legendofmorons · 6 months
How to fall in love twice part 7
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Pairing: Malon x Time x reader
Rating: G
Summary: While you and Malon go on an unofficial coffee date, Time finally has some sense knocked into him thanks to Wild, Warriors, and Legend.
Warnings: N/A
Other: If I missed anything, please let me know
The third day in modern Hyrule begins with the delightful experience of introducing Malon to modern coffee shops. Which is certainly worth it.
However, first, you get a nice shower. With your hair routine, proper soap, any shaving you might choose, and the ability to have hot water. It's glorious, and you are thankful for running water.
Malon takes a shower as well, still confused about modern shower products, but delighted in the effects! She likes that there are so many options. She also adores the hot water since she doesn't have to heat it herself.
Malon has delighted in modern clothes, a sage colored cable knit sweater, and dark jeans are her chosen outfit today.
How the fuck is she so pretty all the time? It should be illegal.
You need to focus on the things going on. Not on how pretty Malon is.
You also need to introduce her to milkshakes. You think she'd like them. But that's for later.
For now, you focus on getting your wallet, keys, and any other items you need for a city outing. You glance at the deity mask sticking our of your bag.
You find both comfort and worry in the presence. The mask has the markings that Time bears. And yet it feels unlike him at all.
You shake your head to dispel the thoughts. There's no use dwelling on those things.
Your time is much better spent on other things. Like kicking ass or spoiling the gorgeous red head you're with.
You lead Malon into the local coffeeshop midmorning. The crowd is not dense, but there's quite a few people there anyway.
Mostly, it's college students who take residence in the establishment.
You both look over the menu, and once you've explained the new drink concepts to her, you both step up to order.
"Welcome to Cuthulu brews. What can I get started for you?" The barista at the counter asks with a smile. Their eyes look dead, though. Classic customer service jobs, sucking the life out of people.
"Can I get a mocha but like - not taste the coffee?" Malon asks.
"Uh- maybe?"
"Why don't you get a shot of espresso in you hot chocolate." You suggest lightly.
"I can do that?"
"Sure, you want hot chocolate with one shot?"
"Yes, please."
"What size?"
Malon looks to you, unsure but excited.
"Large, please." You decide, that'll be more chocolate to hide the coffee taste in.
And really, you think you both deserve nice things after the hell you've been through lately.
You don't know what you'd do without Malon. Ignoring your feelings for her she's still been such a help and pillar of support.
"Awesome, can do. And for you?" The barista turns their attention to you.
You order your drink, along with two breakfast pasteries. You want to make sure you and Malon are both eating well enough.
You pay and leave a tip.
While you and Malon wait for your order, she seems to be buzzing with excitement.
"You're more chipper today, good dreams or something?" You ask with a smile.
The smile she turns on you is dazzling, "Sort of. I'm just glad I'm with you mostly."
"Oh, that's sweet. I'm glad I'm with you too, Mal." You smile and then feel silly using the nickname you've only heard her husband use. "Sorry, uh, the nickname is probably weird."
Malon just shakes her head, "Not really! I like hearing you call me that."
"Oh. Okay." You smile, trying not to read into any of this.
But over the time spent with Malon- your crush has definitely become bigger. And you are a lot closer to in love than you should be.
After collecting your drinks and breakfast, Malon leads you to a window table to sit at. Her mood is the highest it's been in a while.
It's good to see her happy.
"You said you wanted to show me something called - a wifey?"
You nearly choke. "WiFi. Wifey is something different."
Malon laughs, but she looks like she said the wrong thing on purpose. But that's got to be wrong.
(It's not wrong. She's teasing you.)
"You're probably right." She says before taking a sip of her drink.
You just resign yourself to a few bites of breakfast pastry. You need a moment. Just to get your mind up and running again.
"So, if we're in your time, don't you have someone to check in with?" Malon asks as she looks you over.
She does that a lot. Why's she always looking you up and down? She's not checking you out. That's just silly.
(She is checking you out. And she thinks it's rude you keep trying to stop yourself from returning the attention.)
"Not really. I'll be gone again soon so it'd just upset them." You say simply.
Because really the longest you've stayed in any time is a week since you got pulled away from the chain. So why bother upsetting people?
"I guess. But I'd want to hear from you."
You laugh, shaking your head. "You're sweet to me."
Malon makes a face, as if amused and exasperated. She does that a lot when you try to wave off her compliments.
"(Y/n), sweetie, you're a lot better than you give yourself credit for."
"Oh. Uh- thanks."
She just smiles, and sets a hand on your hand. "I mean it. You're going to make whoever you end up with very happy ome day."
She has a weird tone, and you almost think she wishes she was who you end up with. But that's ridiculous and probably not right.
"Thank you."
Time is having a very bad time. Since he saw you and Malon, he's been torn up inside.
On one hand, you're both alive!
On the other hand, you're still who knows where facing threats he can't protect you from.
What a great time.
"You need to eat." Wild says as he pushes the shepard's pie into the old man's hands.
Time looks at him, blinking. Right. Food. He does need sustenance.
"Thank you." Time manages.
Wild just sighs, shaking his head. "You're disrespecting both of them by thinking they're gone."
"I don't - I don't think they're gone... I just think I'll never see them again."
Wild just levels a stern look at Time. He's not paid enough for this. He isn't paid at all, actually.
He will have to talk to Hylia about labor laws. She needs to hear from his union.
First, he needs a union, actually. He'll have to ask Legend for help there.
"What?" Time manages with a strangled edge.
"You're being entirely too pessimistic. Everyone thinks we'll see them again. Even Legend. So are you going to snap out of it?"
Time blinks again, confused and unsure if he should be offended. He's just being realistic!
"Don't give me that realistic spiel. Stop making things out worse than they are."
"I'm not!"
"We saw them three days ago. They were alive without any immediately fatal injuries, and they were both standing on their own. So unless they've started throwing the same pity party you are, they're fine."
"I'm not throwing a pity party."
"Call it what you want, but you're being too seal-ious."
"You did not just make that pun."
Wild just grins. There is nothing like puns to make people listen to you.
"Is he done making the worst assumptions?" Warriors asks as he makes his way over.
"I don't know. Time?" Wild turns expectantly to the old man.
Time just sighs. "Yes. We need a plan."
"We have a plan." Warriors says, as if it should be obvious.
"Since when?"
"An hour after we saw them. Some of us have been getting shit done." Legend adds helpfully.
"Legend." Warriors sighs. Though he dosen’t seem too far away from the sentiment.
"You didn't tell me?" Time asks, sounding genuinely upset.
"The only people who can pull you out of your spirals consistently are the reason you're spiraling. We tried." Pegend tolls his eyes.
"You're not the only one who misses then, Time." Warriors sits beside Time gently. "You may know Malon the best, but we all like her."
"And we all love (Y/n). Not the way you do, but they're one of us." Wild says firmly, "Twilight is barely keeping it together. You know he hates losing loved ones to portals."
Time realizes he's really been disconnected. Of course, everyone else misses you and Malon.
He didn't even think about how the others might feel.
"I'm sorry." Time says as he looks between his three companions. "I haven't- been present latley."
"We'll forgive you, this time." Wild gives a little grin, "Just don't get lost in your gear again."
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legendofmorons · 1 year
How to fall in love twice (Time, Malon) -part one
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Pairing: Time x Malon x reader (Poly)
rating: G
Summary: You have fallen for time, and you're crushing really heavy on his wife. What the hell have you gotten yourself into?
warnings: None
Other: None
You wake up on the farm- cucoos crowing the sunrise. Usually you'd sleep a little longer- but you also promised Malon that you'd help with breakfast and some laundry.
So- mourning you sleep- you push out of your bedroll, eyeing the others all curled up on the hay and blankets. You smile softly, brushing your hair out with your fingers and getting all the hay out before pulling on your clothes minus any armor you might have.
Once you're dressed you head towards the house, seeing Malon and Time both up already and gathering eggs.
"Hey, sorry I'm late." You say, biting back a yawn.
Malon smiles when she looks up from the cucoo hutch egg collecting area, "You're not late! I wasn't expecting anyone up until later."
"I'm surprised Twi's asleep still." You say with a soft laugh, knowing the boy is definitely use to farm hours.
"We worked him hard." Malon says with a laugh, "He'll be up soon. I had to chase him back to bed anyways."
Time just smiles softly as he watches Malon and you interact. You don't notice this but he does.
"Well, how can I help?" You ask, deciding against bantering for who knows how long.
"Here, if you want to take the eggs in the basket there-" She points to a basket full of eggs. "-And start breakfast that'd be helpful."
"I'll do that. Anything specific?"
"Something filling but otherwise no." She says with a smile, "Thank you for helping."
"Anytime." You say, walking to the basket of eggs and picking it up.
You haven't done much cooking for the group- Wild does most of itm and since he likes to and is good you're happy to let him.
You walk into the house, going into the kitchen, and setting the basket down on the counter.
You wash your hands before gathering bowls and ingredients. You decide that pancakes and eggs should be plenty good.
You move your hair out of your way before you start measuring put the ingredients for pancakes and putting them in a large bowl.
As you work and do the calculations for a group this big you start humming a song gently.
Something you have always enjoyed.
You start mixing together the pancakes, words beginning to flow from you as you sing and mix.
You don't hear the door open or shut- but you startle when you hear Time's voice behind you.
"What are you making?" He asks.
"Oh!- you turn, bowl in your arms as you continue mixing, " I'm making pancakes."
He smiles softly, lips curving up at the corners. His gaze is even as he looks you over.
"That sounds lovely. Thank you."
"As long as I don't burn them it should be." You laugh, hoping to any deity listening that your cheeks aren't blushing.
Time just nods, "I'm sure it'll be good. Do you need any help?"
"No. I'm okay, thank you though."
"Of course. Malon will be in ti help in a bit. Call if you need anything. Okay?"
You turn back towards the counter and set the bowl down before grabbing a pan from the rack beside the stove.
You don't hear Time leave bit you assume he's just quieter without the armor.
You grab a label from the utensil holder, and turn the stove to medium heat.
You start humming again- a song from your modern hyrule you like. It makes you feel warm and content.
You hear the pancake cooking, and once it's time you flip it.
As you continue making pancakes, you hear Malon come in. Her steps even and quick as she makes her way towards you.
"That smells like heaven." She says to you, moving to the sink to wash her hands.
"You're too kind."
"I am not. Seriously it smells great. Cook like that often and you'll have everyone in love."
"Ha! No, the boys are great and all but I doubt any of them see me that way. Hylia knows I don't feel that way for them."
You lie. You lie your ass off. You totally want one of the boys to fall for you. But considering the man you are falling for is married you really hope he doesn’t actually.
You don't want to be a home wrecker.
And besides, Time wouldn't ever leave Malon.
So you need to get the ever loving hell over it.
Malon just laughs, unaware of your feelings towards her husband. "I'm sure you'll find someone if you want to."
You laugh, and oh- your heart should not be speeding up at Malon being so kind. You are not falling for both people in a married couple.
She may be pretty and wonderful but you are not going to start the crushing to falling process. No.
Someone save you.
Because you know you're losing when the smile she flashes you makes your heart warm.
"Maybe. We'll see. I have very high standards you know."
You don't. Apparently your standards are kind people that are married to each other. Perfect.
"Oh, and what are those?" Malon asks, moving to grab a clean cutting board to help keep the cooked pancakes off the counter.
You really should stop talking.
"Oh you know, not being awful to me. Respecting boundaries. According to past partners that's hard." You say, glad to not be with your exes who sucked at those things.
"Oh, I'm sorry. That really sucks, (Y/n). I don't think they're that hard though, for what it's worth."
"Tell that to others."
You shake your head, flipping another pancake.
"I will. Don't worry."
"Thanks, Malon." You say, trying not to blush or choke over her name.
"Anytime. Do you need anymore batter?"
"I think I'm okay, this batch should make fifty or so, and they I'll make another smaller batch in case others wants some."
"You're prepared then." She laughs.
"Oh, absolutely. "
The door opens again to a few of the chain, talking amongst each other quietly.
You allow yourself to fall back into cooking, moving the pancakes to and from the pan easily.
The worst part is the time it takes.
Once you finally finish the pancakes and eggs you and Malon take the food to the table letting everyone get their own and spread about the room.
You grab your own serving, sitting down near Twilight who looks happy enough. He nods to you since his mouth is full.
"You made this?" Wild asks, sounding impressed.
"Yeah, it's not much- Malon made the eggs."
"The pancakes are phenomenal. "Wild says, and it almost sounds like he's trying out a new word.
You laugh, warm and happy, "Of coffee. "
"This is really good," Time says from his spot beside Malon.
"Thank you." You say with a smile, "But keep that up and you'll give me a big head."
"So?" Time counters.
You blush, unsure how to respond but by the goddess you will. You may be hopeless over the man but he can't know that.
"Do you really need me to be cocky mid battle?" You counter- not even sure why you said it.
"It'd do you good." Time says firmly, something soft in his words.
Twilight elbows you as you choke on your food, "You okay?"
"Fine. "
"Are you sure?" Malon asks, sounding so kind it makes your heart twist.
"I'm sure. Just went down the wrong pipe." You insist.
"Wonder why." Twilight says with a knowing look.
You just shoot him a nasty glare.
"Maybe (Y/n)'s in loooove." Wind says with a fat grin.
Wild also gives a shit eating smile, "Maybe they're trying to woo someone."
"Like you?" You say with a laugh, knowing Wild won't actually be upset.
He gives a snort, "You wound me."
"I think it's someone more like the old man." Wind says smugly, "Or maybe Miss Malon?"
"Maybe you should mind your own business."
"Is that true, (Y/n)? Are you in love?" Time asks, looking curious.
"With sleep."
Why the fuck do you ever say anything. You just keep making things awkward. Obviously you should just stop talking.
"Aren't we all?" Time says with a shake of his head.
"Nice deflection. "Twilight whispers to you.
You just elbow him right in the ribs, that'll show him.
"Lay off them," Malon says, "If they want to talk about it they'll share."
"Mal's right." Time says, leaning against his wife.
Well you're fucked. The man you've fallen for is just so cute with the woman you're starting to crush on really heavy.
How the fuck did you fall for two people married to each other?
"Thank you." You say pointedly, trying not to scream at the bullshit that is your feelings.
"But you don't have to deflect either." He adds. "It's pretty obvious you love someone."
"I take it back. You're the worst of them all."
Time laughs, and that really does not help you at all. Your traitorous feelings make you happy that you made him laugh.
"Are you surprised?" Malon asks, "Pretty sure all Links are gremlins."
"That's why Epona is my favorite. "
"Ouch." Four says.
"Way to make us feel bad." Wild says with a grin.
"Is it too late to leave you all here?"
"Yes." Twilight says, "Because you loooove us."
"I don’t know why."
"Ouchie my feelings." Wind says evenly.
You stand up, plate in hand, "I'm going to eat with Epona. She doesn’t try to make me kick her."
"Stay," Malon says, "Please. We'll stop the topic completely. "
You should leave. While you have your pride.
But you're weak, and she asked so nice. You can't say no.
But you do walk over to Sky instead and sit back down beside him.
"You love us!" Wild and wind both chorus in a sing-song voice.
You just groan.
"Be nice boys." Time says from his spot at the table, eyes scanning the group.
"But Tiiime! I want to win the bet!" Wind says petulantly.
Wild swats his arm, "Sh!"
"Bet?" Time asks.
"Yeah, bet. How long it takes (Y/n) to confess!"
"I'd like to be on never. Twenty rupees." You say with a smile.
Because no way in hell are you confessesing to either of your current "love interests". Let alone both.
"Don't bet on that!" Malon chides.
"I bet the other party will confess for what it's worth." Twilight says.
"I change bet bet to a hundred, and that no one will." You say with a blush burning your cheeks.
"No betting." Time says, "But you should also trust fate, (Y/n). You're quite the catch and anyone one be lucky to have you."
"Oh my god cab we please stop talking about my nonexistent love life?!" You manages in a strangled shriek.
Malon just laughs, "Okay. Okay. But Time is right."
"See?" Twilight asks you pointedly.
"I have never wanted to pitch myself of a cliff so much." You say blankly, not actually meaning it but still embarrassed.
"Please don't. We'd miss you."
Time says gently.
Goddesses be damned this man is going to kill you.
"I'd definitely miss you." Malon adds.
And so will his wife.
You have to stress the wife part, you will not be a homewrecker.
"I wouldn't. " Legend adds helpfully.
You finish your food with two bitter before standing to do your dishes, "I'm going to start my chores!"
Laughter follows you as you escape to the kitchen before going to the barn to start attending the cows.
Fuck your life.
Surely it'll get better.
At least with the cows lack of bets and opinions on your crushes you can die in peace.
Time spends the clean up of breakfast with Malon, absolutely enthralled to be back with his wife. But also glad to get the space and energy to actually discuss the topic of half his letters. You.
"You were right- they're precious." Malon says as she washes dishes.
"They are. And they don't even know how obvious they are."
"Mh- neither did you."
"Hey now, be nice." He chides her.
"Okay okay, I'll be nice. But really Link, you didn't have to wait to ask them out. I already gave you my permission."
"They wouldn't accept without at least your approval. They're worried. And besides- I knew they'd like you. I wanted to give you the chance to fall too!"
"How sweet."
"It is."
"Link, the chances of them even being willing to date both of us is much lower."
"It really isn't. They already have a crush on you."
"Sure, fairy boy."
"Oh please, it's been years!"
"You came out of the forest."
"Okay okay. But really, how do you want to go about this?"
"I was-... I was hoping you would know."
"Hey! I said yes didn't I?"
"I still don't know why!"
Malon laughs at that, drying of one of the last dishes.
After a moment, she turns to him, looking up at him with a determined fire in her eyes. "Tell you what, give me a few hours, and I'll come up with something.
"As long as we don't scare them off."
"I don't scare people off!" She defends.
"You are a force of nature, my love. You can be a little intense."
"So? You are too."
"Hm- I suppose you're right."
Time leans over and kisses her forhead gently. Well assured that no matter how things turn out with you he will always have his wife's love and support.
And hopefully- for both of them, really- they can give things with you an honest shot.
Though Time is certainly in deeper than Malon at the moment you live up to his letters, and she's a lot closer to falling than she's admitted.
"Hurry up, Link. We still have chores to do."
"I know. I'll fix up the barn after lunch."
"Good. Thank you."
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legendofmorons · 1 year
How to fall in love twice masterpost
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Summary: You've fallen for time and are crushing hard on Malon. What the hell have you gotten into? ... Time and Malon just want to win you over. Unfortunately for everyone, Dark Link has a plan for you, Malon gets roped into it, and Time is having a really bad day. Can you and Malon escape Dink? Can Time save you? Can any of you three confess to each other?
One - G, Fluff and shenanigans
Two - G, Fluff and shenanigans
Three, T cursing and rage
Four , T Fluff and shenanigans
Five, G, fluff and worry
Six, T, cursing and angst
Seven, G, fluff and talking sense into Time
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legendofmorons · 8 months
Cozy sweaters, nice showers, and coffee shops? How you spoil us, Misty. I really hope Reader has some knowledge of coffee creation, especially for things like lattes. I also hope there is a way to get a milk steamer in Time and Malon’s time. That’s gonna be a problem otherwise.
Also, I feel bad for Time, but it is really funny watching every other hero collectively yell at Time.
The reader has some idea, but they aren't in a place to do fancy coffee themselves right now, so they buy it.
I'm sure Malon will find away even if there isn't one yet.
Time is having a rough time, and while the chain gets it and is also worried, they would like him to not be a sad lovesick puppy about this. (Legend has probably said just that tbh)
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