loslibrosdefede · 2 years
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Humor político #humorpolitico #humorpolítico #hum® #humor #humorargentino #humorgrafico #humorgráfico ##comedia #historieta #chistes #dictadura #dictaduraargentina #loslibrosdefede https://www.instagram.com/p/ClHzEYjLXPr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mariasont · 3 months
Our Minds Entwined-----------------------
ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6, ch 7, ch 8, ch 9
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pairings: aaron hotchner x oc x spencer reid
summary: in which jason gideon's daughter joins the fbi as the newest, brightest member
warnings: implied smut, evelyn annoying the fuck out of hotch
Chapter Eight:
The coffee machine gurgled in the quiet of the break room as Evelyn filled her cup, her hands carefully cradling her favorite pink mug as the steam raised in delicate swirls. The rich aroma of the freshly brewed substance wafted through the air, Evelyn was moments from savoring her first sip when Spencer made his entrance. 
He moved with an awkward grace, his lean frame wrapped in a sweater, the morning light casting a scholarly glow on his thoughtful expression. Evelyn took a moment, as she often did, to admire the earnest curiosity etched into his features. She pivoted gracefully, a playful glint in her eye, the corners crinkling in silent laughter.
"Morning, Dr. Reid," she chimed. "Joining me for the most important meal of the day?"
Spencer offered a small, hesitant grin, casting a wary glance over his shoulder as if anticipating an unwelcome audience. When he turned back, finding the coast clear, his gaze couldn't help but sweep over her, a slow, involuntary trail from her eyes down to her heels and back up again.
"Did you know caffeine can actually increase cortisol levels?" Spencer inquired, his tone shifting to that of a lecturer as he warmed to the subject. "Cortisol is secreted by the adrenal glands and plays a critical role in regulating various bodily functions. While it's essential for survival, elevated cortisol over prolonged periods can lead to a host of issues. So, while that cup of coffee might seem like a good idea, it's worth considering the potential endocrine implications."
Evelyn closed the distance between them with a playful step, her eyes gleaming. "I love when you talk nerdy to me, Dr. Reid," she started. "But if you deprive me of my morning coffee, I won't be the only ones suffering the consequences."
Spencer's hand reaches out, almost involuntarily giving Evelyn's ass a quick, teasing tap. She arched an eyebrow, her lips curving into a feigned expression of shock. 
"In the workplace, Dr. Reid?" Evelyn chided, her voice laced with mock scandal.
Spencer's chuckle was a soft counterpart to the florescent hum of the break room. Evelyn stood there, the light catching the subtle highlights in her hair, her smartly tailored suit accentuating her figure.
"Speaking of which, and presuming your neurons are adequately myelinated for the day, how about those ground rules?" Spencer's question came with a half-smile.
"I'm going to pretend for a second that myelinated is part of my daily vocabulary," Evelyn retorted with a playful roll of her eyes. "Upstairs is all clear," she tapped her temple for emphasis before taking another step towards the genius, "but after last night, I can't say the same for downstairs."
Spencer cleared his throat, a faint blush creeping up his neck as memories of the previous night flickered through his mind. "Don't start with me."
"Me? Start with you? Never," she said, her eyes dancing with humor. "But in all seriousness. This," she gestured between them, "stays between us. We can't do anything here."
She straightened up, her expression mock serious. "I'm already juggling enough with these legacy rumors. If I start adding 'sleeping with my mentor' to my resume, I'll need to write a survival guide."
Spencer's response was quick. "I can do that," he said, his eyes accusing. "As long as you behave."
"I'm always on my best behavior, sir," she declared with a sly smile, her voice trailing off as she sauntered out of the break room, "my place or yours tonight?"
Spencer's hand instinctively went to the bridge of his nose, squeezing gently as if to ward off an impending headache, the universal gesture of a man both charmed and utterly undone by the woman before him.
The tech lab was alive with whirring machines and the subtle glow of displays. Evelyn glided into the room, her steps light and her grin spreading. 
The hum of computers and the soft glow of screens set the backdrop as Evelyn breezed into the tech lab, her steps light and her smile wide. She found Garcia, the queen of all things digital, her dominion sprawling before her in an array of flickering pixels and streaming data.
"Hey, P! Need your magic fingers to trace a number for me. And maybe sprinkle a little of that fairy dust to make the results come faster." Evelyn says with a lighthearted twinkle.
With a flourish, Garcia twirled in her chair, her clothes a riot of color that defied that room's monochrome sterility. She peered at Evelyn over the top of her pink-rimmed glasses, her lips curling into a knowing smirk.
"Sweetie, you're radiating more energy than my entire tech setup. What's got you bouncing off the walls? Extra shot of your coffee or just high on life?" Penlope questioned, her voice laced with humor as she watched Evelyn practically vibrating through the room.
"What? No, I'm not. It's just a good day, that's all," Evelyn laughed, the sound bubbling up effortlessly.
Garcia tilted forward, a teasing glint in her gaze. "Uh-huh. You can't fool me, Miss Sunshine. You've got that 'I just got laid' glow," she pushed, "spill it. Who's the lucky guy?"
"Garcia, quit it," she giggled, brushing off the insinuation with a wave of her hand. "There's no guy. Just... work stuff, you know?"
But Garcia remained skeptical, playfully wagging a finger bedecked with a glittering ring. "Oh, come on! You've got that look. The one that says, 'I did not get my eight hours, but boy, was it worth it.'"
Laughter spilled from Evelyn, a rich sound that reverberated against the walls. "Seriously, Penelope, drop it. I'm just happy. Can't a girl have a good day without an interrogation?"
Garcia shot her a knowing glance, but she conceded with an exaggerated sigh. "Alright, alright. I'll let you off the hook... for now. But I've got my eye on you. Now what's this number you need traced?"
Evelyn passed a slip of paper across the table, her grin unwavering. She offered a swift thanks and retreated to the bustling bullpen. 
Evelyn's desk was a splash of color in the otherwise muted tones of the bullpen. Pink post-its fluttered like flags, each scrawled with affirmations and tiny tributes to her teammates. Amidst this cheerful chaos, Hotch stood, his hands clasped behind him as he surveyed the landscape of girlish whimsy.
At the sight, Evelyn's steps hastened, she darted forward to intercept his gaze, positioning herself squarely before him. "Hotch, sir, hi! Can I help you with something?"
Hotch met her gaze, his eyebrow lifted in mild inquiry, the shadow of a smile on his face. "I was looking for the Simmons report. You were supposed to turn in it yesterday." He tried to peer around her, amusement flickering in his eyes at the sight of her cluttered workspace. 
His eyes settled on the pen holder, an extravagant display of sparkle and faux gems. He remarked with dry wit, "Does that... fit the bureau's decor standards?"
Evelyn's smile was unapologetic as she shrugged lightly. "Mm, probably not. But it brightens up the place don't you think?" She rifled through the stack of papers, her face a canvas of sheepish charm. "About that report... I, uh, totally forgot. But it will be done, pinky promise."
She extended her pinky towards him. Hotch regarded the small gesture, his features betraying no reaction. A smile played at the corners of his mouth, but his stance was unwavering. "I'm not going to do that," he declared, eyes flicking to her upheld finger. "I expect the report on my desk by the end of the day."
Evelyn snapped to attention, grin never faltering. "Aye, aye, captain," she chimed cheerfully. "You'll have it before you can say 'bureaucracy'."
With a parting nod, he moved back to his office. In the corner, Morgan, JJ, and Prentiss stood in a tight knot, their quiet conversation floating in the air near the water cooler. 
"There's no way," Morgan asserted, his head moving in a firm denial, his eyes reflecting staunch disbelief.
"I told you soooo," Prentiss crooned, her voice dripping in smug satisfaction.
"Huh?" Evelyn's question hung in the air as she swiveled towards the group, her eyebrow arching in a silent demand for clarity. "What are you talking about?" 
"There's an ongoing bet to see how long it'll take you to really get in trouble with Hotch," JJ confesses, her grin spreading as she looked towards the other.
Evelyn's voice rose in protest. "What? I do get in trouble!" she insisted. "Did you not just see that? Or when I went rogue on my first takedown?"
Prentiss let out a soft chuckle, her eyes meeting Morgan's knowingly. "Please that was 'Evie trouble.' It's like being scolded by a teddy bear."
"And what does that even mean?" Evelyn asked, her laughter rising through the room as she shook her head.
"Baby girl, your definition of trouble with Hotch is a lot different than ours," Morgan said with a playful wag of his finger. "You barely get a slap on the wrist, while we'd get the whole paddle," he teased.
"That is so not true!" Evelyn's giggle bubbled up uncontrollably, her shoulders bouncing with each note of disbelief. She playfully rolled her eyes, dismissing the notion with a shake of her head.
As if summoned by the very topic, Rossi and Reid appeared in the doorway. They caught the end of the conversation and, with impeccable timing, chimed in together, "It's true."
"If I forgot my paperwork, I'm pretty sure I'd be relegated to coffee duty for a month--minimum," Spencer said as he gave a small, resigned shrug. 
"I'll have you know, I can get into trouble," she declared, puffing up in feigned offense. "I'm always getting under Hotch's skin."
Skepticism was written all over their faces, each look a playful jab at the very ideas. "Oh, we're sure you're a regular rebel," Morgan said, his tone heavy with irony.
"Yeah, right. They day you get a real scolding is the day I'll dye my hair pink," Prentiss declared, her laughter softening the edges of her sarcasm.
"And I'll wear a feather boa to work," Rossi added, the twinkle in his eyes suggesting he found the image as ludicrous as it sounded. 
"Statistically speaking, Evelyn, the probability of you inciting Hotch's ire is remarkably low," Spencer articulated, his brows furrowing in thought. "Considering the standard deviation of workplace interactions, it's more probably likely for an asteroid to graze our atmosphere."
Evelyn rolls her eyes, taking their words as a challenge. "We'll see about that."
Noon struck, and with it, a cast of golden rays pierced through the blinds of Hotch's office, painting the surfaces with a light hue of daylight. Evelyn, her arms cradling a stack of tardy documents, sauntered into the room. Her hair, a cascade of chestnut waves, framed her face, and her eyes, sharp as flint, scanned the room.
"Special delivery!" The announcement echoed off the walls, as Evelyn, framed by the doorway, held the papers aloft like a trophy. "The prodigal paperwork returns." Her smile was a bright flash in the subdued light.
The click of the mouse ceased as Hotch's gaze lifted slowly from the computer, his face betraying nothing of his thoughts. "Thank you, Evelyn," he uttered, each word measured. "I was beginning to think it had gone into witness protection."
The room was filled with the sound of Evelyn's giggle as she perched against the doorframe. Her smirk was a playful twist of her full, rose-tinted lips. "Oh, you know me. I like to keep things interesting. Life's too short for bureaucracy. "
Hotch's fingers moved methodically through the stack, each page turning with a crisp snap. His eyes, sharp and calculating, never strayed as he spoke. "Interesting isn't quite the Bureau's motto. We prefer efficiency."
"And yet, here I am, brightening your day with my inefficiency," she teased.
The folder landed softly on the desk as Hotch straightened, his gaze piercing as it met Evelyn's. "Evelyn, is there something else you needed?"
"Just checking on my favorite unit chief," she declared with a shrug, "making sure you're not bored under a mountain of dullness."
Hotch's eyes took on a sharper focus, an almost accusatory gaze. "I'm quite capable of digging myself out, thank you," he stated, the hint of a smile lurking beneath his serious expression. "Now, if there's nothing else, I have work to do."
Evelyn's smirk was unwavering, a silent ally as she acknowledged his words with a graceful nod. "Of course, sir. Duty calls."
The bullpen thrummed with life, agents weaving through the maze of desks, papers shuffled, and phones rang, the air buzzing with the collective focus. Evelyn's presence was a silent counterpoint, a different mission in mind. Her fingers sifted across the documents in front of her. With a feigned slip of the hand, she accidentally exchanged the contents of two folders. As she handed Hotch the Thompson report, masquerading as the Henderson case, she could barely contain her amusement.
Evelyn glanced up at Hotch with feigned surprise, her eyes wide with mock innocence. "Oh, did those get mixed up? That's totally on me," she said, her voice dripping with faux contrition as she sat perched on the edge of her chair.
Hotch's hand clasped around the correct folder, his gaze drifting across Evelyn's features, a wordless pause hanging in the air. It was a look that lingered just a beat too long before he finally looked away.
With a serene composure, Hotch handed back the folder, his words deliberate and clear. "Please double-check your work in the future." 
"Absolutely, won't happen again, sir," Evelyn responded.
Watching Hotch disappear behind his office door, Prentiss and JJ, couldn't help but shake their heads. "You are playing with fire."
With a playful toss of her hair, Evelyn responded, "It's what I do best." Her wink sailed across the room to the women as she swiveled back to her desk.
Later, she sent Hotch on a wild goose chase for a non-existent file. Hotch reappeared, the absence of the file evident in his empty hands and the slight crease of annoyance on his brow. His irritation was barely veiled by his professional composure and the sight stirred a warmth across her cheeks and spread through her. It was as if the air had thickened, her body responding with a clench of her thighs. 
Evelyn snapped her attention back to her task, letting out an exaggerated gasp, her eyes widening with feigned realization.
Evelyn's eyes lifted to meet Hotch's, a flutter of her lashes accentuating her apology. "Oh, my mistake. It's actually for next week's briefing. My apologies, sir."
A collective gaze tracked Hotch, the team's faces etched with a blend admiration and disbelief at the boldness. Hotch's head shook slightly as he closed the door behind him. 
With a subtle lean, Morgan caught Rossi's attention, a smirk playing on his lips. "You seeing this, Rossi?" he asked, his voice low, carrying the weight of disbelief.
"Hard to miss," Rossi mused, "she's got guts, I'll give her that," he admitted, the corner of his mouth quirking up in a half-smile, "but she's doing a great job of proving our point."
"Hey," Evelyn's whisper was a soft accusation, a conspiratorial murmur that barely reached between the three of them. "Just you wait, I've got more up my sleeve."
With a gentle head shake that sent his curls swaying, Spencer loomed over her desk. "At this rate," he said, looking down at her with an amused glint in his eye, "you're going to need your own section in the employee handbook."
The bullpen fell into an abrupt hush, the agents' heads turning as Hotch's commanding tone sliced through the idle banter. Without missing a beat, he looked eyes with Evelyn. "Gideon, my office. Now."
The team's eyes flickered from one to another, the collective oooh sounding more like a drawn-out sigh as Evelyn got to her feet. The air seemed to still as she offered a nod, her face the picture of innocence. With a gentle tilt of her head, she responded sweetly. "Of course, sir."
Hotch stood behind his desk, the stern set of his jaw softening despite his best efforts. His words came with struggle, weighted with disappointment rather than anger. "This isn't like you, Evelyn. Misplacing evidence is a serious offense."
With eyes wide and innocent, Evelyn held her poise, her hands neatly folded in front of her. "I'm so sorry, sir. It won't happen again."
The room felt smaller as Hotch sighed, his authoritative demeanor dissolving into a softer, more approachable one. His voice lowered, tinged with an unexpected warmth. "What's going on with you today?"
"Hotch," Evelyn burst out, the playful strain in her voice belying the seriousness of her words. "I've been an absolute terror today--don't I deserve a better scolding that that? Everyone thinks you go easy on me."
Hotch's eyes sharpened, the hint of annoyance seeping through his demeanor. "So that's what this has been about? You've been testing my patience all day because of what--some office wager?"
Evelyn watched, a spark of mischief in her eyes as Hotch's composure began to fray. The fabric of his suit jacket tensed, subtly outlining the firm set of his shoulders. His jaw worked silently, a clear sign of his growing irritation, a detail she found inexplicably enthralling. 
"See, right there!" she exclaimed, her finger jabbing the air with theatrical emphasis. "That's what I'm talking about--that's the look!"
A barely perceptible quirk of his lips betrayed him. "You're unbelievable."
Evelyn's eyes sparkled with sheer desperation shimmering within. "Hotch, can you please--pretty please--pretend to yell at me? I need to win this bet."
"At this point, Evelyn, I don't think I need to pretend."
She offered him a pout, her lower lip protruding just so, a silent plea.
He exhaled a deep sigh, a reluctant white flag. "Fine. Shut the door."
"Thank you, thank you!" Evelyn sang out, her mind already racing ahead. "Oh, wait, I need to look scared, right?" She whirled around, her hand hovering over the door handle as she caught the team's collective gaze, wide and expectant, peering through the blinds.
Hotch positioned himself with his back to the window, his silhouette casting a commanding shadow across the room. With a flourish, he gestured towards the scattered paperwork on his desk, his voice booming just enough to be heard through the glass.
Evelyn's lip caught between her teeth, an effort to rein in the giggles that bubbled over. Her shoulders trembled, betraying her struggle as she dipped her head, a strategic move to conceal from the curious glances beyond the glass.
"Evelyn, you're terrible at this."
"I-I know, I'm sorry," she sputtered between fits of laughter. "But I think they bought it."
"I doubt it."
"You're the best boss ever, Hotch," Evelyn beamed.
Hotch's head gave a slow shake, the barest hint of a smile playing at the edges of his mouth.
"Too much if I cry on the way out?" she teased, feigning distress as she inched towards the door.
"Just go, Agent."
The day was winding down with the low hum of the office, Evelyn glided through the bullpen, her smirk as loud as the click of her heels. She tossed a bag onto Prentiss's desk, the contents clicking softly. The bag, clear and plastic, revealed the pink hair dye inside.
Evelyn leaned closer, the bag crinkling between them. "For your new look, Em," she teased with a wink. "I want to see a brand-new you by tomorrow."
Prentiss examined the dye, eyebrow raised in playful defiance. "Dream on, Evie," she chuckled. "This going in your Secret Santa gift."
Next the feather boa found its new home around Rossi's neck, courtesy of Evelyn's hands. "This is non-negotiable, Rossi," she declared. "Your suit needs a touch of pizzazz."
"But let's be real, Evie," Morgan chuckled. "You didn't really win the bet, did you?"
Evelyn gasped, her hand flying to her chest. "Whaaaatt?" she uttered. "I have absolutely no idea what you're implying."
"Oh, come on," Emily scoffed, "we all know what Hotch looks like when he's chewing someone out. And that, my friend, was a performance worthy of an Oscar."
Evelyn's eyes widened, her act faltering under the team's knowing looks. "Oh! You know, I-I totally forgot, I have that thing I was totally supposed to do."
Evelyn was in her own world, surrounded by the familiar end-of-day bustle. As she slid her laptop into its case, her phone chimed--her eyes lit up, a smile curving subtly as she read the message from Spencer: My place. 8 pm.
Evelyn's gaze lifted, catching Spencer's eye across the room, a knowing look shared between them. She typed her response with haste: I'll be there. No sooner had she done so than Hotch's voice sliced through the buzz of the office. "Evelyn, my office."
She breezed in, her retort poised on her lips. "You didn't call me in here to actually yell at me, did you? Because, despite popular belief, I'm about as good with confrontation as a cat is with a bathtub. I'd probably start crying, it'd be this whole thing, and--"
"Evelyn." Hotch's voice was firm, a verbal full stop that demanded attention.
"Right. What's up?"
"Miami. Next week. A conference on behavior analysis," he began. "I want you there, presenting your research on the correlation between language patterns and criminal behavior."
"A paid trip to the beach? Count me in!" Evelyn squealed.
Hotch's reply came as a dry gust. "This is a business trip, Evelyn. Not a vacation."
She nodded, her grin undiminished. "Sorry, what? My mind's already sunbathing in Miami," she teased, twirling on her heel.
"Oh, and Evelyn?"
"The team's right," he confessed. "Don't let it go to your head."
taglist: @nonamevenus@aceofspades190
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seungiepop · 7 months
𝑵𝒐 𝑵𝒖𝒕 𝑵𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓
partayyy pt 2
pairing: enha x best friend reader
characters: all enha members, Shin Yuna (itzy), Choi Beomgyu (TXT), and Mark lee (NCT)
caution: sexual context (only implied on the legal line), cursing, the reader is an 03’ line with sunoo and yuna
genre: social media au and one shots
wc: 0.6k
part 1
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The male peeped his head out, seeing Y/n looking around the room for him. “In here doll”
With a faint smile she made her way over to him, he was crouched down looking through his closet shelves. “What are you doing?” she asked, trying to see what he was looking for.
“I’ve hid some jane in here for this specific reason but i can’t seem to find it!” his voice slightly muffled as he dug even deeper.
From the corner of her eyes she could see the plastic bag in between the edge of the drawer in between his underwear. Leaning down she picked the baggy and swung in between his face “looking for this?”
Jake smiled, standing up and cradling her face placing a kiss on her cheek “I fucking love you!” about to take the baggie from her hands but she pulled it away
“aren’t you going to share?” she teased, slightly shaking the bag.
Jake chuckled “You know I’m not greedy baby”
Nodding her she handed him the bag “are you going let me give you your birthday present?” she asked, standing on her tippy toes to lean closer to his ear “i think you’ll enjoy it very much…” she hummed against his skin, spending shivers down his spine.
Jake felt the goosebumps crawling on his skin “you didn’t have to get me anything doll!” he chuckled, the nerves slowly crawling through his veins.
oh jakey
Y/n kissed down the exposed skin of his chest, slowly making her way down to his happy trail “you sure jake?” she looked up at him with slight widen eyes, the bottom of her lips slightly
pulled in between her teeth.
how am I going to resist with those eyes
fuck why isn’t beomgyu here interrupt again
Jake nodded his head
Fuck this shit
i’m the birthday boy
I deserve this
Nodding his head he grabbed a fisful of her hair, directing her to his aching hard on.
God these boys make it so easy
Y/n took the base cock, giving him a few strokes before slowly taking him in her mouth. The heavy warm feeling of his cock on her tongue made her hum, just loving the slight stretch around her lips. He was a bit more girthier than Heeseung but she didn’t mind, it made her mouth water slight more.
Are all cocks as pretty as there’s?
Dragging her tongue up and down the prominent vein of his leaky cock before taking him all in. Jake cursed, throwing his head back. The view of her watery eyes looking at him with his cock in her mouth almost sent him over the edge. “fuck just like that doll!” he moaned out, the feeling of hee tight warm throat just sucking him in was all too much.
“I'm gonna cum!”
Pulling away with pop she stock his cock at a quick pace, biting her lip as he leaned forwards and flexed his abs. A hand slamming on the closet wall to prevent him from falling over.
“Cum for me jakey!”
That’s all it took for him to let go. White ropes of cum squirting out of his swollen tip, he let out a staggering breath, his mind felt fuzzy and his body felt tingly.
Fucking hell
Jake had to stay still, the powerful orgasm almost getting to him “you okay?” she softly asked.
Her fingers combing back his sweaty hairs.
He nodded, taking a deep breath before looking at her “I’m fucked…”
Y/n bit her lip trying to contain her laugh but it was all too much, “oh baby you have no idea..” she cooed before placing a small kiss on his lips and walking out.
what the fuck just happened?
∙ ₒ✰. ∙✧. ∘ ₒ® ✦. ✰∙ ★ ∘ₒ © ∙ ₒ ✰ ∙ ✧ ∘ₒ ® ✦ ✰
taglist- @ilovecheese09 @namdeyuoi @moonshoon @xrr-s4sha @yannew @cup1dton @eternallyreid @heewonenthusiast @rikisly @parkhonnie @wvnkoi @slugism @yizhoutv @jakewife @bahngchatsfx @kangseulgithegreat @jinnisbaby @heeseungshim @wonswondrland @underneaththestarlight @theskzvibe @enhaz1 @kkaelie @firstclassjaylee @wonniie3 @lol6sposts @deobitifull
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killjoy-toast · 5 months
Not to sound like a capitalist, but I think a character like Alastor should become a cartoon trope.
Like you'll have your usual set of characters, idk the protagonist, the mom friend, the nerd, the slut...etc etc and then there's just...some weird eldritch cryptic twitching and gurgling in the corner with extended limps and tentacles and with its head spinning 360° while ominous humming emits from its body.
And whenever some outsider approaches the gang™ like: "Hey...uhh..What the FUCK is THAT??"
And they're like: "Oh, him? That's just our weird little guy®. He follows us everywhere, speaks in riddles and tries making deals with us to collect our souls like Pokemon Cards. Don't worry, he doesn't bite....As long as you go 'Swiper, no swiping' before he gets the chance to, you'll be fine. He constantly goes on little monologues when he turns his back on us and we pretend to not hear him. We just give him a scooby snack to calm him down. He's having a lime-green Disney Villian musical performance in his room as we speak"
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asykriel · 2 years
Love is the Death of Duty - 4.
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® do not repost or translate !
☆ Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Male! Targaryen OC
☆ Status: Ongoing 
☆ Summary:  
“He is half of my heart.”
War made monsters of them all, but it also brought the two second sons together in a flurry of death, love, deceit and delusion. The story of Aemond Targaryen and the eldest son of Daemon and Rhaenyra, Maegor Targaryen, second of his name. 
☆ Warnings: Sexual content, explicit violence, dark themes, targcest etc.
☆ AO3 ☆ || ☆ Wattpad ☆
☆ CHAPTERS: (Prologue) / ( 1 ) / ( 2 ) / ( 3 ) / ( 4 ) / ( 5 ) / ( 6 ) / ( 7 ) / ( 8 ) / ( 9 ) / ( 10 ) / ( 11 ) / ( 12 ) / ( 13 ) / ( 14 ) / ( 15 ) / (16 from now on upcoming chaps only on-  AO3  ||  Wattpad  )
☆ Masterlist ☆ ||  ☆ Spotify Playlist ☆
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➸ Next part
Chapter 4
The early morning rays of sunshine found Maegor dozing off in the same place, leaning against the same wall in the training courtyard. Slowly opening his eyes, realization hits him and he jumps back up on his feet, groaning at the dull pain that was pulsing through his head. He cannot remember when he fell asleep but he reckons it was only for a brief moment judging by how exhausting he was feeling. An hour at most.
Everything that unfolded last night between him and Aemond was hazy and Maegor was fearful it might have been just a beautiful dream. He hoped not.
Maegor swiftly stretches his tired body and scans the yard. No one in sight yet. Thankfully it seemed too early for anyone to start their day. He makes advantage of the situation to return to his chambers unnoticed by any servants or guards as quick as possible. If anyone came across him at such an early hour it could come off as wrong. Maegor could be accused of spying or worse by the Queen or Otto Hightower considering how dear his family was to them.
Back in the safety of his chambers his eyes dart around the room, scanning it. It was strangely quiet. His elder brother was usually not a quiet sleeper, often mumbling or tossing and turning around while he slept. Growing suspicious, Maegor strides over to his brother's bedroom but he finds it empty. Maybe he took his bedroom by accident.
He darts to the other chamber. Empty. Something was not right.
"Jace?" He calls out, tensing up with a hand ready against the pommel of his Nightbringer. His senses were dulled by the exhaustion creeping in his body and he was starting to become paranoid. 
"I thought I told you to return to your chambers last night, boy." Daemon's sudden voice make Maegor flinch and unsheathe his sword instinctively. His father leans against the edge of the only table in the room and looks at the blade with a bored expression completely unfazed by the defensive display.
"I could not sleep, I went to train and clear my mind. Like I always do." Maegor points out but bows his head in apology and abruptly shoves Nightbringer back in its holster. His eyes hold his father's own ones, brazenly.
He forces his body to relax as best as he could be the reality of the situation was slowly hitting him. He was caught off guard in a vulnerable moment and it was unacceptable for a warrior to be. If it was an enemy Maegor would surely be dead by now. 
Daemon lets out and amused chuckle and hums in response. However his gaze is a harsh one on his son. A cold amethyst glare biting at his flesh and trying to drive him into a corner. 
He knows.
"Is that so? I believe the training was fruitful seeing as you are so exhausted." His father narrows his eyes and it frays at Maegor's anxiety and nerves. He swallows drily, keeping his best facade and nods in silence. A poor attempt to mislead Daemon like so many others have tried in the past but unlike him had terrible fates. 
The Rogue Prince could get under his skin the way no one else could even though he was always a great father to him and his other brothers as well. Firm but caring at the same time, not sheltering any of them like his mother did with his three half brothers. If they were enemies Maegor would have been terrified of him, but it gladdens him that they share blood and that he got mentored by him.
"Surely you must have had a sparring partner to drain you this good." The Rogue Prince hits his every nerve. Maegor could not deceive Daemon even if all of the gods came down to aid him. The man had a gift to see right through anyone's bullshit and manipulation. And it was him who taught him all his tricks, they would not best his lifetime teacher.
"I was alone. My brothers were already sleeping and I chose to not disturb them." His son keeps up with this farce, offering a poorly made up excuse without even thinking about it ahead of talking. But Maegor was too anxious to think. Half of his mind was still howling after Aemond and despite the threat of whatever punishment may come, he did not regret anything that happened last night.
"Do not lie to me boy. I was not referring to your brothers." Daemon scoffs at the pathetic excuse. Even if he wasn't a witness last night, hearing such a poor thought lie was enough to make him suspicious. Maegor rarely trained with his brothers anymore and if he did it was because Daemon himself ordered them to.
Curse the dragon blood and his father's ways of always mingling and finding everyone's secrets.
"Prince Aemond." His father presses the matter and Maegor starts pacing around the room to offer himself some kind of self comfort. He was cornered and there was no escape from the deadly dragon in front of him.
"Fair. I admit we were training together. The dinner made us both restless." Maegor groans in exasperation but his words come out more interpretable than initially thought. No sin was committed in his perspective. Daemon's torture seemed unreasonable. After all, the things his own father did in his youth could make even a seasoned prostitute turn beet red with shame. 
"Not just training it would seem. I know what you did son. I saw you." His father lets out a deceiving laugh and rubs the bridge of his nose. A clear statement, the tone in his voice is firm but holds no malice. Luckily to Maegor, his father always seemed to have a softer spot for him than all of his other children.
His firstborn son reminded of him of himself and his youthful days in so many ways. At least Maegor was more inhibited when it came to his instincts and preferred more orthodox outlets, such as training with the blade or studying. It made him nostalgic. But his son could not be cursed to become him, Daemon could at least spare him of that. It was enough that the boy was in his shadow and everyone expected - or dreaded - him to grow up to be a perfect copy of the Rogue Prince. The burden of legacy was a curse for all great characters it would seem. Targaryens especially.
Maegor stops his pacing abruptly at the accusation and his cheeks turn a shade of pink. They burn with shame, not with the shame of regret but with the shame of having his secret discovered by his very own father. Why him out of everyone else?
"I shall not punish you for something that only comes natural with age. But not him." Daemon offers brief reassurance, his words bring more pain than comfort when they reach Maegor's ears.
"It is him I want." Maegor instantly retorts, holding his ground bravely and surprising his father. A bold but genuine statement.
"You can have anyone but not him. Do you understand me?" Daemon clicks his tongue and shakes his head in disapproval. 
Maegor's hand curl up in fists as irritation starts pooling up in his body. 
"I refuse. I want my Prince Aemond." Simply, he presses on, defending his claim with a defiance that Daemon has never encountered before from his son. It makes his father blink twice.
"Your mother and I did not engage you with anyone because we wanted you to have the freedom to choose, but I am asking you, son, to choose anyone except Aemond. You might as well lay with the enemy, he is no different." Daemon warns but the cold glare he receives back from Maegor cuts right through him and he is taken slightly aback. This never happened before.
Somehow he understands his son's choice but he cannot allow him to indulge it. Aemond Targaryen was an offspring of the Green bitch that was commanding in his brother's stead. His mind was poisoned by her as for the rest of her children.
 Aegon might have been the eldest but he was just a fool who enjoyed women and drinking too much, he posed little threat and Helaena was just a poor girl, quite delusional in Daemon's eyes, that had the misfortune of being born in that wretched family. The fourth and youngest child, Daeron, he did not know too well, but considering how quick he was shipped to Oldtown to be schooled and trained made Daemon assume he was no better than the cunt that was Otto Hightower.
However, it was the third child that was truly lethal. The dark display and the chaos the One Eyed Prince unleashed last night at the dinner was enough proof. The One Eyed Prince was dangerous and bloodthirsty - just like Daemon was- but there was something that made him the deadliest out of all the Greens and it wasn't just Vhagar. He saw how insatiable his desire was to get vengeance on his step sons last night. Daemon could not let his firstborn son to fall in the grasp of those vipers and lose him forever like he lost his own elder brother, Viserys to them.
"Father you do not understand. The yearning I feel for him is like an insatiable hunger, hollowing me dry." Maegor grasps his hair in anger and raises his voice at his father in desperation. The blood was rushing to his head again, making him dizzy but this time with anger.
"Put an end to this farce. You do not yearn for him, boy. These feelings are fleeting, you are young still." The Rogue Prince barks. He was starting to become increasingly irritated. The two rarely had arguments, and out of all the children, Daemon despised bickering with his firstbon son the most. Maegor's stubbornness and fire could only rival his and he knew they would clash harshly. His step sons never even dared contradicting him, let alone argue with him the way Maegor did. Normally, father and son would settle their disagreements on the sparring grounds after they would both be too tired and much calmer but right now Daemon had no intention to indulge him at all.
"It is my final decision. You will not go against it and you will not mention a word about him to your mother. Tis' for your own sake, Maegor. " Daemon concludes, waving a hand in dismissal already tired of the pointless tantrum and pleading speeches. He turns and makes his way to the door to leave the room and find something else to occupy his mind with.
"Aemond has been in my heart for six fucking years. He's always been. Always." Maegor shouts at him and pleads with his father careless that someone might hear him from the hallways. Let them hear. He would shout it in their faces if he could. His father snorts crudely at the confession which angers Maegor even further.
"We are returning to Dragonstone in the eve'. Gather your belongings and bid your farewells." Daemon leaves the chambers without looking back. Maegor finds himself alone with his fury and thoughts again and in a fit of blinding anger he kicks a wooden chair against the nearest wall. 
"Sīkudi nopāzmi!" 
If it were anything else Maegor would feel pathetic for begging his father and throwing a tantrum like a child whose toy has been taken. The matter was more important than that however. He refuses to give up on his claim. On Aemond. There was no one else in the world he wanted other than him.
The one time he was truly desiring something other than claiming his own dragon - and becoming a dragon rider -  he was being forbidden from taking it. 
Maegor starts pacing furiously around the room, thinking, planning something that could get him out of this dead end his own father has placed him in. In a moment of seething rage he redirects his anger and kicks another chair. This time the wood cracks and splits slightly under the force. He needed to calm himself soon or he would end up turning the whole chamber upside down.
Then Maegor - without thinking and being increasingly unreasonable - curses his half brothers, blaming them for receiving everything they wished for. Dragons, their childhood loves and titles of high esteem. Why was he any less worthy of? He who was above them in both study and sword. He who excelled after breaking blood and sweat while they were mediocre because they were sheltered and protected. There has always been a kind of rivalry between him and his three half brothers but such cold thoughts sometimes made Maegor truly loathe and envy them.
This new kind of boiling anger he was feeling was turning him into a different person. Maegor's thoughts were slowly starting to spiral out of control if he would not find a distraction soon. Something to soothe him. No comfort would be found here as long as he would be left alone to deal with his fury. But he knew Aemond would comfort him. Maegor needed him.
The young Prince storms out of the chambers and makes his way with a sole purpose in mind. He pays no mind to the guards and servants that threw him curious and weary looks but otherwise stayed out of his way. Anyone could tell he was furious, trudging akin to a wild beast that was caged in.
Luckily his memory was still as vivid as it was six years ago and countless hallways and chambers from the Red Keep remained mapped in his head so his target is relatively easy to find, without the risk of getting lost in the gigantic keep.
Maegor suddenly finds himself in front of the heavy door that was preventing him from entering Aemond's chambers. He was looking at it silently, contemplating whether or not to disturb him. Was he even here? He paid no mind to the two guards on either side of the door who were looking at him with confusion and a bit of curiosity.
"My Prince Maegor, shall we deliver a message to Prince Aemond on your behalf?" One of the guards clears his voice and asks with a tinge of hesitation on his tongue. 
After the events of the previous day in the throne hall where he mirrored his father and killed a  man with no hesitation in front of the King, people started becoming weary of Maegor as well, especially since they knew little about him or his character to make a proper judgement. All they knew was that he was the Rogue Prince's firstborn son and that he bore the name of the Conqueror's own son. 
"That would not be necessary. I have come to speak to him myself." Maegor shakes his head in disapproval and mirrors his father's gesture from earlier, pinching his nose bridge whilst deciding his next move.
The two guards briefly look at eachother, clearly baffled by the situation. Rare were the times when anyone wished to speak to Aemond Targaryen. Usually his presence was only requested through Ser Criston Cole by his mother or directly by the knight when the time for training came. Rarely it was Aegon drunk and bored out of his mind that wanted to get on his nerves by invading his private space, which only lasted for a few moments until Aemond's temper was quick to act and throw him out. Everyone else in the Red Keep was avoiding him, staying out of Aemond's way and his nasty temper. The eyepatch and the glimpse of the long scar from beneath were enough to scare others, but the way he carried himself and the power that came off him were truly terrifying.
Maegor was the opposite of terrified. He loved it. He loved his powerful presence. He loved how Aemond even scared his own family - Aegon and his venomous mother included.  He loved what he was doing to him. 
How could Maegor give up on him so easily just because his father demanded it? Because he thought he was the enemy.
Sucking in a breath he closes his eyes and rests his forehead against the door for a brief moment. Thinking, planning, deciding. His bright mind was surely his greatest curse as well.
"My Prince? Are you well?" The guards question, thinking he might have been sick from how he was acting.
Maegor was not well. He was ill. But not with a sickness that could be seen or cured.
The son of the Rogue Prince smiles weakly at the thought. He takes a deep breath. There was no gain without risk, his own father thought him that.
"Wait, my Prince!"
Maegor barges inside the chambers.
The guards go after the young Prince to remove him from the room but Maegor stops abruptly and pays no mind to the heavy armored hands on his shoulders that urge his departure.
Sitting at a desk with a book in his hands, Aemond stares at him with a surprised expression on his face. The One Eyed Prince looks exhausted and sleepless but Maegor thinks he's ethereal. Long silver hair was untied and let loose on his shoulders that were covered only by a black inner shirt. His scabbard with his sword was neatly placed on the desk next to him ready to be used if needed. The only thing that wasn't discarded was his eyepatch still covering his eye as usual.
"Clear the room." Aemond says, giving a brief and stern look to the two knights but immediately softening his gaze when it returns on Maegor.
The guards nod in unison, obeying the command and swiftly exit the chambers, leaving the two young Princes alone. Maegor holds his hands behind his back and fidgets with his fingers nervously. He has so much to tell Aemond but he feels a knot in his throat. How should he start? Did anything that happen last night mean as much to his uncle as it did to him? His mind was spiraling into an amalgamation of thoughts yet again.
Aemond observes him closely, scanning him from head to toe with a gaze that only seemed to be genuine and soft when he looked at the younger Prince. Something was off about his nephew, he looked startled and shaken and it wasn't clear to Aemond that it was his own doing. What exactly, he could not tell but he allows the silence, letting the younger Prince calm whatever storm was brewing inside him and find his words.
"Sleepless night?" Maegor asks the obvious. The slight change in his voice from his usual cold and confident tone, doesn't go unnoticed by the older Prince. Did he scare his nephew last night?
"For you as well it would seem." Aemond hums. Maegor remains silent just nodding in response. The scorching fire was still there. Aemond could see it in his nephew's eyes - lilac and blue - how they were piercing him the way no one else did. The older Prince was used with weary looks of fear or disdain from everyone around him but the way Maegor looked at him made him feel strangely alive and burning. As if he was on the brink of death and that was his only lifeline keeping him breathing. The only time he ever felt such feelings before was when he was a child and he claimed the beast that is Vhagar. Now it would seem Aemond was the one being claimed instead.
"Come, let us sit." The One Eyed Prince invites his nephew, seating himself on a large divan in front of a tea table, situated in the middle of the room. He pats the seat next to him to which Maegor obediently follows and mirrors Aemond's actions.
"Something is troubling you, nephew. Is it not?" Aemond presses on in a gentle tone. Indeed he was curious about the sudden change of demeanor but at the same time he did not wish to treat Maegor harshly by being impatient. After all he came to cherish him more than he initially thought. Being the second sons that were always the targets of taunting and crude pranks as children brought them closer to each other, at first unconsciously and now knowingly all due to the hardships they endured, Aemond more of them than anyone else. 
Maegor sighs deeply and lowers his head, holding his forehead with a hand. He was exhausted. Tired and angry. The argument he had with Daemon sucked him dry out of the last ounce of energy. Time was running fast and soon evening would come and his departure back to Dragonstone was inevitable. 
"You see right through me, my Prince." Maegor rubs his tired eyes with one hand and smiles weakly. Aemond sucks in a silent breath hearing his nephew address him by his title for the first time.
A hand suddenly reaches out and for a brief moment every fibre in Maegor's body tenses up to a painful point and then he relaxes in an instant. Aemond's fingers were running through his bright silver locks, stroking gently and soothing him down. It was the first time anyone besides himself and his mother -when he was a child- ever performed such a tender gesture on him.
"There are no others but us here. You can always speak freely to me." Aemond hums in a voice almost as soothing as his touch. 
Maegor closes his eyes and leans his head against his shoulder, akin to a feline as he lets himself be pet by his uncle. He wishes he could stop the passing of time so he could enjoy this forever.
"My fath- Daemon saw us last night in the sparring grounds. He came to my room this morning and forbid me to continue seeing you." Maegor mutters. The blood in his veins is warming up with anger as he recalls the moment. Aemond clicks his tongue in disapproval but remains silent, continuing with his soft gesture. 
"I am to bid you farewell and return to Dragonstone with my family this eve'." Maegor grips his hands together in frustration. His knuckles turn white but he is too angry to feel the pain.
"I am sorry nephew, however as much as it may upset your family and certainly my own as well, I refuse to put an end to this. They cannot forbid our wants, we are dragons after all and I want you." Aemond speaks firmly, grasping Maegor's hands with one of his own. The younger Prince thinks he might be delirious hearing his uncle speak so dearly of him. It makes his stomach twist in countless of knots hearing Aemond confess his desires before him.
"It gladdens me so much to hear you say this, uncle. It chases away all my doubts and it makes me powerful, I could fight an entire army by myself." Maegor sighs and slumps down on his back across the divan, resting his head in Aemond's lap. The older Prince is slightly taken aback by the sudden action but he relaxes it when he notices Maegor closing his eyes partly from the comfort but mostly because of the tiredness biting at his bones.
"And what kind of doubts might those be, nephew?" Aemond places a hand on Maegor's chest, resting it there while his other is still in his hair, carding through it slowly. 
It was as soothing for him as it was for the younger Prince. Neither of them ever had a moment of respite, they were both constantly on guard, tensed and on edge ready for anything. The second sons had to fight for their share unlike their other brothers that got everything on a silver platter. And now both of them were so atrociously touch starved.
"I was fearful I might be the only one getting scorched by this fire inside us. Scared that you might be offended by the affection I carry for you for these past six years, or that you might reject me and look down on me like you do with my half brothers." Maegor opens his eyes, fixing his gaze on his uncle as he lays his heart on a platter in front of the older Prince. If he wished to put a dagger through it at this very moment, Maegor's feelings would not change.
"You are a dragon, not like those bast- scoundrels. I never held any ill feelings for you nephew, quite the opposite." Aemond shakes his head, keeping a seemingly unbothered facade but his skin was getting hotter with every honest word his nephew spoke. His hand moved from Maegor's chest to rest on his throat, just under his chin only lightly applying pressure.
"My father told me this morning I could have anyone else in the world except you." Maegor meet's Aemond's violet eye and they are both set ablaze. His mind is getting hazy with desire.
"And?" Aemond's hand squeezes tighter.
"And I shouted in his face that it is you my body and heart yearn for. No one else. You claimed me as well that night you claimed Vhagar, uncle. " Aemond barely lets his nephew finish his words when he leans over him seal his lips shut with a searing kiss. The older Prince shifts his position until he gets on top of Maegor who was sprawled out on the divan.
Maegor groans softly in his mouth, taken aback by the sudden fervor but nonetheless reciprocates with the same passion. The younger Prince buries his hands through his uncle's long silver locks and pulls him closer, pressing their scorching bodies together. Their kiss deepens and becomes more aggressive - with teeth and biting and tongue - the hotter their shared blood starts to boil. The gentleness from the earlier tender touches was long replaced by the wildness of the dragon nature.
To Hell with Dragonstone. 
If there was any voice of reason and willpower left in Maegor's brain, at this moment it was all gone. The Queen herself could have walked in on them and he would have not stopped. Neither of them would have. 
Aemond's sinful mouth moves quickly from Maegor's lips to his throat, biting the skin softly and planting soft kisses along his jugular, drawing short gasps from his nephew's lips. In return, the younger Prince fumbles with the buttons on his uncle's shirt until he manages to undo them and run his hands all over, scratching across Aemond's milky white skin - his chest, his back, his shoulders. Maegor was branding his body on the back of his head. 
It was suffocating. Hot, blazing hot. Scorching like dragonfire and the two Princes were both willingly to burn together.
To Hell with Daemon's command. Nothing can stop me.
Hips are pressed harder together, drawing groans and gasps from both of them as they start to get increasingly more impatient and lost in themselves. Even the air around them gets unbearably hot. Aemond's deft fingers finds the laces to Maegor's leather trousers and undoes them hastily. His teeth meet with the juncture of his nephew's neck and they bite harshly at the same time his hot hand finds and grasps Maegor. The younger Prince moans loudly, startling himself so he clamps his hands over his mouth. The older Prince knowingly marks his nephew in a place where anyone could see. But he wanted them to see that Maegor belonged to him and him alone.
"No. Let me hear you my Prince, my ears only." Aemond looms over him and he murmurs into his knuckles that have gone white, urging Maegor to uncover his mouth with soft kisses. It makes Maegor shiver from head to toe hearing Aemond call him like that and having him switch to another tender gesture in the midst of their lust.
Nonetheless, the younger Prince shakes his head reluctantly, his pupils blown wide and his mind half lost. Aemond simply hums in response but there's a mischievous glint in his eye that makes him distrustful. 
Suddenly, his hand pulls his nephew's cock out of his trousers and he undoes his own trousers as well with the other one. Aemond grasps both of their burning erections together and they both moan in unison at their joining. Maegor's eyes slightly roll backwards when he feels this new sensation that tears right through his core, driving him beyond insanity. Sure, he touched himself before but having Aemond undo him like this was better than his craziest wet dreams.  His hands dart from covering his mouth to twist them in the collar of his uncle's shirt. An anchor of some sorts because he was afraid he was going to either drown or suffocate.
They start kissing again. Gasping for hair and moaning in each other's faces the faster Aemond's hands kept going. The speed and friction it was unbearable, both of the young Princes were painfully close but they were fighting to make it last just for a little longer. Consuming each other like this, like predators.
"I promise the next time I will see you uncle, I will meet you as a dragonrider." Maegor mutters in between messy kisses and moans. Aemond groans against his lips and his hands squeeze their cocks harder in response, going mad with ecstasy. 
"And I will claim you like you have claimed me." Maegor continues, darting one hand to grasp Aemond's own ones, urging them to put more pressure on their cocks as his other hand wraps around his uncle's throat. Maegor squeezes at his neck, mirroring what his uncle was doing inches lower.
Aemond moans his nephew's name like chanting a mantra or praying to a god. He comes undone, with Maegor following quickly after in a silent cry. The One Eyed Prince slumps on top of him, their ragged breaths echoing in unison throughout the chamber. They catch their breaths together wrapped around eacho ther like that, savoring every little second of the scarce time they have left together until the younger Prince's departure.
"A promise made must be kept." Aemond mutters a reminder in his hair, inhaling his nephew's scent, memorizing it. Neither of them knew when they would meet again. It could weeks, months even years. The future held many treacheries and uncertainties and it made them both uneasy but none the less certain about one another.
Maegor kisses him, this time softly and chastely, sealing the oath he just made to Aemond. 
"I always keep my promises.  It was you who taught me uncle."
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indiscriminate-idiocy · 8 months
Father Callahan is fucking amazing as a concept in Dark Tower. I havent read 'Salem's lot yet, but from the first half of Wolves of the Calla, he's already my favorite Bi representation ever. He has the least homoerotic vampire interaction ever(ie. Very homoerotic) goes to New York, and immediately goes "yep, I'm a faggot now." When he meets a guy running a homeless shelter he works/lives at for a time. This is followed by the actual least homoerotic vampire interaction ever (not at all homoerotic) and then he goes to Magic Cowboy Land And then he makes a man cry by talking to him about normal turns of phrase because they've both been in Magic Cowboy Land for too long. He also harbors The Orb® in the basement of his church and I think we all have a ominous glowing humming black orb in the basement of our hearts that is our internalized biphobia. Anyways he throws plates at Dr. Doom wolves with a little boy and said red Sox crying man and it's pretty good 10/10 character he's bi and loves the Sox so I kin him
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holorform · 1 month
There was that one time he met a celebrity, none other than the radio herself...
Teviallio was peacefully walking in an Eyed Mushroom Neighborhood. He was planning to visit a certain someone, his friend named Eye. In his hands, he had a small yellow box with a blue pastel ribbon wrapped around the small cube. You may wonder what's inside it? It's a secret!
As he strolled through the dirt path that led to his friend's home, he could feel many eyes watching him from those eyed mushrooms. It was unsettling and annoying, really. With an ignoring feign of skipping, he continued to move onward while humming a tune, sadly it only came out as a static. He hoped that he won't get no-clip this time…
While he was making his way to his friend, he suddenly heard a shout coming from his left. "Hey, watch out!"
But it was too late for him to react to what the person meant by 'watch out' Because in a matter of seconds, he was hit right in the head. Poor guy, he just wants some peace for once…
"ÆÆÆÆ--" Teviallio yelped in pain and at the same time, surprised too. Because who in their right mind would be a great idea to hit a person who is minding his own business.
Actuallly, the person who hit him with a ball, didn't do it on purpose…
And so, he glichted in reality once again.
"…hggu" A pained groan escaped his throat as he slowly sat up and moved his hand up to gently wipe the dust off on his screen. However, as soon as he touched his face, he flinched and moved his hand away. 'I broke my screen again… father would be upset if he sees this..' Then, he remembers something important.
The gift for Eye!
"!!!" He looked at his other hand to see if the small box was still there, and there it was, clutched in his hand. Phew! Glad it didn't get squished.
He wiped his imaginary sweat from his screen as an emoticon appeared. "(⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)" Honestly, why did this happen to him? He always no-clips every time he goes out of the house! It's so damn annoying! Can't he just get a taste of peaceful for once?
"Hey kid." He suddenly heard a woman's voice that it sounds like it was right in front of him.
"..?" He tilts his head up to look and sees a woman with a pink radio for a head. She has pink shole, a white long-sleeve shirt, a red belt with gold accents, grey pants with frills at the end, and wore black shoes. "…" Wait.. a radio?
so like--
oh my… He met a celebrity!
This is the first time! The young man was too stunned to speak; he didn't know what to say or how to reply back to her. But man, he's speechless! "∆×π$€®---" He started to stutter as an emoticon appeared on his screen. "(⁠ꏿ⁠﹏⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠)"
The radio woman could only giggle at his reaction. She put one hand on her hip and struck a pose at the boy, and spoke. "Hey there!" she curled her pinky and ring finger to form a peace hand sign.
One second, he's not on the floor anymore because he is now standing up with a pastel yellow box still in his hand. "First time seeing me in person?" The woman chuckled. "Need help to exit? Your the first person to ever enter my void." Wait what. What did she mean he is in… oh, now that he noticed, he is in her void!
He nodded back at her question. He still needed to go to his friend to give the present he is holding. "It seems you were meeting up with someone, yes? Based on the present you are holding." She hummed.
He nods as he starts to fidget with the present in his hand shyly, why did he suddenly felt shy? Is it because there's a celebrity right in front of him?
"Alright then! follow me." She then led him to the exit, and Teviallio followed behind like a little duckling.
After what seemed like an hour, the two had finally exited the white void, her void to be exact. "You should be careful next time when your glitching in reality. Who knows, maybe you'll accidentally no-clip into a dangerous area." She informed him gently.
Teviallio nodded and give her a thumbs up, as an emoticon appeared on his screen. "(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)"
"I should go know, bye-bye~" She waved at the boy, playfully. And so, she left. Leaving him in the Eyed Mushrooms Neighborhood, where he was before. He should go too, he still need to give the present for his friend.
Why does it feels like he's forgetting something..?
What was it.?
A loud cry echoed throughout the neighborhood… and the one who cried is none other than a TV himself..
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dragonflycap · 1 year
4 Trade Ideas for Humana: Bonus Idea
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Humana, $HUM, comes into the week rising up to resistance. This is part of a rounding up out of a pullback to the 38.2% retracement of the last move higher. The Bollinger Bands® are open higher. The RSI is rising in the bullish zone with the MACD positive and moving higher. There is resistance at 540 and 552 then 564.50 and 570. Support lower comes at 528 and 517. Short interest is low at 1.3%. The stock pays a dividend with an annual yield of just 0.66% and will start trading ex-dividend on June 29th.
The company is expected to report earnings next on August 2nd. The May options chain shows biggest open interest at the 520 put strike and the 540 call strike. The June chain has open interest spread from 515 to 490 on the put side, biggest at 510. On the call side it is biggest at 530. Finally, the August chain has little going on in the put side. The call side has biggest open interest at the 580 strike.
Humana, Ticker: $HUM
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Trade Idea 1: Buy the stock on a move over 540 with a stop at 525.
Trade Idea 2: Buy the stock on a move over 540 and add a June 525/510 Put Spread ($5.60) while selling the June 565 Calls ($5.20).
Trade Idea 3: Buy the May/June 550 Call Calendar ($7.95) while selling the May 517.50 Puts ($3.00).
Trade Idea 4: Buy the August 480/545/565 Call Spread Risk Reversal ($3.00).
If you like what you see sign up for more ideas and deeper analysis using this Get Premium link.  
After reviewing over 1,000 charts, I have found some good setups for the week. These were selected and should be viewed in the context of the broad Market Macro picture reviewed Friday which with the May FOMC meeting in the books, saw that equity markets showed resilience with a rebound Friday erasing an ugly midweek slump.
Elsewhere look for Gold to continue its uptrend while Crude Oil holds in the low end of a consolidation range. The US Dollar Index continues to drift sideways at support while US Treasuries consolidate in their downtrend. The Shanghai Composite looks to continue higher in consolidation while Emerging Markets consolidate.
The Volatility Index looks to remain very low and stable making the path easier for equity markets to the upside. The charts of the QQQ and SPY look strong on the longer timeframe with the IWM in consolidation. On the shorter timeframe both the IWM and SPY look to try to break consolidation while the QQQ heads higher. Use this information as you prepare for the coming week and trad’em well.
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conquestar · 1 year
: Physical Headcanons :
👑 Lucien’s skin feels warm and firm to the touch. His entire body has a higher density than a human's—being born from stars and all—so he doesn’t injure easily. Touching his shoulders or chest gives a similar sensation to running your fingers over a silky smooth, sun-heated metal.
He can be injured, assuming the object is dense and sharp enough. And he does bleed. His blood is made entirely out of plasma and stardust—so yes, it shimmers and looks like liquid white gold.
👑 Despite Lucien’s natural superhuman strength—he is a celestial, after all—he rarely ever engages in a physical fight.
Hand-to-hand combat, throwing fists, getting angry, and raw brawling is beneath him. Could he throw you through a wall? Yes. Possibly. Assuming a human body is enough to break said wall. But why would he soil his hands ( and his Ralph Lauren® suit ) like that? He’s a composed strategist; triumph comes to him through a battle of wits—assuming the ‘victory’ would even give him a sense of true accomplishment.
👑 Lucien doesn’t have a heartbeat. What you could hear coming from his chest instead is a steady hum, or a rumble, of his celestial core. This can be either heard on a stethoscope—loud and clear—or regularly by pressing your ear to his chest. At a normal, calm stage, it’s the same volume as a human heartbeat.
On the rare occasion that Lucien’s emotions flare, this rumble grows louder and threatening. At an even more extreme stage, it will sound like a distant but swiftly approaching earthquake. ( Animals will flee from him at that point. )
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
Thanks! As far as I know you didn't leave any sort of comment on the Vara merch but I did get that ask—I gotta do the one from beckyu before that one tho and you once again gave me a challenge bc I haven't drawn the Axel's aunt yet so I don't even know what she looks like
Me being coded for writing stories comes down to me being able to hyperfixate on something so much that I can spend the entire day and not eat at all and not feel hungry—I usually get yelled at before it gets that far bc I have low blow sugar so it kinda backfires on me
You have given me too much power—
AH okay time to go reblog it >:)
SVHFDSJ you've got a whole original character to create AFTER writing the thing with them in it that's just amazing FJDJF ALSOOO i'm happy i've picked a challenge yet again >:DDD
oh......thanks for the tutorial! i'll let you know how it goes :D
OH jeez okay DON'T do that- just...take the creative process slow and see if maybe that helps a lil bit? idk i know the power which i have over creative brain is very little but hopefully that's different for you,,,
OH OH OH OH you want to test me? i'm doing all of them.
"(get too close baby) knock on your door, then i" — flowers (the nbhd)
"purpose on a pedestal, looking back at you, look what i have done, look what i can do" — nobody (half-alive) (ty becky i love this song now) (i also like the lil hum right under that line)
"i made sure i held you close to me" — call out my name (the weeknd) (also the second line not the first)
"dancing through the night" OR the last "touch me, yeah. i want you to touch me there. make me feel like i am breathing, make me feel like i am human, again" — a little death (the nbhd)
"don't trust english boys, with far too much free time" — your sister was right (you better know)
ohhh can i do the whole song....? ughhhh i'd do the whole song but if i HAD to choose: "sent my soul on a little vacation, yeah" — cherry flavored (the nbhd)
"house so empty need a centerpiece, 20 racks a table cut from ebony" or the the OR the lil intermission between lines idk what it's called — starboy (the weeknd)
the last "remember what the people said" in all the choruses (if that makes sense) OR "and when they said what i wanted was a figment, i had to turn the other cheek but i was listening" — let it go (the nbhd)
"has melancholy taken you for good?" — sweetie little jean (cage the elephant)
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this WHOLE thing lmao — escapism. - sped up (raye, 070 shake)
"now it's three in the mornin' and i'm tryin' to change your mind — why'd you only call me when you're high? (arctic monkeys)
"and the sound when leather jackets hit the floor. you should hear when you're not around, when it's just us horny poets who can't wait to write it down" — not allowed (tv girl) (idk why i like it sm, the lyrics specifically are just cool)
"i can't wait til the drought is over" — cry baby (the nbhd)
"if you didn't go and fall in love, and ruin everything — losing face (wil ofc) (i like this line specifically bc it reminds me of the demo and that is DEFINITELY one of my favorite wilbur lines)
"maybe it's a blessing in disguise (i see myself in you), i see your reflection in my eyes" — reflections (the nbhd)
"the hardest place to be is right where you are" — arrow (half-alive) (half-alive's choruses are always bomb af)
(i'll let you know right here that i am tired of going through lyrics but i'm still gonna do it because i want you to know i am MISREADING this ask and am GOING TO DO ALL 19 INFINITY EMOJIS because MY HUMOR IS MESSED UP and THIS IS WHAT I FIND FUNNY LMFAO)
"running in circles now look what you've done (woo), give you my word as you take it and run — friends (chase atlantic)
"no one deserves you yeah you're mine, only with you i feel alive. if you leave me here i'll die, i need you to stay" — stay (ari abdul)
"what's the point of all the noise if we can't hear each other?" or the lil rap — girls & boys (jesse®)
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neverwholelahey · 2 years
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I posted 277 times in 2022
That's 59 more posts than 2021!
98 posts created (35%)
179 posts reblogged (65%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 276 of my posts in 2022
#outofmemories - 87 posts
#conversation - 64 posts
#q - 40 posts
#fc - 40 posts
#isaac - 40 posts
#redhoodiskra - 39 posts
#c:stiles - 35 posts
#open to all - 34 posts
#ask meme - 34 posts
#v:foxstiles - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#im unsure which i saw first since they aired during yhe same time period i got into anime but different channels and different times of day
My Top Posts in 2022:
I really wanna icon more indigenous FCS but don't know where to start.
5 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
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6 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
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®─16 Years of roleplaying experience, almost 10 years on tumblr. ®─Mun is of age, and muse is as well. ®─NSFW will happen and will be tagged accordingly. Other triggering subjects can also happen, and I try and tag it all. If you wish for me to tag something, let me know, and I will. ®─Multi-ship and multi-verse ®─Selective & Semi-Private ®─OC friendly ®─Multi-para, para, semi-para are preferred, but I will also write gif chats, icon chats, etc. ®─Aus, crossovers, and canon alike are welcome. ®─Time Zone GMT +1
6 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
cont. from here @redhoodiskra
“That- wasn’t the whole truth was it? It’s not that I don’t have to worry you just don’t want me to worry…” Stiles frowned, trying not to be distracted.
“I mean I don’t hate it…” Ok, he did like it a little, but he likes pushing back a little more, so he leaned in and nipped at the wolf’s nose.
Isaac sighed a little. “It’s just nightmares. So, nothing to worry about.” He muttered and nudged Stiles a little. 
“You do like it.” He said and made a little face at the nip to his nose. It wasn’t uncomfortable or anything. He was just a bit surprised. But answered in kind, by licking Stiles’ nose.
13 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“More, please—”
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Isaac smirked and hummed slightly before tugging Stiles back closer to him and kissing him again.
29 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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officialvertu · 4 months
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🌈In the rush of everyday life, remember to love life and cherish yourself! ✨ Amidst the hum of the city and the endless cycle of meetings and milestones, don’t forget to enjoy quiet moments! 🍃 #METAVERTU2 #VERTU #Luxury #Craftsmanship
Discover more at:
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seungiepop · 4 months
𝑵𝒐 𝑵𝒖𝒕 𝑵𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓
sneaky that one | pt.2
pairing: enha x best friend reader
characters: all enha members, Shin Yuna (itzy), Choi Beomgyu (TXT), and Mark lee (NCT)
caution: sexual context (only implied on the legal line), cursing, the reader is an 03’ line with sunoo and yuna
genre: social media au and one shots
wc: 0.5k part 1
Masterlist | previous | next
“Welcome home, pretty face..”
Rolling her eyes she stepped into the dark apartment “Now are you going to explain yourself or what?”
Did she expect questioning? Yeah, but not from him
She turned to face him and shrugged “I can, or we can do other stuff…” slowly making her way towards him.
He watched her with careful eyes, she looked fine so why wasn’t he already pouncing on her?
“Sunghoon..” her soft angelic voice put him in a trance, his legs slowly making their way to her. Arms wrapping themself around her as they locked lips. Her sweet taste on his tongue sent shivers down his spine, never has he tasted something so sweet than her. The many girls that have been in and out of his apartment yet he’ll get on his knees for her.
And he did
His lips trailing down her thighs, veiny hands gripping on the soft flesh of her thighs “Hoon…” she sighs in pleasure, her hands clumsily looking for something to hold onto. His tongue flattening against her wet folds, humming at the taste of her arousal on his tongue.
“Taste just how I imagined” he moaned against her, sending vibrations through her body. “So sweet, just like candy” he chuckled before wrapping his lips around her clit, enjoying the pretty noises that were sputtering out of her lips. Her back arching off the couch as she felt the pleasure be too much that it started to form a small pit in her stomach warning her she was close.
It was like he knew her from the back of his hand, pulling away from her aching cunt he balanced himself on his knees and pulled down the waistband of his sweats. His leaky hard member springing out and slapping against his stomach and her mouth water.
Fuck why were all her friends so big?
Before she was able to reach down and wrap her hands around him he stopped her and flipped her on her stomach. Shocked by his sudden moves she turned to look up at him with widened eyes, taken fully by surprise “What? Can’t handle a little manhandle?” he spoke with a hint of cockiness in his voice.
His lips met hers, tongue deep inside her mouth as her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him in. “Hoon-“ she gasped, pulling away from his lips as he slowly entered himself inside her awaiting hole.
Fuck that felt so good
Tugging on her, he lifted her waist and thrust his hips at an angle that made her eyes roll back in so much pleasure. Her toes curl against the couch cushion, letting herself get lost in the pleasure. “Come on baby, cum for me- fuck!” he breathed out. His hips almost lost their pace as she spasmed around him, creaming around his cock so good he came within the next few thrust.
His body collapsed on top of hers, both of them out of breath and very much satisfied. “I know you don’t want to talk but I’ll always be here when you need a quick fuck…”
Giggling at his words she nodded her head, ignoring the tears that were threatening to spill.
∙ ₒ✰. ∙✧. ∘ ₒ® ✦. ✰∙ ★ ∘ₒ © ∙ ₒ ✰ ∙ ✧ ∘ₒ ® ✦ ✰
A/n: Finally was able to post Hoons and Wons smut, hope you enjoy it! I do apologize for not posting </3
taglist- @ilovecheese09 @namdeyuoi @moonshoon @xrr-s4sha @yannew @cup1dton @eternallyreid @heewonenthusiast @rikisly @parkhonnie @wvnkoi @slugism @yizhoutv @jakewife @bahngchatsfx @kangseulgithegreat @jinnisbaby @heeseungshim @wonswondrland @underneaththestarlight @theskzvibe @enhaz1 @kkaelie @firstclassjaylee @wonniie3 @lol6sposts @deobitifull @nyfwyeonjun
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Assassins Creed Mirage Download For PC
This effect entitles you to download the digital PS4® edition afterward the digital camera PS5® version regarding this game.Experience the feature involving Basim, a cunning road burglar seeking replies in addition to righteousness when he / she understands the humming roads of ninth-century Baghdad. By using a strange, old order known as the Obscured One particular, he / she where i'm able to download assassins creed mirage might be a perilous Learn Killer and also adjust his future in ways he never may have imagined.- Encounter a contemporary handle the iconic characteristics in addition to gameplay that will bear defined a franchise with regard to 15 seasons. Managers of a PS4® dvd copy ought to place the item in to the PS5® when they would like to download or participate the PS5® a digital variation.
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The overall game would be the thirteenth key part in the Assassin's Creed run as well as the heir to be able to 2020's Assassin's Creed Valhalla. While its past timeframe precedes which of Valhalla, it is modern-day framework tale hath great results Valhalla's own. The principle narrative focuses on Basim's central struggle among the duties being a Obscured Individual after that his wish to help uncover the odd previous. Disobeying Roshan, Basim travels for you to Alamut with Nehal, just to obtain the citadel below stress by the Order's drives. Basim rescues numerous record Disguise Individual along with meetings them near deal with down the tackle while he or she move to the forehead right after tell Rayhan which the strength taken within could be employed to defeat the Arrangement forever.
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Above the following few years, Basim schools in Roshan and is also ultimately triggered to the Hidden Just one. While their own Mentor, Rayhan, learns with the Guidelines speedily developing authority within Baghdad, he makes a decision in order to drive a it all depends involving Obscured Individual for the metropolis to examine, conducted by simply Basim and also Roshan. Expose the riddles regarding a number of exclusive area, on the manufacturing Karkh towards the green lawns on the Sequence Town. Discover big surprise entire world occasions with have interaction with past outline in which identity the Gold Times of Baghdad. Inside Assassin's Creed Mirage, you happen to be Basim, a cunning neighborhood robber with terrible perspectives seeking solutions and also righteousness. Now that Basim’s adventure ends up being taking the strings full circle for you to it's Average Western beginnings, let’s have a look at exactly how the Killers have exchanged throughout the one hundred year.
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Subject update pertaining to Assassin’s Creed Mirage are going to be arranged about many assisted program another day, Nov 7 @ 1200 UTC / 1 EVENING GREAT BRITAIN / 7 END UP BEING ET / 4 BECOME REHABILITATION. Concept up-date intended for Assassin’s Creed Mirage will likely be installed in just about all assisted podiums another day, 12 , PM UTC / 1 PM HOURS GMT / 7 BECOME ET / 4 END UP BEING PT. First allowed here Samarra, Basim exhausted their mommy with a freshes time and also spent my childhood years by himself inside neighborhood connected with Baghdad.
Yet, he or she is confronted by simply Roshan, that discloses in which she actually is alert to Basim's accurate features in addition to goes to quit him coming from going into the forehead, fearing just what it may stimulate within Basim. Inside of, he / she recovers more disk-shaped artifacts[c] in addition to determines that the forehead was once a the penitentiary in which the Isu Loki became clutched during eventually prior to breaking. Basim also understands that how to download assassins creed mirage Nehal in no way been; both the girl as well as the jinni end up being actually demonstrations connected with his held back recollections because Loki. Ending to incorporate his or her nature since Loki's reincarnation, Basim "blends" with Nehal and regains his / her rams. Receive deals for the Assassin’s bureaus, collect vital clues, and quietly pack up concentrates on with an increase of visceral assassinations than ever or.
While only a simple robber, Basim take better phantasies in addition to goes to sign up the Veiled Ones, although becomes utterly declined because of the elderly Hidden One stationed within Anbar, Roshan bint-La'Ahad. In an effort to confirm himself, Basim sneaks in the Caliph's palace to be able to pocket a upper body found in both the Hidden Just one and also the Tranquility with the Ancients. Basim gets a disk-shaped artifact on the breasts, which often screens a holographic communication, prior to he is confronted through the Caliph, al-Mutawakkil.
Source: assassinscreedmiragefans.site
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bethestaryouareradio · 6 months
A Christmas Celebration with Botanical Brilliance
Tune in LIVE weekly to the upbeat, positive lifestyle broadcast where producer and host Cynthia Brian showcases strategies for success on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®. Available wherever you listen to your favorite programs!
“Just remember, the true spirit of Christmas lies in your heart.” — Santa from the Polar Express
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Everywhere we go, lights are twinkling, Christmas trees are glistening in windows and parks, and gigantic shiny balls are hanging on front yard trees. Holiday cheer permeates the air as we hum carols and children pine for the jolly white- bearded man in the red suit to land his flying reindeer on their rooftop soon.
Cynthia Brian shares this power hour with nature walks and simple reminders on how to keep the holidays merry and bright.
Tune in for lots of Ho, Ho, Ho, and dashing through the snow!
Wishing you a joyful holiday filled with peace, love, and health. Merry Christmas to all!
Follow StarStyle®:
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When you are looking for upbeat, life-changing, and mind-stretching information, you have come to the right place. Host Cynthia Brian takes you on a journey of exploration that will encourage, inspire, and motivate you to make positive changes that offer life-enhancing results. It's party time on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®. And YOU are invited! Join us LIVE 4-5pm Pt on Wednesdays or tune in to the archives at your leisure. Come play in StarStyle Country. Catch up with all broadcasts on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/starstyle-be-the-star-you-are!/id669630180?mt=2
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cryoexorcist · 7 months
[This is a unique commission listing for people looking for temporary digital work under an anonymous employer. Compensation for time, risk, and discretion will be provided. Experience in evolving systems or a capacity to react to adaptive security measures mandatory.
To accept commission: please place your preferred form of contact and list of relevant skills in a Gummints® opaque tin, and send it to the provided address. You will be contacted at the soonest possible convenience.]
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They ALREADY do independent work, and are quite successful at it. Still, something about this ad is almost tempting. It'd be worth looking into actually. Chongyun could easily find out what the company is, who they work for, and if this is a scam or not.
With a hum, Chongyun settles back in his chair and reads the ad over again, before deciding to comply. At the very least, Chongyun wouldn't be losing a whole lot, the pros to this are far too tempting to pass up.
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So, Chongyun decides to follow the instructions, even finding the very tin needed lying around in a pile of junk! With another hum, Chongyun decides to send it off in the morning, making a mental note of it. But hey, if this isn't a scam, extra money is always a plus.
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