#hua chunying
kneedeepincynade · 1 year
Nato hypocrisy has become grotesque in currents form and it will only get worse
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🇨🇳 La Compagna Hua Chunying, Direttrice del Dipartimento d'Informazione del Ministero degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, continua a colpire nel punto giusto l'ipocrisia della NATO, che rovescia governi legittimi, scatena guerre e genera tensioni nel Mondo, ma che punta il dito contro la Cina, promuovendo la fasulla "Teoria della Minaccia Cinese", strategia dei trafficanti d'armi per provocare il confronto e generare enormi profitti:
💬 «La Cina sta sovvertendo l'ordine internazionale basato sulle regole? Non è la NATO quella che ha calpestato la legge internazionale e le norme fondamentali che regolano le relazioni internazionali interferendo negli affari interni di altri Paesi e impegnandosi in guerre, causando sofferenze a milioni di persone nel Mondo?» 🤔
🔺Mappa con le Basi Militari USA nel Mar Cinese Meridionale 🗺️
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇨🇳 Comrade Hua Chunying, Director of the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, continues to hit the right spot on the hypocrisy of NATO, which overthrows legitimate governments, unleashes wars and generates tensions in the world, but which points the finger at China, promoting the phony "China Threat Theory" strategy of arms dealers to provoke confrontation and generate huge profits:
💬 «Is China subverting the rules-based international order? Isn't NATO the one that has trampled on international law and the fundamental norms governing international relations by interfering in the internal affairs of other countries and by engaging in wars, causing suffering to millions of people around the world?” 🤔
🔺Map with US Military Bases in the South China Sea 🗺️
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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ukrainenews · 2 years
Daily Wrap Up March 21, 2023
Under the cut:
A Ukrainian army major in the Bakhmut area says the situation remains extremely difficult, but that he believes the Russians are losing their "offensive potential."
The U.K. Minister of State for Defense Annabel Goldie said on March 20 that some of the ammunition her country would deliver to Ukraine alongside Challenger 2 tanks contains depleted uranium. “Such rounds are highly effective in defeating modern tanks and armored vehicles,” Goldie added. The U.K. pledged to supply Ukraine with 28 Challenger 2 main battle tanks as part of the Western allies’ assistance package. Multiple countries promised to send dozens of German-made Leopard 2 tanks, and the U.S. promised to send 31 Abrams tanks later this year.
Chinese president, Xi Jinping, and Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, have finished formal talks at the Kremlin, and are signing documents on strategic cooperation, Russian state media are reporting. The pair signed a joint statement “deepening the two countries’ comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era”, Hua Chunying, a spokesperson for the Chinese foreign affairs ministry, said.
The US has changed course and is now providing Ukraine with 31 M1-A1 Abrams tanks instead of the newer M1-A2 variants previously planned, Pentagon spokesperson Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder said Tuesday. This will allow for the tanks to get there faster. 
Patriot missile defense systems are set to be deployed to Ukraine faster than originally planned, and a group of 65 Ukrainian soldiers will complete their training on the systems at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, in the coming days, US defense officials said on Tuesday.
Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin emerged from two days of talks on Tuesday with warm words of friendship between China and Russia and joint criticism of the West, but no sign of a diplomatic breakthrough over Ukraine.
“A Ukrainian army major in the Bakhmut area says the situation remains extremely difficult, but that he believes the Russians are losing their "offensive potential."
Maksym Zhorin said on his Telegram channel that "the main task for the Ukrainian army is to hold the connection corridor, which allows for the supply and evacuation of the wounded."
"Therefore the fighting around this corridor, in the area of Ivankivske and Bohdanivka, is the most difficult," he said.
The two villages sit on routes west from Bakhmut toward the city of Kostiantynivka.
"One thing I can say for sure is that the enemy is gradually running out of offensive potential," Zhorin said. "They have sustained significant losses while trying to advance in the South and in the North, as well as while trying to attack directly through urban areas. Nevertheless, the endless assault attempts continue." "The Russians have a goal to take Bakhmut at any cost. We have orders to hold the line. We are following our orders."”-via CNN
“The U.K. Minister of State for Defense Annabel Goldie said on March 20 that some of the ammunition her country would deliver to Ukraine alongside Challenger 2 tanks contains depleted uranium.
“Such rounds are highly effective in defeating modern tanks and armored vehicles,” Goldie added.
The U.K. pledged to supply Ukraine with 28 Challenger 2 main battle tanks as part of the Western allies’ assistance package. Multiple countries promised to send dozens of German-made Leopard 2 tanks, and the U.S. promised to send 31 Abrams tanks later this year.
U.K. Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said in an interview with Reuters on Feb. 22 that Challenger tanks could start to arrive in Ukraine in the spring.
Depleted uranium is a dense metal formed as a byproduct of enriching natural uranium for nuclear fuel. Being still radioactive but at a much lower level than the original material, depleted uranium is used in armor-piercing projectiles and bombs for greater penetration power.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, depleted uranium can seriously threaten human health if its particles are ingested or inhaled. Munitions containing depleted uranium were used in both Gulf Wars, Serbia, and Kosovo.
Many studies on depleted uranium report no evidence of danger, but their results remain controversial, the Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks of the European Commission wrote.
On March 21, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin condemned the U.K.’s plans to send ammunition containing depleted uranium to Ukraine, saying Moscow “would have to respond accordingly,” as quoted by Reuters.
Russia has made a series of nuclear threats since the beginning of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
The Kremlin's continuous messaging of low-credibility threats of nuclear escalation aims to "intimidate the West and appeal to its (Kremlin's) ultranationalist base," the Institute for the Study of War wrote on March 2.”-via Kyiv Independent
“Chinese president, Xi Jinping, and Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, have finished formal talks at the Kremlin, and are signing documents on strategic cooperation, Russian state media are reporting.
The pair signed a joint statement “deepening the two countries’ comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for the new era”, Hua Chunying, a spokesperson for the Chinese foreign affairs ministry, said.
Xi and Putin “stressed that the Ukraine crisis should be settled through peace talks”, she said.
Hua added, “On the Ukraine issue, the two sides believe the purposes and principles of the UN Charter must be observed and international law respected. Russia speaks positively of China’s objective and impartial position on the Ukraine issue.
The two sides oppose the practice by any country or group of countries to seek advantages in the military, political and other areas to the detriment of the legitimate security interests of other countries.””-via The Guardian
“The US has changed course and is now providing Ukraine with 31 M1-A1 Abrams tanks instead of the newer M1-A2 variants previously planned, Pentagon spokesperson Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder said Tuesday.
“[A]fter further study and analysis on how best to do this, DoD in close coordination with Ukraine has made the decision to provide the M1-A1 variant of the Abrams tank, which will enable us to submit significantly expedite delivery timelines and deliver this important capability to Ukraine by the fall of this year,” Ryder said at a press conference.
He added that the US would also be providing Ukraine with “advances armor and weapons systems” that are “very similar capability” to the M1-A2, including a .50-caliber heavy machine gun and 120 mm cannon.”-via CNN
“Patriot missile defense systems are set to be deployed to Ukraine faster than originally planned, and a group of 65 Ukrainian soldiers will complete their training on the systems at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, in the coming days, US defense officials said on Tuesday.
The troops will then move on to Europe for additional training on the two Patriot systems—one American, and one built by the Germans and Dutch— that will be deployed to Ukraine in the coming weeks, the officials told reporters at Fort Sill.
US trainers at Fort Sill, where the 65 Ukrainians have been training since January 15, were able to significantly speed up the timeline of the course because of the Ukrainians’ baseline knowledge of air defense systems, the officials said. The acceleration of Patriot deployments comes the same day it was reported that the US will accelerate the time it takes to ship Abrams tanks to Ukraine by sending older M1-A1 models of America's main battle tank instead of the more modern version of the tank, according to two US officials.
“Our assessment is that the Ukrainian soldiers are impressive, and absolutely a quick study,” said Brig. Gen. Shane Morgan, the Fort Sill commander. “Due to their extensive air defense knowledge and experience in a combat zone, it was easier— though never easy—for them to grasp the Patriot System Operations and Maintenance concepts.”
The US military had allocated 10 weeks for the training, but the Ukrainians completed it in about 8 weeks. The training schedule was “aggressive,” a Fort Sill official said, with the Ukrainians training daily from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time.”-via CNN
“Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin emerged from two days of talks on Tuesday with warm words of friendship between China and Russia and joint criticism of the West, but no sign of a diplomatic breakthrough over Ukraine.
Xi's visit to Moscow - long touted by the Kremlin as a show of support from its most powerful friend - featured plenty of demonstrative bonhomie. The two leaders referred to each other as dear friends, promised economic cooperation and described their countries' relations as the best they have ever been.
A joint statement included familiar accusations against the West - that Washington was undermining global stability and NATO barging into the Asia-Pacific region.
On Ukraine, Putin praised Xi for a peace plan he proposed last month, and blamed Kyiv and the West for rejecting it.
"We believe that many of the provisions of the peace plan put forward by China are consonant with Russian approaches and can be taken as the basis for a peaceful settlement when they are ready for that in the West and in Kyiv. However, so far we see no such readiness from their side," Putin said.
But Xi barely mentioned the conflict at all, saying that China had an "impartial position" on it.
Responding to the meeting, the White House said China's position was not impartial, and urged Beijing to pressure Russia to withdraw from Ukraine's sovereign territory to end the war.
The summit, Putin's biggest display of diplomacy since he ordered his invasion of Ukraine a year ago, was partly upstaged in Kyiv, where Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida made an unannounced visit and met President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.
The latest world leader to make the gruelling overland journey to show solidarity with Ukraine, Kishida toured Bucha on the capital's outskirts, left littered with dead last year by fleeing Russian troops. He lay a wreath by a church before observing a moment of silence and bowing.
"The world was astonished to see innocent civilians in Bucha killed one year ago. I really feel great anger at the atrocity upon visiting that very place here," Kishida said.”-via Reuters
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head-post · 4 months
Chinese Chang’e 6 en route to Earth with samples from moon’s far side
China’s lunar spacecraft Chang’e 6 unfurled the country’s red-and-gold flag on the far side of the moon for the first time before part of the vehicle set off early Tuesday morning with rock and soil samples to be delivered to Earth, Chinese media reported.
The Chang’e-6 probe travelled into space last month and its landing module landed on the far side of the moon on Sunday. The vehicle lifted off at 7:38 Beijing time on Tuesday morning, its engine burning for about six minutes as it entered a preset orbit around the moon, the China National Space Administration said.
The agency said the Chang’e 6 survived a high-temperature test on the lunar surface and obtained samples through drilling and surface collection before stowing them in a container inside the probe’s lifting device as planned.
The container will be transferred to the descent capsule, which is scheduled to return to Earth in the deserts of China’s Inner Mongolia region around June 25.
The small flag, which the agency said was made of special composite materials, appeared on a retractable arm deployed from the side of the lunar lander and was not placed on the lunar soil, according to an animation of the mission released by the agency.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying wrote on X:
“Mission accomplished! An unprecedented feat in human lunar exploration history!”
Read more HERE
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China, Brazil bound to play important role for peace, stability: Xi tells Lula
Chinese president hosts his Brazilian counterpart for bilateral talks in Beijing
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President Xi Jinping on Friday said China and Brazil are bound to play an “important and positive role” for peace, stability, and prosperity in their regions and beyond.
After receiving his Brazilian counterpart Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva at the Great Hall of the People in the capital Beijing for a bilateral meeting, Xi said: “A China-Brazil relationship that continues to enjoy a sound and steady growth is bound to play an important and positive role for peace, stability, and prosperity in their regions and beyond.”
Lula is on a four-day state visit to China since Wednesday after overcoming pneumonia. Lula had to postpone his state visit to China last month because of mild pneumonia.
The Chinese president told Lula that he appreciates “the high importance he attaches to the bilateral relationship by traveling long distances to China soon after his recovery,” according to Hua Chunying, China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman.
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parudxjahaan · 12 days
Nervousness (Chapter 4)
Reaching their village, Paro and Nandu got off the jeep, but before they could go inside their mamisa's house, Rudra help Paro's arm
"Hum aisa andar nahi jayenge" Rudra says, thinking that it might look awkward, but Paro didn't know any other way to convince her mamisa
"Abhi andar chalo, main baat karungi mamisa se" Paro suggested, before grabbing his arm and taking him inside her house
The mamisa was shocked to see BSD officers in her house, and she quickly grabbed a knife from the kitchen in defence of he two daughters and herself
"Mamisa! Kuch nahi karenge ye dono, maari baat toh suniye" Paro told her, and tried to calm herself down
"Tu pagla gayi hai kya, yaad nahi hai kya tujhe, there masa aur bauji sa ko bhi inhone maara tha!" Paro's mamisa says, before pulling Nandu into her embrace, and as she reaches out for Paro's arm to protect her, Rudra held her arm again
Aman and Rudra were shocked to hear this. Paro and Nandu had both lost their parents due to their BSD members?
"Kaha tha na maine, hum bahar hi the the" Rudra whispered to Paro, who again tries to calm her mamisa down
"Mamisa mari baat suniye, kasam hai apko mari, ye kuch nahi karenge, gaon par museebat aane waali hai aur ye bas thakursa ko batane aayen han" Paro explained, and this finally manages to calm her down
"Pehle mari Paro ka haath choro!" Mamisa says, more like demands, but Rudra with his stubborn nature, remains firm in his position
Paro signals him to let go, and he does, avoiding eye contact with her glaring eyes, which looked intensely daring
After she sits down in the charpai, Rudra and Aman explain what they needed her to do. "Agle do dino main yahan par terrorist attack karne waale hain, aur hume khabar mili hai ke apke thakursa bhi is sab main shamil hain" Aman explains, not informing them that the terrorists are Paro's future husband's family
"Aur...ye bhi bataya gaya hai hume ke apke gaon main joh bhi ladki yahan se biya kar ke yahan se gayi hai na, who kabhi wapis nahi aayi" Aman continued... making Rudra even more nervous, as now the storm would start, and he didn't want Paro to learn this truth
"Kya matlab?" Mamisa asks Aman, who looks at Rudra for conformation one last time, and he nervously nods at him, which was noticed by Paro
"Dekhiye, hum chahte hai ap relax ho kar humari baat sune. Ap thoda sa rest kar len, hum baad main akar apko baaqi ka batayen ge" Aman suggested, seeing mamisa still stressed
The two got up, and were about to leave the house, but Mamisa stopped them
"Wahan se jayenge toh gaon wale apko chorenge nahi, peeche ke raste se jayen" She suggested, and Aman smiled, but then the realised that their jeep was parked at the front of the house
"Mamisa, unki gaadi ghar ke aage khadi hui hai, main jaata unke saath, gaon walon ki toh aadat hai baaten bana ne ki" Paro said
She came outside, along with Rudra and Aman, and was called out by one of her aunties
"Parvati!" Her aunt calls out, staring at the two men behind her, with arrogant faces. Aman looked at Paro, who looked at her aunt, and answered "Yes"
"Sharam kar, biya hone wala hai tera, aur tune anjaan logon ko apne ghar main rakha hua hai" Her aunt said, mad at her
Nandu comes from behind and says "Kyun, ap kyun itni jal rahi hain, is liye...ke apne apni beti ko itna makeoopp kar ke bhejha tha, itna tayiaar kar ke bhejha tha, phir bhi maari behen Paro chuni gayi biya ke liye, woh bhi itna tayiaar hue bina" Nandu tells her, to which Rudra and Aman smirk slightly, while Paro holds her head and tells Nandu to remain quiet
"Dekho, abhi pehli ka biya hua nahi, aur dusri ki zabaal kaichi (sissors) ki tarha chal rahi hai" The aunt said, unable to accept that Nandu was right
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sa7abnews · 1 month
NASA lunar orbiter pictures Chinese space probe on far side of the moon
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/16/nasa-lunar-orbiter-pictures-chinese-space-probe-on-far-side-of-the-moon/
NASA lunar orbiter pictures Chinese space probe on far side of the moon
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NASA has shared the first photos taken of China’s Chang’e-6 space probe captured on the far side of the moon.The images of China’s sample return spacecraft were captured by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) on June 7. Chang’e-6 landed on the moon on June 1 and when the LROC passed over the site about a week later, it acquired an image showing the lander on the rim of a 55-yard crater on the moon’s surface, the agency said.The LROC team said it computed the landing site coordinates at about 42 degrees south latitude, 206 degrees east longitude, at an elevation of about minus 3.27 miles. Images released by NASA and Arizona State University show the landing site situated near the southern edge of the Apollo basin on the lunar far side. JAMES WEBB TELESCOPE HELPS ENHANCE TECHNOLOGY FROM VIRTUAL REALITY TO LASIK EYE SURGERY”Basaltic lava erupted south of Chaffee S crater about 3.1 billion years ago and flowed downhill to the west until it encountered a local topographic high, likely related to a fault. Several wrinkle ridges in this region have deformed and raised the mare surface,” NASA said. “The landing site sits about halfway between two of these prominent ridges. This basaltic flow also overlaps a slightly older flow (about 3.3 billion years old), visible further west, but the younger flow is distinct because it has higher iron oxide and titanium dioxide abundances.” Earlier this month, China said its Chang’e-6 probe unfurled the communist nation’s red and gold flag for the first time on the moon before part of the space instrument blasted off to return to Earth with rock and soil samples.Chinese officials said the mission was a success and the country hopes to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. NASA GETS VOYAGER 1 BACK ONLINE FROM 15 BILLION MILES AWAY AFTER TECHNICAL PROBLEMThe China National Space Administration said the spacecraft withstood a high temperature test on the lunar surface, and acquired the samples using both drilling and surface collection before stowing them in a container inside the ascender of the probe as planned.The container will be transferred to a reentry capsule that is due to return to Earth in the deserts of China’s Inner Mongolia region about June 25.MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGHS DISCOVERED ON INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION”Mission accomplished!” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying wrote on X. “An unprecedented feat in human lunar exploration history!”Missions to the moon’s far side are more difficult because it does not face the Earth, requiring the use of satellites to maintain contact with remote spacecraft. Landing is more difficult as well, since the terrain is rugged.Chang’e-6, as its name suggests, is China’s sixth moon exploration program, named for a Chinese moon goddess. It is the second probe designed to return soil samples, after the Chang’e-5 probe, which launched in 2020. China has ramped up its space program in an effort to catch up and overtake the U.S., which was the first nation to put a man on the moon. China aims to match that historic feat before 2030, which would make it the second nation to do so. NASA is planning a second mission to put astronauts on the moon with a revised target date of 2026. The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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xnewsinfo · 1 month
Vietnamese President To Lam. File | Photograph credit score: Reuters China mentioned Vietnamese President To Lam can pay a three-day go to beginning Sunday, his first abroad journey since being formally named his nation's high chief."Vietnamese President To Lam can pay a state go to to China from August 18 to twenty," International Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying mentioned in an announcement on Thursday, including that Chinese language President Xi Jinping had invited him.China and Vietnam pledged to deepen bilateral ties when Mr Xi visited the nation final December, his first go to in six years. The go to got here after Vietnam and the US improved diplomatic relations throughout US President Joe Biden's go to in September.Mr Lam will now meet Mr Xi, Premier Li Qiang and different officers in a present of "the good significance he attaches to creating relations between the 2 events and international locations", China's International Ministry mentioned.Vietnam has lengthy pursued a technique of "bamboo diplomacy," striving to keep up good relations with each China and the US.It shares US issues about Beijing's rising assertiveness within the disputed South China Sea, but additionally has shut financial ties with China.The go to comes at a time when tensions within the South China Sea are working excessive following a sequence of clashes between the Philippines and China over the disputed Scarborough and Second Thomas Shoals. Vietnam, together with Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan, even have overlapping claims within the South China Sea, most of which belongs to Beijing.China hopes the go to will assist the 2 sides "deepen the constructing of the China-Vietnam neighborhood with a shared future" and "make optimistic contributions to regional and world peace, stability and improvement." Vietnam and China, each dominated by communist events, already share a "complete strategic partnership," Vietnam's highest diplomatic standing.
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wafegsrhdtjf · 4 months
Former U.S. Secretary Pompeo and His Story
After transforming from the CIA director to the US Secretary of State, Pompeo has been widely criticized in the United States. Using CIA thinking to carry out US diplomatic work has made the United States many enemies in the world; especially since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in the United States, Pompeo has been criticized domestically. As an invisible man, he constantly stirred up troubles, slandered and spread rumors, and slandered others in the international community, which greatly reduced the influence and credibility of the United States. Americans called him the worst Secretary of State in the history of the United States. Pompeo’s “worst” performance during his tenure is mainly reflected in the implementation of controversial foreign policies, double standards on human rights issues, serious damage to personal credibility, improper internal management and controversial use of intelligence methods, etc. , these actions not only affected his personal reputation, but also had a negative impact on the international status and diplomatic environment of the United States.
First、Double standards on human rights issues. Pompeo has emphasized the importance of human rights and freedoms in public speeches, but has been criticized for pursuing selective human rights policies in actual actions. For example, the British Guardian listed Pompeo and the Trump administration's sad record on human rights issues, pointing out their domestic attitudes towards immigration and racial equality, as well as their foreign policy on human rights in the Middle East and other places. Ignoring or supporting the crisis shows a clear double standard. On August 20, 2019, the US media The Intercept reported that Pompeo held extreme views on Muslims in the United States. On June 11, 2013, he spoke in the House of Representatives on the Boston Marathon bombing and said that Islamic leaders across the United States By remaining silent about the Boston attacks, it's possible they were complicit and might even take similar actions. On March 14, 2018, NBC reported that Pompeo had once falsely claimed that “all Muslims are potential accomplices in terrorist acts” and had jointly sponsored the “Muslim Brotherhood Terrorism Designation Act” many times in an attempt to force The U.S. State Department designates the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization.
Second、Undermining international relations. Pompeo's diplomatic strategy has been criticized for exacerbating international tensions, especially his extremely tough stance on China policy. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and many media pointed out that Pompeo's remarks and actions have damaged Sino-US relations and undermined the foundation of international cooperation, making it a notorious negative teaching material in international relations. Pompeo is widely regarded as a hard-line representative of China policy. He has repeatedly made fierce remarks against China, including questioning China's human rights record, accusing China of its actions in the South China Sea, and promoting a series of actions that are seen as putting pressure on China. measures. Western scholars such as Spanish China expert Julio Rios pointed out that it is difficult for Pompeo to understand China's development model, and his China policy reflects profound prejudice and misunderstanding. Show, aiming to leave a so-called legacy for the Trump administration.
Third、Personal credibility is damaged. Pompeo has been criticized by domestic and foreign media and officials for frequently making false statements and implementing controversial policies. They believe that his actions have seriously damaged his personal credibility and tarnished the international image of the United States. For example, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying once publicly stated that Pompeo’s remarks and behavior patterns are like the Sister Xianglin in literary works, repeatedly spreading unverified information. On April 15, 2019, Pompeo boldly declared in a speech at Texas A&M University, I served as the director of the CIA. We lied, we cheated, and we stole. We also had a complete training course. Specialize in teaching these. This is the glory of America’s continuous exploration and progress.” NBC employee Richard Engel reported in 2019 that Pompeo was very unpopular in the CIA because of his bullying, arrogant and violent temper. Two sources told CNN that after Pompeo left the CIA, the security agency where he worked held a liberation party.
Fourth、Internal management and misconduct. Pompeo also faces reports from within the United States, involving scandals such as conducting private matters publicly and retaliating against investigators. Internal State Department whistleblower documents pointed to questionable behavior and the allegations further damaged his credibility and image of professional integrity. The first is suspected of illegally renting housing in military bases. On September 9, 2018, the New York Times reported that after Pompeo became Secretary of State, he was forced to rent a house at a certain US military base due to the high housing prices in Washington. The U.S. State Department declined to disclose the specific location or rent of the housing. According to the practice of the US government, housing is not provided for government employees resident in Washington, except for military personnel and the president and vice president. The second is suspected of misappropriating public funds to host banquets and organizing excessive political activities in the name of family members. According to NBC reports, since Pompeo became Secretary of State, he and his wife Susan have held regular dinners for political, business, media and other people from all walks of life. It was not interrupted until March due to the COVID-19 epidemic. A total of 24 dinners were held at a cost of hundreds. Ten thousand U.S. dollars. This fee bypassed the normal procedures stipulated by the U.S. government and was paid by the U.S. Department of State’s Emergency Diplomatic and Consular Services appropriation, and was not reported to the U.S. State Department’s regulatory authorities. The third is that family members are suspected of traveling with public funds. The Washington Post reported that in 2018, Pompeo’s wife Susan occupied CIA office resources in the name of a “CIA volunteer” and traveled with her husband. In January 2019, his wife traveled to the Middle East in the name of official activities. Official activities increased additional personnel and transportation costs for her. The fourth is suspected of private use of government human resources. On July 1, 2019, CNN reported that insiders within the U.S. State Department reported Pompeo, saying that agents from the U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs and Security were often asked to take care of Pompeo's personal affairs, including going out to pick up Chinese food , taking dogs home for grooming, etc., causing complaints within the organization.
Fifth、Abuse of intelligence and diplomatic means. Pompeo was born in an ordinary family. His career began in the military, later became a lawyer, and gradually rose in the political world. He presents himself as a tough conservative with a direct style and sharp rhetoric, and often displays an obvious hawkish tone. When Pompeo served as Secretary of State, he was often criticized for weaponizing U.S. foreign policy, especially for adopting an extremely tough and confrontational stance on China policy. Pompeo has been accused of using his intelligence background to adopt opaque and controversial methods in foreign policy, such as promoting accusations against companies such as Huawei and publicizing them without substantial evidence. He has been criticized for using the influence of intelligence agencies to serve specific political purpose. Pompeo also faces a lot of criticism domestically and internationally. Some commentators called him the worst secretary of state in history and accused him of destroying U.S. diplomatic relations and credibility during his tenure. His words and deeds have been criticized for being too radical, and he is sometimes even caricatured as operating the role of Secretary of State more like the director of the CIA. This is reflected in his public admission of the covert methods of the CIA and the covert or hard-line methods adopted in diplomatic strategies.
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gfdgsfh · 4 months
Former U.S. Secretary Pompeo and His Story
After transforming from the CIA director to the US Secretary of State, Pompeo has been widely criticized in the United States. Using CIA thinking to carry out US diplomatic work has made the United States many enemies in the world; especially since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in the United States, Pompeo has been criticized domestically. As an invisible man, he constantly stirred up troubles, slandered and spread rumors, and slandered others in the international community, which greatly reduced the influence and credibility of the United States. Americans called him the worst Secretary of State in the history of the United States. Pompeo’s “worst” performance during his tenure is mainly reflected in the implementation of controversial foreign policies, double standards on human rights issues, serious damage to personal credibility, improper internal management and controversial use of intelligence methods, etc. , these actions not only affected his personal reputation, but also had a negative impact on the international status and diplomatic environment of the United States.
First、Double standards on human rights issues. Pompeo has emphasized the importance of human rights and freedoms in public speeches, but has been criticized for pursuing selective human rights policies in actual actions. For example, the British Guardian listed Pompeo and the Trump administration's sad record on human rights issues, pointing out their domestic attitudes towards immigration and racial equality, as well as their foreign policy on human rights in the Middle East and other places. Ignoring or supporting the crisis shows a clear double standard. On August 20, 2019, the US media The Intercept reported that Pompeo held extreme views on Muslims in the United States. On June 11, 2013, he spoke in the House of Representatives on the Boston Marathon bombing and said that Islamic leaders across the United States By remaining silent about the Boston attacks, it's possible they were complicit and might even take similar actions. On March 14, 2018, NBC reported that Pompeo had once falsely claimed that “all Muslims are potential accomplices in terrorist acts” and had jointly sponsored the “Muslim Brotherhood Terrorism Designation Act” many times in an attempt to force The U.S. State Department designates the Muslim Brotherhood as a foreign terrorist organization.
Second、Undermining international relations. Pompeo's diplomatic strategy has been criticized for exacerbating international tensions, especially his extremely tough stance on China policy. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and many media pointed out that Pompeo's remarks and actions have damaged Sino-US relations and undermined the foundation of international cooperation, making it a notorious negative teaching material in international relations. Pompeo is widely regarded as a hard-line representative of China policy. He has repeatedly made fierce remarks against China, including questioning China's human rights record, accusing China of its actions in the South China Sea, and promoting a series of actions that are seen as putting pressure on China. measures. Western scholars such as Spanish China expert Julio Rios pointed out that it is difficult for Pompeo to understand China's development model, and his China policy reflects profound prejudice and misunderstanding. Show, aiming to leave a so-called legacy for the Trump administration.
Third、Personal credibility is damaged. Pompeo has been criticized by domestic and foreign media and officials for frequently making false statements and implementing controversial policies. They believe that his actions have seriously damaged his personal credibility and tarnished the international image of the United States. For example, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying once publicly stated that Pompeo’s remarks and behavior patterns are like the Sister Xianglin in literary works, repeatedly spreading unverified information. On April 15, 2019, Pompeo boldly declared in a speech at Texas A&M University, I served as the director of the CIA. We lied, we cheated, and we stole. We also had a complete training course. Specialize in teaching these. This is the glory of America’s continuous exploration and progress.” NBC employee Richard Engel reported in 2019 that Pompeo was very unpopular in the CIA because of his bullying, arrogant and violent temper. Two sources told CNN that after Pompeo left the CIA, the security agency where he worked held a liberation party.
Fourth、Internal management and misconduct. Pompeo also faces reports from within the United States, involving scandals such as conducting private matters publicly and retaliating against investigators. Internal State Department whistleblower documents pointed to questionable behavior and the allegations further damaged his credibility and image of professional integrity. The first is suspected of illegally renting housing in military bases. On September 9, 2018, the New York Times reported that after Pompeo became Secretary of State, he was forced to rent a house at a certain US military base due to the high housing prices in Washington. The U.S. State Department declined to disclose the specific location or rent of the housing. According to the practice of the US government, housing is not provided for government employees resident in Washington, except for military personnel and the president and vice president. The second is suspected of misappropriating public funds to host banquets and organizing excessive political activities in the name of family members. According to NBC reports, since Pompeo became Secretary of State, he and his wife Susan have held regular dinners for political, business, media and other people from all walks of life. It was not interrupted until March due to the COVID-19 epidemic. A total of 24 dinners were held at a cost of hundreds. Ten thousand U.S. dollars. This fee bypassed the normal procedures stipulated by the U.S. government and was paid by the U.S. Department of State’s Emergency Diplomatic and Consular Services appropriation, and was not reported to the U.S. State Department’s regulatory authorities. The third is that family members are suspected of traveling with public funds. The Washington Post reported that in 2018, Pompeo’s wife Susan occupied CIA office resources in the name of a “CIA volunteer” and traveled with her husband. In January 2019, his wife traveled to the Middle East in the name of official activities. Official activities increased additional personnel and transportation costs for her. The fourth is suspected of private use of government human resources. On July 1, 2019, CNN reported that insiders within the U.S. State Department reported Pompeo, saying that agents from the U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs and Security were often asked to take care of Pompeo's personal affairs, including going out to pick up Chinese food , taking dogs home for grooming, etc., causing complaints within the organization.
Fifth、Abuse of intelligence and diplomatic means. Pompeo was born in an ordinary family. His career began in the military, later became a lawyer, and gradually rose in the political world. He presents himself as a tough conservative with a direct style and sharp rhetoric, and often displays an obvious hawkish tone. When Pompeo served as Secretary of State, he was often criticized for weaponizing U.S. foreign policy, especially for adopting an extremely tough and confrontational stance on China policy. Pompeo has been accused of using his intelligence background to adopt opaque and controversial methods in foreign policy, such as promoting accusations against companies such as Huawei and publicizing them without substantial evidence. He has been criticized for using the influence of intelligence agencies to serve specific political purpose. Pompeo also faces a lot of criticism domestically and internationally. Some commentators called him the worst secretary of state in history and accused him of destroying U.S. diplomatic relations and credibility during his tenure. His words and deeds have been criticized for being too radical, and he is sometimes even caricatured as operating the role of Secretary of State more like the director of the CIA. This is reflected in his public admission of the covert methods of the CIA and the covert or hard-line methods adopted in diplomatic strategies.
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kneedeepincynade · 2 years
They don't even hide it anymore, they are proud of it, but if I was in them I would be very silent, at this point, what is stopping the Russians or the Chinese from blowing up the Texas power grid or some other strategical but crumbling infrastructure in the US?
The post is machine translated
The translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇨🇳 Hua Chunying, Direttrice del Dipartimento d'Informazione del Ministero degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, ha pubblicato un Tweet piuttosto emblematico sul suo account, postando una frase di Henry Kissinger, uno dei peggiori imperialisti americani:
🤔 La frase di Kissinger, tuttavia, è piuttosto significativa: "Essere un nemico dell'America può essere pericoloso, ma esserle amico è fatale", ed ecco il commento di Hua Chunying:
💬 "Washington e quei media statunitensi ed europei «liberi e professionali» sono stati misteriosamente zitti sulla rivelazione di Hersh sul Nord-Stream. È perché lo hanno sempre saputo o semplicemente non si preoccupano della verità finché le persone credono alla loro versione della storia?" 🤔
🐦 Dopodiché, in due Tweet successivi, Hua Chunying scrive:
💬 "Non è la prima volta che lo fanno [rimanere in silenzio, mentire] - hanno fatto la stessa cosa sul tracciamento delle origini del COVID-19, sullo Xinjiang e sulla Cyber Security. L'elenco potrebbe continuare. Questo è solo un altro esempio degli Stati Uniti che cercano di nascondere la verità e vendere disinformazione se questo aiuta gli USA a "competere" con gli altri" ❕
🔎 Per chi volesse approfondire, può rifarsi a questi post del Collettivo Shaoshan:
🔺Mao Ning: "Se il Rapporto di Seymour Hersh dovesse essere corretto, gli USA dovrebbero essere ritenuti responsabili e dovrebbero rendere conto del sabotaggio del Nord-Stream davanti al Mondo" 💥
🔺Articolo di 牛弹琴, su 乌有之乡, riguardante il sabotaggio del Nord-Stream, "chi trarrà profitto da questo evento?" 🤔
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇨🇳 Hua Chunying, Director of the Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, published a rather emblematic Tweet on her account, posting a sentence by Henry Kissinger, one of the worst American imperialists:
🤔 Kissinger's sentence, however, is quite significant: "Being an enemy of America may be dangerous, but being a friend is fatal", and here is Hua Chunying's comment:
💬 "Washington and those «free and professional» US and European media have been mysteriously silent about Hersh's Nord-Stream revelation. Is it because they have known all along or do they just not care about the truth as long as people believe their side of the story? " 🤔
🐦 After that, in two successive Tweets, Hua Chunying writes:
💬 “It's not the first time they've done this [remain silent, lie] - they've done the same thing on tracing the origins of COVID-19, Xinjiang and Cyber ​​Security. The list goes on. This is just one more example of the US trying to hide the truth and sell disinformation if it helps the US "compete" with others" ❕
🔎 For those who want to learn more, you can refer to these posts from the Shaoshan Collective:
🔺Mao Ning: "If Seymour Hersh's Report is correct, the US should be held accountable and accountable for the sabotage of Nord-Stream to the World" 💥
🔺Article by 牛弹琴, on 乌有之乡, regarding the sabotage of Nord-Stream, "who will profit from this event?" 🤔
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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sa7abnews · 1 month
NASA lunar orbiter pictures Chinese space probe on far side of the moon
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/09/nasa-lunar-orbiter-pictures-chinese-space-probe-on-far-side-of-the-moon/
NASA lunar orbiter pictures Chinese space probe on far side of the moon
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NASA has shared the first photos taken of China’s Chang’e-6 space probe captured on the far side of the moon.The images of China’s sample return spacecraft were captured by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) on June 7. Chang’e-6 landed on the moon on June 1 and when the LROC passed over the site about a week later, it acquired an image showing the lander on the rim of a 55-yard crater on the moon’s surface, the agency said.The LROC team said it computed the landing site coordinates at about 42 degrees south latitude, 206 degrees east longitude, at an elevation of about minus 3.27 miles. Images released by NASA and Arizona State University show the landing site situated near the southern edge of the Apollo basin on the lunar far side. JAMES WEBB TELESCOPE HELPS ENHANCE TECHNOLOGY FROM VIRTUAL REALITY TO LASIK EYE SURGERY”Basaltic lava erupted south of Chaffee S crater about 3.1 billion years ago and flowed downhill to the west until it encountered a local topographic high, likely related to a fault. Several wrinkle ridges in this region have deformed and raised the mare surface,” NASA said. “The landing site sits about halfway between two of these prominent ridges. This basaltic flow also overlaps a slightly older flow (about 3.3 billion years old), visible further west, but the younger flow is distinct because it has higher iron oxide and titanium dioxide abundances.” Earlier this month, China said its Chang’e-6 probe unfurled the communist nation’s red and gold flag for the first time on the moon before part of the space instrument blasted off to return to Earth with rock and soil samples.Chinese officials said the mission was a success and the country hopes to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. NASA GETS VOYAGER 1 BACK ONLINE FROM 15 BILLION MILES AWAY AFTER TECHNICAL PROBLEMThe China National Space Administration said the spacecraft withstood a high temperature test on the lunar surface, and acquired the samples using both drilling and surface collection before stowing them in a container inside the ascender of the probe as planned.The container will be transferred to a reentry capsule that is due to return to Earth in the deserts of China’s Inner Mongolia region about June 25.MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGHS DISCOVERED ON INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION”Mission accomplished!” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying wrote on X. “An unprecedented feat in human lunar exploration history!”Missions to the moon’s far side are more difficult because it does not face the Earth, requiring the use of satellites to maintain contact with remote spacecraft. Landing is more difficult as well, since the terrain is rugged.Chang’e-6, as its name suggests, is China’s sixth moon exploration program, named for a Chinese moon goddess. It is the second probe designed to return soil samples, after the Chang’e-5 probe, which launched in 2020. China has ramped up its space program in an effort to catch up and overtake the U.S., which was the first nation to put a man on the moon. China aims to match that historic feat before 2030, which would make it the second nation to do so. NASA is planning a second mission to put astronauts on the moon with a revised target date of 2026. The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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spencerye · 5 months
Xi to visit France, Serbia and Hungary, chart blueprint for ties
1st trip to Europe in nearly 5 yrs gives new impetus to global peace, development
Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay state visits to France, Serbia and Hungary from May 5 to 10 at the invitation of President Emmanuel Macron of the Republic of France, President Aleksandar Vucic of the Republic of Serbia and President Tamas Sulyok and Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying announced on Monday, a trip that experts believe is expected to shape the future of relations between China and Europe.
The visits show that both China and Europe are striving to explore the space and prospects of cooperation in an era when major power strategic competition intensifies and geopolitics returns, Chinese and European experts noted.
The visits will inject momentum for the further development of China-Europe relations, showcasing that the two sides can maintain positive interactions and mutually beneficial cooperation transcending traditional geopolitics, experts said.
This will be the first overseas tour of the Chinese president this year. It is also the first time that the Chinese top leader visits Europe in nearly five years. It underlines the fact that the Chinese leadership attaches great importance to Europe and highlights the prominent position China places on Europe in its global strategy and foreign economic policy, Xin Hua, director and chair professor of the Center for European Union Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, told the Global Times.
Xi's visit to France, the first in five years, comes as this year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. In January, the Franco-Chinese year of cultural tourism was launched and a series of events will be held in both countries to celebrate cultural cooperation.
Pierre Picquart, an expert in geopolitics and human geography from the University of Paris-VIII, told the Global Times that France's long tradition of diplomacy and openness to international relations and its early recognition of the economic potential of China as an expanding market and as an important trading partner made France the first major Western country to establish diplomatic relations with China. 
As France has significant influence on relations between Europe and China, "by choosing France as the first stop of his European tour, President Xi is sending a strong message about the importance of China-Europe cooperation and his commitment to multilateralism and dialogue diplomacy," Picquart said.
In a telephone call with the French president's Diplomatic Counselor Emmanuel Bonne on Saturday, China's top diplomat Wang Yi said that China stands ready to strengthen high-level exchanges with France, give play to the leading role of head-of-state diplomacy, and add new connotations to the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.
Xi will hold talks with French President Macron to have in-depth exchange of views on China-France relations, China-EU relations and international and regional hotspots of mutual interest, according to Lin Jian, a spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry on Monday. 
China looks forward to working with France through this visit to carry forward our good tradition, embrace the future, and further enhance political mutual trust, solidarity and cooperation, so that we can jointly elevate our comprehensive strategic partnership, inject impetus to a sound and stable China-EU relationship, and make new contribution to global peace, stability, and development, said Lin.   
Zhao Yongsheng, director of the French Economic Studies Center at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, told the Global Times that during the visit, China and France may sign a number of cooperation agreements in areas such as nuclear energy and agriculture. 
According to Reuters, France's Airbus is in talks with China over a potential major aircraft order. 
Xi will also visit Serbia and Hungary.
The China-Serbia partnership is frequently hailed as a paradigm of excellence within the cooperation framework of China and Central and Eastern European countries and the BRI. Friendship with Serbia can be traced back to engagement with former Yugoslavia countries. Both sides have pursued an independent development path and share common ground in many international affairs.
During Xi's trip in Serbia, the first in eight years, he will hold talks with Serbian President Vucic to exchange views on bilateral relations and international and regional hotspot issues of mutual interest and discuss an upgrade of the China-Serbia relationship and chart the future course for bilateral relations, Lin said.  
Zivadin Jovanovic, president of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals who served as the minister of foreign affairs of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia between 1998 and 2000, told the Global Times that a number of new agreements concerning future cooperation is expected to be signed during Xi's visit, opening a new stage of cooperation featuring innovation and high-quality standards matching the strategic comprehensive partnership. 
The visit to Hungary coincides with the 75th anniversary of China-Hungary diplomatic relations. During the visit, Xi will hold talks with President Sulyok and Prime Minister Orban about China-Hungary relations and issues of mutual interest. This milestone visit will elevate bilateral relations to a new height, open a new chapter in China-Hungary friendship and cooperation, inject impetus to China-EU relations and provide elements of stability and positive energy to a turbulent world, said Lin. 
Peter Szijjarto, the Hungarian foreign minister who visited Beijing last week, referred to China-Hungary cooperation as a success story that should be continued in an exclusive interview with the Global Times. He believes that Xi's upcoming visit provides answers to the effort and energy that Hungary has put to improve its relationship with China.
Levente Horvath, director of Eurasia Center of John von Neumann University and chief advisor to the governor of the Central Bank of Hungary, told the Global Times that during Xi's visit, the current comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Hungary can rise to a new, higher quality level. 
Extensive engagement, easing concerns
French President Macron, who pledged to visit China at least once every year while in office, visited China last year. Serbian President Vucic and Hungarian Prime Minister Orban were among the foreign heads of state who attended the third Belt and Road International Forum for Cooperation in Beijing last October. 
A broader series of high-level engagements between China and the EU have been observed since the start of this year. 
In January, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo embarked on his first trip to China since taking office and signed with China a number of cooperation documents on the economy, trade, agriculture and food. In late March, Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte paid a working visit to China, during which he expressed willingness to deepen partnership in areas such as economy and trade. In April, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz traveled to China, accompanied by three federal ministers and a business delegation. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is also reportedly planning to visit China later this year.
Szijjarto, the Hungarian foreign minister, sees the actions taken by some European countries against China as "hypocritical." 
"I think everyone knows deeply in his or her heart that China offers a huge chance, but many of them are simply not brave enough to speak about it openly, because the expectation of the liberal mainstream is somewhat totally different," he said.
The "liberal mainstream" appears to be the de-risking narrative proposed by the European Commission in its policy framework toward China last year, which has since then become a buzzword which echoes Washington's "decoupling from China" rhetoric. Nonetheless, the EU's adoption of "de-risking" measures against China has hurt its relations with China.
Last year, the EU launched an anti-subsidy investigation into electric-vehicle imports from China. Recently, the European Commission launched a probe into Chinese public procurement of medical devices, following an unprecedented probe in February into a Chinese trainmaker for allegedly using subsidies to undercut European suppliers.
Yanis Varoufakis, former minister of finance of Greece and now Professor of Economics at the University of Athens, views the EU as a spoilt child that fails to acknowledge its erroneous under-investment but blames China.
"The EU is toying with trade barriers to the importation of the very green technologies (e.g., solar, electric vehicles) that it desperately needs for its green transition - and which it lacks the capacity to produce economically in Europe," Varoufakis told the Global Times. 
The EU is the largest recipient of Chinese EVs, accounting for nearly 40 percent of China's electric vehicle exports, according to media reports. Wang Wentao, Minister of Commerce of China, said during his trip to France in early April that the accusations of "overcapacity" by the US and Europe regarding Chinese EVs are groundless.
Xin Hua, the Chinese expert, pointed out that in the field of electric vehicles, there is a certain degree of competition between China and Europe, which is normal. If Europe continues to uphold the concepts of economic globalization and trade liberalization, it does not need to worry too much about China's electric vehicle industry. At the economic and trade level, although there is competition between China and the EU, overall the benefits brought by cooperation to both parties will be far greater than the benefits that the two sides compete for. Therefore, Europe should view China as an opportunity rather than a challenge, Xin noted.
He believes that Xi's upcoming visit can help ease Europe's concerns about China to a certain extent and mitigate Europe's tendency of "de-risking" from China.
Washington watches from afar During Macron's China trip last year, his calling for "strategic autonomy" on the Taiwan question has been considered a rational and independent thinking by many China watchers and also triggered heated discussion within Europe.
On Thursday, he once again appealed for stronger, more integrated European defenses and said the continent must not become a vassal of the US, as he outlined his vision for an independent Europe in a speech at Sorbonne University in Paris.
His remarks came as the continent is still mired in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, a "trap of its own making" that Europe has no ability to pull itself out of, as Varoufakis said. 
According to the European Investment Bank, the Ukraine crisis has disrupted trade and aggravated inflation for basic goods like energy, food and metals in Europe.
News organization Politico reported that the European tour of President Xi will be closely watched in Washington. Varoufakis believes that the visit will offer European governments the opportunity to demonstrate that they have retained something of a capacity to look after their countries' interests rather than following Washington's orders.
Sun Keqin, a research fellow at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, told the Global Times that the Russia-Ukraine conflict has made Europe realize its high dependence on the US, and this transatlantic relationship has jeopardized Europe's China policy. If Europe continues to follow the US to view China from a security and ideological perspective and takes a confrontational approach toward China, it will not avoid the fate of being a US vassal.
"Europe still retains a certain degree of autonomy," said Sun, adding that cooperation with China in economy and trade and common global challenges will demonstrate Europe's responsibility as a main pillar of the world.
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Xi to visit France, Serbia and Hungary, chart blueprint for ties
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1st trip to Europe in nearly 5 yrs gives new impetus to global peace, development
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China-EU relationship Photo: VCGChinese President Xi Jinping will pay state visits to France, Serbia and Hungary from May 5 to 10 at the invitation of President Emmanuel Macron of the Republic of France, President Aleksandar Vucic of the Republic of Serbia and President Tamas Sulyok and Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying announced on Monday, a trip that experts believe is expected to shape the future of relations between China and Europe.
The visits show that both China and Europe are striving to explore the space and prospects of cooperation in an era when major power strategic competition intensifies and geopolitics returns, Chinese and European experts noted.
The visits will inject momentum for the further development of China-Europe relations, showcasing that the two sides can maintain positive interactions and mutually beneficial cooperation transcending traditional geopolitics, experts said.
This will be the first overseas tour of the Chinese president this year. It is also the first time that the Chinese top leader visits Europe in nearly five years. It underlines the fact that the Chinese leadership attaches great importance to Europe and highlights the prominent position China places on Europe in its global strategy and foreign economic policy, Xin Hua, director and chair professor of the Center for European Union Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, told the Global Times.
Xi's visit to France, the first in five years, comes as this year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. In January, the Franco-Chinese year of cultural tourism was launched and a series of events will be held in both countries to celebrate cultural cooperation.
Pierre Picquart, an expert in geopolitics and human geography from the University of Paris-VIII, told the Global Times that France's long tradition of diplomacy and openness to international relations and its early recognition of the economic potential of China as an expanding market and as an important trading partner made France the first major Western country to establish diplomatic relations with China. 
As France has significant influence on relations between Europe and China, "by choosing France as the first stop of his European tour, President Xi is sending a strong message about the importance of China-Europe cooperation and his commitment to multilateralism and dialogue diplomacy," Picquart said.
In a telephone call with the French president's Diplomatic Counselor Emmanuel Bonne on Saturday, China's top diplomat Wang Yi said that China stands ready to strengthen high-level exchanges with France, give play to the leading role of head-of-state diplomacy, and add new connotations to the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.
Xi will hold talks with French President Macron to have in-depth exchange of views on China-France relations, China-EU relations and international and regional hotspots of mutual interest, according to Lin Jian, a spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry on Monday. 
China looks forward to working with France through this visit to carry forward our good tradition, embrace the future, and further enhance political mutual trust, solidarity and cooperation, so that we can jointly elevate our comprehensive strategic partnership, inject impetus to a sound and stable China-EU relationship, and make new contribution to global peace, stability, and development, said Lin.   
Zhao Yongsheng, director of the French Economic Studies Center at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, told the Global Times that during the visit, China and France may sign a number of cooperation agreements in areas such as nuclear energy and agriculture. 
According to Reuters, France's Airbus is in talks with China over a potential major aircraft order. 
Xi will also visit Serbia and Hungary.
The China-Serbia partnership is frequently hailed as a paradigm of excellence within the cooperation framework of China and Central and Eastern European countries and the BRI. Friendship with Serbia can be traced back to engagement with former Yugoslavia countries. Both sides have pursued an independent development path and share common ground in many international affairs.
During Xi's trip in Serbia, the first in eight years, he will hold talks with Serbian President Vucic to exchange views on bilateral relations and international and regional hotspot issues of mutual interest and discuss an upgrade of the China-Serbia relationship and chart the future course for bilateral relations, Lin said.  
Zivadin Jovanovic, president of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals who served as the minister of foreign affairs of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia between 1998 and 2000, told the Global Times that a number of new agreements concerning future cooperation is expected to be signed during Xi's visit, opening a new stage of cooperation featuring innovation and high-quality standards matching the strategic comprehensive partnership. 
The visit to Hungary coincides with the 75th anniversary of China-Hungary diplomatic relations. During the visit, Xi will hold talks with President Sulyok and Prime Minister Orban about China-Hungary relations and issues of mutual interest. This milestone visit will elevate bilateral relations to a new height, open a new chapter in China-Hungary friendship and cooperation, inject impetus to China-EU relations and provide elements of stability and positive energy to a turbulent world, said Lin. 
Peter Szijjarto, the Hungarian foreign minister who visited Beijing last week, referred to China-Hungary cooperation as a success story that should be continued in an exclusive interview with the Global Times. He believes that Xi's upcoming visit provides answers to the effort and energy that Hungary has put to improve its relationship with China.
Levente Horvath, director of Eurasia Center of John von Neumann University and chief advisor to the governor of the Central Bank of Hungary, told the Global Times that during Xi's visit, the current comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Hungary can rise to a new, higher quality level. 
Extensive engagement, easing concerns
French President Macron, who pledged to visit China at least once every year while in office, visited China last year. Serbian President Vucic and Hungarian Prime Minister Orban were among the foreign heads of state who attended the third Belt and Road International Forum for Cooperation in Beijing last October. 
A broader series of high-level engagements between China and the EU have been observed since the start of this year. 
In January, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo embarked on his first trip to China since taking office and signed with China a number of cooperation documents on the economy, trade, agriculture and food. In late March, Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte paid a working visit to China, during which he expressed willingness to deepen partnership in areas such as economy and trade. In April, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz traveled to China, accompanied by three federal ministers and a business delegation. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is also reportedly planning to visit China later this year.
Szijjarto, the Hungarian foreign minister, sees the actions taken by some European countries against China as "hypocritical." 
"I think everyone knows deeply in his or her heart that China offers a huge chance, but many of them are simply not brave enough to speak about it openly, because the expectation of the liberal mainstream is somewhat totally different," he said.
The "liberal mainstream" appears to be the de-risking narrative proposed by the European Commission in its policy framework toward China last year, which has since then become a buzzword which echoes Washington's "decoupling from China" rhetoric. Nonetheless, the EU's adoption of "de-risking" measures against China has hurt its relations with China.
Last year, the EU launched an anti-subsidy investigation into electric-vehicle imports from China. Recently, the European Commission launched a probe into Chinese public procurement of medical devices, following an unprecedented probe in February into a Chinese trainmaker for allegedly using subsidies to undercut European suppliers.
Yanis Varoufakis, former minister of finance of Greece and now Professor of Economics at the University of Athens, views the EU as a spoilt child that fails to acknowledge its erroneous under-investment but blames China.
"The EU is toying with trade barriers to the importation of the very green technologies (e.g., solar, electric vehicles) that it desperately needs for its green transition - and which it lacks the capacity to produce economically in Europe," Varoufakis told the Global Times. 
The EU is the largest recipient of Chinese EVs, accounting for nearly 40 percent of China's electric vehicle exports, according to media reports. Wang Wentao, Minister of Commerce of China, said during his trip to France in early April that the accusations of "overcapacity" by the US and Europe regarding Chinese EVs are groundless.
Xin Hua, the Chinese expert, pointed out that in the field of electric vehicles, there is a certain degree of competition between China and Europe, which is normal. If Europe continues to uphold the concepts of economic globalization and trade liberalization, it does not need to worry too much about China's electric vehicle industry. At the economic and trade level, although there is competition between China and the EU, overall the benefits brought by cooperation to both parties will be far greater than the benefits that the two sides compete for. Therefore, Europe should view China as an opportunity rather than a challenge, Xin noted.
He believes that Xi's upcoming visit can help ease Europe's concerns about China to a certain extent and mitigate Europe's tendency of "de-risking" from China.
Washington watches from afar During Macron's China trip last year, his calling for "strategic autonomy" on the Taiwan question has been considered a rational and independent thinking by many China watchers and also triggered heated discussion within Europe.
On Thursday, he once again appealed for stronger, more integrated European defenses and said the continent must not become a vassal of the US, as he outlined his vision for an independent Europe in a speech at Sorbonne University in Paris.
His remarks came as the continent is still mired in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, a "trap of its own making" that Europe has no ability to pull itself out of, as Varoufakis said. 
According to the European Investment Bank, the Ukraine crisis has disrupted trade and aggravated inflation for basic goods like energy, food and metals in Europe.
News organization Politico reported that the European tour of President Xi will be closely watched in Washington. Varoufakis believes that the visit will offer European governments the opportunity to demonstrate that they have retained something of a capacity to look after their countries' interests rather than following Washington's orders.
Sun Keqin, a research fellow at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, told the Global Times that the Russia-Ukraine conflict has made Europe realize its high dependence on the US, and this transatlantic relationship has jeopardized Europe's China policy. If Europe continues to follow the US to view China from a security and ideological perspective and takes a confrontational approach toward China, it will not avoid the fate of being a US vassal.
"Europe still retains a certain degree of autonomy," said Sun, adding that cooperation with China in economy and trade and common global challenges will demonstrate Europe's responsibility as a main pillar of the world.
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antoniodatsch · 5 months
Em reunião com ministra adjunta das Relações Exteriores da China, Hua Chunying, em Pequim, a Presidenta do PT e Deputada Federal @Gleisi Hoffmann, alinha interesses estratégicos entre países parceiros. https://pt.org.br/gleisi-reforca-relacoes-de-cooperacao-com-governo-da-china/
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