zempumpkin · 11 months
Ok I've been thinking about the cast of captain laserhawk and it's keeping bugging me cuz they dont have a canon age in the show and I have some hcs and want to talk about it
So I'm gonna start with Rayman since he's the one that is more difficult to get the age, and I'm gonna say. This man is OLD. Yeah I know, people though and think that he's like 40 or something?? And I understand why but he's more old than that and I'm gonna tell why
So like first of all he's been alive since eua existed, and since the beginning of the series they talk about how it's been a long time since eua became Eden, so yea, Idk how long it was but it probably been some decades.
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I gonna use Sarah as an example cuz she was a kid and Eden already existed plus Rayman already did his shows, also Marcus was like 20 or something back there I think??? And when he appears again nowadays he looks old (probably 65?? Idk)
And also there's the fact that Rayman don't age, that's one of the reasons he became Eden's star
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I think that he's like between 60-70 or something cuz he's been alive since before Eden existed plus I'm using Marcus as an example because his one of the only people that was more close to have lived in the eua before (the other one is Sarah's dad but he died soo)
Gonna talk about Bullfrog now cuz he's another one with the same thing going on
So we all know he's younger than Rayman (cuz of that one line "when I was your age" when Ramon and Bullfrog talked) and some people think that he's 18??? Which doesn't make sense like yes he's younger but not THAT younger
I saw that you turn into an assassin when you become 23, so he has to be at least 23 but by the looks and how much experience he shows to have, I think he would be like 27 at least (the same goes to Jade but I gonna talk about that in a minute)
Also quick talk rn but I don't really ship Rayfrog like yes it's cute but bcs of my hcs my mind can't let me and plus they talked just once, but I don't mind who shipp it and I respect it since everyone has their hc about them, and this being another reminder that this is just how I see the characters I can just talking bullshit if the creators decide to tell us about their canon ages
Moving on! Jade, so as I said before I think she would be in the same boat with bullfrog since she looks and acts young but not that much?? And plus they seem to be closer (as close as you can say when you know a person for like 2 days) so they probably have the same age
Jade and Bullfrog: 27
Dolph e Sarah: between 37-40
Alex: 2-3 years older than Dolph....probably....
Pey'j: 60 something
Rayman: 70 IDK HUHHHH
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
I can feel Katya taking over my brain I fucking ADORE female characters who have sexy as an aspect of them but they’re also incredible nuanced and also violent and get to murder and be sapphic as a treat. God the duality of “I want nothing less than for my husband to love and fear respect me” and “if I can’t have him because he’s surrounded by boyfriends adversaries, I will fuck around with my own adversary instead (aka Sofia)” she’s like if the image that broke every Hayes Code rule was a real person!
Jfc she and Andrey really are two sides of the same coin, no wonder Goncharov feels haunted (by himself and because of what the audience knows before he does) he’s just so DOOMED like, surrounded on all sides by dangerous people, all of which could kill him but only one of them will. It’s so painfully inevitable and you know it like, the WHOLE time. Melting clock iconography indeed!
You keep guessing whose gonna kill him first. If it were Katya it’d be a crime of passion even tho whether she and her husband actually love each other is kinda up for grabs. If it was Andrey (it was!) it’s a crime of premeditation and calculation even though there’s some SERIOUS passion going on between the two of them gahhhh its so GOOD!! The love and violence and the significance of two cigarettes lit by the same flame is lhfslyrwkyrskyrs I AM INCOMPREHENSIBLE!!!
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rckstrfoxy · 11 months
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i am going to kill jeff davis with my bare hands
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ponytailzuko · 2 months
opened a random csp file that was just titled with a keysmash and found a planned out comic i totally forgot about. thank you past me... itll go back in the wip hole for another year
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chenswire · 11 months
overdue Episode 11 post
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basically the chenswire part of my stupidly long twitter thread covering ep 11 with more delusional thoughts and I ended up TLing their last scene in CN I guess (scroll to bottom) i wish i had the energy to make 1morbillion gifs but i do not so.. Excerpts from my 200 image screenshot folder it is
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So the ep starts off with a super pensive Swire which was very cute when will my wife return from the war energy
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And then she breaks out into a super un-ladylike run whaddahell!!!! this sequence was sooo well drawn wtf. handsome
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(Something here about how people were joking this part is summer chen because they call chummer 水陈 'water chen')
I like how relaxed the atmosphere was like this definitely isn't the first time something like this has happened, well I mean after all they are Professional Co-workers who do not fight 24/7 (they get into an argument immediately after)
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When they break eye contact to turn towards Hoshiguma they basically don't meet each other's gazes again as they take turns to glare at each other its insane... Also Swire saying she should take over and Chen needs treatment... Chen you understand what that means right...
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Another detail I love is how at the start they already show her battered jacket/clothes for us gamers to point at the screen and then later who those who don't know/didn't notice we have a whole close up of chen reacting to it...man.jpg And swire leaving right away once she knows chen is fine (and one of her good points. lol. lmao) you guys are sure so quick
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Link to CN version of the PUUK GAI LUNG in Paci Plaza I love how she's like 'Chen you stay right there' at the end like she's going to idk fly over ASAP to whack her (as opposed to just 'hey, chen!')
Here's a clip of the last scene with CN dub because not only do we get 'ah chen' it just hits so different...
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Hi~ Still there, Miss Ah Chen? Ah? What d'you mean by ah, huh? Aren't you a Dai Siu Ze too? Enough of that, don't you have something to tell me? What happened at Paci Plaza… I'll make sure to sort it all out and file for damages later.
Had a feeling they would go with the JP loc's 'aren't you an ojou too' since you know, anime, but keeping the 'ah chen' and that 阿什么阿 response the unparalleled casualness
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You… Remember the Cha Chaan Teng at Sheung Wan? Trying to change the subject? The one near the LGD HQ, right? I used to stop by there on my patrols sometimes. Let me treat you to something there next time. Hmm~ If we go there… I want a steak tomato and egg burger! Wait, no! Like hell I'd want you to treat me to a meal!
the longer pause after 'you...' like she was considering something else before she decided to go with her 茶餐厅 MENTION!!!!! gives this a whole different flavour... chen outright offering the meal instead of swire guessing??? THE WARM SMILE CLOSE UP i feel like im intruding on something
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Then send your bill to Chief Wei. I'm hanging up. Wait, don't hang up just yet! I heard you ran straight out of Rhodes Island in the end. What are you planning? Weren't you looking for their help? Ugh, stay down! Take a nap over there! You sure sound busy. Guess I should hang up. Tch… I'm not done speaking with you yet. Was leaving the little bunny (and the others) over there weighing on your mind? Well, whatever. (We'll just do this) Just let me help you clean up the mess over here.
It just sounds so much more casual in CN than the JP dub (which is excellent ofc) >let me do it for you instead of 'ill do it' (head in hands)
the opposite lighting and angle and chen looking away vs swire looking straight #KINO
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Don't talk like you understand me very well, Miss S. Enough!!! How many times have I told you not to call me that!! Got it, got it.
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You don't seem to get it, so I'll be nice today and explain it to you. Life is extremely precious. You're always risking your life chasing what's right in front of you. Stop doing that. Got that? Your advice… I'll take it.
That exasperated 'Enough!!!' i (turns into a plane and flies away) and the last line... it as 'thanks for the advice' which technically isn't wrong but you know the nuance of uh. kind of, almost, somewhat, accepting a... confession... (of her concern ofc) also CN chen lets swire finish speaking instead of interrupting which hehe... like i said..the flavour hits different. also that subtle movement as chen like eases in more and more between those lines aaaghhhhhhhhhh
their earlier argument was so explosive and quick, but now their banter is so tender and slow like bruh. what. even the act of chen putting down her sword to sit down in a comfortable position (loved that she sat like that One leg sitters rise up!!!) was so ??? the normally yolo speedrunner chen being so leisurely like damn. ok. ok. From 'you think you can order me around' to basically agreeing to an order (Londinium cannon vine boom) I thought Chen being this warm was more or less a delusion that I inferred through in game as subtext (since in game her expression then is usually like her default rbf face...) and seeing it here as 'text' in the show is like 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 holy shit can't believe i got FED after four years incidentally i've been obsessed with a certain CN writer's fics lately because the way they write chen like a sad wet dog while showing warmth is crazyyy maybe i will blog about it next time because i was legit taking notes lmao
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scareybeary · 2 months
//woah, so many asks, thank you! i won't be as active here today since it's 10PM at the time of writing this but don't worry i will get back to yall eventually :0
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zempumpkin · 11 months
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I'm so gay for this frog * dies *
Yes I made an oc just to ship with him let me die in peace. 😭😭😭😭
Tbh this is the first time i post some art like this in social media idk how to feel about this I want to dig a hole and never come out again
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garoujo · 2 years
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seoafin · 1 year
WHAT?? you don’t think ur a good writer???? i’ve literally seen a jjk blogs say that they were inspired by your writing that they began writing??????
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gidianthe · 8 months
i love the ink master season 8 pilot because imagine getting a tattoo then you hear the judge walk up and say to your artist "hey man. go home right now"
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uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
not someone claiming I straight up made up the fact ilia is. an indigenous character 💀
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24rvgr · 1 year
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redasatomato · 1 year
How did you come up with your username?
On one hand, I really enjoyed shades of red, like pink and stuff. And I was probably hungry, I think...? And I thought Tomatoes Were Neat and also varying shades of red.
While for a time, I wanted to go by RosesInSpring because Contestshipping, that username was taken in many spaces. And I may have lost access to my Yahoo email.
I wanna say I first started using the username either on a chatango window on one of those anime sites... or GaiaOnline. Most likely, the latter.
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gwyoi · 3 months
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What are we doing here. Why are we doing autistic discourse on this and not telling pink text to kill grey text.
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dykeyleth · 5 months
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