flfnd · 1 year
30. März. Doch noch Merkur gesehen, vom Parkplatz des Feuerwehrhauses in Beacon aus, wo wir einen guten Blick nach Westen über den Hudson hatten. Nach ein paar Minuten kam ein weißhaariger Mann aus dem Feuerwehrhaus und stieg in sein Auto. Ob alles in Ordnung wäre? Am Palmsonntag hätten sie eine Veranstaltung. – Merkur zusammen mit Jupiter, Venus, Mars. Mich sehr gewundert, dass Merkur soviel heller als Jupiter war, dabei stand es eindeutig in der App. Sternkarten lesen wie Partituren. Außerdem jede Menge Flugzeuge, die wie große, langsame Raumschiffe durch den Abendhimmel zogen.
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happi-speech · 4 months
By Meng Zhang and Judith A. Hudson
Temporal concepts are fundamental constructs of human cognition, but the trajectory of how these concepts emerge and develop is not clear. Evidence of children’s temporal concept development comes from cognitive developmental and psycholinguistic studies. This paper reviews the linguistic factors (i.e., temporal language production and comprehension) and cognitive processes (i.e., temporal judgment and temporal reasoning) involved in children’s temporal conceptualization. The relationship between children’s ability to express time in language and the ability to reason about time, and the challenges and difficulties raised by the interaction between cognitive and linguistic components are discussed. Finally, we propose ways to reconcile controversies from different research perspectives and present several avenues for future research to better understand the development of temporal concepts.
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nycsusioliver · 11 months
5.11., NYC- Vienna
Heute ist unser letzter Tag, am Abend geht unser Flug zurück. Nach dem Frühstück, heute im Hotel, wurde erstmal der Koffer gepackt. Trotz einiger Einkäufe passt alles hinein und wir mussten nicht aufstocken. Das Wetter ist sonnig und ca 12 Grad, wir beschlossen einen Spaziergang zu machen. Mit der U- Bahn ging es zum Hudson River Park. Eine schöne Parkanlage mit Promende entlang vom südlichen Hudson River. Hier tummeln sich viele Einheimische, Jogger, Spaziergänger, und Familien mit Kindern. Der Park bzw die Promenade zieht sich über einige Kilometer Richtung Norden. Es sind jede Menge Hundezonen, Spielplätze, und andere Freizeitmöglichkeiten vorhanden. Es ist für jeden etwas dabei. Das schöne Wetter und das Wochenende wird genutzt. Wir fanden ein verankertes Segelboot, dass als kleines Lokal umfunktioniert wurde und auf Austern spezialisiert ist. Hier ließ es sich gut Verweilen. Weiter gingen wir zu little Island, einer künstlich angelegten Miniinsel. Sie schaut von der Ferne aus, wie ein paar Schwammerl, die aus dem Wasser wachsen. Zurück zum Hotel noch schnell den Rest im Koffer verstauen und dann steht auch schon der Shuttle vor dem Hotel. Erstaunlich schnell sind wir am Flughafen. Koffer abgeben, Security Check und nun sitzen wir in der Lounge und warten auf dem Rückflug. Unser Städtetrip war wunderschön, obwohl wir schon das 4 mal hier sind, gab es viel neues zu entdecken und einige Erlebnisse werden wir so schnell nicht vergessen. Trotzdem ist die eine oder andere Unternehmung noch offen. (Radfahren im Central Park z.B). Aber vielleicht kommen wir ja wieder. Nun freuen wir uns auf daheim, Bucky wartet schon und wir haben ihn vermisst. Zum Schluss sagen wir Danke, an alle, die wieder mit uns gereist sind und das nette Feedback, es freut mich, dass euch meine Berichte gefallen. Mal schauen, wo es uns beim nächsten mal hinverschlägt... bis dann- gute Reise.
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lorenzlund · 1 year
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"Ich bin Piilosoph auf der Gitarre. Nur darum klingen meine Schritte schwer! Ich hab" sie bei mir!"
"Mir folgten zwar Drohnen auf den Berg hinauf. Jedoch bewaffnet schien bislange keine von ihnen zu sein! Falls es aber doch einmal passiert, sucht auch ihr besser nach einer passenden Deckung, damit niemand verletzt wird. Ich selber waere dann wohl chancenlos! Die Heidelberger Polizei selber scheint es, hat von ihrer Anwesenheit dort oben offenbar bislang nicht das Geringste selber auch mitgekriegt! Es gehoeren Drohnen mit dazu, welche erkennbar vom Militaer stammen! Neben erneut auch zivilen! Bestaendig ueberqueren diese auch das Stadtgebiet!!"
*Richtig ernst aber schien diese Warnungen niemand nehmen. Obwohl sicherlich jede Menge auch anderer Leute so wie ich diese Drohnen sehr wohl auch wahrnahmen am Himmel. Und dennoch fuer ganz unberechtigt hielt ich sie nicht! Ich gab sie den Leuten zu recht!
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Vom einem Album der 70er mit deutschen Schlagern stammte auch dieser Song herunter: Von Tag zu Tag. (Heidelberg).
"Alles Gute!!"
Mit diesem sehr schoenen Satz verabschiedete mich heute der Besitzer eines italienschen Eisshops. Erst dann bestieg ich den Philosophenweg!
"Mach's gut!!" Auch hier war es der erneute Inhaber eines italienischen Eisladens der mir diesen Gruss mitgab. Anschliessend folgten mir Drohnen am Himmel selbst waehrend eines erneuten Spazierganges entlang des Mains.
*All ass. Der Ass wird gut.
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*Schwer fuer mich von nun an zu sagen so, ob der von mir hier gestern angesprochene versuchte Gang von mir zur Bundesgeneralanwaltschaft und deren obersten Chef dem Bundesgeneralstaatsanwalt in den naechsten Tagen, um meiner drohenden Verhaftung zu entkommen, sich als wirklich lohnend noch erweist so fuer mich! Es koennte sich fuer mich als zu spaet erweisen!
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"Eichwanger muss sich endlich End scheiden, ob er nun bald zuruecktritt oder immer noch nicht!!" (die Presse)
Nach diesen Bonbons muesste er es wohl!
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"Ihnen alles Gute, Signore!"
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"Heidelberg du Schoene. Ich kehr immer wieder gern zu Dir zurueck!!"
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"Rock Hudson. Und wir beide saehen wir uns stark aehnlich!
Ich fuehle mich auch davon und vom Inhalt dieses Zeitungsartikels geehrt! Selbst wenn das eine Kritik an mir darstellte".
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Danach lautete die Empfehlung auf ein paar zusaetzliche auch Nuessecken!
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Der neuangelegte Tiny (Ur)wald von Darmstadt mit hochgehaltener Kamera fotografiert.
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Heidelberg heute.
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der Anfaenger unter, von "Reib-Bolden" oder Unholden. (Darmstadt.)
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Vom Essen stark ermuedet. Gleich geht es per Zug weiter! (Allein der Boss der Band und Saenger ist wie gewohnt auch weiterhin noch wach!)
*Tango auf Argentinisch. das erneute Man go. Fangopackung.
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"Erst dann immer wenn die stark muedemachende Wirkung meines Essens oder einer gerade erneut erhaltenen Mahlzeit durch mich und die des Weins deutlicher abklingt, so nach gut ein bis zwei Stunden, erst dann hoert auch der Flugverkehr staerker wieder auf ueber mir, ich halte selbst auch das fuer sehr bemerkenswert! Vorher tut es das erkennbar so jeweils noch nicht, eigentlich tut es das so nie!
*Ein weiteres Mal blieb ich dabei schlicht unentdeckt, andere fanden mich dabei erneut nicht! Der eigentliche Plan war ein ganz anderer! Nur schlug dieser Plan ein weiteres Mal fehl! (Ueber ein hoeheres Mass an Lebenserfahrung zu verfuegen und ein hoheres Lebensalter als vielleicht andere erweist sich dann als vorteilhaft! Auf ungewohnte Vorfaelle reagieren wir viel gelassener! Im Leben kann uns kaum noch etwas erschrecken! "Irgendwie habe ich das alles doch schon einmal erlebt!!")
*Nachtrag: Der Mango-Mix unter selbst den Fruchtsaeften. "Tango 'gen Mitternacht". "Kriminal Tango". (Und auch in der DDR soll es schon Heavy Metal gegeben haben, Bands die bevorzugt ihn spielten oder nur ihn und ihn anderen auf der Buehne wiederholt darboten!) "Bandscheibenvorfall grosser". "He ain't heavy, he's my brother!' (Im Bett wurde aus ihm zwischenzeitlich eine Nullnummer! Aber zumindest als Freund taugt er jetzt dadurch deutlich mehr! Und auch wir koennen oder duerfen ihn jetzt beruhigt als solchen akzeptieren!)
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b2bcybersecurity · 2 years
Twitter Hack: 400 Millionen Datensätze gestohlen?
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Das Unternehmen Hudson Rocks hat auf Twitter die Nachricht verbreitet, dass ein User in einem Forum im Darknet 400 Millionen Datensätze von Twitter-Usern anbietet. Das heikle dabei: es sollen auch Informationen von Prominenten aus der Politik dabei sein. Das Unternehmen Hudson Rocks, ein Unternehmen für Cyberkriminalitätsaufklärung, hat als Beleg den Screenshot eines Untergrundforums veröffentlicht: der User "Ryushi" bietet in seinem Post 400 Millionen Datensätze die er bei Twitter endwendet haben will. Darin soll pro User Twitter-Name, E-Mail und Telefonnummer enthalten sein. Eigentlich keine besonders kritischen Daten. Allerdings sollen sich in den Daten auch Informationen zu US-Politikerin Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, dem ehemaligen US-Präsidenten Donald Trump, Google-CEO Sundar Pichai, Apple-Mitgründer Steve Wozniak sowie Vitalik Buterin dem Erfinder der Kryptowährung Ether dabei sein. User will 400 Millionen Twitter-Datensätze haben In dem Forum hat der User folgenden Text veröffentlicht (der Text wurde frei übersetzt, E-Mail-Namen und Links entfernt). "Hallo liebe geschädigte Nutzer ich verkaufe die Daten von +400 Millionen Twitter-Nutzern, die über eine Sicherheitslücke abgegriffen wurden, diese Daten sind komplett privat und sie beinhalten Emails und Telefonnummern von Prominenten, Politikern, Unternehmen, normalen Nutzern und eine Menge Original und spezielle Nutzernamen. Sie können den vollständigen Verwendungszweck der Daten hier nachlesen: https://xxxxxxxxx Twitter oder Elon Musk, wenn Sie dies lesen, riskieren Sie bereits eine GDPR-Strafe für 5,4 Mio. Datenverstöße. Was wird es erst für eine Strafe für die Daten von 400 Mio. Nutzer nach sich ziehen. Ihre beste Option, um zu vermeiden, dass Sie wie Facebook 276 Mio. USD an GDPR-Strafen zahlen müssen (weil 533 Mio. Nutzer abgegriffen wurden), besteht darin, diese Daten exklusiv zu kaufen. Das kann über den offiziellen Besitzer Mittelsmann hier @ xxxxxxx oder admin @ xxxxxxx  gehen, danach werde ich diesen Thread löschen und werde diese Daten nicht mehr verkaufen. Die Daten werden auch an niemanden sonst verkauft, was viele Prominente und Politiker von Phishing, Crypto Scams, Sim Swapping, Doxxing und anderen Dingen verschonen wird. Stellen Sie sich vor, dass berühmte Content Creators und Influencer auf Twitter gehackt werden. Das wird sie mit Sicherheit dazu bringen, die Plattform zu verlassen und Ihren Traum von einer Twitter-Videoplattform für Content Creators zu ruinieren, zumal Sie den Fehler gemacht haben, die Twitter-Richtlinien zu ändern, was zu einem immensen Rückschlag geführt hat. Wenn du (Elon) dir unsicher bist, mach einfach wie üblich eine Umfrage auf Twitter und die Leute werden über das Schicksal entscheiden. Aber es ist und bleibt die Schuld deines Unternehmens, dass diese Daten geknackt wurden." 400 Millionen Twitter-Daten: Echt oder Fake? Der Nutzer liefert zusätzlich dutzende Datensätze von bekannten Personen mit. Hudson Rocks, ein Unternehmen für Cyberkriminalitätsaufklärung, hält die gezeigten Daten für echt. Ob der Anbieter aber wirklich über 400 Millionen Datensätze hat ist unbekannt. Wenn der Nutzer die Daten verkauft, kann das für Twitter und Elon Musk unbequem werden. Denn das ist ein klarer Verstoß gegen die DSGVO bzw. GDPR. In Europa musste vor kurzen die Facebook Mutter Meta für ihren Datenverstoß 265 Millionen Euro zahlen. Red./sel   Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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kley-blog · 2 years
Well, nothing like channeling Christmas a little early . . .
Gets it all over and done with . . .
A frightfully post-post modern Christmas it is too . . .
So many twists and references . . .
I suppose I would have to watch it frequently for several decades and really do my homework to catch them all . . .
But . . .
That’s Hollywood . . .
Particularly during Christmas madness . . .
Enjoy . . .
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uwlmvac · 4 years
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Thanks to Jim Theler for this week’s post –
Throwback Thursday - Cool Archaeology Hats: Part 1 
I’ve participated in archaeology projects across the Great Plains, and sometimes I get hats with interesting designs produced specially for the project. This one is from the Hudson-Meng Bison Bonebed excavations in extreme northwestern Nebraska.
The Hudson-Meng site contains skeletal remains of some 500 bison that died about 9,500 years ago. During 1990s excavations directed by Dr. Larry Todd, I collected and analyzed land snails from the site to be used as proxy data for past habitat conditions at the time of the bison kill. It’s unclear whether the bison bones represent a kill by human hunters, or the natural death of a herd from lightning strike(s) or freezing during a harsh winter, or a combination of causes. The site has produced small numbers of artifacts, including projectile points, associated with the time of the kill. For more information, see the references below. 
It’s an interesting place to visit, with part of the excavated bison bonebed displayed in an enclosed building. Traveling from the Midwest, it’s on the way to Yellowstone National Park, and well worth the stop. The Hudson-Meng Education and Visitor Center website (https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/nebraska/recarea/?recid=10621) has information on the site and a short video. Tripadvisor.com also has information and a slide show (www.Tripadvisor.com (https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g45508-d3723883-Reviews-Hudson_Meng_Bison_Kill_Research_Visitor_Center-Crawford_Nebraska.html).
Agenbroad, Larry D. 1978 The Hudson-Meng Site: An Alberta Bison Kill in the Nebraska High Plains. University Press of America.  
Todd, Lawrence C. and David J. Rapson 2016 Research and Public Visitation at Hudson-Meng, 1991-1996: Integrating Observations and Interpretation. In Pisskan: Interpreting First Peoples Bison Kills at Heritage Parks, edited by L.B. Davis and J. W. Fisher, pp. 195-223. University of Utah Press.        
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karlsjrz · 3 years
✦ Trendoscope: Fall Wardrobe✦
Welcome to Trendoscope: where, just like a weekly horoscope, we predict trends that are emerging at the right place, right time for future seasons. This week we focus on wardrobe essentials and styles we think will continue to take off as we get closer into the Fall season. 
✧1: Subversive Basics
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Sportmax by Max Mara Spring 2022 RTW
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Zachary Domingo via Instagram: @barbiegutz​ 
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Dolce & Gabbana Spring 2022 RTW
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Yua via Instagram: @ngc1961
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Moncler 6 1017 Alyx 9SM Spring 2022 RTW
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Rhe via Instagram: @iitsrhe
Subversive basics is a new fashion trend emerging in the fall where basic garments are being rethought. Key elements of this style include: “interesting cut outs, sheer fabrics, unconventional straps, and artful layering” (CRFashionBook). This new trend is a movement to add individuality to a minimalistic wardrobe. Subversive basics have been a perfect fall trend because the typical color scheme of these pieces include neutral colors such as creme, beige, tan, brown, black, white, etc. Garments within this trend are perfect for fall as they make a statement & are still surprisingly comfortable. An added plus to subversive basics goes to the sustainability aspect; garments within this trend that aren’t already pre-designed are being made from upcycling old clothes. 
✧2: These BOOTS Were Made for Walking
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Off- White Fall 2021 RTW 
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Koleen Diaz via Instagram: @koleendz
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Sergio Hudson Fall 2021 RTW
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Aleali May via Instagram: @alealimay
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Sandra Shehab via Instagram: @sandrashehab
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Louisa Meng via Instagram: @louisameng_ 
Knee high boots have become a staple in women’s wardrobes for this upcoming fall. This trend is being especially carried out by being worn with skirts, dresses, or even shorts. The new popularity for knee high boots comes from the erogenous zone of the legs being in style nowadays. Boots within this trend have a heel to them; femininity is being highly appreciated within street fashion nowadays over the previously popular “street-wear/hype” style. The most favored materials for boots have been latex or leather with no real preference for color. Women have been styling boots to be either: the standout piece to their outfit or to be an “essential”. Knee high boots are perfect for the fall because they cover a good amount of the leg as protection from the cold, are water resistant (for when it rains or snows), and allow for women to continue wearing bottoms other than just pants. 
✧3: Lengthy Coats
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Rihanna via Instagram: @breathinfenty
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Maria Beltre via Instagram: @looseunicorns
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Celine Spring 2021 RTW
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Koleen Diaz via Instagram: @koleendz
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Alani Figueroa via Instagram: @wuzg00d
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Celine Fall 2021 RTW
Lengthy trench coats have always been considered as an essential for anyone during the Fall season. This season they are being paired with a classic pair of jeans/ trousers or with a dress. Trench coats are being dressed up and down this Fall as “hype” and femininity battle each other as the most desired style aesthetic. For this trend, most of the trench coats seen have been in muted, neutral toned colors that align with the typical fall color scheme. This new era of trench coat is different than before because there is a bigger focus on green. Lighter shades of green such as olive or sage have been what people are quickly grabbing up. This is perfect for the fall because people have been able to restyle a classic garment; this garment is known for its’ comfort and protection during the weather of the season. 
✶ Summary: This Fall, we think the stars of the season will be subversive basic garments, knee high boots, and trench coats. Check in next week for 
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huahsu · 4 years
Not just other people, the sight of other people on the subway or bus, walking carefree down the street, lost in their music, emitting auras, and I’m wondering what that music is. Not just music, I miss the stories, the way we gather around a sound as though it’s a flame, the way other sounds, triggering other other sounds, can shatter and send us. Not a sound, but a volume I miss is when you’re at a club or a show, and you’re trying to tell someone something, and you’re conscious of not wanting to shout directly in their ear, since you know a polite whisper will get drowned out by the music, and so you (or, in this case, I) resort to a loud mutter, or you emphasize the most important words and hope they can fill in the rest, or you tiptoe your sentence through the noise, guiding whatever you’re saying in between the quiet spaces of the music. Not music, but a sound I thought about a lot this year was a young Black man killed by the cops, his name was Elijah McClain, and he used to play the violin to comfort stray cats. Not playing the violin, rather sawing open this world to reveal one somewhere else that I’d like to believe exists.  IF ONLY THIS HAD EXISTED WHEN I WAS LEARNING CELLO AS A TEENAGER Clarice Jensen, The experience of repetition as death PER USUAL: MY FAVORITE HARP RECORDINGS OF 2020 (HORSEHAIR CATEGORY) Rhodri Davies, Telyn Rawn
FAVORITE HARP (PEDAL) Dezron Douglas and Brandee Younger, Force Majeure MOST LISTENED-TO ALBUMS THAT FELT INSTANTLY FAMILIAR AND WELCOMING Duval Timothy, Help Jeff Parker, Suite for Max Brown MOST LISTENED-TO ALBUM THAT CONFUSED AND DELIGHTED ME ANEW EACH TIME, IT SOUNDS LIKE NOTHING ELSE Still House Plants, Fast Edit ROOKIE OF THE YEAR KeiyaA, Forever, Ya Girl FREE JAZZMATAZZ Boldy James and Sterling Toles, Manger on McNichols
FREQUENTLY SUBLIME...MOTORBIKES, RICKSHAWS, CHAOS THROUGH WEAK CLOCK RADIO SPEAKERS 3Phaz, Three Phase EARTH HEALED HERSELF Gaia Tones, #002 Chains/Shackles BUT ESPECIALLY TRACK 4  ⣎⡇ꉺლ༽இ•̛)ྀ◞ ༎ຶ ༽ৣৢ؞ৢ؞ؖ ꉺლ, ooo ̟̞̝̜̙̘̗̖҉̵̴̨̧̢̡̼̻̺̹̳̲̱̰̯̮̭̬̫̪̩̦̥̤̣̠҈͈͇͉͍͎͓͔͕͖͙͚͜͢͢͢͢͢͢͢͢͢͢͢͢͢͢ͅ  oʅ͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡​(​ ؞ৢ؞ؙؖ⁽⁾˜ัิีึื์๎้็๋๊⦁0 ̟̞̝̜̙̘̗̖҉̵̴̨̧̢̡̼̻̺̹̳̲̱̰̯̮̭̬̫̪̩̦̥̤̣̠҈͈͇͉͍͎͓͔͕͖͙͚͜͢͢͢͢͢͢͢͢͢͢͢͢͢͢ͅ  ఠీੂ೧ູ࿃ूੂ I MISS THE NIGHTLIFE Julion De’Angelo and Viola Klein, We
ASK THE AGES Mary Halvorson’s Code Girl, Artlessly Falling
JOURNEY TO THE ONE Ambrose Akinmusire, on the tender spot of every calloused moment JOURNEY TO THE ONE, IN A RAINFOREST Matthew Halsall, Salute to the Sun BEST LIVE MUSIC Pharoah Sanders at Zebulon BEST OLD MUSIC Foul Play, Origins I OFTEN PUT THIS ON AND FORGET WHAT IT IS AND CYCLE THROUGH MY WINDOWS EXCITEDLY IN ORDER TO REMEMBER Alabaster DePlume, To Cy & Lee: Instrumentals, Vol. 1 WONDROUS...WE FLOATED OUT OF THERE...IS THIS HOW PEOPLE FEEL ABOUT ‘HAMILTON?’  American Utopia at the Hudson Theater ONLY POSITIVE VIBES Dougie Stu, Familiar Future Jeen Bassa, Cassava Pone R E S P E C T orion sun, “mama’s baby” I WOULD HAVE PLAYED THE SHIT OUT OF THIS BACK AT THE ENORMOUS ROOM drea the vibe dealer, priestess of vibrations SIM SIMMA (SLOW VERSION) Ruth Orhiunu, “Loving Goes Down” AT LES (VERSION) ọmọ igi, “Coco” and Prone2 THIS WAS THIS YEAR??? RMR, “Rascal” FLY AWAY Morray, “Quicksand” “I GOT POWER NOW I GOTTA SAY SOMETHING” Lil Baby, “The Bigger Picture”
LOVE IS ESSENTIAL Ian Isiah, “Loose Truth” STARING AT THE SUN Sharada Shashidhar, Rahu 2 BRIDGES MUSIC AND ARTS APPRECIATION POST THOUGH MY TASTES ARE ADMITTEDLY HELLA BASIC COMPARED TO THE SHOP’S GENERAL ETHOS AND VIBE NYZ, OLD TRX [87-93] Conrad Pack, Stations of Control I CAN’T BELIEVE I FUCKING FELL FOR "CHOPPED AND SCREWED WILCO” Chopstars x Barry Jenkins, Yankee Purple Foxtrot OR “JAZZY CLUB MUSIC”...BUT I DID SW., Night PROBABLY THE BEST THING I BOUGHT THIS YEAR Angel Bat Dawid, “Transition East” 7-inch bundled with Emma Warren’s wondrous Make Some Space and Piotr Orlov’s killer manifesto ANNUAL “THING I DISCOVERED THROUGH BEING FRIENDS WITH/FOLLOWING ORLOV” Ase Manual, Black Liquid Electronics HEADHUNTERS Jadakiss f/ Pusha T, “Huntin Season” ”I WAS LEFT BACK LIKE EVRA” Tion Wayne x Dutchavelli x Stormzy, “I Don’t Know” 56 BARS Lil Eazzyy, “Onna Come Up” ALFA ROMEO / FUEGO / I’M ON MY WAY, YO / WACO / ALFREDO / SCOTT BAIO / MAYO / MAINO Roc Marciano, “Downtown 81″ I WILL ALWAYS LIKE THE VULNERABLEST SONG ON YOUR PROJECT ZahSosaa, “Emotions” THIS BEAT GOES TO ELEVEN Heem Sosa, “Expose You” SAME, BUT WEST COAST YeloHill, “Tales From the Hood” BEST NEW DRONES FUJI​|​|​|​|​|​|​|​|​|​|​TA, iki
BEST OLD WOBBLES Skream, Unreleased Classics 2002-2003 JOURNEY TO SATCHIDANANDA Deradoorian, Find the Sun VERVE’S “SLIDE AWAY” VIDEO Raymond Richards, The Lost Art of Wandering THE OPENING SECONDS OF “HOLY ARE YOU” Corey Fuller, Sanctuary SHOPPING CARTS CRASHING FOREVER HPRIZM, Loops Are a Form of Meditation I MEAN IT’S CALLED Chris Crack, White People Love Algorithms  $ilkmoney, Attack of the Future Shocked, Flesh Covered, Meatbags of the 85 A NICE LOOSIE Ryuji Ono, “Should Be There” SOME THINGS YOU LISTEN TO A LOT BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW THE BEAT AND VERSES WORK, AND WHETHER IT IS INTENTIONAL Choose Up Cheese x ShittyBoyz, “Shitty Cheese” I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I BOUGHT THIS BUT THE GENRE TAG IS “POPOL VUH” Ñaka Ñaka, “Thorny Place” ANNUAL MOOD HUT INSTANT CLASSIC CZ Wang, Neo Image, “Just Off Wave/Open Mic Beat” IS THIS BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL?? 岩本清顕 Kiyoaki Iwamoto, “Love Will Tear Us Apart” ONE OF THE BEST SONGS OF ALL TIME IS Lim Giong, “A Pure Person”
WHICH SADLY COULD NOT BE INCLUDED ON this Pure Person collection of covers by Taiwanese artists (as well as LG’s own spiritual sequel to the original) that is an incredible vibe FREE GUZHENG  Mindy Meng Wang 王萌, An Improvisation Through Time and Space 穿越时光的即兴 I KNEW NOTHING ABOUT THIS SOUNDTRACK OR FILM BUT IT IS FANTASTIC Carman Moore, Personal Problems OST THE BEST GENRE OF MUSIC IS SADE patten x sade 54D3 SECOND BEST: LATE 80s/EARLY 90s UK STREET SOUL  Soul Connection, Street Soul BRONZE: SEAN PAUL ASSAULTED BY JUNGLISMS Gallery S, “I’m Still in Love Restructure”
SPEAKING OF BLARES Standing on the Corner, “Angel” ONLY GOT TO SEE STANDING ON THE CORNER TWICE THIS YEAR 2/7/20 :: Black Music Future :: NYU 2/21/20 :: Artists on Artists :: Studio Museum  BUT THIS SUFFICES Standing on the Corner, “Zolo Go” SONG OF EVERY YEAR
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devil-changmin · 4 years
i was tagged by @pompwoon (omg wow thank you 💘 and i love my new url too hehe thank you for helping convince me to change it lol)
rules: tag 9 people you want to know better
three ships: ummmmm like what if they’re all from the untamed...wangxian, meng yao/xichen, xingchen and song lan 
last song: text me dpr live
last movie: the secret of roan inish! adorable movie everyone should watch it 
currently watching: I’m watching the shipper rn even though I haven’t watched the new ep yet...and technically I guess I’m still watching the untamed because I only got halfway through on my rewatch
currently reading: boys of alabama by genevieve hudson, if beale street could talk by james baldwin <3
currently consuming: just had chile relleno 
currently craving: iced matcha latte...also coffee
i tag: @suggable @zombie-yk @brianisatrumpet @svngjins @jour6 
I’m so bad at tagging lmao anyone else who wants to do it I will read them all lmao !!! And you don’t have to of course 💕
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rabbitcruiser · 5 years
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Niobrara County and Mule Creek Junction, WY
The Oglala National Grassland is a United States National Grassland in the northwest corner of Nebraska. It is in northern Sioux and northwestern Dawes counties, on the borders with South Dakota and Wyoming. It is 94,520 acres (38,250 ha) in size and is one of the small handful of National Grasslands administered by the US Department of Agriculture's Forest Service. It is managed by the U.S. Forest Service together with the Nebraska and Samuel R. McKelvie National Forests and the Buffalo Gap and Fort Pierre National Grasslands from common offices in Chadron, Nebraska.
Oglala National Grassland is home to some of the most striking badlands formations in Toadstool Geologic Park, near Crawford, Nebraska and Whitney, Nebraska.
The Hudson-Meng Bison Kill, also located on the grassland, is an archaeological excavation in progress.
The Warbonnet Battlefield Monument, commemorating the 1876 Battle of Warbonnet Creek, is located on Oglala National Grassland on Montrose Road.
The grassland also contains the Agate, Bordgate, and Rock Bass reservoirs.
Source: Wikipedia
The flag of the state of Wyoming consists of the silhouette of an American bison. The red symbolizes the Native Americans and the blood of pioneers who gave their lives. The white is a symbol of purity and uprightness. The blue is the color of the skies and distant mountains. It is also a symbol of fidelity, justice and virility. The bison represents the local fauna, while the seal on it symbolizes the custom of branding livestock.
In 1916 the Wyoming Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) ran a contest inviting the public to submit possible designs for a Wyoming flag. A prize of $20 was offered to the winner, and the DAR received a total of 37 entries. They chose a drawing by Verna Keays, a recent graduate of the Art Institute of Chicago. On January 31, 1917, Governor Robert D. Carey signed the state flag bill into law and the bison flag was officially adopted.
DAR regent Grace Raymond Hebard, a professor at the University of Wyoming and noted suffragist and scholar, contributed suggestions for changes after the design had been accepted. In Keays' original design, the one approved by Wyoming's legislature, the bison faces toward the fly, symbolizing its former freedom to roam the plains of Wyoming. Hebard thought that if the bison were to face toward the hoist, the design would be more balanced (animals generally face the hoist on flags, as they would the wind). In the end, all Wyoming flags from the first batch produced onward showed the bison facing the hoist, although this change was never officially adopted by the Wyoming legislature.
Source: Wikipedia
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flfnd · 1 year
15. September. Mit dem Zug upstate. Rauher Hudson, Schaumkronen, Wasserstruktur in der Abendsonne. Himmel wirr: Wolkenfetzen in mehreren Schichten und Morphologien. Zuunterst etwas wie dunkelgrauer Nebel, man könnte es für Regenwolken halten, wenn es nicht so durchsichtig wäre. Weit oben Cirrusschleier, außerdem jede Menge Blau. Kondensstreifen in unterschiedlichen Stadien der Auflösung.
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verumcrimen · 5 years
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Irmãos Tsarnaev - Bombardeio da Maratona de Boston
Durante a Maratona de Boston em 15 de abril de 2013, 117ª maratona anual de Boston, que foi realizada no Dia dos Patriotas, duas bombas de panelas de pressão caseiras detonaram a 14 segundos de intervalo uma da outra e 190 metros de distância da linha de chegada na Boylston Street, perto da Copley Square, às 14:49; a explosão matou três pessoas e feriu outras várias centenas, incluindo 16 que perderam membros.
No momento da primeira explosão, o relógio da corrida na linha de chegada mostrava 04:09:43 - o tempo decorrido desde o início da “Wave 3” às 10:40. A segunda bomba explodiu às 14:49:57, cerca de 14 segundos depois e um quarteirão a mais para oeste na Boylston Street. As explosões aconteceram quase três horas depois que os primeiros vencedores cruzaram a linha de chegada, com mais de 5.700 corredores ainda participando da corrida.
Janelas em prédios adjacentes foram destruídas, mas não houve danos estruturais. Os participantes - alguns sem notar o ocorrido - continuaram a cruzar a linha até às 14:57.
Equipes de resgate e pessoal médico que estavam ali de plantão - como de costume para a maratona - prestaram socorro à medida que aguardavam unidades policiais, de bombeiros e médicas adicionais que foram despachadas para o local, inclusive de cidades vizinhas e ambulâncias particulares de todo o estado. As explosões mataram 3 civis e feriram cerca de 264 pessoas, que foram tratadas em 27 hospitais locais. Pelo menos 14 pessoas precisaram de amputações, sendo que algumas sofreram amputações traumáticas como resultado direto das explosões.
A polícia, seguindo os planos de emergência, desviaram os corredores que chegavam para Boston Common e Kenmore Square. O Hotel Lenox e outros edifícios vizinhos foram evacuados. A polícia fechou uma área de 15 quadras ao redor do local da explosão; isto foi reduzido a uma cena de crime de 12 blocos em 16 de abril. O comissário de polícia de Boston, Edward F. Davis, recomendou que as pessoas evitassem sair de casa.
Bolsas e pacotes abandonados enquanto seus proprietários fugiam das explosões aumentavam a incerteza quanto à possível presença de mais bombas, e muitas denúncias falsas foram recebidas. Até mesmo um incêndio elétrico não relacionado na Biblioteca Presidencial John F. Kennedy em Dorchester foi inicialmente temido como uma bomba. O espaço aéreo sobre Boston era restrito e as decolagens pararam no Aeroporto Internacional de Logan, em Boston. Alguns serviços de transporte local também foram interrompidos.
A Agência de Gerenciamento de Emergências de Massachusetts sugeriu que as pessoas que tentavam entrar em contato com outras na vizinhança usassem mensagens de texto em vez de chamadas de voz, devido às linhas telefônicas congestionadas. O serviço de telefonia celular em Boston estava sobrecarregado, mas permaneceu em operação, apesar de alguns relatos da mídia local afirmarem que o serviço de celular foi desativado para impedir que telefones celulares fossem usados ​​como detonadores.
A Cruz Vermelha Americana ajudou amigos e familiares preocupados a receber informações sobre corredores que participavam da maratona e fatalidades. O Departamento de Polícia de Boston também criou uma linha de apoio para pessoas preocupadas com parentes ou conhecidos entrarem em contato, e uma linha para que as pessoas pudessem fornecer informações. O Localizador de pessoas do Google ativou seu serviço de desastre sob a Boston Marathon Explosions para registrar informações conhecidas sobre pessoas desaparecidas como um arquivo visível publicamente.
Devido ao fechamento de vários hotéis perto da zona da explosão, um número de visitantes ficou sem lugar para ficar; muitos moradores da área de Boston abriram suas casas para eles.
O FBI conduziu a investigação - assistido pelo Escritório de Álcool, Tabaco, Armas de Fogo e Explosivos, a Agência Central de Inteligência, o Centro Nacional de Contraterrorismo e a Agência Antidrogas - e nomearam dois suspeitos oficiais. (Inicialmente, alguns acreditavam que a Coréia do Norte estava por trás do ataque depois de aumentar as tensões e ameaças com os EUA.)
Três dias depois, o FBI divulgou imagens de dois suspeitos, que foram posteriormente identificados como irmãos chechenos quirguiz-americanos, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev e Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Poucas horas depois de as fotos terem sido divulgadas, os irmãos Tsarnaev atiraram seis vezes em Sean A. Collier, do Departamento de Polícia do Instituto de Tecnologia de Massachusetts, na tentativa de roubar sua arma, que eles não conseguiram pegar por causa do sistema de retenção do coldre. Collier, de 27 anos, estava sentado em seu carro da polícia perto do Stata Center (prédio 32) no campus do Instituto de Tecnologia de Massachusetts. Ele morreu logo em seguida.
Os irmãos então roubaram um Mercedes-Benz M-Class SUV no bairro de Allston-Brighton, em Boston. Tamerlan levou o proprietário, o cidadão chinês Dun "Danny" Meng como refém e disse-lhe que ele era responsável pelo atentado de Boston e por matar um policial. Dzhokhar seguiu-os no Honda verde, depois juntando-se a eles no Mercedes-Benz. O interrogatório mais tarde revelou que os irmãos "decidiram espontaneamente" que queriam ir a Nova York e bombardear a Times Square.
Os irmãos Tsarnaev forçaram Meng a usar seus cartões de caixa eletrônico para obter 800 dólares em dinheiro. Eles transferiram objetos para o Mercedes-Benz e um irmão - não se sabe qual - seguiu a SUV em seu Honda Civic, para o qual foi emitido uma ordem de busca e apreensão. Enquanto os irmãos Tsarnaev pararam em um posto de gasolina da Shell, Meng escapou e correu para o posto de gasolina Mobil, pedindo ao funcionário que ligasse para o 911. Seu celular permaneceu no veículo, permitindo que a polícia o rastreasse e concentrasse sua busca em Watertown.
Pouco depois da meia-noite de 19 de abril, o policial de Watertown, Joseph Reynolds, identificou os irmãos no Honda Civic e no SUV roubado. Um tiroteio ocorreu entre os irmãos e a polícia chegando ao local do cemitério de Laurel St. Estima-se que 200 a 300 cartuchos de munição foram disparados e pelo menos mais uma bomba e várias "granadas brutas" foram lançadas. De acordo com o chefe da polícia de Watertown, Edward Deveau, os irmãos tinham um "arsenal de armas". Tamerlan ficou sem munição e atirou sua pistola vazia ao sargento Jeffrey Pugliese, que o atacou com a ajuda do sargento John MacLellan. O irmão mais novo de Tamerlan, Dzhokhar, dirigiu o SUV roubado em direção a Tamerlan e a polícia - que tentou sem sucesso arrastar Tamerlan para fora de seu caminho. o carro atropelou Tamerlan e o arrastou a uma curta distância pela rua. Dzhokhar abandonou o carro a meia milha de distância e fugiu a pé. Tamerlan Tsarnaev morreu às 1:35 da manhã em um hospital de Boston. No local do tiroteio, apenas uma arma de fogo foi recuperada: uma pistola Ruger de 9mm com um número de série raspado.
Em 19 de abril, o FBI, o Departamento de Polícia de West New York e o Departamento de Polícia do Condado de Hudson apreenderam equipamentos de informática do apartamento da irmã de Tsarnaev em West New York, Nova Jersey. (Em 24 de abril, os investigadores informaram que haviam reconstruído as bombas e acreditavam que elas haviam sido acionadas por controles remotos usados em carros de brinquedo.)
Nesse mesmo dia, após a morte de seu irmão, uma busca sem precedentes por Dzhokhar ocorreu em 19 de abril, com milhares de policiais vasculhando uma área de 20 quarteirões em Watertown; moradores de Watertown e comunidades vizinhas foram solicitados a ficar em ambientes fechados, e o sistema de transporte e a maioria das empresas e locais públicos foi fechado. Por volta das 18:00, um morador de Watertown descobriu Dzhokhar escondido em um barco em seu quintal. Ele foi baleado e ferido pela polícia antes de ser levado em custódia.
Durante o interrogatório, Dzhokhar disse que ele e seu irmão foram motivados pelas crenças extremistas islâmicas e pelas guerras no Iraque e no Afeganistão, que eles eram auto-radicalizados e desconectados de quaisquer grupos terroristas externos, e que ele estava seguindo a liderança de seu irmão. Ele disse que eles aprenderam a construir dispositivos explosivos a partir de uma revista online da al-Qaeda, no Iêmen. Ele também disse que eles pretendiam viajar para Nova York para bombardear a Times Square. Em 8 de abril de 2015, ele foi condenado por 30 acusações, incluindo o uso de uma arma de destruição em massa e destruição maliciosa de propriedades, resultando em morte. Dois meses depois, ele foi condenado à morte.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev nasceu em 1986 na República Socialista Soviética Autônoma de Kalmyk, no norte do Cáucaso. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev nasceu em 1993 no Quirguistão, embora alguns relatos digam que sua família afirma que ele nasceu no Daguestão. A família passou um tempo em Tokmok, no Quirguistão, e em Makhachkala, no Daguestão. Eles são meio chechenos através de seu pai Anzor e meio Avar através de sua mãe Zubeidat. Eles nunca moraram na Chechênia, mas os irmãos se identificaram como chechenos.
A família Tsarnaev imigrou para os Estados Unidos em 2002, onde se candidataram a asilo político, estabelecendo-se em Cambridge, Massachusetts. Tamerlan Tsarnaev frequentou o Bunker Hill Community College, mas desistiu para se tornar um boxeador. Seu objetivo era ganhar um lugar na equipe de boxe olímpica dos EUA, dizendo que, "a menos que sua Chechênia natal se torne independente", ele "competiria antes pelos Estados Unidos do que pela Rússia". Ele se casou com a cidadã americana - Katherine Russell - em 15 de julho de 2010 na mesquita Masjid Al Quran, na seção Dorchester de Boston; ela estava grávida de sua filha. Embora inicialmente citado em uma revista estudantil, ele disse: "Eu não tenho um único amigo americano. Eu não os entendo". Um relatório posterior da FBI documenta Tamerlan dizendo que era uma citação errada, e que a maioria de seus amigos eram americanos. Ele tinha uma história de violência, incluindo uma prisão em julho de 2009 por agredir sua namorada.
Os irmãos eram muçulmanos; a tia de Tamerlan afirmou que ele havia se tornado recentemente um muçulmano devoto. Tamerlan tornou-se mais devoto e religioso depois de 2009, e criou um canal do YouTube em seu nome ligado a vídeos salafistas e islâmicos. O FBI foi informado pelo Serviço de Segurança Federal russo (FSB) em 2011 que ele era um "seguidor do Islã radical". Em resposta, o FBI entrevistou Tamerlan e sua família e pesquisou bancos de dados, mas eles não encontraram nenhuma evidência de "atividade terrorista, nacional ou estrangeira."
Alguns acreditam que “foram motivados por sua fé, aparentemente uma versão radical anti-americana do Islã” adquirida nos EUA, enquanto outros acreditam que a virada aconteceu no Daguestão.
Na época do bombardeio, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev era um estudante na Universidade de Massachusetts Dartmouth, com especialização em biologia marinha. Ele se naturalizou como cidadão americano em 11 de setembro de 2012. O treinador de boxe de Tamerlan relatou à NBC que o irmão mais novo foi muito afetado por Tamerlan e que o admirava.
Tamerlan estava anteriormente ligado ao triplo homicídio em Waltham, Massachusetts, na noite de 11 de setembro de 2011, mas ele não era suspeito na época. Brendan Mess, Erik Weissman e Raphael Teken foram assassinados no apartamento de Mess. Todos tinham suas gargantas cortadas de orelha a orelha com tanta força que quase foram decapitadas. O promotor local disse que parecia que o assassino e as vítimas se conheciam e que os assassinatos não eram aleatórios. Tamerlan Tsarnaev já havia descrito a vítima de assassinato Brendan Mess como sua "melhor amiga". Após o bombardeio e subsequentes revelações da vida pessoal de Tsarnaev, o caso dos assassinatos de Waltham foi reexaminado em abril de 2013 com Tsarnaev como um novo suspeito. Tanto a ABC quanto o The New York Times relataram que há fortes evidências que implicam Tsarnaev neste triplo homicídio.
Alguns analistas afirmam que a mãe de Tsarnaev, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, é uma extremista radical e defensora da jihad que influenciou o comportamento de seus filhos. Isso levou o governo russo a alertar o governo dos EUA em duas ocasiões sobre o comportamento da família. Tanto Tamerlan quanto sua mãe foram colocados em uma lista de vigilância do terrorismo cerca de 18 meses antes do bombardeio acontecer.
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high-plains · 6 years
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Hudson Meng Bison Bonebed Atl Ati Throwers
William Harper
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thcguide · 3 years
Ironie der Geschichte: Cannabis Anbau im ehemaligen Gefängnis!
Ironie der Geschichte: Cannabis Anbau im ehemaligen Gefängnis!
Ein ehemaliges Gefängnis speziell für angeblich Hanf Süchtige in New York wird künftig für den kommerziellen Anbau von Cannabis genutzt (Bild von Marko Lovric auf Pixabay). Für die Zucht von Hanf gibt’s indoor wie outdoor eine Menge guter Plätze und doch ist ein ehemaliger Knast schon noch was besonderes. Denn im früheren New Yorker Gefängnis Hudson Valley entsteht gerade eine Art Cannabis Anbau…
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catalinacimpoesu · 4 years
Creative resentment
From heaven to hell
During the quarantine, back in March 2020, one of my friend and I wanted to open an online Branding Agency. Having the same goal in mind, we started to build an organised Drive to gather all the required materials. Becoming a freelancer is not such an easy job but many people are voluntarily dreaming of being their boss more than ever (Hershey et al., 2017). A lot of dedication and self-thought skills are required, but in the end, it can be the most satisfying feeling. In simple terms, I was the one dealing with the Graphic Design part of the agency and my friend was coping with the Web Design area. Because both domains work together, our long-term idea could have become sustainable in terms of money and offered quality services. Purchasing a package containing brand identity services along with a personalised site is the bundle many customers aim for in the 21th digitalised century. Unfortunately, neither of us was certified in his subject and the other one’s subject, but we were willing to learn on the way.
Opening a business implies a lot of topics to cover, but despite all the issues we faced we got stuck at the one that supposed to be the non-existent. The mission of creating a brand identity reflecting our traits, emotions and personalities dramatically failed (Lin & Sung, 2014). If somebody would have guessed why our idea suddenly stopped (spoiler alert?), it might be because of a legal matter, the subject designers want to deal the least, but just thinking of not being that made the situation worst.
The struggle
After days of thinking about an interesting name, I came up with the idea of “iscreambrands”. The story behind? “Scream” represents a really powerful word. Whatever the sound is, it certainly makes “things” being observed anytime when is passing a closed space. I preferred thinking about a joyful shout when saying “scream”. A moment of sudden happiness. “Brands” are what we wanted to create. And especially powerful, outstanding brands that would make people wonder who was the artist behind them. “iscreambrands” was meant to describe the fact that “We eat brands for breakfast. We know what we do and we are doing it like professionals.”
Setting a buyer persona and our top 3 beliefs and features helped me understand better what we aim to show to the outside world (Neumeier, 2005). My and my friend had many online conversations where we set and wrote down every aspect that could have lead to strong brand equity (So, King et al., 2017) simultaneously understanding the customer’s and the company’s perspectives trying to create a balance between them. Only through fully understanding our purpose and emphasising with the others’ need we could have delivered unforgettable services and products. 
Despite that our unique selling proposition did not reach my standards and now, looking back, the accumulated frustration was slowly appearing since this moment.
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Brainstorming for logo creation process (Cimpoesu, 2020)
It was not the first time for me when I was creating a brand identity from scratch but just having in mind that it's a personal company made it 100% harder.
Creating the brand identity process begun with gathering inspiration and sketching the logo. From the first moments, I have known both of us wanted to be a typographic logo simply showing the entire name. This would have had represented a conversation starter when meeting a possible customer or competitor. Despite that I tried to sketch and explore more sides, looking for that brilliant idea. In my work, the main goal is always to find a story worth to tell when explaining the visual identity. I consider “How would you ever think of that?” type of questions as being the number one priority achievement when interacting with the public willing to discover one of your artworks for the first time. At the same time the logo should have had include any type of illustrated motion symbolising vibration and emotions. In a few words seeing the logo for the first time would have had create and shivery feeling.
Youth, spontaneity and empathy were our defining traits. Yellow was the main used colour and minimalism was the followed style. As simple as it sounds, creating a Mood board was an item that helped me visualising our preferences in order to go further on the right path. Or not.
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iscreambrands Moodboard. (Cimpoesu, 2020) All sources and many more here & here
After many hours spent on researching, visualising, brainstorming, drawing, colouring, writing and vectorising nothing was good enough. The plan B was to start visualising the website of the brand. Again, ideas would not appear under any circumstances. Asking myself “Why do I have a blockage? Why could I not see anything even surrounded by al those materials?” while maintaining a positive attitude gave me shivers every time. “I followed all the steps the theory is listing and all I could create is a mainstream logo.” 
Overthinking every step ahead and every possible scenario can be your closest friend and worst enemy (Kapferer, 2008, pp.15-17) if you are being realistic and have enough patience.  All of a sudden nothing was good enough for me to have the will of promoting the agency further. In addition, I came up with a conclusion that there are not many materials published online, helping you overcome the lack of creativity issues.
(Not) all stories have happy endings
My mind is usually visualising things quickly after understanding the brand's needs and story but now it was different. Every learned and followed principle it was not applying on “iscreambrands”. I did not feel the need to create it.
Why? While I was aggressively waiting for the best idea to show up, I started to hate the whole concept and question my actions towards it. In addition, I did not see a bright future for the agency anymore as I started having other priorities. Despite all initial long-terms objectives I was not prepared enough to share ideas with someone else. It sounds a little bit selfish, but being totally transparent with myself I have finally let this though out after many attempts.
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iscreambrands logo (Cimpoesu, 2020)
Creating a personal brand identity should be easier in theory because you, as a graphic designer know from the start all the steps, needs and the desired outcomes. On the other hand, it can be really stressful to reach your high expectations, especially when you are not seeing a stable final product. Graphic design includes emotions and despite the struggle of not take every client-based project as a personal one, in this case the opposite happens involuntarily. Exactacting yourself from visualising your personal brand as never too satisfying takes practice and many tries and failures.
“iscreambrands” remains a short journey while I have learned a lot about myself and the others present in the business environment. It is a goal I have stepped outside of my comfort zone for and met a lot of creative people from whom I have learned design tips and tricks and not only. These types of actions are recommended for people willing to challenge themselves because the desired change is guaranteed and visible.
As a future graphic designer, this experience left me with the two major following questions I cannot fully answer at this point in my life, despite of the research I made: “Is it going back to the drawing board always effective? What if you are not feeling that the outcome will be worthy from the beginning?”
To conclude, aiming to create a personal brand was a effective start, but only the experience of working with myself and with other clients will lead to reshaping my creative perspectives, over the years.
Cimpoesu, C. M. (2020) Brainstorming for logo creation process. Unpublished personal artwork.
Cimpoesu, C. M. (2020) iscreambrands Moodboard. Unpublished personal artwork.
Cimpoesu, C. M. (2020) iscreambrands logo. Unpublished personal artwork.
Hershey, D., van Dalen, H.P., Conen, W.S. and Henkens, K. (2017) "Are “Voluntary” Self-Employed Better Prepared for Retirement Than “Forced” Self-Employed?", Work, aging and retirement (Online) vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 243-256. Available from: https://doi-org.ezproxy.herts.ac.uk/10.1093/workar/wax008 [Accessed: 20th of December 2020]
Kapferer, J. (2008) The new strategic brand management: creating and sustaining brand equity long term, 4th edn, London. Kogan Page
Lin, J. and Sung, Y. (2014) "Nothing Can Tear Us Apart: The Effect of Brand Identity Fusion in Consumer-Brand Relationships", Psychology & marketing (Online) vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 54-69. Available from: https://doi-org.ezproxy.herts.ac.uk/10.1002/mar.20675 [Accessed: 20th of December 2020]
Neumeier, M. 2005, The Brand Gap, 2nd edn, New Riders.
So, K.K.F., King, C., Hudson, S. and Meng, F. (2017) "The missing link in building customer brand identification: The role of brand attractiveness", Tourism management (1982) (Online) vol. 59, pp. 640-651. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2016.09.013 [Accessed: 20th of December 2020]
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