? WIDE awake???
-This feels so nice and she’s afraid that she will fall asleep and loose her hold on you and she doesn’t want you to think she didn’t want to cuddle?????
-Someone please help the nervous child
-The sun has just barley come up
-Flaky is slowly falling asleep but keeps on jerking awake to make sure she is still holding you
-You wake up between on of these jerks and is like??? Why are you not asleep???
-You know she is nervous so the next time she jerks you just jerk your head up at the same time and end up kissing her cheek
-”Go to bed Flaky. You’re such a dork.” You giggle lovingly and go back to bed
-Flaky is in shock?????
-She is relived that you agreed for her to finally go to bed 
-She hugs you closer one last time before passing out from exhaustion 
-You wake up to find Flaky in a deep sleep
-You grin and just hug onto her tightly, never wanting to let her go
-Her grip is strong around your waist so you have to pry her arms off of you just so you can get up to close the curtains and go back to sleep in each others arms    
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arthursaus · 2 years
Good to know my plush HTF x Reader idea is well-received.
I’ll do some stuff for that, don’t worry. I actually really like the idea, and I’d like to flesh out the thing about how only some of the plushes are the actual characters. BTW, there isn’t one living character plush per character, there are several of each. So there can be several Flaky’s around the world at any given point in time. It would be sucky to only give one person a Flaky, you know?
Most people that have a living plush think that they’re the only one. Since the living plushes are so rare, the chance of there being more than one in any given area is very low.
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