brakemold · 5 months
À quoi ressemble la boîte d'emballage du moule de plaquette de frein d'exportation ? fournisseur de porcelaine de moule de plaquette de frein
JINAN HAIGUANG MOLDE CO., LTD https://brake-mold.cn
WeChat/WhatsApp: +86 13953117306
À quoi ressemble la boîte d'emballage du moule de plaquette de frein d'exportation ? (1) Il s'agit d'un moule pour plaquettes de frein à disque. (2) Selon les exigences douanières, la boîte d'emballage est un matériau d'emballage sans vapeur. (3) Mettez un moule de plaquette de frein dans chaque boîte (4) Tous les moules de plaquettes de frein nécessitent des boîtes d'emballage sans vapeur
(5) Ces moules pour plaquettes de frein comprennent : un moule pour plaquettes de frein à disque, un moule pour garnitures de frein, un moule pour plaquettes de frein pour bus, un moule pour mâchoires de frein de train, un moule pour plaquettes de frein pour rail à grande vitesse, etc.
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estherbourdages · 4 years
Publications (sélection)
Média électronique et/ou Internet
“This Liquid Dream,” entretien avec Navid Navad, Sounding Out!, Department of English, General Literature & Rhetoric, Binghamton University, New York, janvier 2018 [2016]. https://soundstudiesblog.com/tag/esther-bourdages/
« Écouter-percevoir l'espace du son », essai sur James O'Callaghan, Goethe-Institut de Montréal, Uberblog, septembre 2017. https://www.goethe.de/ins/ca/en/kul/kue/ube/21077868.html
« Déesses de l’électricité DIY, entretien avec les artistes de l’audio Stephanie Castonguay et Émilie Mouchous », eContact!, Journal des pratiques électroacoustiques, Montréal, no 18.3, 2016. https://econtact.ca/18_3/bourdages_deessesDIY.html
« Musique et politique », Revue .dpi, Studio XX, Montréal, no 31, 2015.
Éditorial : « Avons-nous une contre-culture ? » : https://dpi.studioxx.org/fr/no/31-musique-et-politique/avons-nous-une-contre-culture-1
«Musique et politique, pratiques de femmes», Revue .dpi, Studio XX, Montréal, no 27, 2013. https://dpi.studioxx.org/en/musique-et-politique-pratiques-de-femmes
“Mind Node”, commissaire : Valérie Lamontagne, catalogue, essai publié dans Matter and Memory, www.mobilegaze.com/m+m, Montreal, May 2002.
Publications papier : livres, catalogues, essais, articles
«Portait d’artistes : Virginie Laganière et Jean-Maxime Dufresne, sous l’angle de l’atmosphère», Vie des Arts, Montréal, no 261, automne 2020. https://viedesarts.com/profils/virginie-laganiere-et-jean-maxime-dufresne-sous-langle-de-latmosphere/
« Virginie Laganière, Derrière l’horizon », texte d’exposition, Centre CIRCA, Montréal, mars 2020.
« Auto-Matter, un survol de AUTOMATA : L'art fait par les machines pour les machines », ETC MEDIA, Montréal, no 109, octobre-décembre 2016.
«Retour sur le Quebec Digital Art in New York : la signature québécoise », ETC MEDIA, Montréal, no 107, mars-juillet 2016.
« Virginie Laganière, en solo », ETC MEDIA, Montréal, no 106, novembre-janvier 2015.
« Verena Friedrich », essai sur Verena Friedrich, Perte de Signal, Montréal, octobre 2015.
« La nature en DIY », ETC MEDIA, Montréal, no 105, juillet-septembre, 2015..
Mytho-logique, opuscule d’exposition sur Stephanie Castonguay, Emmanuel Lagrange Paquet et Max Damecour, Perte de Signal, Montréal, mai 2015.
« Festival HTMLLes : Quels types d’imaginations peuvent surgir de l’épuisement collectif ou d’un ras-le-bol à grande échelle », ETC MEDIA, Montréal, no 104, Montréal, février-juin 2015.
« Steve Bates, la longue nuit », opuscule d’exposition, artiste : Steve Bates, The Long Night Takes, centre OBORO, Montréal, automne 2014.
“Soundings: Richard Garet,” Blackflash Magazine, Saskatoon, vol. 31, octobre 2014. https://blackflash.ca/2014/10/24/soundings/
« Peter Flemming : Lambinatronique [Lazymode] », Espace Sculpture, Montréal, vol. 87, printemps 2009.
« Rückgängig », essai d’intervention urbaine sur Stephan Koeperl et Sylvia Winkler, Goethe-Institut, Montreal, novembre 2008.
« Psukhô », essai d’exposition, Psukhô by Jean-François Laporte, Fonderie Darling, Montreal, septembre 2008.
« De lʼinconséquence de Dancing in Paradise » catalogue, essai d’exposition Dancing in Paradise par Dejode & Lacombe, publié dans Faire comme si tout allait bien, Livraison, no 9, Centre des arts actuels Skol (Montréal) et Rhinocéros (Strasbourg), printemps 2008.
« Fontaine », essai d’exposition, Fontaine by Suzanne Dery, Maison de la culture Frontenac, Montréal, septembre 2006.
« Soeur Valérie de lʼInternet priez pour nous », catalogue, essai sur la performance Soeur Valérie de lʼInternet, 25ème anniversaire de La Chambre Blanche, Québec, mars 2004.
“Montreal Web Art,” Blackflash Magazine, Saskatoon, vol. 21, août 2003.
« Yvette Poorter & Donna Akrey » essai d’exposition, Quartier Éphémère / Darling Foundry, Montreal, juillet 2000.
« Le livre en déplacement », commissaire : Florence Chantoury, essai, catalogue : Lʼarène des livres, Centre dʼexposition de lʼUniversité de Montréal, 16 mars-13 avril, 2000.
« Julien Babin, bricoleur » [Julien Babin: Handyman], essai, catalogue : Livret de programmation 1997-1998 [Program Booklet 1997-1998], Centre des arts actuels Skol, Montreal, 1998.
« Interview with Julien Babin »,interview, catalogue pour l’exposition, with Julien Babin published in Propos dʼartistes 1997-1998, Galerie lʼŒil de Poisson, Québec,1998.
« Julien Babin », essai d’exposition, Quartier Éphémère, Montreal et lʼŒil de Poisson, Québec, 1998.
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aaskmontreal-blog · 6 years
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Come join us tomorrow and sunday 4-6 pm EST for our conversations surrounding accessibility, accountability, and call-out culture!
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montrealrampage · 6 years
Festivals and Events in Montreal November 2018
Festivals and Events in Montreal November 2018
November doesn’t need to be cold, grey, rainy, and dull. Put on your parka and a Dr. Who sized scarf and check out the multitude of festivals that make every weekend (and weekday) of November worth stepping out for.
The Arab World Festival of Montreal
Oct 20 – Nov 11, 2018
Celebrating Arab culture and art through performing arts and cinema, the Arab World Festival delights the city with…
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writerartistamira · 4 years
Everything except yes (2018)
Everything except yes is an aggressive text-based browser game constructed from transcription of people talking in YouTube videos about how to say no and how to handle rejection. The game positions its user as someone trying to refuse or reject a series of requests. Its reflection of the representation of consent on social media creates a tense, exasperating, and sometimes comical interaction.
The work was commissioned by HTMlles Festival and included in the festival’s main exhibition in 2018.
Play the game
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aentropic · 8 years
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Ambivalently Yours @ Future Memories #HTMlles (at Articule)
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ambivalentlyyours · 8 years
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I’m so excited/ nervous/ happy/ anxious to announce my new exhibition OPENING THIS SATURDAY AT 8PM IN MONTREAL!
Future Memories   Ambivalently Yours (Montréal) Sophia Borowska (Montréal) Zinnia Naqvi (Toronto) Zeesy Powers (Toronto)
@ articule in Montreal
Each in their own way, the four artists presented as part of the exhibition Future Memories reflect on technology as a narrative space that is also a sharing space. By using different media, from video to textile, the artists challenge what separates the private from the public, and where the actual limit of that sharing is. All four present work about memory, or a past image, so that it survives in the future. This exhibition is part of the 2016 edition of the HTMLLES Festival.
more info RSVP
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blckmssn · 10 years
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Free falling #BLCKMSSN X #zerofuture collaboration coming to @lostfoundmtl #htmlles #fashion #creativity #lights #OverTheBreaks #change #youth #myfutureisnow
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htmlles11 · 10 years
Prendre le pouls- excerpts
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To the cacophony of sounds from the video works mixing to the shuddering pulse of giant paper cone we gathered in a circle with Marlène Renaud-B. at La Centrale for a unique artist talk for Prendre le pouls, switching it up from French to English with the unconscious ease of habit. Each attendee was given a schematic with key words describing the construction and concepts behind the performative works and we were invited to add elements, interpret and modify this schematic to our liking as Renaud-B. walked us through her process.
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A couple of excerpts from the evening:
On the presence or importance of the word “fabrication”:
“C’est à toute les étapes, mais en même temps, c’est le début et c’est la fin, c’est partout. Quand tu performes t’es en train de fabriquer, quand je suis en train de performer, c’est la fabrication conceptuelle.
La fabrication est dans l’idée, dans le materiel [et] dans le faire ; par exemple quand j’utilise des moteurs ou des systèmes je veux que ça soit apparent [et] qu’on sente la fabrication.”
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  On the wearing the yellow suit:
“When I decided to put a yellow suit and a cone on my head, I didn’t want it to be personalized. I didn’t want the focus to be on whether I was a man or a woman, or any kind of individual, so I can clearly become an instrument or a device or a machine that always repeats the same movements".
“Ensuite de pouvoir moi, devenir un instrument, de mettre un suit jaune qui rappelle, si on regarde dans un plan, une marque dans l’espace - juste un signe - [comme] le bonhomme jaune sur Google Maps, qui réinterprète les lieux, et de voir et entendre autrement les espaces.”
On how Renaud-B. came to chose performance locations:
“At a certain point I was doing the repetitive actions in front of a big modernist sculpture on Île Sainte-Hélène, from that moment I told myself [that] the ultimate thing would be to go inside of a Donald Judd sculpture in Marfa, [Texas] which is for me, as a woman with a sculpture background, represents a supreme, male, white, modernist authority.
So finally I decided to go inside of a Donald Judd in Marfa and while I was there I decided to work on the other important spaces that were also [supporting] the ideas I was working with.  [For example] the super iconoclast black Ford Mustang in the middle of the desert with a glare on it, or there’s Spaceport USA [in New Mexico], a launch pad for space shuttles for billionaires.”
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 On the cone installation:
“I was interested in translating the same [ideas] in different mediums and different ways, asking myself: “How can I take the sound from the street or the sound from the space still [using] the cone but in another way?” By reproducing the cone and reproducing the [performance] movement, but focusing on the sound that the material itself, the paper, was making, it reproduced a sound like a pulse.”
By Melanie Garcia
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montrealrampage · 7 years
Festivals and Events in Montreal November 2017
Festivals and Events in Montreal November 2017
Why is it so dark already? November. Right. The grey, rainy, and cold month before it gets snowy and cold. Well, that’s what parkas are for and Canadians know how to work their parkas. There are so many festivals going on, it’d be a shame to spend all your time watching Stranger Things 2 on Netflix (binge watch and get on with it). Get out and shake that gorgeous booty of yours.
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htmlles10 · 10 years
Feminism and technology meet every year in The HTMlles festival of media arts and digital culture. With workshops, conferences, performances, and exhibitions, the annual festival is entering its 11th year around the theme Zero Future. Over 50 local and international artists will come together to address the idea of being liberated from the future. According to The HTMlles website, the festival addresses a new vision of the future. It takes as a reference point how the future of the 1990s – the 00 decade – was characterized by the dotcom crash, an obsession with security, and financial insecurity on a global scale. That ‘future’ was invented “by modern capitalism, futurism and to some extent cyberpunk, was white, male, and heteronormative.”
Written by Rachel Levine
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writerartistamira · 4 years
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Everything Except Yes in Mi(s)(xed)communications / Mal(sous)entendus at Studio XX, the main exhibition of HTMlles Festival in Montréal, Canada, 1-21 November 2018
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htmlles11 · 10 years
Encounters with Alisha B. Wormsley
Alisha Wormsley can be described in one word as diverse. Working as a multi-media artist, photographer, teaching artist and writer, she has been involved in numerous projects. Based both in Pittsburg and Brooklyn, Alisha has shared her talents with several cultural institutions such as Children’s Aid Society, the Studio Museum of Harlem, the Romare Bearden Foundation, and the Faith Ringgold School in Harlem.
A former student of anthropology and documentary art, Alisha’s studies have assisted her with the development of her artwork. Her inspiration comes from stories, skills, and rituals which are then applied to her work. As she explains, “I collect these stories, archiving them and always making connections between them.”
Her most recent work, The Children of NAN, fuses together both folklore traditions and pop culture, producing what she describes as “new fictions and science fictions.” Alisha’s work brings together film, photography and sound in order to create a more conceptually complete image. She further describes the work as “a mythology of civilization in which, 2000 years ago, dark skinned women ruled the earth.”
Through her alteration of historical episodes, Alisha has challenged the current world in which we live. Her work theorizes a scenario that calls for interracial relations in order for the human race to survive; yet it still manages to render notions of racial oppression. By doing so, this new fiction recognizes the current success of Black Americans and praises them for how far they have come since the times of slavery. Alisha’s work is also applicable to the progress of black women in a male dominant society. However, it still understands the various struggles that remain within these communities. Seen in this context one may begin to better understand the messages she is attempting to present. Alisha’s video captures a distinct truth of history that could only be attainable in fictitious expeditions, one that ventures through a conceptual future.
By Romina Cameron
http://www.alishabwormsley.com/alishabwormsley/the_children_of_NAN.html http://www.curatenyc.org/2013/alisha-b-wormsley-2-entry
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htmlles11 · 10 years
Sounds for the future @TheHTMlles 11
Don't miss the unique performance of Sonia Paço-Rocchia and Véronique Binst tonight at OBORO. Read more HERE.
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htmlles11 · 10 years
APO33 presents concerts of the future, today!
On Tuesday, November 11, APO33 showed workshop participants how it is possible for musicians around the world to share their music, and even perform live concerts while they are in different locations geographically. This is possible through a groundbreaking open source audio streaming software, IceStream, developed by the creative people of APO33.
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In the spirit of peer to peer (p2p) learning and knowledge sharing, APO33 builds software and organize workshops and events for the future. A future where people have the freedom and tools to create and express freely, away from corporate or state (technological) monopolies that seek power to decide who can have access to resources and how.
Sometimes corporate control seems invincible but actually “more and more people today become aware of alternative choices and turn to free and open resources”, Jenny Picket from APO33 tells us. APO33 is an example in its own right showing how international cooperation and work can be viable: all members come from different countries and collaborate with many others in remote locations of Earth to create innovative projects.
Challenging predominant discourses, APO33 offers tangible visions for a future where technology is more accessible, demystified and better adopted. Ground-breaking technology, however, will not bring change on its own. People need to care and get involved in it. Come today at Eastern Bloc and experience an artistic event of the #zerofuture, together with APO33, the Pre-Lubed Sisters and Julie Matson! 
G.I.A.S.O. performance will be available tonight in live stream at the following link: http://apo33.org:8000/giaso.ogg.m3u
By Stella Melina Vassilaki
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htmlles11 · 10 years
Festival Friendly? Studio 303 & The HTMlles Panel on Sustainability
An upcoming event at Studio 303 in partnership with The HTMlles 11 festival welcomes a panel on sustainability and festivals.
A lot of people ask me, “Why did you move to Montreal?” I try to give an uncomplicated answer, but as soon as I start explaining that I make art, that I love graphic design, performance, and the illusive culture behind these things, I see smiles that convey genuine excitement for me as well as a sense of caution. As I strolled through the gorgeous old building located at 372 St. Catherine’s Street in Montreal, I was immediately  surrounded by galleries and studios on every floor that welcomed me into nuanced experiences with a variety of artists, and – I can’t stop saying this—everyone is so nice. 
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Image Source: Studio 303 Twitter
So when I met with Studio 303 about The HTMlles festival and the event they are hosting – a panel on sustainability in the festival world – I was immediately intrigued.
Studio 303 primarily supports and presents dance and interdisciplinary performances in Montreal. They offer creative production services, professional development, and presentations. The mandate on their website states: “Our role within the performing arts community has evolved over the years and in tandem with changes the performing arts sector. More than a simple doorway to the professional milieu, Studio 303 today has become one of the most creative, multifunctional, affordable and welcoming artistic centres in Canada.”
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Image Source: studio 303
But the major dilemma between the affixed values of enjoyment and performance is the question of sustainability. A preliminary glance at the headlines on sustainability in the art community reveals problems of affordability in areas such as Montreal’s Aboriginal festival and the Montreal World Film Festival (to name just two).
How do artists contend with this? How do festival creators, participators, and advocates feel about the current issues of sustainability?
Join us for a round table about festival sustainability at Studio 303 and find out more about the amazing events happening at The HTMlles festival!
by Tara Ogaick
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